#Jon Julio
dspd · 9 months
Hogwarts Houses (RadDan°TM) I think some TMA characters might've been in very randomly selected
Jon Sims - Slytherin - specifically because he would have been a Ravenclaw except he had that defining moment with Mr. Spider which made him want knowledge to prevent being so powerless, as many traumatized
Graham Folger - Ravenclaw - bro took a criminology course for funsies do I need to say more?
Julio Hernandez - Hufflepuff - guy seems like a solid, down to earth, dependable person
Father Burroughs - Gryffindor - he's got good intentions but his righteousness blinded him to his straying from his chosen path
NotThem - Hufflepuff - while closer to a magical beast than human, NotThem is patient and persistent in how they stalk their victims, whose magical properties works very hard, and has the hidden teeth of a badger which very few ever see. The Hat only sorts according to the head it was placed on and would let NotThem matriculate.
Dominic Swain - Ravenclaw - theater nerd that knows a little bit about a lot of things, certainly enough to spy the diamond in the rough of a Leitner book
Martin Blackwood - Hufflepuff - no one knew why since he didn't talk much and always had his nose in a book and kept to himself in a Ravenclawish way but, even though he's a muggle born, he had a roaring side business during the summer selling easy-to-disguise-as-Muggle potions to pay for his mother's live-in carer while he's away at school.
Stoker brothers - Gryffindor - idk they give off Sirius mixed with Weasleys vibes
Tova McHugh - Slytherin - the whole taking but balancing with good deeds is giving upper class/super rich it's okay because look at my philanthropy eat the rich vibes. Definitely a pure blood or pure blood adjacent that quietly believes in that shit but, similar to Narcissa, does have a wall she hits when she says enough
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dccomicsnews · 2 years
Review: Nightwing 2022 Annual
Review: Nightwing 2022 Annual
Review: Nightwing 2022 Annual[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Tom Taylor, Jay Kristoff and C.S. PacatArt: Eduardo Pansica & Julio Ferreira and Inaki MirandaColors: Adriano LucasLetters: Wes Abbott Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd Summary We’re gifted a trio of tales in the Nightwing 2022 Annual. We see the origin of Heartless and learn what goes on in Haley Grayson’s mind…
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reporternox · 6 months
Jon the type'a guy who had a grey horse nammed Puddle or Smoke
He had a white horse named julio :)
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medium-observation · 2 years
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Beetlejuice - First US National Tour
December 1, 2022 - Medium Observation
Justin Collette (Beetlejuice), Isabella Esler (Lydia Deetz), Britney Coleman (Barbara Maitland), Will Burton (Adam Maitland), Jesse Sharp (Charles Deetz), Kate Marilley (Delia Deetz), Danielle Marie Gonzalez (Miss Argentina), Abe Goldfarb (Otho), Brian Vaughn (Maxie Dean), Karmine Alers (Maxine Dean/Juno), Jackera Davis (Girl Scout)
Decent video from the first performance of the tour! Shot between heads so obstruction can be seen. Worked around the best I could. Shakiness and washout are seen at times. Overall not a bad video from Paducah which shows how much has changed already in the tour.
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NFT Date: September 1, 2023
Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAiqJy
Video is $15
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A Strange Loop - Broadway
January 15, 2023 - Medium Observation
Jaquel Spivey (Usher), L Morgan Lee (Thought 1), James Jackson Jr. (Thought 2), John-Michael Lyles (Thought 3), John-Andrew Morrison (Thought 4), Jason Veasy (Thought 5), Jon-Michael Reese (u/s Thought 6)
Very nice video of closing! Lots of wideshots, and nice zooms. Filmed from the balcony so the video has a somewhat different angle. A speaker can be seen in the top left of the screen at times but doesn't take away from much of anything in the show.
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NFT Date: September 1, 2023
Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAoSqh
Video is $20
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Cinderella (Andrew Lloyd Webber) - Broadway (Bad Cinderella)
February 17, 2023 - Medium Observation
Linedy Genao (Cinderella), Jordan Dobson (Prince Sebastian), Carolee Carmelo (The Stepmother), Grace McLean (The Queen), Sami Gayle (Adele), Morgan Higgins (Marie), Christina Acosta Robinson (The Godmother), Josh Drake (Arthur), Cameron Loyal (Prince Charming), J Savage (Gawain), Dave Schoonover (Dorian), Mike Baerga (Ensemble), Raymond Baynard (Ensemble), Lauren Boyd (Ensemble), Kaleigh Cronin (Ensemble), Ben Lanham (Ensemble), Ángel Lozada (Ensemble), Mariah Lyttle (Ensemble), Sarah Meahl (Ensemble), Christian Probst (Ensemble), Larkin Reilly (Ensemble), Julio Rey (Ensemble), Lily Rose (Ensemble), Tregoney Shepherd (Ensemble), Paige Smallwood (Ensemble), Aléna Watters (Ensemble)
First Performance! Near flawless video, besides some washout in wideshots and shakiness at times. Very minimal obstruction if any at all.
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NFT Date: September 1, 2023
Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAsWvz
Video is $20
All videos can be purchased through me
Email to purchase: [email protected]
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ljj86196280-blog · 6 months
Adrian Bush_阿德里安·布什 Albert Gleizes_阿尔伯特·格莱兹 Albert Koetsier_阿尔伯特·科齐尔 Alberto Magnelli_阿尔贝托·马格内利 Alena Aenami_阿莱娜·埃纳米 Alex Brock_亚历克斯·布洛克 Alex Garant_亚历克斯·加兰特 Alex Hirsch_亚历克斯·赫希 Alexander Archipenko_亚历山大·阿奇彭科 Alexander Millar_亚历山大·米勒 Alexandre Chaudret_亚历山大·肖德雷 Alice Bailly_爱丽丝·贝利 Alice Rahon_艾丽丝·拉洪 Alphonse Osbert_阿尔方斯·奥斯伯特 Anato Finnstark_阿纳托·芬斯塔克 Andrei Sokolov_安德烈·索科洛夫 Andy Warhol_安迪·沃霍尔 Angelina Wrona_安吉丽娜·沃纳 Anish Kapoor_安尼什·卡普尔 Anka Zhuravleva_安卡·朱拉夫莱娃 Anna and Elena Balbusso_安娜和埃琳娜·巴尔布索 Annie Leibovitz_安妮莱博维茨 Antonio J. Manzanedo_安东尼奥·J·曼萨内多 Antonio Mancini_安东尼奥·曼奇尼 aritst.txt_阿里斯特.txt Atelier Olschinsky_奥尔辛斯基工作室 Atey Ghailan_阿蒂·盖兰 Auguste Herbin_奥古斯特·赫宾 Auguste Rodin_奥古斯特·罗丹 Barbara Hepworth_芭芭拉·赫普沃斯 Bastien Lecouffe Deharme_巴斯蒂安·勒库夫·德阿姆 Bene Rohlmann_贝尼·罗尔曼 Benjamin West_本杰明·韦斯特 Berthe Morisot_贝尔特·莫里索 Bill Gekas_比尔·吉卡斯 Bill Jacklin_比尔·杰克林 Bill Sienkiewicz_比尔·显克维奇 Bob Dylan_鲍勃·迪伦 Botero_博特罗 Brent Cotton_布伦特棉花 Brent Heighton_布伦特·海顿 Carne Griffiths_卡恩·格里菲斯 Carolina Herrera_卡罗琳娜·海莱娜 Carson Grubaugh_卡森·格鲁博 Cedric Seaut_塞德里克·西奥特 Charles Addams_查尔斯·亚当斯 Charles Dwyer_查尔斯·德威尔 Charles White_查尔斯·怀特 Chesley Bonestell_切斯利·博内斯特尔 Chiho Aoshima_青岛千帆 Christian Lassen_克里斯蒂安·拉森 Clara Peeters_克拉拉·皮特斯 Coles Phillips_科尔斯菲利普斯 Conrad Roset_康拉德·罗塞特 Dale Chihuly_戴尔·奇胡利 Dana Schutz_达纳·舒茨 Daniela Uhlig_丹妮拉·乌利格 Dao Le Trong_道乐仲 Dave Heath_戴夫·希思 David Bomberg_大卫·邦伯格 David Carson_大卫·卡森 Del Kathryn Barton_德尔·凯瑟琳·巴顿 Delphin Enjolras_德尔芬·安灼拉 Desmond Morris_德斯蒙德·莫里斯 Donato Giancola_多纳托·詹科拉 Edgar Degas_埃德加·德加 Edmund Tarbell_埃德蒙·塔贝尔 Edouard Manet_爱德华·马奈 Edwin Lord Weeks_埃德温·洛德·威克斯 El Lissitzky_艾尔·利西茨基 Eric Wallis_埃里克·沃利斯 Ernst Barlach_恩斯特·巴拉克 Felicien Rops_菲利西安·罗普斯 Fernand Khnopff_费尔南德·克诺普夫 Franck Tacito_弗兰克·塔西托 Franz Vohwinkel_弗朗茨·沃温克尔 Frenchy_法国风情 Frida Kahlo_弗里达·卡罗 Giacomo Balla_贾科莫·巴拉 Greg Olsen_格雷格·奥尔森 Gustav Klimt_古斯塔夫·克里姆特 Hayv Kahraman_海夫·卡赫拉曼 Henry Asencio_亨利·阿森西奥 Herbert Bayer_赫伯特拜尔 Hieronymus Bosch_希罗尼穆斯·博斯 Hikari Shimoda_下田光 Hilary Purnamasari_希拉里·普尔纳玛萨里 Hou China_侯 中国 Hsiao-Ron Cheng_郑晓蓉 Ikenaga Yasunari_池永康成 Ilya Kuvshinov_伊利亚·库夫希诺夫 Inna Mosina_因娜·莫西纳 Irene Sheri_艾琳·谢里 Jack Hughes_杰克·休斯 James Gilleard_詹姆斯·吉拉德 James Jean_詹姆斯·吉恩 Jamie Hawkesworth_杰米霍克斯沃斯 Jane Newland_简·纽兰 Jason Rhoades_贾森·罗德斯 Jay DeFeo_杰·德菲奥 Jean Fautrier_让·福特里耶 Jean Metzinger_让·梅辛格 Jean Nouvel_让·努维尔 Jean Pierre Targete_让·皮埃尔·塔雷特 Jean-Gabriel Domergue_让-加布里埃尔·多默格 Jean-Louis Forain_让-路易斯·福兰 Jean-Louis Prevost_让·路易·普雷沃斯特 Jean-Michel Basquiat_让-米歇尔·巴斯奎特 Jean-Paul Riopelle_让-保罗·里奥佩尔 Jeanie Tomanek_珍妮·托马内克 JeeYoung Lee_李智英 Jeff Kinney_杰夫·金尼 Jeff Wall_杰夫·沃尔 Jessica Drossin_杰西卡·德罗森 Jessica Rossier_杰西卡·罗西尔 Jessie Arms Botke_杰西·阿姆斯·博特克 Jessie Willcox Smith_杰西·威尔科克斯·史密斯 Jimmy Lawlor_吉米·劳勒 Joan Miró胡安·米罗 Joao Ruas若奥·鲁阿斯 Joe Bowler_乔·鲍勒 Joel Meyerowitz_乔尔·迈耶罗维茨 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe_约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德 John Anster Fitzgerald_约翰·安斯特·菲茨杰拉德 John Berkey_约翰·伯基 John Currin_约翰·科林 John Holcroft_约翰·霍尔克罗夫特 John Hoyland_约翰·霍伊兰 John Larriva_约翰·拉里瓦 John Perceval_约翰·珀西瓦尔 John Piper_约翰·派博 John Polgreen_约翰·波尔格林 John Singer Sargent_约翰·辛格·萨金特 John Wayne Gacy_约翰·韦恩·盖西 John White Alexander_约翰·怀特·亚历山大 Jon Foster_乔恩·福斯特 Jon Klassen_乔恩·克拉森 Joseba Elorza_何塞巴·埃洛扎 Joseph Beuys_约瑟夫·博伊斯 Joseph Ducreux_约瑟夫·杜克鲁 Joseph Farquharson_约瑟夫·法夸森 Joseph Karl Stieler_约瑟夫·卡尔·斯蒂勒 Joseph Lorusso_约瑟夫·洛鲁索 Josephine Wall_约瑟芬·沃尔 José Garnelo_何塞·加内洛 Jovana Rikalo_乔瓦娜·里卡洛 Jules Olitski_儒勒·奥利茨基 Jules Tavernier_儒勒·塔维尼尔 Juliana Nan_朱莉安娜·南 Julie Blackmon_朱莉·布莱克蒙 Julio Larraz_胡里奥·拉拉斯 Junko Mizuno_水野纯子 Junya Watanabe_渡边纯也 Justus Sustermans_贾斯特斯·苏斯特曼斯
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priokskfm · 6 months
#MixOfDay #Podcast #Radioshow #LiveDjset Big Love Radio Show – March 2024 – Lovebirds Big Mix Seamus Haji 1. Micky More & Andy Tee featuring Kathy Brown - I've Got Love For You (Extended Mix) - Soulfuric Trax 2. Key To Life - Forever (Michael Gray Remix) - Sub-Urban 3. Gianni Bini - Dancing & Grooving (Dave Lee Z Edit) - Groove Culture 4. Leo Sayer - Easier To Love (Riva Starr Edit) - White Label 5. Kelly G. X Candi Staton - Power Of One (Extended Mix) - Glitterbox 6. Blaze - Breathe (Natasha Diggs Remix) - Slip’n’Slide 7. Cleo Soul - Life Will Be (Michael Gray Remix) - White Label 8. SouLutions featuring Kathy Kosins & Louise Mehan - Distance - Soulutions 9. STR4TA - To Be As One (feat. Theo Croker) [Venom Remix] - Brownswood 10. Alicia Myers - I Want to Thank You (Short version) - MCA 11. Reel People feat. Mica Paris - I Want To Thank You (Kaidi Tatham Remix) - Reel People 12. Kai Alce, Ash Lauryn - Underground & Black (12 Inch Version) - NDATL Muzik 13. Demuir - Beat 7 - In Awe of You - Demuir 14. Seamus Haji feat Mike Dunn - Serious - Big Love 15. Orange Muse - Keep The Funk Alive (Primetime Mix) - Soulfuric Trax 16. Luv Muscle Body Check (Tedd Patterson Remix) - SoSure Music Lovebirds 1. Terrence Parker - Loves Got Me High (Marc Romboy Remix) - Systematic Recordings 2. Lovebirds - Burn It Down (Dub Mix) - Glitterbox 3. Disco Boogie Classics - Super Lover - Giant Cuts 4. Babak - Mon Repos - Neovinyl Recordings 5. Funkyjaws - Star Struck - Glenview 6. Ben Watt - Lone Cat - Buzzin Fly Records 7. Jon Cutler, E-man - It’s Yours - 4 To The Floor Records 8. Kathi Baker - Fa La La - Toledo 9. Lovebirds - Burn It Down (Club Mix) - Glitterbox 10. Julio Cruz - Dancing In The Stars - Must Be On Wax 11. Paxton Fettel - This Love (Get Over It) - Greta Cottage Workshop 12. Moullinex - Love, Love, Love - Discotexas 13. 40 Thieves - Don't Turn It Off (Session Victim Dub) - Permanent Vacation Germany Follow Big Love here ➡️ https://ift.tt/V2QdB4A House, Disco, Electronic, "Deep House", "Nu Disco", "Jackin House", "Classic House" www.priokskfm.online https://ift.tt/5zVTLhq
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cinemacentury · 8 months
Master list of all the movies/miniseries I watched in 2024.
New film Rewatch Theatrical Viewing
Monday, January 1 1. METROPOLITAN (Whit Stillman, 1990) 2. 2084: VIDEO CLIP FOR THE TRADE UNIONS’ REFLECTION AND PLEASURE (Chris Marker, 1984) (short) 3. THERE WILL COME SOFT RAINS (Nazim Tulakhodzhayev, 1984) (short) 4. TERRORIZERS (Edward Yang, 1986)
Tuesday, January 2 5. BLOOD SIMPLE. (Joel Coen, 1984) 6. CHARADE (Jon Minnis, 1984) (short) 7. FEELINGS (Todd Solondz, 1984) (short) 8. BEVERLY HILLS COP (Martin Brest, 1984) 9. LITTLE NEMO: ADVENTURES IN SLUMBERLAND PILOT 2 (Yoshifumi Kondo, Andrew Gaskill, 1984) (short) 10. IN THE BLUE SEA, IN THE WHITE FOAM… (Robert Sahakyants, 1984) (short) 11. THE WIND (Edward Yang, 2006) (short) 12. IN OUR TIME (Tao Te-chen, Edward Yang, Ko I-cheng, Chang Yi, 1982)
Wednesday, January 3 13. FALLEN ANGELS (Wong Kar-wai, 1995) 14. THE WINTER OF 1905 (Yu Wai Cheng, 1982) 15. MAHJONG (Edward Yang, 1996)
Thursday, January 4 16. ANTONIO GAUDI (Hiroshi Teshigahara, 1984) 17. A BRIGHTER SUMMER DAY (Edward Yang, 1991) 18. MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS (Vincente Minnelli, 1944)
Friday, January 5 19. DESERT HEARTS (Donna Deitch, 1985) 20. MANDABI (Ousmane Sembène, 1968) 21. SONGS FOR EARTH & FOLK (Cauleen Smith, 2013) (short)
Saturday, January 6 22. THE HEROIC TRIO (Johnnie To, 1993) 23. EXECUTIONERS: THE HEROIC TRIO 2 (Johnnie To, 1993)
Sunday, January 7 24. A CONFUCIAN CONFUSION (Edward Yang, 1994)
Monday, January 8 25. POLICE STORY (Jackie Chan, 1985)
Tuesday, January 9 26. POLICE STORY 2 (Jackie Chan, 1988)
Wednesday, January 10 27. AS TEARS GO BY (Wong Kar-Wai, 1988) 28. ROUNDHAY GARDEN SCENE (Louis Aimé Augustin Le Prince, 1988) (short) (rewatch)
Thursday, January 11 29. EXOTICA (Atom Egoyan, 1994)
Friday, January 12 30. SWIPED (Joseph Kahn, 2017) (short)
Saturday, January 13 31. ODD/EVEN (Ya-Ting “Itchy” Yang, 2022) (short) 32. CENTER STAGE (Stanley Kwan, 1992)
Sunday, January 14 33. THE BARE-FOOTED KID (Johnnie To, 1993)
Monday, January 15 34. THE BOOK OF CLARENCE (Jeymes Samuel, 2024)
Tuesday, January 16 35. POLICE STORY 3: SUPERCOP (Stanley Tong, 1992) 36. FOLLOWING (Christopher Nolan, 1998)
Wednesday, January 17 37. THE SEVENTH CURSE (Lam Ngai Kai, 1986)
Thursday, January 18 38. BEHIND THE YELLOW LINE (Taylor Wong, 1984)
Friday, January 19 39. CARGO (Julio Luna, 2015) (short)
Saturday, January 20 40. IRMA VEP (Oliver Assayas, 1996) 41. ROUGE (Stanley Kwan, 1991) 42. HERO (Zhang Yimou, 2002)
Sunday, January 21 43. GOLIATH (Don Bitters, 2022) (short) 44. SIGMUND (Bruno Bozzetto, 1984) (short)
Monday, January 22 45. SHANGHAI BLUES (Tsui Hark, 1984) 46. GODS FROM SPACE (Annalize Pasztor, 2018) (short) 47. ONE FROM THE HEART: REPRISE (Francis Ford Coppola, 1981; recut 2024) 48. INFERNAL AFFAIRS (Andrew Lau Wai-Keung, Alan Mak, 2002)
Tuesday, January 23 49. GREEN SNAKE (Tsui Hark, 1993) 50. FLAMIN’ HOT (Eva Longoria, 2023) 51. THE DARK KNIGHT (Christopher Nolan, 2008) (rewatch)
Wednesday, January 24 52. THE EIGHT DIAGRAM POLE FIGHTER (Lau Kar-leung, 1984)
Thursday, January 25 53. 2084 (Taz Goldstein, 2015) (short) 54. FLOREANA (Louis Morton, 2018) (short)
Friday, January 26  55. THE CREATOR (Gareth Edwards, 2023)
Saturday, January 27  56. BOAT PEOPLE (Ann Hui, 1982)
Sunday, January 28 57. OPPENHEIMER (Christopher Nolan, 2023) (rewatch) 58. THROW DOWN (Johnnie To, 2004)
Monday, January 29 59. ALL THE CROWS IN THE WORLD (Tang Yi, 2021) (short) 60. TWO WORLDS (Andy Lefton, 2015) (short)
Tuesday, January 30 61. HAPPY GHOST III (Johnnie To, 1986)
Wednesday, January 31 62. A DROWNFUL BRILLIANCE OF WINGS (Sofia Bohdanowicz, 2016) (short) 63. A HISTORY OF THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GETTY IMAGES (Richard Misek, 2022) (short) 64. THE LONG GOOD FRIDAY (John Mackenzie, 1980)
Thursday, February 1  65. THE TENDER GAME (John Hubley, 1958) (short) 66. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH (Leah Shore, 2014) (short) 67. THE PLEASURE OF LOVE IN IRAN (Agnes Varda, 1976) (short)
Friday, February 2  68. YOUR NAME. (Makato Shinkai, 2016)
Saturday, February 3  69. ARGYLLE (Matthew Vaughn, 2024)
Sunday, February 4  70. 24 HOUR PARTY PEOPLE (Michael Winterbottom, 2002) (rewatch) Monday, February 5 71. IN BETWEEN LOVES (Allan Fung Yi-Ching, 1989) Tuesday, February 6 72. MATEWAN (John Sayles, 1987) Wednesday, February 7 73. LOCAL HERO (Bill Forsyth, 1983)
Thursday, February 8 74. NOMADS (John McTiernan, 1986) Friday, February 9 75. WARSHA (Danie Bdier, 2022) (short) Saturday, February 10 76. NAI NAI & WAI PO (Sean Wang, 2023) (short) 77. THE ICEMAN COMETH (Clarence Yiu-leung Fok, 1989) Sunday, February 11 78. NIGHT AND FOG (Alain Resnais, 1956) (short) Monday, February 12 79. MRS. MINIVER (William Wyler, 1942) 80. DUNE (Denis Villeneuve, 2021) (rewatch) Tuesday, February 13 81. MOLOKA'I BOUND (Alika Maikau, 2019) (short) 82. FOREVER SLEEP (Zac Stracner, 2022) (short) Wednesday, February 14 83. THE EAGLE SHOOTING HEROES (Jeffrey Lau, 1993) 84. DON'T LOOK NOW (Nicolas Roeg, 1973) Thursday, February 15 85. PREDATOR (John McTiernan, 1987) Friday, February 16 86. PAPER MARRIAGE (Alfred Cheung, 1988) Saturday, February 17 87. HIROSHIMA MON AMOUR (Alain Resnais, 1959)
Sunday, February 18 88. THE MISFITS (John Huston, 1961) 89. A WOMAN UNDER THE INFLUENCE (John Cassavetes, 1974) Sunday, February 19 90. ALL'S WELL, ENDS WELL (Clifton Ko, 1992) Monday, February 20 91. THE WAGES OF FEAR (Henri-Georges Clouzot, 1953)  92. BEAU TRAVAIL (Claire Denis, 1999) Wednesday, February 22 93. FACE SWAP (David Gidali, Einat Tubi, 2019) 94. HOW TO PICK GIRLS UP! (Wong Jing, 1988) Friday, February 23 95. OPUS II (Walter Ruttmann, 1921)  Saturday, February 24 96. SEVEN SAMURAI (Akira Kurosawa, 1954) Sunday, February 25 97. WOMEN OF THE NIGHT (Kenji Mizoguchi, 1948)
Monday, February 26 98. THE MASK (Conner O'Malley, 2023) (short)
Tuesday, February 27 99. THE THIRD MAN (Carol Reed, 1949) (rewatch)
Wednesday, February 28 100. ALIEN (Ridley Scott, 1979) (rewatch) 101. BLADE RUNNER (FINAL CUT) (Ridley Scott, 1982/2007) (rewatch) Thursday, February 29 102. DUNE: PART TWO (Denis Villeneuve, 2024) 103. THE SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE (Victor Erice, 1973)
Friday, March 1 104. ONIBABA (Kaneto Shindō, 1964)  105. AUDITION (Takashi Miike, 1999) Saturday, March 2 106. AVALON (Barry Levinson, 1990)
Sunday, March 3 107. UGETSU (Kenji Mizoguchi, 1953) 108. A PAGE OF MADNESS (Teinosuke Kinugasa, 1926) 109. THRONE OF BLOOD (Akira Kurosawa, 1957) 
Wednesday, March 6 110. ROSE (aka BLUE VALENTINE) (Samson Chiu, 1992) 111. KLUTE (Alan J. Pakula, 1971) 112. LONE STAR (John Sayles, 1996) Thursday, March 7 113. THE GHOST OF YOTSUYA (Nobuo Nakagawa, 1959)  114. RING (Hideo Nakata, 1998) 115. BLIND WOMAN’S CURSE (Teruo Ishii, 1970)
Friday, March 8 116. DARK WATER (Hideo Nakata, 2002)
Saturday, March 9 117. PERFUMED NIGHTMARE (Kidlat Tahimik, 1977) 118. HOODLUM (Bill Duke, 1997) 119. PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE (Céline Sciamma, 2019)
Monday, March 11 120. BLIND BEAST (Yasuzō Masumura, 1969) 121. KURONEKO (Kaneto Shindō, 1968) 122. SOUTHLAND TALES (Richard Kelly, 2006)
Tuesday, March 12 123. WE OWN THE NIGHT (James Gray, 2007)
Wednesday, March 13 124. YOUR TURN: JURY SERVICE IN NEW YORK STATE (Harold Gold, 2016) (short) 125. JURY SERVICE AND FAIRNESS: UNDERSTANDING THE CHALLENGE OF IMPLICIT BIAS (Jennifer Dworkin, 2021) (short) 126. MOTHRA (Ishirō Honda, 1961) 127. JIGOKU (Nobuo Nakagawa, 1960) 128. HORRORS OF MALFORMED MEN (Teruo Ishii, 1969)
Thursday, March 14 129. CHINESE BOX (Wayne Wang, 1997) 130. MOON WARRIORS (Sammo Hung, 1992)
Friday, March 15 131. BETWEEN THE LINES (Joan Micklin Silver, 1977)
Saturday, March 16 132. LAST ACTION HERO (John McTiernan, 1993)
Sunday, March 17 133. EL FANTASMA DEL CONVENTO (aka THE PHANTOM OF THE MONASTERY) (Fernando de Fuentes, 1934) 134. CARNIVAL OF SOULS (Herk Harvey, 1962)
Monday, March 18 135. REBELS OF THE NEON GOD (Tsai Ming-liang, 1992) 136. DAYS OF BEING WILD (Wong Kar-wai, 1990)
Tuesday, March 19 137. LOVE LIES BLEEDING (Rose Glass, 2024)
Wednesday, March 20 138. THE FLOWERS OF ST. FRANCIS (Roberto Rossellini, 1950) 139. WALPURGIS NIGHT (Gustaf Edgren, 1935)
Thursday, March 21 140. IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE (Wong Kar-wai, 2000)
Friday, March 22 141. 2046 (Wong Kar-wai, 2004)
Saturday, March 23 142. SHERLOCK: THE SIGN OF THREE (Colm McCarthy, 2014)
Sunday, March 24 143. HISTORY OF THE OCCULT (Cristian Ponce, 2020)
Monday, March 25 144. HOLY WEAPON (Wong Jing, 1993) 145. WEST INDIES: THE FUGITIVE SLAVES OF LIBERTY (Med Hondo, 1979)
Tuesday, March 26 146. THE LAIR OF THE WHITE WORM (Ken Russell, 1988)
Wednesday, March 27 147. DOUBLES CAUSE TROUBLES (Wong Jing, 1989)
Friday, March 29 148. LE SAMOURAÏ (Jean-Pierre Melville, 1967)
Saturday, March 30 149. HEARTBEAT 100 (Kent Cheng Jak-Si, Lo Kin, 1987) 150. DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE (John McTiernan, 1995)
Sunday, March 31 151. IT’S A DRINK! IT’S A BOMB (David Chung, 1985)
Monday, April 1 152. THE ROMANCING STAR (Wong Jing, 1987)
Wednesday, April 3 153. FULL MOON IN NEW YORK (Stanley Kwan, 1989)
Friday, April 5 154. SHE AND HER CAT (Makoto Shinkai, 1999) (short) 155. SCOOP (Philip Martin, 2024)
Saturday, April 6 156. DUNE: PART TWO (Denis Villenueve, 2024) (rewatch)
Thursday, April 11 157. BOYS ARE EASY (Wong Jing, 1993)
Sunday, April 14 158. THE DRAGON FROM RUSSIA (Clarence Yiu-leung Fok, 1990)
Monday, April 15 159. CIVIL WAR (Alex Garland, 2024)
Wednesday, April 17 160. O.J.: MADE IN AMERICA (Ezra Edelman, 2016) 161. WANDERERS (Erik Wernquist, 2014) (short)
Friday, April 19 162. COMRADES: ALMOST A LOVE STORY (Peter Chan, 1996)
Monday, April 22 163. DUVIDHA (Mani Kaul, 1973)
Tuesday, April 23 164. LUCA GUADAGNINO'S CHALLENGERS (Luca Guadagnino, 2024)
Sunday, April 28 165. NIGHT TIDE (Curtis Harrington, 1961)
Monday, April 29 166. CINEMANIA (Stephen Kijak, Angela Christlieb, 2002)
Tuesday, April 30 167. MY NEXT GUEST WITH DAVID LETTERMAN AND JOHN MULANEY (Michael Steed, 2024)
Wednesday, May 1 168. A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH (Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger, 1946)
Thursday, May 2 169. LOVE SOLDIER OF FORTUNE (Stanley Fung, 1988)
Friday, May 3 170. PERFECT BLUE (Satoshi Kon, 1997)
Saturday, May 4 171. I SAW THE TV GLOW (Jane Schoenbrun, 2024) 172. THE FALL GUY (David Leitch, 2024)
Saturday, May 11 173. FAREWELL, CHINA (Clara Law, 1990) 174. MILLENNIUM ACTRESS (Satoshi Kon, 2001)
Sunday, May 12 175. KINGDOM OF THE PLANET OF THE APES (Wes Ball, 2024)
Monday, May 13 176. TIME OF THE HEATHEN (Peter Kass, 1961) 177. ROCK ALL NIGHT (Roger Corman, 1957)
Wednesday, May 15 178. CHUNGKING EXPRESS (Wong Kar-wai, 1994)
Thursday, May 16 179. ATTACK OF THE CRAB MONSTERS (Roger Corman, 1957)
Saturday, May 18 180. THE MAD MONK (Johnnie To, 1993) 181. DIVA (Jean-Jacques Beineix, 1981) 182. DRESSED TO KILL (Brian De Palma, 1980)
Sunday, May 19 183. THE KING OF COMEDY (Martin Scorsese, 1982) 184. FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH (Amy Heckerling, 1982) (rewatch) Monday, May 20 185. THE DISAPPEARANCE OF WILLIE BINGHAM (Matthew Richards, 2015) (short)
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boomgers · 1 year
Algo extraño está pasando allá arriba… “Good Omens 2”
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La segunda temporada explora las historias que van más allá del material original creado por Neil Gaiman y Terry Pratchett para mostrar más de la extraordinaria amistad entre Aziraphale, un quisquilloso ángel y vendedor de libros, y Crowley, el demonio que vive la vida al límite.
Sinopsis: Después de haber estado en la Tierra desde El Inicio, y después de frustrar el Apocalipsis, Aziraphale y Crowley están de vuelta viviendo la vida fácil entre los mortales de Soho en Londres, cuando un inesperado mensajero les presenta un sorprendente misterio.
Estreno: 28 de julio de 2023 en Prime Video.
La temporada está protagonizada por Michael Sheen, David Tennant, Jon Hamm, Doon Mackichan, Gloria Obianyo, Miranda Richardson, Maggie Service, Nina Sosanya, Quelin Sepulveda y Shelley Conn.
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jedivoodoochile · 2 years
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Eddie signed this check in 1982 to Warner Brothers for 3 gold and 2 platinum records. He and his bandmates had to reimburse the record company for their own Gold and Platinum records...$105 for each record...
Van Halen had an office at 6525 Sunset blvd., which is home to the famous Hollywood Athletic Club since 1924. The tower (which houses office space) was the tallest structure in Los Angeles when it opened on New Years Eve in 1924. The club fell into disrepair later on and had been on the market for 8 years before concert promoter and investor Gary Berwin purchased the club in 1978 and set about the huge task of restoring the building to its former grandeur.
The Berwin Entertainment Complex quickly became popular with the jet set and celebrities. Some of the famous tenants included the Beach Boys, VAN HALEN, Jose Feliciano, Island Records, and Baby-O Recording Studios. The list of celebrities who visited the building include Priscilla Presley, Lisa-Marie Presley, members of the Michael Jackson family, Steven Spielberg, Muhammad Ali (a regular visitor and friend), Mayor Tom Bradley, Sally Field, Princess Stephanie, Dudley Moore, Michael J Fox, Prince Mashour ben Saud of Saudi Arabia, Madonna, Rodney Dangerfield, Melanie Griffith, Lesley Ann Down, Jon Voigt, Paul Newman, George Lucas, Jaclyn Smith, Jane Fonda, Alice Cooper, Julio Iglesias, Stevie Wonder, Billy Crystal, Shirley McLane, and Gov. Jerry Brown.
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isacdemons · 1 year
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Jonathan Douglas Lord aka Jon Lord (Leicester, 9 de junio de 1941-Londres, 16 de julio de 2012).
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cuartoretorno · 2 years
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Frank Zappa, el último intelectual del rock?
Por Jon C. Alonso.
12 de Julio 2013 
Tendría 14 años y mi mundo se enredaba entre el punk-rock, el psychobilly y la New Wave. No tenía ni idea de quién era el ínclito Frank Zappa. Estaba en casa de un compañero de instituto y de repente pasé por el dormitorio de su hermano. Era un tienda de discos alucinante; llena de posters, entradas e iconos del Rock&Roll. Explorando aquel Minerva choqué con un estante prodigioso: la letra F. ¿podéis o pueden imaginarse la cantidad de buena música que empieza por la letra F? Bien, escudriñé todos los álbumes que pude. Aún tengo grabado el olor de aquellos guardavinilos de plástico trasparente. Qué gozada, cuando me doy de bruces con “Freak Out”(1966), el primer álbum que me atreví a sisar inocentemente, pues tan solo me lo llevé hasta la habitación de mi compañero de clase y lo pusimos en el plato Bettor Dual, le dimos volumen al ampli Vieta y las cajas acústicas llenaron aquella habitación de magia. Estaba totalmente out. No cabía en mi semejante asombro. Instrumentación y temas larguísimos. Me dio la risa floja pensando en el personaje de la portada y acordándome de unos de mis héroes preferidos del comic; los geniales Freak Brothers de Shelton.
Cómo los personajes outsiders de Shelton, creo que fue de lo más hermoso  publicado en 1966, junto a los álbumes de Hendrix, The Beatles, The Who o los Stones. A toro pasado, comprobamos la   transcendencia de la añada en la historia del rock contemporáneo. Uno, que también nacía aquel año,  por suerte, no en una furgoneta VW descacharrada. Aquellos tiempos en los que tan solo era un montón de pañales envueltos en Nenuco y chupete incorporado, mientras el genial Zappa estaba de lecturas en los circuitos universitarios con obras como; “Cerdos, caballos y rock and roll” o soplando un manillar de bicicleta: creando una leyenda, él. Nacido en un día cercano a la navidad de 1940 en Baltimore (Maryland, USA) La ciudad de “The Wire”. Su padre,  era un científico que trabajaba para el Gobierno y guitarrista vocacional en sus días de asueto. La familia se desplazo del frió Este  Atlántico a la calurosa y divertida California del Pacífico, cuando Frank era un pequeño chavalín. Entre sus primeras aficiones destacan la avidez por el coleccionismo  de discos de rock cosecha años 50 y R&B. Lo curioso de esta afición era su adicción por otra música clásica, más purista y selecta  como Stravinski y Edgard Varèse, a la postre una de sus grandes influencias.
Zappa era  único, pues,  ya apuntaba heterodoxias no muy lejanas. La grabación de  una cinta con apenas 20 años le trajo el primer lío con el sistema. Fue  condenado a 10 días de cárcel y tres años de libertad condicional por un video en la que ridiculizaba sexualmente a la policía. Se encaró al hipismo; la cultura del LSD. Algo que pudo resultar chocante en aquellos años. Ya que mostrarse en contra del consumo de drogas en aquel momento. Zappa dejó caer, “que en lugar de estimular la creatividad, las drogas idiotizan, la industria musical y la política, la misma basura”. Fue un alarde de valentía o nihilismo particular soltar semejante frase, sabiendo que los Angeles, cuna del movimiento no iba a generar simpatías. Es más, el mismo Zappa confesó, en cierta ocasión que llegó a componer música bajo los efectos de sustancias psicotrópicas. Pero no le gustó el resultado y se dio cuenta de que el alto nivel de exigencia de su música (tanto de escritura como de ejecución) requería estar lo más despierto
Siguió con su discurso: “desde el mismo instante en que introducen el elemento de la droga, contribuyen a sostener ese mismo sistema, ya que un individuo drogado no puede responder, pues es un inútil”. La visión de Zappa sobre las drogas resulta insólita en el mundo del rock. Entre sus ideas revolucionarias, destacan la producción de un concierto con música de Varese y la grabación de un disco de música barroca del siglo XVIII, y, aunque esto sería discutible, se plantó en el siglo XXI con su estilo—muy personal— de tocar la guitarra de rock and roll en discos como “Shut up & Player guitar”. La pregunta del millón era: ¿Es mortal a corto plazo? O tan sólo,  poner en evidencia a los Beatles con We’re only in it for the money (Sólo lo hacemos por dinero), una parodia del Sgt. Pepper, de riesgo, de incomprensión, de música para adictos. Satirizaba con furia la América establecida, alteraba las cintas de grabación, jugaba con el ruido, recitaba, utilizaba a Varèse, componía para orquesta y recordaba al rock de los cincuenta. De los happening con jirafa eyaculadora de nata sobre el publico y marines masacrando muñecos de trapo, mientras sonaba el God bless America. FZ y su obsesión por el pensamiento. Algo extraño en el R&Roll.  La época en la que pedía una nación sin gobierno, en la que afirmaba que harían falta 500 años para que la gente estuviese madura para ello. «Que sean 500.000 años», declaró en 1992. «En Washington están los peores payasos que el dinero puede comprar. Odio todas las corrientes políticas».
Un legado de 1966 a 1972, con los albunes imprescindibles desde mi amado “Freak Out!, pasando por “Absolutely Free”, “Lumpy Gravy”, “We’re Only In It for the Money”, “Cruising With Ruben & the Jets”, “Uncle Meat”, “Hot Rats”, “Burnt Weeny Sandwich”, “Weasels Ripped My Flesh”, “Chunga’s Revenge”, “Fillmore East, June 1971” y “Just Another Band From L.A”. No queda más que seguir deleitándonos con  el recuerdo de obra de un provocador, de un genio, como pocos ha conocido la historia de la música reciente. A modo de sentencia final, me quedo con su opinión sobre el rock: «El rock and roll se ha convertido en un gran negocio. Ya no está sujeto a la música o a la estética; sólo tiene que cuadrar con la identidad corporativa de las compañías de discos. El rock es un gran fraude». Podríamos seguir escribiendo hojas y páginas Word, pero se me acaba el espacio y el intelectual fue Frank y como aquel  monólogo de “200 Motels”; el compromiso político funciona como eje articulador y destrozador de las ilusiones de los ciudadanos. En 1993 fallecía con 52 años en su casa rodeado de su familia y seres más queridos.
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demichq · 2 years
as requested, here are some of our most wanted fcs ( in no particular order ): grace van dien, hande erçel, aaron johnson, sean teale, madelyn cline, madison bailey, pedro pascal, jon bernthal, grace van patten, zendaya, oscar isaac, jamie campbell bower, greta onieogou, shelley hennig, rami malek, andy biersack, summer bishil, penn badgley, daveed diggs, lupita nyong'o, demet özdemir, dev patel, tyler hoechlin, rachel keller, joseph quinn, jessie mei li, brianne howey, leslie odom jr, kiana madeira, olivia holt, blair redford, zac efron, simone ashley, kerem bürsin, ryan kelley, david castañeda, felix mallard, natasha liu bordizzo, matt smith, henry cavill, robert pattinson, medalion rahimi, kaylee bryant, chance perdomo, robert sheehan, julio macias, tanaya beatty, adria arjona, isabella gomez, sydney park, maya hawke, natalia dyer, sebastian stan, anthony mackie, kit harrington, brett gray, danny ramirez, adeline rudolph, imani lewis, chandler kinney, alexa demie, hunter doohan, alex saxon, daniel kaluuya, joe keery, yara shahidi, daniel sharman, johnathan daviss, timothée chalamet, zion moreno, anya chalotra, sara waisglass, nikki roumel, dacre montgomery, james scully, rudy pankow, antonia gentry, meg donnelly, abigail cowen, sasha calle, zoe saldana, george macakay,froy gutierrez, mena massoud, rege jean page, michael b jordan, jessica de gouw, alexandra daddario, lucy boynton, raymond ablack, milo manheim, jack mulhern, noah centineo, katheryn winnick, sophie turner, maddison jaizani, danielle rose russell, alexa demie, sydney sweeney, bill skarsgård, paul rudd, chris hemsworth, talia ryder, alba baptista, kristina tonteri-young, sam claflin, ewan mitchell, rj cyler, helena howard, hunter schafer, jameela jamil, maude apatow, barbie ferreira, manny jacinto, oliver jackson cohen, jessica marie garcia, madison iseman, victoria pedretti, riley keough, geraldine viswanathan
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jokin-izar · 2 days
- - - LIBROS - - - 
  “A las dos serán las tres”, Sergi Pàmies.   “Conseguirlo juntos”, Shelby Rhodes.
  “Cuando la tormenta pase”, Manel Loureiro.
  “Día 1”, Nick Clausen.   “Disidentes”, Pedro Lizcano.
  “La canción del superviviente”, Paul Tremblay.
  “La casa entre las cenizas”, Omar Galván.
  “La extraña vida de los objetos perdidos”, Flanagan McPhee.   “La Santa Compaña”, Lorenzo G. Acebedo.
  “La vegetariana”, Han Kang.
  “Los crímenes del glaciar”, Cristian Perfumo.
  “Los guapos”, Esther García Llovet.
  “Niebla roja”, A. J. Ryan.
  “Si te gusta la oscuridad”, Stephen King. 
  “Tarántula”, Eduardo Halfon.
  “Un animal salvaje”, Joël Dicker.     
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- - - SERIES - - -
   “Asesinato para principiantes”     "Cicatriz"     “Der Pass / Pagan Peak”, T1,T2,T3
   “Desde el mañana” 
   “El visitante” 
   “Entrevista con el vampiro” T2    "La Casa del Dragón", T2    "La materia oscura", T1,T2,T3    “Los Anillos del Poder” T1 
   "Nadie en el bosque"    “Terminator Zero"
   “The Acolyte"    “The Bear", T1,T2    “The Boys", T3
   “Those About To Die"    "Veronika" ......
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  - - - PELÍCULAS - - -
  "Alienoid"   "Blood and Snow"   "Borderlands"   "Dimensión paralela"   "El último viaje del Demeter"   "El Reino del Planeta de los Simios"   "En las profundidades del Sena"   "Furiosa. De la saga de Mad Max"   "Guerra Civil"   "La carretera"   "La Liga de la Justicia de Zack Snyder"   "La trampa"   "Los vigilantes"   "Proyecto Gemini"    "Rebel Moon. The Director's Cut", 1-2    "Watcher" 
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    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MÚSICA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Julio 2024
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THE WARNING - "Keep Me Fed"  (2024) CICADASTONE - "Future Echoes"  (2024) NOTHING MORE - "Carnal"  (2024) KITTIE - "Fire"  (2024) TOMMY VEXT - "A.N.T.A.R.T.I.C.A."  (2024) THE RUMOURS - "Kill Or Be Killed"  (2024) RAMENER - "5 Long Years"  (2024) KING 810 - "Under The Black Rainbow"  [EP] (2024) AMERAKIN OVERDOSE - "Artificial Infection"  (2024) FLAT BLACK  - "Dark Side Of The Brain"  (2024) FEUERHAMMER - "Besucher aus der Ferne"  (2024) DEEP PURPLE -  " = 1 "  (2024) DOGMA - "Dogma"  (2023) SKYEYE - "New Horizons"  (2024)
 Agosto 2024
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INNER STRENGTH - "Daydreaming in Moonlight"  (2024) REAKTION - "Justice Flies"  (2024) EISENHERZ - " III "  (2024) POWERWOLF - "Wake Up The Wicked"  (2024) THE SMASHING PUMPKINS - "Aghori Mori Mei" (2024) SOULBOUND - "ObsYdian"  (2024) HAMMERFALL - "Avenge The Fallen"  (2024) SIAMESE - "Hurricane"  (2024) ROLLING QUARTZ - "Victory"  (2024) [EP] GOJIRA - "Fortitude"  (2021) STAHLMANN - "Phosphor"  (2024) JON ANDERSON & The Band Geeks - "True"  (2024)
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SIMONE SIMONS - "Vermillion"  (2024) MARILYN MANSON - "Raise the Red Flag"  (2024) DARK TRANQUILLITY - "Endtime Signals"  (2024) STRATOVARIUS - "Demand"  (2024) LOVEBITES - "Lovebites EP II"  [EP]  (2024) DAMPF - "No Angels Alive"  (2024) STONEMAN - "Neu"  (2024) DAVID GILMOUR - "Luck and Strange"  (2024) LEPROUS - "Melodies Of Atonement"  (2024) THE DEAD DAISIES - "Light 'Em Up"  (2024) BLACK LAKES - "Dead Gods"  (2024) CHAOSBAY - "Are You Afraid"  (2024) SILENT THEORY - "Tell Us How It Ends"  (2024) VICTORY - "Circle Of Life"  (2024)
0 notes
green-ocean · 2 months
𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭 𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭 ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ 𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭 𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭
▷ 60s 70s 80s 90s 2000s 2010s 2020s
▷ English Español Français Italiano Norsk Português instrumental
𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭 𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭 ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ 𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭 𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭
▷ ABBA Adele Alan Walker Alphaville Anastasia (1997) The Animals Annalisa Anitta Arctic Moneys Ava Max
▷ Beathoven Bebe Rexha Billie Eilish Bjørn Eidsvåg Bonnie Tyler boygenius Bruno Mars BTS
▷ Calvin Harris Camilo Sesto Chappell Roan Charles Aznavour Charlie Puth Charlie xcx Chris Abolade Clarissa Coldplay Conan Gray
▷ Daft Punk Dr. Disco Dua Lipa
▷ Epic: The Musical Erik Bye
▷ Fleetwood Mac fun.
▷ girl in red
▷ Hozier
▷ Isabel Pantoja IZA
▷ Jão J-Dawg Jon Ranes Julio Iglesias
▷ Karpe Kehlani Kris Winther
▷ Lady Gaga Lana Del Rey Laura Branigan Lille Saus Lil Nas X Linkin Park
▷ Marcus & Martinus Marina Megan Thee Stallion Miss Amani MHRAP Måneskin
▷ Nino Bravo
▷ Olivia Rodrigo Owl City
▷ Panic! At The Disco Pentatonix
▷ Rámon Randi Oline Roc Boyz
▷ Sandra Santana Segertåget Seu Jorge Sia Soppgirobygget Sportsalleen Swedish House Mafia
▷ Tauz Taylor Swift Thousand Foot Krutch Troye Sivan
▷ Victor & Leo Voyager
▷ Will Wood
▷ Zezé Di Camargo & Luciano
𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭 𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭 ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ 𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭 𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 2 months
Creo que sería digno de Estudió o de sacar alguna conclusión sobre el cáncer o enfermedades raras como el ELA ..las que han tenido que ver alrededor mío o con el apocalipsis..como el de Kylie Minogue o el de la madre de su ex novio VELENCOSO [que debuto en cine en Apocaliptica FIN y en SEÑOR DAME PACIENCIA para luego hacerle una serie a medida en ARGENTINA]..o el de la mujer de mi vecino Ingles VICTORIA CAMPOS nada más trasladarse a vivir junto a mi o el de ADORACION alias DORI que limpiaba en mi casa hasta que la salio CANCER después que mi vecino inglés Robert Chubb la diera día de mi 47 cumple [28_11_18 =fui a ver a Orillas del MANZANA+eRES o sala LA RIVIERA a jon HOPKINS que colaboro en cd VIVA LA VIDA OR DEATH AND ALL HIS FRIENDS de COLDPLAY a los que sirvieron JAMONES mis amigos de JAMONALIA para su concierto en LAS VENTAS cuando grabaron concierto de MYLO XYLOTO] una fotocopia de la noticia del TEMBLOR que noto MADRID en 2015 ilustrada con una foto del CONSEJO GENERAL DEL PODER JUDICIAL donde estuve pankarteando en JULIO 2004 siendo sustituida por una ecuatoriana que vivía en calle CRISTO DE LA VICTORIA como supe al fotografiar su DNI sobre el cd JUSTICIA UNIVERSAL de DORIAN que se lo vi presentar 3 veces: a orillas del MANZANA+eRES, festival RIO BABEL [=canción del duramente CASTIGADO CERATI o del cd BOCANADA como VERBO CARNE O PERDONAR ES DIVINO] y CRUILLA FESTIVAL de BARCELONA justo antes de ver a KYLIE MINOGUE presentar cd GOLDEN tras cd KISS ME ONCE..y al día siguiente a TESTAMENT en ROCK FESTIVAL de BARCELONA..también la hija de LUIS ENRIQUE, el TRILLIZO de CAÑIZARES y el hijo de ESNAIDER tienen relación con ESTO o LA REVELACION como un largo ETC..yo pienso que a nivel general tienen que ver con el PECADO ORIGINAL o la OSCURIDAD que se crea entre SEXO Y DINERO que da lugar a todo TIPO DE VICIOS de CUERPO, MENTE Y ALMA como es MENTIR
Creo que lo más explicito fue que malogrado Pau Dones de JARABE DE PALO [=CASTIGO] me firmará con camiseta de cerveza mexicana SOL su cd SOMOS con IVANCRISTO Y SALUD saliendole CANCER DE COLON a continuacion
Yo lo que creo es que DIOS sí lo cree conveniente puede dar una Segunda oportunidad o curar..pero lo que creo seguro es que CASTIGA y que no se anda con CHIQUITAS
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dan6085 · 3 months
The top 20 richest musicians in 2024 have amassed their wealth from a variety of income sources:
1. **Jay-Z** - $2.5 billion: Music sales, streaming, touring, business ventures (Roc Nation, Tidal)[1][2][3]
2. **Rihanna** - $1.7 billion: Music sales, streaming, touring, cosmetics business (Fenty Beauty)[1][3]
3. **Taylor Swift** - $1.1 billion: Music sales, streaming, touring, endorsements[1][3]
4. **Madonna** - $850 million: Music sales, touring, business ventures[1][3]
5. **P Diddy** - $800 million: Music sales, touring, business ventures (Ciroc, Revolt TV)[1][3]
6. **Celine Dion** - $800 million: Music sales, touring, endorsements[1][3]
7. **Beyoncé** - $800 million: Music sales, streaming, touring, endorsements[1][3]
8. **Bono** - $730 million: Music sales, touring, business ventures (Elevation Partners)[1][3]
9. **Elton John** - $650 million: Music sales, touring, endorsements[1][3]
10. **Bruce Springsteen** - $650 million: Music sales, touring, book deals[1][3]
11. **Dolly Parton** - $675 million
Country music legend Dolly Parton has amassed her fortune through decades of hit songs, successful tours, and business ventures like her Dollywood theme park. [1][2][4]
12. **Elton John** - $650 million
The iconic singer-songwriter Elton John has earned his wealth through record sales, concert tours, and business investments over his illustrious 50+ year career. [1][2][4]
13. **Bruce Springsteen** - $650 million
Known as "The Boss", Bruce Springsteen is one of the best-selling music artists of all time. His net worth comes from album sales, touring, and royalties from his extensive music catalog. [1][2][4]
14. **Julio Iglesias** - $600 million
Spanish singer Julio Iglesias is one of the best-selling Latin music artists, with over 300 million records sold worldwide. His fortune comes from music sales, tours, and business ventures. [1][2][4]
15. **Sting** - $550 million
Former frontman of The Police, Sting has found great success as a solo artist, earning his wealth through album sales, concert tours, and acting roles. [1][2][4]
16. **Dr. Dre** - $500 million
Hip-hop producer and rapper Dr. Dre amassed his fortune through his music career, as well as his lucrative business ventures like Beats Electronics. [1][2][4]
17. **Emilio Estefan** - $500 million
Cuban-American music producer Emilio Estefan, husband of Gloria Estefan, has built his wealth through his work as a musician, songwriter, and entrepreneur. [1][2][4]
18. **Mick Jagger** - $500 million
As the lead singer of the iconic rock band The Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger has earned his massive net worth through album sales, tours, and other business ventures. [1][2][4]
19. **Keith Richards** - $500 million
Guitarist and co-founder of The Rolling Stones, Keith Richards' net worth comes from the band's hugely successful music career spanning over 50 years. [1][2][4]
20. **Jon Bon Jovi** - $410 million
Frontman of the rock band Bon Jovi, Jon Bon Jovi has amassed his fortune through album sales, concert tours, and business investments. [1][2][4]
[1] 25 richest musicians in the world in 2024 and their net worth - Yen News https://yen.com.gh/158893-richest-musicians-world.html
[2] The 50 Richest Singers in the World (2024) | Wealthy Gorilla https://wealthygorilla.com/richest-singers-world/
[3] Top 20 Richest Musicians In Africa 2024 - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPWXOhuGnsU
[4] The Richest Musicians In The World, As Of 2024 - TheRichest https://www.therichest.com/richest-musicians-in-the-world/
[5] Top20 Richest Musicians In Nigeria 2024 & Their Networth - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LA_YhhT350
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