sloppjockey · 9 months
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kdynesis. oil painting
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one-time-i-dreamt · 7 months
I was donating a kidney to a man I’d never met. His children were very grateful and took me to an Italian restaurant.
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mireyadc · 9 months
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I know it's a little out of place here, but I'm very proud of my drawing for General Pathology, and I had to show you.
It is a cut of a kidney seen from the inside and a nephron. I have another one that I did for Gynecological Pathology, but if I publish it they ban me XD.
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mindblowingscience · 10 months
Right now, kidney failure treatments involve hours spent hooked up to a dialysis machine, or a donor transplant – which are scarce. But there's hope of a new option in the not-too-distant future: an artificial kidney implant. Scientists have developed a bioreactor device that uses human kidney cells cultured in the lab and mimics some of the key functions of a kidney. It's been successfully tested in pigs for a week with no obvious side effects or issues. The team, led by the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), is hopeful that their device can be adapted to include a broader range of kidney cell types and be paired with another instrument to filter waste from the blood.
Continue Reading.
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alkunta · 8 months
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ateş kuşları From episode 22 to 27
This feisty character is Kara. He will make you laugh sometimes and sad sometimes because of his story. His brothers left him for organ dealers when he was young. They stole his kidney and tortured him until his other kidney failed. He returns to take revenge on his brothers because they abandoned him, but he lives his last days refusing to accept any kidney transplant, but in the end he collapses and wakes up to discover that his older brother has donated his kidney to him, but he is angry because it was done without his permission. But it was his wife who allowed it.
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eretzyisrael · 4 days
Good News From Israel
In the 30th Jun 24 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
A huge Israeli flag is a defiant symbol of Israel resilience.
Israeli scientists have developed technology for early detection of pancreatic cancer
Israel is the best country for creative thinking, raising a family, and retiring.
An Israeli spray makes fruit and vegetables even healthier.
If you smash special Israeli glass, it can repair itself.
Israeli elastic material aims to bounce higher.
More Israeli medals at the European swimming championships.
A major victory in the Six-Day War took place at the site of a Biblical miracle.
ReadMore: Good News From Israel
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If you want to be depressed by stories about violence, tragedies, and lies about Israel, there are many websites you can link to and email groups you can join.  But if you want the truth about the positive achievements of the only Jewish State, then Read It Here!
The photo (TY Sharon) is of some of the crowds at Hebrew Book Week in Jerusalem. All over Israel, many thousands of adults and children eagerly seek out publications of printed material. No wonder we are called the People of the Book.
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m0rning-asylum · 8 months
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More ej stuff! TW: KIDNEY
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ilikevintagebooks · 9 months
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Vital Organs Back View
-Plain Home Talk 1902
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artsbysmarty · 1 year
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2 months ago, I failed a class in medical school.
It was never something I imagined happening to me, especially because I’ve been anxious about tests before and would still end up scraping by. I figured my test anxiety this time around was no different and I could continue to ignore my mental health steadily declining over the month I took this class as I let stressors around me pile on and compound. I just wanted it all to be over.
Failing the class forced me to confront how I was ignoring things. It forced me to change how I studied, forced me to ask for help— from my school and from my friends, hell even from my parents whom I was afraid of letting down the most. And the healing process sucked— I would feel happy for a moment, only to have a fear in the back of my mind that it would be short lived and I’d be stuck feeling hopeless again. I was terrified I’d see a repeat of this unit in the last final of the year. It took me weeks to get back to a place where I felt mentally sound enough to get back into learning everything all over again, studying it like I’d never seen it before. It was easier once, when I reminded myself I deserved love and happiness, I finally started believing it.
Yesterday, I remediated the class with a makeup exam and passed it with flying colors. The quote is inspired from a line in my review book— “This too shall pass. Just like a kidney stone.”
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therecipelibrary · 10 months
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So typically I might not post this type of recipe, for sure no one ever requests these, but I wanted to share what many of the other recipes look like in a typical old cookbook.
There are huge chapters on soups and meats, preserving veggies and fruits, eating seasonally. Every little part of the animal was utilized in a way that isn't as common now. Pickled meats, salted, smoked, preserved, minced, molded, stewed, fried, and boiled. Any bit you can think of (ears, feet, innards) they ate it.
Disguising one bit of meat to taste like another is especially common.
I tend to post things I find palatable, or think is humorous in some way either in the name or inexplicable ingredients/instructions. This provides more context and a fuller view of what my cook books contain.
-The Illustrated London Cookery Book 1852
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scopostims · 8 months
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[ID from alt: The first GIF shows a realistic eyeball cake being cut in half, the second GIF shows a jelly eyeball being squished, and the third GIF shows a realistic kidney cake being cut in half. End ID]
spooky sweets (GIF 1 | GIF 2 | GIF 3) :•]
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dakotacoie · 7 months
girl let me them bones them organs
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bpod-bpod · 1 month
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Stretcher Bearer
A protein called zyxin is important for the function of kidneys – it translates the mechanical forces experienced by podocytes [specialised cells of the kidney ], for example stretched by hypertension, acting to stabilise them
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Felix Kliewe and colleagues
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Communications Biology, April 2024
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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i just donated my kidney. it was a noble act. i saved a life. i also made some money. i sold it on the black market. i also stole it from someone else.
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scodeeyodee · 2 years
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Kidney & Trapezoid Shaped Tables CC
Both have 11 Swatches
Both seat 6
Download: Patreon
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smudgeandfrank · 2 years
This sound was too perfect for this moment in my life when I found out I'm missing a kidney 🤣
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