#Jupiter Transit
cosmicpuzzle · 3 months
Jupiter🌸Transit in Sidereal Taurus
May 1, 2024 - May 14, 2025
Aries Rising, Jupiter in 2nd house: This will be a great year for your finances and wealth. You will have increased income at your disposal. You may also spend a lot due to extra funds available. You may buy something of a high value. You could even purchase a home using loan as Jupiter aspects 6th house. Loans will be granted to you at this time. Your health would improve although you may gain some calories due to increase in food intake. You may get a new job with a better pay. You may also have an addition to your family. If you are a woman, you could conceive or have birth of child. Relations with family members will be warm during this time.
Taurus Rising, Jupiter in 1st house: This is a year of new beginnings for you. You may start something new in your life. You may join a college or a new job or a new relationship. Something about your life will be new this year. Physically you will feel confident and may gain weight too. This is a year you will feel confident but be cautious not to be over optimistic. New opportunities can come in your life. Things can progress without much effort. You may have success in relationships and love as Jupiter aspects both 5th and 7th house simultaneously. There may be possibilities of long-distance travel as Jupiter aspects 9th house.
Gemini Rising, Jupiter in 12th House: This is an introspective time ahead for you. You may have foreign travels on account of work. You may meet someone for a relationship through online or at a foreign location. There may be foreign travels for your spouse. You may make long term investments now. You may decide to invest in property as Jupiter aspects 4th house. You may relocate to a foreign country with your family. There may be birth of children abroad. There may be expenses on good account. You may have good restful sleep in this period. Your work may be draining, or you may take a sabbatical now. You may do remote or online work now. You may take a long vacation too.
Cancer Rising, Jupiter in 11th House: This will be a great year for you in terms of success, gains, wealth and profits. You may get a promotion, or you may have an additional stream of income. Jupiter will bring new financial opportunities for you. You may make new friends now. You will have opportunities to conceive if you are a woman as Jupiter aspects 5th house. If you are a man too, spouse may get a child as 11th house is 5th to spouse. If you are single, you may get opportunities to date as Jupiter aspects 3rd, 5th and 7th houses simultaneously. Relations with elder siblings will be on good terms. They may have good news in their own life (marriage, birth of child, promotion etc.). If you are in relationship and looking to get married, this will be the right time.
Leo Rising, Jupiter in 10th House: This will be a year for advancement in career and job. If your job has been troublesome or stagnant for some time, it is time to apply for new employers as Jupiter aspects 6th house too from 10th house. You will get a satisfying work profile. Your career status will rise automatically. If you are self-employed, you will take on much bigger projects than before. Sales will increase on it's own without much effort from your side. You will quote a bigger value for your projects and hence your bank balance is bound to increase. You will have good relations with bosses and superiors at work. You may buy a property or car as Jupiter aspects 2nd and 4th house simultaneously.
Virgo Rising, Jupiter in 9th House: This will be a year for long distance travel. If you wish to start higher studies this will be the right time. You will be granted visas easily to foreign countries. You will have good relations with your father and spouse's relatives. Physically you may gain some weight with Jupiter aspecting 1st house. If you are a spiritual person this transit will increase your perception and understanding. You may go on pilgrimages or spiritual retreats. You may get a Guru or teacher if you have been searching for one. This will be a good year to start writing or publish a book if you have saved them up in drafts as Jupiter aspects 3rd house. You may have both short and long-distance travels.
Libra Rising, Jupiter in 8th House: This will be a year of deep transformation and rejuvenation for you. You will have metaphysical experiences. You may develop interest in occult subjects. Your intuition will be on the rise, and you may understand things on a deeper level. You will have more shared resources and thus you may invest a significant amount. Jupiter will increase both yours and spouse's income. You may have good relations with in laws and spouse's family. There may be some inheritances or tax refunds coming your way. If someone owes you money, they may return it unexpectedly. If you are working for someone, you may become more hidden and silent at work. You may have great sex this year in abundance as 8th house is your sexual life. You may have sex at a foreign location or with a foreigner if you travel abroad.
Scorpio Rising, Jupiter in 7th House: This is a great year for your relationships. If you are single, you will find someone definitely. If you are already committed, you will enjoy the relationship a lot. Your spouse or partner may have a great time, and this will pass on to you. You are bound to gain some weight as Jupiter aspects 1st house. You will increase your contacts as Jupiter aspects both 3rd and 11th houses. Relations with younger or elder siblings will be good. You may also get pregnant if you are planning for a baby because Jupiter in 7th house increases the chances of conception. If you have grown up children, they might get married or travel to foreign countries. If you have any legal cases, they will be settled amicably.
Sagittarius Rising, Jupiter in 6th House: This is a year to change your work or job. You can get a new workplace as Jupiter aspects 10th house. You may get new job opportunities with increase in pay. Physically your health will be good although there may be chances of weight gain. You may join a fitness programme or a gym. Your relations with coworkers will be good. You may get bonus or incentives if you are in sales. If you are self-employed, you may get more clients who pay you much higher than what you get usually. You may get tipped more. You may get help through banks and financial institutions who may grant you loans and credits. If you are looking for onsite opportunities at work, you may get as Jupiter aspects 12th house. Your expenses may rise too due to increased credit available.
Capricorn Rising, Jupiter in 5th House: This is a year where you will find lot of opportunities for love, romance and dating. If you are single, you will enter into a relationship. You may meet someone at college or at a place of education as Jupiter aspects 9th house. This is a also a good time for learning and you may join school again. If you are old enough to have children, you may conceive now and get a baby. If you have children already, you will love them and dote on them. You may have lot of fun this year as 5th house is house of fun and recreation. If you are an artist, your creative spark will come out. This is a good time to write as Jupiter is 3rd lord in 5th house. As Jupiter aspects 9th house, you may get foreign travels, or you may find luck with foreigners. You may date someone online as Jupiter is 12th lord transiting 5th house. Jupiter can expand your waistline in 5th house- so control your indulgences.
Aquarius Rising, Jupiter in 4th House: This will be a great year for happiness and contentment at home. You may get that property which you have been searching for long as Jupiter is 2nd lord transiting in 4th house. You may put down your roots now and settle especially if you are in late 50's. If you are in mid 30's you may relocate to another country and settle down. If you are looking to expand family, you may have an addition to your family. Someone could come to your home and stay with you. Your relationship with extended family and relatives will be good. You may redesign your home or buy new furniture or a car too. You may get inheritances or tax refunds as Jupiter aspects 8th house. There may be family vacations too as Jupiter aspects 12th house from 4th house. If you have your mother around, she may have a good time personally.
Pisces Rising, Jupiter in 3rd House: This is a year to develop your skills and bring your creative side out. Jupiter will grant success in your education, school or college or in any academic endeavor you are involved as it aspects 9th house from 3rd house. If you are writing thesis, it would be accepted. if you are working under a team, your team mates would be helpful. There may be opportunities for relationship as Jupiter aspects 7th house. These may arise as a result of short travel. Jupiter in 3rd is a good time as you make new efforts. You may have success with sales, business, marketing and advertising efforts. If you are a business owner, you may sign new agreements and contracts. You can have lot of short travel. There may be change in employment or an internal transfer or change of city due to job location as 10th lord is transiting 3rd house.
Above interpretation must be applied after looking at Jupiter's Ashtakvarga score, placement of Venus in your chart and running Vimshottari Dasha/Bhukti.
If you are following tropical, then apply the results as to where Gemini is falling in your chart. So, if you are Aries rising, check for Jupiter in 3rd house results under Pisces rising.
For Transit and Other Readings DM
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saturnianprincess · 1 year
Jupiter in Taurus
Jupiter is finally in Taurus, now is the time when all those fast paced decisions and rewards with Aries energy will be solidified and made more permanent.
A/N: I am so excited because it is my Jupiter return which will happen in a week! Usually a Jupiter Return starts with things working against you in order to align you to your destined path.
Here is my short analysis on how transit Jupiter influences you based on the house its stationed in your chart. Please note this is just a general theme, situations may change due to Natal and other transit aspects.
-> Do not copy/plagiarize my work <-
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1st House
Major glow up, feeling more encouraged to try out new things to change your appearance etc. Channeling a lot of self-love energy and focusing on self development.
2nd House
Lots of financial gains and benefits. You may even spend more on some luxury products or make significant investments. Your surrounding aesthetics and style may change.
3rd House
Your communication and speech will become more profound and you may read and write a lot of spiritual and enlightening stuff. Possibly reconnecting with your school friends, siblings and childhood friends.
4th House
You may either out of home or relocate. Familial bonds which don’t serve you anymore may either break or get better. You will feel more connected to your roots and feel inclined to learn more about your ancestral heritage.
5th House
You will want to have fun and truly romanticizing your life. You will get into a serious romantic relationship and/or meet your soul family. Creativity will be at its zenith during this period. Lots of opportunities and doors opening up for you.
6th House
Lots of new changes to your daily routine, health and dietary habits. Will get improvements in aspects related to job and money. Your productivity levels will be higher than usual so be sure to care for your mental health.
7th House
Your existing relationships will get much stronger and reach a new level of commitment such as marriage, living with your S.O. also possibly relocating depending on other aspects. You will also have favorable outcomes when it comes to legal/business matters.
8th House
Major spiritual awakening. You may feel very enlightened and focus on soul-searching. Getting into occult and esoteric practices. Lots of shadow work and healing yourself. Learning to be more intimate and vulnerable with your partner/yourself. Major Karmic cycles ending for you.
9th House
You may want to pursue higher education or learn something new. You may tend to question beliefs and traditions you were taught. Your optimism and outlook on life is unmatched. You can settle abroad or migrate for work/studies. Lots of traveling in general and meeting foreigners.
10th House
Rise in career and social status. You may work or meet very impactful and powerful people. You will gain recognition for your hard-work and achievements.
11th House
A very social year! Joining a friend group or being part of a large community. Can meet your platonic soulmates/soul tribe.
12th House
Spiritual transformation and massive change of your own beliefs. Connecting to your higher self. Betrayals and hidden enemies coming to light but in a more of blessing in disguise.
©️saturnianprincess 2023 | Pictures from Pinterest
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astrolocherry · 10 months
Transiting Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus 5/9 - 31/12 2023
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"Let them eat leftovers"
Retrograde: revisit, recite, re-evaluate, reconsider, relive, retell.
Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus is a once-in twelve year planetary event. In astrological lore, Jupiter is considered the greater benefic and bringer of fortune, while Venus, the ruler of Taurus is assigned as the lesser, and the ruler of earthly wealth and treasures. Jupiter is the governor of all Universal Law and karmic benefits schemes. Jupiter RX in Taurus can therefore facilitate what is known as the 'law of compensation'. The universal law of compensation states that we will be rewarded for our past actions and virtuous efforts in generosity, helpfulness, and service to others. We can reap success for past positive actions and the work done in secret that we thought nobody noticed. This can be a period of good things coming for those who weren't waiting, because they weren't expecting anything in return.
art by Kurtis Rykovich
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secretsofiety · 6 months
Jupiter and/or north node in your 2nd house be making you hungry as hell all the time😭 one of the reasons why you spend so much money during this transit is cause you be buying food! My appetite has gotten soo big
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catmarlowastrology · 2 years
⚡️🌹 Aries Rising: Jupiter has just entered your 1st house. All of your actions and choices this year must focus around you. Aries is an independent sign who pursues his desires. It's all about YOU this year—what YOU want and who YOU want to be. The first house governs your physical appearance and how you use your body. This is an excellent time to switch up your style and finally dress the way you've always wanted. Overall, your self-esteem and confidence should improve drastically. This change will positively influence your career/reputation, close relationships, and your relationships with your family/your past. Say what you want to say. Do what you want to do. It's time to prioritize yourself.
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locksz · 2 years
                                  ﹟ jupiter!
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moonastrogirl · 1 year
Advice for Jupiter transiting my 3rd house?
Jupiter transitioning the 3rd house
Credit @moonastrogirl
My advice for you will be to focus on all the themes of your 3rd house plus the ruling planet of your house based on its sign. The natural ruler of the 3rd house being : Mercury. This will depend on the sign of your 3rd house so check also the ruler related to that sign.
Themes of 3rd house
- ruler of mind and intellect, house of intelligence
- ruler mercury -> check the house where your mercury is located and in which sign
- communication : how we perceive information and communicate it
- drive our overall learning and communicating process
- local transportation
- local community
- relationships with peers (siblings, coworkers and classmates)
- fields related to this house : media, journalism, publishing, writing, libraries, information technology, internet, broadcast, transport, tourism, railways.
All of those themes can create abundance and gains in your life if you focus on them because the 3rd house is usually associated with the 9th house of expansion and the 11th house of gains.
How to activate your 3rd house ?
Quit being lazy, sharpen your skills in the fields of 3rd house, learn new skills in the field of 3rd house, finish your incomplete tasks (especially those that can benefit other people too), avoid disappointing peers/relatives/friends, make only promises you can keep and make them reality, help your peers/relatives/friends.
Good luck to you 🍀
Credit @moonastrogirl
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Jupiter in the 3rd House; Higher Knowledge & Using The Power Of Words To Get What You Want.
Jupiter in the third house is all about higher knowledging and seeking the truth through the expression of words, traveling and learning in different organizations.
Jupiter here shows that with the expression of words brings a magical experience on their doorstep. The original scripters of their reality. They are able to change the shape of their universe through the use of their tongue. It is through faith that their words are able to create the things they wish to see in their world. Open to new suggestions and experiences, they will go after different approaches to expand their minds. They know there is no bounds to what it is they want in their reality so they conjure up new studies, new languages and even start doing all different types of classes because learning to them is never going to end. There is always something to learn and master. And they do it quite easily too. Since the third house's natural ruler is mercury. Jupiter here gets the quick wit and fast learning ability through this house. So whatever it is they aim to do they can learn it quite fast while doing another hobby. Multi-tasking is easier for them. They dont waste time and tend to juggle more than one thing because their brain works in a way to where it can make multiple things happen at one. A crazy gift to have.
Jupiter in the third uses the power of expression to utilize their consciousness and share the world what it has learned through their long journey of going to different realms and seeing them with new eyes. They have the gift of seeing what is true beyond their years. And its a special connection with them and the divine when moving through this house. They are able to connect to source through their ability to let go and let the universe create with them. They honestly know what it is they wish to go and take on the journey that their spirit guides placed for them.
Open to so much knowledge, they become teachers in their own right in due time. Maybe at some point they learn that they love teaching, and start to create spaces where they can let people learn and connect with them. As when they walked in their journey they were learning and mastering everything they were taught. They are good at allowing others to teach them because their big on spiritual knowledge and know that we come here to learn more but we do not know everything.
The Higher Knowledge peeps listen for the Most High in all that they do, because they know if they listen they can reach enlightenment in their crafts, in their studies, learning a new way in how to move forward and just experience pure bliss in their reality and not having to stress over what isn't for them.
The Gift of Gab is a special gift they contain as well.
hope you like it <3
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asstrolo · 28 days
congratulations for your jupiter return so sorry is transiting your 12th or 8th house
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Sagittarius Ascendant:
Results of Jupiter transiting Pisces for Sagittarius Ascendant People:
1) Good for going to foreign land, gain through foreign land or foreigners.
2) Other people will be influenced by you. You will be appreciated by others.
3) Regarding career, this transit is average but your reputation will increase. Transit from Moon sign matters a lot regarding career.
4) Regarding Marriage, this transit is average.
5) This transit is good for love relationship but Rahu transiting 5th house may cause problems.
6) Regarding education, you will be successful but Rahu in the 5th indicates concentration issues.
7) Your knowledge on occult field may broden.
8) People want to be close with you.
9) Close friends will support you.
10) Distraction in career may also be realised. You may try to change career too.
11) You are becoming good learner and developing new ideas about life and society.
12) Health wise, this transit may not be that bad but it may badly influence your food habit.
13) Those who are working on real estate may feel growth in their entrepreneurship.
14) If your Moon sign is Aries, Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra, Pisces, and Capricorn, this transit will not be that favourable to you.
15) If your Moon sign is Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpion or Aquarius, this transit will be beneficial to you in all aspects of your life.
16) If there is Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Or Venus or Jupiter in Pisces in your natal chart, this transit will be highly auspicious in the areas signified by those planets.
17) If there is Rahu in Pisces in the natal chart, you may be distracted a lot.
18) If there is Ketu in Pisces in the natal chart, you may become spiritual. You will gain knowledge on occult.
19) Overall, this transit is average. Positive or negative effects will mostly determined by where is Pisces from your Moon sign in the natal chart.
Your life will be not remarkably successful but happy.
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plutoswrath · 2 years
Since I was busy with everything else I didn’t even realize that I’m having my jupiter return!!! In the 8th ofc because we love a good struggle right anyways it makes so so so much sense that yesterday my boss literally surprised me and my other employees by gifting us all an extra 500€ due to inflation this month. Insane.
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cosmicpuzzle · 11 months
Astro Observations 🕐
🎉7th Lord in 3rd house can mean your partner travels to other city (may be for a new job)
🎉Venus in Gemini can be good with literature.
🎉Mercury in Scorpio with Jupiter is excellent for learning astrology.
🎉Transiting Jupiter over natal Mars or aspecting Mars seems to induce accidents. This could be because Jupiter and mars are very physical and masculine planets causing accidents.
🎉Malefics in 2nd house can cause dog bites
🎉Moon or Mars in 5th house for woman can cause unplanned pregnancy during courtship.
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Back to my astrology research, because sometimes I need to check in on it and see where the next year is headed.
In March 2023, Pluto makes its first dip into Aquarius in a couple hundred years. It does go retrograde at the very beginning of May, at 0°22 AQ, before returning to Capricorn in mid-June.
My natal Mars is at 1°02 Aries, a rather impulsive placement for this very earth-bound Gemini's chart. I just googled having a transit Pluto sextiling Mars, and this is the first result:
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I've been planning my first ever Europe trip since 2019. The first booking for June 2020 got cancelled by COVID, 2021 wasn't any better yet. 2022 has been dominated by airport chaos and Russia being naughty.
I've been planning a May 2023 booking for a few months now. Just recently I decided it's definitely happening, world chaos be damned. Only this morning did I check the ephemerides for 2023, and it appears that Pluto agrees with me!!!!!
Also on a positive note, Jupiter's tragectory for May is from 27° Aries to 3° Taurus. My midheaven is 28° Aries, Vesta is 29° Aries, and Venus is 2° Taurus. They're all encouraging too:
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All other placements are rather benign, so overall a good omen. Jupiter and Pluto want me to finally go to Europe next year!!!
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astrolocherry · 2 years
~ 🔛 Transiting Jupiter in Aries ~ Jupiter glyph is the “4” of fortune
Aries means “arise and shine”, zodiacal number one= always first in line
“rise to the occasion” to advance opportunities. Being the advancer on what you find tempting is most advantageous = an authentic artist of confidence
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libra-stellium · 2 years
Jupiter went direct in my 1H today and I’m feeling good, makeup looks good, hair looks good, outfit looks good, bouta eat good
Happy Thanksgiving to pisces risings! 💕
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secretsofiety · 7 days
Jupiter transiting my 3rd house and opposite Mercury in the 9th house has me posting more than usual on social media and i need to stop. I deleted twitter and I’ll eventually delete instagram. I actually don’t want to know what people are thinking and doing anymore online. I want real life face to face conversations with interesting people.
And I want to get back into study mode for astrology. I’ll probably save up for a course or something.
Jupiter in my 3rd house conjunct my moon has increased my need for connecting with others but Saturn is still transiting my 12th house. So there’s still some work that i need to do that can only happen when im disconnected from the world.
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