#Kava Pills
kavadotcom · 1 year
Understanding Kava: Benefits, Side Effects, and Available Forms for Anxiety Relief
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Kava, a traditional plant native to the South Pacific, has gained popularity as a natural remedy for anxiety. While it offers potential benefits, it's crucial to be aware of potential Kava side effects and the various forms available, such as kava pills and other kava products.
Kava's primary active compounds, called kavalactones, interact with the brain's receptors to induce a sense of calmness and relaxation. Many individuals turn to kava as an alternative to pharmaceutical medications Kava for anxiety. However, it's important to note that kava is not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for medical purposes.
When using kava, it's vital to consider potential side effects. Some users have reported adverse reactions, such as upset stomach, drowsiness, headache, and skin rashes. Prolonged and excessive consumption of kava has been linked to a condition called "kava dermopathy," characterized by dry, scaly skin and yellow discoloration.
Kava pills are one popular way to consume kava. These capsules contain a concentrated form of kava extract, providing a convenient and standardized dosage. However, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using kava pills, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or take other medications.
In addition to kava pills, various kava products are available, including kava tea, tinctures, and powders. It's essential to purchase these products from reputable sources to ensure quality and safety. Look for brands that prioritize third-party testing and adhere to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines.
As with any supplement or alternative treatment, it's crucial to approach kava with caution. Individuals with liver problems, pregnant or nursing women, and those who consume alcohol or take medications metabolized by the liver should avoid kava due to potential liver toxicity risks.
Before incorporating kava into your wellness routine, consult with a healthcare professional, particularly if you have underlying health conditions or are currently taking medications. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific circumstances and help you make informed decisions regarding the use of kava products. Remember, your health and well-being should always be a first priority.
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cognitohazardous · 7 months
the other day my brother bought these sketchy pills from the shitty miserable smoke shop by our house cause the dude said they were kratom but when he got home he researched them and learned theyre a nootropic blend (no kratom in them) and theyve caused ODs and deaths so he threw them away (but only after taking one) and in typical My Brother Fashion yesterday he went out and bought another bottle and he gave me 2 pills
so i said fuck it and took them today. the high was decent, it felt similar to kratom, but i realized that throughout the entire day even after the high wore off, like up till now, ive been in a great mood. ive been happier and more content than ive been in like. idk over a year. didnt get annoyed or mad at anything like i have been for so long. it was really nice
now, im not gonna buy those pills by any means, but i might look into a quality source of one of the nootropics that could have caused it after researching potential interactions with meds. (maybe it was the GABA? or the tianeptine? maybe even the kava but thats doubtful. the other ingredient was some plant that seems to only have anti-inflammatory properties so not that i imagine)
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sparatus · 8 months
26 and 47 DEWIT
micro fic prompts
oops the second one got away from me so it's under a readmore
26. how dare [you] - Algidus and Incuria Epirian (teia's parents)
"Algidus and Incuria Epirian?"
Algidus knew the officer standing at his door. Had kava breaks with him now and again, even. For fuck's sake, he'd even listened sympathetically to harrowing tales of this exact duty at lunch breaks.
He swallowed. "Yes?"
The officer's subvocals thrummed with apology and sympathy as he held out the datapads in his hand. Sorry to have to do this. "You've been served."
Algidus's jaw creaked, and his wife took the pads in stunned silence as the officer made himself scarce. He didn't want to believe it. He couldn't believe it, this kind of thing didn't happen to them. They were good people. He was C-Sec, for fuck's sake. Sure, maybe they were a little tough on their children, but it was for their own good. They just wanted them to be happy.
AEDITEIA EPIRIAN, Applicant, vs. ALGIDUS EPIRIAN, Adverse Party. Temporary Order of Protection Against Stalking, Aggravated Stalking, or Harassment (CRS 117.23)
His hand shook. "I knew that Sparatus boy would be nothing but trouble," he gritted out. "We never should have agreed to that wedding, now look what's happened."
Curi sniffed, tugging him back inside. "He can't represent her, it's a conflict of interest, isn't it? He must have hoodwinked one of his lawyer friends into it."
Algidus pulled his mandibles in against his face. To think, they'd been nothing but kind and welcoming to that awful brat, and here he'd turned their little Addie against them so thoroughly this had happened. "We'll find out at the hearing," he gritted out, locking the door behind them.
47. crave - Desolas Arterius, Valis Abrudas (desabrudas)
Desolas hadn't slept well in years.
The hastatim had assigned him a therapist. Allegedly. He rarely had time to go, and when he did, they mostly just kept repeating the same three points about the stress of the job and finding a hobby, which wasn't helpful at all for getting to sleep. The physician suggested pills, which worked for knocking him out, but he still woke up tired and unrested.
The last time he'd slept well had been the last night he'd spent with Valis, after they'd gone a couple rounds and collapsed in her bunk tired but happy and promising they'd stay in touch.
He hadn't kept it. Another fuck-up from the king of fuck-ups.
He lay awake at night a lot, staring at the ceiling and longing for that last sleep. Her thick, muscular arms wrapped around him, his legs tucked up loosely against her belly and hips, their heads pushed together so they were all but sharing breath. He didn't go back to Ifura when Valis held him. He slept soundly, peacefully, only dreaming of sea-cliffs and golden eyes that looked at him like he was the only thing worth watching. He'd been warm, and safe, and loved.
And then the army had sent him away from her.
He missed her. He missed her he missed her he missed her, he missed her like the moons missed the sun and the mountains missed the sea. He couldn't sleep without her, he couldn't laugh, he couldn't find space to sit down and breathe and remember the excited young man he used to be. None of his friends had followed him to the hastatim, and nobody already there wanted to be a new one.
He couldn't stay. He couldn't leave.
Thirty years of living like that, barely alive, steadily losing his mind as the lack of a good sleep and the stress and the no friends to bleed away the suffering piled up. He didn't know how he didn't just end it himself. (He did. Saren would be sad. Parmat would have to burn another descendant she wasn't supposed to outlive. Nobody would tell his friends.) Thirty years, and he was a colonel, and they were talking about putting him up for general if he did well with the next deployment. Something on Taetrus, because of course that was what they were taunting him with, going back to that base where he'd met the one person he most wanted to be there, having to put up with being surrounded by reminders of her but never seeing or touching her again.
He thought he was hallucinating when he saw her again. The shit sleep had finally caught up to him, he'd figured. Of course if he was going to start seeing things, it would be seeing her, on Taetrus. Naturally.
It wasn't a hallucination.
And after he knew she was real, after she'd hunted him down at the old sparring ring and they'd beaten the shit out of each other and she'd walked away, after she found him again a week later in the same old tree, he told the moon what was wrong, and she listened, and she caught him as he fell, like she'd promised so many years ago she would.
And then she carried him back to his barracks, but this time, she didn't leave, and he could finally, finally sleep.
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health-fitness-style · 5 months
Persons with Overweight, nowadays, have become a menace for their family as well as for the society at large.
These overweight persons are attacked by many diseases and at least cannot lead a normal healthy and happy life.
Also overweight causes Obesity to a person. A person with Obesity does not look nice and smart to attract opposite sex.
Now, realizing the risk, persons with overweight are in the look out for means of Weight Loss.
Along with many other ways for weight loss, like taking controlled healthy diet, regular exercise etc., Diet Pills have come out in the market for weight Loss that, in some cases, yield good and satisfactory results.
There are a number of Diet Pills available in the market, particularly in on line stores. Among them are drugs like Phentermine, Xenical, and Solidax ADX etc. Which are prominent in the market. There are many others fighting in the market for customers.
However, effectiveness of these diet pills is uncertain. Studies have been conducted by many researchers regarding this. But results of them are not easily available.
Scientists of Weight Loss Institute have conducted thorough research about this and based upon their findings we highlight a few of them below:
 Diet Pills like Phentermine, although a prescription Drug, have reports of serious side effects. However, the Drug is effective in Weight Management. But problem is that, many on line stores market poor quality Phentermine and their effectiveness are doubtful, although consumers may not know it. So People should be sure to take the appropriate drugs with consultation of an experienced Physician.
 Diet Pills like Xenical also have serious side effects. However, the Drug is especially effective in Weight Management for patients with high blood pressure or diabetes etc. Doctors should be consulted before taking this Diet Pills.
There are more Diet Pills in the market like Kava-Herbal, Brontril, Meridia etc. each having its effectiveness with side effects also. Our space is limited to discuss about all of them.
Thus, if you are overweight, Diet Pills may create magic to you but if not checked properly, you may be at risk also.
We would suggest that Diet Pills might be one of the solutions to Weight Loss- supplemented by a comprehensive Weight Management Program, provided, it was taken with the supervision of an experienced Physician, expert in this field. Also availability of good quality of Drugs should be ensured for best results. Still risks are there for side effects, which should be taken care of by the Physician prescribing them.
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self-hatred-h00die · 7 months
actually managed to fast today , plan to down kava tea when i get home and take valerian root pills til ipass out so i don't have a chance to think about eating 👍
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oceanherbalist · 2 years
Easiest remedy/ herbs to use for calming when worried for love ones? ♥️
I think the easiest would lavender or chamomile. It's easiest to find and gentle. However, if I was worried about a live one I would need something that acts on gaba receptors, so Kava kava and California poppy are my go to for calming. You could also get gaba pills as well.
* this information is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any illnesses. It is only for educational purposes.
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blissfullybloomed · 1 year
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Holistic Healing
Let's start with some simple definitions for both of these words. 
Holistic ( in regard to medicine): Characterized by the treatment of the WHOLE person, taking into account MENTAL and SOCIAL factors, rather than just the SYMPTOMS of the illness. It stems from the old English word holism( 1920s). 
Healing ( in regard to person) : The process of making or becoming sound or healthy again, and to make free from injury or disease. To make well again, and return to the earth. 
Great! Now what?! HOW does one Holistically Heal themselves? How would one even know if they NEED to do some holistic healing? That's where we start today. Being self aware. 
I'd like to present a few questions for you to internally answer: 
What are YOUR hobbies? Not your friends, not your spouse, not your co workers…YOURS?
Who are YOU? What do you stand for? Again….not your friends, spouse or co-workers. 
What foods do you truly enjoy? 
What music do you listen to on a daily basis?
Could you answer them? If you could- that's great! You've got a head start on everyone else- Congrats on finding yourself. If you couldn't answer them…let's work on that together.
I believe the first and most crucial step in becoming holistically healed is to know your true self. Can you introduce yourself without saying you “belong” to someone. Example: Hi, my name is Victoria, I'm the sister of…Im the wife of ...Im the business partner of ... .NO! Stop the madness… YOU are good enough as you already are- let that soak in. You don't need to validate yourself in a work title, you don't have to be someone’s anything. You're enough as you are. 
I have personal experience( look ma, I learned how to spell- AKA…spell check) with the above introducing struggles. 
Now, don't get it twisted..I am in no way stating that you shouldnt be proud to be someone's wife, husband, co-worker…etc, I'm simply stating that it's okay to be your own self. There's bliss in solitude. 
Moving on…, How do you find out who you are? How do you find out what food you truly enjoy? How do you change the repeated monotony of your life? That's what it is…repeating the same thing. You're comfortable there…it's ok, I used to be too. There's safety in the known, and fear in the unknown. Overcoming fear…that's a whole other blog…I'm still working on that one honestly. 
So….I've rambled enough…Get to know yourself.
That's how you holistically heal. Holistic medicine is all about utilizing what your body already has inside of it from a hormone/chemical level and using natural remedies(plants from the earth) to aid in health. It’s not a toxic pill made in a factory at an enormously high dollar amount. It's not a drug induced drink (Coca-cola…cocaine…) made in mass at a low dollar amount to produce the happy hormone for a fleeting second. Now granted, McDonalds Coke is literally to die for, and yes…I've drank them…) 
Things to try instead of what you're doing now: 
Ibuprofen( kills the liver)...Try Arnica Montana instead. 
Ora-gel(destroys your gums)....Try Clove - It takes the pain away instantly. 
Any inflammation…..Turmeric/Mushrooms. 
Try new things, eat new food, hangout with new people, get a new job, write a blog(HA), do something physical , challenge yourself, go disc-golfing on your damn motorcycle( I'm so proud of you), do whatever you want...but don't be afraid to try new things. You're doing yourself a disservice if you don't. You already knew that though because you are smart. You are beautiful. You are sexy. You are fierce. You are incredibly loud. You are impatient. You are colorful. You are… You are enough. 
Frolic the fields. 
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girlcowboy1 · 2 years
Maybe my question is retarded but have you tried any herbal anti anxiety pills or something?
Ive taken ashwagandha, l–theanine, magnesium, kava, vitamin d3, and ginko biloba.
Ashwagandha and L-theanine have worked the best for me but if i take it everyday it stops being very effective. And doesn't really help much anyway. I need a blunt.
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xtruss · 2 months
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Photo: Here & Now/Co-Owner Tobly McSmith
The City’s Quiet Crackdown on Kava Bars. The Businesses Selling Kava and Kratom Have Found Themselves in a Legal No-Man’s-Land.
— By Chris Crowley, Senior Writer at Grub Street | CURBED
Tobly McSmith has had his kava bar Here & Now shuttered by Inspectors from the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene twice in the year and a half since it first opened on Allen and Bowery. “We’ve been scared of everybody who walks in,” McSmith says. In addition to pour-over Coffee and Espresso and Pots of Tea, McSmith sells Kava and Kratom Teas that his employees brew themselves, both plant-derived substances that his Clientele Consider Natural Options for Anxiety and Pain Relief and The health Agency Deems “Poisonous,” “Injurious to Health,” and “Unsafe.” This difference has led to the Bureaucratic Tug of War plaguing his business — from DOH violations for selling kava to a cease-and-desist letter to closure orders, two hearings, a trial, and a denial of his application to renew his food service establishment permit. He’s not alone — the city’s other kava bar owners are by now very familiar with the bright yellow signage announcing a shutdown: “Closed By the Order of the Commissions of Health and Mental Hygiene.”
The city’s quiet kava crackdown started in November 2022, when the Health Department issued a summons to KavaSutra, a kava bar on First Street. A couple of months later, KavaSutra got hit again at its 10th Street location, when the department “Embargoed” its kava products, according to a lawsuit KavaSutra’s owners later filed against New York City, Mayor Eric Adams, and the Health Department and Its Commissioner Ashwin Vasa. Then last spring, the agency shut down two kava bars in Williamsburg: Ka-Vá Kava Bar (the space is now a cannabis club) and Kava Social, which never reopened publicly but has operated as a private club since. It’s a fairly existential moment in the New York kava and kratom scene, but the saga has gone largely unnoticed by the wider public. This may be because it’s a small-ish market to begin with, a blip compared to the unlicensed cannabis market that has taken over the city’s retail landscape and baffled the city, state, and law enforcement officials tasked with regulating it. The client base for kava and kratom bars also includes a lot of recovering addicts, who are both used to being overlooked and perhaps would prefer to avoid any extra attention. (“I would say a good 60 to 65 of our customers are sober,” McSmith says.)
Craig, one of the regulars I met at Here & Now, said he started taking kava pills in 2010 after returning from Iraq, where he worked as a reporter for human rights organizations. “I was all kinds of messed up. I couldn’t sleep,” he says. He started using kratom early last year, when he walked by a kava bar. “I was like, this is the answer,” he says. Kava bars have since become a central part of his recovery, he says. “A lot of people here have helped me out. Staying on a couch, taking a shower,” he says of Here & Now. “I come here everyday, and I know all of these people.”
Kava, which is derived from the roots of the kava shrub, has for centuries had ceremonial and medicinal uses in the Pacific Islands, and those who use it find it calming and mood-enhancing without the judgment-impairing effects of alcohol. Many kava bars also sell kratom, which is made from the dried leaves of the kratom tree, an evergreen found in Southeast Asia. It’s also sold as a potent extract or pill at stores like Hot Sauce Exotics CBD & Kratom Store in little bottles that fit right alongside 5-Hour Energy drinks and poppers. Depending on the strength of the dose, it can act as a stimulant or a sedative, and it’s marketed here as a treatment for anxiety and addiction. Both are legal in the United States, but Only Kava Has Been Approved by the FDA as a dietary supplement for personal use (the agency says it has “Inadequate Information” on whether kratom poses a risk to consumers).
Together, Kava and Kratom are in a long line of regulatory puzzles the city has tried to solve over the years: CBD, Cannabis, Chefs curing their own charcuterie in-house, bodegas selling synthetic drugs like K2, and Chinatown business owners hanging Roast Duck in their windows. “It’s kind of a unique challenge for regulators to figure out how to tackle this because it is such a gray market industry,” says one lawyer whose clients include companies in the cannabis industry and others regulated by the FDA. She pointed to Tara Flour, which is made from the legumes of the plant of the same name, as an example of a substance that federal and state agencies struggled to regulate. In 2022, Daily Harvest recalled a product made with Tara Flour — a new ingredient in the US market — as the FDA and Center for Disease Control investigated reports of serious stomach pain from those who had consumed it. 500 people became ill, and 39 of them had their gallbladders removed. This May, two years after the initial recall, the FDA finally banned its use in food. Those in the kava and kratom industry have similarly seen uneven enforcement: federal regulators tend to go after the producers, while local agencies try to shut down sellers like Here & Now. And enforcement is uneven across the country; in Hawaii, where kava is Known as ‘Awa’ and is part of the native culture, the state’s Department of Health distinguishes between the way Hawaiians have consumed it for centuries, in beverage form, and the concentrated extracts that the health studies were based on. According to a 2023 World Health Organization report, there “are very few published adverse health effects arising from the traditional consumption” in the South Pacific. This is the method Here & Now says it is using.
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Tobly McSmith behind the bar at Here & Now. Photo: Here & Now/Co-Owner Tobly McSmith
When McSmith’s bar was first hit with violations for selling kava last July, a health inspector made him dump all of the bar’s product — around $1,500 worth, McSmith says. It’s a sum that KavaSutra, a chain with several stores, could eat, but Here & Now, a smaller operation, couldn’t. In addition to dumping the product, McSmith had to promise not to sell kava and kratom and take down the menus.
The cease-and-desist order came the following month, and McSmith had a hearing in November. The judge ruled in the bar’s favor, dismissing the violations because of failure “to establish that kava or kratom is an adulterant, that when added to water, is poisonous, injurious to health, or unsafe.” The charges were also dismissed in a second hearing and in a December trial before an administrative law judge. None of this seemed to matter: the city wouldn’t renew Here & Now’s food service establishment permit and had issued a petition to revoke it. When reached about the kava bar shutdowns, a representative for the Health Department responded that New York health codes “prohibit” adding kava to food because of “significant” health risks: “We are requiring restaurants serving food containing kava or kratom to stop. And, if they refuse, we are requiring them to close.”
These substances can be dangerous, is the thing. In 2002, the FDA issued an advisory warning consumers that dietary supplements containing kava might be “associated with severe liver injury,” based on studies that measured the effects of highly-concentrated extracts, and in 2020, it published a memorandum concluding that kava is not generally recognized as safe. There have been dozens of lawsuits filed over kratom products, and one Washington family was awarded $2.5 million dollars in the wrongful death lawsuit of Patrick Coyne, who had been taking Kratom Divine’s Maeng Da strain to treat chronic back pain. Unlike Kava, Kratom is also found to mimic the effect of “scheduled opioid drugs,” according to the FDA. In a Tampa Bay Times analysis of 20 kratom products, researcher Abhisheak Sharma compared one of the tablets, 7ΩHMZ, to “legal morphine,” and a one-ounce bottle of another extract contained nine times the amount of mitragynine (an alkaloid in kratom that functions like opioids) that Sharma considers safe to consume in a day. And while kratom has been adopted by some as a tool for opioid recovery, some treatment groups think it’s detrimental to that process, and even potentially addictive.
But kava and kratom’s boosters make the same arguments as other harm reductionists: They’re just as invested in safety as the city. Shuttering legitimate businesses will only reward shady manufacturers. “Let’s regulate this. Let’s not sell extracts. Let’s have good sourcing. Let’s let customers know what the effects are,” McSmith says. “We’re all pro-regulation because it should be regulated. We don’t want people to get sick.” He says that Here & Now doesn’t sell extracts for this reason, and no other kava and kratom than what they brew in-house. Bartenders go through up to 20 hours of training, depending on their experience with kavatending, and McSmith says he’s careful about sourcing from reputable businesses. One night at Here & Now, he pulled out his phone to show me a photo of what he’d seen at a CBD shop. “Look at these kratom extracts,” he said. “No label, no real education about what you’re drinking, very high dosing, very dangerous.”
For now, McSmith is waiting for a sign that his legal limbo will end. The cafe’s permit expired in December, and he was told he had to wait to renew it until after the closure order was lifted. Then in February, after a judge recommended lifting that closure order, the permit renewal was still denied. His appeal was denied, too, in early May. This week, one of the bar’s regulars launched a GoFundMe to cover costs for the business’s “next legal step.” “We are closed by the city, no longer have a permit, and have until August to try and raise funds through donations and decide to challenge the arbitrary and capricious determination made by the city in state court under an Article 78 proceeding,” McSmith says. Health Department inspectors have been back twice, and cops paid the bar a visit as well.
Here & Now is still in business, kind of. The door is papered over, and curtains are drawn over the front doors. “It’s our community coming through to support us, for sure,” McSmith says. There are enough regulars to stay afloat, but it’s unclear how long this can last. For now, it seems unlikely that the city will come around to kava. Going back to court for the fourth time seems inevitable, he says: “They really try to drown you in paperwork and fines and lawyer time until you just give up.”
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edrxonline1 · 3 months
Medical Treatments for Premature Ejaculation: What Works
Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual dysfunction affecting many men worldwide. It’s characterized by ejaculation that occurs sooner than desired, either before or shortly after penetration, causing distress to one or both partners. Understanding and finding the right premature ejaculation treatment can significantly improve sexual satisfaction and overall well-being.
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Behavioral Techniques: The First Line of Premature Ejaculation Treatment
Behavioral techniques often serve as the first line of premature ejaculation treatment. Methods such as the "stop-start" technique and the "squeeze" technique can help men gain better control over ejaculation. The stop-start technique involves stimulating the penis until ejaculation feels imminent, then stopping until the sensation subsides before starting again. The squeeze technique, on the other hand, involves squeezing the base of the penis when ejaculation feels imminent, reducing the urge. These techniques require practice but can be effective over time.
Topical Treatments: Local Solutions for Premature Ejaculation Treatment
Topical anesthetics are another popular premature ejaculation treatment. These products, available as creams or sprays, contain numbing agents like lidocaine or prilocaine. By applying them to the penis before intercourse, they reduce sensation and help delay ejaculation. It's essential to follow the instructions to avoid overuse, which can lead to numbness in both partners. When used correctly, topical treatments can provide a convenient and effective solution.
Oral Medications: A Pill-Based Premature Ejaculation Treatment
Oral medications have also proven effective for many men seeking premature ejaculation treatment. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), commonly used as antidepressants, are frequently prescribed off-label for PE. Drugs like paroxetine, sertraline, and fluoxetine can increase serotonin levels in the brain, leading to delayed ejaculation. Another option is the drug dapoxetine, specifically approved for treating PE. These medications require a prescription and should be taken under a doctor’s supervision due to potential side effects.
Psychological Therapy: Addressing the Mental Aspect of Premature Ejaculation Treatment
Psychological therapy plays a crucial role in premature ejaculation treatment, especially when anxiety or emotional issues contribute to the condition. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) helps men identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors related to sexual performance. Sex therapy, often involving both partners, can also address relationship dynamics and improve communication. Combining psychological therapy with other treatments can enhance effectiveness and provide long-term benefits.
Lifestyle Changes: Supporting Premature Ejaculation Treatment
Lifestyle changes can significantly support other forms of premature ejaculation treatment. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and adequate sleep improve overall health and can positively impact sexual function. Reducing stress through activities like yoga or meditation can also help manage performance anxiety, a common contributor to PE. Avoiding alcohol, smoking, and recreational drugs is crucial, as these can exacerbate premature ejaculation.
Alternative Treatments: Exploring Other Options for Premature Ejaculation Treatment
Some men turn to alternative treatments for premature ejaculation, such as acupuncture or herbal supplements. While scientific evidence supporting these methods is limited, some individuals report benefits. For instance, herbs like ginseng, maca root, and kava have been traditionally used to enhance sexual performance. Consulting with a healthcare provider before trying alternative treatments ensures they’re safe and won’t interact with other medications.
Combining Treatments: A Holistic Approach to Premature Ejaculation Treatment
Combining different premature ejaculation treatments often yields the best results. For example, using behavioral techniques alongside topical anesthetics or oral medications can enhance effectiveness. Incorporating psychological therapy with lifestyle changes and medical treatments addresses both physical and mental aspects of PE. A holistic approach ensures that all contributing factors are managed, leading to more successful outcomes.
Seeking Professional Help: The Importance of a Personalized Premature Ejaculation Treatment Plan
Seeking professional help is vital in finding the most effective premature ejaculation treatment. A healthcare provider can diagnose the underlying causes of PE and recommend a personalized treatment plan. Regular follow-ups allow for adjustments to the treatment strategy, ensuring it remains effective. Open communication with a healthcare provider fosters a supportive environment where men can address concerns and track progress.
Conclusion: Taking Control with Premature Ejaculation Treatment
In conclusion, premature ejaculation treatment encompasses a range of options from behavioral techniques and topical treatments to oral medications and psychological therapy. Lifestyle changes and alternative treatments can also play supportive roles. Combining various treatments and seeking professional help ensures a comprehensive approach, addressing both the physical and psychological aspects of premature ejaculation. By exploring these options and finding what works best, men can regain control over their sexual health and enhance their overall quality of life.
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nhvita · 2 years
How can I remove stress quickly with the help of natural herbs? (must include Ashwagandha and Ginseng)
An herb is a plant or plant component utilized for its smell, taste, or medicinal characteristics. Herbal medications are one sort of dietary supplement. They are available in the form of pills, capsules, powders, teas, extracts, and fresh or dried plants. People utilize herbal remedies to attempt to maintain or enhance their health.
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Natural herbs are plants that are used for medicinal purposes. They are often used to treat a variety of ailments, including digestive issues, skin conditions, and even mental health issues. Herbs can be taken in many forms, including teas, tinctures, capsules, and topical applications.
What causes anxiety?
Genetics, brain chemistry, personality, and life experiences can all contribute to anxiety. Anxiety can be triggered by stressful life events such as a death in the family, a big life change, or a traumatic experience. Anxiety can be increased by other factors such as a lack of sleep, a poor diet, or substance abuse. Anxiety is unpleasant, but it can be managed. Therapy helps many people who suffer from anxiety. Some people benefit from drugs, while others profit from natural remedies.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety is caused by genes as well as environmental factors such as trauma, early stress, or a pattern of unpleasant or stressful life experiences. A family history of mental health issues or anxiety may also be present. Natural herbs can aid with stress relief in a variety of ways. Herbs including chamomile, lavender, and passionflower offer relaxing and sedative properties that can aid with anxiety and stress relief. Other herbs, such as ashwagandha, holy basil, and ginseng, can help to lower cortisol levels, the stress hormone. Lemon balm, St. John's wort, and kava are herbs that can help boost mood and lessen symptoms of despair and anxiety. Finally, herbs like ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon can assist to reduce inflammation, which in turn can help to lower stress levels.
How might herbs assist with anxiety?
Many individuals use herbs to treat mild to severe mental health disorders such as anxiety to avoid the undesirable and bad side effects of medicines. Herbal medicine is a sort of complementary and alternative medicine that use medicinal herbs to promote overall health or to treat specific ailments.
•          Herbs including chamomile, lavender, and valerian can help decrease tension and anxiety.
•          Herbs such as ashwagandha, holy basil, and ginseng can help to reduce cortisol levels, which is a hormone associated with stress.
•          Herbs such as lemon balm, passionflower, and kava can help to reduce tension and promote relaxation.
•          Herbs such as skullcap, St. John's wort, and magnolia bark can help to reduce symptoms of depression, which can be a result of stress.
•           Herbs such as ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon can help to reduce inflammation, which can be a result of stress.
Health benefits of using natural herbs
•          Improved Digestion- Natural herbs can help improve digestion by stimulating the production of digestive juices and enzymes. This can help break down food more efficiently, allowing your body to absorb more nutrients.
•           Reduced Inflammation- Natural herbs contain powerful anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce inflammation in the body. This can help reduce pain and swelling associated with chronic conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia.
•          Improved Immunity- Natural herbs can help boost the immune system by providing essential vitamins and minerals. This can aid your body's ability to fight infections and diseases more effectively.
•           Improved Mental Health-Natural herbs can help improve mental health by reducing stress and anxiety. Herbs like lavender, chamomile, and lemon balm can help reduce stress and improve mood.
•           Improved Skin Health- Natural herbs can help improve skin health by providing essential vitamins and minerals. Herbs like aloe vera, chamomile, and calendula can help reduce inflammation and improve skin tone.
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Top 5 natural herbs for anxiety relief
Ashwagandha-It is an adaptogenic herb that has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to help reduce stress and anxiety. It works by helping to balance the body's stress response, which can help to reduce the physical and mental symptoms of stress. It also helps to improve mood, reduce fatigue, and improve sleep quality. Additionally, Ashwagandha anti-stress has been shown to help reduce cortisol levels, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety.
Ginseng -It is an herbal remedy that has been used for centuries to help reduce stress and anxiety. It is believed to work by increasing the body's production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood. Ginseng is also thought to help reduce cortisol levels, which are hormones that are released in response to stress. Additionally, ginseng may help improve concentration and focus, which can help reduce stress levels.
Chamomile-It is a natural herb that has been used for centuries to help reduce stress and anxiety. It has a calming effect on the body and mind and can help to reduce tension and promote relaxation. Chamomile tea is a popular way to consume the herb, and it can be used to help reduce stress and anxiety. Chamomile can also be used in aromatherapy, as its scent is known to be calming and soothing.
Lavender - this herb has been used for centuries to reduce stress and anxiety. It has a calming effect on the body and mind and can help to reduce tension, irritability, and insomnia. Lavender can be used in a variety of ways to reduce stress, including aromatherapy, massage, and baths. The scent of lavender is known to be calming and soothing and can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Basil- It is known to have calming and soothing effects on the body and mind. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety by calming the nervous system and promoting relaxation. Basil is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce physical tension and stress. Additionally, the aroma of basil can help to reduce stress and anxiety, as it has been found to have a calming effect on the mind.
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bananapapa · 2 years
Renee passnow crack 2017
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However, not everyone with HIV will go on to develop AIDS. Hiv disease for the last 3 years and had pain hard to eat and cough are nightmares,especially the first year At this stage, the immune system is severely weakened, and the risk of contracting opportunistic infections is much greater. They are not abusing these medicines to obtain a "high", they are doing it to increase their focus and memory so they can ace their tests.Īn additional family members of drugs made use of to improve emphasis and memory are nootropics. Throughout demanding times in university, such as last tests and SAT screening, it is not unusual for pupils who have these drugs recommended by a doctor to take even more compared to the required dose or sell these medicines to pupils who do not have a prescribed. Researches have actually revealed that these medicines can help to boost their focus, concentration, and memory. There are also medicines out there there that could enhance your mind feature. If something as straightforward as a natural herb or a pill and even certain foods can improve brain function, why not try? If you perform any kind of medication, there could possibly be drug interactions. It is not essential to have a physician's prescription for lots of nootropics, it is vital to advise your doctor as to which type you prepare to take. There are lots of nootropics on the marketplace. It is stated to be the closest point to Adderall. It has been shown to hone focus, enhance memory, boost focus, improvement electricity, and enhance psychological efficiency. Nootropics are quantity the toxicologically most safe substances created. Several of these can be acquired legitimately without a prescription. One more family of medicines made use of to raise focus and memory are nootropics. They are not abusing these medicines to get a "higher", they are doing it to enhance their focus and memory so they can ace their tests. Researches have actually shown that these medicines can help to boost their concentration, concentration, and memory. There are likewise drugs out there there that could boost your mind feature. It could additionally assist more youthful people improve memory capabilities and focus. Fish can lower the rate of amnesia when maturing. Fish is taken into consideration a "mind food". These studies have actually shown that vitamin C, E, B-6, B-9, and B-12 could be made use of to provide security for establishing Alzheimer's illness. There have actually been researches done that show that there are some supplements that can aid the growing old brain. Also though they are natural herbs, they could have counteracting impacts if you perform any medicines. These natural herbs are marketed over the counter, it is still important to go over with your doctor what herbs you intend to take. If taking medicines is except you, going the herbal route could be a great concept. They improve the degree of the brain's chemicals that aid with mood and motivation. John's wort have actually been known to reduce signs of misery. Gotu kila, ginkgo biloba, and bacopa are made use of to improve memory and focus period. Kava Kave, chamomille, interest flower, and valerian are used to aid with anxiety and uneasyness. There are a lot of natural herbs on the market that are understood to boost brain function. If you locate that it is difficult to focus, if you can't appear to keep in mind points and also you used to, or you really feel no inspiration whatsoever to obtain anything done, there are some points you can do to boost brain feature and deal with these troubles.
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spelledcoffee · 2 years
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via Giphy https://ift.tt/lfCTJsr
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latefrequencies · 4 years
in theory i could have developed a drinking habit back when going to concerts was a thing because almost every single concert venue i ever went to served alcohol but i Did Not for the sole reason that i dislike spending money and was good at smuggling my own intoxicants into the venue for free
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The best supplements for sleep problems for the people!
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Every animal is designed to work and rest equally! The humans are no exception to this policy. There is no doubt in the fact that without proper rest, a body will degrade in a small period only. Of course, sleeping is one of the best ways of resting. Unfortunately, people nowadays cannot even get the necessary 8 hours to sleep.
There can be many underlying causes for the same. And it is one of the significant reasons why finding the perfect solution to it is also necessary. Few things can help like none other. And these are natural in the best way.
The Kava Kava capsules:
The Kava is a plant that is evergreen and tropical. It is found with leaves that have the shape of heart. There is no doubt in the fact that finding Kava everywhere in the world is not easy. If people want to know where to find kava kava supplements, then they can try the best online sites for the same.
The best sites help where they can find supplements without any problem. It is a feasible and genuine option for them. The supplements will help them fight depression, stress, and at the same time, sleep problems.
The whey protein:
The all in one whey protein is one of the best supplements to have a peaceful sleep. Many people suffer from blood pressure problems that cause hindrance in their sleep. The whey protein helps take care of the sleep problems easily. After all, this helps fight the unnatural blood pressure in the body.
The 5 htp pills:
These pills are the best that people can get their hands on. There is no doubt in the fact that the 5 htp pills help with a peaceful sleep and rest to the body. They also help fight depression and stress at the same time.
Good sites like http://vitasave.ca/ always have necessary supplements for people. One can expect to get through with a great variety from the site. It will help them lead a healthy life.
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tired-sunwitch · 5 years
Herbs/spices A-z
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Anise - wards evil, happiness, divination, protection. Treats cough and cold, helps headaches and hangovers. (avoid with slow blood clotting meds)
Agrimony (churches steeple, cocklebur, holly rope, st. john herb) - protection, banishment. Aids sleep and diarrhea. (don’t take if diabetic, or pregnant/breastfeeding)
Alfalfa - prosperity, money, fortunes, sun. Energy booster, laxative, cleanser, prevents cholesterol absorption. (avoid with slow blood clotting meds, immune system suppressants, or on birth control pills)
Ashwagandha ( Withania, poison gooseberry, winterberry) - adaptogen, treats fatigue, helps with memory and mental clarity, mild sedative, somnifera (soporific) (don’t take if diabetic or if pregnant/breastfeeding)
Astragalus (Huang Qi) - banishments. aids fatigue, anti-inflammatory
Basil (st. john wort) - dispells confusion, love, projection, wishes, luck, success, protection, banishment, fidelity, trust, money, trust, deception, clarity. Calms, relieves pain, fatigue, improves clarity, eases a headache, antibacterial, aids bug bites
Bay - divination, purification, protection, vision, wisdom, strength. Eases indigestion, coughs, colds, and fever (don’t take with narcotics or sedatives)
Bladderwrack (fucus vesiculosus, black tang, cudweed, rockwork,) protection, sea, and wind, travel, money. Aids arthritis, joint pain, digestive disorders, heartburn and anxiety (external use only)
Boneset (eupatorium perfollatum) - protection, exorcism, treats cold, cough and constipation. (don’t use if pregnant/breastfeeding, severe diarrhea w long term use)
Black peppercorn - exorcism, protection, curses. Anti-inflammatory, heals ulcers, arthritis
Borage (starflower, Bannon, bugloss, bee bread, ox tongue, cool tankard) - power, courage. Treats colds and bronchitis (don’t take if pregnant/breastfeeding, seizures, don’t give to children)
Broom (genistein, lupine gorse, laburnum, blood from a head) - protection, money, purification, wind, divination,. Diuretic, cathartic (top only, poisonous in large amounts, vomiting, lowers blood pressure, extreme upset stomach)
Buchu (agathosma betulin, bookoo, diosma) - prophetic dreams. Diuretic, antiseptic, antiinflammatory (don’t take if pregnant/breastfeeding, stomachache, hepatoxic)
Catnip (Nepeta Cataria) - love, luck, optimism, quarrels, mind control. Reduces stress, aids mood and sleep, soothes teething, colic, diarrhea, and anxiety. (causes drowsiness, don’t take with lithium/sedatives)
Chives (Kudda, Nira, Allium Schoehpprasum) - love, protection, divination, hex breaking. Reduces blood pressure, vitamin A K B-complex, copper, zinc, calcium, aids digestion (Poisonous to dogs)
Chickory (blue dandelion, succory) - grounding, health, protection, vitality. Therapeutic, aids digestion
Comfrey (Symphytum, ass’s ear, soapwort) - money, safe travel, stability, endurence, protection. (poisonous and toxic - liver and kidney failure, cancer, can be absorbed through the skin, don’t give to children)
Calamus (dragons blood, sweet edge, sweet flag) luck, healing, money, protection. (external use only, poisonous in large amounts - hallucinations, vomiting, nausea)
Caraway (meridian fennel, Persian cumin) - luck, blessings, courage, love, protection, lust, health.
Cardamon - clarity, concentration, confidence, courage, lust, love. Relieves pain, uplifts mood, improves digestion, mental clarity, and memory
Calamintha - healing, optimism, High in methanal, treats contusions and bruising, depression, and grief
Cilantro - money, healing, love. Folates, vitamin c, a k, b6, antiseptic, antispasmodic
Cinnamon (winter wood) - protection, money, lust, wealth, prosperity, healing, strength. relieves pain, uplifts mood, relieves fatigue, natural disinfectant, improves digestion and appetite, Bark: soothes sore throat and cough, antiinflammatory, (avoid taking with antibiotic meds)
Clove - protection, exorcism, love, money, purity, business, relieves digestion, pain, uplifts mood, improves clarity, helps bronchitis (don’t take with slow blood clotting meds, liver changing meds, anticoagulants)
Coriander - health, healing. relives pain, fatigue, improves digestion and mental clarity, reduces nausea
Deer Tongue (Dichanthelium Cladestinum) - luck, love, psychics, legal matters
dutchman's breeches - love
Devils bit (succisa pratensis) - Exorcisms, love, protection, lust. Diaphoretic, demulcent, febrifuge, properties, aids cough and fever
Dill - protection, fortune, lust, love money. Vitamine c, a, aids insomnia, hiccups, diarrhea, mental problems, boosts immunity, anti-inflammatory, aids arthritis, increases apatite
Dittany of crete - spirit work, divination,, astral projection
Dock - healing, fertility, money, laxative, astringent (poisonous to chickens, horses, and cattle)
Dodder (Cuscuta) - love, divination, knot magic
Elecampane (inula helenium, horse heal, elf dock) - love, protection, divination, clairvoyance, kills worms in the stomach (don’t take in large amounts, if pregnant/breastfeeding, diabetic, or allergic to ragweed.)
Epazote (Mexican tea, dysphonia, ambrioids, wormwood, Jesuits tea, payau mastruz, herba Sancta maria) -health, protection, aids digestion and flatulence
Feverfew - protection, prevents migraines and headaches, arthritis, fever, muscle pain/tension, lowers blood pressure, increases apatite (don’t take if pregnant/breastfeeding)
Frankincense - protection, courage, luck, spirit work, exorcisms. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, improves digestion, expectorant, sedative
Galangal - protection, lust, health, money, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, pyroxene, vitamin c, iron, potassium, heart-healthy, aids cough and cold and sore throat ( don’t take if pregnant/breastfeeding)
Gotu kola (centella asiatica, astatic, pennywort, herb of longevity, Brahmi, tiger herb) - stamina, health, calming, focus
Ginger - bitterness, love, money, success, power, treats cramps, nausea, flu treatment, diarrhea, and fever (avoid with slow clotting meds)
Goldenseal (eye root, orange root, yellow puccoon) - healing, money, divination, anti-viral, anti-biotic, aids digestion, eases cold and fever, minor cuts/bruises, congestion (don’t take with liver meds, are pregnant/breastfeeding, or have high blood pressure)
Horehound (bull blood, the seed of Horus, marrubium Vulgare) - protection, mental powers, exorcisms, antiseptic, expectorant, vermifuge, aids nausea and vomiting
Horsetail (equisetum) - Fertility, charming
Hounds tongue (beggars lice, dog tongue, rat and mice, Cynoglossum officinale) - curses, surprises, healing
Hyssopus officinalis - purification, protection, divination, astral projection, soothes cold and fever, sore throats, asthma, rheumatism, indigestion, expectorant
Kava Kava - visions, protection luck (fatigue, deep depression, don’t take pregnant/breastfeeding)
Licorice - love, lust, natural sweetener, aid menstrual cramps, boosts the immune system, relieve pain/stress, prevents heart disease.
Majoram - healing, protection
Meadowsweet (meadwort, queen of the prairies, filipendula ulmaria, bride of the meadow, queen of the meadow) - love, peace, divination, happiness, aids rheumatism, soothes stomach and acid reflux, astringent, antibacterial anti-inflammatory (don’t take with warfarin)
Mint (Mentha Piperita) - strength, arguments, virtue, vision, money, luck, love, exorcism, travel, protection, aids anxiety, colic, flatulence, indigestion, IBS
Mistletoe (devils fuge) - difficulties, fertility, health, protection
Morning glory - affection, happiness, peace
Mullein (Verbascum thapsus, clot, hag taper) - courage, protection, health, love, divination, exorcism, aids cough, earache, sore throat, analgesic, antibacterial, relieves asthma, burns, insect bites, and diahrea.
Mustard - health, fae magic, fertility, protection
Myrrh - protection, wards, banishments, love, death, weddings, luck, money
Myrtle (murtus) - love, death, weddings, luck, money, youth, fertility, peace, meditation, uplifts mood, anti-inflammatory, aids in healing skin
Paprika - heat, fire
Parsley - festivity, protection, death, bad luck, helps with anemia, diuretic, fatigue, (don’t take with slow clotting meds)
Patchouli - invisibility, fertility, lust, money
Peppercorn - protection, banishments, courage, love, relieve nausea, anxiety, indigestion, IBS, colic, diarrhea, cough and cold, anti-inflammatory (avoid if you have acid reflux disease, take cyclosporine, or liver meds)
Ramson (allium ursinum, bear paw, eagle) - festivals, creativity, health, antibiotic, antiseptic, reduces blood pressure, heart attacks, and stroke
Rosemary -beauty, feminity, empowerment, protection, love, lust, willpower, memory, nightmares, cloud vision, curses, improves focus, and memory, blood pressure, circulation, antiseptic, antidepressant, eases indigestion
Saffron - warnings, mirth, love, healing, wind magic, psychics, strength
sage - cleansing, virtue, immortality, longevity, wisdom, wishes. Aids cold and fever, hot flashes, cramps, rashes, and sore throat
sagebrush - purification, exorcisms
sandlewood- purification, love, protection, wishes, spirituality
sea salt - cleansing, purification, consecration, grounding, protection, sea magic, mermaids
Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum) - protection, exorcism
spearmint - healing, love, energizer, uplifts mood, relieves pain and fatigue, breaks up congestion, improves appetite, soothes itchy skin, anti-inflammatory (wear gloves when dealing with raw spearmint)
sugarcane - love, lust
Tansy - health, longevity
Tarragon - healing, protection, consecration, iron-rich, aids circulation, vitamin c, a, calcium
Tea - fortune, courage, strength
tea tree - relieves pain, natural disinfectant, vapors help with breathing
Thyme - courage, healing, sleep, loyalty, strength, courage, purification, anti-bacterial, antiseptic, eases cough and cold, expectorant, relaxes muscles, uplifts mood, anti-inflammatory, improves digestion and appetite, natural disinfectant (don’t take with slow clotting meds)
Tormentil (potentilla erecta) - protection, love
Tumeric - purification, strength, anti-inflammatory, reduces cholesterol (don’t take with slow clotting meds)
Urva Ursa (ursi) - psychic increase, earth, grounding
vervain (enchanters plant, verbena, yerba de Santa ana, cross plant, Juno’s tears, pidgeon grass/weed, herb of grace) - enchantment, bindings, blessings, peace, fortune, youth, fear, nightmares, curses, wisdom, sleep, banishments, love eases tension and stress (Poisonous in large amounts)
Witch hazel (hamamelis) - protection, clarity, aids acne, cuts and bruises, insect bites, minor burns/sunburns, colitic, antiseptic
Wood aven (geum urbanum) - earth, grounding, meditation, astral projection
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