#John Travolta turn around gif
Hopelessly devoted to you
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PAIRING | Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You and Bucky have been pining over each other for a long time, but both of you are too afraid to take the next step. This all comes to a halt when Tony throws a Grease-themed party, and the two of you dress up as the main characters in the movie.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning, do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Two idiots in love, too much love for the movie Grease.
A/N | SO, I was watching Grease again, and this idea popped in my head and hasn't left my brain so far, so you can all enjoy it with me. I will forever have a crush on John Travolta in that movie so now I'm turning it into my other crush aka Bucky Barnes 👀
RIP Olivia Newton-John, you were the best Sandy we all could have wished for 🖤
Likes and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist | Read on AO3
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It is your turn tonight to pick out the movie night, and you have been wanting to watch your guilty pleasure film again for as long as you can remember, even though not everyone is as into it as you are. ''None of you have a choice, we're watching Grease tonight!'' you said with the widest smile on your face you can make. You heard multiple grunts from your fellow Avengers, they already know you will sing along to every single song, and they weren't happy about it. It's not because you can't sing, they have all praised you multiple times for the fact that you can sing well, but you just get very much into it. ''I'm looking forward to it, doll, I haven't seen it,'' Bucky said, and your mouth practically fell on the floor. ''You're kidding me, right? Oh, you have to sit next to me because now I want to know your reaction!'' you said happily before running out of the kitchen to get the snacks for tonight.
''What?'' he said quirking an eyebrow, he didn't understand what was going on. ''Oh you're gonna have quite the experience tonight, there's a reason we usually don't sit near her when she picks the movies,'' Sam told him with a bit of a snicker in his voice. ''Well, I think it's going to be fun, and I don't mind sitting close to Y/N during movie night,'' Bucky said with a shrug, you usually snuggled up to him and he didn't mind, it was always the highlight of his day. Tonight wasn't any different, he even bought you an extra soft and warm blanket to use during movie nights since you always ran colder than the average person. You didn't hear any of the conversations that were going on, and even though you were mostly fine with it, it still stung a little that they reacted that way when you chose the movies.
You texted Bucky that you were going to the grocery store to pick up the snacks, and he asked if you could maybe pick up some Reese's peanut butter cups for him, and you would gladly do so. You went to the parking garage and walked over to your bike, it was a beautiful day and you could easily fit snacks in both your bike as well as your backpack. It was also a good way to clear your head a little bit, so you drove around New York for a bit, towards your favorite place in the whole city with a beautiful view of the Statue of Liberty. Ever since you came here many years ago, you could never get enough of seeing it, and you parked your bike before sitting down with your back against a tree, looking at the view.
After sitting there for 30 minutes, you decide to FaceTime Bucky, because you were still not feeling all too well. ''Oh, I've got to take this,'' Bucky said to everyone before quickly walking to his bedroom, he didn't want everyone to know it was you FaceTiming him. ''Hi doll, what's going on?'' he said as he picked up, the phone perched up against the wall in his kitchenette as he prepared a snack. ''Hey, not much, just feeling a little shitty about what happened earlier. I was honestly really looking forward to watching Grease, but now I feel like I should have picked something else,'' you said, trying to fight back the tears. ''You know they're just assholes, right? They don't get to make my girl feel like that,'' he said and your stomach did a little flip when he said that.
He often called you his girl when he was talking to you, but never to anyone else, which was exactly why he walked away from the rest. ''Yeah, I know, but that doesn't make it suck any less though. Thought maybe a bike ride through the city would help, but as evident by the phone call, it didn't,'' you said and gave a weak smile. ''Doll, look at me, please. If you're not up for it, we could watch the movie, just the two of us, tonight, and the rest can all watch a shitty movie that no one likes anyway,'' he offered, but you shook your head. ''Thanks, but that would only mean I'll give in to them and I will never give them that satisfaction,'' you said with a giggle. ''I'm just gonna head to the store and get ready for the movie night, I wanna snuggle up to my favorite super soldier again tonight. You might want to warn Steve he won't be sitting alone tonight,'' you said laughing, but Bucky looked at you with a serious expression.
''Just kidding cowboy, don't get so riled up!'' you said with a laugh. ''You're the only one I want to snuggle with and you know it,'' and Bucky's expression softened immediately, and a twinkling appeared in his eyes. God, you were so over the moon for that man, but you were just too afraid to take the first step. So for now, you would be perfectly content with flirting and snuggling during movie nights. ''Alright, now let's go to the store before I'll die of hunger without my Reese's,'' Bucky said dramatically. ''Okay okay, going now! See you later,'' you said before waving goodbye and hanging up. Talking to him always made you feel better.
When you finally made it to the store you decided to grab Bucky's favorite cookies too as a surprise, together with the Reese's because he helped you feel better earlier, it was the least you could do. The drive back to the Compound was much better, and before you knew it you were back in the parking garage. ''Hi doll, how are you feeling now?'' Bucky said when he walked in, hands in his pockets as he looked you up and down, he was gone for you the second he learned you love riding your motorbike too, just like him. ''A lot better thanks to you. Would you mind helping me with the groceries? I got a lot more than intended,'' you said and he happily agreed. When everything was stashed away you muttered a thank you before kissing him on the corner of his mouth, leaving him stunned for a good few minutes.
''Buck? Everything okay?'' Steve asked when he walked into the kitchen, and he saw Bucky standing there with a huge grin on his face, cupping his cheek where you kissed him minutes earlier. ''Yeah...'' he sighed but the grin never left his face. ''Okay, let's get you out of here before you're growing attached to the floor,'' Steve said laughing, he knew damn well this was your doing. Bucky has told him all about his crush on you numerous times, he told him every single thing he noticed about you that made his heart race, or gave him goosebumps. ''God, I never thought I could ever be in love with someone so badly,'' he once told Steve, and it was a good look on him. Better than the grumpy persona he usually shows.
~ During movie night ~
''Everyone ready?'' you asked and the sigh you heard didn't go unnoticed by you, but you started the movie regardless before walking over to Bucky, who was all ready for you with the blanket he got you a while back. ''Hi doll,'' he said softly with a smile as you sat down, this time wasting no time to snuggle up to Bucky as he rested his arm across your shoulders. You didn't bother looking behind you, instead focussing completely on the movie, and as soon as the opening scene on the beach started, you got goosebumps. There were snacks opened and drinks shared around, and everyone got comfortable. As much as they acted to not like it, they still enjoyed watching it now and again. You kept looking over at Bucky to see his reaction at certain points, and you were belting along with every single song in the movie.
When your favorite song arrived, you couldn't help but sing it for Bucky, especially now that he was sitting right next to you. The moment Sandy started singing ''Hopelessly Devoted To You'', you couldn't take your eyes off of him, or more specifically off of his lips. He listened to your voice, god he could listen to you singing forever and never get sick of it. When the last notes of the song died down, Bucky softly leaned into you. When your lips barely brushed past each other, Tony almost choked on his drink and both of your faces snapped up to him to see if he was okay. He made a motion that showed he was okay now, but the moment between you and Bucky was gone, so you turned back to the movie, sighing deeply and laying your head on Bucky's shoulder.
The rest of the movie was more of the same, you singing along and the rest of the Avengers just having fun watching the movie while eating snacks. When the movie was over, everyone stayed for a little while and talked about the movie, just like they did every time you chose the movie. You and Bucky were in a deep discussion about what he thought about it, and he couldn't stop mentioning how good you would look if you would wear those kinds of outfits. ''I think it would suit you, doll. You'd fit perfectly into the 40s with a dress like that,'' he said with a wink, and you can't help but think about that a little more. ''You two can talk about your roleplaying fantasies when we're not here!'' Tony joked and you turned bright red, it was almost as if he read your mind.
During your discussion with Bucky, neither of you heard about the fact that Tony wanted to throw a Grease-themed party for the two of you to finally get together. Everyone sees how much you've been pining over one another so this would be the perfect moment. ''So? Will the two of you come to my party too?'' Tony said after that. ''Party?'' ''What party?'' Bucky and you asked at the same time. ''My costume party of course! I think the two of you should get dressed as Sandy and Danny from Grease, don't you think?'' he asked the rest of them agreed wholeheartedly. You looked at Bucky and shrugged your shoulders. ''Sounds like fun, I'll be there. What about you, Buck?'' you looked at him with hopeful eyes. He wasn't planning on going, but when you look at him like that, he couldn't possibly say no. ''Sure, but I won't dress up!'' he said with a grunt.
~ The days leading up to Tony's party ~
The last few days, you've been more excited than ever to go to one of Tony's parties. In all fairness, the most time was spent convincing Bucky to dress up too, and he finally gave in after you showed him the outfit you were going to wear. It truly reminded him of his past and he almost bent you over his kitchen counter right then and there when you walked out in your costume, but he didn't want to ruin your friendship by doing that. He didn't know that you were secretly hoping he'd do just that, because that is the exact reason you showed him, but he didn't give in. ''Oh, I can't wait to see what you will look like in your costume! Although, there's not much of a change to your look from now...'' you said, Bucky usually wore all black with a leather jacket anyways.
The one thing you didn't tell Bucky, however, is that you were planning on doing an outfit change to truly catch his attention, which may or may not have been Tony's idea. At first, you were against it, but when he explained his plan, you accepted it eventually. ''Also, I don't think I'll be able to get much dancing in during the party, since Tony asked me to be the singer of the evening instead of hiring someone,'' you told him. ''Really? That's amazing doll, I love hearing your voice when you sing,'' he said before you walked back into his bathroom to change into your regular clothing again. ''Did you maybe want to go for a ride when I'm changed?'' you ask him, and he turns bright red, still thinking about you in the outfit you just wore and what he wanted to do to you.
''Uh, only if you want to, doll,'' he said and he tried to look busy when you walked out in your normal clothes. ''Well, I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to,'' you said with a laugh. ''It would be nice to ride around the city with both our bikes again. Maybe you could give me a tour of Brooklyn while we're at it? I recall you saying you've been wanting to do that for a while,'' you said and he finally realized what you were saying. ''Oh, yeah you're right! Do you want to take both? I think it might be nice if we take mine so I could give you a nice tour of Brooklyn,'' he said, hoping you would say yes. ''We could maybe even bring some snacks for the ride?'' and with that, you agreed. ''Okay, but only if I get to choose the snacks!'' you say and walk out the door to get ready. ''It's a date!'' he says and you smile before closing the door.
Both of you changed into more appropriate clothes to wear on his motorbike before he took you on the tour, and it was a sight to behold. The two of you drove through Brooklyn for hours, mostly because Bucky constantly slowed down or stopped somewhere to tell you all about his memories, and it truly felt special to share this moment with him. Just the two of you, not a single care in the world, sharing memories that he can still remember after everything that has been done to him. When the sun started to go down, Bucky drove to a bit of a secluded spot where you won't be seen so easily, so the two of you could enjoy the sunset together without being bothered. The downside of being an Avenger is that everyone wanted something from you most of the time, and this would ensure that wouldn't happen.
''Oh wow, I love it here Bucky,'' you tell him as you overlook grassy fields and the sun starting to sink behind them. ''I hoped you would, I like to think of this as my - and now our - special place,'' he said with a soft look on his face, while he gave you a little smile. He sat down against a tree after getting the snacks you brought with you as well as some drinks you brought with you. He spread his legs out in front of him and invited you to sit in between them, which you gladly accepted. Your back was resting against his chest which you could slowly feel rising and falling, your head laying against his shoulder and his arms wrapped delicately around your waist, hands resting on your stomach. Neither of you wanted this moment to end.
''Thank you for everything, Bucky. You're honestly the best friend I could have ever wished for,'' you tell him, and Bucky feels something inside him snap at the word 'friend'. Because that's all you were at this moment, friends. ''You always know exactly how to make me feel like the most special person in the world, and I honestly wouldn't want to have it any other way,'' you told him before letting out a sigh and sinking into his hold even more, your cheek resting just below his collarbone. ''I love you, doll,'' he said at that moment, he couldn't keep it in any longer, and right now seemed like the perfect moment to tell you. You looked up at him with wide eyes, wondering if you heard him right. ''Buck...'' you said, and you saw his face fall when you said that. ''No, Buck, listen to me. I love you too, so incredibly much, and I'm very happy to spend this beautiful evening with you right now,'' you said as you put a hand on his cheek, softly brushing through his stubble.
''I can think of a way to make it even more perfect, though,'' Bucky said and he leaned in to kiss you, but something in this universe didn't want the two of you to kiss. You could feel each other's breaths on your lips as they brushed together ever so subtly when his phone rang and disturbed the moment, snapping both of you out of it right away. ''I'm going to kill whoever is on the other end of that fucking phone,'' he said as he fished his phone out of his pocket, and he saw it was Steve calling. ''What do you want, Rogers?'' he snarled at the man on the other end. ''Wow, Buck, easy! Did I interrupt something?'' he asked and Bucky just grunted as a response, he wasn't going to tell him the two of you almost kissed before he had to ruin it.
''Well, the reason I'm calling is because I need both of you back at the Compound as soon as possible, Fury is sending everyone on an emergency mission and we need everyone so you two lovebirds better get here now,'' he said with a chuckle. ''Fuck off, Rogers. We'll be there,'' he said before quickly hanging up. He immediately softened up when he looked at you, ''I'm so sorry doll, but we have to go back to the Compound for an emergency mission that everyone is required to go on,'' he said with a sigh. ''I think we're gonna have to resume our perfect night another time,'' you said before giving a peck on his cheek. ''Want me to ride back this time?'' you ask, even though Bucky usually didn't let anyone else ride his bike beside himself. ''Okay, but you better not tell anyone before everyone wants to do it!'' he said and the both of you got on.
~ The evening of Tony's party ~
The mission went even better than expected, and now it was finally time to enjoy Tony's party. You haven't seen Bucky all day today, but you got ready a bit earlier since you were preparing to sing that night, and your hair and make-up were perfect for your first outfit. Towards the end of the night, you would go and change into the iconic outfit Sandy wears at the end of the movie, but no one besides you and Tony knew about that plan. He brought up the idea and even though you were a little unsure at first, Tony managed to convince you to do it. Right now, you were wearing a light pink dress with dots on it and the biggest petticoat you could find, making you feel like a real-life doll. You sent Bucky a picture of your finished outfit, and he couldn't believe his eyes, you looked perfect.
He had asked Nat to help him out with his outfit, or more specifically his hair, because he wanted to go all out for you and there was only one way to do just that. Nat was cutting his hair to look exactly like that of Danny's in the movie and even though it was a big change, he has been thinking about cutting his hair for a long time. Nat saw the picture and couldn't get over how gorgeous you look right now. ''She went all out for it, she's the most beautiful woman at the party tonight,'' she said. She would dress up as Rizzo and Wanda would go as Frenchie, with some other female colleagues dressing as Marty and Jan.
The T-birds would consist of Bucky as Danny, and Steve, Tony, Clint, Scott, and Thor would dress up as the rest of their friend group. When Nat was done and Bucky's hair was styled, he was honestly unrecognizable at this moment. His clothes looked the same as he always wore, but the hair made him look handsome, and a lot younger which suited him. ''If Y/N won't make a move now, she really must have hit her head, because you look irresistible,'' Nat said with a wink before walking out the door to get dressed. ''Have fun tonight, and keep me posted,'' she said and Bucky just laughed, all he needed to do now was shave and the look would be complete.
By the time 8 PM arrived, people were slowly trickling into the party room, but Tony gave strict instructions to everyone that no one would be allowed to wear the iconic Sandy look, and everyone listened. You were getting ready to sing for tonight and you started with a few songs that were fitting in the world of Grease, and the people were taking photos and videos of you singing, this would honestly be a good boost for your social profile and you didn't mind it at all, you loved to sing anyways. By the time Tony officially announced that the party started, the band began playing the tune of the opening song and most of the guests sang right along while dancing.
You sang a few songs, and finally, you spotted Bucky at the bar talking to Steve, and he occasionally looked over at you. When you realized he completely changed himself, you really couldn't wait to surprise him later. He shot a few winks the way that made you falter a little in your singing, but no one seemed to notice, and you were glad you could finally announce that you would take a short break and be back later for the finale of your songs, after which a DJ would take over the music. Bucky wasn't the only one transforming, you went to the hairdressers earlier to dye your hair blond to completely undergo your transformation.
''Alright, let's get you out of these clothes and into the clothes Sandy would wear,'' Tony said and you did as he said, not caring he was in the room because you had a bit of a time limit right now, and you still needed to do your hair and make-up too. Tony had gotten Nat out of the crowd to help you with your hair and she audibly gasped when she saw you in the new outfit. ''Damn, if Bucky isn't going to make a move on you now, I'm taking you with me tonight!'' she joked and you laughed when we put on the shoes. ''So, if you do my hair, I'll do my make-up and then I'll go back out,'' you said, and within 30 minutes you were completely transformed and ready to go back out.
Nat already went back into the room and took Bucky front and center to the stage, so he could witness your transformation firsthand, even though he didn't want to. ''Come on, it'll be her last song of the night, so you have to be there to show your support!'' she said and after some more convincing he and the rest of the Avengers made their way to the front of the room. The starting notes of 'You're The One That I Want' started playing and you walked out in your outfit, getting audible gasps from every single person in the room. Bucky couldn't believe what he saw, and his mouth was hanging open when you walk on stage and started singing. Not to the room, no, you sang for Bucky.
Towards the end of the song you pulled him on stage, and when the song ended, you seductively walked up to him and grabbed him by the back of his neck before planting your lips on his, finally getting the kiss both of you have been craving for so long. He immediately deepened it and it earned both of you a few shouts of approval from the room before letting go. ''Fuck, you look gorgeous, doll. Can't take my eyes off of you now,'' he said before going in for more kissing. This time he pulled away from the kiss first, and you finally told him what has been on your mind this whole time. ''Bucky, do you want to be the Danny to my Sandy, and be my boyfriend?'' you said, and he nodded happily, kissing you in a response while grabbing you closer, and that was the perfect start of the rest of your lives together.
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Thranduil and Josie Pt. 124-Mephistophelian
Summary: Daddy's home with a whole new look. Garrett and Josie are in trouble. Josie finds one of her powers...and a new family member who has a lot of info. A kiss is shared. Thranduil holds onto his love for Josephine as Jareth now takes over. Josie panics over Legolas. Haldir takes some heat. Garrett saves a life and comforts another. Narcisse intercepts something of great importance.
*Warnings* Long and dark chapter, angst, violence, language, graphic depictions, torture,
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
"My dad is here? Where?!" you asked Garrett in desperation and began spinning around searching for him.
"Daddy??? Are you here?? Where are you!? Garrett, come on, we gotta look for him."
"Yeah, umm, Josephine, hold on..." he said and grabbed your arm.
"Garrett? What are you doing?"
"Something don't feel right." Garrett muttered as his eyes darted through all the trees.
"Yeah, your hand on my arm! He could be out here hurt or something. Maybe that's why he's been gone so long??"
You pulled away from him and took off trotting through the forest with Garrett immediately chasing after you.
Julian watched from a tree above and then jumped out, doing an impressive flip and then landed right in your path, scaring you half to death.
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You let out a scream and hopped into Garrett's awaiting arms as Julian stood staring at you with an expressionless face.
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"Daddy? Oh my god, you're really here!"
You went to go to him but Garrett stopped you, snatching your arm and turning you back to him.
"Garrett, what are you doing? Let me go."
He leaned down to you and quietly spoke while still clutching your hand.
"Do you trust me?"
"Is that a rhetorical question?'
Garrett sighed and furrowed his brows.
"Ok..ok, yes...with my life, but that's about it after Raven... What is it Garrett?"
Garrett pretended he didn't hear her cringeworthy name. "Something is off. He...he don't...smell right....and look at his appearance, the drastic change." he whispered.
You were locked into Garrett's eyes and your intuition told you to listen to him. He may have done some stupid things but he would never let anything happen to you. Slowly, you turned to look at your father as you remained glued to Garrett.
""Garrett, what an unpleasant surprise to see you with my daughter as usual...you do recall that I am a witch and witches can change their appearance."
"Um.. right...and here I thought you just stopped off at the barber shop during your three week vacation that had your daughter worried sick when she just got you back from the dead after 9 years. What was I thinking?"
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"Garrett, stop it." you snapped and nudged him.
"New cologne too? Interesting scent." Garrett continued, completely ignoring you.
"You're one to talk, Danny Zuko. Is that whom you wanted to be when you grew up from the class clown to the comedic blood sucker?" Julian snarked as he leered at the vexed vampire.
You couldn't help but snicker at your dad's remark in which Garrett gave you a raised eyebrow of disbelief.
"Well...the Zuko part was kinda funny." you concurred. Garrett then shook his head at you.
"Oh look at that, your dad's got newly acquired joking skills as well. Great movie by the way, one of my favorites, although I think I'm much better looking that John Travolta and would have made a better T-Bird. I can totally sing greased lightning way better too. What about you Chad Kroeger? Is this how you remind me of what I really am?"
"Garrett Lee!" you said with a low emitted bellow through your teeth.
"What? He started it."
After rolling your eyes at Garrett's typical behavior, you looked back at your dad, realizing his behavior wasn't so typical.
"Daddy, where have you been? Garrett is right, I was so worried about you. You just vanished and never told me you were leaving."
"I apologize Josephine. I had some business to attend to."
"Ok? Umm, since when do you call me that?
"It is your name is it not?"
"Well...uh...yeah..but...you always call me Jo...Daddy, is everything alright?"
"Never better. Come give daddy a hug. I have missed you my love."
Garrett's hand squeezed yours, begging you not to do it.
You peered up at Garrett with a now worried look.
"Jo, my sweet girl, don't you want to give your father a hug?" Julian asked in a sincere like tone. You smiled as that sounded more like your dad's words and let go of Garrett.
"Josephine..." Garrett urged, his eyes full of concern that were now his defensive red.
"Hey...calm down. He's not going to hurt me, he's my dad?" you softly told him and then went to Julian. The closer you got, you began to pick up the scent Garrett was talking about. You didn't know how to describe it, only that it was unsavory. Not a lick of his usual chamomile aroma was there at all.
You hesitantly hugged him and he even felt different. Julian picked up on how tense you were.
"Oh, there now. Daddy's got you. If there's anyone you should be weary of my child, it is the living dead boy you are sweet on."
You immediately released your father and gave him a wide eyed stare.
"Dad...why would you say such a thing to me??"
"Were you not about to play tongue twister with romancing Roman over there or did my eyes deceive me? A few more minutes and he would have been eyeing your jugular."
"First of all Julian, my name is Garrett and secondly, I do not desire Josephine's blood and she knows it. What is your problem man?" Garrett reeled as he came up behind you and intensely glared the warlock down.
"It seems it would be you. You had no problem letting Jo feed you her blood at Lestat's or has that slipped your mind. I stood right there and viewed the entire display of affection. Tell me, did Thranduil know about that? Oh, that's right, he was probably already dead by then."
"DADDY!!!!" you shouted in horror as Garrett secured you against him.
"She gave me her blood because I was dying. Caroline had almost depleted all of my blood or has THAT slipped your mind?? And what a shitty ass thing to say to her. What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"Nothing is wrong with me. I am simply stating facts. How sweet, how you both share each other's blood now, I mean, since you forced her to drink yours at one time, among...other things you made her do. I made it clear to you more than once that I would never except you as a part of Josephine's life, so my words should be of no shock to you."
"And they're not, but the ones you speak to your daughter ARE! I think you owe her an apology." Garrett snapped and moved you behind him as he stood in attack mode.
"I really thought this was going to be simple, but you just had to interfere like always. I am getting quite tired of your existence...and so is Jareth. He knows about your little roll in the hay with Raven, so I'll be doing him a favor in taking you out for him. I promise, it will be much quicker and less painful if I do it." Julian said as he walked over to an enormous rock that stood at least 20 feet tall and half of that wide. With one unexpected and effortless push, Julian tipped it over, aiming it right for Garrett as you helplessly watched.
Garrett could have zipped away, but it wasn't his style. Instead, he wanted to show his power and raised his hand, obliterating the massive stone into kibble that showered over the dismayed warlock.
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"Daddy STOP!! What are you doing???!!!"
Ignoring your cries, Julian then raised his hand and whipped Garrett against a tree, pinning him there.
"Be still blood sucker."
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"Daddy let him go!! NOW!!"
"I'm sorry dear one but I cannot do that. Now, where were we?"
"Josephine, get away from him!"
You headed Garrett's words and slowly moved backwards towards the vampire.
"D...d..daddy, what are you doing? Why are you acting this way?!"
"Be still girl. This can all be over if you just give me what I want."
"You can have whatever you want, just don't hurt Garrett...please!"
"No! Josephine, do not give a warlock something of yours." Garrett warned.
You turned to look at him and then suddenly Julian was right behind you.
"Too late. She already offered to me anything I want."
You gasped as Julian ripped the moonstone from your neck. He grinned from ear to ear as his hand lit up...which also freed Garrett in his distraction.
Garrett powered towards him and this time Julian flashed a fireball at him.
"How about a little fire scarecrow??"
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" you screamed as you whipped around to see Garrett's jacket consumed in flames.
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Since you had no powers to shield him, your instincts went wild as you charged at Garrett, plunging into his chest and catapulting him through the air, straight into the bay's large inlet of water.
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"GARRETT!!!" you gasped and cried as you stared at the ripples where he went under. Rage now tore through your veins as you turned to your father with a death glare, desperately trying to find the powers Amara said you still had.
"Who are you??? because you are NOT my father!"
Julian began walking towards you with a sinister look upon his face. You began to tremble profusely as you stumbled backwards, falling onto your back.
"How slowly you catch on. You really should have listened to him."
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"Daddy, stop this! Don't make me hurt you!" you sobbed and shook.
Julian chortled. "And how are you going to do that? You are powerless and I have the moonstone."
Panic and fear took over you as your eyes dashed about, looking for something, anything. Your eyes locked on to a large tree branch that was splintered at the end as you thought of your daughter and getting back to her. You could hear Garrett's voice from when he trained you to use your powers, telling you to focus. The branch began to move and then it broke, plunging down straight through Julian's backside and into the ground.
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You sat there in shock, shaking so bad and whimpering like a frightened child as you stared at your father's limp body hanging over the wooden spear with your necklace dangling from his hand.
"D..ddd..daddy???" you stuttered and steadied yourself onto your feet, then slowly stumbled over to him. "I...I..I didn't mean it daddy....wake up."
You nudged his shoulder but he didn't move.
"Daddy wake up!!!" you shouted and shook him, but still, there was no movement. "No...no...no..no...no..noooooooo!"
You still bore the emerald around your neck which you had put on a longer chain so it wasn't visible to those that desired it, otherwise you were certain Julian would have taken that too. You quickly pulled it out and pressed the gem against his chest. Nothing happened....just like with Thranduil. You then dropped to your knees in front of him and bawled.
"Why won't it work??!!! I'm so sorry! I love you so much."
After a few moments, you wiped your eyes, then took his hand and kissed it. You then reclaimed your pendant and wobbled off in disorientation to look for Garrett. He couldn't be gone too. He just couldn't....
As you got a few feet away, you heard a noise from behind you. Slowly, you turned around to see your father stand up and move right through the stake.
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"Oh my god...daddy!!"
You went to run to him but someone stopped you. Someone you had never seen before in your life. The short blonde haired man stood about 6 ft., dressed in all black and appeared to be about your age.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you Jo." he bluntly stated as he glared at you.
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"Long time no see Jace." Julian snidely said to this herculean man that was a complete stranger to you who but bore a rune on his neck similar to yours, but much larger.
"Too long apparently. It seems my father has gotten to you."
"I am merely who I was born to be. He did me a favor. I'd like to stay and catch up, but I have to finish my errands. Josephine, I believe you have something that belongs to me."
Julian stepped towards you holding his hand out.
The man he called Jace pushed you behind him.
"You will not go near her."
Jace's eyes turned a fiery orange as he glowered at Julian.
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"Would someone tell me what the fuck is going on?" you blatantly insisted as you pushed your way back around him.
"Wow. Language...and feisty too. Your reputation precedes you."
"Excuse me??? Just who the hell are you.....Jace??"
Julian took advantage of the situation and flew off.
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"Well that's just GREAT! Thank you for that. If you could have just kept your mouth shut for two seconds, I could have contained him and may have been able to undue what has been done to him." Jace raged at you.
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You sarcastically laughed in utter shock of the nerve this man had.
"I don't have time for this. I have to find..."
Your words were cut short as Garrett appeared from the trees, smiling at you, his hair back to it's usual shaggy state and carrying his half melted leather jacket.
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"Oh my god!!!" you cried and raced to him, jumping into his arms. "Are you alright, are you hurt, are you burned??"
You frantically ravished his body with your hands checking him over to make sure.
"I'm fine Josephine, thanks to you and your quick thinking...and this jacket believe it or not."
You placed your hands on his cheeks and closed your eyes.
"My god, when I saw the fire...I...I....just...don't you ever do that to me again!"
"What did I do? Your psychotic father set me on fire. That wasn't my fault."
"I know I know! Just....shut up..."
You planted your lips upon his and held them there. Garrett was stunned. He dropped his coat as he closed his eyes, then wrapped his arms around you, parting his lips and kissing you deeply.
You whimpered as your lips slowly detached from his and you both stood in a dazed eye lock.
"Not to interrupt your sweet little moment but it is not safe for you to stay out here. Julian will be back to obtain that which he came for. Your gem and that book."
"I'm sorry....who the hell are you?" Garrett rudely asked as his eyes glowed red and walked right up to Jace, towering at least 6 inches over him.
"You can tone down the hues bro. I'm not your enemy."
"And I'm not your bro, bruh."
"Jo, can you call your hellhound off before I hurt him?"
"Jesus, will you both stop?? And you....JACE...answer his question. Start talking now. Who are you?? and how do you know me or my father??"
"Which one? I guess that don't matter. I am related to both of them. Julian is my uncle. Jareth is my father."
You gasped, remembering the Seelie Queen's words, that there were two others that shared your blood sibling wise....and then you saw it...Jace's eyes.
"How...how did I not notice....your eyes...one brown...one blue...just like Jareth's...you mean you're my......."
"Brother. Yes. But I will put this out there right now. I am nothing like Jareth, nor do I associate with him...or my mother....except that I am a warlock. Jareth and Harker, they got to Julian. My guess is Jareth tortured him with his ring and that's why your father isn't himself."
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"His ring?"
"Yes. The citrine gemstone. It has great power. Terrible power when in the wrong hands, just like Ashmole...and that's what Julian was here for...and your moonstone. There's three stones they need, along with that book for Jareth to do some serious damage and also to protect himself from destruction. I am certain my father has two of the runestones in his possession, one being his ring and the other a hexagonal crystal. Then there's yours and Thranduil's ring."
"Wait, what? how do you know about my husband's ring?"
"Jo, respectfully, everyone knows of King Thranduil and his moonstone ring. It's a key crystal. On the backside of the stone is a hole in which your stone was created from and also in which it fits together, making it whole again. When Thranduil had it made for you, well, word traveled about it. The thing is, I don't think Jareth is aware of that part and that both would be needed for what he plans to do. Your stone alone will do them no good, which can buy some time. But we need to find that book before Julian does....also...where is Thranduil's ring?"
You had trouble finding words after that revelation. You knew your stone was made from his, but you didn't know about the key factor.
"Uhhh...it's...I believe it's in his halls....I..."
Your eyes began to cloud over with tears as you turned away.
"Jo...I am sorry for your loss. I truly am. I had much respect for your King. Mostly because all feared him and I mean that in a good way."
"I...I understand. Legolas will be returning there at some point and I will ask him to try and locate it. But....the book. You said Julian is here for that too? You mean to tell me it's here in Dorwinion somewhere?"
"I am certain of it. Julian and Narcisse are best friends and have been for ever since I can remember. I don't know if Narcisse knows it is here, but what a better place for Julian to have hidden it, in a place so obvious, no one would think to look."
"Ok..ok...but...there's also three pages my father took from that book and hid elsewhere. He said the book is useless without them."
"Yeah about that...Harker has them. I have been tracking the three brothers, it's what I do. Your dad was at your old home. That's where he hid the pages, but Harker was also following your dad and was able to overpower him there and took them from him."
"So, you followed him there and you did nothing to stop it??!"
"It's not like that. I followed Jareth and he met up with Harker and an already injured Julian. I heard their conversation about it all. I could not take the two of them on alone, especially when Jareth has that ring. I might be his son, but that don't matter to him. I would most likely be in the same predicament as Julian if I had tried."
"I guess that makes sense because I certainly know Jareth don't give a shit about me either. He tried to trade me for Raven back at Lestat's before he turned into some ungodly beast and torched the place."
"The Balrog. The ring gives him that power. You may be pleased to know that Jareth got his karma for that. Dragons attacked his kingdom and burnt it down, well the visible part on top of the mountain anyways. Jareth still has his labyrinth inside the Misty Mountains as a sanctuary."
Your mouth dropped open as you began to slowly pace.
"My god....my dream...."
"What do you mean?"
"I...I have prophetic dreams...they..they don't always make sense but almost always come true and...the other night...I dreamt of dragons and....someone playing a violin..."
Jace's eyes widened as he whispered in shock. "The song that summons them. No one dares play that or knows how to, except...."
"Thranduil and Lestat......Jace...Thranduil played it in Laketown when Smaug was a threat....and Lestat...he..he has this violin that he guards with his life...I have heard him play it, it's so intoxicating. My god, do you think he did it? For revenge? I mean...Lestat has made it clear he don't settle old scores, he harbors them...but...we all know it couldn't be Thranduil so...maybe Lestat was just pushed over the edge after all that happened? God, I just saw him awhile back. He had come here to see me and bring me some items of mine that weren't destroyed in the fire and he didn't seem vengeful, but I suppose he wouldn't tell me if he was. Crazy isn't it? Mine and Thranduil's chambers were untouched by the fire...."
"So...does anyone here want to fill me in on where Julian is after the wicked witch set me on fire?" Garrett asked.
"After that, he...he came after me and I...I was able to conjure up enough power to stop him, accidentally I plunged a tree branch through his body...and I tired to save him with the emerald but it wouldn't work...but then it must have because he was suddenly alive again, and that's when Jace showed up and my dad flew off, but I was able to get my moonstone back before that."
"No, the emerald did not save him Jo, because he wasn't dead. It's not exactly that simple to kill a warlock."
"What I don't get though is why it didn't work on Thranduil, because he was....gone when we found him. My mother claimed she had placed some curse upon it working on his bloodline, but yet it worked on Legolas at a later time that night...maybe because the curse was broken when she died? but...she was also dead before I tried it on Thranduil so that can't be it. God, nothing makes sense anymore!" you cried and burrowed yourself into Garrett's chest.
Your words suddenly had Jace's mind spinning in thought and theory, but he didn't dare tell you any of it without being sure....for he too, like Lestat, now wondered if it were possible that Thranduil was alive.
"I...I have to get back to my daughter. We must have been gone at least a few hours now, and then I need to find Narcisse and ask him about that damn book. I honestly don't believe he knows where it is but I am about to find out."
Jace accompanied you and Garrett back to the castle.
"Will I see you again Jace? I mean...it's not everyday that you find a long lost sibling you didn't know you had for 24 years."
"Of course you will Jo. I haven't known for long about you, but when I found out, that's when I started following Jareth which eventually led me to you. I won't be far or gone long, but there are things I need to look into. Do not leave this castle for any reason. Not with Julian on the loose now too."
There went your plans of going to Lorien and now you had to explain that to Haldir.
"Jace, whatever you do, please don't hurt my dad. This isn't his fault. All that he has ever done, it was for me."
"I think you know I wouldn't do that. Julian is one of the good guys. We will get him back, I swear to it."
You gave Jace a hug and then he left.
"I suppose that's my que to leave too." Garrett sadly said.
"I'm sorry. If I could let you stay here, I would."
"Well, you know I too will not be far. I don't mind hanging out in the trees." he chuckled. "I'll be that guard dog Jace referred me too."
You threw your arms around him and held him tight.
"Don't you ever leave me again Garrett." you mumbled into his neck.
He brought his hand up to the back of your head and cradled you so gently, then kissed your forehead.
"I'll see you soon beautiful. Call to me if you need me."
He caressed your cheek and smiled, then left.
"I love you with a soul that has lived a thousand lifetimes, always waiting to meet you again. I can promise to be yours forever." Thranduil muttered as he lied on the cold stone floor barely conscious, trying to hold onto his feelings for you, picturing your face and imagining your touch.
"Clink clink clink clink clink clink."
Harker trailed around the iron bars with Thranduil's sword, startling him into a gasp and bringing him back to his living nightmare.
"Wake up Elvenking. It's time for your therapy. This time I brought a special guest who would like to assist in your treatment.
Thranduil's swollen eyes crept open into narrow slits as Jareth's face came into focus next to Harker's, both warlocks smirking at him.
"Welcome back elf king. It's time to pay your dues." Jareth taunted as he held up his crystal ball.
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"You have torched my castle and played with my queen, and for that, death should be your punishment, but death is too kind. I have much better plans for you. You see, soon I will have everything I need to rule all of middle earth, a true king. Even you will answer to me. With that being said, I believe you and I will come to a mutual understanding and both still reign in our realms, but that is the only power you will have. I will be God and you will be a soldier under command. Your love for my daughter will be ancient history, as if it never existed. The memories you have of her will mean nothing to you. She...will mean nothing to you. I am going to bring back the Elvenking's heart of stone that he had for many millenniums before you even knew her....and that's not all I am going to bring back. I will wake the dead just like I was awakened...and they will become the evil dead, just as I am. Does that make any sense? If it is still not crystal clear...it will be. Look here, you will see."
Jareth squatted down and held the crystal ball between the bars.
Thranduil squinted his eyes shut and turned away.
Jareth lowered his head and heavily sighed.
"If you insist on doing things the hard way, then so be it. Harker?"
Harker came up behind the bars where Thranduil leaned and grabbed each side of his face.
"LOOK at the ball sprite." he snarled into his ear as the citrine ring glowed and shocked Thranduil which forced his eyes wide open.
What Thranduil was made to see sent tears flowing down his dirt ridden cheeks. It was so horrendous and emotionally painful that he passed out.
"Well that was useless." Harker griped.
"Oh no my brother, it was quite effective. His reaction is exactly what I wanted to shrivel his heart and turn it black as coal. Even the grinch will have nothing on him when I am through. We will return later tonight and give him another round. In the meantime, stay here and when he awakens, continue to inculcate him with the crystal Julian had and find out where Thranduil's ring is."
"I thought it was not needed, that Josephine's moonstone would be enough?"
"The more, the merrier. I want that ring."
So did Harker, and he planned on getting it for himself, but agreed to follow Jareth's orders, for now.
You sat in your room holding Leean after you fed her waiting for Haldir to come in who you had sent Lola to find. You really wanted to speak to Narcisse about the book and your dad and also about allowing you to stay.. but Lola had informed you that he had went to the city on business, so now you would have to wait. You also wanted to see Legolas so bad, but were scared to. You thought it best to let him come to you in his own time, for you had deeply and unintentionally hurt him.
Haldir came in and sat down on the foot of the bed as you laid Leean back in her cradle.
"You requested to see me?"
"Yes...I have much to tell you."
You went on informing Haldir of all of the day's events, well, most of it. You were brief on the Seelie Court, leaving out the game of kisses. You didn't want to further humiliate Legolas and it really was no one else's business but yours and his.
Haldir was stunned by your revelations and actaully shocked you by understanding that you could not leave for Lorien with him now... but was confused as to why Legolas came back without you, so he asked.
"Jo...Legolas came in earlier in a state of...well...rage I suppose. What happened? And do not tell me you don't know."
"Haldir...I do know, and I don't want to discuss that with you, or anyone. It is between me and Legolas. So...obviously, he didn't tell you, but...did he say anything at all?"
Haldir's eyes lowered and now you were worried.
"Haldir?? What are YOU not telling ME? Where is Legolas???"
"Jo...he did not say much. He...wanted to be left alone. Quite literally."
"What the hell does that mean?"
Haldir sighed, knowing what he was about to tell you was going to set you off.
"Jo....Legolas left for Mirkwood."
For a few seconds that seemed like minutes, your ears went deaf as your heart palpitated, it's strong beat pulsed through your head and your airways tightened. The next thing you knew, you awoke in Haldir's arms as he sat on the floor holding you.
"Haldir...wh..what happened?"
"You fainted my lady. Are you alright? You scared me half to death."
You sat up in shock. "I...yes, I am fine. I must have had a panic attack. Please tell me I was dreaming and that Legolas is right across the hall in his room."
"I am sorry Jo. He is not. It was no dream. My god Jo, what did you do to him?"
You were instantly offended and stood right up.
"And why would you just assume that I did something to him???"
"Because Jo, he refused to speak of you and would not even even say goodbye to Leean. Correct me if I am wrong, but beings Garrett was with you, I am willing to bet he has something to do with it."
"No more. This conversation is over."
"Jo, do not o this. Talk to me."
"I want you to leave Haldir."
"Jo, I am sorry if I hurt you, I was not trying to do..."
Haldir pursed his lips, spun around and left with you slamming the door shut behind him. You leaned on the door and slowly slid to the ground in tears.
Night had fallen and there was light snow as the crow had made his way into the Dorwinion realm with Thranduil's letter clamped tightly in his beak. A small group of Narcisse's guards were outside partying with the wicked ale, which the mice liked to do when the big cat was away.
The moon was full and illuminated the grounds as if it were day, making the crow visible as he tried to make his way around the castle to your balcony. The rowdy and unruly guards saw him and began pelting large stones at him as they laughed and cheered for him to be taken down, calling him a beast of the devil. A rock nailed him hard in the head, disorienting him and causing him to drop the letter as he let out a shrill squawk. Blood trickled over his eyes blurring his vision as he tried desperately to make it to you. He flew erratically all over the place and eventually slammed right into your windows. You jumped out of bed with a hard gasp, staring at the balcony doors. The crow began cawing non stop in cries for help. You raced to the doors and whipped them open to find him flapping around on the ground covered in blood.
"Oh my god!!! What has happened to you??? It's ok, it's ok, calm down, I have got you." you told your feathered faithful friend as you picked him up. You saw his injury and it was bad.
Garrett came swooping in as he had been just across the way watching your doors from a tree just like he said he would do.
"Josephine, what happened??"
"Garrett, I don't know! I don't know what to do, I have no powers. We have to help him, we just have to after all he has done for me!"
"Shhhhh, little one. Give him to me."
You shook and cried as you handed the bird to Garrett. He cradled the crow in his palms and closed his eyes. His hands began to glow a soft yellow and within seconds, the black bird was on his feet, cawing at Garrett while tilting his head to eye him as a gesture of appreciation.
"Oh my god, you did it. He...he's alright? You're...you're alright aren't you?" you asked your friend.
He cawed once for yes as he then eyed you.
"What happened to you? Can you find a way to tell me?"
He jumped on Garrett's lap and cawed at him, then flew to the balcony rail and cawed at him again. Garrett looked at you in confusion.
"I...I think he wants you to follow him."
Garrett chuckled. "Ok? Guess I am going to go be a pet detective. If I'm not back in five minutes, just wait longer."
You giggled. "Alright Ace Ventura...I'll...just wait here."
That five minutes went by and you were getting anxious while staring out into the darkness in search for either of them. You then heard the crow caw and he and Garrett landed back on the balcony with perfect grace.
"We couldn't stay out there long because Narcisse just returned from wherever he was at..and he looked like he was on a war path....but...from what I have gathered...the warlock guards were juiced up on grandpa's ol' cough medicine and dick measuring by throwing rocks at him to see who could take him out. Like, he literally showed me by picking up stones in his beak and whipping them at my leg."
"Wow...well look at you two, go scooby and shaggy!"
The crow cawed as you and Garrett laughed.
"So...you know Josephine, I can take care of them for what they have done. Bad people is my thing remember? They're no better than that piece of shit Asher. Narcisse seriously needs to reassess his staff."
"Garrett, no!! Narcisse will figure out that it was a vampire attack and you don't want to be on his bad side again. He is far from stupid."
"Whoa whoa, hold up. I didn't mean I was going to kill them...well, not suck style anyways...I was thinking more like scooping them up one by one and dropping them in the middle of the cold black treacherous Rhun. Narcisse would probably just think they drunk drowned, that is if they don't become shark bait first."
"Oh my god, no Garrett. I will inform Narcisse what they have done. You know how he feels about animals, even ones that are deemed to be evil or unlucky such as this sweet fella. They will definitely pay for this."
"Curses...foiled again! Thanks Daphne."
"Ha...ha. Funny, not funny. Ok, so...my little friend, why have you come?" you then asked the crow.
The crow just cocked his head. He had no idea of how to tell you because you couldn't read his mind like Thranduil could.
"Did you have a message for me?"
"Caw!" he answered once for yes.
"Ok...good news or bad news? Once for good, twice for bad."
"Lord knows I could use some good news....but how is he going to tell me what it is about?" you asked Garrett who was astonished over the fact you were speaking with a bird.
"I don't know...charades?"
You laughed so hard. "Well...wow. I haven't laughed that hard in a very very long time. You know Garrett, you're the only one who makes me laugh like that."
You gasped as you heard your bedroom door open and close which startled the crow and he flew off.
'No...wait! Shit!"
"See ya later Eric Draven!" Garrett yelled.
"SHHHHHH!!!!" you hissed and smacked his arm.
You peeked inside and saw Lola.
"Ok...stay here and I'll be right back....and BE quiet!" you whispered adamantly to Garrett.
He then sat in a dark corner and made the zipper gesture across his lips as he gazed at you.
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You smiled and went inside....then came back a few minutes later.
"Ok, she's gone. I asked her to give me a night of privacy, that I just wanted to be alone.....but I don't...not really. Garrett...Legolas left. He went back to Mirkwood and didn't even say goodbye to me and so now, here I am with no one but Haldir and Narcisse, both of which I am pissed at...and now I'm stuck in a castle with a crazy bitch as well who likes to put dead rats in my bath water, and my alter ego dad is out there somewhere just waiting to come back for my stone....would you...stay with me tonight? Please? I mean...just so I can sleep. Nothing more. I'll lock the door... and...I..."
"Of course I will Josephine. You do know, you can always come stay with me."
"Garrett...at this point, I would...but...you have to know I cannot take my daughter into a vampire coven...I just won't do it."
"I understand that. But if Narcisse sticks to his guns and feels you must leave because of Catherine, where will you go??"
"I'm sure it will still be Lorien but I don't want to think about that right now. I am so tired and it feels like my brain is melting after all it's been subjected to today."
He followed you inside and you climbed in bed as Garrett went to lay on the couch.
"No...Garrett....over here. Please? Hold me?"
The vampire seemed to have went into shock as he exhaled a deep gush of air and just stared at you.
"Garrett, if you don't want to, it's ok. You can just stay there."
'No..no...it's not that I don't, I mean, ...uh...umm..err...ok."
He came over and laid down beside you, his body stiff as a board, his eyes wide and frozen upon the ceiling as you cuddled up next to him, laying your head upon his chest.
"I...I can hear your heartbeat." you whispered as you closed your eyes.
"Ummm, my little one, that's not possible."
"Yes it is. I hear it in my mind.....goodnight Garrett."
He smiled and wrapped his arm around you.
"Goodnight little one."
"So let me see if I understand this correctly. I go into the city for a mere few hours, trusting that my guards will faithfully do their jobs as they are paid to do, and I return to my kingdom to find all of you incompetent fucking losers boozin it up on the front lawn and acting like a bunch of obnoxious imbeciles! Your actions reflect back on me! Do you have any idea what this makes me look like?? More importantly, there is a woman and her child inside that needs protection from a very notorious and dangerous warlock, which I know you're all aware of. If something were to happen to either of them because shenanigans such as this, every single one of you shall breathe no more! I need men for this job but it appears I have employed nothing but a bunch of delinquent little boys! Someone enliven me now what all the frolicking was over!"
"My...my Lord...th..there was...a...a..."
"If you cannot speak, you cannot serve me! Get him out of my sight Bash."
Sebastian had assumed Asher's position and was now Narcisse's deputy assistant and right hand man.
"Now, is there anyone else here that has grown past the age of 4 that can tell me what the commotion was about?"
"My Lord Narcisse. There was a crow. We were trying to bring it down with rocks as the filthy creatures bring evil and bad luck with them, for they are of the devil."
"You are about to find out who the real devil is around here. No one...no ONE here hurts an animal unless it is trying to kill you! You foolish and credulous dullards! Sebastian, have them all taken to the court. Strip and stone them, then find me a lineup for new guards for this sector that are worthy of the position."
"My Lord, stoning seems a bit extreme for..."
"Are you questioning me or my methods Bash?! Did I make a mistake instating you as my deputy? Shall I have you join the others?"
"No! My Lord, I will do as you wish." Bash quickly replied, bowed and left with the group of frightened warlocks.
"My Lord Narcisse." his coachman called to him.
Stephane rolled his eyes and turned around with a sigh.
"What is it now???"
"I found something on the ground just over the way. Beings that it is white, I could not help but see it. It appears to be a letter which could be of importance possibly?"
"What makes you say that?"
"Well...the thumbprint my Lord. It's..."
"Elven..." Narcisse whispered.
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xgryffinwhore · 4 years
september nights
request:  i was wondering if you could write another soft bill smut? i don’t really have a specific plot in mind, we’re just really lacking content on tumblr rn :( in some really precarious place where they don’t want to get caught
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warnings: soft smut, like i mean very soft.
word count: 2118
before your lips met bill denbrough’s, love was always, to say the least, a conundrum. lets be real for second, boys wasted your time, and you let them. only the cute ones of course. you are a hopeless romantic, drunk off of molly ringwald and john travolta films. you wanted any relationship you had to be just like the movies.
through your heart breaks, your best friends stood by you, your losers. eddie, richie, bev, stan, ben, and bill. for each tear you shed a punch was thrown to the man who caused it, they were protective over you. bill the most though, he always got so defensive when you were in the mix. all throughout middle & high school, bill has had to deal with every guy who even dares to think about breaking your heart.
“its not fair bill” you wailed into your pillow. he stroked your back and hushed you, his eyes welling with tears. “im never fucking good enough for any guy and its so fucking sad!” your complaints being cut off mid sentence by a choked out cry. “y-y/n. all of y-your boyfriend are i-idiots. anyone w-who would d-d-do this to you isnt w-worth your t-time. anyone w-would be the luckiest in the w-world to have y-you in their life” you picked your head up and looked at him with swollen lips and blood shot eyes “there no one out there for me bill, no one.” 
he bit his lip, fighting back any tears dripping from his eyes “they j-just dont see how p-pretty you are. how g-gentle and caring and s-s-sweet, and h-how your face c-can light up any room. theyre f-fucking idiots, and you d-deserve m-more.” you clearly thought he was being nice, because you could take a MOTHER FUCKING GOD DAMN hint, so you replied “i wish there was someone out there like you, for me, that thinks of me the way you do.” 
he furrowed his brows, tossing his head back and running his fingers furiously through his hair. “d-dammit y/n!” he cursed “cant you s-see what ive b-been trying to say? w-w-what ive been t-trying to say f-for the last f-five years!?!” your expression was bewildered, your brain was going a mile a minute trying to figure out what he meant. his frustration got the best of him, he got up and stormed out the door,  feeling embarrassed and stupid for trying to make you understand how he felt.
he was half way out your front door, fuming for his keys lodged deep into his front pocket; when suddenly:
his head turned at the call of his name, “y-y/n please i d-”
your lips locked with his, he rain pouring heavily outside. bills lips stilled at the contact, but this lasted briefly, he deepened this kiss by pulling you in to his abdomen by your mid back. your bunched the front of his base ball t shirt with your fists, and he did the same but with your hair.
the rest is basically history.
now six months later, and you couldnt have been happier. bill knew how to treat you, nights out twice a week (you always wanted to pay but bill insisted,) holding your hand to and from classes, he let you borrow have his varsity baseball jacket, which smelt just like him and was a little too big for you. 
when he would drop you off and your classes, he would always grab your hand and transfer a tiny piece of paper into your palm. when you got into class to unfold it, it was always a cute little message about his love for you. 
bill had it bad for you, everyone knew that, and you loved every minute of it. he met every and any standard you had, and exceeded your expectations. 
it was september, still warm enough in derry to wear shorts, so you and your friends thought of a last hurrah for the ending of the summery weather.
“camp out, its nearly perfect” Richie exclaimed. eddie rolled his eyes “like youve ever been near anything perfect toizer, do you even know what perfect means?” richie shoved eddie “yeah eddie i actually have. have you seen amanda’s tits?”
 you tuned out richie and eddies bickering as you’re boyfriend cleared his throat. “you g-gonna go?” he said into your ear, “only if you promise to wear bug spray bill, you know how bad-” he cut you off with a kiss, his mouth forming a small smile at how cute you were. “get a room, honestly” stan poked, pda wasn’t his favorite... “at least i h-have something to k-kiss aye s-stannie”
you arrived at the edge of the forest, parking your car at the last parking ish space. you walked toward the sounds of ben and richie fighting, and came to see that richie really went all out. three tents, sticks for a fire, and more snacks than anyone needed. 
you all spent the remanence of the daylight dancing in the light sky, sharing stories, and eating waaaay too many chips. it was dark now, you all huddled in a circle near the fire; making small talk and trying not to admit you were all very tired.
“ok folks, im off to bed” richie yawned “me stan eddie n’ mike will take the green tent, bev and ben in the red.” richie paused and smirked over at you and bill, you were tangled in his limbs, golfed in his navy blue pull over. “and uh- heh- billy boy and y/n in the yellow tent eh?” you could practically feel bills eye roll, god richie was so immature.
“w-we dont have to s-sleep in the s-s-same tent, i c-can ask ben if he’d s-switch” you look up at bill and reassure him “bill no- its not a big deal, right?” he tucks your hair behind your ear and kisses the side of your temple “c-course not.”
you both went into the tent, bill began to unroll the blankets you both had packed tightly into your bags. You both set up your makeshift bed, bill leaned against a pile of pillows while you hugged his side, your face buried in his neck. his smell was absolutely intoxicating; his skin had remanence of his milk and honey body wash, but it was slightly overpowered by wintergreen, clove, and his bourbon cologne. 
you were like this for around an hour, the orange crank-powered lantern being the only source of light. you switch positions though, you now laid your head on his lap, reading a magazine you stole from the hair salon. he watched your eyes scan every letter, when you read something funny you’d huff to yourself, and when something was intresting you stuck your tongue out from between your teeth. he adored you.
“d-dont stay up t-too late” he stroked your hair off your shoulder “we have t-to have you w-well r-r-rested.” you sat up from beside him, as he adjusted the pillows and took off his pull over, then his pants. he got under the covers and waited for you.
“nice donut boxers” you laughed. “s-shut up” he blushed and regreted not changing them when he had the chance. you turned around took off your shirt, you were shy about how you looked, but it was just bill. it was just bill. you heard his breath hitch, his eagerness radiating off his body onto yours. the air became tense as you unzipped your pants and threw them to the corner. you turned around, bills pupils growing until you were completely facing him.
“yeah i know. mine are boring” you laugh nervously, brushing your hair behind your ear and getting under the covers next to him. he didnt respond, he couldnt take his eyes off of you.you began to sit up again “i can go put back on-” “n-no!” he interrupts, his blush taking up his entire face.
“i j-j-just cant b-believe i g-get to see something s-so special” he gulped “s-so b-b-b-beautiful.”
you grabbed him by his shoulders and kissed him, hard. youve been with boys before, i mean youve dated plenty of people. but no one ever called your body special. hot, yeah. nice, yeah. beautiful, sure. but no one ever thought that it was special. 
bill was a kind boy, the most you two have ever done is get each other off with your hands, always clothed. bill never asked to see more, he felt lucky enough just to make you feel good, and that was enough for him. so when you felt the heat of his hands hovering over your body but not touching it, you new you’d have to call the shots tonight.
“bill,” you laid down “just touch me everywhere, please.” he crawled in between your legs, kneeling so that he could lean over your face “m-my pleasure.”
he traced your collar, leaving small, delicate, kisses to make up for what his fingers left behind as they trailed. he kissed the valley between your breasts, licking slow striped down your skin. he picked up your upper back a little and cocked his head to the side, you nodded and he unclipped your bra. he sat their with his mouth open, taking in the view. you blushed and muttered “hey, keep that mouth to good use.” he dipped down and sucked on your nipples, his mouth felt so good against your skin grazed with goosebumps. he was gingerly with his tongue, it was sexy, it was romantic. he kissed down your stomach, his fingers sweeping down your sides. you could see his member pressing against his boxers, the pressure made him wince every once in a while. his fingers met your panties and he hooked them. again, he looked up for permission, you nodded once again. 
he brought your underwear down your legs and off, looking back to see what he had relieved. he licked his lips, getting ready to please you more than he already did. but you felt bad, bill always gave gave and gave. “its ok, im ready right now.” bill looked up at you in shock, he wasnt expecting you’d want to go all the way. “y/n, y-youre sure?” you lean up and kiss his lips, swiping your tongue against his bottom lip “please.”
he pulled down his boxers eagerly, his member sprung out to hit his stomach. he lined up with you, checking once more that it was ok. then he pushed in, bottoming out. he felt bigger than you thought, of course he was well endowed, but he filled you up so well. you mewled, the pain and pleasure making a delicious feeling that made your toes curl.
he waited, but began slowly moving after a bit. he grunted, feeling you wrapped around him was something he’d never be able to get out of his head he thought to himself. he grunted “f-fuck this feels g-good’ he grunted, his breath becoming heavy and full of lust. with every stroke, you felt yourself get more and more lost in the bliss he made you feel. “youre making me feel so good  bill” you moan, the sound of his name coming out of your mouth driving him absolutely crazy. he speeds up, loving the view of your face contorting in pleasure and your body moving with his. 
he couldnt help but feel admiration to you, your hair formed a halo around your head, and the sweat that coated your skin made you glisten in the orange light. “im t-the luckiest in the world” he husks, holding your cheek. 
you felt the knot in your core coming undone, “bill im close” you strain, trying not to be too loud so you dont wake your friends. he moved your leg up to his shoulder, hitting you from a different, deeper angle. his fingers went to your clit, making you bite your had to stop you from screaming. “you l-look so p-pretty y/n, t-taking me s-so well. making y-you feel so good.” “so good bill” you repeat, drunken off his cock and fingers. 
without warning, you came came, your legs spazzing as you moaned “fuck bill” he followed, his hips stuttering, as he cried out into your shoulder. he pulled out and laid next to you, both of you breathing heavily and coming off your highs. 
“y/n” he looked at you “t-that was really j-just wow- thank y-you.” you kissed him, chaste and sweet “that was great yeah?” “it w-was perfect babe. t-thank you f-for t-that. i love you y-y/n.”
“i love you too bill.”
he sat up, his fingers dancing on your inner thigh.
“c-can we p-please do t-that again?”
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annesthaeticc · 2 years
the sorcerer supreme, the master of the mystic arts, and the disciple walk into a karaoke bar, fun things ensue.
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“Better drink up, Y/N. The next one will make you dance again.” Wong laughed as he took a sip of his drink.
“Ugh, you know me so well.” you groaned and playfully rolled your eyes. The first notes of More Than a Woman by Bee Gees faded in.
Stephen met you in the middle of the floor and he offered his hand.
“I’m no John Travolta, but would you do me the honor?” he asked, his eyes soft against the vivid and dancing disco lights. You took his hand and sidled closer to him.
“Even if John asked me at this same instance, I’d dance with you instead.” you replied, letting your feeling slip. You quietly blame the alcohol.
“Oh, say you’ll always be my baby, we can make it shine…” Stephen sang close to your ear.
“We can take forever, just a minute at a time.” you said, echoing the lyrics of the song.
“More than a woman, more than a woman to me…” Wong sang, and watched the two of you sway and spin around. He smirked to himself, knowing his plan was working.
He was right, he was no John Travolta. Because you doubt Travolta would ever hold you so close, so close you could almost feel his heartbeat. No, Stephen would never be like him. Stephen held you close to him, and at first you feared he might feel your racing heartbeat. You were afraid that your heart would betray you at that very moment. But you felt infinitely better when you felt his heartbeat. It was also fast, just like yours.
Could it be the adrenaline of dancing? Or could it be he’s feeling the same? Could it be the two of you are just bumbling fools who love each other but are scared to admit it? You lightly shake your head at the thought.
You look up at him and gazed at his eyes, you saw his dark pools slowly growing and your eyes probably did the same. Stephen smiled at you and you were undone. His smile was soft and you could almost feel your heartstrings tug, your cheeks heat up. Suddenly, he started to lean in to you. He gently dipped you, and you closed your eyes.
In arms, you felt secure and safe, under his gaze you felt loved.
It was almost the perfect setting; the two of you dancing to 70’s disco under the colorful lights with Wong perfectly imitating Barry Gibb’s falsetto. Stephen wanted to kiss at that very moment; you holding on to his arms, your eyes closed and lashes fanned against your cheeks, your lips looked so soft and inviting.
But it wasn’t the perfect moment. If Wong planned for this moment for the two of you to kiss; just like in Saturday Night Fever (1977), Stephen had other plans.
And so, he just planted a kiss on your cheek before helping you back up again. Your shared intimate interlude was broken when you heard Wong’s voice crack while imitating Gibb’s infamous falsettos. You and Stephen giggled, Stephen mostly roaring and laughing at Wong. You had to playfully swat his arm and warn him to play nice. The three of you took advantage of the break and drank some water while the last notes of the song faded. You sat on the plush sofa and watch as the two men bicker.
“Wong is not the winner for tonight.” Stephen said, looking at you with a raised eyebrow.
“Don’t be so sure about that, Stephen. You haven’t sung your last song.” you replied.
“You might want to be sure that I am the clear winner for tonight’s karaoke night.” he said and grabbed the two microphones from the platform. Your eyes grew in alarm and you turn to Wong, only to find him smirking. You watched as Stephen walked towards you, and once he was in front of you, he held out a microphone.
“Nobody puts my baby on a corner.” he winked and you gulped. Something must’ve run through your veins, it could be the four bottles of apple flavored beer, or it might be just the mere fact that you love Stephen and you’d do anything for him.
And if he wants you to stand up on the platform with him and sing The Time of My Life with him, you’d do it. So, you pried the offered microphone from his hand, and followed him to the front of the room.
[ 🚨 this is just the sneak peak of the fic, a part of a whole!!! so watch out for the whole fic!! join my taglist to be updated !! ]
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sunflowerharrington · 2 years
Reader meets Robin at a party and they hit it off right away. Proud Mama Steve in the background being happy for Robin and her new girl *plans their wedding as we speak*
shut up that’s so cute 🥹💕
Cupid’s Chokehold
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pairing - Robin Buckley X Fem!Reader
summary - it’s halloween and jason carver has thrown a halloween bash at his house. the ask <3 feat. supportive bestie steve
warnings - none!
taglist - @sunnymunson @quickiesgirl @in-love-with-will-byers @langdon-cumslut @sympathyforher @taecube @friendly-neighborhood-ghoul @wzrlds
author’s note - no thoughts, head empty, robin buckley.
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October 31st 1985
The music pounds through your ears as you open the door covered in cobwebs and cheap looking skeleton ornaments. Your eyes shift through the house, searching for Steve, your best friend and partner in crime, but he’s nowhere to be seen.
You clutch your sides and cross your arms, waiting for the host to come to the door. However, it’s not Jason who comes to greet you.
The tall, short haired girl with brown hair, dressed in blue jeans, a purple and yellow top and a leather jacket with a soft fabric hat on her head dances slowly towards you, stumbling over her feet. Her pale skin glowing in the orange, pumpkin shaped lights.
She trips over her converse shoes and almost crashes into you, her arms stop her from falling on top of you. She has an arm either side of you, her face inches away from your own. And you’re trying not to notice it, but the way your heart races tells you more than words ever will, and tells you that maybe your attraction towards her was maybe more than just a crush.
“Oh uh, hey, Y/N! Sorry about that. I must’ve tripped and I think Steve or Dustin or somebody tied my shoelaces together when I was getting a drink or when I was changing the music and— oh God I ruined your costume! I’m so sorry!” She shrieks.
“It’s okay, Robin. Trust me.”
“You’ve got me falling for you already, Y/N— I mean… Um…” she says, steadying herself against the wall next to you.
A squeal can be heard from behind the girl, a blonde-haired girl in a witches outfit came barging towards you and and the girl who stole your heart. The thief!!
She announces it’s time for Karaoke, and your mind races about what song you should sing. Maybe your own rendition of Uptown Girl by Billy Joel?
The stranger grabs your wrist and drags you into Jason’s living room. A microphone stand and Karaoke machine had been set up in the centre of the room with speakers surrounding it.
“Y/N and Robin want to sing together!” Steve Harrington called from within the kitchen, causing you to blush profusely. What is he doing? Is he telepathic? “Summer Nights by John Travolta and Olivia Newton John!”
“Steve!” Robin whined, before turning to you. The song began to pump through the music player and into the ears of every party guest. “Let’s just give it our best shot.”
“Summer lovin’ had me a blast.”
“Summer lovin’ happened so fast.”
“I met a girl crazy for me.”
“Met a girl cute as can be,” you sing, smiling like the Cheshire Cat as you look at her.
You and Robin link arms and begin dancing like nobody's watching, having fun. After the song comes to an end, you turn to put the microphone back on the stand, but Robin won’t let you.
“One more! Please!!”
You roll your eyes, laughing, and take hold of the microphone again. You and Robin begin screaming at the top of your lungs like hyenas to Material Girl by Madonna, prancing around the room. You twirl around with each other and laugh until your stomachs hurt. It’s the most fun you have both had in a long time, considering recent events that occurred in Hawkins.
Robin’s tune is awful but she doesn’t care. She made a new friend and that’s all that matters to her. You take off your cat ears and her hat and swap them around so now you’re a cat in the hat. And Robin is a cat in denim… It doesn’t have the same ring to it though.
The host, Jason Carver, finally enters the room and shouts at everyone to shut up. You assume he would have been off fucking his girlfriend upstairs but in reality she was out in the bushes with the local ‘freak’. But to be honest you have no idea why he’s labelled as the freak, he’s kind, caring, and is good with kids. How does that scream freak?
“I’m Robin, by the way,” Robin said, smiling, opening her arms to give you a hug. The most risky thing she’s ever done.
You embrace her for a few seconds, inhaling the soft scent of earthy perfume on Robin’s jacket, and you can feel her heart thumping hard in her chest.
“Y/N,” you breathe out, trying to catch your breath.
Out of the blue, Chrissy entered the living room, her hair a mess, wearing a leather jacket that certainly wasn’t Jason’s. “What are you?” You asked, looking at her outfit.
“I’m a mouse, duh!” She giggles, pointing to the mouse ear headband on her head.
“Oh god,” you say, slapping your palm to your forehead. “How much have you had to drink?”
“Just water.”
“So Eddie fucked you dumb, huh?” You laughed.
“Shut uppp, Y/N!” Chrissy whined, a smile reaching her eyes.
Your attention became set on the microphone again, where Steve takes his place. The next hour consisted of him attempting to freestyle some songs, couples running off and locking doors behind them, and the rest of you having a good time.
As the clock strikes 2am you decide it’s time to head home. As you start to leave, Robin catches up to you and spins you around with a dopey smile on her face.
“Oh, hey Robin!”
“I um… I wanted to give you something before you leave in case we never see each other again…” Her expression was unreadable.
Everybody else gets called into the living room so you and Robin are left alone in the hall at the door. Her eyelids flutter shut as she leans in closer to her, placing one of her hands on your hip.
Her lips brush yours with a newfound confidence and your mind explodes into a million particles. Your lips immediately curl into a smile so she kisses your teeth by accident.
She laughs and waits for your smile to calm down. You press your lips to hers and you both fall into the same void of a dream.
“I had a great time at this party, thanks to you, Y/N,” Robin says, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, taking a moment to press a small kiss to the tip of your nose.
October 31st 1986
Senior year of Highschool, Steve decides to throw a Halloween party. This time it’s themed based on horror movies.
You and Robin hop out of the car and link arms on your way into the door.
“This is where it all began,” you say, playing with the cat ear headband in Robin’s hair.
It’s been nine months since you two started dating and a full year since you met. You decided to celebrate in style and do a full rerun of the night you met.
You swish in your dress while you dance with your girlfriend. When you stop dancing, Robin quirks an eyebrow and looks directly into your eyes.
“I like you. Like, I really like you!” She shouts over the music, brightening your mood and making your heart flutter.
“I really like you too, Pocket Rocket!”
Robin blushes at the nickname, remembering why you call her that. Always full of energy, always lifting everyone’s spirits up, her golden retriever energy…
Your song begins to play. Summer Lovin’, thanks to Steve who puts it on. Again. And is currently planning your and Robin’s wedding.
After a whole lot of dancing, singing and laughing, you sprawl onto a sofa next to each other. Robin with her arm around you, pulling you close and gently kissing your forehead.
When the party’s over, you decide to both sleep in Steve’s house as neither of you have a lift and Steve has a spare room. Neither of you drank at the party as you were too distracted by each other, and that smile that permanently etched itself into Robin’s soft lips.
Robin takes your hand and leads you to the bedroom door, backing you up against the wall as she kisses you. Just like she did on the day you met.
You wave off Steve as he said goodnight, and he waves back, a proud smile on his face, telling you everything you needed to know. He was the one who ‘set you up’ with Robin on the night you met.
“I’m just going to get some water,” Robin said, scurrying out of the room and up the stairs where there certainly wasn’t a kitchen. Most likely to gush about you to Steve and Nancy who are getting ready for bed in Steve’s room.
As soon as she arrives back into the room, Robin flops onto her back on the bed next to her girlfriend and snuggles into her. He pulls a blanket over you both and slots a movie into the TV.
Her eyes become droopy as she tries to watch Scream. Wrapped up in the blanket together, Robin falls asleep in seconds.
And you both can’t wait until next Halloween.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction || You Have A Septum Piercing [Request]
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A/n: If you have one I have to give you a pat on the back. I’m a little bitch, I had my lip and belly done but took my belly piercing out after watching a girl have it ripped out back in school and I took my lip piercing out for my ex cause he was a dumb ass
It was a total shock to him to see you come in from a day of shopping with a new piercing, you had others of course but this one was different. It looked like it was the only one that could have hurt you the most, you were sitting on the sofa in silence watching The Meg with him but his eyes were glued to your face. You moved the glass away from your mouth,
"What is it Jin?" You laughed turning to look at him, his eyes were glued to your piercing and you knew he had plenty of questions but since you'd come through the front door he'd been silent the whole time.
"Did it hurt?" You laughed softly at him and nodded,
"Only a little, like a sharp pinch." He held his nose as if that would somehow create the same kind of pain you'd had. Jin supported your every decision but he was still trying to wrap his head around why you'd gone to get this done,
"I like it, but why?" You bit your lip to stop yourself from laughing at him, he wanted answers to everything.
"I saw it on someone on Instagram and I'd wanted one since I was a teen so I just...I don't know went for it? You sure you like it?" He shifted closer to you on the sofa and nodded, his eyes still locked onto it - you were going to have to get used to him constantly staring down at your nose now.
"It's hot." He whispered his eyes looking from your piercing to your lips to your eyes and you shook your head at him leaning in and kissing him softly on the lips.
"You're adorable," You giggled as he pulled back and told you he was worried it would hurt your nose if he kissed you too roughly.
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It was a total surprise to you to just go out and do it. You were bored waiting for Yoongi to come home from the studio and you'd been planning it for months. Never telling anybody but your best friend that you'd wanted this piercing and she was fully supportive of it. She'd convinced you that it was one of your best ideas ever and took you to go and get it done yourself. You picked out a black bar and just like that you were sitting in the chair, had the piercing and were going home.
"Hi Yoongi, you hungry?" You yelled as you heard him come through the front door, you heard him drop his bag on the floor and shuffle his way over to you. You had your back to him as you cracked eggs into a jug getting ready to make omelettes.
"Yeah, what did you do today?" You turned around to answer his question and his eyes landed right on the piercing,
"Fuck that's hot." He groaned looking at you and biting his lip,
"It's real?" You nodded and he bit his lip looking form you to the oven,
"I'm not that hungry I can wait...Why did you get it done?" You shrugged your shoulders and he picked you up putting you on the kitchen side so he could look up at you and study the piercing,
"You like it then?" He shook his head and your heart fell,
"I fucking love it." You giggled at him and he brought you down to kiss him  once again, wrapping his arms around you and holding his hand against the back of your head to hold you as close as he could.
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Hoseok was the one that took you to get the piercing done, as soon as he heard you talking about getting one done to your best friend he'd been supportive of the idea. Researching how to keep it clean, how to look after a new piercing and even helped you pick out the bar that you wanted, he loved the thought of you having piercings. You laid down on the bed and the man began to add the pen line to your nose.
"You can leave if you want," You said as you watched Hoseok watching closely with one eye open and the other shut tightly.
"No, it's fine. Will, it hurt them?" Hoseok asked turning to the piercer who had plenty of piercings.
"No. They'll be fine, you can hold their hand if you like?" Hoseok took hold of your hand and you knew it was more for his benefit than for his. He was squeamish when it came to things like this.
"Ready?" The man asked as he brought the equipment over,
"Yep." You answered in unison, as soon as the needle touched your nose Hoseok's grip on your hand tightened watching the whole display until the bar was finally on and you didn't have a needle there anymore.
"All done." You sat up and walked over to the mirror to check it out,
"Looks great on you, suits you. I'll let you clean up the pen." He left the room and Hoseok stared at you in the mirror with a blush on his cheeks,
"It looks so good." You smiled at him and turned to face him,
"You like it?"
"I love it." He whispered giving you a kiss on the cheek and watching you clean off the pen mark, he didn't think he was ever going to stop staring at the piercing. He always struggled to look away from you as it was and now he had more of a reason to stare.
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"This is my brother on his graduation, three minutes after we took this photo we got in trouble for having a cake fight." You laughed as you pointed out photographs on the staircase of your family home. You'd gone home with Namjoon for a family party and you were giving him the grand tour of the place.
"This is you?" He asked pointing at you in the photo, you were standing beside your brother and there was one thing prominent in the photo that wasn't with you now. A diamond septum piercing,
"When did you take that out?" He questioned as you took him up the stairs to show him more family photographs,
"My ex didn't like it and made me remove it." You mumbled as you started showing him more photos. Your ex never liked anything you did and you took the piercings out to please him, you had more than the septum.
"What an idiot, it's hot." You stared at him as he said that,
"Really?" You'd been thinking about getting it redone for a while, you'd always loved it and hated that you'd taken it out and had it healed over.
"Yeah, why?" You smiled at him and shook your head,
"I was thinking of getting it redone but I was worried about what you would think." Namjoon stopped you from walking and took you into his arms,
"What I would think? I think you should do whatever you want if it makes you happy go for it." He was holding you close as he said this and he meant every word.
"You know I just want you to be happy." He whispered looking around to make sure no one was around before kissing you softly.
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Jimin stared at you from across the living room, he'd been gone all day and you'd taken it upon yourself to go out and get a new piercing.
"What did you do?" He sounded annoyed and you looked at him trying to think of something to say to him, anything to say to him. He was normally the supportive boyfriend who backed you up on every decision you'd make and you couldn't tell if he was supportive of this one.
"In my defence, you left me unsupervised." He rubbed his nose as he heard the excuse leave your mouth,
"You're a grown adult-"
"And you left me unsupervised." You laughed before looking at him still trying to read his mind about if he liked it or not. He moved closer to you for the first time since he'd come home and he took your face in his hands, turning it to the light so he could see the silver bar closer.
"It's kind of cute right?" You asked looking into his eyes as he let go of your face and he nodded,
"It's really cute actually, it suits you." Your whole body relaxed as soon as you heard him say that. You couldn't stand the thought of him not liking something you'd done even if you liked it, you were in love with him.
"Were you scared I wouldn't like it?" You nodded sheepishly and he sighed at you,
"I love you, and if this is what makes you confident and you like it then go for it." You smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek,
"I want more than a kiss on the cheek. I've missed you all day." He whined playfully and so you kissed him passionately on the lips, drawing him closer to you as you backed over to the sofa and sat him down.
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You didn't think he liked it at first. He was away on tour when you had it done and told him, you figured while he was away would be the best option so he couldn't talk you out of it - not that he would. He'd made it clear he was always the supportive kind. But now he was home from tour and you were alone in your shared apartment for the first time since he'd stepped off the plane.
"You don't like it." You mumbled looking down at the floor, you didn't want to be upset because he didn't like it. At the end of the day, it was your body and you could do what you wanted with it but you'd rather have him be supportive of it,
"No. I like it I was just...Wondering if you were going to get more done?" You looked up at him and he was smiling widely,
"Yeah. Like your lip? More of your ear, maybe your belly button?" You laughed softly as he started listing off all the places you could get piercings and he smirked at you,
"Sorry. I just think it's really hot." You hummed at him and came closer kissing your lips and pulling away so his lips were just hovering above yours.
"So hot." He kissed you again and pulled away to hover another time,
"So, so hot."  You whined as he didn't kiss you so you threw your arms around him and kissed him this time.
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As soon as Jungkook laid eyes on you he knew what was different and he adored it and wanted to know all the details about it. He had tattoos and his ears done but he wasn't allowed anything else thanks to his contract so the moment he saw the piercing he'd been dying to get on you he was supportive of it, asking how much it hurt, when you did it and why you hadn't told him about it before now.
"I was scared you'd talk me out of it."  He stared at you blankly and then looked around the room in the John Travolta meme style and you started laughing at him while shaking your head.
"Talk you out of it? More like talk you into it, it's awesome!" You laughed at him as he started getting excited over the piercing you'd gotten and he moved closer to you. Looking at the silver ring you had in and wanting to get a closer look at it,
"I am so buying our birthstones for your ring." You shook your head as he already got his phone out and began to look for rings for your nose,
"I can't change it for another 6 or 8 weeks, I have plenty of time to look." But he wanted to look now, he wanted to live vicariously through you,
"Can we just have our chill night as we planned?" You laughed sitting down on the sofa and searching for a movie or video game to play but it was clear Jungkook was going to spend his time looking for jewellery for you instead of paying attention.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies​ @yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @snowy-meowl​ @lynnthevirgo​ @jooniesdarlingdimples​ @fan-ati--c​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @supresoo​
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sweetbuckybarnes · 3 years
Decades: The 1970s
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Chapter Four: Disco is introduced to the war veterans, as John Travolta was first seen on the scene.
Series Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist | ← Previous Chapter | Next Chapter →
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Steve and Bucky got off the quinjet following Natasha who was walking fairly fast to crash in her bed as soon as possible.
"What's going on with you and Natasha?" Bucky asked.
"I could ask the same about you and Nancy," Steve countered.
Bucky sighed. "Why would she want a semi-stable 100-year-old former assassin?" Bucky asked, not seeing the young woman he's been pining for since he got back to the compound was walking around the same corner that Bruce was seen from - making sure that no-one was injured on the mission.
"BUCKY!" Nancy exclaimed, running over to where Bucky was stood.
"You want to tell me again, that isn't someone very happy to see you," Steve said, as Nancy went running into Bucky's arms, jumping up and wrapping her legs around his waist.
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Not only did Natasha need a nap, so did Bucky and Steve - and once Nancy had been removed from the koala grip she had on the former assassin.
"Come on, doll," Bucky said, resting one metal arm under her thighs and his flesh arm around her back, making sure that she is well supported. "I'm gonna get some sleep, and then we can go out, get something to eat?" Bucky asked.
"Yeah, that'd be nice," Nancy smiled. "I'm sure there's some good diner around here somewhere,"
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After Nancy and Bucky came back from lunch at the Brooklyn Diner on 43rd Street, walking into the lounge with Nancy carrying the leftovers from the diner as well as some dessert that they'd picked up along the way.
"That was fun," Nancy smiles, before seeing Natasha, Steve and Sam waiting for them in the lounge. "I'm gonna go put these in the fridge,"
Once Nancy wasn't looking at the group, Steve gave Bucky a slightly smug look. "Nothing going on?" He asks.
"Shut up, punk,"
"1970," Sam said, once he had erased what was written on the board from the 1960s.
Natasha spoke up. "Apollo 13 returned to Earth," she said, Bruce had given her lessons on things that happened in Space. "About 2 days after it launched, the oxygen tank failed and they had to come back. They've done some films on it, the best one is from 1995 with Tom Hanks,"
"Tom Hanks is the one that does the voice of Woody in Toy Story," Nancy said, adjusting herself in her seat next to Bucky.
"1971," Sam said, turning around to look at the group.
Nancy had reached over for her purse. "The money in the United Kingdom went from shillings, halfpennies and crowns to full pennies, and what I now know as the decimalisation system," She said, tipping the coins in her hand, and then showing them to Bucky.
He looked over them, noting the difference between the currency he used during the war and what now sits in his flesh hand.
Sam wrote down decimalisation. "1972," he announced.
"Bloody Sunday," Nancy said, as her head hung in respect.
"What was Bloody Sunday?" Steve asked, a faint ringing bell could be heard in the back of his head.
Nancy sighed, remembering her very northern, English grandfather talking about the worst day during the Troubles. "The British Army shot civil rights protestors in Derry, which is in Northern Ireland," she said. "There were 13 people killed that day, another died 4 months later, and at least 15 were injured,"
The rest of the group dropped their heads in respect, falling quiet for a few minutes.
"1973," Sam said.
The Falcon, Black Widow and Nancy thought for a second and came up with nothing that happened.
"Didn't the Godfather come out in '73?" Natasha asked.
Nancy looked through her phone. "Yeah, it did,"
"It'll do!" Sam called, turning around and writing this down on the board.
"1974, Watergate Scandal causes former President Nixon to resign," Nancy said, after looking up the next year,
Sam nodded, looking down at the board. "1975 was the end of the Vietnam War," he said writing End of the Vietnam War next to Watergate Scandal. "Now we're up to 1976," he continued.
"Concorde took flight in service for the first time," Nancy said, seeing the fastest plane made by mankind on her screen.
"What's Concorde?" Bucky asked.
Nancy smiled, showing him the photo of the British Airways Concorde from 1986. "It was a supersonic plane, it could go double over the speed of sound. It was half-built by the British and half-built by the French," Nancy explained, showing the same photo to Steve. "I've always wanted to fly in it, but they retired it over a decade ago, a lot of them are held in museums now,"
"1977," Sam says, hearing the stories from his father about the unbelievable Concorde.
"Red Rum won the Grand National for the third time," Natasha says. "He's the only horse to have ever won the Grand National three times,"
Steve and Bucky looked surprised, having heard through the wireless radio the morning after who had won the horse race in England.
"1978?" Sam suggested.
"That's when all the big films came out, in my opinion," Nancy. "Saturday Night Fever, Grease,"
Natasha smiled. "John Travolta,"
"Close Encounters of the Third Kind," Nancy added. "It's a weird film..."
"And finally, 1979," Sam said.
Nancy scrolled through her phone looking for something from this year. "Voyager 1 sent pictures back to N.A.S.A., of Jupiter,"
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Getting away from the lounge, and the loud rowdiness that is Tony Stark, Nancy walked into the cinema room, revealing in the peace and quiet that she found. Taking a seat in a chair on the back row, she was slowly falling asleep.
She doesn't know how long she must have been dozing, because the next thing that she knew, someone was gently shaking her. "Doll?" Came the soft and gentle voice of Bucky.
Nancy's eyes fluttered open and came nose to nose with James Buchanan Barnes. "Hi, doll," he said. "What are you doing, sleeping in here?"
"Bloody Tony. Doesn't know when to shut up!" The last two words were said with a raised voice, hopeful that the man she was talking about, heard her.
"Sam's setting the punk and me some movies to watch if you want to join us?" Bucky offered.
"Have you got a list?"
At Nancy's words, Bucky reached into his pocket and pulled out the scribbled list that Sam had shoved into the palm of Steve's hand.
Grease Saturday Night Fever Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory The Rocky Horror Picture Show Bugsy Malone Close Encounters of the Third Kind
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Nancy had gone round to her parent's place, after a long phone call with her mother, begging to let her borrow some 1970s records for the night. However, she came round with one thing more than she was expecting - but if she actually thought about it, she knew that it would have happened.
"Guys, I brought someone with me," Nancy called, walking to where the lounge was, and Sam setting up the record player.
The Falcon turned around and saw two people carrying records, one was the recognisable face of Nancy, and the other looked very similar but at the same time unfamiliar.
"Hey, Nance," Sam said, walking over and taking the records from the unfamiliar woman. "Who's this?" He asked.
"Sam, this is my mother Katherine," Nancy said. "Ma, this is Sam," Nancy said to her mother.
"I know who he is, I do watch the television dear. He's the Falcon," Katherine smiled, and shook his hand once Sam had carefully put her records down.
Sam gave Nancy's mother a dazzling smile. "It's an honour to meet the woman who brought our lovely Nancy into the world," Sam said, getting Nancy's mother settled on the sofa. "I'll go get the rest of the group,"
"Give them a warning that my mother's here," Nancy jokes, earning a somewhat sharp nudge by Katherine. "Ow! Ma!"
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Peter walked over to Katherine and Nancy. "It's so nice to finally meet you, ma'am," Peter said, not knowing Nancy's last name so he didn't really know what to call Nancy's mother.
Katherine gave the young boy a motherly smile and a pat to the cheek. "It's lovely to meet you too, dear,"
The older woman got up and walked over to where her records sat, gently sifting through them, sorting them out into an order that she likes the sound of.
Bucky and Steve walked into the lounge, having been summoned by F.R.I.D.A.Y. that the furniture needed moving.
Katherine turned around and saw Steve. "Nance, Nancy, darling, you didn't tell me you knew Captain America!"
"Ma! He's part of the Avengers, this is the Avengers Compound," Nancy said, as Steve walked over.
"It's so nice to finally meet Nancy's loving mother," Steve said shaking her hand.
Katherine almost went into a state of shock as Captain America was standing in front of her.
"Ma! Can you please let Steve help Bucky move the furniture?" Nancy said, standing up from the sofa. As Bucky walked past her, she gently rested her hand on his fresh upper arm and gave it a gentle squeeze.
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Katherine knew how to work her music, as three ABBA songs were followed by a Bee Gees hit and an Elton John classic. She knew it was her time to shine when it came to embarrassing her daughter.
"Oh, God! Ma! Stop it!" Her head was held in her hands, as Tony joined in with her mother in doing one of the classic parent dance moves: the water sprinkler.
"What is she doing?" Bucky asked, sitting next to Nancy.
"The best thing parents know how to do, embarrass their kids!"
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Iron Man 3
A joint review...
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And so onto Iron Man 3. A film in which there are an abundance of excellent one liners and also some good character development, for certain people. And as long as you are not a woman...
Now on to the character breakdowns:
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A quick note here to say Happy Hogan as John Travolta in Pulp Fiction was a bizarre move, but we didn’t hate it. Although Happy did have his moments throughout this film, there were also times when we can both agree he was a bit of a dick. You can’t just fire the entire janitorial staff, and you shouldn’t be happy about HR complaints, although boys and girls we should all remember HR DOESN’T REPRESENT YOU BUT THE COMPANY SO NEVER TRUST THEM. We urge you again, join the union! 
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Tony Stark 
While we are in flashback land, we see Tony again show he doesn’t like being handed things, which gets rid of our theory that it came around as a result of being paralyzed after taking something of Stane. So why is it?! WHY?! Why do we care so much is the other question. Who knows?
Tony does get to do some growing in this film, which we love to see (emotional growth we mean, his legs remains very short - so says bing bong bandy legs @cassandrafey herself.) He’s clearly not in a good way at the start, but who needs sleep eh Tony? As @becksxoxo always says sleep is for the weak. We were dead pleased to see them tackle Tony’s mental health, as its a big topic, great to see it represented and understandable as something Tony would be struggling with. Aliens, near death experiences and having the world count on you as its saviour is a big undertaking. He also talked to people more about what he was doing and how he was feeling and that was good to see. The reckless trait did peek its head out at times mind, like giving away his home address (whilst his girlfriend was there) and giving a weapon to a child, but baby steps we suppose. 
Also it turns out when Tony does choose to communicate with people he does so really well. His relationship with that kid was a joy to see. Whether it was a result having a crappy relationship with his own dad or just his own childish nature the two really bonded and it was cute, even though he did take him to a murder site to have a snoop. We also love how Tony interacted with Gary. Fucking Gary, love him. So creepy, so funny, but who are we to judge we’re sure you’ve all seen our tags on tumblr...  Indeed Tony is actually really good in the majority of his interactions with people he is saving or who are helping him - he puts them at ease and he makes them feel like they’re a part of the whole thing, like they are heroes too. It’s nice to see.
Tony the mechanic was also good. When having an anxiety attack its a good trick to try and concentrate on physical things about you, and Tony being able to focus on building, as simple as it was, was a good coping mechanism. In that moment he didn’t need to be Iron Man he was simply a mechanic. The rubbing of street snow in his face though was questionable, ugh dirty street snow.
@cassandrafey also enjoyed Tony’s busted up Rodeo Cowboy look. A strong fashion choice for sure.
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Q. Would you be willing to implant things in your skin to enable it to look like you had magic powers? 
@becksxoxo to be honest, I think I’d prefer to go down the summoning an ancient God and getting proper powers if we were fully going to invest in it. And I’d want it to do more than just dress me up in a suit. It seemed a lot of work for questionable payback but as long as he’s enjoying himself I guess. I did enjoy how cocky he was about it, right before he got a gauntlet to the face, so that was nice I suppose.
@cassandrafey I think I would prefer to have actual magical powers rather than simply the appearance of having them. Because that is going to attract attention which you may then find yourself I’ll equipped to deal with. That said I really enjoyed the Bedazzled/Sabrina vibes that Tony summoning all the parts of his semi-sentient suit gave off.
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The Many Villains of Iron Man 3
The Twat with the Dragon Tattoos
Becks has heard that Maya was meant to be the proper baddie in this film, but that they thought a female villain simply wouldn’t be compelling enough, or sell enough toys. Sometimes you just can’t, can you?
It does explain why Aldrich Killian maybe didn’t have the best character backstory. We were relatively unclear about Killian’s motives the whole way through the movie. Did he start off wanting to help people, or were terrorist dragon soldiers always his endgame? What we do know is, they put him in a suit with no socks and slip on shoes. Werp. Don’t put your villains in slip ons, as the chances of them then achieving their best potential as a sexy villain become painfully low, unless you’re Pepper Potts and you seem to be into that sort of thing. 
His drugged up dragon army were slightly confusing, and I couldn’t help but laugh when he blew fire towards the end. As an actor, do you think he felt like a right tit having to do this before all the SFXs were added?
Maya Hansen was there as a link between Killian and Tony. She had the science and she slept with Tony, and other than that we don’t have much to say about her. Again what were her motives? She clearly knew what she was doing, but then seemed upset that it had gone to far perhaps? But if you’re designing a drug that weaponises people what reason do you have that it would be used any other way? It just seemed confusing and pointless. Another show of Marvel really just using women as things that link up plot points and not as fully developed characters. 
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Ben Kingsley as the Mandarin was worrying for a lot of the film. As it was Becks’ first time watching it, and not knowing about the villain reveal, the majority of the first part of the film was just sat worrying that this was racist. It didn’t feel good, and I was confused as to why no one had been up in arms about it. However the introduction of Trevor Slattery was just brilliant, relieving and very funny. @cassandrafey got heavy Bob Mortimer/Gone Fishing vibes off the Trevor, and that’s always a comforting thing to have.
We didn’t really catch on that the Vice President was in on all of it. @cassandrafey thought he was just really looking forward to his ham, and @becksxoxo hadn’t clocked on to the amputee aspect and was just a bit weirded out about the zoom in on the kid in the wheelchair. 
Looking at it now there were quite a few villains and they were all a little bit shit. Disappointing news for Team Bad Boy, but never mind we’re sure next week will give us plenty to concentrate on. 
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Pepper Potts 
Well she was in the film, that’s for sure. Other than that what else can we add. She had a good shout of Tony’s name into the sea, clearly channelling that woman off of Eastenders back in that day who always used to yell ‘RICKAAAAAAAY!’ She was randomly put in a sports bra for reasons, and it seemed quite easy to get her fixed up at the end, so we don’t really know what all the trouble was about.
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James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes
We enjoy their friendship. The little bit with them hiding on the oil rig (was that what it was, who knows, some sort of boat contraption, Cass would like to call it a cargo ship but who knows) bantering back and forth about guns and suits and working out what to do, loved it. His new paint job, however was another matter. He appears to have become the lovechild of Iron Man and Captain America, an unsettling though for Cass. And his name hasn’t got much better. She didn’t like War Machine and she certainly doesn't care for the Iron Patriot, and whilst put on the spot came up with the name Mr Nice. (Admittedly, when the question was posed it was phrased as ‘what name would make you like him?) We will take other suggestions though. In fact we would welcome them, Cass is well aware that that name is also shit and feels like it might be something to do with noted drug enthusiast Howard Marks.
She did like it when he swung about the rigging like Tarzan with a gun though. So athletic. And when he came out of the suit flailing punches. So violent.
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Is this a Christmas film?
Also I think we can agree that the giant bunny was an odd choice of gift, and no woman wants it. Was it some in joke Tony had with Pepper about a bunny? Take note gentlemen, its just a shitty idea. And also possibly more appropriate for Easter (although I’m not sure a bu by that size is ever appropriate).
Q. What would you want Tony to get you for Christmas?
@cassandrafey I would want for Tony to pay for a ski holiday to a lovely cabin, where you could go with your family and friends and a lot of lovely big jumpers. I would like for the vibe to be very much that of Wham’s Last Christmas video, except without the heartbreak element.
@becksxoxo obvs I'd join you at the cabin, in our matching festive onsies, but also I'm very materialistic and would want presents provided too. And we know he's good for it so I'm talking electronics, shiny jewellery, chocolate oranges, games and books. (Wait, am I a terrible person...)
@cassandrafey I certainly wouldn’t say terrible Becks, I mean I was focused on the festive memories but I see you’ve gone for the drain him for every penny he’s got approach. You do after all like your little shiny things. As you say though he is good for it, I imagine he should be able to stretch to some clementines and a Toblerone.
Other Christmas bits to note:
When he was crash landing through that snowy forest and breaking and entering into a workshop it felt very John Lewis Christmas Advert-esque, and I enjoyed it.  think there was a deer.
@becksxoxo loved the sheer amount of Christmas lights that had been strewn around that bar. It was great, 10/10.
Finally, if I was watching Christmas QVC and some dickhead highjacked it I’d be fuming. Christmas shopping channels are amazing and I will not have it taken away from me. We have decided that the President was watching QVC on Air Force One, it is canon and you cannot change our minds. Had his eye on one of those ugly pull Christmas trees, clearly.
I (Cass) was very focussed on the tv hijacking in general. It seems to be a big preoccupation in the movies, but as far as I know it’s never happened in real life. Not that I want it to mind, but it suggests it’s possibly much harder to take to the national airwaves than the movies seem to suggest. Or maybe there’s just too many channels now and it’s easier to go via YouTube. Who knows. Why was I dwelling on it so deeply? Always ready to overthink a minor plot point!
Why was there a pointless beauty pageant?
There seemed to be no real reason as to why there was a beauty pageant happening on Christmas Eve, other than to have an excuse for some semi naked ladies to be included in the film. If there was a better reason, and we missed it do let us know, but we can’t see to find one ourselves.
In short...
Despite the heavy nature of some of the themes discussed in the film it was pretty good fun. It was funny, and Tony was more likeable than he has been at other times. 
@becksxoxo The issue that stops me from fully enjoying these films is their continuation of using female characters as minor points that move or link together the plot. I brought this up with my husband as we were watching it, and he said ‘what do you expect, they’re comic books written in the 60s by men’ but I don’t accept that. They have updated so many other bits to make these huge films. And I do see them doing better as we’re moving on from phase 3 to 4, with Captain Marvel, Wanda and Black Widow, but it still frustrates me no end watching them through now. I think as well when its not my favourite characters its harder to gloss over the bits I don’t like as easily. That being said, I did enjoy the funny bits and Tony snarking back and forth with the boy. I love seeing Tony being more human. It just wasn’t my favourite. 
@cassandrafey I agree with Becks about the female representation and the fact that the female characters should just be written better. And it does become more obvious when you look back and compare these older films. That said, I had a pretty good time watching this and I’m glad they spent some time developing Tony’s character. I just find him fun to watch. And clearly I like him more than Becks, at one point between him rescuing all the falling people and summoning the suits to help fight the dragon soldiers my notes just said ‘oh fucking hell I love Tony Stark’. Also, not my favourite MCU film but I enjoyed the re-watch well enough. Which is fortunate, cos we’re here to have a bit of fun aren’t we kids?!
Becks will be very happy next week because in the Team Cap or Team Iron Man debate she is firmly on the side of Cap, and so we will see some action on that side of things next week as we continue on with The Winter Soldier. Cass has watched these films much less than Becks so surely doesn’t remember much, but is certainly ready for a high-kicking good time!
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thefunnyandthegood · 2 years
Yesterday, I was at my parents house. I slept over, having arrived on Saturday, around 4pm, my usual grey and white dove printed bag in tow. I love my parents and their house: it always feels like home, familiar and comforting. On Saturday we had roast lamb with potatoes and cauliflower cheese and it was gorgeous. The lamb was shredded and soft, the potatoes were salty and crispy and the cauliflower cheese was creamy and rich. Perfect. The mint sauce was, as usual, hilarious. Mint sauce is vinegar, mint and sugar, but my mum makes it like gently flavoured vinegar. I took a sniff of the pot and felt the inside of my nose singe, I swear. It made me cough, it was so strong.
I love them so much.
We had dessert in front of a film, which is a sort of tradition now, since no one ever wants dessert until much later in the evening. Once we had Baileys chocolate orange cocktails as dessert, with petit fours, and it was glorious. Orange liqueur and chocolate Baileys, over ice, with orange chocolate on the side. Amazing, truly. This time we had berry crumble, with custard, even though it was 23 degrees in the house, but it was worth it. With summer will come all the summer puddings - the best of which is Key Lime Pie.
I was reading up on recipies, while watching Encanto, the disney film, because I realised I know hardly anything about Latin American food and I came across a drink made with condensed milk and limes, and I want to try it. I have a feeling it could be lovely with any sour fruit.
While we ate pudding, we watched a film called Basic - a film I think must be from the 90s, because John Travolta and Samuel L Jackson both looked super young in it - maybe not Greece young, but not mid 50s either. It was good! I needed my whole brain strapped in for the ride because it had so many twists and turns and I did not see the end coming at all. It is about a man who comes back from an army training mission, and all of his team mates are dead, except one man who was badly injured. The main guy refuses to speak to anyone but insists on a specific army detective being the one to investigate. The detective has a bad reputation of accepting bribes and being a coke addict, and he is teamed up with a beautiful woman who is ambitious, moral and pretty green. The story is told from a couple of perspectives, because accounts of what happened don't match up, and it is very twisty turny. It isn't too gory, which suits me well - I am not great with gore.
After the film, I went to bed and ended up messaging a guy for an hour or so. I like him but he is too far away, and life circumstances mean it wouldn't really work, but I like flirting with him and winding him up, in a not-safe-for-work kind of a way. Plus he is funny - witty - you know? He makes jokes about most things. The funny thing is, in person, (he used to live near me, which is how we are friends) he is so dry - still witty, but very very hard to read on what he is feeling. He goes through life seeming wryly amused, and nothing else. Very good at hiding his feelings. I once saw him have what could have been a bitter argument with someone and he brushed it off. The only indication of how annoyed he was, was that it was the first time I ever saw him not slightly amused - he was just blank. Equally, I didn't find out he liked me until he left the country, and I would have never have guessed he saw me as anything more than a friend of a friend. Funny eh, life?
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leafy-m · 5 years
I've been on an Uncharted kick lately and it dawned on me that there might be ancillary media like books and comics - and there are! My library had the DC comic collection, which means it's time for my...
Uncharted comicbook review:
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This book compiles issues 1-6 and covers an original tale about Nate, Sully, and Chloe (and briefly features Flynn), on an adventure to find the Amber Room treasure that also includes the Hollow Earth theory. And also has lots of bullets and bad guys/monsters.
I hated this book, it was so disappointing. I literally want a refund and I didn't even pay for it. (outside of general tax dollars, I guess. Libraries!)
This book feels similar to a Hollywood misunderstanding of an IP when making an adaption. The comic ticks the series checkboxes of what to include, but it lacks the soul and charm that binds them together. It also gets really repetitive with the 'Oh No, What's That?' cliffhanger panel for the page turn. They do it constantly and it feels really cheap.
The dialogue is just clichés everywhere, even when it doesn't make sense. The main character/trio interactions aren't bad, but they're not good, either. Chloe and Nate have some ok scenes. The 'Ludlow' siblings (new baddies) are awful from start to finish, and their motives are all over the map. It should be very clear what they want and why, but they keep changing their minds, denying their role in it, then blaming the other. It's messy, and not in the interesting way. Also, it's never explained what the Amber Room treasure actually is, and there's no explanation for the monster/zombies. They are just there. The lava finale is cool, but the set-up for that disaster doesn't make sense. The final issue also tries to jam in a theme on regret and (not) living a normal life, but they're just throwing words around. There's no set-up, no build up, no payoff. And it isn't tied into any of the other characters, their relationships, or their actions, which is a total missed opportunity. It could've worked if they had charted things out and set it up in the earlier issues. Wink.
There's also this weirdly sexist bs about not wanting Chloe to drive, and trying to exclude her from teaming up because she's a girl. At one point she lies to Nate about her backstory with a weird 1950's-esque white suburban housewife cliche... Which is like? The WEIRDEST thing for Chloe to say???
The art was mostly fine, lots of action and the characters were mostly on model, but there were little errors that bugged me. Like Nate's ring necklace being the size of a Cheerio, or giving him sky-blue eyes. (It's dark hazel-blue.) At one point Sully wears a plain long-sleeved T-shirt which physically offended me to see. Additional points docked for having Elena on the cover illustration when she was not in the story. And also for making Nate look like a young John Travolta. Just, no.
Overall I don't recommend, unless you absolutely love Chloe. She had some nice scenes, and her introduction page looked cool. There's also this panel near the middle of the book which was adorable.
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