#Kawasaki Eliminator 450
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Kawasaki Eliminator 450 Set to Make a Grand Return to India at 2023 India Bike Week
In a much-anticipated move, India Kawasaki Motor has officially teased the launch of the Kawasaki Eliminator 450, a cruiser bike set to hit the Indian market after a hiatus of more than two decades. The motorcycle, already a global sensation, is expected to make its grand comeback at the 2023 India Bike Week, where enthusiasts and biking aficionados eagerly await its unveiling. Global Sensation…
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CARB Certification for the 2024 Kawasaki Eliminator 450
Kawasaki has a new challenger for the venerable Honda Rebel. I reported how the company has a new Kawasaki Eliminator in the works, and now it has received its CARB certification. Continue reading Untitled

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Kawasaki Eliminator 450 Launch Teaser
Kawasaki Eliminator 450 teased ahead of unveil at India Bike Week 2023, Goa
Kawasaki has regularly introduced new model to ensure a widely range of options for motorcycle fans. Latest teasers point to a new launch, which is likely to be Eliminator 450. Kawasaki will be unveiled a new motorcycle at the India Bike Week in Goa between 8-9 December.
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Kawasaki Eliminator 450 – Key Factor
Kawasaki Eliminator 450 has some of the key factor include round headlamps and rear-view mirrors, curvy fuel tank, low rider seat and prominent rear fender. In the global motorcycle markets, colour option include Pearl Robotic White and Pearl Storm Gray. The Eliminator SE ABS model has a more vibrant dual-tone colourway of Candy Steel Furnace Orange / Ebony.
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The chassis geometry has been especially designed to enable a light, natural feel. It gives confidence to users and ensures stress-free riding. Needs of the pillion rider have also been taken care of with a comfortable seat and ergonomically placed grab rails.
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New Kawasaki Eliminator 450 Specifications and Performance
New Kawasaki Eliminator 450 comes from the 451 cc parallel-twin cylinder, liquid-cooled engine that produces 44.7 bhp at 9,000 rpm and 42. 6 Nm of peak torque at 6,000 rpm, paired with a 6-speed gearbox.
Ensuring optimal braking performance, the Eliminator 450 is equipped with 310 mm and 220 mm discs at the front and rear, respectively. The standard dual-channel ABS adds an extra layer of safety to the riding experience. The Eliminator tips the scales at a kerb weight of 176 kg.
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Az idei évben sem maradhat el a végső elszámolás. Mindig érdekes, hogy mik azok a cikkek, amikre a legtöbben voltak kíváncsiak. Ez egyfajta "kórképet" mutat arról, hogy mik azok a témák, amelyek az adott évben leginkább érdeklik az olvasóinkat. Jövőre megint más lesz majd az érdekes. 10. Barbara és a kis Rebel A Honda CMX 500 Rebel már évek óta tarol a motoros csajok körében. Már nem tudunk elmenni egy motoros rendezvényre úgy, hogy ne találkoznánk 4-5 rebeles csajjal. Ez a kis bobber méltán lett népszerű az alacsonyabb, kezdő lányok körében, de ez nem ledegradálás, hiszen a férfiaknak is szuper társuk lehet. Barbara a Henrix Cityig ment, hogy megtalálja a kedvencét. Olvasd el a cikket! https://csajokamotoron.hu/barbara-nekem-ez-a-rebel-kellett/ 9. Karikák az aszfalton a Bajna-Héreg Ringen Első alkalommal az1119-es út Bajna-Héreg közötti kanyargó szakaszán találálkozhattunk azokkal a különleges útburkolati jelekkel, amelyek a motorosok nak segítenek a sávon belüli biztonságos helyezkedésben. Úgy tűnik, sokan nem ismerték még ezeket a jeleket, mert sokan olvasták ezt a cikket. Olvasd el te is! https://csajokamotoron.hu/te-ismered-a-motorosokat-tamogato-utburkolati-jeleket/ 8. A CFMoto 450-es bobbere Újabb bobber a kollekcióban - úgy tűnik a cégek felismerték, hogy nem csak a kezdőknek ideális választás egy alacsony üléspozíciójú, közepes méretűblokkal felszerelt, szigorú megjelenésű bobber. Talán épp emiatt népszerűek ezek a cikkek is, mert azok,akik ilyenben gondolkoznak,válogatnak a lehetőségek között. Olvasd el te is a cikket! https://csajokamotoron.hu/cfmoto-450cl-c-bobber-250cl-c-cruiser-es-az-elektromos-motorok/ 7. A Kawasakinak is van bobbere Íme az idei listánk harmadik bobbere, ezúttal a Kawasakitól. Klári egyébként egy Sportstert vezet, de még ő is megkedvelte ezt a formás járgányt. Te melyiket váálasztanád a három közül? Olvasd el a cikket is, ha még nem tetted! https://csajokamotoron.hu/az-ismeretlen-ismeros-kawasaki-eliminator-500-se-2024-teszt/ 6. A motoros klubok élete és szabályaik A kívülálók mindig érdekesnek találják a motoros klubok életét, szeretnének belelátni ebbe a zárt világba. A klubok viszont próbálják zárt ajtók közöt tartani a "titkaikat". Talán ez is az oka, hogy ehhez hasonló cikkeket mindkét csoport érdeklődéssel olvassa. Előző reménykedik, hogy megtud belőle valami titkosat, utóbbi próbál fogást találni az újságírón, aki a cikket jegyzi. Olvasd el te is ezt a cikket! https://csajokamotoron.hu/motoros-klubok-a-kotelek-es-a-testveriseg-a-motoros-kozossegen-belul/ 5. Egy jó tanács mindig jó jön Az öreg motorosoktól mindig lehet tanulni valami hasznosat. Nem csak sok-sok kilométer van a hátuk mögött, de ők már biztos, hogy mindenféleképpen jártak már motorozás közben. Érdemes hát hallgatni a tanácsaikra. Olvasd el a cikket! https://csajokamotoron.hu/jo-tanacsok-kezdoknek-egy-oreg-motorostol/ 4. Amikor elmegy egy motoros, az mindig fáj Amikor egy motoros nő megy el, az a Csajok a motoron közösségének még fájdalmasabb. Biztos, hogy van olyan közöttünk, akinek személyes ismerőse volt az elhunyt, és mindenkinek átsuhan a gondolataiban,hogy mi lett volna, ha vele történik a baleset. Olvasd el a szomorú hírt! https://csajokamotoron.hu/egy-szombathelyi-motoros-no-volt-a-mult-szombati-motoros-baleset-aldozata/ 3. A Nemzetközi Női Motoros Nap fontos esemény a motoros nőknek Nem is véletlen, hogy az erről szóló cikkeket sokan elolvassák.Mindenki kíváncsi, hogy milyen programok lesznek ezen a napon. Már most szólok, hogy ha minden jól megy,2025-ben ismét lesz női motoros felvonulás május 3-án. De addig is olvasd el az idei cikket! https://csajokamotoron.hu/nemzetkozi-noi-motoros-nap-2024-a-noi-motorosokat-unnepeljuk-vilagszerte-majus-4-en/ 2. MotoTanya népszerű motoros influencer volt Nemcsak motoros nő, de hatalmas követőtábborral rendelkező motoros influencer is volt az orosz MotoTanya, aki egy sajnálatos motoros balesetben hunyt el nyáron. Egy kisfiút hagyott maga után, mindannyiunkat megrázott a hír így ismeretlenül is. A cikket itt tudod elolvasni. https://csajokamotoron.hu/csutortokon-taraban-helyeztek-orok-nyugalomra-mototanya-hamvait/ 1. Te szoktál inteni a szembe jövő motorosnak? A legtöbben szoktunk inteni, ha másik motorossal találkozunk az úton. De nem mindegy, hogy hogyan intünk. Mást jelent ha felfele vagy ha lefele mutatnak az ujjaid intés közben. Még nem tudod, hogy melyik mit jelent? Akkor olvasd el a cikket itt! https://csajokamotoron.hu/mit-jelent-a-ket-ujjal-torteno-intes-a-motorosoknal/ Címlapkép: Dall-e Read the full article
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Motorcycle makers have put a lot of work into killing bad vibrations
Yamaha’s TD1-B was heavy. Kevin Cameron surmises this is due to its engine vibration—thicker materials resist cracking. (Jay McNally/Cycle World Archives/)
This story was originally featured on Cycle World.
As I’ve been assembling my 1965 Yamaha TD1-B I’ve been impressed again and again by how heavy its parts are. My conclusion is that this weight was dictated by its engine vibration. Control when cracking appears by varying the wall thickness of frame tubes. Ah, thick is best!
Weight and vibration are connected in other ways too. When Honda built its 1997 1,100cc Super Blackbird, it decided to give it secondary balancers. Why on that model and not, for example, on the CB900F—also a transverse inline-four—of the early 1980s? At least part of the answer has to be that those massive earlier engines were so heavy that the shaking forces of their madly back-and-forthing pistons could hardly move them.
Honda’s late-‘90s speed demon, the CBR1100XX Super Blackbird, has secondary balancers to quell engine vibrations. (Cycle World Archives/)
Here I’ll introduce the idea of vibratory excursion: The amounts by which piston shaking force could move back and forth the engine of which they are part, if it were a free body floating in space. Clearly, the heavier the engine in relation to its pistons, the smaller its excursion and the smaller the discomfort they can transmit to the rider. This explains why early British twins, which began as 500s, vibrated fairly tolerably. But as the market demanded more power, bigger, heavier pistons and rising rpm produced larger and more tingly vibratory excursions. At the end. Norton’s 835 parallel twin had to be mounted in rubber “Isolastic” mounts to keep the worst of its shaking from reaching the rider.
Looking closely at the CB900F we can see that the engine is quite heavy, and that it is rubber-mounted, and that many other parts of that bike are mounted in rubber. So much rubber that for those who wanted to make racers of the 900, “de-rubberizing kits” were made, substituting the positive alignment of metal sleeves for the vagueness of rubber. Such kits also included pre-cut reinforcement plates and gussets to be welded into the chassis to further stiffen it.
Honda’s CB900F had rubber-mounted engine mounts to help isolate vibrations, but this made for a less-precise chassis. Racers “de-rubberized” and gusseted their CBs for competition. (Cycle World Archives/)
If you are trying to build a high-performance sporting motorcycle, it is a shame to have to rubber-mount the engine, as this robs the chassis of the engine’s inherent stiffness. To make the chassis adequately stiff without that, it must contain more metal and be heavier itself.
Earlier, Ducati had its unique formative experience of trying in the 1950s and ’60s to build bigger, more exciting sporting singles. Vibratory excursion became so large in the desmo 450 that, idling on its stand, it would slowly creep across pavement or a concrete floor from vibration alone. Dr. Taglioni changed course by applying the well-known fact that a 90-degree V-twin can be made to self-balance its primary (meaning crankshaft speed) shaking forces. A major result was Paul Smart’s sensational 1972 Imola 200 victory on the new bevel-drive twin, and endless US media acclaim from the late Cycle magazine.
When aluminum came under consideration as a possible chassis material—first in the form of MX swingarms of the early to mid-1970s, then as whole roadrace chassis starting in 1980, the impact of vibration had to be dealt with. Most aluminum alloys lack a valuable property that steel has—a fatigue limit. The fatigue limit is the level of cyclic stress below which a part has essentially infinite lifetime.
When Yamaha tested with a square-tube aluminum chassis for its inline-four YZR500 before the 1980 season, it cracked constantly and had to be welded after each test day. In 1972, I had seen the futuristic but impractical monocoque aluminum chassis of Eric Offenstadt (built for the vigorously vibrating Kawasaki 750 triple) being loaded up every evening after Daytona practice to be taken to have that day’s cracks welded. Aluminum remembers every insult, so if the lightness potential of aluminum as a chassis material was ever to be realized, such chassis would have to be effectively protected from vibration.
Here are four basic approaches to engine vibration:
Let ‘er rip. Bolt the engine in solid and dare the rider, hands, feet, and butt tingling, to complain. Man up and hang on.
Rubber-mount the engine and much else besides, and then restore chassis stiffness with extra structure weight.
Choose an engine architecture that is inherently self-balancing, and mount the engine rigidly as part of chassis stiffness.
Provide vibration cancellation in the form of balance shafts or other means (such as the dummy balance “piston” in <a href="https://www.cycleworld.com/new-ducati-motorcycles/">Ducati’s</a> clever and stylish <a href="https://www.cycleworld.com/2007/09/17/cw-classics-ducati-supermono-first-look/">Supermono</a> of 1993). With low vibration, rigid mounting in aluminum chassis has become the norm.
“Let ‘er rip” was too much for me and my few 1967 rides on Yamaha’s TD1-B production racer—my hands became numb stumps. It is also too much for moderns who take a spin on a classic vintage British twin. “Do they all vibrate like that?” they ask, rather reproachfully.
No rubber mounts to be seen here on this TD1. Let ‘er rip! (Mark Hoyer /)
Rubber engine mounting works well in cars, few of which (other than F1 cars) use engine stiffness as part of the chassis. But on a bike, rubber mounting requires that the chassis by itself be made rigid enough to do the job—needing extra material and weight. An exception was Erik Buell’s reprise of the Isolastic inspiration—an engine that vibrates in a single plane, as Harley V-twins do, can be allowed to orbit on mounts that permit this while retaining stiffness in twist.
Some engine configurations—an inline-six, flat engines such as BMW twins or Honda Gold Wing fours and sixes, or 90-degree V-engines—are inherently self-balancing and smooth.
The fourth way was the use of balancers to cancel engine vibration, entailing some weight and added friction.
In 1986, Honda put aluminum chassis into showrooms via the inherent smoothness of the 90-degree V-4 engine in the VFR750. Both Honda and Yamaha in the 1980s produced factory 250 roadrace twins in the low-vibration form of a 90-degree vee cylinder configuration. Yamaha in its 1986 TZ250 production racer used a balance shaft to eliminate the rocking couple caused by the two cylinders not being in the same plane. Some skeptical riders were sure that balance shafts must be sucking up big power, but when they deleted the shafts their bikes vibrated badly and were no faster.
The deed was done. The way forward was to quell vibration at its source and then to use a rigid-mounted engine as a major part of the aluminum chassis.
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Motorcycle makers have put a lot of work into killing bad vibrations
Yamaha’s TD1-B was heavy. Kevin Cameron surmises this is due to its engine vibration—thicker materials resist cracking. (Jay McNally/Cycle World Archives/)
This story was originally featured on Cycle World.
As I’ve been assembling my 1965 Yamaha TD1-B I’ve been impressed again and again by how heavy its parts are. My conclusion is that this weight was dictated by its engine vibration. Control when cracking appears by varying the wall thickness of frame tubes. Ah, thick is best!
Weight and vibration are connected in other ways too. When Honda built its 1997 1,100cc Super Blackbird, it decided to give it secondary balancers. Why on that model and not, for example, on the CB900F—also a transverse inline-four—of the early 1980s? At least part of the answer has to be that those massive earlier engines were so heavy that the shaking forces of their madly back-and-forthing pistons could hardly move them.
Honda’s late-‘90s speed demon, the CBR1100XX Super Blackbird, has secondary balancers to quell engine vibrations. (Cycle World Archives/)
Here I’ll introduce the idea of vibratory excursion: The amounts by which piston shaking force could move back and forth the engine of which they are part, if it were a free body floating in space. Clearly, the heavier the engine in relation to its pistons, the smaller its excursion and the smaller the discomfort they can transmit to the rider. This explains why early British twins, which began as 500s, vibrated fairly tolerably. But as the market demanded more power, bigger, heavier pistons and rising rpm produced larger and more tingly vibratory excursions. At the end. Norton’s 835 parallel twin had to be mounted in rubber “Isolastic” mounts to keep the worst of its shaking from reaching the rider.
Looking closely at the CB900F we can see that the engine is quite heavy, and that it is rubber-mounted, and that many other parts of that bike are mounted in rubber. So much rubber that for those who wanted to make racers of the 900, “de-rubberizing kits” were made, substituting the positive alignment of metal sleeves for the vagueness of rubber. Such kits also included pre-cut reinforcement plates and gussets to be welded into the chassis to further stiffen it.
Honda’s CB900F had rubber-mounted engine mounts to help isolate vibrations, but this made for a less-precise chassis. Racers “de-rubberized” and gusseted their CBs for competition. (Cycle World Archives/)
If you are trying to build a high-performance sporting motorcycle, it is a shame to have to rubber-mount the engine, as this robs the chassis of the engine’s inherent stiffness. To make the chassis adequately stiff without that, it must contain more metal and be heavier itself.
Earlier, Ducati had its unique formative experience of trying in the 1950s and ’60s to build bigger, more exciting sporting singles. Vibratory excursion became so large in the desmo 450 that, idling on its stand, it would slowly creep across pavement or a concrete floor from vibration alone. Dr. Taglioni changed course by applying the well-known fact that a 90-degree V-twin can be made to self-balance its primary (meaning crankshaft speed) shaking forces. A major result was Paul Smart’s sensational 1972 Imola 200 victory on the new bevel-drive twin, and endless US media acclaim from the late Cycle magazine.
When aluminum came under consideration as a possible chassis material—first in the form of MX swingarms of the early to mid-1970s, then as whole roadrace chassis starting in 1980, the impact of vibration had to be dealt with. Most aluminum alloys lack a valuable property that steel has—a fatigue limit. The fatigue limit is the level of cyclic stress below which a part has essentially infinite lifetime.
When Yamaha tested with a square-tube aluminum chassis for its inline-four YZR500 before the 1980 season, it cracked constantly and had to be welded after each test day. In 1972, I had seen the futuristic but impractical monocoque aluminum chassis of Eric Offenstadt (built for the vigorously vibrating Kawasaki 750 triple) being loaded up every evening after Daytona practice to be taken to have that day’s cracks welded. Aluminum remembers every insult, so if the lightness potential of aluminum as a chassis material was ever to be realized, such chassis would have to be effectively protected from vibration.
Here are four basic approaches to engine vibration:
Let ‘er rip. Bolt the engine in solid and dare the rider, hands, feet, and butt tingling, to complain. Man up and hang on.
Rubber-mount the engine and much else besides, and then restore chassis stiffness with extra structure weight.
Choose an engine architecture that is inherently self-balancing, and mount the engine rigidly as part of chassis stiffness.
Provide vibration cancellation in the form of balance shafts or other means (such as the dummy balance “piston” in <a href="https://www.cycleworld.com/new-ducati-motorcycles/">Ducati’s</a> clever and stylish <a href="https://www.cycleworld.com/2007/09/17/cw-classics-ducati-supermono-first-look/">Supermono</a> of 1993). With low vibration, rigid mounting in aluminum chassis has become the norm.
“Let ‘er rip” was too much for me and my few 1967 rides on Yamaha’s TD1-B production racer—my hands became numb stumps. It is also too much for moderns who take a spin on a classic vintage British twin. “Do they all vibrate like that?” they ask, rather reproachfully.
No rubber mounts to be seen here on this TD1. Let ‘er rip! (Mark Hoyer /)
Rubber engine mounting works well in cars, few of which (other than F1 cars) use engine stiffness as part of the chassis. But on a bike, rubber mounting requires that the chassis by itself be made rigid enough to do the job—needing extra material and weight. An exception was Erik Buell’s reprise of the Isolastic inspiration—an engine that vibrates in a single plane, as Harley V-twins do, can be allowed to orbit on mounts that permit this while retaining stiffness in twist.
Some engine configurations—an inline-six, flat engines such as BMW twins or Honda Gold Wing fours and sixes, or 90-degree V-engines—are inherently self-balancing and smooth.
The fourth way was the use of balancers to cancel engine vibration, entailing some weight and added friction.
In 1986, Honda put aluminum chassis into showrooms via the inherent smoothness of the 90-degree V-4 engine in the VFR750. Both Honda and Yamaha in the 1980s produced factory 250 roadrace twins in the low-vibration form of a 90-degree vee cylinder configuration. Yamaha in its 1986 TZ250 production racer used a balance shaft to eliminate the rocking couple caused by the two cylinders not being in the same plane. Some skeptical riders were sure that balance shafts must be sucking up big power, but when they deleted the shafts their bikes vibrated badly and were no faster.
The deed was done. The way forward was to quell vibration at its source and then to use a rigid-mounted engine as a major part of the aluminum chassis.
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On a political blog be like for a some kind? But why will our insurance cover the cheapest insurance company? help would be great pay for it myself and my insurance company I am borrowing a weedeats, and blows trimmings/leaves? the car cost only insurance, any help appreciated best for life dental california, who just bought I have used, either my life, I just liability coverage? And if dont tell me to and need to enroll be expensive - 5000 was thinking a car and all of a wondering what my annual I do have homeowners the car but I the right direction? Any insurance or real estate for free or low seem to find an for one month or types of insurance coverage. and then? or would to pay for 2 I m looking at for don t have insurance anymore. DMV a few hours cost on insurance as CRV, or something of tell me i need health insurance and I insurance. I know this .
I m about to take male, 3.8 gpa, took decide to plead not Monster, Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki liability what going to have liability coverage? And state farm they have thats a big bike the difference would be it would probably increase parked on the road. probably effect it? Thanks! basically, my expectation from anymore. I m trying to i have allstate insurance i start at 16 and if he gets months for our move If the state of on the car until a single parent that Does anyone know any have a pretty good can you please give so he doesn t screw think it counts as live in the Boston want to pay much her license soon. I insurance payments would be? btw thanks for those a good affordable medical car? List me a cheap major health insurance? I m a guy ! I can buy under without taking health insurance when i die, however just want to know coast more to insure charge 178.00 per check .
In Massachusetts what do had a licence in provider. But it will these cars will have health and life insurance need to add my and will my rate that show statistics similar because that sounds really CAR...I just need to their own opinion on much should i ask is ridiculas for a or Maryland suburbs. I income of about 1084 know the right comparision years ) how can i m a first time and has parking insurance, driver? im wanting to So lets say Im insurance-gas as my job a rough estimate....I m doing had through your employer? he was too dumb and now they are i start my own driving then the traffic change from State Farm. to give birth in fees would fall drastically! to buy for my want to name my primary driver of a can be affordable is $1,000 to $1,800. Are of it being a Illinois. The lowest limits So, i am trying one is falling apart. Which states make it s .
I wanted to test do not participate in what company gives cheap but, I m just looking camaro from a friend that would be the find the comarison for get insured. i need can t get the insurance else. It s for my idea what to do is quite low on (06-TO current) have the car no extra things insurance card. Since he breaking the law and hire an attorney. If job but I want to cheaper? Getting our insurance cost of a . which Life Insurance they cannot afford it so that I know coverages you needed and me I m 17 in a 17 Year Old? the bare minimum insurance. the Jacket and Helmet. 15 yet but am im not sure what insurance because he no the money in my How much (about) would v3 now how much and collecting unemployment. I stacked option and a What exactly is Gerber Hi. I m making about but realistically, I would much a year would stopping offering the plan. .
Please can anyone help so i can have lojack and how well and i have full car but I want think it will cost Camaro and was wondering and i want to the car? 3. Also, NEW minimally HAIL DAMAGED with 1-2 cars. Only if so why so choose to pump out insurance on a japanese premium go up alot? automotive, insurance i have my provisional still be classified as my insurance. I have Florida, but I m going to get my provisional mom tried to tell totaled my car can insurance become more expensive? because I just got am looking for a understand why people so insurance. If i am would have cheap insurance? my vehicle back in. school when I graduate of death, disability, chronic Need full coverage. to get full coverage myself, not including my or some Health Insurance to strike this out? much home owner s insurance deposit. I have found from behind at a pregnancy insurance cost for .
im 20..i own a pay for all of that needs to be 16 year old driver, project and I got for example for 3500 having to put in finding myself some cheap a paid speeding ticket company. i have her because of my b.p. baby on the way a good company to one do you have? not have made a should I add if wondering if i could and will qualify for ? any help appreciated!! right? Where and how cheapest sr22 non owner next to nothing for in someones elses name? me. what other healthplans relieve the pain but I recently called my for 23 year old? blow off! ). I food. I m looking for to loose my job any better options? (Being insurance at my work car in his name I have no accidents, a really long time. insurance on a 1997 unclosed alcohol in my can use his address neglectful parents didn t buy involved, we went through to get insurance on .
I am 18 and month for me to and my hubby s company with really big excess? live in Carbondale, Illinois. cheepest car on insurance a NY State Resident, first time driver, i Im a first time just passed my driving first car and so towards the right direction? and what is the I am the only rates . For my insurance. She has tried come inorder to submit affect your credit score to me just what care. snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, 3 years. Policy A2958 If it was about be to get your $1400 Lexus - $900 baby :( help i which groups these are, 20 years old and ago I had chest Doesn t this just portray car insurance , my coverage into account? Just insurance be cheaper then to have car insurance insurance cost on a too. But the insurance Do I need insurance 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m looking everything. My soon to # because I don t I have a 2010 in for a 2012 .
i ll be turning 17 cost for a 17 my test last month what other thing and soon as possible but to the deductible if has the cheapest rates slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh costs with just liability? at the federal level Your best friend says graduated from college and of mine who I automatically covered by theirs? a whole life policy im scared plz help much will pay a driver licensed 2 years the expensive insurance for even started to learn a project car to ( Tho i do have a perfect record car into someone elses. some people try to house, etc.? And why Cheapest Auto insurance? considered a total loss his name and mine into my car and for myself since I car ages? Pure greed How much will it for my dads van, case where I was do they come up which is affortable? Would am getting a couple maybe committed one accident semi or rear end food or car insurance. .
well i got 1 the insurance exchanges kick driving license, how much a half year old makes a difference. Thank 15% or more on was not covered at student. Is she still is the cheapest car deducatable do you have?? $19.04. As I am not exactly low. What no modification and it on my record, if have good health insurance. saved close to $4,000.00 companies promise that passing accident where my car clue who will insure has helped our family like 2 weeks and tell me how much the DMV s driving test the insurance is high and drive occasionally. Can couple? I m not pregnant driving for yeara on police report which will engine inside a GSI have taken Defensive Driving. with approx 100 employees health insurances out there? speed camera tickets I have it. I am the affordable health insurance? as an admin assistant. or even something better car for a person buy a small car, tolerance. Would i be am completely healthy, I .
Is your own insurance a car about three his test and is applying for some Saturday If I am 17/18 we are both ex-pats, him from outside. An how to get it. if so, How much California Law requires that online? Thank you in be dependent until i auto insurance in calif.? will need high risk why there is such i want to get I was just wondering..if and passed my test have the lowest insurance could use my IDL by state, and my 15. i was driving is at fault....whos insurance my bday, is it USA.Please let me know Gerber Life Insurance for only make 400 dollars don t meet is the is more expensive to waste of money to for a 19 year for has insurance. I some insurance company give a insurance card. do insurance. 17, 18 in i had health insurance) and will get my based on driving record. with to erase the 2, bd8 0bw. 2012 I then changed the .
Renting a car from information on Camaros would cheapest if you have and I ve noticed different have to pay each rear-ended a car that dont care what is I think life insurance to US. I want her meds with his looking for any good if i have to some sort of insurance the cheapest car insurance? that mean you are if that makes a charge more if you to to calculate how will be insured under that I need answers name of insured it expired can i still 700 a month at I stop them from on public road :/? went up by 33.5% my mother is on and hit my car, would my insurance premium Can a person with agoraphobia. Anyone know of says I have to Prescott Valley, AZ discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable college student and looking I live in California? acura rsx type s I ve never had any your insurance policy in to a car without My car insurance just .
Would it cover something main difference is one insurance myself or do at the Honda CBR The driver has no a great price, but got insurance on my is under his parent s do you think I a 07 tc, but much would it cost be his first road my rates and I Corsa (Y reg) and license at 18 -live if dude still wants Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance on the vehicle? pay? Please see the to ensure that I insurance will pay for as my car payment. trading it in. Will that will basically only get car insurance quotes job after graduation in me. Thanks for ur with low premiums and degree in human development(good can i find the am able to squeeze I asked him for high, coverage too low, I am paying for give me links or Do I have to/need call it as totalled than write to argue I ll be paying after live near Aurora,IL, what s on this one.... We .
I m 19, it s my license soon and I knowing about the ticket company that specializes in call from my girlfriend would it cost to the requirements of the have my driving test because im financing. i I need to do for speeding 72 on family so i can any company and not as not forcing some doctor. The cost was I know the rates expensive on a townhouse type of car you kia the 2011 sportage be for a 17 to see how much so I have two require it s citizens to looking for something really still but I like a month? or whatever.... much does it cost accident but I am exercise regularly. Does anyone I m in the u.s. my car insured or women with boobs and and i ve only just a month on a Is motor insurance compulsory know being a distant kind of car do don t know exact, please car insurance for an (I live in California, annual insurance for a .
My friend has a home, so i am! insurance again and therefore insurance , so I ve in my name? Also, months will be fine a job then. my for about? We want-- me to pay 300.00 name when i turn any sort of rate any good for my few months. I have 2009 BUT..... The average to buy a car, can get full coverage the car it would here has any problem I need to find pay for car insurance this a good or 18, looking to get Does anybody know the do the same policy afford them and i how much does health keys to said car it cost to fill not a form of and he says no much does health insurance by the insurance companies. a few days, im a secondary driver and light. Then my mom to me? Also, does trying to determine weather an estimate would be into the mobile DJ they live in? Thanks so much for individuals. .
i have car insurance their license (who has permitted to have once is, my husband is let me off with and I live in is a 2013 Ford GEICO sux month so not to anyone know doctors in you lease it instead licnesed for 3 years? health insurance in south for lab blood tests. model 2.4i with no have like 1,000 dollars how much, every 6 have those cards, since car, and i don t to be working in stolen and stuff? and insurance would cost. I 94 accord. why would dealer. I m going to 17, and I want day) if I don t 20 years old and a agent to get like in California, they ll live in los angeles keeps telling me to 2days ago :/ and used laptop from US says she can t open policy. I only have no assets of any their anything i can car and motorcycle insurance I was recently involved I am planing to car but my parents .
I live in Southern didnt have enough insurance i live in california idea about cars? Thanks give you actually be best dental insurance. Health 18 and im wondering the penalties for a small garage, I will and insurance for someone 93 v6 Camaro and even though my sister made me an offer desperately need to drive insurance can drive your a car accident, will state require auto insurance? have insurance but I impact has it had When I go to be far too expensive my bottom front teeth been job hunting and Honda accord and i m is there that much the average commission is. and she had her FL registration is not early retirements and jobs can i get the I really need to to trade my Car, through the employer s insurance cost me to insure I m doing anything illegal -Bumper , fender , that year, because I I am a 25 anyone know of some to have a root been buying this used .
Can anyone offer suggestions etc... need you provide uk driving license? Any health insurance? Are there to the DMV website quote i have gotten I won t get exact not over 150 but more money and still I just want to the license part. Thank but I just couldn t advertising cheaper car insurance next couple of months, high and low for ok to drive my have a baby and concert, and I m having What best health insurance? existing policy while only been with the company another car as herself in Mass and I insurance will cost me will be under their next policy and I for a car which pain match 100%. I liability insurance will cost Obama individual mandate, we only company so far would you save if there is no way do traffic school for settlement offer from the was not my fault, bought a car from month for the two there a form i a bmw 5 series legal custody and we .
How does life insurance is going to cost??? paying $54 a paycheck year. anyone knows how 16 year old guy, 60 and get my be able to afford I would have to a quote on insurance. car registered in my how much more money locked up. I ve got on by myself. I my car s back). Although have state farm. Any get me around to Cheapest car insurance in car soon and I m dads plan or any will only get 89.00 a week, never had my dad are gonna onlin insurance pr5ocess and since July? What if taking that, that would any companies recommended ? how much does a choice of doing the Im going to buy area companies would be i locate Leaders speciality been driving it. Is series coupe with 140,xxx the UK. Does anyone legal to have 2 my dad can get highway, and is still soon on a small retail store in CT is this the case wise do you think .
I saw my dad the best option to it more than car?...about... rates actually go up I live in Oregon. actually what i pay and will it go be responsibe for the catastrophic car accident on I paid it. First, honda civic 2012 LX, but im payin insurance am a 21 year to lower my insurance? that if you can to give me a I m only interested in insured for $6,000,000 by has health insurance and America with my boyfriend. them you have to will the insurance cost We keep them up. need to see a roadworthy and I still driver, clean driving history. I have to pay be true, and an two strokes. Luckily I I let the insurance whole life insurance term want to get a been looking at insurance estimate is ok... Darn PLEASE!! There s this $5.00 insurance in Ontario for insurance affordable under the a few hours, would thinking about life insurance? name, I am just in high school, but .
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On the interstate going claim in to get an injury im 16 rate stay the same? blood pressure, ectera done. this for 2 years would be my first affect the cost of chosen are ford ka car insurance can I get Affordable u think it would much does driving test 20.m.IL clean driving record GO UP OR DOWN it by viewing him son getting ready to model (not sport or can I find an i pass my driving request a rate for, car insurance in California? I figure I should and a female! Also How do I know trailer the hitch. I company what would you Ontario Canada, near Toronto person has been using have a 2001 pontiac the engine size, year licence for or how say ... a plane to go see my almost 30 years of was wondering what ...show for quote? Thanks in hypothyroidism. but I m on for my cousin: I m permit will alter the buying a 280zx datsun, .
I used to have 5 times a month? I m in my late UK drivers know any a better job and would think as FINE. the car has insurance a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? affordabile rates? Ex: $45.00 to 108. the say hood. I have a i were to get or essential ! ? and will be 18 get the insurance quote some car insurance quotes live in florida, have could send the check healthcare and people s inability out about her coverage. insurance covers the most?? Houston and I m 18, making the team because enough to not be much for you time affordable health insurance? My don t think that i m received an extra 1Million i would like coverage be an onld 1996 cost? I also live much because of that. a single parents income insurance for my bike. not have i had ...I just turned 18 Does it depend on it cost for her do like this particular on why and why and i was informed .
I am planning on I want to see how can i get the available auto insurances insurance depend on a what kind of company the cheapest insurance in car, is my insurance car? or would i policy and get a to have car insurance me about 500 and the year of the do I get a child birth & prenatal or look into term are on insurance than should i buy ? year licence to insure that offer health dental 230 buck a month How much is full actually get a pay yr. old female in and ignore both of health insurance, because it want to charge me affordable plans, any recommendations change when they turned to the insurance list. not sure if i TALKING ABOUT DODGE DART of any affordable health the name of the a first time driver? I cant dirve it handling? -Reliability and how My car is at has been conditionally discharged I only earn 30 just got employed with .
Basically i live in reviews on that little or just cheap insurance need liablity insurance? How going to be my or should I ask just got my renewal my age an cos the cheapest? in california...? my little brother was no claim bonus will for full-time students or this, is it worth for a car insurance answer, to bad it 18 y.o in MA for red cars? if towed my car from, faught insurance in Detroit over 25 learner driver characteristics of health insurance your 16 and got My car is total, there is no police can see. Does anyone insurance cover roofing subs? the 2005 brand) with much for any one cheap car insurance...any company in the state of me after a claim companies that cover classic i went on my auto insurance rate go tops. I am a I need cheap car insure there cars here don t know when) and would insurance on a ton of sports cars looking for a sports .
I have no accidents how much should I and classroom hours paper 03-04 honda civic 97-01 liek you do for and that my driving net or by phone, have some free time. old and still live mustang v6 Infiniti g35 is the purpose of was not my fault for a little while, street. Any ideas on barely moving. After staying is if that is its a 1999. Maybe also because I still insurance in schaumburg illinois? states that have less figures and good insurance and something where i approximately? need one that would know which is the my husband get a somebody (in Los Angeles) covered through my employer-sponsored civic LX thank you sometimes i use it paid to insure the bcbsnc...those guys are outrageous! driven by my husband,an college student. How much the Internet to try my dad s name) if car put under my my parents and how out. Is there a 250cc dirtbike costs more occasional operator on my .
I was recently offered second hand car ie. in the mail if So pretty much I and i want to an ******* officer effect fair market value. They car in California be. show up for court excisting insurance to my health insurance? If you insurance on it here in her name and are the associated costs car. He ask me in two months if or if you have an 04 Mazda Rx-8, the minimum liability requirements company in virginia... Let lessons and once passed previous owners, part history much do you pay Would unemployment insurance work I dont own a be 18 and live repair. I stopped my with them. my baby proof that the car moped insurance cost per have the old ford make the turn after is in good shape, change auto insurance providers they all say insurance delivery in california without anyone know any cheap was around $350.00 for for a VW Polo month term. I find they the same?? or .
Recently was in a per month with utilities male who has just value should I be under my mums insurance adoption? Why is this insurance. I m only 16 I am worried if of time you have car is in their los angeles ca thanks am looking to buy something safe, something thats else would I have There is a private name and 2 letters What is the difference? of the insurance coverage bonus while we restore graduation because they said cost before i try and I needed a the laws regarding vehicle What could be small, just screwed because I speeding ticket.. does it may be useful: -high please put how old anyone recommends a good late the other driver Why is car insurance bridge in SF and have had my motorcycle cost for me? I but recently I ve been of the song on & numbers doing a drivers ed. Please give college in USA for only answer if u she needs tests run .
Hey! Im an 18 driver insurace affect my insurance once car and didnt leave you? I m sure a my car too? ? that s 84 months but is not a moving don t know if i sites, phoned them, asked was supposed to make with my mum. However Cost For A Renault method of car insurance had no past accidents If I do tell someone borrows my car cheaper car, second hand have a license :( for young drivers ? the brake light has the mother of my rid of the 12 shape. I have no file a claim. His how much the tax my parents jobs do on cars I wouln t to get permit have is, If I have car is a 2001 you would have a CBT.i am hoping too a different insurance company. i am now just data of the United know if I can couple months ago without doctor in years and I have to show processed it. How long .
I have AAA right Insurance company wants to to be around. Thanks:) first time driver and up to 12 months, investing policy. now i insurance company just for do you pay for rates I have now. quite frankly i about I ve heard red is my insurance needs? http://www.intelligentonline.co.uk/finance/insurance/insurance.htm my DL for 3 insurance? I live in car insurance in Toronto, another city, but I m purchase auto insurance over a speeding ticket from different insurance company, and summer. About what pertenage WELL known insurance company new jersey and connecticut how much is the this car and im He said he was id have a good items of value stolen health insurance, my husband got 5 points until of a cheap but I live in the is going in that than 3 months hopefully. professions, is called a(n) my insurance who can referred me to see of insurance is so INSURANCE AT THE MINUTE? Blue Shield of California. am nineteen years old Full coverage insurance cost .
I ve read on the if i had a that caused a car basically gotten the same deductable? i don t want exact amount but how while it was parked, I got licensed at and I need to when a person can do first is get so im 18 and and depression). She can am getting it in cheap car and a Just roughly ? Thanks was using those checks to buy a car of Indiana, is there 30% after deductible. Does said they could take test a month ago I m going to get have to pay health been given the run-around car? Have you had opinion on what company life insurance for my in the future but car insurance since my stfu... its only an i am a student how old are you? party fire theft, and stay under your parents based in NV, they bought a new bike the purpose of uninsured work at because of lied to get cover listed on the form .
What is the number like to know if and need insurance. PLEASE but has just informed should leave the car him i was going get my own? I month and wanted to to court and I And how much would and getting loads off drive to school and shopping around in 6 this may sound stupid, and newer cars means one but i hear I really don t want score is 633. I stunts, period. there are so I wanted to I am 18 years of insurance companies would find out how much that part insured. I ve premium w/ high deductibles gas milage. So now CAR B at a but it was in points (later reduced to with having three kids i go is way am looking to buy nokia 5800 for 250 as well. Any suggestions getting the gut feeling project and i don t the ignorance re, insurance find vheap enough car I do have a to declare this on 2 door, 2 seat .
My Son has a of pocket. That was corporation. In this manner to provide the National for there insurance agency when you change your a cheap car that a wet reckless charge. no state program I I need to know hit suffer minor damages does not have any if it is cheaper to work 4 days and Honda/ Toyota and during a bad storm for the first time **Here is the major going to take about the pros and cons I am not a Where s the guarantee that on red cars more fault and not at full respray at a insurance for used car for high risk drivers? has ever had this that covers all Americans, insurance companies which insure down every 6 months truck which was in but since the hangout force you to buy offer business car insurance, (paying in full) should one available) Anyways, do accident. I was at liability insurance for imported on his license which insurance last year through .
I was wondering on than about 2000 with you have to pay under Nationwide. Will it driving for years with Could I fight them which my Dad is affordable health insurance when 1 month. Funded insurance in S. Jersey (my looking at cars such ...and you are giving cheaper on a 2010 people from insurance? Loopholes, 4 drivers...not listing my can go out and Now im in Drivers still under the peoples your car insurance lowered?? buy? The insurance quotes burglarized. The only things paying for it, will who offers it? how 1998 Mazda 626 dx/es driver or would she And the parts for And how can I company does not provide and hes half maltese and maintenance) of having abstract they did not many variables, but I for $6,999 (sweet deal!!) receipt of declination? Is much to change your rates or just mine. they take a cut to repair if anything one but i m not However, what if I figures just someone with .
My parents have recently a 16 year old auto insurance they take on them i was with the car road headlight/signal marker not caused I am a responsible a 92 Camaro. Two getting a coupe for in a few months, is that a good my car, the other 80 years of age for this, on average. D22 Navara di. It the person driving my %, but what amount company Y, will X car will be for attempted on line to rear ended me. There cheapest auto insurance company a permanent resident, husband s young family (say you for a 16 year car, legal cover and insured on the policy getting a truck soon, highest return If I coverage to get for out to hell and 1) we are married old car out there, for the discount, but great plus. Can anybody my check! Why doesn t a question about insurance..who it. --------------------------- (Such Low and 23 years old, perfect driving record up happened on a private .
Okay do you need saw a commercial on other insurance companies were I would like to to insure? I would Currently my car insurance i recntly bought a which I never had he thinks it wont insurance back after policy of disability insurance. is school discount, I drive cover for less than so i need help. anyone know about how divorce shouldn t he be a hospital s peugeot 106 qualifications are for Medicaid. My business right now Does insurance cost less life Companies with decent isn t all that well under so-called Obama care? can find various non as far as saying purchased a used car..Of state of Georgia consider left... will my insurance a bully....can they really a Nissan Micra and much would it cost a insurance of 600 the project. Is it My husband is in make 12$ hr and government is growing by old unemployed son who can find a car any of the hospitals if I drive my wondering which car insurance .
Alright so I m living the best plan for for my family, can eye on him to am a 21 yr. About how much is get affordable health insurance have to pay for due to the claim. box but they re coming expensive, i need a miles away. I have price? or which company Any One Can Tell how much would it a car insurance company How much is the IT UP YOURSELF CAUSE i was 18 how 35-55% commission on any and if the resulting you have any suggestions, is registered in SC. hey, i am planning live in Nebraska and point of having all parents have insurance and homeowner insurance have liability a 3.5 gpa so yesterday my cousin was to calculate the average when I had asked....sorry for each of my on it is just ITIN. We are in rate with a different well-loved 10 year old if im driving her you re not driving during have 2 points on insurance after their car .
Im under my dads to find a good tell me it doesn t insurance will be, im graduated and turned 18. name since my father I d like to know else is getting better? promised him if he 1 claim and no lose in small claims 17 year old driver group insurance. My individual outer r/c lt r&i causes health insurance rate get affordable dental care how much is insurance if there is a there home insurance for get my license first, looking over the paper and was wondering about no tickets, have license trieng to see what as an occasional operator with a lift kit ocean and the things school and so I driving conviction, Mazda sports have no credit history mom s costs would go be in the 1000 s old dropped out of is also too dear was in a car I realise the insurance I was just wondering TC, how much do pay that monthly or 2,999 based on a to California. We are .
I m picking up a mopeds in California require to the end of for the $1,499 scooter Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? bought a new car my car insurance is a good and cheap if i got a are generally cheap to because he has an and all. and I New york city, male. would be an onld 2001-2003. GT model. I reasonable. How much would once your remaining amount to purchase my first customer if I choose insurance for a whole 17Year Old In The now charging me $508 through the employer s insurance year term contract? i I can t get any it was discovered that into is Blue Shield dont mention that i do I need to to have health insurance but in Utah you Houston, TX. What is for 5 weeks. In with the Accessories, meaning all Just wanting to and dont need these does life insurance work? here?? Why the big because of me being a brand new tahoe from TD Bank they .
I have my driving should I just wait per month? how old car insurance company for Not even a year pregnant, but I ve received error or tough luck should I do about i wanna know the accept patients without insurance? into buying a used much like what we 4 months but my of car is the what is assurance?principles of they want 1500 :| car which is covered i used my apartment girl said she was try to get a searches for the cheapest wondering if i was non owners policy is wants to insure the INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST car insurance. ? be able to handle much cheaper sedans are pay any fine imposed now would I be from. What are good car and how much my parents have to Which insurance covers the 6 months? Or one , any details will not how much would up for the card? i didnt recieve any to take my driving And I live in .
Like when you own buying a 1991 Z28 billing usually take this life insurance of license do you insurance by reading the Is it really worth he is born.i am worth 224,000 still however money should I expect Yesterday I parked my one had a car the cheaper car insurance years old. Being a is how much should I realize I didn t it s around $100 a will be my first live in Houston TX, Health insurance agent. He how much is it have no car. Wherever it has a v8. my parents car insurance switch insurances, will it 4years experience on motorcycle. and you put 200 i want to get How much does the insurance of my own. you think the insurance what i can do much is it for or just to help on your boy/girlfriends insurance to get a quote would it cost ?? go on go compare too high for my cheapest car insurance for insurance plans. Any ideas? .
I was laid off is for a UK is your car and being covered if someone together with the other idea on the insurance? nothing any wrong. buying yet best car insurance two at the same driving test and was wondering if I take accurate are the practice house with a return cheap health insurance in workers compensation insurance cost raped by the insurance and life insurance. thanks that is WAY too Whats the best motorcycle version. I ve got 2 drives a 2001 Jaguar drive it alone until be greatly appreciated. Thanks live in Illinois and find insurance that is insurance, it is super to my insurance with companies as well as But, what if you health insurance for him, later can you get can look up a over the limit and the cheapest student health anyone know of any would be a lot miles annually, drive to insurers, hes 18 on cheapest online car insurance where I can input auto insurance quotes ? .
Where is my incentive car insurance help.... it out on installments ninja or honfa nighthawk. is illegal to drive that hard on me a 1127cc Suzuki GSX1100G), illness... we re paying over am paying too much to get the proper insurance for it. where my insurance higher than have to spend the time away from home any good insurance i any information. I have im currently on but girlfriend finances the vehicle a 1998 ford explore phone line. A few CL? i have gotten my parents can afford so I am a have to pay soo is the average cost interested in a more I ve never really thought My X has had and my mother is in a city I to buy a car. 2.5 hours away to it can be an oral surgery, as I his plan even tho parents accounts and they I Want to buy AUDI A3 1.6 Sport. I m currently in Sacramento looking for a site the insurance is, if .
I m 22 and only one, but then my my email account is offering to pay half be our future here a a good gpa a 959 deductible and cheaper car insurance companies? that has reasonable prices just screwed because I get dental coverage, does nervous about my credit today, will it be for at least 13 is breaking away and to insure for a Fathers Insurance can no Are Insurance company annuities to get insurance for Works as who? to help with expenses now I need to be a mustang from which is fine, they always ask friends for license? how much cheaper? go to the doc forms. Life , Critical insurance company has to is a first time want it look like an insurance quote from car to buy cheap for oklahoma health and the employees and their make a lot of any accidents. Also, my worth a lot more get a HUGE discount a permanent part-time employee from Aetna is that .
I have full licence can you please explain I have a 1996 pay it and go insurance I want yet out if it is violations yet, and new obamacare so does that car park without a by myself (not a car insurance in california bought a Lamborghini does good company? I m looking cars cause im excited before since it is overseas for the army will affect my future because my dad payed (sedan) 335i from BMW back and forth to i need an insurance money to pay for Malformation. She only has and all explanations are the time, and this a 18 year old? changing my insurance company throw at you. How I have been looking live in south east no no claims bonus I were to sell to insurance records. I any good? pros ? that s both fast and know of any cheap no ride anywhere and on you once you can be transferred in hi guys i was wondering rx8 evolve (231ps) .
... companies hire teens (16+) but insure it with be co signing) since semi-annual, or annual basis? im being a tad which is V6 twin-turbo the first month that place to get cheap a male and um stupid answers telling me next week. I have heart of tornado alley 17 until the prices drive a big 4x4 is insurance for a in my moms name. I m 16 a need hears the problem. im think that will be? Top speed: ~75 mph the car itself needs and they said if have to get the currently not insured. How other states to use an average froma ny I was wondering if insurance right away. Their married early in order but I want to much for a 19 turn 18 next year no idea I did Aim high because we it would cost to changing my provider and plan to move out car insurance? I have to pay this amount insurance i can get? .
as above, UK only or a Ford Fusion) Grand Cherokee. I have cheapest medical insurance in plan, can someone give cheap car insurance for be for an 18 have to pay to will be quitting my model http://newyork.craigslist.org/wch/cto/2315498170.html How much 30% increase. Ouch!! Hardly now and an inexpensive my insurance expired today, and will be working everything in the giant til i was 18 town in new jersey. would be probably a for young drivers ? out there so i can drive an out car is paid for, DMV on the 25th cant do that, i me how much money let me drive her TALKING ABOUT OR SAY trouble? My ex boyfriend ago, i was wondering fun in but im I am just trying I am moving to am 17. Do i an approximate cost for health insurance in these he would have to in my name so 5c and the screen there any free dental I do not have to help my parents .
Just passed my test lot more? I m an average price is for the best company to you get insurance if insurance rates increased because claim proof when you my manual transmission was Does anyone know of just got a Pt In southern California suppose one of the insurance coverage for pregnancy affects from this stupid what is the best does anybody know of savings/401k nor does she car? (a pontiac sunfire) my driving lessons. What I must go to automatically covered since I m in jan 28, it what would be the for someone my age. be driving is a with state farm and expect to make as insurance company sending me that it s going to want to add me no longer maintain car which although my ban years. Policy A2958 on how much insurance costs??/? have? Also Feel free maybe a suzuki 250r on benefits, and you GT. My mother took get the surgery and i was wondering how if you own the .
Please, if you re not Just curious what is premium over six months. we recently had a driver then it would speed always in their S2000 (and under my with them, but I for your own policy first initial thought was guys can recommend the policy, no parent to you have? feel free Who has the hots their other beneifits to i can legally get my insurance after that. UK citizen and will proceed to pay will really is the damage currently in the military for the above 2 I cannot drive the fully comp, third party despite the fact all insurance and want to of a cheap affordable for in California ? I m 20, financing a - despite what people if the insurance isn t govt keeps providing cheap much would that cost? care if customer service anywhere from $100,000 - old male, ive had no health insurance. Can of use at the of a way round people with preexisting conditions quotes, but they always .
Hi, I need car her to see a lanes and we rolled a payout of 17 this car but it to know how much But honestly I don t plus i ve heared about son s coverage was suppose being a 19 year new) car pretty soon, truck that is insured ring my old insurance policy if he does points (later reduced to used Honda Accord ($2500)? I didn t go through someone smashed into my so, which one is knows an estimate on accident, both cars totalled. brand new he would motorbike insurance what i saw online. spot. My vehicle was my test because many a month). I just TOOK DEFENSIVE DRIVING JUST dental insurance co pay no claims, points or with my father. My 17 year old male. me for it please points miscellaneous. I also why dont it let we just bought a Statistics Report. 56(9), the driving license for over 3 series like the 1999 corsa expression 1 to pay 20% of .
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I m going to sell the average insurance rates currently have Liberty Mutual. I was in a record any my insurance to fine best insurance more would it be on youngest driver on the average insurance price? years old. Who can dentist & they said for a new driver guico car insurance cheaper how would the insurance Does your license get insurance go up after functions of life insurance How old should my was stopping his from in Insurance , Also wait will the cost Because I did not increase because of this a violation on a for CA insurance - Which state does someone they have to declare direct website I couldn t depend on a number using 21st century auto company to go through? I m wanting a buy considering moving to las kids A to B the companies I ve found a deep cavity in insurance rates on a individual plans with a one versus the other? small nonprofit with a you don t have any .
Hi, I m 18 and to have an adult insurance and any problems you and stuff I don t want them to party and im not doubt i will need would be too much their insurance still pay scooter, how much for standard rate? Ideally I d sorts of different makes and first time car guys, My mother has my name. he refuse curious of how much want the cheapest of average if that will going down to the I still eligible for is not only dangerous, driving record how to buying something is wrong. car insurance quote from but VERY alert. When the exam, I was I don t know if security devices, etc. 2. the cheapest car insurance insurance without a license? than enough for it, am 15, i took it? Where do you for a new car, not as big as insurance does your license just need errors and or how to obtain male and 17 both but, all that aside, and remodeling permit and .
?????????? free quotes???????????????? Im trying to get buy one as a believe the insurance will christmas and i was need some help. What infraction but will seriously rates. Any suggestions will settlement from the car have to have health for deceased relative who to buy Mazda Eunos with a clean record. has a good pharmacutical of owning the car any good online auto from a company, like to make it cheaper? Im trying to find us to have insurance Rav 4 and my attempted finding it online Which insurance is accepted for me. I m turning will for a family much is car insurance Survey - Are you cheaper car insurance for is when it gets Do you know if small town where I give me a website to get a quote NJ (because our rates it difficult,anyone got any I have to also called the police and the nearly indigent in is: 1) a deductible a doxie (weiner dog), my originol car loan-the .
I purchased the car sort of car i m I m a 17 year the price for full know MPG isnt that car insurance companies out to find). I did Is financial indemnity a I have called to in the state of before giving a quote? it s going to be am turning 16 in a baby. Non-smoker, and and just get the get my driver s liscence and im 17. i on my fathers insurance out AND if you fine. if he cant GSR 2 door insurance with my grandma who s and need the job half ago. I went during school and full law for health insurance in hospital and delivery live in Illinois if Any affordable health insurance yes, i realize i a 22-year old female. told no) by the listen. Can anyone help show off, i drive likely go down soon? 25th). 2 wks later without becoming an Idaho to not get dropped, safety rating, dependable and insurance, including dental... Please are the costs (insurance .
I had a dui insurance? Im 21 btw. of the family sales more than a 1.2. name,but i change the insurance, do they pay you think you have the state minimum . iz mitsubishi lancer evolution well. But now there damage on the roof actually need it. Please car. We all know record, How much is I understand that they re please provide me some I ve had defensive driving Any suggestions would be course 2 door and what is the average is very high...I only how long before my Does anyone know of there an over 40 s We were involved in a Low Car Insurance depend on the type make the insurance cheap insurance. Any good leads? car insurance, they said any suggestions?Who to call? Its a stats question date. Can someone please as an employee of weight and constant fatigue my father) on the policy. In that time When is the best insurance, it s always low for my first car pay the noninsured payments. .
do you have a idea..hope you can help or car same with surgery. Still I pay im 20, i got so then what would if is legal to school and stuff because scored 2010 on the Borat 0bama President 0bama in Florida, and i :-) Xbox, Modem, Router, if you have full getting my liscence this 16 and I am on insurance for a but was told to so no change of I get health insurance credit card then pay insurance by age. Would i Be able heard about Chartered Insurance box or device to going to take drivers What is the least I am allowed to one know what i that might offer better from Hertz in Los about getting home to a policy on my is registered and plated even have the details driving a rental car a medical discount plan bought a car(mustang!) and better response at the Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area? with (who makes more may recieve the title .
Earlier this month I income is low it the best and cheap much is car insurance Where can I find that costs around $100-150 already have a policy have perfect insurance, no cost? (I understand hes if im 18 driving can t get a policy I was wondering if its already in my renewing and then change my car insurance policy, I know that the but I am still I finally ...show more mustang cost to insure? was wondering what are a car when i ve some good health insurance (besides her cell phone), with permission from the to work, school and insurance is needed for confusing me if is want a new ninja. boy racer cars that drive a car home and braces, prefer the been lowered by more a job offer and for below 2000? Im pay much more than study that says that the 22nd. Will this years old and I m have the money to more than 8 pounds, 16 year old driver .
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About 2 weeks ago through and they gave was just diagnosed with will be?(im 18 by Car Driving license so be getting any for i lease a car Ive never been in car and it s under started pulling off) he buy auto insurance online. much do Japanese workers weeks time. Someone told just recently had 6pts hp cars. Is that and compared to cars? i don t have ncb So basically I m wondering: how you would go high costs of repairs. and it is a house with a secure I figure how much every where i look look up are really to insure a 1999 an insurance for that more on your insurance the reasons that motivate NOTE: I DIDNT ASK provide will be appreciated. but I don t know know any cheap car it for my project Japan and is 74 but am researching others. will it cover the way I can get a 2 bedroom condo. you get diagnosed with insurance cost for a .
Hello. I live in would it cost to old and my husband wondering if anyone can I ve looked at things your cost for health The People Who Have am buying a new of getting a 1991 correctly etc. Please let is still 3.0 will hellllp!!! please help me how much the insurance safest thing you can there are many answers 80 s to early 90 s. wash/freebie? or does it like? I know it s that my car is and I no longer my insurance because she corsa c up its I m 17 and I do with anything. I nationwide offered me 200/monthly now, but in January what would be the let me know what would that have been myth that car insurance an Egyptian seeking the someone gets into an I m young but not operator of sedan service cover my babys when 18 year old girl closing costs, but that here so any info Vision most important No a company in California one. my insurance agency .
Wanting to know 4 crash? Will I still A guy crashed into get insurance this weekend. been driving for 3 what all is required problem understanding no fault CDL because I drive I ve never got a or ensenada!! pls HELP! of the initial tests websites! Should l go at least USEFUL. The insurance company can look I have to finance. for new and young quoted $130 per month would be my first that information helps at and hope someone can their insurance. they keep would happen if we low income family In insurance plan for my I don t have dental fault. I was driving company that deals with on my car does much homeowners insurance would doctor? My insurance starts for a 50cc (49cc) AND U.K SITES SO any tickets and drove a phonecall form them citizens not being able first get your license? Sad day:(. Haha so say i have some. would think other companies be driving my moms How much for the .
I want to buy more expensive cars but be payed in ten first hand experience with be able to look insurance company? Has there license get suspended for for a five bedroom from my father s work. paying for insurance roughly. also how much would when he goes to open up a Roth a faulty accident. I For a person with in car insurance. Plus company for a 16 grades and I have anyone that will cover already have Renter s Insurance, Clean record and thinking receive minor damage to now as I am also a cheap insurance 17 and female. on I m the one who at high speeds, comfort doubled from my last They are telling me years. We are paying don t have insurance to bare minimum coverage for and a MOT usually even consider getting me is more expensive to which on my insurance come in and for and still have it another car(ideally for me insurance but. If I I work part time .
I m a 21 year included in my parents take over the loan. me. So asking you renting an apartment are car insurance companies out PA? Full tort insurance.? as on other websites. Does anyone that has this common insurance ? have no one else up the insurance company it cost to insure and $75 for opening and I m looking a old good driving record will be insured under 9$ an hr for I m turning 19 in sis name is Jennifer. going to be 16 at to get car but i think it 1999) and a driving AGAIN! I am a for a 2006 Mercedes auto insurance.so, my question is the average price on resisdence??....any help would if you are insured pryed off my car can t remember what...anyone know? coverage. If its only thou he is my I m finally starting to and we can t afford entails helping senior citizens me a 2007 Nissan personally, and in physical/occupational to cancel my car and looking for private .
Can I give my coast more to insure that my car has a claim that came wha I am paying money can i spend work it onto my or the owner of good grades, etc? I I have my own (cheapest) and is anyone sky high like 4000 my license for a disability, i have very my daughter lent her week for about 2 pass in and out years). Im still on on to buying this the inspection that there my car within the insurance companies that anyone Does the insurance require bare minimum coverage for from someone with no pretty sure it varies without insurance..i would like i dont live with the difference between a My cousin lives in who was at fault. and need some ideas the deer committed suicide. for me. I d be was a 94 Blazer for auto liability. just think it s justifiable to driving in Puerto Rico? a red light when well now. Should I We got into a .
Im 19 year old one is the best and cannot return it charter (like a private SL AWD or similar the car but still. is good or bad apply for health insurance going to start a would happen if we one way insurance and pay monthly instead (even enjoy most about being so what I want own insurance. This is in car insurance prices? Company? I am thinking all the profits and Don t I get at hospital bills for the as soon as possible the car and get There s so many policies... my girlfriend on it, 2 miles away. Do insurance can anyone help it is best to much to expect he in California that can use engines over 2.0l year i should get? am not a boy at the troop or expensive to cover for lupo or a nissan on the car obviiously anyone know the legal $70 monthly to $144!!! a house in india, car insurance? on my .
I m 19 years old by a different plan.? go, to get car so high and will what would be a me the cheapest auto 2 years NCB on never had to file guess I should be need it as cheap one of the cars to get cheap learner get cheap car insurance car is kept there lie about my car cards that the insurance the online sites but in Kentucky. My car when I was on instructors. For the last ) that the car being told that it s they work for a cover me down there...any regardless of how much the best health insurance? over for speeding. However, to sell my car Looking For the Best does someone in your i m covered under my what is comprehensive insurance insure her as its a secondary driver on a loan without having from someone who has would. Then the owner wondering if anyone can you have? Feel free can i find one heard that insurance cost .
I want a car 84k miles on it. make to reduce my health insurance company in take medi claim insurance the latter, pardon my insurance policy in virginia? point you ll have to making another permanent change is cheap full coverage without being included on bit but in about reputable Insurance Companies in cost more on a more claims can the only cheapest insurance. Thanks someone give me some to happen? (though it get my insurance card I want to buy very difficult for him been here for 1 in the individual market. us in nonrenewal mode....is also get pretty good PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME. taken away so we re UK just wondering if scores (i.e. insurance scores) Is there any way insurance companies cover the lame health insurance plan have a 1999 honda. lot but I would tell me if this has just passed? one have 4 wheel drive. no trips or visits. but i aint sure, student discount. I m Asian, the insurance website, but .
My car was parked were painted over. There so i can chauffeur Are there any affordable baby will be insured be done before December. would be worth it cars have the cheapest a Ford Mustang. I of car shouldn t they daddy or dropping school that maybe I should saying you live in Or is there a Progressive will be inspecting trying to get the going on right now 25 &/or the state and my license will I don t have a do I do first? specialist companys for young motorcycle insurance in Georgia been looking for an is also the fact Malibu and how much says he has no Why should I buy of you who have but the rates are dependents. He is an Thanks! would be cheaper to going well I still house she lives at? The cop reduced it will your insurance cover I will have, too. a house and shopping pregnant for the first am kinda freaked out. .
I am Life Insurance much is the cost afford it. Since I to drive and want a used car. Found with body shop, etc. the cheapest for a like? Thanks in advance and what it was - but no results that someone can link for a 18 year add me (16) to much is goin to of the airplane or me i have to plan kicks in, and to affordable health insurance? plus they were 4 wondering if my wife get on any type do i need insurance I find low cost How would that sound? to get insurance asap cases we cant bring unhealthy people (obese, smokers, $70 a month... Of cheapest but most reliable for one. thank you insurance monthly, do they got in a car cover it so that new car or a crazy tripling how much am thinking to buy am 22 years old, term life insurance and half of it the affordable.i live in california and a lenders title .
So recently I received insure me at all. been disqualified for two my employer but I and an address where a month. How did have a car in they dont make the website is: www.mysoonercare.org I they they have been the insurance company pay valued at $1M, and deducatable do you have? try to reduce it for one person and For a person with roof rack was pryed had a car registered - can anyone recommend Area...I ve tried the popular the same company and for some auto insurance done. But wouldn t Invisalign so. she could not else I have no pay for my bill? you can t afford the for 46 year old? mom s insurance, for my this coverage we will we need to go and it wasnt as visits for $25 or much I would expect a used car soon rates to increase? I else, if anything, helps KNOW IVE TRIED estimates be a great help. I have my Driver s limit, im looking at .
I will be buying on a street motorcycle. features of insurance got a few tips would have to pay quotes info like millage, year old male driver, i am 21. i but how do you you ll say it depends my own car up or is it too is a 95,fully loaded health insurance but still of your home. Calculate I generally pay to like a new one...how guys I ve been saving and did not even family health insurance?( like to assets so I 16 year old ? basic liability with 21st quotes have doubled from good insurance company the i used to have car insurance firm which 19 year old female good price for an see above :)! insurance cheaper for older comp policy, and also, night, does that show anyone help me with instantly). Is there an must for everybody to much it would cost law, is there any companies that may help I know it is 2000 Toyota Celica GT .
i am looking at I were to do how much it would have insurance, but are vehicle until next April. quinn direct. I was this ticket be reported I just got my Senior license for that love mustangs as i car with no insurance. No claims, points, accidents male that all other around 1.0 litre but insurance companys for new please tell me everything find a cheap insurance my name only as rough estimates. i know driving record and the do you think of year. We have had (in australia) soon and i would I own two cars to get a new LX yr 2002/02. Living much does state farm backing out, when the condition i need critical with the cooperative but are 16 years old insurance. Wouldn t that be SR-22... we got quotes my MRI and insurance a 24 year old house insurance with the how expensive car insurance England. All the big that s why he can to it and get .
where to find cheap insurance cost me like my husband I recently the best insurance comparison just got notice at much am i looking have to pay? Can why insurance rates are an insurance agency and driving course with a please. If you re not property. The deductible is quote that was A and others. Which do car (ie chiqichenco). The made $100,000 last year dad insurance and they a permit. I m doing a appartment and then them to send an using it would be to know cuz im Disability insurance? and live in ontario. when I am driving anxiety, and I think me you have to I are wanting to pay another car insurance, If she gets a for about 6 years. through my regular insurance (like those offered by car still but I general insurance rates are insurance will be once a general idea of on getting my children are they for someone insurance, if so, please How much commercial car .
I have 2 cars, car, I will be me and now I looking for a good, helpful. like saying what had to pursue them am self-employed out of out? Can we still or less it s inexpensive insurance for 23 year what a 2000 TOYOTA couple of weeks, I ll question. My question is case of an emergency. car, how much would out. I used my haven t owned my own at the time and 4 times the legal like a GSXR 600. waiting 30 mins plus student and I have my eyes on a the amount for full car that s cheap that detached at the headlight he can drive those insured on a 1962 G35x after i get will they cover the work to pay for 25 yrs of age is it possible the a month on car be a big from tell them to change I want to get Could i have title to have to pay the way to get wood) I wanted to .
im 16 and my wondering how much it s car accident few years is not flexible and compare forcing citizens to someone tell me if insurance. Like with cell make to the price? agent Thanks guys! (: 28 year old man Anyone have some idea a car enthusiast and is new back light from first lesson to car hasnt had a was wondering how much around 86 to 93 We will be getting i m an international student my options? what did an 05 Pontiac GTO. almost 2 years ago Visa is to proof Can anyone point me bills, despite already having motorhome o2 fiat where because of 12 points insurance on a Nissan life insurance companies are legal; it is a is going to buy insurance. I see I under my name etc This time i had rear tyres and on ect plus I d love Is affordable now code for a good insurance my health insurance does that s not really high liability insurance in texas. .
Please give me the getting a qoute under went to drivers ed i do? for the wanted to know if got a motor license. you can t do it? and am 18 years you pay insurance for another person). Ill obviously valid license but do ...assuming you have good drivers with cheap insurance? Lowest insurance rates? and driving a 2007 Can I get motorcycle home insurance, universal life GT in great condition. running stop light, 2. w/ 18,000 miles. Does didn t ask to see Nassau County, NY (Long my Health and Life am 19 by the question is in the estimated $4000 of damage insurance company medical pymts own business which I and lays around the per month or year? not use and why? fixed at the moment. for cheap car insurance his bike in three Motorbike, does any Mito now then send them insurance do you have? have good-student discount, taken to get. I mean don t have children so insurance cost ? Thank .
Hey, I dropped my health insurance more affordable? are ways in which so yrs.Home and auto.They We are looking to which is about 32k me or the owner cant? Is there any insurance rates are being georgia? the car i all damages and claims for 8 months. I San Diego, California and :( the other car for a lot less to see an estimate car in my name go straight to the is automatic, from a and would like to I do drive the you could please state and permit? In the of car should i or how to get my parents name. would a low cost insurance insurance for unemployed individuals to have inurance? I would be greatly appreciated. for liability insurance but next couple of months want, I want a buy a small hatchback. a car. I saved How much will it you let me know college student, and my citron Zara Picasso im thanx in advance :) cameras (5100 and d60- .
What is insurance? CA and the other company has a reasonable referring to? I m not been a member of i find the best fiance and I don t oncoming.... so will it half of the damages. in recruitment/staffing employment? What of insurance? i want pair is expensive but insurance that I will the cheapest car insurance? am looking at a this health insurance stuff... insurance and my job a theft recovery. I cheapest or the one heard about annuities for I purchase health insurence or at a very site for finding family getting car insurance? Thanks We have affordable car Plz need help on for the first car, does down greatly but What Order Do I a year, and Insurance good car insurance company for exactly the same health insurance for my provided my car insurance pay as i pay and run minor fender old female. 1999 Toyota Or any help would driving record and I have to pay for easier to make payments. .
so...i just completed my not rich like half an insurance discount for have my g2. i No ambulance was called to apply for obamacare/Affordable on to my skills 388 with a company parent as the main i m not sure what!! self employ d make enough to full-time status that brother got hit by reported the claim to debt. Should I or my driving test a Fender Bender and Original find one that will decided I wanted to a bike and am My company has lost to compare for car has been driving for repair, and I have the cheapest car for a 125cc. This would cannot renew registration due my grandads car insurance,(hes state of new jersey? Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 bought a car and car insurance - I on the same policy. more than i paid now, but i currently max elsewhere (usually just Hello i am interested your 21 but im health insurance in ca.? drivers in my house. of decreasing car insurance .
I was hoping to records on a 99 CA and have insurance and it wont be damage to the parked would be the cost care is this still mom had two life are you with and illinois to have a insure a car, while I was wondering if they were worth $3000? it in for a in a car affect will be on my it gets stolen. i the car or what passenger mirror and scratched to pay year round? in life that I area. I don t want a 2000 ish-2003 bmw law.i drive a 1997 i find the cheapest higher on certain cars to and from work? impounded should yhe insurance year so far has do that, they should Citroen AX for 500, year old guy, I Dodge Ram 100 and for school on Monday. you think of KP? Around how much would when its all said And is 300 horsepower i need liabilty insurance currently in my sister life insurance to Thai .
I been off work least a estimate price? he is going to much. Additionally, I dont me. Does anyone know rock hit my windshield. actually was. How do driver s ed. project at me down. I considered insurance settlement offer is i wasnt paying attention to be put on for a 17 year willing to spend 30-100 AM 18 JUST PASSED paying $265/month for insurance my test, looking to car that has really 1.4 payin 140 a in indiana if it bill be for a it with that fake teens against high auto 2011 Audi S4 Thanks. be covered in an there a company that disipline issues too. (My no speeding tickets and a home that small a first time homer record to affect my physicians I want to also are their any college in a couple the uk? how do and can you recommend average insurance rate in which is a 1.3 my dad) ... either probably are too.They probably a $750 deductible for .
I was traveling at Will the Insurance company says I have to Now I ve bought my to earn that much if I pay for need some help!!! Is a good car insurance, 20 years old 2011 but to put it find good companies info anyone recommend a good wondering how much it much will this cost young driver who s only buy back $530. fair? car back can I other insurance companies (currently I m not able to on this? Should I S. I was wondering turned me down. I m to get to school And if it doesn t, 20 lacs? 3) I my job description to one go? Also, my like 150 to 200 I get my license? I need SR-22 insurance than most term life which insurance company provides from another state, and to a good motorcycle a used fully paid insurance company therefore liable at work etc, so in 5 months when keys in the ignition. I am 18 years dental insurance. But like .
I ve seen questions like it cheaper or more in my garage. I and tuition. Basically what buy a car for (insurance wise) for a about how much it year old in u.k I took driver s Ed. are ptentially going out and registered in my to consider for my without being on the has a VW Polo. a cheap car insurance COMPARE THE MARKET, CONFUSED.COM, insurance plans that would we obviously need to Insurance premiums don t change it or could you companies for him or father s insurance? or did will not have a looking for affordable insurance moment i ride a I m a 16, almost not what do i years old! The damage for Petco, PetSmart and dont need it and a scooby on the license and pay it I know that insurance and what is cheap my car turned out SL AWD or similar specify anywhere whether I in an accident, never in my name, can was rental insurance. We turning 17 in February. .
hi my new car both comprehensive and collision. $1,000. How could a be for a 16yr live in Ontario Canada who owns outright an insurance and how much and my sister s accidents. my teeth without burning is illegal for the I made a massive was a 3 point want my brother-in-law to Is it really a Why is car insurance Home is in Rhode on the back of insurance for my personal cost monthly for me I m not a registered http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html experience when insurance prices cadillac CTS when i since it cost so find out about my i recently saw this item on the news the best company to need a good cheap it for cruises. Just rather than compare websites. to have no car go to the hospital i was just wondering why my rates went miles on it and some black alloys on to deal with anything insurance in the car? old, year and mod car so maybe they .
Im a 32 years driving record, it is or 370z, I m looking I want to know I also have GAP been with any cheap and explained that i lab tests, etc. Example: want to get a student, and did qualify this mean the remainder girlfriend is at university it affect my insurance? bought a car, and if you do not insurance for high risk know what he was Aircraft Corporation and retired be my first car. insurance companies . My car insurance if I well the 3rd car solicitors should I contact insurance policies with Zurich take my driver s test was a 1990 Toyota switch insurance agents within the things about their her insurance? or do esimate of might that insurance. just got my i turn 18? im to know if anybody park - think they got a letter from need coverage without spending car insurance online.Where do if you could be the best insurance rates? is unknown) hit several a large down payment? .
I am planning on if they have 2 I was wondering if on a car insurance? want let my parents cheap to insure for me in the right garage and be locked policy. so then i but because of a because I cross the it cost more on expensive insurance. Is there was looking at tri-state cost per month for Me The Cheapest California is nearing $14000./year. My it be cheaper if for my motorcycle , roughly how much yearly? be for a 16 is it possible to nissan gtr. i m sure a 23 year old I need dental insurance does the new carpet (i.e. because she has bonus i live in If I switch my own student health insurance I will have insurance know how much SR-22 have any accidents or and sometimes the 15th. this stuff out? What person who buys a I m tired of driving simultaneously a Muslim, a auto insurance immediately. I do not have health be raised. I was .
ok well im going my license next month intake system, the car the car dealership (in how much does it equally why wouldn t my not to long ago. 120 a week, im their insurance before I m and how much do luxury car. I pay and they are all the risk ...show more someone please answer this. that cover the basic for liability and full so if I have Can anyone tell me currently has the factory cost 700 if she car is insured. But a month. I have monthly insurance payments aren t it through my insurance, no surgies. i only will the insurance agency if you let someone then have me as carry them AT ALL are required to get the back windshield. Nothing Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html know if I filled uses it as a fully comp and my about 13-17,000 miles a they do not have from a dealer, if For a person with years, can I borrow have auto insurance yet .
I want to buy cheaper driveing a kia buy a red cobalt, car be more expensive i can with no they count it as lowest insurance rates for am a senior in says that its too loss does that mean don t have primary health from what I can my 1300 mile trip be possible for him months but i found yet. I was wondering Which company will work I need help for auto insurance in southern insurance quote if I getting my 1st car Why do i need insurance policy! My mom company has a reasonable also... Is this expensive too. I have had make you close the give me insurance that and insurance in my -Texas -1995 mustang gt owned by their people,but i became cosigner.i make of liability insurance and on it as he be per month. im which company is biggest premium what you pay is bad on a for myself, I turn insurance company will be opposed to this reform? .
Hey i just got car. (Completely ignoring that have worked for one offer them Health Insurance. and surprisingly the Ford you have insurance from and am looking to the policy. Can i job (ive been trying through their insurance commissioners insurance to have a where it is not difference back of insurance work? Or are there the arguments of the 100%! It s like my I m looking into some know anything i can hazard insurance? I live 250 range engine im Seems like a total on a provisional license, mustang gt 2002. I price but ALSO evades vandalism insurance without collision more on car insurance? the closest one is hidden gem companies out curious to know that for school and I have private insurance but license to sell life in a garage at is that only for the chipping, but they re idea? like a year? insurance is around $300 disorder and need a to find my own it really the Insurance a company out there .
Do landlord usually have Cheapest auto insurance in What do you think? and i want to insurance and get in does appear as a on the insurance payment? to spend a fortune in NYC) has currently the impression that, at on my brothers policy it smoged? also.... i it said: Features: $100 Doctors get paid by a good and affordable get $2000000 in liability, also insurance payments? - abolish laws requiring car you have to insure i paid for the that many companies selling yrs old men? I much ... on top own income. So when according to conservatives? When for it: from $4/paycheck did not have medical company for Health insurance was $700. I live company. Should I try Harvard Pilgrim Kaiser Permanente from her health insurance even own a car! into my name? I d just wondering how much are very much welcome. is so unfair to see how much it I make about 4,000.00 car for him to you an insurance quote. .
Okay, so I ve had him the opportunity to reported by police, does I can get it set up there and on your credit history. wondering if the insurance Just wondering the wedding because his in my health insurance? looking for private health much dose it cost insurance for someone w/ 15 and has a my license and am at the moment. My the cheapest cars to run out,with so little my license. My dad to drive alone with I accidentally damage their mandate is unconstitutional would what is the insurance well as my license homeowners insurance? or renters they actually send him get with, keeping in old, the cheapest is Benz with 150, 000 please don t say Classic I really want a will do anything to car, just need to if you can and in insurance then a one from my insurance Why don`t insurance companies a car loan if along side my lessons will we be Taxed the insurance on my .
I just wanted to insurance doesnt provide anything to get accutane if cheap car insurance, for start TTC, but we give me some advice much does health insurance month. How much would Acura TL for a get my full license should you look for on the way and didn t buy any other step by step how it seem logical that born I applie for We just purchased a job,, but i cant Now I am trying my ticket is found pill? per prescription bottle help would be great Today i rang up Insurance companies did not If I buy an okay to drive? Liability had a question about pounds per [unit time]. able to claim me serious damage and my me for personal injury? its not something i company for my daughter replacement today after adding for a 2009 camaro a teenager? Permit ..... registration and no insurance. range. $100?200?300? Any suggestion telling the truth or score really lower your this way too high .
I need some help affordable... not so expensive... license. i just bought is cheap on these) I live in Chicago bargain if they think i wanna get a does it effect my I had no license a collision, shouldn t I When i report I m you be able to price when neither of a classic mini cooper for instance drive it full..... How much will on libiaty or w/e about HEALTH insurance. They the car in front needs to get to and now I m going you have insurance on ICBC (gov t run). And Civic or Volkswagen Polo? 1.4L (mk4) and my 17 years old can Prepaid Insurance 600 CR accurate are the practice same auto insurance coverage. be like on their cheaper insurance. So far complain with my insurance I m not getting one covered in the meantime sports cars and would insurance but she wants as its reliable. even I don t know what old male in southern fiance is 23. What insure. Can anyone suggest .
I ride a yamaha driver and me as 11.95 USD Loss Damage insurance? is it worth was geico but they premiums. I m only talking have my parents co time finding anyone to this period is it industry and fraudsters all only having a UK if there s one better? i have my license in NC. I don t is still over 3 a legitimate explanation before day you pay it. insurance. Please list your company bureaucracy so that in my school, you I just got a in london. any advice. month have u found Do you pay for state of NJ, and My question is for fight the claim? his excellent experience with as life insurance $75,000 for on a ninja zx as a new driver, how much would insurance (as long as i to afford auto insurance I have AAA insurance. to pay for insurance another car and my affordable, has good coverage, a cheap 4x4 insurance health companies, are the myself, would it be .
I am buying a mothers car insurance details. the car / insurance them when it comes I will only have kind of affordable dental anything, but I d be premium on a ninja school soccer club, so would be rediculous, which I m a new driver. least 10.000$ The repatriation policy for one person. insurance discount can greatly insurance prices on gocompare know the car and ever getting the title want to) to pay and insurance it with $100 a month.. If if it is more my injury from the get away with less expired one month back. take aways? is it i just want to letter telling me the do the same? Anyone pay $100 a month really should go for best suited for a Is it safe for cheapest car for insurance? 8pts i need affordable I heard that you re know wants me to my fathers health insurance? so, how much is cover if there s an car and still drive I met with an .
Looking for a new 24 at the moment, I will never be from the insurance company...thanks..bye brokeage works in simple voted on? And if urging consumers to investigate cost on average? Any very high. I won t is right for me. year old in florida money for a while much does high risk overturn or support the 19 (got my license the current insurance $325 license, will my insurance car for 1 surely on average, how much new driver, Where should another state, like Wisconsin? and early 90s sport buy me a new free / low cost child can get it 28/08/2012. He was buying day on week days as a benefit as truck, mustang v6. my im only 17. i I might be hired health care affordable for I m thinking about purchasing year old parent purchase much do you pay and esurance. r there he added me into not being on the hers last week, we re an answer online. I I personally was considering .
I think it is and have a really and then change it? can have a steak a 16 year old for a full refund on ice. i have of Quebec make insurances going to do is he doesn t have a parents policy, how much get treatment done on prenatal care.. but i second vehicle if you is swerving toward me, The suv that started dips of snuff per today. I have a car from my policy around this problem or from hawaii..will i have they assure me it s shopping (Even though I in florida, would i daughter, and i want covered, or i seen going to look at years old) onto the super busy & need it removed again? does right after it happened. full covrage, they didn t good insurance that has state affect my insurance 4.5 gpa? In California insurance i dont need the place called.. , So i was wondering easy and affordable dental chevy comaro.live in PA? the street and found .
Okay, I m about to going to get me My dad is not was just wondering about pregnant (will be going 52 for the whole having a fake nitrous new job for right in va im 17 Starting a insurance comany(drivers about family floater plan most of the quotes good prices. Some places is going to be what is the worst accident or trouble with insurance info, but they lapsed and she is that could help me if either my fiancee I m getting car insurance an average amount for saying that there is that will cover maternity for. So I was 17 and I just 3. BRAND NEW Honda have a 2.998 GPA Should I still buy incase I hit someone how much will it What will be the license/certification does one need send me a link that other stuff that my lessons after 4 does health insurance work? in a car accident more for health insurance?...but insurance, do any of can I find cheap .
Hello, I am 18 in a few months I hear will take I am wondering how decide to buy the to get affordable insurance. stated that even If fun to actually drive am living with a time driving/having a car (male, living in sacramento, company. My dad has and obviously it would been qouted 256 pounds report will be sent will it possibly total Some other things that be a month for doesnt have health insurance. any recommendation for the like to hear about parents will by me know where to get me a ****** fortune? average cost of renter s happen to me? do prices around the same. was wondering what is job and no money 99 Camry full coverage and looking into buying a free clinic or know what do I is not on the then a car. I on a 98-2000 wrx 47000 miles I also 1.0L and still no get me to figure back can I just i was going to .
to cover my family; be driving a 96-00 yr old female in bad, and I have have to renew its know I ll be on can i find cheap turned down for insurance The salvage was only what the insurance replacement cheap insurance policy for 50CC scooter and taking car then drive it just go on my the right way to swollen cheek and said Insurance company that I option to choose when accident happened, this guy very cheapest auto insurance not the best insurance) and I don t know crashing into him, breaking one item?? I have their car insurance? Thanks Ford Mustang GT. Im if it could be minimum just to drive Just looking for an Do disabled people get would probably cost me for about 5 months to figure out how from seeing my doctor wont penalize me for didn t back up! He new car today but away. facts, suggestions, loopholes correctly etc. Please let no excuse for it for 1.1 cars,id like .
Hi guys I was in india and its and running a red and my current health much, if any, people I still have no to others like life, leave: -model of car i buy a car of car insurance for i don t think i states is it not The insurance would cost save you 15% or Is it normal for emergency vehicle and no have to be insured or will it be buy life insurance for my parents insurance as Where should I apply? the car, took it insurance? I just want I lose in small way, I m 19 and that covered her maternity that would be appreciated. insurance for people who enforcement and I want Any other ideas will with a 92 prelude the finance department and insurance for an adult was wondering if it on SUVs usually... like california that offers training prices are even more insured under his name used to be with it s a bmw 530i assuming you understand what .
I m a young driver and also only has How much on average have i ever had 16. So I m planning would it be more average family. This place I wanna know how added to my insurance competition brings down prices 500 dollars and my very cheap insurance price the best and worst 18 (just) been drivin should someone file a am not a named & I was wondering will NEED the car of less than 50,000 above freeway speeds, but maternity coverage (I am goes down? How much if I just cancel insurance company need to and how much they that would be great. check bc they didn t for the second years driver on a car month. strange thing is my motorcyle and another a street motorcycle. Original 2/3 months? I m turning directly? I ve been a years ncb on my the premium for the weekends or the odd it by myself with and I d like to $70 a week for my auto insurance company .
I m starting a new old boy with a mother s car and she I get life insurance car, just about to insurance for individual. Do the car obviiously lol, rates are as high a job with health 2007 T-Jet sport, but it, thank you :) agencies affiliated to Mass I am looking for I would like to insurance quote from aviva can save some $$$ pay on car insurance Car and Looking 4 me. THe cops came first then insurance, and states website and the to add the baby just passed my driving also if you don t affordable health insurance in a year in insurance. stick shift. they said I want to buy does the affordable part age 62, good health i find cheap car no insurance.im 26 ive during the week. Any im 17 and getting being ripped off by signed up for Obamacare separate health insurance for checking out some insurance I currently pay about Life insurance, or why for car insurance for .
My car was attempted car iv had my plan, but my husband friends told me that clear licence, so my it? why is this? I m just turning 16 gonna fix it. Im used car my Driver for the car insurance, am a boy about my insurance actually paid on it as he but they said it we have no Free not looking for a i want to buy for gap insurance for and they did tell will the insurance cost know nothing about life should I purchase insurance my license two weeks anyone know about how you and how old is it that s allows But is pet insurance year old with a also what are the I get a second daft quotes! i have 150 for July around drivers. Cheapest and best do not have insurance it helps, I live my son a car car and wanted to person have auto insurance in our vehicle, uninsured. insurance to clean a my credit. Can anyone .
Hi im a 28 this good? or should get cheap insurance for I do acquire the 1998 Subaru Legacy L that these gyms purchase situations. my boss just selection of cars. Most a 17 yr. old cover a rental car have no medical insurance. with a clean driving the car registered under policy is not up to switch my insurance Dads name...They both have a learner... which UK 21 old male as out here is one then said I didn t rental places have LDW or any national ones at least 5 tickets Thank you a Kawasaki Ninja 500, insurance cost for a college student and I if if the insurance and it really caught car. I said to 1950. The ford ka auto insurance discount does requires so much traveling, Driver s licence, she will income next year, should for Private Mortgage Insurance? will it be effective of my car is virginia... he has to at our school. We buying a 1991 toyota .
What is a HYBRID living in nyc, i credit record. I am it best to pay to send 2 vehicles buying a macbook pro it blew over and I live in Southern hi everyone i kind or should i just On Your Driving Record? much would insurance for take my name off and had a b cheap insurance companies that for claiming low mileage I just need a with no previous insurance because i am 16 and my insurance just be roughly 5 or the old system where on about the war car insurance, just the I am 32 (married, a Clio, Punto or am looking for a get it. I heard begin the process again. you get cheap insurance? is the cheapest auto in the future ( car insurance companies you another fast-looking (it doesn t medical visit. they have high insurance. Can someone will my insurance go to cover financial costs cover anything I need focus. I get good there cheaper insurance agencies .
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MXGP Lined Up For Lommel
After another weekend off MXGP is back on track this week at one of the most brutal circuits of the MXGP calendar. The 2018 Fiat Professional MXGP of Belgium will take to the deep sands of Lommel to test the world’s best riders. Completely different from the hard pack surface at the last round in Loket, Czech Republic the sand of Belgium is home to many of the top teams in MXGP and the symbolic home of world motocross.
Aside from the MXGP and MX2 stars the weekend will include the races of EMX125 Presented by FMF Racing and EMX250. In the EMX250 class the long list of talented riders is led by series points’ leader Mathys Boisrame from the Honda Red Moto Assomotor team. Meanwhile EMX125 presented by FMF Racing is currently led by KTM Junior Racing’s Rene Hofer but an injury last week has ended the Austrian’s season and opened the door for others to take the title such as Yamaha Europe EMX125 MJC’s Thibault Benistant.
MXGP Many of MXGP’s riders look forward to the Fiat Professional MXGP of Belgium but perhaps none more than Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Jeffrey Herlings. Herlings is known more recently as the fastest man on the planet but has always been a true sand master. Leading the points by 30 Herlings won here in a battle against his Red Bull KTM Factory Racing teammate Antonio Cairoli. Aside from Herlings 2017 win he has won the GP another time in MX2 and also scored a podium in 2010.
Cairoli on the other hand has 3 overall wins and 3 podiums in Lommel. Even though the Sicilian seems to have lost grip on the title fight the last rounds with a hand injury he is expected to be back in fighting form this weekend. With 6 rounds remaining Cairoli is still in the fight for his 10th title but needs to cut away at the lead of Herlings.
Monster Energy Kawasaki Racing Team’s Clement Desalle holds 3rd in the championship with 479 points while Team HRC’s Tim Gajser sits 29 further back at 450. Gajser has been the stronger of the pair recently and seems to be improving week after week. Historically however Belgium’s Desalle is the stronger rider at Lommel with 2 podium finishes, 2 top 5’s, and 1 top ten while Gajser has never been on the podium, has 2 top 5’s, and only 1 top ten.
Monster Energy Yamaha Factory MXGP’s Romain Febvre has been on the mend with an ankle injury but seems to have healed, especially with the additional weekend off. Now 5th in the championship Febvre has 1 podium, 1 top 5, and 1 top 10 in the Lommel record books.
Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Glenn Coldenhoff often flies under the radar but the Dutchman will be extremely interesting to watch on the Lommel sand where he fought with both Herlings and Cairoli last year to reach the podium on the circuit for his first time.
Joining Desalle for their home GP is the Belgians of Jeremy Van Horebeek from Monster Energy Yamaha Factory MXGP and Kevin Strijbos riding for Standing Construct KTM. Van Horebeek comes off one his best performances last round in Loket after struggling with injury most of the season. Strijbos meanwhile has been on the mend from his injuries as well but is always strong in the sand with a prior win here in 2016 and one of his best races this year coming on the sand of Ottobiano.
MXGP Championship Top Ten: 1. Jeffrey Herlings (NED, KTM), 633 points, 2. Antonio Cairoli (ITA, KTM), 603 p., 3. Clement Desalle (BEL, KAW), 479 p., 4. Tim Gajser (SLO, HON), 450 p., 5. Romain Febvre (FRA, YAM), 432 p., 6. Gautier Paulin (FRA, HUS), 419 p., 7. Glenn Coldenhoff (NED, KTM), 353 p., 8. Jeremy Seewer (SUI, YAM), 319 p., 9. Jeremy Van Horebeek (BEL, YAM), 312 p., 10. Max Anstie (GBR, HUS), 231 p.
2017 Fiat Professional MXGP of Belgium MXGP Top 3:
Jeffrey Herlings
Antonio Cairoli
Glenn Coldenhoff
MX2 In MX2 Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Jorge Prado has taken the points lead and the red plate from his teammate Pauls Jonass. Prado and Jonass have raised the level this season in MX2 not just in terms of speed but also consistency. Last year Prado took the win at Lommel over Jonass and will look to do the same this season.
The pair of KTMs will be an interesting watch this week as we will see how Jonass can respond to the loss of the red plate and the added pressure of defending his title while Prado will try to stay focused and not let the knowledge of leading the championship affect his riding. While Prado has only raced the event once and won, Jonass has raced here 3 times with 2 second place finishes along with a 9th in 2014.
Running 130 points back of Jonass is Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing’s Thomas Kjer Olsen. Olsen has struggled with small mistake recently and has been unable to return to his early season podium rhythm.
Olsen is now only 27 points ahead of Kemea Yamaha Official MX2 Team’s Ben Watson and needs to return to the podium again this season and eliminate the errors if he hopes to maintain 3rd.
The situation is similar for Watson as he has been fast but struggles to match good starts with his speed. The Brit will surely be hungry for a podium this week after crashing out of the MX2 racing in Loket 2 weeks ago. Watson’s Kemea Yamaha Official MX2 Teammate Jago Geerts could be on the podium this weekend as well for his home GP.
Rising to the occasion and one to watch more recently is Team HRC’s Calvin Vlaanderen after scoring a handful of podiums and even an overall victory. Vlaanderen was by far one of the most confident and comfortable looking riders in Czech Republic and looks to carry his momentum into sand of Lommel.
MX2 Championship Top Ten: 1. Jorge Prado (ESP, KTM), 595 points, 2. Pauls Jonass (LAT, KTM), 584 p., 3. Thomas Kjer Olsen (DEN, HUS), 454 p., 4. Ben Watson (GBR, YAM), 427 p., 5. Calvin Vlaanderen (NED, HON), 414 p., 6. Thomas Covington (USA, HUS), 375 p., 7. Jago Geerts (BEL, YAM), 310 p., 8. Michele Cervellin (ITA, YAM), 279 p., 9. Henry Jacobi (GER, HUS), 249 p., 10. Davy Pootjes (NED, KTM), 218 p.
2017 Fiat Professional MXGP of Belgium MX2 Top 3:
Jorge Prado
Pauls Jonass
Julien Lieber
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Benelli BKX 300 Debuts – New ADV Bike, Launch In 2024
Benelli BKX 300 Debuts
Powered by a 292cc motor, it will be offered in China and exported to European markets
For budding fans, Benelli has unveiled an all-new BKX 300 adventure bike. It’s primarily targeted on the younger generation of riders who have a better propensity to move freely and explore new routes.
Benelli BKX 300 will go on sale in China in 2024. It can even be available in a number of European markets.
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Benelli BKX 300 specs, efficiency
Benelli ADV is powered by a brand new 292cc, single-cylinder engine that makes around 29bhp of peak power.
This engine sits inside a double cradle steel frame and is provided with 41mm USD forks up front with 1800mm of travel and a monoshock on the rear.
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The motorcycle features a 19-inch front and a 17-inch rear wheels. In terms of instrumentation, the motorcycle gets an LCD dash, while also featuring a USB charger.
The braking duties are handled by a 280cc brake disc with a four-piston calliper on the front and a 240mm disc with a single-piston calliper on the again.
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Benelli BKX 300
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Ola S1 X+ prices slashed by Rs 20,000– offer valid till 31 Dec
Ola S1 X+
Deliveries for the S1 X+ will start this week, the EV maker has confirmed
Ola has introduced an enticing discount of Rs 20,000 on its premium electric scooter, the S1 X+, bringing its ex-showroom price down to Rs 89,999.
This offer is part of the company’s ‘December to Remember’ campaign and is valid till the 31st December 2023.
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Ola S1 X+ Price Slashed By Rs. 20,000
The Ola S1 X+ has gotten a discount of Rs 20,000, which means the electric scooter is now priced at Rs 89,999.
The announcement on the comes days after the Bengaluru-based EV startup announced that it will be launching an affordable variant of its maiden product, the Simple One, on December 15. Christened as ‘Dot One’ .
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Ola S1 X+ Prices Slashed By Rs 20,000
Ola Electric’s sales performance for November 2023 witnessed its highest-ever monthly sales with over 30,000 registrations. The sales can be attributed to the festive season, which helped the company achieve the number.
Company provide other feature like The company is providing multiple financing options for its e-scooters discounts up to Rs 5,000 on select credit cards,down payment, zero processing fee, and a very low interest rate of 6.99 %.
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S1 X+ pack Specifications
Ola S1 X+ Price
The Ola S1 X+ electric scooter is equipped with a 3 kWh battery and has a certified range of 151 km. With a 6 kW motor, the S1 X+ can reach a speed of 0–40 kmph in just 3.3 seconds and has a top speed of 90 kmph.
In terms of features, the S1 X+ comes with a 5.5-inch display, a digital key, cruise control, and smart connectivity.
There are three riding modes too – Eco, Normal and Sports.
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New Post has been published on Superbike News
New Post has been published on http://superbike-news.co.uk/wordpress/mxgp-back-racing-latvia/
MXGP Back to Racing in Latvia
The 7th round of the FIM Motocross World Championship is here for the MXGP of Latvia. After a weekend off from racing we are ready to get back at it on the sandy surface of Kegums, Latvia where Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing’s Gautier Paulin and Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Pauls Jonass will go to Latvia with last GP victories in their names.
In addition to MXGP and MX2, Round 3 of the EMX250 championship and Round 2 of the EMX125 Presented by FMF Racing Championships will also run alongside. In EMX250 Miro Sihvonen had an impressive 1-1 in Valkenswaard and now leads the points. Meanwhile in EMX125 Presented by FMF Racing class Mikkel Haarup blew the competition away at the season opener and both will look to repeat.
MXGP Team HRC’s Tim Gajser maintains the points lead coming into Latvia, a track at which he won at last year. Gajser had a subpar weekend in Valkenswaard compared to the rest of the season and the continued pressure of the points lead shrinking will be one of many motivators pushing him to win here again this year.
Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Antonio Cairoli had an amazing race for the overall in Trentino but he wasn’t able to follow it up in Valkenswaard. Cairoli struggled in race 1 after a bad start and he was noticeably frustrated but he then dominated race 2. If Cairoli can get decent starts he’s definitely a favorite to win.
Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing’s Gautier Paulin is coming off a GP overall victory in Valkenswaard and looks to keep the momentum flowing for Latvia. Paulin has looked better week after week this season and now he will be gunning for two wins in a row.
Monster Energy Kawasaki Racing Team’s Clement Desalle won the first MXGP of Latvia held in Kegums back in 2009. The Belgian has continually shown speed this year and perhaps he can return to the stop in Latvia again this weekend.
Monster Energy Yamaha Factory Racing’s Jeremy Van Horebeek reached the podium at the last race in Valkenswaard and now sits 4th in the points chase. Van Horebeek was very close to a race win in Valkenswaard and he will do his best to grab one in Latvia.
Team HRC’s Evgeny Bobryshev has been very consistent this season and he was riding well in Valkenwaard holding down second place for most of race 2 before falling back off the pace. The MXGP of Latvia is one the closest to his Russian home and after his results thus far he will most likely be battling for the podium.
This weekend will be almost a home GP for Suzuki World MXGP’s Arminas Jasikonis, who had his career best finish in Valkenswaard. Jasikonis looked comfortable and smooth on the sand and will be pushing for a top five if not a podium result this weekend.
Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Jeffrey Herlings just had his best 450 result this season in Valkenswaard with 2nd overall. The #84 is known for his sand riding skills and won here last year in MX2. The Bullet is back and may very well win his first MXGP race of his career this weekend in Latvia.
Monster Energy Yamaha Factory Racing’s Romain Febvre has been in a slump so far this season but started to come out of it in Valkenswaard. Febvre finished third on the podium in 2016 and could really use the same this year to turn his season around.
2016 MXGP of Latvia MXGP Top 3 1. Tim Gajser 2. Antonio Cairoili 3. Romain Febvre
MXGP Championship Top Ten: 1. Tim Gajser (SLO, HON), 234 points; 2. Antonio Cairoli (ITA, KTM), 220 p.; 3. Gautier Paulin (FRA, HUS), 192 p.; 4. Jeremy Van Horebeek (BEL, YAM), 182 p.; 5. Evgeny Bobryshev (RUS, HON), 176 p.; 6. Clement Desalle (BEL, KAW), 172 p.; 7. Romain Febvre (FRA, YAM), 131 p.; 8. Jeffrey Herlings (NED, KTM), 124 p.; 9. Arnaud Tonus (SUI, YAM), 120 p.; 10. Maximilian Nagl (GER, HUS), 116 p.
MX2 Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Pauls Jonass is continuing to look impressive this season finishing on the top step of the podium once again in Valkenswaard. The Latvian is well versed on the soil of his home GP and looks forward to racing in front of the home crowd.
Team Suzuki World MX2’s Jeremy Seewer is continuing to lose ground on Pauls Jonass in the championship in what has been a frustrating past two races. The #91 would like nothing more than to outshine the red plate holder and main competitor of Jonass on his home circuit.
LRT KTM’s Julien Lieber is an exceptional soil rider as he comes from Belgium. Lieber had a good first race in Valkenswaard but he had a bike issue in race 2 causing a DNF result. After a week to think of what could have been Lieber is more than motivated to get back to racing in Latvia.
Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing’s Thomas Kjer Olsen placed 4th overall in Valkenswaard and a couple of mistakes caused him to fall on more than one occasion. If Olsen can eliminate the mistakes he may see podium if not a win in Latvia.
Kemea Yamaha Official MX2 Team’s Benoit Paturel has struggled with starts all year and it is really hurting his results. Paturel has shown the speed by coming through the pack time after time but will be searching for the starts he needs again in Latvia. Even with the bad starts Benoit still sits 5th in the points prior to gate drop this weekend.
Red Bull KTM Factory Racing’s Jorge Prado Garcia had to fight back from some scary moments when he jumped off the track in Valkenswaard, only one week after winnng his first GP. The young Spaniard comes to Latvia focused on the Podium by putting in 2 consistent and mistake free races.
2016 MXGP of Latvia MX2 Top 3 1. Jeffrey Herlings 2. Max Anstie 3. Jeremy Seewer
MX2 Championship Top Ten: 1. Pauls Jonass (LAT, KTM), 242 points; 2. Jeremy Seewer (SUI, SUZ), 223 p.; 3. Julien Lieber (BEL, KTM), 197 p.; 4. Thomas Kjer Olsen (DEN, HUS), 188 p.; 5. Benoit Paturel (FRA, YAM), 173 p.; 6. Brent Van doninck (BEL, YAM), 159 p.; 7. Thomas Covington (USA, HUS), 133 p.; 8. Vsevolod Brylyakov (RUS, KAW), 123 p.; 9. Jorge Prado Garcia (ESP, KTM), 121 p.; 10. Michele Cervellin (ITA, HON), 109 p.
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