#Kenneth Radley
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oceanusborealis · 1 year ago
Force of Nature: The Dry 2 - Movie Review
TL;DR – There is a solid film in here; you just need to find it through all the messiness. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3.5 out of 5. Post-Credit Scene – There is no post-credit scene.Disclosure – I paid to watch this film. Force of Nature: The Dry 2 Review – Back in 2020, there was a great moment when, thanks to the current circumstances, The Dry, Penguin Bloom, and High Ground were the top films in…
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1amchrliee · 10 months ago
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milliondollarbaby87 · 3 years ago
The Power of the Dog (2021) Review
The Power of the Dog (2021) Review
Phil Burbank is a wealthy rancher in Montana with his brother George and when they meet Rose and her son Peter everything would change when George marries her, meaning they all will live together. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (more…)
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crazychicke · 4 years ago
As if Sara’s mum would have disowned her. Yes, her recovery would take longer than the other girls bc she spent 2 years in that bunker, but unless there was previous strain with her family life, I don’t understand why Em would not have asked sara’s mother or friends about taking sara to thailand...
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obscure-nexus · 2 years ago
People of Pigeonfield
Margret Martinez (98)
Xenia kobzar (97)
Ezekiel "Old man hicks" Hickens (93)
Ruth Nate (89)
Mark Kaleb (89)
Murphy Albert (88)
Patricia Albert (86)
Samantha Hebert (82)
Coffy Foster (82)
Madonna Michelle (78)
Katherine Mai (75) (Isabel calvin)
Andrew Wisteria (72)
Lisa-Susan Wisteria (69)
Harper Henry (67)
Daniel Jeanine (66)
Mary Cane (66)
Jackson Cane (65)
Felix Holler (65)
Lilinnia Holler (63)
Josh Windsor (63)
Walter Merry (62)
Harry Campbell (62)
Aurora Windsor (60)
Tyler Rane (60)
Nick Leens (60)
Ruth Campbell (59)
Henry Howard (59)
Donna Ward (58)
Father Aaron Katt (58)
Ashley Leens (58)
Nancy Howard (57)
Belle Rane (56)
Hattie Sallow (56)
Robert "Dick" Ward (55)
William Ian (55)
Leonardo "lion" Macke (55)
Phonia Jeanine (54)
Robert Brown (52)
Honey Katt (52)
Natalie Cawell (52)
Linda Martin (51)
Illya "Mother" Macke (49)
Hecktor Newman (49)
Hershel Monroe (48)
Karen Morris (48)
Hope Foster (46)
Benjamin Jones (46)
Ruby Newman (46)
William Peterson (45)
Willmar Faber (45)
Lily Faber (44)
Jason Kaleb (44)
Abigail Jones (44)
Elizabeth Peterson (43)
Daniel Kaleb (43)
Betty Watts (43)
Bella Hart (42)
Jeremy Hatfield (42)
Markus Ryan (42)
James Johnson (42)
Birdie Diaz (41)
Venus Edwards (41)
Ryan Campbell (41)
James Calvin (41)
Pamela Balck (40)
Betty Campbell (40)
Nancy Scott (40)
James Edwards (40)
Katie Johnson (39)
Brendan Fran (39)
Ruby Nate (39)
Sandra Morris (39)
Kevin Black (38)
Heinz Evans (38)
Elliot Henry (38)
Wilson Henry (38)
Nicky Novak (38)
Joy Fran (37)
Kaleb Micheal (37)
Hobbs Brown (37)
Susan Green (37)
Viktor Novak (37)
Alex Boshin (36)
Hart Evans (36)
Elijah Green (36)
Fitzgerald Wisteria (36)
Isabel Calvin (36)
Mabel Jackson (35)
James Jackson (35)
Addy "Sunshine" White (35)
Gracie Wisteria (35)
Penelope Russell (34)
John Cane (34)
Aiden Faith (34)
Nicholas Ridner (34)
Nora Jeanine (33)
Aiden Samuels (33)
Ethan Samuels (33)
Cloe Emery (33)
May Hill (33)
Jeremy Schmidt (32)
Sofia Michelle (32)
Emma Ridner (32)
Melody "Doll" Boshin (32)
John Carter (32)
David Brown (32)
Olivia Carter (31)
Rhonda Alexander (30)
Judith Gray (30)
Tiffany Sallow (30)
Joseph Gray (30)
Christopher Alexander (29)
Chelsea Wilson (29)
Zackary Harlow (29)
Liam Lopez (29)
Haven Beech (29)
Jimmy Lee (29)
Christenia Slaven (29)
Victoria "Vicky" Thomas (28)
Joyce Radley (28)
Faye Graham (28)
Cynthia Ward (28)
Ava Lopez (28)
Astia Larmann (would be 27 in '87)
Adien Radley (27)
Terra Parker (27)
Taffy Hart (27)
Derek De Leon (26)
Jax Macke (26)
Marilyn Leens (26)
Brandon Heathers (26)
Arthur Harrison (26)
Cherry Rodrigo (26)
Nadia Harlow (26)
Charlie "Apple" Nate (26)
Michelle "Lyra" Jones (25)
Sarah Jeanine (25)
Bryce Heathers (25)
Mabel Wilson (25)
Russell "Rat" Nate (25)
Tobias Mayo (25)
Ken Kaleb (25)
Paige Brown (25)
Kaylynn moss (25)
Vincent Bishop Devela-Bishop (24)
Cassie "Delight" Garner (24)
Katherine Johnson (24)
Kayla Dallas (24)
Lorlei Mayo (24)
Ruth Campbell (23)
Conner Kaleb (23)
William Jr Peterson (23)
Alex Merry (23)
Henrietta Watson (Newman) (23)
Herman Watson
Chuck Reed (22)
Emerald Reed (Edwards) (22)
Daisy Trembly (22)
Elizabeth Kaleb (22)
Alex Peterson (22)
Kaitlyn Ryan (21)
James Jr Johnson (21)
Lisa Howard (21)
Oliver Green (21)
Serendipity (Sara Belle) (20)
Jack Kaleb (20)
Shirley Scott (20)
Montang Faber (20)
Patience Johnson (19)
Brandy Hart (19)
Bailey Hart (19)
Evelynn Ross (18)
Carol Gray (18)
Noah Green (18)
Gracie Faith (17)
Ernest Henry (17)
Jackie Wisteria (17)
Rose Brown (17)
Wendy Novak (17)
Thomas Alexander (16)
Samuel Edwards (16)
Willima Hart (16)
Christopher Slaven (15)
Tina Calvin (15) [slaven]
Gabriel Jacobs (14)
Nathaniel Jacobs (14)
Theodore Harlow (14)
Wendal Novak (13)
Amethyst Edwards (13)
Tawny Hart (13)
Emma Faith (12)
Arthur Alexander (12)
Harley "Hailey" Brown (12)
Jacklyn Ryan (11)
Sally Wilson (10)
Clover Fran (10)
Penny Novak (9)
Lexi Dallas (8)
Miya Hailey (8)
Harmony Herman/Wilson (8)
Annacia Harlow (8)
Astrid Fran (8)
Kenneth Campbell (7)
Ricky Parker (7)
Rachelle Moss (7)
Jennifer Anderson (7)
May Heathers (6)
Ginger Harlow (6)
Herman Jr Watson (6)
Logan Ridner (5)
Donald Peterson (4)
Jean Watson (4)
Charlotte Dallas (3)
Emma Fayler (3)
Madison Carter (3)
Fig katt (2)
Heart Mayo (2)
Mia Wisteria (1)
Zita Reed (1)
Lynn Watson (6 months)
Aleigha Slaven (2 months)
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miellxs · 5 years ago
Pretty Little Liars: A história das gêmeas DiLaurentis
A série de livros Pretty Little Liars, uma obra literária escrita por Sara Shepard, fez tanto sucesso nas vendas que também se transformou em uma série de televisão. Mas como a história seguiu um rumo diferente nas telinhas, muitos não conhecem a história das gêmeas nos livros; que foi fundamental na formação do grupo das Pretty Little Liars e na anônima das mensagens, A.
E hoje eu vou contar sobre elas pra vocês: a história de Courtney e de Alison DiLaurentis.
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Alison e Courtney nasceram em Connecticut, muito antes da família se mudar para Rosewood. Elas moravam com seus pais e o irmão mais velho, Jason, e tinham uma vida tranquila e confortável.
Em sua infância, as gêmeas eram melhores amigas. Elas sempre se destacavam nos lugares por causa de seus longos cabelos loiros, olhos azuis penetrantes e a beleza surpreendente. Mas por algum motivo, Courtney sempre acabava sendo a mais popular. Devido a sua personalidade doce, gentil e bondosa, as pessoas acabavam gostando mais dela e preferindo sua companhia. Alison, pelo contrário, sempre foi uma garota malvada e mandona, que brigava e gritava com as pessoas para conseguir o que queria. Ela deseja ser a estrela única, a fonte de todos os olhares e admirações.
E foi aí que o problema começou. Mesmo sendo muito pequena, Alison acabou iniciando uma série de brigas e provocações com Courtney, a empurrando, puxando seu cabelo e lançando olhares atravessados. Ali começou a obrigar Courtney a fingir ser ela pelos lugares, a manipulando e dizendo que coisas horríveis aconteceriam com ela e com toda a família se ela não fizesse aquilo. Longe da família, Alison também começou a prender Courtney nos lugares e a amarrá-a, sempre fazendo ameças e abusando dela psicologicamente.
Os pais e as pessoas que viam tudo de fora acabaram tendo uma ideia errada da situação. Avistaram Courtney na sala de aula de Alison no dia em que ela faltou, dizendo ser ela. Viram Courtney se apresentar como Ali para o porteiro, além de vê-la trancando Alison um dia dentro do banheiro da escola.
Obviamente, tudo indicava que ela era a irmã malvada. Um dia, ao ver uma delas tentando enforcar a outra, os pais chamaram profissionais para analisar a situação, preocupados. Mas durante os testes psicológicos Alison respondeu a tudo com tranquilidade, dizendo coisas como “eu amo minha irmã” no fim de cada frase. Courtney, por sinal, estava desesperada. Ela contou tudo que estava passando quando chegou a sua vez, dizendo que Alison fazia ameças e queria que ela desaparecesse.
Infelizmente, acabaram identificando um falso estado psicológico. Courtney foi diagnosticada com Esquizofrenia paranoide, tendo que ser internada em um hospício e sendo afastada de sua família e de toda a vida que ela conhecia.
Bem, aquele foi o plano de mestre de Alison. Ela se saiu como vítima e conseguiu tudo o que queria: se livrar de Courtney e ter toda a atenção voltada para ela. Como seus pais, Jessica e Kenneth, não queriam que as pessoas soubessem que eles tinham uma filha louca, a família toda se mudou para Rosewood, na Pensilvânia. Eles alteraram seus nomes de “Day-Dilaurentis” para apenas “DiLaurentis”, afastando os vizinhos enxeridos de Connecticut e começando uma nova vida. Bem, e isso aconteceu. Alison criou seu império no colégio particular Rosewood Day, sendo considerada a garota mais bonita e popular; as garotas queriam ser ela e os garotos queriam namorá-la.
Courtney, por outro lado, acabou sendo esquecida no hospício Radley. O único que a visitava era Jason, e ela acabou tendo que passar anos e anos lá de forma solitária e esquecida. Fazendo as contas, ela ficou presa dos 8 até os 11 anos de idade.
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Mas um dia, quando o Radley fechou para se transformar em um Hotel, Courtney acabou indo para casa antes de ser transferida para outro hospício, a Reserva Addison-Steves. Ela não queria ir para lá, pois diziam que o lugar era horrível e que crianças acabavam até se suicidando. Quando Courtney chegou em casa, ela viu toda a vida perfeita que sua irmã tinha e que foi tirada dela. Ela pensou e pensou em um plano durante a noite, tentando encontrar uma forma de escapar, mas nada vinha em sua mente. No dia seguinte, quando ela acordou, Courtney resolveu vestir uma calça jeans e uma blusa rosa bem parecida com a roupa que sua irmã estava usando. Ela desceu as escadas e viu algumas garotas do colégio de Alison pela janela, se aproximando lentamente da casa. As garotas eram Hanna, Aria, Spencer e Emily. Elas encontraram-se lá por coincidência, pois todas tiveram a mesma ideia: roubar a bandeira de Alison DiLaurentis. (a bandeira fazia parte de um jogo existente em Rosewood Day chamado Cápsula do Tempo. Ali havia esfregado na cara de todos na escola que ela tinha conseguido um pedaço, pois seu irmão Jason deu para ela. As garotas ouviram e simplesmente se encontraram lá, todas querendo mesma coisa.)
Bem, quando Spencer, Emily, Aria e Hanna avistaram uma a outra no quintal, elas começaram a brigar discutindo sobre qual teria chegado primeiro. Courtney ouviu tudo lá de dentro, e então ela teve a ideia. Ela queria se vingar de Ali, mas não sabia como. Ela queria ter sua vida de volta, mas não sabia como. Os pais dela não queriam estragar sua perfeita reputação, e por isso não deixariam Courtney ficar em casa. Sua irmã apenas ria dela e se mostrava como vencedora, claramente merecendo ganhar o que merecia.
Então, em um impulso, Courtney calçou os tamancos de Ali na frente da porta e saiu na varanda, avistando as garotas lá fora. Ela conversou com elas e disse que a bandeira já fora roubada, e que elas perderam tempo indo até lá. Quando a mãe de Courtney saiu lá fora e viu ela conversando com as meninas, ela achou na mesma hora que fosse Ali. Então a verdadeira Alison foi levada para a reserva, e Courtney finalmente conseguiu o que sempre desejou: uma vida feliz.
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Nos próximos dias, Courtney garantiu que aprendesse tudo sobre a vida da irmã dela. Ela adotou da personalidade de Ali, sendo uma garota fria e calculista que manipulava a todos a sua volta. Mas Courtney não era má de verdade… ela apenas tinha medo de retornar para a reserva, e por isso agia como a melhor Alison possível. Como ela não poderia continuar sendo amiga de Naomi Ziegler e Riley Wolfe (as duas melhores amigas da verdadeira Alison Dilaurentis) sem que elas percebessem a mudança, Courtney as dispensou e arrumou um novo grupo de amigas: Aria, Hanna, Emily e Spencer. As garotas não era populares antes, e provavelmente eram o tipo de garota que a verdadeira Ali nunca seria amiga. Por isso Courtney as chamou para seu novo grupo, fazendo com que as meninas passassem de perdedoras para completos destaques em Rosewood Day.
Apesar de ainda temer que alguém descobrisse a verdade, ela tentou esquecer isso e viver sua vida. Courtney não contou a absolutamente ninguém sobre a troca, pois sabia que se o fizesse estaria correndo um grande risco.
Porém, enquanto isso, a verdadeira Ali ficou absurdamente irritada na reserva. Ela sentia tanta raiva de Courtney pela troca que ela não queria apenas se vingar com algo pequeno. Ela queria matar Courtney. Assassinar sua própria irmã-gêmea como vingança pela coisa que fez Alison perder sua vida perfeita e encantada.
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E foi aí que ela começou a colocar o plano em ação. Ali conheceu um garoto na reserva Addison-Steves chamado Nick, que também possuía alguns distúrbios. Nick se apaixonou por Ali, e garantiu que a ajudaria a se vingar. Foi então que ele se aproximou de Courtney, fingindo pensar que ela era a Alison DiLaurentis, e começou a namorar com ela. Courtney ficou apaixonada por ele, sem nem imaginar que fazia tudo parte do plano sombrio de sua irmã para se vingar.
Na noite fatídica da festa do pijama, em que Courtney encontra-se com suas melhores amigas no celeiro de Spencer Hastings para comemorar o fim do sétimo ano, Courtney acaba encontrando-se com Ali no quintal de sua família. Elas começam a brigar, e por causa da aparição repentina de Nick, ele e Ali conseguem empurrar Courtney dentro do gazebo do quintal da casa dela. Ela acaba sendo enterrada viva, e lá debaixo ela escuta as vozes de Ali e Nick rindo e comemorando.
O último pensando de Courtney antes de morrer foi: “Por quê?”.
Bom, mas não acaba por aí. Três anos depois, o corpo dela é encontrado e todos pensam que foi Alison que morreu. Mas a verdadeira Ali apenas esperou o momento certo para começar a torturar Spencer, Hanna, Emily e Aria. Ali as culpava pela troca bem sucedida de sua irmã, e queria vingança as matando também. Foi quando ela se tornou a mais perigosa “A”, enviando mensagens de texto anônimas ameaçando contar os segredos mais profundos delas. Alison estragou completamente a vida das meninas, e toda vez que ela tentava matá-las acabava dando errado. Ali ficou tão obcecada com isso que acabou traindo Nick e fazendo ele ser preso pelos crimes dela e todas as pessoas que eles mataram, e ela só foi mesmo pega no último livro de Pretty Little Liars, quando Emily e encontra e a entrega para a polícia.
Bem, no fim da história, a vítima realmente era Courtney. O final dela foi triste e cruel, mas felizmente Alison também acabou pagando por tudo de ruim que ela fez.
Foi isso! Espero muito que tenham gostado. O livro que conta a história das gêmeas é um extra de PLL, chamado Ali’s Pretty Little Lies (Segredos de Ali aqui no Brasil). Se tiver interesse, com certeza vale a pena ler :)
Obrigado se leu até aqui, e até a próxima! 
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scrapironflotilla · 7 years ago
Vimy Blindness: The Unknown Commanders of the CEF.
This is the text of a presentation I gave today at the Where To Next symposium at UNSW Canberra. The symposium was hosted by the Australian Centre for the Study of Armed Conflict and Society. The topic of the day was now that the centenary is coming to a close where does Great War history need to go next? And on that topic I put together this. The day was apparently filmed so when I get the link I’ll probably slap that up too.
Snow blindness is caused by the enormous reflection from snow or ice. It’s a temporary condition that causes a loss of vision due to the overwhelming power of reflected light. Much like Gallipoli and Sir John Monash for Australia, there are two things, one person and one event, that outshine the rest of Canada’s First World War history. Those two are of course Sir Arthur Currie and Vimy Ridge.  
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Sir Arthur Currie, the real estate developer and insurance broker turned soldier is in one way or another at the centre of much Canadian First World War historiography. His story is one well known and often told because it has all the elements that make for a great tale. There's the drama of his pre-war dealings and the embezzlement of military funds to cover his mounting debts. There's his time as a brigade commander during the Second Battle of Ypres to his promotion to the command of the First Canadian Division and his part in the Battle of Vimy Ridge. This lead to his eventual command of the Canadian Corps and the outstanding parts they played in the Battle of Amiens and the Hundred Days Offensive. Interspersed between these momentous events is his political battle with the erstwhile Canadian Minister of Militia and Defence, Sam Hughes and the struggle when two of Curries subordinates discovered his  financial problems and their combined attempts to solve them before knowledge of his indiscretions were made public. This is a story that extends beyond the war itself and only finishes in the 1920s with a highly publicised libel suit launched by Currie on a Canadian newspaper friendly to his nemesis Hughes. It's a story that plays well to modern sensibilities and as more than one commentator has noted, Currie is that most beloved of combinations; a good general and a 'colonial'. He can easily be portrayed as the opposite of Alan Clark's Donkey generals.  
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The Battle of Vimy Ridge is the other blinding light in the realm of Canadian war writing. Seen in much the same way that Gallipoli is in Australia and New Zealand, Vimy Ridge exemplifies the spirit of Canadian martial and national valour.  This was even noted at the time with Canadian Director of Medical Services, brigadier A.E Ross writing "in those few minutes I witnessed the birth of a nation.”1   Vimy, part of the wider Battle of Arras, was the high point of the British involvement in the French Nivelle Offensive. On 9 April 1917 the four Canadian divisions and one British division attacked the strongly defended Vimy Ridge and after three days of horrific fighting, held the heights. It was also the first time that all four Canadian divisions, containing men from every region of Canada, had gone into battle side by side and despite the 10,000 casualties they took, the attack was a success.   Given its significance at the time and since the story of Vimy has been written, rewritten, dissected and discussed from every conceivable angle for more than a hundred years now. A cursory search on Trove returns over 300 book results for Vimy, covering the full range of academic history and popular history to novels to plays. While the day may not be commemorated, or perhaps celebrated, in the same way that Anzac Day is, it remains a potent symbol of Canadian sentiment and national identity.
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If one shades their eyes from the blinding light of Currie and Vimy then they will find a collection of people waiting to be rediscovered. But the question remains that why have these senior commanders and administrators of the CEF not yet been examined. Canadian historian JL Granatstein addresses this question in the Oxford Companion to Canadian Military History, as part of the broader dearth of military biography in Canada. He draws attention to the lack of quality historians researching Canadian officers and the shortage of both public and publisher interest in their stories. Of the attention given Canadian soldiers most tends toward stories of action and heroism beloved by popular audiences. And when biography is seldomly addressed by more skilled historians, they lack the readability or flair of the popular authors. Granatstein says; "In the ceaseless bleat of military historians – or of non-historians who write reams of historical doggerel unfazed by lack of skill – to be taken seriously by their peers, it would help at times simply to write better history, or to expose politely those who do not.”2
But though style may be lacking this isn't sufficient to answer the question of why Canadian commanders of the CEF, or study of senior Canadian officers in general, remains so underepresented.
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On the bright side the last two decades have seen growth in academic studies of Canadian command, particularly by historians like William Stewart with his 2015 book the Embattled General on the somewhat unlucky Richard Turner, commander of the Canadian 2nd Division. Likewise, Patrick Brennan of the University of Calgary brought up this very question in a 2002 article and has perhaps done the most to advance the cause in this regard. He has published several pieces on senior commanders of the CEF, covering battalion commanders, a brigadier and a divisional commander. None of this work has been longer than a journal article. A number of other historians such as Douglas Delaney, Stephen Harris and Kenneth Radley have all done some research in the area of Canadian command but only as one part of a larger work. What is yet to be done is a broader and deeper look at the men who occupied these key positions in the CEF.
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The hierarchical nature of the military means that it's vital to understand how the command system operates and how the personalities, skills and experiences of the men in command are applied to the organisation under them. In Australia over the last few decades historians have put considerable effort into studying the men who commanded the divisions of the AIF, with most of these generals receiving biographies and Monash, like Currie, receiving several. Questions regarding individual generals, their personal command philosophy and how that translated into the administration, training and fighting of their divisions remain to be asked, let alone answered. Most of the constituent parts of the Canadian military have been examined in some detail but its generals by and large have received less research than its chaplains.3  Without an understanding of the men at the top of the heap, our understanding of the organisation is incomplete. This is one area which there is much work still to be done with only two of the eight Canadian divisional commanders having received a book length treatment.   More conspicuous research has been put in by New Zealander Christopher Pugsley, who in his work has looked at the dominions, comparing Australian, New Zealand and Canadian wartime experience. Command has factored largely in his comparison of the three dominions and his analysis has deepened our understanding of the many similarities but more interestingly, the vast differences in the dominions at war. Research such as this, looking at these officers in comparison to one another and in context of the war they were collectively fighting, is one potentially fruitful area of research for the future.  
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My own research falls in this area and I'm hoping it will go some way to filling this gap. The project is an analysis of British and dominion divisional commanders, looking at both their military and personal lives. One area I'm particularly interested in is the informal social networks that underpin the Edwardian armies of the British empire. They were often formed early in these men's careers, during their time as junior officers in the regiments, at staff college in Camberly or Quetta and serving on the staffs of senior officers. Maintained through copious amounts of correspondence these networks spanned the entire empire as officers were sent from Britain to the dominions and colonies. With the advent of the Imperial General Staff and dominion officers spending time with the British Army, along with the practice of seasoned British officers acting as Inspector Generals or advisors to colonial militaries these informal networks grew to encompass officers from every corner of the empire. In this way relationships were formed and networks grew that enabled the disparate armies of the British empire to build not only a level of interoperability, but also a level of cultural and gentlemanly conduct that benefited its participants. Thus, when the CEF, and the AIF and NZEF for that matter, went to war in 1914 the British generals who ended up in charge of dominion troops were often already familiar with at least some of the men now under their command. These unofficial networks within the officer corps of the imperial armies were important to the military prospects of officers seeking promotion and they mattered to the smooth running of general staffs. How far promotions were questions of merit and professional skill and how much patronage and relationships still mattered is another question that deserves to be asked, even if it cannot be satisfactorily answered.
The lack of work on Canadian command is not due to the absence of primary records, although some key individuals didn't leave many papers, but is due more to difficulty in access. Canada is a large country and with comparatively little interest in military history, not to mention military biography, especially now as the centenary draws to a close, money to conduct research is difficult to come by. With the recent boom in digitisation this may offer the enterprising historian an opportunity to turn down the light emitted by Currie and Vimy and to uncover some yet untold stories.
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milenaolesinska · 6 years ago
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Exposition Art Blog   Paul Feiler - German abstract painting
Paul Feiler (30 April 1918 – 8 July 2013)was a German-born artist who was a prominent member of the St Ives School of art: he has pictures hanging in major art galleries across the world.Paul Feiler was born in 1918 in Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany into a cultivated family of lawyers, doctors and liberal politicians; his father was a professor of dentistry. He was educated in Zwolle in the Netherlands and then at Canford School in Dorset, England.His parents in 1936 moved to London: his father established himself as a dentist in Harley Street. Paul studied at the Slade School of Fine Art in London 1936-1939 with artists such as Patrick Heron, Bryan Wynter and Kenneth Armitage. As an enemy alien in 1939, although thoroughly anglicised, he was interned on the Isle of Man and then in Canada. On his return to England in 1941, he was an arts teacher at Eastbourne College, which had been evacuated to Radley College in Oxford.After World War II, he taught art at the West of England College of Art in Bristol: he became the head of painting there in 1960. In 1975 he moved to the disused chapel in Kerris near Newlyn in Cornwall where he would live until his death
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milk-tea-house · 3 years ago
Playlist, Milk Tea House, March 20 2022
re:lapse - timeless melody - re:lapse II.ep Nuit - Parade - N/A Underground Lovers - Takes You Back - Rushall Station Daily J - Left Me Like Summer - Venus Ate Mars Day Aches - Hide - Hide Midsummer - Where The Waves - Catch and Blur The Boo Radleys - Memory Babe - Everything's Alright Forever No Age - Ripped Knees - Nouns Andy Bell - Something Like Love - Flicker The Telescopes - Flying - The Telescopes An Ocean of Embers - Flashes of Your First Kiss - Flashes of your First Kiss Sweet Trip - KKMJ - Seen/Unseen Young Prisims - Honeydew - Drifter Flu Flu - Come To Me - Third bluemoongirl - my word is my bond- moonlight Number Girl - 透明少女 - School Girl Distortional Addict リューネ - Infinite Intimacy - Infinite Intimacy Unknown Artist - Untitled [Knowone 016] - Knowone Timber Box Katemurr - Motions - N/A Kenneth Graham - Salvation - Salvation Kwass & LXK - 200Kaban - Kaban 2000 Olaf Noetzel - Patch Boy A1 - Patch Boy DJ Seinfield - Someday (Salute Remix) - Someday Floating Points - Vocoder - Vocoder Dizaster - Break - Breakdance Jake & The Electric Nudes - Reposession(Dr. Flexible Remix) - Proximity Weird Magic - Villager Vibez - N/A xxtarlit - MagiX LiGhXning - MagiX LiGhXning Zaphyre - Aeon Flux - N/A DJ Paypal - Passionfruit - Drake Edits Vol. 2 DJ Javascript - Time Heals - Time Heals Tokyo - DFKFM(Nightcore) - N/A Twisted Anger - So Dark - Kingcatchahook/So Dark goresshit - Like It was - nineties rave retrospective collection 1 Yung Lain - Extreme Stage - Extreme Stage LOLtotheMAX - drum and based - N/A telemist - Envy - Envy Jacksonifyer - Keygen - Keygen Gade System - Higha Level(Squelching VIP) - N/A bye2 - Aortic Pressure Valve - Teeth Restoration dj kuroneko - heart pumpin - Badman Jungle Rave Ting Andypls - how unsightly - N/A
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manualstogo · 4 years ago
For just $3.99 False Paradise Released on September 10, 1948: running time 59 minutes Hopalong Cassidy helps his new neighbor mine the silver from their land, despite the efforts of the banker who wants to sabotage the mine. Directed by: George Archainbaud Written by: Harrison Jacobs, William Conselman Jr. and Doris Schroeder from characters created by Clarence E. Mulford The Actors: William Boyd Hopalong Cassidy, Andy Clyde Clarence 'California' Carlson, Rand Brooks Lucky Jenkins, Elaine Riley Anne Larson, Cliff Clark Gerajo Waite, banker, Joel Friedkin Professor Larson, Kenneth MacDonald Bentley, land agent, Don Haggerty Deal Marden, henchman, George Eldredge Radley, silver smelter, Richard Alexander henchman Sam, Zon Murray henchman Buck, William Bailey head miner, George Sowards wagon driver George Runtime: 59 min *** This item will be supplied on a quality disc and will be sent in a sleeve that is designed for posting CD's DVDs *** This item will be sent by 1st class post for quick delivery. Should you not receive your item within 12 working days of making payment, please contact us as it is unusual for any item to take this long to be delivered. Note: All my products are either my own work, licensed to me directly or supplied to me under a GPL/GNU License. No Trademarks, copyrights or rules have been violated by this item. This product complies withs rules on compilations, international media and downloadable media. All items are supplied on CD or DVD.
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soul-music-is-life · 7 years ago
Thoughts While watching PLL “Game Over Charles”
1) I actually kinda dig the episodes where they start with action and not where they left off the last week. Creates fun suspense.
2) Wine Moms are still in the basement. I’m honestly more interested in what they were doing down there while their daughters were fucking shit up at prom.
3) Emily worried about her bae Ali gives me life.
4) “Aria, maybe you thought he was always happy to see you, but I could never get past the bulge in his pants.” CLASSIC Mona Vanderwaal, y’all.
5) Sara: “I’m calling Tanner.” Me: “Liar!”
6) Me the first time I saw the ep: “THAT MOTHER FUCKER KILLED JASON!” Me now: “Calm down, past me.”
7) Sara knows the password. She’s. A. Fucking. Traitor. Why can’t these girls see that?
8) Hanna touching all the equipment. She’s an actual child.
9) “Don’t be so dramatic, Ali.” I fucking love her. I don’t care that she’s a psycho.
10) The dramatic close-ups of the liars shocked faces were a little much. I’m giggling at the cheese.
11) How could the girls be dumb enough to think Tanner would be working for CeCe?
12) Baby Charles makes me so sad.
13) The real villain of the show is Kenneth DiLaurentis for not accepting Charles/CeCe.
14) The kid they got to play teen Charles was really good in the role.
15) So Bethany was Charles/CeCe’s friend, but bitch was cray.
16) Keeping up with the plot: Bethany killed Toby’s mom. Radley thought Charles did it. Jessica paid off Wilden to keep it quiet. They then faked Charles’ death, got Charles a sex-change operation, CeCe was born…then sent her back to Radley.
17) “One day classes were cancelled.” *pause* “Okay, I called in a bomb threat…” CeCe is so witty. I know I should hate her, but damn.
18) Jason is attracted to his own sister. This is some Game of Thrones type shit here.
19) More plot upkeep: Bethany found out Jessica was having an affair with her dad and lost her shit. She stole CeCe’s (twinsie) clothes and snuck out. CeCe thought Bethany was going to her hurt mother, so when she saw Ali from behind she thought she was Bethany and she tried to kill her.
20) Sasha Pieterse, Vanessa Ray, and Janel Parrish really nailed the scene where CeCe broke down about how she thought she killed Ali. Ali realizing that her sister was devastated, CeCe talking about how she’d lost her family because of it, and Mona realizing she killed an “innocent” person.
21) More plot upkeep: Mona killed Bethany. Melissa came upon the body and thought Spencer did it and buried Bethany alive. So Mona didn’t really kill Bethany. Melissa burying her alive is what killed her.
22) Cece got all her money investing. Regular Bitch on Wallstreet.
23) CeCe befriended Mona in Radley, but Mona was on drugs and didn’t know it. She thought she was talking to Ali. CeCe tricked Mona into telling them all the dirty secrets.
24) Awww, look, flashback to the liars meetcute with CeCe. How I wanted so badly for CeCe to be a good guy.
25) CeCe said she didn’t trust Mona, yet she believed her when Mona told her that the girls were happy that Ali was gone? What kinda fucked up bullshit is that?
26) “I knew if you were alive you’d show up if the girls were in trouble.” Yep, that trap at the cabin totally worked.
27) Me trying to keep up with the plot: “Okay, so CeCe hired a decoy in a red coat to distract Toby/Spencer that night at the cabin and then…holy shit, Sara Harvey is the other red coat!!! Wait, why am I surprised? I already knew this! But ohyGod, so deliciously dramatic.”
28) Shana set the fire at the cabin and that pissed CeCe off because it ruined her plan. What the actual hell are the writers smoking?
29) CeCe is the one who choked Ali out in her living room…and body checked her guard Golden Retriever puppy, Emily.
30) Ali: “You almost froze Aria and Spencer to death!” CeCe: “*sarcastically* Almost.” Ali: “You drove a car through Emily’s house!” CeCe: *a little too proud* “Yeah, and I almost cut her in half, too, but is she hurt?” Me: “Only emotionally.”
31) But for real, I think CeCe picked on Emily as much as she did because she was jealous that Ali loved Emily more than her.
32) CeCe was in the hoodie, Sara was the woman in black at Wilden’s funeral, and CeCe killed Wilden to protect Ali. I am so lost.
33) CeCe be like, “Sorry, Emily. But not really.” She’s such a beast.
34) Hanna comforting Emily is really authentic for me, because I’ve seen Ashley and Shay as the BFFs they are in real life.
35) Wait, what’s going on with the Wine Moms? I want to believe they pulled a crazy stunt to get out, but the reality is that Kenneth probably came home after he came out of his drug daze and let them out.
36) Mona’s got a goddamn shiv in her high heel. I’m rolling.
37) CeCe finding Jessica dead is so sad.
38) After CeCe’s bomb didn’t explode and she just goes, “Damn it.” I pictured Heath Ledger’s Joker being confused about the hospital not blowing up in Batman.
39) I love it when Emily punches people, especially when those “people” are Sara Harvey.
40) Spencer: “You better not come back from Savannah talking like a southerner, ya hear?” Aria: “You better not come back from Georgetown talking like a politician.” Me: “Team Sparia!”
41) No, all my precious baby liars are splitting up. No. But at least we got Emison hand holding.
42) I’m still salty the writers pretty much forgot they wrote this “He’s coming for you!” scene.
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spence66 · 8 years ago
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Jessica and Mary were twins. Jessica’s actions put Mary in Radley. Jessica had an affair with Peter Hastings. Melissa was born and Jason was born AND GOD ONLY KNOWS HOW, but Charles was born too. I guess Pastor Ted were having sex with his mental high school girlfriend or something. Mary (WHILE BEING RADLEY PATIENT STILL!), pretend she was her sister and she seduced Peter and she had twins. She sold one of her daughters AND THEN SHE GET OUT OF RADLEY… Around this time Jessica and Kenneth send Charles to Radley, so at least we know that Mary and Cece wasn’t in Radley at the same time. At least. But I’m still curious why Jessica took Charles in a first place. But who cares about Charles.. It was only big deal in like two or three seasons, season 7 have nothing to do with previous seasons, let’s make that clear.
Ok, so Charles become Charlotte or Cece or whatever and transforming from boy to a girl haven’t really changed her twisted mind and she was jealous of Alison or Spencer or.. who cares? But it’s fine, she take the game from mona even when mona never had any real motive to start the game with, but let’s forget about this. Wait, no. I won’t forget.
Mona always wanted to be friends with Alison and she was obsessed with her. She even made herself a creepy room in Lost woods resort, and then she helped Alison to run away. And then she was popular and best friends with hannah, and then after a year Aria came back and she started blackmailing them and only explanation we’ve got was that SPENCER, EMILY AND ARIA TOOK HANNA AWAY FROM HER.. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!
And then Cece took the game, and we should just ignore all time gaps and wholes, and all unanswered questions we’d ever have about Cece and how she used to kiss her own cousin.
But then she was blamed for Wildens death and she used Alison passport to get away from the country. And as we know now, she did it because Wren called her and told her that she has a sister. And then she met Archer Dunhil on the plane and they fall madly in love. Sure.
And ok, I’m willing to believe it. All of it. Alex as Spencers secret, evil twin, and Cece as transgender older sister. And I can believe that Cece and Alex felt like that because they were having some rough time and were jelaous. I’m willing to believe that all the clues were there only to hide the biggest secret what was left till the very end.
I’m going to forget about Maya, Ian, Garrett and Wilden.
I’m not going to ask why they never explained what was Jenna doing, I’m not going to ask about Lucas, Paige, Melissa and Jason anymore. NAT club? Forget about this! It was never important. I won’t ask why Archer was flirting with Alison and having an affair with her even when he was in love with Charlotte. Alison wanted to get Cece out, so he never had to persuade her to help her. I don’t care why you can’t turn your back on a Hastings, or what happened to Tippi the bird. I won’t even bother to ask for how long Mary was with Alex, was she with her while she was living in London? Or was it actually Alex dressed up as a guy in a dollhouse? That’s why spencer felt like she knew this person?
But tell me just one thing. Only one thing I need to know now..
  I’d like to think that this show was special for me, and all journey was just great.
But let me say this, that since season 4 it was just different. It was tiring, because all we could get out of it is more questions.
And this whole Addison story was like a slap for me.
There were s omany ways to end this show. With Ezra, Melissa, Lucas and Cece together, even with Jason. But it’s not only the finale I’m pissed at. I’m pissed on whole last 3 seasons. It was like in season 4 all the writers decided they don’t give a fuck anymore. They were like:
Oh shit, look what all the fans are doing on Tumblr, all these theories and how they pick up the smallest things (WHICH WERE TOLD US TO BE IMPORTANT! JUST HAVE A LOOK ON ALL MARLENE PLL TWEETS AND CLUES………….) and making bad ass theories.
You know what, I’m just …
Thank you all theorists here and fans who made this pll journey so great. You guys are the only reason that this show was special. Ok, you and Troian.
Thank you,
S .
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sxekhaos · 8 years ago
Pretty Little Liars fanfic prompt
Something happens, like a car accident, that kills both Jessica and Kenneth Dilarentis. Jason is about 10, Alison about 5, and Charlie, already committed in Radley is almost 12. Great Aunt Carol is really freaking old, as is Grandma. Neither can take custody of the kids. Peter Hastings, Jason's father, has to step up. He comes clean to Veronica and she doesn't cut his dick off. He might be sleeping in the barn for the foreseeable further though. They take in Jason and Alison. To be raised with Melissa and Spencer as siblings. Through the Wills of Jessica and Kenneth, they become aware of Charlie, not yet Charlotte. Not being the transphobic jack off that Kenneth was or the useless peacekeeper that Jessica was, they realize the real reason that Charlie is there. They decide to take him home. They receive copies of Charlie's and Mary's files and find out about Alex. They find her in that orphanage in London and bring her home too. The 6 Dilarentis/Drake/Hastings kids are safe. There is some adjusting but the 6 learn to be family and Peter and Veronica learn to be better as well. (Veronica is my favourite mom, she isn't always on point but she does truly love her kids, closely followed by Ashley Marin). Crazy shenanigans ensue, maybe Mona still becomes A, but this Spencer and Alison have older siblings that truly love and protect them. And they have Alex, Spencer and Alex learning to fake each other's accent to switch places. I need these kids to be safe and loved and protected. If you write this, please reblog a link to the story.
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ghost-roads · 8 years ago
Questions I need answered in the finale
How was Sara Harvey ever relevant
Why did Noel kill her (I think it was Noel?)
Where does Jenna fit in the whole A.D equation?
What really happened between Charlotte, Bethany, and Mrs Cavanaugh, because that timeline really doesn’t add up
What did that picture on the puzzle mean (black widow?)
Who is A.D (obvs)
Why is A.D doing this to the girls? What did they do to deserve this?
Are the girls the only ones A.D is playing with? Who else is/has been a target of the Game? Jenna? Mona? The boyfriends?
Where does Melissa fit in all this (I mean I know she is pretty high on the A.D suspect list, but in case she isn’t, then what tf is her deal)
Why was Wren drawing a red coat in Radley? Like, that was odd af bc 1. way to get caught wtf, and 2. that’s not a sane person’s behavior
Why did Mrs D. have a picture of Ali in the red coat?
Was Archer Dunhill connected to A.D?
Is Mary really a good person?
What does she know about the whole A.D thing?
We need some clarification on the whole Dilaurentis/Hastings/Drake family tree because??? Is Charlotte really Charles? Is she really Mary’s daughter? Why did she lie and say she was Kenneth and Jessica’s daughter? How much does Melissa know? Twincer? 
Did Alison know that she and Spencer were related when she became friends with her in high school, or did she just know her because they were neighbors?
I hope that Peter Hastings goes to jail and that Veronica Hastings gets her job back and also a Nobel Peace Prize
Where are Pam and the Montgomerys?
Why are Ezra and Caleb so shady? Is it just because they live in a shady world? Or is there more to it?
Why was Caleb in Madrid with Spencer? Was that just a really odd coincidence?
We never saw Mona actually push Charlotte off the bell tower. Why was her death exactly like the paper Spencer wrote for her criminology class?
Where is Jason?
How does the N.A.T club fit into all this?
Why were the other members of the club killed?
What really happened with Ian? (Maybe this was already explained? Honestly I can’t remember)
How did Cece, Wilden and Melissa know each other? What’s the story there?
What really happened between Ali and Cyrus Petrillo?
Why was Ali smiling when Mona fake died? Was she happy Mona was dead? Did she know it wasn’t true? Was she working with Cece? Ali has always been shady af but particularly in season 5, and I’m still not convinced she didn’t know about Charlotte.
What did Maya know that she wanted to tell Emily right before she died?
Eddie Lamb? Why did he hate Wren? How did he know Aria?
Where is Holden, what happened there?
Is Nicole okay seriously wtf like she was held hostage in Columbia for? years? And then she comes back and her boyfriend, who she travelled to Columbia with in the first place, isn’t allowed to see her because his new fiancée is jealous? What?
What is up with Lucas seriously
Where did my baby Marco go I want him back
Who is Bethany Young and why have we never seen her face?
Man that is a long list, and I’ll probably come up with more plot holes later.
In conclusion, I would like to say that if anything happens to Mona in the finale I WILL SCREAM. Thank you for your time, and feel free to add to the list.
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prettylittleliarsandme · 8 years ago
We all know that even the smallest detail is connected to the mystery. Has anyone else noticed that there are not one but 4 possible clues about the mystery in this picture of the Liars’ figurines? I think it is connected to the story coming “full circle”.
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Clue #1: Whereas the other Liars’ dolls have their pre-season 1 looks, Hanna’s figurine does not and has her IT-girl looks.
Clue #2: Hanna’s figurine stand is much taller than the other Liars’ stands. So let‘s dissect these two clues and bring up everything we know about Hanna pre-season 1.
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Hanna had an eating disorder
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She admired Alison
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She kissed Mike, Aria’s brother and it made her feel embarassed.
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She almost got into it with Alison for making fun of Lucas the day they were at the beach.
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She saw Alison alive after playing Ouija with Mona
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She told Alison’s mom about it and Kenneth blew up on her about it
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She officially became IT-girl with Mona’s help who got it from Alison.
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She’s smarter than Spencer Hastings as its an act to be dumb and can read temptations by Henry James. Mona suggests she let people hide from her for a change.
All of this stated, I believe one member of A.D. knows all of this about Hanna. They know her biggest enemy before A was Alison. And even though Hanna wasn’t the IT-Girl to Rosewood pre-Alison’s disappearance, she was/still is the IT-girl to them.
Then why has A.D. treated Hanna so bad?
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Hanna told A.D. she killed Charlotte, but I don’t think it was a ruse. She really did kill Charlotte in fear that she would start the game back up. We’re led to believe that Caleb had to help her lie, but let’s remember that she was taught by the best.
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Hanna is not only smarter than Spencer, but can lie like Mona.
A.D. knows that Hanna really killed Charlotte and that’s why she’s their main target. So only one member of A.D. loves her and the other hates her.
Who could be the A.D. member that loves her?
The people closest to Hanna outside of the Liars are Mona, Lucas, Caleb, Ashley, and was Jordon. We can cross out Mona and Lucas as neither are A.D. and we can cross out Jordan because he isn’t coming back. This leaves Ashley and Caleb.
Now there have been a few theories on Ashley being A.D., but I also think Caleb may be A.D.. There has hardly been any theories on Caleb being A.D; yet he has all of the skills and gadgets to do the same things as A.D. He has went missing a lot of episodes but Ashley is the one who has truly been gone and has access to all things Radley hotel. Hmm...
Clue #3: Alison’s figurine has her look from the night of her disappearance
Clue #4: Ali’s stand is square unlike the other Liars’ dolls which are circle.
Now according to spoilers, Alison reveals another secret about the night she disappeared. One thing many of us have theorized is that she planned to fake her death, which I still believe. Alison may have wanted to fake her death because she knew she had many people after her. This may be the secret that she reveals. Along with that, A.D. may still see her as being the “dead girl” who will never be forgiven for her crimes and bullying.
So with these clues, I believe that the same member of A.D. that loves Hanna hates Alison. Because of their love for Hanna, they never forgave Alison for her bullying so, along with the other member, target Ali in revenge.
The finale will either involve Hanna getting kidnapped again or going to jail again. The member of A.D. that loves Hanna will want to kill Alison, but will be stopped by Hanna and will die trying to save her.
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prettylittleliarsxxxx · 8 years ago
I blame it all on him [Kenneth]. That guy is looking to get that kid outta the house any way he can. And you just, I know. Here’s one of the things. There’s a line. There’s a thread that runs through Charlotte which I think speaks to how hurt she was and that is, that’s the three appearances of the three switches. You see them, you see them out of context in the bunker when she uses it on the liars. You see the old version of it in Radley and realize this was used on her. And that’s why she recreated it. And then they show up in the comic book which means this was done to her as a very small child, probably some kind of conversion therapy.
Joseph Dougherty [x]
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