#Johanna Murillo
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johannamurillo: Me salió este recuerdo del 2016 cuando estrenamos Mr. Pig en Gdlj y pues 🥹 Me temblaba la panza de estar con mi idola @princesstagram Gracias @diegoluna_ 🫶🏼
(Translation by me, forgive any errors: I had this memory from 2016 when we premiered Mr. Pig in Guadalajara and well 🥹 My belly was shaking from being with my idol [Maya Rudolph] Thank you [Diego Luna] 🫶🏼)
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Un amor con fecha de caducidad… “Déjame Estar Contigo”
Lucía vive con una enfermedad incurable, y Bruno fue deportado a México sin un lugar donde dormir. Una inesperada llamada los une en una emotiva historia de superación, reconstrucción y esperanza, en donde el amor los llevará a intentar lo imposible para salvarse el uno al otro.
Estreno: 30 de enero de 2025 en Cines.
Dirigida por Isaac Cherem y guionizada por Fernanda Eguiarte, la película cuenta con las actuaciones de Andrea Sutton, Aksel Gómez, Anna Díaz, Silvia Navarro, Johanna Murillo, Regina Blandón, Mónica del Carmen, Jaqueline Gutiérrez, Claudia Ríos y Ricardo Esquerra.
#Déjame Estar Contigo#Andrea Sutton#Aksel Gómez#Anna Díaz#Silvia Navarro#Johanna Murillo#Regina Blandón#Mónica del Carmen#Jaqueline Gutiérrez#Claudia Ríos#Ricardo Esquerra#Películas#Cines
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A bit late but couldn't forget about them, our Paralympics delegation. They absolutely killed it. Every single one of them giving it all and making us proud.
Thank you to all of our 78 participants, 28 medalists, and 44 diplomas.
Alex Enrique Martínez Guevara, Ana Lucía Pinto Ochoa, Andrés Felipe Mosquera Neira, Angie Lizeth Pabón Mamian, Aura Cristina Poblador Granados, Bertha Cecilia Fernández Arango, Brayan Mauricio Triana Herrera, Buinder Brainer Bermúdez Villar, Carlos Andrés Vargas Villanueva, Carlos Daniel Serrano Zárate, Daniel Giraldo Correa, Daniela Carolina Munévar Flórez, Darian Faisury Jiménez Sánchez, David Felipe Rendón Acosta, Diego Fernando Meneses Medina, Edilson Chica Chica, Edwin Fabián Matiz Ruiz, Eglain Antonio Mena Lemus, Erica María Castaño Salazar, Euclides Grisales Diaz, Fabio Torres Silva, Francy Esther Osorio Calderón, Fredy Duvian López Morales, Gabriela Oviedo Rueda, Giovanny Andrés Malambo Rachez, Gisell Natalia Prada Pachón, Héctor Julio Ramírez Murcia, Ionis Dayana salcedo rodríguez, Jesús Alberto López, Jesús Augusto Romero Montoya, Jhohan Darío Ardila Cárdenas, Jhon Alexander Hernández García, Jhon Eider González Hernández, Jhon Fredy Gómez Giraldo, Jhon Sebastián Obando Asprilla, José Gregorio Lemos Rivas, Juan Alejandro Campas Sánchez, Juan David Pérez Quintero, Juan Esteban García Sánchez, Juan Esteban Patiño Giraldo, Juan José Betancourt Quiroga, Julián Andrés Jaramillo Téllez, Karen Tatiana Palomeque Moreno, Kevin Alfonso Moreno Gualaco, Laura Carolina González Rodríguez, Leider Albeiro Lemus Rojas, Leidy Johanna Chica Chica, Lino Nicolás Coca Castro, Luis dahir Arizala Ocoró, Luis Fernando Lara Rodallega, Luis Fernando Lucumí Villegas, Luis Francisco Sanclemente, María Alejandra Murillo Benítez, María Angélica Bernal Villalobos, María Mónica Daza Guzmán, María Paula Barrera Zapata, María Salomé Henao Sánchez, María Teresa Restrepo Rojas, Mariana Guerrero Martínez, Mauricio Andrés Valencia Campo, Mayerli Buitrago Ariza, Miguel Ángel Rincón Narváez, Nelson Crispín Corzo, Niver Rangel palmera, Paula Andrea Ossa Veloza, Reynel Romero Montoya, Santiago Solis Torres, Sara del Pilar Vargas Blanco, William Jair higuera Ocampo, Xiomara Saldarriaga Hernández, Yamil David Acosta Manjarrez, Yasiris Blandón Escobar, Yeferson Suárez Cardona, Yeniffer Paredes Muriel, Yesenia María Restrepo Muñoz, Yesica Paola Muñoz Nieto, Zharith Alejandra Rodríguez Silva, Zuleiny Rodríguez Trujillo
#paralympics 2024#colombia#comité paralímpico colombiano#colombian paralympic committee#(nightmade)#this was my first time actually watching the paralympics games#it was amazing#I'm saddened that they don't get as much noise as the other games#like we won 9 times more medals and yet the news nothing
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Soy tu fan en Star+
Desde el 1 de marzo la audiencia ya puede disfrutar en Star+ las temporadas 1 y 2 de “Soy Tu Fan”, la serie que relata el primer encuentro entre Charly (Ana Claudia Talancón) y Nico (Martín Altomaro), así como la complicidad con la que ella y sus amigas Fernanda (Johanna Murillo) y Chío (Maya Zapata) atravesaron los retos de la búsqueda del éxito profesional, las relaciones de pareja, y los…
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Eine salvadorianische Parlamentsdelegation erkundigt sich nach der Entwicklungsdynamik in der Region Laâyoune Sakia El Hamra
Laâyoune–Eine Parlamentsdelegation der gesetzgebenden Versammlung der Republik El Salvador stattete am Mittwoch, dem 24. Juli 2024, Laâyoune Besuch ab, zwecks dessen sich nach dem Entwicklungsstand in der Region Laâyoune Sakia El Hamra in den verschiedenen Bereichen erkundigen zu dürfen.
Während dieses Besuchs durften sich die Mitglieder der Parlamentsdelegation überdies und aus erster Hand ein Bild von der Entwicklung in den südlichen Provinzen des Königreichs Marokko und von dem Klima der Sicherheit, der Ruhe und der Stabilität verschaffen, das in dieser Region vorherrscht, sowie von der Rolle der gewählten Räte bei der Verwaltung ihrer lokalen Angelegenheiten.
Unter dem Vorsitz des Herrn Carlos René Hernandez CASTILLO erfuhr die salvadorianische Parlamentsdelegation von den Bemühungen zum Erstarken der grundlegenden Infrastrukturen in der Stadt Laâyoune sowie von den Maßnahmen des Staates, zwecks dessen der Entwicklung in dieser Region neues Leben einhauchen zu dürfen.
Bei dieser Gelegenheit schenkten die Mitglieder der Delegation im Sitze der Gemeinde Laâyoune im Beisein des Präsidenten des Gemeinderates, Herrn Moulay Hamdi OULD ERRACHID, einer Präsentation des Entwicklungsprogramms der Gemeinde Gehör und erfuhren von den verschiedenen Entwicklungsprojekten, die im Rahmen des neuen Entwicklungsmodells in den südlichen Provinzen auf die Beine gestellt worden sind, das in 2015 vonseiten seiner Majestät des Königs Mohammed VI in Stellung gebracht worden ist.
Zuvor hatte die parlamentarische Delegation eine Begegnung mit dem Wali der Region Laâyoune Sakia El Hamra, mit dem Gouverneur der Provinz Laâyoune, Herrn Abdeslam BEKRATE, abgehalten, bei dem die Bedeutung des vonseiten des Königreichs Marokko unterbreiteten Autonomieplans sowie der Entwicklungsboom, den diese Region in den verschiedenen Bereichen durchläuft, klar herausgestellt worden sind.
Bei dieser Begegnung hob der Wali dieser Region den demokratischen Prozess in den südlichen Provinzen hervor, im vorliegenden Falle die letzten freien und transparenten Wahlen, die von einer massiven Beteiligung der lokalen Population ausgeprägt worden waren und somit ihre Verbundenheit zum Mutterland und ihre Unterstützung zu Gunsten von der Verwaltung ihrer lokalen Angelegenheiten widerspiegelten.
Darüber hinaus besichtigte die Parlamentsdelegation große Baustellen, um sich nach der Qualität der Bildungs-und-Sportinfrastrukturen und nach der Qualität der sozioökonomischen Infrastrukturen erkundigen zu dürfen.
In diesem Zusammenhang besichtigten sie das Sportdorf, das olympische Schwimmbecken, den Frauenclub und die Sporthalle sowie die Stadt der Berufe und der Fertigkeiten und die Fakultät für Medizin und für Pharmazie.
Die Erinnerung darf daran wachgerufen werden, dass die Parlamentsdelegation der Republik El Salvador durch diese Woche hindurch eine Reihe von Begegnungen abgehalten hat, im Besonderen mit dem Präsidenten des Repräsentantenhauses, Herrn Rachid TALBI EL ALAMI.
Die salvadorianische Parlamentsdelegation setzte sich zusammen aus dem Herrn Daniel Joaquin Aguillon MARQUEZ, aus der Frau Johanna Michelle Anaya DE MURILLO und aus der Frau Cecilia Guadalupe Rivera MENDEZ.
#Sahara Occidental#Western Sahara#WestSahara#Saara Occidental#Sara Ocidental#CORCAS#Polisario#RASD#SADR#Khalihenna Ould Errachid#Maroc#Marruecos#Morocco#Algérie#Algerie#Argelia#Vestsahara#Länsi-Sahara#westelijke Sahara#Vest-Sahara
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“Soy tu fan: la fiesta continúa” en Star+
En la cuenta regresiva hacia el estreno de “Soy tu fan: la fiesta continúa” el 15 de noviembre y en exclusiva a través de Star+, hoy se lanzaron nuevos videos que revelan más sobre los personajes que dan vida a esta esperada nueva temporada. Protagonizados por Ana Claudia Talancón (Charly), Martín Altomaro (Nicolás),Maya Zapata (Rocío), Johanna Murillo (Fernanda), Gonzalo García Vivanco (Diego)…
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Reseña | 'Soy tu Fan: La Película'
'Soy tu Fan: La Película' se mantiene fiel a la exitosa serie, para bien y para mal.
Ha pasado ya una década desde que Charly y Nico se encontraron en una encrucijada de amor y, después de todos estos años, descubrirán si entre ellos la llama aún sigue viva.Hace ya diez años que la serie Soy tu Fan llegó a su inesperado fin, desde ahí sus fans más aguerridas y aguerridos exigían que la historia de Charly y Nico tuviera una continuación. Finalmente sus deseos se hicieron realidad,…
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#Ana Claudia Talancón#Camila Selser#Constanza Novick#Daniel Tovar#Dolores Fonzi#Edwarda Gurrola#Gonzalo García Vivanco#Jero Medina#Johanna Murillo#Juan Pablo Medina#Marcela Guirado#Mariana Chenillo#Martín Altomaro#Martha Claudia Moreno#Maya Zapata#Paola Rojas#Soy tu fan#Soy tu Fan: La Película#Verónica Langer
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Trailer Oficial: Las Niñas Bien
Trailer Oficial: Las Niñas Bien
Basado en el libro de Guadalupe Loaeza nos sitúa en 1982 y una de las grandes crisis económicas está golpeando severamente a México. Las clases sociales están marcadas y difícilmente se mezclan entre sí. Cuatro amigas no reparan en presumir estar en la cúspide de la pirámide social: un estilo de vida lleno de lujos, autos, joyas, viajes y cenas. Cuando la devaluación del peso sucede, Sofía,…
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#Alejandra Marquez Abella#Cassandra Ciangherotti#Claudia Lobo#Flavio Medina#Ilse Salas#Jimena Guerra#Johanna Murillo#Paulina Gaitán
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Ultimate MBTI Fictional Characters List
Disclaimer: whenever I’m refering to a literary character, I am going to specify the name of the author of the literary work that he belongs to and its original publication date; instead, whenever I’m refering to a cinematic or a tv character, I’m going to specify only the period of time in which the movie or tv show I’m talking about was on air. Therefore there might be cases where a single character appears in multiple categories, depending on whether I’m refering to the original character or its movie/tv adaptation one.
Anna Karenina; Anna Karenina, L. Tolstoj (1878).
Bill Denbrough; It, S. King (1986).
Bob Armstrong; Insatiable (2018-2019).
Brook Soso; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Caroline Channing; 2 Broke Girls (2011-2017).
Catherine Earnshaw; Wuthering Heights, E. Bronte (1847).
Denahi; Brother Bear (2003).
Denethor; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Derek Sheperd; Grey’s Anatomy (2005-present).
Drusilla; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Emma Woodhouse; Emma, J. Austen (1815).
Frankie Thomas; The Sleepover Club (2002-2004).
Hans; Frozen (2013).
Horace Slughorn; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Judy Hopps; Zootopia (2016).
June Osborne; The Handmaid’s Tale (2017-present).
Kala Dandekar; Sense8 (2015-2018). (possibly INFJ)
Lorna Morello; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Lucy Pevensie; The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010).
Maeve Millay; Westworld (2016-present).
Margaery Tyrell; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Martino Rametta; Skam Italia (2018-present).
Mufasa; The Lion King (1994).
Pacha; The Emperor’s New Groove (2000).
Primrose Everdeen; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Razumikhin; Crime and Punishment, F. Dostoevsky (1866).
Robin Hood; Robin Hood (1973).
Snow White; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937).
Aladdin; Aladdin (1992).
Amy March; Little Women (2019).
Anna; Frozen (2013).
Ariel; The Little Mermaid (1989).
Beth; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Clarisse McClellan; Fahrenheit 451, R. Bradbury (1953).
Chelsea Daniels; That’s So Raven (2003-2007).
Donkey; Shrek (2001-2010).
Dory; Finding Dory (2016).
Elizabeth Bennet; Pride and Prejudice (2005).
Gilderoy Lockhart; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Harper Finkle; Wizards of Waverly Place (2007-2012).
Izzy; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Jesper Fahey; Six of Crows Duology, L. Bardugo (2015-2016).
Koda; Brother Bear (2003).
Kronk; The Emperor’s New Groove (2000).
Lilo Pelekai; Lilo & Stitch (2002).
Luke Triton; Professor Layton (2007-present).
Marty; Madagascar (2005-2012).
Mike Wheeler; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Nick Dunne; Gone Girl, G. Flynn (2012). (Ne-Te Loop)
Nymphadora Tonks; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Peeta Mellark; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Piper Chapman; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Po; Kung Fu Panda (2008-2016).
Rapunzel; Tangled (2010). (possibly ESFJ in Loop)
Ron Stoppable; Kim Possible (2002-2007).
Sid; Ice Age (2002-2016).
Sierra; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Tom Scavo; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Alma Coin; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Annalise Keating; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020). (possibly INTJ)
Berlino; La Casa de Papel (2017-present).
Carlos Solis; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Cristina Yang; Grey’s Anatomy (2005-present).
Coriolanus Snow; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Diane Lockhart; The Good Wife (2009-2016).
Elastigirl; The Incredibles (2004-2018).
Eli Gold; The Good Wife (2009-2016).
Elizabeth Swann; Pirates of The Caribbean (2003-2017).
Esmeralda; The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1996).
Gale Hawthorne; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Gale Weathers; Scream (1996-2011).
Jadis The White Witch; The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010).
Jafar; Aladdin (1992).
Johanna Mason; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Kathryn Marteuil; Cruel Intentions (1999).
Kim Possible; Kim Possible (2002-2007).
Lawrence Gordon; Saw (2004).
Lynette Scavo; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Minerva McGonagall; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Miranda Priestly; The Devil Wears Prada (2006).
Nina Zenik; Six of Crows Duology, L. Bardugo (2015-2016).
Olenna Tyrell; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Scar; The Lion King (1994).
Sharpay Evans; High School Musical (2006-2008).
Tywin Lannister; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Vee Parker; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Alex Russo; Wizards of Waverly Place (2007-2012).
Amanita Caplan; Sense8 (2015-2018).
Andrew Wells; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Chris McLean; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Connor Walsh; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020).
Dirk Gently; Dirk Gently: Holistic Detective Agency (2016-2017).
Dustin Handerson; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Elsie Hughes; Westworld (2016-present).
Fleabag; Fleabag (2016-2019).
Grace Augustine; Avatar (2009).
Haymitch Abernathy; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010). (possibly INTJ)
Jack Sparrow; Pirates of the Caribbean (2003-2017).
Jenny Calendar; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Jim Moriarty; BBC Sherlock (2010-2017). (possibly INFJ)
John Smith; Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005).
Kevin McCallister; Home Alone (1990).
Lyra Belacqua; His Dark Materials, P. Pullman (1995-2000).
Margo Dunne; Gone Girl, G. Flynn (2012).
Moana; Moana (2016).
Moira; The Handmaid’s Tale (2017-present).
Niccolò Fares; Skam Italia (2018-present).
Nick Wilde; Zootopia (2016).
Nicky Nichols; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Phineas Fletcher; Phineas and Ferb (2008-2015).
Richie Tozier; It, S. King (1986).
Sebastian Valmont; Cruel Intentions (1999).
Sirius Black; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Tyrion Lannister; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Will Gardner; The Good Wife (2009-2016).
Winifred Burkle; Angel (1999-2004).
Xander Harris; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Yzma; The Emperor’s New Groove (2000).
Aleida Diaz; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Capheus Onyango; Sense8 (2015-2018).
Coralee Armstrong; Insatiable (2018-2019).
Daniela Velasquez; Sense8 (2015-2018).
Daphne Blake; Scooby-Doo (1969-1976).
Dawn Summers; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Draco Malfoy; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Dwight Riley; Scream (1996-2011).
Effie Trinket; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Fleur Delacour; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Gimli; The Lord of the Rings (2001-2003).
Giovanni Garau; Skam Italia (2018-present).
Gloria; Madagascar (2005-2012).
Gloria Mendoza; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
John Watson; BBC Sherlock (2010-2017).
Isobel Stevens; Grey’s Anatomy (2005-present).
Leshawna; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Meg March; Little Women (2019).
Molly Weasley; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Nancy Wheeler; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Owen; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Peter Pevensie; The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010).
Polly Plummer; The Magician’s Nephew, C.S. Lewis (1955).
Raven Baxter; That’s So Raven (2003-2007).
Rapunzel; Tangled (2010). (Fe-Ne Loop) (possibly ENFP)
Sansa Stark; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Sophia Burset; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Tiffany Doggett; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Troy Bolton; High School Musical (2006-2008).
Wendy Darling; Peter Pan (2003).
Asher Millstone; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020).
Belch Huggins; It, S. King (1986).
Bellatrix Lestrange; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Black Cindy; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Buffy Summers; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Denver; La Casa de Papel (2017-present).
Eddie Thomas; That’s So Raven (2003-2007).
Eva Brighi; Skam Italia (2018-present).
Fliss Sidebotham; The Sleepover Club (2002-2004).
Finnick Odair; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Geoff; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Glorificus; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Hercules; Hercules (1997).
Homer Roberts; The OA (2016-2019).
Jaime Lannister; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Jacob Black; Twilight Saga (2008-2012).
Jesse Pinkman; Breaking Bad (2008-2013).
Joffrey Baratheon; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Kenai; Brother Bear (2003).
Lindsay; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Lito Rodriguez; Sense8 (2015-2018).
London Tipton; Suite Life of Zack & Cody (2005-2008).
Max Russo; Wizards of Waverly Place (2007-2012).
Mildred Montag; Fahrenheit 451, R. Bradbury (1953).
Mr. Incredible; The Incredibles (2004-2018).
Nemo; Finding Nemo (2003).
Oberyn Martell; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Peregrin Took; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Peter Pan; Peter Pan (2003).
Ronald Weasley; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Sarah Sanderson; Hocus Pocus (1993).
Susan Mayer; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Theon Greyjoy; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Tokyo; La Casa de Papel (2017-present).
Wendy Wu; Wendy Wu: Homecomig Warrior (2006).
Anya Jenkins; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Boromir; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Bree Van De Kamp; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Cal Hockley; Titanic (1997).
Cersei Lannister; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Cordelia Chase; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Courtney; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Dolores Umbridge; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Eustace Scrubbs; The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010).
Fred Waterford; The Handmaid’s Tale (2017-present).
French; The OA (2016-2019).
Galina Reznikov; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Hector Barbossa; Pirates of the Caribbean (2003-2017).
Hermione Granger; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
James Norrington; Pirates of the Caribbean (2003-2017).
Justin Russo; Wizards of Waverly Place (2007-2012).
Lucas Sinclair; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Maddie Fitzpatrick; Suite Life of Zack & Cody (2005-2008).
Michaela Pratt; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020).
Mycroft Holmes; BBC Sherlock (2010-2017).
Raquel Murillo; La Casa de Papel (2017-present).
Renee Perry; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Robb Stark; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Taylor McKessie; High School Musical (2006-2008).
Tiana; The Princess and the Frog (2009).
Wesley Wyndam-Price; Angel (1999-2004).
Will Gorski; Sense8 (2015-2018).
Winifred Sanderson; Hocus Pocus (1993).
Alex; Madagascar (2005-2012).
Big Boo; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Bronn; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Chad Danforth; High School Musical (2006-2008).
Dash; The Incredibles (2004-2018).
Deloris Van Cartier; Sister Act (1992).
Duncan; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Edie Britt; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Ethan Hunt; Mission Impossible (1996-present).
Faith Lehane; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Flynn Rider; Tangled (2010).
Fred Jones; Scooby-Doo (1969-1976).
Gabrielle Solis; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Ginny Weasley; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Henry Bowers; It, S. King (1986).
Jake Sully; Avatar (2009).
John Smith; Pocahontas (1995).
Kenny Tam; The Sleepover Club (2002-2004).
Kuzco; The Emperor’s New Groove (2000).
Nairobi; La Casa de Papel (2017-present).
Ramsay Bolton; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Robert Baratheon; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Steve Harrington; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Steve Winchell; The OA (2016-2019).
Tarzan; Tarzan (1999).
Taystee Jefferson; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Ygritte; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Zack Martin; Suite Life of Zack & Cody (2005-2008).
Albus Dumbledore; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Alicia Florrick; The Good Wife (2009-2016).
Aslan; The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010).
Bernard Lowe; Westworld (2016-present).
Binx; Hocus Pocus (1993).
Cinna; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Daenerys Targaryen; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Elizabeth Bennet; Pride and Prejudice, J. Austen (1813).
Elsa; Frozen (2013).
Emily; The Handmaid’s Tale (2017-present).
Galadriel; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Jim Moriarty; BBC Sherlock (2010-2017). (possibly ENTP)
John Kramer; Saw (2004).
Jo March; Little Women (2019).
Kala Dandekar; Sense8 (2015-2018). (possibly ENFJ)
Kidagakash Nedakh; Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001).
Laurel Castillo; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020).
Lord Varys; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Maritza Ramos; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Melisandre; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Prairie Johnson; The OA (2016-2019).
Richard Wilkins; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Rose DeWitt Bukater; Titanic (1997).
Rosie Cartwright; The Sleepover Club (2002-2004).
Sitka; Brother Bear (2003).
Tara Maclay; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Tia Dalma; Pirates of The Caribbean (2003-2017).
Todd Brotzmann; Dirk Gently: Holistic Detective Agency (2017-2018).
Bella Swan; Twilight Saga (2008-2012).
Belle; The Beauty and the Beast (1991).
Beth March; Little Women (2019).
Bran Stark; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Buck Vu; The OA (2016-2019).
Caspian; The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010).
Davy Jones; Pirates of The Caribbean (2003-2017).
Dobby; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Dolores Abernathy; Westworld (2016-present).
Don Pablo; Professor Layton (2007-present).
Eddie Kaspbrak; It, S. King (1986). (Fi-Si Loop)
Eleonora Sava; Skam Italia (2018-present).
Eleven; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Faramir; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Frodo Baggins; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Gabriella Montez; High School Musical (2006-2008).
Jonathan Byers; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Kelsi Nilsen; High School Musical (2006-2008).
Luna Lovegood; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Missandei; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Poussey Washington; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Priest; Fleabag (2016-2019).
Quasimodo; The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996).
Remus Lupin; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Riley Gunnardottir; Sense8 (2015-2018). (possibly ISFP)
Rio; La Casa de Papel (2017-present).
Sebastian Wilder; La La Land (2016).
Violetta; The Incredibles (2004-2018).
Willow Rosenberg; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Wylan Van Eck; Six of Crows Duology, L. Bardugo (2015-2016).
Amy Elliot Dunne; Gone Girl, G. Flynn (2012).
Annalise Keating; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020). (possibly ENTJ)
Ben Hanscom; It, S. King (1986).
Edna Mode; The Incredibles (2004-2018).
Elrond; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Felicia Tilman; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Fitzwilliam Darcy; Pride and Prejudice, J. Austen (1813).
Hap; The OA (2016-2019).
Haymitch Abernathy; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010). (possibly ENTP)
Heather; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Holden Caulfield; The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger (1951). (Ni-Fi Loop)
The Professor; La Casa de Papel (2017-present).
Jane Smith; Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005).
Kalinda Sharma; The Good Wife (2009-2016).
Katniss Everdeen; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Kaz Brekker; Six of Crows Duology, L. Bardugo (2015-2016).
Nomi Marks; Sense8 (2015-2018).
Paul Young; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Petyr Baelish; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Raskolnikov; Crime and Punishment, F. Dostoevsky (1866).
Robert Ford; Westworld (2016-present).
Saruman; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Serena Joy; The Handmaid’s Tale (2017-present). (Ni-Fi Loop)
Severus Snape; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007). (Ni-Fi Loop) (possibly ISTJ)
Sherlock Holmes; BBC Sherlock (2010-2017).
Nanny McPhee; Nanny McPhee (2005).
Theo Decker; The Goldfinch, D. Tartt (2013)
V; V per Vendetta (2005).
Voldemort; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Walter White; Breaking Bad (2008-2013).
Whispers; Sense8 (201-2018).
Alan Turing; The Imitation Game (2014).
Alice Liddell; Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, L. Carroll (1865).
Arthur Weasley; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Beetee; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Digory Kirke; The Magician’s Nephew, C.S. Lewis (1955).
Edmund Pevensie; The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010).
Faber; Fahrenheit 451, R. Bradbury (1953).
Foxface; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Gandalf; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Hernando Fuentes; Sense8 (2015-2018).
Hershel Layton; Professor Layton (2007-present).
Karen McCluskey; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Lewis; Meet The Robinsons (2007).
Meredith Grey; Grey’s Anatomy (2005-present).
Milo Thatch; Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001).
Neo; The Matrix (1999).
Noah; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Oz; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Peter Pettigrew; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Samwell Tarly; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Suzanne Warren; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Velma Dinkley; Scooby-Doo (1969-1976).
Andrea Sachs; The Devil Wears Prada (2006).
Angel; Angel (1999-2004).
BBA; The OA (2016-2019).
Catelyn Stark; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Cinderella; Cinderella (1950).
Cody; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Cody Martin; Suite Life of Zack & Cody (2005-2008).
Gilly; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Jane Bennet; Pride and Prejudice, J. Austen (1813).
Jill Pole; The Silver Chair, C.S. Lewis (1953).
Jorah Mormont; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Joyce Byers; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Joyce Summers; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Lyndz Collins; The Sleepover Club (2002-2004).
Manny; Ice Age (2002-2016).
Mary Alice Young; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Mary Sanderson; Hocus Pocus (1993).
Matthias Helvar; Six of Crows Duology, L. Bardugo (2015-2016).
Melman; Madagascar (2005-2012).
Mia Dolan; La La Land (2016).
Mosca; La Casa de Papel (2017-present).
Narcissa Malfoy; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Neville Longbottom; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Nonnie Thompson; Insatiable (2018-2019).
Norma Romano; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Offred; The Handmaid’s Tale, M. Atwood (1985).
Samvise Gangee; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Sonya; Crime and Punishment, F. Dostoevsky (1866).
Talisa Stark; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Tommen Baratheon; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Victor Criss; It, S. King (1986).
William Turner; Pirates of The Caribbean (2003-2017).
Adam Faulkner; Saw (2004).
Arwen; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Arya Stark; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Aurora; Sleeping Beauty (1959).
Bambi; Bambi (1942).
Beast; The Beauty and the Beast (1991).
Beverly Marsh; It, S. King (1986).
Bridgette; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Dayanara Diaz; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Eowyn; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Eve Hammond; V per Vendetta (2005).
Gwen; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Rubeus Hagrid; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Harry Potter; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Inej Ghafa; Six of Crows Duology, L. Bardugo (2015-2016).
Jack Dawson; Titanic (1997).
Jasmine; Aladdin (1992).
Jesse; The OA (2016-2019).
Jon Snow; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Loras Tyrell; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Newt Scamander; Fantastic Beasts (2016).
Neytiri; Avatar (2009).
Patty Bladell; Insatiable (2018-2019).
Pocahontas; Pocahontas (1995).
Riley Gunnardottir; Sense8 (2015-2018). (possibly INFP)
Ryan Evans; High School Musical (2006-2008).
Shaggy Rogers; Scooby Doo (1969-1976).
Shrek; Shrek (2001).
Sidney Prescott; Scream (1996-2011).
Silvia Mirabella; Skam Italia (2018-present).
Simba; The Lion King (1994).
Spike; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Wes Gibbins; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020).
Will Byers; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Yoga Jones; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Aragorn; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Bonnie Winterbottom; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020).
Brienne of Tarth; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Claire; Fleabag (2016-2019).
Claudette Pelage; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Davos Seaworth; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Eddard Stark; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Edward Cullen; Twilight Saga (2008-2012).
Emily Charton; The Devil Wears Prada (2006).
Farah Black; Dirk Gently: Holistic Detective Agency (2017-2018).
Guy Montag; Fahrenheit 451, R. Bradbury (1953). (Si-Fi Loop)
Heathcliff; Wuthering Heights, E. Bronte (1847).
Janae Watson; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Jane; Tarzan (1999).
Jim Hopper; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Kendra Young; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Lucius Malfoy; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Marlin; Finding Nemo (2003).
Nick; The Handmaid’s Tale (2017-present).
Porpentina Goldstein; Fantastic Beasts (2016).
Riley Finn; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Rupert Giles; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Ruth DeWitt Bukater; Titanic (1997).
Sana Allagui; Skam Italia (2018-present).
Severus Snape; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007). (Si-Fi Loop) (possibly INTJ)
Stanley Uris; It, S. King (1986).
Stannis Baratheon; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Sun Bak; Sense8 (2015-2018).
Susan Pevensie; The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010).
William Parry; His Dark Materials, P. Pullman (1995-2000).
Alejandro; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Alex Karev; Grey’s Anatomy (2005-present).
Alex Vause; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Diego; Ice Age (2002-2016).
Emmy Altava; Professor Layton (2007-present).
Ferb Fletcher; Phineas and Ferb (2007-2015).
Frank Delfino; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020).
Gendry; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Jim Hawkins; Treasure Planet (2002).
Legolas; The Lord of the Rings (2001-2003).
Man in Black; Westworld (2016-present).
Max Black; 2 Broke Girls (2011-2017).
Max Mayfield; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Megara; Hercules (1997).
Merry Brandibuck; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Mike Delfino; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Mike Hanlon; It, S. King (1986).
Mulan Fa; Mulan (1998).
Rebecca Sutter; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020).
Sandor Clegane; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Tris Prior; Divergent (2014).
Viktor Krum; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Wolfgang Bogdanow; Sense8 (2015-2018).
#mbti theory#mbti type#mbti#enfj#enfp#entj#entp#esfj#esfp#estj#estp#infj#infp#intj#intp#isfj#isfp#istj#istp#mbti characters#fictional characters#list#mine#personal
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Mi crítica del concierto del Vocalconsort Berlin ayer en el ciclo La Europa de Murillo.
#vocalconsort berlin#johann sebastian bach#dietrich buxtehude#la europa de murillo#vita ralf sochaczewsky#ventura rico#johanna rose#música#music
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Our collective isolation highlights that all forms of community are now more important than ever, and it is vital that we find mechanisms to support each other through this precarious time. In this extraordinary landscape that we have found ourselves in, it is clear that many artists, writers and thinkers are having exhibitions, opportunities and subsequent fees cancelled for the foreseeable future. In response to this, we are establishing a new project called TRANSMISSIONS. This is an online platform which will commission artists to share their work within a classic DIY TV show format.
Episode 1
| 23 April | 9PM GMT
REPLAY | 24 April | 9AM GMT
w/ Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg / Bruce Bickford / CAConrad / Salvador Dali / Brice Dellsperger / Tessa Hughes-Freeland / Juliet Jacques / Sam Keogh / Jiji Kim / Quinn Latimer / Mark Leckey / Kalup Linzy / Sade Mica / Laure Prouvost / Christopher Soto / Patrick Staff / The Cockettes / TV Party / Unarius Academy of Science / Su Hui- Yu – Curated by Anne Duffau, Hana Noorali & Tai Shani Episode 2 | 30 April | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 1 May | 9AM GMT w/ Sophie Jung Episode 3 | 7 May | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 8 May | 9AM GMT w/ Tarek Lakhrissi – Your world is already ending Episode 4 | 14 May | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 15 May | 9AM GMT w/ Johanna Hedva – Tom Cruise Studies with expert guests Vivian Ia and Matthew Miller Episode 5 | 21 May | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 22 May | 9AM GMT w/ STRAWBERRY JAM: A LITERARY HOUR with Mykki Blanco Episode 6 | 28 May | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 29 May | 9AM GMT w/ CAConrad with invited poets
Season 1 of TRANSMISSIONS will run as six weekly episodes screening every Thursday at 9 pm GMT and repeated on Fridays at 9 am GMT on Twitch. The 1st episode will air on the 23rd of April 2020 which will be curated by Anne Duffau, Tai Shani and Hana Noorali. The subsequent five episodes will be hosted by invited artists. Each artist included in TRANSMISSIONS will be paid a fee in return for their contribution. With a sense of community, all the money used to pay artists in season 1 has been kindly donated by established UK art institutions and commercially stable artists.
Season 1 is funded and supported by, Artquest+DACS, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Studio Oscar Murillo, Somerset House Studios and Wysing Arts Centre.
Episode 1 | 23 April | 9PM GMT
REPLAY | 24 April | 9AM GMT
w/ Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg / Bruce Bickford / CAConrad / Salvador Dali / Brice Dellsperger / Tessa Hughes-Freeland / Juliet Jacques / Sam Keogh / Jiji Kim / Quinn Latimer / Mark Leckey / Kalup Linzy / Sade Mica / Laure Prouvost / Christopher Soto / Patrick Staff / The Cockettes / TV Party / Unarius Academy of Science / Su Hui- Yu – Curated by Anne Duffau, Hana Noorali & Tai Shani
Episode 2 | 30 April | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 1 May | 9AM GMT w/ Sophie Jung
Sophie Jung, The Bigger Sleep, 2019 courtesy the artist and Kunstmuseum Basel. Photo: Julian Salinas
Working across text, sculpture and performance, Sophie Jung’s work navigates the politics of re/er/re/presentation and challenges the reductive desire to conclude. Her texts unfocus on blurring scripted hegemonies and tap, hop, stammer and stumble over and across languaged powers. She employs humour, shame, the absurd, raw anger, rhythm and rhyme, slapstick, hardship, friendship and a constant stream of slippages. Her sculptural work consists of bodies made up of both found and haphazardly produced attributes and defines itself against the dogma of an Original Idea or a Universal Significance. Instead it stands as a network of abiding incompletion, an ever-changing choir of urgencies and pleasures, traumas and manifestations that communally relay between dominant and minor themes. Sophie Jung is invested in triggering a de-categorising of concepts and a deconceptualisation of categories and understands her approach to “stuff” – both legible utensil and metaphoric apparition – as an uncertain queering slash querying of historical materialism. Sophie Jung (lives and works in Basel and London) received a BFA from the Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, and a MFA from Goldsmiths, London. Recent projects and exhibitions include Sincerity Condition at Casino Luxembourg, Woman Standing at The National Gallery, Prague, Taxpayer’s Money for Frieze LIVE; Dramatis Personaea at JOAN, Los Angeles; The Bigger Sleep at Kunstmuseum Basel | Gegenwart and Block Universe, London; Come Fresh Hell or Fresh High Water at Blain Southern, London; Producing My Credentials at Kunstraum London and Paramount VS Tantamount at Kunsthalle Basel. She is currently working on solo exhibitions at E.A. Shared Space, Istituto Svizzero in Milan and Galerie Joseph Tang in Paris and works as a guest mentor at Institut Kunst, Basel.
Episode 3
| 7 May | 9PM GMT
REPLAY | 8 May | 9AM GMT
w/ Tarek Lakhrissi
– Your world is already ending
Tarek Lakhrissi is a visual artist and a poet based in Paris. His works have been exhibited in Auto Italia South East (London, UK), Hayward Gallery (London, UK), Museum of Contemporary Art (Sydney, AU), Palais de Tokyo (Paris, France), Grand Palais - FIAC (Paris, FR), Lafayette Anticipations (Paris, FR), CRAC Alsace (Altkirch, FR), Artexte (Montreal, CA), Šiuolaikinio meno centras/CAC (Vilnius, LT), Espace Arlaud (Lausanne, CH), among others. He is a featured artist in the 22nd Biennale of Sydney NIRIN (2020).
Episode 4 | 14 May | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 15 May | 9AM GMT w/ Johanna Hedva – Tom Cruise Studies with expert guests Vivian Ia and Matthew Miller
Tom Cruise Studies is a meander of curiosity. There is no driving inquiry other than the question, "What's, like, up with Tom Cruise?" Hedva considers the various roles Cruise has played onscreen and in public, from religious zealot, to cocky upstart, to a man oppressed by his own masculinity, to couch-jumping love-nut, to an exiled actor who clawed his way back into Hollywood via a maniacal obsession with doing death-certain stunts. Joined by two expert guests, Hedva and Vivian Ia will consider the astrology charts of Cruise and L. Ron Hubbard, while Matthew Miller will share his theory that the Mission Impossible franchise is Cruise's vehicle for making public apologies to his ex-wife, Katie Holmes.
Johanna Hedva is a Korean-American writer, artist, musician, and astrologer, who was raised in Los Angeles by a family of witches, and now lives in LA and Berlin. Hedva is the author of the novel, On Hell. Their collection of poems, performances, and essays, Minerva the Miscarriage of the Brain, will be published in September 2020. Their essay, "Sick Woman Theory," published in Mask in 2016, has been translated into six languages, and their writing has appeared in Triple Canopy, frieze, The White Review, and Asian American Literary Review. Their work has been shown at The Institute of Contemporary Arts in London, Performance Space New York, the LA Architecture and Design Museum, and the Museum of Contemporary Art on the Moon, as well as featured in parrhesiades. Their album, The Sun and the Moon, was released in March 2019, and they’re currently touring Black Moon Lilith in Pisces in the 4th House, a doom metal guitar and voice performance influenced by Korean shamanist ritual.
Vivian Ia lives in Berlin. Their poetry is Pushcart-nominated and has appeared or is forthcoming in Bone Bouquet, Tiny Seed, The Gravity of the Thing, Fourteen Hills, and Berkeley Poetry Review.
Matthew Miller is a video director from Sacramento, California. He works in both live-action and animation to create short films and commercial projects. In the last four years, he’s directed a series of short films for The Getty Museum with artists and authors such as Ellsworth Kelly, Yo-Yo Ma, Mary Beard, Mario Vargas Llosa, and Ed Ruscha. He is currently in quarantine with his wife and Snoopy-esque dog, Millie, in Hawaiian Gardens, California, where he has been dividing his time between starting a garden and collecting ideas for a film project.
Episode 5
| 21 May | 9PM GMT
REPLAY | 22 May | 9AM GMT
Mykki Blanco
Join musician Mykki Blanco for an hour of music and poetry readings. Spoken word, lyrical breakdowns, a presentation on two 20th century American literary figures Bob Kaufman & Mina Loy as well as a first time listen to new unreleased musical project.
Episode 6 | 28 May | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 29 May | 9AM GMT w/ CAConrad with invited poets
CAConrad's latest book JUPITER ALIGNMENT: (Soma)tic Poetry Rituals, is forthcoming from Ignota Books in 2020. The author of 9 books of poetry and essays, While Standing in Line for Death (Wave Books), won the 2018 Lambda Book Award. They also received a 2019 Creative Capital grant as well as a Pew Fellowship, the Believer Magazine Book Award, and the Gil Ott Book Award. They regularly teach at Columbia University in New York City, and Sandberg Art Institute in Amsterdam. Please view their books, essays, recordings, and the documentary The Book of Conrad (Delinquent Films) online at http://bit.ly/88CAConrad
"CAConrad's poems invite the reader to become an agent in a joint act of recovery, to step outside of passivity and propriety and to become susceptible to the illogical and the mysterious." ---Tracy K. Smith, New York Times.
Thank you to:
All contributing artists, writers, poets, composers and thinkers; Maxwell Sterling; Adam Sinclair; Lori E. Allen; Artsquest. An artist-run programme that uses research about visual artists’ working conditions to provide support for professional artists; DACS; BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art; Studio Oscar Murillo; Somerset House Studios; Wysing Arts Centre; Cabinet Gallery; Lisson Gallery & Max Bossier
TRANSMISSIONS collective is composed of:
Anne Duffau
is a cultural producer, researcher, and founder of A---Z, an exploratory/nomadic curatorial platform exploring artistic practices and knowledge exchange through collaborations, presentations, soundscapes, screenings and discussions. She has collaborated with a range of projects and organisations including ArtLicks, Southwark Park Galleries, Mimosa House and Danielle Arnaud Gallery, London Please Stand By, or-bits .com, PAF Olomouc Czech Republic & Tenderflix. Anne has previously run the StudioRCA Riverlight, London programme (2016-2018) and is currently the interim curator at Wysing Arts Center, a Tutor at the School of Arts and Humanities, and is the acting Lead in Critical Practice, within the Royal College of Art’s Contemporary Art Practice Programme. She has performed live music under Alpha through a number of projects and collaborations.
Hana Noorali
is an independent curator and writer based in London. In 2019 she was selected (together with Lynton Talbot) to realise an exhibition at The David Roberts Foundation as part of their annual curator’s series. She curated Lisson Presents at Lisson Gallery, London from 2017-2018 and from 2017 -2019, produced and presented the podcast series Lisson ON AIR. In 2018 Hana edited a monograph on the work of artist and Benedictine Monk, Dom Sylvester Houédard. Its release coincided with an exhibition of his work at Lisson Gallery, New York that she co-curated with Matt O’Dell. In 2007, she co-founded a non-profit project space and curatorial collective called RUN active until 2011. In 2020 Hana and her curatorial partner Lynton Talbot will be publishing an anthology that examines the intersection of poetry and film with (p) (prototype).
Tai Shani
is an artist living and working in London. She is the joint 2019 Turner Prize winner together with Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Helen Cammock and Oscar Murillo. In 2019 Tai was a Max Mara prize nominee. Her work has been shown at Turner Contemporary, UK (2019); Grazer Kunst Verein, Austria (2019); Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Italy (2019); Glasgow International, UK (2018); Wysing Arts Centre, UK (2017); Serpentine Galleries, London (2016); Tate, London (2016); Yvonne Lambert Gallery, Berlin (2016) and Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin (2016).
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República Cinéfila | Eres mi Pasión
República Cinéfila | Eres mi Pasión
Aprovechando que el Mundial Rusia 2018 esta a la vuelta de la esquina aparece esta cinta que nos remite a uno de los deportes mas gustados en nuestro país que es el fútbol soccer y que en el cine mexicano ha aportado su particular visión de películas que desde hace décadas desembocan en una nutrida filmografia como “El Chanfle” (1979 Enrique Segoviano) y “El Chanfle Segundo” (1982 Roberto Gómez…
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#Eres mi pasión#futbol#Johanna Murillo#Juan Pablo Medina#Mariana Treviño#Mauricio Isaac#Patricia Reyes Spíndola#Silverio Palacios#Videocine
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Ya falta poco para… “La Liberación”
Tres mujeres se unen para evitar que se haga pública una acusación de acoso sexual contra un renombrado director de cine.
Esta controvertida misión las llevará hasta las puertas de un grupo que las hará emprender un viaje hacia sus adentros: a una aldea medieval donde se representan sus heridas patriarcales.
Estreno: 17 de enero de 2924 en Prime Video.
Creada por Alejandra Márquez Abella, la serie cuenta con las actuaciones de Ilse Salas, Cassandra Ciangherotti, Johanna Murillo, Dolores Heredia, Ofelia Medina, Diego Boneta, entre otros.
#La Liberación#Ilse Salas#Cassandra Ciangherotti#Johanna Murillo#Dolores Heredia#Ofelia Medina#Diego Boneta#Series#Prime Video
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Sewing Circle Participants
Sewing Circle Participants
Thank you to everyone who participated in sewing the rhinoceros! We could never have finished it without you. You are forever in our hearts.
Deanna Cruise back
Juliana Pennington shoulder
Yue Yang Caigla Zou back
Yuen (Jessica) Chen back
Kelly White shoulder
Athena Johns leg
Antoinette Barton head
Erica Lipshultz rump
Marc Fletcher back left foot
Siobhan Cassidy front right leg
Elisa Li head
Harry Yu head
Beth Thomas snout
Erica Barajas forehead
Vivian Romney shoulder
Zoe Walker head
Amy Khalmann rear flank
Alina Hayes feet
Janice Wood rear flank
Barb Bakun head
Andi Wong rear flank
Sarah Stein back, thigh
Chloe Marrinstein head, foot, outline, da booty
Sadie Marrinstein thigh
Amanda H. Johnson head, foot, outline
Kaila Wood head, foot, outline
Leah Johnson head, foot, outline
Ani Mukerji back leg
Inka Mukerji back leg
Winnie Ding rear flank
Jennifer White back feet
August White back feet
Neve Schmitt head
Michelle Schmitt head
Sigrid foot
Leah Anderson foot
Mary Kenny rump
Isle Oritt rump
Olga back leg
Dustin rhinobum!
Linnea Furlog head
Pam Deluco rear leg, haunch, elbow, letters
Jeff Thomas back
Bryan Barkley rear
Mary Wheeler back top flank
Teri Gardiner tail hair, rump, belly, ridge of back
Robin Hill rump
Darcy Padilla stomach
Emily Clark-Krasner rear
Yuen Chen leg
Jodi Connelly back
Noah Greene belly
Ryan Meyer belly and back
Arielle Rebek belly
Muzi LaRowe eyes
T. Blackmon bottom
Bettina Pauley tail
Allyson Feeney rump
Mark Baugh-Sasaki back foot
Dox Lorax haunch
Kelli Rae rump
Cesar Rubio unknown
Ho Yan Nip unknown
Frank Merritt all over, circles, edges, hindquarters, shoulder, rump, dark purple bottom edge of shoulder armor, behind the ear
Kim Miskowicz rump, right foot, rear/rump
Julia Langer buttocks
Jonathan Coignard buttocks
Suzanne Gore haunch
Kelly Wang from hip to buttock
Steve Rasmussen rear leg
Bob Rocco rump
Odysseus Wolken upper rump
Juliette Langley lower rump
Fehim Haelzic crown/forehead
Leyla Haelzic crown/forehead
Tanja Gels head
Lisa Ekstrom from right leg, forehead
Eva Walker front leg
Sara Wright eye
Karrie Hovey shoulder
M. Dym a wrinkle on the head
Amy M. Ho front foot, forehead
Dave Lyons just below eye
Mel Day forehead
Heather Peters ear
Helen Hiebert butt
Alyssa Casey neck, horn
Vanessa Gingold rump
Mary V. Marsh front right toe, ear
Antonio Guerra letra C
Jenny Phillips hands
Ingrid Rojas Contreras hoof
Maia Wachtel lines on the back
Roli Douglas the top line
Noga Wizansky rump
Suzanne Forester border line
Cindy Steiler face
Alexa Boromo behind
Amber Hoy back
Melody Dalton back
Cheyenne Dalton rear feet
Elizabeth Boyne ear
Teddy Midler front foot
Drew Cameron face
Cathy DeForest front left hoof
Leah Korican face
Mayumi Hamanaka r - text
Dana Zed shoulder
Erin Sheanin knee
Alisha Funkhouser front foot
Debbie Walker unknown
Nancy Marriner tail
Summer Om face
Eraden Wordal Chesh face
Isle Oritt knee
Mary Grace Tate toe
Sophia Auen face
April Marriner tail
Charlotte Semmes snout
Andre Chevonier foot
Jane Cassidy foot
Kellen Rhoda foot
Meiasha Gray border
Samantha Bankston back foot
Winship Varnes hindquarters
Miranda McFarland belly
Susan Paigen nose
Kevin Holmes ear
Jackie Wallowheng plants
Beta Heist Morello edge
Elaine Todd nose and edge near nose
Lori Chambers back foot
Mickie McCormic foot scales
Jeremy Logan ear hair
Brook Craddock mythical horn!
Morning Hullinger toe jam back foot, shoulder flank, final inner
C.C. Chaya scales
Lolli Jacobsen back
Sarah Crews rump
Connie Burket ears
Debbie Divine rear leg
Martha Rhea hindquarters
Donna Sandberg along the top of the back shoulder and letter H
Pam Morgan back
Ruth Cathcard Rake front leg and letter R
Gretchen Boyum front leg, front foot
Rachel Butler front leg
Lucy Butler front leg
Bill North butt, ground, back right foot
Caroline Stoll head
April Engstrom back right leg/hip
Connie Wilson close to face
Gloria Gonzalez hind foot
Judy Nease chin
Alleigh Weems horn
Lyndsi Weems back foot
Karla Prickett rump
Jennifer Baker back
Kent Manske spots
Susan Tuoley back foot and butt
Susan Paigen nose
Christina Steinbrecher pfrandt (lower leg)
Yeqi Song legs
Yuan Luo legs
Jenny Chin (Kuan-Jen) legs
Jingying Liang back leg
Jianguyin Reng back leg
Beth Abdallah back flank
Rebecca Redman back leg
Michael Seidel kidney lining
Rita Hsing head
Sandy Lee back
Chelsea Herman back
Marie Kidd right front foot
David Kidd right front foot
Amy Whitcomb rump
Bob Carpenter nose
Barbara Carpenter nose
Cynthia Beecher ear
Leteb Beecher ear
Susan Sweet ear
CK Itamura hamhock
Dionne Thornton front left foot, butt edge
Robert Wuilfe da booty
Gina Ching front foot
Jordan Juel front foot
Anne Ingraham front foot
Michelle Waters butt
Elizabeth Addison foot
Lydia Nakashima Dagarod shoulder
Linda Joy Kettwinkel snout
Peggy George butt
Maryly Snow scales
Zelisa back end
Scott Partch back end
Chin Cox head
Hada Marshall Booth head
Eduardo Arenas leg
Luna Gomez head
Sauita Patel gog (back)
Brian Lease back leg
Islonia Hasbrim frente
Guadalupe Portillo espalda
Queen Krubally back
Bridget McCraken back
Margaret Coston back
Kathleen Murphy belly
Julie Grigoryan ear
Joyce Subel border
Yatit Maidorh head
Omer head
Alon head
Rooek head
Eli head
Posja Mahushwai neckline
Talia nose
Ella ear
Jonathan nose
Nancy Brunn back
Sabina Brunn ears
Judith Fast back
Lindsey Stoll hoof
Emily Marks head
Victor Vargas chin
Britt-Marie Alon horn
Al Bloch horn
Alyssa Flores horn
John Hoffmeyer border
Madison Cockrum head
Anthony Murillo border
Sheri Simons front legs
Emily Matherson face
Hana Jones hoof (back foot)
Angela Kirchebel bottom left corner border,
small area of right foot, scales
Adele Etcheverry Sheets upper border rear and rear of Rhino
Leslie Jurado back leg, hoof scales
Jaime Muñoz shoulder
Aiden Ginn back leg
Sheecid Lopez border and back leg
Sophy Hock shoulder
Nancy Scott Patton rump
Hana Beaty shoulder, back leg
Eric D’Alessandro lower jaw
Betsy Copeland leg and hoof
Kylie McCloskey horn
Dellanira Carrillo butt
Jose Llamos hoof (back foot)
Timothy Clancy forehead
Kobley Benjamin Mona shoulder
Alicia Ramirez foot
Kim Green upper thigh/butt
Francesca Figone left back
Josette Stokes shoulder
Mercedes Yatta foot
Luis Medina booty
Shane Geoge face (under eye)
Ellen Baird foot
Daria Booth shoulder
Adria Davis backside
Johnny Bruno back foot
Brianna Warren leg
Adrienne Glatz forehead
Mallory Frucha bum
Kelly Weber front and back legs
Carissa Duggan booty
Jasmin Gonzalez foot
Francis Newsom rear end
Shari Maxson Hopper shoulder
Veronica Brenck butt
Marie Fox rump, front foot, back foot
Chloe Taylor root
Marissa Winslow rump/tail
Shai Porath head
Linda Bea Miller tummy
Tom Seoul rump
Kathleen Ritchie unknown
Sue Bottom front leg
Lisa Chu forehead
Anne Ingraham hind foot
Chris Voisard rump
Jane McLaughlin front foot
Malinda Thompson rear leg
Mallory Nomura Saul tusk and back
Judy Shintani tummy and rump
Kevin Austin top of nose, bottom of horn
Claudia Molley top of head, behind ear
Kate Oltmann butt
Amanda Bosma wrinkle on face
Xittaly Vasquez back leg
Emily Murray torso wrinkle
Julia Albo border
Miriam Hassman neck/face
Ryan Patton back left leg
Alexa Weber chin and left front leg
Jiovanny Soto forehead
Jenny Harp lower back
Steven Garen nose/head
Tallulah Terryl leg
Johanna Arnold back
Sean Olson muzzle
Emma Spertus back
Chris Challans loin, belly
Susan Kanowith-Klein rump
Christina Aumann eyelashes and forehead
Ruth Souza misc dorsal area
Phuong Pham booty
Laurie Crogan shoulder-scales
Lorna Turner armpit
Eva Hausam chin wavy lines
David Reiman shoulder
Lanqin Wang forehead
Camryn Travis belly
Jennifer Munnings eye/cheek
Brooke Sommers belly
Katie Gallagher ribs
Sariah Gonzalez forehead
Anthony Isenhour shoulder
Berenika Boberska the bottom!
Taylor Hoogsteden hip
Carmina Ellison sideburns
Nicole McHale shoulder blade
Preeva Tramiel back leg
Jessica Bernhardt front leg
Milldrid Thompson ear
Sharon Robinson front leg
Timiza Wagner back leg
Bobbie Jeffery rear of body
Joanne Landers ear
Sylvia Stanger front leg
Paula Landers back leg
Charlotte Jacobs front leg
Mavis Brown front shoulder
Cheryl Batrato haunch
Kathy Goldmaker shoulder
Liz Matthews back leg above the foot
Sailee Pawar back leg
Andrea Fleiner belly
Marina Taniform leg
Andres Taniform leg
Rose Nguyen ribs
Marco Chavez ribs
Lily May Larson cheek
Rachel Williamson back leg
Cheryl Zuur above the eye
Kathy Willis hindquarters
Martha White hindquarter
Artemis Koren head
Anika Sykora tummy
Irene Floyd hindquarter
Ming Zhou head
Max Koren front leg
Dinah Irino ear
Maya leg
Morgan Carter head
Ava Kasim the hinney
Isabella Anderson back
Ian Kussi-Gillu shoulder
Viyada Satyapan upper front back
Mahvash Salehpour back hip
Christina Bayley back foot
Pam Schwartz left leg
Lynn Koolish back leg
Sandra Duncan front hoof
Emily Rosenberg right leg
Gina Dixon back leg
Tamara Sommerfield neck
Diana R. Reton rear leg
Candace Kling shoulder
Cindy Jacomette head
Nicki Hitz Edison front leg
Toru Sueto front left leg
Jeanne Sueto under eye, along lower jaw
Linda Goss rear hip
Kim Meuli Brown back ribs
Michael Chin chin
Kasla Melton right back leg (pierna derecha)
Vanessa Herrera right back thing
Wendy Brown back leg
Jack Fleig front leg
Amanda Fleig front leg
Shobitha belly
Sasha back
Marilyn rear haunch
Caden Jo Hartdegen head/neck
Yolanda Araujo unknown
Meredith Payn unknown
Tiffany Hartdeger unknown
Richard cheek
Hanna Peacock shoulder
Juan Manuel Gutierrez rear hip
Paola Valencia head
Jesus Castillo head
Diego Barregan shoulder
Hernandez Irvin belly
Cindy Simmons cheek
Ginna Sierra upper leg
Carole Walters-Cook face
Angela Etsey back leg and thigh
Victor Navarro IV V neck
Elizabeth Finkler ear
Jennifer Lu lower tummy
Kylee Dougherty neck
Jada Wong stomach
Kerwin Azores back knee
Hugo Jimenez head
Becca Wong neck
Breanna Estrada unknown
Candaces Perrault shoulder
Kevin Liu belly and front of leg plates
Michael Huang Mil back leg
Natalie Diazza chin hairs
Eliza Villa dorsal neck
Steve Dellicalpini in that neck tho!
Michelle van Eyken right flank
Leslie McLaughlin shoulder circles
Angela Acosta front leg
Allison Acosta front shoulder circle
Rebecca Bui upper back leg
Barbara Post back foot
Irene Caravajal back leg
Gabrielle Koizumi neck
Clayton Bavor front leg
Ava Eui front leg
Judy Diamond upper shoulder
Mhanna Kutras front leg
Liam neck
Leona neck
Leana Olliffe stomach
Patti Samuelson right leg
A. Manley neck plates
Donna King right shoulder
Becky Leech right hindquarters
Raymond Mueller front left leg
Timmy shoulder
Asher Fleig front leg
Julia back leg
Nicole B chest
L. Hum hind leg
Alice Schwegman shoulder
Gail Blackmarr unknown
Christina Truong neck
June Dao scale
Ellie Reese a rear leg
Susan L. Goranson left rear leg
Marci Ariagno breast shield
Maya unknown
Diane Mestu head
Claudia Havah back leg
Mickey Guffin right upper hind leg
Annalise Sailen unknown
Jennifer Schaeffer front right leg
Mia rear leg
Joe Ranish �� right shoulder
Ann Ranish rear leg
Anthony left leg
Leslie Nobler neck
Anne Trickey back leg
Maris Kaplan neck fold and front shoulder
Paula Bohan neck fold
James Brooks neck
Amanda Briggs back right foot
Andrew Briggs back right foot
Miriam Briggs back right foot
Willow Yamaden cheek
Sarah Bartman neck
Bridget McMahon flank
Amy Brown jowl
Vanessa Dion Fletcher jowl
Denera Gains unknown
Justin Gains unknown
Kurt Salinas stomach/inner thigh
Randall Harrison upper mid bicep
Ivy Moya back foot
Pam Lonero breast plate
Molly Olsen Roush shoulder/neck area
Brook Olsen Roush shoulder/neck area
Susie Miller Roush shoulder/neck area
Reyhon Ertekin unknown
Torres Leck shoulder
Anna Banancks shoulder
Emily van Engel front leg
Silvia Eckert cheek
Davis Watson breastplate
Debachree Ghosh breastplate
Jessica Jane Jennings cheek
Kimberly Ann Piper shoulder
Alisa Murray cheek
Jennifer Hill breastplate
Susan Ady cheek
Chris Washburn neck
Janet Ady flank
Louise Horkey border
Nupur Kamat front shoulder
Tamela Holmes ear
Tameyah Holmes cheek
Ruth Tabancay upper leg
Teddy Midler shoulder
Jerry Majors Patterson cheek area
Susan Afell eye area
Elaine Todd neck
Senator Jordan cheek
Meadow unknown
Lori Chambers neck
Josephine Tumova neck
Fynn Tuma chest
Diana Dominguez chest
Jason Godeke neck
Cristina Mathews belly and front right leg
Jody Alexander neck, chest
Elaine Todd belly circles
Raquel Marquez belly
Josslyn Robles chest
Rhea Rynearson shoulder
Valerie Frey shoulder
Aidan Parker shoulder, right shoulder
A. Parker right shoulder
Seraphine Ries belly
Lid. C. belly
Jamelie whiskers
Carolyn Schneider upper shoulder
Josh Morsell lower front shoulder
Lia V. Wilson middle breast
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Regresa la renombrada puesta en escena: La hora Radio Roma 2, ahora en el Teatro Helénico
La hora Radio Roma 2, el programa radiofónico más escuchado de México, regresa al aire a través de la XYZ, la estación más divertida transmitiendo su señal desde el Centro Cultural Helénico. Se trata de una intrépida producción de Próspero Teatro y Tercera Llamada con funciones del 7 de octubre al 18 de diciembre, los viernes a las 20:00 horas, los sábados a las 19:00 horas y los domingos a las 18:00 horas en el Teatro Helénico.
La puesta en escena es una invitación para que el público presencie lo que sucede al interior de la cabina de un programa radiofónico en los años 40, minutos antes de salir al aire y durante toda la transmisión en vivo. Es una propuesta escénica muy lúdica en la que el elenco improvisa a partir de relatos como La quedada, donde una mujer quiere probarle al mundo que el amor existe aún después de los 35 años; así como Ramamán, el magnífico —cualquier parecido con Kalimán es mera coincidencia—, quien intentará resolver el caso del Jaguar de jade para salvar a la Ciudad de México de una invasión zombie. Estos dos episodios son intercalados por entretenidos comerciales, cuya originalidad será un disfrute para las y los espectadores.
Estas historias encuentran el humor involuntario en la nostalgia de los tiempos de antaño y en lo melodramático de la radionovela; sin embargo, no es un montaje para suspirar, por el contrario, es una puesta en escena audaz e inteligente donde las actrices y los actores son sometidos a un sinnúmero de estímulos que pondrán a prueba su capacidad histriónica. En este sentido, la técnica y las tablas del elenco juegan un papel preponderante, dado que la propuesta pugna por un intercambio constante con el público, hecho que hace doblemente graciosa y ágil a la obra.
La hora Radio Roma 2 es un conglomerado de emociones escrito por Camilla Brett, Jerónimo Best y Cristóbal Montiel, bajo la dirección de la misma Camilla Brett y Artús Chávez. El elenco lo conforman: Ana González Bello, Christopher Aguilasocho, Hamlet Ramírez, Johanna Murillo, José Carlos Illanes, José Ramón Berganza, Majo Pérez, Miguel Santa Rita y Nohemí Espinosa. Cabe recordar que cada función de fin de semana tendrá a grandes figuras del medio artístico como: Michelle Rodríguez, José Luis Rodríguez, “El Guana”, Regina Blandón, Claudia Álvarez, Mauricio Barrientos, “El Diablito”, Poncho Borbolla y Paulina Dávila, entre muchos más. La producción planea invitar a cerca de 30 figuras de cine, televisión y teatro.
El equipo creativo se completa con la mirada creativa de Ana Bracho, Paula Sánchez Navarro, Jerónimo Best y Camilla Brett como productores generales; Emilio Trasviña como productor ejecutivo; la escenografía es de Adrián Martínez Frausto; el vestuario de Giselle Sandiel; la composición musical de Pablo Chemor; el diseño gráfico de Avirendra Swami y la fotografía y redes sociales de Alberto Clavijo.
Se reitera que La hora Radio Roma 2 dará funciones del 7 de octubre al 18 de diciembre, los viernes a las 20:00 horas, los sábados a las 19:00 horas y los domingos a las 18:00 horas en el Teatro Helénico. Los costos de los boletos en Planta baja son $505 en la sección A y $410 en la sección B; en la Planta alta el costo es de $260. Actualmente hay una preventa con el 30% de descuento, hasta el 6 de octubre. Las localidades pueden adquirirse en la taquilla del Centro Cultural Helénico, ubicado en av. Revolución 1500, así como en la página de internet helenico.gob.mx
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Las 2 temporadas de Soy Tu Fan ya en Star+
Desde el 1 de marzo la audiencia ya puede disfrutar en Star+ las temporadas 1 y 2 de “Soy Tu Fan”, la serie que relata el primer encuentro entre Charly (Ana Claudia Talancón) y Nico (Martín Altomaro), así como la complicidad con la que ella y sus amigas Fernanda (Johanna Murillo) y Chío (Maya Zapata) atravesaron los retos de la búsqueda del éxito profesional, las relaciones de pareja, y los…
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