nordic-language-love · 11 months
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Var jeg engang i Norge hvis jeg ikke spiste minst én kanelbolle 😍
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05-11-2022 | Oslo jour 1
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J’ai commencé ma visite d’Oslo par aller voir la vue sur la ville depuis le haut de l’opéra. Après un petit déjeuner à base de KanelBolle, Hugo m’a montré les bâtiments intéressants du centre-ville, notamment la mairie qui impressionne par ses airs de QG communiste. Nous nous sommes baladés sur le port et avons fait le tour de la citadelle Akershus sous la pluie. Pour échapper au mauvais temps, nous nous sommes refugie dans le musée historique. Ce musée présente une diversité étonnante de collections mais ce que nous avons préféré sont les expositions sur les vikings. En sortant du musée, la pluie avait laissé place à un super couché de soleil que nous sommes allé observer depuis le quartier de Tjuvholmen. Enfin, nous sommes ressortis après manger pour retrouver des copains de promo d’Hugo et aller voir les installations du Fjord Oslo Festival of Light Art.
Oslo – to be continued …. 
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mat-anmeldelse · 7 months
Bit uten pils
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I går utforsket jeg det ukjente "Bit boller" etter anbefalinger av min tidligere prosjekt medarbeider. Hun hadde hypet opp veldig disse bollene, noe som fylte meg full av nysgjerrighet. oi oi oi tenkte jeg. Kanskje jeg skulle også prøve en bolle?
Jeg ble med på pilegrimsreisen til Bit. Det var en lang vei, men heldigvis er vi heldige med kollektivtransporten. Med takke til bussene som suste kom vi oss fram til Bit og fikk kjøpt oss noen boller.
Min guide kjøpte 4 boller ! wow, er bollene, saftige, forførende, guddommelige og uimotståelige? Jeg valgte til slutt å kjøpe 2 boller. En kardemommebolle og en kanelbolle, for å så ta vandre turen hjemover (med buss selvfølgelige).
Med nysgjerrighetens flammende iver, tok jeg fatt på en bit av Bit's kardemommebolle. Dette var min første opplevelse med denne delikatessen, og jeg var spent på å se hva denne ettertraktede baksten hadde å tilby.
Ved første øyekast var kardemommebollen en skjønnhet å beundre. Den var deilig gyllenbrun og oser av friskhet. Duften av kardemomme og omfavnet sansene mine og lokket frem en følelse av forventning og nostalgi.
Da jeg tok en bit av den ble jeg overrasket. Hver bit var som en reise gjennom en skog av krydder, sødme og minner. Kardemomme smaken minte meg om da jeg var liten og prøvde å unngå å se på en gris, så jeg gikk bort til et bygg som solgte et eller annet bakst med kardemomme som jeg så kjøpte. Jeg kunne føle at jeg ble transportert til et nytt sted, et sted der hver smak og aroma var en del av en harmonisk symfoni.
Bit's kardemommebolle var mer enn bare en bakst; den var et kunstverk av smak og konsistens. Den hadde også en perfekt størrelse ! Og var veldig bollete.
Jeg spiste bollen uten pils.
tldr; Ganske god bolle
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frozenbassist · 1 year
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Kanelbolle - Beautiful cinnamon roll. Too good for this world. Too pure.
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Hm.. How do I describe it-
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A cinnamon roll also known as cinnamon bun, cinnamon swirl, cinnamon Danish and cinnamon snail, is a sweet roll commonly served in Northern Europe, mainly in Nordic countries, but also in Austria and Germany, and North America. In Sweden it is called kanelbulle, in Denmark it is known as kanelsnegl, in Norway it is known as kanelbolle, skillingsbolle or kanelsnurr, in Finland it is known as korvapuusti, in Iceland it is known as kanilsnúður, and in Estonia it is known as kaneelirull. In Austria and Germany, it is called Zimtschnecke.
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So to put it simply. A cinnamon roll is a sweet baked dough filled with a cinnamon-sugar filling. Made with a rich dough leavened with yeast, their characteristic form is due to rolling a dough sheet containing sweetened cinnamon filling. 1. Common toppings for cinnamon rolls include cream cheese frosting or a sugar glaze.
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Smarter then I remember, nice one, Nagisa.
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I dont need your praise. So shut up. Or have you forgotten who you're talking to?
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My apologies, Nagisa. It was only a compliment.. Although compliments from a guy as hopelessly worthless as me.. I can see why you dont accept my praise.
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Interesting. You're pretty intelligent Nagisa. It's rather impressive.
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itovelover · 2 years
Hei :) Jeg heter Tove. Jeg kommer fra Arendal, men nå bor jeg i Fagernes.
Jeg jobber på en liten kafé hvor jeg bakter baverk og kaker. Jeg går på jobben fra tirsdag til lørdag. På fridager går jeg en tur i nature, og leser bøker, fordi jeg elsker å lese. Det er terapeutisk.
En av mine hobbyer er kunstløp.
Også jeg har en katt som heter Noa.
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Den beste maten i verde er vellagde kanelboller<3
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platingbypia · 2 years
Kanelboller med kremost
Kanelboller er noe av den beste gjærbaksten som finnes! Men har du noen gang prøvd disse godbitene i langpanne dekket med deilig, søt kremost? Det er bare Så godt, og må virkelig prøves! Kanelboller i langpanne med kremost Ingredienser: 5 dl melk1 pose tørrgjær150g sukker1kg mel1,5 ss kardemomme1 egg + 1 til pensling1 ts salt120 g smør, romtemp. Ca.150 g smør, romtemp100 g brunt sukker2-3 ss…
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annikasylte · 7 years
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Når man baker @idagranjansen sine kanelboller andre kvelden på rad 😋🙈 Tror jeg satser på julekroppen istedenfor sommerkroppen 🤣😂 When you make @idagranjansen cinnamon bun second day in a row 😋🙈 #bake #kanelboller #idagranjansen #deliciousfood #illustration #drawing #sketch #copics #staedtler #hobbykunstnorge #fun #love #art #food #artist #illustrator #annika #annikasylte
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Nok en dag ute i naturen! Først gikk jeg langs Akerselva for å komme meg til Folkeuniversitetet i Nydalen. Jeg tok en pause midt på veien for å spise nystekt vafler ved siden av elva. Det er noe jeg kan anbefale? Kaféen heter Fomoto Café. Da hadde jeg Bergenstesten muntlig del. Det gikk ok, og både sensoren og eksaminatoren virket imponerte da jeg forklarte at jeg aldri har bodd i Norge, og de stilte meg spørsmål om hvordan jeg hadde lært det.
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Da gikk jeg videre, først til Brekkestranda. Altså… jeg prøvde å komme meg til Brekkestranda. Jeg kunne se innsjøen, men ikke veien dit. Til slutt ga jeg meg og satte meg i retning Trollvann istedet.
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Jeg ga meg nesten flere ganger. Jeg hadde ikke visst hvor høyt det var! Jeg er ikke erfaren turgåere og har dårlige knær, skjønner du 😅 Det var en gang jeg måtte gå opp ei bratt trapp, og etter bare de først tjue steg tenkte jeg… fy faen dette klarer jeg ikke. Men jeg var så nær, og jeg var litt skuffa at jeg ikke hadde kommet til Brekkestranda og jeg ikke hadde fant stien jeg skulle tatt dagen før, så jeg skjerpa meg og fortsatte.
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Jeg er glad jeg bestemte meg å ikke snu! Det var mange flotte utsikter på vei opp (og ned), og verden var så stille og rolig der! Jeg belønna meg ei kanelbolle før jeg begynte reisen tilbake.
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Totalt gikk jeg 17km. Ikke så verst! Jeg går ikke på lange tur særlig ofte, så jeg var stolt av meg selv. Jeg kjøpte noe til middag før jeg gikk opp til hotellrommet fordi jeg visste jeg ikke skulle klare å dra ut igjen etterpå. Jeg var helt utmattet, og jeg kjente stølheten i leggene! Jeg tok en lang dusj og koset meg inne.
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For en dag!
Rettelser velkomne, så klart!
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09-11-2022 | Oslo jour 5
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Jour 5 ! Comme d’habitude, nous avons commencé la journée avec un Kanelbolle. Le Kanelbolle du jour a remporté la médaille du meilleur Kanelbolle du séjour.  Nous sommes ensuite allés nous balader au-dessus d’Oslo ou nous avons croisé des trolls fort sympathiques. Nos pieds nous ont menés jusqu’au petit lac de Bogstad. Nous avons ensuite pris le bus pour revenir en ville et visiter le Frogner Park, célèbre pour abriter une collection impressionnante de statues de Gustav Vigeland.
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bodil-amanda · 7 years
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NORWEGIAN CINNAMON BUNS Ingredienser: 150 g smør 5 dl Helmelk 50 g gjær ½ ts salt 1 ¼ dlsukker (ca.100g) 1 stkegg 15 dl hvetemel (ca.) 2 ts kardemomme (kan sløyfes)
Slik gjør du det
Denne oppskriften på hjemmelagde kanelboller gir ca. 22 deilige boller
Smelt smøret i en kjele og tilsett melken. La blandingen være fingervarm (37 °C). Smuldre gjæren i en bakebolle og tilsett litt av væsken. Rør til gjæren er oppløst. Hell i resten av melkeblandingen.
Tilsett salt, sukker, kardemomme og egg. Hell i det meste av melet, men gjem litt til utbaking. Arbeid til en smidig og litt løs deig. Sett deigen lunt til heving dekket med plast ca. 30 minutter. FYLL : 100 g Meierismør (romtemperatur) 1 dlsukker 4 tsmalt kanel
Rør sammen smør, sukker og kanel til fyllet. Del deigen i to deler og kjevle hver ut til en leiv, ca. 20 x 45 cm. Smør fyllet utover. Rull sammen og skjær i ca. 2 cm brede biter.
Sett stekeovnen på 250 °C. PENSLING OG DRYSS: 1 stk egg 4 ss perlesukker (kan sløyfes) Følg med, her går det fort fra perfekt resultat til svidde boller TIPS:Legg bollene med en av snittflatene ned på stekeplaten med bakepapir. Etterhev ca. 30 minutter under plast. Pensle med sammenpisket egg og strø på perlesukker. Stek midt i ovnen, ca. 7 - 8 minutter. Avkjøl kanelbollene på rist. TIPS:Ved all gjærbakst er det viktig å bruke minste mengde mel. Det er lett å justere deigen til passe konsistens med mer mel om den er for løs.
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undead-potatoes · 4 years
Å kalle noen for en ‘cinnamon roll’ er jo litt sånn koselig og kjærlig, men jeg så akkurat noen kalle noen andre en ‘kanelbolle’ og det har virkelig ikke samme effekten
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deraal · 8 years
Stockholm - ein Königreich für Hipster und Kanelboller
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Skandinavien war bislang ein blinder Fleck auf der Landkarte des AALs. Tatsächlich führte mich bisweilen nur ein kurzer Geschäftstrip nach Kopenhagen und damit in die für mich bisher nördlichste Ecke Europas. Dänemark ist aber ja in weiten Teilen eher als verlängerter Arm Schleswig Holsteins zu erachten und ohnehin nicht wirklich Teil des exklusiven Skandinaviens. Es war also längst überfällig sich einmal in noch nördlichere Gefilde zu begeben und so verschlug es den AAL, diesmal sogar in charmanter Begleitung, in den hohen Norden nach Stockholm. Hier folgt nun ein Bericht über das Mekka des Hipstertums.
Schweden, das pfeifen die Spatzen seit Ewigkeiten von den Dächern, ist mit wunderschönen Landstrichen schier unendlicher Weite gesegnet. Eigentlich sollte man sich also etwas Zeit nehmen und den Landweg nach Stockholm wählen. Weil Zeit aber rar ist und zum Zeitpunkt unserer Reise tiefster Winter herrschte, entschieden wir uns für das Flugzeug. Für ca. 100€ pro Kopf ging es in etwa 75 Minuten mit Eurowings von Hamburg nach Stockholm, bzw. in die Nähe Stockholms zum Flughafen Arlanda. Von hier kann man nun für 20€ pro Person per Schnellzug in das etwa 50KM entfernte Stadtzentrum fahren, kostenloses Wifi inklusive. Sicherlich hätte es mit vorhergehender Recherche auch günstigere Möglichkeiten gegeben, um in das Zentrum Stockholm´s zu gelangen. Auf der anderen Seiten bekommt man hier aber auch schon einen guten Vorgeschmack auf das, was einen späterer erwartet: Ein hoher Grad an Technisierung sowie ein gesalzenes Preisniveau einer sehr kaufkräftigen Nation.
Durch ganz hervorragende und zudem äußerst freundliche Kontakte, konnten wir bei dieser Reise auf eine Unterkunft in Hotel, Hostel oder Airbnb verzichten und stattdessen im Wohnzimmer eines lieben Menschen einkehren. Dieses Wohnzimmer befand sich in einer äußerst hübschen Wohnung im wohl recht angesagten Stadtteil Södermalm und damit in aller bester Lage.
Stockholm erstreckt sich mit seinen knapp 200km² direkt am Ufer der Ostsee und ist vom Erscheinungsbild daher mit seinen verschiedenen Inseln eher zerklüftet. Die hübschen und eigentlich gut begehbaren Wege laden zum Flanieren und den rund 900.000 Einhemischen ein und so man kann sich zu Fuß jeden Tag 1-2 der Stadteile vornehmen und sie erkunden - wäre da nicht der Schnee und die damit verbundene Eisglätte. Wenige Tage vor unserer Ankunft gingen auf Stockholm die heftigsten Schneefälle seit 100 Jahren nieder. In Deutschland würde dieses Szenario vermutlich panische Hamsterkäufe sowie ein völliges Erliegen des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs, als auch eine kampflose Kapitulation der städtischen Werke ("Wir haben kein Streusalz mehr...") auslösen. Nicht so in Schweden. Hier türmt man den Schnee meterhoch auf, sperrt die Fußwege teilweise ab und befreit die Dächer seelenruhig von den Lasten der Schneemaßen. Busse und U-Bahnen fahren weiter und die Bevölkerung geht entspannt ihren üblichen Tätigkeiten nach und fährt mitunter noch immer Fahrrad oder packt mancherorts die Langlaufski aus. Touristen hingegen mühen sich mit unangemessen Schuhwerk durch den Schnee, stets bedacht darauf, sich nicht die Beine zu brechen.
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Wie bereits erwähnt, kamen wir im äußerst angesagten Södermalm unter. Man könnte diesen Stadtteil von der Attitüde, dem Flair und dem Erscheinungsbild der Bewohner am ehesten wie eine Mischung aus Schanzenviertel und Ottensen beschreiben. In Södermalm trägt jeder Mütze, diese bedeckt aber allenfalls den Hipsterdutt oder den Manbun und droht stets, vom Kopf zu wehen. Wer die Mütze weiter oben trägt, der gewinnt. Ähnliches gilt für die Hosenbeine der meist ausgestellten, vornehmlich schwarzen Beinkleider, welche den Saum der Altfrauenschuhe sowie die Knöchelsocken an den Füßen junger Menschen, nie berühren. Auch die längst vergessene Bomberjacke ist hier wieder en Vogue und dient als essentieller Bestandteil eines Outfits, das uns vermutlich auch bald in Hamburg begegnen wird. Trotz - oder gerade wegen - dieser seltsamen Kreaturen, lädt Södermalm zum ausgedehnten Flanieren und zum Durchführen einiger Feldstudien ein. Es gibt hier verschiedene kleine Cafés, die hervorragenden Kaffee und köstliche Zimtschnecken, hier Kanelboller genannt, servieren und zum gemütlichen Verweilen Einladen. Empfohlen sei jedem außerdem der kleine Aufstieg zum Aussichtspunkt in der Nähe des Fotografiska-Museums, welcher einen ganz hervorragenden Ausblick über die Stadt bietet.
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Einen ähnlich schönen Blick hat man auch vom Aussichtspunkt an der Mosebacke. Außerdem kann man von hier herabsteigen und sich über die Brücke in das beschauliche Altstadtzentrum Stockholms begeben. Hier stehen zahlreiche wunderschöne und perfekt erhaltene Bauwerke aus dem 17. Jahrhundert. Die kleinen Gassen, die sie Säumen laden dazu ein, sich in ihnen zu verlieren und ein bisschen in die Geschichte dieser schönen Stadt einzutauchen. Wer Zeit mitbringt und guten Kaffee sowie Kuchen schätzt, der sollte unbedingt im Cosy-Café einkehren und hier etwas Rast machen. Dieses kleine Café am Eingang der Altstadt hält was es verspricht und ist in der Tat unfassbar gemütlich. Die Bedienung ist zudem extrem freundlich und immer für einen Schnack zu haben.
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Etwas weiter, in östlicher Richtung, kann man nun einen ausgedehnten Spaziergang auf den Inseln, welche das Museum für moderne Kunst beherbergen, unternehmen und den Blick über die Ostsee auf die andere Seite der Stadt unternehmen.
Leider hatten wir nur etwa drei Tage in Stockholm und waren zudem auch noch im sehr lichtarmen Winter hier. Es wird im November bereits um 16 Uhr dunkel, weswegen man die vielen schönen Eindrücke Stockholms rasch sammeln muss. Lobenswert zu erwähnen ist die Detailverliebtheit der Stockholmer: Die zahlreichen Cafés, Boutiquen, Delis, Lädchen und Restaurants sind mit äußerst viel Hingabe gemacht und sowieso ist die gesamte Stadt eine architektonische Augenweide. Die Schweden sind daneben ein sehr angenehmes und herrlich unaufgeregtes sowie stets freundliches Volk.
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Eigentlich kann man in Stockholm nicht viel falsch machen, außer vielleicht zu wenig Zeit und zu wenig Geld mitzubringen... Zwar ist Stockholm nichtmal ein drittel so groß wie Hamburg, trotzdem reicht ein langes Wochenende im Winter allemal dazu, einen ersten guten Eindruck zu erhaschen. So haben wir direkt beschlossen, dass wir im Frühling oder Sommer noch einmal zurückkommen möchten.
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Ferner sollte man sich in Schweden - und das gilt übrigens für ganz Skandinavien - auf ein äußerst hohes Preisniveau einstellen, denn hier ist wirklich gar nichts günstig. Einziger Wermutstropfen ist dabei, dass man auf das Mitbringen von Devisen völlig verzichten kann. Erfreulicherweise teilt Schweden - und auch das gilt für das gesamte, ohnehin sehr fortschrittliche, Skandinavien - den Deutschland inhärenten Bargeldfetischismus nicht. Hier kann man ruhigen Gewissens selbst Kleinstbeträge mit der Kreditkarte begleichen. Völlig egal, ob im Supermarkt, am Kiosk, in der Kneipe oder im Burgerladen um die Ecke: Kredikarten sind überall gerne gesehen, Bargeld hingegen nicht. In einigen Läden wird mittlerweile sogar soweit gegangen, dass erst gar kein Bargeld mehr akzeptiert wird. Ein Alptraum für die AfD und ewig gestrige, ein absoluter Segen für den großen Rest der Bevölkerung! 
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peaceisadirtyword · 2 years
Enchanted (Ubbe/Reader)
A/N: Hello! This is the first fic I wrote for my project Summer in Kattegat based on the song Enchanted by Taylor Swift💕. It should have been posted yesterday but I had therapy and I finished way later than I thought and today I had a doctors appointment😭 But here it is! It’s maybe the worst one of the fics I’ve already written for this project, but it was the first one and I’m not very used to write for Ubbe so I’m sorry! It was nice to write for him though! It’s been a long time since I did it. 
Enjoy! Next one is with Hvitserk🥰 Thanks for reading!
Warnings: mentions of sex, mentions of cheating, heavy make out, mentions of alcohol, swearing. 
Words: +5k. (sorry)
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Late evening shifts were your favourites. It was strange, as everyone preferred to have dinner at home and stay there with their partners, pets or children, watching movies, reading books… But you just moved to Kattegat and didn’t have a partner to stay with, being home alone every day was a bit boring after a while, and the evening shifts were better paid. Besides, he always came in during the evenings.
He’d just get out of work, you guessed, by the formal clothes he always wore. Sometimes he’d come accompanied by other people, other times he’d be all alone frowning over papers and making phone calls. Sometimes he’d order a cold beer, other times a strong coffee, once he ordered a tea.
Ubbe Lothbrok. Your coworker updated you on his entire life. The eldest of a dysfunctional family with an absent father and a mother that sometimes was absent too, with an older half-brother that barely acted like it and three younger brothers which he practically raised. That was probably why he had such a comforting and nurturing aura around him.
He had the sweetest smile, always polite and nice even when he obviously wasn’t having the best of days, and stunning, big blue eyes that left you breathless. It wasn’t healthy to have such a crush on a regular customer, you said to yourself every night after closing and coming back home, but you couldn’t help sighing as you remembered how beautiful was the smile he shot you when you gave him his coffee that day.
But every night he’d come in, and every night you’d spend hours sneaking glances at him, until he left. That night, though, it was a bit different.
You had just poured another glass of whisky to another one of your regulars. He was a nice man but perhaps abused alcohol a bit too much, especially during Friday evenings. He always tried to make you laugh so he could compliment you afterwards, and even if you had to fake all of your laughs, you did it anyway.
Ubbe didn’t look good when he crossed the door. Your smile faded slowly when he entered without saying a word, a stern expression on his face and clearly with something on his mind that bothered him. He sat on his usual table, near the big window from where you could see the fjord. It looked gorgeous, especially during the evenings when the sun would be a bit lower.
But he didn’t pay attention to the view nor looked at the bar to catch your attention. Biting your lip, you grabbed a plate and one of the kanelboller you had baked earlier that day. Before you could think about it twice, you approached his table, taking a deep breath for a bit of courage. The look on his face when you offered it to him with a small, shy smile on your face was priceless.
“I didn’t order this” he said with a small frown.
“I know, I just thought you look like you need it, I always eat one when I’m having a bad day and it gets much better” you replied with a giggle “Can I get you anything else?”
He looked taken aback, blinked a couple of times before nodding slowly. He cleared his throat.
“Um… A coffee perhaps? With milk, please, and a lot of sugar”
“Sure, just a moment” you smiled, nodding and quickly making your way back to the bar to prepare it. You could feel his eyes on you while you worked, and didn’t dare to look back at him until you left the coffee on his table.
The customers started to leave. Sometimes you’d glance at his table only to discover he had eaten the kanelboll and drank the coffee. Other times you’d caught him looking at you. Until you heard someone sitting on one of the stools at the bar, making you look up from the glasses you were drying and nearly gasping when you saw his big blue eyes looking right at you.
“Have we met?” he said softly, his voice suddenly sounding much more rough and intimate than when he ordered. The faint curve of a smile on his lips made him look even better.
“I… Don’t think so” you cleared your throat “I’d remember it, um… I’m Y/N” you smiled softly, clearing your throat and wondering if you’d look as bad as you thought after hours running up and down the local.
“I’m Ubbe” he nodded “You’re new in Kattegat, aren’t you?”
“Yes, kind of” you chuckled nervously “Just moved here, looking for a change of scenery, I guess…”
“Anyone would think that a young, pretty woman would prefer a change of scenery in Sicily or the south of France or Spain” he smiled, and you smiled back at him. How could you not?
“I’d say the south of Norway has its charm too” you replied, shrugging and trying to ignore the fact that he just called you pretty “It has handsome men, at least”
Was that as terrible as it sounded?
He chuckled then, and looked down before shaking his head.
“I’d say you might be too good for the men around here” he shrugged.
“How can you say it? You don’t know me yet” you smirked.
“You just gave me one of the best kanelboller I’ve ever tried. And I’ve tried a lot, my mother is Swedish” he said “And just because you thought I needed it”
“They always manage to put me in a good mood, I figured it could work with you too…”
“It did work” he nodded “Thank you, I’ve been having a very long day, family shit…” he rubbed his neck with a sigh “Sorry, I don’t mean to bore you with my problems…”
“No” you shook your head “You’re not boring me, it’s way better than cleaning this place” you frowned looking around “Want a beer?”
“Sure” he smiled again “In any case, I’d prefer to talk to you over dinner, if you feel like it”
“Oh” you chuckled “I’d love that… Um… I finish my shift in an hour or so…”
“Perfect” he shot you the biggest, most beautiful smile you had ever seen “I’ll wait for you, then”
You didn’t think Ubbe could be even more handsome, but the low light of the sunset made him look like a Norse God. His clear eyes narrowed slightly, bothered by the light, but he only had a big smile for you as soon as you turned to him. You wished you had put a bit more effort on dressing up that morning, but at least you wore a cute top and jeans. The denim jacket, which you realised with a sigh that matched Ubbe’s eyes, was a must in Scandinavia, even during summer.
“I know a place where we can grab some dinner” he cleared his throat as soon as you turned to him, biting your lip nervously “Would you prefer eating there or going to the beach to have a late picnic?”
Even if every single brain cell capable of reasoning in that moment screamed at you that it wasn’t smart or safe to go to a deserted beach while it was dark all alone with a man you didn’t even know, you ended up smiling and nodding  at his plan, convincing yourself that he didn’t look like a serial killer and that even if you had to die you preferred doing it while looking at those eyes.
Ubbe apologised for the simplicity of the dinner he got you. A pair of burgers, and a paper bag full of chips that the waitress (who also battled her eyelashes way more than necessary while he ordered) had given to him for free. He explained he used to work there when he was younger, and you listened to him with widened eyes, barely paying attention to the food even if you were starving.
“My dad left home when I was a kid” he muttered, the sand was still a bit warm under you and the soft sea breeze hitting your face while you listened to his voice almost made you disassociate “I still saw him sometimes, but he spent most of his time in England, my mother had four kids to raise and one of them with a disease… She still ran the family business with the help of my half-brother, so she barely had time for us. I had to take the role of a father to my younger brothers when I was still a kid myself, so… This is going to sound selfish maybe, but I got that job to be out of that house for a few hours” he sighed “We didn’t need the money, but it felt good to stay away and make my own money, meet new people and go out…”
“I don’t think it’s selfish” you shrugged “I suppose all of us need some space, especially a teenager boy”
“Sometimes I felt bad, almost like I abandoned my brothers too” he shrugged “Hvitserk usually tagged along when I went out with friends, but Sigurd and Ivar were too young, and Ivar had his… Shit going on, too”
“It wasn’t your place to act like a father” you said softly “It wasn’t your responsibility and you still did it, that says a lot”
“I couldn’t just leave them like my father did” he sighed “They barely got to know him, at least I spent some good years with him, but they were very little when he left”
“Is this the family shit you talked about?” you said with a smile.
“No” he chuckled “Well, I do have some fights with my youngest brother, Ivar is very… Stubborn” he frowned softly “And Hvitserk used to be my partner in crime, now he’s closer to Ivar, and Sigurd… He doesn’t really care, left this place a long time ago… But no, it’s not them the ones making my days a living hell lately”
“I’m sorry” you replied with a sad smile “I hope I could help”
Ubbe turned then to smile widely at you.
“You did, you fixed my entire day, Gods, you fixed my entire month”
You giggled, shaking your head before taking another bite of your burger.
“That’s the effect of kanelboller” you smiled “I’m glad you feel better”
“It wasn’t the kanelboller” he said softly “It was you, I don’t think someone has noticed I don’t look happy in my entire life” he muttered “I was always okay, helping others, I didn’t… I wasn’t given the chance to not be okay, but you just came and gave it to me, like it was normal”
“It is normal” you reached to take his hand, hoping he wouldn’t put it away “I see every kind of people every day, some of them are very happy, others not so much, others start crying when they tell me they’ve been fired, others come very happy and leave sad, people feel things, and it’s okay to feel, it’s much better than not feeling anything”
“I guess no one paid attention to what I felt in my entire life” he shrugged, shaking his head before drinking from the beer he had bought for dinner “So thank you”
“You don’t have to thank me” you giggled “I do want something in return though” you bit your lip, glancing at an amused Ubbe, who raised an eyebrow.
“Me buying dinner wasn’t enough?” he laughed.
“Baking those kanelboller took me a long time, you know…”
He hummed, nodding slowly almost like he was thinking.
“And… What about this?” he said, and before you could react he grabbed your neck, pushing you closer to him and capturing your lips with his softly. You gasped against his mouth, surprised, but your hands went to his arms immediately, trying to keep balance without breaking what was possibly the best kiss you ever had. He tasted like the beer he was drinking, he was warm and soft, and completely matched the vibe of a sweet and nurturing man that always took care of others. You kissed him back, closing your eyes and moving closer until he grabbed your waist to pull you into his lap. The food was already forgotten as you straddled his hips and his hands travelled down your back and waist until your hips.
He only broke the kiss when the both of you couldn’t breathe. After opening your eyes and seeing his ocean blues looking right back at you you knew that would be what you saw when you died.
“Maybe I should have asked first” he whispered, his voice even more hoarse and deep.
“No, I’m…” you cleared your throat, touching your lips absentmindedly while holding back a stupid smile “I’m fine, more than fine”
“Good” he muttered before leaning in again to keep kissing you. With a sigh, you let him do, running your hands down his strong chest and shoulders, enjoying the way his arms tightened around your waist, or how his hands would wander further down and touch your thighs over your jeans. Once his hands came closer to that place between your legs and you whimpered against his lips. He kissed down your jaw and neck, even giving some small kisses over your collarbone and chest, only to bite softly on your neck, finding your sweet spot with no effort.
You could feel his member already hard against your sex, and grinded against it absentmindedly, Ubbe gasped and grabbed your hips to press you down, groaning when he made you moan softly against his ear. When you finally opened your eyes it was already completely dark around you, the moon being the only source of light around you. His eyes under the moonlight were amazing.
Without saying a word, he grabbed your waist again only to push you down onto the sand, it was already cold and it made you shiver when you laid down with your eyes still fixed on his.
“Don’t you want to watch the stars?” he chuckled, even if he didn’t take his eyes off of you either.
“Only if you’re the one making me see them” you raised an eyebrow, making him laugh again. He hid his face into your neck to laugh, and his warm breath hitting your skin made you tremble again. As soon as he raised his head you grabbed his neck to kiss him again. This time he had enough space to touch and caress every single part of your body.
“Well… This is me” you said with a giggle when you stopped in front of your building. Ubbe nodded slowly, the cute smile that hadn’t abandoned him all night curving his lips “Want to come in?”
A part of you was begging for him to say yes, but another part was panicking because that day you had forgotten to make the bed and you were sure there were clothes all around your bedroom.
And, you were wearing very ugly underwear.
“I would love to, but…” he sighed “It’s late, I need to work tomorrow and… Yeah, I have an appointment very early, and I don’t know if I’d be strong enough to leave your bed once I’m in” he muttered, leaning even closer before stealing another kiss. You had to hold back a very excited and unsexy giggle.
“Yeah, I… We better leave that for the weekend” you whispered, biting your lip as soon as he broke the kiss.
“I’m all yours for the weekend” he raised his hands with a chuckle.
“I’ll call you” you nodded slowly, already missing his touch “Thank you for this night, it was… Quite a welcome to Kattegat”
“It was my pleasure” he bowed his head and winked at you playfully “Good night, gorgeous”
“Good night” you said back, smiling like an idiot before turning around to open the door.
“Oh, and Y/N” he called out, making you turn around again to look at him “It was amazing to meet you”
Before you could react, he took your hand, kissing it softly before winking and walking away.
As soon as you were inside, you giggled, shrieked and laughed in pure joy, feeling those butterflies in your stomach when you remembered just how his lips felt against yours.
Opening your window to let the chill night air into your room, you looked up at the sky you had been neglecting for the entire night.
Was it you or the stars looked more bright?
“You look too happy today, don’t you?” your coworker raised an eyebrow. She had been looking at you the entire evening, giggling in amusement when you smiled at the customers maybe more than needed.
“Yeah, well, it’s Friday, the sun is up and it’s warm, perfect to go to the beach”
“Will you be joining someone?” she laughed “It’s the first time since you moved here that you’re actually looking forward to do something after work”
“Maybe” you winked at her “I don’t kiss and tell, who knows?”
“Oh my god you are!” she shrieked, almost groaning in impatience when you scurried off to serve a coffee to a customer “Who? Is he hot? Or she? Or they? I don’t really know your sexual preferences”
“It’s a he” you giggled “And yes he’s very hot, we’re just getting to know each other for now, though” you shrugged, trying to hold the excited smile back, still feeling like an idiot whenever you caught yourself thinking about the kiss(es) and smiling all alone.
“Finally! Is he a customer?” she widened her eyes “There’s a lot of guys that flirt with you, should I guess?”
“Yes, he is a customer” you winked at her “And I’m saying no more! If I talk too much about it and it doesn’t work out…”
Ignoring her protests, you went back to smiling widely to the customers, glancing at the clock approximately every five minutes.
Once you were out, this time having put more effort on your outfit and having brought some of your makeup to work, you immediately called him. After a few days thinking when you should call, you decided to just give him a spontaneous call when you got off of work. He did mention he was free every evening after work, so you thought it would make you look a bit more laid-off and less desperate. Not that you were desperate, but you honestly didn’t really know how long you’d survive without one of his kisses.
Ubbe didn’t pick up. Your smile faded a bit, but you soon shook your head and shrugged it off. Maybe he was busy at work, maybe he had a call… He would surely call you back as soon as he saw it, so you decided to go to the centre and relax a bit. You had been wanting to take a look at some shops you saw when you first moved there, but never had time to actually do it.
What you loved the most about Kattegat was how it seemed to blend in with the nature that surrounded it. There were trees everywhere, and all of the buildings were made of wood, imitating the style of the ancient vikings towns. It was cosy and delightful, the little lightbulbs that adorned the main streets every night from May to September gave it a warm vibe that contrasted with the chilly air.
Glancing at your phone every few minutes, you let yourself relax and enjoy your walk around the shops, frowning occasionally when you saw the prices. Everyone had said Norway was expensive, but you really felt like buying yourself something.
Entering a small shop that had big sale posters on the window, you looked around, smiling politely to the workers and immediately heading for the sale section.
Until a deep, rough voice made you freeze, turning your head with a small smile on your lips until you saw him.
Ubbe. That voice was unmistakable, but your smile faded slowly when you saw he wasn’t talking to you. Instead, he had a little girl in his arms, and carried her as he talked to another man, taller and with blonde hair. Next to them two women talked cheerfully, one of them, with blonde hair, had a little boy grabbing her hand, her other hand over her belly, where you could guess a big bump. You felt like someone just poured a cube of ice water over your head while you watched them walk to the door. Suddenly Ubbe turned to the blonde woman, tending his hand so she would give him the bag she carried, she did it, smiling softly at him and putting her hand on his arm after he caught it, turning her head around to keep talking to the other woman. It wasn’t until they left the shop that you reacted, clearing your throat and looking around to make sure no one saw how you wiped the tears that welled on your eyes before leaving too, suddenly not in the mood to go shopping.
On your way home, you couldn’t stop thinking about how much of an idiot you felt. You had been stupid, letting your stupid crush dictate your every move and thought about that man, who looked too handsome to be single. And you didn’t even think about asking him? Well, it’s not something that crosses your mind after someone kisses you like that, right?. Groaning as soon as you closed the door, taking off your shoes and letting yourself fall onto your couch, you took a deep breath before wiping your tears again. The worst part was the disappointment. Had he really taken advantage of you being new there and not knowing anyone?
Gods, he’s fucking married, you thought. And with kids! The excitement and illusion you had nurtured during those last few days came back as disappointment and sadness. Had that night been magical just for you? You groaned again, deciding to go right to bed even if it was too early.
Your phone vibrated, glancing at it you immediately tossed it onto the bed before entering the bathroom for a shower before bed, ignoring the fact that his name on your screen made your heart clench once again.
You changed your shifts. Your boss looked a bit bothered but you didn’t care, you preferred to spend your days at home curled up on your couch watching the news before humiliating yourself by seeing him every day. No matter how many times you had thought to yourself it maybe wasn’t what it seemed, that maybe all of it was a misunderstanding and you had gotten things wrong. Because Ubbe didn’t look like the cheating type, right?.
But if you had learnt something about men in all of your years of life, it was that most of them weren’t as innocent and nice as they looked.
A week had passed since that night, the best night of your life you’d dare to say, and you found yourself on your couch like every other day, eating some dinner you had ordered and watching a very boring documentary film. All of this while trying to ignore the downgrade that supposed to go from making out with a very hot man on a deserted beach during sunset to watching two lions fighting hyenas on TV in just a week.
You were about to switch channels when your phone vibrated. Looking at the caller ID, you sighed and left it again. He hadn’t called very often, just a couple of times, and even if you really wanted to pick up and let him explain, you also still had enough self-esteem to know that the wisest thing to do was to ignore it.
Until your doorbell rang.
Startled, you looked at the clock. You weren’t expecting anyone, could it be one of your neighbours? Two weeks ago you had to help an older lady that lived next to you to turn the TV on because she had accidentally unplugged it while cleaning, so after thinking about it for a couple of seconds, you stood up and walked over to the door, opening it and ready to fake a smile.
But you didn’t expect to see two piercing blue eyes looking right at you. He had a shy smile on his lips.
“Ubbe?” you frowned, immediately clearing your throat and shaking your head “What…?”
“I… You didn’t answer your phone” he said, shrugging “And I didn’t see you working these days either… I just… Thought maybe something had happened, is everything okay?” his eyes narrowed, and for a moment you believed he was genuinely worried “You said you’d call and…”
“Yeah” you crossed your arms over your chest “Everything is okay, now you can…” you tried closing the door, but his arm blocked it. When you opened it again with an annoyed sigh, his smile had faded, and he looked confused now. You looked away as soon as you started thinking he looked very good.
“I don’t understand” he licked his lips “Have I done something? I…”
“Are you serious?” you scoffed.
“I’m lost, Y/N” he shot you a confused smile “I’m sorry I didn’t pick up the phone, I…”
“It’s not that, it’s…” you frowned, looking at the closed doors of your neighbours, grabbing his arm and pulling him inside your flat before closing the door. Your neighbours were as adorable as they were nosy “I saw you”
“You saw me?” he frowned again, shaking his head “I’m sorry, I…”
“You’re married” you rubbed your eyes. You had promised you wouldn’t cry again “You have kids! You’re lucky I didn’t go to your wife and told her what we did on that beach last week”
“Oh” he let out a breath, smiling in relief and shaking his head “It’s that”
“That?” you scoffed “Are you serious? I’m no one’s side chick, don’t you think it’s a piece of information I should know before you kiss me?”
“Look, it has an explanation” he shook his head slowly “If you let me explain, I…”
“Go ahead” you narrowed your eyes at him as you sat down on the couch again “Explain”
“I’m divorced, Y/N” he smiled apologetically “I just divorced Torvi, that’s why I’m not wearing a ring”
He raised his hand, and you looked at his naked fingers, biting your lip in confusion.
“Torvi is my brother’s ex-wife, we started dating when they divorced, and I practically raised their kids” he shrugged and smiled shyly when you tilted your head “I know, it’s weird, it’s a long story because I was with someone else when I started dating her, which I’m not proud of” he sighed “I love Torvi, but it’s not the kind of love that maintains a marriage”
“But… You were together, with your kids and two other people, that’s not what a divorced couple usually do”
“We were with Björn and Gunhild, his actual wife” he shook his head “He’s the kids’ father, and the educator at the school said it’s good for the children to see all of us together, so we usually go out with them once a week… I do consider myself their father, but biologically I’m only Ragnar’s father, and he hasn’t been born yet” he smiled softly, looking excited “So no, I’m not married, but it’s not really a conversation for a first date, is it?”
“I… You could have mentioned it” you sighed, rubbing your eyes again “Are you sure I’m not destroying a marriage?”
Ubbe laughed for the first time since he entered your flat.
“No, my marriage didn’t have a future since way before I met you. I had a shitty day because my mother was giving me a hard time about the divorce, she is scared because she says I will never settle down, she thinks I should just hold on, no matter how unhappy my marriage is, for the kids’ sake… She believes we all should do what my father and her did, but their example was actually what made me decide to divorce” he shot you a sad smile then “So no, I’m not married nor you’re anyone’s side chick, I do have a family though, and I won’t leave them. I really like you, Y/N, but if you’re not comfortable with this or are unable of accepting this, just tell me and I will leave and won’t ever contact you again”
You groaned again, covering your face and feeling, once again, the stupidest person on Earth.
“So I just spent a week feeling like an idiot, believing you were playing me and changing my shifts at work for no reason?”
Ubbe smiled softly, reaching to put your hair out of your face.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t really get the chance to tell you, I preferred to wait… To avoid scaring you off, maybe”
“I… God, I don’t know what to say” you giggled nervously “Sorry, I… Maybe I should have picked up the phone, let you explain before jumping to conclusions”
“Hey, it’s completely normal you reacted like this, I would probably react the same if I saw you with a random guy on the street”
“Yes but I…” you sighed again “Are you sure you’re not going home to anyone?”
“No” he muttered “In fact, I just rented a flat to where I go back all alone every night, another reason why I spend my evenings out, so no, I’m not going home to anyone”
You nodded slowly, relieved but mortified at the same time.
“And just to make sure you know I’m not lying, I did say the truth when I said I loved meeting you the other day” he added, his voice softened while he grabbed your hand “I had one of the best nights of my entire life with you, and I’d hate to have to walk away from you but I’ll respect your decision”
“I believe you” you bit your lip to hold back a smile, your heart started beating faster and faster when he leaned in, your eyes travelling from his eyes to his lips “I suppose I was scared, you made me go insane in just one night… I was afraid you were playing me, going home to someone else and flirting with me for fun, I just…”
“I understand” he nodded, a smile curving his lips again “I would love if you gave me another chance”
Finally relaxing, you took a deep breath and nodded, a mischievous smile curving your lips.
“Sure, but… Do you think it’s too late to go to the beach? I always loved bathing in the sea at night”
Tags: @mblaqgi @alicedopey @lol-haha-joke @hallowed-heathen @naaladareia @captstefanbrandt @love-hate-love @titty-teetee @readsalot73 @moondustmemories @thevikingsheaux @therealcalicali @blushingskywalker @gruffle1 @heartbeats-wildly @inforapound @winchesterwife27 @hecohansen31 @xinyourdreamsx @tgrrose @lovessce @tootie-fruity @didiintheblog @belovedcherry @xceafh @astrape-the-weatherwitch @destynelseclipsa @nanahachikyuu @valopz @zuxiezendler @mrsalwayswrite @batmandallyboy​
I’m sorry if I messed up the tags again😭 it’s 2am please forgive me lol
Also! Sorry if the ending to this is too weak, I had to cut it a bit shorter because it was too long😅 anyway, the next one will be better❤️ thank you so much for reading!
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If not the prettiest these are probably the tastiest I've ever made!
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platingbypia · 3 years
Kanelboller i form
4 oktober er også kjent som Kanelbollens Dag. Det må vi selvfølgelig feire, og feirer det med disse super saftige kanelbollene i form. I denne oppskriften får du 8-10 store og saftige kanelboller som virkelig hedrer Kanelbollens Dag. Kos deg! Kanelboller i form (8-10 stk) Ingredienser: 560 g mel½ pk gjær2,5 dl melk½ ss kardemomme85 g sukker1 egg + 1 til pensling70 g smør…
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