#Jomike newsies
kid-blinks-eyepatch · 16 days
why Jojo was raised by nuns👨‍👩‍👦🚫
Jojo had gone to say hi to the nuns after selling. He’d given me a quick hug (and a discreet kiss) and bounced off to go talk to them. He’d been in a really good mood when he left so i wasn’t expecting him to be crying when he came back. 
Bur he was. He was practically sobbing by the time he buried his face into my pillow. 
I tentatively rubbed his back 
“Joey? are you okay?” I asked, not sure what to do. Id only ever seen him cry when he was extremely overtired or scared. He shook his head and i kissed his hair
“csn you tell me?” I murmured. He inhaled shakily
“th-they- didn’t-“ He managed between sobs “what did i do?” he said, his voice rising in volume and pitch.
“honey- oh honeys-“ I said, pulling him up and into my lap. He made a very distressed sound and hid his face in my chest, still sobbing. I slipped my hand under his shirt and rubbed his back gently. He was shaking like a leaf as he sobbed into me. I squeezed him
“Joey, honey, baby, what’s wrong mahal ko? (my love)” I said, kissing his hair. He sniffed and peeked up at me,tears staining his adorable face. I kissed his hair lightly, nuzzling it. He always had very soft hair. He was sobbing still
“Joey what’s wrong?” I tried again. He. Wiped off his face (unsuccessfully) with the heel so his hand, sniffling
“i-I wa-was t-talkin t-to the n-nuns-“ he managed to say shakily, still crying. I nodded, kissing his forehead gently 
“A-an’ they’s t-telling m-me-“ he said, sounding more and more choked up “th- tha’ t-th-the reason theys had me-“ he choked out, shaking more violently now. I winced internally, kissing his forehead. I thought I knew where this was going. I’d always had a suspicion it was why Jojo was raised by the nuns.
“Th-they-“ Jojo choked out “m-my par-parents-“ he whimpered loudly and buried his face in my chest “they didn’t want me!” He sobbed, clinging tightly to my chest. I squeezed him, still rubbing his back
“Hey, hey, mahal ko? (my love)” i murmured in his ear “just breathe, in and out, okay baby?” He tried, inhaling shakily. His exhale just turned into another sob. Oh god i hated seeing him cry.
“Wh-why didn’t they want me Mike?” jojo sobbed, still clinging to me, I released him momentarily to pull a blanket around him. He pulled the blanket around himself tightly,still sobbing as he kept his face buried into me.
“Maybe they couldn’t take care of you” I murmured, rubbing his back “and they didn’t want you to starve so they gave you to the nuns so you’d have a much better chance of surviving?” I murmured, Mainly trying to get him to calm down. 
I don’t even think he heard me. He sobbed into my chest
“M-Mikey wha-what did I d-do?” He cried, shaking “why didn’t they want m-me?” He whimpered, squeezing me. I gathered all of my small, shaking, sobbing, blanket-wrapped boyfriend into my arms and pried him off me. He looked at me with a betrayed looke in his eyes. i kissed his nose
“Joey, Sinta (cherished one) you didn’t do anything” I said to him, onw hand on either if his cheeks, making him look at me through his tears. He opened his mouth to protest and I cut him off with a kiss
“Just listen for a moment, okay? I’m not trying to shut you up I promise, you have a right to be upset” I said, kissing his forehead “but maybe they couldn’t take care of you? and they didn’t want you to starve so they gave you to the nuns so you’d have a much better chance of surviving?” I tried, kissing his forehead. He shrugged, sniffling as he cried. He was a bit calmer now. I smiled, wiping off his tearstained cheeks
“S still a shitty thing to do” he mumbled, looking down at his lap. I nodded, kissing him
“I know it is Joey” I said, kissing him. I winced at the thought of how i would’ve given anything as a younger kid to have been raised by the church. I mean I knew they weren’t the best but helll it would’ve been better then my mom. I figured it wouldn’t be a good thing to say to him right now though, so I wrapped him in a blanket and held him against my chest as he cried himself out. I gently pet his hair as I whispered sweet names to him
 “Joey, Sinta (cherished one), Baby, Irog (sweetheart), it’s okay you didn’t do anything” I said, kissing his temple. He looked up at me, he’d almost completely stopped crying now.
“you promise?” He said, giving me doe eyes. I nodded.
“Yes Giliw (my joy/happiness), you didn’t do anything” I murmured to him, kissing his nose gently. He gave me a small, shaky smile. I grinned at him, hugging him tightly against my chest
“Its okay baby, I know it sucks and I know you’re upset,” I said softly to him, rubbing his back “but it’s okay,” I said, kissing him gently. HE nodded shakily
 “BEsides, they missed out on an amazing son” I said, kissing his lips softly. He shrugged and kissed my chest lightly as he rested his head on it.
“They did! JOey you’re fucking amazing!” I said, squeezing him tightly “You’re cute and handsome and sweet and nice and adorable and *diyos* (god) you’re perfect, Joey.” I said, kissing him all over “And I don’t know why they left you with the nuns, but they missed out big-time. They missed out on my boyfriend who is an amazing guy, I mean just look at him he’s perfect! *diyos* (god) I love him so much. I know you dont think it right now but *diyos* (god) he’s *amazing!* ” He peeked up at me, he looked like he was gonna cry
“You promise?” HE said. I nodded
“Yes I promise!” I said happily, kissing him. I felt a bit of wetness in his eyes as i kissed him “hey, hey, dont cry Giliw (my joy/happiness), its okay,its okay!” I said, kissing him. He nodded
“S- s happy cryin” HE said, clinging to me happily. I grinned down at him, ruffling his hair. He let out an indignant squeak, huffing dramatically. I giggled and kissed him again
“I love you mahal ko (my love)” I said, ruffling his hair more. He squeaked again and buried his face into me
“I love you too amor” He said, his voice muffled against my chest “and thank you” He added, peeking up to kiss my freckle. I felt myself flush red and hit my face in his neck. He giggled and squealed happily as I covered his face in kisses. He giggled as he cuddled into me, kissing my lips. I grinned down at him
“Better?” “Much” HE said happily
“Good” I hummed, kissing his lips “I love you Irog (sweetheart)” I ruffled his hair and kissed his face. 
“I love you too MIkey!” He squealed happily, snuggling into me.
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willowistic22 · 1 year
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mercy bullet
a newsies zombie apocalypse au fanfiction
The United States is turning into a warzone against the uprising of the infected and the twin brothers, Mike and Ike, are separated from across the country as they fight for their survival in their own way. Mike becomes a nomad and escapes his old college campus with his friends, while Ike hunkered down in his campus with his friends and fortified it even further . One was constantly on the run to look for a place to settle down, the other was shielded while desperate to look for answers to the apocalypse they're in. The chances of them running into each other are low, however it's never zero...
Read on my ao3:)
Trigger warnings!!: guns, cuss words, violence, apocalypse, injuries, death mentions, character death, near-death experience, blood, sex jokes (no sex, just jokes bcs i'm immature and still think they're funny), parental trauma, mentions of ableism, and basically a lot I'll try my best to tag accordingly
A/N: Oh my fucking god I've teased this for so long and I'm finally finding the courage to actually start posting the chapters lol. It's not professionally written (I'm not a professional author ok?) and it's probably have a ton of holes in it though I tried my best to patch things all up while i was writing the first few several chapters. But do feel free to ask for more elaborations about any holes because tbh i'd love to talk about this piece. This is mostly a mike and ike brotherly guilty pleasure fanfiction with jomike and ikeshot sprinkled around so i'm not really hoping for a lot of people to enjoy it but oml these cahracters/ships are underrated pls give it a shot. Hope you enjoy it regardless! :)
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hey-op-just-kill-me · 2 years
Mike: do you wanna come over my place
Jojo: no your brother and his boyfriend kinda scare me
Ike and hotshot high fiving: damn right
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aceofspades-sml · 2 years
Hey newsies fandom, does anyone have any good fics recommandations ? I am really bored and want something to read
I am looking mostly for found family stuff, the ships I love most are sprace, blush, jomike and ikeshot so if anyone knows any fics about that I'm all ears !
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raggedy-albert · 1 year
“see us out there, watching all the ladies watching me”
emphasis on the watching them watch part because none of them are going to do anything about it because they’re all gay…
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spookysplatt · 11 months
Sometimes I write notes about the fics I'm writing in my drafts and they don't make a ton of sense but tbh I think this one's a hit on its own
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i don't even know anymore. who am i beyond jomike. who am i without jomike. i am so eepy, but as tired as i may be, i am a man of my word.
fic summary:
Mike knew he should have stood up for Finch. He shouldn't have overlooked that deep-seated unease that Finch was right when he had warned them all, right at the beginning of the strike, that the police would come for them, and it wouldn't be pretty.
or: jojo and mike get taken to the refuge too
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Alright y'all today me and @cloudtastrophie were talking some Newsies opinions bc I love to pick ones brain. And she likes the Live version whearas I like the '92 version
So just a friendly reminder take these topics lightly
#1 ✨Sprace✨this was kinda similar to how I posted where we get Sprace and Ralbert (who she is more of a fan of BUT WE'RE BOTH DIE HEARTS FOR REDFINCH) but the movie gave us Sprace and the live gave us Ralbert
#2 Do you think Livesies Race is a gambler bc he don't give me the vibes as much as 92sies
Friend: "Livesies Race is more of a gambler to me because he is jittery like a gambler doing his tricks and being scared of getting caught"
Which I don't see that, I see that Race as a twink (I will die on that hill) but I can see where she is coming from although 92sies Race is so cool and collected he would seem more like one and also MAN'S talk about gambling not Livesies who is just like "yeah I gamble" (not really the line but you know what I mean)
#3 The different Santa Fe's
Friend:"I like the live version more because it's more heartbreaking and moves the story and gives character to Jack and how he like betrayed the Newsies"
I can totally see this and it's not bad bUT like fngnfnmrmdn, idk my brain is just so istched with 92sies and Christian rides a goddamn horse oK LIKE SIR- but I feel like I relate to it more for like no reason, I also pointed out the tumblr post (who I think was @i-didnt-do-1t ) about the lyric change and how much that means to the song (also I just really like the sounds)
#4 Outfit differences
This was like nothing, I just, idk wanted to pick her brain but she just said it was another way to identify the people on stage and in a movie you don't need that... Which fair idk, anyways lol
#5 ✨Gay ships✨
As mentioned we love Redfinch, but we also screamed about Ikeshot, Spromeo, Jomike Buttons and Elmer WE SCREAMED SO HARD I JUST CAN'T WITH THEM, there all so cute (also if anyone has one of crystals old art work about Hotshot mistaking Mike for being Ike and telling him something dirty PLZ GIVE)
Also shared how in 92sies some people ship Specs and Dutchy and friend said "fair, could see it" so true
#6 Jack and his bandana (along with David being very gay)
Told her about my bandana post and she found it kinda silly BUT IT'S SO TRUE, also talked how gay David is because look at that man
In the live version he is so gay but in the movie he has to be like worked on (if that makes sense) it just takes him awhile to accept
#7 ✨Grantaire and Enjolras✨
🤭 the gay boys from Les Mis bc we all know there so gay for each other
#8 Jack the artist vs. Jack the cowboy
Friend: "Kinda vibes with it but sees it more as Jack isn't into all that much of art"
I just like the thought of him being a cowboy or just having that, idk I don't mind that he's an artist BUT BRING BACK THE COWBOY
Shoutout to that one tumblr post that head canon Jack getting his cowboy hat stolen by the Delancys
Honorable mentions-
Davids character growth and him being use to the Newsies and getting comfortable with them towards the end of the movie
Jacks cowboy hat that we all miss and the line "go get them cowboy" along with just in general calling him cowboy
Blush and Newsbains were talked about
How much I love Blush
Told her about a Tumblr post saying Finch is a version of Skittery and makes sence
Talked about how Teddy calls Denton Denty
How queen Medea is
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etrelibre · 3 years
Nothing Gold Can Stay
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General Audiences
Pairings: Spot Conlon/Racetrack Higgins, Albert DaSilva/Finch, Jack Kelly/Katherine Plumber, Jojo De La Guerra/Mike, Romeo/Specs
Summary: Race has cancer. Finch died from cancer two years before this. Spot and Albert are sad.
Read here
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
15 for terror with jomike >:3
“Whatever you do, don’t open your eyes.”
Hmm. Let’s see what I can do with this... casual reminder that you asked for this.
Tw: implied period-typical homophobia, death, grief, nightmares, war.
“Dance with me.”
“Dance with me,” Mike repeated, grinning from the middle of their apartment.
Their apartment. It felt nice to think of it like that. Sure, they’d shared living space before, but this was different than the Lodging House. This was theirs. Just the two of them. Jojo and Mike, all 19 years old and trying for forever together.
Sure, they’d had to waste money on a second bed that nobody could know never got used, but it was still almost like having the kind of life a normal couple could share.
Jojo didn’t know if other couples had to deal with one of them being this ridiculous, but...
“To what music?” he asked, unable to stop himself from smiling.
“We’ll make our own music.”
“What, ya want me to tap dance?”
Mike laughed, moving to grab Jojo’s hands and pull him to his feet, “No. Quit overthinkin’ things, darlin’. It interferes with havin’ fun.”
He started humming a soft tune Jojo guessed he’d picked up from back when Miss Medda let them hang out backstage at her shows and they just swayed side to side, holding each other close.
It was warm and safe, and Jojo found himself closing his eyes, laying his head on his lover’s shoulder like that. The window was covered and the music was barely loud enough for them to hear and here at least, they were allowed to be young and in love like it was easy.
God, Jojo didn’t think he’d ever been more in love with this boy.
“This is nice,” he admitted after a couple minutes, or maybe a couple hours like that.
“It is,” Mike agreed, “Whatever you do, don’t open your eyes.”
Jojo opened his eyes, only for Mike to suddenly be several yards away, running back towards him. Running home. He and Ike were so close. They were almost back to the trench, and staying down so that the Germans couldn’t get a clear shot off at them through the trees, and—
The explosion sprayed dirt and debris everywhere and Jojo couldn’t see the twins, didn’t know which of them had stepped on the bomb, couldn’t do anything but watch.
Both of them were gone in an instant.
Mike was gone.
The scream ripped itself out of Jojo’s throat, all agony and rage and sorrow. All these emotions from other deaths he’d been trying to keep at bay because the others didn’t need his grief along with their own to deal with.
All thought of keeping it all down was gone because it had taken a random chance of fate to meet Mike, weeks to become friends with him, months to fall in love with him and longer to accept it, but that was the long, complicated road that was their love story.
It was a love story that had taken years, and yet it only took one second to end it.
Jack and Race were holding him back, whispering it’s too late, he’s gone, I’m sorry, and Jojo didn’t even know why he was struggling. Why he was trying to run to him even knowing that there was no way Mike could have survived.
Just... boom, and Jojo’s world was gone. It had only taken an instant.
And he was awake in the barracks, and for a second, Jojo managed to hope that it all had been a dream. That everything wasn’t fine because they were in a goddamn war and it couldn’t be, but at least he hadn’t lost—
But in the dirty, run-down building the unit of former newsies were using as shelter, he could see Elmer and Buttons curled up together in their bunk. Jack and Davey were together in theirs, and all of them besides whoever was on watch were asleep.
Jojo’s bunk was too cold and too empty.
“Whatever you do, don’t open your eyes.”
Because the world where his eyes were open was the one where Mike was... where he was dead. He couldn’t even have a proper funeral because it was too dangerous to try to go get his or Ike’s body.
Jojo thought bitterly of the nuns back at the cathedral in Harlem where he’d spent most of his childhood. He hadn’t been following most of what they taught him since he was a teenager, and he sincerely doubted any of them were still alive to judge.
Still, he bet they were laughing now, wherever they were. That they thought he’d gotten what he deserved, in finding the love of his life, his world, only to have to watch him die.
Hell, maybe they were right. Maybe this was what he deserved for daring to love another man. For daring to say fuck it to his fears and go for what he wanted. Who he wanted.
Maybe this was Jojo’s hell. Watching his lover and his friends die one by one somehow felt like more of a hell than fire and brimstone.
Teenage Jojo would have found it hard to believe that someday he just truly wouldn’t care anymore, but Jojo didn’t. He was so far past caring. If he, if all his friends, his family, deserved hell for loving who they loved, he didn’t want to see heaven. He’d do it all again and do it exactly the same way.
Find his family, find his love, and then watch as they were all taken away. That definitely sounded like hell. But if it was what he had to go through to find them at all, Jojo wouldn’t trade them for anyone else.
Jojo felt hot tears running down the sides of his face when he rolled onto his back.
“Let’s stay like this forever.”
That was what Mike had really said that day years ago. He’d wanted it to last forever. They both had. They’d wanted to stay happy together. To grow old and live out a long, twisted, exhilarating story and die as old men someday.
The story wasn’t supposed to end this soon.
He wasn’t sure he wanted to keep going in it without Mike by his side, especially since more of his family was bound to die before it was really over.
Jojo clamped his eyes shut again, but he couldn’t cling to the memory of dancing around their apartment without seeing it all crumble around them.
In my mind, this is in the reincarnation au, but obviously Jojo doesn’t know that yet. :(
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willowistic22 · 1 year
This serves as a reminded that i do, in fact, still write. I just haven’t been sharing it with yall. I hate the thought of promising yall a multi chapter fic only to leave it unfinished which is why i’ve been keeping this fic to myself until I have at least reached halfway through writing it and know where I’m bringing this. I guess I kinda already have and I really wanna share it but I’m not ready just yet. So pls enjoy the latest excerpt of my latest writing endeavors:)
“It’s not that, Jo,” Mike answered gently. He avoided eye contact by looking down to his own fingers on his lap, “I just don’t want to be a problem”
“But you’re not a problem,” Jojo answered softly, his face shifting closer to Mike’s lowered face. It made Mike look at him, turning his face just a little, “You’re… my best friend”
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hey-op-just-kill-me · 4 years
Ike: I’m the real me
Mike: no I am
Hotshot: I have a way to tell them apart
Hotshot: what’s 9x3
Mike: 21
Hotshot: that’s Mike
Jojo: how do you know?
Hotshot: Ike does the finger trick
Ike starring at his hands: 21!
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aceofspades-sml · 2 years
Hi hello guys i need help I want to read more ikeshot and jomike but no one seems to write about them can you guys like hand me over some good content I am begging
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raggedy-albert · 1 year
mike: do you wanna come over to my place
jojo: no your brother and his bf scare me
hotshot and ike high five: damn straight
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mar-bluu · 4 years
If you’re up for drawing how bout 2V with jomike? Thanks Jae!
((Also I haven’t checked in on you in a while so how ya doing?))
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Sometimes ya just need some cuddles :3
Also im good!! Absolutely s w a m p e d with schoolwork so this is pretty rushed (sorry!) But apart from that, its just vibes dude!! How are you?
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spookysplatt · 1 year
JoJo would choose werewolf and Mike would choose vampire and they would get so competitive over it
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