#Julieta POV
sorryiwasasleep · 2 years
Julieta starts seeing Bruno everywhere
The first time it happens, Julieta saw a green ruana out of the corner of her eye. She turned, with a relieved smile. Finally, her brother had come back after a month. He had just needed time, is all. Just like she’d insisted to Pepa. He would give Mamá his vision, she would stop worrying, and maybe seeing her favorite (sorry Félix) uncle might help Mirabel smile.
Her face falls when she’s turned fully. The ruana is a shade too light, the person wearing it not the one she expected. Her spirits fall too, though she forces a smile back onto her face as she hands the next person in line a buñuelo. They accept it without thanks. Her smile gets tighter.
The next time she sees him in the crowd it’s in a mess of black curls. It’s been more than half the year, but surely he wouldn’t miss their birthday.
Except, the curls come closer and Julieta sees that they’re too long, too well taken care of, and closer still most definitely on a teenage girl. Julieta lets her eyes linger a moment too long, willing time to go back to a few seconds ago, when she’d had hope.
She squeezes Pepa a little tighter as they hold their own celebration in front of a darkened block of wood. A sprinkle covers them both, but Julieta doesn’t care. She’d be raining too if she could.
Mirabel needs new glasses, having outgrown her old prescription. The seven year old insists on getting the same shade of green as her old frames, even if she can’t quite recall why she was so attached to the color. Julieta sobs herself to sleep in Agustín’s arms.
They don’t talk about him anymore. No one does. Julieta hates it, but at the same time feels like she has sand in her throat whenever she tries to bring him up. Pepa’s started masking her sadness behind anger. Julieta thinks that might be easier, but her anger slips away as fast as it comes, always in waves. She screams. She cries. She mourns. And she worries.
Dolores' voice has gotten quieter and quieter over the years. She’s become more subdued, more burdened by her gift. Julieta knows Pepa sees it too and it hurts. It hurts that this is happening to her sobrina, and it hurts knowing they can’t help, because they can’t take away her gift any more than they could take away his. They just try to be there for her as much as they can. There for her, where they hadn’t been before.
A young boy, about thirteen years old, comes to Julieta and tells her he can’t breathe. That he thinks he’s dying. Julieta recognizes the panic attack immediately and is leading him to a private spot before she even registers it. She ends up in their spot by the river. The one he would hide away in when things became too much. The boy comes down from his attack and begins apologizing profusely. Julieta just gives him a hug.
Pepa tells Julieta about her pregnancy individually before the family announcement. She insists on telling her in the sand filled cavern where Pepa’s voice carries. She addresses Julieta and the darkened door together. “Hermanos.” Julieta can tell how happy her sister is, but can see the despair underneath it. Julieta feels the same. They both cry.
Julieta spent the entire meal staring at the family tree behind Mama. The colors were fading. Antonio was growing, Mirabel and Camilo too. Mamá had it touched up.
Except, she didn’t have it all touched up. When Julieta worked up the nerve to ask, she was met by anger. An insistence that since he didn’t care about this family, the family shouldn’t care about him. Julieta thinks he might’ve cared too much. She doesn’t say that though.
Julieta hands another person an arepa and bids them goodbye. They respond with “see you soon!” In an attempt at a joke, Julieta responds back “Hopefully, not too soon!” They respond, “knock on wood.” and rap their knuckles against her table. Julieta falters. She hasn’t heard anyone say that in ages. She has to excuse herself for the rest of the afternoon.
Antonio has taken an interest in animals. In rats. Agustín makes him a plush one and he carries it everywhere. Pepa’s cloud grows a bit every time she sees it, though she never lets Antonio know. Julieta notices though, and can feel her own chest get tight at the sight of a little boy with a rat. It’s not the same, but it echoes another boy with another rat, ages in the past.
Mirabel burst into Antonio’s room and claimed the house was going to fall. That Casita had been covered in cracks and that the candle had dimmed. She had seen something terrible, though Julieta wasn’t quite sure if it was just as she said. Mama had brushed it off. Had done immediate damage control to the town at the expense of her daughter. It was a painfully familiar scene. Right down to the need to heal a wound. Julieta wants to believe a broken tile is truly how Mirabel cut her hand. She doesn’t want to think of the alternative.
“Mira, my brother Bruno lost his way in this family… I don’t want the same for you.” Mirabel looks perplexed at the mention and slightly crestfallen. She goes to bed, a dejected look on her face. That was familiar too. Julieta’s heart hurts.
Mamá and Mirabel are fighting and Julieta is thrown into another fight a decade prior. “If you walk out that door you’re dead to me.” She’s thrown from her stupor when Mirabel brings up the exact person she’s thinking of. “Bruno left because you only saw the worst in him–” Julieta feels tears in her eyes. Her wonderful daughter, her missing brother. She hopes wherever he is, he knows Mirabel is on his side.
Mirabel is gone. It’s the day after a gift ceremony and again another one of her family members is gone. She knew Mama was too hard on Mirabel, but to blame all of their issues on her? A child? Julieta doesn’t know how her mother has lived with herself this past decade. It’s only been a few hours of Mirabel missing and she feels like she’s lost a limb. Like someone carved out a hole in the center of her chest. She thought she had known loss when Bruno’s door went dark, but this was an entirely different kind of pain. If Mirabel doesn’t come back, it will be another person she couldn’t save, and another person she’ll forever be longing for. She can’t bear it.
There's a horse galloping down the street. The church bells are ringing. Mirabel has been found. She’s at the front of the horse. Julieta doesn’t register who’s behind her. “Mirabel?!” Her daughter. She’s back in her arms. “Mirabel!” Julieta all but sobs out. Mirabel grips her back just as tightly. It’s then Julieta catches the flash of a green ruana. An hourglass, on a green ruana. It’s gone before she can turn, gone around the corner of their ruined house. She shakes it off as a figment of her imagination.
Until it’s not. Her brother. Her hermanito. He’s being beckoned forward by Mamá and the fool tries to wave at them. Pepa charges forward and Julieta is hot on her heels, throwing herself at him. Feeling that he’s solid, that he’s real. That he’s home. Bruno
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sansxfuckyou · 2 years
Me, Myself and I (she's not real, it's not true)
Summary: Your gift is a curse, is it even yours? Or is it simply being passed from person to person, you don't even know what you like anymore; just a curly haired teen? A giddy child? A confused girl who can't get out? In essence, they're all you, everyone is.
Warnings: Identity Crisis, check tags for further warnings.
Authors Note: Watched Encanto again, forgot how much angst potential was packed into this boy, convinced to actually write it by @sobredunia who has the magic touch when it comes to making me write shit, and the direction I was going with the gender bit was less on the transgender end of the spectrum, but more of the, what you could've been end of the spectrum, reblogs are always appreciated.
You look in a mirror, you don't know what you see.
You don't know who you see, every morning it's different, 'me myself and I' the therapist said; the therapist is wrong.
You're not her, you're not it- you're not Mira, you're not Camilo, you are Camilo, but Camilo is not needed, like Mira.
You aren't needed, Abuela is needed, Pepa is needed, Julieta is needed, even Bruno is needed; but you aren't, who you can become is what's really needed. You'll be given a list of everyone elses chores, and you'll do them under the guise it really is Mira playing with the neighbor kids, it really is Julieta washing the dishes even though it never is.
It's you, it's you, it always has been you. Has it really?
Felix gives you chores, you, she, it, 'me, myself and I,' one of whatever exists within will do it, but all of it is you, and none of her is you; you've lost yourself. If yourself even exists underneath the never ending life of lies you uphold for The Family Madrigal, for The Encanto and for the love and respect of those you hold so dearly despite knowing they only need you for what you can be- not for what you are.
And each morning you know it to be truer and truer as you look in the mirrors, none of them reflect you anymore, they only reflect what you're supposed to be, meant to mimic. The local seamstress, a mother in need, anyone and everyone but you, and then there are faces you don't recognize from the town, and faces that aren't human.
You see yourself, eyes emerald, hair curly, frame thin, everything so close to the same except for the fact you aren't wearing what you always do; you're wearing a dress that you've memorized. The top piece is white, the sleeves are short, the waist has a sash with chameleon sigils, the skirt is sunflower yellow, and you look so good in that dress, but she isn't you (Is she, was she supposed to be?). In another mirror you see a distorted child, crouching down to be at eye level, pressing hands together, knowing it is you, it was you, knowing it could still be you; grinning and failing the family so blissfully. You tell the child everything will be fine, nothing will go wrong and too never stop smiling despite knowing that child has a future that will change it forever for the worse- and the child can only stare at you, knowing its fate despite being so young.
This room, this cell, and this prison is all yours, everyone of the Family Madrigal resides in it, its everyones all at once, yet Casita doesn't treat them like prisoners. You know its not on purpose, you know your gift reflects in your room, you're far too aware of the fact that no matter how many mirrors you smash you're only making more. Shards of broken glass swept up as glass reforms, pulls together, lets you to see into your soul and to see nothing left but a hollow vessel that's bursting at the seams with how much of nothing fills it. It's just you, whatever components of what you really are left over, that's what there is, the girl, the child and you, she's not real, it isn't the truth.
You, Camilo Madrigal, the shapeshifter who makes everyone smile, have an empty purpose because they don't want you, and you know it chips at your self esteem every time you think that, but its true, its true, its true. Nobody needs Camilo, they need everyone but you, you're everyone but Camilo at this point, you fill roles when they can't be there to do it themselves.
'Me, myself and I,' you'll never know them, not if they never existed in a way you could understand.
You're just a chameleon, but a chameleon knows itself.
Waking up, you find yourself not even bothering to glance in the mirrors, none of them show what you think is you, nor will they ever because you don't exist. Why should you exist if no one wants you around, you're just a fun-house mirror that shows everyone what they want to see, and no one wants to see you anymore.
Breakfast is slow, you stay quiet, giving your two cents here and there like you always do, dread sinking in even further because breakfast is almost over and you haven't asked you of anything. You refrain from grabbing seconds, you'll get in trouble if you do that, you simply stay seated and wait for Abuela to give you a chore as she lists off tasks for everyone, skipping over you. Luisas dealing with the donkeys, Isabella has to help a farmer, Mirabel is babysitting a group of kids, and you're left without anything to do.
"Abuela?" You pipe up, tone firm, tone sharp, tone unwavering, you've become used to picking and choosing your favorite parts of everyones voices.
"Yes Camilo?" Abuela asked, turning to you.
"What about my job?" You ask, fork migrating to Dolores plate, she doesn't seem to notice as you nab some of her food.
"You don't have one today, theirs nothing the town needs from you right now," Abuela answered with, cracks in your vessel spread as she confirmed your fears, you refrained from tearing up.
"Okay, what should I do than?" You ask, unable to help the pleading tone in your voice, guidance direction, you don't know much of what you're supposed to do when theirs nothing your gift can do for you, for everyone else.
"You should help Bruno for the day," Dolores said, perfectly repressing her expressions, the Madrigal in question perked up at the mention of his name.
"Lovely idea, Dolores," Abuela said, smiling softly as she stood, everyone else following suite and filtering out of Casita, Bruno swift in his attempt to leave, you followed like an orphan duckling, still unaware of who Bruno needed for the job.
And so you followed Bruno, patiently waiting for instruction as you scaled stair after stair, he was simply mumbling to himself. The top of the stairs was to say the least, the most welcoming sight of the week, you took a seat. It was weird, doing anything and being yourself, whatever part of yourself you liked to reflect, and you weren't sure if you liked it.
"So, Tío Bruno, who do you need on the job?" You asked, stretching out your arms a little bit.
"Ah, you followed me up here, of course you did, I don't need help, but you can help if you want to," Bruno said, you quirked a brow.
"Okay, but, who do you want on the job?" You asked again, changing your words ever so slightly, this man, one generation before you, surely understood the question.
"I want you too help me drain my Vision Cave of sand so I have somewhere to give visions," Bruno said again, adding more information, you still didn't understand it entirely.
"Right, so... Luisa?" You asked, shifting your form to your older cousin Luisa, Bruno groaned.
"No, guess again," Bruno said, you shifted to Mira, he shook his head, Isabella, he shook his head, Dolores or Tonito, two shakes of the head, you give up.
"Just tell me who you want help from so I can help," you practically begged, unable to just trust that anyone out there could want your help, not someone elses.
"Come back once you figure it out, and bring a broom, there is a lot of sand up here," Bruno said, pivoting on one foot before heading further into the cave, his rats following close in line, leaving you alone, "talk to Julieta, she might be able to help."
You tried to stutter out a response, but nothing wanted to come out no matter whose voice you picked. So stubbornly, you turned to leave, pivoting on foot like Bruno, huffing a bit as you started on your trek back down all those fucking stairs.
You're panting when you make it to the kitchen, finding your Tía Julieta prepping a meal, she takes note of your existence by calling you over. You follow, gripping the edge of the counter for support, legs numb and shaking, a bruise here and there from when you tripped, a small cut on your face. Julieta hands you an arepa, fresh off the heat, you take it gratefully, trying to eat slowly despite how tempted you are to just wolf it down; be polite, don't be crass, you wipe your hands down on a stray towel.
"Aren't you working with Bruno, sobrino?" Julieta asked, turning to face the food on the counter, back to prep work, but you know she's at least half listening.
"He sent me off when I couldn't guess who he needed for the job, I have to bring him a broom soon," you explained, nibbling away at the morsel in your hands, delicious as always, "he said you might be able to help me figure it out."
"I don't know how much help I can be, but I'll try sobrino," Julieta said, flipping a few of the arepas on the stove before turning to you.
"He just kept saying that he wanted my help, not someone elses, which is not only estúpido, but confusing, no one wants my help, they just want copies," you explained, hoping that Julieta could even attempt to get it, to make sense of what Bruno was saying, she didn't respond right away.
"Well, Camilo, have you considered he could actually want your help?" Julieta asked gently, you gave a tilted look before responding.
"No ones wanted my help since I was five, all everyone has ever wanted in this town is everyone elses help when they can't be around, no one wants my help Tía Julieta," you explained, her expression sunk a bit, you spoke again before she could try and comfort you, "I know everyone in this town better than myself, I could be your perfect pal, be everyone in this town, but it'll never be me."
"Camilo, that's not true," Julieta said, you raised a brow at her, as though waiting for her justification for such a bold statement, "it feels that way, but we do want you around, we promise."
"This isn't even me, I look in a mirror and I don't know who I see, it's not me I know that much, I see what I'm supposed to be, what everyone needs, and no one needs me," you unraveled, trying to make it clear, trying to make your Tía understand, she wouldn't get it though, no ones gift was a curse in the same way yours was, "I don't even know why I'm telling you this, you aren't even mamá."
"That's because you're supposed to be everyone, you are everyone, you're one of the strings that keep this village held together, more so than some of the other Madrigals; you're a mirror," Julieta explained, trying to comfort your case of mistaken identity, your case of just not knowing anymore, "thank you for telling me."
"That's the problem, I'm the mirror, the truest mirror in town, and because of that, no mirror can reflect myself back at me, mirrors just show me everyone else I'm meant to reflect- I'm no chameleon, just a piece of broken glass," you said, pace hastening, heartrate picking up, digging deeper into your twisted psyche of never knowing what they'll need but knowing it won't be you, Camilo Madrigal.
"Stay here, watch the arepas," Julieta instructed, you nodded before she left, snagging a second arepa, regretting not having eaten enough this morning.
Her footsteps receded further and further until you couldn't hear her anymore, leaving you to yourself to stare at your own broken reflection of a curly haired girl in a dress looking back at you from the flattop. You smiled a little bit, you liked her, the child started to look back at you next, you had to refrain from holding out a hand to it like you always did, not wanting to get that many burns. Soon enough their reflections faded out, what you could've been and what you were, leaving only you behind; footsteps, rapid footsteps, you looked up to find Pepa clearly distressed, carrying a small hailstorm with her.
One moment your getting ready to say high the next you're no longer on the ground and the air is being squeezed from your lungs by Pepa, and you wish you were confused as to why. She doesn't let go, even why you try to nudge away, hail stinging as it hits, like ice against your neck, and she's crying a little bit. You know exactly why, Julieta told her everything, hail turns to a drizzle and she doesn't notice.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry we let you feel like that," Pepa sobbed out, continuing on in a similar fashion as she let you down, using her forearm to wipe her tears.
"No, mamá, it's perfectly fine, deep breathes," you said, trying to reassure her and ease her frayed nerves in one go, somehow managing one of the two.
"It's not fine, Abuela caused this, she let everyone use you, I'm so sorry Camilo," Pepa said, sniffling a little bit as the rain cloud started to fade just barely.
"Mamá, I promise you, everything is okay," you said, she gave a questioning look, you nodded a little bit.
"I'll make sure the rest of the familia knows," Pepa said, already determined to make sure her boy could smile earnestly once again, you shook your head.
"Please don't, it's fine if they don't need my help," you said, she went to speak again, you spoke first, "I don't want them to worry."
"Alright, I won't tell anyone except for Bruno," Pepa said, pulling you in for one more hug before turning to leave you alone with your reflection again.
And when you looked at it, looked at the hollow reflection, you saw a part of yourself you always did, the two looked a little bit better though; a bit more alive. You didn't know why they looked healthier, you weren't sure if you ever would be able to perceive your 'me, myself and I' the way everyone else does, but it doesn't matter. They don't looks so forlorn, and the childs distortion has begun to fade and its just a little bit of your own miracle.
You smile and wave as though they're separate people.
And you see the you that everyone else does smiling and waving back at you, colors stuck in sepia and grayscale, distortion strong- but it's you.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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cursed confession: being forced to play julieta for the event has given me flashbacks to the not-so-distant past _(:3 」∠)_
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[POV: you’re new to Encanto and Bruno is introducing his nieces and nephews]
Bruno, gesturing to Antonio: This is Antonio, he’s my personal favourite, he loves all animals and is friends with my rats, he is so sweet and I’m so proud of him.
Bruno, gesturing to Isabela: This is Isabela, she went from a spoiled brat to a badass bitch, she broke her fiancé’s nose with a flower, and I’m so proud of her. And terrified of her.
Bruno, gesturing to Dolores: This is Dolores, she kept my secret for ten years, she's musical and clever and has so much dirt on everyone - I’m also terrified of her.
Bruno, gesturing to Mirabel: This is Julieta Junior, she’s 100% a clone but Julieta Senior refuses to admit that I’m right about it.
Bruno, gesturing to Camilo: This is *inaudible screaming*, he’s usually in trouble and I think he has rabies.
Bruno, gesturing to Luisa: This is what’s-her-name because I can’t remember her name.
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mbtiblogfun · 1 year
MBTI INFP romantic pairings and couples:
Lol yes it’s back! A lot of people seemed to really like those posts, so I thought I'd do an update since I found a couple more examples recently. However this time I'm gonna compile them all into this one post instead doing individual all over again lol. I compiled a pretty good list so I hope you guys like it! Also Happy 69th post! Woohoo! 🥳 (Yes I’m childish like that lmao)
Carlos de Vil (INFP) and Jane (ISFJ) - Descendants
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Ashlynn Ella (INFP) and Hunter Huntsman (ISFP) - Ever After High
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Sybil Crawley (INFP) and Tom Branson (ENTP) - Downtown Abbey
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Furukawa Nagisa (INFP) and Okazaki Tomoya (ISFP) - Clannad
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Allison Cameron (INFP) and Gregory House (INTJ) - House M.D
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(I was hesitant to put this one bc they technically weren't really ever a thing but they did have feelings for each other)
Allison Cameron (INFP) and Robert Chase (ISTP) - House M.D
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Allen Ginsberg (INFP) and Lucien Carr (ENFP) - Kill Your Darlings
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I was hesitant to include them as well because they have a complex relationship, but I don't wanna spoil lol. So for those of you who do know what I mean, I'd honestly just say it depends on your pov (like with house and cameron).
Agustin (INFP) and Julieta (ISFJ) Madrigal - Encanto
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Cameron James (INFP) and Bianca Stratford (ESFJ) - 10 Things I Hate About You
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Izumi Miyamura (INFP) and Kyouko Hori (ESFJ) - Horimiya
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Kou Sakuragi (INFP) and Naoya Nifuji (ENFJ) - Wotaki
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**Note, I think most of their screen time together as a couple is in the OVA
Dorthy Boyd (INFP) and Jerry Maguire (ESFJ/ENFJ)
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It's been a while since I've seen the movie but ik he's def Fe dom.
Mia Thermopolis (INFP) and Michael Moscovitz (ISFP) - Princess Diaries
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Mia Thermopolis (INFP) and Nicholas Devereaux (ESTP) - Princess Diaries 2
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Alrighty that's it for now lol
Let me know what you think! :) Feel free to share any thoughts or recommendations!
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spooky-spextre-arts · 2 months
Encanto Fic RECS (Part I)
(*REPOST due to some unnoticed file errors during first posting)
I've been wanting to do one of these fanfic lists for a while now, but never really got to finishing any. Today, however, will be the time I finally make and post my silly little thoughts on some of my favorite fics in the Encanto fandom.
My personal taste is big ol' mixed bag of different tropes, AUs, and (platonic) relationships. However, I'd say I'm usually geared towards your typical gen, hurt/comfort or angst with a happy ending (most of the time).
(OFFICIAL WARINING: Because this is mostly a recommendation list, there are a few fics that may contain upsetting or triggering subject matter. Those fics have been labeled with a little *** next to the title, followed by a warning of what themes they may contain.)
This is merely a Part I, only covering multi-chapter fics I've read so far. Part 2 will be out shortly, containing one/two-shot fics and the ones I'm currently reading or plan to.
With that said, let's get right into it!
To fall apart, to reunite [T]
- Ongoing | by ADabOfBlessings ( @adabofblessings ) & Wikluk ( @wikluk )
Set in an AU where Mirabel doesn't survive Casita's collapse, Julieta struggles the most in the midst of her youngest’s death, hoping against hope to getting her back. Fortunately, she might just have a chance.
This fic is absolutely heart-wrenching, but in the best way possible. I was never as much of a Julieta fan as so many other people were, but I'm pleasantly surprised how much more I grew invested in her since reading this fic. Reading (mostly) from her perspective really helps enhance her character - especially once the rest of the family and even the townspeople get some time to shine. (Just saying, the characterization of Mariano’s grandmother(?) quickly became one of my favorite details of any background character.
One Step Closer [T]
One Step Beyond [T]
Complete | by Breanna (on AO3)
Part of a Bruno-and-Mirabel-centric series, these two fics explore the (platonic!) relationship these two develop with one another and their family in the time set during All Of You (Closer), and even post-canon (Beyond).
I REALLY love the (second) father-daughter sense Mirabel has with Bruno (it will make a lot of sense later in Closer), which leads to some very well-written wholesome and bittersweet moments parsed throughout.
A Place For Crows (to rest their feet) [G]
Complete | by Acewithapaintbrush ( @acewithapaintbrush )
As the note above suggests, Pedro did indeed survive the marauder attack and lived for the past 50 years in a town far, far away from the Encanto. Fortunately, after he discovers the new crack in the mountain, he rediscovers his family and how they've grown without him. This fic also explores how much the family's all grown since All Of You, but where they still struggle in a post-canon world.
I really love this one, even as someone who's… not thaaat much into the ‘[insert dead character] Lives AU’. There are both some wholesome and awkward moments where Pedro re-connects with Alma, his children, and the rest of his family. (Let's just say there's one really funny scene early on involving Mirabel, Bruno, and a classic bloodline misunderstanding.)
Because of how long Pedro's been away from his family, there's obviously a heck of a lot he's unaware of (which the family doesn't seem all too keen on sharing with him hmmmm….?) This leads to quite a bit of delicious angst and hurt/comfort, especially towards the end, but I'm happy to say it all resolves quite nicely by the end.
Mariposa [T] *
- Complete | by cloudyencanto ( @cloudy-encanto )
*(mild cw: brief child abuse and violent moments)*
An Encantober series from 2022, writing (again, mostly) from Alma's POV, with each chapter topic centering around one of the main prompts. Starting from her childhood years as a triplet herself, to meeting Pedro, having the triplets, leading the Encanto, to becoming an Abuela.
All of this really culminates into a vast character exploration showing just how much Alma had grown from a mere Caterpillar to a powerful, headstrong Butterfly.
(**As a bit of forewarning, there are a few moments early on that might be difficult to read. **These include moments where Alma's mother verbally and physically abuses her children, as well as quite a few violent moments once the marauders attack the village, and Pedro and Alma are forced to leave.)
Encanto (Tía Pepa POV) [G]
- Ongoing | by cloudy_encanto
Like Mariposa, this one's told from the POV of another character - being Pepa and her side of the family (and a few others, like Isabela, sprinkled in here and there.)
Because this one's told over the course of the movie, there are a lot of new scenes that feature the warm-colored family and what they were doing when the focus was elsewhere on Mirabel or somewhere else. There are several tooth-achingly sweet scenes that really show how much these characters love and care for one another, as well as several tense, angsty scenes that won't fail in tugging on your heartstrings.
Tremors [T]
- Ongoing | by Missilestorm ( @missilestorms )
A post-canon fic where Mirabel receives a gift after Casita's revival. The downside, however, is that this gift causes literal cracks to form. Bruno acts as a much-needed supporter and anchor for Mirabel, who must learn how to keep her new gift under control.
Each character's emotional struggles are shown incredibly well - particularly that of Mirabel and Bruno. It's heartbreaking to see how much anguish this gift causes Mirabel, especially considering how much she's encouraged her family to see their individual values that are separate from tying back to their gifts. On Bruno's end, it's sweet seeing how much he cares about Mirabel, recognizing her struggles with having a potentially dangerous gift, and consistently providing support or an extra hand to grab on to when it becomes too much. This sentiment is also applied to the family themselves, who also reach out to help in whatever ways they can.
Old Habits Die Hard [M] ***
- Complete | by Missilestorm
**TW for SA/Underage !! **
Set just after Casita’s reconstruction begins, Mirabel is sexually assaulted by a rogue townsperson. With Bruno acting as her main supporter and confidant, this fic explores the trauma of the event itself and how past, unresolved familial trauma bleeds into it.
This fic is honestly one of my favorites. I'd say it's somewhere in my top-five favorites out of all the stories I've read thus far. This story is just so raw and heartbreaking - which always hits harder when it's happening to characters you love. Not to mention, the author's handling of the subject matter is done with as much respect and care as I would hope a story with content matter like this should require. I especially love how each character (except for the villain mf) - particularly in the family - is written and how they react to the devastating events playing out around them. Despite this fic mostly centering around Bruno and Mirabel, the rest of the family have time to shine (some more than others), and man, just reading how much they care and want to help Mirabel is - just -gah! I love it, man.
I definitely recommend checking this one out if you're up to it.
we see how brave you've been [G]
- Complete | by hearth_goddess | (Mirabel & Antonio-centric)
Set in alternating pre-canon and canon, this fic is kind of a character study told through the different perspectives of the triplets. The scenes from the triplets' perspectives are of sweet moments involving Mirabel, Antonio, and their friendship (or short moments of just them with Mirabel or Antonio.) These scenes include moments set pre-canon, in-between, and during canon scenes.
One of my favorite gen pairings in the Encanto fandom is the one shared between Mirabel and Antonio. They share an incredibly sweet, wholesome, and powerful bond, despite the... admittedly little time they actually share together in the movie. But this fic definitely fills in the unseen gaps in their friendship, particularly in the moments preceding Antonio's ceremony. Seeing the triplets' reactions to the loving bond the two youngest grandchildren share is just so sweet and proves that, despite everything that led to the cracks, this family never stopped caring about one another.
Cold and Numb [T] ***
- Complete | by Amisaurus
**TW for Self-Harm and Suicide (Major Character Death) **
This one's just sad. Like - very, very sad. Set sometime after Antonio's gift ceremony (and presumably before the cracks appear), Mirabel struggles a lot with her self-worth, believing she isn't wanted in the slightest. Unfortunately, this isn't helped at all with how terribly Alma treats her in this fic and, despite good intentions, how her parents, sisters, and cousins are unable to understand not having a gift. This leads to a devastating moment in the first chapter, with the second chapter showing just how much this action hurt the family.
(With that said, there is a hopeful moment in the second chapter.)
When The Bell Tolls One [NOT RATED]
- Complete | by BudBrock (Alma-centric)
We got another Alma POV!!
Written a bit like 'A Christmas Carol,' this is an ‘Encanto watches Encanto AU,’ where Alma is shown and reacts to the events of the movie after the scene where she begs Pedro to “open [her] eyes.”
What can I say? I'm a sucker for POV character explorations like these, especially for mixed characters like Alma. Out of any Alma-centric fics, this one's definitely one of my favorites. In between, there are some funny moments reading Alma's reactions to certain scenes. However, there are also several moments where Alma is given a bird’s-eye view into the harm she'd unintentionally caused for her family.
Sound of Silence [T]
- Complete | by JilyFirecracker
Also set in an AU where Mirabel dies in Casita's collapse, with the fallout told from the perspectives of varying characters (Agustín, Pepa, Luisa, Camilo, Antonio, and Julieta.)
Definitely a bit of a sad one, especially during flashbacks of each character's core memories with Mirabel. But I really liked Julieta’s part, especially with the note it ends on.
Shining [G]
- Complete | by Sokkas_First_Fangirl ( @sokkas-first-fangirl )
Since the grandkids (not including Antonio) were young, Bruno and his sisters spent their summers at a lake in the Encanto. After Antonio's birth and Bruno’s return, the family makes a date to spend a day at that same lake for the first time in forever.
SWEET SUMMER FAMILY SHENANIGANS! The entire family is written so well, and there are many scenes that show how much stronger their shared bond has become. This is such a wonderful fic to read at a lake or beach on a hot summer day.
That's that for the recommended multi-chapter fics I've read so far. It goes without saying that all of these authors are so incredibly talented and absolutely deserve all the credit for their incredible stories.
Part II will be out shortly...
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gamerbearmira · 7 months
Hello it is I!
She needs to calm down. Gain some control. But it's a little hard to do that when her mind is racing the way it is. She doesn't understand why this is happening. And why to poor Mirabel? She's such a wonderful girl. She doesn't deserve this, and poor Julieta she must be out of her mind with worry and fear.
She needs to calm down her panicking like this isn't going to help anyone, let alone her sister who needs her right now. She focuses on her breathing.
in-one, two, three.
out-one, two, three.
Clear skies, clear skies,clear skies
She isn't aware of how much time has passed around her but she has a feeling it's only been a few minutes. Felix is right next to her whispering sweet things in her ear, dios Mio he's such a wonderful man, she takes another calming breath in, feeling the weather around her calming down as she does. She then takes a look around the room needing to ground herself in the moment. Her mother is sitting at the head of the table like always but she looks tired, not reacting to her storm like she usually would just sitting there. She sees her brother-in-law entering the dinning room with her sobrina in his arms. Finally she looks over to see Dolores and Camilo sitting in their usual spots both looking at her with wide shock and fearful looks. She wants to comfort them but she honestly has no idea what she could even say in this moment that would comfort them so instead she looks for Antonio.
He isn't here.
The wind that just calmed down picks up again.
"WHERE'S ANTONIO?" She whips around to look at her husband barely recognizes her own panicked screeching which she almost regrets doing seeing her daughter flinch from the corner of her eye.
She watches Felix blink in shock then look around for their youngest son only to have panic fill his eyes when he realizes that he isn't there. "I d-don't know I.... He was here just a minute ago!"
Before she can panic even more Dolores squeaks out "He's with Tia Julieta." The relief that fills Pepa is instant and fills her entire being but just as instantly as the relief came so did the heartbreak. Julieta is in the nursery with a baby Mirabel. He didn't go into the nursery looking for Julieta.
She sighs softly trying to mentally prepare herself for what shes about to do "thank you Dolores." She quickly gets up but stops there just behind Augustine and Isabela and Luisa is Julieta with Antonio and a squirm and whimpering baby cradled in her arms.
Julieta's pov
She didn't mean to start crying but Antonio asking for Mirable shattered the small amount of control she had built up. She doesn't cry long just a moment but she feels guilty for doing so. Antonio stands in front of her looking so scared and lost and her crying just makes him feel worse but she can't help it.
"Tia what's wrong? Why did you cry? I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry!" Antonio looks so heartbreakingly sad and confused which almost makes Julieta cry again but she keeps her composure this time.
"Oh Antonio no. You didn't make me cry sweetheart.... I am just really sad. Casita did something last night and well... Come here and look." She shifts the now quiet bundle in her arms so that Antonio can see the baby Mirable. Antonio quickly moves forward,practically crawling into her lap to get a better look. Mirable smiles slightly as she looks up at Antonio which makes Julieta smile slightly at the adorable sight the two of them make.
"I don't understand.... This is a baby... Why would a baby make you sad? Shouldn't everybody be happy?" Antonio looks up to her waiting for her answer
"yes usually a baby would make everyone happy. But this isn't just any baby... This is.... Mirable." Julieta stumbles through her explanation trying her best to explain something she herself doesn't understand.
"Mira? This is Mira?" He looks back and forth between her and Mirable a strange thoughtful look on his face.
"yes this is Mira. I don't know how and the why is a little... Complicated but this is Mira tonito." Julieta hopes he doesn't have any questions about it she doesn't know how much more she can take.
He nods his head once before saying "Ok. Is Mira coming to breakfast?" Julieta is both relieved that he doesn't have any questions and slightly shocked at his quick acceptance of the situation.
"I.... Yes. I think Mira and I should go to breakfast now, in fact why don't we all walk to the dining room now?" Pepa is more than likely calmed down by now and trying to delay this will probably only make it worse in the long run. Mirable whimpers slightly from her cradled arms.
Antonio hops off her lap with a quick "ok." He holds out one of her hands for her to take and as soon as she takes it he starts leading her to the dining room. As they make their way to the dining room Mirable starts to squirm and whimper.
All eyes are on her as soon as she's in sight in the dining room she shifts slightly uncomfortable but takes a deep breath before saying a simple "Hi." She finds herself surrounded by well meaning family members asking questions and she instantly regrets leaving the nursery.
Pepa realizing Antonio was gone but only after while is so real. And then when she finally calmed down, she started up again 🌚 or at least she will soon👹👹 But these guys had Julieta stressing 💀💀 Mirabel too. Wouldn’t be surprised if the chaos (and the QUESTIONS) left the poor girl overwhelmed. And she’s not even the one answering them 🦈🦈
All of them need to be cut a break 💀💀
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Julieta after coming downstairs:
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gabrielapazlima · 1 year
"Julieta don't care about Luisa or Isabela because she don't talk with her in the whole movie"
1- Yea i also wish that we saw more of their interactions,but its nice to reminde y'alk that this movie is told by MIRABEL's pov,her eyes,most of the interactions will be with her.
2- The movie is also seeted in 2 days,2 VERY hard days,jump on conclusions in any of the Madrigal dymanics its a very complicated,and that's why I wanted this movie to take place at least two days before Antônio's ceremony
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wordsandrobots · 7 months
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Not to be all final-final-v3 on everyone but I think that actually is it. Having now accounted for a sudden last-minute extra scene in the last fic, I believe that's now a section break icon for every individual point of view in Wishing on Space Hardware.
Some of these won't actually end up being used, since the POVs only occur at the start of chapters, but I like to be thorough. There are still two POVs not covered here: the omnipresent narrator who shows up occasionally to address the reader directly (which is *technically* another character POV, because the narrator has a definite voice, but that'll remain my little secret); and one you'll find out about in the very last fic in the series, which has an icon prepared already, but isn't a singular point of view, exactly.
So yes. Hah! Done.
Now I just need to finish writing that last fic.
Key to the characters represented below this cut:
Eugene | Kudelia | Elion | Almiria | Azee
Shino | Atra | Julieta | Asher | Eco
Yamagi | Akatsuki | Toka | Embi | Argi
Chad | Yukinojo | Gallus | Lin | Liarina
Dante | Merribit | Gaelio | Reuben | Volco
Derma | Dexter | Iverson | Isurugi | Ilyana
Zack | Takaki | Ordsley | Carta | McMurdro
Dane | Sri | Mackenzie | the pluma | Cricthlow
Ride | Sakura | Ahmed | Gargin | The Chief
Hirume | Cucubita | Iznario | Nobliss | Greyling
Pel | Victor | Deira | Dominic | Ms Phiri
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sirensea14 · 1 year
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(dont mind the blurry letters above them, theyre descriptions of what they wear so i can visualize them--)
My Royalty au is originally called Julieta au (bcoz this is inspired of "Juliet" song by lipxlip which is the op song heroine run the show) and i switched it to 'medieval au' but doesn't suit it since Bendy's clothes doesn't match the era (and i have no plan on changing it cuz im too lazy WHAHAHAHA), so i changed it to Royalty Au, plus it involved kingdoms, knights, monsters, demons, angels, kings, queens, princes and princesses, magic etc. It was supposed to be a love triangle of us...
But then i added more characters
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Here they are. And yes--MUGMAN HAS HAIR (ignore the arrows)
So here are their descriptions:
Cuphead the Ace - prince, prodigy knight of Calix Animi, foster father: king of Dish, King Kettle (or elder kettle behind the doors). He and mugs were found by Kettle when their house was raided by goblins, evil fae and elves bcoz of their potential magic powers. Kettle was a knight and king at the same time, he rescued them. Their parents are dead (not sure if it will be cannikin and demitasse from inky mystery) and so is the Queen, thats why Kettle vowed to protect people from monsters and is very serious abt it. He is the heir to the throne, his smaller twin brother is Mugman. Like King Kettle, he is also brutal towards monsters, he is 24 yrs old. He is infatuated to a woman who is queen of the oceans
Mugman the Beast Tamer - (beast tamer title is inspired by Cannikin) younger twin brother of The Ace, very close to king kettle, he has heart of gold, he has a girlfriend who lives by the sea, 24 yrs old
The Legendary Chalice - or Ms. Chalice is the general (or any rank called, she's a higher up) of the Calix Animi Knights. She was referred to as "Legendary" due to her skills and experience being so vast. She is 26 yrs old
Siren of the Sea - and that's me! (lol, cringe, ok lets do this in 3rd person pov) she is the isolated queen of the sea who rules every bit of seas and oceans. Seas sounds cooler that ocean right? And smaller too, so every kings and queens have underestimated her power. And also her looks, she prefers minimal jewelries and accessories, another reason for people to belittle her. Tho dont mess with her as she can get a little brutal when she gets angry. She likes the pacific ocean and atlantic ocean a lot. Specifically the Mariana trench, its full of monsters and leviathans down there. She had a stoned heart and always looked tired but she met 2 men who eventually softened her, tho she is torn between the Knight and the Demon, 25 yrs old physically, she was sitting on the throne lately, no one knew what her real age is
Cala Maria the Mergon (mermaid+ gorgon lol) - she is isolated as she is known to have gorgon blood. She was saved by a brave knight named Mugman so she gave him a metal ring with a chain holding a fish hook, she's happy seeing mugman wearing it. They had mutual feelings for each other. She knows Siren and is slightly afraid of her, tho she tries her best to befriend her. 26 yrs old
Alice Angel - sent from above, the princess of the Heavens and a healer. People always says that even tho she has horns. She has bright white wings which made her look more angelic aside from her beauty and kindness. She is vibrant yet calm and isnt shaken by Siren's cold attitude, instead, she always talks to her. Over time, siren seemed to respond to her. And thats when they began being friends. 25 yrs old, She is currently inlove with a wolf. And despite all her feminine traits, she won't hesitate to defend those in need when attacked, or help her friends who are troubled. She's a feisty Angel after all.
Boris the Wolf - a handyman who can do everything ; hunter, chef, play the clarinet, scavenger, messanger--anything u can think is something he can do. He is also a quick learner, thats why. He is close friends to a certain Demon and a lover to an Angel, 28 yrs old, he is calm and wise
(okay lemme explain this real quick--I ship Alice angel and boris, not based on Twisted alice and buddy boris, but rather on Tom Boris and Allison Angel. Theyre married in batim/batdr right? And theyre portrayed as Boris and Alice clones so i dont see why not--)
Bendy the Devil Darlin' or Bendy the Ink Demon - known as the Prince of Hell and next to the Throne, he has a playful yet dangerous attitude towards people, which made them fear him. They always obeyed his orders, and when something goes wrong well u might not like it. The only person who seemed to defy him was the Queen of the Seas, she perked his interest and somehow evolved into something demons cannot feel, love. He is 26 physically, but 257 chronologically, his race--Demons--has an ongoing cold war with the dishes
Holly the Sorceress - a character from inky mystery (i added her bcoz i love her so much), she is known as an archeologist, who continues to learn and discover the unknown. She loves playing with runes and runs a shop that sells potions, food and weapons that will help knights and adventurers alike. She's basically like a merchant famously known to play with dangerous runes. Enthusiastic, ambitious and curious, she is 23 yrs old (i aged her up a bit) and has a pearl necklace given to her by a mermaid friend, Cala Maria, when she helped her walk on land. She has her interest on Siren, a mysterious siren who acts cold. She visited her once to buy something, but she was busy playing with runes so she didn't get much hold of it, also she blabbers about how amazing runes and magic are despite her being a human. Whenever night strikes, she rides a broom and flies. She turns to a witch named 'Mayhem'. People say they were the same but some were defending Holly. Holly don't know about this either, so life continues. Little did she know that Mayhem is her Alter ego, she also has a magic cog from a mysterious machinery she has obtained during one of her digs (note: she only digs sites ALONE so this is her own discovery), tho it is very small.
(the Cog from inky mystery is inspired by the Gear in Batim/batdr, however in this au the ink machine does not exist--or might have been but crumbled to dust, anyways it does not serve something in the au)
Now the setting or place of it all? I dunno aesthetics but i like to imagine it as... Just ur usual generic medieval castle stuff, kingdoms. Also there are many kingdoms here, mainly:
Angels : hovering the sky
Demons: below(hell)
Dish : on land, apparently their land is huge and vast, but is surrounded by water
Sea monsters/leviathans: under the sea and oceans of course, full of corals
Normal humans (but they have access to magic) witch, wizards, animal toons etc : land, but separated from the Dish kingdom
For me, its hard to create kingdoms, but maybe i can get a sketch outta my head? That is if im in the mood
Some people of their races move or migrate to other kingdoms, for example, Holly moved to the Dish Kingdom.
I imagine this au to take place mainly on Dish Kingdom but i dunnoooo maybe it will be changed? Not sure
These are my thoughts abt it so far...
I may make some heavy art abt this (i mean, the FINISHED art and not a sketch one) tho im not sureeee since its hard to draw when ur using only a phone, and im drawing digitally using my thumb, but well i guess im gonna adjust myself, thank u for reading all this nonsense and make it up to the end. Ta-ta!
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olivermajor226 · 2 months
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Organic Affairs: Part II // Alniyat TherapyArtBomb
Chapter 3/6: “Pent-Up"
Summary: Artoo stews alone in his office. (Major clues for Turncoat included. I haven't given you Artoo's POV since half-way through Enigma. On purpose.)
Also, a huge thank you to my daughter Ada, age nine, who put together 3/4 of this playlist after hearing the premises and parts of the story. Julieta is inspired directly from her. <3
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lapseinrecs · 3 months
Running Runs In The Family 
By lechathomme @catman-draws
On Archive of Our Own (account required)
Status: Complete; Oneshot; 444 words
Summary: Casita has just collapsed and Julieta can't handle one more thing going wrong. Then something else goes wrong- in an eerily familiar way. 
My thoughts: Look, I usually hate 2nd POV but this one is really good. Julieta needs more love, she was really going through it, even if this fic is really short.
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cheetee · 2 years
Oneshot: TV Episodes from another point of view
Some scenes from EncantoTV from Bruno's POV, because sometimes i get the urge for platonic angst/fluff and I can't be arsed doing all the buildup again so.
feat. swear words, local man full of love and internal screaming.
Nobody had warned Bruno about teenagers. Isabela had been twelve the last time he'd been around. His little nieces had grown up since. Grown up, God help him! He hadn't known what to say to them on his return, but they surprised him with a bottle of wine and a tearful private reunion, where they drunkenly caught him up on all the family drama. They were no longer just kids to be raised now, but young adults eager to befriend him, happy to see him return home. It made less difference to them: they were grown. It was the kids that were the problem.
Antonio was a dream. He was just like Mirabel at that age, although terribly shy around strangers; once Antonio realised that Bruno would answer questions, listen to animal facts and let him play in mud he was instantly sold on this 'new uncle' idea. But Mirabel? Lord have mercy, Camilo? Bruno thought he was doing okay until Julieta and Pepa left him in charge.
Boy, he was not doing okay at being the adult in the house. 
We're the Madrigals. We're the family that protects the Encanto.
The person in charge is you. So what plan did you come up with?
I don't wanna hear another word.
Don't talk to Mirabel like that.
Bruno had been playing the last tense conversation he'd had with the kids in his head over and over again, knots of guilt and fear coiling in his stomach. Tomorrow he'd have to man up and talk to people in the village, make plans, deliver news of another catastrophic vision. It made him want to puke. But right now all he could do was fix the mess he'd made with Mirabel and Camilo, who had definitely lost what misguided respect for him they might have developed.
Don't talk to Mirabel like that.
Oh, Camilo could be cruel, that was fine. Bruno knew enough about teens to handle that part. But it was the righteousness in those his words that got him the most. Díos mio, why had he talked to Mirabel like that? She'd only been trying to help, and putting his foot down had made the light fade from her eyes in a way he hoped to never see again. Mirabel had gone completely empty, and smiled a placating nothing-smile at him, and Camilo had looked at him with so much hate. Antonio had gotten teary-eyed and asked them not to fight. Lord, Bruno had wanted to do the same. He didn't want to fight. He didn't want to fight at all.
And here he was, an idiot who had not only taken control of the situation too late, but successfully hurt everyone's feelings in the process! Round of applause! Standing ovation for Bruno, he's fucked up personally and practically! Bruno ran his hands through his hair and groaned.
Mirabel. He needed to make things right with her; if he did, then Camilo would, at the very least, be vindicated. Why had Bruno shut her down? She would've listened to him if he'd just asked her to. Mirabel, the little girl who'd brought him home and stood up for him when nobody else would! And what had he done? Grounded her. Mirabel had once told Bruno he was the best friend she'd ever had. He'd cried. 
And now look at him! He made himself walk up the stairs and approach her bedroom door.
Tío Bruno. Tío Bruno. He was Tío Bruno, wise and funny and warm. He was not a flaming hot dumpster fire tearing his own brain to shreds. He was Tío Bruno, the best friend Mirabel had ever had (don't cry), and he was going to talk to his niece and gently tell her he was sorry and it would be fine.
"Mirabel?" he called, knocking on her door. "C-can we talk?"
A stutter in his voice. He listened; silence, but no snoring.
"It's okay if you're upset," he continued, "I understand if you don’t want to talk... I mean, I can - I’ll just talk. You don’t have to talk. I wanted to say sorry. Um. Can I come in?"
The silence was starting to make him wonder if she was in there at all. She could've gone to the bathroom. He hadn't heard that. Or...
"Mirabel," he repeated, with a sense of rising urgency. 
No response.
He creaked the door open. 
Dark room. The curtains fluttered in the moonlight, with Mirabel's large window open, a newly-formed staircase swirling away from the open window and down to the ground.
Bruno stared for a long moment. 
Then he said, tiredly, "Casita, really?"
The door creaked apologetically shut. Bruno stood there for a moment, mind empty, and then - for lack of any other ideas - smacked his head against the door and hoped for a concussion.
"Ow," he said. He didn't get one.
He lingered there for a moment. Then he peeled himself off the door, groaned, and began to sprint down the hall.
There were a couple of things Bruno hated about being sick. The year 1969 was one of them.
It was an ordeal. His head was pounding, his nose was running, and every time he sneezed he learned something different about 1969. He decided quickly that it was the worst year ever invented. Sometimes he'd be lucky enough to glimpse something else, like a bit of the nineties. Not that any of the visions were pleasant; it was confusing and disorienting and made his sinuses hurt. But 1969 stung especially badly. Why then? Nothing interesting happened in 1968, as far as he knew. No election. Another war, but there was always another war. And he hated the boy bands. 
Bruno pinched his nose and squinted, holding off another barrage of sneezing, and cursed God for inventing snow. Snow made his magic go haywire, his magic made his body weaker, and his bad luck ensured he'd come down with something within the week.
Of course, one of the other things he hated about being sick, which was less fun to think about, was dying alone.
The thought was irrational, but ten years of habit kept it fresh in his mind. Too many times curled up behind the walls, desperately trying to muffle his coughing, aching and nauseous. It swirled around his brain like an unwelcome guest. Nobody knows you're here. Nobody will find you. If you get worse, nobody will help you. If you die they won’t even find your body.
Of course, with Julieta's magic not working on him, the possibility was a lot fresher on his mind than it would be otherwise. It was a stupid thought. He had a cold, for goodness' sake, not the plague. And yet...
There weren't even any rats. Where were they? He hadn't even seen any that morning. They'd abandoned him too, then, along with his health and Julieta's magic. That was a problem that would need solving... at some point.
Bruno sneezed. Painful green light flashed behind his eyes.
Oh, please, say to me you'll let me be your man, and please, say to me you'll let me hold your hand, you'll let me hold your hand, I want to hold your hand...
"Shut up," he groaned, sinking his head into his hands.
He stayed there for a long moment, nursing his headache, trying to dispel the dread that was rattling around his skull. He forgot, for a moment, that his room was no longer a secret and he was no longer a stranger to the children; he nearly jumped out of his skin when Mirabel knocked on the door, then nudged it open with her hip, a tray of things probably sent by a fussing Julieta in her hands. He straightened himself up as quickly as possible, rubbing his nose and trying to look normal. 
"Mirabel," he said, "Everything okay?"
“Yeah!” she said brightly. “Just checking in!”
Although it was clear from the over-cheerful way she was carrying herself that everything wasn't okay. There was something tugging at her eyes as she spoke, as though she were checking for some invisible enemy. It probably wasn't one of those; it was probably an emotional problem. Mirabel was fifteen and didn't have many enemies. Bruno tried to ask her about it and instead had to stifle another sneeze, which showed him the image or a long-haired man with large, flared pants and immediately made him forget what he was going to say. 
He saw Mirabel wince and suddenly worried he was making her uncomfortable. She probably had better ways to spend her time than porting things to her disgusting invalid uncle. "Did your mom put you up to this?" he asked.
"No!" She laughed nervously, exaggerating her smile too much to be convincing. "I just thought we should hang out! And do... healthy... activities."
He cocked an eyebrow. Mirabel, at this level of hyperactivity, usually didn't last more than a few hours without cracking and admitting what was wrong.
She deflated. "Okay, well, I'm kind of avoiding the village at the moment."
Now that was a feeling Bruno knew well. He wished - not for the first time - that he'd done more to protect her reputation, that she had turned out as well-liked as her sisters. This room was often Mirabel's shelter when she felt alone, the same way it had once been Bruno’s; he wouldn't kick her out if that was what she needed, even if he could use a nap. "Well, consider me at your service," he told her, although the house slapped him in the knees when he tried to accompany her out.
He stretched his arms, sniffed, and grabbed his copy of Ficciones from the shelf. He fretted for a moment with the cover, wondering if Mirabel was being bullied, if Abuela had been talking to her again, if she'd had another dream about the fall. Should he have pushed? No, no, she needed her privacy. --But should he have pushed?
She sat at his table, now cluttered beyond recognition, obscuring the crayon plate drawing, her tongue stuck out in concentration. Mirabel's drawings were good. Too ambitious to be realistic, of course. Too much focus on the drawing, not the design. But she was excellent for her age, her lack of aptitude overcome by studious practice and hard work. Bruno read his book and scowled at the way his nose was running and idly munched empanadas in the hopes one of them would cure him.
(He didn't notice that the dread had eased, that his thoughts had drifted elsewhere; but then, he rarely noticed, in the moment, that it had happened, not until it was over.)
When things went a little wrong, Bruno found it hard to keep it together. But when things completely fell apart, when everything was ruined and unimaginably bad, when disaster stuck harder than anyone could have thought? Bruno found himself extraordinarily able to keep it together. He found that if he needed to, he could keep his head straight through a whole day of hell on earth and only start screaming once it was over.
When they found the bleeding figure of Professor Dunnock, his hands weakly holding a terrible sword wound, Bruno held his head straight and told Luisa what to do. The ease with which he could take charge comforted him. He could be brave, as long as Mirabel and Luisa were there; his two youngest nieces, who needed him more than he needed to break down. 
Mirabel said, "Just ten minutes. I'll be right behind you. Please."
Bruno barely had time to worry about Mirabel's safety. The white man, if he could be saved, would soon cross the point of no return. "Ten minutes," said Bruno, and then shoved his fear into a mental locker to pull out later.
Julieta didn't often treat injuries this dire. When she saw Dunnock her attention was immediately on him. She had the instincts of a medic, always had; perhaps in another life she’d have been a doctor, a nurse, somebody who helped people using just her knowledge. Perhaps it was for the best she had her Gift, at least for her current patient.
They set him on the kitchen table, having no better operating table. Julieta spoke softly to the man, took a spoonful of milk, and tilted his head back. "Here, you'll feel better," she whispered, "Just drink a little, cariño, just a spoonful, for me..."
Every sip of liquid closed the wound a little more, and as the injury went from dire to bad to merely painful, a sheen of sweat appeared on Julieta's face; her magic, usually so plentiful, was finally running low, draining her energy. Eventually she reached a point where her patient was recovering, even if he was still unconscious. It was only then she stopped, gently arranged his sleeping form to be more comfortable, and took his hand.
"Thank you for being kind to my daughter," she whispered to the sleeping professor. Then she turned to Luisa, opening her arms for a hug, and held her; Luisa carried her to the sofa, and they fell asleep there, both exhausted from the day's antics.
Not Bruno, though. Bruno was running on overdrive. It had been twenty-five minutes and Mirabel wasn't there.
Bruno didn't remember the sword that killed his father, of course. But he'd never forgotten that violence had taken everything from his mother, that Pedro Madrigal had died helpless at swordpoint. Touching the handle of Simón's sword had made him want to vomit. He hadn't realised how deeply the idea of losing anyone else to the blade frightened him until he saw Dunnock shaking and bleeding in that tent, and now, with Mirabel absent, he had to know what would happen.
He didn't bother with his room; stress had brought the vision itching at the edge of his awareness. He collapsed against the wall and turned his eyes towards the future.
— Mirabel, running through the trees, hiding, peeking. She stares at someone —
A blade on her hip — she holds it and steps forward —
a figure with a sword — they stare at each other —
the figure swings — Mirabel defends —
— blood in the mountain spring — Mirabel's blade, clattering to the ground —
— Mirabel —
No! No! Show him anything, anything, anything except the dead body of Mirabel. He couldn't look.
Bruno cut the vision off with a gasp. The dust swirling around him settled. He panted, slumping, letting the wall catch him. 
She'd lied. She wasn't looking for Antonio. Of course she wasn't. She'd taken that stupid machete and gone looking for Dunnock's attacker. Gone after the murderer.
And she would find him. And she would fight him.
She'd stopped trusting him the moment he ran his mouth and insulted her. Mirabel, you're not like us. But what could he say about that now? It was sickeningly true. Mortal, defenceless Mirabel. She had no magic between herself and her attacker. No Gift to protect her. All she had to save her now was Bruno.
A burst of adrenaline made him push himself off the wall and start running. Sprint out of the house, find a horse, find the spring. If he hadn't seen her body then she could still be unhurt. Still be stopped. Still be saved.
He remembered when Mirabel was born. She’d had a difficult birth. (Fifteen years ago; had it really been that long?) She'd been born early, all red and breathing funny, and an exhausted Julieta fell into a troubled sleep; Agustín had handed Mirabel to Bruno for a moment, just one, and Bruno had looked down at her, and Agustín had panted, "Will she be alright?"
Bruno looked down at the baby and carefully looked for her future. He saw it there, just a glimpse, a memory of something not yet passed. Mirabel, a child, and Bruno, her uncle, and a memory of love, of fondness, of friendship. Yes, Mirabel would live. Mirabel would live and Bruno sensed that they would be friends someday.
Bruno nodded, smiling so hard his face hurt, and Agustín had thrown his arms around him and sobbed, and they had hugged in exhausted joy with the baby cradled between them. It had been the best vision Bruno had ever had.
(Later it would turn out the blood in the vision was from her hand, not anywhere else. When he saw her cradling it, gasping and pale and blissfully alive, he realised he'd come too late after all; that if the blade had swung a few inches closer, then-- 
She looked scared and tired, her hand held painfully to her chest. Her bravery had almost taken everything from him. He kissed her forehead, aching. I love you, he thought, I love you, I love you, never do that to me, never do that to anyone, please, never, never again. "You dumb kid," he said, his heart breaking, "You're killin' me.")
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Imagine the situation:Isabella, Luisa and Mirabel learn that Abuela initially treated Agustín poorly and didn't want Julieta to date him. What do you think the girls' reaction will be?Will they feel sorry for dad?
I don’t think they’d be overly surprised to learn. Not in a negative sense, but even by the film’s timeline, there is clearly some strain/tension between Alma and Agustín that isn’t there in her and Félix’s relationship. The girls would probably be aware of it.
I also can’t imagine that anyone would willingly try to hide it from them. Sure, it would have been sugarcoated* if they asked when they were going (e.g. around Antonio’s age) but when they were old enough to understand relationships and ask more of these questions, they probably got more of the truth.
*Before anyone takes this out of context, I don’t mean that Alma was horrible to him and a child shouldn’t hear about that abuse. I mean “sugarcoated” in the sense that you don’t tell young children the entire ins and outs of a relationship - the warm siblings wouldn’t be given all the details of Pepa and Félix’s relationship at that age either.
Alma might not have approved of Agustín as her first choice for Julieta, but I don’t think she would have been rude or unpleasant about it. She herself married Pedro - it wasn’t arranged or anything, it was a love match. That’s what she wants for her children and for her grandchildren. Once she saw that Julieta and Agustín really loved each other, I can’t imagine why Alma would stand in the way or disagree.
I digress, in the film, Félix is clearly closer to Alma than Agustín is. It is obvious. There is no chance that the girls aren’t already aware of it - there would be no huge reaction as such. It would have been a slow, more gradual realisation the older they got.
Isabela, as the eldest, is definitely aware. I’m sure it’s something that pushed her to be more perfect. Probably only pushed her into wanting to stay with Alma’s first choice for her (Mariano). I think she would be quite sad and sympathetic for her father, considering her narrative in TOTS with Mirabel - it’s a very different situation but clearly has a similar sense of being overlooked by Alma. She is close with Alma too, so she probably heard the situation from Alma’s POV and might have understanding on both sides.
Luisa, given that she is also an adult, is definitely aware. She is a father’s daughter and, before the crushing workload and pressure came in, they were close. It probably afforded her to hear more about her father’s life pre-marriage, and Agustín is definitely the sort of person who would have such honesty with his children (once they were old enough). Given how close they are, I could see her being slightly bitter about it. How could anyone not like Agustín?
As for Mirabel, being the youngest and still a child in some regard, she is the only I could believe might not possibly know. Not to the full extent, at least. She definitely would have noticed their relationship and came to the right conclusion - she is shown to be incredibly observant and intelligent throughout the film, I don’t see why she wouldn’t. Whether or not she has actually asked about it and has been given confirmation is debatable because of her age. In addition, would Agustín want that to tell Mirabel? Alma already is distant from her (pre Casita’s rebuild) and Mirabel is the family scapegoat. I don’t think Agustín would want to risk adding to that or, worse, Mirabel’s own poor self-esteem even inadvertently.
Post-movie, the family are all learning to be more communicative and honest with each other. Alma and Agustín would not only talk through and resolve their own relationship, but in doing so, everyone else would be more aware of everything that happened.
The cold sisters would learn about both sides and understand their actions - not saying they would justify it or do it themselves, just understand why their relationship was sour in the beginning. They are definitely glad that Alma and Agustín would be doing better now.
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deus-ex-mona · 5 months
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pirrusstuff · 1 year
So, I've always had the headcannon that Eddie mainly listens to music in Spanish.
that he likes Soda Stereo, Zoe, Bunbury, Natalia Lafourcade, you know the good ones.
And I was thinking about the scene where Buck sees Eddie for the first time and it starts playing 'Whatta Man' and I was thinking about what song would start playing in Eddie's POV and i think it probably would have been Eres para Mí by Julieta Venegas and Ana Tijoux exactly the part where it says
Eres para mí
Me lo ha dicho el viento
Eres para mí...
[You are for me
The wind has told me
You are for me]
Idk just a thought
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