ghostipher55 · 9 months
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mask131 · 2 years
Cold winter: Jolnir, or Santa Odin
JOLNIR, or the “Wotan Claus” theory
Category: Norse mythology, European folklore
This article won’t be about a specific character so much as about a specific theory and folkloric hypothesis… Is Odin from Norse mythology the ancestor of today’s Santa Claus?
We can start with one of Odin’s NUMEROUS names. “Jolnir”. (Normally there’s an accent on the “o” but I can’t recreate it). Jolnir has been tied with the Norse word “Yule”, due to it being often written “Jule”, “Jul” or “Jol”. Yule (or Yuletide) was the “pagan” celebration in Norse countries that was replaced by the arrival of Christmas – thus many people read “Jolnir” as a name indicating that Odin was the god of Yule (another name of Odin, Jolfadr/Jolfudr, has also been interpreted as meaning “Yule Father” – thus hinting at a “Father Christmas” connection). Yule was indeed a time associated with Odin – Yule was considered a supernatural time of the year during which magic and ghosts were all over the place. Most notably, Yule was a traditional time for the “Wild Hunt”, a spectral and supernatural hunt party said to ride through the sky during (or causing) storms. And the Wild Hunt, or the Wild Host, was said in Germany to be led by the god Wodan/Woden… who is the German version of Odin. In fact, if we got a bit more north, the Scandinavian name of the Wild Hunt, “Oskoreia” is thought to be a deformation of the term “Odin’s Hunters” OR of “Asgard-reir” (the ride of Asgard). This would tie the undead riders and ghostly hunters to the Valkyries and afterlife warriors Odin was said to collect in his “warrior paradise” as a great army for Ragnarok.
So this is the first evidence: Odin was a god very active in Yule, and leader of a supernatural group of riders flying through the sky on this date. There are similarities to the Santa Claus myth, true, and it doesn’t help that one of the customs tied to the Wild Hunt was to leave some food outside as an offering to the riders to appease their wrath. So we have something here. Even though there is also a quite ridiculous theory that claims that if Santa Claus’ sleigh has eight reindeers, it is because Odin’s mythical horse Sleipnir (said to be able to ride onto all materials and cross the universes) had eight legs. It is a fun theory, I won’t lie, and it is quite a fascinating coincidence, but I do think that it is a big stretch to try to link the two (especially since the “reindeers of Santa” is a VERY recent and American tradition, so….).  
A more serious element to be brought to the “Santa Jolnir” discussion is how Odin was said to appear in the human world as an elderly man with a long white beard (it was one of his nicknames, “Langbardr”, long-beard), dressed in a cloak and wearing either a hood or a hat. This appearance does strike a resemblance with both Santa Claus and its many European ancestors, who all tend to be elderly men with long white beards and hoods/hats/cloaks. Some legends even described Odin as going under his elderly human disguise from home to home to test the hospitality and charity of families, rewarding the ones respecting traditions and honoring him as a guest, while punishing the others – another element that can play into the whole aesthetic of the “Christmas giver” who was originally known as both a gift-giver AND a punishment-giver.
And one last, even though more tenuous element, has been brought up to the table – this time related to the tradition of the Saint Nicholas figure. Indeed many people decided to analyze the figure of Saint Nicholas/Saint Nicolas as being also an inheritance of Odin, by invoking another name of Odin sounding similar to Nicolas… “Hnikar” (sometimes simplified as “Nikar” or with the double r of Hnikarr) which for some means “instigator”, for others “overthrower/thruster”.  So "Hnikar" would be the "missing link" between those two supernatural/divine, horse-riding, hat-wearing, bearded old men of the winter.
As you can see there are some solid elements to link the “Santa Claus” figure to old Odin… and there are also really stretchy or hilarious theories. A mixed bag – but an interesting mixed bag!
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The theory of “Odin is Santa Claus” was notably brought to light in modern fantasy fiction thanks to the Dresden Files series which (spoiler alert) has Odin being Santa Claus. While we meet in the series Odin as a god who survived into modern day as the owner of a big security-and-weaponry company, we also later learn that he also is the wearer of the “mantle of Winter King”: in the world of the fairies, trolls, goblins and other supernatural creatures, there are two main courts/queens/kings representing the two main forces of nature, Summer and Winter, led by a fairy Queen embodying the very essence of her season, and with the existence of a non-ruling “King” representing the polar opposite of the Queen, for questions of balance. Where the Winter Queen is a cold, bitter, cruel, manipulative and cynic entity embodying the darkest and harshest side of nature, the Winter King is supposed to be a more joyful, compassionate entity, a kinder ruler embodying the wonders and beauties of winter… And as it turns out this Winter King is named “Kris Kringle” and is another of the numerous entities of Odin – modern day Santa Claus being just a popular and watered-down version of the real Kris Kringle.
It should be noted however that in the “Dresden Files” series, the “fairy mantles” (such as royal titles) are more than just identities or legal masks. They are powerful magical functions that will reshape one’s very being. As such, when Odin puts on his “Winter King mantle”, while he keeps his knowledge, memory and skills, his appearance and behavior change drastically – as he explains, while Odin and Kris Kringle share a same essence, they are still two different beings. We also know that Odin wasn’t always the Winter King, and that it is just one of the many numerous identities that he adopted in recent days as a way of surviving the downfall of Norse religion. (In fact, it is a recurrent theme of modern media taking the “Odin is Santa” theory, presenting Santa Claus as a “modern evolution” of Odin for means of survival, or a “reincarnation” of an Odin that had to die alongside his original mythology).
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echthr0s · 9 months
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you already know <3
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thenightling · 10 months
My top ten favorite Christmas movies
Rise of the Guardians. Technically not set at Christmas but Santa is a character in it.
An American Tail - Actually set during Hanukkah so it's technically a Hanukkah movie.
10. Nearly all versions of A Christmas Carol. They may all tell variations of the same story but I have a soft spot for them. The animated one with Tim Curry, the Kelsey Grammar musical, the Jim Carey motion capture version, the 80s Scrooged version with Bill Murray.
In fact the ONLY version of A Christmas Carol I don't like is that awful 2019 BBC mini-series version that adds child molestation, sexual assault, urinating on a grave, non-Forgiveness and all together just a mean, cynical version... That version missed the point of the story entirely and taints all other versions by simply existing. That's how much I hate that 2019 version.
But I stand by that I love nearly all versions of A Christmas Carol. There are several adaptations and only one bothers me.
Specific favorite version of a Christmas Carol is The Muppet Christmas Carol - Despite being done with muppets this is one of the most faithful adaptations of a Christmas Carol while also having some great muppet humor.
9. ALL the Rankin Bass Holiday specials, stop motion and cell animation. I love all of them. And they're mostly a shared universe like Universal's Monster movies or the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Only some of these are movie length. My favorites change based on my mood whether Twas the Night before Christmas, Nester the long eared Christmas Donkey, or Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July.
Currently my favorite is probably The Life and adventures of Santa Claus, based on the novel by L. Frank. Baum. It's technically set in the same universe as The Wizard of Oz books but you'd have to read the original novel to know that. There's also a cell animated adaptation but I prefer the 80s stop motion version.
In this story Santa was raised by faeries in an enchanted forest and the story is actually these immortal beings determining if he's worthy to be made into an immortal too because if he isn't made immortal he's destined to die that night. Needless to say, they grant him immortality.
Again, my favorite is subject to change based on my mood.
8. Legend of Hell House - I'm only putting this on the list out of technicality. The movie ends on Christmas day and that's when the ghost is defeated. I first saw this movie late at night with my friend Lorie. We decided to watch it because Roddy McDowall was in it. And we were so sure he would die. He was the sort of character that dies in those sort of movies. He had been in the house before. He was meek, timid, and kind. He was nerdy. It was a cliche that someone like him would die. It was a relief and surprise when he turned out to be the hero of the story.
7. Jim Carey's The Grinch. I have a soft spot for this once since my mother loved it so much.
6. Marvel Superhero Adventures: Frost Fright! Most people don't even know this exists but it's a Marvel superheroes Christmas special / movie. It even taught me the old Nordic version of Santa (may even be a persona of Odin). Jolnir (Yule-near). However in this version Jollnir is a light elf.
5. The Addams Family Christmas. Technically not a movie but an episode of the 60s Addams Family, it's just very sweet. The kids are told Santa isn't real so all the adult Addams decide to prove to them that Santa is real by dressing up and giving them gifts. Meanwhile while they're distracted, the real Santa shows up.
4. Ghostbusters 2 - I know this sounds weird but it's set right after Christmas and ends on New Years day and there's a lot of Holiday feel to it. Also I kind of like Ghostbusters 2 more than the first one. I'm weird. I also loved the Real Ghostbsuters animated series episode where the Ghostbusters accidentally bust the ghosts that haunt Scrooge and then they had to rescue them and save Christmas.
3. Edward Scissorhands - I love this movie and somehow often forget that it's a Christmas story even though it's a bitter-sweet fable about the origin of Christmas snow. And it has such a beautiful, Haunting score by Danny Elfman. The score is gorgeous. And Nostalgia Critic points out that much of the atmosphere comes from Danny Elfman's haunting score. When Kim is dancing under the block of ice without the music the scene is weird and awkward. The music makes it.
One time my mother and I were at the mall and I saw this nice anniversary edition DVD of Edward Scissorhands in a steel case. My mother and I went to McDonalds and while at McDonalds she handed me the money and said "Go back and get that Edward Scissorhands." That was my favorite Christmas gift that year.
2. Over the Garden Wall - This is a TV mini-series but when spliced together it makes a movie length story. And all the visuals are inspired by vintage New England Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas cards. Bonus mention: I forgot to mention the TV mini-series adaptation of Hogfather. It's a bit like Nightmare before Christmas. Set in Terry Ptatchett's fantasy Discworld, Death (The Grim Reaper) has to play the part of The Hogfather (Their world's version of Santa) one year. And it's actually very sweet. There's a scene where he saves a little match girl that chokes me up each time. And I love the moral that we need to believe in intangible / impossible things like love and justice in order to make them real.
1. Nightmare before Christmas - This has been my favorite movie since I was eleven-years-old. Not just favorite Christmas / Halloween, or Tim Burton film. Just favorite film, period.
I saw this with my Birthday money, it came out right before I turned twelve. I paid for my mother, brother, cousins and I to go see it. As soon as "This is Halloween" started I knew I was hooked.
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thegodlessheathen · 2 years
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Felt too ill yesterday morning to ring in the official first day of (my) Jol but that's why there's more than one day! Sharing my breakfast porridge with the land spirits and poured a small bit of whisky out for Jolnir. Lit and candle and incense to celebrate the returning of the light
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piscesseer · 2 years
Origins & Celebration of Winter Solstice
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History & Cultures Celebrating Winter Solstice
Predating Christianity by centuries, ancient Winter Solstice celebrations included rituals of light and fire which helped with winter’s ominous gloom and recognized brighter days ahead. Many present-day Christmas traditions are originally tied to the ancient holiday of Yule and other ancient celebrations of the return of the Sun. Even many Christians are celebrating by burning Yule Log, decorating their tree, and caroling, which can be traced back to Norse people.
“In pre-Christian Scandinavia, the Feast of Juul, or Yule, lasted for 12 days celebrating the rebirth of the sun and giving rise to the custom of burning a Yule log.” (Huffington Post)
There are many traditions associated with Yule, but most commonly the celebrations consist of feasts, caroling, drinking and dancing. Yule has been connected to the norse god Odin. One of Odin’s many names is Jolnir, which means Yule One. The burning of the Yule Log would ward off evil spirits. There was also the eating of the Yule Boar in honor of the god Freyr, associated with harvest and fertility.
We can sort of assume that through the years and years and years of the game of Telephone, we ended up with the more well-known modern celebrations of Christmas. Even Hanukkah is celebrated as a festival of light. No matter what you want to call this time of year, messages of joy, hope, peace and a chance for new beginnings are celebrated. For people of nearly any background, the time of the winter solstice is to gather with family and loved ones. Using the return of the Sun, you can transform your life in a positive way. Celebrate joy no matter what that looks like for you. It’s a time to recognize hardships and adjust to them or let them go. It’s a great time to release negative energies and self-limiting beliefs.
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Ways to Celebrate
Traditions to practice during Yule:
Feast! Bake cookies, make cinnamon cakes, gingerbread and anything with apples! Drink something warm like hot chocolate, mulled wine or apple cider. Roast meat, dry fruit and drink eggnog. Anything that makes you feel warm and cozy! Just take a moment to be grateful for what you have and cheer for prosperity and abundance in the upcoming year!
Burn a Yule Log!
The Yule Log dates back to solstice celebrations and bonfires. The origin calls for the burning of the log for Twelve Nights. Place a piece of firewood, preferably found from the woods, into the fireplace to burn during the holidays. Place nice smelling and symbolic herbs into the fire. Some modern traditions call for writing things down that they want to rid themselves of for the year and burning them. The Yule Log brings luck and fortune for the next year.
No bon fire or fire place? Place a piece of wood on your altar and light candles around it to symbolize the same things.
Cleanse your home. Do a quick clean-up and cleanse with the incense or herbs of your choice.
Contribute to charity. Find a way to give back and make someone’s winter a little brighter.
Types of spellwork you can do:
happiness, hope, peace, love, strength and world healing
You can also use snow in your magic!
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Decorate your altar and home for Yule.
This time is a festival of fire and light, candles can represent the Sun. Bring light back into your home and life with candles and faerie lights.
Incorporate the colors of the season!
Green, Red, Gold & White
Use symbols of the season like snow and ice.
Find the plants and herbs: apples, chamomile, cinnamon, evergreen, holly, ivy, juniper, mistletoe, oak leaves, pine, pine cones, poinsettias, rosemary, sage and wintergreen.
Animal symbolism with bears, deer, reindeer, owls, ravens, crows, snow geese, and wrens.
Work with the stones diamond, emerald, ruby, garnet and bloodstone.
Decorate a Yule or Christmas Tree. It’s a pagan solstice custom to hang decorations on a pine!
Read my full article here.
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Reacting to Animated Marvel Shows 6/?
Again, no context for this show. Spoilers for Superhero Squad 1x20 (though on IMDb it's 1x07 so it might be mixed up on Disney+).
I'm afraid of what cliched writing I'm about to get myself into.
Hey, hey, Marvel? Would it kill ya to give us an animated Loki that isn't, or at least doesn't stay, the villain? Just once?
Here comes my boi!
That is a disturbing uhh post-modern industrial take on Cthulu?
Oh shit Loki's a little one in this
I mean, they're all kinda chibi-ish, but my boi is YOUNG
FUCK OFF, creature from the black lagoon, only Loki gets to make that stupid pun
I take issue with "wicked" and I take issue with "half-brother". It's "anti-heroic adopted sibling," M.O.D.O.K.
Oh my god, we're going Batman rogues gallery levels of nonstop shitty name-related puns, huh?
Also god I hate the voice this actor is doing for him but it is pretty camp, so I guess it's accurate in that respect.
Whoa Loki flirting with Doom is a very bold choice [please I want to see this in the MCU please]
Characterization? On point. Fight skills? Horrendous. No magic, whatsoever. Voice? Makes me want to chew glass. Like Kronk coming off of helium while starting a sugar rush. Laughter? I'm gonna hit him as hard as I can and I will not resent the consequences, it's so fucking grating. Who is this voice actor and why did they think it was good casting?? At least he has green eyes this time.
Why does he have one of those handheld devices from Cyberchase???
Why is Falcon fighting over a ball with a kid? Sam, it's a game and Reptil is like 15.
Hulk spit it out oh my god
Ironman's like "All right time to stage an unprompted invasion. You know, like how heroes famously always do?" Tony, please stop violating the Geneva Convention
And then Hulk recreated the story of John Henry
Hey guys, where's Loki? He's kinda the whole reason that I'm here. Not that Tony starting a war isn't fascinating and very original...
Tony is warmongering and horny
Tony, you literally watched Thor jump onto her horse and hug her immediately. I'm gonna guess she's not single.
Falcon I am begging you to grow up
Heimdall stop with the Lord of the Rings references
Heimdall is also a voice I recognize. Hang on. Well I was on IMDb for like 10 minutes because the man was in a lot of video games (which is not helpful because I only play Animal Crossing), but the only thing I recognized was that he played Santa/Jolnir in Frost Fight.
Wolverine's voice is so funny!
Fandral! Volstagg!
It has taken me an embarrassingly long time (15 min in) to realize that while Travis Willingham does not voice Thor in this show (I looked that up immediately), he does voice Hulk.
Noooo Volstagg!
Thor: This is your fault. Dad asked me to stop you.
Loki: Yeah, he always loved you best.
Loki, I'm with you, usually, but that's not the point right now. You're leading a fucking coup, you don't exactly get to play the "Daddy's choosing sides" card here.
He's got a point, Thor. It is coming off the "Thor is a baby" schoolyard taunts, but he's not wrong about the inaccurate Elizabethan English.
"Take it back!" Take what back, Thor? That you talk like a middle schooler playing dnd for the first time? He's making an observation, and frankly, the shit I've said about your jargon is ruder than what he did.
Most accurate representation of sibling squabbles, but y'all aren't twelve
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I'm SQUAWKING! Never have I been so excited over a typo before.
Doom watching TV Guide is the best joke in this episode
Ruh Roh
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EPILOGO (El Planeta de los Vikingos - El Exodo)
Al aparecer la Reina Freiya el guerrero que los fue a buscar y Jolnir se arrodillan, el astronauta chileno se da cuenta lentamente de lo sucedido y él también se arrodilla, la Reina le pide sobriamente a Diego que se levante y le pide que le cuente acerca de su mundo lleno de tecnología y naves espaciales, tranquilamente la reina escucha la historia de cómo llego Diego a este mundo y de cómo él se adaptó a la cultura Astragariana, pero lo que llego asombrar es que Diego compartió la conclusión de que en el planeta de los Vikingos, encontró su lugar y la paz. La Reina nombro a Diego, Jarr(1) con el fin de ser llamado a servir a la Reina si ella lo requería, después de horas de conversación con la Reina Freiya, salieron palacio, contentos y satisfechos.
(1) un Jarr es una especie de noble guerrero dentro de la sociedad nórdica que tenia funciones de gobernador.
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joecrow · 2 years
Glad Yule, cats and kittens. May the light of the Unconquered Sun illuminate your hearts and minds, may Wishfather Jolnir bring plenty and merriment to your hearths, may Mother Night embrace you in her dark wings on this longest night.
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mask131 · 2 years
Masterpost: Cold Winter
Here is the masterpost for my Cold Winter series, my seasonal series about the snow and the frost, about the long nights and the northern countries.
Norse mythology:
Ymir, Thor, Sleipnir, Fenrir, Yggdrasil, Tyr, Skadi, Heimdall ; Andvari (and Alberich) ; Fylgja
Lords of the cold:
Pakkanen, Jack Frost, the wendigo, Boreas ; the Wintersmith
The queens of winter:
The Cailleach ; Frau Holle ; the Snow Queen ; the White Witch
Christmas season:
Krampus ; the Père Fouettard and more about him ; Saint Nicholas ; Santa Claus and Frank Baum's version ; los Reyes Magos ; and the Befana (plus more about her)
Ancestors of Christmas:
The Mithraic mysteries ; the Jolnir theory ; Saturnalia and more about Saturn ;
Legendary warriors of the north:
King Arthur (and more), the Fir Bolg, Beowulf  and Wagner's Siegfried (plus more about him)
Fantasy warriors, barbarians and northmen:
Prince Caspian ; Conan the Barbarian ; Red Sonja ; Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser
French BD:
Ghorghor Bey ; Thorgal ; Asterix and Obelix (and more)
Tolkien's Legendarium:
Hobbits , Gollum and the children of Hurin
Other folkloric/mythological/religious beings:
The dahut (French folklore) ;  Tekkeitsertok and the angakkuq  (Inuit beliefs), trolls and more about them (Scandinavian folklore) ; Chernobog (Slavic mythology) ; Tezcatlipoca (Aztec mythology)
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cosmicluci · 2 years
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I drew this very jolly christmas Odin for Christmas in 2019. Odin is one of the influences of Santa, and on Christmas is called Jolnir.
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thenightling · 10 months
Here are some of the many names for Santa Claus. By the way, it's Claus, not Clause. The Tim Allen movie is meant to be a pun on contractual clauses. Also I won't be counting the Halloweentown mispronunciation of Sandy Claws from Nightmare before Christmas. Santa Claus - Derived from the Dutch for Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas / Saint Nick Kris Kringle Christkindl - Australian / German origin of Kris Kringle. Julnir (Yulnir) / Jolnir / Jultyr  (pronounced for us English speaking ears as Yule-near.) - This is version of Santa that is either the God Odin or a light elf. The original poem "A Visit from Saint Nicholas" said he was an elf and he's an elf when depicted in Marvel comics. Not the ridiculously short elves that American folklore seems used to but relatively human sized. He is from Nordic countries, Asatru / Heathen and Wiccan traditions. The Marvel animated movie Frost Fright confirms that Jolnir exists in Marvel comics. Come to think of it, a Ghost Rider one shot confirms that Krampus exists in Marvel comics. Father Christmas - Popular UK name for Santa. And finally... Befana - I love Befana. She's actually from Italian folklore and kids in Italy believe in her today. She was a witch friend of the Three Wise Men (who were actually wizards in original traditional lore. That's what Magi means). She couldn't accompany them to see the Christ child because she was too busy cleaning. Now on the eve of Epiphany (January 5th / 6th) she flies on her backward broom (bristles facing front) and goes down the chimney. She delivers presents to good children, and leaves coal in the stockings of bad children. She performs exactly the same way Santa does and I think she's an adorable character. I wish she'd catch on here in the US. Children leave milk out for her. Apparently she loves milk. (A witch after my own heart!) And since she does her gift giving on Epiphany it's easy to let your kids believe in Santa AND Belfana (just divide up the gifts so they get half at Christmas and half at Epiphany. To a child's mind it means double the gifts). Belfana is the only female equivalent of Santa and she is my favorite.
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bookwyrmbran · 3 years
solstice drink to share with Freyr and Jolnir --
tea (a bit of rose congou, maybe a teaspoon of vanilla bean-infused yunnan, a couple teaspoons assam)
honey (local wildflower)
dollop of heavy cream
maybe a quarter-oz orange cognac (bauchant)
bit less than an oz of bourbon (four roses)
serve hot and bask
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santaverse · 2 years
This is a Holiday? (Drabble Pt.4, Finale)
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“ Oh dear… Jim! “ Classic and the other Santas rushed to the timid Santa’s side. The poor fella was shaking as he stared in horror at the mess he accidentally made.
Multiple Santa stopped in place, raised his brow, then turned around to witness the aftermath of the mess.
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“ Jim! “ North exclaimed, arms outwards. “ What happened…? Are you alright?! “
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“ I-I was only t-t-trying to paint the dolls… B-B-But I forgot what color Blue was… a-a-and I… Oh no, oh no, oh no… “ The old man placed his hands on his head as he stammered over his words.
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“ Easy. “ Klaus said. “ Let’s get you seated. Accidents happen. “ He gently placed a hand on Jim’s shoulders and led him to a nearby chair.
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“ Klaus is absolutely right, Jim! “ Classic said with a close-mouthed smile, doing his best to reassure the amnesiac Santa. “ Accidents happen all the time, hohoho! It’s no problem at all! “
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“ Not t’ add insult t’ injury, but we’ve got a quite a big problem, actually. “ Father Christmas rolled up his sleeve and pointed to his watch. “ We were already runnin’ behind schedule, but wit’ this… I’m not sure we ‘ave enough time t’ get the rest of the bloomin’ toys finished! “
Immediately, clamor broke out in the small group of Santas.
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“ So, what? “ Grumpy Santa shouted. “ We just give up on Christmas for these people? You sayin’ I could’ve just stayed in BED this year? “
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“ We can’t just give up, “ Secret Santa said, raising a hand amongst the murmurs. “ Children are depending on us! “
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“ YEAH HOLD ON, “ Naughty Santa exclaimed. “ Disappointing these snot-nosed mischief makers is gonna make my popularity PLUMMET! How am I gonna take over the other holidays if I’m a... FLAKY SANTA?! “
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“ Well… “ Classic rubbed his chin. “ I agree that we shouldn’t give up, but with this setback, we will either have to be late… or some kids will simply have to miss out on a Christmas this July. Either way... I don’t see any way we can salvage this operation in time.“
Classic’s conclusion caused the Santas to cause an even bigger commotion as they tried to come up with a solution. Near the entrance of the workshop, Multiple Santa shook his head. He resumed his walk towards his portal home… but as he did, the villainous Santa Claus took one last look at the others. These guys were in over their heads, he could see it. But, they were so close to finishing their faux holiday…
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Back with the Santas, the debates on whether or not to continue with Christmas and July were still being discussed.
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“ I’m just saying, who wouldn’t want a PET ROCK for their Christma- “
Before Silly Santa could complete his ridiculous statement, there was a sudden CRASH and
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“ ZZZZGAAAAAAHHH!! “ from the other side of the room. Everyone whipped their heads towards the source of the noise.
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“ Oh WHAT NOW? “ Grumpy Santa groaned before turning around.
As he and the others faced the noise, they were ultimately surprised by what they saw! A vast army of Santa Clones had suddenly appeared!
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“ HO! HO! HO! HO! HO! “ They ran past the group and began working on the remaining toys and even fixing the ones Jim accidentally knocked over!
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“ Talk about a Christmas Miracle…“ Jolnir said, crossing his arms as he gave an impressed smirk. North stood out from the crowd with those wide eyes of his beaming.
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“ Tchaikovsky…! “ The Guardian searched for the real villainous Santa with his hand cusped on his head. When he found the crook, North burst into laughter. “ HAHAHA! Multiple! Did you- “
Multiple Santa was standing next to a broken lamp with his arms crossed. He leaned against the wall and avoided eye contact with the others. His suit audibly sizzled as he stood there.
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Multiple Santa shot a quick glance at Classic Santa, then went back to avoiding all of them. The elder knew exactly what that glance meant. He grinned at the villain, then turned towards the other Santas.
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 “ Well everyone? Multiple Santa is absolutely right! Let’s get back to work! There WILL be a Christmas in July, after all! “
“ HO, HO, HOOOOO!! “ Everyone exclaimed.
As everyone returned to their work, Multiple Santa kept to himself and let his clones work. “ I DON’T GET WHY THESE OLD FREAKS WANT TO HELP CREEPS LIKE ME… “ Multiple Santa muttered to himself. “ BUT IT KINDA FEELS… NICE TO DO SOMETHIN’ FOR OTHERS.
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Happy Christmas in July from Santaverse!!
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piscesseer · 9 months
Winter Solstice Celebrations
The shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere will be on December 21, 2023. This day is known as the Winter Solstice, and it marks the beginning of the lengthening days.
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The Winter Solstice occurs when the Earth's axis is tilted furthest away from the sun. This means that the Northern Hemisphere receives less sunlight, and the days are shorter. After the Winter Solstice, the days begin to get longer again.
The Winter Solstice is a time of celebration for many cultures. It is a time to mark the return of the sun, the lengthening of the days, and the hope that comes after darkness. In some cultures, the Winter Solstice is a time to honor the gods of the sun. In others, it is a time to celebrate the changing seasons. And more so in modern times, it is a time to simply gather with family and friends and enjoy the winter weather.
No matter how you choose to celebrate the Winter Solstice, it is a time to reflect on the darkness of winter and the hope of the coming spring. It is a time to appreciate the beauty of the natural world and the gift of life.
As the cold creeps in and the night draws near, let us recall that after this, the longest night of the year, the light will return, the wheel will turn, and the earth will soon see spring again.
Winter Solstice in History & What it Means
Prior to the 16th century, wintertime famine was a regular occurrence in Europe. Most cattle were slaughtered during this period so that they would not have to be fed during the winter. The feed was instead used to feed the farmers and people. This is the reason why many of the celebrations that take place during this time of year center around feasting and merriment, as meat was plentiful.
Winter Solstice celebrations featured rituals of light and fire to counteract winter's gloomy atmosphere and acknowledge brighter days ahead. Ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Chinese customs celebrated the Sun's rebirth or the triumph of light over darkness. Winter festivals were also common in Greece and Rome. 
On December 17, the Romans celebrated Saturnalia, a week-long party in honor of the god Saturn. Feasting and gift-giving were part of the festivities, but to honor the agricultural god, they also decorated with greenery and hung tin ornaments on bushes and trees.
The Winter Solstice is a significant component of Yule, but it is also celebrated independently based on cultural and religious beliefs.
Yule is the time when the “dark half” of the year ends and the “light half” begins. In pre-Christian Scandinavia, the Feast of Juul, or Yule, was a 12-day celebration of the rebirth of the sun. Feasts, caroling, drinking, and dancing are common Yule traditions. The burning of the Yule Log was thought to ward off evil spirits.
One of Odin’s many names is Jolnir, which means Yule One. People used to stay indoors because it was said that Odin would ride through the night with The Wild Hunt to collect the souls of the dead and no one wanted to be accidentally abducted. In honor of Freyr, the god of harvest and fertility, the Yule Boar was eaten. Odin and his aspects of death and transition are honored at this time, as is Freyr with the envisionment of a new year of growth and promise.
Many current Christmas customs are rooted in the ancient holiday of Yule and other early celebrations of the Winter Solstice. Even many Christians observe these customs, such as burning the Yule log, decorating trees, and singing carols, which can be traced back to Norse traditions. We can assume that through the years and years and years of celebrations combining and morphing, we ended up with the more well-known modern celebrations of Christmas. Even Hannakah is celebrated as a festival of light.
How to Celebrate
Regardless of the name, the Winter Solstice is a time for joy, hope, peace, and new beginnings. It is a time for people of all backgrounds to gather with family and loved ones. While most modern Yule celebrations are rooted in Paganism, the Winter Solstice has been celebrated in some form by nearly all cultures and faiths.
The return of the Sun can be used to transform our life for the better. Celebrate what brings us joy, no matter what that may be. It is also a time to acknowledge hardships and either adjust to them or let them go. This is an excellent time to release negative energies and self-limiting beliefs.
Capricorn Season begins around this time. It brings with it patience, discipline, and determination. We can begin directing these energies in a constructive way and use that power to keep our sights on our purpose.
The upcoming year is a perfect time to manifest our desires. Create a plan of action for what we want to achieve in the year ahead. Setting boundaries will help us to create space for enjoyment and a positive outlook on the future. Be bold, get organized, and make things happen! Embrace joy and gratitude.
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north-of-annwn · 7 years
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This is the Santa we met while we were out and around a few weeks ago. He emailed me pictures of his beautiful new suits. Honestly I must be doing something right if my life is magical enough to have Santa sending me emails.
Now, a word on this… is he the Real Santa? In my definition of Santa, yes he is. Because Santa is a title, and an earned one. Everyone that chooses to put on the attire of Santa makes an unspoken vow to uphold the values and idea that is Santa Clause. And has a dedication to keeping wonder and magic alive in the eyes of not just children, but also adults. He is just as busy during the Christmas season…bringing joy and yuletide magic to that special time of year. Not to mention to be an effective Santa, you must believe you are Santa.
And let me tell you, meeting Santa brought me right back to the wonder of being a kid and seeing movies like Miracle on 34th St and The Santa Clause. So people may tease me about getting excited about a “fake Santa”… but tbh there was nothing fake about this man. From his beard to his jolly personality and iconic larger than life vibe" I would have no problem believing is the living incarnation of Santa Clause.
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