#Kendra Anderson
sugarhighxoxo · 6 months
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✧˚Pamela Anderson˚✧
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callmeonmyrazr · 2 years
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happy international women’s day to all of these fabulous icons that raised me!!! 🤩💞
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buddiedaydreamer911 · 6 months
in light of 911onABC posting this 911/Glee comparison:
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and including Jennifer Aspen! (Lorraine-911/ Kendra-Glee)
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Id like to use this post as my pitch on how I think Ryan Murphy should create a 911/Glee crossover.
Should every glee character cross over? no. they’re all grown up, some of the characters clearly have a double life in 911. But out of all the characters, I think the only two who should crossover (whose actors has not made a new appearance on 911 as of yet) should be Blaine and Kurt.
Klaine was a huge ship for a tv show in 2009-2015 when same sex relationships wasn’t socially accepted yet. But Ryan Murphy did it anyways which lead to (helped contribute) a whole new community form (LGBTQ+) in a new light.
Now years later, here we have Buck and Eddie. Buddie, who lots of fans passionately want to see them be together. Now in an age where same sex relationships ARE socially acceptable, yet we’re just not getting this ship yet.
I think it would be cool to have Blaine and Kurt, years later- still married with kids- come in and somehow influence Buck and Eddie to make the final push to be together. (either purposely or by total accident.)
and of course, a song sung by Kurt and Blaine. obviously.
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cokedupblonde · 14 days
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oh to be a playmate
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constant-mason24 · 5 months
The Android Sent By EarthGov - Chapter 2 - Among the Flesh
Connor enters the Ishimura and discovers the horrors awaiting him.
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Systems rebooting…
Model RK800
#313 248 317 activating…
Systems online…
Connection failed, please see technician…
Welcome, CONNOR
Reawakening to a smoldering wreck of a ship was not on Connor’s list of expectations for the day, but considering what he had witnessed of their landing before his shutdown, it wasn’t a complete surprise. What had even caused those errors to appear? Troubleshooting his own systems brought him no answers; whatever problems he had were gone now. That was one piece of good news. 
He sat up, glancing at the mess before him as movement caught his eye. Johnston had stayed behind.
“Where is everyone?” he asked, standing to approach the woman, who visibly jumped.
“Jesus, Connor, you scared me.” She sat up straight from where she had been leaning over, rubbing a hand across her chest as she glanced back at him. “They went to go speak to the Captain of the Ishimura. You should probably catch up.”
“You’re hurt.” It was more of an observation han a question. He tilted his head as he glanced down at Johnston’s leg, looking like a curious puppy. “Did something happen?”
“Banged it up in the crash. Probably just a sprain or something.” She shook her head, leaning back over to tenderly rub at her ankle. “I’m just gonna wait here til the others can assess the situation.”
“Well then,” the android turned his body to face more towards the door. “I better join them. Unless you need some kind of assistance?”
“I’m good, Con. You go on.” She waved her hand and he nodded, taking leave as he walked down the ramp of the Kellion and onto the Ishimura properly. Nothing looked to be too badly out of place, save for the nasty destruction their rough landing had caused. Glancing back at the mess, Connor calculated some very high costs of repair, planning on discussing this with the crew once he had found them. Whoever was running the check-ins aboard the ship would likely know where they had run off to. Once Hammond, and Likely Clarke as well, were informed, Connor would assist them with the repairs needed on both the Ishimura and the Kellion. 
‘Shame,’ he thought to himself. ‘We’ve created extra work for ourselves.’
As Connor approached the doors to the rest of the ship, he scanned once more for any life forms or digital presences, coming up with nothing yet again. Straightening his tie with a look of confusion, he wondered if this was because of some error in his own software. Perhaps he had taken a beating in the landing. There was something very odd scratching at the back of his mind. He tried to look into it, but it felt as though it were blocked off… strange.
Opening the doors to the security check-in, Connor scanned in to see his crewmates had indeed already passed through. There weren’t any employees around, human or android, but he figured they must have been busy elsewhere. Seeing the door to the flight lounge unlocked, he stepped forward to follow them into the ship, hoping they weren’t too far ahead. What he saw beyond the doors nearly caused him to trip.
Blood. Quite a bit of it splattered on a window, bullet holes wedged into the glass and the surrounding furniture. There had been conflict here? Had his team survived? He slowly padded up to the glass window, reaching out and swiping two fingers through the splotch of blood. He brought it to his mouth, darting his tongue out to analyze the scarlet liquid. Seeing the results, he looked at the blood on his hands and ignored the strange sensation coming from somewhere in his midsection. This was Chen’s blood. Was he dead?
Software Instability.
Wiping the blood onto his pants, too concerned with the current situation to care, Connor scanned the surrounding room to try and decipher where his team had gone. There were no bodies in the room, meaning they had to have gotten out alive, right?
His mind moved to Johnston, still waiting on the ship. He figured he should send a message to the Kellion and let her know what he’d discovered, but his attempts were fruitless. As frustrating as it was, it wasn’t surprising. Nothing seemed to be functioning properly once they crossed paths with this ship.
Clearing the thoughts from his head, he glanced at the destruction of the room, deducing what had happened and reconstructing the scene in his mind. He glanced up at a vent just above the blood stains. Someone had come down through the vents and attacked Chen. Clarke was just on the other side of the glass. He ran down the hallway, unable to exit through the door he had come in through. After Hammond and Daniels fired on Chen’s attacker, they too ran, though in the opposite direction. Checking the door Clarke had used, he found it unable to open still, so he turned and headed the only direction he could, hopefully towards Hammond.
The hallways were dark, and what few lights were working were flickering and fading. Pieces of the walls were torn down, littering the floor. Scrapes and scratches were covering every surface of the hall, and splatters of what seemed to be more blood flecked in patches along the wall. More bullet holes lined the metal around him, and Connor felt that odd sensation continue to stir within him. If his comms were functioning properly, he’d send out an immediate SOS. Unfortunately, that wasn’t an available option at this moment.
Reaching a door at the end of the hallway, He enters a room with a few long, thin tables stretching down the center. He stepped further in, letting the door shut behind him as he examined the area. There was someone slumped over in the corner, and it didn't take a proper scan to see that this person was dead. Connor was relieved to know it wasn’t one of his crew members.
Moving through the room, Connor pauses as a soft, strange scuttling sound echoes through the wall. He glances to his right, noting a ventilation shaft that has been torn open. The noises are emanating from the shaft, getting louder as whatever is coming gets closer. Not wanting to take any chances, Connor throws himself over the table as gently as he can, taking cover on the opposite side of it. As he ducks down and listens intently, he hears the sound moving closer. 
Whoever is making that noise is now inside the room. He can tell by the footsteps moving on the other side of the table. He lifts himself up a bit, peering over the top of the surface just enough to see who was there. The problem is, it wasn’t a who.
Connor wasn’t sure what the hell he was looking at.
It used to be human. The bodily composition is nearly the same. But it wasn’t anymore, that’s for damn sure. The body was warped and twisted beyond all recognition. Fleshy limbs as sharp as blades protruded from the creature's shoulders, soaked and dripping in blood. They were far too long to be the body’s arms, especially considering the second pair of limbs hanging loosely beneath the blades. The hands were nearly bare of flesh, bones and blood crossed along the sunken and gaunt stomach of the thing. It looked as if it were hugging itself in horror, a lame attempt at comforting itself as the flesh melted from its being. It has the face of a man Connor does not recognize, though he knows it was human all the same. The skin of the creature was both overgrown and stretched too thin, looking as though it wasn't meant to fit the monster.. It’s legs were unstable, stumbling weakly as it depended far too much on the sharp overgrown weapons hanging off of it. It was grotesque. 
Before Connor could properly react, the door on the other end of the room flew open, and a woman ran in. She gasped as the creature took notice of her. It ran, far too quickly for a creature as shambling as it was, and pounced on the woman. Her screams filled the room, begging to be saved as the blades of the beast ripped and tore through her own flesh. The squelching noise of her body being shredded in real time was haunting. The sight of her blood spilling, splashing onto the walls as she wailed and cried. The air gained a notably metallic quality to it. The woman's screams grew louder, more desperate, for only a moment before they went silent. Connor stumbled backwards, and the thing stood to full height, whipping around at the sound of movement behind it.
Connor was frozen. The only movement on his body was the feverish cycling on the led on his temple, a vibrant red that rivaled the blood spilled before his eyes. He watched as the creature stepped closer, scanning over the room. Could it not see him? He was right in front of it. It just tore that woman to shreds on sight.
Sure enough, it moved closer, coming to a stop right in front of him. Connor was certain his thirium pump was going to falter from the way it pounded away, working overtime within his chest. The beast stopped right in his face, sweeping its elongated head from one side of the room to the other in it’s own horrific area scan. It paused for just a moment, eye to eye with the android as the air pumps within him halted. The creature let out a horrific noise, a mix of drowning and strangulation inside its throat, and moved to pass behind him. Connor’s thirium pump felt fatal as he allowed himself to blink and think once more. He listened as the beast made a jump, skittering away in the ventilation shaft above him. 
As soon as he felt confident the coast was clear, he threw himself back onto his feet and hurried to the door ahead, stepping over the scattered mess of the woman he had just watched die. He let the door shut behind him, trying to ignore the sound of her flayed muscle mass getting caught in the tracks of the door. Before him was a computer system, and shaking off whatever Software Instability he felt rising within him, he let the false skin over the plastic of his hand retreat, placing it over the console as he attempted to log in. He needed to contact his crew and figure out how to leave. Immediately.
As soon as he’s logged into the computer system, his comms begin to flicker on.
“Connor? Are you there?” 
“Daniels. Yes, I’m here.” The android tries to smother the quivering shake in his voice. “Something’s gone wrong aboard this ship. We need to evacuate immediately.”
“No!” Kendra Daniels almost yells. “We aren’t done here yet. Don’t forget we have a job to do.”
“I feel the state of affairs here leaves us with no choice but to leave, Daniels. We aren’t equipped to deal with whatever the hell is killing the crew here.”
“Stupid machine.” She grumbles under her breath. “Look, are you the one logged into the ships mechanics system?”
“Yes, I’ve just found the console for-”
“Good. We need to get the cargo bay up and running. There are a lot of locked doors between us and the hold. You should be able to open them from there.”
“I would be able to, yes.” The android sighed. “If I had the required codes to access the controls.”
Daniels groans, “Well then, you need to get the access codes. They had to have been kept somewhere.”
“It would seem the captain’s personal android had the codes. If I tracked down the android, I should be able to copy them from it, even if the android itself is damaged.”
“Do that then. Daniels out.” The woman hung up before Connor could get another word in. Alright then. He turned away from the console, looking at a door to his left. He had his orders.
It was time to track down this ‘Markus.’
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diver5ion · 2 years
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simkhira · 1 month
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Happy Harvestfest from the Richard-Anderson's 🍁
Everyone in the house knows to stay out of Kendra's way when she's in decorating-mode... and so they did:
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Your moon sign 🌟✨💫and your relationship with your mother, and how your mother was, or how they were inspired🧚🏽‍♂️💘🌹🥀
Aries 🌑 moon ♈️🐏💪🤗
So you are an Aries moon, you may have had a mum who is very business orientated, very brave and cardinal . She got through a lot of situations on her own for being headstrong, a leader, a pioneer in the area , a fighter and just a strong force at a young age you may have felt very responsible for your mother, physically or mentally, it’s not always the case, but I’ve seen this a lot with Aries moons where they have a grudge against their mother, or Aries placements in general. They are quite independent people that aren’t always family orientated unless it comes to their own family they create.  I’ve noticed in some cases. Also that Aries moons can become of pies and also quite aggressive and fuck you stay away from me, resting bitch, tape face, kind of energy,your mum might of had similar childhood, Aries is the first sign of zodiac so represents you the new things that come in spring, how things can be created. The first person to do something you may on an emotional level want somebody who was action orientated but also has a need for passion and be able to live life in the fast lane, but also be able to quickly change that too. You don’t hold grudges for too long, but like I said,try not come across too angry ,as it might push people away .
So you these ladies have a fierce role ,although some super girly and feminine nine,they definitely have a edge,also with these ladies ,here there is drug use and also alleged drug use SELENA , WHITNEY ,ANGELINA AND KENDRA ,FROM YOUNG AGE AND OF COURSE RRULES YOUTH .
If siblings the responsibility for them may be a lot this is because the parent may feel the other children in the family need more attention than this child. They can trust this child to get on with things. They can trust this child to be really grown up, but maybe you didn’t want to feel grown-up from such age maybe wanted to pay with your dolls for longer anyone with strong Aries placements may feel this strong sense of growing up from a young age, and it shouldn’t always be like that for children. They should be able to enjoy their childhood without feeling less, even if it’s just a feeling they got from the parent.
Taurus 🌙 moon ♉️🐂🍔💷
Having a tourist moon and your relationship with your mother, could be very revolved around money. Your mum may have worked very hard the home
worked hard for herself, she could’ve been really a workaholic. She could’ve been very stubborn. It was either her way or the highway,, she could’ve been very stable, you could of felt this was a way to feel secured, money from a early aged was etched onto you , your mum might be a hermit and rather unusual to social standards, on the darker end of the spectrum, there may be disputes and problems with environment and area because of Taurus walling that part of life they may have had really nice cooked delicious meals would be a big part of their childhood and growing up would be around the dinner table, expressions of luxury with a love language which grew into the adult hood because it takes a lot for a Taurus to change who they are if they ever do she could’ve been very self-indulgent leaving you to fend for yourself, you prioritise stability and commitment . you may be very fertile and your body. You’d be very regular with your periods and your body feminine movements. With anything, there’s a dark end and light end of the astrology spectrum, so on the dark end of a Taurus moon with their mother, there may be issues with getting into a conversation that doesn’t revolve around shallow issues such as money, houses finances, but on the other end, it can lead to you inheriting property , being set up with money for when you’re older . which we don’t always talk about in culture, but is very important to your life
I’ve noticed with Taurus means that they can take on the whole world and feel like nothing else is somebody’s problems problems and but sometimes it doesn’t really show who you are on a deeper level let people come in to that side of you they’re all gonna be the same ,.
Celebrity examples of Taurus moon,
Halle Berry , Christina Aguilera, Cameron Diaz, Zendaya, Demi Lovato, Meryl Streep, Lindsay Lohan, karrine Steffens, Method Man,  Nicole Scherzinger, Keira Knightley.
Taurus I don’t know enough  is aware the moon is at home. This is because of the feeling of security comforts and why the man feels relaxed unable to also get things done for the moon and that’s good. It’s good for fertility about . It’s an eye sign so it’s giving that purity of fertility makes things fresh, clean fertilised and a good tendency to grow on a spiritual and metaphorical metaphorical level out of all the Earth signs. It is the most fertile and the most earthy. It starts the season of spring able to share a good side emotionally without being too emotional if there’s such a thing.
There could all so be issues with food ,and /or body issues images looks,weight and social standards , this could be bulimia , anorexia and binge eating it and obesity.remember to love ❤️ who you are .
Being a Gemini moon, I feel like you grew up with a mother who was very like dynamic you grew up in a very social household, with jokes and banter constantly and that’s how you communicated, you probably grew up in a household with lots of studies where you had to work hard at studies, or have a plan to get educated You are probably known in the area well as well and neighbours came in and out of the house parties and meeting new people were part of the agenda on your childhood with your mothers, especially your mother probably used her social side to to be a good mother and show you love by talking to you and putting as much into you and educating you about the world with words, which I myself am quite jealous of. There’s nothing you can never know too much knowledge and that was probably in the motto in your house. You never know too much on camera, herself. Gemini moon, you probably feel emotionally communication is key to your relationship and if there’s a lack of communication, this feels dead to you and you don’t know how to deal with it that’s not always the case, sometimes you need quiet time, sometimes quite good. You don’t need to always feel something it has to be going on in the way of social, some people don’t work like that some people are social animals and you need to be aware of that., This doesn’t mean these people don’t love you it just means that they have probably a different kind of love language.
Your mother probably grind it into that. This was the right way to be though and things were very fickle and there was lots of laughter and lots of fun. Also, which was good for your heart so it can’t be a bad thing side of this, they could have been a lack of communication, especially in certain degrees of the sign. You could’ve felt emotionally and cut off from the communication styles, your mother could’ve been too busy with work and socialising to pay much attention to you so in astrology you wanna look of each end of the spectrum and if you’ve got the dark side end of it then that’s what’s gonna play up and if you feel more of the lights sided end of it, that’s what may show up in your chart and depending on what house it’s in it will amplify that so let’s say you have a Gemini moon in the fourth house, they may be a strange relationship with the mother, and it may emphasise on the mother a bit too much whether it be good bad or abnormal or whatever . Gemini moon is Roseanne bar, ? And based around her family and her neighbourhood, there’s a Gemini man showing up and it was a good creative outlet for the writing. It’s a mercury road sign along with Virgo .
 celebrities with their moon and Gemini
Roseanne Barr, Bridget Bardot, Jennifer, Lawrence, Khloé, Kardashian, Alyssa Milano, Gwyneth Paltrow, Tina Turner, Heidi Klum, Rachel McAdams Kylie Minogue, Mila,jocavich , Jessica beil, and Aubrey plaza to name a few from what I’ve observed of Gemini means I feel like they are quite secure to themselves socially. They do feel like everything is a joke maybe sometime and don’t take life too seriously but that comes with the Sagittarius mutable Gemini spectrum system, sign energy they’re all quite jokesters think of Heidi Clement her parties for Halloween and how she puts everything into them and how that’s the social thing that everybody comes to like I said, Tina Turner , who is like a very sociable, singer and the stories about often like always not told to be true and told that she was good, give as good as she gets, Aubrey Plaza and her awkward funny sarky humour that peoples find awkward and funny at the same time with Jennifer Lawrence he’s an energy. I don’t jail with too well but maybe that’s cause I’m a Scorpio I mean there’s something with Geminis that can come across is a bit fake and a bit sometimes a bit mean sometimes a bit cold and sometimes a bit over the top like they’re the ones in control I like Khloé Kardashian .
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othergaywarbler · 11 months
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fundieshaderoom · 2 months
Major Fundie (and Adjacent) Birthdays in August (Part 1/2)
August 1-
Kory and Kerry Nakatsu celebrate 15 years of marriage.
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August 2-
Uwe and Hannelore Romeike celebrate 28 years of marriage.
Jennifer Duggar turns 17.
Callie Bates turns 15.
Cambree Smith turns 2.
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August 4-
Josie Bates Balka turns 25.
Suzanna Baird turns 22.
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August 6-
Brooklyn Paine turns 8.
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August 7-
Rebekah Baird and Daniel Gill celebrate 2 years of marriage.
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August 11-
Bobye Holt turns 55.
Kendra Caldwell Duggar turns 26.
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August 13-
Steven and Zuzu Anderson celebrate 24 years of marriage.
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August 14-
Michael and Deven Clark celebrate 3 years of marriage.
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August 15-
Mark and Grace Driscoll celebrate 32 years of marriage.
Natasha Bure turns 26.
Michaela Bates and Brandon Keilen celebrate 9 years of marriage.
Lily Bates turns 1.
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fatalitysficbakery · 1 year
𓆰♡︎𓆪 Fatility’s Fic Bakery Masterlist; Multifandomed & OC Menu Updated Pt. Two 7•6•24 𓆰♥︎𓆪
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↳ A Multifandom blog, that caters to less represented. Mainly black women but other poc and minorities as well. 
↳ CHECK THE RULE LIST. Highly important to check my rule post before requesting ANYTHING.
↳ ❦ Fatalitysficbakery navigation menu ❦.
↳ ❦ Fatalitysficbakery rules + drabble menu ❦.
↳ ❦ Fatalitysficbakery requests guidelines menu ❦.
𓆰♥︎︎𓆪 Welcome To The Bakery 𓆰♥︎𓆪
series (☀︎︎) oneshots (☦︎︎) smut (✞)
fluff (☻︎) angst (☹︎)
two parters (♫) is
reactions (❥) headcanons (☠︎︎)
drabbles (☾)
𓆰♡︎𓆪 9-1-1 𓆰♡︎𓆪
↳ Athena Grant.
coming soon!!
↳ Henrietta Wilson.
coming soon!!
↳ May Grant.
coming soon!!
↳ Maddie Buckley.
coming soon!!
↳ Karen Wilson.
coming soon!!
↳ Bobby Nash.
coming soon!!
↳ Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz.
coming soon!!
↳ Howie “Chimney” Han.
coming soon!!
↳ Evan Buckley.
coming soon!!
↳ Ravi Panikkar.
coming soon!!
↳ Albert Han.
coming soon!!
𓆰♥︎︎𓆪 9-1-1: Lonestar 𓆰♥︎𓆪
↳ Tyler “T.K” Kennedy Strand.
coming soon!!
↳ Carlos Reyes.
coming soon!!
↳ Judson “Judd” Ryder.
coming soon!!
↳ Paul Strickland.
coming soon!!
↳ Mateo Chavez.
coming soon!!
↳ Wyatt Harris.
coming soon!!
↳ Owen Strand.
coming soon!!
↳ Gabriel Reyes.
coming soon!!
↳ Tommy Vega.
coming soon!!
↳ Grace Ryder.
coming soon!!
↳ Marjan Marwani.
coming soon!!
↳ Nancy Gillian.
coming soon!!
↳ Kendra Harrington.
coming soon!!
𓆰♡︎𓆪 Miscellaneous (Artist ++) 𓆰♡︎𓆪
↳ Beyoncé Knowles-Carter.
Tongue, Teeth, &’ Fire. (☦︎︎ - ✞ - light ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
warnings: possessive (angry???) public makeup oral/fingering (reader receiving), slight dirty talk, adultery, calm dom!bey, shy sub!y/n.
synopsis: she missed you. more than anything, she missed you.
↳ Megan “Thee Stallion/Tina Snow” Pete.
coming soon!!
↳ Solange Knowles.
coming soon!!
↳ Kelly Rowland.
coming soon!!
𓆰♡︎𓆪 The Last Of Us 𓆰♡︎𓆪
↳ Ellie Williams.
coming soon!!
↳ Riley Abel.
coming soon!!
↳ Dina.
coming soon!!
↳ Abby Anderson.
coming soon!!
↳ ((Ships)) 𓆰♡︎𓆪
↳ Riley x Ellie
coming soon!!
↳ Dina x Ellie
coming soon!!
𓆰♡︎𓆪 Scream 𓆰♡︎𓆪
↳ Samantha Carpenter
Never Trust The Love Interest. (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎ - ✞) x Black Fem!Y/n
warnings: listen to 'What a wonderful world' by Louis Armstrong while reading, ghostface!sam, sub!sam, soft dom!y/n, praise, oral (reader giving), slight!fingering, soft ‘reuinited’ smut, sub worship.
synopsis: legacies make franchises.
↳ Tara Carpenter
coming soon!!
↳ Billy Loomis
coming soon!!
↳ Stu Macher
coming soon!!
𓆰♡︎𓆪 Gen V 𓆰♡︎𓆪
↳ Jordan Li.
Bad For Me (☦︎︎ - ✞ - ☹︎??? - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
warnings: enemies to lovers, car sex, slight humor, possessive dom!jordan, got your tea bitch sub!y/n.
synopsis: jordan hates your guts or wants to rearrange them. they haven’t decided yet. (yes they have).
↳ Marie Moreau
coming soon!!
𓆰♡︎𓆪 The Originals 𓆰♡︎𓆪
↳ Elijah Mikaelson
I choose me. (♫ - ✞ - ☹︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
warnings: breeding kink, soft dom!elijah, hybrid!y/n, desperation, need, man falls first, woman falls harder, soft smut, gentle dirty talk. grab tissues for your eyes and tomatoes for niklaus, it’s time for elijah’s ending.
synopsis: but what about elijah’s happiness?
↳ Freya Mikaelson.
Found Peace. (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎ - ✞) x Black Fem!Y/n
coming soon!!
↳ Hayley Marshall
coming soon!!
↳ Rebekah Mikaelson.
A Family Of Her Own. (☦︎︎ - ☹︎ - ☻︎) x Black Fem!Y/n
coming soon!!
↳ Niklaus Mikaelson.
coming soon!!
↳ Marcel Gerard.
coming soon!!
𓆰♡︎𓆪 Wednesday 𓆰♡︎𓆪
↳ Wednesday Addams.
coming soon!!
↳ Morticia Addams.
coming soon!!
↳ Enid Sinclair.
coming soon!!
↳ Larissa Weems.
coming soon!!
𓆰♡︎𓆪 Challengers 𓆰♡︎𓆪
↳ Tashi Duncan.
coming soon!!
↳ Art Donaldson.
coming soon!!
↳ Patrick Zweig.
coming soon!!
𓆰♡︎𓆪 Ships 𓆰♡︎𓆪
↳ Art Donaldson x Tashi Duncan x Black Fem!Y/n
coming soon!!
↳ Art Donaldson x Tashi Duncan x Patrick Zweig x Black Fem!Y/n
coming soon!!
↳ Art Donaldson x Patrick Zweig x Black Fem!Y/n
coming soon!!
This List will be updated regularly as I go on. Enjoy the baked goods in Heaven’s Fic Bakery! 🥖🥐🥯🍞🥨🥮🧁🍧🍨🍯
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glee oc shenanigans
( @ginevrastilinski wanted to know what was up so now I'm making it everyone's problem! )
branch 1 – definite ocs, just lacking development
1. Jeannette St James; Judith St James' cooler sister ( Josh / Johanna / Jenny's aunt ) and the dean of theatrical performance at NYADA
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2. unnamed; basketball coach at McKinley. He was Josh's coach back in the day, the closest thing Josh had to a decent father (basically like Mr Schue to Finn in s1 but less creepy) and still coaches basketball, Jeremy likes to call him Coach Grandpa
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3. Artie's twin sister*
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4. Marley's older sister*
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5. Isabelle Wright's younger sister (? related for sure, not 100% committed to how)
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6. Kendra Del Monico's eldest daughter
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7/8. Characters in Jeremy's senior year, twins who transferred to McKinley
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branch 2 – very very loose concepts
1/2. twins idk? (But also boy could be a contender for Xander but idk if I want to recast him?)
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3. Either Lilibeth Anderson or Rachel Berry’s younger sister, s4 or 6 freshman
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*these are oc ideas that have been lurking for a while but never got fleshed out, the others are all ones that came to mind today as I binged HSMTMS s4 with @the-witching-ash
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“Desperate Measures” – When Commander Chase is abducted from her home by an Army Ranger accused of murder, the NCIS team must act quickly to find her and the suspect, on the CBS Original series NCIS: HAWAI’I, Monday, Dec. 5 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+.
Vanessa Lachey
(Special Agent in Charge Jane Tennant)
Alex Tarrant
(Kai Holman)
Noah Mills
(Jesse Boone)
Yasmine Al-Bustami
(Lucy Tara)
Jason Antoon
(Ernie Malik)
Tori Anderson
(Kate Whistler)
Kian Talan
(Alex Tennant)
Moses Goods
Seana Kofoed
Ian Verdun
Erica Luttrell
Michael Marc Friedman
Emerson Brooks
Marianette Kauahikaua
Mike Tarnofsky
(Commander Chase)
(DEA Agent Kendra Vreeland)
(DEA Agent Ned Ross)
(DEA Agent Jerry Covington)
(Yoga Instructor)
(Russ Novak)
DIRECTED BY: Kevin Berlandi
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elxctrics · 16 hours
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(—) ★ spotted!! GENEVIEVE EVANS on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 30 year old looks like SIMONE ASHLEY, but i don’t really see it. while the FORMER PLAYBOY BUNNY / FORMER VICTORIA'S SECRET ANGEL / CALL HER DADDY PODCAST HOST / FOUNDER OF THE LUXURY EMPIRE HOTELS CHAIN is known for being SAVY my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be BLUNT. i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song BITCH BETTER HAVE MY MONEY by RIHANNA {SHE/HER, CISFEMALE }
  ˗ˏˋ * ‣ 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬    :  
connections || musings || instagram || headcanons
name: genevieve evans
age: thirty
nicknames: genny, ginny, vivi
date of birth: october 3rd, 1994
astrological sign: libra
place of birth: georgia
occupation: former playboy bunny / vs angel model / host of call her daddy podcast / founder of the luxury empire hotels chain
career claim: kendra wilkinson/anna nicole smith, behati prinsloo, alex cooper
label: the wild card
positive traits: blunt, spontaneous, head-strong, determined
negative traits: crass, impulsive, wild, stubborn
characters/celebrities she’s like: kendra wilkinson, behati prinsloo, nicole richie, lala kent, anna nicole smith, pamela anderson, alex cooper
with her wild eyes and thrill seeking personality, genevieve evans was never a girl that was meant to be tamed.
being adopted at birth by the evans family, genevieve gave everyone in their sweet little southern town a run for their money.
she was a spitfire - was always the one playing pranks, causing trouble, throwing parties and breaking hearts. she had never been one of the 'pretty' girls with bows in her hair and fluffy dresses and always had been one that preferred hanging out with the boys, they weren't as scared to be themselves and it was as a little girl that she noticed how society so differently treated men and women.
she was wickedly smart and calculating, but school and structure and rules were never her thing. she was always someone who liked to march to the beat of her own drum.
she lasted two months in the local community college before hauling ass over to los angeles, trying to make something of herself. she had tried her hand at acting, but after some extra work and weird cameos in insurance commercials, she decided to walk her eighteen year old self right into the mecca of objectification - the playboy mansion.
she managed to get into one of hugh's party, without an invite, and even managed to charm the infamous man enough to offer her a chance to show what she had. she played the whole dumb bimbo role well. sex sold, after all, and after her first centerfold, her and a few of the other girls began becoming household names.
when genny was in her early 20's, victoria's secret came knocking and she bunny hopped her way straight out of the playboy mansion.
for seven years, genny was 'the bad girl' of the vs angels and lived the jetsetting life of a model. she ended up walking the catwalk of every designer in the industry and making a name for herself outside of the playboy franchise.
but the biggest change that her new found fame bought her was becoming best friends with alexandra sinclair. the two were attached at the hip, known for causing trouble and were practically a hurricane spiraling through town.
more often than not, they had friends and those around them saying that the two of them needed a talk show to talk about all of the chaos they managed to get into together, and they took that idea and ran with it.
both big fans of female empowerment and women wearing the pants, they named their podcast 'call her daddy' as a way to take the power back from men that the two felt that they've held way too long in this world.
what started off as a podcast for them to document their lives, shit talk the men they got themselves involved with (using not so secret nicknames, of course) and giving relationship advice to their listeners who called in has turned into a phenomenon, where celebrities are lining up to be that week's guest to give the listeners and their fans a more intimate and real view on them, a vast difference to the personas they portray out in the world and the masks they wear.
the two made an insane amount of money off of the podcast and genevieve decided to think like a man and turn that money into more money to build her empire, which inspired her to open her own luxury hotel chain - 'the empire.'
with it's first location having had opened this spring in new york, the empire is now set to open in los angeles, london, paris, milan, miami, boston, and more major cities across the world.
she's determined to prove to the world that she's not just another pretty face and that she could be just as successful and savvy as any man and hopes to empower women all over the world with that.
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thaoworra · 4 months
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The 2024 Elgin Award nominees are in, with 11 chapbooks and 32 full-length collections of speculative poems nominated by the 400+ members of the international Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association (est. 1978). These are eligible works that were published in 2022 and 2023.
Speculative poetry is typically considered verse with some element of speculation in the narrow sense—usually science fiction, fantasy, or horror, though some include straight science. SFPA’s founder, Suzette Haden Elgin, shared her thoughts on sf poetry in the aptly titled “About Science Fiction Poetry.”
A big thanks goes to this year’s chair, Felicia Martinez, for coordinating all of these candidates, who emerged from 23 presses across the globe. This will be the eleventh year these awards have been conferred, and the final winners will be announced in the fall.
Beautiful Malady • Ennis Rook Bashe • (Interstellar Flight Press, 2023)
A Belief in Cosmic Dailiness • Angela Acosta • (Red Ogre Review, 2023)
The Book of Sleep • Herb Kauderer (Written Image, 2023)
Chapel of Celluloid/Capela de Celulóide • Wade German • (Raphus Press, 2023)
Maurs Maundering • Denise Dumars • (Space Cowboy Books, 2023)
The Owl Kingdom • Rebecca Marjesdatter (Crumb Fairy Press, 2023)
Shelf Life • F.J. Bergmann • (Space Cowboy Books, 2023)
The Telepathy Machine • Jean-Paul L. Garnier (Space Cowboy Books, 2023)
Unicorn Death Moon • Zachary Cahill • (Red Ogre Review, 2023)
Vampire Ventures • LindaAnn LoSchiavo • (Alien Buddha Press, 2023)
Worm Sonnets • Amelia Gorman • (Quarter Press, 2023)
39 Triolets • Anna Cates • (Cyberwit Press, 2023)
Black Observatory: Poems • Christopher Brean Murray (Milkweed Editions, 2023)
The Black Ship • David Clink (Aeolus House Press, 2023)
Bleeding Rainbows and Other Broken Spectrums • Maxwell I. Gold • (Hex Publishers, 2023)
Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head • Warsan Shire • (Penguin Random House, 2022)
The Border Simulator: Poems • Gabriel Dozal (Author), Natasha Tiniacos (Translator) • (One World, 2023)
Bounded By Eternity • Deborah L. Davitt (self-published, 2022)
Bramah’s Quest • Renée Sarojini Saklikar (Harbour Publishing, 2023)
Cast From Darkness • Marge Simon and Mary Turzillo • (Mind’s Eye Publications, 2023)
Doubt & Circuitry • T.D. Walker (Southern Arizona Press, 2023)
Dreamscapes and Dark Corners • Melissa Ridley Elmes • (Alien Buddha Press, 2023)
From Voyages Unreturning • Deborah L. Davitt • (Aqueduct Press, 2023)
The Full Moon Whaling Chronicles • Jason Guriel • (Biblioasis, 2023)
Grab • Kendra Preston Leonard • (Red Ogre Review, 2023)
How to Navigate Our Universe • Mary Soon Lee • (Self Published, 2023)
Hydra Medusa • Brandon Shimoda • (Nightboat Books, 2023)
I Dreamed a World • Colleen Anderson (LVP Publications, 2022)
Let the Dead In • Saida Agostini (Alan Squire Publishing, 2022)
The Lore of Inscrutable Dreams • Colleen Anderson (Yuriko Publishing, 2023)
Moonlight and Monsters • Lauren Scharhag • (Gnashing Teeth Publishing, 2023)
Neon Lights and Plane Tickets • Eli Alemán • (Self-Published, 2023)
Night Life: A Folk Horror Poetry Collection • Alba Sarria • (Monstrous Love Lounge Press, 2023)
Numinous Stones • Holly Lyn Walrath • (Aqueduct Press, 2023)
On the Subject of Blackberries • Stephanie Wytovich (Raw Dog Screaming Press, 2023)
The Quiet Ways I Destroy You • Jessica McHugh • (Apokrupha Press, 2023)
Rivers in Your Skin, Sirens in Your Hair • Marisca Pichette • (Android Press, 2023)
The Second Stop is Jupiter • upfromsomedirt • (Wayne State University Press, 2023)
Selected Poems 1965-2020 • Michael Butterworth • (Space Cowboy Books, 2023)
Sifting the Ashes • Michael Bailey and Marge Simon • (Crystal Lake, 2022)
Soft Apocalypse • Leah Nieboer • (University of Georgia Press, 2023)
The Spellbook of Fruit and Flowers • Christine Butterworth-McDermott (Fomite Press, 2023)
Star Tent: A Triptych • Amie Whittemore (Tolsun Books, 2023)
Tombstones: Selected Horror Poems • G.O. Clark • (Weird House Press, 2022)
Aeolus House Press: 1
Alien Buddha Press: 2
Android Press: 1
Apokrupha Press: 1
Aqueduct Press: 2
Biblioasis: 1
Crumb Fairy Press: 1
Crystal Lake: 1
Cyberwit Press: 1
Fomite Press: 1
Gnashing Teeth Publishing: 1
Harbour Publishing: 1
Hex Publishers: 1
Interstellar Flight Press: 1
Alan Squire Publishing: 1
LVP Publications: 1
Milkweed Editions: 1
Mind’s Eye Publications: 1
Monstrous Love Lounge Press: 1
Nightboat Books: 1
One World: 1
Penguin Random House: 1
Quarter Press: 1
Raphus Press: 1
Raw Dog Screaming Press: 1
Self-Published: 3
Southern Arizona Press: 1
Space Cowboy Books: 4
Red Ogre Review: 3
Tolsun Books: 1
University of Georgia Press: 1
Wayne State University Press: 1
Weird House Press: 1
Written Image: 1
Yuriko Publishing: 1
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movienized-com · 5 months
A Zest for Death: A Hannah Swensen Mystery
A Zest for Death: A Hannah Swensen Mystery (2023) #ShannonKohli #AlisonSweeney #CameronMathison #BarbaraNiven #TessAtkins #MikeDopud Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 Genre: Mystery Regie: Shannon Kohli Hauptrollen: Alison Sweeney, Cameron Mathison, Barbara Niven, Tess Atkins, Mike Dopud, Lisa Durupt, Daylin Willis, Juliana Wimbles, Oliver Rice, Briana Buckmaster, James Pizzinato, Kendra Anderson … Filmbeschreibung: Niemand ist schockierter als Hannah Swensen (Sweeney), als ihre Mutter Delores (Niven) die Leiche des Hausbesitzers findet, einem…
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