birdb0yw0nder · 2 years
@birdb0yw0nder​ [ x ]
Wally hummed as he returned the kiss leisurely. More than happy at being able to simply share the same space as his husband. “Sounds nice. Just as long as I don’t look up to find you passed out in your food from exhaustion,” he teased lightly. 
Wally’s eyes slipped closed. The speedster almost resembled a cat as the deft fingers of his partner made their way through his hair. 
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“That’s only happened once,” Dick argued with a chuckle. Okay, that was a lie and they both knew it, but it’d only happened once this year, so that had to count for something. “Fine, I promise.”
It felt so rare nowadays that they had the time to just - be in each others presence like this. It sounded so insane to say, considering they lived together. And sure, they tried to make the time to be together. They went on dates, had movie nights, but they’d all been planned. Not that planning their time together was a bad thing necessarily, the effort always made the time sweeter. But there was something so fucking nice about just happening to share some free time. The ease of it. 
“What’re you thinking? I’ve been craving Korean, but I’m up for anything.”
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birdb0yw0nder · 2 years
If anyone wanted the answer to the question “What would happen if you made out with your husband in the middle of the street after taking down a mob ring?” 
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Trending on Twitter is what happens @crimsxnbolt​
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birdb0yw0nder · 2 years
You should give your favorite person a kiss. No, I'm not attention starved btw
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"The thought never occured to me," Dick grinned. He leaned back, tilting his head and reaching up to catch the back of Wally's neck. Tugging him down into a kiss at a slightly awkward angle, Dick smilled into Wally's mouth, before playfully messing his hand through his husband's hair.
"How would my favourite person like to go out to grab some dinner? Almost done with these files, just gotta send them off to Bruce."
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birdb0yw0nder · 2 years
“There are times when you truly live up to your name. This is one of those times, Dick.” 
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“Love you too.” 
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birdb0yw0nder · 2 years
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POV: you hurt his loved ones, u r fucked
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*grabs you to yoink ur speed*
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birdb0yw0nder · 2 years
“…You couldn’t just let me have this one scenario, could you? That’s fine. My next hypothetical monster will be even better than this one.” 
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“Can’t make it too easy for you! And I’m sure it will, babe. Absolutely terrifying. I’m shaking already.” 
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birdb0yw0nder · 2 years
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“You never know. You might face some weird, shoe-eating monster one day, and then he’ll see your socks and go ‘Wow! Look at this guy. A big, famous hero that’s too lazy to wear matching socks.’ And then the cops and news crews show up and you’re suddenly that one guy that wears mismatched socks instead of Nightwing.” 
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“Wrong. In the case of a weird, shoe-eating monster, I feed it a decoy shoe that will electrify it from the inside. Monster goes down, I save the day, and then I probably get a parade. And no one knows my socks are mismatched because I only sacrificed the one shoe. Check and mate.” 
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birdb0yw0nder · 2 years
“Nope. But I do know that you wear mismatched socks under your suit, so that’s enough for me.” 
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“Who’s gonna see my socks on patrol? Who am I trying to impress with matching socks?”
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birdb0yw0nder · 2 years
u have a crush on Wally???!!!?
"Not so loud, he'll hear you."
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birdb0yw0nder · 2 years
@crimsxnbolt​ (x)
“Do you really know better?” 
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birdb0yw0nder · 2 years
“Only because you sweet talk me so well, West.” 
"You're a full-blown degenerate. The worst person I know."
"Oh babe, you really know how to romance a guy.” 
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birdb0yw0nder · 2 years
//I have lost,,,,, all of my icons
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birdb0yw0nder · 2 years
"You're a full-blown degenerate. The worst person I know."
"Oh babe, you really know how to romance a guy.” 
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birdb0yw0nder · 2 years
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“Who do I think I am? Good question, really, and I’ll answer like this: I’ve seen too much to be Robin, but I’m still too optimistic to be Batman. I’m Nightwing. I’m Officer Dick Grayson. I’m Barbara’s boyfriend, Bruce Wayne’s adopted son, and the last living member of the Amazing Flying Graysons. I’m happy.” (Nightwing #75, 2003; by Devin Grayson)
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birdb0yw0nder · 2 years
∗ 33﹕ sender  hovers  over  receiver’s  shoulder  as  they  complete  a  task .
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"Harley, this'll go a lot faster if you stand a little further back.” 
Rewiring the builing’s security system to allow them to pass through undisturbed was no difficult feat. Doing it with his only light source being blocked out by an overly eager observer? That was another matter entirely. 
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birdb0yw0nder · 2 years
Hey Barbara, I just changed my mind. I’ll take a whole box. 
"I need your certification, Grayson. Yay or nay?"
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I'm... mildly frightened, but mostly intruiged.
Screw it, I'd try it.
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birdb0yw0nder · 2 years
"I need your certification, Grayson. Yay or nay?"
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I'm... mildly frightened, but mostly intruiged.
Screw it, I'd try it.
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