#a good blowout
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cokedupblonde · 5 months ago
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currently so obsessed with amy childs circa 2012
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sapphosclosefriend · 5 months ago
I can't keep this to myself anymore this specific picture is so aaaahhh ugh-Idk-I-dear looooooord I can't even describe what I'm feeling like GIRL WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME LATELY
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despazito · 1 year ago
when will we be freed from studios using historically inaccurate hairstyles and armor in favour of something that would look more cool and appealing by today's aesthetic standards
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itspileofgoodthings · 16 days ago
I’m going to the school play next Friday and I’m going to wear this red dress I love that hasn’t gotten an outing in my closet yet this year and a trench coat and my sparkly heels and I love that for me.
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odessastone · 1 year ago
Earlier I had a game with an Ashe and Cassidy duo who were engaged in what I can only describe as a Lovers’ Quarrel.. They spent the first half of the game fighting with each other, spamming “NO” at the other and jumping to their deaths. Honestly I was mad but it was also funny as hell. At one point the Cass went up to her and said “I’m your huckleberry.” To which she replied NO. and he promptly turned and jumped off the map
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nyrarachelle-plays · 26 days ago
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On Duty.
Roger's mom helps him clean up a bit, before she ushers him into bed, early, with his wife. They need to use this time, wisely, to take care of themselves! Now, it's been a lil while for these two first-time grandparents, but their grandson is nothing they can't handle! Mr. Welsh has been in the trenches before, and Justine is known to take care of business...this is nothing new!
Previously. (We Love to See It!) | Next. (Soothing...)
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astralleywright · 2 years ago
oh, when Orym looked right at Imogen, days after his talk with Fearne abt what to do if she switches sides, and tells her, "I'm not worried about you." and Imogen didn't insight check him, or push into his mind; she just believed him. and I believed him as well, even though it could have easily been a lie, and then Liam confirmed that Orym really did trust her when he said that. he really did believe that Imogen would stand by the Hells, and she did. she looked her mother in the eye and she didn't waver. and it's not specifically because Orym trusted her, but his trust really does mean something to Imogen. she sought him out that night for a reason.
and now the solstice is still happening but things are so different, and Imogen is one of the most vocally opposed members of the Hells to Ludinus, and the Ruby Vanguard, and Predathos. they're bad. they need to be stopped. she'll kill her mother, kill herself, if that's what needs to be done. her questions and her doubts are gone- or at least, hidden away.
and if they are not, if she's suspicious in any way, Orym has personal orders from the wise and benevolent Tempest (and she is wise and benevolent, is the thing!!) to remove her from the situation however he sees fit. to "do the thing," in the parlance used in Orym's conversation with Fearne, a phrasing acknowledged as vague even at the time. Orym, who loves Imogen, and who shows her kindness and empathy, and who stared the fathoms of nuance and pain defining the actors in this conflict in the face and rejected it in favor of revenge just last week. Orym, who told Fearne she would have to "do the thing" because he couldn't - I always assumed it was because he knew he couldn't match up to Imogen on his own, but it could just as easily be that he couldn't bear to do to her what he thinks would need to be done. Imogen still doesn't know they had that talk. the leash has been held so loose that she didn't even know it was there.
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owlbelly · 8 months ago
today was truly too fucking much but RIGHT at the moment i was sitting on the porch actually sobbing, @siphonophive rolls up with surprise iced chai for everyone 😭
friendship...is really magic...
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rivrsin · 3 days ago
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nukenai · 16 days ago
"If you start brushing your dog from a young age they'll be used to it and totally behave as an adult"
wrong. have you met a corgi
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cokedupblonde · 7 months ago
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donna d’errico
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verygroovylou · 1 year ago
Forever and always thinking about wellness center nandor
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despazito · 23 days ago
I was wondering if you’d be open to talking a little bit about your experience with Basil’s grooming needs in particular? How often does he get brushed at home vs groomed professionally or bathed? I’m not in the active market for a new dog by any means but recently lost a heeler mix and one of the breed recommendations that came up on the AKC breed match quiz was a Eurasier so I was just kinda thinking about some of the logistics of their care!
imo as far as fluffy double coated dogs go their coat looks more daunting to maintain than it really is, it's not excessively woolly and repels dirt very well that unless it's a twig or burr the debris just sloughs off once dry.
brushing at least 2 or 3 times a week will prevent matting, basil's most prone spot for tangles is behind his ears but it can vary between dogs. another vulnerable spot is friction on the collar area, a way to mitigate that is to just not have the collar permanently on, we only wear it for outings. here's some eurasier grooming resources, minimally you can get the job done line-brushing with just a greyhound comb and pin brush, slicker brush is a nice bonus to have and anything bladed should only be used to remove mats!! a blade will slice the protective guard hairs and damage the coat both in function and prettiness. eurasiers don't require haircuts beyond a foot trim, but most groomers will throw in a sanitary area trim which can be convenient if your dog isn't being shown.
they really don't need frequent bathing which is nice because some eurasiers don't like getting bathed and can get vocal about it lol (not shiba levels bad, but many doth protest). you can bathe them seasonally or take them in for a full spa day when they blow their coats however my breeder really didn't emphasize routine bathing, but an 8 week full groom schedule shouldn't harm the coat when correct products are being used. If you have low tolerance for fur all over your house, clothes, loved ones, and occasional food then frequent grooming is better! I'll be honest i groom/bathe basil at home and haven't taken him to a professional in well over a year now.. part of the reason i can get away with this is because he's still intact, blowing the coat is a hormonal process and many desexed dogs will not release the undercoat as easily, so i definitely recommend finding a pro groomer for a spayed/neutered eurasier.
age, hormones, health, and genetics all play a role in the coat and even within the breed there can be differences in fluff factor.
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here's two different intact dogs from the same kennel receiving BOB titles, Albionspitz Rigel (left) is a male ~4yo here and Albionspitz Beloved (right) is a female also pictured around 4-5yo (according to my math)
imo the eurasier is on average a tad more moderately furred and less of a hassle than typical examples its three parent breeds (chow, samoyed, keeshond), here you can see the difference in coat type of the eurasier next to keeshonden and sammy.
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that being said lower maintenance =/= no maintenance and falling behind on brushing can quickly snowball into a headache! I've only ever had fluffy spitzy dogs so i can't really tell you how it compares to living with a single coat or shorthair, fuzz everywhere is the only dog experience i've known lol
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doubletrucks · 1 year ago
the main thing i remember about being in high school in 2016 is that i was scully from the x files for halloween that year but it was like a week before the election so everyone thought i was hilary clinton which was SO deeply embarrassing to get mistaken for. also damn daniel
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dykeofmisfortune · 2 months ago
i feel dirty and perverted and evil for being attracted to and desiring women.... does this ever end....
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welcometogrouchland · 1 year ago
Beautiful women named hearing damage are reverberating in my skull rn <3
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