starscream197 · 3 years
Okay so like--
I've got some explaining to do.
I ended up getting side tracked hard because I have been working hard at my job, saving up money for a drawing tablet, and just... hard depression.
I know it ain't good enough, and I don't deserve to be giving excuses, but I apologize, from the bottom of my heart.
I promise you all I will get on with my requests, and guarantee one at least by this Saturday. I promise, please don't hate me--
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starscream197 · 4 years
Happy (after) holidays, everyone!
I know I've been pretty slow and sluggish on requests, but lately I've been having internet issues, friend and family issues, and mental issues I felt should get taken care of beforehand. BUT! Thanks to my sister buying me an awesome new laptop, I will be continuing writing and requests! I promise you all, those who have requested, it will be out within a day or so, and if they're not, you can yell at me :)
I hope you all had wonderful holidays and enjoyed time with family and friends, I know I did, I sincerely apologize, and will get everything back in order soon <3
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starscream197 · 4 years
cute you write some fluff hurt/comfort for Laurie/Kate 👉👈 please :)
((Mun; I am so sorry this took way much longer then what it should’ve ;n; I’ve been dealing with family and friend issues, but I hope this suffices <3
Fluffy hurt/comfort | Laurie x Kate
Laurie groaned as she looked around the broken hallways of Lery's, her blue orbs spotting a familiar blonde who seemed to be more happy at her sudden situation in the freezing cold building. Laurie made her way towards her girlfriend, embracing her tightly with a big smile.
"At least we're in this together, right Katie?" Kate's smile turned wider at the small line from Laurie.
"Yup! Wanna go work on the generator in mid? It's better to get it out of the way." Laurie nodded her head as they began to walk to the middle, Laurie cuddling into the curled hair of Kate, making her giggle a bit. Dwight just awkwardly looked at them as they all worked on the generator, hearing the sound of the Oni's grunts in the distance. Kate suddenly shivered, making Laurie raise a brow.
"This place gives me the heebie jeebies."
"Heebie jeebies?" Laurie snickered.
"Yeah, it's creepy here!" Kate grumbled back. Laurie smiled and leaned over to gently kiss her lover.
"It'll be okay, Katie. I'll keep an eye on you."
"I can still handle myself!"
"I know, I know, you should know me at this point." Laurie rolled her eyes.
"I know, and I thank you." Kate cuddled against Laurie as the generator dinged complete, Dwight running off towards a locker to hide in as the heartbeat grew in their ears. Laurie's look suddenly turned firm as her and the other blonde rushed off upstairs, hiding behind a small bench. Kate cuddled against Laurie slightly in fear at the large, demonic man who growled below them.
Laurie carefully ran her fingers through Kate's hair as they finally began to walk downstairs, hearing him walk away swiftly to chase after Steve. They began to work on another generator together, but quickly noticed something was wrong. Steve was fine, Dwight was fine, where was the Oni?
It wasn't until Kate got grabbed off the generator did they realize the Oni had Tinkerer, throwing Laurie into a fit of rage as she watched Kate get carried off. She hid behind a wall and covered her ears as the screams of Kate suddenly echoed Lery's, the Oni's heavy footsteps beginning to pound away from their location. Laurie hurried over to take her lover off the hook, watching Kate whimper as blood poured from the large wound in her shoulder and blood orbs floated around them.
"It's okay Kate, I've got you…" Laurie whispered softly as she began to patch up Kate, quickly noticing the increased heartbeat. She sucked in a breath and looked around before taking a broken piece of glass off the floor from a broken window and handing it to Kate. "For protection, be safe." She whispered to her, making the curly haired girl nod.
The Oni arrived soon enough to see them finish healing, immediately going after Kate. Laurie flinched as she followed with them slowly, aiming for an opportunity to save her girlfriend. She knew it was only a matter of time until Kate was downed, and was looking for every opportunity to save her.
She watched as Kate vaulted a window and fell down as the Oni's sword was slashed across her back, making Kate howl and whimper in pain. Laurie flinched at the sounds, she never wanted to hear her beloved in pain.
"You've got this, Katie." She mumbled a bit as she watched the female get picked up. Kate swiftly brought the glass piece down onto the Oni's shoulder, running off towards Laurie quickly. The blonde quickly got in the way between the Oni and Kate as they ran off quickly, trying their best to thwart off the demonic man.
Laurie and Kate nearly fell over as they hear his roar echo the cold, broken down building, running off towards the office part of the building. Kate ran off and hid down in the basement, quickly noticing that Laurie wasn't beside her. She began to panic slightly as she shakily began to wrap herself up with whatever she had, which was just a torn piece of her shirt as she heard the high pitched screams of Laurie.
Two of the generators dinged off in the distance, giving Kate a moment to breathe a sigh of relief before she quickly got back onto the situation at hand, Laurie was in trouble. She dug around the chest for a few moments before pulling out a flashlight, a mischievous smile growing over her lips as she realized she was going to be the saviour Laurie needed and immediately ran off to follow her plan.
As she walked through the building, the coldness and tidbits of snow nipped at her showing skin, making her shiver. But as soon as she heard the faint heartbeat grow in her ears, she knew it was time. She gave a silent prayer that Steve and Dwight were doing their jobs and working on the generators as she stepped in over to the middle, watching as Laurie fell off the top floor. She still seemed calm, which only made Kate swoon more as she watched the bravery of her lover.
She quickly snapped out of her daydreams as Laurie was slashed to the ground, Kate flickering the flashlight for a moment before appearing from behind the corner. She shined it quickly into Kazan’s eyes, making him growl as Laurie was dropped. Laurie had a look of surprise as she ran over to embrace Kate quickly, holding her as they ran. Surprisingly, he switched his focus over to Dwight, ignoring the females as they both healed themselves up. Kate and Laurie embraced each other, a loving kiss landing Laurie’s lips from the panicked blonde.
As the fourth generator dinged off in the distance, Laurie and Kate put themselves to good use and began to work on the final generator, since Steve and Dwight had begun to run Kazan around. After a bit, the generator dinged complete and the couple ran off to an exit gate, sudden panic growing as Steve ran over with the Oni quick behind him. As the exits opened, they forced themselves out the gate, giving a sigh of relief as they were finally back at their camp, hearing the forgiving sound of the campfire crackling and the happy talk of their fellow survivors.
Kate was quick to rush Laurie into their tent, shoving the other female onto their cot. The texan surprisingly began to shake a bit as she shoved herself into the arms of her lover, her face nuzzled in the neck of Laurie. Laurie’s eyes widened at the sudden affection, making her sigh as she gently placed her hand on the back of Kate’s shirt, her warm hand rubbing across the soft cloth of her lover to try and soothe her.
They laid there in each other’s arms for a while, just in silence as Laurie softly rubbed Kate’s back and Kate just rested in the lovingness of Laurie’s arms. Laurie lifted up Kate’s head suddenly, beginning to gently pepper her face in soft kisses.
“I love you.” Laurie placed another kiss on her lips, enjoying the feeling of her lips against Kate’s. Kate closed her eyes and very gladly kissed Laurie back, keeping her tight in the embrace. Kate pulled away after a moment, her cheeks dusted a soft pink as she smiled.
“I love you too.”
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starscream197 · 4 years
Hey there! First of all: Welcome to the community <3 I hope you have a wonderful time here!May I ask angstyJake x shyFélix? I haven't seen anything of these two, and I think it would be pretty interesting to explore their relationship, since Félix represents everything that Jakes hates (and maybe It makes him feel like a failure, as his father always told him), aaaand Félix admires how brave Jake was when he decided to be a "free man". Thank you so much <3
((Mun; Aaaaaaaa tysm for the warm welcomes! <3 I hope I don't disappoint you!
Angsty! Jake x Shy! Felix
When I think of an angsty Jake, I think of "I hate myself and the world" type of man. So when Felix first walks into the realm, he only thinks of him as another person he has to keep a regretful eye on.
It wasn't until Park began to notice the side-eyed glances at him and the shy smiles the blonde would give when they're working on a generator together. He began to ignore it the best he could, but couldn't stop his malice everytime he saw the smile, his lips forming a snarl when he saw it on the blonde's lips.
Felix, however, felt indecisive about the male. He saw Jake's free spirit to be mildly intriguing, being a man trapped in a relationship with a wife and soon-to-be child, felt like the calm, keeping to himself man, to be inviting.
Once, while Claudette and Felix were talking about perks, Felix asked her about the other survivors. She responded with a smile and told him everything he needed to know about everyone within the fog, but when the topic came to Jake, a small blush came over his cheeks. Claudette noticed the blush and told him everything she knew about Park, watching Felix's eyes turn sad at the mention of Jake's father being so stern and upset towards him. Hearing about the argument between Jake's feelings of wanting to get away and his dads want for him to continue the family, made him feel even more... In love at Park's bravery.
Jake, though, still wanted nothing to do with Felix, only finding it annoying at stammering words from the German male. At one point, he even snapped at Felix out of pure anger, feeling his fear of his father's hate pour out onto Felix when he realized this man was everything Jake's dad wanted him to be.
Felix took this as a point he needed to work harder, but felt his timidness get too much in the way of wanting to be confident towards Park.
Jake began to feel angry at himself after the outburst towards Felix, wanting to apologize, but felt his father's words get too much in the way of making the apology, so, he didn't really bother much with it, silently cursing himself out of anger and feeling of failure.
They didn't really speak much to each other for a while, Felix feeling too skittish and Jake's words in the way of him apologizing, so they primarily kept to themselves. But it didn't stop the side-eyed glances from Felix towards Jake, however.
Eventually, after some encouraging words from the other survivors, during a trial, Felix grabbed onto Jake shakily, running from the mad Doctor as his giggles echoed the cornfield of the Rotten Fields. Felix stared into Jake's eyes as blood pooled from Park's mouth, trying his best to patch the wounds that covered the males body.
Then, after a fearful sob, Felix let out his feelings towards Park, as well as an apology towards him. Jake stared at him with wide eyes as he registered everything Felix told him, feeling his heartbeat increase in his ears as he quickly grabbed the blonde and ran towards the cow tree. He kneeled Felix down by the pallet and sputtered out his own apology, flinching at the tone in his voice. He felt angered at the softness of his voice and wanted to change it, but kept himself together as he spoke to him.
As they finished last generator, Felix stopped in his tracks and sputtered as he felt the warm glove of Jake's hand slide into his, an angry glare aimed towards his feet. Felix damn near tripped over his feet as he stuttered and finally shut up with a snap at Jake, quieting himself as him and Jake watched Yui open the door quietly.
They returned to their camp within a second and Felix stuttered a thank you towards Jake, making him huff.
"Yeah yeah, shut up..." Jake grumbled in response as they sat with each other. Jake finally took a moment to realize, even if Felix was the man his dad wanted him to be, he became his own man. And yet, still managed to grow feelings with someone he despises.
I feel like their relationship growing on would be a rocky one, sure with arguments and tears, but they always managed to stick through. Jake still never got over his father's words, sometimes just staring at Felix, trying to imagine himself in the blondes shoes to earn the respect and love from his father. And Felix would always try his best to help Jake put his focus onto something else, and prove his love to Park, whether he was successful or not.
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starscream197 · 4 years
So, this is going to be my first post!
Requests are open, box is open, ask away!
New to this sort of thing so kind of slow, but will get to you eventually, (please go easy on me ;v;)
This is mainly for DbD head cannons, one-shots, short stories, crackships, anything you can put your head to!
I do have a list of rules I'd prefer you'd read before coming onto my post area.
I am looking out for your safety <3
Rules are primarily: No inclusion of Demogorgon or Blight (Idk, I don't feel comfortable writing about them since Demo isn't human and Blight creeps me out), I won't do anything with a child reader or child character unless it's something wholesome. If not, then no bueno. (Victor and Charlotte do count)
I will do every killer, every survivor, every ship that is imaginable, whatever. I look to make you guys happy. <3
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