#Kazan Mun
Some thoughts on false nobles, tragedies and crimes
//Hello there, ladies and gentlemen, I am here to think on some interesting topics firmly connected to the philosophy of Tarhos. Disclaimer: my thoughts are chaotic and I may be wrong. Feel free to criticize.
First off, let's think more about Knight's differences with Oni. Tahros does not know about bushido, still he presumes bushido, unlike European chivalric codes, at least is good on paper as a conviction. Thus he does believe Oni did that right, and those "false samurai" that Oni hates did not. Of course, Tahros still sees Oni as an idealist who cloaks his bloodlust with bushido or just a fool who blindly followed it till the bitter end.
Tarhos sees lying to oneself the worst cowardice. And that's his main reason to despise so called preachers of the morality. He knows human nature itself is violent, human society is built on inequality and morality is just a tool to hide crimes. His main goal, ironically, is to achieve freedom of will, and in the realm, despite being Entity's puppet as everyone else, he feels himself better than said Oni for he saved his mind a little more. Surprisingly, Tahros is actually more virtuous than most of the false nobility he fought, as he's nothing but sincere and brave enough to accept the darkness within him. In addition, he can be caring, for example, he became a mercenary not for himself, but to liberate his friends.
On the other hand, Tahros is an actual maniac. He feels deep aesthetical pleasure in witnessing tragedies, be it paysage of burnt and pillaged settlement or bloodied snow. That haunts him from his childhood, and he can't help succumbing to his dark obsession with tragedies again and again. He sees blood and skulls just so poetic...
And that brings us to conclusions on why Tahros believes Mandy did nothing wrong. He will never judge her for her murders as in his mind the ones she slew are mere scum, barely humans who had no right to live at all. Then, presumed she told him about Hoffman, Tahros would see that "lawman" as yet another hypocrite who did gruesome things, covering them with high morality, justice and cripe like that. Also, Tahros is obsessed with violent tragedy, so he could get obsessed with Amanda's with ease. Imagine him thinking about how she was bleeding, betrayed, and feeling that masochist pleasure in pain for her. On the other hand, Tahros could actually care for Amanda, because despite the fact her tragedy makes him high, he doesn't want it to happen with her. He can't just help being high on violence like a geek can't help being high on breathtaking series.
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bloodsoakedogre · 1 year
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||graphic made by @screamformemore​||
Mun is 21+
Main Reblog
As this is a Dead By Daylight rp blog:
I am open to rp heavy themes but not sexual ones unless discussed beforehand, nsfw rps will be tagged as such. And Magic!Anons.
Shipping would have to be discussed and if there is chemistry.
No godmodding.
Tags: ooc - out of blood, crack- silly oni, dash commentary, asks- ask the big bad oni, art- brush strokes, ic posts- on the ledger
Feel free to send me a message if you have a rp in mind!
If you would like to continue an ask with a thread, please create a new post and tag me in it with a link to the respective ask!
This Kazan is willing to spend most of his patience on his great-great-great-great grand daughter, since they’re family. He is very old fashioned but he knows that woman can be great warriors and has known noble lady samurais.
Outside of trials Kazan is still prone to flip off the handle but there’s anyways a choice for your character to escape. It depends on you. Inside of trials, he is constantly enraged, everything done to him, he takes as slight to him. You may attempt to talk to him but otherwise you are going on that hook whether you like it or not.
The estate does have a hot springs for Rin and himself to relax in between matches.
Kazan knows:
archery, swordplay, horseback riding, horseback warfare, martial arts, unarmed fighting, sumo, falconry, being proficient in fighting with chain weapons such as the kusarigama, kanabo, bos, yari, naginata(even if was used typically by samurai women.) And being that samurai were part of the noble class and Kazan had a legendary samurai for a father in Renjiro. Kazan is an all star in Japanese warfare thanks to his father and access to extensive training.
Also samurai were taught to do poetry, tea ceremonies, ink painting, gardening.
Couple that with his blood empowerment, manipulation, and among other things. Kazan is a force to be reckoned with.
Kazan believes that the other killers are not worth his time and pathetic, although:
The Spirit: Rin is the only killer he will feel sympathetic to((for now?)) and empathic with the rage she feels for being cut down by her father and his cursed blade. She being his kin helps greatly, he feels a great familial need to be there for her. He is absolutely devoted and loves his great-granddaughter.
The Huntress: Anna's is held in high respect for her prowess and the lethal proficiency with her hatchets. The fact that she hunted dangerous game without any help is commendable.
The Plague: Adiris' status as a priestess who kept her devotion even after being brought to this foggy hell is remarkable to him. He would meditate with her if not for the sickness she carries(he's not sure if the infection is easily passed outside of trials like it is in.)
The Shape: He hates him for treating his kin that way but-. Michael's obsession to kill anyone associated with his sister is horrifically astounding.
The Trapper: As Evan is one of the oldest killers in the Fog, he defers to him for advice and company. He is more patient with him as so, even if he doesn’t always understand his devotion to the Entity.
The Executioner: Hates him.
The Nemesis: Clearly the bioweapon is sapient, astounds Kazan on how far weapons for war have progressed.
The Cenobite: Another demon that Kazan is on friendly terms with, great conversation partner while enjoying tea. Baffles him that there’s another sadistic demon from hell that’s somewhat interested in him.
The Legion: A gaggle of idiotic teens, annoyance range depends on specific Legion members.
Frank- Kill/Torture on sight, the leader of Legion is the most annoying one by far.
Julie- Does respect her gumption, too bad her devotion to Frank makes her the second most annoying one.
Joey- the hanger on that Kazan has mixed feelings about, respectful but seems defer to Frank too much.
Susie- the most reluctant one, reminds him of Rin in someways; definitely has potential.
The Ghostface: A moron.
The Trickster: Annoying but fun to infuriate.
Exclusive: @screamformemore - mutual carnal relationship, doesn’t know how to feel about things on the emotional side but Kazan does love how creative Ji-Woon is.
The Pig: Respectful, for how they have treated and gave his granddaughter a shoulder to lean on before he arrived in the Fog.
The Knight: Another soldier, but where there was thought to be honor, there is none. Kazan still respects Kovács expertise and adeptness with his weapon. But the positive things about this beast ends there.
The Skull Merchant: A forgettable little girl who deigns to have anything noteworthy about her, using schemes to kill and torture the innocent for fun. Disgusting.
The Singularity: Appalling monster, those whom discount the validity of man will be doomed to be reminded who created it.
(More killers to be added)
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|Last updated on: 7/10/23|
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🗣 Oni? Or Talbot?
Send '🗣' + a character to hear the mun's opinion about that character
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"Kazan tends to steer clear of me. So I have no complaints. He seems like a tremendous challenge in the trials and if my observations are correct then we have...perhaps far too much in common than anyone might suspect. I do hold some respect for him. At least based off what I have been told about how he ended up in The Fog.
As for Talbot? Well, he obviously isn't communicative. I try to give him a wide birth whenever he's flinging himself around The Fog. He's like an enormous pin-pong ball in the worst imaginable way."
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For muns with multiple muses, past and present, on any blog. Rules: Fill out the form according to which muse suits each title best. (The same muse can have multiple titles.) Repost and tag. Feel free to add more!
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Favourite Muse: Danny, Tarhos, Frank, and Aita they're all super easy to write and I get some fun interactions out them. People seem to like them too, so its a win win,
Most Character Development: Probably Danny, Tarhos, Frank, and Julie.
Trash Muse: Jerry, I love him, but he canonically went on a rant about his math "religion" and then almost spiked their ashes at their funeral. (3rd book)
The Meme-Lord: Danny always has really fun interactions especially in modern where he can just be stupid as much as he wants.
Most Likely to Start a War: Tarhos- He did actively start one and then got pulled into the fog during it.
Worst Personality: Yijun, but fuck I love him. He's a snake oil salesmen and him being what he is he literally survives off of attention and the greed he accumulates. He is literally just one of those Instagram models that push fad diet scams, mlms or sigma male audiobooks.
Most Attractive Muse: I think it really depends on a persons taste? But personally for me it's Aita, Luka, Luanne or Yijun, But I also know some people who really like Angel or Pearl too so.
Falls in Love Quickest: Pearl, but he's mostly just into guys with money.
Most Likely to Drop Their Phone in the Toilet: Aita he's the most likely to be drunk in public where that could happen easily.
Ice Ruler: Renata or Luanne they're both women that hold power and will not let even an inch of it go. They're cold and callous.
The Edgelord: FRANK my sweet baby boy who listens to metal and breaks into homes and businesses for fun.
Most Tragic Backstory: I feel like a lot of my d.bd muses have tragic backstories? That's just how the lore tends to go, but Frank if you stop to think about it is tragic. He's a kid whose bene in the foster care all his life passed from home to home and when he finally gets to Ormond his adoptive dad just wants the government money to go get drunk at the bar so he's left by himself.
Best Case of Puberty: Probably Tarhos??? To go from being a broad shouldered lanky kid to looking like a fucking bear is certainly an achievement.
Most Awkward: Susie, she's got anxiety and a lot of it except with her mask on.
Busy Bee: Viktor fucking lives at his lab, he will not stop working even when he should.
Most Clueless: Pearl except most of it is an act, because everyone loves a clueless blonde.
Most Likely to Forget Their Wallet at Home: Kazan in modern au, he's a grandpa leave him alone.
Best Dressed: Yijun, he's got big ass fur coats and lots of silks. Gold and fine jewels, he likes to flaunt what he has.
Biggest Flirt: Aita, because it gets him free things. That's it. If it gets him free food or drinks he'll do it.
Most Dramatic: Ji-Woon he's so full of himself even in his own tome, he physically cannot put others above himself. Like content warning for animal death in his tome but like- yeah he literally did that just because a hamster was getting more attention than his flute solo in class.
Least Likely to Show Up Late: Tarhos is bare minimum 40 minutes early to everything he has to go to-
One with Weirdest Habit: Anna hums lullabies to herself to pass the time, but it's not that weird.
Most Likely to Be Caught at the Gym: Tarhos, Frank, or Kazan. Frank just likes to stay in shape, but Tarhos and Kazan are jus- huge.
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Tagged by: @misstantabismuses (Thank you!) Tagging: anyone who wants me to idk how many multis follow me-
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apocalypta-secundus · 2 years
HELLO! I roleplay a few MHA OCs and Rei Todoroki, while testing Fuyumi.
(Also, I know I don't look like a MHA rper, but I do have characters on this multimuse!)
OCs: Yukimi Kazahana Yukimi Todoroki (Same person in… some cases) Kazane Kazahana Villain Verse Yukimi
Verses: Kiyoko Kaguya Mila Hurricanes Lyn Domen Narvi Lokisdottir
Canons: Rei Todoroki, Fuyumi Todoroki I am looking for more roleplayers including ones that might cause my hair to stand on end… Those being Dabi, Enji… and maybe a cool brother for Yukimi? Anyway, I'm a friendly mun who would like to write with others and hope we mesh well and talk soon!
Thank you for reading this. <3
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askoni-yamaoka · 5 years
[[You are very welcome!]]
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glenvale-massacre · 3 years
Does Caleb steal Kazen's mask often when his lover was sleeping?
“Who needs to steal it when i get to watch him take it off every night..?”
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swordsxandxshadows · 3 years
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Inspired by @bastardsunlight ask
I couldn’t help myself and had to draw Kung Lao and Kazane in those Bunny Hats. Kazane can be very persuasive...and cute.
...also silly or not that hat can still kill you, it’ll just look cute doing it now ewe
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devolusion-a · 3 years
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i just realized i never posted this here which is funny cos this is the only ref half these characters have
sylvie > niya > kozakura > elysia kazane > akari > hannei > xiaoxue
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bloody-mixtapes · 4 years
❣ 17 david?
Send in a ❣ for a random kiss [1- 20]
They didn't get a lot of chances to be as intimate as Frank sometimes wanted them to be. The Entity seemingly enjoyed interrupting their alone time no matter where they were. But for once it seemed they at least had a smidgen of time to just relax and be with each other.
Frank chuckled as he crawled on top of David, his hands resting on either side of the Brit's head. He could feel the gentle grasp of the survivor's hands on his hips as he leaned down to towards his face, teasingly dragging his teeth along the other man's jawline. He could feel David quietly chuckle as he did so and his hands smoothly slide down his waist to his thighs, gently massaging them with his thumbs.
Frank smiled into the teasing nibbles he was leaving on the survivor, playfully and jokingly growling quietly into the other's ear. Taking his time, the Legionnaire slowly made his way down to David's neck, the nibbles now soft butterfly kisses.
Frank sighed and pressed his face into his neck, resting his eyes as he let himself relax for a moment. Sitting up, he looked down into David's eye as gentle a playful smile rested on his lips.
In a swift and smooth motion, Frank leant down and grazed David's lips, then gently leaving feathery kisses up the other's nose and brow.
With a chuckle, the Legionnaire popped up onto his feet and trotted off teasingly. Blowing a kiss towards the Brit before slowly trotting off. Glancing back to see the Brit getting up to follow him, the other man chuckling as he followed the killer.
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naivefrenzy-a · 5 years
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《 ITS FINALLY DONE! what do we think? 》
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cursed-legacy · 2 years
Mun may be a monster fucker but Kazan isn't.
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sasorikigai · 3 years
☁︎ , ♕ , ♋︎ , ☯︎ , ∞ , ❤︎ (( ;3c ))
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anonymous impressions || anonymous, but methinks it @swordsxandxshadows​ || accepting
☁︎  I was intimidated by your disposition/afraid to follow/send an ask to
♕  I’m impressed with your writing!
♋︎  I feel like we’re really similar and would get along well.
☯︎  you’ve helped me improve my writing
∞  I hope we write for a really long time!
❤︎  you are my favorite writer of your muse
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B R U H I hope by now you know what kind of a person I am, so I hope such disposition of me as a mun before has been changed considerably! I am just a really passionate and enthusiastic dork who will go fucking insane and feral about anything Hanzo/Scorpion and Hiroyuki Sanada at this point who knows no escape whatsoever. And ever since MK2021 Scorpion and Aku hit it off almost instantaneously, it’s been such a hell of a ride, and I very much look forward to other ships of ours with same curiosity, intrigue, and passion (I am highkey looking forward to Kuai Liang/Sub-Zero and Kazane’s relationship). Also know that I immensely appreciate your talent, and respect you as a fellow human bean <3 
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snow-noodle · 4 years
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I had this commissioned by a lovely bean on twitter Hazeace_art because let them be good pals or love birds. Eh who even knows whats going through my brain anymore. They do both got demon masks though CJ's is a plastic facr mask with a demon smile...
The oni/kazan design is by the lovely @blood-demon who mun is @deep-red-demon
Now don't mind me as I go die in my sleep
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starscream197 · 4 years
cute you write some fluff hurt/comfort for Laurie/Kate 👉👈 please :)
((Mun; I am so sorry this took way much longer then what it should’ve ;n; I’ve been dealing with family and friend issues, but I hope this suffices <3
Fluffy hurt/comfort | Laurie x Kate
Laurie groaned as she looked around the broken hallways of Lery's, her blue orbs spotting a familiar blonde who seemed to be more happy at her sudden situation in the freezing cold building. Laurie made her way towards her girlfriend, embracing her tightly with a big smile.
"At least we're in this together, right Katie?" Kate's smile turned wider at the small line from Laurie.
"Yup! Wanna go work on the generator in mid? It's better to get it out of the way." Laurie nodded her head as they began to walk to the middle, Laurie cuddling into the curled hair of Kate, making her giggle a bit. Dwight just awkwardly looked at them as they all worked on the generator, hearing the sound of the Oni's grunts in the distance. Kate suddenly shivered, making Laurie raise a brow.
"This place gives me the heebie jeebies."
"Heebie jeebies?" Laurie snickered.
"Yeah, it's creepy here!" Kate grumbled back. Laurie smiled and leaned over to gently kiss her lover.
"It'll be okay, Katie. I'll keep an eye on you."
"I can still handle myself!"
"I know, I know, you should know me at this point." Laurie rolled her eyes.
"I know, and I thank you." Kate cuddled against Laurie as the generator dinged complete, Dwight running off towards a locker to hide in as the heartbeat grew in their ears. Laurie's look suddenly turned firm as her and the other blonde rushed off upstairs, hiding behind a small bench. Kate cuddled against Laurie slightly in fear at the large, demonic man who growled below them.
Laurie carefully ran her fingers through Kate's hair as they finally began to walk downstairs, hearing him walk away swiftly to chase after Steve. They began to work on another generator together, but quickly noticed something was wrong. Steve was fine, Dwight was fine, where was the Oni?
It wasn't until Kate got grabbed off the generator did they realize the Oni had Tinkerer, throwing Laurie into a fit of rage as she watched Kate get carried off. She hid behind a wall and covered her ears as the screams of Kate suddenly echoed Lery's, the Oni's heavy footsteps beginning to pound away from their location. Laurie hurried over to take her lover off the hook, watching Kate whimper as blood poured from the large wound in her shoulder and blood orbs floated around them.
"It's okay Kate, I've got you…" Laurie whispered softly as she began to patch up Kate, quickly noticing the increased heartbeat. She sucked in a breath and looked around before taking a broken piece of glass off the floor from a broken window and handing it to Kate. "For protection, be safe." She whispered to her, making the curly haired girl nod.
The Oni arrived soon enough to see them finish healing, immediately going after Kate. Laurie flinched as she followed with them slowly, aiming for an opportunity to save her girlfriend. She knew it was only a matter of time until Kate was downed, and was looking for every opportunity to save her.
She watched as Kate vaulted a window and fell down as the Oni's sword was slashed across her back, making Kate howl and whimper in pain. Laurie flinched at the sounds, she never wanted to hear her beloved in pain.
"You've got this, Katie." She mumbled a bit as she watched the female get picked up. Kate swiftly brought the glass piece down onto the Oni's shoulder, running off towards Laurie quickly. The blonde quickly got in the way between the Oni and Kate as they ran off quickly, trying their best to thwart off the demonic man.
Laurie and Kate nearly fell over as they hear his roar echo the cold, broken down building, running off towards the office part of the building. Kate ran off and hid down in the basement, quickly noticing that Laurie wasn't beside her. She began to panic slightly as she shakily began to wrap herself up with whatever she had, which was just a torn piece of her shirt as she heard the high pitched screams of Laurie.
Two of the generators dinged off in the distance, giving Kate a moment to breathe a sigh of relief before she quickly got back onto the situation at hand, Laurie was in trouble. She dug around the chest for a few moments before pulling out a flashlight, a mischievous smile growing over her lips as she realized she was going to be the saviour Laurie needed and immediately ran off to follow her plan.
As she walked through the building, the coldness and tidbits of snow nipped at her showing skin, making her shiver. But as soon as she heard the faint heartbeat grow in her ears, she knew it was time. She gave a silent prayer that Steve and Dwight were doing their jobs and working on the generators as she stepped in over to the middle, watching as Laurie fell off the top floor. She still seemed calm, which only made Kate swoon more as she watched the bravery of her lover.
She quickly snapped out of her daydreams as Laurie was slashed to the ground, Kate flickering the flashlight for a moment before appearing from behind the corner. She shined it quickly into Kazan’s eyes, making him growl as Laurie was dropped. Laurie had a look of surprise as she ran over to embrace Kate quickly, holding her as they ran. Surprisingly, he switched his focus over to Dwight, ignoring the females as they both healed themselves up. Kate and Laurie embraced each other, a loving kiss landing Laurie’s lips from the panicked blonde.
As the fourth generator dinged off in the distance, Laurie and Kate put themselves to good use and began to work on the final generator, since Steve and Dwight had begun to run Kazan around. After a bit, the generator dinged complete and the couple ran off to an exit gate, sudden panic growing as Steve ran over with the Oni quick behind him. As the exits opened, they forced themselves out the gate, giving a sigh of relief as they were finally back at their camp, hearing the forgiving sound of the campfire crackling and the happy talk of their fellow survivors.
Kate was quick to rush Laurie into their tent, shoving the other female onto their cot. The texan surprisingly began to shake a bit as she shoved herself into the arms of her lover, her face nuzzled in the neck of Laurie. Laurie’s eyes widened at the sudden affection, making her sigh as she gently placed her hand on the back of Kate’s shirt, her warm hand rubbing across the soft cloth of her lover to try and soothe her.
They laid there in each other’s arms for a while, just in silence as Laurie softly rubbed Kate’s back and Kate just rested in the lovingness of Laurie’s arms. Laurie lifted up Kate’s head suddenly, beginning to gently pepper her face in soft kisses.
“I love you.” Laurie placed another kiss on her lips, enjoying the feeling of her lips against Kate’s. Kate closed her eyes and very gladly kissed Laurie back, keeping her tight in the embrace. Kate pulled away after a moment, her cheeks dusted a soft pink as she smiled.
“I love you too.”
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insidious-rp · 3 years
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「 ͏ Inspired by The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, The Legacies, American Horror Story ͏ 」
OC roleplay // Literate // 19+ mun & muse // Supernatural City AU // All Orientations // Based on Mewe // Modern Setting in New Orleans // Welcomes Asian descents & Internationals // Black Market System
❛ welcome to new orleans! ❜ ─ We’ve been awaiting your presence. Glad you found your way home, Kazan Kang.
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