#Kelly Severide x you
spncrscasey · 2 months
Casual (k.s.)
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Fandom/Characters: Chicago Fire - Kelly Severide x Fem!Reader, Matt Casey
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: Agreeing to a friends with benefits deal with Kelly Severide to blow of some steam after shifts seemed like a great idea in the beginning. What happens when one of you starts to catch feelings?
Warnings: 18+ (no actual smut written but don't read if implication of it makes you uncofmy) - slight ooc kelly? hurt/comfort, mention of child death, fires, angst, pet names, fluff, implied smut, cursing, mention of sex, drinking, arguments, kissing, happy ending
a/n: i’ve been a matt girl since the moment i started watching chicago fire but recently i’ve been obsessed with kelly so this fic is a result of said obsession! also this was a bit rushed so ignore that lol but it was kinda inspired by the song casual by chappell roan so if you want, give it a listen while reading :) oh by the way the gif??? it’s gonna be the end of me- my god. anyways, enjoy <3
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You were at Molly’s, nursing your third glass of wine for the night, hoping to forget about the terrible shift you just had.
It wasn’t supposed to be this way. It was supposed to be a quick in and out, but the universe had different plans. Thinking back, you start wondering what had gone wrong.
Truck and Ambo were called to a small fire at a local café. At first, it seemed like a minor incident, just burnt toast that had accidentally caught fire. What you hadn't realized, though, was that one of the stoves had been left on accidentally, causing gas to slowly leak out.
Upon arrival, your Lieutenant, Matt Casey, instructed Otis and you to escort everyone from the sitting area. Fortunately, there were only a few customers that day, making your job easier.
As you began ushering everyone out, a mother approached you and expressed concern that her six-year-old daughter was still inside. You asked Otis to stay with her before assuring her that you would locate her daughter.
Once the building was evacuated and Herrmann was preparing to hose down the kitchen, you radioed in about the missing girl and announced that you were going back inside to find her. Casey advised you to hurry up before the situation escalated making you nod and rush in.
Heading back in, you immediately began searching for the little girl. You called out to her, but there was no response. After checking the bathroom, you noticed her unconscious form lying under the sink. Your heart sank. You quickly checked her pulse and realized how faint it was. You removed your mask and placed it on her, hoping it would help her breathe. Once the mask was on, you swiftly picked her up and hurried towards the exit.
Passing by the kitchen, you didn't notice how the stove was on. You should have. You don't know how you didn't. It was your job to notice these things but you were in such a rush that it slipped your eye. The realization only dawned on you when you heard Herrmann yelling for everyone to exit the area because of leaking gas and by then, the explosion had already occurred.
The impact sent you stumbling backward, causing you to tumble to the ground with the girl in your arms. Casey’s voice crackled through the radio, but the ringing in your ears muffled the words. You couldn't seem to stop coughing and your head was throbbing making your vision start to blur. You felt yourself succumbing to the darkness, but you fought to regain your composure and struggled to stand up.
Once the initial shock had worn off, you quickly got up and made it to the exit, disregarding your injuries, only concerned about passing the girl off to Gabby and Shay. They tried their best, you know they did, but the girl was dead before you even got to them. The explosion had killed her. The explosion you should have seen coming.
That six-year-old girl passed away, and it was all your fault.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the sound of your name. It was Kelly, the Lieutenant of Rescue Squad 3, and one of your closest friends, whom you were currently sleeping with.
A few months ago, after a particularly difficult shift, Severide and you had accidentally ended up spending the night together. Since then, you two agreed to keep it casual— no strings attached, friends with benefits, if you will. Both of you promised to break it off if one of you started to catch feelings and that seemed reasonable to you.
“Rough day?” He asked taking a seat on the barstool beside you.
“Six-year-old kid died in my arms, so I'd say so.” You say looking down at your glass, twirling the liquid around mindlessly.
“Wanna talk about?”
“Nope, but I do want to get out of here. Your place? It’s closer.” You glanced at him, and he caught on to what you meant in an instant; you needed to let out your frustrations.
He nodded as you downed the rest of your wine and you two headed back to his apartment without any further questions.
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You woke up the next day with an arm draped over your torso. You didn’t think much of it until you realized whose arm it was.
You had never stayed over. You guys had never spent the night together to keep the feelings at bay. This was uncharted territory. So to say this was going to be awkward would be an understatement.
You attempted to quietly pull his arm away without waking him, but as soon as you made contact, you noticed him starting to stir.
“Good morning baby,” he voiced, groggily.
“Morning Kell,” You replied, blushing at the unexpected name.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, referencing the reason you were at the bar in the first place.
“Better.” You replied as you turned to face him. “Thank you.”
He didn't say anything, instead simply pulling you in for a quick kiss, letting you know he was there for you.
After pulling away, you decided it was time to get up. Popping the little bubblle you were in and ending the moment you shared.
“I'm gonna get dressed and head out, I didn't mean to stay over- just got carried away. I know we don't do that so I'll leave, sorry.”
“Y/N wait up-” He says, catching your attention.
“Yeah?” You turn around to look at him.
“I don't mind that you stayed, I know you had a tough day yesterday so it's fine. Make yourself at home sweetheart.”
The nickname caught you off guard once more. It wasn't unusual for him to shower you with praise and call you these names during sex. But afterwards? He'd never spoken to you that way and the sudden change was putting your heart in a whirl.
You sighed trying to regain your composure. “Yep, thanks. I'll uhh… I’ll see you at shift.” You brushed him off, smiling.
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Since that day, the dynamic between you two has shifted noticeably. Others at the firehouse have started to take note of it as well. He's become more attentive. Making sure he has a meal saved for you when you're too busy to eat, accompanying you home from Molly's when you've had a few drinks, and checking in on you after difficult calls.
It wasn't just him, though. You’ve been overly caring with him too, more than a friend should be. When he discovered he had a half-sister, you stood by him. You supported him in reaching out to her. And when she was going through a rough patch after her kidnapping? You were the one on the phone talking her down when she made the decision to move to Colorado.
After all your help, his mother even invited you to her house as a token of gratitude. You never intended to become so involved with him and his family, it changed how you saw him.
You heard the rumors, you knew he was a player— a womanizer who didn't care about anything except his pleasure. But witnessing his interactions with his family alongside the kindness he's been treating you with recently? It was coming to be harder and harder to view him as selfish and uncaring.
The line between friends and lovers was becoming increasingly blurry. Yet you were still trying your hardest to avoid the development of feelings because you knew once you crossed that threshold, there was no going back.
You were walking towards the kitchen when you caught Casey and Severide engaging in conversation by the coffee pot.
You didn't mean to eavesdrop but hearing your name leave Matt’s lips made you stop dead in your tracks.
“What's going on between you and her?” He asked.
“Nothing. It’s all casual. She's nothing more than a friend, Case. We're not together.” Kelly replied, a little too firmly.
You knew nothing was going on between the two of you but hearing that coming from him? It hurt more than you'd like to admit.
You imagined sharing an apartment, perhaps a year or so from now and spending the coming years wrapped in each other's arms, building a family. You chuckled to yourself at the fact that you even thought that was a possibility at some point. Realizing now how naive it was to believe he would ever view you as anything more than a fuckbuddy. Oh, how you loved being stupid.
You spent the rest of the shift avoiding him. It wasn't fair to him; after all, he didn't know you had overheard. Your feelings were your problem, and it wasn't right to act as though he were responsible. Yet, facing him felt impossible without making a fool of yourself.
You found yourself at Molly’s again. Downing shot after shot. You knew you were way past your limit but the lack of Kelly Severide-related thoughts in your brain was encouraging you to continue.
It had gotten to the point where you noticed Herrmann giving you shots of water instead but you were too far gone to care.
You were about to request another real shot when you felt a presence next to you. You turned your head to the side and saw the one person you were trying to forget about.
Lieutenant Kelly Severide.
“You've been avoiding me.” He said, less of a question and more of a statement, keeping his eyes on you.
You hated how small he made you feel, like he could read you in just one glance. His intense gaze made you look away before trying to find Herrmann. “I have not. Now excuse me, I was about to order another drink.”
“You don't need another one.” He said, grabbing your shoulders and turning you back around to face him.
“What are you? My boyfriend? We’re just friends Severide, you don't get to make that decision for me.” You wouldn't have usually been that snarky but the alcohol in your system was giving you courage you didn't know you had.
He was taken aback by your response, you were never like this with him. It was worrying him.
He tried to help you stand up, “Y/N c’mon let's get you home.”
You reluctantly agreed. You knew you were going to regret this in the morning but at the moment, you didn't care. He started walking you towards the exit when you pulled yourself away from him and spoke up, “I don't need a babysitter. I can walk by myself.”
“If you actually think I'm letting you walk home, drunk and alone at this time of night, then you're crazy.” He replied casually while walking beside you.
You stopped abruptly and sighed, looking down. “Why do you do that?”
“Do what?” He questioned, placing his finger under your chin bringing your face up to meet his.
“Why do you act like you care?” You clarified, holding his stare, pretending his touch wasn't erupting fireworks in your stomach.
“I do care! I care more about you than you realize Y/N.” He said a bit too loudly, raising his hands in exaggeration.
“You're not supposed to!” You shouted back.
“Why not? Is it such a crime to care about my friend?” He replied, exasperated and upset.
There it was. The dreaded ‘friend.’ You knew it was coming. So why did it still shock you?
“I- I can't do this Kelly- I'll just call a cab to take me home, you don't need to walk me. Forget anything happened.” You said turning around, ignoring his objections, calling your name.
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You spent your days off moping around. Kelly had called you multiple times and left countless messages, but you couldn't bring yourself to respond. You knew you were being childish, but it didn't matter. The thought of going back to work and having to face him filled you with dread but that was a problem for later. Right now, you have errands to run.
While you were getting dressed, you absentmindedly opened the drawer meant for Kelly. You couldn't avoid him, he seemed to be everywhere you looked. Your phone, your workplace, and now, your dresser.
You sighed. The fact that you two had separate drawers designated for one another at each other's homes, slipping your mind completely. Is that something friends with benefits did? Did they keep clothes at the other’s place to ‘make it easier for them to get dressed?’
Your thoughts were cut short when you heard a knock at your door. You weren't expecting anyone but opened the door regardless not guessing who you’d see on the other side.
You found yourself face-to-face with none other than the man who had been plaguing your thoughts nonstop. However, after avoiding him for so long, you didn't know what to say or how to act. You felt like you’d never been in such close proximity with him before, it was suffocating. So you simply stood there until he eventually spoke.
“We need to talk.” He stated simply.
“What's there to talk about?” You asked, avoiding his eyes.
“This. Us.” He said, motioning between the two of you.
You finally took a good look at him, you noticed the heavy bags under his eyes and the weary slump of his shoulders. It was clear that he was utterly exhausted, as if he hadn't slept at all in the last few days. And the simple thought of the reason for his exhaustion being you, made you feel terrible.
“Severide-” You couldn’t let this drag on for any longer without hating yourself, so you took a deep breath and continued, “I think we should end this arrangement that we have.”
“What?” He furrowed his brows.
“We agreed that once one of us starts catching feelings, we'd end it. So let's end it before it gets messy and hurts either of us more than it should.” You tried closing the door once you were done speaking but he quickly squeezed himself in, preventing your attempts at pushing him away.
“What are you doing?” You asked following him into your apartment.
“That's not fair!” He exclaims, “You don't get to ignore me for days and then just end our relationship and shut me out.”
“This was hardly a relationship.” You scoff, “But, what did you want me to do Kelly!?” You matched his volume, watching as he paced in the middle of your living room.
“I don't know, maybe talk to me about how you're feeling!” He said, tone dripping with sarcasm while glaring at you. If looks could kill, you'd be six feet under right about now.
“Oh, that's really mature coming from you! Mr. Expert at communication.” You replied with just as much pettiness as you could muster, stepping closer to him to prove a point.
He stood silent for a moment before taking a deep breath and approaching you, “Maybe you're right, maybe we do need to end this thing we have. I just thought we cared about us enough to at least talk it out.”
The two of you now stood face to face, your breaths labored and eyes locked in an unbreakable gaze. Silence enveloped the space between you, the tension so thick that it felt tangible like it could be sliced through with a knife.
“I’m sorry.” You said quietly. “I shouldn't have ignored you and I also shouldn't have just sprung that on you.”
Once you noticed he was letting you continue, you went on, “I just realized that I couldn't be as ‘casual’ about our relationship as you are anymore. I tried to hold my tongue and ignore the feelings I have for you, but it was getting harder Kelly. Nothing about our deal has been casual for weeks now and it was starting to affect me.” You finally let out.
He took in your words, shaking his head. “It hasn't been casual for me either Y/N. I love you, and have for a very long time.”
The force of his words hit you like a physical blow. Love? How did he claim to love you when he had not only never hinted at such feelings before but also dismissed Casey when he asked about it? You were confused and it was evident on your face with the way you looked at him, shell-shocked.
“You love me? But you told Casey that there was nothing going on between us and-”
You were quickly cut off by his hands on your face, pulling you in. The intensity of his lips against yours short-circuited your entire being. It took a moment for your brain to register what was happening, but soon you found yourself reciprocating his kiss.
While you and he had shared kisses in the past, this one was different. It wasn't hurried like your usual kisses but instead filled with a deep sense of passion, tender and slow, and brimming with love and adoration for one another.
He placed his hands gently on your waist, drawing you closer, deepening the kiss. You raised your arms, threading your fingers through his hair, feeling the slight tug as you did. It was as if your lips were pulled together by an irresistible force, making it difficult to part.
You wanted time to freeze in that beautiful moment so you could stay in it forever. You wished to remain embraced by him indefinitely. His touch was tender and affectionate, brimming with care. It felt as though both of you had shed all your worries and were completely immersed in the love surrounding you.
You tentatively ended the kiss and gazed into his eyes, which stemmed a love you had never felt from him before. For the first time, they didn't overwhelm you or make you feel small; instead, they enveloped you in a sense of comfort. And in that fleeting beat, his eyes spoke volumes even when his words remained silent.
“I love you too.” You said, sharing his sentiment, causing a grin to emit on both of your faces.
You felt like a teenager who was experiencing love for the first ever time; and you wouldn't want it any other way.
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shesmyboot · 5 months
Baby Severide - Chapter 9: Date Night
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*Gif belongs to its rightful owner, it is not mine*
Pairing: Kelly Severide x reader
Summary: You and Kelly go on your first date night after becoming parents
Words: 1569
Warnings: implied smut, doctors, mentions of sex, mention of siblings, hockey
Read on Ao3 here
Notes: So remember how I said chapter 8 was the last of Baby Severide? Well I lied because I love this fic so so so much. Thank you for your support and join the Taglist to be notified when any of my new fics are published!
Join my taglist here
Tags: @district447 @mrspeacem1nusone @tringeorge @storiesofsvu @cfdhouse51 @skullcupcakes @whatismypurpos @carnationworld @youraveragedorkysimp @treehouse-mouse @witchywinchester99 @keabbs @marvelcharactersxreader @pensfan5871 @dhighsstuff
"So I'm cleared?" You asked, sitting up on the table.
"Yes Mrs Severide, you may now return to full workouts, sexual activity and carrying more than 20 pounds. Take it slow, if anything is painful or feels out of the ordinary, please give us a call," Dr Calhoun replied, "how does that make you feel? Mentally?"
"Honestly, a little nervous."
"What if something happens?"
"From everything that I have checked, there is no need for concern. If something happens, we're only a call away. If its after hours, head to Med and have them page me. If there's something wrong, and I don’t think there is, but if something happens, we will take care of it. There's no need to worry."
"Okay. So I'm really good to go?"
"Absolutely. My last word of advice because I've been doing this for a while and I now have two of my own, use a good lube or try it in the shower for the first few times. It makes all the difference."
You chuckled, "Thank you Doctor Calhoun, for eveything."
"If you ever decide to have more children or need a GYN, give me a call."
Dr Calhoun left the room and you collected yourself and Alexis to leave your final OB appointment for the foreseeable future. 
After arriving back at your car, you placed Alexis' carseat in the base and called Kelly. 
"Hey, how'd it go?" Kelly eagerly answered your call.
"Good, all cleared and good to go. You home from shift yet?"
"Just leaving 51. Meet you at home?”
"Sounds good, see you soon. Love you."
"Love you too."
“Kelly, you here?" You heard rustling in the bedroom.
“Yeah, hold on.”
The rustling continued.
“What are you doing?” You laughed.
“Found it,” he exited your bedroom holding a box. 
He followed you to the couch, a now sleeping baby nestled in the crook of your arm. 
“Whatcha got there?”
“Katie sent us some stuff from New York for Alexis.”
“Katie working today? We should FaceTime her to open it.”
“How long has Alexis been asleep?” 
“Almost an hour. I fed her before my appointment and she slept the whole time.”
“How lucky are we that she’s a damn good sleeper?”
“So lucky.”
He looked at the unopened USPS box on the coffee table.
“So calling Katie?”
“Let’s do it, I’ll see if Alexis wakes up when I pick her up.”
You picked Alexis up as Kelly started the FaceTime call to his sister. Alexis awoke, but was her usual calm self as soon as she opened her eyes.
“Hi Alexis!!” Katie smiled as she answered the FaceTime call.
You took Alexis’ arm in your hand and gave Katie a little wave.
“We wanted to wait to open the package until we were with you, but I guess FaceTime will have to do,” Kelly laughed.
“Actually, let’s wait to do it until I’m there.”
“How long will that be?”
“About 30 seconds,” she giggled, knocking on your apartment door.
Kelly practically ran to open the door and hug her.
“How long has it been?” He chuckled.
“Too long,” she smiled, hugging him back.
You invited Katie in and spent the rest of the day hanging out and catching up, before finally opening the package. It was filled with NYC and Manhattan-related gifts along with a white envelope on the bottom. 
“What’s in there?” You asked, curiously.
“Open it,” she smiled.
“Tickets to the Blackhawks game?” Kelly was giddy, he was so excited.
“They’re for tonight, I’ll babysit. You guys have fun,” Katie grinned.
“Katie, I- I- I don’t know what to say,” you started to tear up.
“Don’t say anything, I’m happy to do it. I’m gonna go check into my hotel and I’ll be back in time for you guys to get to the game.”
“Kelly are you ready?” You called into the bedroom while bopping Alexis.
“Yup, I’ll be right there.”
He walked out of the bedroom with his Blackhawks jersey in hand, wearing one of those undershirts you couldn’t help but fall in love with.
“You gonna carry that at the game too?” You giggled.
“Don’t want Alexis to spit up on it. Put it on when we leave,” he laughed, taking your daughter from your arms.
“Katie will be here in like 30 minutes. I gotta curl my hair and do my makeup and get changed.”
“Already found something for you to wear,” he smirked, “it’s on the bed.”
You walked in to the bedroom to find your Jonathan Toews jersey and your favourite pair of jeans on the bed.
"How did you know?" you laughed. 
"What can I say? I know you well, babe."
You changed quickly and fixed up your curls.
"Katie's here," Kelly called.
"Be right there."
Quickly, you threw on some mascara and lip gloss before going to the living room.
"You look good babe," Kelly smiled, handing Alexis off to Katie. 
You leaned over and kissed him, feeling a little more like you wanted to stay in rather than go out. 
"There's, uh, breast milk in the fridge, her schedule is on the counter. Um, Sylvie's number is on the fridge in case there's any, uh, problems," your mind distracted from the kiss, you couldn’t help but giggle.
"We'll be fine. You guys have fun," Katie smiled.
You gave Alexis a hug and a kiss on the cheek, "good night baby, mommy loves you so much."
"Good night Alexis, daddy loves you to the moon and back." 
Watching Kelly love Alexis was something that made you fall in love with him more and more. Having a stable husband with whom you shared a child with was something you dreamt of since high school.
Kelly grabbed his jersey and followed you out the door. 
Walking out of the United Center back to Kelly's car, you were exilerated, but exhasted. The Blackhawks had just snapped their 5 game losing streak, and won with a 4-0 shoutout. That was the perfect end to your first night out after becoming parents. 
"How you feeling?" Kelly asked, "you up for Molly's or are you done for the night?"
You stopped at the car, leaning into Kelly for a kiss, "What about something else?" you smiled.
"You up for that? You just got cleared today," he asked, kissing your neck. He knew you wouldn't say anything unless you were ready.
"Bassinet is finally in Alexis' room. Seems like a great time to test things out again."
"You look so good tonight baby, we'll do whatever you want," he smiled as he went back in for another kiss. 
The traffic home was a nightmare, but by the time you got to the apartment, you were ready for anything. 
"We're home," you smiled, opening the apartment door. 
Katie was asleep on the couch, but woke at the sound of your shoes coming through the door.
"How'd it go?" You asked, going to check the baby monitor.
"Been up every 3 hours since you guys left, but she just went down about a half hour ago if you guys want to get some sleep," she yawned, packing up her purse. 
“You need a ride to the hotel?” Kelly asked.
“I have an uber a few minutes away, but thank you.”
“I have another day before I’m back on shift, wanna meet up and do something tomorrow?”
“That sounds great, I’ll text you guys when I’m ready for the day.”
You and Kelly both hugged Katie before seeing her out of the apartment. You watched her get on the elevator and then locked the door behind you as you entered the apartment. 
“Shower or bed?” You laughed, pulling him closer for a kiss by the collar on his jersey.
“Whatever you want baby,” he chuckled, pulling your jersey off, “it’s your night.”
You grabbed Kelly by the hand and led him into the master en suite. The bathroom door clicked shut and Alexis started to cry.
“Shit,” you started to laugh, resting your head on his chest.
“I’ll get her, put her back down. I’ll met you in there in a few.”
Kelly left the bathroom for the nursery and you started the water. Throwing your clothes on the counter, your hand brushed by your scar. Healed up and mostly pain free, it was still a reminder of what had to be done to bring Alexis into the world. You stepped in the shower, wincing at the feel of the water being a tad too cold, and turned the temperature to more suit the steamy theme of the evening. Kelly returned, already having left his jersey in the other room. 
“How’s the baby?” You asked.
“Good, pacifier fell out of her mouth.” He mindlessly undid his jeans and removed the tank covering his chest.  He looked back towards the shower.
“Damn, you’re-“ he was almost breathless. The two of you had been intimate all throughout your pregnancy, but the morning sickness wasn’t as attractive as you naked in the shower. 
“You gonna join me?” You didn’t have to ask twice, he was gonna obey the first time. 
He finished undressing and practically leapt into the shower. With a flick of the wrist, he tipped your chin up to make eye contact with him. Backing you in the shower’s wall, he placed his other hand on the tile for support. He leaned in and the passionate kisses began shortly after. 
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samantha-chicago · 2 years
Chicago Fire Materlist
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Vagas (Kelly Severide x Reader)
Candidate (Firehouse 51, Matt Casey, Kelly Severide X Reader!Halstead)
High School Girls (Kelly Severide x Reader, Firehouse 51)
Comfort (Brain ‘Otis’ Zvonecek, Firehouse 51 x Reader)
Judging (Kelly Severide x Reader, Jay Halstead, Benny Severide, Jennifer Sheridan, Firehouse 51)
Back In Town (Reader x Adam Ruzek, Kelly Severide, Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz, Jay Halstead, Will Halstead, Intelligence + More) Part I, Part 1 *NSFW* Part 2
No Air (Adam Ruzek x reader, Kelly Severide x sister!reader)
That's Alvin Olinksy (Leslie Shay x Halstead!Reader)
I Love You Both (Kelly Severide x Reader)
Reunion *NSFW* (Kelly Severide x Reader) 
Soft Launch (Blake Gallo x Reader) - SMAU
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deanstead · 2 years
"Kelly," your voice comes out as a strangled sob as you choke back tears, "please, don't leave me like this."
Bonus if you can make this happy hahaha but no pressure
guys, why is everyone so angsty HAHA. Also, this became longer than five sentences. oops. also, this is unedited. @enchantedblackrose
"Kelly," your voice comes out as a strangled sob as you choke back tears, "please, don't leave me like this."
Kelly should have already woken up and yet there he was lying in a hospital bed that he should never have been in in the first place.
All because of you.
You knew if Kelly was awake, he'd be telling you that it wasn't your fault, and you could hear his voice echoing in your brain as well. But maybe you just needed to look into his green eyes, look at his smile, actually hear his voice, before you could even start to believe it yourself.
You reached for Kelly's hand. "Don't do this, Kelly." You whispered, "Don't leave before I get to tell you that I love you too. I was scared to make myself vulnerable again, but not as terrified as I am now. Please, Kelly."
You closed your eyes, feeling the tears escape your eyes and down your cheeks.
It was slight at first, so you didn't realize it until his fingers had closed around your hand.
Your eyes flew open. "Kelly?"
There they were, his green eyes looking back at you. A small weak smile framing his features. "No takebacks, Y/N." He whispered.
You exhaled, a gentle sigh of relief, leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek. "Never." You reassured him, just relieved he was back.
send me an ask with the first sentence of a fanfic and I’ll write the next five-ish.
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realityescapee01 · 1 year
Jay Halstead x Reader | Kelly Severide x Reader
choose your ending
(yes, check it out at the end of this)
Long time crush. One-sided love. Admiring from afar. Everything Y/N is very familiar with. With Jay Halstead.
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But Y/N isn't admiring from afar, her and Jay are friends, so she gets to be close to Jay. See him. See everything that happens to him. See everything that Jay is going through and had gone through. And she was there through it all.
It's been years and she's contemplating if she'd
1. let it go, forget about Jay and start dating someone else... or
2. finally confess, ask Jay for a date and hope for the best... or
3. get drunk, confess, maybe sneak a kiss in and then run away into another state, get a new phone number, a new identity, and hide for all eternity.
Y/N revved up the engine of Jay's car, ready to drive him home. Jay had just drank himself to oblivion at Molly's. She was with him to look after him. She knew. Erin just left. Or rather disappeared, without a word. Nothing at all.
So Jay is left, nursing his broken heart and soul. And Y/N is there, again, after so many breakups of Jay from previous relationships.
"Jay, don't make this any harder for me." -Y/N reached over as she closed the door again. Jay attempted to get out of the car. "I have an early shift tomorrow, I don't wanna get bad with Shay."
"Is it good in ambo? Maybe I should just change careers." -Jay let out a drunk hiccup.
"Jay, I don't think this is the time for you to be making decisions."
Y/N drove to Jay's apartment and helped the younger Halstead in. She walked him to his bed, pushed him onto it and took his shoes and jacket off. It's all familiar now, Y/N has done this too many times.
"Goodnight, Jay." -Y/N say before leaving.
The next morning, Y/N was late. And Shay called her out on it.
Kelly Severide was looking at them talk by the ambo for a bit and he knows the reason why Y/N was late. He was at Molly's last night too.
She's best friends with Shay and good friends with Kelly. She's close enough to the two to the point of her telling them about her feelings for Jay. They'd go out sometimes, just the three of them and Y/N would burst out of her emotions whenever they get too strong to hide from Jay. She'd flee to the two and ask a lot of questions.
Questions of why? Why is she still inlove with Jay after all these years -years of Jay showing no interest in her other than being close friends.
And every time, Shay and Kelly would tell her she did nothing wrong and that she shouldn't beat herself about it. And even told her to come clean to Jay.
To which Y/N would say: she is not Jay's type. She knows well what Jay likes. And it's not her. Because if it is, they would've been dating by now.
"10 minutes late, huh." -Shay
"You know what, why don't I set you up with someone else, Jay is too busy with himself to notice someone amazing just right beside him."
"I'm open!" -Kelly chimes in from the squad table.
The two gave him a side eye.
"What? Come on!"
Shay replied to Kelly with something witty or whatever Y/N couldn't comprehend because her phone rang and it was Kim Burgess. Asking where Jay is, he hasn't come in yet.
"What? I'll look into it." -Y/N hang up. "Shay, can we, you know, just a few minutes."
"For the... what, hundred ninety ninth time?"
"Pretty please."
They took the ambo and drove to Jay's apartment. And there Y/N saw Jay still asleep and seemingly having a nightmare. She woke him up and Jay almost punched her solid to the floor.
It's instincts for Jay by now whenever he wakes from a nightmare, be aggressive, fighting off his attacker.
Y/N was startled and sat to the floor. She dodged the punch a little bit but still got hit. She knows about it, she had woken Jay a lot of times like that before. But right now, she was sluggish from sleeping late and didn't dodge it completely.
Jay realized and apologized furiously.
"Oh, shit! Y/N, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." -Jay helping her out, looking at the reddish color of her cheek where his punch hit.
"It's okay. Get to work! Kim called she said she's out there without a partner." -Y/N tidied her clothes and walked out.
"Whoa! What happened?!?" -Shay saw her bruise.
"Oh, awoken from a nightmare. It happens. I dodged it most of the time but now I'm sluggish so it hit."
"Damn. Come here let me look at that."
"Let's look at it at when we get back to the firehouse."
Shay drove them back just in time Chief Boden got in from a meeting. They stayed on the back of the ambo, Shay tending to Y/N's bruised cheek.
"Hey, what happened?" -Kelly sat beside Y/N. Sounding really worried.
"Jay." -Shay side commented.
"What?!?" -Kelly was angry.
"Wait wait! It's not like that!" -Y/N explained.
"You know what, I think it's time you stop waiting on Jay." -Kelly touched Y/N's cheek ever so gently.
"It's not his fault. I already told you." -Y/N defended Jay again.
Y/N waited for Kelly to take his hand off but he didn't. Kelly was touching her cheek, his hand felt warm, and his eyes locked deeply with hers.
'Uhm...wait, this is-' -Y/N thought to herself, she didn't get to finish the thought as she felt a blush creeping to her cheeks.
And then Y/N's phone lit up. It's Jay, calling. Y/N stood up, -and in the process- got away from Kelly.
-Hey, I'm outside.-
-Okay, wait.- Y/N hung up the call and stepped outside.
There she saw Jay, leaning on his car with a paperbag of food from Y/N's favorite place.
"Hey, I'm sorry about this morning. Peace offering." -Jay smiled as he handed over the food.
"Well, if this is a sushi platter..." Y/N peeked inside the bag, "...and it is a platter, okay. Peace offering accepted."
She smiled at Jay.
"Oh, but this is for the apology, what about a thank you for last night? Driving you home? the princess that you are." -Y/N was feeling playful. She was just joking.
"Oh, I haven't forgotten." -Jay takes out a chocolate bar. "That's for thank you."
Y/N laughed as she accepted it.
The firehouse alarm sounded off.
"Oh, I have to go, Jay."
"Yeah. Y/N, really, I'm so sorry. And thank you so much."
Y/N jogged back to the firehouse.
"And that is why our dear friend Y/N, couldn't move on from Jay. He's sweet like that." -Shay saying as she took the chocolate from Y/N.
"Hey!" -Y/N was smiling ear to ear as she got into the ambo.
Kelly let out a sigh as he jogged into the truck. Ambo, squad and truck were called out.
The day passed as usual. And night came, Y/N went to Molly's with Kelly and Shay. Otis decided to try a dance night, to which Hermann was not particularly happy about, but still went on with.
The three of them were dancing. Having a great time. Jay wasn't around, he did mention they are working a case overtime.
Through the crowd, Shay paired up with a chick and stepped away from Y/N and Kelly. The two remained paired up and dancing.
Dancing real close to each other. Y/N normally doesn't get too close to Kelly but right now, she is. Their bodies are flushed to each other so close that Y/N could feel how fit Kelly is underneath the layers of jacket and shirt. Close. Too close. Maybe the alcohol also took away the inhibitions.
Y/N looked up at Kelly and the lieutenant was already staring at her. Those beautiful eyes. A color deep, somewhat a mix of blue and green. Y/N knows Kelly is popular with the ladies, looking good and all. But she refrains from looking at Kelly that way because of her friendship with Shay.
But Shay is not here right now. And Kelly's body feels so warm, so close, Y/N swore there legs were already crossing with each other. Kelly felt so warm, and big around Y/N right then, like he is shielding Y/N from the world, and Y/N felt safe in there.
They kept dancing and rubbing up on each other, until Kelly started closing in on Y/N's lips. Kelly kissed her. A quick smack on the lips.
Y/N was startled. She just froze and stared at Kelly, who was already gunning for a second kiss. And a third. And a fourth. The fourth was quite longer.
"Whoa!" -Shay came back.
Y/N and Kelly broke apart.
"Uh-huh. Okay, if you two decided to date and you fought, don't come to me, I can't choose sides." -and then Shay disappeared again with a different chick this time.
"K-Kelly, what is-why?" -Y/N asked, still confused.
"I like you." -Kelly confessed.
"Yeah, I do. I just-"
Y/N's phone rang. It's Will Halstead. Telling her Jay is in Med, shot.
"Oh my god! I gotta go, Kelly."
"Yeah." -Kelly was disappointed, he knows, it's probably Jay again. He stepped away from all the dancing people and sat himself at the bar.
Jay is stable now, sleeping in one of the emergency bays in Med. Y/N stayed beside Jay, holding his hand. Will explained the gunshot wound wasn't that bad, but given the state Jay was these past days -drinking, not enough nutritious food and sleep- made it worse than it was.
"Jay... I love you, Jay." -Y/N whispered. She wasn't sure if to Jay or to herself. She just said it. She just muttered it out. Low and quiet.
But not low and quiet enough.
"Uhm..." -Will just stepped in to check on Jay.
"W-Will?!? Uhm, did you- did you hear?"
"Please, don't tell him. Anyone." -Y/N stood and walked closer to Will.
"Okay. You know, it's a mystery to me why you guys aren't dating. For years."
"Just... don't tell him. Please." -Y/N was panicking a little.
"Jay... Jay's not really good at seeing something good even if it's in front of him already."
"I'm not his type, Will."
"What're you saying? You get along really really well."
"It just doesn't... Please, keep quiet, okay? Promise me?"
"Okay. Okay." -Will has his hands up. "Anyways, you could go, I'll look after Jay."
Y/N looked at Jay one last time before heading out.
Y/N keeps visiting Jay until he's put for recovery at home. Today is Jay's day to get discharged. And timing that Y/N and Shay responded to an emergency and had brought the patient to Med.
Y/N was smiling because he could see Jay too... with Hailey.
It looks like Hailey picked him up. Even helping him get his jacket on.
"Who's that? New girlfriend?" -Shay to Y/N
"No, his partner at Intelligence." -Y/N said without looking away.
"Ha. Okay. Let's go say hi." -Shay pulled Y/N with her.
"No, nevermind. Let's go get resupplied." -Y/N pulled Shay back into the supplies area, staying there until Jay and Hailey left.
Y/N knows. She saw that look in Jay again. The look of: the girl is not his girlfriend yet, but could be. Y/N was so familiar by now.
Before Y/N and Shay could leave, Will stopped Y/N by the hand.
"Hey, Jay checked out. Why aren't you the one picking him up?"
"I am on duty and there's Hailey." -Y/N smiled, just a tight straight line of smile.
"Oh... uhm, hey, I'm working a little late today. Could you make sure Jay eats? Healthy food type and not just alcohol?"
Y/N was staring at Will, the older Halstead was trying to push them together. Will did say that if he could choose someone for Jay, he would choose Y/N.
"Here. Buy me some too. I'd go to his apartment to oversee his recovery."
"Fine by me." -Y/N took the money for food later.
Shay and her left after that.
And that night, as promised to Will, Y/N dropped by at Jay's, with food for 3.
"Y/N, hey."
"Uh-huh. Yup." -Y/N stepped in, eyeing the bottle of beer in Jay's hand. "Food. And fresh juice." Y/N set the food on the table.
"Thanks. I'm just numbing the pain down a bit."
Y/N and Jay ate as they watched TV. Y/N assisted Jay whenever he couldn't do something because he is in an arm sling.
"Y/N, thanks a lot. But it's getting late, I would drive you if I could."
"Nah, just rest up. Will says he's coming here."
Jay went to bed and Y/N stepped out. She doesn't wanna go home yet so she went to Molly's.
She was greeted by familiar people. Hermann being the sweetest of all to her.
"Kiddo, how's Jay?"
"Out now. He's recovering at home."
"Here. On the house." -Hermann slid a bottle of beer.
"Aww, thanks so much, Hermann."
"Do I get one too?" -Kelly sat next to Y/N
"Nah, you pay, Severide." -Hermann placed a bottle of beer too in front of Kelly before leaving the two.
"Hey, Y/N."
"Hey, Kelly." -Y/N said as she took a long sip of beer.
Kelly asked how Jay is. And then how Y/N is. Telling her not to forget about herself. It's been years since she had someone, to love, and love her. And take care of her.
Y/N felt sad at that. Kelly is right. She never dated anyone for years. Just at the side of Jay, looking after him.
Kelly cupped her cheek with his palm and kissed her. She refused the second kiss.
"Kelly, I just... not right now. I'm sorry."
Kelly let go and smiled. "Jay's a lucky guy. You're loyal to him even if you aren't together. But Y/N, I'm serious. I like you. A lot. I just don't come up to you because I know about Jay. But it's been a long time, I want you to be happy. And I can do that for you."
Y/N stared at Severide. Just stared. Not talking. She felt confused. She can't straight right now.
"Kelly, I'm sorry. I've had a long day and I can't think straight."
"I understand. I'll drive you home."
"Come on. There's no way I'm letting you go alone this late." -Kelly has his keys out by then.
Walking to Severide's car, Y/N was thinking.
The days went on, Y/N helped Jay in recovery. And at work, Y/N had a close call.
There was a house fire. There are people stuck inside. On the third floor there was an old lady in need of rescuing. She hurt herself bad a d needed to be put into a c-collar and backboard.
The truck and squad was on it. They have the ladder ready up there. Y/N went up to secure the patient. Severide and Cruz was able to get the patient out to the ladder. Cruz went down with it.
Then a part of the ceiling came apart and fell on Y/N, knocking her unconscious. Kelly beat himself up from not being able to push Y/N out of the way in time. He ran to Y/N, trying ot wake her up.
But their time is dwindling, the re isn't enough vent. Severide knows it's gonna blow.
"Y/N hold on, I got you!" -Kelly secured Y/N against him and prepared to jump out. There wasn't enough time for the ladder to get them.
Kelly jumped through the window just in time for the blast.
"Severide!!!" "Oh my god!!!"
Falling to the ground, making sure he landed first on the ground, cradling Y/N as safe as possible.
The firefighters rushed to them. They are both out. Ambo worked fast to get them to Med.
"Y/N? What happened?" -Will was one attending. "Severide too?"
"I got Y/N, you take Severide." -Dr. Rhodes worked fast.
After a few hours, good news were given out. As a miracle as it is, both are stable and suffered only minimal damages. Thanks to Severide breaking and taking most of the fall.
Severide woke up and was immediately sitting up.
"Hey hey hey! Stop, Severide." -Casey was there by him.
"Y/N? What happened?"
"She's stable. No serious damage at all."
"Where is she?" -Trying to stand up.
"Whoa! Hey. Slow down... by the way, you are okay too. No serious damage as well, not that you care right now, hey!"
Kelly was half way out of the bed by now. "I fucked up, Casey. I didn't see it falling. This is my fault. I should've taken care of her up there."
"Get back to bed, Severide."
"No, I gotta see her. Take me to Y/N, Casey!"
"Okay, okay. Slow down."
Casey assisted Kelly to Y/N's room. Y/N had just woken up.
"Hey there." -Casey caught her attention.
"Casey... Kelly, hey."
"How are you?" -Kelly sat beside.
"I'm... there are pains but I'm good. You? Why are you up? Shay filled me in. I passed out she said. Then we jumped out. You taking most of the fall. Thank you."
"No, I failed actually. You shouldn't have been knocked out by that ceiling in the first place."
"No, you saved me. Thank you."
Kelly was teary eyed as he rubbed Y/N's hand with his own.
"Knock knock." -Shay was at the door. "Oh god, I'm so glad you're both okay. And you." Shay poked Kelly's arm. "That was pretty stupid but awesome. But please, do that again."
"Yeah yeah." -Kelly took his hand off Y/N's to hug Shay.
They were talking a while when there came another knock from the door.
"Oh." -Shay. "Hi, Jay."
"Hey. Uhm, Y/N, hey." -Jay stepped into the room.
"Oh, getting crowded in here." -Shay stepped out, pulling Casey with her.
Kelly was just quiet, looking at Jay.
Jay looked back at him too. "Severide." Jay nodded. "I heard what you did for Y/N. That was amazing. Thanks, man."
"Of course."
Y/N felt a little anxious. Jay, the guy she's been pining for for years and Kelly, the guy who likes her and turned out to be pining for her for while now, are in the same room as her right now.
And Y/N could feel the tension from Kelly. She just wasn't sure if Jay feels it.
"Y/N. Hey, how are you holding up?" -Jay asked her. His voice was hoarse but gentle.
"I'm good now."
Kelly observed and decided to leave the two. He doesn't wanna stress Y/N out.
"Sorry, I came late. We were in a bust. What'd the doctors say?"
"They say no serious damage."
"That's good. That's good." -Jay patter her shoulders gently.
Jay stayed a while.
A few days after, Y/N recovered with Kelly and Jay visiting her most days.
As a celebration for her recovery, firehouse 51 setup Molly's for her. Free drinks for her and Kelly's escape from death. Jay sat with the three of them.
Y/N excused herself to go to the restroom. When she's near it, she looked back at their table. She looked at Jay. Jay almost died a few weeks back and now she almost died a few days after that. She looked at Kelly as well. Kelly was there through everything too for her. Almost died with her.
Y/N knows there has to be a decision made. And she has to make it soon. Too much time passed and she doesn't know if she'd escape a close call in duty again. Or if Jay would. Or if Kelly would.
a/n: there are alternate endings to this. The next chapters says it on the title. You choose which ending you want by skipping to that chapter. :)
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fire-for-you · 1 year
5 times gabby didn't realize kelly and matt were dating (and 1 time she did) - FINAL PART
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
pairing - m. casey x k. severide
rating - teen and up (unrequited love, implied sexual content, hurt/comfort, minor violence, kidnapping, happy ending)
word count - 2,745
summary - for part six: andddd the final chapter. what could possibly be the next adventure for this duo? is Gabby still clueless or will she finally come around?
a/n: we do a little 'napping. time to pick on matt!
"Hey, sweetheart." Kelly purrs, flopping on the couch and throwing an arm around his boyfriend.
Matt slowly looks up from his paperwork; his eyebrows furrowed together in a blatant show of judgment. "Alright, what is happening. The last time you called me that, you had accidentally bought a car."
Kelly smiles a little wider. "Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?"
The Captain sets his files down beside him and shifts his body to face Kelly. "Yeah, could be fun. Should we go to Molly's or maybe that one trivia bar? I could call Brett-"
"No, let's go somewhere new, just us." The other starts to play with the hair at the base of Matt's neck. "Maybe a fancy, romantic dinner? Think about it, the last few months have been consumed by my injury. When's the last time we had fun?"
Matt pauses. "Well, two weeks ago, we had some wine, and I think you were pretty happy about it." He glances down casually and squeezes the hand suddenly on the brunette's thigh.
Kelly hums, remembering. "Mmm, yeah. I would still like to go out. What do you think?" He pulls Matt onto his lap, linking their fingers together.
"Sure, sounds fun. Where do you wanna go, exactly?"
"Oh, no, it's going to be a surprise. Gotta keep you guessing."
Matt smirks, pressing closer. "Okay. Then you better be ready for heart-racing, bed-breaking, ecstasy-type- fun." He delivered each hyphenated phrase with a sultry breath and an inch forward.
Kelly just looked at him. "Jesus, Matt. I don't know if we'll make it that far. You are really sexy when you wanna be, did you know that?"
The blonde laughed, pulling his partner in for a suave kiss.
Matt slipped off the taller's lap, grabbing his files to place them on the kitchen island.
"I'm gonna change quick. After that, I have to pick up something from a friend, and then I'll come back to pick you up. 'Kay? Dress nice." Kelly spoke, already walking towards their bedroom.
Matt nodded his acknowledgment before burying himself into the paperwork again.
A bell dinged as Kelly entered the jewelry store, glancing around for his favorite attendant. "Ah, Mr. Severide. I was wondering when you were going to come back. Have you finally decided?"
He sighed in relief. "Kenny. Yes, I have. The light silver band, did you hold it for me?"
"Against my better judgment, yes. I just like you, Mr. Severide."
Severide grinned. "Kenny, stop. I'm practically an engaged man."
Kenny smiled back. "Let me get that ring for you, sir."
Hours later, after a fancy, romantic dinner, with expensive champagne and delicious food, Kelly and Matt are walking down a well-lit path close to the loft. The blonde is cuddling his partner's arm, their hands locked at Kelly's side.
"Mmm, I missed this," Matt says, tightening his grip slightly.
"Missed what?"
"Just us. It's been crazy these past few months with your injury and work. It felt like any time we wanted to be alone, there was this third person in the room, making it awkward."
"Let me guess, the sprained ankle? I couldn't walk for days." Kelly smirked down at Matt.
"Ugh, whatever."
Kelly stopped in the middle of a clearing, a quiet road a few feet away. He put a knuckle under Matt's chin, tilting it a little. "No, I know what you mean. I felt the same way. But we got over it, right? We're here now-"
They heard screeching up the street, like tires leaving marks on the asphalt. Matt left Kelly's grasp and walked forward, more into the light of a street lamp. The noise continued to get closer. Suddenly, the vehicle came into sight, a white van.
Matt shrugged and turned away from the street. When it came to an aggressive halt, two men slammed open the side door to step down from it.
"Matt!" Kelly immediately started rushing forward, but the men in black hoodies and ski masks already had their hands on Matt, pulling him into the van.
The blonde started to fight against them, but the taller pulled out a cloth and put it over his face. His eyes started drooping as the door closed behind them.
"Go, go!" The vehicle took off, barrelling down the street as Kelly ran behind it.
"I'm sorry, what?" Boden asked.
"Matt got kidnapped! Right in front of me! I didn't even get to fight the dogs that took him." Severide started to break down. "He's gone, he's gone. My whole world is gone." Wet streaks began to run down his face.
Boden sat him down on a nearby bench in Voight's office. "Alright, Kelly. Deep breaths. Why don't you start over?"
Severide sniffed. "I wanted to propose tonight." He looked up with watery eyes. "We went out to this fancy restaurant and had a romantic dinner. It was perfect. And then we were walking in the park near our apartment-" A fresh wave of tears cut the man off as he sobbed quietly.
"Severide, we can't find Casey unless you give us all the details." Voight reminded him.
Jay offered him a tissue box before leaning against the desk.
Severide recovered somewhat and continued. "We heard this screeching up the street, and then this white van came into view." He paused, closing his eyes. "And they took him. Two guys, average build. Ski masks and everything. They even had chloroform. I, um, got a partial license plate." He pulled out a scrap of paper and handed it to Jay. It was four symbols long. 5B7I
"Thank you, Severide."
Voight spoke up. "Was there anything unusual about them - tattoos, did they speak, stuff like that?"
"I was a little busy watching my boyfriend get kidnapped." Severide snapped.
"Just trying to get it while it's fresh in your mind," Jay said gently before laying a hand on Voight's forearm, shooting him a disapproving look. The Seargent mouthed a 'What' back.
"No, I told you everything I noticed."
"Okay, thank you again, Severide. This should be good information to get started with. Chief Boden, why don't you take him for a cup of coffee?"
Boden sighed. "Yeah, come on, Kelly." He put a hand on his lieutenant's shoulder, ready to pick him up off the bench.
"Kelly?" Boden questioned.
"I'm not going anywhere while my Matt is still out there. You're gonna let me help you, or I'm gonna help myself." Severide stared Voight in the eye as he stood.
The Sergeant sighed. "Look. I don't want to step on your toes, but this isn't exactly your area of expertise."
"I know, but. Just- let me help. Because if I don't find Matt, if I don't get him back-" Severide started to choke up again. "My life will be over. I won't-"
Voight didn't say anything for a few seconds. "Fine."
The last thing Casey remembers was seeing Kelly's face as he ran towards the Captain. He shook awake with the moment still imprinted on the whites of his eyes and was greeted by a dim room. He was sitting on a metal chair facing a blacked-out window. Pulling on his wrists made ropes tighten against Casey's arms. He groaned in frustration when the same happened with his legs.
"Hello?" He called out. "You're not scaring me! I like being tied up!" Which was untrue, but they didn't need to know that.
A man with unkempt hair and a 5'clock shadow emerged from the semi-darkness. "So, you're Kelly's new boyfriend."
Casey's eyes narrowed slightly. "I'm sorry, who are you?"
"Eric Sutton. Kelly never mentioned me?" Eric's sinister smile drooped slightly.
"Was he supposed to?"
"We dated for almost two years. I imagine it would have come up." Casey analyzed the man, noticing the imprint of a switchblade in his left pocket. "My hair used to be lighter, if that helps."
"Nothing comes to mind."
Eric sighs, disappointed. "Well, it doesn't matter. You will have to remember me after this."
"What are you gonna- " Casey is cut off by a powerful punch to his jaw. He tastes copper as another fist is driven into his stomach. Tears spring to the blonde's eyes as the chair tips to the right and falls. Eric starts kicking him in the gut, barely missing his crotch.
"See how Kelly likes you now." The man says before Casey blacks out.
"Okay, first, who would kidnap Matt and why? Does he have any enemies who might want him dead?" Voight asked Severide.
"Well, it's Matt; he has a tendency to rub people the wrong way." Severide took a drink of coffee, accenting the shaking in his hands. "He thought he had a stalker, though. Said a couple of times earlier this week he would see an unmarked white van outside before it drove away."
Jay's ears perked up. "Yeah, Matt called me and asked me to look into that. I hadn't gotten anywhere."
Voight nodded solemnly. "Did we get a hit on the license plate yet?" He asked his partner.
A small ding answered the Seargent's question. "Registered to a Simon Towers. Two priors: attempted kidnapping and aggravated assault. Ooo, and he had a partner for both of them: James Towers." Jay looked at the man standing over him.
"Brothers." He scoffed.
"Address is in West Englewood."
"Let's go."
"Alright, Boden, Severide, stay in the car; we'll be right back." The brunette said, glancing in the rearview mirror as he and Voight exited the vehicle.
The officers pulled their guns and stood on opposite sides of the doorway.
"On my count, one, two, three."
Jay kicked open the front door, immediately scanning the first room with his gun raised. "Clear." He called. Voight entered then, moving forward into what looked like a kitchen. They cleared the entire first floor and were making their way up the stairs when they heard a thump. On the right side of the house, garbage cans were kicked over as whoever fell was trying to flee. Jay made it out a side door and gave chase.
"Hey!" He shouted. Severide, much closer to the running man, flung open his door, whacking one of the brothers flat on his ass. Jay just got over to the felon as Voight exited the house, leading a man in handcuffs.
Casey spits out more blood, watching Eric take his phone from his pocket. "What do you want? Money?"
Eric laughs. "No, honey, I just want to see Kelly suffer. Should we call him? What's your password?"
"I think you broke my arm." The Captain says.
"Oh, don't be such a baby." Eric faces the phone to Casey's face. It unlocks with a quiet click. "Wow, didn't expect that to work. Alright, Kelly, Kelly." He scrolls through the other's contact list, pressing the video call button when he finds Kelly.
Kelly blinks twice when he sees Casey's profile picture pop up on his phone.
"Who's that?" Boden asks.
"It's Casey; he's trying to video call me."
"I'm gonna get Voight."
The Chief comes back with Voight and Jay before Severide answers the phone. The Seargent instructs Severide to face away from the inside of the station and not to talk like anyone else is there.
"Matt, baby, are you okay?" Severide says, practically hysterical.
"Hi, Kelly." Eric appears on the screen, grinning wide.
"Eric? What the hell? Where is Matt?" Severide starts to ball one of his fists.
"Oh, he's right here, sweetheart." Eric turns the phone, snuggling up against Casey so the firefighter can see them both. "Remember when you broke up with me, and I said if you ever find another boyfriend, I'll kill him?"
Casey's eyes widen as he struggles against the tape across his mouth. "I really don't."
"Well, guess what I'm going to do." He pulls out his switchblade and playfully drags it across the blonde's throat before the call ends.
"No!" Severide exclaims, putting his head in his hands.
Voight storms back to the interrogation room and slams his fists on the table. "Where is your boss?!" He yells. The brothers - with fear in their eyes - start to talk quickly.
He re-enters the large room and grabs hold of Severide's shoulder, dragging him to the car as the others follow. Jay calls for backup on the drive as the sirens blare out. Soon enough, they are pulling up to an abandoned building.
Voight instructs the other officers to go around the back as they surround the property. He looks to Severide, who is leaning against the car. "Stay back, okay?"
Positioning himself on the side of the doorway, the man holds up his radio. "On my count, one, two, three." The Sergeant enters the building with the others and raises his gun. Severide is a few steps behind him. Within minutes, after maneuvering many empty rooms, the pair stumbles upon a large room.
Eric stands over Casey with his knife raised. "Eric Sutton!" Jay calls. "Put the knife down!"
"Now, why would I do that?" He brings his arm down just as a shot rings out. Casey falls with Eric, landing in his pooling blood. Still strapped to the chair, he can't move away from the liquid soaking into the blonde's clothes. The wound on his neck from the other's knife starts to leak as Kelly runs up to Matt. Matt's eyes slip closed as he feels Kelly's fingers on his face.
"Well, Matt. We have to stop meeting like this." Doctor Halstead said, fixing Matt's IV drip as he slowly opened his eyes.
Matt blinked blurrily, looking around the room for Kelly. "Where's-"
"Severide? He went out for some ice. I'm sure he'll be back soon." Doctor Halstead smiled.
"How long have I been here?" Matt asked, sitting up on the bed.
"Few hours. Broken arm and a few cuts and bruises. Plus a black eye. Severide was really worried about you."
"Thank you, Doctor." He left, giving Matt a little wave.
Eventually, Kelly came back and almost dropped his ice cup as he saw the Captain's weak smile. "Matt! You're awake!"
"Hey, baby."
Kelly rushed forward and dragged him into a long kiss. He pulled back reluctantly, pressing their foreheads together. "I thought I lost you."
"I'm here."
"I thought I was never gonna see you again; I thought I was never going to kiss you again; I thought I lost you." Tears sprung from Kelly's eyes.
"I'm here, Kelly. I'm not going anywhere." Matt reassured him, eyes boring into his own, green on green. "Kiss me."
The brunette did as Matt pulled him onto the bed, and they laid together, sharing soft kisses.
Minutes later, the firehouse got there - minus Gabby and Sylvie, giving Matt hugs and clutching their hearts in relief.
As the crews got caught up in their talking, Severide cleared his throat. "Uh, Matt. I have something to ask, and I think this is the best time, in front of the house. In front of our family." Kelly glanced at Boden, and he nodded.
Matt tilted his head slightly.
Gabby and Sylvie finally snuck in as everyone's eyes were on Kelly and Matt.
The lieutenant took his partner's hand. "We've had a lot of scary experiences lately, and I just can't stand not having my forever on your finger anymore."
"Kelly. What are you doing?" Matt asked, his voice breaking.
Kelly laughed slightly, pulling out a box from his jacket pocket. Everyone gasped.
"What's happening?" Gabby whispered to her friend. Sylvie shushed her.
Severide popped the ring box open. "Matthew Casey, you are the air I breathe, the food I eat, the water I drink. Yours are the lips I kiss; yours is the body I worship." The house groaned at that. Kelly rolled his eyes before continuing. "Yours are the eyes I adore. Matt, you are everything to me. Will you-"
"Yes, yes, Kelly Severide, yes! I'll marry the hell out of you." Kelly grinned and roughly kissed his new fiance.
"When did this become a thing?" Gabby asked Sylvie, pulling her back from the group flocking the couple.
"Severide and Casey have been dating for months. How did you not know this? They told everyone at once."
"I must not have been there. I- are you serious?"
"Yes? They just got engaged, do you need any more proof?" Sylvie sassed, going up to congratulate her friends.
"I love you," Kelly sweetly whispered before kissing his partner again.
"I know," Matt whispered back.
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you can also read this story here
masterlist & other such things
Chicago Fire masterlist
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
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babyboyxandy · 1 year
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Happy National Coming Out Day!
I Love You All!
If anyone is interested, feel free to read my newest one-shot story about coming out!
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i actually can’t believe it’s canon that severide has seen all of the bachelor only because stella made him
So sorry for my delay...I didn't know that your question was there. I'm so so so sorry.
If there's one person in this world that can do the impossible with Kelly that is Stella. He loves her so much, that saying yes to things that he wouldn't make, is another level of compromise.
Kelly is not saying yes to watching The Bachelor, is saying yes to doing something to make Stella happy.
And Stella does the same for him.
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ummm-okay · 10 months
cold as you is now published!!!!
oc x will halstead
@ okay_ig
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callsign-dexter · 7 months
Saving Grace 18+
Major Trigger Warning: Domestic and Child Abuse
Request: Ok, I blame your blog for my growing desire on Kelly Severide 😭😭😭 and your smut was soo goood! I'm in Love with your writing !
Sooooo I kindly want to ask you for a little bday (it's Sunday but it's fine if you don't have time) present with angsty Kelly, cause I'm sure we'll love some fluff too 🤗🙊 maybe a little something where they are a couple and she's a paramedic and he's always cute around her and wants her to be save on every call. But one time they're all get called to a gang fight and as she's treating a victim she gets attacked with a knife which nearly kills her and Kelly's world stops when she's in his arms full of blood and barely hanging on. He never leaves her side when she's taken to Med and even there he's by her side begging her to come back to him. Just cute and fluffy Kelly cause daaaaaamn he's so great 🥹 oh and ofc it's a Happy Ending with them 🤗❤️
Pairings: Kelly Severide x Fiancée!Paramedic!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, hospitals, stabbing, knife, blood, inaccurate medical talk, smut
A/N: Happy belated birthday to the anon that sent this in!
A/N 2: Yes even though this is fluff with angst there is smut so @imagine-all-the-fandoms and @talesofreading please prepare yourselves!
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You had known Kelly Severide ever since you were both kids, considering you were next door neighbors. You didn't have the best childhood and needed a friend and you found that in Kelly. You two had grown up and had been there for each other through thick and thin. Through bad breakups with shitty boyfriends and girlfriends. You shut down all the rumors going around about Kelly even though you probably knew they were true especially with him being a womanizer, but you had to defend your friend and crush. 
Middle school hit and your friendship was stronger than ever and you two had stayed thick as thieves no matter how popular he had become. When his girlfriend, and also the captain of the soccer team, tried to get him to stop hanging around you because she didn't like you, he immediately broke up with her. One particular night they yelling and the fighting got so bad at your house that it became physical and your father had hit you and then threw a plate against the wall, breaking it and some of it cut you. Your mother tried to stop it but your father turned on her and she looked at you with a particular look and you ran, you ran to Kelly. When he saw you and the shape you were in, he grew furious but he took you up to your room and cleaned you up and held you that night.  
When high school came around your friendship and crush were still going strong. It became normal around the school to see each other with each other, so normal that his friends started becoming your friends and vice versa. Around sophomore year a particularly bad night occurred over at the Y/L/N Household. Your mother had just passed away due to some complications from the abuse your father had laid on her, the next day your father started to drink heavily starting in the morning and didn't end at all. You had just come home from school to find your father sitting at the kitchen table drinking. “About time you came home.” He said with a bite in his tone.
“I was at school.” You said slightly trembling. Your father looked up at you in rage.
“From now on you're not going to school. You're staying here.” He said not really in the right mental state.
“Dad, I can't do that. I need to go to school.” You said you wanted Kelly.
“Not anymore. Now make dinner.” He said harshly. 
“No, Dad. I have homework to do and I promised Kelly I would meet up with him to help him.” You said and the anger flashed through your father’s face.
“You're always with him. Kelly this, Kelly that. I bet you've probably fucked him you slut.” He said and that brought tears to your eyes. 
“No, I haven't.” You said “I'm not with him.” You added and your dad scoffed. 
“Whatever. Now, get to cleaning this place is dirty and cooking. I'm hungry.” He spoke 
“No, I need to do homework and then meet Kelly. I've told you this.” You said something must've snapped in him because he was suddenly picking up his glass and throwing it at you. It grazed you and hit the wall exploding in a million pieces and most of those cut you and you ducked for cover. Your dad stalked over to you and grabbed you by the hair and slammed you up against the wall he was yelling and threatening you. Tears were coming out fast. 
“Stop you're crying.” He said and punched you in the face and you cradled your face and that just made him grow angrier. He slammed your head into the wall and then threw you down onto the ground. He kicked you twice in the ribs, breaking some, and several in the stomach. There were plates on a shelf next to you and he reached over and pulled that down over you, they broke all over you and cut you. You were sure you were bloody and not a very good sight to look at. You were close to passing out and you just wanted Kelly. 
“Kelly.” You mumbled and your dad rolled his eyes.
“There you go saying his name. He can't save you now.” Your dad said and then brought his boot cover foot and it connected it with your head and that brought stars to your vision. Kelly, you wanted Kelly and now. Your dad finally stopped his attack on you and then stormed away, grabbed his keys and left considering you heard his truck start up. He left the door standing wide open.
Kelly had just gotten home from his baseball practice when he noticed your car in the driveway but not your dad's. He also noticed the door left wide open and that made his stomach drop. He quickly pulled into your driveway and got out and rushed in and the scene before his eyes made his blood boil. You were laid there in a pool of your own blood and semi-conscious. “Son of a bitch.” He said to himself he made it very clear that he didn't like your dad early on. “Hey, Angel. Wake up for me. Please.” Kelly said while stroking your cheek but nothing had worked. “You’re really scaring me.” He said. You heard a voice and it sounded like Kelly’s.
“Kel?” You asked, slurring your words and eyes cracking open. You saw him crouching down in front of you.
“Yea, it's me.” He said 
“Dad-” You began but he shushed you.
“I know, Angel. I know.” He said smiling sadly and then pulled out his phone. “I’m gonna call 911. Just hang tight.” He said and you just stared at him everything sounded underwater. You could hear him talking but couldn’t pay attention. Your eyes started to close “Hey, hey, hey. Keep those eyes open for me.” He said but they were already shutting “Y/N-” he said and the last thing you heard before you let the darkness win.
The next thing you remember was waking up in the hospital with Kelly asleep by your side. You hurt all over and you vowed to yourself that you would become a paramedic to help people in need. You tried sitting up and groaned and that is what woke him up. “Woah. Hey. It’s ok, Angel.” He said and got up helped you lay back down.
“Dad?” You asked and he smiled sadly.
“He was found with his truck wrapped around a tree, he survived and when he gets healthy enough, he is going to prison.” He said and you nodded and then your eyes were closing. “Go to sleep, Angel. I’ll be right here.” He said and you let your eyes slip closed. 
“I love you, Kel. More than a friend.” You said and he smiled.
“I love you too. More than a friend.” He repeated and you smiled and then fell asleep. When you woke up again, he brought up what you said and told him it was true and he smiled and told you that he felt the same way. From that day you two started to date. 
When you both graduated high school you decided to follow Kelly everywhere and owed him your life because he saved your life. You ended up going with him to the fire academy and excelling through it and had graduated as a paramedic and him as a firefighter. After graduation he had proposed to you and it was an immediate yes. 
Considering that you both had gotten engaged you both followed each other through the different firehouses and both ended up at Firehouse 51. When you got the position for a paramedic on Ambulance 61, he got his position on Rescue Squad 3 and you both were so happy. It was exciting and both were so happy.
Kelly and you had talked about kids and decided not to wait until you both were married and when it happened then it happened. You loved the thought of getting married but were happy to be engaged with the love of your life. Getting with you and getting engaged changed Kelly for the good, he stopped being a womanizer and he devoted himself to you and only you. 
You both had been sleeping soundly in your own bed at your house after being off for 3 days and having a lot of fun in the bedroom trying but not really trying for a child. Your alarm had gone off at 6:30 AM and you jolted awake. When you turned over and saw the time you groaned and shut the alarm off. “Is it time already?” Kelly asked with a gravely and sleep ridden voice and you smiled and rolled over looking at him. You didn’t have to go in until 8:00 AM.
“Sadly yes.” You said and kissed him and he returned the kiss. “But hey, we'll be with each other for the next 2 days.” You said and he smiled.
“That we will, Angel.” Kelly said and kissed you rolling over to where he was pinning you underneath him. The kissing got more intense and you were planning on letting it go further but you needed to get to work before Boden had both of your heads.
“As much as I want to continue this. We really need to get to work.” You said and he bowed his head and sighed in defeat. He knew you right. 
“You’re always right.” He said and you smiled and kissed him again but he continued his attack on you. 
“Kel.” You warned but he just continued his attack on your neck and then he was inching his way down your body until he got to the hem of his shirt that you stole from him. “Baby.” You moaned out and he smirked and went lower to your underwear cover pussy. He pushed your legs open and began kissing the inside of your thighs as he slid your underwear down your legs and threw them somewhere. Then he dove straight in and your head was thrown back “Kelly!” You shouted but turned into a moan. Your hands went to his head he licked a broad stripe up your folds as his hands kept your thighs spread. He swirled his tongue around your entrance and then bit your clit gently and that had you letting out a pornographic moan. Your back arched pleasure and that rubber band feeling was creeping up a tall tale sign you were about to cum. “I’m gonna cum.” You warned and he quickened his pace and when he sucked on your clit and gently bit it again for the second time had you coming undone. “I'm cumming!” You moaned out and that rubber band snapped and you saw stars. You came all over his face and he was licking it up like it was his last meal. When you came down from your high, he was sitting up and lying next to you. You laid there for a few minutes catching your breath “That was amazing.” You said and he smiled and leaned over and kissed you, you could taste yourself on his tongue.
“Have to take care of my girl.” He said after he broke the kiss and you smiled.
“Now we have to get ready.” You said and got up. He laid there watching you. Once you had disappeared into the bathroom, he and when he heard the shower running, he got up and smirked. He stripped off his sweats and underwear leaving him nude. He walked into the bathroom and when you heard the shower door open you smiled.
“Just couldn’t stand it could you?” You asked and he smirked.
“How can? Especially knowing my sexy fiancée is in here all alone and may need some assistance.” He said and you laughed as he started to finish what you had started and then it was your turn to help him. As you were soaping him up and rinsing him off you got down to his very erect and noticeable hard on, you smirked.
“Want me to help you with that?” You asked and he smirked.
“I would never say no to you.” He said and you smiled and he helped you ease your way down once he knew what you were doing. All soap was gone and both of you were clean but you always did enjoy standing there under the hot water. Your hand traveled down to his cock and pumped it while you kissed the tip and kitten licked it and that had him moaning. “Oh, Angel. That feels so good.” He said and you smirked and took the tip into your mouth and swirled it with your tongue and then you started moving your head up and down. Kelly’s head was thrown back in pleasure. One hand went to your head and the other braced himself on the shower wall. “Angel.” He moaned out. You kept changing your speed and then you hollowed your cheeks and took him deeper until he hit the back of your throat. You breathed through your nose “I’m close, Y/N/N.” He said and you knew it was true especially when your other hand that wasn’t on his cock went to his balls you felt them tightening up. What did him in was when you squeezed his cock and his balls at the same time “I’m cumming, Angel.” He moaned out and then his thick load shot into the back of your throat and you swallowed it all. When he was done you slowly drug your mouth off his cock and released him with a pop. He helped you stand up and kissed you tasting himself. You smiled at him “Thank you, Angel.” He said and tucked a piece of wet hair behind your ear.
“Anytime babe.” You said and then you both were getting out and getting ready. Once everything was ready to go you looked at your phone 7:20 AM it read and your eyes bugged out of your head. 
“What is it, Angel?” He asked when he noticed your expression.
“We’re gonna be late.” You said and he smirked. 
“Then let me drive.” He said and you groaned but agreed. You both walked out to his Jeep and he booked it to the firehouse. 7:50 AM, you had cut it close but now you felt nauseous.
“Never letting you drive again.” You said as you grabbed your bag.
“Oh, come on. I got us here on time.” He said and you just shook your head and the both of you headed in. Both of you put your bags in the locker room and went to hear the reports and once that was over your 2-day shift started. 
6 hours into your shift nothing really exciting happened, just a few small calls that didn’t require everyone to go out. You were grateful for the silent morning and not much happening because that meant you could spend time with Kelly and plan your wedding with your bridesmaids, Sylvie Brett and Grabriela Dawson and maid of honor, Stella Kidd. “So, have you picked a color yet?” Sylvie asked.
“I have 2 picked out navy blue and sage green.” You said and she nodded.
“Oh, navy blue would look so pretty.” Stella said and you smiled as you flipped through some magazines. You were mid flip when Kelly walked into the room you looked up when you saw him coming over and kissed you.
“How is my beautiful fiancée doing?” He asked and you smiled and you could hear the girls aweing at you both and you rolled your eyes at them.
“Oh hush. I’m doing well. A little bit achy from the rambunctious patient we had last call.” You said and he gave you a look “Kel, I’m fine nothing major happened and we handled it.” You said and he eased up.
“You know I want you to be safe on every call.” He said and you nodded and watched him walk over to the fridge and grab two bottles of water and something to snack on and brought it to you. You gladly accepted them.
“You two are so adorable.” Gabby said and you chuckled and made room for Kelly to sit down and then you leaned into him and started flipping through the magazine again as he fed you some of his snack. “So, you have a cake picked out?” She asked and you nodded.
“We do. It’s a chocolate strawberry cake.” Kelly said “It’s her favorite and I want her to be happy on her special day.” He said and kissed your temple. You smiled and played with your engagement ring.
“Hey it’s your day too.” You argued and looked at him.
“Yes, but to me it’s going to be all about you and celebrating you being with me.” He said and again the girls awed at the both of you and again you rolled your eyes but smiled. The wedding talk continues and Kelly put his input in. When the urge to go to the bathroom was needed you got up and he whined. “Where are you going?” He asked pouting and you turned to him.
“I have to go to the bathroom, Babe. Unless you want to join.” You said as a joke and he started to get up but you stopped him “I was joking. I’ll be back soon.” You said and he pouted again.
“Fine. I’ll miss you.” He said and you laughed.
“I’ll be right back.” You said and the girls all laughed. You went to the bathroom and as you were washing your hands the bells rang signaling for Rescue Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambulance 61, and Engine 51. It must be serious if they were sending everyone out. You quickly rushed the ambulance and he stopped you before you got in and he kissed you hard and you returned the kiss. “I love you.” You said as you hopped into the vehicle.
“I love you too.” He said and then you both got in your vehicles and then you were off to the call. The call was made by a bystander that had witnessed a gang fight had taken place and there were some casualties but also some that needed medical attention as well as a fire that had broken out due to a bullet hitting a gas tank of a car. Intelligence was also called since it was their case they were working on. You were quick to jump out when the ambulance had stopped. Boden gave orders and everyone got to work. You, Sylvie, and Gabby along with Herrmann, Otis, Kelly, Brian and Peter moved people that needed serious attention to one place and the ones that didn't move to another then the deceased to another with sheets laying over them. Intelligence and other police officers were booking left and right. You had just finished with one patient when Jay grabbed your attention. 
“Hey, Y/N! I need you over here!” He said and you rushed over with your bag. When you got there a man in his mid-20s was lying unconscious on the ground but breathing. You knelt down next to him and Jay. Jay was waiting to do anything to help.
“Sir, can you hear me?” You asked while taking a listen to him and everything sounded normal. You still hadn't gotten a response so you made your hand into a fist and rubbed his sternum. That definitely got a reaction out of him because before Jay could stop him, he had grabbed a knife that was in his back pocket and drove it first into your stomach. At first you didn't feel it and Jay was just shocked. You Felt it when the knife pulled out and found its way into your ribs. Jay took action and was quick to apprehend the person and cuff him. He called for someone to get the person off the ground and once they were gone Jay turned his direction to you. 
“Hey it's ok. You're going to be ok.” Jay said as he started putting pressure on your wounds.
“Kelly. Want Kelly.” You mumbled out and Jay nodded and looked up looking for your fiancé and when he found him, he shouted his name.
“Kelly!” Jay shouted and that caused Kelly to look up and his face drained of color when he saw you on the ground with blood and Jay trying to help. He was rushing over to get to you. 
“What the hell happened?” Kelly asked when he arrived and took over for Jay but Jay stayed close wanting to help his friends. 
“I found a guy on the ground unconscious and called her over since she was available. She was checking on him and trying to wake him up and he woke up startled and took out a knife we both didn't see and stabbed her before I could do anything. He was quick and got a second stab in.” Jay said and Kelly nodded, not mad at anyone this could happen to anyone. He knew moving someone without knowing their injuries could end up making it worse for them. 
“Kel?” You asked and he looked down and saw you staring at him with wild unfocused eyes. You looked so scared.
“I'm here, Angel. I'm here.” He said and pressed harder on your wounds. Blood was starting to seep out between his fingers. “Jay, go and get Sylvie and Gabby. Tell them it's Y/N. Tell them to bring the gurney and hurry.” He said and Jay nodded and went to find them.
“I'm sorry.” You said and Kelly looked at you confused.
“Why are you sorry?” He asked
“I didn't see the knife.” You said and he shook his head.
“Nobody could've seen it. You and Jay did the right thing in not moving him.” He said and you nodded and then you started coughing which brought blood and it was getting harder to breathe. “Hey hey, don't you give up on me yet.” He said and grabbed your gloved hand and he could feel your ring through it. He decided he needed to be skin to skin with you so he ripped the gloves off and your diamond ring was out on display for everyone to see.  “We have so many plans, Angel. Don't leave me.” He added you so desperately tried to keep your eyes open and you were winning the fight but barely. 
“Oh my god.” Sylvie gasped and both her and Gabby got to work. The commotion caught the attention of a few others and they were quick to come over. “Hey, Y/N/N. Can you hear me?” Sylvie asked and you nodded your head and looked over at her.
“Kel?” You asked, losing a lot of blood.
“I'm right here, Y/N. I'm right here.” He said and your head lolled over to look at him. Then your eyes closed and your breathing stopped. “Y/N! No no no no.” Kelly said and removed his hands and started chest compression and that kicked everyone into gear. Gabby put a pulse ox on you and connected leads to you and it showed a flatline and tears came to Kelly's, well everyone's, eyes. “Come on. Come on.” He said and continued CPR. About 2 minutes later your heart started beating again and he sighed in relief. Gabby started an IV and Kelly’s hands went to the puncture wounds again.
Everyone started talking and then you felt yourself being lifted up and onto the gurney by several people. You were moving and it felt like you were floating. Nothing was in focus and every sound was underwater. You were loaded into the back of the ambulance and then you were speeding away. Kelly never once left your side and nobody argued with him.
Getting to Med felt like forever but it was only a short 3 minutes but in those 3 minutes Kelly's world stopped again. Your heart was beating strong and then all of a sudden it just stopped. Gabby was quick to start CPR again. “If we don't get her back soon, her chances to survive are low.” She said and just as soon as the ambulance pulled up to Med your heart started again. When the doors opened there was Connor and a few nurses standing there and as soon as the gurney was off the ambulance you were being wheeled away. Talking was heard but you couldn't focus on it. Your eyes were closed. 
“Kelly, you know you can't go back with us.” Connor said
“I know. Just take care of her. Angel, I'll be here when you're done. Keep fighting.” Kelly said, bending down and kissing your forehead and then your ring. “I love you.” Kelly added as tears ran down his face and you were wheeled behind the door. Kelly just stood there not knowing what to do until Otis came behind him and grabbed his shoulders and led him to the waiting room. Before they wheeled you behind the doors, they had taken your engagement ring off and gave it to him. He looked up and saw most of everyone there but nobody said a word. He looked down at your engagement ring and just started to let tears escape. He needed you.
“Alright I want a quick x-ray and an ultrasound then I want her prepped and quickly.” Conner said and everybody let him know that they understood and then they were on it. An x-ray was taken and the tech froze.
“Uh, Conner. I might want to come and take a look at this.” He said and Connor rushed over.
“She’s pregnant.” He confirmed “Someone call Dr. Manning. Tell her it is an emergency.” He said 
“On it!” A nurse said and was quick to get her on the phone. In no time Natalie was rushing into the OR, she was getting the ultrasound up and running and was quick to get it on you.
“It looks like she is 9 weeks pregnant and it looks like the knife didn’t even touch the placenta but it looks like it caught her kidney.” She said “I’ll stay and monitor the baby.” She said and Connor nodded and started giving directions out. The surgery was stressful but it was coming along great. “The baby's heart rate and breathing are great.” Natalie said just about the time your heart rate was beginning to drop.
“Heart is dropping and her breathing is labored.” The surgical nurse said and that concerned both of the doctors. Then your heart monitor flatlined. 
“Starting CPR!” Connor said and he started the chest compressions. “Come on, Y/N/N. You got a fiancé that is worried sick about you and a baby to grow and raise” he said and you must be listening because after about 3 minutes of CPR your heart started to beat again. “Ok, she’s back! Let’s hurry this and get her into recovery.” He said calmly and they finished quickly. They had to fix your lung and remove one of your kidneys but you were going to survive.
4 hours is how long everyone had to wait. Your team members, who were your family, weren’t going to go anywhere especially not when one of their own was fighting for her life. Kelly was a nervous wreck and he hadn’t even said a word since he arrived, nobody was going to push him to talk. Boden had declared him off since it was his fiancée in there and that considered him family. Nobody had come out and whenever someone had come out it wasn’t Connor and his heart sank a little more each time. The plans that you two had made and planned on making were running through his head. He thought about starting a family with you and the wedding you two were going to have. As he was thinking about it all, he remembered your diamond ring in his hand, it shouldn’t be in his hand, it should be on your finger. He took one last look at it and then took his chain off around his neck and unclasped it and slid on it, he then put the chain back around his neck.
Finally, Connor came out and he stood there for a minute until he saw Kelly and the crew. He walked over to them and when Kelly heard footsteps he looked up and quickly stood up. “Connor?” Kelly asked Connor, looked at him and smiled.
“They’re both going to be just fine.” He said and Kelly looked at him shocked.
“Both?” Kelly questioned 
“Yes, Y/N is 9 weeks pregnant. I take it neither of you knew.” He said, reading the expression on Kelly’s face.
“No. We’ve been trying but not really trying.” He said and Connor smiled. “How is Y/N?” He asked
“We lost her once but got her back quickly. The knife got her kidney so we had to remove that and we fixed her lung. I’m suggesting a few weeks to a month off from work but she can do very light duty.” Connor said and everyone nodded, mostly Boden. “I can take you to her now.” He said.
“Please.” Kelly said and Connor smiled and nodded. He led Kelly the way and while he was walking past his crew, they gave him a chorus of ‘Congratulations’. They weren’t going anywhere anytime soon.
Kelly and Connor arrived at your room and he walked in and sat down on the chair. “If something happens, please grab one of the nurses and they’ll either page me or Natalie or both of us will be here.” He said and Kelly nodded “Oh and Kelly?” He added and Kelly looked up at him. “Congratulations.” He said and Kelly smiled and Connor was off. He was left there sitting with you and letting tears fall.
“You scared me, Angel. When I saw you lying there with Jay putting pressure on your wounds, my world stopped. Then when you stopped breathing and your heart stopped twice on the way here, it scared the shit out of me. We’re going to be parents, Angel. I don’t know if you can hear me but you, I’m so glad you chose to stay with me. I would be so lost without you. I love you so much.” He said and kissed your forehead. 
Nurses were in and out checking on you and the baby and the crew came and saw you but couldn’t stay long and Kelly understood and he knew you would understand too. Kelly wasn’t going to leave your side for nothing and nobody was going to make him and Boden understood. He wanted to put your ring back on but refrained against it because he didn’t want them taking it off again.
2 days had passed and you still hadn’t woken up but that was to be understood it helped your body heal. They kept IVs running to keep you and the baby hydrated and it had some nutrients in it to keep you both nourished from the lack of food being eaten. It was during the night when you woke up and you looked around the room taking in the noise and where you were at. Then you looked over to your right and saw Kelly sleeping. You reached a hand over and stroked his cheek which woke him up and then when he saw you were awake, he was up with a start. About that time Connor and Natalie had come and smiled. “Nice to see you awake.” Connor said and you smiled and then grimaced in pain when you tried to move. 
“Take it easy. You just had some major surgery. We also don’t want to stress the baby out.” Natalie said and you pulled a confused face.
“Baby?” You asked voice scratchy and Kelly was quick to grab the cup of water and bring the straw to your lips and you drank some and pushed it away.
“Yes, we did an x-ray to see where the knife had hit and when the baby popped up, I was called in and I did an ultrasound to confirm that you are 9 weeks pregnant. I take it you didn’t know.” Natalie said and you shook your head but smiled “Congratulations.” She said with a small smile and you smiled back.
“Thank you. We were trying for a kid but haven’t been trying very hard.” You said and she smiled.
“The knife punctured your kidney and your lung. We removed your kidney and repaired your lung. I want you to take it very easy for a few weeks and if you go back to work then it’s going to have to be very light duty.” Connor said and you nodded. He and Natalie went over a few things with you and then left. They wanted you to stay in the hospital for at least a week to make sure everything was ok and no complications and you agreed along with Kelly. 
“We’re going to be parents.” You said and he smiled and nodded then you looked down at your bare hand “Where is my ring?” You asked almost panicked and he smiled and pulled it out on his chain.
“Right here baby.” He said and pulled it off and took it off and put it back on your hand where it belonged. You let out a yawn and he chuckled. “Go back to sleep baby. I’ll be here when you wake up.” He said and leaned up and kissed your forehead again. 
As you fell back asleep you smiled and thought about your baby. The two of you were going to be parents and you couldn’t wait. All you could think about is how good of a father Kelly was going to make and you couldn’t wait. You couldn’t wait to marry him and raise his kid with him. The three of you were going to be one happy family and that was something worth staying for.
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spncrscasey · 2 months
One Chance (k.s.)
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Fandom/Characters: Chicago Fire - Kelly Severide x Fem!Reader, Leslie Shay
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Kelly Severide. The man who hasn’t stopped asking you out since you joined 51. But now, you have a date and his time is up.
Warnings: flirting, fluff, tiniest bit of angst? (idk if this would even be considered angst,) happy ending
a/n: i don’t rlly like this but it’s smth quick and short cuz i was bored. i literally saw this gif and the idea came to me, idk what it was about the gif but it resulted in this so here you go ! enjoy reading <3
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“Hey gorgeous,” You heard him say as you walked in, winking at you.
“Morning, Severide.” You reply, rolling your eyes.
“When are you going to let me take you out?” He asked like clockwork.
This had been going on since the week you'd joined the firehouse. Each day, he’d ask if you wanted to go on a date with him. And every time, your response would be the same,
Yet he still hadn't given up, “Never say never, m’lady.” His answer earned a chuckle from you, causing a grin to form on his face.
Truth be told, you really liked him. He was not only an excellent leader but also a great friend. And let's face it, he wasn't bad looking either. Who were you kidding? You could get lost in those mesmerizing blue eyes for hours. He was beautiful.
But you also knew him. You knew his reputation. A ladies’ man, a womanizer, a playboy— you could go on and on. You were aware of the multiple women he'd take home weekly and you didn’t want to be one of them. You weren't the kind of girl who regularly has one-night stands. There's nothing wrong with them, it just wasn't who you were.
The point is, you didn't want to just be someone he was one and done with. Which is why you were continuously rejecting his advances. You couldn't lie though, it was fun watching him flirt with you in hopes of one day, getting your attention.
As you entered the kitchen in search of coffee, you noticed that he had quietly followed you inside.
“So. Any plans for this weekend?” He questioned, as you poured yourself a cup.
“Actually, yes. You want one?” You asked, pointing the mug at him.
“No thanks, but do tell.” He inquires.
“I have a date.”
“With who?” He instantly questions.
“Not that it's any of your business, but this guy I met at a coffee shop down the street a few days ago,” You reply, smiling.
He rolls his eyes in annoyance but tries once more, “How about you ditch him and go on a date with me instead, beautiful?”
“Once again Severide, not happening.” You shut him down for the umpteenth time, walking away.
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Shay was currently at your apartment helping you get ready for the date you had tonight.
“I'm just saying, I've never seen him so into a girl before.” She tells you, lying on your bed as you rummage through your closet for something to wear.
For the last hour, she has been persistently trying to convince you that Kelly has suddenly developed a romantic interest in you.
“Leslie, I know he's your best friend and roommate and that you have to be on his side or whatever- but come on, we both know how he is. Which one?” You ask, revealing two black dresses you were struggling to choose between.
“The one on the left.” She answers before going back to the topic at hand, “He’s changed Y/N- he hasn't brought home a single girl in the last month! If that doesn't tell you something then I don't know what will.” She exclaimed.
“Just because he hasn't brought them home doesn't mean he hasn't been to their places instead.” You point out, putting on the dress.
She sighs. “Just give him a chance Y/N, he's a great guy.”
“I know he is, but being a great man doesn't also necessarily make you a great boyfriend.” You say while beginning your hair and makeup.
“You’re so difficult.” She counters, earning a giggle from you.
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Shay had gone home and since you were done getting ready with 30 minutes to spare, you decided to watch some TV.
You were flipping through the channels when you heard a knock at your door. Assuming your date had arrived early, you hurriedly went to answer it.
“Hey, you made it-” You speak excitedly before looking up and noticing who it is, “Severide?” You furrow your brows, not expecting him to be here.
“You look absolutely breathtaking.” He says, looking you up and down.
His words quickened the pace of your heart. And the way his gaze slowly roamed down the outline of your body caused a shiver to run down your spine, electrifying every nerve along the way.
“Uhh, thanks… But what are you doing here? If you're looking for Shay, she left a while ago-” You quickly answer, pushing aside the way his compliment made you feel before he cuts you off.
“I'm not here for her, I’m here to talk to you.”
“Well, you better make it quick because I'm sure my date will be here soon.” You open the door further, letting him into your space.
“Screw that guy!” He says turning to face you towards the door, “How many times do I have to ask you- go out with me. Please.”
If you didn't know him any better, you'd almost think he was desperate with the way he was pleading.
“Kelly,” You pause, noticing the way his breath hitches at your use of his first name. “I don't want to be just another name you add to your list of girls you've slept with.”
“You won't be! I like you Y/N and if you let me, I can prove it to you. I’m done with all the women- all I want is you.” He lets out exasperated.
“You mean that?” Still unsure of his motives, you look into his eyes searching for anything to prove to you that he’s being honest.
He nods before repeating his earlier statement while taking a step closer to you, “So how about, you call up your coffee shop man, tell him you're canceling and let me take you on this date instead?”
You laugh, “You drive a hard bargain Kelly Severide.”
“Is that a yes?”
You nod, not being able to contain your ear-to-ear grin, loving the way he beams back at you. That smile is something you could definitely get used to.
“Don't make me regret this Severide.” You say in a teasing manner.
“God no.” He says relieved before swiftly pulling you into a bone-crushing hug, causing you to erupt into a fit of giggles.
Maybe Shay was right, maybe he really had changed for the better.
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shesmyboot · 1 year
Baby Severide - Chapter 3: Naming Baby Severide
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*Gif belongs to its rightful owner, it is not mine*
Pairing: Kelly Severide x reader
Summary: Baby Severide is finally here and you and Kelly are tasked with naming her.
Words: 874
Warnings: Doctors, hospitals, angry moms
Read on Ao3 here
Next Chapter: Chapter 4
Notes: Chapter 3’s posting is kinda a surprise but I like this chapter tbh. This is likely the last chapter I’ll post before vacation, but I may queue chapter 4 sometime next weekend! As always, a Reblog on any chapter of the fic means you will be tagged in any new chapters! Enjoy
Tags: @district447 @keabbs @storiesofsvu @marvelcharactersxreader @carnationworld @witchywinchester99 @treehouse-mouse @skullcupcakes @whatismypurpos
“She’s almost here,” Dr Calhoun announced, “just a few more minutes and you’ll meet your little girl.”
“See baby? You’re doing amazing,” Kelly beamed, kissing you on the cheek.
“I didn’t think I’d be this nervous to be on the table,” you chuckled.
“And she’s out,” Dr Calhoun announced, rushing the baby to the warmer behind her.
“Why isn’t she crying? Kelly, why isn’t she crying?” You asked, a worried tone to your voice.
“Dr Calhoun? Is everything okay?” Kelly gruffly called over.
“Just clearing the mouth and nose and taking some measurements. Nothing to worry about,” she replied, “the nurses will take her final measurements and bring her over while I close your abdomen.”
You heard a loud wail come from across the room. You were both okay. 
“We’re bring her over now, Mrs Severide,” a nurse told you as she brought over your baby and set her on your chest.
“Baby, she’s beautiful,” you started to tear up.
“She gets it from her mama,” he replied, brushing back your hair and kissing your forehead.
As Dr Calhoun finished stitching you up, the team got you ready to head into post op.
The trip to your recovery room was long, but your new baby made it feel short.
Once you and Kelly were settled in your recovery room, a nurse knocked on your door.
“Mrs Severide?” the nurse asked, “two firefighters are here to see you.”
“Send them in please,” you replied.
A few moments later, Casey and Boden walked through your door.
“How’d it go?” Casey asked you.
“I’m okay. Baby is perfect” you replied, a smile stuck to your face.
“Glad to hear,” Boden smiled, “the rest of 51 will be by after shift.”
“We just figured the two of us would come by for now, keep the knuckleheads at the firehouse,” Casey laughed.
“Knock knock,” Dr Calhoun said, pushing the door back, “is now a good time?”
“We’ll leave you guys be. I’ll bring Sylvie by tomorrow,” Casey smiled.
“Thanks Matt,” Kelly replied.
“Thank you guys for coming. It’s good to know she already has 51 looking out for her,” you smiled, wiping the tears off your face.
Casey and Boden left the room, as Doctor Calhoun made her way over to your bedside.
“The surgery went well. We’ll keep you here for a few days, then you both should be good to go home,” she smiled.
“That’s great news,” Kelly smiled.
“The best thing now is establishing some skin-to-skin with both of you. I’ll leave you guys to it, but a nurse will be outside if you need anything.”
Kelly helped you unbutton the top clasps on your gown, exposing the top of your chest. Feeling your brand new baby breathe on your chest was a surreal feeling, something you’d never thought you’d get.
Doctor Calhoun left your room. Kelly leaned over your bed and kissed you.
Looking over at you with your brand new baby, Kelly said, “I guess we should name her now, huh?”
“I’ve got a few ideas,” you chuckled.
“Which are?” He smiled.
“Well, for starters, I would like it to mean and honour something. I know we’ve talked about it before, but I think her middle name should be Shay. Leslie is a big reason we’re together and if we weren’t together, this little girl wouldn’t be here.”
“Baby,” Kelly’s eyes started to fill with tears, “I love you- I don’t even know what to say.”
“So that’s a yes to the middle name?”
“Of course it’s a yes.”
“Ok so first name ideas?”
“Your sister would’ve hopped on a plane as soon as we found out you were pregnant if it weren’t for losing her at 28. If she can’t be here, we should find a way to honour her memory. Alexis would’ve loved meeting her niece.”
“Alexis Shay Severide?”
“So it’s settled?”
“It’s settled. Ready to hold your daughter?”
“Never been so ready.”
“Take your shirt off then, mister.”
“Damn, I missed you saying that,” he laughed.
Picking up Alexis and handing her over to her father, your husband. It still didn’t feel real.
“She really is so beautiful,” he smiled.
There was a knock on the door and a blonde woman with glasses poked her head around the corner. 
“We should call your mom,” Kelly reminded, “she’d want to come meet Alexis.”
“Can you FaceTime her?” 
“Of course, babe. Do you want her back?”
“Well I mean, if you’re offering,” you chuckled. 
You took Alexis back from Kelly and he grabbed his phone to call your mom.
“Hey mom, I’ve got someone who I think you’ll want to meet,” you laughed, Kelly tipping the phone down to see Alexis.
“Honey! You didn’t tell me she was arriving early! What’s her name? When was she born?” Your mom gushed. 
“That’s actually why we’re calling. We figured you’d want to come meet her in person. She was born late this morning, then we picked her name a few minutes ago. Meet your granddaughter, Alexis Shay Severide.”
“Alexis? Like your sister?” She sighed, “why would you do that?”
“We thought it would be a good way to honour the life of my sister. Is there something wrong?” You felt yourself become stressed.
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samantha-chicago · 6 months
Who I Write For
These are all the characters I write for. Please keep this in mind when requesting anything.
All requests will be written in a female POV Many Thanks
Chicago P.D.
Adam Ruzek Jay Halstead Kevin Atwater Dante Torres Hailey Upton Kim Burgess Greg 'Mouse' Gerwtiz Hank Voight (Not Romantically)
Chicago Fire
Kelly Severide Joe Cruz Matthew Casey Blake Gallo Stella Kidd Randall 'Mouch' McHolland (Not Romantically) Sam Carver Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek Christopher Herrmann (Not Romantically) Wallace Boden (Not Romantically) Sylvie Brett Violet Mikami Leslie Shay
Chicago Med
Connor Rhodes William Halstead
911 Lone Star / 911
Evan Buckley Eddie Diaz TK Strand Carlos Reyes
Christina 'Chris' Alonso James 'Jim' Street Victor Tan Dominique Luca Daniel 'Hondo' Harroldson Decon 'Dec' Kay (Not Romantically)
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poppadom0912 · 10 months
Characters: Kelly Severide x Reader, half of firehouse 51
Warnings: Brief mentions of a crime idk.
Summary: This wasn't exactly what they were thinking when an fbi agent strolled into their firehouse.
A/N: I had such a nice plan for this little beauty but then I messed up and then I remembered I had homework due tomorrow that I haven't done so please enjoy this ugly piece of writing. Kinda don't want to publish this but I need to feed you lot before I get swamped in holiday homework.
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"Hey, I'm looking for a Kelly Severide."
You said, asking the first person you found. It was your first time in the firehouse and this definitely wasn't how you planned it to be but you could make this work.
"Lieutenant Kelly Severide?" The woman rose her brow, her voice coming across as soft as she looked. You couldn't deny she was pretty and taking into account her blonde hair and the word paramedic on her uniform caused your brows to rise ever so slightly.
"Oh! You must be Sylvie Brett." You smiled, holding out your hand for the paramedic to shake which she did with much confusion and slight fear. "Agent Y/N Y/L/N."
"You work for the fbi." She stated, fidgeting with her fingers once your hands were released. It was clear she was shocked and you could understand why; your gun in its holster, your shiny golden badge and the bold yellow letters printed on the back of your government issued jacket.
"Yes I do." You replied with a tight lipped smile, annoyed that your job was the first impression everyone at the firehouse would be getting from you; these men and women were family to Kelly and greeting them for the first time ever in your uniform wasn't what you wanted.
Before Sylvie could fully shake off her shock, someone butted into the conversation, having spotted and recognising you.
"Y/N, you're back." Matt smiled, his arms wide inviting your for a hug which you immediately accepted. The captain was the one person in Kelly's life that knew of your existence since there was no hiding you from his roomate, especially since your stay became more permanent.
The hug was what caught everyone's attention. Sylvie talking to someone was normal but Matt hugging a stranger wasn't, hence all the heads turning and when all their eyes widened, you weren't surprised.
"Feds." Two men whispered in sync upon laying eyes on you, the others stood out of their seats and came around to you in the middle of the common room.
"What do the feds want with us now?" One man asked, crossing his arms with an attitude that you could smell from a mile away. Maybe it was his accent or it could've been his snarky tone which got him a quick reprimand from the captain but you knew his name.
"Christopher Herrmann, right?" You pointed at him, your smile brightening when he did a double take at the name you guessed correct.
"It's probably creepy that I know all your names and I really wished that we could've met under better circumstances but I will explain everything." You said, sheepishly smiling at the very confused group of firefighters.
"Y/N! What are you doing here?" Kelly noticed you from afar, it was hard not to recognise the three yellow letter the second he turned the corner.
Within seconds, Kelly enveloped you into his arms and despite the reputation that you wanted to maintain, you folded and accepted the hug, wrapping your arms around his waist, contently inhaling the comforting scent that always followed your boyfriend.
"Okay I'm sorry but who are you?"
"Agent Y/N Y/L/N." You replied automatically, not even thinking about leaving out the agent. Biting the inside of your lip, you internally cursed at yourself.
"She's my girlfriend." Kelly smirked, his arm happily resting across your shoulders where he could keep you close to him. "Whose actually supposed to be in Texas right about now, what happened?"
"Everything's fine. We apprehended our guy earlier than expected and there might've been a gunfight and there's a small possibility I was in the middle but a graze is nothing." You said with ease since it was your job and you loved everything it entailed but to your crowd, you seemed like a lunatic and a hero combined in one.
"You're kidding." Kelly looked down at you in concern, his heart rate picking up at the mere thought of you getting hurt, even if you brushed it off as a papercut.
Before you could explain further that a graze inflicted zero pain, a man you could name purely based off the aura that surrounded him entered the common room.
"Agent, what can we do for you?" The tallest man came forward and asked, his hands shaking yours before they were on his hips. From his stance and the way his voice was so gentle but commandeering made it easy for you to deduce his position in the firehouse; it also helped that Kelly continuously boasted about the men and women of 51.
"I'm sorry for interrupting your day chief." You firstly apologised, sheepishly smiling at the firefighters who were shocked at Kelly's arm still wrapped around your waist. "I need nothing but a few minutes with lieutenant Severide and I'll be out your hair."
"Don't be silly." Kelly shook his head, looking down at you with a slight frown. "Why don't you stay for lunch, you can't just appear out of nowhere and not eat with us."
"I have so much paperwork I left behind. My boss will have my throat if they're not done." You tried fighting Kelly but he looked at you with such big eyes that you wanted to drown yourself in and a slight pout was making itself known and before you knew it, you were caving in.
"Alright, just a few bites and then I have to go."
It was safe to say, some feds were okay.
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enchantedblackrose · 2 years
We Need You Part 3
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We Need You Part 3
Kelly Severide/Fem Reader
Warnings: vomiting , as usual this is unedited
Part 1||Part 2
Part 3
The warm sun softly trickles through the blinds into your bedroom. A sleepy, but content smile tugs at your mouth as you roll into Kelly, who is still soundly asleep, yet pulls your body closer to his. Your left arm drapes across his beautiful bare chest and you start to happily fidget with the ring around your finger, its weight, even after a week, still foreign to you, though it is becoming familiar and comforting.
Your eyes, heavy still with sleep, start to shut again as you remember Kelly is off, your work, since the fire, is remote, which means you're more than free to stay in bed for a bit longer.  A happy sigh escapes you as you snuggle into your fiance.
You start to drift  back to sleep. Then it hits you. A wave of nausea. You scramble to throw the covers off and get out of bed to rush to the bathroom. You kneel in front of the toilet just in time. 
Your stomach rids itself of most of its contents. You groan not entirely sure you're through just yet. Kelly kneels beside you offering a glass of water. You take it and manage small sips.
You give Kelly a small smile, "Thank you for this," you indicate to the glass in your hand. "I'm sorry I woke you."
"Shh, baby. Don't even worry about that." He runs his hand up and down your back in an attempt to sooth you. You close your eyes, savoring his comforting touch.
"Mm, Kelly," you look up at him after a moment. "I really don't want you seeing me like this."
"Why?" He asks.
"I'm gross."
Kelly chuckles in response. "You're beautiful," he presses a kiss to your forehead. You stare at him in disbelief,  eliciting more laughter from him.
"Things will get weirder and grosser the further along I get."
"I'm aware, but you're not gonna scare me away."
"I didn't think I would, but will you please leave? I'm going to clean up, take a shower."
"Okay just be careful. Don't overdo it and don't keep the water too hot."
His concern makes you smile and you let him help you to your feet before you shoo him out the door.
As the days continue, so does your morning sickness, rather all day sickness. If Kelly is home with you, he meets you outside the bathroom door with fresh water having learned to leave you be in your actual moment of sickness.  He takes special care to keep saltines, ginger ale, water, and Gatorade fully stocked. 
You're tired all the time, but you find your stride working from home and rest when you can. At about six weeks, you have your first appointment with your OB. First, they confirm your pregnancy with a urine test, they estimate your due date, and send you home with prenatals and medicines to help with the nausea.
A week and a half later, you return to the office. This time Kelly is with you. The two women working the reception desk can't stop ogling Kelly. The one even did a double take when she looked up from her computer to greet you both. You can't explain it, maybe it's the hormones, but it makes you uncomfortable.
Kelly, unaware he's being drooled over, notices a subtle shift in you. He gives your hand already in his a reassuring squeeze. The small gesture calms you instantly. Or it does until on your way to sit in the waiting area you hear one of them whisper loudly to her coworker, "he could try to get me pregnant any day." You whip your head back around.
"Easy there, tiger," Kelly murmurs. His free hand drops to your lower back and gently pushes you forward towards a seat.
You huff as you sit begrudgingly, hands folded across your chest.
Kelly fights back a laugh, plucking one of your hands free from under you and intertwines his fingers in yours. You sigh, but hold his hand anyway. 
"It's not funny," you mutter, spying the hint of a smile playing at his mouth. "It's actually really unprofessional."
"You're right," he says, bringing your hand to his lips and pressing a kiss. "But sweetheart, it's not like I even want to try to get either of them pregnant. Can you please try to relax? We're about to see our baby for the first time."
Another sigh escapes you, but only because Kelly is right and you hate when that happens.
"Sorry," you grumble, placing one of your hands on your not quite there yet baby bump. "I'm really glad you're here."
"Babe, there's nothing in this world that would keep me from being here with you today. I can't wait to see our little one."
As if on cue,  the technician doing your first ultrasound appears, calling your name. You and Kelly exchange smiles as the tech leads you to the room.
You take your place on the exam table as she explains what she's going to do. Before she applies the warm gel to your exposed tummy, she looks back and forth between you two.
"First one?" She asks.
You let out a little laugh. "How can you tell?"
"You're both understandably excited. And there's a mix of nerves in the air. Ready?" You nod. Kelly inches closer to you, eyes glued to the screen. The tech takes a few moments before speaking again.
"This," she points to the screen, "little jelly bean like shape is your baby." You can't take your eyes off the screen even if you wanted to. A tear trickles down your cheek. That little blob on the screen appears to flutter.
"Our baby just moved," you say, finally glancing at Kelly. He looks to be holding his breath. You guess to keep from crying as his own eyes look damp. He kisses your forehead. 
"And this," the tech moves the probe. "This would be your other baby." She's met with silence. She chuckles softly. "Congratulations Mom and Dad; you're having twins."
Taglist: @theatrenerd101601 @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog
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Jay Halstead (& Platonic! Will Halstead): People You Love
Some stories just write themselves and that is what this one did. I’ve been in a writing mood lately and I have a whole list of ideas I want to go through. This isn’t super Jay x reader-focused. 
Warnings: Mentions of PTSD and anti Will/ Natalie content 
You took a sip of your drink listening to Will talk to his brother about his latest disagreement with Natalie. You had learned at the beginning of your relationship with Jay and first meeting Will that it was not a topic of conversation that you should chime in on.  
Will wanted to be with Nat and there was nothing that could change that to his and her own detriment. You stirred the brightly colored liquid with your straw, listening to the ice cubes click against the glass. It was a sweet drink that Gabby had made for you. You were one of the few who frequented Molly’s that didn’t drink beer and only ordered mixed drinks. You had gotten hell for it from a few of the blue-collar boys, but Gabby had taken that as a challenge. There was always a new drink she had found for you to try. 
You tried to hide your wince by taking a drink when Will went through some particularly low blows of the fight. The saying sticks and stones make break my bone never considered how cutting words could be. Especially from the people who were supposed to love you. “You want another babe?” Your eyes flashed between his eyes and your cup which you now found almost empty. You hesitate, but with the way Will is going, you will probably be here for quite a while yet.   
“Yeah, just one more,” You agree. You watch him leave the table and make his way over to the crowded bar top. He wouldn’t have to wait if not for your drink, but he never complained. You heard a sigh and the loud click of a bottle being set more forcefully on the table.  
“Alright, let's hear it.” You glance up at Will expectantly. You weren’t close but you had acquaintanceship because of Jay. You liked Will but it was hard to form a real friendship with someone when you felt like you had to edit everything you said because they couldn’t handle your honesty. Will had a strong alpha male confidence and ego. He needed someone who could call him to the carpet, but you weren’t willing to risk your relationship with Jay to be that for him. You tilted your head in question to his statement. “I know you want to say something, so let’s hear it.” You shake your head circling your straw in your cup again. The bangles that lined your arms clinked together loudly as they slid down to your wrists. “C’mon,” Will pressed. 
“It’s nothing you want to hear.”  
“But there is something you want to say.” His gaze held yours and he raised his eyebrows in question. There was a challenging spark in his eyes. He was looking for a fight. “You’ve been with my brother for almost a year and never had an opinion you wanted to share about any of my relationship problems? I doubt that. I’ve been trying and nothing has been working out. So, I’m up for a female viewpoint.”  
“What you want is a fight. I like my relationship with Jay, I’m not going to ruin it by fighting with his older brother.” Will sits up a little straighter in his seat.  
“Is that so? Well, this one can be on the house. No backlash or fallout. The way I see it-I asked, you answered.” You eye him up and down trying to determine the truth of his words and if he was able to abide by what he just offered. You looked at the bar. Jay was leaning leisurely against the bar top talking to Kelly Severide, Matt Casey, and Gabby. You could tell he was still going to be a minute. You look back at Will and nod.  
“You and Natalie are never going to work.” Will blows out a breath and leans back in his seat before scoffing and shaking his head.  
“You don’t-” You shake your head at him holding up your hand making all the bangles clank down to the bottom of your forearm, the loud noise effectively covering up his rebuttal.  
“Uh-uh, you asked my opinion and now you're going to listen to it.” Will mouth turns into a firm line but he stays silent. “You two are bad for each other. I know you want it to work, to figure it out, for the little rainbows and butterflies to flutter down to fix all your problems. But it’s not going to happen. You two are bad for each other. She is bringing out the worst in you and from what I can tell- from the very limited time I’ve spent with you together- you are doing the same for her.” 
“I love her,” You shake your head at the redheaded man in front of you. 
“What you're doing to each other isn’t love Will. I know you care about her. Want what’s best for her but that doesn’t make it you. Love is finding each other's soft spots, their weakness. It’s learning and knowing exactly what could destroy them. It’s having all that power and choosing to protect them instead of bringing them to their knees.” You play with a bangle on your wrist twisting it, “I’ve been in a relationship where we picked each other to pieces, and I promise you Will that isn’t what you want.” You feel your eyes mist over with emotion, “It’s hard letting go but when you find someone that goes out of their way to protect you...When you would do anything to protect them...You will know that you’ve made the right decision.” 
“I protect Natalie.” You shake your head at Will getting frustrated with his purposeful ignoring of the issues. “We just get heated sometimes, say things we don’t-” 
“That’s what I am saying, Will. It seems to happen every other week with you too. Over stupid things that don’t matter.”  
“Unlike you and Jay. Because I’m sure you too never fight.” Will shoots back and your frustration rises.  
“Jay has PTSD. I’m more worried about protecting his mental health than notching up our day-to-day bickering. He gets in this headspace sometimes and it is irritating and frustrating because I just want him to talk to me. For him to let me help him. But he won’t. I didn’t understand at first. How could I? Then he had a really bad bout of it after a case. He didn’t hear me come in and I startled him. He pulled his gun on me. Pointed it right at my head.”  
Will felt his own frustration turn into something churning in his stomach. He knew his brother struggled with PTSD from time to time. He knew that he had nightmares and that there were times when he was constantly on edge- hypervigilant. But Will had never been there to see the full extent of it. “When he realized it was me, I could see it all in his eyes. He was afraid that he could hurt me. That I would be afraid to be around him. If he had any idea how terrified I was, not that he would hurt me but that he would torture himself with it. Nobody can hurt Jay like Jay can. The fallout was awful. He struggled to get past it. I knew that it could never happen again.” 
“So, what did you do?”  
You looked at your arm and wiggled it. The bangles clank loudly together. “I made it so I can never sneak up on him again. When I went through my Bollywood phase and bought bangles my mom used to complain that the entire neighborhood could hear me when I walked around. I’m sure one highly trained soldier can hear it coming from a mile away.” You look over to meet your gaze with Will again. “Now when I see the signs, I wear them. That is what you do for the people you love.”  
A look of understanding and respect is clear in Will’s eyes. You give him a smile and feel the threads of friendship beginning to form on the strong foundation of honesty and shared love of another person. “If you ever tell him that-” Will mimics zipping his lips before taking the last pull of his beer. You two sit in quiet understanding, and you can see Will marinating on your words. Whether they are thoughts about Jay or his relationship with Natalie you were unsure.  
Jay returns a few minutes later, setting a vivid blue and green drink in front of you and two bottles of beer for the brothers. You eyed the drink thoughtfully, “Gabby said you had to try it. She called it sweet poison, I think.” You stir it before sipping through the straw. You could taste the rum. Gabby had a habit of being heavy-handed with your drinks. It was good though. You turned to look at Gabby and when she raised her eyebrows in question you gave her an enthusiastic nod. She fist-pumped her accomplishment before turning back to Matt. “That good?” 
His strong hand found your thigh under the table, and you smiled at him. You caressed his forearm with one hand while pushing the drink closer to him with the other. “Yeah, try it.” He made a face at you but took a drink from the cup, not the straw. He merely shrugged his shoulders when you asked what he thought. “Yeah, yeah it’s always too sweet for you.” Jay looks over at his brother. 
“You okay man?” He questions, Will was being too quiet.  
“Yeah,” He runs his fingers through his curls, “I was just thinking... Might be a good time to get away for a while. Maybe do a week trip at Gramp's cabin. Fish and stock up on some more wood for the winter. You want to go?” The offer seems to throw Jay for a second. Between Will’s struggling relationship and Jay being busy with a heavy caseload they hadn’t had much time to spend together. Jay looks over at you and you smile brightly at him squeezing his arm. 
“Yeah, I have some time saved up that I need to go through.”     
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