#Julie Kassandra
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ruvviks · 6 months ago
// favorite female character poll.
tagged by; @elgaravel, thank you so much!!
tagging; anyone who wants to do this, i think i'm late to the party so i have no idea who has already done this ;_;
rules: make a poll of your favourite female characters (no limits - as many or as little as you want) and see which your followers like the most!
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embossross · 2 months ago
2024 in books: fiction edition
literary fiction published 2014-2024
Nefando by Monica Ojeda (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) - book of the year but warning it is the most triggering book i've ever read. i sobbed and could barely function for a full day. it's so painful. csa tw
Hurricane Season by Fernanda Melchor (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
Tentacle by Rita Indiana (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
Toño the Infallible by Evelio Rosero (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
The Maniac by Benjamin Labatut (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
If an Egyptian Cannot Speak English by Noor Naga (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
Outline by Rachel Cusk (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
La Bastarda by Trifonia Melibea Obono (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
Scattered All Over the Earth by Yoko Tawada (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
Afterparties by Anthony Veasna So (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
A Passage North by Anuk Arudpragasam (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders (⭐⭐⭐⭐) - rating this was the biggest challenge of the year because the highs are extraordinary but the lows are miserable. i literally hated it while reading it but then returned to it more than almost any other book this year.
black moses by alain mabanckou (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
crooked plow by itamar vieira junior (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
behold the dreamers by imbolo mbue (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
the north water by ian mcguire (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
dr. no by percival everett (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
birth canal by dias novita wuri (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
transcendent kingdom by yaa gyasi (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
my year of rest and relaxation by ottessa moshfegh (⭐⭐⭐)
the gospel according to the new world by maryse condé (⭐⭐⭐)
manhattan beach by jennifer egan (⭐⭐⭐)
the archive of alternate endings by lindsey drager (⭐⭐⭐)
the inheritance games by jennifer lynn barnes
the aunt who wouldn't die by shirshendu mukhopadhyay (⭐⭐⭐)
deacon king kong by james mcbride (⭐⭐⭐)
four minutes by nataliya deleva (⭐⭐⭐)
blood red gy gabriela ponce padilla (⭐⭐⭐)
boulder by eva baltasar (⭐⭐⭐) - i appear to be the only person not dazzled by this book and feel left out of the party, but i just don't get it.
burnt sugar by avni doshi (⭐⭐)
you glow in the dark by liliana colanzi (⭐⭐)
the pisces by melissa broder (⭐⭐)
our wives under the sea by julia armfield (⭐⭐) - another beloved sapphic book that left me bored out of my mind. the writing about bodies felt very 2018 tumblr (non-complimentary)
the touch system by alejandara costamagna (⭐) - just pointless. one star is probably harsh though.
divided island by daniela tarazona (⭐) - i will admit i might be too dumb for this book
fiebre tropical by juli delgado lopera (⭐)
a door behind a door by yelena moskovich (⭐) - and the razzie goes to...!
literary fiction published 1971-2013
The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
Kassandra and the Wolf by Margarita Karapanou (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
The Savage Detectives by Roberto Bolaño (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
Ahab's Wife, or the Star-Gazer by Sena Jeter Naslund (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
In a Free State by V.S. Naipaul (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
If on a Winter's Night a Traveler by Italo Calvino (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
My Tender Matador (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
Happiness As Such by Natalia Ginzburg (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
All the Lovers in the Night by Mieko Kawakami (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
Written on the Body by Jeanette Winterson (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
The Transmigration of Bodies by Yuri Herrera (⭐⭐⭐⭐) - the way he nails how people would react to the covid pandemic 7 years early is wild in an otherwise pulpy mob thriller
shalash the iraqi (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
the disaster tourist by yun ko-eun (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
mother to mother by sindiwe magona (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
the route of ice and salt by josé luis zárate (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
pussy, king of the pirates by kathy acker (⭐⭐⭐)
awake by harald voetmann (⭐⭐⭐)
the raven king by nora sakavic (⭐⭐⭐)
touch by adania shibli (⭐⭐⭐)
cold nights of childhood by tezer ozlu (⭐⭐⭐)
the foxhole court by nora sakavic (⭐⭐⭐)
akhenaten: dweller in truth by naguib mahfouz (⭐⭐⭐)
the rooftop by fernanda trías (⭐⭐⭐)
tell them of battles, kings and elephants by mathias enard (⭐⭐)
sea of lentils by antonio rojo benitez (⭐)
literary fiction published start of time-1970
The Ice Palace by Tarjei Vesaas (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
Masks by Fumiko Enchi (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
Girl Upon Heaven's Pier by Eeva-Liisa Manner (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
Final Exam by Julio Cortázar (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
Two Novels: J and Seventeen by Kenzaburö Ōe (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐) - J is an easy 5 star but Seventeen is more of a mixed bag
The Member of the Wedding by Carson McCullers (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
night on the galactic railroad and other stores from ihatov by kenji miyazawa (⭐⭐⭐)
the wild geese by Ōgai mori (⭐⭐⭐)
the phantom of the opera (⭐⭐⭐) - despised this while reading but my god did it leave an impression. the phantom swimming around with his reed just lying in wait makes me burst out laughing once a quarter "do you choose the GRASSHOPPER, Christine???" he's so stupid
madame bovary by gustave flaubert (⭐⭐⭐)
orlando by virgnia woolf (⭐⭐⭐)
mr. president by miguel ángel asturias (⭐⭐)
four stories by h.p. lovecraft (⭐) - the racist stench is just emanating off these stories and they're boring too for good measure
the mysterious correspondent: new stories by marcel proust (⭐)
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aeide · 3 months ago
I've had quite a year. It was one of the worst years of my life and also, I suppose, one of the most notable.
January: exactly one year ago today, I was in a tent in tanzania, about to begin my climb of mount kilimanjaro. I summited on January 7 and emerged from that trip having lost a lot of brain cells to hypoxia (it's not like I was using them). would I do it again? literally never. did you know you have to walk the whole way???
February: I planted my first fig tree!
March: a true lowpoint—I was forced to create an instagram account to promote my book. (I am happy to report I have since fulfilled my promotional obligations and have archived said instagram account).
April: I finished my first semester as a full co-instructor for my law school course. I love teaching, and it is also exhausting. more importantly, I updated my ac odyssey fic for the first time after an unplanned 6-month hiatus.
May: My fig tree bore its first fruit 😊
June: I had my first public reading for my book.
July: new tattoo!!!! (surprise, it's a spear)
August: I published my debut novel Memento Mori. despite all my sighs about publishing as an industry, I am really very proud of the book itself, and also thrilled to announce that it is almost certainly a national worst-seller 😎 (though I have no actual way to know until I receive my first royalty statement a year from now). also, I started learning how to ride horses.
September: I spoke on a panel at the Brooklyn Book Festival about aforementioned debut novel, and a ton of people came out despite the absolute pouring rain. I also started my post-bacc program for classics and learned that I love Plutarch almost as much as I love Thucydides.
October: I dressed as Kassandra for Halloween, which is obviously my greatest accomplishment to date. and I made this arrow earring!
November: I harvested approximately 40 tomatoes from my one tomato plant somehow. and made a lot of cool jewelry, like this armillary sphere ring, these caryatid earrings, this palestinian tatreez-inspired pendant, and this snowflake pendant.
December: I finished winding a warp I had abandoned for nearly the whole year and wove this fragmentary wall hanging. and FINALLY updated aforementioned aco fic for the first time since august.
For reasons both spiritual and legal, I won't go into the worst parts of this year except to say that, at the risk of sounding earnest on main again, I am deeply and eternally grateful for the loving support, listening ears, and 100% correct assassin's creed takes I received from the communities I found here on this beloved hellsite, without whom my life would certainly be joyless ❤️.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 3 months ago
Current Muse List (2024.12.26)
In honour of finishing my Christmas countdown I'm going to try to finally get through some lingering asks but couldn't resist a new muse list too — as always, feel free to ask about other ocs too and always crossovers but these are just some of my current muses
Hope Brenton — Percy Jackson ( x Percy Jackson & Jason Grace ) – main muse
Carla Vasquez Brice — Glee ( x Sam Evans & Mike Chang )
Kirsty Gilmore— Gilmore Girls ( x Logan Huntzberger & Tristan Dugray; x Jess Mariano )
Danny Hope— Glee ( x Pip July )
Summer Sol — Percy Jackson & Percy Jackson TV ( x Luke Castellan; James Coleman )
Sage Hall— Gilmore Girls ( x Jess Mariano )
Kate Nelson— Heartstopper ( x Imogen Heaney )
Honey La Bouff — Descendants ( x Ben & Chad )
Kassandra Maximoff — Marvel ( x Grayson Frost )
Naomi Kaplan — Marvel
Also very much my pjo (& tv), american housewife, jurassic park, once upon a time, and gilmore girls ocs, and, of course, any other ocs are welcome!!  These are just the ones I’ve been feeling the vibe for lately And of course yall know crossovers are welcome too!!   *as always, I’m happy to answer anything from my ask game  &  prompts  tags, but any other questions are more than welcome too!!   **romantic relationships are obviously welcome but I’m happy to talk about any dynamics!
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hagiographer13 · 1 year ago
2023 Kassandra Kalendar VP pt 2
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July - December 2023 2/2
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whereforartthoumisthios · 2 years ago
AC Odyssey Rarepair/Rare Character Day: July 29th, 2023
Over on my server, a bunch of us were talking about a day like this and decided we very well should do it! This day will be to celebrate the lesser loved characters or the lesser known characters. Whether it's a ship pairing or simply an NPC you love dearly (will also accept animals or trees that don't get enough attention), this day is for you! 🥹 For example, Natakas/Kassandra would be a good ship for this as they are not a super popular pairing.
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Or Iola the smuggler, would be another good example for this event as well.
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You get the idea! Based off of @aeide and @findusinaweek's brilliant Brasidas Day earlier this month, it will be very similar. This will be a fantastic way to show off your niche art pieces, video edits, fanfictions, poems, photo mode photos, etc. You name it, we'll take it!
Remember to use the tag "ACOrare2023" in your post so we can see it!!!
This is supposed to be a fun day and a wonderful outlet for those who enjoy these ships/characters, so please be kind!!
Shoutout to these lovelies in the server who helped create this idea/were interested! @findusinaweek @aeide @cringy-username-dream-wanderlust @blue-mono 💜
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viii-the-strength · 10 months ago
About me!
Hello my online name is Lu, I am 27 and I made this account to share my spiritual journey and get inspired by others. If you wanna know more keep reading!!
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About Yoga
Like many people from the West I started "doing" Yoga with youtube; Adrienne, Kassandra, etc. That was 6 years ago. It connected me to my body and my breath and it felt so magical but I never dared to go deeper because I thought that wasn't for me. By "that" I mean not only Yoga as a whole but spirituality. I started to delve deeper just a year ago, in May 2023, when I began reading Yoga-Sûtra and looking for more authentic teachers (for me).
I tag things I find interesting with # my practice.
About Tarot
I also started to read tarot (and oracles) since May 2023 so needless to say I am still learning, but I want to offer readings because I felt called to do so and also I think it helps my learning. I don't do pick a pile readings but weekly and monthly ones, just like I do for myself. Feel free to leave some feedback if you want. If you need a personal reading you can also let me know.
[June 3nd note: I did a weekly pick a pile reading so maybe I will do more]
The decks I use are:
- Golden Universal Tarot.
- Fortunate Tarot Poetry book by Kim Rashidi, not a deck but I do use it and I love it.
- Tarot of the Divine by Yoshi Yoshitani. I don't use the deck itself but I look at the guidebook to see the deities, folklore and fairy tales that Yoshi chosed for each card.
- A Yogic Path oracle by Sahara Rose. I use the chakra, ayurveda and yoga cards for the weekly reading and the spirituality and deities cards for the monthly reading.
- Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell. I do not really believe in starseeds but I find this deck beautiful and insightful.
- Moon Witch by Cosmic Valeria (french version). I do not practice Witchcraft but this deck really resonates with me.
- Citadel. A fantasy Oracle by Fez Inkwright. Got it on July 2nd I have to practice more with it!!
- The Deck of Emblems by Fez Inkwright. Also got it on July 2nd.
- Oracle of the Radiant Sun by Caroline Smith and John Astrop. Got it on July 18th.
- The W.I.T.C.H. oracle game my mom got my sister and I when we were 9 years old. I use it for extra messages.
- Clow Cards (Cardcaptor Sakura) by CLAMP. I use this masterpost kinda based on this post and this site.
Here is the masterpost for my readings! You can tip me on Ko-fi :>
I also made a little Tarot tips post.
About Astrology
I do not have much to say about this. I have been interested for a really long time but never really got into it fully. I wanna learn about Hellenistic and Verdic astrology. Lately I have been loving the Chani app.
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b-plot-butch · 1 year ago
ooh what's the current wip situation? which one are you Most enthusiastic about Right Now and which one are you Most reluctant about for whatever reason?
hi horse!! thanks for the ask! 💓 which one am i Most enthusiastic, hmm….logistically the calliope/dream one that i mentioned in the other post, because it’s the one that’s closest to done lmao. i wrote most of it in july and august of last year and just let it languish miserably for months. so i’m trying to pick it back up and it helps that i’m not starting from scratch! emotionally i’m probably most excited for my picnic-in-the-dreaming fic with lucienne, unity, and gault. backstory for all three of them which is a blast (and sometimes painful. like. a lot). i’m working in lucienne’s human and raven pasts, which you KNOW i’m a hoe for. plus some yearning TM between gault and lucienne whichhhh. yeah. 🧡🩷🤍
as for most reluctant…OKAY SO I HAD AN IDEA for a crossover between assassin’s creed odyssey and sandman because i think fics where characters from different medias played by the same actor are really fun!! but it will be only my second fic with assassin’s creed’s kassandra in it, and i don’t have quite the best handle on writing her yet. i’m sure it will come in time, but it makes me nervous! 😅 but SOMEONE has got to write about calliope and kassandra meeting and i am willing to be the person who shoulders that task
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saberamane · 1 year ago
Just finished AC Odyssey Legacy of the First Blade. It was...ok. For as long as was it was it also seemed kind of rushed. There were several things I thought they shouldn't have done.
Spoilers Ahead
The love story between Natakas and the playable character seemed really fast and out of nowhere. I understand it was kind of necessary to be short for the game, but...eh.
My biggest aggravation was that Darius and Natakas stayed with Kassandra and just completely grew complacent, knowing the order was looking for them. They could have had a 'quiet' life, a house and baby and everything, and still been on the look out for the order looking for them. The fact that they were 'surprised' by the attack that led to Natakas dying and Elpidios being stolen was kind of dumb to me.
Especially the fact that Darius, who up till now has been nothing but a badass, suddenly needs rescuing. And the fact that Kassandra left her baby and husband to go save him, not knowing he actually needed help.
But also, where TF is Kassandra's family? No matter the ending you get, you should at least have Myrinne on your side. Why was none of Kassandra's family involved? In my playthrough she should have had the entire family, all of whom are good fighters, helping to protect her baby and husband. Are you seriously telling me that between Darius, Kassandra, and Alexios the Persian's would have been able to kill Natakas and steal Elpidios? There was literally hardly anyone there! I've singlehandedly taken down forts with more people in them!
I know this is all for the purpose of the story, but if you want to make it believable, there should have been a shit ton more Persians, a more dire situation leading to Natakas dying, a reason Kassandra's family wasn't anywhere nearby, and not make Darius suddenly a noob for no reason.
Or make Kassandra a more 'human' character so that you don't go through the whole game playing like the demi-god you are until it's plot-convenient for Kassandra to suddenly be a sub-par fighter.
Overall, the plot was fine, but I probably wouldn't ever play it again. The ending, showing how Darius takes Elpidios to Egypt and he ages and then transforms into his descendants leading to Aya was honestly cool. A+ on that part.
Holy shit, the Fate of Atlantis DLC is ANOTHER 15 hours? It's going to be July before I can play Mirage at this rate, jfc. I still need to get through Valhall and it's DLC's too. And that's not taking into account I skipped AC3 DLC because of bugs, AC 4, Rogue, and Unity to try and play Mirage on release.
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thechaotic-simp · 4 months ago
It was mid-July when Kassandra started moving into her new place for the upcoming school year.
Knowing she could never manage such a big task alone, she and her sister called upon all the muscles at their disposal.
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deadlinecom · 8 months ago
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nj-stone · 11 months ago
Julie Demboski's ASTROLOGY - Full Moon 23 April 2024 A Kassandra Moment https://juliedemboski.com/2024/04/22/full-moon-23-april-2024-a-kassandra-moment/ via @jdem759
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1934: Ekkehard Arendt (* 10. Juni 1892 in Wien; † 10. Mai 1954 ebenda) war ein österreichischer Schauspieler. / Carla Carlsen, gebürtig Karla Erni Kassandra Schwarz (* 2. Mai 1909 in Kiel; † 31. Juli 1995 in Los Angeles, Vereinigte Staaten), war eine deutsche Soubrette und Schauspielerin. (Wikipedia) - Bild Nr. 112. Foto: „Ross“, Victor Klein-Film - Diese Serie Caid-Zigaretten umfaßt 360 Bilder. MASSARY GmbH Cigarettenfabrik, Berlin-Mitte, Rungestr. 19
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auxiliarydetective · 1 year ago
Evie's OC Birthday Calendar
Have you ever wondered when my OCs' birthdays are? No? Well, you're getting a birthday calendar anyways. Under the cut, you'll find calendar pages, the template for which was made by this lovely person - for free! Thank you so much ^^
If, for some reason, you can't read what's written on the images, either because they won't load or because you can't read my sorry attempt at writing in cursive for the first time since fifth grade, don't worry – I've put a list of all the birthdays underneath the images for you!
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List, in case the images don't load:
Also bonus reasons for the birthdays if there are any :)
05. - Philomel (rough estimate of what "just after The Beginning" means) 10. - Kan-chan (goroawase for ma-ma-i-do: 0-0-1-10) 21. - Bára (Squirrel Appreciation Day, assigned by Larry Daley) 29. - Diana ("The Raven" is published on January 29th 1845)
02. - Dotty (I honestly can't remember) 08. - Jelena (Release date of the Musik des Teufels audio drama) 15. - Honey (National Gumdrop Day + I needed a February birthday) 26. - Denri (Wii VC release of LOZ: OOT in the US)
09. - Sonoko (goroawase for san-o-ko: 3-0-9) 10. - Lindewen (goroawase for surin-da: 3-10) 26. - K'Rala (Live Long and Prosper Day) 29. - Helena (Mermaid Day) 30. - Lily (World Bipolar Day)
06. - Holly (goroawase for ho-ri: 4-6) 10. - Jamie (I honestly can't remember. But the Titanic sets sail April 10th!) 26. - Anita (World Burlesque Day)
02. - Penny | Agent 0 (goroawase, probably, but I can't remember for what) 04. - Lani (Star Wars Day, May the Fourth be with you) 31. - Claire (Pretty sure it's a reference to Sappho but I don't remember how)
01. - Vicky (Marilyn Monroe's birthday) 05. - Cora (National Tailors Day) 08. - Reina (Name Your Poison Day) 25. - Inari (Pudding's birthday - they're twins, so...)
01. - Lux (07/01; Amber Lead Syndrome is introduced in ep. 701 of the anime) 09. - Eva (Argentina Independence Day) 16. - Varsha (World Snake Day; assigned by Tom Sawyer)
01. - Kit (movie & 80s version) (Spider-Man Day) 08. - Fernip (I can't remember) 15. - Noura (Flooding/Fidelity of The Nile) 30. - Raevyn (picked it in 2019; wanted her to be a summer girl and a virgo)
02. - Circe (goroawase for kyu-ki-tsu-ki = vampire: 9-2) 04. - Kaede (goroawase for mu-sa-sa-bi: 6-3-3-1; 6+3, 3+1 -> 9-4) 12. - Sonata (Hans Zimmer's birthday) 14. - Chalice (release of the animated Disney's Alice in Wonderland in the US) 25. - Aurelia (Maybe I wanted her to be a libra? Maybe it's a festival of Hera?)
01. - Kassandra ("On the twelfth hour of the first day of October 1989...") 13. - Evelynn (picked it in 2020, yes it's a reference to Friday 13th) 25. - Byeong-ho (Nevada Day; because of his gambling addiction) 31. Charlie (Halloween for demon boi; read the fic for the canonical reason 🙃 )
04. - Soles (Colombian All Saints' Day) 17. - Sherry (first release day of Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga) 22. - Eve (release date of her first appearance in the series if she were canon)
05. - Celine (probably Who Killed Markiplier-related) 11. - Luna (I picked it about eight years ago as a reference to Zoro's birthday) 21. - Iris (World Poetry Day but make it sagittarius)
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sonic-oc-showdown · 1 year ago
Genesis the Hedgehog (@peachiesnake) vs Pup the Dingo (@scizzors-theawsome) [link to poll]
Squabble the Pigeon (@sonic-adventure-3) vs Sinker the Manta Ray (@the-gnome-zone) [link to poll]
Coke the Bear (@lunapegasus) vs Ecru (@nolongeronlyhereforthewhispangle) [link to poll]
Zenyx (@grimsdeadb0nes) vs Lori-Ki (@julie-su) [link to poll]
Tommy the Bear (@clawcakes) vs Wendy (@maddestmewmew) [link to poll]
Ashen "Sharp" the Wolf (@sege-h) vs Sasha the Cat (@c0ngatime) [link to poll]
Impact the Shrimp (@yeets-ix) vs Ebony the Hare (@mynders-universe) [link to poll]
Chimera the Binturong (@knizuu) vs Axel the Cat (@vgjedi) [link to poll]
Breadroll (@neurotypical-sonic) vs Cake the Griffin (@cakebird-art) [link to poll]
Dr. Felicia Favian (@dootdootboopedsnoot) vs Kassandra the Hippo (@mistressdizzy) [link to poll]
Berry the Bunny (@nostalgic-soda) vs Rocket the Lab Rat (@yourelessfast) [link to poll]
Eris the Great (@theknifedance) vs Flicker (@werewolveswithagenda) [link to poll]
Leslie the Dog (@cosmosees) vs Canyon (@icednebula) [link to poll]
Terios the Darkhog (@totaleclipse573) vs Eventide (@zepandovski) [link to poll]
Eidolon the Android (@vela--nova) vs Sunny the Red Panda (@chaos-and-the-emeralds) [link to poll]
Marcell the Rat (@eyelessorange) vs Smidgeon the Pigeon (@taffydragonart) [link to poll]
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Here's the bracket for the showdown! Definitely open it in a new tab to be able to read all the names OR you can look below to see all of the matchups and their creators!
I have to separate the two sides between a post for this round cause tumblr does NOT like all the @ mentions, so look for the RIGHT SIDE BRACKET in the reblogs!!
Roller the Ferret (@technoria) vs Dusty the Rabbit (@starlitskvader) [link to poll]
Elysium the Shadow Android (@wereh0gz) vs Lime the Shadow Android (@sonicrules) [link to poll]
Aries the Wolf (@l-sincline) vs Tabi (@nintendoni-art) [link to poll]
Cessare (@pactwraith) vs Rocket the Shadow Android (@bees-are-my-thing-bro) [link to poll]
Rime the Cat (@yellowvixen) vs Frost the Fox (@crossovermadness06) [link to poll]
Chroma the Hedgehog (@chao-stadium) vs Ziro the Maned Wolf (@shadow-t-hedgehog) [link to poll]
Fibula the Hedgehog (@son1c) vs Foxglove the Porcupine (@sonboygemerl) [link to poll]
Faye Moreau (@addysfandomdump) vs Curie the Radiant (@riftclaw) [link to poll]
Slime (@empty-ted) vs Chimera Baby "Mira" (@fleetways) [link to poll]
Thistle the Tenrec (@bunnymajo) vs Specter the Porcupine (@halloween-cats) [link to poll]
Dog the Capybara (@couch-house) vs Delina the Cat (@terrorteeth) [link to poll]
Crux the Hawk (@snowpearart) vs Wingnut (@gourde) [link to poll]
Blossom the Bunny (@scorpiolight-madd) vs Zest the Rat (@dreaminginmysoup) [link to poll]
Splash the Water Cat (@angelicdevil) vs Clutch the Pangolin (@tearcynical) [link to poll]
Trace the Tasmanian Devil (@sapphanimates) vs Sapphire Aurora (@spiritgenie) [link to poll]
Bitx Byte (@infinitetrainss) vs Sting the Scorpion (@whimsical-sonic) [link to poll]
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 2 years ago
Oh no you can't reblog that much crossover ask games I'll be tempted to send you thousands 😭🥺
well since you asked (also be tempted do it my inbox is open ask limit is fake)
but this list is still too long to it's under the cut!
I did the super mega long version that I sent you that was head empty just vibes, this one is slightly less head empty but still all vibes (still down for any of those but this is based a bit more on knowing more about the ocs now! also took off the ones we've talked about more bc they're set in stone now no escape)
Mike Lore & Jem Skeates
Mike Lore & Cressida Brantley
Mike Lore & Crystal Solace
Mike Lore & Victoria Blofis
Mia Barnes & Evelyn Rogers
Mia Barnes & Mia Pierce
Mia Barnes & Tyler Barton
Elliot Walker & Betty Fabray
Elliot Walker & Demi July
Elliot Walker & Jeremy St James
Elliot Walker & Joy Schuester
Elliot Walker & Kendall Pierce
Elliot Walker & Savannah Evans
Nathaniel Simmons & Abbie Hudson
Nathaniel Simmons & Betty Fabray
Nathaniel Simmons & Jeremy St James
Nathaniel Simmons & Joy Schuester
Nathaniel Simmons & Kendall Pierce
Nathaniel Simmons & Savannah Evans
Victoria Vill & Alvina Strange
Victoria Vill & Ava Potts
Victoria Vill & Diana Moore
Victoria Vill & Wendy Parker
Victoria Vill & Jaden Jameson
Victoria Vill & Pippa Ross
Elys Herondale & Adina Lightwood
Elys Herondale & Alya D'Angelo
Elys Herondale & Annabelle Bane
Elys Herondale & Ariadne Blackthorn
Elys Herondale & Astrid Roseflare
Elys Herondale & Cassiel Fell
Elys Herondale & Clem Wayland (if I can ever find a Clem fc that reinspires me)
Elys Herondale & Evanna Garroway
Elys Herondale & Hannah Dawnwell
Elys Herondale & Rebecca Wayland
Kayla Winchester & Elle Winchester
Kayla Winchester & Esther Colt
Kayla Winchester & Phoebe Winchester
Kayla Winchester & Trix Stilinski
Kayla Winchester & Rachel Winchester
Eden Rosier & Adriana Flores
Eden Rosier & Eurydice Crouch
Eden Rosier & Gemini Black
Eden Rosier & Holly Evans
Eden Rosier & Rosalind Greengrass
Rosalind Potter & Adriana Flores
Rosalind Potter & Eurydice Crouch
Rosalind Potter & Gemini Black
Rosalind Potter & Holly Evans
Kit Barton & Anya Barton
Kit Barton & Bianca Davis
Kit Barton & Cora Royce
Kit Barton & Dominique Barton
Kit Barton & Elizabeth Barton
Kit Barton & Ezra & Nicholas Barton 
Kit Barton & Kassandra Maximoff
Kit Barton & Peyton Parker
Kit Barton & Sabina Maximoff
Kit Barton & Sammy Barton
Kit Barton & Tyler Barton
Jess Hearts & Eliane
Jess Hearts & Hannah Westergaard
Jess Hearts & Harley Hook
Jess Hearts & Raina Gold
Jess Hearts & Rosabelle Legume
Jax Hearts & Beatrice
Jax Hearts & Eliane
Jax Hearts & Fitz Rider
Jax Hearts & Gloria Gothel
Jax Hearts & Hannah Westergaard
Jax Hearts & Harmony
Jax Hearts & Hero
Jax Hearts & Keto Jones
Jax Hearts & Raina Gold
Jax Hearts & Rini
Miles Henderson & Angelica Hopper
Miles Henderson & Camila Nelson
Miles Henderson & Heaven Orella-Munson
Miles Henderson & Jacob Hopper
Miles Henderson & Jessica Wheeler
Miles Henderson & Kaylie Hopper
Miles Henderson & Kimberly Harrington
Miles Henderson & Rhiannon Ballard
Miles Henderson & Serena Brenner
Miles Henderson & Sidney Hopper
Miles Henderson & Stacey Byers
Miles Henderson & Valerie Rush
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