#Jope Ruonansuu
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kivikunnas · 10 months ago
Jope Ruonansuu - Enkeleitä Toisillemme [EngSub]
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bop-y · 5 years ago
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Heard that Jope Ruonansuu passed away earlier today. For you non Finns, he was a Finnish comedian, musician, imitator and actor. I remember enjoying watching his ’’Jopet Show’’ as a kid with my family. Not gonna lie it’s really strange to hear that such a legend is no longer there.
Lepää rauhassa, Jope.
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hehkuvamyyhapero · 5 years ago
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se tunne kun avaa is:än ja näkee tän ja hetken vain tuijottaa ruutua
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ruttotohtori · 5 years ago
Viihdetaiteilija Jorma Olavi "Jope" Ruonansuu on kuollut. Ruonansuun entinen manageri Tapio Pieskä vahvistaa tiedon STT:lle.
– Kyllä suru-uutinen on totta, Pieskä sanoo.
Ruonansuu menehtyi tänään. Hän oli kuollessaan 56-vuotias. Ruonansuulta löydettiin ruokatorven syöpä vuonna 2018, minkä jälkeen hän ei enää esiintynyt julkisuudessa.
Pieskä vahvistaa kuoleman liittyvän syöpään, muttei halua kommentoida asiaa vielä enempää.
– Takki on aika tyhjä.
Pitkän uransa jo 16-vuotiaana aloittanut Ruonansuu tunnettiin työstään koomikkona, näyttelijänä ja muusikkona.
Hänet muistetaan lukuisista radio- ja tv-ohjelmista, muun muassa tv-ohjelmasta Jopet Show. Hänen imitaattoriuralleen mahtui erilaisia hahmoja jopa 150.
Ruonansuu palkittiin uransa aikana muun muassa Huumori-Emmalla vuonna 1996, vuoden viihdetaitelijan palkinnoilla vuosina 1998 ja 2001 sekä Venla-palkinnolla vuonna 2010 parhaana tv-esiintyjänä.
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thespacecowboyyy · 5 years ago
Okei rest in peace jope ruonansuu
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jalkasienimuhennos · 5 years ago
Nyt meni kyllä päivä pilalle kun kuulin että meidän legendaarinen Jope Ruonansuu poistui keskuudestamme
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tirsu · 5 years ago
Ei ole todellista. Jope Ruonansuu on kuollut. :( Suomi menetti hyvän koomikon ja imitaattorin (ja muusikon).
R.I.P. Jope
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tissitwiitit · 5 years ago
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Jakso 19
Aleksi Mustonen @mustosaku
Väpällä tuntuu olevan enkeli ja piru olkapäillä. “En oo tehny mitään - Olenpas” vai onko se Jope? #tisuomi
Lassi Ikonen @IkonenLassi
Väpän filosofia on vähintäänkin erikoinen mutta onneksi Mari jakaa sen täydellisesti #TISuomi
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jyrisee · 3 years ago
Ollaanko enkeleitä toisillemme? Kai sinut ikuisesti pitää saan Jos oomme enkeleitä toisillemme Emme muuta enää kaipaisikaan
Jope Ruonansuu: Enkeleitä toisillemme
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classicrockblog1 · 6 years ago
Mr Lordi aka Mr L (born 15 February 1974,) is a Finnish #musician, businessman, special effect make-up artist, #songwriter, actor, painter, comics artist and graphic designer.
Mr L is best known as the #lead #vocalist in the #heavy #metal/ #hard #rock #band Lordi. In the band he is responsible for songwriting and creating all the masks, costumes, graphics and stage props.
Mr Lordi has written songs and painted cover artworks for many bands and artists like Rotten Sound, Jope Ruonansuu, Domination Black,Grandevils and Agnes Pihlava. He has also had a few art exhibitions in Finland.
All publicity photographs of Mr Lordi have his face concealed with his mask and stage makeup.[1] However, many tabloids have published fake photos of his unmasked face. A real published photograph of his unmasked face was taken in the early 1990s, as the chairman of Kiss Army Finland.
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newonspotify · 11 years ago
Album Information
Album - Porsaanperän pikkujoulut!
Album Popularity - 0.45
Artist - Jope Ruonansuu
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kansaanvalinen · 12 years ago
Ilman sua Saharakin kylmä on
Kakkonen: tossa sulle vielä (jopen äänellä): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CKE7QjpWGs
Ykkönen: toi onki ehkä paras disneylaulu
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kasperstromman · 13 years ago
Best of Jope Ruonansuu album covers 1988–2010
Jope Ruonansuu, is a comedian/impersonator/musician who has enjoyed great success for nearly three decades now. Here's a best of his comedy record covers. 
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Matkiva kulkuri, 1988
Hey look – it's a fresh faced Jope standing in front of some vintage Detroit muscle looking a bit like a young Jabba the Hut. Or Epic Sax Walrus. Believe it or not, but this is actually the best record cover Jope has done to date.
Don't believe us? Then we present you...
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Jope Ruonansuu presidentiksi, 1993
Being an impersonator it's hard not to get involved in politics. Or wearing a Finnish flag tie to a backdrop of a Finnish flag. We get it. You're supposed to be a politician.
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Politiikkaa ja erotiikkaa, 1993
In fact, so much fun can be poked at politicians, so why not realease a second album the same year? On this cover Jope is giving THE FINGER to politics, and the Man in general.
It's not too subtle, is it? Look, he's FLIPPING THE BIRD on the cover. Sure everyone is getting it?
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Kiikun kaakun, 1994
A change in direction can be seen though for the 1994 Kiikun kaakun album. This cover actually doesn't differ that much from most Finnish album covers released that year. “So how do we know it's funny”, we hear you ask. 
Well, we don't. Is it?
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Piinapenkki, 1996
By 1996 jope's graphic designer is finally starting to find his own, unique style. A style that won't win any awards, but will resonate well with the man on the street.
You see, it can't be anything too fancy or peope won't think it's funny.
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Vara Mara, 1997
Vara Mara sees a return to politic impersonation. Jope's version of president Ahtisaari is sidesplittingly funny. The record cover reflects this funniness.
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Neuroopan omistajat, 1998
Finland becomes part of the Europian Union in January 1995, and this is still a hot topic in 1998. Jope decides to ”take the pulse” on things with his new comedic record. He's quite literal about it.
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Hauskaa joulua t: Jope, 2000
Stop press – the millennium sees a new, illustration-led direction for Jope! His graphic designer also has a huge relevation by discovering the typeface for the new millennium, Sand.
Sand is both informal and funny. What a perfect typeface.
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Lomakiertue, 2001
The new style proves succesful. The Lomakiertue CD is also grundbreaking by including a game and some video content. Technology is amazing.
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Työnnä kännykkä hanuriin, 2002
By 2002 literally everyone has a mobile phone, and Jope tells you to “shove it up your backside”. Not sure why that's supposed to be funny?
We guess you have to listen to the CD to get the subtle humour. 
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Finnshits, 2003
Ha ha, okay, but this is funny. It's a clever pun on the Finnhits series of records – popular in the 1970 – but Jope is calling his CD Finnshits!
Ruonansuu also manages to show off his range as an impersonator on the cover – it's like looking at five different persons! 
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Tosi-CD, 2004
Jope still has his finger on the puls when reality-TV hits the screens big time in the early noughties. He's so with it.
This is also the first in a series of albums that parody popular movements in society.
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Me hirviöt, 2006
Lordi wins the Eurovision song contest in 2006 dressed up as monsters. Jope realizes he kind of looks like a monster a releases a parodic album.
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Tanssii läskien kanssa, 2007
Jope's version of Dances with the Stars is called “Dances with the fatsoes”. Because he's fat. Ha ha!
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Enkeleitä toisillemme, 2007
Wow–wow–wow. But wait, what's this now? Jope Ruonansuu suddenly releases a non-comedical album in 2007 with his “most sensitive songs”. What's going on? Is it even the same guy anymore?
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Naamakirja, 2010
Luckily Jope is back in form three years later with his Facebook parody album, Naamakirja.
Good old Jope!
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zlyhohd-blog · 14 years ago
Downloadable Petelius ja Ruonansuu show Movie
Petelius ja Ruonansuu show movie download
Pirkka-Pekka Petelius Jope Ruonansuu
Download Petelius ja Ruonansuu show
Petelius ja Ruonansuu Show : Petj ja doping - DragTimes.com Paavo "m Petjnkyljen lehdisttilaisuus Petelius ja Ruonansuu Show oli internetiss vuonna 2001 esitetty sketsisarja. Petelius ja Ruonansuu Show : Kahden illan tuttu 2 - YouTube Heikki ja Lollo Otusjooga tekevt sen taas kerran. Naurunappula.com tarjoaa hauskimmat kuvat ja huumorivideot. Jope Ruonansuu Actor: "Jopet-show: Jopet-show on pieni askel televisiolle, mutta suuri askel katsojakunnalle (#5.7)". Pirkka-Pekka Petelius - IMDb Pirkka-Pekka Petelius, Actor: Team Ahma.. Petelius ja Ruonansuu Show Wikipedia Petelius ja Ruonansuu Show oli vuonna 2001 esitetty suomalainen sketsisarja. ruonansuu - AOL Video Watch ruonansuu shows and episodes on AOL Video. types of online video including hit television shows, full-length movies, breaking news clips, sports. Sarjassa esiintyivt Pirkka-Pekka Petelius ja Jope Ruonansuu.. ja Pedro. Visit. 1999-2000 Tunteen palo (TV series) Jaani Lompolo. Petelius ja Ruonansuu Show : M.A ja Pedro Saksassa - YouTube 2:03Add toAdded to queue Petelius ja Ruonansuu Show : Stiller ja PPPby homppaa16,681 views. Petelius ja Ruonansuu Show : Karpon pukkivisa. "Petelius ja Ruonansuu show" (2001) Srie TV. 2001 Petelius ja Ruonansuu show (TV series) Various Characters. hietanen - AOL Video Watch hietanen shows and episodes on AOL Video
A Dark Reflection hd The Black Monk hd film Ghost Dad
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classicrockblog1 · 7 years ago
Mr Lordi aka Mr L (born 15 February 1974) is a Finnish #musician, businessman, special effect make-up artist, #songwriter, #actor, painter, comics artist and graphic designer.
Mr L is best known as the lead vocalist in the heavy metal/hard rock band Lordi. In the band he is responsible for songwriting and creating all the masks, costumes, graphics and stage props.
Mr Lordi has written songs and painted cover artworks for many bands and artists like Rotten Sound, Jope Ruonansuu, Domination Black,Grandevils and Agnes Pihlava. He has also had a few art exhibitions in Finland.
All publicity photographs of Mr Lordi have his face concealed with his mask and stage makeup.[1] However, many tabloids have published fake photos of his unmasked face. A real published photograph of his unmasked face was taken in the early 1990s, as the chairman of Kiss Army Finland.
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