#Josef Fritzl
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ruttotohtori · 4 months ago
Ois voinu lukita ton ukon sinne kellariinsa...
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cinemaslife · 5 months ago
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#135 La Chica del Sótano
Sarah tiene 17 años, y vive con su madre y su padre Don, y recibe la visita de su hermana Amy con asiduidad, pese a que está en la universidad. Su hermana tiene un carácter más tranquilo y sumiso, como su madre, pero Sarah choca mucho con su padre, quien la castiga con asiduidad, y que es la razón por la que se escape a ver a su novio Chris.
Un día hablando con su madre y su hermana confiesa que está harta de su padre y de lo estricto que es y confiesa que quiere irse a ver mundo y que empezará por Florida, que quiere ser libre y caminar libre.
Esto lo escucha Don y decide limpiar una habitación secreta en el sótano y que está cubierta por dos puertas metálicas y tapadas con una puerta, y que solía ser un búnker en caso de guerra para enseñarle a Sarah una valiosa lección.
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Don es agresivo y les pega a las tres mujeres teniéndolas atemorizadas, por eso después de la graduación de Sarah y días antes de que cumpla los 18 años y haga realidad su sueño de escaparse de casa con su novio Chris. Don aprovecha que Amy está en la universidad y que su mujer sale a hacer un recado, para pedirle a Sarah que la ayude a bajar unas cosas al sótano. Dejan la caja en el búnker (que Sarah no sabía ni que existía) y la encierra dentro de un empujón.
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Don tiene el sótano preparado para que nadie entre, la puerta se abre con llave, accedes al sótano, ahí hay una estantería que se desplaza sobre unos rieles, una puerta metálica cerrada con código y al entrar otra puerta metálica cerrada con código y ahí está Sarah.
Después de descubrir que había en la caja que ayudó a bajar a su padre, Sarah se da cuenta de que les va a hacer creer a todos que se ha escapado de casa, y por mucho que grita y se desespera, se da cuenta de que salir es imposible.
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El búnker solo tiene un cubo que usar como váter, una ducha y un grifo que usar como pila. A los tres días Don baja, pero ella lo ataca y le dice que todo lo que tenga a partir de entonces debe ganárselo, cediendo a sus deseos y comportándose como una persona sumisa. Si pone tres veces mal el código de la puerta, el sistema de ventilación dejará de funcionar y el aire empezará a cargarse.
Menos de una semana de estar en el sótano, Don viola a Sarah y le dice que deje de llamarle papá y que ahora solo se puede dirigir a él como si fuera su dueño, y que por cada vez que sea más sumisa, le traerá algo del exterior que ella quiera. Esa vez Sarah pide un reloj.
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Nos cuentan que Don está bien situado en su empresa y que su cargo es importante. Su mujer entra en depresión ante la desaparición de su hija y él le resta importancia, diciendo que tarde o temprano aparecerá. Es curioso como lleva dos vidas diferentes en dos pisos diferentes de su casa.
Sarah no tarda en quedarse embarazada y en parir sola con la ayuda de un libro. Don sigue pegándole y maltratándola, así como violándola durante los primeros años, incluso con la primera hija de ambos en el sótano. Marie.
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Dos años después de Marie llega Michael, para entonces el búnker parece menos una prisión debido a la sumisión constante de Sarah y sus hijos. Don baja a visitarlos y a llevarles comida y suplementos para que sobrevivan, pero nunca es generoso de más con ellas si no es porque quiere algo a cambio, y Sarah sabe que quiere Don.
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Don de normal cena con ellos bajo, abusa de Sarah y vuelve arriba con su esposa para hacer vida normal, y negarle que busque a su hija, asegurando que es una perdida de tiempo. Pasan 10 años encerrados y Sarah está de nuevo embarazada, estaba vez de Thomas. Sarah es consciente de que tres niños y ella en ese espacio tan reducido es inviable, sobre todo, cuando Marie desarrolla asma y problemas respiratorios. Por eso le pide a Don que suba a Thomas arriba y que sea criado por su madre. Al final Don acepta a regañadientes, y así mantiene la esperanza de la madre de que su hija está viva, por eso la obliga a escribir una nota falsa.
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Thomas al criarse en el exterior crece fuerte, sin ningún tipo de problema, sano y sin enfermedades físicas o emocionales como sus hermanos del sótano. Marie y Michael son casi adolescentes y no pueden entender por qué no pueden salir con su padre al exterior, están cansados de no tener amigos, y de vivir la vida a través de un televisor y de cintas de VHS. Además, no entienden por qué su madre no se divorcia de su padre y viven la vida real.
Sarah se ocupa de la educación de sus hijos con libros viejos, y entiende su dolor, ella también quiere salir y aunque lo intenta varias veces, para esa época, 18 años encerrada, vuelve a estar embarazada, a recibir palizas diarias y a estar harta porque Don se muestra cada vez más interesado en abusar de Marie.
Don le da una paliza a Sarah estando embarazada y pierde al bebé, del que Don se deshace enterrándolo en el jardín. Sarah pare con dolor y una vez más sola y decide que es hora de hacer algo.
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Sarah se confiesa con sus hijos y les dice que Don no es solo su padre, también es su abuelo, ellos no son matrimonio, él la secuestró y la encerró y le pega y la viola casi todas las noches para castigarla.
Para este momento Don ha sido despedido de su trabajo y tiene una orden de desalojo sobre la casa por no pagar, por lo que se le ocurre la idea de envenenar con dióxido de carbono el sótano y que así mueran encerrados tanto Sarah como sus hijos. Pero cuando inicia su plan, Thomas le pilla y decide abandonarlo. Por culpa de esto, Marie tiene un ataque de asma y está al borde de la muerte.
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Don está haciendo vida normal arriba en una barbacoa después de un partido de beisbol y cuando decide bajar, Marie está a punto de morir y lejos de escuchar los llantos de los niños y de Sarah dice que quizás sea lo mejor. Michael golpea a Don, y este le dice que es un enano y que su hermano Thomas es más grande y fuerte que no le da miedo. Don cede cuando Sarah le llama papá y llevan tanto él como Sarah a Marie al hospital, dejando a Michael encerrado.
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Don no puede controlar a Sarah en el exterior por mucho que él quiera, y cuando la doctora les pregunta por qué Marie no tiene vacunas, ni expedientes médicos, ni nació en un hospital, puede ver en la cara de Sarah que hay algo que va mal, por eso cuando la chica se aleja de su padre, se abraza a un policía y dice que necesita ayuda, Don intenta escapar, pero le detienen.
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Don va a la cárcel, Michael es liberado ante los ojos incrédulos de su hermano Thomas y su abuela, y la escena final es de las tres mujeres en el porche de su casa, viendo a los hijos de Sarah jugar a la pelota entre ellos, como verdaderos hermanos.
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Evidentemente, la película está basada en lo que Josef Fritzl le hizo a su hija Elizabeth durante 14 años, encerrándola en una casa subterránea y teniendo con ella 7 hijos, de los cuales uno murió. 3 fueron criados con su madre en el sótano y tres más fueron criados por sus abuelos arriba.
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Sobre este tema, me parece mejor película la de The Room con Brie Larson como protagonista. Ya que la película de la chica del sótano está enfocada más bien como una peli de sobre mesa, donde no se dan muchas explicaciones ni se ahonda en los personajes. The Room es una película más completa y compleja.
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horrorhistory123 · 9 months ago
10 True Crime Cases Where the Truth Was Stranger Than Fiction
Dive deep into the world of true crime with Horror History. In this video, we reveal the shocking truth behind the top 10 true crime cases that shook the world. From unsolved mysteries to infamous criminals, these cases will leave you on the edge of your seat.
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In this video we see about The Polite German Cannibal, Armin Meiwes, and the Rotenburg Cannibal, The Killer Cop Gerard John Schaefer Jr, known as the Hangman, are chilling examples in the realm of Killer Fiction, echoing the infamous history of The Bloody Benders, The Bender family. The Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs, The Monster of Miramichi, Allan Joseph Legere, and The Toybox Killer, David Parker Ray, contribute to the macabre tales, while the Fritzl Father, Josef Fritzl, and the Fritzl case unfold a horrifying narrative. White Boy Rick, Richard Wershe Jr, and The Toronto Killer, Bruce McArthur, delve into the sinister world, echoing the eerie resonance of The Hinterkaifeck Murders.
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In 1984, Josef Fritzl from Austria lured his daughter Elisabeth, 18, into the basement and kept her there to constantly abuse and rape. He told his wife Rosemarie and his children that Elisabeth ran away to join a cult. During confinement she had seven children, one died, three lived upstairs and three remained downstairs with her.
In 2008, her oldest daughter, Kerstin, 19, fell ill from kidney failure and she begged Fritzl to take her to the hospital. Staff were instantly suspicious, and when Fritzl permitted Elisabeth and her two sons to visit Kerstin; the police were alerted and Elisabeth exposed her father’s crimes.
Rosemarie alleged she knew nothing about his crimes which is hard to believe, she would have been suspicious of his actions and knew he spent a large amount of time in the basement. She never questioned or investigated why three of her daughter's children turned up on their doorstep.
Fritzl showed no remorse for his crimes and was found guilty in 2008 and got life imprisonment (he is eligible for parole next year in 2025). In prison, he has had his teeth knocked out.
Elisabeth initially was living with her mother and children in a villa, however, there was tension and resentment between mother and daughter and Elisabeth threw her mother out of their home. Today, they are on speaking terms.
Fritzl was a retired engineer who had a history of violence. In 1967, he broke into a woman’s home, threatened her life and held a knife to her and then raped her. He was convicted and imprisoned. Rosemarie knew of this crime and stood by him and told outsiders that he was away on a holiday. He started sexually assaulting his daughter Elisabeth when she was 11, Elisabeth grew up rebellious which Fritzl didn’t like, and made the decision to force her away from the outside world.
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musicisheaven · 10 months ago
The song "Wherever I May Go" will always remind me of Elisabeth Fritzl. Even though it's not true, I can't help but believe that this song gave her the strength she needed to get through every single day of the unimaginable experience she had to endure while being held captive by her father for 24 years. The haunting melody and powerful lyrics of the song reflect her courage, resilience, and hope for a better future, even in the darkest moments of her life. She never lost hope and i so wanna believe that it was because of this song and her children ofc. The fairytale she told them it was so haunting i don't even want to think about it.
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cherrycosmos-10 · 10 months ago
The girl in the basement is so horrifying and the fact that it is true just shows the kind of monsters that exist in this world. The world is so sick. I have read way too many comments on it that it was the mother's fault but I mean isn't it easier said than done she was a victim of domestic abuse and when you experience that for a long time, you start to believe that everything tthat'sgoing wrong is somehow your fault. Maybe if you hadn't kept that glass there that day if you would have just checked the salt that day, if you just had called that day. The abusers make you somehow believe that it was your fault it happened because it was your fault and they agree. I wish her mom had stood up for herself is easier said than done but I still wish she did. He was so sick. He said"Look in the cellars of others and you might find their families and girls there," I CAN'T SAY THIS ENOUGH HE WAS SICK" how she survived after all the way his children died. It was awful. I hope that no one else goes through this. He said it he actually said it without remorse "I WAS BORN TO RAPE" I WANNA STANGE HIM WITH MY HANDS SNUFF ALL HIS LIFE OUT. Wherever they are I hope they live a happy life.
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scansfrommagazinesandbooks · 10 months ago
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nyxofthenight11 · 1 year ago
I’ve just started listening to true crime and I was not prepared for how out a fucked up some people can be. Like the fucking Hello Kitty murder case. Like damn. Or the Josef Fritzl case. Seriously guys interesting and shit but like how fucked up can someone be? If ya’ll have any case suggestions please tell me
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morbidology · 1 month ago
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In a case that shocked Sweden, 38-year-old doctor Martin Trenneborg was dubbed the “Swedish Josef Fritzl” after kidnapping a young woman and imprisoning her in a meticulously designed dungeon near Kristianstad, southern Sweden.
Trenneborg's disturbing plan began when he drugged the woman with strawberries laced with Rohypnol, a powerful sedative, and drove her to his remote home, where he had constructed a soundproof, underground cell with the intent of holding her captive for as long as ten years.
Trenneborg's elaborate precautions included wearing two different masks to conceal his identity from the victim. Over the course of a week, the woman endured repeated sexual assaults while being locked in this dungeon. Investigators later uncovered that the doctor had carefully planned the kidnapping, stockpiling supplies and preparing his home to imprison the woman indefinitely.
His plan unraveled when he returned to her apartment to gather some of her personal belongings, only to find the police already investigating her disappearance. Panicked, Trenneborg brought the woman to a police station, attempting to spin a false story. He claimed that he had abducted her because he was "lonely" and wanted a companion, though this bizarre explanation did nothing to mitigate the severity of his crime.
Trenneborg was sentenced to ten years in prison.
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radicalromanov · 2 days ago
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In case you needed your heart broken today, Josef Fritzl (who kept his daughter locked in a basement for 24 years, raping her almost every day, and forcing her to have his children) is apparently eligible for parole, and he is demanding a house with a basement.
The screenshots are from the UNILAD article, and it says that he is unlikely to harm anyone else due to his dementia, but I call bullshit. This man is dangerous. If you can rape your own daughter, you shouldn't be free. Ever.
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mithliya · 2 years ago
the fact that aileen wournos got the death penalty for shooting (no torture, no violent method, etc) like seven adult men to literally avoid getting raped, yet josef fritzl, a serial rapist who imprisoned his daughter in a cellar for 24 years, raped her so much it resulted in multiple children and a miscarriage, made her act out porn scenes in front of her children, tortured her, starved her, forced her to write notes saying she ran off, refused to help her child which resulted in the child’s death, said that he was “born to rape” and that he locked up his daughter to explore his “evil side”, locked his mother up in his attic for around 20 years until she eventually died, and already had a criminal history of rape, incest, and child sexual abuse only had to serve 15 years and as of 2023 is eligible for parole is absolutely heartbreaking and insane and is going to make me start breaking things
eligible for parole after only 15 years? when his crimes went on for even longer????
also the infamy surrounding aileen wuornos was bc of misogyny, hatred of a prostituted woman, and lesbophobia. her first victim was a literal convicted rapist. her next several victims were all johns. we can argue her last victim was innocent but considering what she did vs what male serial killers have done, her crime was comparatively so tame. and yet she received so much hatred and got the death penalty.
remember this: aileen wuornos received SIX death sentences. ted bundy (murdered 30 women after kidnapping & raping them) received three. jeffrey dahmer (sexually abused & killed 17 men & boys, even eating some of them) received 0.
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dressed2k1ll · 4 months ago
I’m so depressed this week with how much men hate women
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crimesandcuriosities · 1 year ago
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The "Ice Cream Killer"
Pictured above is a woman named Goidsargi Estibaliz "Esti" Carranza Zabala, who was arrested in June 2011 for the brutal murders of her ex-husband and boyfriend.
The bodies of Holger Holz (ex-husband) and Manfred Hinterberger (boyfriend) were discovered by workers carrying out maintenance in the ice cream parlour where Carranza worked in Austria, Vienna. Both men had been shot in the back of the head, dismembered with a chainsaw, frozen for a short time and then concealed in blocks of concrete and hidden in the cellar of the store.
Although the victims had been killed and disposed of in very similar circumstances, the murders were carried out two years apart. Carranza, who was 33 years old at the time of her arrest, confessed to killing her husband in 2008 because he refused to move out following their divorce, and said he was violent, lazy and a bully. She shot him in the back of the head three times while he sat at his computer.
In 2010, Carranza's new boyfriend met the same fate after the pair got into a drunken argument. She suspected he was cheating on her, for which she had no evidence, and to end the argument he turned to face away from her in bed and went to sleep. Enraged, Carranza took out the same gun she had used to kill her ex-husband and shot him in the back of the head.
After finding out the remains had been discovered, Carranza fled to Italy but was quickly captured and extradited back to Austria. During the trial, a PowerPoint presentation showed photographs of the victims' sawn-off heads and other severed limbs, prompting the chief prosecutor to describe Carranza as a "highly dangerous woman" whose actions were "depraved and horrific".
In November 2012, Carranza was sentenced to life in a psychiatric institution. Her lawyer Rudolf Mayer - who also defended Josef Fritzl - said at the time he would appeal to have the verdict overturned.
At the time of her arrest, Carranza was two months pregnant to another man, whom she later went on to marry while incarcerated. After the birth, her baby boy was taken away to be raised by Carranza's parents in Barcelona, and Carranza sought to apply for a transfer to Spain so she could remain in contact with her son.
You can also read this post here.
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            In 1984, Josef Fritzl from Austria lured his daughter Elisabeth, 18, into the basement and kept her there to constantly abuse and rape. He told his wife Rosemarie and his children that Elisabeth ran away to join a cult. During confinement she had seven children, one died, three lived upstairs and three remained downstairs with her.
            In 2008, her oldest daughter, Kerstin, 19, fell ill from kidney failure and she begged Fritzl to take her to the hospital. Staff were instantly suspicious, and when Fritzl permitted Elisabeth and her two sons to visit Kerstin; the police were alerted and Elisabeth exposed her father’s crimes.  
            Rosemarie alleged she knew nothing about his crimes which is hard to believe, she would have been suspicious of his actions and knew he spent a large amount of time in the basement. She never questioned or investigated why three of her daughters children turned up on their doorstep.
            Fritzl showed no remorse for his crimes and was found guilty in 2008 and got life imprisonment (he is eligible for parole next year in 2025). In prison he has had his teeth knocked out.
            Elisabeth initially was living with her mother and children in a villa, however there was tension and resentment between mother and daughter and Elisabeth threw her mother out of their home. Today, they are on speaking terms.
            Fritzl was a retired engineer who had a history of violence. In 1967, he broke into a woman’s home, threatened her life and held a knife to her and then raped her. He was convicted and imprisoned. Rosemarie knew of this crime and stood by him and told outsiders that he was away on a holiday. He started sexually assaulting his daughter Elisabeth when she was 11, Elisabeth grew up rebellious which Fritzl didn’t like and made the decision to force her away from the outside world.
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#joseffritzl #elisabethfritzl #monsterofamstetten #truecrime
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fransfilth · 3 months ago
i noticed that in every european country there's one infamous case where a girl was abducted and kept in a basement and made it out alive
in austria its josef fritzl (incredibly big part of german and austrian pop culture), in germany it's wolfgang priklopil (his victim escaped after 8 years and became a star overnight), in belgium it's marc dutroux (national outrage and mourning was caused by this case, parades were held to memorialize the victims)
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scansfrommagazinesandbooks · 10 months ago
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