#chrysanthus jackman
snow-noodle · 4 years
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I had this commissioned by a lovely bean on twitter Hazeace_art because let them be good pals or love birds. Eh who even knows whats going through my brain anymore. They do both got demon masks though CJ's is a plastic facr mask with a demon smile...
The oni/kazan design is by the lovely @blood-demon who mun is @deep-red-demon
Now don't mind me as I go die in my sleep
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snow-noodle · 4 years
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Have some Chrysanthus ready for Christmas.
This is her outfit for the month and for Snowfest
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snow-noodle · 4 years
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Chrysanthus telling Philip and Herman why she was dying on the floor of laughter because her brain cells decided to leave her.
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snow-noodle · 4 years
Incorrect quote: the chaotic trio #1
Philip: if I were a drink I'd be cherry vanilla coke. If you were a drink what you be?
Chrysanthus: Bleach.
Herman: Sewage.
Philip: Please calm down edgelords.
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snow-noodle · 4 years
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These are ma girls in their lovely outfits for blood gala
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snow-noodle · 4 years
Not sure how these work but
Blood Gala prompts: 🎵, 🕺🏽, and/or 🐔
with whoever you deem fit for these prompts.
🎵 Athena Carter
Whatever was but honestly probably would go find a way to listen to songs from her tome before her snd her dear husband were taken by the entity
💃 Chrysanthus Jackman
Sge was litterslly a dsmce teacher before being so she can dance most styles.
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🐔 Freddy Krueger and Jaylynn Deadman
Freddy and Jaylynn had been dancing together, her letting him lead and actually enjoying the event since the moment she arrived. As they were dancing suddenly Freddy was pelted with balloons filled with paint and Jaylynn also was hit as she was right beside him. She had gotten annoyed pulling Freddy away to help him clean up the paint yet it was too late their outfits were ruined by a childish prank.
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snow-noodle · 4 years
Hello and welcome to my account. I am mostly an oc account and do post my ocs often. I am also mostly a Dead by Daylight account.
My muses:
- Aodhán McCarthy, Survivor
-Athena Carter, Survivor
-Chrysanthus Jackman, Killer
-Jaylynn Deadman, Survivor
-Rosemarie Yukimitsu, Killer
-Sage Evan Anisha, Survivor
@spoopyghostface is my ghostface account
@optic-collector is my slasher account
I will be doing mostly asks surrounding them. When asking stuff say exactly who or if its for all of them.
You can also ask me stuff and I'll answer to the best of my abilities depending.
I do also tend to roleplay and excitedly talk about my ocs especially as I'm making them. And no I don't purposefully make characters look cute when I draw them they just turn out cute when I do .
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snow-noodle · 4 years
Athena Carter - 🛏️
Chrysanthus Jackman - 🎵
Jaylynn Deadman - 🔪
🎵 - what’s your muse listening to at the Gala?
🔪 - Your muse fraternizing with the enemy
🛏️ - Your muse after the Gala is over
Athena Carter
Once the gala had ended she had noticed many of the younger survivors and killers were a lite drunk probably from the spiked punch or alcohol that was magically there and there were some who needed first aid probably from some fight that happened. She woulc baby thr younger survivors and killers making sure they'd recovered then would go see if her dear husband needs anything then its back to the usual.
Chrysanthus Jackman
In all honestly, CJ is probably listening to whatever she usually listens to. At one point early into the gala she notice the music for the gala was horrible and had yook it among herself to play her party playing that held many notable songs from times in the old world before the realm.
Jaylynn Deadman
The shirt survivor watch as she was basically abandoned by the few survivor friends she made and even noticed that her child hood friend was nowhere to be seen. Her eyes wandered around the room spoting a lot of the killers then decided to approach one of them to maybe befriend or at least be friendly with. Possibly spiked punch in hand she looked up noticing the mons.... msn was wearing a mask. How did she not notice? "Hi... um... the Oni?" She asked rather awkwardly staring at him as he had killed her so many times in trails. She rubbed her upper arm with her free hand. The girl never really spoke to any other killer besides her friend and the killers her friend befriended. Why did she choose to approach one of the most intimidating killer.
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snow-noodle · 4 years
Chrysanthus "CJ" Jackman/Outsider Relationships
Best friends: Herman Carter and Philip Ojomo
Friends: Jaylynn Deadman(survivor oc), Evan McMillian, Danny Johnson, Frank Morrison, Joey, Susie, Bubba, Anna, Sally Smithson and Rin Yamaoko
Avoids/doesn't like: Jeffery Hawk, Lisa Sherwood and Caleb Quinn
Will fight: Freddy just Freddy
Shipped with: Frank and Kazan Yamaoka
Rivalry: Julie
Neutral: Michael Myers, Amanda Young, Kazan, Demigordon, Adiris, Talbot and Max Thompson
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snow-noodle · 4 years
Busy drafting what the perks and ability for my killer looks like
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snow-noodle · 4 years
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This is my original killer for dbd because I became incredibly bored when I was unable to play dbd. The Outsider aka Chrysanthus Jackman. Two common nicknames for her being CJ and Chrys. She became a killer after purposefully letting a survivor, probably Ace, die and basically in a way helped the killer kill the others then escaped. She actually has music playing in the headset though its light enough for her to hear whats going on around her.
She was a college student studying social sciences to become a therapist of some sort. She also had to jobs batista a a coffee shop and a bar tender at a bar. Sometimes she just imagines the faces of all the creepy guys that hit on her and tried to buy her a drink.
#deadbydaylight #dbd #dbdoriginalcharacter #dbdoc
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