#Kate x Ana Lucia
Hey guys what’s your favorite nightmare polycule
Mines Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Ana-Lucia from lost
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Lost + Reductress Headlines
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simeffable · 7 months
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LOST x The Sims 4: A Project.
UPDATE 12/6/24: This project will now include a save file with a completely customised Sulani. Read more here.
Disclaimer: there is no current end date for this project, as I work 20-30 hours a week and have other responsibilities, but I am hoping it will be available by the end of this year.
The sims I hope to release are as follows (red-complete, green-current WIP, white/black means I haven’t started them yet oops). Any completed items that are not linked will only be available when the entire project is released.
Hurley, Jack, Sawyer, John, Charlie, Jin, Sayid, Desmond, Ben, Richard, Juliet, Kate, Claire, Ana Lucia, Sun, Rose, Bernard, Shannon, Boone, Libby, Eko, Michael, Walt, Penny, Charles (Widmore), Tom Friendly, Keamy, Alex, Rousseau, Miles, Daniel, Charlotte, Horace, Radzinsky, Chang, Jacob, MIB (as himself), Mikhail, Karl.
The items I hope to release are as follows:
• 2x build buy promotional posters (EA aesthetic w/ English and Simlish swatches)
• Dharma Initiative Jumpsuits (linked)
• Jack’s Tattoos (linked)
• Dharma Initiative branded clutter (including cereal boxes, wine bottles, orientation folders, jared and tinned food, Apollo bars)
• The Swan Station mural.
General Progress/Custom Sulani Save File Progress:
30/6/24: WIP The Flame.
7/7/24: 20/39 sims completed.
1/8/24: 22/39 sims completed, The Flame complete, The Pearl WIP.
18/8/24: 26/39 sims completed.
29/8/24: The Pearl complete.
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stripesysheaven · 1 year
listen listen. jack x ana lucia easily could have been a thing. and if they had……..ana lucia……kate…….jack had a thing for lesbians tbh. if you’re wondering why i didn’t include juliet in this, its because she’s bisexual <3
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tboy-boone · 10 months
writing longer ana lucia x kate fic
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luuuna-rambles · 4 years
Lost Rewatch: 2x08 Collision
...Because the writers can’t introduce an interesting female character without killing another one, now can they?
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It was bad enough the first time, jeez!
Wait, why are they letting the officer who is currently in therapy after a shooting in the shooting range?
Wait, so Ana’s captain left the decision as to when she can come back to work up to her therapist, but then the therapist asks ‘What do you think?’. So it’s just... up to her?
It takes two people to take down Sayid. This guy is a machine
Watching Ana Lucia go completely manic after knocking out Sayid is a joy to watch. Damn I love a complex character!
So Ana’s captain says she’s not on patrol, Ana goes ‘then transfer me’ and the captain puts her in a car? Uh, what? Couldn’t she just say no to both?
Oh look, a light fluffy scene amongst all the chaos of Charlie, Hurley and Kate playing golf- And Jack had to ruin it
Ugggghhhhh I hate all the Jate flirting. These two actors have no romantic characters, stop it
Kate asks how Jack knows anything about golf and he goes ‘I’m a doctor’. So? That doesn’t make you omniscient
Guys, stop saying ‘accurate’; you’re making me uncomfortable
I’ve never noticed before, but Eko carrying Sawyer on his back with ease really gives Sayid more credit for holding his own against him, doesn’t it?
Oh look, Ana was friends with a male character and there was no romantic subtext whatsoever! It happens so rarely in this show, that I feel the need to bring it up as a plus
Ana pulling the gun the moment she sees the baby is amazing foreshadowing - “Oh look, there goes Ana Lucia being trigger happy” nope, it’s much more layered than that
Ana’s assertion that Sayid with come after her because she ‘killed someone he loves’ is also a lot more poignant after learning what’s happened to her 
So, how does Kate know golf? She’s been on the run most of her adult life, it doesn’t really lend itself to long hours on the green
Wow, does Eko look terrifying, carrying Sawyer on his back. ‘Where is the doctor?’. I love it
Kate has this weird habit of staring at the injured person, and needing to be told to get something twice before she does. She did it with Boone, now again here. We know she’s upset, we don’t need excessive reaction shots!
It’s funny, Ana asks for new clothes, but when she joins the Losties and has access to new clothes, she literally never changes her outfit
Michelle Rodriguez is killing it this episode. The little moment where she goes to Shannon’s body - not a word is spoken, and yet you can tell everything that’s going through her head
And we cut from this amazing stuff to... Kate running her hands through Sawyer’s hair and whispering in his ear. While Jack watches. mY pReCiOuS
And it only gets worse from here
Eko is also great this episode - this argument with Jack about guns perfectly shows his ideals compared to Jack
You know, of the four Tailies we spend extended time with, two of them are layered, complex, fascinating individuals who’s episodes are amazing
...And three of them are killed off unceremoniously without a proper resolution to their arc, but we’ll get there
Again telling that the second thing Ana asks Sayid is ‘Do you have kids?’
I feel like a broken record at this point, but Ana and Sayid’s scenes alone are amazing - Sayid admitting all the awful things he’s done, Ana saying that she feels ‘dead’ - great stuff
‘I was pregnant’ - three words, and yet they explain everything, while also feeling like a punch to the stomach
You know, I’ve never really cared for Shannon and Sayid’s relationship (from Sayid’s point of view, at least), but the bit when Sayid picks up Shannon’s body and carries her back to camp utterly kills
It almost goes without saying, but Sun and Jin reuniting is wonderful. Look at my babies back together 🥰🥰🥰
Rose and Bernard is almost as good, which is testament to their acting ability, given that both of them has only really been a background characters for the duration of the show, and Bernard has only been in about five episodes
Even Michael seeing Vincent again lifted me up after a very heavy episode
I don’t know who directed Lost, or even this episode, but ending it with the shot of Jack and Ana Lucia facing each other was an inspired choice
Look how far we’ve come
Overall Review:
Ana Lucia Cortex. What an amazing character, am I right? By which I don’t mean she’s a particularly likeable character, she’s not. But I could watch her lunacy for days. I can already tell that she’s gonna be my favourite character this season. She probably would be for all the other seasons, too, if she didn’t get shafted like she did. This episode is a wonderful starting point for her personal growth (what little she’s allowed to have). Almost no scene is out of place, with the obvious exception of the Jate/Skate scenes. But that’s a conversation for next episode
Overall Rating: 9.5/10
I might be giving it too high a rating, but I don’t think so. I could sing this episode’s praises for hours! It’s just a shame the event that had to happen to lead to it
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sweeterthankarma · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Lost Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kate Austen/Ana Lucia Cortez Characters: Kate Austen, Ana Lucia Cortez Additional Tags: Season/Series 02, Flirting Summary:
Kate is sure Ana Lucia can read the shock on her face, clear as day— and she’s encountered polar bears on this tropical island, for god’s sake, but something about the new, broody brunette flirting with her feels like the biggest surprise yet.
Title comes from the song "Mirrors" by PVRIS.
I watched Lost years ago but will forever hold onto the headcanon that Kate is bi. I mean, come on, the flashback in 3x15 was practically proof; there was definitely something there with her and Cassidy. ;)
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nightcoremoon · 2 years
oh my god lost is just jacob’s ladder x the sixth sense x silent hill shattered memories
they were all dead the moment the plane crashed
the others were purgatory. everyone who either died or got off the island were released from their attachments to the living world.
james hadn’t yet killed mister sawyer. kate was going to prison for a war she didn’t commit. jack was drunk on the way to bury the father he never got closure with. locke couldn’t accept being forced into a wheelchair. michael had lingering resentment towards his ex wife. sun and jin were hiding their dirty secrets from each other, her adultery and his technically murder, and only by accepting their partner’s mistakes were they able to stay together until the very end so they could move on together. boone and shannon had their incest and only after releasing the fake attachment they had on each other could they move on. libby and ana lucia probably fit the theory. charlie was just chasing the next high and never got the chance to make up with his brother. sayid committed war crimes and needed to find Nadia, who ben said died so sayid continued continued to do bad things for ben, so even then he could only be allowed to move on by sacrificing his life to save his friends. rose and bernard just wanted to grow old together, free of cancer, maybe with a dog, and vincent was there to be a good boy. claire had a baby to give for adoption, a baby she didn’t want and couldn’t support and didn’t have abortion as an option. hurley had what he truly believed to be his bad luck that caused so much harm to other people. mr eko I could write an entire essay about because holy shit his arc is so good upon first glance and so heartbreaking when you learn what the smoke monster actually wanted. nikki and paolo killed a guy and stole his diamonds and they were forced to remain in purgatory forever, paralyzed, and slowly suffocating in dirt for the rest of eternity. I guess.
everyone else died like bitches BECAUSE they weren’t interesting enough to have a reason not to move on. sorry, steve. “his name’s Scott, dude, Steve’s been dead for weeks” oh whatever
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simptasia · 6 years
🔥 torchwood, lost & detroit become human??
torchwood: i don’t think its that bad. the way the bi rep was handled is kinda wonky because… 2006 but like, overall its a good show. series 2 especially
also i love gwen. i dunno how much gwen hate still exists now but yeah
the finale was great, fantastic, beautiful, A+++
the characters matter more than the ~mysteries~
i like/love jack, kate, ana lucia, michael, charlotte, shannon (heck, insert any female character name here because they’ve all gotten ragged on)
jacob is a bad person
i don’t think kate & sawyer work as romantic partners, i just like them as friends. i approve of several ships in the love square but thats one i’m ehhh about, and i know its very popular
i like sayid/shannon. nay, i love sayid/shannon
but overall im happy the modern lost fandom is fulla queer feminists because from what i’ve seen, the old lost fandom (2004 to 2010) was… not as pleasant
detroit become human
oh gosh this is gonna be bad (i have friends who hate this game)
i wanna make it clear ahead of time that i absolutely am aware of the flaws in this game and i’ve even spent a lot of time discussing them with my friends.nobody can diss dbh better than a dbh fan, believe me. i can be aware of something’s flaws and still like something (anybody whose followed me for lost knows i’ve dissed the flaws in lost loads of times. i still love it!) 
also the dude who wrote/directed this game is an asshole, an idiot, a sexist and a bunch of other bad things. thats not an unpopular opinion, i just wanted you guys to know that i know this. when i praise dbh, i’m not praising him
long story short, i like the creation not the creator
i went on a bit so its under here
despite who made it: it’s a good game, brent
i think despite its flaws, there’s more good things than bad things
allegory isn’t inherently racist. note my emphasis
“heavy handed”, “on the nose” and “not subtle” aren’t bad things? i see it get used as insults a lot but to me i got no bother. not subtle doesn’t mean bad. bear in mind that i’ve grown up a star trek and x-men fan so yeah
i don’t wanna say the word overrated because i don’t believe in that. i just find it interesting how certain characters are getting a lot of attention (e.g gavin, nines) whilst other characters are ignored or reviled. thats not me saying the characters whom are popular in fandom should be ignored, thats me saying i’d like more focus on other characters i like too e.g markus, kara, kamski, the jerries, north, josh, rose & adam and a bunch more. i just really like all the androids and some humans okay
like, its pretty obvious why simon (white man) is being adored whilst josh (black) and north (woman) are being ignored and despised respectively, right? and thats not me hating on simon or saying less simon. i like simon! (or like, what can be done with him bcuz canon simon has no depth)
i just happen to like josh and north! which deserves its own bullet point
not only do i like north, i love north and she’s one of my fave characters!
i do not agree with the often used phrase “hank and connor are the only worthwhile part of this game”, in fact, i hate it. sure, the best part of the game, go ahead. but the only worthwhile part? fuck you, because
i like markus and kara and their stories! whilst most my problems with this game are in markus’ story (just trust me on that), overall i still like it. and kara? heck theres not a single kara chapter i don’t like. and on that note:
i don’t consider kara’s story to be useless. yeah she’s not part the revolution plot but thats not bad. i think it provides a balance. think of it like this: markus represents The Leader, the liberator, the messiah. he is fighting for his people. and he comes from a privileged background. connor is representing The Man, The System, depending on how you play him he is rebelling against The System or is a part of it. now what does kara represent? The People. her and the other androids she encounters represent the average android in this world. markus and connor can’t do that so i feel its important we see her. we’re seeing what markus (and maybe connor) are fighting for. and i think thats really important
and besides all that, i just plain like it okay
i like markus/north, i think they make a good couple (moreso in my head than in the game but i still think they’re sweet in the game)
the concept that pacifist markus and north don’t “make sense together” is stupid because ur assuming north is bloodthirsty and has no room for growth. and that all couples need to agree with each other. also north for violent markus and simon for pacifist markus also makes no sense to me becuz 1. people aren’t rewards, 2. ur confusing simon with josh. again. and 3. violent!markus and north would just be enabling each other. if north is to be with any markus, it should be pacifist markus because they’d be good for each other. also all three of them being options woulda been nice but that’s not an unpopular opinion anyways so moving on
the awkwardness felt about markus/north coulda totally been fixed by literally just one change. take the “lover” indicator and move it until after their first kiss. that way the timing is far less jarring and because the player can choose the kiss or not, the “lover” thing feels more like “yay i made their relationship grow” and less “oh whoa that was sudden”. if that was moved and nothing else changed, markus/north would’ve been way more loved. but alas, markus’ relationship scanner is just damn awkward
markus, my markus, is a verse and a kind, socially inept boy (i like how with the jericho four, north is a rowdy girl whilst the other three are various kinds of soft boys in their own way. i think thats cute and neat)
connor is not an innocent niave dumb bimbo (save that for the bedroom) and i wanna remind ppl that he’s an expert on psychology
the humans killed by daniel, ralph, echo (blue traci), shaolin (HK400) and north all deserved it
north, josh and simon would not all hate each other, fuck you. these people are meant to be friends, remember? (also jericho OT4, y’all!!!)
the facial expression on simon’s face after markus and north kiss at the end is gentle approval. he looks happy, some ppl are just projecting
i don’t mind that alice is an android
the way some markus/simon shippers talk about north is downright sexist and i think most north hate is caused by sexism & rape apologism
(i’m a live and let live kinda person about ships and also i’ve very into multishipping so some y’alls behaviour is perplexing to me)
there is nothing inherently morally wrong with shipping hank/connor. connor is capable of consent and age differences aren’t inherently bad. and the only reason this ship is controversial is because hank looks old and he’s not conventionally attractive. nobody would care otherwise
kamski isn’t evil, he’s morally ambiguous / chaotic neutral
i, uh, like kamski/chloe. its interesting (i’ve embraced that it’s fucked up) and i like the idea that chloe actually does love him. its kinda tragic?
a bunch of that was more about the fandom than the game but whatever. and as usual when i make a list, theres probs more but like, thats what comes to mind
yeah there was room for improvement on this game but overall i think its great and i like the characters, more than that i like what can be done with the characters. like, its a nice place to build from. and like, the people who are all like “if ur a fan of detroit become human, ur a bad person” can just fuck off
thats not how… anything… works
and besides its a piece of android media, done in a story based game, that has android babes and is fulla allegory and it’s something i can analyse to death (and as a bonus, the graphics/rendering/mocap/texturing are PHENOMENAL)
of course this is something i would like and i won’t apologise for that
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jasonvtodd · 6 years
For the fandows asks: the runaways, lost
[ send me a fandom ] 
who i will protect at all costs: charlie
who deserves better: juliET
who was killed off too early: ^^^^^^^^^^ also charlie but juliet first and foremost
who i used to hate but now i love: ana lucia (i didnt hate her but i didnt really like her character the first time i watched it but after rewatching it, being gayer and thinking more about her.. ohohoho love)
who i used to love but now i hate: fucking michael. that bitch.
who needs to be killed off asap: ^^^^
who is unfairly hated: ana lucia probably cuz ppl dumb but otherwise idk i wasnt rlly in the fandom when it was airing 
who is unfairly loved: ^^^
who needs to sort out their priorities: michael lmao. punkass bitch. also sawyer. like. boy i love you, faults as you may have... but like... kate aint good for you and you aint good for her
who needs a hug: sayid
who needs to get out of their current relationship: the jack x kate x sawyer triangle just needed to stop tbh
who the writers love: no idea
who needs a better storyline: more!! ana lucia content pls!!
who has an amazing redemption arc: hm... idk i guess??
who is hot af: naomi, ana, juliet, kate
who belongs in jail: sawyer probably lmao
who needs to be revived from the dead: j u l i e t (even tho they all dead in the end but yaknow)
who i will protect at all costs: chase!!!!!
who deserves better: chase
who was killed off too early: eh
who i used to hate but now i love: chase lmaooo. s1 i really didnt care much for him but after s2 i came out with a new fave white boy
who i used to love but now i hate: i didnt love love gert hardcore but i did like her but then in s2 i just... didnt like... how a lot of things went down with her and how she treated chase
who needs to be killed off asap: not asap, and i dont really care that much either way... and ill probably be labeled a bad gay for saying so but... unpopular opinion is that i really cant stand karolina ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
who is unfairly hated: chase. dont get me started on how shitty they all treated him in s2. like!!! hear the man out maybe!! actually give him the benefit of the doubt instead of being so ready to attack him!!
who is unfairly loved: karolina lmao. also gert. also unpopular opinion but  🙈
who needs to sort out their priorities: lmao all of them really
who needs a hug: c h a s e
who needs to get out of their current relationship: ....... chase
who the writers love: karolina
who needs a better storyline: chase (drinking game: take a shot for every answer i give that is chase)
who has an amazing redemption arc: take a shot mates
who is hot af: annd another drink
who belongs in jail: all of the parents
who needs to be revived from the dead: eh
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apicturewithasmile · 7 years
LOST rewatch (season 6)
[follow the entire rewatch-tag here]
episode 1 & 2 – LA X:
Desmond looking good as always
I don’t like the “the island is underwater” sequence. Such an obvious red herring.
“Why didn’t he fight back? Why did he let me just kill him?”
“I’m sorry you had to see me like that.”
“We can go Dutch.”
Still not a fan of the Indiana Jones hippie temple
“I don’t like the way English tastes on my tongue.”
“You’re the monster.” – “Let’s not resort to name calling.”
episode 3 – What Kate Does:
It’s Claire Rousseau
episode 4 – The Substitute:
Okay this is when the real feels begin!
Helen, I love you!
I’d give a lot to be able to talk to Terry O’Quinn while he’s taking a bath tbh…
I feel for Richard
There it is… the weirdest damn funeral Frank Lapidus has ever been to
“John Locke was a believer, he was a man of faith, he was a much better man than I will ever be and I’m very sorry I murdered him.”
I cannot believe James just walked down this ladder of death
“Tea? Now there’s a gentleman’s drink.”
episode 5 – Lighthouse:
Oh course…. Sideways Jack has a son, totally forgot that
I kinda… don’t give a frick about Jack and his son tbh – not that that’s a surprise
“That’s not John, this is my friend.”
episode 6 – Sundown:
Sideways Sayid looks sweet and cute whereas island Sayid just looks hot as fucking hell
Fucking Martin Keamy
Ben’s fucking terrified of Sayid
episode 7 – Dr. Linus:
Oh my God, it’s happening!
Dr. Linus is a beautiful human being
“It’s Dr. Linus, actually.”
“Taking care of the kids, that’s what’s important!”
I love that sideways Ben can only fix up a microwave meal whereas island Ben cooks that mean ham
HIS GLASSES ARE SO SWEET, they make him look so kind and… not dangerous at all
Alex <3
A rare genuine smile from Benjamin friggin Linus!!!!
“Linus, you’re a real killer.”
Fuckin Smokey, stop using my children for your sick game!
Here’s comes the most emotional speech that’s ever happened on the entire show
“I watched my daughter Alex die in front of me and it was my fault. I had a chance to save her but I chose the island – over her. All in the name of Jacob. I sacrificed everything for him and he didn’t even care.”
“I don’t expect you to forgive me because I can never forgive myself.”
Ben offering his help to Sun and Sun accepting it – HELP!!!
episode 8 – Recon:
The shirt Sawyer’s wearing looks like Richard’s shirt
I feel like Josh Holloway is less buff now than he was at the beginning of the show and I absolutely dig it!
“puppy dog eyes and a sad sunflower”
episode 9 – Ab Aeterno:
Fun story: the first time I watched Ab Aeterno was on Netflix and for some reason the subtitles didn’t work so throughout the entire episode I thought we weren’t supposed to understand the stuff that’s in Spanish
Ilana: So, Richard, what do we do next? – Richard: lol
His backstory is so tragic I’m gonna cry
Anyway, I know I say this about a lot of guys on LOST but… objectively speaking Nestor Carbonell is the most beautiful man on the whole show
I wonder if they’ve always planned for Richard to have come on the Black Rock
“It’s good to see you out of these chains.”
Titus Welliver has similar facial expressions to Terry O’Quinn which makes him perfect for playing the og Smokey
episode 10 – The Package:
Sun, my lovely wife
What is it with her and bumping her head against trees?
BEN FINDS HER!!!! I need Ben and Sun to be friends!!!!
I am so here for a Sun and Ben friendship. Give it to me now!!
I just remembered that Ben will kill Widmore and now I cannot wait!!!
Have I ever noticed that this is actual Mikhail Bakunin in the sideways?!?!
episode 11 – Happily Ever After:
Des, my bebe!!!
Of course Desmond is Charles Widmore’s protégé in the sideways
I love how Desmond’s sideways mission is to reunite everyone with the love of their lives
episode 12 – Everybody Loves Hugo:
Oh, Michael, of course, totally forgot about that
Bye bye Ilana
Ben’s loyalty to Richard kills me
Dr. Linus protecting John Locke <3
episode 13 – The Last Recruit:
“John Locke was the only one of us who believed in this place.”
Ben going to the hospital with John <3
Season 6 Jack is really attractive
Wait… where’s Ben??
Jack really leaving Claire behind?!?!
Sun and Jin are reunited <3
episode 14 – The Candidate:
Honestly tho… Jack looks 10 times better and it’s all just because of that slight change of his hair style
I feel like I don’t have that much to say about season 6 because nothing really happens, like.. the island plot can pretty much be summed up in one sentence and the sideways are just fluff. I like the fluff but… well… to put it simple: there ain’t enough Ben fluff so I’m not that interested tbh
episode 15 – Across The Sea:
You know… it gets really hard to sympathise with Jacob after this episode. Not that I ever sympathised with him but… he just seems like the annoying dudebro in your modern literature seminar that just won’t shut the fuck up
“One day you can make up your own game and then everyone else will have to follow your rules.”
Mother: I made it so you can never hurt each other. – Jacob: *kills his brother*
Mother and Jacob pretending to love Smokey yet they never even bothered to give him a fucking name?!??!
episode 16 – What They Died For:
Ben hasn’t been on screen for three fucking episodes, where’s my murder cactus???
There’s Ben my bebe! Protecting his island husband!
And there’s Cusick’s miss-calculated punch that landed straight in Emerson’s pretty face
I cannot believe Ben remembers because Desmond is punching him
I kinda want more story surrounding Richard, Miles and Ben
Dr. Linus in the nurse’s office and John being soooo impressed
“Why would somebody hurt you? You’re like the nicest guy ever.”
I ship sideways Ben and Danielle very very much!!!
“You’re the closest thing to a father she’s ever had.” KILL ME!!!
Ben killing Widmore HELL YES!!!!
“He doesn’t get to save his daughter.”
episode 17 – The End:
Was Widmore the last person Ben kills? I can’t remember but I hope it is.
“Christian Shephard? Seriously?”
“This would be so sweet if we weren’t all about to die.”
“In case you haven’t noticed – I’m a pilot.”
SHANNON!!! I’ve missed you so much!
“You’re not John Locke. You disrespect his memory by wearing his face.”
Ben saving Hugo from the tree <3
YES KATE!!! “I saved you a bullet.”
The moment when John remembers hits me with very intense #feels
“If the island’s going down I’m going down with it.”
They cannot just mirror a shot of Michael Emerson and expect no one will notice
“I don’t believe in a lot of things but I do believe in duct tape.”
Sawyer and Juliet <3
“Ricky boy”
I always wonder if Jack turns into the new Smokey…. But like… a friendly Smokey.
“Hello Benjamin.” FUUUUUUCK!
“I’m very sorry for what I did to you, John.”
“Well, if it helps, Ben, I forgive you.”
“Everybody dies sometime, kiddo.”
Christian LITERALLY says that everything that’s ever happened was real and somehow people still think they were dead the whole time????
Okay the final scene is so awesome tho
The fact that Vincent isn’t in the church can only mean that he is immortal
epilogue – The New Man In Charge:
This is how all of season 6 should have been like!
The fact they transferred all the Dharma videos to DVD fills me with joy
“I’m genuinely sorry about that but what’s done is done. I can’t change the past. I can only take responsibility for it.”
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! give me season 7 all about how Hurley, Ben and Walt run the island!!!!
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whatmoredoyouwant · 7 years
I was tagged by @laufire (okay like, not really, but it said whoever wants to do it! lol)
Rules: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag some friends
The 100
Grey’s Anatomy
The First Character You Loved:
Oh wow. Hard one. Hmm...it’s especially hard cause I just rewatched the whole show, so my “first impressions” are a little skewed. I don’t know if it’s more Octavia Blake or Clarke Griffin tbh. I’m like horribly in love with Eliza Taylor, so that’s a big factor, but Octavia’s character is so dynamic and fun. I loved her from that first, “We’re back, bitches!”
This is even harder because the characters have changed so much! I think it would have to be Cristina Yang, even though she’s not in the show anymore. I miss her so much!
100% without a doubt, Charlie Pace. When I watched the show when I was younger, when it was still on TV, I bawled my friggin’ eyes out every near-death and then his eventual death. It’s funny because now I don’t like him nearly as much.
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
Just based on how she was first introduced, Lexa kom Trikru. We get introduced to this badass warrior Commander, twirling a knife and ordering the deaths of Skaikru for burning her warriors, and she turns out to be the biggest gay softie in the world.
A L E X K A R E V. Holy shit, dude. If you told me that Alex Karev would be one of my favourite characters of all time during the first few seasons, I would have laughed. He’s such an asshole, he doesn’t care about anyone, he’s all about machismo and sleeping with the ladies. And then all of a sudden he does this 180 and the whole macho tough guy is just an act, and he’s just this SWEET SOFT TEDDY BEAR UNDERNEATH.
It’s actually crazy how much of a Sun-Hwa Kwon stan I became after rewatching. She’s just such a fucking badass??? Like, nothing gets her down. And the people that disagree with me that Sun is a Slytherin are just WRONG. Like, the woman learns an entirely different language to get away from her murderous, tyrannical father and arguably abusive husband, and plans to just disappear off into a different country. And then, in the flash forwards, she BUYS OUT HER FATHER’S COMPANY? Slytherin. SUCH a Slytherin.
The Character You Relate To The Most:
Hmm...it’s hard to relate to characters in a post-apocalyptic setting, to be honest, cause I just don’t deal with their issues lol. I feel like I would have to say Clarke Griffin, if only for the fact that she’s a headstrong, stubborn bisexual who tries her best to do the right thing, even if sometimes she’s wrong. That’s the closest similarity I can draw from the characters.
Hands down, Cristina Yang. The commitment issues, the aversion to having a baby, the total 100% dedication and obsession with her job and working? Oh, please, I AM Cristina Yang.
Let’s see, Kate’s a runaway, Claire’s pregnant, Shannon’s a rich kid, Sun is too, I don’t know that I can necessarily relate to any of the women. And the men, like, not at all. Everyone seems to have daddy issues and I don’t have those lol. I have “mommy issues.” Does anyone have mom issues? Ooh ooh! Ana Lucia Cortez! Totally had mom issues. Again, that’s really the closest similarity that I can draw from these characters.
The Character You’d Slap:
Ooh man, so many. Thelonious Jaha, for starters. Like, why are you even here anymore? All you do is cause chaos. They should have locked him out of the bunker.
I don’t know that I’d necessarily slap him, but I really don’t like Richard Webber. He has such anger issues and I feel like he just causes unnecessary tension and drama all the time. And his and Catherine Avery’s relationship is so tumultuous and at times, borderline toxic, I’m just sick of seeing the two of them.
Haha, I feel like my first instinct is James Ford aka Sawyer, just because he’s an ass most of the time, but I love him too much. So I’m saying John Locke, because holy shit, dude, can you cause any more trouble?? Just like I said with Jaha, ALL YOU CAUSE IS CHAOS.
Three Favourite Characters (In Order Of Preference):
Raven Reyes, Clarke Griffin, and John Murphy.
Cristina Yang, Stephanie Edwards, and April Kepner
Desmond Hume, Juliet Burke, and Sun-Hwa Kwon
A Character You Liked At First But Don’t Anymore:
Jasper Jordan. This show did you so dirty, my poor child. They should have made him go up in the rocket into space with the rest of them. Can you imagine, crazy alcoholic Jasper Jordan, basically being forced into rehab and made to face his demons? Anyway, yeah, he just went a little too crazy for me, and then he just became a nuisance.
I can’t really think of a character that I liked but don’t anymore. If I had to pick someone, maybe Izzy Stevens? I think she got kind of selfish after living through her cancer death, and then she treated Alex really horribly. I was really happy when he told her he deserved more. But like, it’s honestly me nitpicking a character. I certainly don’t hate Izzy, not even close, I just have to pick SOMEONE.
I already mentioned her, but Ana Lucia Cortez was my first girl crush. When I was young, when the show first came out, I was nine years old and didn’t have any idea I was bisexual. I was IN LOVE with Ana Lucia, I was so upset when she died. Years later, when I rewatched it, it dawned on me just how much I hated her character, and I was like, “Why was she my favourite??” And my gay ass was like, “Ohhhh, it’s cause she’s hot as fuck. Got it.”
A Character You Did Not Like At First But Now Do:
They kind of already asked this? But well, I guess it’s a little bit different. For this one, I’ll say John Murphy. He was SUCH an ass, and I mean, he still is, but now he’s a little more human. And even when you watch him being an ass in the first season, you kind of understand it a little bit more now. Certain things can’t be excused, obviously, but at least they’re better explained.
Ooh, wait, another good one! I couldn’t STAND Arizona Robbins when she was introduced. My boss at the time, Ricky, I was talking to him when I first started watching it (when we were in season 12 I think) and he kept asking me to tell him when I’d met Arizona. And when I finally did, I didn’t get it at all. I was like, “Why do you like her? She’s awful??” And now I LOVE HER SO MUCH.
Benjamin Linus. God, I HATED him when I first watched the show, because obviously, he was the “big bad guy.” Now...well, he’s still a bad guy, but I appreciate his character so much more. Especially in the last few episodes! He really redeems himself.
Three OTPs: (I decided to read this as 3 OTPs for each fandom because I can) (I’m following suit, 3 OTPS per show!)
Oh man. Don’t even get me staaaaarted. Linctavia will forever be like, my most painful OTP. Followed of course, by Clexa. The third one is hard though? Honestly, I just wanted to ship Roan with someone, just cause I found him so effing hot. Any time he was on screen with someone, anyone at all, I went, “I ship it.” But realistically, like a real ship, I guess I would say Memori. Even though Emori is hard for me to like. I’m hoping she’ll be more likeable in season 5.
This is so painful. Mark Sloan/Lexie Grey, again, my most painful OTP and oh GOD, I miss them so much. Alex Karev/Meredith Grey, don’t JUDGE ME OKAY? And again, the last one is hard. I think it’s a tie between Calzona and Japril. Calzona really fell apart, and fell apart hard, whereas Japril is still kind of being hinted at? (Even though this awful Maggie/Jackson thing is being pushed now, I can’t staaaand this.) 
I was a total Sawyer/Kate shipper as opposed to Jack/Kate, and I stand by that. But on that note, Sawyer/Juliet is my I WILL GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP ship. THEY BELONGED TOGETHER. When I was younger, I shipped the hell out of Claire and Charlie but now I kind of hate them together. And now I ship the hell out of Desmond/Charlie lol. Oh, and of course Desmond and Penny, but still, the Desmond/Charlie ship has sailed and I am the captain.
I don’t think I really have any friends on this site who would actually do this if I tagged them...so I’m just gonna say anyone who wants to do it should, just tag @sassybrowsreyes in your post!
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likexporcelain · 4 years
Westworld and Lost!
Favourite character: Maeve Millay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funniest character: Lee Sizemore. He’s a wreck and a douche but I just can’t get enough of him!
Best-looking character: Is it possible to pick just one?? Based on physical thirst alone, I’ll go with Charlotte Hale and Hector Escaton.
3 favourite ships: Maeve x Hector, Akecheta x Kohana, and now that I think about it I would not mind Bernard x Ashley lol. (Honorable mention: Maeve x Lee in 3.02 when fake-Lee professes his love for her lmaooo had me like damnnnn okay sure why not??)
Least favourite character: Honestly....... tbh....... real talk....... Dolores. I just can’t anymore with her. I don’t hate her. I got nothing really against her (except what she did to Teddy). I just don’t really care about her character anymore or what she’s doing. Her whole s3 storyline is so blah to me. I’m sorry. I can barely pay attention when she’s on screen anymore. (Honorable mention: Caleb??? Like why is he there??? I don’t even care).
Least favourite ship: This is tough cause I don’t know who everyone in the fandom is shipping. I guess I’ll go with Dolores x William (for obvious reasons). I mean, they really had me during s1, but once the truth was revealed there was no way I could ship that. 
Reason why I watch it: Honestly I’m really only watching for Maeve and Bernard (and those supporting Maeve and Bernard) right now. And I’m losing a lot of interest in the show. S3 just is not capturing me like s1-2 did. I’m not even caught up. I’m only like 4 episodes into s3.
Why I started watching it: Cause it looked DOPE AS HECK. And I saw one of the showrunners was Jonathan Nolan, of Interstellar fame, and I thought there is no way this show isn’t gonna be amazing and confusing and beautiful and badass. And it WAS. A++++ on seasons 1-2. The jury in my head is still out on s3 but it doesn’t look promising.
* * * * *
Favourite character: Wow HOW do I choose?? I’m gonna go with Desmond Hume on this one just because he’s got such a special personality. He makes my heart so happy. A true A+ guy.
Funniest character: Probably Charlie and Hurley. What a duo!
Best-looking character: Another tough one. I mean, Boon is total hearthrob, but I thirst pretty hard for Sayid, Jin and Jack too.
3 favourite ships: Jin x Sun, Charlie x Claire, Sayid x Shannon (Honorable mention: Sawyer x Juliet)
Least favourite character: Dang another tough one. I seem to remember disliking Ana Lucia but I can’t. remember. why?? Other than that, Kate always annoyed me tbh.
Least favourite ship: I’m not sure I have one, but the Jack x Kate x Sawyer love triangle always annoyed me. I didn’t care if either Jack or Sawyer ended up with Kate.
Reason why I watch it: Cause it’s a wild ride! And the character development is off the charts. The writers really cared about the show all the way through. I know there was controversy around the finale, I actually enjoyed it after multiple watches.
Why I started watching it: I didn’t watch it when it was airing on TV. I first watched it in a Netflix binge watch session in I think 2010, and it quickly became my FAVORITE show.
Thank you for these!!!
Send me a tv series
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worryinglyinnocent · 7 years
Worry Watches Lost - Part Sixteen: “Man, that was fast.”
I’ve just watched S6Ep16 “What They Died For”. I would have made another post after S6Ep14 “The Candidate”, but technical issues meant I didn’t want to delay watching the rest of the disc. (It’s a second-hand set from CEX and disc 4 wouldn’t play in my laptop so I had to risk it on my 10+ year old DVD player which has a tendency to skip and pause. In a show of beautiful irony, it played perfectly on the DVD player.)
So here goes. 
- Ep 14 was brutal. 3 main character deaths in one episode? This show’s not fucking around. And Jin never got to meet his daughter!!!!
- Ep 15 - JFC what is it with this show and extended flashbacks?? First Ep 9, then Ep 11 with the extended flash sideways for Desmond, and now Ep 15 with the extended and almost completely pointless flashback for Jacob and SmokeMonster. Did they really never give him a name??? Argh! Anyway, I know that this episode explained a lot of island mythology and answered a lot of unanswered questions so I can’t really call it pointless, but I just found it really boring as it was about characters we’d barely seen and were not invested in at all, and it came so late on in the series, it felt like it was detracting from all the major stuff going on on island - especially as we’d literally just had 3 main characters die. I think the episode was badly placed in the season, it should have come earlier.
- I don’t like Jacob. That man has some major issues. Dragging unsuspecting candidates into your private war against your kind-of-dead brother and then just leaving them to fend for themselves on your island against said kind-of-dead brother for x years... Not the best plan, man. 
- So near and yet so far for Claire. I think we’re getting there. She did come with them after Kate’s little speech, and despite Sawyer’s misgivings I think he would have let her on the sub if he hadn’t been trying to keep NotLocke out. I’m keeping everything crossed. Also, she stuck with Locke because he was the only one who didn’t abandon her, but he does indeed appear to have abandoned her now. And since Kate came back for her, I think she will stick with Kate. Kate certainly seems determined, and I’m glad she did not take up NotLocke on the whole ‘she can’t go back to Aaron because she’s ‘crazy’’ thing.
- I think it’s fitting that Jack’s the new protector. Of all of them, he was the one who really needed the island; needed to get back there and wanted to stay there. 
- I still have no idea what’s going on with Widmore or what he wants or why he’s there, but since he’s now dead that’s one mystery that’s never going to be solved. Dammit this show... 
- And I continue to love the flash sideways. Hi Ana Lucia, hi Libby! Desmond and Hurley, the wake-everyone-up dream team, I love it. Also, I like men in suits, but Jorge Garcia takes it to a whole new level. That man can really wear a suit. 
- But speaking of Desmond: Please let him survive whatever’s in store for him!
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tboy-boone · 10 months
indy i’m writing ana lucia x kate where they eat people
Scullayyyy moment
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luuuna-rambles · 4 years
Lost Rewatch: 2x05 ...And Found
The show really has a thing for Jin/Sun episodes with pun titles, huh?
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If Sun is going on her first date with someone a matchmaker, wouldn’t her parents have already met him? As is, wouldn’t they know if he was shorter than her?
Jin is so adorable in all of his early flashbacks. Just look at his smile!
If Ana Lucia has decided that they’re going to find the Losties, why didn’t she open with that?
Jack, Sun has lost her wedding ring on a deserted island. It really isn’t helpful to tell her a story that ends with you getting a replica ring made
The moral of this story is, of course, that rich men are pricks
Michael, what do you mean ‘I guess I just never thought about it like that‘? Sawyer called you his friend last episode, and you heard him!
Nawww, look at Jin wanting to help the guy he tried to kill that one time 😊
Eko is such a good guy. How was this guy ever in the mafia?
Okay, I live somewhere with quite a large Korean population, so I might be slightly more knowledgeable that most. But do most people seriously not know is Seoul is in ‘Good Korea’ or ‘Bad Korea’?
Sun, come on. From what we have seen of Bpo Bpo, he was not a ‘puppy’
Every time Jin does anything this episode I go 🥰🥰🥰. He’s so happy with his new job!
Jae and Sun have said about two sentences to each other. How do they know that they’re ‘different’?
Wait, so they just left Goodwin to rot??? Haven’t we already established that courpses draw in boars?
There’s a weird exchange between Eko and Jin: ‘You have a wife?’ ‘Yes. You?’ ‘Worse’ What do you mean worse?
The Others walk right past Eko and Jin towards the other Tailies, presumably to get Cindy (I assume the teddy bear was prove that the kids were alright, something like that). How come it takes them so long to get to Cindy? And why do they need that many people to take one person?
Yeah, Jin, you stand up to your rich boss! 👊
Sawyer and Ana Lucia’s dynamic is incredibly funny, and it never falters once
rIgHt OuTtA mAh HaNdS!
I can never tell if we’re supposed to like Kate or not. I certainly don’t right now
Also, do you really think that Sawyer would have written a letter, given the sort of person he is?
And even if he had, do you really think he would have written about you?
Sun baby, I want to give you all the hugs!
The Jin/Sun meet-cute we all wanted!!! 😍😍😍
I normally hate ‘love at first sight’, but these two deserve that shit!
Overall Review:
You know, I didn’t remember liking the Jin/Sun episodes more that anyone elses. But they’re all so gooood! This episode is a bit like Outlaws from S1. Nothing actually happens - we end the episode at almost the exact same place - but it is still an amazing episode
Overall Rating: 8.5/10
What can I say? I love Sun and Jin 🤷🏻‍♀️
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