#Kaesoka Week!
sapphicahsokatanoweek · 3 months
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Welcome to the Sapphic Ahsoka Tano Week blog!!
Decided it is about time we celebrate this amazing character with a week dedicated to all the sapphic ships this gorgeous Togruta is part of! Dates will be 1st-7th of September, 2024. Put it in your diaries, spread the word and we'll be getting the prompt voting happening shortly!
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
Kaesoka Sketch I'll Probably Never Finish
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Hey I drew a half decent side profile for once. The image pose is based on one wlw couple pose reference/base I looked up and sketched out to use however I wanted, so first I did it with Kaesoka and I'm gonna do it again cause it's fun and easy.
Now have some close ups cause these gays are so in love with each other:
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I love these two so much💖 I would sell my soul to make it canon and happy and fluffy and wouldn't even regret it.
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Well well well, would you look at that, the best week of the year. I swear this event is like a spiritual experience or ritual for me cause of how religiously I observe it.
If the apocalypse happens while I'm still alive I'm absolutely gonna make a religion centered around gays in space, it would be a good time, just lots of sapphic fanfic reading. (This is a joke obvi, if I survived the apocalypse I'd be in full unhinged adhd god mode cause I'll have no meds, just had a week of being off my meds, it was both fun and freeing and very frustrating and overwhelming at the same time)
So this is all I'll post about the next week.
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alexkablob · 5 years
my problems with star wars these days are legion and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to enjoy new clone wars but man I will never get tired of a good old fashioned “Ahsoka Tano gets dropped in the middle of buttkriff nowhere and immediately locates the most eligible bachelorette in the area, proceeds to gal-pal herself while the girl of the week mentally pictures them with five kids and a dog” plot
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jakearanda · 4 years
idk man I'm really feeling Kaesoka this week... the vibes are just so superb.
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sirloozelite · 4 years
Clone Swap - The Return Home (Galaxy-3 and Galaxy-38)
(Galaxy-38 and it’s characters belong to @rangerslayer-97. Borrowed with permission)
Clone Wars Narrator Voice: Cross dimensional travel! Captain Rex finds himself swapped places with captain Slip. Forced to relive a battle of the Clone Wars once more, Rex finds himself in the sinister clutches of Galaxy-38′s Ahsoka Tano... who is totally not going to one day turn into an evil bitch!
Rex: Ok... from the start? Easy enough. 
G38 Ahsoka: Then get talking Captain!
The door behind Ahsoka opens, and in strolls mechanic intern Kaeden Larte.
G38 Kaeden: Ahso.... ahem, I mean, General... are you torturing this poor guy?
Rex: Wha... Doctor Larte?
G38 Kaeden: Um.... no... I’m not a Doctor. I’m training to be a mechanic. Do you know me or something?
G38 Ahsoka: Yeah! How do you know Kae.... I mean Intern Larte! Choose your words carefully, ‘Captain!’.
Rex: Jeeze, alright. Calm down ‘Darth Snips’. And here I thought my Ahsoka could be a grumpy moofmilker!
G38 Kaeden: XD
G38 Ahsoka: >:(   (growls threateningly)
Rex: Oh please.... save the growling for Kaeden and the bedroom already!
G38 Ahsoka: What?!
G38 Kaeden: 0_0
Rex: Yeah... you two are together in my reality as well. 
G38 Ahsoka: We ArE nOt ToGeThEr!!!!
G38 Kaeden: Ye... yeah!
Rex: Uh huh? You’re not convincing anyone. Anyways, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen people displaced in time. It’s happened to my Ahsoka too. Hopefully things will be sorted out in time. 
G38 Ahsoka: And if they aren’t?
Rex: ... then I guess I’m stuck here.... back in the Clone Wars.... with a really grumpy version of Ahsoka and her totally ‘secret’ girlfriend. 
G38 Ahsoka: AND I’M NOT GRUMPY!!!
Rex: Riiiiiight.... and I don’t suffer from Clone Wars induced PTSD.
G38 Ahsoka: 0_0
G38 Kaeden: 0_0
Rex: ... oh come on.... like that should be a surprise to anyone. I mean, the war was pretty damn scary and...
Suddenly, a portal appears behind Rex, and Captain Slip walks through, a backpack on his shoulder, sunglasses on his face, and a tan covering his body. 
G38 Ahsoka: 0_0
G38 Kaeden: 0_0
Rex: 0_0
Slip: ... oh! Hey guys! Did you miss me?
G38 Ahsoka: What the.... Slip?! You’ve only been gone ten minutes! How do you already have a tan?
Slip: Ten minutes???? Um.... yeah.... it was more like a whole week for me. 
Rex: What?!?!
Slip: Yeah.... nice little vacation. Hope you had fun too Rex. 
Rex: >:(
Slip: Gotta say... I like that universes version of Ahsoka and Kaeden better. At least they don’t bother to hide their relationship, unlike these two dorks. (gestures to G38 Kaesoka with a smirk on his face)
G38 Kaesoka: Hey!!!
Rex: Maybe.... but at least you’ve never stumbled across them when they are ‘doing the deed’!
Slip: Ha! I did actually. Gotta say, I envy you brother. The one I caught was a lot more tame compared to this reality. I could actually look them in the eye afterwards... and then they apologised too. 
Rex: ... in that case I’m gonna get back to my version of events if these two are as bad as you say they are. 
G38 Kaesoka: >:(
Slip: I don’t blame you. Thanks for the vacation though Rex. Have a good retirement. 
Rex: Thanks brother. Good luck with these two. 
G38 Kaesoka: >:(
Rex steps through the portal, which closes behind him. 
Slip: Well... that was a nice break. What did I miss?
G38 Kaeden: ...
G38 Ahsoka: ... Slip... you abandoned your duty as a soldier of the GAR. 
Slip: ...what? Hey... that wasn’t my fault. How was I supposed to...
G38 Ahsoka: Report to the janitor. You are on latrine duty for three rotations. 
Slip: 0_0
Meanwhile, Rex emerges from the portal on his end, finding himself in the lounge of Kaesoka’s apartment in Galaxy-3. 
Rex: Ahhh.... home sweet home. How I’ve missed this place. Hey, Ahsoka... Kaeden... you’ll never guess what I... saw?
Rex glances at the couch to find Galaxy-3′s version of Kaesoka busy with each other. Thankfully, they are still clothed. 
Rex: 0_0 ... OH COME ON!!!!
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swgoji2001 · 5 years
So I've been rather a bit negative and sad this week. Time to make up for some of that with a wholesome meme I just created.
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Not sure who the people on the top are and don't really much care.
@sirloozelite @rangerslayer-97 We should start calling ourselves the three musketeers of the Kaesoka ship! XD
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butchgwenwhyvar · 5 years
the lovely @batdad tagged me in this!!
Author Name:
It’s all under Iamprongsie on ao3 (that’s a capital i, not a lower case L)
Fandoms You Write For:
Literally just star wars. There’s a few voltron legendary defender fics on my ao3 and I still have some plans for new vld fics but it’s mostly the clone wars. I think there’s some percy jackson in there as well? that’s really old though
Where You Post:
on ao3, with links to my tumblr
Most Popular One-Shot:
Now My Friends Are Dead & Gone, a fic about Obi-Wan going back to Padme’s apartment ten years after her death, complete with obianidala feels and angst
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story:
Lol the only multichapter up on my ao3 is And All The Stars That Scream, a Cody/Rex vs order 66 fic. There’s only one chapter up and while chapter 7 seems to be coming along nicely, chapter 2 is a little bitch and I don’t know how to fix it
Favorite Story You Wrote:
Idk if it counts but at the moment my barrissoka medieval au is my favourite! it’s not posted yet because I’m still setting up the relationship in it but I have lots of plans for it and I’m really proud of the worldbuilding and plot!
Story You Were Nervous to Post:
Tried to Be Chill (But you’re so hot that I melted) was very much a labour of love and I was absolutely terrified when the time came to post it; I’d never seen a c/c modern au with Cody and Rex so it was uncharted territory and I set it in Australia, so there were in-jokes that no one outside of South Australia would get and I still don’t think it’s very good, but it got good reception and I’m writing more for it!
How Do You Pick Your Titles:
I usually go through the songs I listened to while writing the fic, or sassysnowperson’s hozier generator! (that’s mostly on wips though atm) - I also find lines i like in the fic itself and see if I can turn them into titles (see: hey when you get married, fading, eleven men left)
Do You Outline:
Kind of? if it’s a oneshot that I write in one sitting, no, but if I’m writing a longer scene I’ll plan out what I want to happen if I know I’m not gonna get it done. 
I don’t usually make plot outlines aside from ‘and then this happens!’ at the bottom of the doc but if I think up good scenes then I’ll write dot points on what happens in and then rearrange them to further the plot
How Many of Your Stories are complete:
Not Many. I still want to do more in the gallipolli au (maybe Ahsoka as Nancy Wake in WW2, carrying her older brother’s legacy as a fallen ANZAC, who meets the Skywalker twins, all prominent members of the Maquis), modern au will never be finished because there’s currently four stages planned (obianidala/codex university shenanigans, ahsoka as a highschooler/the kaesoka b plot, the twins in high school, and the repcomm spin-off I’ve been poking at this week), medieval au has a heap of stuff that I wanna keep a surprise, and of sand and death stars still has two movies to go. Things that are over tho are the blue lights verse, I can’t really think of anything to add to that and maybe now my friends are dead and gone and stuff like fading and ghosts of the resistance
Star Wars modern au
And All The Stars That Scream: Chapters 2 & 7
Barrissoka Medieval au
Ruusan/Besany and Ordo/Jusik fic
Coming Soon:
Hopefully AATSTS by the end of October, Ruu/Besany by the end of October as well, Medieval au by the end of February?
Do You Accept Prompts:
Give me all the prompts!! I love writing them and it really helps me to write something even if it’s short when my creative levels and concentration are 0 thanks to school
Upcoming Story You’re the Most Excited For:
Medieval au! AATSTS!! MODERN AUUUUU!!!! (I honestly don’t know I love all my wips at the moment)
Tag Five Fanfic Authors to Answer These Questions:
this always makes me anxious but @sassysnowperson @fallsouthwinter @wingedbears ? 
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violetjedisylveon · 2 years
Incorrect Kaesoka quotes cause they're funny
Kaeden, at Ahsoka's Funeral: I need a moment with her. Other rebels: of course.*they leave* Kaeden, leaning over Ahsoka's coffin: okay, listen here you little shit, I know you're not dead Ahsoka: yeah, no shit.
. . .
*Ahsoka falls over* Kaeden: Ahsoka! Are you alright? Ahsoka: Is that you, God? Kaeden: What? Ahsoka: It's just, you sound a lot more like Kaeden than I expected.
. . .
Ahsoka: Caffeine no longer keeps me awake while I work, so instead I have Kaeden periodically send me texts saying ‘we need to talk.’ Ahsoka: It gives me the right amount of adrenaline and fear I need to keep going.
Ahsoka: Do you want to know your gay name? Kaeden: My... my gay name? Ahsoka: Yeah, it's your first name- Kaeden: Haha. Very funny Ahsoka- Ahsoka: *gets down on one knee* And my last name. Kaeden: Oh- oh my god.
. . .
Ahsoka: Did you know you remind me of all 26 letters of the alphabet? Kaeden: What? Like J F K W S Q X- Ahsoka: No, like, U R A Q T. Kaeden: Awwww!
. . .
Kaeden: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake. Ahsoka: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear. Kaeden: ... Kaeden: You mean ring bearER, right? Ahsoka: ... Kaeden: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding. (Not part of quote: Ahsoka gave an Akul buddy the ring bearer duty I decided)
. . .
Kaeden: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response. Ahsoka: Wow. They sound stupid.Kaeden: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense. Ahsoka: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!” Kaeden: I guess you’re right. Hey Ahsoka, I love you. Ahsoka: See! Just say that! Kaeden: Holy fucking shit. Ahsoka: If that flies over their head then, sorry Kaeden, but they're too dumb for you. Kaeden: Ahsoka.
. . .
Kaeden: Hey, Ahsoka, what do you think it would be like if we had kids? Ahsoka: What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly. Kaeden: No, I mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it? Ahsoka: Can't really say I have. Kaeden: You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes. Ahsoka: Sorry, Kaeden. For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody.
. . .
Ahsoka: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at Storm troopers" and I think that's very sexy of us. Kaeden: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
. . .
Kaeden: We’re getting married, bitches! Ahsoka: And we're about to make it everybody else's problem. (Not part of quote: i wrote a short fic that was basically this quote last year, hehe, it's funny)
. . .
Kaeden: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized. Ahsoka: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely* Kaeden: That one. I want that one.
. . .
*about the darth Vader Anakin connection* Ahsoka: I think I just figured something out. I got to go. Kaeden: Aren't you forgetting something? Ahsoka: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Kaeden's forehead before running out.* Kaeden: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
. . .
Miara: I know you love them. Kaeden: I am not in love with Ahsoka! Miara, staring at Kaeden: I never said who... Kaeden: *realizes* Kaeden: Shit. Well, anyways-
. . .
Kaeden, holding a rock: Ahsoka just gave this to me and said "I feel like you deserve the moon but all I can give you is a rock". Miara: If you don't marry her, I will.
. . .
Miara: Do you mind if I slyly mention that you’re single? Ahsoka: Do not do that. Miara: You won’t even notice! Kaeden, entering: Mira, you wanted to see me again? Miara: Ahsoka's single Ahsoka:
. . .
Miara: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room. Kaeden: Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you. *Ahsoka walks in* Kaeden: Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
. . .
Kaeden: Hi. Miara: Hey, did you do what I said? Did you tell her? Kaeden: I did. Miara: And what did she say? Kaeden: “Thank you.” Miara: You’re totally welcome. What’d she say? Kaeden: she said, “Thank you.” I said “I love you” and Ahsoka said, “Thank you.”
. . .
Ahsoka: Someone take me to art museums and make out with me. Kaeden: But they said not to touch the masterpieces. Ahsoka: Well somebody's got to pin the artwork to the wall. Miara, on a walkie talkie: This is Miara, those idiots are fucking around in the East wing again.
. . .
Ahsoka: Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box. Miara: Did Kaeden say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'? Ahsoka: THE REASONS ARE PERSONAL–
This was fun! I'm doing more tomorrow, nobody can stop me!
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Ahsoka - E. K. Johnston, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kaeden Larte/Ahsoka Tano, Kaeden Larte & Miara Larte, Kaeden Larte & Barriss Offee, Barriss Offee & Ahsoka Tano, Morai & Ahsoka Tano, Miara Larte/Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee, Morai (Star Wars), Miara Larte, Original Non-Binary Character Additional Tags: Barriss Offee & Kaeden Larte, Barriss Offee & Morai, Kaeden Larte & Morai, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Werewolves, Alternate Universe - Magic, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, But there is also guns, and swords, Vampire Barriss Offee, Vampire Kaeden Larte, werewolf ahsoka tano, Witch Ahsoka Tano, Witch Barriss Offee, The Force Is Replaced By Magic (Star Wars), For Witch Werewolf Ahsoka and Witch Vampire Barriss Reasons, Maybe - Freeform, Kaeden Larte/Barriss Offee/Ahsoka Tano?, I dunno I think Barriss is somewhere on the aromantic spectrum, Queer Platonic Kaeden Larte/Barriss Offee/Ahsoka Tano, Morai Is An Owl, Still A Supernatural Being, But Also An Owl, Is She A God Or A Very Powerful Familiar?, Who Knows! She's Here To Ship Gays And Steal Herbs, And She's All Out Of Herbs To Steal, This Idea Possessed Me Yesterday And Its The Fastest Thing I've Written Anything Ever, There might be magic spawned babies involved if this really gets away from me, Which I am totally down for cause fluffy werewolf vampire babies, Werewolves Turn Into Actual Wolves, With some added flare, Minor Miara Larte/Omega(Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Blood, Blood and Injury, Blood and Violence, Blood Drinking, Blood Magic, Violence, Magic Summary:
Kaeden Larte had the worst luck. The worst luck in the entire world? Yeah probably. Between the dead parents, accusations of witchcraft on said dead parents, and annoying wildlife, it wasn't great. But it was going to get way the hell worse. She gets attacked and mauled by some horrifying mindless bat creature. Just her luck. And then there's the whole thing with the huge(bigger than any wolf could naturally be) burnt orange wolf. Turns out, the annoying wildlife is the wolf's fault. Oh, and that bat thing apparently passed some sort of virus to her because she grows fangs. Yeah. Worst luck ever.
But the wolf is actually a very kind witch and she's so much fun to be around... Maybe her luck's not as bad as she thought?
Werewolf Witch Ahsoka x Vampire Kaeden Larte Anyone?
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
SW Sapphic Week Day One - Reunion
Summary: After the Empire was defeated, Kaeden retired to the little paradise she and Ahsoka had built together on a distant, peaceful planet. Ahsoka has been dead for twelve years now, and Kaeden spends her days tending to her gardens and living a peaceful life mostly alone aside from Miara's visits with her family.
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: greif, loss, feels but it ends fluffy.
A/N: First time doing one of these things, so I hope I did it right. And I might not do all of them, just the ones I feel the strongest about my writing ability with. Also this originally started off as Kaesoka but then I got ideas and it's got background Miara x Omega.
Day 5, 6, 7.
Ao3 link
Kaeden pushed her hat back and wiped the sweat from her brow. I'll need to shower tonight. She sighed and leaned against her garden hoe, examining her work.
The small flower field was slowly coming into shape, crops did exceedingly well on this planet, you could toss the seed out and they'd grow just fine. Her work with the soil was to ensure the most productive output. She had become a bit of an expert in working with soil in recent years. She had worked hard to learn how to turn arid, once considered useless land into something that could sustain life from many experts in planet restoration.
She had no plans for anything that grand, all she wanted was to have enough food to support herself and the community around her, growing it herself was the best way possible.
The other, more exotic plants she had were more of a personal plant keeping hobby but they too had their uses for the community. The flowers she was planning on planting were to sell, she did need credits after all, but she'd give them just as much attention as her more personal plants.
Some of her neighbors joked she was growing a forest, it was more true than she cared to admit. When she couldn't sleep, she would keep herself busy with planting, just planting rows upon rows of trees and plants, it had started small, but as the trees matured, they began to spread themselves. Some of them were almost twenty years old.
She surveyed her gardens, her own self made paradise. It was getting late in the day, she ought to be heading in for the night. Miara was going to visit with her children and wife tonight, it would be good to see them.
She put her tools away and peeled off her sweat sticky gloves, leaving everything in the shed. The lock on her shed was courtesy of Miara. She headed for her house.
As she walked inside, her attention was snagged by the plant that had started it all. The grand, blossoming tree that she had planted with Ahsoka all those years ago when they chose to make this place their secret home. She deviated from her course and went up to the tree. It was strong and powerful and beautiful, just like Ahsoka.
She trailed her fingers through the thin lightsaber burn in the trunk. Ahsoka had accidentally scratched it, just barely, while training once. She had thought it was going to die and cried about killing their plant child. Of course, the tree was fine and recovered from the very light scratch.
She let her hand rest on the bark for a moment, reliving all the memories she had with Ahsoka, then drew away. It wasn't good to dwell on it.
Ahsoka had been dead for twelve years at this point. It had been the longest twelve years of Kaeden's life. She gave their tree a final glance, then it became just like every other tree she had grown.
She headed inside, she had family coming, she needed to prepare.
Kaeden opened the door and was immediately greeted by loud cheering of her name.
Miara gave her an absolutely crushing hug. Her wife, a sweet woman named Omega, was a Mandalorian, and during their relationship, Miara had increasingly grown in strength to match her. It was certainly paying off, Miara could practically lift her off the floor.
"It's been ages!" Miara said, setting her back on solid ground.
"It's only been a few months." Kaeden responded.
"A busy few months." Omega commented.
"Really? What have you two been up to?" Kaeden asked.
"Talk inside, I wanna see Auntie's forest!" Rayshe'a, the second youngest of Miara and Omega's children, said.
"Be patient." Eyayah scolded her twin.
"Look who's talking!" Rayshe'a shot back.
Kaeden stepped aside to let her family into her home. Miara and Omega had a lot of kids, some of them were adopted and some were biological. Regardless of their origins, all of them were part of her family and she loved each of them dearly.
Her sister's more aquatic children made a beeline for her ponds, they loved swimming in them so much she had adjusted them to be more comfortable for their swimming. It was especially good on hot days when they visited, everyone could have a swim. One child, Brisst, dragged Miara off to go see their favorite plant before Kaeden had a chance to talk to her little sister, only getting an apologetic glance as she was dragged off.
Kaeden brushed it off, she could always talk later. She chose to observe her sister's horde of children and noticed two new children, sticking noticeably closer to Omega and giving her uncertain glances.
One was a little Twi'lek girl, who's light purple skin had the marks of sunburn and sandblasting, and she had silver hair braided down the back of her head. The other was an older, more human looking girl with paler purple, similarly sandblasted skin. Her face was marked with tattoos somewhat like the ones Omega had on one side of her face, she had very short lekku poking out from her silver hair, they only reached just below her shoulders.
The pair were sisters, orphans if Omega and Miara's track record for adopting any kid they found was anything to go off of.
Kaeden approached Omega, the younger girl hid behind her older sister, who got defensive. Omega gave her an apologetic look and said something in Dathomirian that got the kids to relax a bit.
"How'd you come across those two?" Kaeden asked once the pair had gotten curious and left to explore.
Omega sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Well, Boba did a thing, and so no more slavery on Tatooine so there's a lot of stuff going on with that, they haven't trusted anyone for years, but when we visited, Asriq saw the marks and decided the best bet would be to come with me. They've got issues, Merdi has bad nightmares. So now I need to find another therapist. But they're both very kind and sweet, just defensive at first." Omega explained.
Kaeden felt sympathy for the orphaned sisters, for obvious reasons. She was again thankful she and Miara hadn't been orphaned on a world where they were exploited.
"I bet me and Miara's old therapist would be able to help you."
Weskyn was a Zabrak rebel officer, her unofficial job was consoling, particularly after conflict, she had been a therapist during the clone war and taken on helping refugees. She hadn't been on Alderaan so she was doing fine as of now, still a therapist.
"Thanks, I'll be sure to check it out." Omega said.
Eyayah and Rayshe'a burst into the main room, panting and out of breath.
"Mom! Buir(mom)! Ba'vodu(aunt)! Someone's in the gardens!" Eyayah shouted.
"What?!" Kaeden jolted up.
It was impossible for anyone to get into her gardens without setting off a security alert. Only family and trusted friends could come and go, but no one had told her about this.
She ran outside and found a cloaked stranger standing up on the rise next to her tree. Something about them seemed so familiar, Kaeden couldn't put her finger on it.
"Hello?" Kaeden asked, approaching the stranger cautiously.
"It's still here… after all these years, I was sure it would've died… I swear I did something wrong with it… I never did have your green thumb." That voice, that heart shatteringly familiar voice she thought she would never hear in person again.
Her throat tightened with emotion, her eyes stung. No no no. It's not here. They just sound like her, she's gone, she's dead. Kaeden told herself stubbornly. Her body was several steps ahead of her, she was running up to the stranger beside her tree before she had time to think it through. They shyly pulled their hood down over their face. Kaeden hesitantly reached out and stopped halfway, her hand shaking violently.
They pulled their hood down, Kaeden could hardly muffle the sob that escaped her.
Ahsoka. Ahsoka. It was her.
Ahsoka was standing in front of her with a beautifully nervous, apologetic smile.
"Ahsoka?" She choked out.
"Hi Kay… It's been a while." Her voice was a blessing on her ears.
She was suddenly breathless.
"Ahsoka… is it really you…?" she whispered.
"Yeah, it's me." Ahsoka confirmed with a nervous chuckle.
Kaeden reached out her half raised hand to Ahsoka's face. She hesitated again, afraid Ahsoka would disappear when she tried to touch her, yet she felt the warmth radiating from Ahsoka's skin and rested her hand ever so gently on her cheek. Ahsoka leaned into her touch and put her hand over Kaeden's, gently pulling back and planting a soft kiss on her hand the way she always used to.
At this point, Kaeden could hardly see anything through her tears, but she laughed and slammed herself into Ahsoka's warm body. Ahsoka wrapped her arms around her.
"It's really you… it's you…" she cried.
"Yeah, it's really me… i missed you." Ahsoka said softly.
"Where have you been?" Kaeden asked.
"That is a very long story." Ahsoka chuckled.
Kaeden did too.
"I've got time, I'm always up for hearing your stories." She said, looking up into Ahsoka's brilliant eyes.
"I know you are." Ahsoka murmured.
Omega's got nightsister tattoos from time spent on Dathomir with Merrin. They are besties btw. Omega's a Mandalorian and a nightsister cause why not?
Orphans on Tatooine after Boba took over just get adopted by Omega and Miara/Mandalorians so there are a lot of new Mandalorian kids now.
Eyayah means echo and Rayshe'a means five.
This was really fun! I'm excited for the rest of the event and seeing all the cool stuff people come up with!
I have ap testing this week tho 😔.
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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violetjedisylveon · 2 years
Incorrect Kaesoka quotes 2, for the shiggles :3
Kaeden: There's no way she likes me back. Miara: Ahsoka would throw herself in front of a moving car for you. Kaeden: Ahsoka would throw herself in front of a moving car for fun.
. . .
Miara: So, are you two dating now? Kaeden & Ahsoka: Yes. Miara: Why? Kaeden: I happen to find Ahsoka very appealing. Miara: Yeah, I can understand that. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with Ahsoka.
. . .
Miara: ....Thou shalt not marry each other, for thy art both sinful... Kaeden: I just wanna fucking marry Ahsoka!!
. . .
Miara: Did you take out Kaeden as I requested? Ahsoka: Kaeden has been taken out, yes. Miara: You have my grat- Ahsoka: It was a great restaurant. Ahsoka: We had a romantic candlelit dinner. Ahsoka: Kaeden proposed afterwards- we’re filing the wedding papers.
. . .
Miara: I’ve never asked someone out. How do you even do it? Kaeden: Oh, what I do is, I look them up and down and I say: “Hey… how you doin’?” Ahsoka, scoffing: Oh, please. Kaeden, to Ahsoka: Hey, how you doin’? Ahsoka: Ahsoka: *giggles and blushes*
. . .
Ahsoka: How do you know how to kiss? Like who teaches you? Kaeden: Well it’s actually a class, but unfortunately it’s full right now. Kaeden: Would you like me to tutor you? Miara: That was smooth.
. . .
Miara: You don't need my blessing to go kiss Kaeden. In fact, I was pretty sure you were already kissing Kaeden! Ahsoka: Nope. Miara: In that case, as the archbishop of Ahsoka's fully awakened gaydom, I give you my blessing to immediately leave and rectify that as soon as possible! Go now, my child, and kiss Kaeden right on the lips!!!
. . .
Miara: And now for a gay update with Kaeden and Ahsoka. Miara: Getting gayer. Miara: Thank you, Miara.
. . .
*playing twister* Miara: Right hand red. Kaeden: *ends up on top of Ahsoka* Ahsoka: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? Miara: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice.
. . .
Kaeden: Did Ahsoka just tell me they loved me for the first time? Miara: Yeah, they did. Kaeden: And did I just do finger guns back? Miara: Yeah, you did.
. . .
Ahsoka: Where are you going? Kaeden: To get MYSELF a gift cause somebody didn't get me one! Ahsoka: I told you I did! Its coming here on Friday! Miara, knowing full well that Ahsoka got Kaeden an engagement ring: *eating popcorn*
. . .
Kaeden: Come on, Miara. Nobody actually believes that Ashla is in love with me. Miara, to The whole fucking moon of Raada: Raise your hand if you think that Ashla is helplessly in love with Kaeden. *Everyone raises their hand* Kaeden: Ashla, put your hand down.
. . .
Kaeden, at Ahsoka: Would you like to stay for dinner? Miara, from the kitchen: Would you like to stay forever!?!
. . .
Ahsoka: So how’s the food Kaeden made? Miara: It's great! Compliments to them. Ahsoka: *goes to the kitchen* Ahsoka: You're adorable. Kaeden: *blushes*
. . .
Miara: Ooh, somebody has a crush Ahsoka: Pfft, I don’t have a crush on Kaeden I just think they’re cool, it’s not like I stay up at night thinking about them. *Later that night* Ahsoka, very much awake: Uh oh.
. . .
Kaeden: I asked Ahsoka out. Miara: Oh, I’m sorry. Kaeden: Why? Miara: Well, I assume they said no. Kaeden: No, they said yes. Miara: Really? Then I’m sorry for them.
. . .
Miara: Hey, Ahsoka? Can I get some dating advice? Ahsoka: Just because I'm with Kaeden doesn't mean I know how I did it.
. . .
*Ahsoka is telling a story* Kaeden: Wow, Ahsoka, this story has everything! Action! Adventure! Romance! Miara: Romance? Kaeden: I have a crush on them.
. . .
Kaeden: *yawns* Ahsoka: Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring. Kaeden: Then you must be exhuasted. Miara: Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely.
. . .
Ahsoka: *Holds a sign that says "Prom?" outside Kaeden's window* Miara: OH my God, Yes! Ahsoka: *Yelling up* No, tell Kaeden! Miara: Kaeden! I'm going to prom with your girlfriend!
. . .
Ahsoka: Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like Kaeden a little bit. Miara, holding Ahsoka's notepad: You doodled your wedding invitation. Ahsoka: No, that's our joint tombstone. Miara: My mistake.
. . .
Kaeden: Ahsoka annoyed me today so I told her that I can’t wait to see what she has planned for our special day tomorrow. Miara: There is nothing special about tomorrow. Kaeden: But there is something special about watching the color leave her face as panic takes over.
Miara is just being a chaotic little shit in most of these, which is very fun.
These are way too fun to do, incorrect quote generators are stupid fun to mess around with.
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violetjedisylveon · 2 years
Some Silly Fun Kaesoka(and other Star Wars lgbtqia+) Stuff
I think that Ahsoka and Kaeden take and combine each other's last names because they both want part of their wife to always be apart of them.
If Ahsoka and Kaeden don't give the middle finger to the galaxy and Skywalkers for more bull shit wars and go to a secret peaceful planet to live out the rest of their lives in peace, then they're def the old gays of the resistance, they'd be in their 60s or 70s, guiding all the resistance's younger, baby gays.
Before the resistance, they were the cool aunts of Luke's Jedi Order, by which I mean they'd show up randomly and Ahsoka would talk about Jedi stuff for a bit cause Luke asked her to teach a class, then once he was gone teach them some cool shit, like building explosives or whatever other crap she did with Anakin and then Kaeden and Ahsoka show the kids how to be gay and do crime. They totally knew Ben liked dudes(and girls i guess🙄).
Luke doesn't say anything about it, he was gone on a date with Din, he was doing one part of the assignment.
In the resistance, they both noticed that Rose had a crush on Rey, and gave Rose advice, mostly Kaeden cause Ahsoka can't flirt.
They were at all the weddings cause they are the only parental figure any of these kids got left. Babies have been named after them.
Ahsoka and Kaeden have kids. Adopted? Biological through Force fuckery? Random children that ended up living with them and calling them mom? All of the above, yes.
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
Claws & Fangs Ch 1 - The Intruder, The Bat And The Wolf
Summary: Kaeden heads home from a long day of work and finds someone has broken into her house looking for something, the intruder attacks her with a massive bat creature. She gets saved by a massive orange wolf.
Words count: 1.5k
Warnings: an animal attacks and tried to kill Kaeden, I don't think I went into too much detail but I went into it a bit so I'll put this as a warning 🛑, so blood and violence ant attack.
A/N: Werewolf witch Ahsoka and Vampire Kaeden lets gooo!
This idea came to me so quickly I'm pretty sure it possessed me to get itself written. Happy Halloween everyone!
Enjoy my new Kaesoka au fic! I've got like three or four of them now. It's not a problem.
Claws & Fangs AU Masterpost
Kaeden Larte had horrible luck.
The worst luck in the entire world? Yeah probably.
First, her parents die when she's fifteen and her little sister is twelve.
Then, after getting a job she could actually hold down as a farmer, rumors start to circulate about her parents, specifically her mother, a scholar and a woman of medicine.
The rumors were that she was a witch or vile sorceress, cause her garden always looked so nice and was never attacked by animals. That was serious nonsense, she had taught Kaeden how to grow plants properly and she knew how to keep the wild life away.
Besides she was already dead so what did it matter?
Third, the witch rumor had the Empire come in and conduct a search of her house, they found nothing and left it. Didn't stop the leering or cruel taunts she got from the townspeople when she went into work. Five years later and she was still being called a witch spawn.
Fourth, her most recent stroke of bad luck, there was an owl hanging around her house poking at her plants.
The stupid little bird kept trying to take from her garden, the damn thing was extra interested in her healing herbs and oddly, her sister's garlic. Miara liked to cook in her free time, she worked at a bakery too.
She frequently found herself waking up in the middle of the night to the cursed being raiding her garden and she had to chase it off multiple times, it just kept coming back.
Oh, and then there was her worst luck ever:
Some crazy madman was breaking into her house, she heard the window shatter as she approached her home.
It was late at night and Miara was staying in town with her "friend" Omega, who had insisted it wouldn't be safe for her to go out at night alone. A clear ploy to get more time alone together before she had to go leave again, but Kaeden hadn't pushed her sister.
Kaeden always felt safer at home and had gone anyway.
She was really wishing she had stayed with Miara right now.
She could see the invader through the window, they were dressed in all black, and had a sword or gun or both at their waist.
They suddenly spun around and fixed glowing red eyes on her.
Her blood froze.
The intruder stalked towards her.
Her brain screamed at her to do something, but her body was fully frozen with fear.
A curious coo snared her attention away from the imposing threat.
The thieving owl was sitting on the fence, a clump of herbs in its talons. It cooed at her and took off.
Kaeden made the decision to chase after it right before the glass broke.
She bolted after the owl as fast as she could, though she had a growing feeling she wouldn't be able to escape her pursuer.
The stupid owl lead her into the forest, the dark forests that most people didn't dare go into because of stories about monsters that dwelled within. It was probably just wolves, or at least that's what Kaeden hoped as she blindly followed a bird.
Oh gods, she was going to die, wasn't she?
The owl took a sharp turn and just vanished into thin air. Her heart pounded against her chest and the blood roared in her ears as she frantically looked around for anything she might be able to defend herself with or some way out of this horrifying nightmare.
Something heavy landed in the trees, she heard the wood creak and groan with the weight.
She spun around.
The intruder turned attacker and probably her murderer if she was being honest.
The ominous eyes glowed dangerously.
Kaeden dared to look up.
That was a massive mistake.
A massive bat… thing was perched in the tree, hungry yellow eyes looking down at her.
Kaeden cursed her horrible luck.
Her pursuer whistled a single sharp note. 🛑
The beast snarled and threw itself from the treetops down onto her.
It slammed into her with enough force to slam her to the ground. The air was knocked out of her chest.
Pain bloomed all over her body, the bat's razor sharp claws slicing up her skin.
Clawed wings cut thin, deep lacerations on her arms when she raised them in a feeble attempt to protect herself. She somehow managed to push the bat up away from her throat.
It snarled madly, savagely slashing at anything within reach in its rabid attempt to kill her.
It snarled and hissed in her face, baring its sharp fangs at her.
She screamed and kicked its underbelly. Her feeble attempt to survive only served to piss it off.
It screeched and thrust its head down.
Its jaws slammed down on her neck. White hot pain exploded in her neck. She screamed at the needle sharp teeth piercing her skin.
Her blood got hot, it was burning in her veins, the fire spread rapidly from her neck to her toes.
She cried out, her entire body was boiling!
Just when she thought it was all over for her, that she'd die here in this forest and never be found, that her little sister would be alone, never knowing what really happened to her, a fearsome yowl erupted from somewhere in the chaos and in a blur of fur, the violent beast was ripped off of her.
Kaeden screamed, the beast's teeth tore her skin as it was thrown into a nearby tree.
She instinctively covered her neck wound to stem the bleeding, but that was hardly going to do her much good with her injuries or the fire in her veins. Gods, the fire in her veins made her want to die right there!
It was all she could do to apply weak pressure to her wound and stare up.
The owl was back.
It was perched in a branch above her.
Something growled.
Something big.
Kaeden, to her own surprise, managed to prop herself up enough to see what had saved her.
A massive, truly massive wolf with burnt orange fur and stripes going down its back stood in front of her, growling at the bat, which now looked so small next to the wolf.
The bat was reasonably afraid of the impossibly huge wolf, it cowered at the wolf's presence.
The wolf growled, low and threatening, at the beast and keeper.
The beastmaster grunted and both vanished in a puff of black smoke.
The wolf relaxed slightly but stayed alert, ears swiveling to catch any sound of a follow-up attack.
Kaeden jolted away when someone touched her head.
A hooded figure was sitting behind her, they gently lifted her head to rest on their lap and checked her pulse. Their face was concealed by a mask.
Their fingers trailed along the fresh, raw wounds, she would have objected but the fire in her body made her numb to any pain their touch caused. Suddenly the carefully investigating fingers stilled then pressed in on a particularly painful wound, the sensation of white fire burned in her neck, she screamed bloody murder.
"Ahsoka!" The hooded figure shouted.
The wolf stalked over to her, it was so much bigger than she thought it had been when it was looking down at her. Through the corner of her eye, she saw the hooded figure point out something. The wolf's lip curled up with the hint of a snarl.
It leaned in close, she could feel its hot, wet breath on her neck. It sniffed whatever was so interesting to these strangers.
Idly, Kaeden wondered if this hooded stranger was the same thing as the one who attacked her, they both had animals doing their bidding.
"What do you feel?"
She barely registered the words in her dazed, quickly bleeding out state, the stranger pressed her wound lightly. Kaeden couldn't even hold back the very undignified cry that ripped itself from her throat.
" …fire…" she choked out.
She could taste blood in the back of her mouth as the stranger and their beast exchanged a look.
She let her eyes close, she was getting colder and more exhausted as the moments passed, somewhere in her hazy mind, she recognized it as a symptom of blood loss, that she was going to die soon. She'd lost too much blood.
Something warm and damp pressed against her nose. She blinked open her eyes.
The wolf was standing over her, nose to nose while brilliantly blue gray eyes stared deep into hers.
There was something so human in those glowing eyes, Kaeden felt safe with this massive, deadly beast.
It was probably her dying brain.
"Don't worry, we'll take care of you."
She assumed that meant they'd take her body back home, to let her sister know what had happened.
Kaeden hummed absently, the wolf's eyes were so bright and so blue, she couldn't look away even as death pulled at her.
All she saw when the darkness overtook her was that brilliant blue.
This idea is really fun and I think it possessed me cause I already got a chapter 2 started… gays are my jam and so are bats and wolfs.
I've got art ideas folks!
It's spooky season so I give you gay spookies.
Happy Kaesoka week everyone!
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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violetjedisylveon · 2 years
More Kaesoka stuff cause I still don't have anything else(mostly centered around Leia's wedding)
Ahsoka and Kaeden were 100000% invited to Leia and Han's wedding.
They sat in the very small family section with Chewie, Luke, R2D2 and C3P0.
Anakin showed up at the very beginning, he didn't go to Leia, he went to Ahsoka to ask her some stuff on behalf of the people who weren't able to Force Ghost their way back and he haf a Force Ghost camera to film the whole thing for everyone.
He sent good wishes from Padmé and the Organa's, and that they had all agreed that Ahsoka(and Kaeden if she wanted too) should stand in for them, if Leia wanted, since she was close to all of Leia's parents, he also gave instructions on how to do the Alderaanian ceremonial sword thing from Breha.
So, after checking in with Leia, she said yeah, Ahsoka and Kaeden filled in those parental roles for the wedding and did all that stuff.
Ahsoka walked Leia down the aisle, and they did the normal stuff that happens at weddings(can you tell I've never been to one?)
And then when Ben was born, Anakin came back with a big list of stuff from the unforce ghostable spirits and lots and lots of haooy messages, given to Ahsoka and Kaeden to give to Leia and Han.
They did what anyone in a grandparent position would've done and spoiled Ben while his parents were away or busy and were able to explain why they were always gone when he got older and he didn't become evil!
They may or may not have been given a warning.
Again, they are the cool aunts and the old gays. And they're perfect💕
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violetjedisylveon · 2 years
I am putting my Kaesoka child au on ao3(and adding and improving some chapters so there's a slight difference but it's fine, it won't do that after a few chapters)
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
Ahsoka Series, But Kaeden Is There, The Final Part!
spoilers for Ahsoka Finale
*Sabine and Ahsoka talk things out*
Kaeden, tearing up hugging both of them: aw, my girls are finally getting along
Ezra: this will slow us down
Ahsoka: only if we let it
Kaeden: maker I love it when you do that
Kaeden sits behind Ahsoka on the croco doggo horsies and they use it as an excuse to cuddle, they can still have quality time while trying to save the galaxy.
*zombie troopers happen*
Kaeden, watching the others not decapitate the zombies: go for the fucking head you fools!
Sabine: you aren't fighting!
Kaeden: Morai won't let me!
Ahsoka fights Morgan and Kaeden fights off the trooper zombies.
They absolutely kiss a couple times while fighting, it's good for shocking the enemy.
Morgan: you will die here, alone
*Morgan gets hit in the head with a rock*
Kaeden: hey I'm here too >:(
Sabine: and me!
*Sabine & Kaeden high five*
Ahsoka, affectionately: you're such dorks.
Morgan: can we get back to fighting?
*Thrawn talking(i can't remember what he said sorry)*
Kaeden: uh huh, I think you're just too scared to face her yourself you blue bastard.
Ahsoka & Sabine: whoa!
*Thrawn hyper spaces away to avoid answering that question*
Kaeden: fucking coward.
*Back in the hermit village*
*Morai points Sabine in Shin's general direction cause Morai ships all the gays I guess*
Kaeden, leaning against Ahsoka: we'll have three kids once we get off this planet.
Ahsoka: three? Where are we getting three kids?
Kaeden: we've already got Sabine, we'll get Shin through Sabine, and we've got the little shit that's been using my organs as instruments *gestures to her stomach*.
Ahsoka: ... Are you saying you think your pregnant?
Kaeden: I know I am.
Force Ghost Anakin materializing out of nowhere: Ahsoka! You're gonna be a Mom?!?!?! :D *hugging both of them* I'm so happy for you!
Sabine, overheard everything: how'd you get Kaeden pregnant?
Ahsoka: Force Fuckery bullshit
That's it, Kaeden's been preggers the whole time.
Speaking of Force Fuckery bullshit babies and Kaesoka, check out this thing I am writing. It's 20 year old Kaeden and Ahsoka being new parents and struggling but they've got two older gays to help them + Morai helping and being best babysitter. It's super fluffy and cheesy but very fun.
And next week is when I observe the event called Kaesoka Week, there's no official Kaesoka week account, not one that's active but I took their date and have been celebrating for the last couple years so yeah, Space Gays!
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