ro-beto · 20 days
Space-Sha Invader
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dangan-kagura · 6 months
Why I Don't Like the Gold Third
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This isn’t a rant or anything, but it’s one of those opinion blogs about why I don’t like this one thing. This time, I’m gonna talk about the Gold Third from the Neptunia series and why I don’t like them.
I just found out that the Gold Third will be returning for Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution and suddenly I’ve lost all interest in wanting to try the game out. Literally, these characters are the one reason I probably won’t play it. Part of the reason is because I simply don’t like their games, specifically C-Sha and S-Sha, but also because some of them, specifically B-Sha, are just too confusing because I don’t quite understand what game publishers they represent, but it’s just B-Sha, the other three I already know.
Who is B-Sha really?
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Is B-Sha supposed to represent Bandai Namco? Let me clarify that Bandai is the toy company owned by Toei, the anime studio best known for anime series’ like DragonBall, Sailor Moon, Gundam, Digimon, Naruto and One Piece, as well as the studio that does the live-action series Super Sentai (or it’s Americanized version the Power Rangers). Bandai pretty much also does video games based on Toei anime. By the mid 2000s, Bandai ended up joining with Namco, the publishers best known for games like Pac-Man, Tekken, the Tales Of series, Ridge Racer, Time Crisis, Soul Calibur, Katamari, Dark Souls and Idolm@ster.
I’ll get to the point, I think it makes better sense if B-Sha was instead named “N-Sha”. That way, she can represent Namco instead of Bandai. Now that I have a better look at her, that thumbs-up pose does make her look like Pac-Man, the official mascot for Namco. But I’ve read that her interests include toys, robots and superheroes, are these all references to Gundam and Super Sentai? I just feel like Namco would be a much superior gaming publisher then Bandai. If B-Sha was named N-Sha, it would be much cooler to see her make MORE references to some of Namco’s best games like Pac-Man and Tekken. That’s just my opinion.
I never did think C-Sha and S-Sha were cool.
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In C-Sha’s case, at the time Megadimension Neptunia came out, I was fed up from having to see Capcom take all the glory since the early to mid 2010s. I was annoyed by things like…
The live-action Resident Evil film series.
Resident Evil 6 and the series’ bad spinoffs.
Street Fighter getting more praise than my favorite fighting games.
Mega Man being a fan favorite in Super Smash Bros.
Akuma’s appearance in Tekken 7.
Ace Attorney getting special editions for the 3DS and the original games being ported to the PS4. Like, how many more ports are they gonna keep making?
The popularity of Monster Hunter. Seriously, I never understood the hype about that series.
It was enough to make me want to not play Capcom games and instead boycott them. Doing this meant that I had to quit playing Devil May Cry which was the ONLY Capcom game I’ve ever appreciated. It was just annoying to see people think of Capcom as number 1 but I had the opposite opinion and thought Capcom was just sold out. Even to this day, I’m still not over it.
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As for S-Sha, well, I’d rather not get into too much detail as to why I’m not into Square Enix games, but the constant popularity of games like Final Fantasy was just too annoying for me to handle, simply because I was bad at Final Fantasy and thought that it’s popularity as the number 1 game series was more like peer pressure. And having to hear S-Sha say “I’m not interested” that one line Cloud had in that CG movie Advent Children is not really funny. Like, why did they have to make it sound cliche?
K-Sha is probably the only one I thought was good enough for my tastes.
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I got nothing against Konami and I don’t mind the Metal Gear references K-Sha makes. But after learning about the shady stuff the company’s been doing for the last decade, it made me think that maybe K-Sha should’ve made those kinds of references. Here's what I think.
Since the early to mid 2010s, Konami has had a lack of interest in wanting to keep making big AAA (triple A) games and instead showed interest in wanting to make cheap mobile games, the kind of games that involve either microtransactions or gacha mechanics. However, games designers like Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima didn’t like this shift, so what did Konami do about it? Fire Kojima as soon as he was done with Metal Gear Solid 5. I had an idea for a joke that K-Sha should’ve appeared in Sisters VS Sisters and befriend Maho, whose favorite games are mobile gacha games, and that K-Sha had a close friend important to her, but fired her because her friend wasn’t into mobile gacha games.
Likewise, I feel like I would’ve liked K-Sha more if she made more then just Metal Gear references and made MORE references to some of Konami’s other great games like Frogger, Castlevania, Contra, Silent Hill, Dance Dance Revolution, Zone of the Enders, they could even have her make Yu-Gi-Oh references if they wanted. Or better yet, they should have K-Sha marry Peashy or Yellow Heart, that way, their new marriage can be a reference to Konami’s acquisition of Hudson games like Bomberman.
Who is F-Sha?
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So I just ended up learning that Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution has a new character to the series, calling themselves F-Sha. I literally have no idea who this character represents. She dresses like a knight in silver, but the name or design doesn’t give me any idea as to what sort of game publisher she’s named after. Like, what company in the gaming world do I know that starts with the letter “F”? Odds are, it’s probably a Japanese publisher that does Japanese RPGs I’m not familiar with, you know, because I’m a Westerner and I don’t normally play RPGs. I could just look it up on the fan wiki, but I don’t think I’m gonna like this character based on the other members of the Gold Third.
If Neptunia really wanted to impress me with the Gold Third, they could’ve included members that are based on other kinds of game publishers. Like, I would love it if there was a member called “U-Sha” who would represent Ubisoft. But of course, Ubisoft is based in Canada, not Japan, so they can’t do that. Heck, I had an idea for a joke that K-Sha is married to someone called “T-Sha” and the two of them represent Koei Tecmo and this is to reference Koei’s joining with Tecmo. And as I mentioned, it makes better sense if B-Sha was named N-Sha and should instead reference Namco instead of Bandai, otherwise, you can make a joke saying that B-Sha actually represents Bethesda (I hope that’s how I spelled it).
In Conclusion
Overall, if I had to name the worst Neptunia characters, it would be the Gold Third. I realize that the reasons I don’t like them is simply because…
In C-Sha and S-Sha’s case, I don’t like their games.
I think B-Sha should’ve been named N-Sha and have her represent Namco instead of Bandai.
They should’ve had more members, like a member called U-Sha named after Ubisoft.
I don’t want to say I’m not excited about this new Neptunia game, but depending on what gaming references this one makes, I probably won’t be that interested if this one makes references to games I’m not entirely big on. And it's worse because the Gold Third is making a return. But sooner or later, I’m probably gonna have to suck it up and deal with it.
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magewolf-the-artist · 3 months
Mild blood and potentially disturbing imagery on this one, party peeps
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Yeah sorry about procrastinating on this one bois, I had a VERY hard time getting myself motivated to do all the coloring because I knew it'd be a pain in the ass. But it's done now, yay! Page one: https://www.tumblr.com/magewolf-the-artist/751028312099405824/well-thats-a-relief-thank-you-friendo?source=share
Page three: https://www.tumblr.com/magewolf-the-artist/752956765439737856/expertly-dodging-the-question-as-to-not-traumadump?source=share
Page four: https://www.tumblr.com/magewolf-the-artist/753170910805164032/something-something-edward-you-naughty-boy?source=share
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ihavesomejays · 5 months
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scum vidyadhara's self-saving system legitimately these two are the most rendered characters i've ever drawn and idk how to feel about that. anyways i'll be dropping some doodle comics about this au sometime soon and if you do draw or write svsss renheng tag me i need to see it im so ill about the thought of shizun!dan heng
closeups under keep reading
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gert-the-disaster · 5 months
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miscellaneous domestic k9 doodles (au belongs to @magewolf-the-artist!!)
we got rocket with a grub, rocket in a toilet, those two deadly zesty losers, susan wanting to absolutely destroy everyone, sad rosemary, and last but not least, charles the dumbass (affectionate) !!
i tried to draw it similar to your style, hopefully that’s okay lol, anyway this whole little au is really cool, i know i keep saying that but i mean it!
viewer, if you haven’t already and you like twf and funky aus, CHECK IT OUT!
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onedamnminuteadmiral · 3 months
Y'all!!!! Bersakhi23 on AO3 wrote a tie-in/sequel thing for Sha Ka Ree! I wish I knew their Tumblr handle (tell me if this is you!!!) because I loved it and I am obsessed with it ❤️ Go read it and give them kudos!
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its-fucking-tangerine · 3 months
for all my fellow pietro stans that have gotten nothing from the movies in over a decade!
(yes im in my atj era but ive loved pietro since the first time i watched age of ultron in fifth grade.)
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divinityunleashed · 2 months
New Muses added: The Gold Third!
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From left to right:
B-Sha personifies Bandai Namco, C-Sha personifies Capcom, S-Sha personifies Square Enix, and K-Sha personifies Konami!
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i am confusing kali and durga but you did make design of fgo her right? can i ask you to repost it bc i scoured your archive and i still cant find it
It was kali! The actual post is here but I’ll post some of the pictures here as well
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I’ve been planing on doing proper ascension-like art for her for a while now, just haven’t found the time between work and making my normal content for the blog ;v;
#tbh she is pulling from multiple versions of k/ali#more in line with a specific interpretation of her through shaktism#as a form of adi sha/kti#/mahadevi-which if I understand correctly in shakti/sm specifically puts her more at the level of Bra/hman#as the supreme ultimate reality of existence (bra/hman the principle not the god)#so she’s the source of all creation/it’s embodiment/the energy that animates it/and that which it dissolves into#and yeah I went with this in part bc I was so annoyed w how they made par/vati -_-#look if we can have characters be the personification of planets then the personification of the cosmic force of the universe should be doom#I’ve like. thought abt how to work it into nasuverse#it’s like ka/li is one form of the main goddess who’s like the universe#similar to how ameratsu can send out bunreis on a larger scale#except in this case it’s more like ort w the planet thing only on this case it’s the universe#I’m not explaining this well but it made sense to me lmao#basically#the servant form is an avatar of kali in that it’s less powerful than her#and kali is also mahadevi#who is the universe#‘what’s par/vatis deal then?’ she got overzealous making her servant vessel and overcorrected#ik I’m not explaining this well I attempted to write lore for her ONCE and exploded#she’s interesting tho. she tends to be impartial (except w kids) but represents change and destruction#and is constantly updating and changing her views based on her children (followers) world#(like with the sacrifice thing which is interesting bc I’ve seen things saying she never wanted human sacrifice but it DID still happen)#she requires sacrifice which often nowadays is interpreted to mean things like negative energy and the like#or like the sacrifice of your ‘ego’#she’s also a goddess associated with anger#idk I’m getting all over the place again which happens when I start#getting into it lmao#my asks
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babysharkdodododoo · 4 months
welcome e to shak
hallo im a shak i only respond d to shak
iff you dont like sha ks youu dont exist
sharks are life shrks are god shraks s are mcd ondalds
shaks main enemy iss capitalism
if you like capitlism you have to go theoufh a ritual ritual l of shak
🦈 whoevr birthed this emoji pleasee adopt me
be gay be shark
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sharks haters off my pagee!!!!!!!!! you dont existt dirty liars !!!!! liar liar liar
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mystyrust · 2 months
#extremely obvious by ppls reactions to kamala Harris who has and hasn't talked to a Palestinian irl#we went from acab to voting for a cop lol#identity politics has killed critical thinking on this site#if yall want political analysis from Palestinians (who's opinions i trust more than my own on this matter bc they are experts) i suggest#salm/a sha/wa (an/at international)#mohammed el/kurd#subh/i ta/ha#and if you're willing to branch out to a couple non Palestinians i recommend#san/a saeed#mehd/i has/an#if France can band together to get rid of far rights out of the elected office#then we can make third party candidates viable#minorities throwing each other under the bus for self preservation has historically never worked#vote b/lue no m/atter w/ho has proven that KHs team doesn't have to work hard on campaigning#you can't girl boss fa/cism and jenoxide#you can't vote for a m3me#just yapping to myself in the notes thank you for coming to my ted talk#unless KH definitively distinguishes her policy on gz she is no different than jenosixe j0e#she has a much bl00d on her hands#s/im kern is decent but did have a few fumbles#chris k middle east guy i can't remb his name was good too#not yuval!!!! he's funny haha measuring ur height finding out where u are in the world but his mistakes are too intentional#i know we spread news via destiel meme but we can't spread analysis this way#get off this app and touch grass go to a protest talk to Palestinians#or listen to Palestinian accounts for history and analysis not just for their gofundmes#celebs can and have depolitucized charity to use as a moral shield against genuine criticism
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glowwupera · 22 days
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🌟The gang (tonight’s skincare)
🌟Crest White Strips
🌟Finally trying gua sha
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thinking about more k/az b/rekker okay. he's on a big job with a cold that's sort of simmering. smoldering right. not too bad he can ignore it, plus the job is was more important than his health. as soon as the job finishes he's totally relieved that he can take maybe half a day to himself to get over what he thinks are the last remnants of that drawn-out cold, but after waking up from a 4 hour nap he realises that his cold is no longer simmering - in fact it's a million times worse. symptoms hit him all at once like a bus as soon as he wakes up and that half a day he planned to take off turns into a full day, then two, then three, then a week and the whole time he's cold and shivery and achy and sneezing basically nonstop with no end in sight. that's what you get for forcing yourself to work for ages with a cold that's "not that bad"
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magewolf-the-artist · 7 months
Last night I wondering what everyone does all day in the K-9 facility. How do they pass the time besides being sad? And then I came up with this idea. It was originally gonna be a comic but I'm awful at drawing animatronics and need to practice more, so have it in textpost form instead.
(In the animatronic storage room, Rosemary/Sha is sitting in the corner drawing and Charles/Boozoo and Susan/Banny are playing an unspecified card game)
Charles: Got any sevens?
Susan: Nope. Go fish.
Charles: Damnit. *Draws another card*
(Bon enters the room. Rosemary looks distressed, Charles looks unnerved, and Susan looks annoyed)
Bon: Good evening my fine friends!
(All three are silent. Bon turns his head to Susan)
Bon: Hey Banny, why the long face-
Susan: *Deadpan* If you call me that one more time, I'm going to smash your face in with this wrench. *Pulls a wrench out from behind her*
(Charles and Rosemary look surprised)
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pinknredbracket · 1 year
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bisexualstruggles · 1 year
i was tagged by @pulledrounder to post the first 10 songs which come up on shuffle. thank you so much! in my case, it's old mp3 player and commentary edition
1. Maria Mena - Just Hold Me (this song as 00s written all over it and yeah it is a sappy ballad, but it hits SO good, still holds up, in its 2000-ness)
2. Bruno Mars ft. Cardi B - Finesse (Remix) (this song is just the definition of smooth)
3. BROCKHAMPTON - SWEET (one of the songs which feels incredibly disjointed and is still held together by the beat, one of my faves)
4. DMX - X Gon Give It To Ya (this song just goes hard)
5. Kesha - Fine Line (cannot explain how obsessed i am with the whole album right now, love the ending of the song: There's a fine line between what's entertaining / And what's just exploiting the pain / But, hey, look at all the money we made off me)
6. Kesha - Something To Believe In (yes, the entire album save for the interlude is on my mp3 player: Ego just a face of sadness / Pain is just part of the package /'Round we go, around we go)
7. The Avalanches - Running Red Lights (this song has just the perfect ability to calm my nerves, but i also love the lyrics so much)
8. BROCKHAMPTON - GUMMY (i listened to this song on repeat last week. favourite lyrics: they love me when I'm a martyr / they hate me when I'm myself, I can't barter with that)
9. MIKA - Ring Ring (remembered recently this song and how good it actually is, the drama of it all)
10. BROCKHAMPTON - BOOGIE (songs that feel like a punch in the face and a wake up call. this will remain in my workout list forever)
and i tag @miezkind, @awordwasthebeginning, @panarchie, @chaotic-gay-is-my-alignment, @cerebipalsy, @irisdouglasiana
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