#Katy Byrne
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hoziercriespower · 6 months ago
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Hozier - From Eden (Behind the scenes)
❝ We didn't check that Katie knows how drive. ❞
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desertpups · 1 year ago
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astrokatiemack: Had a wonderful time hosting @hozier and his band mates (@kayrog, @larissamaestro & @ajax_ryan) and tour manager for a visit to @perimeterinstitute yesterday! We talked black holes and dark matter, quantum gravity and the Einstein Field Equations. It was a rare pleasure to have the chance to share my passion for physics with someone whose work is so meaningful to me! Thank you @hozier for stopping by and thank you @perimeterinstitute for being such a wonderful place to work and to bring visitors!
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arabellachant · 1 year ago
Home is where the heart is...
but God I love the Irish
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tiodolma · 2 years ago
Okay but Today I Just Learned that Katie Mcgrath was the lady in Hozier’s “From Eden”
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I was obsessed with this song and Hozier one year before I even thought about watching BBC Adventures of Merlin jfc.
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And now i’m a big fan of BBC Morgana and Katie Mcgrath
I was already so impressed with Hozier and Her both hailing from County Wicklow in Ireland.
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And I never realized that they were already in something together
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(Also did u know that jackqtd’s merlin x morgana fanfic called “Prison Around Our Wrists” was based on this song????
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fern-parallels · 3 months ago
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lessirussolvr · 1 year ago
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dare-g · 2 years ago
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The Guatemalan Handshake (2006)
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kkecreads · 2 years ago
Deadlock by James Byrne
Published: August 8, 2023 Minotaur Books Genre: Assassination Thrillers Pages: 359 KKECReads Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I received a copy of this book for free, and I leave my review voluntarily. James Byrne lives and writes in one of the coolest cities on Earth: Portland, Oregon. Under various names, he has published nine other novels in the realm of thrillers and mysteries. Desmond Aloysius…
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sunshine-theseus · 1 year ago
Apple and Chocolate Muffins | Katie McCabe x Reader
Words: 1.9k Summary: owning a café apparently brings you the girl of your dreams Warnings: fluff
Having your own little book café on a corner of a small street in St Albans, London, brings you things you’d never expect.
I’d first bought the place from an older lady, Ms Nelson, who sold antiques. She’d decided she wanted to spend whatever time she had left travelling. She tried to simply give it to me, but I couldn’t accept and ended up paying her half of what was listed.
She likes to send me post cards whenever she’s about to leave a place. I put the most recent on display on the counter and the rest go in an antique memento box she gifted me before she left.
Ms Nelson also introduced me to my best friend Juniper, one of her old workers who helps run the place now.
“3 years here and you still refuse to tell me what your special recipe is. Whyyy?” Juniper’s favourite item, was my special apple and chocolate muffins. It was an item I refused to take off no matter how many times we changed the menu.
“They wouldn’t be a secret then would they June?”
“But I’m your best friend. And I need these in my life daily.”
“I literally make an extra 3, every night, just for you.”
The ringing of the bell on the door stops her from retaliating, and I approach the counter while June finally makes an order for Mr Byrne, one of our regulars.
“Welcome to the Inkwell Café! What can I get you?” I look at the customer, but my breath gets caught in my throat.
It’s like the Gods just sent down and angel to derail my day. Her eyes were a greyish blue and her skin was sun kissed, freckles scattering her cheeks. And her arms… well fuck me.
“Hello?” I hadn’t even realised I’d stopped paying attention until she waves a hand in front of my face.
“S- sorry could you repeat that?” I let out a nervous chuckle, but she just smiles a magnificent smile.
She starts listing off an order and I momentarily get caught off by her Irish accent, but I manage to take down the 3 different drinks. I’m about to tell her the total when she stops me again.
“Oh! And can I get one of those apple and chocolate muffins? Jonas is going to kill me, but I hear they’re worth it.” I give her a confused look.
“My friend Steph, she comes here once a month as a treat and raves about it at training.” Training?
“Oh! Well, here’s an extra one for her! For free of course. What’s the name for the order?”
“It will be ready soon.” I flash a smile before going to make the coffees.
June comes out of nowhere.
“Why is Katie fucking McCabe in here?” she whispers into my ear.
“Katie McCabe. One of the best Arsenal players ever? Captain for the Republic of Ireland Women’s National Football team? How do you not know her? I talk about Arsenal all the time. They literally train right down the road.” I stare blankly back at her.
“How did she even find us? You don’t casually find this café on your way to work.”
“She said her friend Steph comes here, told her about it.”
“Steph Cately!? I’ve never seen Steph Cately walk through those doors.”
“…Who? And you do tend to not pay attention.” Juniper just groans and I finish making the coffees.
“Katie!” as I give her the drinks, her hand brushes against my own. Tingles run up my arm, but I bid her adieu with a small smile and wave.
Katie begins coming in every Tuesday and Friday, and we slowly get to know each other while Juniper freaks out in the corner. Or sometimes Katie liked to just sit and read in a corner for whatever time she had before she left for training. Either way it was nice.
She loved telling me about her younger sister Lauryn who was on her way to joining Katie on their senior national team, and her crazy encounters on the pitch during games. I tell her about how and why I decided to open a book café and retell the stories Ms Nelson sends me. I also desperately try to repress all my feelings for the Irish angel that blessed my shop every week.
I also find out who Steph is. A very nice Australian woman, who does in fact come in once a month for the Apple and Chocolate muffin. I get to know her a bit too, but she usually grabs her muffin and something for her fiancée and leaves.
The first time Katie misses a Tuesday is 4 months after her first visit. I’m disappointed but don’t think much of it until she doesn’t show up on Friday, or either day the week following. That’s when I decide to visit their training ground, obviously dragging June along to do any talking, to see if I can figure out what happened.
I don’t think about how weird it is until Juniper pulls me out of the car in front of their training centre at 9am on Friday after hurriedly closing the café. And a promise for a free coffee to everyone we had to kick out.
“June this was stupid, this is something you do, not me. Why didn’t you talk me out of it.”
“I’m about to meet the whole Arsenal team just because your huge crush failed to come for her regular coffee a few times.”
“But like it is weird she just stopped coming so abruptly, right? Like we were getting along.”
“I mean sure, but you didn’t freak out like this when Mickie stopped coming. And it took us another six months to find out she’d moved to fucking Glasgow.”
“We should leave shouldn’t we.”
I turn around to head back to the car right as we’re about to enter the reception but come face to face with a slightly shorter brunette. One I’ve seen the face of in some recent team photo Katie had shown me, but was otherwise completely unfamiliar.
“Are you trying to get in? The door can be a little tricky sometimes.” How many Australians did they have here?
“Oh no-“
“Yes! We’re friends of Katie; Y/n and Juniper, and we haven’t seen her in a few weeks. We were hoping to catch her.”
“Oh! I think she’s shown us a picture of you actually! She talks about you both quite a bit. I’m Kyra by the way.”
“I know.”
“Nice to meet you.” I talk over Juniper and hold out a hand for Kyra to shake.
“Well, I’m not quite sure why she hasn’t come to see you, but I can bring you back to the locker room, you’ll just need to fill some forms out probably.” She’s already leading us to the front desk before I can deny her offer.
 Not 5 minutes later Kyra is happily dragging us to the locker room, and I can see Juniper skipping next to me, clearly excited.
“Dude you’ve gotta calm down.” I whisper to her.
“More like you need to stop being so uptight. Kyra Cooney-Cross is literally leading us to the whole Arsenal women’s team.”
“McCaaaabe! Someone’s here to see yoouuu.” Kyra calls out as soon as she opens the door.
“It’s not my bloody mum again is it? I swear she decides to come surprise me far too often.”
I peak out from behind Kyra and give a small wave.
“Hiii” I say meekly as Juniper jumps into talking to her favourite players.
“What are you doing here?” Katie gives me a quick hug.
“Well, you kinda stopped showing up and I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.”
“Oh, y- yeah. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. I just, I started getting feelings for you and freaked out and thought that cutting you off would help.”
“Y- you like me?”
“Yeah. Like a lot. I obviously totally understand you don’t like me back.” She lets out a sigh and looks at her boots.
“Shh shoosh shut up.” I place my fingers under her chin and tilt her head up.
It was hard to escape the doom of falling in love with Katie McCabe. Her eyes were the perfect shade of blue, her lips the softest of pinks, her freckles like the stars. She had the kindest of hearts and the most beautiful laugh. A creation made by Aphrodite herself.
“I really like you too.” And her lips are softer than you could imagine as she presses her’s hard against my own.
We’re broken apart by an array of whistles and shouts from Juniper and Katie’s teammates and I hide my flushed face in her neck.
“I can’t believe we finally get to meet the girl Katie hasn’t shut up about for like 4 months.” Alessia Russo, one player I am familiar with, comments from across the room.
“You talk about me?” I poke her in the side.
“Y/n you can’t talk you literally don’t shut up about Katie. ‘Oh my god she’s sooo funny and pretty.’”
“Bro what the fuck? That was a secret you were meant to take to your grave.” Juniper simply shrugs.
“As much as I want to stay and tease you about how much you talk about me, and kiss you, we do unfortunately have training.” Katie pouts as she hugs me.
“Oh! Before I forget. I brought you an apple and chocolate muffin.” I pull the baked good from my bag and hand it to her.
“Fuuuck yees! You are literally the best person ever. I need to know your recipe so bad.”
“Mmmm maybe I could teach you how to make them. Tonight, at the café?”
“I’VE BEEN ASKING FOR THAT RECIPE FOR 3 FUCKING YEARS AND YOU’RE GOING TO JUST HAND IT OVER TO HER?” Juniper’s outburst makes the room erupt in giggles.
“How about for your birthday?” She nods solemnly and begins to say goodbye to the other girls as they begin to head out to the pitch for training.
I turn back to Katie.
“I’ll see you tonight…” She leans up and kisses me one more time.
“Girlfriend.” She leaves before I can reply, and I’m left to giggle as Juniper drives us back to the café, to reluctantly reopen for the rest of the day.
The clock shows 6:13 and I begin to think Katie flaked, but right as I’m packing up the ingredients, the bell rings and in rushes a flushed, panting, Katie McCabe.
“I’m so… sorry! Caitlin could only… drop me… a few blocks away… so I had to… run.” She pants out.
“It’s ok.” I peck her on the cheek and take her coat, then offer her some water which she sculls down.
We spend hours baking and messing around. Mostly kissing.
Another 6 months pass before Katie and I decide to move in together in a small apartment down the street from the café.
She now helps me bake my apple and chocolate muffins once a week, insisting she has to always be in a simple cropped singlet after I had made a comment about how good her arms looked when she mixes the batter.
There was something so domestic about baking together that made it hard not to just scream to the world how much I loved the woman. Instead, I stick to wrapping my arms around her waist and whispering it in her ear, periodically kissing her while she cuts the apples or mixes whatever needs mixing.
I can’t wait to tell Ms Nelson her apple and chocolate muffins brought me the most beautiful girl in the world. She and her wife have been begging for a new post card.
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nboheme · 2 years ago
"The simplest way to look at the law of attraction is if I think of myself as a magnet, and I know that a magnet will attract to it. [...] You become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think about most."
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The Secret: Dare To Dream (2020) dir.: Andy Tennant
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recycledmoviecostumes · 1 year ago
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Alexandra Byrne designed this beautiful gown for the 1998 film Elizabeth, where it was worn by one of Elizabeth’s ladies in waiting.  
In 2000, it was worn in The Royal Diaries: Elizabeth I – Red Rose of the House of Tudor by Susan Sheridan as a character in the novel referred to as Jane the Bald, who in life was likely Jane Foole, the fool who served both Mary and Katherine Parr, and may have been featured in the painting The Family of Henry VIII.  The appearance of the costume in this production is the only time we are able to see the pattern on the blue skirt.
In 2003’s Henry VIII, the costume was seen again by a lady in waiting to Anne Boleyn before finally appearing in 2023’s Love At First Sight on a party guest. 
Costume Credit: Mim, Katie S.
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bbangsoul · 4 months ago
i forgot katie and vicky are basically sisters in law with how close katie is to emma byrne LMAO
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brian-in-finance · 5 months ago
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… to @bcacstuff and her Anon who said
Looks like Cait is on an interesting path in HW not just as member of The Academy of Motion Pictures and actress but also making things work in this industry from BTS.
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Posted: Monday, September 30, 2024
LOS ANGELES, CA – Four individuals and one writing team have been selected as recipients of the 2024 Academy Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting. Each individual and writing team will receive a $35,000 prize and mentorship from an Academy member throughout their fellowship year. They also will participate in a week of virtual seminars, a virtual meet and greet with the Nicholl Fellowships committee, and in-person networking events, including a celebration in Beverly Hills on October 29. The Nicholl Fellowships were established in 1985 through the support of Gee Nicholl in memory of her husband, Don Nicholl.
The 2024 Nicholl Fellows are (listed alphabetically by author):
Alysha Chan and David Zarif (Los Angeles, CA), “Miss Chinatown”
Jackie Yee follows in her mother’s footsteps on her quest to win the Los Angeles Miss Chinatown pageant.
Colton Childs (Waco, TX), “Fake-A-Wish”
Despite their forty-year age gap, and the cancer treatment confining them to their small Texas town, two gay men embark on a road trip to San Francisco to grant themselves the Make-A-Wish they’re too old to receive.
Charmaine Colina (Los Angeles, CA), “Gunslinger Bride”
With a bounty on her head, a young Chinese-American gunslinger poses as a mail order bride to hide from the law and seek revenge for her murdered family.
Ward Kamel (Brooklyn, NY), “If I Die in America”
After the sudden death of his immigrant husband, an American man’s tenuous relationship with his Muslim in-laws reaches a breaking point as he tries to fit into the funeral they’ve arranged in the Middle East. Adapted from the SXSW® Grand Jury-nominated short film of the same name.
H (West Chester, PA), “The Superb Lyrebird & Other Creatures”
A neurodivergent teen who envisions people as animated creatures, battles an entitled rival for a life-changing art scholarship, while her sister unwisely crosses the line to help.
A total of 5,500 scripts, from 80 countries, were submitted for the 2024 competition.
The 2024 finalists are (listed alphabetically by author):
Kelly Beck-Byrnes, “Where the Boxelders Grow”
Tate Hamilton, “Delivery Girl”
Jamie Murphy, “Lights over Idaho”
Adele Smaill, “No Ghosts Tonight”
Justine Suh, “Deep”
The five fellowships are awarded with the understanding that recipients will complete feature-length screenplays during their fellowship year. The Academy acquires no rights to the works of Nicholl fellows and does not involve itself commercially in any way with their completed scripts.
The Academy Nicholl Fellowships Committee is chaired by Julie Lynn (Producers Branch). The members of the committee are Aldis Hodge and Caitríona Balfe (Actors Branch); Julien Thuan (Artist Representatives); Susan Shopmaker and Academy governor Kim Taylor-Coleman (Casting Directors Branch); Andrzej Bartkowiak (Cinematographers Branch); Allison Anders (Directors Branch); Bruce Hendricks and Marcus Hu (Executives Branch); Blaise Noto (Marketing and Public Relations Branch); Jason Michael Berman, Susan Cartsonis, Julia Chasman and Linda Reisman (Producers Branch); Sue Chan (Production Design Branch); Bobbi Banks (Sound Branch); and Destin Daniel Cretton, Susannah Grant, Ehren Kruger, Adele Lim, Justin Marks, Zak Penn and Katie Silberman (Writers Branch).
The global competition, which aims to identify and encourage talented new screenwriters, has awarded 186 fellowships since 1986. In 2024, several past Nicholl fellows added to their feature film and television credits:
Aaron Chung is a staff writer on Apple+’s “WondLa.”
Elizabeth Chomko directed the docuseries “Martin Scorsese Presents: The Saints.”
Eric Nazarian wrote and directed “Die like a Man.”
“Holy Irresistible” is from Andrew Shearer and Nicholas Sherman’s 2007 Nicholl-winning script.
“Interstate” is from Anthony Jaswinski’s 1997 Nicholl-winning script.
Jason Micallef is an executive producer and writer on Disney+’s “The Acolyte.”
R.J. Daniel Hanna wrote and directed two features: “Succubus” and “Hard Miles,” which he co-wrote.
For more information about the Academy Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting, visit oscars.org/nicholl.
Oscars Press
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Brian 29 June 2022
Remember Caitríona’s latest Academy role?
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knightofleo · 11 months ago
Favourite Songs of 2023
abracadabra, Actress, Aïsha Devi, Ali Sethi, Ana Tijoux, ANOHNI and the Johnsons, Aphex Twin, Arthur Russel, Art School Girlfriend, Avalon Emerson, B. Miles, Baby Queen, Baltra, Bayonne, Belén Aguilera, Bendik Giske, Björk, Black to Comm, Blawan, Bleary Eyed, boygenius, Brimheim, Brutalismus 3000, Carly Rae Jepsen, Caroline Polachek, Carmen Villain, Caterina Barbieri, Chelsea Wolfe, Christine and the Queens, Complete Mountain Almanac, Confidence Man,P crushed, Daniela Pes, Decisive Pink, Deradoorian, Dj Karaba, Eartheater, Earth Trax, Feist, Fever Ray, Floating Points, Forest Swords, Gossip, GRETA, Gus Dapperton, Kate NV, Haley Blais, Hania Rani, Hannah Jadagu, Hannes Kretzer, Hayden Pedigo, Helena Deland, Hilary Woods, How To Disappear Completely, How To Dress Well, Ichiko Aoba, James Holden, Jenny Owen Youngs, JFDR, John Roberts, Jonah Yano, Julie Byrne, Justin Walter, Katie Gately, Kelela, Khotin, KISS OF LIFE, Kristin Hersh, Kumo 99, Laura Groves, Laurel Halo, Lawrence English, Loscil, L'Rain, Lucinda Chua, M83, Mandy, Indiana, Mark Barrott, Mary Lattimore, Matthew Herbert, Maya Jane Coles, Metteson, Militarie Gun, Mitski, Model/Actriz, Montañera, Naomi Sharon, Nathan Fake, Nation of Language, Nick León, Nicolas Jaar, Nico Paulo, Nina Kinert, Ólafur Arnalds, Palehound, Pangaea, Parannoul, Park Hye Jin, PJ Harvey, Poppy, Rosalía, Runnner, Ruth Radelet, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Salamanda, Sampha, Searows, Shalom, Shygirl, Sigur Rós, Siv Jakobsen, Skeleten, Slowdive, Sofia Kourtesis, spill tab, Stephen Steinbrink, Sufjan Stevens, Susanne Sundfør, TENGGER, 'T Geruis, Tim Hecker, Tinashe, Tsunaina, Two Shell, Tzusing, Underworld, U.S. Girls, Vanishing Twin, Willow Avalon, Wishy, Yerin Baek, yuné pinku
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panelshowsource · 2 years ago
britcom comedians & panel show personalities who share your sign
AQUARIUS ♒ dara ó briain • frank skinner • glenn moore • guz khan • hugh dennis • lucy porter • maisie adam • mark watson • phil wang • vic reeves
PISCES ♓ aisling bea • alan davies • dave gorman • ed gamble • jenny eclair • katy wix • michael mcintyre • rose matafeo
ARIES ♈ andy parsons • desiree burch • ed byrne • gary delaney • jamali maddix • john kearns • josh widdicombe • josie long • roisin conaty • romesh ranganathan • rory bremner
TAURUS ♉ al murray • alex brooker • catherine tate • greg davies • joe wilkinson • john robins • mae martin • milton jones • morgana robinson • rhys james • rob brydon • sally phillips • sandi toksvig • sean lock • stephen mangan
GEMINI ♊ alan carr • bob mortimer • david baddiel • fern brady • judi love • julian clary • london hughes • mel giedroyc • noel fielding • paul sinha • rich hall • richard ayoade • sara pascoe • sarah millican • shappi khorsandi • sindhu vee • tom allen
CANCER ♋ adam hills • alice levine • david mitchell • katherine ryan • harriet kemsley • ian hislop • jack whitehall • joe lycett • paul merton • peter serafinowicz • phill jupitus • rosie jones
LEO ♌ bridget christie • cariad lloyd • chris ramsey • daisy may cooper • frankie boyle • isy suttie • lee mack • jo brand • nish kumar • victoria coren mitchell
VIRGO ♍ alex horne • dane baptiste • darren harriott • ivo graham • jimmy carr • johnny vegas • lolly adefope • miles jupp • nina conti • stephen fry • sue perkins • tim key
LIBRA ♎ diane morgan • harry hill • jack dee • jon richardson • limmy • nick helm • rhod gilbert • robert webb • tiff stevenson • zoe lyons
SCORPIO ♏ angela barnes • chris addison • elis james • ellie taylor • holly walsh • liza tarbuck • jonathan ross • kerry godliman • kevin bridges • matt forde • mike wozniak • sofie hagen • susan calman
SAGITTARIUS ♐ adam riches • david o'doherty • jessica knappett • larry dean • miranda hart • richard osman • seann walsh • simon amstell • steven k. amos
CAPRICORN ♑ ahir shah • angus deayton • bill bailey • claudia winkleman • james acaster • mark lamarr • paul foot • rob beckett • suzi ruffell
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forest-enchantress · 1 year ago
I make period drama style gifs. If you use gif packs, please like and reblog them. Most of my projects are already ready, but every day I post no more than 190 gifs. Because that was the reason why my previous account was blocked.
I tried to make gif packs in a format more familiar to you with a link to a separate page. However, unfortunately, I did not succeed because of the large format of high-quality gifs.
I want to explain about color processing. Usually, I improve the contrast, brightness and saturation, but leave the naturalness of the film. I don't make the contours too sharp because I like the aesthetic of it looking like a natural image.
Actors in alphabetical order: part 1(A-D), part 2, part 3
The arrangement of names may not be alphabetical
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Anne Hathaway Anya Taylor-Joy Asia Argento Astrid Berges-Frisbey Boran Kuzum Camille Rutherford
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Carla Juri César Domboy Callum Turner Cate Blanchett Charity Wakefield Charlie Rowe Chiara Mastroianni Christian Bale Christoph Waltz
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Dagmara Dominczyk Dan Stevens Ella Purnell Emily Blunt Ezra Miller Raffey Cassidy Rebecca Emilie Sattrup Rose Byrne Roxane Duran
▶Page 4
Frances O'Connor Gemma Arterton Hannah Taylor-Gordon Hattie Morahan Hugh Dancy Isabelle Adjani Jude Law Keira Knightley
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Izzy Meikle-Small James Norton Jane Birkin Joanne Whalley Lucy Boynton Jim Caviezel Monica Keena Nicolas Duvauchelle Sally Hawkins
▶Page 6
Adriana Tarábková Dakota Fanning Elle Fanning Gaia Weiss Gwyneth Paltrow Kirsten Dunst Léa Seydoux Pia Degermark Roxane Mesquida Rosamund Pike Samantha Gates Sophia Myles Nell Tiger Free
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Annabelle Wallis Austin Butler Carey Mulligan Guy Pearce James Frain Katie Parker Kate Siegel Olivia Cooke Rachel Hurd-Wood Soko Sujaya Dasgupta Tom Cruise
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Adèle Exarchopoulos Anna Maxwell Martin Charles Dance Emma Williams Gillian Anderson Ian Somerhalder Imogen Poots Matthew Rhys Natalie Press Nina Dobrev Paul Wesley Tamzin Merchant
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Anna Friel Catherine Mouchet Déborah François Dominic West Frédéric Noaille Joséphine Japy Kevin Kline María Valverde Paz Vega
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Ben Whishaw Clémence Poésy Elliot Grihault Emilia Fox Joseph Morgan Lambert Wilson Michelle Dockery Phoebe Fox Sophie Okonedo Tom Hiddleston Tom Hughes Tom Sturridge
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Calista Flockhart Charlotte Gainsbourg Christina Giannelli David Strathairn Felicity Jones Fu'ad Aït Aattou Greta Scacchi Helena Bonham Carter Holliday Grainger Michelle Pfeiffer Rupert Friend Sophie Marceau
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Angela Bassett Brooke Carter Cillian Murphy Danylo Kolomiiets Katie McGrath Keeley Hawes Maria Bonnevie Marta Gastini Miriam Giovanelli Olivia Hussey Oscar Isaac Peter Plaugborg
▶Page 13
Ben Affleck Ben Barnes Ben Chaplin Bill Skarsgård Iben Akerlie Jakob Oftebro Jo Woodcock Josh Hartnett Lily-Rose Depp Reese Witherspoon Ruth Wilson Samantha Soule Taissa Farmiga Tess Frazer Virginie Ledoyen
▶Page 14
Cary Elwes Colin Firth Daniel Day-Lewis Emilia Verginelli Hannah James Jonah Hauer-King Loli Bahia Lorenzo Balducci Rebecca Hall Robin Wright Rupert Everett Willa Fitzgerald
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Annes Elwy Claire Danes Eliza Scanlen Freddie Fox Hugh Jackman Kathryn Newton Louis Partridge Maya Hawke Romola Garai Samantha Mathis Trini Alvarado Winona Ryder
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Douglas Smith Eric Bana Gizem Karaca Jessica Brown Findlay Kenneth Branagh Kit Harington Millie Brady Natalie Dormer Poppy Delevingne Rachel Weisz Rosy McEwen Sam Claflin
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Aubri Ibrag Christina Hendricks Connie Jenkins-Greig Guy Remmers Henry Cavill Imogen Waterhouse Josie Totah Mia Threapleton Olivia Hallinan
▶Page 18
Alex Fitzalan Emma Connell Essie Davis Fahriye Evcen Justine Waddell Natalia Sánchez Monica Bellucci Penelope Cruz Piper Perabo
▶Page 19
Alicia Vikander Alida Baldari Calabria Christopher Abbott Emma Stone Jasmine Blackborow Kim Rossi Stuart Lili Reinhart Louis Cunningham Margaret Qualley Marine Vacth Mark Ruffalo Mélanie Thierry Ramy Youssef Scarlett Johansson Sydney Sweeney
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Antonia Clarke Cameron Monaghan Daisy Edgar-Jones Domhnall Gleeson Heather Graham Isolda Dychauk Kaitlyn Dever Karen Gillan Laoise Murray Madelaine Petsch Olivia Colman Sophie Turner Vanessa Redgrave
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Claire Foy Claire Holt Clementine Nicholson Emily Mortimer Jennifer Beals Kelly Macdonald Lena Headey Perdita Weeks Ruta Gedmintas Sarah Bolger Sting Tom Holland
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Berrak Tuzunatac Burcu Ozberk Cansu Dere Deniz Cakir Melisa Sozen Merve Bolugur Saadet Aksoy Yasemin Allen
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Alesya Romanova Alina Kovalenko Anastasiya Ostreinova Anna Sagaydachnaya Dorota Delag Konstantin Temlyak Kseniya Mishina Marianna Januszewicz Oleksii Yarovenko Olena Lavrenyuk Taras Tsimbalyuk Veronika Shostak
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Amelia Warner Bruce Robinson Cristiana Capotondi Christiane Filangieri David Rott Francesca Annis Golshifteh Farahani Helen McCrory Maisie Williams Nadia Parkes Pierre Niney Uma Thurman
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To do list:
Christopher Gorham under development (The Other Side of Heaven 2001) Harry Melling - The Pale Blue Eye 2022 Nora Arnezeder - Angélique 2013 Isabella Heathcote - Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Dark Shadows 2012. Beneath Hill 60 2010. Eleanor Worthington-Cox in Gwen (2018) Julie Delpy - La passion Béatrice 1987,  Frankenstein 2004, Trois couleurs: Blanc 1994, The Three Musketeers 1993 Nastassja Kinski - Revolution (1985), Tess 1979 Julia Ormond - Young Catherine 1991, First Knight 1995, Legends of the Fall 1994 Laura Donnelly - Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands, Britannia, Outlander Morena Baccarin in Stargate Isabella Celani - A Room with a View 1985 Neve McIntosh - Gormenghast 2000 Kate Beckinsale - Much Ado About Nothing 1993 Sarah Felberbaum as Maddalena in Medici Rocco Gottlieb - The Book of Vision 2020 Kate Beckinsale - Alice Through the Looking Glass 1998. Stonehearst Asylum 2014. Haunted 1995. Royal Deceit 1994. Love & Friendship 2016. Van Helsing 2004. Pearl Harbor 2001. Michelle Jenner - La catedral del mar 2018, Isabel Aaron Taylor-Johnson - Anna Karenina 2012. Nosferatu 2024. Oskar McNamara
Volker Bohnet — Ludwig 1973 Romy Schneider — Ludwig 1973, Sissi 1955 Helmut Berger — Ludwig 1973
✦Ethan Erickson
Dorian 2003— under development
All of these gifs were made from scratch by me for roleplaying purposes. Feel free to use them as sidebars and reaction gifs. PLEASE DON’T CLAIM THEM AS YOUR OWN.
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