#Jori Daragon
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May the Fourth be with you!
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ao3feed--reylo · 2 years
Моменты галактической жизни
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/6FfaJPY
by TonicWithoutStraw
Мрачно-октябрьский сборник звёздновойновых драбблов для Writober-челленджа.
Words: 5299, Chapters: 14/14, Language: Русский
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars Legends: Knights of the Old Republic (Video Games), Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic (Video Game), Star Wars Legends: Force Unleashed - All Media Types, Star Wars Legends - All Media Types, Star Wars Legends: Tales of the Jedi (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Han Solo, Galen Marek | Starkiller, Rey (Star Wars), Leia Organa, Arcann (Star Wars), Senya Tirall, Revan (Star Wars), Lord Scourge (Star Wars), Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Darth Malgus
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Canderous Ordo/Female Revan, Lana Beniko/Male Sith Inquisitor, Malavai Quinn/Female Sith Warrior, Naga Sadow/Jori Daragon
Additional Tags: Writober 2022, Writober, Drabble Collection, Drama, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/6FfaJPY
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star-wars-comics · 4 years
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Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith #1 (1996)
written by Kevin J. Anderson art by Dario Carrasco, Jr., Mark G. Heike, Bill Black, & David Jacob Beckett
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insufficient-focus · 6 years
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YAS I picked this up silly cheap on the GTN. I’ve been keeping my eye out for this one for a whiiiiiiiiile. 
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kerra-holt · 7 years
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What does it say about the Empress Teta system that these two are poor as dirt and dress like this?
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vespertine-legacy · 3 years
Devs you’re cowards for not putting Jori Daragon’s armor on the cartel sale, I want the speedo for my terrible fat catman
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Being a ginger has plagued me my entire life. People say I smell like copper. I can get a sunburn indoors and night. According to recent legend, I have no soul.
half the EU
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cirex101 · 4 years
SWTOR: The Sith Empire makes no sense
I love The Old Republic.  I love the fact that each class gets their own story, with their own companions and love interests.  I love that the story and animation has only gotten better with each new expansion. However, it’s not a flawless game.  Others have already pointed out its gameplay flaws, so I won’t cover them.  Instead, I’ll just be focusing on the major pet peeve I have about the story, and a certain design choice mad by Bioware.  I’ve got several pet peeves (the Jedi Exile being reduced into a one-note fangirl of Revan, who’s already overrated, the very fact that there’s a Revan cult within the Empire that, logically, really shouldn’t give a damn about him, KOTOR 2′s companions being ignored, the Knights of Zakuul being hyped up as some sort of elite ‘grey’ order when they’re really just the blandest Force-sensitive mooks ever, etc, how the design team went full lazy and just ripped off the aesthetics of the Original trilogy’s rebel Alliance and Galactic empire for the Republic and Sith Empire respectively), but all of them pale compared to this one.
It’s about the Sith Empire, specifically, demographics within the Sith Empire.  To do that, let’s go back in time, to that far off era of the 1990s, to the reason why we even have the KOTOR era in the first place.
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The Tales of the Jedi comics, originally published by Dark Horse, takes place thousands of years before the movies, and introduces us to the origins of the eternal conflict between the Jedi and the Sith, as well as really dumb protagonists (looking at you Gav and Jori Daragon, especially Gav).
Time for some backstory for those of you unfamiliar with this era: Thousands of years ago, the Jedi had a schism between Light and Dark, and naturally, Light won.  Rather than executing the last of the Dark Jedi, the Order chose to exile them, putting them on a spaceship and sending them into deep space.  Unfortunately for the galaxy, the Dark Jedi stumbled upon Korriban, home to the red skinned Sith species.
Now, the Dark Jedi would come to rule over the Sith, and through alchemy, managed to find a way to interbreed with them, continuing on their bloodlines for generations to come, with their descendants becoming the ruling Sith Lords.  By the time of the Great Hyperspace War, having more human traits such as five fingers and less pronounced tendrils/spines was considered a mark of having a lot of Dark Jedi blood.  Compare and contrast Naga Sadow and Ludo Kresh (left and right respectively).
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TOR players will know what happens next; Naga Sadow, now ruler of the Sith Empire, invades the Republic, and is defeated.  The Republic and Jedi then enter a campaign of genocide against the Sith, wiping out the entire species save for Sadow’s followers, who had already fled, and those who followed Vitiate AKA the Sith Emperor AKA Valkorion, into the Unknown Regions, and Dromund Kaas, and other holdouts.
Vititate’s fleet of exiles will be out focus.  Now, anyone who’s read the Tales of the Jedi comics will know that the Sith Empire is made up entirely of the actual Sith species, which is divided into castes.  Now, by all forms of logic, the entirety of Vitiate’s exiles should look like this:
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I don’t know about all of you, but I’m seeing an awful lot of red faces here.  Now, the Sith spent twenty years in space, until eventually rediscovering Dromund Kaas.  Again, logically speaking, they really shouldn’t look all that different from when they first set out...
And yet TOR would have us believe that, somehow, in the twenty years it took for them to make the trip, they now looked like this:
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Hmmm... there’s something not right here.  I only see one red Sith, but there sure are a lot of humans (also they’ve ditched their “Sword & Sandals except IN SPACE” fashion for one that’s clearly just shamelessly ripping off the movie Empire, but that’s another story).  
In fact, if you look at the game and all its side material, it shows that humans are the majority species in the Empire, with the Sith Purebloods as a minority, having been bred out by the humans.
So we come to my major pet peeve with TOR, the one that I still haven’t found a satisfactory answer for.
Where.  The Hell.  Did all these damn humans come from?  
They weren’t part of the original Sith Empire, oh no.  Tales of the Jedi showed us page after page of red skinned individuals with spiky faces and tendril mustaches.  They never even saw a human before Gav and Jori Daragon showed up one day and set the plot of Tales in motion.
Now, the Sith could have picked them up along the way, or when they later re-established their Empire, but that doesn’t add up with what TOR presents us.  The only humans interacting with the Empire were from the Republic, and they were the Sith’s enemies.  It’s possible that the Sith ould have captured humans and made them slaves, but then why would the Sith allow these humans to then operate their ships, or serve in the military?  Instead, TOR gives us a pretty blatant retcon, which is that these humans have suddenly always been a part of the Empire.  In the Foundry Flashpoint, where an Imperial strike team assassinates Revan, it’s revealed that around 98% of the Empire has red sith ancestry, despite now being majority human, with the exception of Purebloods, who are biologically human, but possess red skin and other features.
Are we expected to believe that humans somehow outbred and absorbed the red Sith?  Again, that’s ridiculous.  There were only twelve Dark Jedi who introduced human (or humanoid, given some of them looked alien) bloodlines into the Sith genepool, and their descendants made up the ruling class.  Even then, Lords like Naga Sadow, who had the most human features, and therefore the most in common with TOR’s Purebloods, was the exception, not the rule.  Sith like Ludo Kressh were the rule, and they looked pretty damn alien with their four fingered hands, large face spines and tendrils, and pronounced teeth.  That’s not even accounting for the rest of the species in the other castes.  What the hell happened to them?  They should still be around, making up the majority of the Sith Empire.
TLDR: Bioware, in their attempt to evoke the movies by making the Sith Empire resemble the Galactic Empire as much as possible, committed a pretty blatant retcon that made humans the majority species rather than the red Sith, for which they still haven’t given a satisfactory answer.
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ao3feed--reylo · 2 years
Моменты галактической жизни
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/6FfaJPY
by TonicWithoutStraw
Мрачно-октябрьский сборник звёздновойновых драбблов для Writober-челленджа.
Words: 5299, Chapters: 14/14, Language: Русский
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars Legends: Knights of the Old Republic (Video Games), Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic (Video Game), Star Wars Legends: Force Unleashed - All Media Types, Star Wars Legends - All Media Types, Star Wars Legends: Tales of the Jedi (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Han Solo, Galen Marek | Starkiller, Rey (Star Wars), Leia Organa, Arcann (Star Wars), Senya Tirall, Revan (Star Wars), Lord Scourge (Star Wars), Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Darth Malgus
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Canderous Ordo/Female Revan, Lana Beniko/Male Sith Inquisitor, Malavai Quinn/Female Sith Warrior, Naga Sadow/Jori Daragon
Additional Tags: Writober 2022, Writober, Drabble Collection, Drama, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/6FfaJPY
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star-wars-comics · 4 years
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Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith #1 (1996)
written by Kevin J. Anderson art by Dario Carrasco, Jr., Mark G. Heike, Bill Black, & David Jacob Beckett
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years
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I’m not a fan of the entire outfit (it would be a cold day in Hell before Viri would wear a loincloth) but the top and gloves for the Jori Daragon set look really good on Viri! Time to see if I can find it cheaply. 
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the-overanalyzer · 5 years
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I thought to myself “what’s the sleaziest concept for a toon?” and this is what I came up with.
Outfit is Unfettered Trench Coat, Basic Men’s Trunks, Atton’s boots+gloves+bracers, Xoxaan’s waistwrap, and the Stylish Defender’s Goggles. Took some doing, but thanks to the XP boost I was able to get up to level 10 so I could go to the fleet and grab the goggles before talking to Skavak the first time. For maximum perviness I could have gone the extra mile and gotten some of the Covert Energy gear or Jori Daragon’s loincloth, but that stuff is stupid expensive on the GTN and I didn’t feel like wasting ~12,000,000 credits on a joke alt.
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wolfboywarmachine · 5 years
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#swtor15 day five - wardrobe: (imperial edition. click for fulls!)
xan: i aim to have at least two looks for everyone so they’ve got something fitting for both cold planets and warm ones. xan’s the only imperial one i’m really happy with on that front so far. he wears either the wicked huntress set or the satele shan set in black, which both look GOOD AS HELL on him. i like to keep the gold accents going. 
ryth: i’ve tried a few different sets on him but the only one i’m happy with so far is the jori daragon set in black, with the dark seeker leggings and boots i don’t remember. looooove that chestpiece. ideally i’d like to have something heavier for him, as well - more Armor-y - but i haven’t found one that’s perfect yet. 
malya: malya wears the commander vizla set in deep orange/deep red dye, and aside from maybe a Casual look i’m completely happy with her vibe. it’s perfect for her. you can’t see it in the img because her helmet’s on, but her blue skin makes the orange just GLOW and i love it.
malli: she’s been in the taskmaster set from day one. it’s older, the textures aren’t fantastic compared to some new sets (remote outcaaaast) but i love the look on her. i also have this on her vector, for bonus adorable. 
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uneminuteparseconde · 5 years
Des concerts à Paris et alentour
en gras : les derniers ajouts :-: in bold: the last news Septembre 24/25. John Cale & Cate Le Bon – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 24. Drab Majesty + SRSQ – Petit Bain ||COMPLET|| 25. Franck Vigroux : "Tempest" – La Maison des Métallos 25. Rudolf Eb.Er, Dave Phillips & Alice Kemp : Schimpfluch Affiliated Actions – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 25. Dälek & Olivier Mellano + L'Envoûtante – Petit Bain 25. Mope Grooves + Lox + Mamie Daragon – Espace B 25. Jeff Mills : "Things to Come" + Anthony Linell & Ali M. Demirel : "Winter Ashes" + Kangding Ray (dj) (fest. Les Veillées électroniques) – La Gaîté lyrique 25. Primal Scream + Idles + Life – Yoyo|Palais de Tokyo (gratuit sur résa) ||COMPLET|| 26. Thomas Ankersmit + Martin Tétreault + Mohammad Reza Mortazavi (fest. Crak) – Église Saint-Merri 26. Monolake + Peder Mannerfelt + Murcof & Manu Lacroix (fest. Les Veillées électroniques) – La Gaîté lyrique 26. Burial Hex + Les Chasseurs de la nuit + Common Eider, King Eider + Visions – Les Voûtes 26. Wayne Hussey + Ashton Nyte – Bus Palladium 26. Graham Dunning + Knappy Kaisernappy + Bugaled – Espace B 26. Paracelze + Tout bleu + Intervalle – Le Picolo (Saint-Ouen) 27. Léa Bertucci + Hubbub + Tijana Stankovic (fest. Crak) – Église Saint-Merri 27. Noseholes + Child Abuse + Catisfaction + Claude – Espace B 27. Les Wampas + En attendant Ana – La Station 27. Mon Alberteen + 333boyz – Treize 27. Oil Thief + Death Kneel + Jesuve  – La Cantine de Belleville 27. CHDH : “Deciban” + Joris Guibert : “Khromacousma” – 100 ECS 27. Lapse of Reason + Garçon manqué + IV Horsemen + Till Noon – L'International 27. Denise Rabe + Emmanuel + Introversion + Ekserd + Yoannis – Beat Boat 27. Delacave [+ Trisomie 21 ||ANNULÉ||] – Protocol (Pantin) 27. Kamikaze Space Programme + Geistform + Unhuman + Pessimist + Isabassi – Protocol (Pantin) 27. December b2b Ron Morelli + Drame nature + Élise + Hodge + Slutara b2b Urami + Violeta West (Paris Electronic Week) – La Machine 28. Onceim joue Éliane Radigue + Pancrace + Martin Tétreault (fest. Crak) – Église Saint-Merri 28. Noriko Tujiko + I Apologize + KTL + Parhelic Shell (20 ans de la compagnie Gisèle Vienne) – La Station 28. Os Noctambulos + Belmont Witch + Quelque + Les Lignes droites + Noyades – Espace B 28. Nytt Land – Le Klub 28. Tschegue + Slikback + Jardin + Juliana Huxtable + Crystalmess (Redbull Music fest) – La Maroquinerie 28. Lunice + Makala + Kobo + Rakoto3000 + Mel Woods + Sixtion (Redbull Music fest) – La Bellevilloise 28. Ujjaya + Zann + Remco Helbers + Moshé O'Grady (fest. Ambient) – Crypte Ararat|Église Sainte-Anne 28. Casual Gabberz (Paris Electronic Week) – Le Kilowatt (Vitry/Seine) 29. James Murphy + Colleen "Cosmo" Murphy + Vincent Privat + Seb le vinyl (Redbull Music Fest.) – Le 104 29. Pour X raisons + King's Queer + Abdullah Sheraton – CIPC 30. Kasper T. Toeplitz : musique pour "Glissements" de Myriam Gourfink (fest. d'automne) – musée de l'Orangerie 30. Exek + Euromilliard + Drag Me – Espace B Octobre 01. Emma Ruth Rendel + Sylvaine – Petit Bain 01. Sleaford Mods – La Cigale 02. Phoenician Drive + Le Réveil des tropiques – Badaboum 02. Bill Orcutt + Perrine Bourel + Yvan Étienne – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 03. JB Dunckel + Mariachi + Freeka Tet + Alexis Langevin-Tétrault & Pierre-Luc Lecours (Biennale Nemo) – Le Trianon (gratuit sur résa) 03. Piotr Kurek + Papivores + Matthias Puech – Espace B 03. A.N.I. – Le Bal 04. Kontravoid + Hide + Soft Riot – Espace B 04. Anthony Rother + Galaxian + Sync 24 + Foreign Sequence – Rex Club 04. Ascion b2b D. Carbone + Hypnoskull + Years of Denial + Common Poetry + Salem Unsigned – Protocol (Pantin) 04. Tommy Four Seven b2b Ancient Methods + Regis + The Driver + Dave Clark + SHDW & Obscure Shape + AZF + ABSL + Amato & Adriani + DJ Bone b2b Ben Sims + Charles Green +  Dax J + Dersee + DVS 1 + Félicie + Boston 189 + Louisahhh b2b Maelstrom (Pulse fest.) – Le Grand Dôme (Villebon/Yvette) 05. Bernard Szajner + Marco Quaresimin + Monÿang + Vincent Heter & Lou-Maria Le Brusq + Mururoa + Richard Comte + Jules Wysocki & Natnada Marchal (Les Sonifères fest.) – DOC 05. Anetha b2b Randomer + Blush Response b2b Thomas P. Heckmann + Rebekah + Juan Atkins + Marcel Dettmann + Poison Point + Ben Klock + Andrejko + Bassam + Fabrizio Rat + Newa + Tripeo b2b Hemka + Analog Kitchen + Cleric b2b Stranger + Marko Nastic (Pulse fest.) – Le Grand Dôme (Villebon/Yvette) 05. Nuit de l'orgue avec des œuvres d'Éliane Radigue, Arvo Pärt, Olivier Messiaen, Phillip Glass, Nico Muhly, Jonathan Fitoussi... (Nuit blanche) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie (gratuit) 06. Daughters – La Maroquinerie 06. Aline Penitot + Nuits + Jean-Baptiste Zelal + Pali Meursault + Rodolphe Alexis + Aymeric de Tapol + Dasein (Les Sonifères fest.) – DOC 06. Quator Bozzini joue : "Occam Delta XV" d'Éliane Radigue, "Five String Quartets" de Phill Niblock et "Koan" de James Tenney – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 08. Sleep + Pharaoh Overlord – Bataclan 09. Jozef Van Wissem : cinéconcert sur "Nosferatu le vampire" de Murnau – Cinémathèque 09. New Model Army – La Maroquinerie 09. Trumans Water – Espace B 09. Kollaps + Âme de boue + Alice Botté – L'International 09. Ty Segall & Freedom Band + Guadal Tejaz – La Cigale 10. Ty Segall & Freedom Band + Axis: Sova – La Cigale 10. Toecutter + Le Crabe + Tommpa Lanzakinen (Serendip Lab fest.) – Le Zorba 10. Dumb + Belmont Witch + À trois sur la plage – La Boule noire 10. Bruce McClure + Paul Smith joue "A Jim O’Rourke European premiere of a new 2019 Moog Synthesizer playback installation work" – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 11. Bitpart + Mary Bell + Rive droite + Going away Party + Ours blond + Shit Rockets + Alison Backdoor – Espace B 11. Nova Materia + Scalping – La Station 11. Sonic Area + Shaârgot – Petit Bain 11. Kazumoto Endo + Spore Spawn + Vomir + Autocastration – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 11. Birds in Row + Lane (Jimi fest.) – Théâtre Antoine-Vitez (Ivry/Seine) 11. Frank Bretschneider + Robert Lippok – Protocol (Pantin) 11. Marc Acardipane aka Pop + Manu le Malin + [KRTM] + DJ Chuimix + Raw + Makornik + Fuerr – La Machine 11. Ansome & Ayarcana + H880 + Fred Terror b2b Panzer + Antenes – Protocol (Pantin) 11. New Order – Grand Rex ||COMPLET|| 12. Lucas Paris : "Emotional Synthesis" + Orson Hentschel + Sentimental Rave (Biennale Nemo) – Le 104 12. Ben Shemie, John McEntire & Sam Prekop – Petit Bain 12. Osilasi + Tumulus + Kawaii & The Boulaouane Brothers + G de GNG & Julien Bobard + Nicolas Montgermont & Pali Meursault (Serendip Lab fest.) – Cirque électrique 12. Marion Guillet + Bear Bones, Lay Low + Full Quantic Pass + Pi Doom (Serendip Lab fest.) – Jazz yJazz 12. Foudre! + Tiger Tigre + Front de cadeaux + Sierra Manhattan + Die Klar + Kwamē – La Station 13. Andy Ortmann + Viki + Deeat Palace + Evil Moisture – Les Nautes 14. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard – Olympia 14. Shannon Wright – Trianon 15. Arno Bruil + Les pédales s'amusent + MMY – Espace B 15. Kate Carr + Valérie Vivancos – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 15/16. Metronomy – Olympia 16. Cycle péruvien + Laurene Ipsum + Robin Kobrynski (Serendip Lab fest.) – Cirque électrique 17. Vindicatrix + Descendeur + Lacustre + Gakona (Serendip Lab fest.) – Cirque électrique 17. City Dragon + Sunk Heaven – Le Zorba 17. Puppetmastaz – Trabendo 17. Automat : musique pour "Archeologia" d'Emmanuelle Huynh – Centre Pompidou 18. Dream Syndicate – Petit Bain 18. Total Victory + Leroy se meurt + Entracte Twist – Espace B 18. A_r_c_c + À travers + Simple Appareil + Blenno Die Wurstbrücke – église Saint-Merri 18. Arktau Eos + Zoät-Aon + Aeoga – Les Voûtes 18. Marie Guilleray + Justin Bennett + Jaap Vink + Gabriel Paiuk + Raviv Ganchrow + Kees Tazelaar + Gottfried Michael Koenig + Johan Van Kreij + Richard Barrett + Ji Youn Kang + Bjarni Gunnarsson (Akousma) – MPAA 18. Maud Geffray + Molecule + DNGLS (MaMA fest.) – La Cigale 18. Sydney Valette + Le Prince Harry + Maenad Veyl – Protocol (Pantin) 18. Rendez-Vous + Marble Arch – Le Plan (Ris-Orangis) 18. Stanislav Tolkachev + Unhuman & AN-I + Oake + Nastia Reigel – Protocol (Pantin) 19. Sisters of Mercy – Bataclan 19. Josin – Lafayette Anticipations 19. Françoise Barrière + Renaud Bajeux + Pali Meursault + Julia Hanadi Al Abed + Yan Maresz (Akousma) – MPAA 19. G4Z + Peru + Jean Turner + Monster X + Steven Marcato + Aly-x (Serendip Lab fest.) – Le Sultan 19. Adam X + David Caretta b2b The Hacker + 14Anger + Phase Fatale + Terence Fixmer + Raffaele Atanasio + Darzack + De-Dust2 + Dersee – tba 19. Juan Atkins + Vril + Ceephax Acid crew + Antigone + Onur özer + Fasme (Le Champ des machines) – Le Ferme du Buisson (Noisiel) 19. Lingua Ignota – Espace B ||COMPLET|| 19. Pixies + Blood Red Shoes – Olympia ||COMPLET|| 21. Pawns + Youth Avoiders + Barren? – Espace B 21. Les morts vont bien + Rivière de corps + René Couteau + Razzle Dazzle (dj) (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 22. Carambolage + Deedee & Tha Abracadabras + Roger de Lille & The Gin Tonics + The Hare (dj) (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 22. Thurston Moore – Trabendo 22. David J – Petit Bain 23. Ecstatic Vision + Les Tigres du futur + Os Noctambulos – ESS'pace 23. Sly & The Family Drone + Stef Ketteringham – Espace B 23. Plomb + Je t'aime + Electric Press Kit + dj Oxblood (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 23. Four Tet – Le 104 ||COMPLET|| 24. Last Night + Negative Space + Pedigree + Buzz Kull + dj Dave Rockin (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 24. The Necks – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 25. A Certain Ratio – Petit Bain 25. Poutre + OK fdp + Bruant zizi – ESS'pace 25. Jozef Van Wissem – crypte Notre-Dame de la Croix 25. Fiesta en el Vacio + Axell Larsen + Franz France + Sinead O'Connick jr + Paroi (Serendip Lab fest.) – Jazz y Jazz 25. Catastrophe + Sean O'Hagan + Form – La Maroquinerie 25. Bestial Mouth + Veil of Light – Protocol (Pantin) 25. DaGeist + Blind Delon + Outer Limit Lotus + Nick klein + UVB 76 + Dress Rehearsal (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 25. dj Varsovie + Paulie Jan + Blndr b2b Panzer + Mind Matter + End of Mortal Life – Glazart 25. Orphx + O/H + December + Unhuman + Limbus Puerorum – Protocol (Pantin) 26. The Monochrome Set – Petit Bain 26. Nina Harker + Bianca Warlord – Le Zorba 26. Truckks + Terrier + Achab + Olive Pogo + Car Crash Control (dj) (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 26. The Wheal + Princesse Napälm + L'Orchidée Cosmique + Klymt (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 26. Mørbeck + Philipp Strobel + IV Horsemen – La Machine 26. Alignment + Hadone + UVB + Parfait + Repro – tba 26. Loto Retina + Jakub Lemiszewski + Somaticae + Le Compas dans l'oeil + Ahta Bat + Letal Ataraxia (Serendip Lab fest.) – Le Sultan 27. Stephen Mallinder + Laisse Moi + Hexenschuss (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 28. Kate Tempest – Le Trianon 29. Agent Side Grinder + DaGeist – La Boule noire 30. The White Screen + Techno Thriller + Novichok – Supersonic (gratuit) 30. Oiseaux-Tempête + Jessica Moss – La Maroquinerie 30. Jenny Hval – Centre Pompidou 30. Battles – Trabendo 31. Skepta + Mura Masa + Hamza + Zola + Ateyaba + Celeste + Duendita + Ezra Collective + Flohio + Kojey Radical + Master Peace + Slowthai + The Comet is Coming + Yussef Dayes + Charlotte Dos Santos + Kojaque (Pitchfork fest.) – La Grand Halle de La Villette 31. Arrington de Dionyso – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 31. Broken English Club + Cabaret nocturne + IV Horsemen + Gil. Barte – Petit Bain Novembre 01. Chromatics + Belle & Sebastian + Primal Scream + John Talabot + Weyes Blood + Barrie + Briston Maroney + Chai + Desire + Helado Negro + Jackie Mendoza + Nilüfer Yanya + Orville Peck + Sheer Mag + Squir + Loving + Nelson Beer + Sons of Raphael (Pitchfork fest.) – La Grand Halle de La Villette 01. Under Black Helmet b2b Hadone + Inhalt der Nacht b2b Echoes of October + Danilo Incorvala + Makornik + Félicie – Les Docks de Paris (La Plaine-Saint-Denis) 02. The 1975 + Charli XCX + 2manysdj (dj) + Aurora + Agar Agar + SebastiAn + Aeris Roves vs Jamila Woods + Jessica Pratt + Kedr Livanskiy + Korantemaa + BEA1991 + Caroline Polachek + Ela Minus + KhadyaK + Mk.gee + Oklou + Tobi Lou (Pitchfork fest.) – La Grand Halle de La Villette 03. Ensemble économique + CIA débutante – Le Chinois (Montreuil) 05. Body of Light – Supersonic (gratuit) 06. The Murder Capital – Nouveau Casino 07. Xiu Xiu + Camilla Sparksss + Hyperculte – Petit Bain 07. Kælan Mikla – La Boule noire 08. Bedroom Community – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 08. Part Chimp + Gnod + Hey Colossus – Petit Bain 08. Sourdurent + Raymonde – Pan Piper 08. Boy Harscher – Trabendo ||COMPLET|| 09. Molchat Doma + War Scenes – La Station 10. Amiina : cinéconcert sur "Fantomas" de Louis Feuillade – Le Studio|Philharmonie 10. Ôlafur Arnald + Hugar – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Fontaine D.C. – Bataclan 13. Mick Harvey & JP Silo, Steve Shelley, Glenn Lewis – Les Trois Baudets 14. Dinah Bird & Jean-Philippe Renoult (Inaudible Matters) – La Gaîté lyrique 14. Girl Band – La Maroquinerie 15. Kap Bambino – La Gaîté lyrique 15. Von Pariahs + Nursery – Point FMR 15. Chemical Brothers – Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 17. Nitzer Ebb + Liebknecht – La Machine 17. Tropical Fuck Storm – Badaboum 19. Earth + Helen Money – Petit Bain 20. Lucy Railton + Sean Baxter + Jessica Ekomane – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 22. Rubin Steiner + Dombrance + Ambeyance + Meteo Mirage – La Maroquinerie 22. Nursery + Casse Gueule + Tout de suite – Cirque électrique 22. Kazu Makino (Blonde Redhead) – Les Étoiles 23. Billy Chyldish + Le Villejuif Undergroud + Petausaure (fest. BBmix) – Carré Bellefuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 24. TR/ST – Le Trianon 24. Mdou Moctar – La Boule noire 24. Midori Takada + Carla dal Forno + Felicia Atkinson (fest. BBmix) – Carré Bellefuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 24. The Young Gods + Les Tétines noires – La Machine 26. Wardruna – Olympia 27. The Stranglers – Olympia 28. Derek Holzer + Cate Hope & Lisa McKinney + Antoine Schmitt & Hortense Gauthier (fest. Bruits blancs) – Le Cube (gratuit sur résa) 28. The Psychotic Monks – Trabendo 28. Artl + Powerdove – Petit Bain 29. Scanner – Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil 30. Mondkopf – Médiathèque musicale de Paris (gratuit) 30. Donato Dozzy + Max Cooper + Terry & Cyan Riley + Ensemble intercontemporain joue "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Ensemble Social Silence joue "Music for Airport" de Brian Eno + Apollo noir + Récital pour marimbas (Marathon fest) – La Gaîté lyrique Décembre 01. Motorama – La Maroquinerie 03. White Hills – Supersonic (gratuit) 03. Belgrado – Espace B 06. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Koyaanisqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Powaqqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Kokoko! – La Gaîté lyrique 08. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Naqoyqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 11. Boris – Le Gibus 12. Mono + Jo Quail – Petit Bain 12. Kompromat (Vitalic & Rebeka Warrior) – La Cigale 13. Contrefaçon – La Gaîté lyrique 13. Regards extrêmes + Lisieux + Ascending divers – Les Voûtes 18. Amenra – Bataclan 2020 Janvier 04. Rokia Traoré + Ballaké Cissoko & Vincent Segal – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 16. Black Midi – Le Carreau du Temple 18. Lee Ranaldo & Raül Refree – Le 104 18. Franck Vigroux : "Flesh" (Biennale Nemo) – Maison des arts et de la culture (Créteil) 29. Rendez-Vous – La Cigale 30. Editors – Salle Pleyel 31. Tindersticks – Salle Pleyel Février 02. Sunn o))) – La Gaîté lyrique 09. Explosions in the Sky – La Cigale 13. Ride – Le Trianon 16. Orchestral Manoeuvre in the Dark – La Cigale 21. Ensemble Links joue "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain : "Détroit" + Molécule – Le 104 24. Sleater Kinney – Le Trianon Mars 06. Frustration – Le Trianon 07. Ensemble intercontemporain joue Steve Reich : cinéconcert sur un film de Gerhard Richter – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 20. Ensemble Dedalus joue "Occam Ocean" d'Éliane Radigue – Le Studio|Philharmonie 21. Front 242 + She Past Away – Élysée Montmartre 21/22. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 28. Ensemble Links joue "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain joue Kraftwerk – théâtre de la Cité internationale Mai 08. Max Richter : "Infra" + Jlin + Ian William Craig – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 09. Max Richter : "Voices" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Max Richter : "Recomposed" & "Three Worlds" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 24. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie
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motheatenscarf · 6 years
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The Closet of Eschatallia Soranus
The Wrath: Adorn yourself in many spikes to keep the other Sith from finding out what a soft and squishy sap you are deep down.
Apprentice: Hasn’t quite earned her spikes yet.
Lord Soranus: Finally earned her title.
Enforcer: Baras’ top assassin. 
Throne Breaker: No more emperors!
Executioner: Hey, what was it the Soranus family was known for again? Oh right, murder.
Streetgear: A Sith’s idea of “casual.”
Terminator: Slightly less imposing and with some sweet shades.
Sparring: For non-lethal ass kickings.
Starfighter Pilot: Do I play Starfighter? No. Will that stop me from making an outfit for it? Also no.
Wampa Skin: At least it’s not a tauntaun!
Commander: Oh right the Alliance is like... a military... thing... you can’t just walk into the war room covered in animal bones.
Regalia: For when you gotta destroy an enemy’s morale by looking better than them more than you gotta just straight up kill ‘em.
Head of Family: Fancy robes with a special trophy. 
Fancypants: An actual evening gown without bones and only the normal amount of pointy! Good job, Tallia!
Weapons: Descendant’s Heirloom Saber (Derelict Purple Hawkeye Crystal/Volatile Weapon Tuning)
Taking up your father’s lightsaber is a proud tradition in Star Wars. It’s probably not supposed to be a trophy from when you stabbed him to death, but it’s a tradition all the same.
Outfit Pieces/breakdowns beneath the cut.
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1. The Wrath
Chest: Primeval Stalker’s Jacket (Black/Light Gray)
Hands: Xoxaan’s Handguards (match)
Waist: Armored Diplomat’s Belt (match)
Legs: B-300 Cybernetic Greaves (match)
Feet: Primeval Stalker’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Feral Visionary’s Wristguards (match)
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2. Apprentice
Chest: Thana Vesh’s Chestguard (Black/Light Gray)
Hands: Marka Ragnos’ Gauntlets (match)
Waist: Lana Beniko’s Belt (match)
Legs: Thana Vesh’s Leggings (match)
Feet: Nible Brawler’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Enforcer’s Eyeguard (match)
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3. Lord Soranus
Chest: Tulak Hord’s Chestguard
Hands: Frenzied Zealot’s Gauntlets (match)
Waist: Visas Marr’s Sash (match)
Legs: Freedon Nadd’s Greaves (match)
Feet: Shadow Disciple’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Resilient Warden’s Rebreather (match)
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4. Enforcer
Chest: Frenzied Warrior’s Breastplate (Black/Black)
Hands: Marka Ragnos’ Gauntlets (match)
Waist: Frenzied Warrior’s Belt (match)
Legs: Frenzied Warrior’s Greaves (match)
Feet: Revered Master’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Disabled
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5. Throne Breaker
Chest: Resilient Warden’s Breastplate (Black/Black)
Hands: Resilient Warden’s Gauntlets (match)
Waist: Resilient Warden’s Belt (match)
Legs: Resilient Warden’s Greaves (match)
Feet: Resilient Warden’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Resilient Warden’s Rebreather (match)
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6. Executioner
Chest: Ardent Oracle’s Body Armor (Black/Black)
Hands: Revered Master’s Gloves (match)
Waist: Darth Sion’s Sash (match)
Legs: Ardent Oracle’s Legplates (match)
Feet: Revered Master’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Trophy Hunter’s Mask
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7. Streetgear
Chest: Battle Hardened Apprentice’s Tunic (Primary Black)
Hands: Bold Hellion’s Gauntlets (match)
Waist: Martial Pilgrim’s Belt (match)
Legs: Bold Hellion’s Greaves (match)
Feet: Dune Stalker’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Silent Warden’s Bracers (match)
Head: Disabled
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8. Terminator
Chest: Expert Outlaw’s Breastplate
Hands: Expert Outlaw’s Gauntlets
Waist: Distinguished Warden’s Belt (match)
Legs: Expert Outlaw’s Greaves
Feet: Intelligence Officer Boots
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Stylish Defender’s Goggles (match)
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9. Sparring
Chest: Darth Sion’s Pauldron (Black/Light Brown)
Hands: Darth Sion’s Vambrace (match)
Waist: Darth Sion’s Sash (match)
Legs: Sith Recluse Greaves (match)
Feet: Mandalore the Indomitable Boots (match)
Wrists: Jori Daragon’s Bracers (match)
Head: Disabled
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10. Starfighter Pilot
Chest: Alliance Reconnaissance Breastplate
Hands: Expert Outlaw Gauntlets
Waist: Dust Storm Survivor’s Belt (match)
Legs: Zakuulan Specialist’s Greaves (match)
Feet: Intelligence Officer Boots (match)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Enigmatic Operative’s Rebreather
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11. Wampa Skin
Chest: Hailstorm Brotherhood Jacket (Primary Black)
Hands: Hailstorm Brotherhood Gloves (match)
Waist: Ulic Qel-Droma’s Belt (match) 
Legs: Contraband Runner’s Pants (match)
Feet: Mandalore the Indomitable’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Ulic Qel-Droma’s Bracers (match)
Head: Hailstorm Brotherhood Helmet (match)
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12. Commander
Chest: Formal Militant’s Jacket (Black/Black)
Hands: Saul Karath’s Gloves (Black/Light Brown)
Waist: Formal Militant’s Belt (match)
Legs: Formal Militant’s Pants (match)
Feet: Satele Shan’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Disabled
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13. Regalia
Chest: Jori Daragon’s Tunic (Secondary Black)
Hands: Marka Ragnos’ Gauntlets (Black/Light Brown)
Waist: Jori Daragon’s Belt
Legs: Basic Women’s Trunks (Black/Light Brown)
Feet: Satele Shan’s Boots (Black/Light Brown)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Zakuulan Security’s Headband (match)
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14. Head of Family
Chest: Wicked Huntress’ Robes (Black/Dark Purple)
Hands: Marka Ragnos’ Gauntlets (Black/Light Brown)
Waist: Thexan’s Belt (match)
Legs: Wicked Huntress’ Pants (match)
Feet: Satele Shan’s Boots (Black/Light Brown)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Temple Guardian’s Helmet (match)
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15. Fancypants
Chest: Sensuous Dress Top (Black/Black)
Hands: Squadron Leader’s Gloves (match)
Waist: Covert Waist Energy Armor
Legs: Visas Mar’s Lower Robes (match)
Feet: Genteel Dress Shoes (match)
Wrists: Luxury Dress Cuffs (match)
Head: Sorcerer’s Headgear (match)
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hfbeasty-legacy · 6 years
SWTOR wish-/checklist
Bolded the stuff that is HELL YE and crossed out what I already got :D
Vip pass Hide head control Companion appearance customization control
Hiet Frodynn:     Jedi survivalist - Force apprentice -  Satele shan - Loyal Adherent - Atris armor -  Jori Daragon - Xoxaan - Jarael
Teegra Bengal:   Speedsuit - Revealing Bodysuit - Havoc Squad armor set (for Jorgan) - Casual Connoisseur - Sensuous Dress - Exquisite Dancer - Outer Rim Gunslinger - Calo Nord
Zach:   Huttsbane - Bold Hellion - Theron Shan - Casual Vandal -
Soranoah:   Zayne carrick -  Revered Master - Exiled master - Gav Daragon - Martial Pilgrim
Baal Estasze:   Heartless Pursuer - Energized Triumvirate - RD-07A Vendetta - Enigmatic Operative - Expert Outlaw - Canderous Ordo - Energized Triumvirate
Di’taqt Malekh:   Shadow Disciple - Callous Conqueror - Exterminator’s armor set - Sith Recluse - Sith Cultist - Primeval Stalker - Marka Ragnos - Nightlife Operative -
Shere Rajj-Roque:     Sly operator - Clandestine Officer - Port Nowhere Mobster - Intelligence Officer - Secret Agent - Kidaesh Griseo:    Trenchcoat - relaxed jumpsuit - Outlander Observer
General cool stuff:   Covert energy armor - Relaxed Uniform - Horizon Guard - Resourceful engineer - Euphoric corellian - Thermal retention - Polar Exploration - Visas Marr - Resilient Warden - Corsair Pumeler (Pirate) - Hoth Ranger
Don’t want these yet but I gotta remember them: Charismatic Mandalorian - Calculated Mercenary - Ruthless scion - Havoc Squad Officer - Desert Scavenger - Sanctified Caretaker -  Adept scout - Freelance Hunter
 Di’taqt: Defiant vented lightsaber - Dark Honor Guard’s unstable Lightsaber - Unstable peacemaker lightsaber
 Hiet Frodynn: Descendant’s Heirloom lightsaber
 Kida: Devastator’s Doublebladed lightsaber
 Baal: Mischief - Anarchy - BL-28 Blaster - WL-29 blaster
 Zach: Resolute Guerrilla’s blaster
Shere: TM-59 blaster pistol
 Teegra: Primordial Blaster Rifle Grek - Interstellar Regulator’s Blaster Rifle Dorn
all of em....
Volatile tuning - Overcharged weapon tuning - Damaged Weapon - Light-Atunned- Lightning Tuning -
 Di’taqt: Hssiss - Droid officer - Plateshadow Devourer - Dominator’s command Throne - Aratech Nethian - Ridge hunter rancor - Swamp Rancor - Kukri Subjugator - Speckled Manka Cat - Zakuul Overseer Dais
 Soranoah: Diplomat meditation - Savanna Kybuck
 Baal: MSM JT-2 jetpack (any jetpack tbh) - E-95 Dread Behemoth - Lhosan Manta
 Shere: Cybernetic Varactyl - Koensayr Monocycle - Vectron Vertica - Holo Rancor
 Hiet Frodynn: Sierra Grigna - Gloomlight vrake - Rimefrost whitefang - Cartel Recreation skiff
 Kida: Arbor Makrin - Armored Woodland Varactyl
 Zach: Any Tauntaun
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