#Karl de Haan
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tastesliketoffee · 1 year ago
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andreaskorn · 1 year ago
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Karl Korn 1985: Beiträge zur Heimatforschung Mettmann (02)
Karl Korn: Chronik der Bürgermeisterei Mettmann (1830 – 1900). Ratingen 1985 [Eigenverlag]
Andreas Korn: Anmerkungen zum Band
Abschrift 1985 (Industriestr. 50, 4030 Ratingen)
Hardcover, brauner Einband (ca. DIN A 4); Buchcover vorne: unten rechts in Goldprägung: Karl Korn
z.T. mit Seitenangaben (gezählt und ergänzt von mir; ca. 167 Seiten)
am Ende 13 angefügte Fotokopien; Quelle aus dem Pfarrarchiv St. Caecilia Düsseldorf Mettmann: „Statistische Nachrichten des Kreises Düsseldorf. Vorgetragen von dem Landrathe desselben auf dem Kreistage am 13. Nov. 1839.“
Inhaltsangabe, Vorwort; Dokumentationen
Foto oben - Christoph Zacharias: Mettmanner Bürgermeister-Chronik von Karl Korn vorgestellt. Als Prinz Wilhelm kam. In: Rheinische Post, Sa. 09.04.1994; Bildunterschrift: Helmut Kreil überreicht Bürgermeisterin Ingrid Siebeke ein Exemplar der Chronik von Karl Korn; Christian Bacciacco - Bürgermeister 1839-1844; Statistik - Einwohnerzahl Volkszählung 01.12.1885 (S. 149)
Andreas Korn: Bildbearbeitung und Foto des Einbandes, Digitalisierung des Vorwortes und der Inhaltsangabe
Helmut Kreil: Vorwort Die vorliegende Chronik der Bürgermeisterei Mettmann ab 1830 verdanken wir Karl Korn, der in unermüdlicher Kleinarbeit aus den handschriftlich geführten Unterlagen diese Dokumentation zusammengestellt hat. Die Bürger- und Heimatvereinigung "Aule Mettmanner“ ist gern der Bitte nachgekommen, diese Zusammenstellung in 10 Exemplaren aufzulegen, um sie so einem größeren Personenkreis zugänglich zu machen. Außer in den Archiven der Stadt und der Bürger- und Heimatvereinigung soll ein Exemplar in der Stadtbücherei ausgelegt werden.
Karl Korn, am 3o.03.1918 in Mettmann geboren, hat durch seine Arbeiten wertvolles geschichtliches Material zusammengestellt und in eine heute sichtbare Form gebracht. Damit hat er einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Erfassung der Geschichte unserer Heimatstadt geleistet. Dafür schulden wir ihm unseren Dank und unsere Anerkennung. Besonderen Dank aber gebührt Karl Korn für seine Veröffentlichung der Erinnerungen unseres Ehrenmitgliedes Professor Georg Kuhlmey (1875- 1958), der über 30 Jahre Lehrer an unserer Oberschule war und mehr als 50 Jahre unsere Heimatgeschichte erforschte. Er war es auch, der Karl Korn schon als „Pennäler“ an die Aufgabe der Heimatforschung heranführte. Mettmann im März 1994, Helmut Kreil [vgl. zum Tod und zur Person des Autors: https://rp-online.de/nrw/staedte/mettmann/helmut-kreil-baas-der-aulen-ist-gestorben_aid-41433537]
CHRONIK 1830-1839, Bürgermeister F.W. Bartsch, (S. 001-084)
CHRONIK 1839-1844, Bürgermeister Ch. Bacciocco, (S. 085-107)
CHRONIK 1844-1846, Bürgermeister von Rosenthal, (S. 108-121)
NACHRICHTEN 1865-1896, Bürgermeister F.A. Könnecke, (S. 122-128)
NACHRICHTEN 1896-1900, Bürgermeister Conradi, (S. 129-135)
ERGÄNZUNG DER FEHLENDEN BLÄTTER 1830, Georg Kuhlmey, (S. 136-140)
STATISTIK (Karl Korn): Bevölkerung / Konfessionen; Geburten / Heiraten / Todesfälle; Schulen; Bevölkerung/Konfessionen 1843/45; Fluktuation/Bevölkerung; Volkszählung 1885 (S. 145-149)
SCHLAGZEILEN 1830-1846; Karl Korn (S. 150-154)
Quellen: Stadtarchiv Mettmann, Depositum Kuhlmey, Pfarrarchiv St. Cäcilia Hubbelrath
Abschrift: KARL KORN, Industriestr. 50, 40878 Ratingen
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PfA = Pfarrarchiv StA = Stadtarchiv Mettmann Brü = Namensarchiv Brühl AUL = Aule Mettmanner DzA = Diözesan-Archiv Köln
BÜRGERMEISTEREI METTMANN: Spezialakten Begräbnisplatz. StA
BÜRGERMEISTEREI METTMANN UND HAAN: Schornsteinfegerbuch 1844-1853. StA AUL
CHRONIK DER EVGL.SCHULE: Obschwarzbach 1781-1907. StA AUL
CHRONIK DER LANDSCHULEN: Evgl. Schule 0bmettmann l790-1891; Kath. Schule Obmettmann/Obschwarzbach; Kriegslasten 1758-1803. PfA StA
CHRONIK DER KATH.SCHULEN: Mettmann 1867-1981. PfA StA AUL kath. Schule
ST.CÄCILIA HUBBELRATH: Geschichte der Hubbelrather Kirche. PfA Hubbelrath StA
PFARRARCHIV S. JOHANNES ERKRATH: Familie Korn / Dorperhof. PfA Erkrath
KAPLAN JOHANNES FLINTROP 1904-1942: Opfer im KZ-Lager Dachau. PfA StA DzA Aul
DR.KARL KLOCKENHOFF 1890-1987: Reporter der Mettmanner Geschichte. StA AUL
100 JAHRE S.LAMBERTUS-KIRCHE: Karl Korn Chronik u. Ausstellungskatalog 1983. PfA StA DzA
PROTOKOLLBUCH S. LAMBERTUS: Neubau der Kirche 1881-1907, Pfarrchronik 1901-1946. PfA
ST.LAMBERTUS METTMANN: Pfarrer/Vikare/Kapläne/Küster. PfA StA DzA
ST.LAMBERTUS METTMANN: Karl Korn Geschichtliches/Vergessenes/Verlorenes/Bewahrtes. PfA StA AUL DzA
ST.LAMBERTUS METTMANN: Grabsteine nach Redinghoven 1662. PfA StA
ST.LAMBERTUS METTMANN: Rentenbuch 1713, Stiftungen 1776. PfA StA DzA
CHRONIK: Pfr. Mathias Tack 1788-1806. PFA StA DzA
SCHÖLLER: Dorf an der Düssel. StA AUL Pf. Amt Schöller.
SCHLICKUM: Stiftung Virmont-Nesselrode 1721-1839. PfA StA
Ehebuch 1663-1713. PfA StA Brühl
Taufbuch 1663-1713. PfA StA Brühl
Ehebuch 1716-1738. PfA StA Brühl
Taufbuch 1706-1767. PfA StA Brühl
Totenbuch 1716-1739. PfA StA Brühl
Taufbuch 1767-1769. PfA StA Brühl
Taufbuch 1795-1809. PfA StA Brühl
Ehebuch 1767-1806. PfA StA Brühl
Taufbuch 1770-1794 mit Familienverzeichnis. PfA StA Brühl
Totenbuch 1770-1809. PfA StA Brühl
Taufbuch 1807-1842: Auszüge/Adressbuch 1834. PfA StA
Ehen u.Tote 1807-1846: Auszüge. PfA StA
Taufbuch 1770-1793. StA Ev. Gemeinde + + +
Dr. Andreas Korn, Bonn, 09.10.2023
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brick-van-dyke · 4 months ago
Yeah, no, Jews are already killed by Zionists and have been killed by Zionists. There has been more revulsion towards Jews who are anti-Zionist or simply who don't recognise Israel as part of their faith than any pro Palestinian I've ever met, especially seeing as many of the pro Palestinian protesters I've met ARE Jewish.
In the 1920s, Zionists attacked Jews and Arabs indiscriminately in Palestine, as well as in the Nakba of 1948 which has not only been recorded but echoed by many survivors (the latest whose testimony I heard a few days ago in Canberra, the great-grandmother now spoke and told us how her Jewish neighbours in Palestine were killed by the Zionist military group that attacked her village). It's why I say it's so important to understand Israel's history, not by the government or official manuscripts taught in Israel, but by those who were there when Zionists killed Jews alongside the Christians and Muslims, or even targeted Jews like Jacob Israël de Haan.
Historically, again, it is the left who have defended Jews, the socialist French Revolution for example being the first push for recognising Jews as equal citizens in France, then Karl Marx who backed Jewish Zionists at the time. There is a complex history when it comes to allies; Muslims have both defended Jews out of a sense of comradery due to how similar their religious practices tend to be compared to Christians who are the most different and the primary belief used by the Romans and European powers (such as France during the crusade) to persecute Jews, meanwhile certain Muslim majority nations like the Ottoman Empire forced conversions to Islam out of force. Meanwhile, many Muslim rules countries before the Ottomans had a strong connection to the Jews in their countries where they were given equal opportunities as Muslims in these nations. Modern (post Ottomans) Palestine itself had a similar solidarity between indigenous Jews (before European Jews settled) and Muslims having strong solidarity and a community built out of the Ottoman Empire post its fall, meanwhile Zionist Jews pushing for a separate economy and state with the backing of Europe in the 1920s (which would lead to the Arab Revolt) often dominates this discussion despite the solidarity existing beforehand. Overall, there's been a lot of historic solidarity with the left when it comes to Jews, as well as a mixed relationship between Arabs due to the ruling powers and depending on the political alignment. It's more modern Zionism that has led to this divide which, again, uses propaganda and history denialism to back it and push "weak Jew" or "self hating Jew" if they go against the Zionist political agenda.
Understanding this history of solidarity and support, as well as Israel's political history itself, really highlights how much Jewishness is defined by far more than the nationalist political identity that Israel (and Zionism) has assigned it through westernised expansionism and militarisation (which uses the Roman Empire, Europe and specifically Germany as a reference).
Unfortunately, you may need to have a university login to access the full article, but I could try and get a pdf if anyone wants the full thing? Here's the abstract for now:
"This chapter examines how Israel wrestled with the legacy of the Holocaust over time. In so doing, it theorizes a variant of trauma-based identity called victimhood nationalism, which refers to political leaders’ strategic redirection of grievances. It applies this new concept to Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion’s re-narration of Israel’s foundational collective trauma according to his government’s priorities during the 1961 trial of former high-ranking Nazi Adolf Eichmann. Ben-Gurion strategically directed grievances away from Germany, with which he had pursued a rapprochement, and toward Israel’s Arab adversaries, whom he portrayed as the leading forces of global anti-Semitism in the decades following the fall of the Third Reich. This victimhood nationalism had a lasting impact on Israel’s international orientation, helping to integrate hundreds of thousands of Jewish immigrants from the Arab world while also framing security discourses in the lead-up to the 1967 Six-Day War."
There are many other sources, especially those that analyse the case of Eichmann, that go into Israel's usage of propaganda to divert blame towards Germany and Europe's complicity in the holocaust and uses "Arab colonisation" as a reason instead, which also holds little evidence (unless you use Iran, which tbh has nothing to do with Arabs or Muslims but an imperialist government type, just like how the US, China and Russia are imperialists and Japan was an imperialist nation during WW2). The resistance of expansion into pre-existing territories are used as a reason, but this is very obviously a bad faith arguments based on the almost "self fulfilling prophecy" mentality of "if I attack first and they attack back they are evil" as a reason to justify preemptive punishment.
TLDR; yeah, no... If we're talking about hatred towards Jews? That's not existent in any of the pro Palestine spaces I've ever been to, and have actively been welcoming of Jews. The only hatred I've seen are from refugees who are actually scared of Jews because of Zionism and the war crimes them and their families have been subjected to. Which...isn't about Jews, it's about the war crimes and the fear that instills which very quickly can become anger and hate towards those who hurt you. Even then, that's a minority, most Palestinian refugees I've met are extremely hospitable to Jews and welcome them in their spaces. They're obviously scared and don't like Zionists who say "death to Arabs" when they are Arab, for very obvious reasons. Even the chants, all of them are about land back to the way it was pre Israel; aka no Zionism or ethnic states that prioritise one racial group over another; meaning Jews and Arabs are treated as equal and that ethnicity plays no part in existing on the land. Which is directly at odds with Zionism which claims "Greater Israel must belong solely to the Jews" and even that becomes messy when it comes to Christians, Muslims, atheists, etc. with Jewish ancestry and Jews who don't recognise the state of Israel in their faith/ beliefs irrespective of the political ideology of Zionism.
Further readings:
I don't believe to be possible because leftists can't even cooperate building a Lego, but if this "Glorious Revolution" ever happens, I guarantee you guys that they will commission a genocide against Jews. They will disguise it as "antizionist dismantlement," but they will target every Jew and its institution that gets even a whiff of "zionism." Anf because they associated anything Jewish with Zionism, they go will after everybody.
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aestheticdivision · 5 years ago
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Karl de Haan, 1960s
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thinkingimages · 5 years ago
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HAAN, Karl de. Happy Sunday. Luzern and Frankfurt am Main: Verlag C. J. Bucher, (1969). Folio (349 × 269 mm), pp.[120]. Black-and-white photographs. Plain endpapers. Red cloth-covered boards, titles to spine and front in gold; light spotting to first and last leaves, and endpapers, foot of spine bumped gently. Colour photo-illustrated dust-jacket, text in black; light creasing to head and foot of spine, light wear to edges, light spotting to verso. Publisher’s card slipcase; one corner lightly bumped, toning to edges with light spotting. An excellent copy in a very good example of the scarce original slipcase. First edition. Karl de Haan was born in 1929 in Java, Indonesia to a Dutch father and Austrian mother. He lived and worked in the Netherlands, South Africa, the USA and St. Maarten, beginning his career in advertising and display before starting his own studio for fashion and commercial photography in 1965. He toured Rhodesia extensively between 1966 and 1968 and opened a studio in Brussels in 1969 before returning to Johannesburg, where he had settled in the 1950s. Happy Sunday contains a series of erotic photographs of a girl named Sue over the course of one imagined day.
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almavio · 7 years ago
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Karl de Haan (1929 - 2002) | Apple & Eve, 1968
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vintagebarefootredux · 4 years ago
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ph. Karl de Haan
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surrealistnyc · 5 years ago
A Spark in Search of a Powderkeg
Rebellion is its own justification, completely independent of the chance it has to modify the state of affairs that gives rise to it. It’s a spark in the wind, but a spark in search of a powder keg.
André Breton
If only one thing has brought me joy in the last few weeks, it began when the matriarchs at Unist’ot’en burned the Canadian flag and declared reconciliation is dead. Like wildfire, it swept through the hearts of youth across the territories. Reconciliation was a distraction, a way for them to dangle a carrot in front of us and trick us into behaving. Do we not have a right to the land stolen from our ancestors? It’s time to shut everything the fuck down!
Tawinikay (aka Southern Wind Woman)
The toxic cargo carried in Canadian pipelines, whether it be tar sands oil or fracked liquid natural gas (LNG), is, according to all serious climate scientists, a major, perhaps even decisive contribution to global warming, i.e. ecological catastrophe.   Meant to fuel industrial expansion, the pipelines have themselves become fuel for revolt. Designed to move these dirty fossil fuels from one location to another, they are a crucial element in normalizing the dubious paradise of unlimited growth in awe of which all obedient consumer/citizens are supposed to genuflect. In what the colonial mapmakers have called British Columbia (BC), resource extraction has always been the name of the game. However, the emergence in February of this year of a widespread oppositional network ranging from “land back” Indigenous warriors to elder traditionalists and from Extinction Rebellion activists to anarchist insurrectionaries was heartening. Railways, highways and ferries were blockaded, provincial legislatures, government administrative offices, banks and corporate headquarters were occupied. The catalyst for this rebellion was a widespread Indigenous uprising that refused the illusory promises of reconciliation. Together, these rebel forces disrupted business as usual in solidarity with the Unist’ot’en Big Frog clan of the Wet’suwet’en tribal house.
       ​As objective chance would have it, the primary Indigenous land defense camp is situated not far from the same Hazelton, B.C. area to which surrealist Kurt Seligmann and his wife Arlette had journeyed in 1938. During that time, they visited Gitxsan and Wet’suwet’en villages, marveled at the imaginative power of the totem poles and ceremonial objects, made field notes, shot 16mm film, collected stories and recorded mythic histories. Now, in 2020, growing numbers of these same Indigenous peoples have been threatening to bring the Canadian economy to a grinding halt. Unwilling to be bought off by corporate petrodollars or mollified by a legal system that has never done anything but pacify, brutalize, or betray them in the process of stealing their land, Indigenous peoples passionately fought back against the forces of colonial law and order in a radical whirlwind of willful disobedience and social disruption. One action built upon another in creating a rolling momentum that seemed unstoppable. When one railroad blockade would be busted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), another would spring up in its place elsewhere extending the frontlines of the battle all across the continent. Then the debilitating Covid-19 virus arrived to compound the damage that had previously been done to the capitalist economy by the incendiary virus of revolt. The resistance of these Indigenous communities against the pipelines concerns all of us, worldwide, since they are on the front lines of the struggle to prevent cataclysmic climate change.
       ​In the future, a key question will be whether Canadian authorities can successfully put the genie of Indigenous rebellion back in the colonial bottle of “reconciliation”. As surrealists, we hope they will not, and we stand in solidarity with the unreconciled insurgent spirit of defiant Indigenous resistance. A new reality is to be invented and lived instead of the one that today as yesterday imposes its environmental miserabilism and its colonialist and racist hierarchies.  As surrealists, we honor our historical affinity with the Kwakwaka’wakw Peace Dance headdress that for so long had occupied a place of reverence in André Breton’s study during his lifetime before being ceremoniously returned in 2003 to Alert Bay on Cormorant Island by his daughter, Aube Elléouet, in keeping with her father’s wishes. With this former correspondence in mind, we presently assert that our ongoing desire to manifest the emancipation of the human community as distinctively undertaken in the surrealist domain of intervention is in perfect harmony with the fight of the Indigenous communities of the Americas against globalized Western Civilisation and its ecocidal folly.
                                                                                                               Surrealists in the United States: Gale Ahrens, Will Alexander, Andy Alper, Byron Baker, J.K. Bogartte, Eric Bragg, Thom Burns, Max Cafard, Casi Cline, Steven Cline, Jennifer Cohen, Laura Corsiglia, David Coulter, Jean-Jacques Dauben, Rikki Ducornet, Terri Engels, Barrett John Erickson, Alice Farley, Natalia Fernandez, Brandon Freels, Beth Garon, Paul Garon, Robert Green, Maurice Greenia, Brigitte Nicole Grice, Janice Hathaway, Dale Houstman, Karl Howeth, Joseph Jablonski, Timothy Robert Johnson, Robin D.G. Kelly, Paul McRandle, Irene Plazewska, Theresa Plese, Michael Stone-Richards, David Roediger, Penelope Rosemont, LaDonna Smith, Tamara Smith, Steve Smith, Abigail Susik, Sasha Vlad, Richard Waara, Joel Williams, Craig S. Wilson
Surrealists in the UK: Jay Blackwood, Paul Cowdell, Jill Fenton, Rachel Fijalkowski, Krzysztof Fijalkowski, Merl Fluin, Kathy Fox, Lorna Kirin, Rob Marsden, Douglas Park, Michel Remy, Wedgwood Steventon, Frank Wright, the Leeds Surrealist Group (Gareth Brown, Stephen J. Clark, Kenneth Cox, Luke Dominey, Amalia Higham, Bill Howe, Sarah Metcalf, Peter Overton, Jonathan Tarry, Martin Trippett), the London Surrealist Group (Stuart Inman, Philip Kane, Timothy B. Layden, Jane Sparkes, Darren Thomas) and the surrealists of Wales (Jean Bonnin, Neil Combs, David Greenslade, Jeremy Over, John Richardson, John Welson)
Surrealists in Paris: Ody Saban and The Surrealist Group of Paris (Elise Aru, Michèle Bachelet, Anny Bonnin, Massimo Borghese, Claude-Lucien Cauët, Taisiia Cherkasova, Sylwia Chrostowska, Hervé Delabarre, Alfredo Fernandes, Joël Gayraud, Régis Gayraud, Guy Girard, Michael Löwy, Pierre-André Sauvageot, Bertrand Schmitt, Sylvain Tanquerel, Virginia Tentindo, Michel Zimbacca)
Surrealists in Canada: Montréal (Jacques Desbiens, Peter Dube, Sabatini Lasiesta, Bernar Sancha), Toronto (Beatriz Hausner, Sherri Higgins), Québec City (David Nadeau), Victoria (Erik Volet), the Ottawa Surrealist Group (Jason Abdelhadi, Lake, Patrick Provonost) and the Inner Island Surrealist Group (as.matta, Jesse Gentes, Sheila Nopper, Ron Sakolsky)
The Surrealist Group of Madrid: Eugenio Castro, Andrés Devesa, Jesús Garcia Rodriguez, Vicente Gutiérrez Escudero, Lurdes Martinez, Noé Ortega, Antonio Ramirez, Jose Manuel Rojo, María Santana, Angel Zapata
Surrealists in Sweden: Johannes Bergmark, Erik Bohman, Kalle Eklund, Mattias Forshage, Riyota Kasamatsu, Michael Lundberg, Emma Lundenmark, Maja Lundgren, Kristoffer Noheden, Sebastian Osorio
Surrealists in Holland: Jan Bervoets, Elizé Bleys, Josse De Haan, Rik Lina, Hans Plomp, Pieter Schermer, Wijnand Steemers, Laurens Vancrevel, Her de Vries, Bastiaan Van der Velden
Surrealists in Brazil: Alex Januario, Mário Aldo Barnabé, Diego Cardoso, Elvio Fernandes, Beau Gomez, Rodrigo Qohen, Sergio Lima, Natan Schäfer, Renato Souza
Surrealists in Chile: Jaime Alfaro, Magdalena Benavente, Jorge Herrera F., Miguel Ángel Huerta, Ximena Olguín, Enrique de Santiago, Andrés Soto, Claudia Vila
 The Middle East and North Africa Surrealist Group: Algeria (Onfwan Foud), Egypt (Yasser Abdelkawy, Mohsen El-Belasy, Ghadah Kamal), Iraq (Miechel Al Raie), Syria (Tahani Jalloul), and Palestine (Fakhry Ratrout)
Surrealists in Prague: Frantisek Dryje, Joe Grim Feinberg, Katerina Pinosova, Martin Stejskal, Jan Svankmajer
The Athens Surrealist Group (Elias Melios, Sotiris Liontos, Nikos Stabakis, Theoni Tambaki, Thomas Typaldos, Marianna Xanthopoulou)
Surrealists in Costa Rica: Gaetano Andreoni, Amirah Gazel, Miguel Lohlé, Denis Magarman, Alfonso Peña
Surrealists in Buenos Aires: Silvia Guiard, Luís Conde, Alejandro Michel
Surrealists in Australia: Anthony Redmond, Michael Vandelaar, Tim White
Surrealists in Portugal: Miguel de Carvalho, Luiz Morgadinho
Surrealists in Bucharest (Dan Stanciu), Mexico (Susana Wald), and the Canary Islands (Jose Miguel Perez Corales)
 Postscript: During the process of gathering signatures for the above declaration, we were inspired to see its uncompromising stance against white supremacy and police repression reflected in the brightly sparkling flames of the Minneapolis uprising that lit a powder keg of pent-up rage and incited an earth-shaking eruption of spontaneous rebellion in the streets of America. It was only fitting that in solidarity with the uprising about police brutality kicked off by George Floyd’s execution/lynching at the hands of the police, anti-racism protestors in the United States would take direct action by beheading or bringing down statues of Christopher Columbus, genocidal symbol of the colonial expropriation of Native American lands. (Guy Girard, Michael Löwy, Penelope Rosemont, and Ron Sakolsky, June 18, 2020).
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lyricspublisher · 4 years ago
KOKA lyrics : Ranjit Bawa | Mahira Sharma
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Introduction :
Koka Lyrics by Ranjit Bawa is Latest Punjabi song sung by Ranjit Bawa and this brand new song is featuring Mahira Sharma. Koka song lyrics are penned down by Bunty Bains while music is given by Desi Crew and video is directed by Dilsher Singh, Khushpal Singh. Song Details : - Song : Koka - Singer : Ranjit Bawa - Featuring : Mahira Sharma - Lyrics, Composer : Bunty Bains - Music : Desi Crew - Video : Tru Makers - Producer : Bunty Bains - Directors : Dilsher Singh, Khushpal Singh - Background Score : Chet Singh - Assistant Director : Gurdeep & Bunty - Cast : Shivam Sharma, Tanveer Kaur Gill, Muskan Sheetal, - Choreographer : Sumit - Editor : Garry Khatrao Media, - Assistant Editor : Pixel dude Publicity - Design : Sweet Chilli Label : Brand B
Koka Lyrics
Desi Crew, Desi Crew… Jaan Vaar Gaya Munda Ni Tere Kaatil Hasse Ton Nange Rakhe Clip Wale Waalan De Passe Ton Kithe Peeche Mud De Kithe Peeche Mud De Hunn Yaaran De Toke Ton Munda Dil Jeha Vaarda Ho Munda Dil Jeha Vaarda Phirdae Ni Tere Nak De Koke Ton Munda Dil Jeha Vaarda Phirdae Ni Tere Nak De Koke Ton Teri Taur Vekhni Ae Ni Main Hor Vekhni Ae Haan Teri Taur Vekhni Ae Ni Main Hor Vekhni Ae Vekh Teri Khoobsurati Nu Main Chadhdi Lor Vekhni Ae Aape Judgement Karle Aape Judgement Karle Ni Mere Dil De Hauke Ton Munda Dil Jeha Vaarda Ho Munda Dil Jeha Vaarda Phirdae Ni Tere Nak De Koke Ton Munda Dil Jeha Vaarda Phirdae Ni Tere Nak De Koke Ton Ho Munda Mar Na Jaave Ni Kitte Kujh Kar Na Jaave Ni Munda Mar Na Jaave Ni Kitte Kujh Kar Na Jaave Ni Aiven Jhidak Maardi Na Ishq Vich Dar Na Jaave Ni Ohda Hiqq Taan Ke Khadd De Hiqq Taan Ke Khadd De Aa Bas Darda Dhoke Ton Munda Dil Jeha Vaarda Ho Munda Dil Jeha Vaarda Phirdae Ni Tere Nak De Koke Ton Munda Dil Jeha Vaarda Phirdae Ni Tere Nak De Koke Ton Mehnge Suit Designer Ne Ni Tere Ankh De Liner Ne Mehnge Suit Designer Ne Ni Tere Ankh De Liner Ne Oh Dil Todne Mundeya De Tere Layi Masle Minor Ne Ho Par Bains Bains Phirey Uddeya Bains Bains Phirey Uddeya Tere Wallon Ho Gaye Okay Ton Munda Dil Jeha Vaarda Ho Munda Dil Jeha Vaarda Phirdae Ni Tere Nak De Koke Ton Munda Dil Jeha Vaarda Phirdae Ni Tere Nak De Koke Ton Munda Dil Jeha Vaarda Phirdae Ni Tere Nak De Koke Ton Munda Dil Jeha Vaarda Phirdae Ni Tere Nak De Koke Ton Subscribe youtube channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvehHszgN-HEmn9VHRLwXbw?view_as=subscriber https://youtu.be/c2x-Qb50pik Read the full article
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aestheticdivision · 5 years ago
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/ Karl de Haan, 1969
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almavio · 7 years ago
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Karl de Haan (1929 - 2002) | Topless in the Field, 1969
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vintagebarefootredux · 4 years ago
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ph. Karl de Haan
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lyrics2world · 4 years ago
Tere Sath Lyrics - Wishlist
Tere Sath Lyrics :- Latest Bollywood Song Tere Sath from the movie Wishlist.Song sung by Rahul Netra Negi, Ashwini V & lyrics written by MiR.Music given by MiR & featuring Hina Khan, Jitendra Rai.This song published by Zee Music Company. 
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Tere Sath Song Details:-
Song Name: Tere Sath Singer(s): Rahul Netra Negi, Ashwini V Lyricist(s): MiR Music(s): MiR Featuring Stars: Hina Khan, Jitendra Rai Album: Wishlist Music Label: Zee Music Company
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Tere Sath Lyrics
Ho Ho Ho.. Tere Saath, Tere Saath Tere Saath Hmm Hmmm Tere Sath Din Raat Main Rahun Rubaru Khamoshiyan Kare Khud Mein Hi Guftgu Kaid Karle Muthiyon Mein Jugnuon Ko Main Aur Tu Aaja Bunle Ungliyon Mein Saare Yeh Pal Main Aur Tu Tere Saath, Tere Saath Tere Saath Hmm Hmmm Saath Chalna Tha Par Zindagi Ko Na Thi Khabar Kuch Khabar Hath Thaam Le Jo Tu Hans Ke Kate Ye Safar Haan Safar Ho Aankhon Ke Aashiyan Mein Mujhko Chhipa Le Yaadon Ki Khamoshi Mein Mujhko Panaah De Kaid Karle Muthiyon Mein Jugnuon Ko Main Aur Tu Aaja Bunle Ungliyon Mein Saare Yeh Pal Main Aur Tu Tere Saath Tere Saath Tere Saath Hmm Hmmm Teri Hansi Mehfooz Rahe Har Pehar Har Pehar Iske Liye Pee Lu Main Koyi Zehar Har Zehar Hmm Mil Jaye Ik Din Mujhko Rab Se Mangun De-de Woh Kuch Pal Humko Jee Le Zara Hum Kaid Karle Muthiyon Mein Jugnuon Ko Main Aur Tu Aaja Bunle Ungliyon Mein Saare Pal Main Aur Tu Tere Saath, Tere Saath Tere Saath Hmm Hmmm
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Tere Sath Music Video
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chaipecharcha · 5 years ago
इंतज़ार Intezaar Lyrics – THEMXXNLIGHT feat. Ikka
Intezaar Lyrics in Hindi, English. The song is sung by THEMXXNLIGHT, Ikka. The lyrics and the music for the song Intezaar are written and composed by THEMXXNLIGHT & Ikka. Starring Tejasswi Prakash. Music Label Sony Music India.
Song Details
Song: Intezaar
Composition: THEMXXNLIGHT, Ikka
Director: Aman Choudhary
Production Company: The White Collar Films
Starring: Tejasswi Prakash
Music Label: Sony Music India
Intezaar Lyrics – THEMXXNLIGHT feat. Ikka
Dekho Dekho Dekho Dekho Ho Raha Hai Pyaar Dekho Dekho Dekho Dekho Tujhse Mere Yaar Kabhi Na Kabhi Na Kabhi Karde Ikraar Kiya Hai Kiya Hai Maine Bahot Intezaar
Dekho Dekho Dekho Dekho Ho Raha Hai Pyaar Dekho Dekho Dekho Dekho Tujhse Mere Yaar Kabhi Na Kabhi Na Kabhi Karde Ikraar Kiya Hai Kiya Hai Maine Bahot Intezaar
Intezar, Intezar.. Kabhi Na Kabhi Na Kabhi Karde Ikraar Kiya Hai Kiya Hai Maine Bahot Intezar
Mujhe Yaade Aakar Teri Bechain Bana Jaati Hai Aashiq Ko Ishq Mein Bas Dua Kaam Aati Hai Ye Kaisa Haal Kiya Tere Pyar Ne Bata Neend Aati Hai Toh Aankhe Meri Bura Maan Jaati Hai
Chanda Ki Chandani Pade Tere Tann Pe Jalta Hai Mann Mera Prem Ki Agan Me Aaja Le Chalun Main Tujhko Saatve Gagan Pe Jiya Nahi Jaata Mujhse Aur Iss Tadpan Mein Karta Hu Intezaar Karna Chahta Hu Ikraar Tujhe Dhundhu Tere Shehar Mein
De Baitha Hu Main Ishtehaar Ya Aar Kar Yaa Paar Haan Mujhe Karke Dekh Pyaar Haan Main Saare Vachan Nibhaunga Main Launda Zamuna Paar Ka
Mehshus Karna Chahta Hu Teri Mithi Saanso Ko Aur Kuch Na Dikhe Itne Paas Teri Aankho Ko Aagosh Mein Jo Ghere Baithe Tere Un Hathon Ko Tu Phool Hai Gulab Ka To Seh Lu Tere Kaanto Ko
Dekho Dekho Dekho Dekho Ho Raha Hai Pyaar Dekho Dekho Dekho Dekho Tujhse Mere Yaar Kabhi Na Kabhi Na Kabhi Karde Ikraar Kiya Hai Kiya Hai Maine Bahut Intezaar
Dekho Dekho Dekho Dekho Ho Raha Hai Pyaar Dekho Dekho Dekho Dekho Tujhse Mere Yaar Kabhi Na Kabhi Na Kabhi Karde Ikraar Kiya Hai Kiya Hai Maine Bahot Intezaar
Intezaar, Intezaar.. Kabhi Na Kabhi Na Kabhi Karde Ikraar Kiya Hai Kiya Hai Maine Bahot Intezar
My Love Is Endless I Want You Keep You By My Side We Can Ride To The Moon Don’t You Forget This I Love You Always In My Mind I Just Wanna See It Through
Karta Hu Main Pyaar Beshumaar Beshumaar Socha Na Socho Na Mera Pyaar Beshumaar Abhi Abhi Abhi Abhi Karle Ikraar Main Na Manunga Haar Abhi Abhi Abhi Abhi Karle Ikraar Main Na Manunga Haar
Dekho Dekho Dekho Dekho Ho Raha Hai Pyaar Dekho Dekho Dekho Dekho Tujhse Mere Yaar Kabhi Na Kabhi Na Kabhi Karde Ikraar Kiya Hai Kiya Hai Maine Bahut Intezaar
Music Video of the Song Intezaar
इंतज़ार Intezaar Lyrics in Hindi- THEMXXNLIGHT feat. Ikka
देखो देखो देखो देखो हो रहा है क्या देखो देखो देखो देखो तुझसे मेरे यार कभी ना कभी ना कभी कर दे इकरार किया है किया है मैंने बहुत इंतज़ार
देखो देखो देखो देखो हो रहा है क्या देखो देखो देखो देखो तुझसे मेरे यार कभी ना कभी ना कभी कर दे इकरार किया है किया है मैंने बहुत इंतज़ार
इंतज़ार.. इंतज़ार..इंतज़ार.. इंतज़ार.. कभी ना कभी ना कभी कर दे इकरार किया है किया है मैंने बहुत इंतज़ार इंतज़ार..
मुझे यादें आकर तेरी बेचैन बना जाती हैं आशिक़ को इश्क़ में बस दुआ काम आती हैं ये कैसा हाल किया तेरे प्यार ने बता नींद आती है तू आँखे मेरी बुरा माँ जाती हैं
चंदा की चाँदनी पड़े तेरे तन पे जलता है मन मेरा प्रेम की अगन में आजा ले चलूँ ��ैं तुझको सातवें गगन पे जिया नहीं जाता मुझसे और इस तड़पन में करता हूँ इंतज़ार करना चाहता हूँ इकरार तुझे ढूँढूँ तेरे शहर में दे बैठा हु मैं इशतेहार या आर कर या पार हाँ मुझे करके देख प्यार हाँ मैं सारे वचन निभाऊँगा मैं लौंडा जमुना पार का महशुस करना चाहता हूँ तेरी मीठी साँसों को और कुछ ना दिखे इतने पास तेरी आँखों को आग़ोश में जो घेरे बैठे तेरे उन हाथों को तू फूल है गुलाब का तो सह लूँ तेरे काँटों को
देखो देखो देखो देखो हो रहा है क्या देखो देखो देखो देखो तुझसे मेरे यार कभी ना कभी ना कभी कर दे इकरार किया है किया है मैंने बहुत इंतज़ार
देखो देखो देखो देखो हो रहा है क्या देखो देखो देखो देखो तुझसे मेरे यार कभी ना कभी ना कभी कर दे इकरार किया है किया है मैंने बहुत इंतज़ार
इंतज़ार.. इंतज़ार..इंतज़ार.. इंतज़ार.. हिंदी ट्रैक्स कभी ना कभी ना कभी कर दे इकरार किया है किया है मैंने बहुत इंतज़ार
माई लव इस एंड्लेस आई वॉंट यू गिव में योर साइड आइ राइड टू ड मून डोंट यू फ़र्गेट दिस आइ लव यू ऑल्वेज़ इन माई माइंड आइ जस्ट वाना सी यू थ्रू
करता हूँ मैं प्यार बेशुमार बेशुमार सोचो ना सोचो ना मेरा प्यार बेशुमार अभी अभी आ गया वे कल इकरार मैं ना मानूँगा अभी अभी आ गया वे कल इकरार मैं ना मानूँगा
देखो देखो देखो देखो हो रहा है क्या देखो देखो देखो देखो तुझसे मेरे यार कभी ना कभी ना कभी कर दे इकरार किया है किया है मैंने बहुत इंतज़ार
The Full Lyrics for the song Intezaar by THEMXXNLIGHT, Ikka in Hindi, English. If you have any suggestions or want to suggest any change to the lyrics, please contact us.
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source https://chai-pe-charcha.com/intezaar-lyrics-themxxnlight-ikka/
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aestheticdivision · 6 years ago
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Karl de Haan, Apple & Eve, 1969
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