#Kali Yuga
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cosmicportal · 5 months ago
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musicandgallery · 6 months ago
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aahanna · 1 year ago
Education was never meant to make us depressed or stressed
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spiritualseeker777 · 1 year ago
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themotherofrevelation · 2 years ago
Those who ignore her or see her as outside themselves risk destruction. Those who worship her as ishta-devata or divine self, taste her Age of Iron as if it were gold, knowing the alchemy of her presence.
Adam Parfrey, Apocalypse Culture
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ardra-astrology · 7 months ago
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The Age Of Mercury
One of the ruling planets of the Kali Yuga era is Mercury. We can see this with of the rise of the talking head podcasts. You don’t really have to bring much value to the table to have a podcast - just bring a microphone and Lots o’ words. Seriously some of these podcasters are so boring - sitting alone pontificating over their to-do list. They appear to mostly just like listening to themselves talk. The addition of others only serves to increase the hot air. Vapid. “Influencers” will tell you what to think. Social engineering. Mind control. Mental health. Drugs. Ayahuasca.
It is a well known fact that too much of the chemical Mercury can make you go crazy.
Narratives. So many narratives in Kali Yug. Narratives on top of narratives on top of narratives. 5D puzzle of narratives.
The black magic of speaking things into existence through lies. Loudly & aggressively repeating lies - they want/demand you believe UP is down. Devils advocate.
The criminal mind blames you if you believe and act on their lies. It’s your fault.
Unintelligent words. IMO. LOL - no actual words, just letters. I was just realizing something about Mercury. Mercury isn’t necessarily the smartest one. He is associated with the brain but more importantly He is the Nervous System - the Conmunication System- the Throat Chakra. The Messenger. He is the Fast one - the Impatient one - a student of many but a master of none.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 1 year ago
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* * * *
“The syndrome of kali yuga is marked by the fact that it is the only age in which property alone confers social rank; wealth becomes the only motive of virtues, passion and lust the only bonds between the married, falsehood and deception the first condition of success in life, sexuality the sole means of enjoyment, while external, merely ritualstic religion is confused with spirituality. For several thousand years, be it understood, we have been living in kali yuga.” — Mircea Eliade, Images and Symbols. (via solnax)
[Thanks to "Alive On All Channels"]
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castilestateofmind · 2 years ago
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“For  this  same  reason,  the  physical  defeat  under  this  emblem  was inevitable  in  the  current  moment  of  the  Kali  Yuga,  with  the  objective  of  preparing  a  more  exact triumph in the great Return of Ages”.
- Miguel Serrano.
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Tell me how does it feel
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concretecowb0y · 7 months ago
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Bro: it’s not that bad
The situation I’m currently in:
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cosmicportal · 5 months ago
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musicandgallery · 14 days ago
"Men will renounce the gods and will worship bones and other occult relics
in secret, inside their homes. At the end of the yuga, Sudras will not wait on Brahmanas. In the asramas of great Rishis, in the gurukulas of Brahmanas, in places sacred to the gods, in sacrificial compounds and in holy tanks, the Earth will be disfigured with tombs, with pillars containing skeletal relics, rather than graced with temples dedicated to the Devas.
All this will come to be at the end of the yuga, and they are the signs that the yuga draws to a close." - Mahabharata.
The end of the Kali yuga is APOCALYPSE.
"In religion, a relic is an object or article of religious significance from the past. It usually consists of the physical remains or personal effects of a saint or other person preserved for the purpose of veneration as a tangible memorial. Relics are an important aspect of some forms of Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, shamanism, and many other religions." - Wikipedia.
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sumarex · 2 years ago
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wakamotogarou · 4 months ago
Ah ho!
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First off - let me apologize for my previous post. It was unnecessary and I am sorry. I was a total asshole. It's been a long year! A long summer and crazy autumn.
The world is extremely divided right now, specifically the United States. America is caught up in the most important election in it's lifetime.
A lot of shit is going down. World War III and its beginnings are getting more tense as combatant countries prepare. China withdrawing its people from foreign lands, Russia officially declaring war against NATO. North Korea severing its border with South Korea. Sleeper cells have moved into the UK, France, and the USA. Destabilization of society and the economy is at the point of no return -- by unfortunate design.
The sun's solar storms have been intense, allowing the Aurora Borealus to be seen all throughout the world including Australia. A major comet known as Purple Mountain-ATLAS just passed by stunning all with it's fantastic double tail display.
There is another comet what will soon be visible (10/24). There is a "2nd moon up there". There are several anomalies all through the world involving far ends of the spectrum (Infrared and Ultraviolet) Hurricanes have been weaponized, and we are now in an age of "weather warfare."
Geo-physically, there is significant seismic turbulence around the Ring of Fire (Pacific) with a major volcanic eruption(s) in the PNW imminent. The "Big One" is known as the Cascadian slip, which is a 9+ earthquake and tidal-wave that destroys the Pacific Northwest.
I will further elaborate on every detail in what is to come here on our world in the years / months to come. This is just to dip your toes, okay? How deep down the rabbit-hole are you willing to go? I can break it all down for you and shatter your belief in this world. First things first! The urgent matters -- which I have covered in this post.
Soak it up, question everything and watch the world stage with a discerning eye. Research. Trust nobody, especially not the establishment! Okay kids? That's your homework for today, I promise to return!
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negreabsolut · 5 months ago
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«Trobem per tot arreu l'afirmació formal que la tradició primordial del cicle actual prové de les regions hiperbòries; després, hi va haver certs corrents secundaris, corresponents a períodes diversos, dels quals un dels més importants, almenys entre aquells els vestigis dels quals encara es poden discernir, va anar incontestablement de l'Occident a l'Orient. Però tot això es relaciona amb èpoques molt llunyanes, que s'anomenen comunament, 'prehistòriques', i no és d'aquestes de què parlem.
[...] Abans fèiem aŀlusió al corrent tradicional procedent de les regions occidentals, en aquest sentit, els relats dels antics relatius a l'Atlàntida n'indiquen l'origen. Després de la desaparició d'aquest continent, que és el darrer dels grans cataclismes que van succeir en el passat, no és estrany que restes de la seva tradició s'hagin exportat a regions diverses, on es van barrejar amb altres tradicions preexistents, principalment amb ramificacions de la gran tradició hiperbòria. És altament possible que les doctrines dels celtes, en concret, hagin estat un dels productes d'aquesta fusió. No negarem pas aquestes coses; però pensem això: la forma pròpiament atlantea va desaparèixer fa milers d'anys juntament amb la civilització a la qual pertanyia, la destrucció de la qual només es va poder produir a conseqüència d'una desviació que, en certs aspectes, podria ser comparable a la que constatem avui dia, i tot que amb una notable diferència, atès que l'humanitat llavors encara no havia entrat en el Kali Yuga.»
~La crisi del món modern, per René Guénon~
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mahayanapilgrim · 8 months ago
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Opportunities for Spiritual Growth
Despite the bleakness associated with Kali Yuga, Vajrayana Buddhism views this era as a unique opportunity for accelerated spiritual development. According to this perspective, the contraction and intensification of karma during Kali Yuga mean that the consequences of actions are more immediate and apparent. This heightened awareness can motivate individuals to engage more deeply in spiritual practices, potentially achieving enlightenment within a single lifetime
Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo, a prominent teacher within the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism, explains that the thickened karma of Kali Yuga makes cause and effect relationships more evident. This increased suffering can convince practitioners of the reality of suffering, thus encouraging a more diligent and sincere practice of the dharma (Buddhist teachings)
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