#Joachim Kroll
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morbidology · 4 months ago
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This creepy photograph shows serial killer, Joachim Kroll, reenacting one of his murders.
Joachim Georg Kroll was born on April 17, 1933, in Hindenburg (now Zabrze, Poland), during a time of significant upheaval in Europe. The youngest of eight children, Kroll grew up in a poor family, facing the hardships of post-World War II Germany. His father was a soldier in the German Army during the war and was captured by Soviet forces, never returning home. The loss of his father and the subsequent financial and emotional strain on the family deeply affected Kroll's development.
Kroll was reportedly a slow learner and struggled with school, dropping out early. He had a low IQ, estimated to be around 76, and was considered mentally deficient by those who knew him. Despite these challenges, Kroll eventually found work as a factory laborer, living a solitary and unremarkable life on the surface.
Kroll's reign of terror began in 1955 when he committed his first known murder. His victims were primarily young girls and women, although he occasionally targeted young boys. Kroll would lure his victims into secluded areas, where he would assault, murder, and in many cases, mutilate them. What made his crimes particularly gruesome was his practice of cannibalism; Kroll admitted to eating parts of his victims' flesh, which he claimed helped him save money on groceries.
Kroll's method of operation was chillingly methodical. He would often dismember his victims, keeping parts of their bodies for later consumption and disposing of the rest in rivers, forests, or other remote locations. His killings were not driven by a need for material gain or revenge but by a deeply rooted compulsion.
For years, Kroll evaded capture, in part due to his unassuming appearance and demeanor. He was described as quiet, polite, and somewhat simple-minded, which allowed him to fly under the radar of authorities and those around him. Moreover, the police were unable to connect the murders due to the wide geographical spread and varying victim profiles.
Kroll's killing spree finally came to an end on July 3, 1976, after the disappearance of a four-year-old girl named Marion Ketter. Her parents reported her missing, and a large-scale search was initiated. During the search, a neighbor of Kroll’s reported a disturbing incident: Kroll had mentioned that the waste pipe in his apartment was clogged with "guts."
When the police arrived at Kroll's apartment, they discovered a scene of unimaginable horror. The remains of Marion Ketter were found in his kitchen—parts of her body were cooking on the stove, while other parts were stored in the refrigerator. Kroll was immediately arrested, and during his interrogation, he calmly confessed to the murders of at least 14 people over the previous two decades. He provided chilling details of his crimes, showing no remorse for his actions.
Joachim Kroll's trial began in 1982, and the sheer brutality of his crimes shocked the public and the judiciary alike. He was charged with eight counts of murder, as the evidence for these cases was the most concrete, though he admitted to many more. Throughout the trial, Kroll's mental state was a significant point of discussion. He was diagnosed with a severe personality disorder, and his low intelligence was considered by the defense, who argued that he was mentally unfit to stand trial.
Despite these arguments, Kroll was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment on April 8, 1982. He spent the rest of his days in prison, where he reportedly lived quietly, maintaining the same unremarkable persona that had allowed him to elude capture for so long. Joachim Kroll died of a heart attack on July 1, 1991, while still incarcerated.
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horrorhistory123 · 9 months ago
8 Photos with disturbing backstories | Mystery | True
Some images have a haunting quality that transcends their visual impact, carrying with them disturbing backstories that linger in the mind long after they're seen. These photos with creepy origins often depict moments of tragedy, horror, or the macabre, weaving narratives that evoke unease and fascination. Whether it's an innocuous scene tainted by a sinister history or a snapshot capturing a chilling event, these images with disturbing backstories tap into our primal fears and curiosity. From seemingly normal pictures with disturbing undertones to outright unsettling photographs, each image carries a tale that delves into the darker corners of human experience, leaving an indelible mark on those who encounter them.
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ballades-meurtrieres · 1 year ago
The 5 Worst Serial Killers From Europe
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wolfman75 · 9 months ago
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Joachim Georg Kroll (Zabrze, 17 aprile 1933 – Rheinbach, 1º luglio 1991) è stato un serial killer tedesco. Fu soprannominato "Il cacciatore della Ruhr" e "Il cannibale della Ruhr", dalla regione in cui colpì. Commise almeno 14 omicidi tra uomini, donne e bambini, usando armi bianche, o strangolando le vittime. Cannibale pedofilo e necrofilo, fu condannato all'ergastolo per otto omicidi.
Nato a Hindenburg (l'odierna Zabrze), provincia dell'Alta Slesia, figlio di un minatore, Kroll era il sesto di nove figli. Al termine della seconda guerra mondiale, durante la quale suo padre fu fatto prigioniero di guerra, la famiglia di Kroll si trasferì nel Land della Renania Settentrionale-Vestfalia. La sua infanzia è stata costellata da numerosi problemi di inadeguatezza: faceva spesso la pipì a letto anche in tarda età ed era un pessimo studente.
Cominciò ad uccidere nel 1955, dopo la morte della madre. La prima vittima fu la diciannovenne Irmgard Strehl, violentata e uccisa in un fienile nei pressi del villaggio di Walstede. La successiva fu la dodicenne Erika Schuletter, stuprata e strangolata a Kirchhellen nel 1956. Tre anni dopo, il 17 giugno 1959, uccise Klara Tesmer nei boschi vicino a Rheinhausen. Alla sedicenne Manuela Knodt, violentata e uccisa nei pressi di Bredeney a sud di Essen, furono asportate parti di carne dalle natiche e dalle cosce. Circa nel 1960, Kroll si trasferì a Duisburg dove trovò lavoro come inserviente ai bagni della Mannesmann. Successivamente trovò impiego presso le industrie Thyssen e andò ad abitare al n. 24 di Friesenstrasse, Laar, un distretto di Duisburg. Fu in questo periodo che riprese a uccidere. Riempì il suo appartamento di riviste pornografiche e bambole gonfiabili, spesso strangolandole con una mano mentre si masturbava.
Poco attraente, quasi completamente calvo, troppo nervoso e timido per avere rapporti consensuali con donne di qualsiasi genere, finì per darsi allo stupro e all'omicidio.
8 febbraio 1955; Irmgard Strehl, 19 anni, violentata e pugnalata a morte. Il suo cadavere smembrato venne ritrovato in un fienile a Lüdinghausen.
1956; Erika Schuletter, 12 anni, violentata e strangolata a Kirchhellen.
17 giugno 1959; Klara Frieda Tesmer, 24 anni, stuprata e uccisa nei boschi vicino Rheinhausen. Un meccanico del luogo, Heinrich Ott, fu arrestato e incolpato del crimine. Si suicidò impiccandosi in cella.
26 luglio 1959; Manuela Knodt, 16 anni, violentata e strangolata nel parco cittadino di Essen. Strisce di carne furono prelevate dalle sue natiche e cosce.
23 aprile 1962; Petra Giese, 13 anni, violentata e strangolata a Dinslaken-Bruckhausen. Per questo crimine fu arrestato Vinzenz Kuehn.
4 giugno 1962; Monika Tafel, 12 anni, uccisa a Walsum. Strisce di carne furono prelevate dalle sue natiche. Walter Quicker fu arrestato per il delitto. Fu in seguito scarcerato, ma si suicidò per la vergogna in ottobre.
3 settembre 1962; Barbara Bruder, 12 anni, rapita a Burscheid. Il suo corpo non fu mai ritrovato.
22 agosto 1965; Hermann Schmitz, 25 anni, e la fidanzata Marion Veen furono aggrediti mentre si erano appartati in auto a Duisburg-Großenbaum. Hermann (unica vittima maschile di Kroll) fu pugnalato a morte, la ragazza riuscì a fuggire.
13 settembre 1966; Ursula Rohling, 20 anni, strangolata nel parco di Foersterbusch vicino Marl. Il suo fidanzato, Adolf Schickel, si suicidò dopo essere stato incolpato dell'omicidio.
22 dicembre 1966; Ilona Harke, 5 anni, violentata ed affogata in un fosso a Wuppertal.
12 luglio 1969; Maria Hettgen, 61 anni, violentata e strangolata a casa sua a Hückeswagen.
21 maggio 1970; Jutta Rahn, 13 anni, strangolata mentre tornava a casa da una stazione ferroviaria. Per questo crimine fu arrestato Peter Schay ma fu poi rilasciato.
8 maggio 1976; Karin Toepfer, 10 anni, stuprata e strangolata mentre si recava a scuola a Voerde.
3 luglio 1976; Marion Ketter, 4 anni. Parti del suo corpo erano state cucinate da Kroll quando la polizia lo arrestò a casa sua.
Kroll decideva molto attentamente i luoghi dove avrebbe colpito, uccidendo nello stesso posto solo in poche occasioni e a distanza di anni. Questo fatto, unito alla coincidenza della presenza di numerosi assassini operanti nella medesima zona all'epoca, gli facilitò l'impunità. Kroll sorprendeva le proprie vittime e le strangolava subito. Dopo spogliava i cadaveri e indugiava in atti di necrofilia, spesso masturbandosi sui corpi delle vittime. Infine, mutilava i corpi tagliando via pezzi di carne che avrebbe mangiato a casa in seguito.
Nel 1967 Kroll si stabilì per breve tempo a Grafenhausen, dove divenne amico di molti bambini della zona che cominciarono a chiamarlo "zio".
Un pomeriggio attirò una bambina di dieci anni in un campo con la promessa di mostrarle un coniglietto, ma invece le fece vedere delle immagini pornografiche sperando che si eccitasse sessualmente. La ragazzina invece fuggì spaventata. Kroll se ne andò in tutta fretta da Grafenhausen il giorno stesso, prima che la polizia potesse fare indagini in merito, ma questa volta rischiò parecchio e si fermò per circa due anni tornando a colpire solo nel luglio 1969. Il 3 luglio 1976, Kroll venne arrestato per il rapimento e omicidio di una bambina di quattro anni di nome Marion Ketter. Mentre la polizia stava indagando casa per casa chiedendo informazioni, un vicino di casa di Kroll approcciò un agente dicendogli che Joachim si era lamentato del fatto che le tubazioni di un bagno ai piani superiori della loro abitazione erano otturate da della "interiora", e quando la polizia mandò un idraulico a controllare, egli trovò nelle tubature dei polmoni di bambino e altri organi. La polizia si presentò quindi a casa di Kroll, e durante la perquisizione rinvenne parecchi sacchetti di plastica contenenti pezzi di carne umana nel frigorifero, e sul fornello, dentro una pentola che bolliva, una mano di bambina condita con carote e patate.
Kroll venne immediatamente arrestato.
Joachim Kroll confessò l'omicidio di Marion Ketter e di altre 13 vittime, fornendo dettagliati resoconti della sua attività di killer nei precedenti vent'anni.
Kroll ammise anche di praticare il cannibalismo di tanto in tanto, per risparmiare sul conto del droghiere. In carcere, sperò di ottenere l'infermità mentale ma fu invece incriminato per otto omicidi di primo grado, più un ulteriore tentato omicidio. Nell'aprile 1982, dopo un processo durato 151 giorni, fu condannato all'ergastolo. Analisi successive al suo arresto gli assegnarono un quoziente intellettivo di 76: si tratterebbe di uno dei serial killer meno intelligenti della storia.
Nel 1991 morì in carcere a causa di un infarto a Rheinbach.
Fonte: https://it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joachim_Kroll
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lestatth · 2 years ago
El caso de "El caníbal de Ruhr" Joachim Kroll | Criminalista Nocturno
#caníbaldeRuhr #JoachimKroll #CriminalistaNocturno #Alemania #cazadordelRuhr #elcriminalistanocturno #misterio
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thesugarhole · 2 months ago
78 anomalous phenomenon: HUGE disambiguation page. not to be confused with abnormality (behaviour). none of them seemed particularly creepy, sorry.
79 bermuda triangle: i always thought the bermuda triangle was gonna be a bigger concern in my adult life than what it is. like lava and quicksand. turns out its not that big deal! not creepy
80 overtoun bridge: may i suggest a dog fence? sorta creepy. the 'possible explanations' tab always makes it loose its whimsy
81 the mad gasser of mattoon: repeat. look above
82 chupa (anomaly): "Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name." anyway CHUPA-ME OS TOMATEEEEES
83 silverpilen: disambiguation page. assuming its the "The Silver Train of Stockholm", sure, its creepy
84 lost Dutchman's gold mine: man i dont... care about any of this. not creepy
85 aokigahara: creepy. i dont like the prospect of being in a place and finding suicide victims overall
87 shadow people: duplicated. already addressed.
88 steam tunnel incident: redirects to james dallas egbert iii. not creepy
89 montauk project: not creepy
90 moll dyer: not creepy, just tragic.
91 belchen tunnel: we have myths exactly like this here. meh.
92 boy scout lane: forests will do that to ya. the legends are always similar to one another, it stops having oomph after a while.
93 the devils footprints: redirects to devil footprints, repeat, already addressed.
94 chase vault: finally a good fucking legend that isnt just 'this person fucked off and died/disappeared/was a witch/ was a demon'. creepy. i will say though my bar for what is creepy in this list is like, in hell already due to how disappointing this ended up being.
95 dyatlov pass incident: creepy! about time. i sleep so peacefully knowing ill never go hiking mountains or spelunking caves or any of that crap
96 tunguska event: repeat, already addressed
97 borley rectory: i will say its creepy but its due to my own biases of liking haunted houses. having the first paragraphs being like 'this guy said shits haunted. the shits-haunted board disproved it though' doesnt exactly set it up to be creepy.
98 clapham wood mystery: she has it all. not creepy
99 reality shift: Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name. anyway, this has been too memed to death for me to consider it creepy. it would make for an interesting horror story premise, if someone is willing to take the bait.
100 moberly jourdain incident: god forbid women do anything. not creepy
101 ed gein: i dont need to reread this article to know this was a scary mf, creepy
102 adam (unsolved thames murder case): redirects to adam (murder victim). creepy.
103 who put bella in wych elm?: meh.
104 cleveland torso murderer: its creepy enough.
105 monster of glamis: redirects to thomas lyon-bowes, master of glamis (born 1821). this just feels mean spirited, honestly.
106 ediacaran biota: how is the creepy? the miracle of life <3
107 h. h. holmes: ah, the house trap man! or murder castle whatever. that part is interesting, even if greatly fictionalized. the rest is whatever.
108 loveland frog: "The so-called "frog" was more likely a large, tailless iguana" maybe its the monster of glamis, who emigrated."
109 mariana ufo incident: fun!
110 amelia earhart: not creepy.
111 valentich disappearance: redirects to disappearance of frederick valentich. a ufo? ok. not creepy. i think people overall underestimate how deeply terrifying the ocean is; if a pilot vanished without a trace, the ocean got them. its really that simple most of the time.
112 original night stalker: redirects to joseph james deangelo. huh?? former police officer... and still alive. creepy.
113 black dahlia: this one is well known, i think. its creepy to me if only because ive learned of it when i was still impressionable.
114 joachim kroll: ah. him. creepy. so many lives ruined...
115 peter kürten: creepy.
116 gilles de rais: is it serial killer hour? ok. meh
117 joseph vacher: more bizarre than anything. "In the video game Genshin Impact, the character "Vacher" (Marcel) during the Fontaine Archon Quest is inspired by the real-life Vacher." lol
118 melonheads: it took me to a short page saying "theyre a group of fans that wear melons on their heads for games." which i thought was funny. then i saw "for the legendary creature, see melon heads" and soured. more american cryptids... well, the ohio legend was funny at least.
119 d. b. cooper: oooh, ive heard of this guy. being in that situation would be scary, but i wouldnt call it creepy.
120 philadelphia experiment: a fun urban legend. its like that creepypasta where a whole town disappeared with no trace, living a giant crater. was that a creepypasta or something else? idr.
121 mokele-mbembe: its adorable.
122 new jersey devil: redirects to jersey devil. already covered. i peaked at the disambiguation page, but nothing differentiating enough stood out to me.
123 allagash abductions: "Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name." suggested i searched the website instead for different spellings; saw this "He also investigated and wrote about the Allagash Abductions, an alleged multiple persons abduction case, which was cast into doubt by one of the four witnesses in 2016." doesnt sound interesting.
124 midgetville: stupid. offensive, even. feel free to look up "portugal dos pequenitos", which is slightly in line with. whatever op wanted to pass up as creepy. the buildings are cute and the history may surprise you! (its dictatorship)
125 gef the talking mongoose: redirects to just gef. its a mongoose that was reported talking. what do you want me to say about it.
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this one plays guitar.
126 villisca, iowa: if i have to read one more page about the US im gonna end up on the serial killers list real soon. an axe murder of a family happened there. ok. do you know how many locations suffer murders of families, with or without axe? grow up
127 tunguska event: this is the third time this fucking article is listed aoifiddpogfkd
128 decompression sickness: creepy! ocean and pilot related! yay!!
129 diving medicine: hmmm... scary. not creepy. you gotta do what you gotta do i guess
130 decompression illness: see 128
131 air embolism: oooough this one always scared me. creepy
132 john fare: "John Fare (sometimes John Charles Fare or John Fahey or John Faré) is a fictional performance artist who allegedly used robotic surgery to remove parts of his body onstage as part of his act. His final performance was allegedly suicide by beheading." insane way of opening an article. i can dig it. creepy and fun urban legend
133 kuchisake-onna: its kinda overused, so its lost the edge. and tbh i dont like how many different accounts of how you should treat an encounter with one there are. pick a struggle... but sure, yea. creepy.
134 the licked hand: oh, hey, humans can lick too. we thought you died. poor hypothetical puppy :( its creepy.
135 raymond robinson (green man): again, its just mean to put these types of things on a "creepy list".
136 albert fish: repeat. already addressed.
extra, 1 nightmarchers: hmmm. creepy.
extra, 2 list of unusual deaths: finally, a classic. creepy, and fun to go through. i didnt know cocaine bear was real.
extra, 3 rat king: poor things. not creepy, i just feel sad for them. hail ratma
extra, 4 lina medina: repeat, already adressed.
thank god im done with this and never have to look at it again!! (since it seems like it hasnt been updated in ages anyway) analysis and closing thoughts in next reblog
i gotta be honest, the 136 creepy wikipedia articles... arent that creepy. theres one or two that sure, its unsettling info but i dunno. feel a bit misled
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seventh-victim · 4 years ago
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Images of German serial killer, Joachim Kroll re-enacting one of his crimes for German police  c.1976
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robe-and-wizard-hat · 6 years ago
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loyalyalostuff · 5 years ago
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zombilenium · 6 years ago
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Manoir Joachim Kroll, Seine-et-Marne, France
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veenxys · 3 years ago
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heavy tw // rape, murder, cannibalism
Joachim Kroll (17 April 1933 – 1 July 1991) was a German serial killer, necrophiliac and cannibal who operated in the Ruhr metropolitan region from 1955 until his capture on 3 April 1976. He was convicted of eight murders and one attempted murder, but confessed to a total of 14. He was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1982.
Kroll grew up in 1933 in Germany during the rise of the Nazi party. He was the youngest of eight children. His family believed him to be weak, and the constant degradation led him to wet the bed and sexually abuse animals, some of the tell-tale signs of violent tendencies later in life.
Like many families in Germany, Kroll's family suffered from extreme poverty and hunger. His father was taken as a POW (Prisoner Of War) by the Russian army and believed to have died in the war, leaving Kroll with his mother and 7 other siblings to fend for themselves.
Kroll quit school in 1948, he was then 15 years old with a fourth grade education. Later in life, testing had shown that Kroll only had an IQ of 78, and some reports even stated that he did not know how to read, though it's uncertain.
After leaving school, he began working as a farmhand and his appetite for murder began to bloom. Seeing animals slaughtered on the farm "awakened his sex drive" in his own words. He did try and have a relationship with a woman, but felt that it was awkward, and his only sexual encounter with her was a failure.
In 1955 his mother died, him and his siblings parted their separate ways, and later that year, Kroll killed his first victim. Irmgard Strehl. He strangled her to death, then raped her and slashed open her abdomen.
His next known murder took place on June 16, 1959, when twenty-four-year-old Klara Freida Tesmer was killed in Rhine. Tesmer’s murder was identical to Irmgard Strehl’s.
Only this time, Kroll began to engage in what would become his trademark cannibalism. Kroll removed pieces of Tesmer’s flesh from her buttocks and thighs, wrapped them up, and took them home to cook for dinner. 
A local man in Rhine named Heinrich Ott was arrested for Tesmer’s murder and hanged himself while awaiting trial. Meanwhile, Joachim Kroll remained at large.
Kroll mainly murdered women and girls, but he didn’t stick to one age-group or “type” like other killers often do.
He even murdered one man, Hermann Schmitz, in 1965. That night, Kroll had traveled to Grossenbaum where he spied Schmitz and his fiancé Marion Veen in a secluded area having sex in the front seat of a car and got an idea.
Kroll lured Schmitz out of the car by waving his arms as if for help. Then, he stabbed Schmitz repeatedly, planning to kill and rape Veen next. Instead, Veen leaped into the driver’s seat of the car and drove directly at Kroll, who dodged the vehicle and ran away.
Kroll reportedly ate human flesh because regular meat was 'too expensive.' Joachim Kroll’s cannibalistic crime spree came to an end on July 3, 1976. That day, Kroll kidnapped four-year-old Marion Kettner from a park.
A little later, a neighbor asked Kroll if he knew what was blocking the pipes in the building’s shared lavatory. When he replied, “guts,” the neighbor chuckled. Then, he looked in the toilet, saw tiny human organs, and immediately contacted the police. 
Once inside Kroll’s apartment, police found Marion Kettner’s dismembered body. Parts of the body were in the refrigerator, a hand was cooking on the stove, and entrails clogged the plumbing. Police removed the shared toilet and found Kettner’s liver, lungs, kidneys, and heart. 
Kroll was immediately arrested, admitted to murdering Kettner, and gave police details of 13 other murders, including the killings of Irmgard Strehl and Klara Freida Tesmer. He also confessed to engaging in cannibalism. 
While in prison, Kroll eagerly cooperated with police, convinced he would be given an operation that would cure his homicidal urges and released. After several years in incarceration, he was charged with eight murders and one attempted murder in a trial that went on for a grueling 151 days.
In the end, instead of receiving the cure he wanted, Kroll was sentenced to life in prison in April 1982. 
He died in prison in 1991 of a heart attack at 58 years old.
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i am sorry if I missed anything while putting trigger warnings
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teddy-the-teddybear · 3 years ago
One person I wish I didn't look up, Joachim Kroll
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aliteraryprincess · 4 years ago
2, 3, 4, and 5 for the Questions You Aren't Used To please!
Thank you!
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
About a 4. I need it to be dark to sleep, but it can’t be completely dark. There needs to be a dim light on a clock or light coming in through the shades or something. When I’m in complete darkness, I tend to have panic attacks.
3. The person you would never want to meet?
Hmm...picking one specific person is far harder than I thought it would be. Because really I never want to meet anyone ever haha. But in all seriousness...definitely a serial killer (because they’re fucking terrifying), but the question is which one. I’m between Jeffrey Dahmer, Albert Fish, and Joachim Kroll because god are they fucked up and I would never want to be in the same room as any of them.      
4. What is your favorite word?
I don’t really have one. There are words I say a lot, but I wouldn’t call them my favorites.  
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
Probably a birch tree. It seems really delicate and the bark is brittle, but the wood is surprisingly hard and difficult to work with. 
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coolgamertagnames · 4 years ago
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caitlynlynch · 5 years ago
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Those with an interest in true crime - and indeed, those who have watched the TV series Mindhunters - will have heard of at least some of the serial killers featured in this book. Jeffrey Dahmer, Ed Gein, Andrei Chikatilo, Dennis Nilsen, Richard Ramirez, Jack the Ripper and Elizabeth Bàthory are names of which most are aware. There are plenty of others here I hadn’t heard of, though, including Fritz Haarman, Gilles de Rais, Joachim Kroll, Adolfo Costanzo and Anatoly Onoprienko. While by no means an exhaustive list of serial killers, nor confined to only the most prolific, what the murderers in this collection have in common is their bloodlust. They all took sick, depraved pleasure in butchery, many of them descending to cannibalism.
If you plan to read this, make sure you have a strong stomach and don’t read while trying to eat. While the accounts don’t dwell pruriently on the gory details, neither do they shy away from revealing the nauseating truth of these appalling crimes. I read quite a bit of true crime and consider myself pretty inured to it, but due to the fairly condensed nature of these accounts, there’s an awful lot packed into this book. With 28 killers’ crimes described, the victims number not in the hundreds, but the thousands, and the crimes are among the most revolting ever recorded. It’s a confronting read, to say the least.
While some of the killers - Jack the Ripper, Jeffrey Dahmer etc. - are the subject of much more exhaustive examinations elsewhere, the short chapters devoted to each here do provide quite a good introduction while giving the reader the tools to do further reading on specific cases should they be interested. A simple Wikipedia search will lead the reader to a bibliography… except in the case of Lucian Staniak, whose inclusion in this book did make me side-eye the author’s research somewhat, because Lucian Staniak, aka the Red Spider, is as fictional as Sweeney Todd or Hannibal Lecter. It’s thought Staniak was invented by true crime writer Colin Wilson, because researchers who wanted to write a biopic were unable to find any evidence that he actually existed, a problem easily uncovered with a simple Google search. Without addressing this issue, his inclusion in this work is deeply problematic and unfortunately calls the legitimacy of the entire collection into question. It is usual, in true crime books, to include an appendix of reference sources for further reading, something I would strongly recommend the author consider adding. Just looking for these references would likely have exposed the problem of Staniak and caused a reconsideration of his inclusion.
In addition to this, I’m somewhat bemused by the cover image, since I recognise one of the three faces featured as Fred West - who while he’s certainly a serial killer, isn’t one of those mentioned in the book? It seems like a strange and misleading image to choose.
While I did enjoy this and would consider it an introduction to many serial killers both infamous and obscure, as well as a good addition to any true-crime library, the inclusion of Lucian Staniak and the absence of a reference bibliography does make me question the legitimacy of the author’s research methods. For this reason, I’m unable to give it a maximum five-star rating.
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Serial Killers: Butchers and Cannibals is available now.
Disclaimer: I received a review copy of this book from the publisher.
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mysterydetektiv-blog · 8 years ago
Joachim Kroll
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