#June is pride month
darkangel1791 · 4 months
I have been upset in previous years with posts that complained about "rainbow capitalism". I understand that people felt used by companies that had homophobic policies and/or donated to anti-gay organizations, but still had a marketing campaign in June designed to celebrate Pride.
But as I say on my tumblr homepage, I am old. I remember when a corporation would never commit financial suicide by putting a rainbow on their product. Gay people were not mainstream. They were hated, feared, and objects of disgust.
Corporations are always going to screw people over. That is what they do. "Rainbow capitalism" at least showed that the LGBTQIA community was accepted enough that corporations knew that they were unlikely to lose more customers than they won by participating. It was worth the risk, because the risk was small.
This year, there is a significant drop in "rainbow capitalism". I guess that will make some people very happy. But it is not good. It is a very bad sign.
It means that now corporations are more worried about who might boycott them, than who they can sell to with that marketing strategy. We are falling out of the mainstream. We are losing acceptance. I think we all know why.
Try to be louder, show yourselves, attend Pride, fly your flags, buy any "rainbow capitalism" products that are still available if you financially can. But do keep yourself safe.
And most of all, vote as if your life depends upon it.
If we ever get our acceptance and buying power back again, please understand the importance of "rainbow capitalism", and what it really means.
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Some thoughts about kink at Pride....
This past weekend, we took our 1 year old to Pride for the first time. She had a lot of fun. She enjoyed herself. As long as people didn't talk to her, she was okay with all the people. It was when they talked to her that she wasn't sure about everything. She's a shy tot, for sure.
Taking her to Pride for the first time I wasn't sure if my perception of things was going to shift. I've heard from other people that they don't like that there's half dressed people or kink at Pride because there are children there. I wondered if I was going to go there, see someone in a puppy mask and have a desire to shield my child's eyes- like I've heard from other parents.
But honestly, I had the opposite reaction. We saw people in puppy masks and leather that barely covered anything. We saw exposed breasts and exposed asses. People leashed. People wearing tails. We saw vendor tents with leather and kink wear. A vendor tent prosthetics for trans femme and trans masc people. A vendor tent that had crochet dicks and tits. And so many other things I've heard people complain about. But none of it bothered me. There was nothing that I worried about my toddler seeing.
In fact, I was glad that she was able to see all of these people. All of them able to be themselves and live freely and publicly, even if it's just for this event. All over Pride, there were people of various ages and races and life paths. Some of the people there have lived through a time when they weren't safe to be themselves. Some came from regions where it's still more common to see a confederate flag than a rainbow flag. But on Saturday, they were safe to be themselves- whatever that meant to them. And I am so so grateful that I get to show this to her. My kiddo gets to witness the beauty and diversity of our community. She gets to see people who love freely. She gets to watch people stand in the sun, maybe for the first time in their lives, as the person they are.
The one thing about Pride that I wish she didn't have to witness is all of the people falling into the arms of a stranger wearing a "Free Mom/Dad Hug" shirt and sobbing because their own parent wont hug them and say they're proud of them. I wish she didn't have to live in a world where people are still being rejected for who they are. I long for a day where the parents offering free hugs go unhugged. A day where everyone from the puppy masked and leather-clad to the most prim and proper queer is free to be themselves and is accepted as they are. But until then, I'll keep taking her to Pride. I'll keep being glad that she's able to see so many types of people. And I'll keep getting emotional over the love strangers have for each other.
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jaime-in-chaos · 4 months
Make sure to love yourself and take care of yourself because you are a person that deserves love and care no matter your sexuality or gender. :]]]
Remember to stay safe, drink plenty of fluids and unclench your damn jaw!
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snake-inmydaffodils · 4 months
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lenbryant · 3 months
ABC News Live broadcasting Pride parades across the country today.
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nocturnalandneurotic · 6 months
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physicsfox7 · 4 months
Quick shoutout to all of my dearest friends in the LGBTQIA+ community. I am who I am today because of your love. Love for others, love for me, but most importantly love for yourself.
You love yourself enough to tell the world who you truly are, despite the bullshit they pile on. I'm so proud of you.
This will always be a safe space. I love you, and I am so proud to call you friends.
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shayna365x · 1 year
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Monday, 6/12/23. A friend needed an old phone, so I sent up the Bat signal and this gal delivered! I ventured into HB for the first time in a year, and we had a rather delightful time together!
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animentality · 4 months
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the-irreverend · 4 months
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pov: you're waking up and it's june 1st
(happy pride month yall!)
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thewoodbine · 3 months
Banning the star of david from appearing at pride events because it "looks like the flag for Israel" IS antisemitic, discriminatory, and an act of oppression and hate against queer jews.
Yes, the magen david appears on the Israeli flag but unless it is in blue and framed by blue stripes, it is not an Israeli flag anymore than the hilal is a symbol for Pakistan.
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I'm wishing a very Happy Pride Month to all the queer people who:
are disabled
are chronically ill
can't celebrate for health reasons
disability gets in the way of their gender representation
disability got in the way of a relationship
don't have anyone to celebrate with
have homophobic caretakers
Happy Pride Month to all disabled queer people
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whalefill · 1 month
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The lieutenant gently removes the glasses from your face, setting you free again.
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junewi02 · 4 months
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He's having gay thoughts
Happy Pride Month! 🌈
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bug-taffy · 4 months
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and then they did
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