#Just wanted to rant
crazydaymycrazyway · 3 months
Now that I think about it, doesn't Alberu have like, a bunch of brothers and sisters? Then like, Zed had a lot of partners, though I suppose he only officially married the third prince's mother and the rest are concubines like Alberu's mother. So like, didn't Zed kill his siblings in the fight for throne? Or was it in another story? Did he like, ever think that his successor might choose his path and kill the rest of his kids and perhaps his own father too to sit on the throne?
And this third prince whom Zed favored, I was like, dying to know his name in the beginning. And Alberu's mothers name too. Then I just went like, if the third prince's name was like something long, complicated and hard to pronounce, wouldn't it be hilarious. I can imagine Cale's and Choi Han's reaction when they hear the name for the first time. Cake would just give up cuz it's too hard to say and he couldn't be bothered lol.
Back to the Crossman family. There are so many members there. Like damn. Wouldn't the tea within the family be quite juicy? Like, I can imagine all the family drama behind the doors? The public might not be aware of it, because they like to keep a good image and all. But I am very curious of all the sh*t happening within the palace. I've always thought about it from the day I've heard Zed have multiple kids from multiple women. When Cale hears all the drama, he'd be like, damn, I was right in thinking that nothing would do good if I get involved with you. He might enjoy the tea, but he'd be too scared to get his slacker life dream ruined.
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/ imma be fr this trio would go so hard, lethal even
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/ I know Max to Aston Martin is just a rumor but let me hold your hand when I say this and just imagine the possibilities with these three
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skepticalpigeon · 2 months
Hey hi everyone please keep in mind that republicans - yes, even (mild) Tr*mp supporters - are not necessarily the same as fascists or the klan.
They may be wrong, they may be arguably selfish, but there's a big difference between being fearful and maliciously wanting to cause harm. Not to say you should agree with them, but please keep in mind they are mostly ordinary people and not evil incarnate.
I think an argument can be made that more rabid Tr*mp supporters might be similar to fascists, but even still it's a symptom of the harm of propaganda and the cult-like mentality of American political parties.
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fakeuwus · 5 months
just wanna come on here and appreciate blr for a second. ive been apart of many fandom spaces and have seen a lot of things and god is the internet an ugly place. ive left stan twitter a long time ago and just use my personal one and my personal tik tok acc. w these platforms though, no matter how much i curate my feed ill always see negative, toxic things. and as someone who gets passionate ab the things theyre into and whatnot, ive found myself going down the rabbithole ab others tearing down my favs and saying the most nasty things ab them and its so draining to see and read (my fault tho, ik i could simply ignore it but sometimes its hard not to) the point in all of this is that blr is the least toxic fandom space ive been apart of and idk if its bc we just write our silly little fanfics and move on w our day but i will take reading and writing fanfiction over seeing thousands of hate threads of different groups anyday. and ofc theres cons to blr its not perfect but overall its like the least stressful space ive been in. so i appreciate yall and thanks for creating a safe space for me and others <3
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naomiarai · 2 months
when your professor humiliates the fuck out of you for not completing some work he assigned to you bc you were sick but then suddenly starts praising your grades ಥ_ಥ
“oh naomi! you should be ashamed of yourself, you didn’t complete the work i had given you bc you were sick in bed! *muffled japanese words of disbelief*
i think he’d do well as an actor.
“everyone congratulate naomi, she scored the highest blah blah blah, be like her!”
do you SEE the switch up
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mikeylivesattheend · 9 months
tw; right wing dudes saying right wing stuff in links,rant
I really want to know. Does anyone else hate the completionist drama, not bc of what the completionist did/did not do, but bc of the guys who started making videos abt it
Karl jobst had some drama like 2 years ago u can still see on reddit regarding him saying some racist shit and hanging around in nazi circles.
(Links are to karl accusations with receipts)
Someordinarygamer, at a glance, has not done anything that bad. But he's a centrist who operates a bit like moistcritcal, Aka responding to drama of the week. Also, If u don't know, american centrism is basically diet right wing, with some being waywayway more nazisish (I don't think he's as bad as jobst, but I don't trust people who say the left and the right are two sides of the same coin, links to reddit proof below). He was the kind of person to talk abt the hogwarts legacy backlash in a '""""balanced"""" way🙄
(SomeOrdinaryGamer being a centrist proof)
(Reddit is not the end of research obviously. Karls vibes are bad but I only felt it after a few vids. Someordinarygamer is easier to see red flags. So watch their vids if u don't trust reddit, I wouldnt blame u lmao)
Idk. Like i understand fucking holding charity money for 10 years is immoral, the company was absolutely mismanaged, and the completionist had no right claiming they were donating to various charities actively. BUT how am i supposed to trust those guys' analysis and the million other inflammatory drama channels covering it???
Has a legit lefty person talked about this in in depth, with their own research, since the completionists apology???
I know bad people can have correct takes, but I just cannot bring myself to trust their analysis. As silly as it seems, even I, when I watched half of one of their videos, noticed the e-signature issue. How much research are these guys actually doing, and are their conclusions truly reflective of all the information available?
Not trying to start shit, its just been on my mind, i guess.
EDIT: Literally like 5 hours I posted this Moon Channel said he would be covering this and I trust him a hell of a lot more. He's made major mistakes on one video that I know of, but he's owned up to them w/ links on correct resources, and hes not a fucking centrist wow. Hes also a lawyer so hes at least slightly more qualified to discuss this topic. I will update if the video seems solid
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unhookedcandles · 1 year
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I literally don’t have anything against ranboo fans bc I know that most of them are just kids that don’t know better but I truly think their fan base would be less toxic if everyone just removed the phrase kys from their lexicon
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noegrl83 · 2 years
Just a theory..but what if YES at first jensen thought the"love story of mary and john" was gonna be the golden ticket.. BUT after THAT hit the fan...the "jivorce",... the second hand cringe.., and the (omg-really!!?!?👀) realization that Dean is only a winning formula WITH Sam...maybe(🙏🏿🙏🏿) the season finale of TW will be a segway of Dean closing out the mary and john chapter..he pulls to the side of the road and SAM hops into the passenger side😭 and FINALLY the Sam&Dean revival kicks off!!!😍😍 or or or...the mary and john shitcom is still off the table BUT the season finale is Dean pulling onto the road to start his journey to find Sam and finally figure out why the FUCK he hasn't been around the whole time in the GD first place🙄
I dunno...or maybe TW IS just a retcon shit show that no one ever wanted..and jensen really did just break our hearts and do us dirty in the end😔
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beeisnothere · 1 year
i just stumbled across a person on tiktok who was showing their tattoo, which happens to be the same quote as i have,,,, in the same spot,,,, similar ish font,,,,, im really trying to not think badly bout it, maybe it was a coincidence, but i posted about it more than a year ago and dps is very small niche fandom like, if you follow the # and have videos about it in your fyp is very possible you watched my videos, that got like 8.5k and 7k smthing views,,,,,
i really don't know what to think, maybe it was a coincidence, and also like yeah im the one who posted it but gksbfks feels very weird
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fans from certain clubs getting mad when a player from their club hangs out with one from another club is so weird and embarrassing, it’s their free time let them do whatever
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beware-thecrow · 1 year
Nobody asked this but as someone who recently has been buying shit ton of nail polish and stuff, i can say with all my heart that Sally Hansen products are overpriced as fuck and very mid/low quality.
Like...catrice does it for a quarter the price, with better brush and better adherence.
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weewoow-2060307 · 2 years
I'm gonna rant because I feel bad for my mlvn fandom hate, so I did this for justification, enjoy <33
I compared 2 popular mlvn fan acc and 2 Byler fan acc
Red is Byler/ mlvn hate, green is supporting the ship, orange is harmless joking about the other ship, blue is analysis' or edits and purple is other (Au's, general st things, other fandoms, ect.).
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I wanted to be fair but this person had a lot of Byler hate if I had scrolled further. In the spirit of fairness I didn't want to, so you can disregard this if you want but here...
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Now on to the Byler fan acc's
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Most Byler accounts seem to have a niche. Something their good at. Which isn't putting down mlvn btw... Idk, I went with popular accounts and tried to make it as fair as possible. But jeez. If you need to put other ships down to feel better about your own then.... Take a moment to think. I ship mlvn, I just can't get into the fandom because I also ship Byler 🤷
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I’m upset.
So my sis-in-law was nice enough to order the whole family breakfast today. We were still in our rooms when she got the notification that the food arrived. Usually the person delivering the food takes a photo of the food when it’s delivered.
The person did this but then left with the majority of the food. What they didn’t know or maybe they did (and if so they’re dumb) was our ring camera caught them doing this.
Smh. Come one dude.
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wilbywrites · 2 years
I know I haven't been active on this blog, but why are people being so trigger happy about being like I knew it, Dream sucks and uncomfirmed innocent or guilty situation is why
Just say you've always hated him and move on, you just wanted a reason to dislike him
Like I'm trying to stay neutral (leaning towards more Dream’s side though because he's actually being responsible about shit this time and taking Legal Action)
You can believe victims most of the time usually, but maybe also try some critical thinking to worm out 'victims' vs actual victims, it'll cause less harm to actual victims
At least Wait And See or can some of you not do that? Because if Dream IS innocent I don't want to see any of you who were willing to just take all these accusations and be like Sorry Dream >.< whoopsie >.< my bad >.<
I'm waiting and seeing.
If he is innocent, I'll continue to be a fan
If he is guilty though, if I ever see him, he'll see these hands first
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mezerin · 8 days
so, when I went to the drs a few weeks ago, they said I had blood in my urine. Like, a high amount. But I didn't show anything else, no sign of UTI or anything else. But starting earlier this evening I've started getting random sharp stabs right above the groin. Like, area between the groin and my bladder I think? so I'm starting to wonder if it's a kidney stone . . I guess I'll see if it continues into tomorrow.
I at least have a drs appt at the start of October to do more blood work (to check my vitamin levels again since my B12 and D3 were low) and doing another urine test. That's obviously like 3 weeks away though . . so I guess I'll see if I make it between now and then. usually this stuff with me is like 'hurts a lot for a few hours then next day nothing' which is fine, just makes it annoying to explain stuff to a dr.
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i used to be so good at writing strong, thoroughly-researched, thoroughly-edited essays.
as a kid in hs, my teacher literally came up to me, holding my 40 page essay on the intersection of the European witch hunts and capitalism/exploitation/gender roles (it was supposed to be 7 pages...whoops) and went like "this is literally a master's-degree level thesis. what are you doing?? you could literally use this as your final dissertation in a master's program, what the fuck."
NOW??? NOW?? you'd think I'd be oh so skilled. but alas. i can barely piece together two ideas. adhd skill-regression is so so real. im SOBBING
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