Hozier needs more bars about popping percs and doing blick runs.
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It’s a rough life on these seas. I must swab the deck (my shower floor) weekly to get rid of the barnacles (pink mold).
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One of my favorites has got to be when the mascot pushes their belly in the air and walks around . Nothing is funnier than 2 clumsy fat guys.
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The Iliad (John Dolan Translation)
2017 - Fiction
This is a war story, as told by a self-proclaimed war nerd and journalist with 40 years in the field. It is not an academic work, it’s a campfire story about how having gay sex and getting in fights with your bros is cool. Also, it's stomach churningly violent, SA appears in the first chapter, people are round up and killed en masse, villages are burned it all seems not of this world. Is war different? Are we in a different world? No, all these things still occur on every battlefield in the world today, we have gotten much better at killing and the morality of the public has changed but the underlying truths about the nature of war remain.
The gods, we gotta talk about the gods, folks they are real, and they hate us. Why do good things happen to bad people? why did your friend die when that arrow was meant for you? why do you feel like the most lethal warrior on the planet one day and can’t stop your knees shaking the next? Its all the gods, sometimes ajax inhabits you and you stalk the field of battle as a jackal, but oops you forgot to burn fat for Zeus or didn’t burn enough fat or he is bored so now you can’t even lift your shield.
We don’t have gods like this anymore, we have different ways of explaining these phenomena, but I do yearn for a world where courage can be gained burning beef fat. The cover of the book is sick, its Athena with the head of an insect holding a spear (artist C. M. Kosemen). These gods aren’t human, we paint them like use because it makes us feel better if there is a human at the top, but what ever they are they aren’t like us.
This isn’t a poem, its not in verse, the translation isn’t accurate. Who cares, go slam your head against a cinderblock of a translation if that’s what you want. This is a vibes-based translation that seeks to tell the deeper story, I would say the true story; it’s the first 20 minuets of saving private Ryan, war is hell, and you will be asked to die in one. Hope you are ready.
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I don’t even know what this says but they down bad as hell
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Obliterating everything on my timeline that isn’t recumbent cats in a field of petals
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My addition, can this include pocket monsters?
These are so fun to make
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Gender is super easy folks
Boyfriends provide hoodies
Girlfriends provide water bottles
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Nothing desired is peculiar.
stop normalizing things we are running out of Weird Shit
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I wanted to review a different book as my first one but given the rightwing unrest in England and Northern Ireland right now I have determined this to be far more relevant.
Mephisto – Klaus Mann
Fiction 1936
Elevator Pitch: Weimar Republic call out thread, Jewish Twink drags kinky German sub through the court of public opinion.
Fascists are stupid fat venial people, their love of cruelty is only exceeded by their love of self.
This book is erroneously labeled as fiction, everything in it happened, the people have different names but their actions are real. It begs one question of its reader, what would you do if you were living in the embryotic stages of a fascist state? You think you would fight it, be the hero, say the speech, raise the banner of democracy; I do to. But this isn’t a book its your life, death happens and its final, you don’t get to see the statue they build of you in the martyrs square it just goes black.
Klaus Mann Fled Germany Hans Otto stayed to fight fascism, Klaus Mann went on to serve in the US Army and continued to write. Otto was abducted by Nazis and tortured to death refusing to give a single name of his comrades. Mann Died by his own hand. What would you rather do should Fascism come to power in your own county? Live and be racked by the guilt of what more you could have done or die a terrible death in the fight against it.
(There is always the option of collaboration but if that is an option to you don’t bother reading this, you will end up doing that.)
The right wing appears several times in the book represented by Göring and his wife but the primary focus and much of its condemnation is that of the intellectual and bourgeoisie turn coats. The rich will always align with fascism, they would rather die atop their mountain of gold then share a single copper; I respect the conviction, but they are my enemy. Fascists are losers they cannot win without bourgeoise support which we know they will receive. We have two great strengths on the left, Fascism (our enemy) will eat itself given enough time, and they need our support too.
These EDL lads have grass roots support because they recognize the rot at the heart of capital, they just lay that at the feet of refugees instead of bankers. The economy has forgotten these people, and they are more miserable and poorer than their parents, Brexit ensured that this trend will only get worse and so too will the violence. Labor has foreclosed upon themselves the opportunity to improve the situation, given the choice between maintenance of the status quo and fascism the poor will choose fascism, where are we?
I have the only correct interpretations of books, but I don’t claim to have an answer to the question this book poses. In the interest of never finding out these answers we need to fight now, not just in the streets but with policy, we need to offer the suffering poor an alternative, point their rage in the right direction. Anti Racist Anti-Fascist counter protests are worth doing but the EDL is learning, their had will get stronger as things get worse, advocate for socialism, prevent your own death.
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How about we go band for band mac!
Get your money up!
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Bro: it’s not that bad
The situation I’m currently in:
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