#Kensal green cemetery
eyesaremosa1cs · 11 months
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Kensal Green Cemetery by kdsims
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 months
Good Omens filming locations masterpost! ❤ 🐍😊 Part 3
(here to part 1 :))
(here to part 2 :))
Here to the map :)
S2 London (cont):
C rushing to A after Beelzebub's visit (S02E01) - Regent Street St James's, London
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Scene: Crowley rushing to Aziraphale after Beelzebub told with that anyone who will be find helping Gabriel will be dealt with extreme sanctions
Availability (as of 2024): street all day
Link on the map
The 1990 book promo photo - Kensal Green Cemetery, London
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The photo with Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman that appeared on the 1990 back cover of Good Omens was taken in February 1990 in Kensal Green Cemetery. After the photo was taken and developed they noticed the winged hourglasses and used it as a design motif for the book. The mausoleum is the Hugh mausoleum of Baron John Frederick Andrew Huth, a banker that died 1864.
Availability (as of 2024):
The cemetery is open cca 9-17 but it good to check the opening times on their page since the two entrances slightly differs and times also differ on Sundays and bank holidays.
The mausoleum can be seen from the cemetery path but to get close to it you have to go through overgrown grass and a bit of bramble.
If you go, check if the one of the smol fygo gifts are still there :) ❤ .
Link on the map
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Whew! This masterpost took me several weeks, hope you enjoyed it and it might help you plan your trip to see the Good Omens places! :) ❤ 🐍😊 Wahoo! :)
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green-grin · 10 months
I was gifted tickets for the Ocean at the End of the Lane play by my thoughtful partner, and promptly decided I was going to make the most of it organizing my very own Neil Gaiman Tour of London. I’ve been wanting to visit some of the magnificent sevens for ages - so it was two birds with one headstone, really. 
It first took a little bit of poking around Kensal Green cemetery to find the JF Huth mausoleum, where the iconic picture with Terry and Neil was taken - its carvings used for the book and show. Lots of stone angels in that graveyard, but also, charmingly, some snakes. If you ever want to find the mausoleum.
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Then we payed our respects to Soho and Berwick Street staring both in Good Omens (kind of) and Neverwhere, before heading to the theater. The play was, needless to say, utterly beautiful. As were the adaptation choices : the books the boy reads - echoes of his own story, how they took the fantastic flea to life, how they made the father-son relationship even more central to the narrative. 
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Under an unlikely bright november sun (vampires sadly weren’t seen), we went to both sides of Highgate cemetery, because of the Graveyard Book : "The graveyard in The Graveyard Book was built up equally from Highgate Cemetery West, Abney Park in Stoke Newington, and a little bit from Glasgow Necropolis." NG.
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And finally we went to Battersea to have a sandwich in front of the iconic Good Omens bandstand. From an old stone bridge we watched the night turns the Thames black, without being eaten by the darkness ourselves - as it apparently only happens in the London Below. We walked almost 13 km that day, or more accurately, 8 miles. 
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I’ve crossed the channel countless times and I will keep on doing it because there’s still so much to discover in this huge, old, wonderful city.
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atimble · 2 years
I’ve been watching Lockwood & co. and I actually live near the cemetery they visit in episode 4. Fun fact, Kensal Green cemetery is the same one that Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett took their author photo at for Good Omens
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That’s me recreating their photo! I’ve had lots of walks in that cemetery and thankfully have never seen any ghosts
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cliozaur · 3 days
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A season of cemetery aesthetic
Kensal Green, the oldest of the Magnificent Seven
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verbix · 1 year
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kensal green cemetery
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mynonclicheblog · 2 years
I'm thinking waaayyyy too much about the implications of Lockwood's morning montage that was cut from the final edit...
Mainly about the fact that he's shown to be lying there, wide awake.
Complete Fiction confirmed on twitter that this scene was supposed to happen at the beginning of episode 5, and hoooo boy do I have THOUGHTS about this. Okay. So.
When we look at the events of episode 4, it was an emotional roller coaster of a day for Lockwood. I'd argue it was the most stressful single day's events for him that we see up to this point. To recap, Lockwood had to deal with:
Being bested and humiliated by Kipps's crew during the wraith hunt; (presumably) having to worry about Lucy's wellbeing after she passed out in the basement; waay too many close calls at the Kensal Green Cemetery job that night; getting into a big blowout/fight with BOTH George and Lucy; having to expose a very raw and vulnerable side of himself to apologize to Lucy; and finally, putting himself in a bet with Kipps that could potentially cost him his home, his livelihood, his purpose; and worst of all - it could cost the same for Lucy and George. That, I imagine, is something that would've kept him awake. Just turning over all the worst case scenarios, all the ways he'd have to try and pick up the pieces if he ended up losing the bet, therefore single-handedly ruining the lives of the two greatest people in the world due to his own rash stupidity.
No wonder this poor sweet boy hasn't slept.
But then I think about the events of episode 5, and how it contains some of his most reckless behavior to date - like inviting a dangerous criminal to their home, spontaneously sneaking into Winkman's to find the mirror, at the same time leaving George alone at the house where said criminal will most likely show up (something the dialogue explicitly tells us Lockwood "forgot" about) - and I wonder how much of that was exacerbated by his poor emotional regulation + lack of sleep after the whirlwind that was yesterday. It's so, so difficult to think clearly when you're running on empty.
He's just a kid, your honor.
Episode 5 is also the one in which Lockwood/Cameron's dark circles are the most prominent in the entirety of season 1.
I JUST... I JUST think it's really important that it's episode 5 specifically that we were going to be shown Lockwood getting up in the morning! Because it adds SO MUCH context to know that he didn't sleep that night!!!
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nomolosk · 11 months
Got an idea for a scene I want to include in my Nightwatch!Lucy fic, but it's going to probably be months before I get there, and it's too cute not to share.
So here, have a spoiler:
[Lucy kissed Lockwood after Aickemere’s to get him to shut up about taking his coat back, now they’re back in Portland Row that evening]
Lucy stood at the sink, finishing the washing up. Lucy’s head hurt too much for her to sleep at the moment, so she was trying to keep herself busy- too busy to think much. Unfortunately, she was running out of tidying up to do. Holly kept everything so spotless that there really wasn’t much.
She let the water drain out of the sink while she debated whether oiling chains would be too much of a dull task to keep her mind focused when she heard a step behind her. Lucy looked over her shoulder to see Lockwood standing in the doorway.
It was almost like she was seeing him for the first time- except that it wasn’t really. It was almost like they should have met under very different circumstances than the ones they found themselves facing that night in Kensal Green Cemetery.
She’d heard enough about the Lockwood and Co. interview process now that she could almost imagine what might have happened if she’d known they were holding interviews that first day in London.
She would have knocked on the door, desperate for one last chance. George would have opened it… and probably asked her something inane about donuts. It would have been late in the day, and he’d be irritated by all the forced socializing, so he’d be hungry and probably too blunt. But Lucy would have come in anyway.
And then George would have shown her into the living room, where Lockwood would have been waiting. He might have been sitting in his favorite chair, or possibly standing in front of the mirror over the fireplace, checking his hair. And then he would have looked up and seen her… their eyes would have met for the very first time, and…
Lucy suddenly realized that Lockwood was standing in front of her, looking at her with a question in his eyes. She hadn’t even noticed him crossing the room. She blushed and shook her head, offering him an apologetic smile.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“I said, ‘You should be resting,’” Lockwood said.
Lucy sighed and closed her eyes briefly. Norrie’s dead face flashed in front of her and she quickly blinked them open again. “Yeah, well… tell that to my head. Bloody thing won’t stop hurting long enough for me to fall asleep.”
“Have you taken aspirin or paracetamol?”
“Yep! Full recommended dosage.”
“Right. That’s good. Well… what about an ice-pack?”
Lucy tilted her head to consider. “That might help…”
“I’ll get you one, but first,” Lockwood said, taking another step forward. “You left something with me earlier. I’d just like to give it back… if that’s okay?”
Lucy frowned slightly. “Really? I don’t remember giving you anything… are you sure?”
“Quite sure,” he said firmly, and then he was closer than ever, and his hand was lifting her chin, and his lips were covering hers.
Lucy froze, completely taken aback. In the haze of making it back home earlier, and then cleaning up, and discovering that she wouldn’t be able to fall asleep, she’d somehow managed to forget that she’d kissed him that morning.
Only to shut him up, of course, because he was being a right stubborn git about taking his coat back…
And now he was kissing her. In the kitchen. In front of the sink.
It was a good kiss, for what it was worth. Soft, warm… gentle.
Lucy’s scrambled brain just had time to realize that she should probably be kissing him back, and then he pulled away. His eyes studied her for a long moment, while she struggled to do anything other than goggle at him. Then his gaze dropped and he stepped away.
“Sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t have-”
Lucy’s brain and body kicked into high gear and before she knew it, her hands were wrapped around the lapels of his stupid bloody coat, tugging him back into position.
“No, that was… very considerate,” she said, staring at his open collar. “You’re a very conscientious, uh, holder of precious items.” Her voice had dropped to a whisper, and she could feel herself blushing.
A slow grin spread over his face. “Oh? I’m pleased to hear you say that. As it happens, I think the same of you, Miss Carlyle.”
“Yeah?” Lucy asked, breathlessly. She couldn’t believe she was actually doing this, that they were actually doing this.
“Yes, I do. In fact…” Lockwood bent to capture her lips again, this time in a short peck. “I’d like to leave some of my precious items in your keeping. If you’d allow that.”
“Well,” Lucy said, swallowing hard. “I sh-should probably tell you that… I charge interest.”
Lockwood’s grin broadened. “Works for me- I’ve been trying to catch your interest for a while now.”
Lucy, face completely aflame now, was just about to collect that interest, when a voice from the doorway shattered the illusion that they were the only two people in the world.
“That was terrible. Lucy, please tell me that line didn’t work on you.” George moved to the cupboard with the glasses and took one down, and then unceremoniously bumped them both away from the sink so he could fill it with water. “Also, if this kind of disgusting display is going to become common around here, we need to come up with some house rules.”
Lucy hid her face in Lockwood’s shirt while he shook with silent laughter. The arse.
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georgesgazetteer · 6 months
Lockwood & Co Location Map
Just a reminder that for the past 10 months we have been building and maintaining an interactive map of more than 185 locations from the Lockwood & Co TV series and the original books. We research thoroughly so we can add to the locations regularly, including three new pins today.
Our site has walkthroughs for the Barbican Centre and a tour of the Kensal Green Cemetery.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 months
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I visitited the cemetery where this classic Good Omens cover with winged hourglass was taken :)
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I left something in the tree behind it for the Good Omens fans ;) <3.
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scotianostra · 26 days
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Scottish Arctic explorer John Ross died on August 30th 1856.
Born in Inch Dumfries and Galloway, Ross joined the navy at aged just 9 and rose through the ranks to admiral!!
In 1818 and in 1829, he led Arctic expeditions in search of the North-West Passage. On the former expedition he was accompanied by his nephew, James Clark Ross, who became a noted Antarctic explorer himself.
The latter expedition, funded by distiller Sir Felix Booth, was notable for the discovery of the Boothia Peninsula, the Gulf of Boothia and King William Island.
Ross lived at North West Castle in Stranraer, but is buried in Kensal Green Cemetery London, near to where he passed away.There is loads of info and some great pics for you to check out here https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/library/files/special/exhibns/month/sep2006.html?fbclid=IwAR0c3bofpxH-GP_nFi8Kuyy3eiDU5dQMNkxFIJ3NjTJ6bhMPu0fabz5FxyE
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steel-nail · 2 years
i think one of if not my favorite aspect of the show has to be the fact that we’re not confined to Lucy as the pov character. Don’t get me wrong I love Lucy dearly (as grating as her internalized misogyny can get), but us getting to experience the lockwood torture scene? us getting to see the kensal green cemetery fight with the winkman goons? Us getting to see the steps leading up to George getting betrayed by Joplin and kipps getting captured in the catacombs??? Truly delightful. I’m glad they really took advantage of their formatting
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octobersociety · 8 months
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Kensal Green, London’s oldest cemetery
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lockwoodandcoff · 10 months
Lockwood and Co Flash Fiction Challenge 10 Wrap Up
thanks again to everyone who wrote!
Shattered Mirrors After the Bickerstaff case, George isn't handling things very well. Thankfully, Lockwood and Lucy are there to take care of him.
our stained glass means nothing (without light) “You have your flashlight, Lucy?” She does, even if her fingers fumble clumsily for it in the dark, in her panic. It clicks on and shows the opposite wall, barely two steps forward. Lockwood shuffles closer, presses his arm against hers. His face is smudged with dirt, his hair dusty and disheveled, and there’s a small cut across his jaw. George, now peering off into the hallway before them, has mud across his whole back from when he fell in the graveyard. “Alright,” Lucy says, clearing her throat. She feels more stable, now, with the light. With the sight of both of the boys, whole and with her. “How do we get out of here, then?”
I see my reflection in your eyes He’d never seen Lucy look so rough, and he’d seen Lucy in admittedly too many worse situations – namely, post-Combe Carey Hall, post-Kensal Green Cemetery, and most recently post-Aickmere’s. Arguably, plummeting down a chasm in the middle of a department store and wading through waters to get out after fighting a poltergeist before ever even falling, should’ve left a person looking worse than being sick, but Lucy looked downright like she was nearing Visitor territory herself. Black Winter brings about the "black illness". Overworked agents are especially susceptible, and one in particular soon finds herself down for the count. With some help from those who currently care about her and have cared about her in the past, she'll make her way through it. Sick!fic for Yammy!
her watch reads 5 a.m. “Glad you’re okay,” he hums, quiet. She smiles at the familiar words: his half of the routine they’ve picked up for when cases are done. For when they’re home again. “Glad you’re okay,” she echoes back. Her part of the pattern. George dips down a little, closer, until his forehead presses against hers. (George and Lucy get back home, source in hand, and go to sleep.)
A Reflection of your Heart “If something happens in your life thrice, it’s an indicator of something. It’s a warning. A premonition. And so, you have to take action.” Those were the words of Paul Bell, or Mr. Conspiracies, her old team had called him. Lucy hadn’t thought of his words in a long time, because she hadn’t thought of him in a long time. She hadn’t because she didn’t want to remember her failures. That was until now. ———— A dark winter fic, involving three (3) times Lucy received an ominous warning (or maybe four) when she was an independent agent. Lockwood is in trouble, and she would do anything it takes to save him. Even if it means facing the most terrifying ghost she had ever encountered.
lavender haze (chapter 2)
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