spellcasterlight · 3 years
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@kakashimultishipextravaganza - Day 5 Prompts: Dogs & Meet Cute
@flashfictionfridayofficial Prompt: #FFF125 Think Twice
Just something small and silly! 🐶🐷
Warnings: Alternative Universe. Modern Day Alternative Universe.
Why did he have to take Pakkun for a walk? Didn't he and his father have an unwritten agreement? Kakashi did every university activity under the sun to bulk out his upcoming graduate job applications during the week, and then he got to do whatever he wanted on the weekend.
Of course, the dog park was filled with people and canines because of the weekend and given that it was autumn, not even the coffee he had grabbed from the vendor just outside the gates could thaw his quickly freezing fingers.
He only got more annoyed when his phone buzzed and taking it out of his jeans pocket he saw it was his father asking him to make sure it was a long walk because Pakkun hadn't had a decent walk all week there went his plans for a quick park visit and then home to do nothing.
"Tonton!" A random voice called out loudly over the general chatter of the park's occupants and the breeze through the browning leaves that just picked up. "Tonton, come back!"
Kakashi, not looking up from his phone, thought that was a rather stupid name for a-
He suddenly went crashing into the ground, his drink spilling over the grass, his phone falling out of his hand not far from it, Pakkun barking madly at whatever had knocked him over, the sounds of someone shouting in his direction and some other strange honking noise he couldn't distinguish from sound alone. If his vision weren't spinning he might have been able to see whatever it was.
Groaning, Kakashi forced himself to sit up, holding his pounding head in his hand.
"Pakkun, stop. I'm alright," he managed to say through the hammer-like feeling in his brain when his loyal and protective dog continued to bark.
"Get away from her!"
Taking a few long steadying blinks to clear his vision, Kakashi lifted his head to find a rather pretty black-haired, onyx eyed woman dressed in a long warm looking dress or browns and greens with a darker green winter coat, about his age, holding her pet just behind her, acting as a physical barrier between her pet and Pakkun.
"Don't yell at my dog," Kakashi didn't yell back, but he did sit up that little bit taller when the unnamed woman glared at him. "It was all your pi-"
Looking down at the big round pink animal in the woman's arms, Kakashi had to shove the heel of his hand into his eye socket and look again. But, no, he was correct. His eyesight still worked, and he wasn't going crazy.
"That's a pig."
The woman had the nerve to scoff at him like he was the crazy one.
"Well, of course, it's a pig."
"Yes, of course," Kakashi muttered under his breath silently, not wholly stopping his glare at the crazy woman and her even crazier pet. "Why are you walking a pig?"
"She's my pet," Kakashi pulled Pakkun beside him when he barked once again when the pig, pig, made another go at trying to jump out from behind its owner towards the dog. "This is a pet park."
"It's a dog park."
The pig oinked loudly at the woman this time as if her owner had done something wrong, and the raven-haired woman looked so upset that Kakashi even felt sorry for her.
"What is wrong with her?"
"I'm sorry, she never acts this way," she looked him over then, shushing the pig with small pats on its head and tartan coat. "Are you hurt?" She followed it up with a hysterical question of if he was burnt; she must have been referring to his spilt drink.
"No," Kakashi felt a smirk pull at his lips at the relieved look on her face. "The coffee was getting cold anyway."
"Umm, I could buy you another one?" The black-haired woman asked, looking sheepish now that all the commotion had calmed down, tucked a strand of short hair behind her ear. "To say sorry for everything."
He was stuck at this park for a while. So he may as well take a walk with a cute girl and get free caffeine out of it, right?
Her dazzling smile when he agreed made him turn and scratch the back of his head through his silver hair.
"I'm Shizune," she finally introduced herself before motioning to the pig at her side. "And this is Tonton!"
Kakashi took a second to throw a suspicious smile at the now happy go lucky pig. First, Tonton ran straight into him as if deranged now she looked too happy for words, still and composed, as if the pig had achieved something.
"Kakashi," he pointed to the now very inquisitive brown pup looking between the two humans. "This is Pakkun."
"Hi there, Pakkun!" Shizune beamed, leaning over to the dog in question and immediately started scratching the dog behind both his ears Pakkun's tail began wagging uncontrollably. "It's so nice to meet such a cute dog, want to be friends?"
The dog owner gave a single breathy laugh; that was Pakkun. As soon as anyone gave him a scratch behind the ear, he turned to jelly, a good thing he wasn't a guard dog.
Two takeaway Americanos and a long walk, longer than even he meant it to be because they only stopped walking and talking when the park closing forced them out; turned into asking Shizune for her phone number and a date the following Saturday.
He couldn't help but notice, but that stupid little pig looked particularly happy with herself and was exceptionally well behaved the rest of the day.
Kakashi couldn't help but think Tonton knew what she was doing right from the beginning.
He should buy Tonton a thank you treat.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai | Might Guy Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Maito Gai | Might Guy Additional Tags: Anbu Gai AU, Young Hokage Kakashi AU, Everything is different but a little bit the same, I threw canon in the trash, and it felt good XD Summary:
Kakashi has been thrown into the position of Hokage against his will, but that doesn't mean he's not going to put his all into the job.
This fic is rather long, so i’m just going to post the AO3 link today XD 
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Mythology For The Ages
Prompt: Mythology
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi/Ibiki Morino
Words: 2167
for @sage-quinn-itani who allowed me to borrow their original character Sage for this beautiful fic
When had watching over Sage become a pass time for him? A fun little excursion away from his regular duties, to just sit under a nice quiet tree beside the mortal and watch them right away.
He wasn’t quite sure of the answer. One day he had been spending his time sitting by his favourite pond watching as the dogs played in the garden, the next he found himself here. Enjoying the company of a mortal and listening to them telling him all about the stories they wrote down.
Fables about the freak Gods and Goddess’ of the world.
Today’s project was apparently about him. A special treat, if he was being honest. Very few people took an interest in the God of Storms. His life simply wasn’t cheerful enough in most mortals’ minds.
Listening to the fables that Sage already had written down, one thing was very clear. Mortals had terribly misunderstood the life he led.
“The God of War, Shisui. He is your immortal lover, correct?“ Kakashi scrunched up his nose, horrified by the thought that people were out there telling those kinds of stories about him and Shisui. Not that the God of War wasn’t handsome, but their relationship had never been like that, and how mortals got such an idea was beyond him.
Was it because of Guruko? Did mortals hear stories about the hound that followed his friend around the world to keep him company, and think that was an act of romantic love? That he had created the hound as a gift because-
Shoving those thoughts out of his mind, he returned his attention to the poet who was still sitting there, pen hovering over the paper, waiting for an answer. They had no idea what was awaiting them with Kakashi’s answer.
“I do have an immortal lover,” he confirmed, placing a hand on top of Bull’s head when he walked over and plopped himself by his side, already exhausted from all the playing he had been doing with the other hounds just moments ago. “Though, I believe he would be insulted to find out that mortals think it’s Shisui.”
He could just imagine Ibiki’s reaction. The man was already annoyed that so many of the Deities stories were so badly mangled over the generations. To find out that he had been replaced as Kakashi’s lover in Mortal minds… well, that would wound even the strongest hearts.
“Insulted- wait,” Sage’s eyes glazed over, the gears in their brain working overtime to comprehend Kakashi’s words. “So, The God of War is not…”
“Not my immortal lover, no,” Though it would be a fun thing to tell Shisui. He always got a kick out of the mortal’s stories and just how wrong they could be. “Is that really what you mortals think? I thought you had little conversations with Sai about the Gods. Surely he didn’t tell you such lies.”
Sai was a lot of things, but a liar was not one of them. The God of Arts would never tell a lie, even if it would add to a story and make a painting more beautiful. He valued the truth above all else.
“My master,” the words are mumbled under Sage’s breath, but Kakashi can still make them out, the annoyance in Sage’s voice evident. “He said that everyone wove tales about the epic romance between the God of War and you.”
Epic Romance? Now that was interesting.
“Would you like to hear the real story?” Sage’s spirits picked up instantly, their hand quickly moving into position to jot down every word Kakashi had to tell them. I’ll take that as a yes. Now, which story to tell you.”
There were so many to choose from. Ibiki and he had been together for centuries already. Their stories could fill Dozen’s of Sage’s books before they were even half done.
“How about the moment you realized?” Sage suggested a gentle smile on their face. “What was that moment when it just clicked for you. When you knew that this was something similar to… well, you know.”
Always so careful not to say Gai’s name out loud, Sage often found him outright avoiding any mention of Kakashi’s mortal love that he could. It made for awkward conversations at times, but now was not the moment Kakashi was going to concern himself about such things.
“The moment I realized,” he thought back to the beginning of his relationship with Ibiki, and as was normal with his lover he found himself daydreaming about one of those many days they had spent relaxing by his favourite pond. “Well, that would have to be…”
Rain fell over the pond, creating little ripples of water that moved in every direction. Crashing into each other and being created all over again when more rain struck the water's surface. An endless loop of creation and destruction for him to watch whenever he wanted.
Each ripple reminded him of the mortals he watched over. Their lives are short and quick, barely affecting the world around them yet always changing it in some small way. Meaningless yet so full of purpose at the same time.
“You’re moping,” dragging his eyes away from the water, he sighed when he saw Ibiki standing there behind him. When the other God had arrived he didn’t know. Too lost in his thoughts to notice the sound of footsteps in the grass or the presence of another person nearby. “Rin said that I would be able to find you here.”
Rin. He would be bitter about her giving up his location, but for once he didn’t want to turn away someone who was offering even a little bit of company. The world was already so lonely without Gai by his side.
“I can’t promise that I’ll be good company,” as he spoke, Ibiki took a step closer. Cautious not to enter the Storm Gods personal space without permission. “You can sit down. If you’re going to be here you might as well get something out of it.”
It wasn’t much, but he knew Ibiki appreciated the coldness of his rain against scarred, burning skin. A downfall of his creation as a god that he had been forced to live with for the rest of eternity, except for those few moments he would sit beside Kakashi. Allowing the same rain that scared away so many other friends to fall against his skin without complaint.
Taking the hint, Ibiki settled into the spot on Kakashi’s right side, his shoulders relaxing as soon as cool rain hit his skin. The relief was evident on his face. “Rin told me-”
“She seems to be talking about me a lot to you,” he’s not bitter. Rin’s the type to worry about him, and she and Ibiki had a close bond. It only made sense that she had voiced her concerns to the man, even though Kakashi had told her he would be fine. That he would recover just as he always did. “Don’t you two have other discussions?”
“All sorts,” Ibiki confirmed. “But today...well, I think you can understand why she was a little more focused on you.”
Focusing his eyes back on the pond in front of him, he tried to find the right words to respond with. The ones that would tell Ibiki he was fine. That he didn’t need to fret over him.
Nothing came to mind though.
He wasn’t fine, no matter how many times he had dealt with this pain before.
Nothing was right, and it all sucked.
“I was born from sadness,” surprised by his own words, he raised his eyes towards the sky. “There are mortals out there. The ones who weave tails and try to understand us all, think my birth signifies the type of life I will have. That being born from my father’s tears means that I’m never meant to experience happiness.”
“And you believe them?” Ibiki asks, his eyes glued on Kakashi. Watching his face for any hint of what he was feeling, even though he knew as well as anyone else that Kakashi was good at hiding his emotions. That if he felt something, it wouldn’t show on his face, but through the hounds that kept him company.
“Not always,” closing his eyes, he took a moment to breathe. To just feel the air in his lungs, even though he didn’t need it to survive. “But sometimes I wonder…”
“Well, I can’t tell you if the mortals are right or not. Though, I think they have a love for tall tales,” it wasn’t a lie. Mortals always loved to stretch the truth. To make things more glamorous or interesting by adding their twist. It was only natural for such story tells to hear of a God born from his father’s sadness and add to the little they knew about him. To assume how that birth might affect his personality and life. “What I can say, though, is for a man who’s doomed to lead a life of sadness, you sure are kind.”
“Kind?” he glanced at Ibiki, Confusion evident on his face. It seemed such a foreign concept, his brain unable to understand where the man had gotten such an idea. “Me?”
“Is there someone else here for me to talk to?” Giving his head a shake, Kakashi watched as Ibiki smiled at him. A warmth blooming in his chest that he immediately tried to stamp down. A feeling he refused to have at this moment, or ever again. Not so soon after…
Lowering his eyes towards the ground, he sighed.
“I just don’t see it,” he admitted. “How can someone who creates storms and destruction, be kind?”
“Isn’t that why he loved you?” the words felt like a hot skewer being stabbed deep into his heart. A fresh pain that pulled a choked sob from his throat, his head ducking down in front of his chest in a poor attempt to hide his reaction. “Surely if a mortal can see the kindness tucked away inside of your heart, it must exist.”
“Shut up,” he didn’t mean the words, but he couldn’t help but say them. Hoping that Ibiki would stop speaking words that brought up every emotion he had been trying so hard to ignore. “Just shut up, Please.”
“Never,” a hand settled on his shoulder, pulling him tight against Ibiki’s side while the tears fell down his face. All around them the wind picked up. Crashing against the trees, rolling over the pond, and sending leaves flying in every direction. “I’m never leaving, Kakashi. No matter how hard you try to get rid of me.”
Lightning crashed through the sky, followed quickly by a downpour of rain that covered the entire area. The wind was strong enough to move trees, and the rain so powerful that the pond began to overflow, water seeping into the ground around them.
“Why?” his voice strained. A painful feeling clawed its way into his heart when Ibiki simply tightened his hold around him and laid his chin on top of his head. “Why are you here?”
“Because you need me.”
Thunder cracked through the sky, silencing the world around them for just a second. Just long enough for Kakashi to turn his face into Ibiki’s shoulder and muffle his cries.
“That’s...wow,” Sage’s pen hovered over their book, not writing a single word of what Kakashi had told him. “It’s a lot to absorb.”
“The best stories are, don’t you think?” the sound of thunder crashed in the distance. Warning for an incoming storm. “You should take your writing to safety. I think Bull wants to play.”
As he said it, the giant bulldog stood up on all fours and jumped towards the sky, joining the clouds above their heads so that he could chase after the lightning that Kakashi created. A favourite game of his.
“Will you be back tomorrow?”
“No, I don’t think I will,” he gave Sage a playful smile. “There’s a God who will be wanting to spend the day with me. It would be rude of me to keep him waiting. But the next day.” A simple promise.
After all, there were so many other stories for him to tell.
“The next day, then,” closing his book, Sage tucked everything away into their bag and stood up. Their eyes lingered on Kakashi as he continued to sit, waiting for the incoming storm. “One question, if I could.”
“Go ahead.” The rain started to drip down from the sky. Nothing changed for the God, but a few droplets landed on Sage’s head.
“Your story was that the day you realized that you and The God of Justice,” he paused for a moment, thinking his words over before continuing. “well, that you had feelings for him similar to those you held for your mortal lover?”
With a smile on his face, Kakashi looked up at the poet. “That sounds like a story for our next meeting, don’t you think?”
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Awkward Hello's
Prompt: Books
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi/Ibiki
Words: 2147
@kakashimultishipextravaganza @morino-ibiki
Less than twenty-four hours back in Konoha, and Kakashi was already bored. He had seen the sights, visited old places and even run into a few old friends along the way.
Dango with Gai for a proper catch-up after all of the years was planned for later when the Taijutsu User wasn’t in the middle of doing his morning exercises. Tsunade-Sama didn’t require his presence at the Hokage’s residence while she was still settling into her new job, and the hospital was-
Well, they probably could use another set of hands to help out with patience, but he hadn’t adjusted to village life enough to deal with that much human interaction so soon. That was a stop that would have to wait until he was feeling a little more settled in.
Until that time, he simply had to find other ways to occupy himself and to do so he had reverted to his favourite pass time. Exploring the local bookshop. A new book was just what he needed to curb the boredom, and if he was lucky he would find something that could replace the old copy of Icha Icha Violence that he carried around everywhere with him.
Tsunade-Sama and Shizune would probably appreciate it if he did. They never enjoyed seeing that old worn book in his hands, even if they understood that it was his favourite.
Making a turn down the ally between Ichiraku Ramen and the vegetable shop, he made his way down the old familiar street. His eyes searched out the small bookshop he had frequented as a kid, hoping that it was still there. Finally, a familiar sign came into view, and with a triumphant smile he picked up his pace.
Maybe a historical fantasy, with a Samurai saving a handsome Prince from danger.
Stepping into the shop, he took a moment to inspect the sections. Searching out the romance books, tucked away in the far right corner of the shop, and making a bee-line towards them.
Or perhaps an inspirational romance. It has been a while since I’ve read one of those.
Reaching the desired section, he began searching for his newest escape right away. Determined to find something as quickly as possible so that he could get his mind off of the inevitable moment when Tsunade-sama would want him to appear in front of her for his newest assignment.
There were so many things that could go wrong with that impending conversation, and he didn’t want to think about a single one of them until he had to. So instead, he began to search the shelves in front of him. Seeking out the perfect book to distract himself with.
Running his index finger along each of the books, he read the titles to himself. Only stopping to take a book out if the title was intriguing enough, and putting it away when the summary on the back wasn’t quite enough to pique his interest. He was still trying to find that perfect book when he felt someone else bumping up against his shoulder, almost knocking him onto his ass because of the sheer amount of height they had compared to him.
If it wasn’t for years of training as a shinobi, he would have ended up in one heck of an embarrassing situation.
“Manners much?” he scoffed, turning his attention towards the intruder.
“The same could be said to you,” glaring up at the giant, he narrowed his eyes. Somewhere in the back of his mind was a little voice that told him he knew that face. Those cold, calculating eyes seemed too familiar, but the scars were something he simply couldn’t place. “Wait…Kakashi?”
Apparently, he was not the only one who was getting a sense of Deja Vu at the moment. Though, he did feel a little bad that he couldn’t return the favour by pulling up a name that matched the face.
Maybe Shizune was right when she told him he was bad with people, but his new companion didn’t need to know that. Not yet, at least. There was lots of time for him to realize it later, depending on how often they saw each other around the village.
“That would be me,” he confirmed, pressing his finger into the man’s chest. “And I would appreciate the warning before Mr. Tall dark and handsome attempts to knock me onto my ass next time.”
That came out wrong.
“I-i mean-” it was too late. Even when he attempted to backpedal, the man had already heard what he said, his lips curling upwards slightly. Coming back to Konoha had clearly been a mistake. It hadn’t even been a day and he was already making a fool of himself.
“The name is Ibiki,” A flush of heat crawled up his neck when the bastard actually smirked. A full-blown look of triumph now cemented on his face.”But ‘Mr. Tall, Dark and handsome’ also works.”
What a Joker. I seem to be in the market for bumping into funny people t- Wait.
His brain screeched to a halt. A face finally came up in his mind the match-up with the man in front of him, though it didn’t quite match up with the man standing in front of him today. For one, there were no scars on the kid he remembered. Those were obviously something that had been obtained after he left the village, though he wasn’t one to judge. He had scars of his own and not just the one over his left eye.
But there was also a distinct lack of silver hair on the man’s head, and while he wasn’t one to complain that he was the only silver-haired boy around, it did leave him with a few questions.
The first question was, of course, when had someone he barely noticed during his childhood become a beefcake? That seemed rather rude. If he was going to be handsome, why couldn’t he have been that way before Kakashi left the village for fourteen years? He could have spent some of that time here in Konoha, flirting with the handsome man.
Who am I kidding? I’m shit at flirting.
“Hey, you in there?” returning Kakashi’s earlier gesture, Ibiki poked the Medical Ninja against the forehead to get his attention.
Giving his head a shake, he returned his attention to Ibiki.
“Why exactly are you here?” he asked, still a little miffed that his book hunting had been so rudely interrupted, even if the man was a treat for the eyes. “For what I remember-” which was admittedly too little to make a judgement call, but he was going to do it anyway. “You’re not the romance type. Don’t you have other books to go look at?”
Shizune was definitely right when she said he was too blunt in his conversations. He was terrible with people and he wanted nothing more than to kick himself at that moment.
Not everyone is like Gai, Baka. You actually have to be nice to some people if you want them to hang around so you can keep staring at them.
“What I meant to say was-” this time he took a second to carefully think through his next few words. To avoid making even more of a fool out of himself than he already had. “Are you...looking for a particular book?”
“Smooth save.” the amusement in Ibiki’s voice told him that it was not, in fact, a smooth save. In fact, he hadn’t saved himself from anything. He still looked like an absolute fool and there was nothing he could do about it. Thankfully, judging by the slight twitch of Ibiki’s lips, he didn’t need to save himself.
Perhaps all wasn’t lost because of his poor social skills.
“Well in that case…”
Ibiki raised a hand between them, silencing him by holding up a single finger as if he was a child about to be scolded. “Nice try, Short pale and cute,” Kakashi couldn’t figure out if that was supposed to be an insult, but he wasn’t too fond of being called ‘short’ just because Ibiki happened to be a giant. “But I’m going to be busy tonight.”
What is he, a mind reader? Well, two can play at that game.
“And what make’s you think I was going to ask you to do something tonight?” crossing his arms over his chest, he gave the man a defiant look. Determined not to be embarrassed so soon after his return. “Maybe I just had a suggestion for an interesting book that you could try out. I am a lover of romances, so it is kind of my area of expertise.”
“Does the Icha Icha series count as romance? I thought that was just pure porn,” It felt like a ten-ton weight had come crashing down on his shoulders, forcing him to bow his head in shame at such a blatant call out of his preferences. “Shizune says it’s the only thing you ever read, so I’m actually surprised to see you in the romance section at all. Isn’t the Porn section in the back of the book store?”
How his friend was telling people so much about him already, he couldn’t understand. She had only been in the village a week longer than him. Surely she needed more time than that to completely embarrass him and ruin all chances he might have at a nice romance.
Or even just a dinner date.
Maybe a coffee.
Anything was better than the barren wasteland of a love life he had the last few years thanks to Shizune’s embarrassing interruptions. It was like she was determined to make sure he stayed single for the rest of his life.
“Coffee,” he blurted the word out without a thought, the realization of what he had just done hit him like a ton of bricks. “I-I mean… you and Me. Coffe. Catching up” Was it possible for him to make this any worse for himself? Well, he was bound to find an answer to that question soon enough judging by the surprised look on Ibiki’s face.
“Coffee?” Ibiki asked, uncertainty in his voice. “We’re going to go from Romance recommendations to...coffee?”
Well, he had already dived in headfirst. It was worth it to see his mistake through and get the rejection over with. At least then he could forget about the tall, handsome man with a smile he so desperately wanted to kiss, and eyes that he would gladly get lost in.
“That’s what I said,” straightening himself up, he tried to give himself an air of confidence, if only for long enough to get an answer out of the other man. “Coffe, you and me. We could catch up, tell each other stories-”
“End up going for another date? Maybe for dinner?” It was kind of scary how easily the man seemed to peer into his mind. As if he was reading every thought Kakashi had off of a scroll. “Well, I guess it could be worse.”
That was a good sign. There was hope.
“Tomorrow,” he smiled, deciding on a time before his anxiety got the best of him and convinced him to back out of this ridiculous idea. “Morning, preferably. Tsunade-sama will probably want to talk to me at some point about my new placement, and I'm going to need something good to start my day off with.”
Seeing Ibiki’s handsome face would certainly be a treat, and a good conversation might settle his nerves before he went to find out what he would be doing now that he was back in the village.
“Alright then,” Nodding his head, Ibiki gave him a smile. “Tomorrow morning at the little tea shop near the Dango shop. That shouldn’t be too hard for you to find, right?”
“Not at all,” he made a mental note to ask Gai about a tea shop while they were catching up later. It was best not to embarrass himself by being late because he had gotten lost in his own village. “I’ll meet you there.”
“It’s a date.” With that, Ibiki turned his attention back to the bookshelf, plucked a book out from the shelf in front of him, and gave Kakashi a little wave before making his way out of the store. Meanwhile, Kakashi had just stood there. A shocked look on his face while he processed everything that had just happened to him.
A date. The thought seemed so impossible, but no matter how much he tried to convince himself this was all a dream he just had to wake up from, he still found himself in that little bookshop. Standing beside the romance books looking like an absolute fool.
“A date,” he whispered to himself, surprised by the excitement he heard in his own voice. “With Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.”
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Office Time Break
Prompt: Picnic
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai
Words: 1684
Life had changed a lot since the end of the war. There was less fighting, the villages were all getting along for the first time in history, the rate of A and S ranked missions involving fighting against strong shinobi had declined.
All around, life was better. Shinobi was able to relax a bit more and enjoy themselves. They could just sit down and take a breather once in a while without worrying about the world coming crashing to an end.
All except Hatake Kakashi, who had somehow found himself with even more work after everything was said and done. Instead of enjoying easy missions and relaxing nights, he was stuck behind a desk doing paperwork and taking part in meetings that he wanted nothing to do with.
“Lord Sixth, are you listening?” focusing back on the woman in front of him, he sighed. Half of what she had been saying to him went over his head, and the other half just wasn’t deemed important enough information for him to retain. Why Tsunade-sama had thought this was a job he would be fit for, he would never know.
“Please, stop calling me that,” he insisted, certain that he had said it more than a dozen times at this point. “It doesn’t suit me, Shizune.”
“You’re the Sixth Hokage,” she reminded him as if it was somehow possible for him to forget about the job Tsunade-sama had shoved into his hands before he even had a chance to say no. Not that he blamed the woman. She had wanted the job just as much as he did, and she had still done her time without much complaint. “Now, there’s some more paperwork for you to do before the end of the day, and-”
“Just, bring the paperwork in,” he instructed, desperate to be done with this conversation. “And put everything else on a calendar for me. Decrease the chance of me forgetting about them.”
Considering he had already forgotten half of the things she told him, it was important that she made up that calendar. If not, there were going to be a lot of people angry with him, and while he was already convinced he would go down in history as the worst Hokage ever he didn’t think this was a great way to end up with that title.
“I’ll make a calendar,” with that confirmed, Shizune turned her back to him and started to make her way towards the door. Stopping when she was just in front of it. “Oh, and Kakashi.”
“Yes?” it was nice to hear his name from his friend’s mouth again.
“You should stop doubting yourself,” she stated, smiling when he raised an eyebrow. “You wouldn’t be Hokage if Tsunade-Sama didn’t think you deserved the position.”
With that said, she exited the office, leaving Kakashi sitting there behind his desk with a stunned expression on his face. An expression that quickly washed away when he heard Shizune screeching on the other side of the door.
Jumping to his feet, he was just about to clear the desk and run out to check on her, when he heard he heard a burst of familiar laughter. A sound that always left a fuzzy, warming feeling in his chest.
“Gai.” a smile tugged at his lips when he said the name, the thought of the other man coming to visit him enough to make him forget all of the boredom he had been feeling just moments ago.
When Gai was around, it was impossible to be bored.
“He has a lot of paperwork to do,” Shizune’s voice cut through his thoughts, pulling his attention back to what was happening on the other side of the door. “Though, I guess he could use a bit of a-”
“Fantastic!” the door swung open suddenly, admitting Gai into the office with a smile stretched across his face and a basket sitting on his lap. “Rival! Shizune has informed me that you require a break.”
“I don’t think those are exactly her words,” throwing his friend a sympathetic look, he chuckled when she simply rolled her eyes and continued on her way. “But I wouldn’t turn down a break. What’s that you have there?”
Wheeling himself further into the room, Gai lifted the basket off of his lap and carefully placed it on Kakashi’s desk right between the piles of paperwork that he still had to do. “A picnic,” he announced with pride. “I thought a nice relaxing lunch would do you some good, and I even made sure to bring your favourite.”
His favourite? Well, if Gai didn’t have his attention before he certainly did now.
“And this picnic. How many people would be attending it?” Not that he didn’t want to share Gai’s attention. He loved that his boyfriend was so open and friendly, always inviting people to activities and engaging with them. Sometimes it was just nice to have a bit more private time.
Just the two of them.
“No one but you and I,” Gai assured him, his smile somehow growing wider. “No interruptions from anyone else. I spoke to Genma about it already.”
Kakashi wasn’t fond of Gai talking to his Anbu guards about the private time they spend together, but In this case, he would forgive it since it was Genma and the two were best friends.
“And where would you like us to have this picnic?” he inquired, eyes scanning the office for an open spot among all of the paperwork that Tsunade-sama had left behind for him. “If you haven’t noticed, my office is a bit full at the moment. Doesn’t exactly seem cozy.”
“I think if we move a few piles of paper onto the floor, just for now, we could have a nice picnic on the desk. If that’s alright with you, of course, Lord Sixth,” there’s a playful note in Gai’s voice when he uses that honourary, but even so, it still makes his skin crawl.
“Please, don’t call me that,” he grumbled, reaching out to start clearing off the desk. “It just sounds wrong.”
“Kakashi,” with laughter in his throat, Gai started to help him with the paperwork. Moving the piles he could access the little coffee table at the side of the office. “It’s your title now. A tidal you have worked hard to earn-”
“I didn’t earn it, Gai,” Kakashi corrected him, setting the last bit of paperwork off to the side and settling back into his chair. “Tsunade-sama just didn’t want the job any longer and Naruto is too young and inexperienced to take it, so she handed it off to me until he’s ready. I’m just a placeholder.”
“You are not just a placeholder,” amusement gave was to sternness. “You are one of Konoha’s top shinobi, beaten only by myself-”
“Naruto and Sasuke,” Gai continued as if he hadn’t interrupted him. “You were also chosen because you’re the smartest shinobi in all of Konoha.”
“You’re not going to think of someone smarter than me?” he teased, only one name coming to mind who would be able to compete with him.
“Shikamaru has some growing to do himself. You have tactical intelligence, general genius and the advantage of age,” Rolling himself back towards the desk, Gai reached out and placed a hand on top of the picnic basket. “Now, if you would like I could continue to tell you all of the reasons you deserve this position while we eat. The list is quite long.”
Unsurprising. When it came to talking about Kakashi’s accomplishments and good qualities, Gai always seemed to have a list a mile long. He was going to have to get comfortable and prepare himself for a long, enlightening break.
“First,” holding out a hand, he made a grabbing motion. “Miso Soup, please.”
“Well, at least you have manners now,” Gai huffed, opening to the basket and reaching in to retrieve the two Tupperware of soup. “When we were kids you would have just growled and held your hand out until I handed it over.”
“And yet, you still hung around,” Not that he blamed Gai. He appreciated that his friend was always there by his side. Even when he was a little jerk. The one constant in his life that he could rely on. “Not even the Eighth gate could make you abandon me.”
That sweet sound of laughter rang in his ears once more. “I couldn’t just leave you to see the future without me. What kind of Rival would I be if I did that after all of the years we have spent together?”
“The worst kind,” though his words are harsh, the tone of his voice is tender. “Now, I have some Miso soup to eat so if you’d like your opportunity to tell me all about my good qualities.”
Taking the hint, Gai jumped headfirst into his list of reasons Kakashi deserved to be Hokage, starting by rambling about the immense trust that the shinobi of Konoha had in Kakashi, and for once Kakashi couldn’t find it in himself to complain about his situation.
He had Miso soup, great company, and a nice little break from his Hokage duties.
There simply wasn’t anything that could make this day any better.
“Oh,” Gai stopped suddenly, a smile breaking out on his face. “I almost forgot to mention this, but I booked us a table at the new sushi restaurant that opens up tomorrow night. I was thinking that we could have a nice date night after you were finished here.”
Scratch that.
Today just got a million times better.
“A date night,” the feeling that settled into his stomach could only be described as ‘giddy’. Like a five-year-old being let loose in a candy store with enough ryo to buy themselves a sugar coma. “That sounds nice.”
Although his words didn’t vocalize his feelings very clearly, he did not doubt that Gai could tell just how excited he was. Even without the right words, Gai always seemed to know what he was feeling.
One of many reasons he loved the man so much.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai | Might Guy Characters: Maito Gai | Might Guy, Sarutobi Asuma, Hatake Kakashi, Shiranui Genma Additional Tags: Fluff, Soulmates AU, Colour Floods the world when you meet your soulmate Summary:
Gai is struggling with the knowledge that Hatake Kakashi, his best friend, is his soulmate. Not because he's surprised by the information. He has known since he was five years old and first met the silver-haired genius. He's struggling because he's not sure if Kakashi realizes, or cares about the deepness of their bond.
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Chapters: 2/2
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka
Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Umino Iruka
Additional Tags: Pirate AU, Alternate Universe - Pirate, Pirate Kakashi, Kakashi to the rescue, How all great love stories begin
Summary: Iruka had plans for his day, and not a single one of them involved being chucked into a jail cell to rot.
A terrible way to begin his day, but a fantastic method to being rescued by a pirate. This may look like the same fic as the Pirate Au day, and it is but with a second chapter XD
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