#Joanne Ratcliffe
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gwydpolls · 1 year ago
Time Travel Question : Murder and Disappearance Edition IV
Given that Judge Crater, Roanoke, and the Dyatlov Pass Incident are credibly solved, though not 100% provable, I'm leaving them out in favor of things ,ore mysterious. I almost left out Amelia Earhart, but the evidence there is sketchier.
This item is actually "I want to know the exact, actual sequence of events following the death of Cambyses, the ascension of Bardiya, and the conspiracy of Darius the Great. Like, was Gaumata even a real person?
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silvcrignis · 2 years ago
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“Yeah. You’re right. I could totally be evil if I wanted to, but I don’t really want to most of the time. I say I was in my villain era when I was younger because I was a bit of a hot-headed menace, but I’ve chilled out now, I guess. Maybe I’m just better at repressing my rage. Whatever.” He hummed then at Claude’s admission. Caleb could only imagine how he might feel if he’d actually done some terrible crimes. Hell, he often couldn’t sleep at night because he felt bad for using a certain tone of voice talking to someone.
“Fair.” Caleb sighed, “Maybe yeah. I don’t know. It’s actually kind of scary thinking about being fully vulnerable like that. And yet I do it all the time, but honestly, never fully. Don’t think a person on this earth has seen all the sides of me. Not even me.” He puffed his cheeks up at the imagery Claude gave him then.
“And your chest is okay after?” Caleb wanted to reach forward suddenly and touch the other, but didn’t want to intrude.
“... Well not to be a pretentious fuckhead but I USUALLY am. I did not pass the bar exam by being UNOBSERVANT, Caleb,” he drawled though his brow lifted at his description of “hotheaded menace”. It reminded him of his brother back in Old Notre Dame.
“... You & Joannes REALLY should meet. I am sure you too could exchange STORIES though he KEPT that energy all the way until now. The MORE I think about it, the more I realise “chill” is a VERY recessive gene in the Frollo family,” he continued, scratching behind his ear.
Ironically, Claude had the opposite problem when it came to tone of voice, in fact there had been MANY times where he had NOT intended to come off as an asshole but STILL ended up making someone CRY. Whether he apologised for it or not depended on both his mood & WHO the target was in the end.
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“Thank you for your understanding, cherie,” he drawled, his eyes flitting back to the screen, before he blinked twice, his head craning back slightly.
“... Oh Banzai... You endless source of funding, you...” he snorted softly, before his attention effortlessly moved back to the current discussion. He was one HELL of a multi-tasker.
“... I showed weakness in therapy ONCE... It was DISGUSTING. Zero out of six six six... “Oh Claude I think therapy would be good for you, you clearly have PTSD!” & everyone else clearly has a SERIOUS head case of getting into my business,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes.
(He WAS aware of his mental health. It was TERRIBLE. He would like to NOT be aware of it any longer.)
“... I know we were having a serious discussion but you said SIDES & my mind immediately flashed to potatoes,” he admitted, pushing back some hair that had fallen in front of his eye.
“Not even a SCAR left. & Jonathan Ratcliffe does not miss... I think it was a DOUBLE barrel too, but I am not that well versed in firearms as it stands.”
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criminol · 3 years ago
The Unsolved Disappearance of Joanne Ratcliffe and Kirste Gordon
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Joanne Ratcliffe, 11, and Kirste Jane Gordon, 4, were Australian girls living in Adelaide.
On 25th August 1973, Joanne went to a football game at the Adelaide Oval with her parents, brother and family friend. Kirste was at the game with her grandparents. The two families had not met before but were seated next to each other. The families allowed Joanne and Kirste to walk to the toilet with each other on two occasions during the game. The girls went to use the facilities at around 3.45 pm the second time but had not come back to their seats at 4 pm and the families unsuccessfully searched for the children. At 5 pm, after the game ended, Joanne's mother was able to get an announcement on the PA system. The girls were reported missing at 5.12 pm. Joanne's father told officers Joanne had been to the venue dozens of times and was very safety conscious and aware of how to contact emergency services.
Joanne and Kirste had been seen several times in the 90 minutes after leaving their families. They were seen outside the stadium calling to a stray cat, in the company of other children and later with an unknown man who was carrying Kirste, witnesses reported that in the company of the male both girls had looked distressed and they had been about 3km from the venue. Witnesses were unaware of the abduction and therefore assumed the man was a family member caring for the girls.
Despite emotional pleas, the case being widely reported and reward money being offered the kidnapping quickly became a cold case. There has been renewed interest in the case but currently, Joanne and Kirste's whereabouts remain unknown and their abductor unapprehended.
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morbidology · 7 years ago
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Almost everybody has heard of the disappearance of the Beaumont children. Another less publicised case which is often associated with the Beaumont children case is that of 11-year-old Joanne Ratcliffe and 4-year-old Kirste Gordon.
It was the 25th of August, 1973, and the two girls were attending a football match at the Adelaide Oval. A group consisting of the young girls, Joanne’s parents and Kirste’s grandmother all went to the match together. During the match, Kirste needed the bathroom and her grandmother allowed Joanne to take her. When the two girls didn’t return shortly, their family went searching. When it was evident they were no longer in the stadium, the police were called and a search party was assembled.
The following day, a man called police to inform them of something he had witnessed. He had been at the Adelaide Oval and saw a man walk towards the southern gate where Joanne and Kirste was. He lifted Kirste up and put her underneath his arm and walked towards the car park. As Joanne chased after them, he grabbed her by the arm and dragged her with them. A composite sketch of the suspected abductor was drawn up and missing person posters of the two girls were plastered across the country.
It’s theorised that the same person who abducted the Beaumont children also abducted Joanne and Kirste. To date, the suspected abductor has never been identified and Joanne and Kirste have never been found.
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aussie-true-crime · 5 years ago
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The Disappearances of Joanne Ratcliffe and Kirste Gordon.
Joanne was only eleven years old and Kirste was only four, when they went missing at the Adelaide Oval while attending an Australia rules football match on the 25th of August, 1973.
Joanne Ratcliffe had gone to the football with her parents Les and Kathleen Ratcliffe and a family friend. Kirste Gordon had been at the football in the care of her maternal grandmother while her parents were visiting friends in the Riverland. Joanne’s parents and Kirste’s grandmother had allowed the two girls to go to the toilet together. That was the last time they ever saw or heard from the two young girls again.
Joanne's father was the first person to begin the search for the two girls when they failed to return from the toilet a short time later. But they were never found.
Investigators believe the girls may have been forcibly removed from the oval by an unknown man, after witnesses reported seeing the pair leaving the area with a man near Port Road, both girls apparently in distress. That was the last sighting of the girls, the girls and the man had vanished.
Joanne’s father told the Coroner's Court that his daughter had been to the Adelaide oval dozens of times, that she would not have left the oval voluntarily, and that she knew how to use a telephone and call an emergency number. He said she had not met Kirste before that day, and he did not know her parents.
Many of the suspects in the Adelaide Beaumont children disappearance are also suspects in the Ratcliffe and Gordon case. Witness reports led police to believe that they were abducted by a middle aged man. Further, the police sketch of the man last seen with the two girls resembles that of the man last seen with the Beaumont children.
Joanne and Kirste are still missing to this day, the disappearance and suspected murder of the two young South Australian girls, has left investigators baffled for more than four decades. Despite having no trace of the two girls, who would today be aged 51 and 58, investigators have refused to give up hope.
South Australian government have put up a reward of up to $1,000,000 to anyone who either provides information leading to the recovery of their remains or information leading to a conviction in the case.
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korkep-blog · 7 years ago
Vagyonrekordot döntöttek a brit szupergazdagok
Megérkezett a The Sunday Times című tekintélyes konzervatív vasárnapi brit lap ranglistája
Vagyonrekordot döntöttek a brit gazdagok leggazdagabbjai az elmúlt egy esztendőben.
  A The Sunday Times című tekintélyes konzervatív vasárnapi brit lap 1989 óta minden év tavaszán összeállítja listáját – Rich List – a Nagy-Britanniában élő ezer leggazdagabb mágnás becsült vagyonáról.
  A vasárnap 30. alkalommal megjelent összesítés szerint a brit szupergazdagok felső kasztjának összvagyona egy év alatt 10 százalékkal 724 milliárd fontra (több mint 260 ezer milliárd forintra) emelkedett az egy évvel korábbi 658 milliárd fontról, amely szintén rekord volt.
  A Rich List 2018 szerint rekordot döntött a listán szereplő fontmilliárdosok száma is, amely az idén 145, tizeneggyel több, mint az előző évi rangsorban. Nagy-Britannia azonban ezzel is csak a harmadik helyen áll a világban, fontra átszámítva ugyanis az Egyesült Államokban 442, Kínában 309 milliárdos él.
  A milliárdosok fővárosa
  A milliárdosok világfővárosa mindazonáltal továbbra is London, ahol a The Sunday Times vagyonlistájának szerkesztői szerint 93 milliárdos él, több, mint a világ bármely más városában. London kényelmes előnnyel hagyja maga mögött ebben a versenyben a második helyezett New Yorkot is, ahol 66 fontmilliárdos lakik.
  A világvárosok fontmilliárdos listájára Moszkva is felkerült. Az orosz fővárosban Rich List 2018 szerkesztőinek számításai szerint 55 olyan mágnás él, akinek legalább egymilliárd fontnak megfelelő vagyona van.
  A rangsor összeállítói szerint az elmúlt három évtized robbanásszerű nagy-britanniai vagyongyarapodását mutatja, hogy az idei Rich List első két helyezettjének együttes vagyona meghaladja az 1989-ben először megjelent, akkor még 200 névből álló teljes mezőny összvagyonát.
  Annak idején ráadásul már 30 millió fonttal be lehetett kerülni a kétszázas lista tagjai közé, ahhoz azonban, hogy valaki a Rich List 2018 felső kétszázas csoportjában szerepelhessen, legalább 700 millió font kell. Ez több mint 2200 százalékos emelkedés, jóllehet a brit infláció az azóta eltelt időben 137 százalék volt.
  Heineken a lista leggazdagabb női tagja
  Ahhoz is legalább 115 millió fontos vagyonra – az első Rich List minimumának csaknem a négyszeresére – volt szükség, hogy a 2018-as lista szereplői az ezer főt számláló teljes rangsorba bekerülhessenek – hangsúlyozzák a lista szerkesztői.
  Az idei Rich List első helyezettje Jim Ratcliffe, az Ineos globális vegyipari vállalatcsoport alapító tulajdonosa, akinek vagyonát a rangsor összeállítói 21,05 milliárd fontra becsülik. A 65 esztendős Ratcliffe a 18. helyről került a lista élére, miután vagyonát a Rich List 2018 szerkesztői a korábbi számítási módszerhez képest alaposan átértékelték, és ez egyetlen év alatt 15,3 milliárd fonttal gazdagította – legalábbis papíron – az idei éllovast.
  A lista leggazdagabb hölgytagja Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken, a hollandiai központú Heineken globális sörfőző konglomerátum vezetője, aki 11,1 milliárd fontos – tavalyi becslést 1,8 milliárd fonttal meghaladó – magánvagyonával az ezres rangsor 6. helyére került.
  Irodalmárok és zenészek
  Az irodalmárok vagyonlistáját is egy hölgy vezeti, a példátlan sikerű Harry Potter-regénysorozat Skóciában élő szerzője, Joanne K. Rowling, akinek a Rich List 2018 szerkesztői 700 millió font vagyont tulajdonítanak, 50 millió fonttal többet, mint tavaly. J.K. Rowling, az idei ezres lista 197. helyezettje az 1990-es évek elején még heti 70 fontos tanácsi segélyből, munkanélküliként tengődött egy edinburghi szociális bérlakásban, ma viszont világviszonylatban is messze a leggazdagabb regényíró.
  A zenei vagyonlistát továbbra is Sir Paul McCartney vezeti, 820 millió fontos – a tavalyinál 40 millió fonttal nagyobb – bankszámlával. A Beatles egykori basszusgitárosát és dalszerzőjét Andrew Lloyd Webber követi 740 millió fonttal a zenei vagyonlista második helyén. A világhírű musicalszerző vagyona megegyezik a tavalyi Rich List által megállapított összeggel.
  Hozzájuk képest a brit uralkodó szinte szegénynek tűnik. A 92 esztendős II. Erzsébet királynő a tavaly kimutatott 360 millió font után az idei listán 370 millió fonttal szerepel; ez a 344. helyre volt elegendő. Az uralkodó tízmillió fontos vagyongyarapodása ellenére 15 helyet visszacsúszott egy év alatt, tavaly ugyanis a 329. helyen állt a Rich List ezres mezőnyében.
Nyitókép: ATV.hu
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afilreis · 8 years ago
PoemTalk #110 on Philip Whalen recorded “on location” in Bolinas
With elation we are today releasing episode #110 of PoemTalk—recorded (including video) "on location" in Bolinas, CA, as we discussed Philip Whalen's "Life at Bolinas" with Stephen Ratcliffe, Joanne Kyger & Julia Bloch. http://jacket2.org/podcasts/rearrange-world-poemtalk-110 & https://www.poetryfoundation.org/features/audio/detail/92707 (also available on iTunes & Soundcloud).
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hyaenagallery · 8 years ago
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The Beaumont children part 6 The cases of the Beaumont children and of Joanne Ratcliffe and Kirste Gordon remain officially open. However, Von Einem matches the police sketches of the suspect in both the Beaumont and Adelaide Oval cases and, in 1989, he was identified as a suspect in a confidential police report. On 11 August 2007, it was reported that police were examining archive footage from Channel 7 news network of the search for the Beaumont children that shows a young man resembling von Einem among onlookers. The report said that police were calling for information to establish the man's identity. In November 2013, a factory in North Plympton was excavated following a tip about the Beaumont children. A ground-penetrating radar found "one small anomaly, which can indicate movement or objects within the soil", but the dig found no additional evidence and investigations into the site were closed. As late as 19 January 2016 – only seven days before the case's fiftieth anniversary – South Australian police were following up on a lead into the Beaumont children's disappearance in which a telephone tip pointed to a suspect in the case. The caller was convinced that the person whom he was naming was the culprit. The claims are being investigated. Police said they had received 159 calls to Crime Stoppers over the preceding two years. #destroytheday
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criminol · 2 years ago
The Unsolved Disappearance of the Beaumont Children
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Jane Nartare Beaumont, Arnna Kathleen Beaumont and Grant Ellis Beaumont were three siblings collectively known as the the Beaumont children. 
Jane, 9, Arnna, 7, and Grant, 4, lived with their parents in a suburb of Adelaide, not far from Glenelg Beach, a popular local spot for children to play at. On 25th January, in the middle of a summer heatwave, the children’s father dropped them off at the beach. The next day, the children asked to go to the beach again, as it was too hot to walk they took the bus to the beach at 8.45am, they were expected to return home at lunchtime. Their mother became worried when they did not return on the 12noon or 2pm buses. At 3pm, their father went to the beach but could not find the children. After checking friends’ houses and searching the streets and route to the beach, the Beaumont parents went to the police station to report the disappearance.
Police searched Glenelg Beach and the adjacent areas including monitoring the airport, railway lines and interstate roads in case of abduction. The investigation found several witnesses who had seen the children in Colley Reserve, near Glenelg Beach, with a tall man with light hair, the man was wearing swimming trunks. The children appeared to be relaxed in the man’s coming and at around 12.15, walked away from the beach with the man.
The Beaumont parents described their children, especially Jane, as shy and not confident around strangers. As the children had seemed at ease with the stranger the police theorised they may have met him during previous visits to the beach and grown to trust him. A seemingly innocent remark by Arnna to her mother before they went missing, that Jane had ‘got a boyfriend down at the beach,’ may have been reference to the man. A shopkeeper also reported Jane had bought snacks, including a meat pie, with a one pound note, which further suggested the children had been with another person- this was more money than the children had been given and they had never bought a meat pie before.
Despite multiple suspects being named, including suspected serial killer Bevan Spencer von Einem, what happened to the Beaumont children has never been established and no traces of their whereabouts have ever been found.
The Beaumont children’s disappearance was linked to the 1973 disappearance of Joanne Ratcliffe and Kirste Gordon, two girls who went missing while watching a football game, like the Beaumonts, the two girls were never found.
The Beaumont case remains one of Australia’s most notorious cold cases, a $1million reward remains for information relating to the disappearance. The case continues to be widely reported with headlines on new theories and clues being published regularly.
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hyaenagallery · 8 years ago
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The Beaumont children part 4 The Beaumonts and a detective drove to the designated place but nobody appeared. It was some time later that a second letter, also purported to be from Jane, arrived. It said that the man had been willing to return them, but when he realised a disguised detective was also there, he decided that the Beaumonts had betrayed his trust and that he would keep the children. There were no further letters. In 1992, new forensic examinations of the letters showed they were a hoax. Fingerprint technology had improved and the author was identified as a 41-year-old man who had been a teenager at the time and had written the letters as a joke. Because of the time that had elapsed, he was not charged with any offense. In 1973, two children, Joanne Ratcliffe (aged 11) and Kirste Gordon (aged 4), disappeared from the Adelaide Oval during a football match, and they are presumed to have been abducted. Joanne's parents and Kirste's grandmother had allowed the two girls to leave their group to go to the toilet. They were seen several times in the 90 minutes after leaving the Oval, apparently distressed and in the company of an unknown man, but they vanished after the last reported sighting. The police sketch of the man last seen with the two girls resembles that of the man last seen with the Beaumont children. The police sketch of the Beaumont children suspect is not a satisfactory identikit image, however. In 1979, the body of a young man was found in Adelaide. He was identified as Neil Muir (aged 25). His body was badly mutilated. In 1982, the mutilated body of Mark Langley (aged 18) was found. Before his death, he had been subjected to "surgery." His abdomen had been sliced open, and the area had been shaved prior to this. Part of his bowel had been removed and Langley had died from loss of blood. Over the next few months more bodies were found. The dismembered skeletal remains of Peter Stogneff (aged 14) were found almost a year after his disappearance and Alan Barnes (aged 18) was found mutilated in a similar manner to Langley. A fifth victim, Richard Kelvin (aged 15), was found in 1983, once again with the same mutilations. #destroytheday
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fletchermarple · 8 years ago
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The vanishing of Joanne Ratcliffe (11) and Kirste Gordon (4) is one of the most infamous unsolved mysteries in Southern Australia. The two girls were with their families at a football match at the Adelaide Oval stadium on August 25th, 1973, when Kirste needed to go to the restroom. Since it was barely 300 meters away from where they were, the parents of both girls allowed Joanne to take her. That was the last time they saw either of them.
Witnesses claim they saw the two girls leaving the place with a middle aged man who had a “gaunt face” and was wearing a hat. One witness in particular said that he was carrying the younger girl in his arms and the older one was following them. Another claimed to have seen him with Joanne, who looked very distressed.
Over the years, many clues have surfaced but none of them has provided a definite answer to what happened to the girls. Australian police still keeps the case open, and less than two years ago raided the former property of one of the two key suspects in the case, a man called Stanley Hart who passed away in 1999. According to Mark Trevor Marshall, Hart’s grandson and a convicted pedophile, Stanley kidnapped both girls and he saw them with him when he was a young boy. In the property, police found an underground bunker where he could have kept the girls, but no real evidence came out of the search.
Another often named suspect in this case is Arthur Brown, a man who is believed to have abducted, raped and killed sisters Judith (7) and Susan Mackay (5), who disappeared on August 26th, 1970, and were later found stabbed and strangled. He was charged in those murders in 1998, but the trial ended with a hung jury and he was considered too senile to go through a second one. He died in 2002. Brown is also one of the suspects in the disappearance of the Beaumont Children.
Under the picture of the girls, is a sketch of the suspect in their kidnapping. Next to him is a picture of Stanley Hart, and the third is from Arthur Brown.
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