#stella kidd the woman that you are
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sailingfireshipz · 1 month ago
Cheers to 9 years of Stella Kidd gagging & taking Kelly Severides breath away.
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sailingfireshipz · 5 months ago
Her coming to the realization that she much rather noooot talk about Pascal is hilarious 😂 like immediate switch in face & mood.
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– 13x05, Down the Rabbit Hole
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timothyslucy · 6 months ago
stella: *opens her mouth*
kelly: 😍😍😍
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witchygagirlwrites · 1 month ago
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Connor Rhodes x Reader
You loved Connor but when you noticed him getting close with Ava you knew something was off. He can't make up his mind who he wants so when Sam Carver asks you out, you accept. By the time Connor figures out he does truly love you, it's too late because that ain't his truck in your drive anymore.
Connor Cheats, Carver gets the girl
The sound of the alarm had you burying your head further into the pillows. You heard Connor chuckle lightly behind you as he reached over you to kill the alarm, kissing your bare shoulder as he did so. “Come on sweetheart you gotta get up” you groaned and stretched out. At least he’d stayed at your place the night before so that meant you didn’t have to go home to grab anything. You rolled over to face him and he smiled, pulling you into a kiss “I love you” 
You grinned “I love you too” he kissed you two more times before moving to climb out of the bed, grabbing his jeans from the night before. You tossed the blanket off of you before climbing out of the bed yourself. You had to be at work in an hour. If you were late Violet would never let you hear the end of it. 
You walked to the dresser to pull your uniform out along with a bra and panties. By then Connor was fully dressed so he walked over, pulling your still bare frame against him “I’ll see you later” you cut your eyes over your shoulder at him “Probably in a couple hours at most” he laughed lightly “That is true. Be safe” you nodded “Always”
He let himself out, locking the door behind him as you headed for the shower. 
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You parked your car next to Stella’s jeep and headed into the station house. The moment you walked into the bays Violet was running at you “You’re late woman!” you glanced at your watch “One freaking minute!” she laughed “A minute is a minute”
You shook your head “Christ, let me put my stuff in my locker and get some coffee before the crazy starts babe, ok?” She rolled her eyes “Fine” and slipped her arm into yours. The two of you headed to walk inside about the time Sam was coming out so he held the door open “Thank you Carver” you told him and he nodded “You’re welcome Darlin”
You and her headed for the locker room and you tossed your bags away then you headed for the kitchen, hoping like hell Capp and Tony hadn’t drained the coffee yet.”So, how are things between you and paging Dr sexy?” she asked with a smirk. You shrugged “Fine. He stayed at my place last night” she nodded “He better play nice. I’d hate to have to make it look like an accident” 
“Violet” you gasped and she shrugged “What? Don’t act like you wouldn’t do the same for me” you shook your head “Of course I would but I’d never risk saying it outloud. Don’t know who might be around and hear it” “Hear what?” Stella asked, walking up behind you. Violet grinned “That if Rhodes doesn’t act right with our girl I’ll make it look like an accident” Instead of Stella reprimanding Violet any she grinned “Oh yeah, I’d help you” and nodded at the coffee pot in your hand “Is there enough I can get some?”
You nodded “Yeah, I swear I’m best friends with two maniacs” they both smiled “But we love you” you laughed “and for that I am forever grateful” 
The three of you were sitting together out in the bays watching Cruz lose miserably to Kelly in a card game when a call rang out for an ambulance to respond to seventh and wabash to a heart attack. You slapped Violet’s leg  “C’mon babe” 
You winked at Stella “Catch ya in a few Kidd” before the two of you jogged for the rig. You slid into the driver’s seat and Violet hopped into the passenger seat. 
The patient obviously needed to be transported to Med so you radioed in while Violet rode in the back with her. When you pulled into the ambulance bay you backed in and spotted Will come out to meet you. You hopped out and walked to the back to open the door then climbed in to help her get the gurney out “Female patient, forty nine. Presented with pain between the shoulders and a headache. Luckily her sister knew the signs of a heart attack in a woman versus a man”
You pushed her inside with Violet next to you as you told Will what was already done on the ride. “Take her to trauma one” Maggie hollered so you nodded. You pushed her in, April coming in to assist a transfer from your gurney over to one of the hospital beds. Once she was secure you nodded to Will “Catch ya later Halstead” then looked at your patient “And hope everything goes well Miss Moore”
You walked back into the hall and was almost out the door when you glanced up to see Connor talking to the new doctor. What was her name? Ava, Ava Bekker. Normally it wouldn’t bother you but that? He was leaning on the counter, body turned towards her. You felt your stomach twist. You hadn’t realized you had stopped moving until Violet called your name. She turned around and followed your line of sight “Oh hell no”
She started in that direction but your hand shot out and grabbed the back of her shirt “No, let’s just go back to house” she waved a hand “Babe, that’s fishy” you shook your head “We could be reading it wrong” she raised an eyebrow “And fifty shades of grey could be a self help book. Let me slap him” You shook your head “Please. For me” she huffed “Fine but if we aren’t reading it wrong, I’m slapping him”
You looked back once more and saw Ava laugh and put her hand on his chest. Your heart dropped. You had to be reading it wrong. Connor loved you, didn’t he?
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You were half asleep across your bunk when your phone lit up with a text from Connor Will said you were in Med three times today. Why didn’t I see you? You hadn’t realized Violet was awake and had basically climbed over into your bunk. “Maybe because she saw you with another woman yesterday” she whispered and you shushed her, looking around. Sam was asleep right next to you and god you didn’t want to wake him up.
Shift’s been hectic you texted back and could practically hear Violet roll her eyes. You laid the phone down and she cut her eyes at you “Let’s go to the roof” you nodded and slid out of the bed, grabbing your phone and jacket as you did.
You pushed open the door to the roof and laughed when Kelly and Stella separated like two kids getting caught by their parents “You two are married. It’s cool if you make out” Kelly grinned then looked from you to Violet “Uh oh. If you both are up something is wrong so I’m gonna head in” he kissed Stella once more then winked at you and Violet before heading inside.
Stella turned her attention to you “What’s up” Violet waved a hand “Tell her or I will” you sighed “I think we saw Connor flirting with Ava Bekker” “You think or you did?” she asked, cutting her eyes at Violet who answered “Did”
“That son of a bitch” she cursed. You felt your face warm in embarrassment “I can’t break off a two year long relationship on thinking I saw him flirting with someone else” she crossed her arms “You do realize I’m an expert on shit relationships and making excuses for them? That’s the first red flag sweetie” you sighed “I know” about the time another text came through from Connor Ok, I love you
Violet read over your shoulder and reached for your phone “Let me call him” you pulled your phone back “Down girl” 
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You had two days off but apparently Connor was busy. You were watching a movie when Stella called you “Where’s Connor?” you paused your movie “Said he had something with that father of his” she scoffed “Unless his dad has gotten a lot shorter, younger and turned female no” 
A photo came through on your phone and it was Connor at a local coffee place, talking to Ava. “I think you may have to call a cat a cat” she spoke gently” you swallowed hard.”Thanks Stel. I’ll um talk to you later” you hung up and sat there staring at the photo before forwarding it to Connor then turned your phone off.
About half an hour later there was a knock at your door so you uncurled your legs from under you and walked over to the door. You checked the peephole and wasn’t surprised to see Connor on the other side. You opened the door and crossed your arms “Yes?” 
“Baby I ran into Ava at the coffee shop. I don’t know who sent that photo to you but that’s all it was” you nodded slowly “Then why do you look worried?” his tell when he lied was his eyes got wider and boy was his eyes wide. “I love you” you nodded again “And yet you were too busy to see me today until I sent you that photo” “Yeah because someone is trying to make it seem like I’m doing something I’m not” he replied and you nodded “Ok, I’ll believe you this time” he stepped forward “Can I kiss you?” you put a hand against his chest “This is the last time I’ll believe you Connor” he nodded “I promise you, I just ran into her” then brushed his lips against yours.
You were half asleep when Connor’s phone woke you up. You sat up and looked to see he was getting dressed. “Where are you going?” he held up his phone and you saw it was med’s number “got called into surgery” you nodded sleepily “Ok” and brushed a kiss against his lips “lock the door when you leave” then rolled back over and was asleep before he got out of your apartment.
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“Kelly took you dancing?” you gasped and Stella grinned “He did” you fell over against the couch dramatically “I love going out dancing” Violet who was still very much in the “let’s kill connor” camp cut her eyes at you “The good doctor doesn’t take you anymore?”
You shook your head “Seems like anytime I’m off he’s working” “Hmm” she replied, rolling her eyes. Then turned to face you “I love you” you nodded slowly “I love you too” she smiled “You do know that he’s bouncing between you and Ava, right?”
“What?” you asked and she nodded “Ava told a friend of mine Veronica who works in Pediatrics how she has to call Connor from Med a few nights a week so he can get out of his father’s because then he thinks it’s work. I got her to be nosy and babe they all line up with your days off” you blinked back tears “So he’s been fucking me then leaving my bed to go to her?” she nodded “And taking her out on actual dates while he’s not making time for the woman he swears he loves and that he’s been with for two years”
You nodded slowly and she grabbed your hands “Talk to me” you shook your head “I um I’m gonna get some fresh air. Thank you honey, truly. I love you but I can’t be around everyone right now” 
You stood up and quickly walked outside, through the bays and didn’t stop until you were across the street under the trees, only then did you actually cry.
Sam stood in the bays, watching you wanting nothing more than to go after you but he didn’t want it to seem like he was taking advantage of a bad situation. “You’ve had a thing for her for a while” Violet spoke from behind him and he turned to face her “You’re a creepy little thing, sneaking up on people like that” 
She laughed “Says the man harboring a crush on my best friend and watching her cry over her cheating boyfriend” he looked back over his shoulder at you “She deserves so much better than that asshole. His heart’s split but if that woman gave me half a chance mine would be hers fully” Violet stared at him for a minute then nodded slowly “She wants to go dancing. I’ll get her to that bar on fifth street Friday night. You just be there” he raised an eyebrow “What’s that?”
“You heard me. I love that woman like a sister. I’m sick of seeing her hurt. If you mean that, truly mean it then I’ll get her there” he smiled “I mean it” 
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“Vi, I don’t know about this. Hell I haven’t even broken up with Connor officially yet” she nodded as she pulled you into the bar “Yeah, cause you can’t get the asshole to make time for you. Now come on!” you let her pull you into the door. She’d done your hair and makeup and even thrown you into low heels. It was the first time in a while you’d had a reason to get all done up and you had to admit you felt good.
She pulled you behind her to the bar and you figured she wanted to order so you stepped up next to her and started to look around then your eyes landed on Sam and a smile slipped onto your face “My oh my Carver. You sure do clean up pretty”  He was wearing a black button up shirt and dark blue jeans and with his build you had to admit he looked fucking gorgeous. Hell Sam Carver was a fucking beautiful man inside and out if you were being honest.
Violet leaned over your shoulder “You wanted to go dancing. I found you a partner that may appreciate you a little better” you looked from her to Sam. He stood up off the bar stool and offered you his hand “I know Rhodes has dragged your heart through the mud darlin. I ain’t trying to romance ya, well not tonight anyways” he shot you a smile before adding “I just want to dance with you and see if I can put a smile on your face because it’s been a little too long since I’ve seen a genuine one out of you”
You put your hand in his “Ok”
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Why hadn’t Connor been able to see it? What the hell had he been thinking? He loved you, he’d loved you for years. He never should’ve crossed a line with Ava. He’d tried to call you so many times over the last couple weeks but you never answered. When you rolled into Med and he happened to be on duty Violet would put herself between the two of you and usher you out of the door.
He had to see you, had to explain and beg for another chance. He’d fucked up so bad but he could fix it. He stopped when he got in front of your place. Sitting in your driveway, next to your car was Sam Carver’s pickup. The living room shade was up and he could see the two of you through it. Sam spun you around, a laugh falling from your lips as he did. He sat there watching as you danced with Sam. You looked happy, you looked in love. You looked at Sam like you used to look at him,before he fucked everything up when you were his. 
When you pulled Sam down into a kiss he felt his heart crack, finally realizing just what he’d done to you. How dare he come here asking for a second chance. He didn’t deserve it. He couldn’t even try to screw up your life anymore. If he had ever cared about you the best thing he could do was leave you alone, let you be happy and you obviously were. 
Carver's POV
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stellarfire · 2 months ago
good morning y’all !! now that i’ve had time to sleep on the crossover… oh my god ?? and i mean that in the best way possible. this was everything to me omg
although there were some things i lowkey wish we could’ve seen (i.e., more kelly and voight tension, potential my miracle parallel with stellaride), not getting them honestly didn’t take away at all from how much i loved this? more thoughts below the cut bc i got very rambly (and spoilers i guess ??)
starting with stellaride bc they’re my lovelies, obsessed with literally all their scenes. the intro? perfection. stella telling kelly to be careful without knowing she would be the one in the most danger the whole time? o w. “stella kidd, report back right now”? O W. and the more i think about it, the more i’m almost kinda glad we didn’t get the my miracle parallel? i mean sure, the absolute emotional gut punch would’ve done wonders, but there’s something that feels so much more intrinsically them about refusing to say goodbye to each other (namely stella refusing) and instead maintaining that fierce hope that everything would sort itself out and they’d be back together. on top of that, their little reunion with kelly being like “let’s get out of here tonight” like YES please go on that goddamn vacation now you two deserve to go to cancún something awful. what we did get may not be as heavy of a punch, per se, but at least to me, it hit all the same, and my god was i a lowkey mess hearing kelly’s message to stella being what she told him that morning😭 “we gotta make the time” what if i collapse huh then what
i think this has the potential, judging by the promo as well as this article, to be such a good segue into them finally getting into the real deep conversations and i’m really curious to see how it plays out over the rest of the season. i know some people think there could be a “but…” to this, but even if there is, i don’t think it will be as major of one people might worry it could be. that said, will it be an easy path? definitely not. i know we’re about to get some semblance of drama before the end of the season (and i’m prepared)😭 but all things considered, we’re heading in the overall right direction !!
secondly, plouch. oh my god plouch. i haven’t gotten more emotional watching this show in so long than i did last night watching those two. mouch talking to trudy before she went under for surgery? nobody touch me i’m STILL recovering from that one😭 christian stolte the actor that you are WOW, he put 200% into that and it SHOWS
thank GOD tho she lived holy SHIT i was fucking petrified ripley and lenox were gonna come out and say she didn’t make it omg
just as i predicted too, burzek gave me emotional damage !! ruzek refusing to say goodbye and being insistent he would be home for dinner ?? letting mak pick it ?? the way kim literally BOOKED IT to him at the end and he picked her up ?? i can’t stop watching that it’s so so perfect😭
stella and ruzek was such an incredible duo too, i need more of them asap actually. the way they balanced each other out and relied on each other and just worked so seamlessly as a team by the end of it, despite not being super familiar with each other? SO GOOD
what stella did to duffy when he had her at gunpoint??? first off i’m stunned that happened i wasn’t expecting that shit literally at all and god was i living in fear for a few moments there. but secondly, i’m floored omg, STELLA KIDD THE WOMAN YOU ARE. we all knew how badass she was before this, but that was something else. i think i just fell in love with her all over again but i digress
also one last thing, pascal’s reaction to stella not answering ?? i could go on and on about kelly’s obviously but pascal’s honestly caught me by surprise considering how frequently they’ve butt heads this entire season. the genuine concern ?? OUCH. there’s hope for them yet !! seeing that side of him, even if brief, was a good emotional punch. that mf truly does fascinate me as a character. will be thinking about that entire sequence for a while
i won’t keep yapping; i think all of that about sums up what i can manage cohesively LMAO. was this crossover perfect? no, but you truly can see just how much love and care and effort went into this entire thing from everyone involved. and i think as much as i do love the infection crossover, i gotta say, i think this one takes it as number one for me. i will be watching all three episodes so many more times
one chicago my beloved <3
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chicagofires · 11 days ago
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stella kidd the woman you are
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sevcasejay1chicago · 1 year ago
Welcome home- Matt Casey x Darden!Sister
Authors note: Sorry that it’s been so long since I posted!!! It’s been a crazy few weeks and I honestly just haven’t had the motivation. This is a continuation to a story I wrote a while ago containing these two love birds.
Summary: Kelly and Stella finally bring you back home.
Warnings: NONE; possible spoilers maybe.
You and Matt Casey kept your relationship going even through your move to Portland to be with your nephews, the Darden boys. When Matt had the weekend off, he would often fly over to Portland and help you out with whatever you needed. Sometimes, all you needed was him.
About three years later, Stella called you and told you about her engagement to Kelly. You were thrilled. You always knew that they would get married. You never knew Kelly to love someone and to be so devoted to them like he was to Stella Kidd. That woman had Kelly Severide wrapped around her finger.
When you got a call from Matt later on in the night, you were surprised to find that this FaceTime was filled with many familiar faces.
“Hey Darden!” Kelly yelled over Matt’s shoulder.
Clamoring could be heard as Jay Halstead, Mouch, Hermann, Sylvie, and a few others from intelligence and 51 tried to get in the frame to say hi. You giggled as you watched Kelly take Jay in a headlock and demand your attention. Everyone was clearly VERY drunk.
Matt chuckled as he watched the scene unfold on his end, but most of his attention was on you and your giggling self. He has never heard a sound more beautiful than your laugh or seen anything brighter than your smile.
Once Matt was able to break away, he stepped outside and sat at a picnic table far from the outdoor bar. He stared at you for a moment as you wrote something down, biting your lower lip in concentration. All he wanted in that moment was to rub the knots, that he knew were on your shoulders from stress, away and catch your bottom lip in his.
You noticed him staring after a minute or two and immediately blushed, hiding behind the sleeves of the hoodie Matt left you the last time he came out to Portland. “What?” You giggled, pushing your reading glasses up while you hid behind your hands.
Matt shook his head and chuckled. “Nothing. Nothing. You are just too damn adorable.” Matt smiled shyly at being caught, but he was also doing his best to hide what you were doing to him just by being you. “God. I miss you.” Matt breathed, leaning against the picnic table and setting his phone against the napkin dispenser to rub his hands together in an effort to warm them back up.
You smiled sweetly back at him. “I miss you too honey.” You whispered, flopping back into your pillows. “Sooooo, did Kelly ask you to be his best man?” You asked, wiggling your eyebrows.
Matt chuckled, missing your antics. “Of course he did! Who else would be able to deal with Groomzilla?!” Matt joked, causing you to burst out laughing.
“True. True.” You said, struggling to catch your breath. “Stella asked me to be a bridesmaid, but I don’t know what things will look like around the time of the wedding, so I had to decline.” You explained, pouting slightly.
Matt hummed. “Well, I’m sure it’ll all work out. We have time.”
You nodded in thought before flipping onto your side and settling in for the night. You placed your phone on its upright charging port as you stared at Matt. “If you can, leave me on. It’ll be like I’m part of the fun.” You whispered, hiding a yawn behind your sleeve.
Matt knew you wouldn’t last much longer, so he easily agreed, standing up and carrying his phone around as he re-entered the crowded bar filled with your family.
The day was here. Stella and Kelly were finally getting married. As far as Matt knew, you had to stay in Portland because Ben got himself into some trouble. Matt was kinda thankful for you not being here in this moment as everything seemed to be falling apart and he just knew you would be frantically trying to fix everything if you were here.
“Hey guys! A party boat just opened up and we can have the wedding there!” Cruz yelled from halfway down the block.
The wedding party all went running, eager to get there and get everything arranged. Once they arrived, Matt was pleasantly surprised and confused with how nicely the boat was decorated in line with Kelly and Stella’s wedding theme. That was, until you popped up behind him.
“Hey handsome.” You whispered, wrapping your arms loosely around his waist.
He knew those hands and that voice anywhere. He immediately turned in your arms and lifted you into his own, twirling you around. “Oh my God!” Matt yelled, chuckling as he spun you around. Once he sat you down, he swooped in to kiss you deeply. He only pulled back when he was desperately in need of air. “Wha- how?!” Matt asked, still trying to understand how you were here.
“Welllll.” You drawled out, leaning back slightly to get a better look at him. “I was really busy moving my stuff back into your apartment while you were at Kelly’s last night. Stella held her bachelorette party there while we unpacked my stuff.” You smiled, proud to have pulled one over on him.
Matt gawked at you, absolutely speechless.
“Then, when I went to start decorating this morning, I realized that the church was double booked and had this set up. Everyone helped get you here. We figured you deserved some good news after the tough year you’ve had.” You explained, smiling as everyone around you agreed.
“Plus, this is like the best wedding gift EVER. THE BAND IS BACK TOGETHER!” Stella yelled, pumping her fist in the air.
Everyone chuckled and immediately agreed.
Matt wrapped his arms tighter around your waist, burying his face in your hair. After a few moments, Matt pulled back and kissed you on the forehead before shouting, “LETS GET KIDD AND SEVERIDE HITCHED!”
As everyone began to walk to their seats or to their places, Matt pulled you into his side and gave you one more kiss. “Welcome home baby.”
At the reception, Matt has you sitting in his lap with his arms wrapped around you. “So, where are Griffin and Ben?” Matt asked, kissing the side of your head.
“So, here’s the thing.” You began, turning in his lap to look Matt in the eyes. “Griffin got accepted into Northwestern and Ben was okay with moving home with you, so I brought Ben with me and Griffin is staying on campus.” You explained, toying with your necklace as you spoke.
“Wait, so Ben is here?!” Matt asked, immediately ecstatic.
You chuckled, calming down now that the biggest secret was out. “Yeah. Griffin is at the apartment with him now. He will be staying for the night before going back to his dorm so that we can have the night out. He expects Uncle Matt’s famous eggs in a basket tomorrow morning.” You chuckle, shaking your head at the fact that Griffin remembered his favorite meal that Matt made him as a kid.
Matt beamed, kissing you on the temple. “He can have anything he wants.” Matt assured, smiling proudly at the fact that Griffin remembered things from their time together. For the first time since you left, Matt was finally content.
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cloveroctobers · 1 year ago
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A/N: alright, alright you caught me! I may or may not have a crush on Stella and thought it was only fair to write a little something since I am binge-watching after all—currently finishing up season six as I write this! In short: Yes we love Stellaride over here but this one specifically is for my wlw, you’re welcome!
PROMPTS ARE FROM HERE + I’m using: 6. “I am going to have a magical picnic and you can’t do anything to stop it!” “Yeah, but the bugs can.” + 16. “Your beauty outshines all the flowers.” “Are you sure? The flowers are really pretty this year.” 
WARNINGS: reader is a southern plant/earth lover, this is what it’s like to see Stella crushing but unsure, + written in MY version of HC’s/note form.
᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘ 𓅪 ⚘𖥧᠂ 𖡼᠃ ��𓍢ִ໋ ᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘ 𓅪 ⚘𖥧᠂ 𖡼᠃ ˖𓍢ִ໋ ᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘
Strawberries require well drained soil, they must be placed on a gradual slope, and receive full sunlight in order to experience successful growth.
That’s something your grandfather first told you, once you were old enough to get into farming.
It’s never left your mind even with his passing and you always had the best eye when it came to picking produce.
Granted, picking that particular item in a mini mart in the city might not be the best choice but Stella made sure to put the red berry on the list.
She wanted the best snacks or else she would leave you hanging on this outing—just like she ditched her second date with the guy from 98–to be with you.
Stella can’t help but to catch a glimpse of you at the end of one aisle, you’re by the freezers now and you’re standing on your tippy toes, teal silk shirt raising above your fitted jeans and revealing tatted skin as you grab a beverage.
The height difference is something she has to get used to and often caught her mind thinking about whenever you were face to face and she would have to play it off as her being tired instead of daydreaming about what your lips would feel like.
“You ready, Stella star?” Your hip is bumping against hers before you carry on towards the registers.
It’s your own personal nickname for her and it has a cuteness to it with your contrast of a southern twang. However when each of you are out fighting fires, you on squad and her on her truck 81, she has to learn how not to miss it as much, as you go forth with using her last name like everyone else.
The man at the register jokes, “You ladies buying the whole store?”
You rack your red nails against the counter, “hm…you sell lottery tickets? My friend here is feeling lucky.”
“I mean, with a babe like you, who wouldn’t be?” He winks at you while Stella raises her brows with a cross of her arms.
He rings up two tickets before continuing with the rest of the items.
You and Stella are grabbing the bags before you say one last thing, “also it’s mango season so you may want to step it up with your mangoes since yours are rottin’ in the back, the last thing you want is for the insects to spread to the rest of the underwhelming products. Now, that’ll be all! You have a good one.”
Stella winks at the man for good measure who scowls at the both of you on your exit.
“His store is crappy anyway.” Stella sasses as the both of you load up her car some more, “There’s a way better one downtown, closer to lake shore.”
“Noted for next time.”
“Ohhh, look at you already thinking about spending more time with little ‘ol fabulous me?” Stella places a hand on her chest dramatically while she makes her way over to the driver’s side.
You smile as you open the passenger side, “what can I say? Maybe I just can’t get enough of you, Stella-Star.” Before climbing into the vehicle, leaving the dark haired woman to be impressed at your charm while also feeling her cheeks warm.
The drive to lake shore drive is full of Chicago’s vibrant buildings and singing along to the radio while you both smoothly move along with the traffic.
The ride felt shorter than it was, like time often felt between the two of you when you had the chance to have it.
Stella was definitely in her head about this, wondering if it was a date and knew chatting about it (unwillingly) with Otis and Joe was a lost cause so she chose to hit up your shared girl friends to see if you gave them any insight.
Gabby and Sylvie were 1000% sure it was a date—although they claim you didn’t say or gave much away when you causally brought it up. Stella even went as far to pick Cap and Tony’s brain before Severide could get a whiff and tease her about how awkward she was being.
Kelly was actually the first one to pinpoint that Stella was “drooling” over you and kept pushing for Stella to just go for it.
He would hint at things and then act like he wasn’t and that left Stella thinking maybe he was trying to set her up! to make a fool outta herself but she believed Kelly wouldn’t trick her like that, especially if this had the potential to be serious.
He had her back and she had his…they were good friends like that.
So when you approached after an extremely long shift with this idea, Stella almost collapsed to her knees.
The both of you rarely had alone time together, it was always in group settings but when you did share conversations privately—Stella felt something shift between you two recently and she was still trying to pinpoint when exactly that happened.
See…there she was being too much in her head about it!
“We should have brought some bikes out here,” Stella comments as she carries her portion of bags, glancing at the chicagoans who flew by on the biking path.
You shrug, “here’s the thing…I never could get that down.”
“What?!”” Stella is shocked, “aren’t you from the south? Don’t tell me you ran or walked everywhere with those roads? Or wait…rode horses?”
You snorted, “I never was much of a horse girl either since my ass and thighs always ended up hurting afterwards AND i watched one kick the jelly out of my Grammy! Call me traumatized from that point on. I left those things to my gramps and brothers to deal with while I spent time with the chickens and cows.”
“And the yams and green beans.” Stella jokes while you walk side by side, scoping out a good spot of greenery.
Pointing up ahead at a hill like portion that had a great view of the water and also the buildings behind you, ending up being the winner as the both of you headed towards the incline.
“I have you know that my family has won competitions for the best veggies! And if my Grammy was here, she’d show off her mountain of photos to you.” You’re stretching out some blankets, one of them being a incredibly soft birthday gift from Brett who claimed that she purchased it from a Portuguese woman who handmade it at the market.
“I’m not arguing with ya there,” Stella raises her hands in surrender, “you country folk are built different…can’t exactly say better but different!”
You scoff with a shake of your head, “you city slickers.”
Stella laughs to herself as you make yourself comfortable, sitting crossed legged before pulling a full on woven basket from behind you.
“Where the heck did you hide that?”
“Can’t reveal all my secrets can I?” You grin, happy that you could surprise her, “I am going to have a magical picnic and you can’t do anything to stop it!”
A picnic on lake shore was not entirely what Stella was expecting…honestly she had no clue what this day entailed besides the fact that all she needed was good snacks to be all in.
She’s getting ready to sit across from you but not without saying, “yeah, but the bugs can.”
“Don’t tell me thee Stella-Star is an afraid of a little green friend.”
“That ain’t no friend of mine,” Stella’s face is scrunched up as she watched the grasshopper get comfy on her portion of the blanket, “…can you uh—get it?”
You laugh, “really?” As you lean forward, holding out a bottle of water so the insect can crawl onto before you lead it elsewhere, “there. Nobody was harmed and everyone is safe.”
“You’re lucky I like you, otherwise I would have stomped its ass out,” Stella huffs as she plops down now staring at the bottle you used, “also that one is yours.”
“Understood,” you laugh once more before opening up the basket to reveal it contents, leaving Stella further impressed as she peeks inside.
It’s such a good day in Chicago, little birds chirping along, the spin on the bike wheels in the distance could still be heard up on the slope, while the wind brushes by from the lake and the sunlight still shined bright although the city’s buildings were as tall as they could be.
There’s a brief silence as you dive into the snacks and take turns from the jug that contained a berry lemonade you actually made, before falling into natural chatter.
It felt right being here with each other and it’s something you already knew that you would want to do again.
You never doubted that.
The sunlight was behind Stella whereas it shined over you. The both of you found that each of you were a beautiful sight to witness and Stella was just glad she chose to wear her hair back into a ponytail since the spring wind picked up every so often.
Soon you’re laying side by side now, just a inch of space in between your heads but close enough to feel the warmth from each other and for you to smell the amber, Tonka, and plum that radiates from her frame.
“You smell good, girl.” You comment, pulling yourself from zoning out while making Stella pry open her eyes.
The way you’re peering up at her, almost makes her choke on her own air. “Thanks,” she manages to wheeze out, “I picked it out myself!”
Stella knows she sounds silly but you find amusement in her pride nonetheless.
So she attempts to clean up, arm cradling the back of her head as a smirk appears on her lips at her next best idea with the compliment flying out of her lips, “Your beauty outshines all the flowers.”
There’s barely a daisy embedded in the grass somewhere up ahead but it’s the first thing that comes out of her pretty pouty lips.
You squint up at her as you question, “Are you sure? The flowers are really pretty this year.” 
You would know better than her with what’s in season and what not but something tells Stella, just by the way you break your stare that you may have some flaws you’re not too proud to speak about and that alone makes Stella frown a bit.
Before she can register what she’s doing, her fingers are reaching for your jaw, pulling your attention back to her’s, “are you kidding?! I’m damn sure and as corny as this is going to sound: you’d be my first flower I’d pick out of any garden. Anybody would and that’s because I said so! My word means a lot ya know?”
Your eyes shine like water but you don’t hold back a snort, “is does huh? Well I guess I have no choice but to believe you then.”
Stella’s chewing on her bottom lip now because there’s something in the air that’s telling her to just plant one on you.
“Stop me at any time,” she starts with a deep inhale, catching your eyes briefly on her mouth.
The corner’s of your mouth lift as you whisper, “do your worst, Stella-star.”
And with her lips on yours, you exhale as Stella breathes you in. Both hands are cupping your face as your lips move together in perfect unison and your hands shift from grasping her shoulder then down to her waist.
She’s watching your face in complete bliss when she decides to pull away but not fully, “was that okay?” She says against your lips.
“More than okay,” you nod at her with a beam before moving forward with another, “and I don’t think I said i was finished.”
Which leads into a full makeout session, and that’s something Stella is usually down for—especially if she’s had some drinks in her system but without the alcohol—she wouldn’t mind being drunk on you.
She’s on top of you now, and it quickly becomes a challenge of who gets to hold that position for the longest, erupting laughter between you two and Stella decides to cave once you both knock forehead’s.
You’re both panting now but there’s still laughter in your lungs and Stella is staring up at you adoringly, rubbing her head, while you caress the shape of her mouth, “what?” You quiz.
“You taste sweeter than I imagined.”
You smile, “so you thought about me in that way? I guess that means you really like me.”
“I couldn’t tell if you liked me!” Stella ran one hand over the top of her hair, clearly frustrated.
You snicker, “I thought I was pretty open with my flirtations but…I really like you too.”
And that’s all that matters to Stella as she’s pulling your face right back to hers.
Strawberries require well drained soil, they must be placed on a gradual slope, and receive full sunlight in order to experience successful growth.
᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘ 𓅪 ⚘𖥧᠂ 𖡼᠃ ˖𓍢ִ໋ ᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘ 𓅪 ⚘𖥧᠂ 𖡼᠃ ˖𓍢ִ໋ ᠃ 𖡼᠂ 𖥧⚘
Continue with my spring anthology prompts here.
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shewholovesall · 2 months ago
Okay, so to go along with @sailingfireshipz post here
with the line of Stella's. Thinking of a life without you was not life at all.
I"m going to try and put this in a condensed way and not so rambly but it might be rambly. Because I read her post and then I thought of Stella as an individual. We know when she was doing/studying for the Lieutenants test she said she had to be at work because she'll go crazy at home by herself. Also what we know of Stella is she didn't have cheerleaders growing up, she didn't have someone in her corner. It seems not to disconte the rest of 51, but the first people actually in her corner that are healthy people are Boden and Kelly.
So here we have this bruised and battered woman (because she was abused by Grant whether or not he did the choking out doesn't mean he wasn't an abuse, anyway I digress) and she talked about how her parents did not have a healthy and happy home. It can be assumed and is by me that no matter what type she got to her Aunt Laverne who always had her back , for lack of a better phrase the damage was done. Stella even tells Kelly about the test "I have a build in armor that you will never understand."
NOt in the test way but Stella had to have an armor, she didn't have people in her corner, she could only count on herself. She even impled she felt indebted to Grant since he got her trough highschool Kelly while his parents are not picture perfect, he left and him and STella do vulnerability different ways. Stella still has that zest for life, not that Kelly doesn't but I hope you all know what I mean. Stella wants a family as bad as Kelly does.
So sory, I'm relaly digressing from my point. Stella is very vulnerable with Kelly from the beginning, he knows things bout her history Grant that she maybe never wanted to tell people. Stella doesn't want to feel like a burden on people or let people down. IN S10 she tells Kelly after she gets back and before the initial quote "I want to be the perfect one for you."
Stella Kidd is a hyperindependent indivudal. I think when she felt that way after Kelly almost drowned in that boat rescue, it scared her those intense feelings for him. Kind of like it scared him after she got shot at in the house fire. I think when she first thought those words of
"Thinking of a life without you felt like no life at all"
So for someone who has depened on herself her entire life who even with all the stuff she has been through can see the silver lining that would scare the living crap out of her. She knows and is verbaliing to him that he is the one who has the power to hurt her. that's a way I've heard being in love is, you give your heart to someone trusting them not to break it. And I think with her noticing this about herself could be why she hesisted and didn't answer Kelly's call because she was probably thinking about herlsef. Even Kelly aid it, she had said before she never wanted to get married again because she couldn't be in a relationship where she couldn't just leave. It doesn't mean she wanted to leave but I think in her own way Stella was scared the way Kelly got scared before proposing to her.
And we don't know all the things Grant said or what her parents said or her family said about her. So she did what we've all seen Stella do is overthink things and I do belive on some level Stella has low self-esteem. So I don't know what you guys think but I think this is part of the reason why she went MIA, again she shouldn't have done it but I wonder if it was fear on her part. She probably came to that conclusion missing Kelly since by the time she gets back she tells Kelly "You are the one thing I'm sure about always."
What do you all think? It just came to me and I've been thinking about this for like a day or so.
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sabrinajenre96 · 4 days ago
Operation baby Rixton
Kenny Rixton x Y/N Voight
Warning: A Story of Chaos, Pregnancy, and a Very Stressed-Out Husband, curse words.
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The Plan
Y/N Voight-Rixton was heavily pregnant, cranky, and bored out of her mind. She could either sit around waiting for labor to start… or she could give her loved ones an early taste of panic.
The plan was simple: fake labor, make them freak out, and bask in the pure, unfiltered chaos.
The first victim? Erin Lindsay.
Victim #1: Erin Lindsay (The Pseudo-Sister Turned Accomplice)
The coffee shop was crowded, the perfect place for an absolutely dramatic breakdown. Y/N clutched her belly as they stood in line, eyes widening in faux shock.
Y/N: "Erin… oh my God. I think my water just broke."
Erin: "WHAT?!"
Erin immediately went into crisis mode, fumbling for her phone.
Erin: "Okay, okay, breathe! NO—I need to breathe! Who do I call? Kenny? 911? Hank? A priest?"
Y/N staggered for effect. "It’s happening so fast! I—oh God, I feel pressure!"
Then Y/N smirked.
Y/N: "Gotcha."
Erin’s face went from terror to pure murder in seconds.
Erin: "…You little—"
Y/N burst out laughing.
Erin groaned, rubbing her temples. "You suck. But honestly? I respect it. Who’s next?"
Victims #2: Kelly Severide & Stella Kidd (Firehouse Freakout)
The plan: fake a dramatic labor meltdown inside Firehouse 51.
The execution? Flawless.
Y/N and Erin walked into the lounge like women on a mission. Kelly and Stella were kicked back on the couch, completely unsuspecting.
Then Y/N gasped, gripping the counter for support.
Y/N: "Oh my God, Kelly! Stella! HELP!"
Kelly jumped up, spilling his coffee.
Kelly: "Shit—WHAT?!"
Stella: already panicking "WHAT DO WE DO?!"
Y/N let out a dramatic groan. "I—I think I need to PUSH!"
Kelly screamed.
Stella grabbed a towel and water. "OKAY! WE CAN DO THIS! YOU WATCH BABIES BEING BORN ON TV, RIGHT?!"
Just before they started trying to actually deliver the imaginary baby—
Y/N: "Gotcha."
Kelly’s eye twitched. "You’re so lucky you’re pregnant."
Erin high-fived Y/N. "Still worth it."
Next stop? Burgess.
Victim #3: Kim Burgess (The Elevator Meltdown)
Kim was so easy to prank. The district elevator was the perfect trap.
As the doors shut, Y/N let out a loud gasp.
Y/N: "Oh—oh my God—"
Kim: "What?! What’s wrong?!"
Kim immediately SMASHED the emergency button.
Y/N groaned, gripping the railing. "Kim… I think you have to deliver the baby."
Y/N: "Kim, it’s coming fast! I—OH GOD!"
The elevator doors opened to reveal Erin, already recording.
Y/N: grinning "Gotcha."
Kim’s soul left her body.
Kim: "I. Hate. You."
Erin: "You should’ve seen your face!"
Next? Jay and Ruzek.
Victims #4: Jay Halstead & Adam Ruzek (The Gym Disaster)
Y/N found Jay and Ruzek in the CPD gym, sparring in the boxing ring. Perfect.
She leaned against the ropes, cradling her stomach.
Y/N: "Ugh… I don’t feel so good…"
Jay: "Hey, you okay?"
Y/N let out a wheeze. "No—I—OH GOD!"
Ruzek: "OH, HELL NO!"
Y/N collapsed to her knees. "JAY! CATCH THE BABY!"
Jay screamed.
Ruzek took off running. Literally.
Jay: panting "I—I'm never trusting you again."
Ruzek peeked from behind the locker. "Is it safe now?"
Erin: dying of laughter "Absolutely not."
Next? Antonio and Kevin.
Victims #5: Antonio Dawson & Kevin Atwater (The Squad Room Panic)
Y/N stormed into the district, clutching her belly. Antonio and Kevin were at their desks, drinking coffee.
Y/N: "Guys… oh my God…"
Antonio: "You okay?"
Y/N let out a horrific groan.
Kevin: "…Oh, hell no."
Antonio and Kevin yelled. Kevin ran into the hallway screaming for Hank. Antonio grabbed a towel.
Y/N: "Gotcha."
Kevin stopped mid-run.
Antonio froze.
Kevin: "You… absolute menace."
Y/N: grinning "Love you, Kev."
Erin: "That was so worth it."
Next? Trudy Platt.
Victim #6: Trudy Platt (The HR Complaint Waiting to Happen)
Trudy was the hardest to crack. But Y/N had an edge—she was a Voight.
She limped into Trudy’s office, letting out a dramatic gasp.
Trudy: "You are not going into labor in my office."
Y/N: "Too late—"
Trudy stared.
Y/N doubled over. "Trudy—it’s happening!"
Trudy stood up. "Don’t you DARE have that kid on my carpet."
Y/N whimpered.
Trudy: "DO NOT—"
Y/N: grinning "Gotcha."
Trudy: "You are banned from my office."
Erin: "I think that means she loves you."
Now? The grand finale.
Victims #7 & #8: Hank Voight & Alvin Olinsky (The Father’s Meltdown)
Y/N wobbled into Hank Voight’s office.
Hank: "Why do you look like you’re about to commit a felony?"
Y/N gasped. "Dad… it’s happening."
Hank immediately stood. "Alvin—get the car—"
Alvin: "SHIT—OKAY—"
Hank: "I swear to God, if I have to deliver my grandkid in this office—"
Y/N: "Gotcha."
Hank stared.
Alvin blinked.
Hank: "…You are so grounded."
Final Victim: Kenny Rixton (The Ultimate Panic Attack)
Y/N had saved the best for last. Every prank before this? Just a warm-up. Kenny? Oh, he was going to be a masterpiece of chaos.
The setup was perfect—late evening, dim lighting, and just enough time before Kenny got home from shift. She scattered baby essentials everywhere—hospital bag by the door, random onesies on the couch, and a strategically placed puddle of water on the floor (courtesy of a knocked-over water bottle).
She grabbed her phone and dialed Kenny’s number.
Kenny: "Hey, sweetheart. Heading home soon—"
Silence. Then—
Kenny: "WHAT?! RIGHT NOW?! OKAY—SHIT—" rustling noises, the sound of something falling "DO NOT MOVE. I’M COMING. BREATHE. OH GOD, I’M GONNA PASS OUT."
She bit back laughter.
Y/N: "It hurts so bad, babe. I—I don’t think I can make it to the hospital!"
Kenny: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! I—HOLD ON—" loud crashing sound "FUCK—THAT WAS A LAMP—"
She heard a car door SLAM.
Y/N widened her eyes. No way.
Y/N: "Kenny, did you just run a red light?!"
She nearly died laughing.
By the time he stormed through the front door, he looked insane—sweating, panting, shirt half-untucked.
Kenny: "I GOT YOU, BABY—" trips over the hospital bag, faceplants "—FUCK—"
Y/N dramatically clutched her belly. "Kenny, catch the baby!"
Kenny scrambled to his knees. "WHAT?! WHERE?! SHIT—DO I BOIL WATER?! WHY DO PEOPLE BOIL WATER?!"
Y/N wheeze-laughed.
Y/N: "Gotcha."
Kenny froze.
Kenny: "…I am going to kill you. After you give birth. In a very loving way."
Y/N burst out laughing, holding her belly as Kenny collapsed onto the couch, hands over his face.
Kenny: "You made me commit a moving violation for a prank."
Y/N: "Worth it."
Kenny groaned. "If I go to jail, you better name the baby after me."
Y/N: "Kenny Jr. it is."
Erin, peeking from the doorway: "BEST. PRANK. EVER."
Mission accomplished.
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twistnet · 2 years ago
sights to behold [ stella kidd ]
⋯ SUMMARY ; there’s something absolutely magical about getting to see the woman of your dreams come around from behind the divide to show you her wedding dress for the first time -- and to think in a little less than an hour, you’ll get to call her yours for all eternity
⋯ WARNINGS ; female!reader + fluff [ weddings, loving and soft moments, some tears -- all happy, hand holding + sweet kisses ]
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you stood in front of the floor-length mirror, hands brushing down the front of your dress almost as if to smooth out any wrinkles. letting out a nervous breath, you couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder. dressed in a breathtaking ivory gown, intricate lace detailing accentuating your every curve. the gown flowing down behind you gracefully. all made just for you. it was a symbol of your love and commitment, and the embodiment of your dreams.
just down the hall of your dressing room, sat all your friends and family gathered together in one room mingling with the murmurs of excited anticipation. as today was the day you would exchange vows with the love of your life, stella.
violet had only exited the room moments ago to grab your soon to be wife from her own dressing room. the bridesmaids face bright with a smile at the prospect of the two of you getting to see each other’s dresses for the first time.
a gentle knock interrupted your thoughts and with a fluttering heart, you turned to see stella standing in the doorway, a nervous smile on her face as she step further into your dressing room. she wore a pristine white wedding dress, a perfect match to your own, but with a touch of her own unique style. the dress hugged her figure elegantly, and her radiant smile outshone any sparkle in the room."hey, beautiful," stella whispered, her voice filled with awe as she drank in your breathtaking appearance. "i can't believe we're getting married today."
you couldn't help the tears that gathered in your eyes as you smiled softly, "i feel the same way, stella. this is a dream come true."
stella takes a step closer, her eyes never leaving yours. "may i?" stella asked, gesturing to your dress. you nodded, letting her approach and watching as her fingertips lightly brushed the delicate lace on your gown. marveling at the craftsmanship, her eyes shining with admiration."it's perfect," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "just like you."
a surge of warmth filled your heart, and you reached out to take stella's hand. "and you are the most beautiful bride i could ever imagine," you replied, your voice filled with love.
stella's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, reflecting the depth of her emotions. "i am the luckiest person in the world to have found you, to be able to spend the rest of my life with you."
as your eyes locked, time seemed to stand still. the world around you faded away, leaving only the two of you, connected by an unbreakable bond. in that moment, all doubts and fears melted away, replaced by a profound sense of certainty and love. "you're my everything, stella," you confessed, your voice trembling with emotion. "today and always."
with tears of joy glistening in her eyes, stella drew you into a tender embrace. in that embrace, you knew that your wedding day wasn't just about the fancy decorations, the flowers, or the guests—it was about the love you shared, the promises you would make, and the lifelong journey you were embarking on together.
leaning back just enough to hold your gaze once more, her lips spread into a smile as she asks, “are you ready?” and once she has your confirmation, hands link together and are brought up to allow her to press a soft kiss to the back of your hand -- too afraid to ruin all the hard work violet had done with getting your ready this morning.
hand in hand, you both stepped away from the mirror, ready to begin the next chapter of your lives. your families awaited for you down the hall, filled with the promise of forever. and as you walked down the aisle, side by side, in your matching wedding dresses, you couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude— for the love that had brought you here and for the love that would carry you forward into a future. 
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sailingfireshipz · 4 months ago
I'm just stopping by to say i love & adore Miranda Rae Mayo & the beautifully flawed character that she has brought us in Stella freaking Kidd. 😍
Just watched an old interview & her spirit is just so pure & authentic & i hope to meet her one day to experience it in person. ❤️ 😊
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sailingfireshipz · 2 months ago
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requested by anonymous
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sylkiddsey · 1 year ago
Prompt: “How did I manage to get you?”
Season 12
The last thing Matt expects when he officially moves back to Chicago is Sylvie needing emergency surgery at one in the morning.
Everything had been normal when her appendix burst. They had both been up too late, working on the new house when Sylvie had doubled over in pain right on the stairs.
He instantly knew it was more than just a terrible cramp the second he saw he. She was pale and in agonizing pain which scared the hell out of him. He had to rush her to the hospital in his truck after calling the neighbor over to watch Julia.
Luckily, it was just her appendix and not something more serious. Marcel assured him she needed a simple appendectomy, but they wanted to do it right away.
He barely had time to process any of it before they took her to surgery. The operation was a success, but Marcel warned him she’d be out of it for a while after all the drugs.
He’s been at her side, holding her hand and waiting for her to wake up for hours.
She finally stirs just as Kidd arrives with a coffee delivery for him and purple hydrangeas for his fiancé.
Sylvie blinks slowly, clearly unfocused and dazed. He doesn’t blame her. She was on anesthesia and a concoction of pain meds.
“Welcome back,” he greets, brushing some hair away from her eyes.
She still looks a little confused as she catalogues his face.
Kidd stands on the other side of her bed and squeezes her shoulder. “How you feeling, girl?”
Sylvie looks at her and pulls her friend closer. “Um, why is there a really hot guy sitting at my bedside?”
Stella looks at him and he can tell they are wondering the same thing. She never lost any oxygen to her brain so she can’t have memory loss.
Sylvie gives him a quick side glance and then tries to whisper but he hears every word.
She’s definitely super high on pain pills right now.
“He’s very seriously cute. Is he my doctor?”
He’s not in scrubs which is obvious to anyone who isn’t still half asleep on anesthesia.
Matt grins at her. “No, I’m not your doctor.”
She glances at him. “Oh, sorry. My nurse. Men can be nurses.”
“Brett, how drugged are you?” Kidd laughs. She reaches for her chart to study just how much pain medication she is on. “Yep, they have her on the good stuff.”
He had a feeling. He’s heard of these kinds of reactions to anesthesia. He just never expected Sylvie wouldn’t realize who he is right now.
Matt grabs her left hand and brings attention to the diamond on her finger. “No, I’m not a nurse either. I’m your fiancé, baby.”
Her blue eyes widen comically. She’s looking at him like he’s grown two heads. “You?”
Stella laughs again.
Sylvie shakes her head in awe and then turns back to Stella. She talks as if he’s not there again.
“I’m really marrying him? You’re telling me the cutest guy I’ve ever met is actually my fiancé?”
God, she’s adorable. He tries to stifle his laugh with his hand.
“Yes, Brett. This guy is your man. You’re really riding high on those pain killers huh?”
He chuckles, pressing his lips to her fingers. “Yeah, I’m your guy.”
“I…” she trails off and stares at the ceiling. Her drug addled brain stalls for a minute before she glances at him. She gasps like she’s uncovered some secret. “You are seriously very cute, and I really scored you.”
She’s very drugged and also incredibly biased. He goes along with it though because she’ll have no memory of this interaction after she’s fully alert.
“I’m definitely the one who scored, babe.”
She furrows. “How did I manage to get you? You’re so hot.”
Kidd snorts and rolls her eyes. Sylvie has said that multiple times now. He’s flattered but she’s actually the one out of his league.
“You are both the easiest person to love and the most beautiful woman in the world. I think that had something to do with it.”
Stella pats Sylvie’s hand. “Trust me girl, Casey over here is madly in love with you and you feel the same.”
Matt nods. “She’s right.”
Sylvie yawns, sluggishly rubbing her eyes. He can tell she’s about to pass back out for a little while and then wake up for real next time.
The drugs are still filtering in her system.
“I can see why,” she whispers, snuggling further into the hospital bed pillow.
Within seconds, she’s fast asleep.
“She’s definitely not going to remember that,” Kidd chuckles.
He nods and kisses Sylvie’s hand. “Yeah, definitely not.”
Kidd paces to the foot of her bed. “Are you going to tell her about all this?”
“I don’t know,” he replies. “Probably at some point.”
The other woman shakes her head. “She’s absolutely so obsessed with you in the best way, huh?”
She is and he has no idea what he did to deserve it.
A little while later when Sylvie is fully up and eating Jello, she asks if she said anything ridiculous while on anesthesia. He replies with a small shake of his head and kisses her.
Maybe he’ll tell her everything later.
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agentcable · 6 months ago
Chicago Fire Season 6 Ep. 19 "Where I Want to Be"
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Casey is skeptical of Cordova after a lot of money was found missing from a fire at a drug cartel's house. Kidd makes a big decision.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Otis is working hard in therapy. Chief Boden talked to Otis, who said he's frustrated and wants to keep therapy going. The team heads out to a fire.
Some heavy equipment overheated and it's an active crime scene. Inside, there are drugs and money. People are trapped inside. Stella is calling Cordova for help, but he isn't there. Cordova suddenly appears. Captain Casey asks where he was. Cordova says he saw something. The captain tells him to help out with Kelly and the team. Stella is still trying to break down a door when help arrives. A woman is rescued and taken to the hospital. After the fire, Chief thanks Captain for a good job.
The Chief asks how Cordova is doing. He says he's OK. Otis watches the news about the fire. Herrmann says drug dealers put all their money in one place. They need to diversify. Otis says they need Herrmann to manage their money. Herrmann says someone needs to teach them about money.
Sylvie asks Stella how life is with Kelly. She says great, then mentions something his mother said: he can be fickle about relationships. Sylvie says Kelly has changed since his wedding in Vegas. Stella wants to know more, but they get a call and have to go.
Sylvie and Gabby arrive at the scene of a gang hit. Five victims were killed and left on the back of a car trunk with the word "LADRON," meaning "thief," written on it. At the station, Antonio says, the cartel has been active since the fire. $100,000 is missing, and they'll search until they find it. It'll be a bloody month.
Kelly and Stella are alone. She asks if he was ever married. Kelly asks who told her, but she doesn't say. Kelly says it was a crazy time. They had both just lost people they loved. Stella says it would have been good to have heard about it. She asks if there are other secrets. He says no, he was young when this happened.
Gabby sees Marlena, the fire victim. She says she doesn't know about the drugs. Gabby asks if she knows who stole the money. Marlena asks Gabby if she knows what happens to people who talk. They cut off your limbs and your head. Marlena tells Gabby that someone tried to kill her. There was a lot of smoke, he was over six feet tall with a heavy coat, and he pushed her into the cage and shut it. She thought she was dead.
Antonio asks the captain questions about the day of the fire. The captain says Cordova disappeared for a while. Antonio looks like he knows something. The captain asks him to tell him if it involves his unit. Otis is at the bar. He tells Sylvie that HQ said he's training too hard. Sylvie says he should slow down and not risk his career. Captain talks to Cordova about the missing money. Cordova was the only person in the room. Cordova is angry and raises his voice. He says he wants the Captain gone because he's with his wife. The Captain tells him to calm down. Gabby tells Captain he was asking Cordova the wrong questions. She says she hasn't looked at this objectively because she has a past relationship with Cordova.
Herrmann's wife comes to the station and tells him that she was to talk about Lee Henry. He was watching porn in his apartment. Stella is checking the equipment. The Captain comes in and speaks to her. She asks if he knew Kelly was married. He says not to worry. Stella says Kelly always holds back from her. He says he deals with things like that and just tries to be patient.
The Chief and Captain call Cordova into his office. The Captain apologizes for the other night. The Chief tells Cordova this is off the record. Cordova says he saw someone in the fire and went after him, but couldn't get to him because of the smoke. He was a tall guy. He says he should have followed orders, but he wanted to prove he deserved to stick around. That's all he is guilty of. Cordova asks Gabby to stand by him, but she refuses. There's a call. It's an accident with a baby stroller on a bridge. IT was a drive-by shooting. The captain saves the baby while Herrmann and Cordova help.
Back at the station, Otis talks to Cordova. Cordova says he's been floating for two years and likes it here. Cordova says he's rooting for Otis on the next assessment. Otis tells the Captain that Cordova is a good guy and doesn't want to hold everyone back. If he doesn't get his clearance, he is going to step back. The captain asks Kelly for help with a file.
Herrmann takes the apartment from his son and might rent it. Kelly asks Herrmann if he's serious about renting the aparment. She might rent it from him and move out. Herrmann says it's hers if she wants it.
Kelly has found something in the home where the fire was. There is unaccounted space that may be enough for someone to hide. The captain, chief, and Cordova go over his steps. He takes them to a room where he followed the ghost. They find a trapdoor and a guy inside on the floor. They found the money on the guy's body. Antonio will tell people the money was found and ask them to stop the violence. Captain apologizes to Cordova for doubting him. He says he'll call HQ as soon as they have an opening.
At the station, Stella tells Kelly she asked Herrmann if she could move in with him. Kelly is surprised. She says she's concerned because he was only married for a month. Gabby looks mad at Captain when Cordova arrives. He says he can't join 51 because he doesn't want to cause trouble and wants to move on. The captain says he has to do what's right and will support him. Cordova says he's lucky. Captain says Gabby hears it and she's touched.
Otis is at the hospital. The team is texting him to support him It makes him happy. Stella is moving in with Herrmann. Kelly arrives and is surprised. She says it doesn't change how she feels. Kelly says he doesn't care where she lives.
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chicagofires · 5 months ago
a good rant to start the morning because i have thoughts about something
i think it’s insane when people who hate stella say “we should be allowed to dislike stella without being called racist or misogynistic!” and it’s like… in theory they’re right! disliking a female character or a POC doesn’t inherently make you misogynistic or racist! if you have valid criticisms toward them that’s obviously fine and no one would be mad at you for it except there’s no such thing as a valid criticism against stella because she’s perfect. but the issue arises when your “criticisms” are actually just microaggressions😭. because what do you mean you hate stella because she’s “aggressive” or “bossy” or “too masculine”. just things that would never be said about a man or a white person. and you hate her for these things to the point that you PUBLICALLY post that you want her to brutally die in a fire… weirdo behavior
i know we say this all the time but it bears repeating: stella would never in a million years get away with half the stuff the white men on the show do. kelly severide would hate seeing how people spew hate toward his wife while worshipping him despite the objectively worse things he’s done
and let’s talk about how the two most widely loved women on the show- brett and shay- also happen to be the only white women to be series regulars (until novak came at least). and the most widely hated female series regulars (stella and gabby) happen to be the WOC who have been on the show the longest. not only is that alarming in and of itself, but i also find it interesting that, unlike stella and gabby, shay and brett were never firefighters. on the show at least, paramedicine is portrayed more as a “woman’s job” and firefighting more as a “man’s job” and therefore paramedics might be “less threatening” in the eyes of misogynists. maybe i’m wrong but that seems like a red flag. plus like brett is super traditionally feminine and cutesy and sweet. and shay frankly wasn’t around long enough for people to stop liking her. i am by no means saying if you like brett and/or shay you’re racist or misogynistic. obviously that’s not true. but it is an alarming pattern i see in stella haters
so yeah… if we call you racist or misogynistic for hating stella kidd it’s because you probably just are…
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