#Jimmy reacted to it live on stream
smallidarityfan · 3 months
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AHHHH!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!! MY BOYS!!!! 🥹🥹🥹
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worldlxvlys · 7 months
i NEED a wedding day typa thing with matt where hes just stressing and his vows are cuter than anything and he admires u while ur walking down the aisle that typa shit
long enough
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matt sturniolo x reader
warnings: noneeeee
a/n: hope you likeee <33
don’t cry. don’t cry, don’t cry.
i took a deep breath as i stared at the doors, waiting for her to come through them.
i’ve waited for this day for so long, and now that it was actually happening it felt surreal.
“please stand”
as i watched everyone collectively stand up i felt a rush of nerves take over me.
this was really happening.
i wasn’t in my 9th grade science class, watching her expertly mix chemicals together, day dreaming about marrying her.
we weren’t studying for our math test together, her explaining how to solve the problem while i zoned out, imagining how amazing she would be at planning our wedding.
i wasn’t watching her walk down the stairs on prom night, finally seeing which dress she chose, thinking about what it’d be like to see her in her wedding dress for the first time.
now, i was living it.
every minute i spent longing for her, all of the pain i went through waiting for her, it all led up to this exact moment.
chris, most likely picking up on my nerves, patted my shoulder lightly from his spot beside me.
i momentarily glanced over to him, and he gave me a slight nod.
nick, who was on the other side of him, gave me a quick thumbs up.
i took another deep breath, attempting to relax, as i watched the doors in anticipation.
the moment they opened up, i lost it.
i let out a quick breath, tears welling in my eyes when i saw her standing there.
i held my breath for a second while i took in her dress. it was perfect for her.
the white seemed to make her glow, only adding to her natural beauty.
the top of the dress was lined with intricate designs, with a touch of lace to top it off.
the straps were thin, but not too thin, a detail of the dress she was adamant about being perfect.
the bottom of the dress was long, but not long enough where she had to worry about it dragging behind her too much.
the dress had a small slit going up her leg. it wasn’t anything too crazy, just long enough for me to see the lace garter decorating her thigh, peeking through when she walked.
it was unlikely that anyone else even saw it, however, i was purposefully looking for it.
the dress just screamed her. it was simple, yet so unique. the extravagance wasn’t in the dress itself, but in the details.
it was clear that she put an abundance of time and thought into picking out the dress, and it paid off.
“oh my god” i whispered under my breath, attempting to blink back my tears.
“take a breath” mary lou spoke as she rubbed my back gently.
i was currently staring at the doors in anticipation, my hands shaking lightly.
i did as she said, inhaling through my nose and out of my mouth.
“i’ll be next you the whole time, sweetheart” she smiled at me.
my parents and i were on less than optimal terms, as they liked to call it.
at least, that’s what they said when people asked about it.
they were never there for me, but mary lou and jimmy were. i never even had to ask her to be the one to walk me down the aisle, we both always knew it would be her.
“i’m so grateful for you” i told her, my voice wavering slightly.
she pulled me into a hug, giving me a slight squeeze.
“good, cause you’re stuck with me” she chuckled.
after waiting a few more minutes, the doors finally opened.
everyone’s head turned to me, and my eyes widened slightly under the pressure of so many people’s gaze.
“you’re ok” she whispered to me, knowing how i would react.
my eyes found matt’s across the aisle, and my focus on everyone else completely faded away.
tears were streaming down his face as he stared at me in awe.
i took in his appearance, and almost melted right there.
he looked so good.
his suit was crisp, no doubt the result of him making sure it was hanging at all times. knowing him, he probably never even took it out of the protective bag, wanting it to stay wrinkle-free.
his tie was tied perfectly, the result of him watching youtube videos repeatedly, needing to master the skill. (mary lou ended up having to teach him how to do it over facetime.)
every piece of his tuxedo matched perfectly, his meticulous planning shining through.
the tux fit him better than i ever could have imagined.
he wore a few rings, knowing how much i loved them on his hands. i was excited for one ring in particular, though.
as mary lou guided me down the aisle, i noticed matt’s gaze run up and down my body, stopping at the garter that i let him pick out.
i smiled lightly at that, watching as he met my eyes again.
once we got to the end of the aisle, we stopped directly in front of matt.
“hi baby” i whispered to him, watching as he began to laugh lightly.
his smile grew even wider as mary lou, handed him a few tissues for his tears.
we both laughed lightly at this, “where did you get that?” i asked. everyone around us laughed at that.
“no, i’m serious. where did that come from?” i asked, confused.
we were met with more laughter, my question left unanswered.
she gave us both a kiss to the cheek, before placing my hand in his.
i felt tears of my own start to fall at the gesture.
“you may now be seated” everyone sat down at the request.
“family and friends, thank you all for coming today to share in this wonderful occasion. today we are here together to unite matt and y/n in marriage”
“and now for the vows” the officiator spoke. matt decided he wanted to go first.
“ok, hi” he breathed out, a large grin spreading on his face. “y/n, i have spent such a long time dreaming about this day. for so long, i would tell chris and nick that i was gonna marry you one day. but then you started chasing after other guys and you seemed so unattainable all of a sudden. but we’re finally here, we’re getting married” he whispered excitedly, as though he couldn’t believe it, “and there’s no one else that i’d rather be with. i love how deeply you care about the things that are important to you, like this. i’m pretty sure i’ve seen everything in this room on your pinterest board at some point” the room filled with chuckles, “ you’ve put so much love and time into this and i’m so grateful to have found someone who cares about this, who cares about me so much. and seeing you walk down that aisle with my mom, i-” his voice broke as his lip began to quiver slightly.
i sniffled softly, blinking rapidly as more tears fell from my eyes.
“you mean everything to me, and i can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you” he finished.
when the officiator gestured to me, i began my vows.
“ geez, that was really good” i breathed out, making everyone laugh.
“ok” i spoke as i took a deep breath, “matt, i have loved you for so long. i can’t even pinpoint when, we were so young. but, i always thought that i was just gonna be in the crowd, watching you do this with someone else. i never imagined, for a second, that you felt the same. and growing up, your mom would always tell me that when we got married, she’d be the one to hand me off to you. and i never believed that i would actually get to experience that”
“i love you more than words can describe, and i’m so happy to be able to call you my husband. i’m so grateful to be marrying my best friend, because i couldn’t imagine life without you, and now i never have to. thank you for accepting me, thank you for loving me. just- thank you” i finished.
“do you matthew sturniolo, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”
“of course i do” he spoke, staring at me.
“and do you y/n , take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?
“i do”
we were then given our rings to exchange.
as i slid the ring on matt’s finger, i spoke “with this ring, i thee wed and pledge you my love now and forever”
matt did the same with my ring, “with this ring, i thee wed and pledge you my love now and forever”
“by the authority vested in me by the state of massachusetts , i now pronounce you husband and wife!”
“you may now-” he didn’t even finish the sentence before matt wrapped his arms around my waist, placing his lips against mine in a passionate kiss.
the room was filled with cheers and applause as our lips moved against each others for a few seconds, before pulling away.
he pulled me into a hug, kissing my forehead. “you could’ve let the man finish first” i spoke, teasingly.
“i’ve waited long enough”
tag list: @lustfulslxt @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @cupidsword @imwetforyourmom @nickmillersn1gf @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @charlotteblogs777 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @readerakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @rootbeerworshiper @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @judespoision @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf @robins-scoop @fandomhopped @chr1sgirl4life @bbglmfao @55sturn @sturniolololover @meg-sturniolo @leah-loves-lilies @vanteguccir @ineedchriscock @junnniiieee07
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arc852 · 3 months
13. Betwixt
Definition: between
Summary: During one of their weekly movie nights, Joel finds a movie about borrowers called The Secret World of Arrietty. They decide to watch it.
G/t: Grian and Joel are normal-sized, Jimmy is a borrower
Word Count: 3169
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I'm gonna be honest about this one guys, I didn't exactly follow the prompt. It kind of got away from me. It's still a good one though! Another installment in the BBBCAU!
Also, I'm sorry if you haven't seen The Secret World of Arrietty. I highly recommend it if you haven't but hopefully this isn't too confusing without having seen the movie.
And fun fact, I actually rewatched the movie while I was writing this to be more accurate with what they were reacting to. Because I did this, this prompt probably took me the longest to write out of all of them. I did have a lot of fun writing it though!
I hope you enjoy!
 “Alright! It’s time for a movie night!” Joel exclaimed, grabbing his laptop off his desk and opening it up to set up their movie. The three of them had just finished having dinner and, since it was a friday night and neither human had any classes for the next two days, it was time for their weekly movie night.
 Jimmy loved it. Not only did he enjoy spending time with Grian and Joel but he also looked forward to watching the actual movies themselves. Living in the walls of the dorms, he had only ever managed to get glances at some of the movies the humans would watch. And with no sound, since most humans would watch them with headphones on. But now, he could watch all the movies and Grian and Joel were more than willing to show him the classics.
 Grian stood up from his chair and started on the popcorn and Jimmy waited patiently on the table for somebody to grab him and bring him over to where they would be watching. Usually it would be Joel, who didn’t take long to set the movie up but it seemed he was taking a bit longer this time. So by the time the popcorn was done and dumped in a bowl, Jimmy was still waiting on the table.
 Grian gave him a confused look and then looked over at Joel. “Have you not picked the movie yet?” He asked as he held the popcorn in one hand and used the other to scoop Jimmy up.
 Joel looked up from his laptop briefly to look at the two. “I have, I’m just trying to find it. Bloomin’ streaming services…” He mumbled the last bit under his breath, still clicking and searching through the movies.
 Grian sat down on his bed and let Jimmy off onto the plush surface. Jimmy gained his balance easily enough and now all they were waiting on was Joel. “What movie is it?” Jimmy asked Joel, looking over to Grian briefly to see if he knew, but the other human just shrugged.
 Joel was quiet for another moment before he suddenly exclaimed, “Ah ha! Found it!” Joel finally looked away from his laptop and addressed Jimmy’s question. “Okay, so the other day I was looking to see what movie we could watch and I came across, well, this.” Joel flipped his laptop around in order to show the screen to Grian and Jimmy. On it was the poster for the movie in question.
 “The Secret World of Arrietty?” Grian read off but as he did so, Jimmy’s breath hitched at what he saw. A girl, only a few inches tall, behind a jar with a human looking down at her.
 “Yep. It’s about, get this…borrowers.” Joel revealed and both Grian and Jimmy’s eyes went wide. Jimmy’s with a bit more panic.
 “What?! B-But how is that possible? Do they know? How are we just hearing about this?” Jimmy asked, panicking at the thought of his people being found out. 
 “Whoa, whoa! Jim, calm down.” Joel tried, setting his laptop down and going to sit on the edge of the bed. “I was worried when I first saw it too, so I did some research. Apparently, this movie is based on a book from the 50s. And it’s regarded as completely fictional.”
 “A book…Oh! I knew the term borrowers felt familiar!” Grian exclaimed, referencing something from back when they first met Jimmy. 
 “So…everyone who knows about these movies and books thinks borrowers are fake?” Jimmy asked, calming down a bit.
 Joel nodded. “Yeah. I mean, I can’t speak for the original author. Knowing what we know now, I wouldn’t be surprised if her book was actually based on a true story. But all the material that came after that and all the people who have read her books think it’s nothing more than fiction. So I think you guys are safe.”
 With that, Jimmy let out a breath and relaxed from his tensed up position. “Oh, okay, that’s good.”
 Grian nodded along. “That makes sense. Besides, if borrowers really were found out, I think we would be seeing it all over the news instead of in the form of a movie from…” He checked the date on the screen. “2010.”
 “Right, right, sorry.” Jimmy said, feeling sheepish at his reaction. He looked down, rubbing the back of his head. “I just, ya know, heard the word borrower coming from a human made thing and panicked.”
 “Which is completely understandable.” Joel said. “I felt much the same when I first saw it. I probably should have announced it in a better way though. That one might be on me.” Joel admitted and Grian snorted.
 “Yeah, you definitely could have done that a lot better.” Grian teased and Jimmy couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. Despite the fact he was still trying to calm down from his initial panic. 
 “Yeah, yeah, it’s my fault.” Joel said with a roll of his eyes, though there was a sense of sincerity in his tone. He really did blame himself for making Jimmy panic like that. “Did you guys still want to watch it? I understand if it might be too much for you, Jim.”
 Jimmy thought about it for a moment. On one hand, watching something about his kind made by humans made him nervous. On the other hand, he was curious to see what kind of stuff they got right and wrong and in how much detail they went into about a borrower’s life. So, despite himself, he nodded. “Yeah, I want to see what these humans came up with.”
 “Got to say, I’m a bit curious too.” Grian admitted and Joel nodded and set up the laptop properly at the edge of the bed. 
 Once that was done, Joel turned off the lights and went around the opposite side of the bed to Grian. He picked Jimmy up so as to not worry about where he was when he settled down, and layed down on the bed. Grian did the same next to him so that both humans were on their stomachs facing the laptop.
 Once they were situated, Joel let Jimmy back onto the bed, the borrower now between the two humans with the best spot to see the screen.
 Jimmy would never admit out loud that this was his favorite spot for other reasons as well. He’d get teased into next week if he revealed he liked being this close to the two of them. It just gave him a sense of safety, being between his two friends, a barrier on either side protecting him from anything that might be dangerous to someone like him.
 It was so cheesy and cringy just in Jimmy’s own head, he could never imagine saying it out loud.
 While Grian and Joel were laying down, Jimmy decided to sit criss-cross instead. The popcorn bowl was placed a little bit behind him, so it wasn’t in his way, and then he was handed a piece of popcorn by Grian as Joel pressed play on the movie.
 Jimmy took a small bite of the food, still nervous for what the movie had in store for him.
 It started out simple enough. The animation was beautiful and Jimmy couldn’t help but be a bit jealous of Arriety’s home. His little nook within the walls of the college dorms were nothing in comparison to the grand home Arriety’s family had made for themselves. Maybe he could have had that too if he hadn’t decided to live in a place like this. But it had been the best option for him by far. 
 The term ‘beans’ got brought up, which, of course, Grian and Joel couldn’t just ignore. “Beans?” Joel asked with a raised brow, looking down at Jimmy.
 Jimmy felt his cheeks heat up. “It’s-I mean, it was an old term used by borrowers to refer to humans.” Jimmy crossed his arms and very pointedly did not look at either human. “I haven’t heard it in ages though and I never used it myself.” He added on, trying to make himself look better.
 “Yeah, but how did you even come up with beans anyway?” Joel asked, still trying to figure it out.
 Jimmy bit his lip. “Well…” He was cut off.
 “Wait. Human beings. Human be-ings. Human…beans.” Grian slowly figured out and then grinned. “Oh my gosh.”
 “Aww, that’s actually kind of adorable.” Joel teased, grinning as well.
 Jimmy felt his face heat up even more and he covered his hands with his face. “Can we please just get back to the movie?”
 The two laughed but they did turn back towards the screen.
 There was some mention about children shortly after. About how dangerous they were, even more so than the adults. Jimmy himself shivered and found himself nodding in agreement despite himself. Grian and Joel noticed but didn’t say anything. 
 A few seconds later, something else was revealed. 
 “I’m sorry, did they say 14?” Joel asked incredulously.
 Jimmy nodded. “Yeah, that’s usually around the time borrowers start to fend for themselves. Although I think it’s gotten earlier and earlier.” Jimmy thought back. “I went off on my own at 12, but that was mostly…because…” Jimmy trailed off as he caught Grian and Joel’s eyes. There was that indescribable emotion again. Jimmy didn’t know what it was, but he didn’t like it. “Nevermind.”
 “Jim-” Joel started but stopped when he saw Grian subtly shake his head. He mouthed ‘not now’ and Joel huffed but didn’t say anything more.
 Back to the movie, Jimmy was suddenly and inexplicably hit with an existential crisis. He tried not to think about other borrowers. But it had been a long time since he had seen any himself. Sometimes, he also wondered how many of his kind were even still out there.
 Grian and Joel pointedly did not say anything.
 The borrowing scene played out, which Jimmy supposed was fairly accurate. Although he couldn’t help but wonder why they would be borrowing when there were still human’s awake in the house. One of the humans could have suddenly opened the drawer they were in. Or walked into the kitchen. It didn’t make sense.
 Meanwhile, Grian and Joel were in a bit of awe. The movie did a great job giving a borrower’s perspective on things. And a little too well. Joel felt a bit dizzy at the height and he didn’t even mind them usually. It was also just incredible, to see how intuitive borrowers could be. Grian made a mental note to ask Jimmy how accurate it really was later on.
 They got to the dollhouse and Jimmy couldn’t help but feel a bit uneasy. Especially when Arrietty’s dad pointed out how they weren’t toys. He couldn’t help but feel, just a little, that the dollhouse had been some sort of…trap or something, for the borrowers.
 He shook his head and continued watching. Arrietty and her dad had left the dollhouse and were now grabbing the tissue paper they needed. And then-
 The human saw them.
 Jimmy couldn’t help but jump and gasp, almost the same as Arrietty did. He couldn’t help it. Those eyes felt like they were pointed right at him. 
 He briefly heard Joel mutter an “oh no” before turning his attention back to see what would happen.
 The boy spoke, and Jimmy couldn’t help but compare his words to when he first met Grian and Joel. It was similar, at least in the beginning. Don’t be scared. We’re not going to hurt you.
 He wasn’t sure how to feel about it.
 When Arrietty left, he let out a sigh of relief. “He didn’t grab her.” Jimmy said to himself, both as a fact and in wonder. Any other human, knowing a borrower was there, would have at least attempted to catch them. At least, that’s what Jimmy believed anyway.
Unbeknownst to him though, Grian and Joel had heard his remark. They sent each other a look, also reminded of their first meeting with Jimmy. Joel was starting to regret putting this movie on.
 “That’s weird.” Jimmy said a few moments later, this time loud enough he was sure Grian and Joel could hear. One of them hummed in response, he couldn’t tell which one. “It’s weird the dad would just brush off what just happened. They should be packing up their things and moving after being seen like that.”
 You didn’t. Grian almost said the words out loud but he stopped himself. He didn’t want to bring it up now. “Oh.” He said instead, a simple response to let Jimmy know he had heard him.
 The movie went on and eventually got to the scene at the window. Jimmy was tense the entire time, a fall from that height would be fatal or a smack from the bird could have done a lot of damage as well. And then, Arrietty was grabbed and everything in the movie slowed down and became quiet.
 Well, grabbed was putting it too strongly. The human more had her cupped in his hand, not restricting her at all really. Which came into play a moment later, when Arrietty was simply able to get away.
 Again, Jimmy thought it was weird. It felt like the movie was downplaying the fear borrowers had towards humans.
 Joel flexed his hand subconsciously, looking down at it and then over at Jimmy. He was always aware of how small Jimmy was in his grasp. But seeing it in a movie…it felt weird.
 “There it is.” Jimmy said as Pod finally revealed they needed to leave. “Took them long enough.”
 They got to the other dollhouse scene, where the humans were discussing it. So not…really a trap then. The humans had good intentions it seemed like. And honestly, the house looked really nice, especially with all the working appliances in it. But it still felt wrong.
 A bit later into the movie, Jimmy felt horrified when the human tried to help by ripping out their old kitchen for the new one. Again, the human had good intentions but…
 Grian and Joel seemed to think the same. 
 “That’s bloomin’ terrifying.” Joel said, and when Jimmy looked over he could tell Joel’s shoulders were tense.
 “How did he think that would be a good idea? Honestly?” Grian said, exasperated and honestly annoyed at the character.
 Jimmy couldn’t help but chuckle a little. It was kind of funny having two humans reacting like that.
 They continued watching and got to the part where Shawn saw Arrietty for the first time. The mood was down and Joel decided to try and lift it. “I can tell you right now Jim, neither of us thought you were beautiful when we first saw you.”
 The sudden quip made Jimmy laugh out loud and Joel smiled in victory. “Hey! I take offense to that, you know. I’m very beautiful.”
 Grian snickered, glad for the short break. “Sure, you keep telling yourself that.” Grian said and then reached over and ruffled Jimmy’s hair.
 “Hey! Stop that!” Jimmy said, but was laughing at the same time, trying to push Grian’s finger away. 
 The scene changed in the movie, bringing their attention back to the screen as Hara discovered the borrower’s home. The mood dampened again. The look on Hara’s face when she saw Homily. It sent more than a shiver down Jimmy’s spine.
 “Okay…I take back what I said before. That is terrifying.” Joel said, wondering if that’s anyway how him and Grian looked…before. He looked over at Grian, who’s eyes remained on the screen, his brow pinched.
 Jimmy could only nod at Joel’s statement.
 Homily was grabbed and Grian’s hand clenched in turn. Jimmy, thankfully, didn’t notice. Too caught up by what was happening on screen.
 The look of fear on the borrower’s face made Grian feel…guilty. Was that how Jimmy felt, way back then? Did he still feel that way? Grian and Joel had made it a habit to just…pick Jimmy up whenever they pleased. Jimmy never said anything about it before. But…was he just too scared to?
 Grian rubbed his head, closing his eyes for a moment. He silently cursed Joel for finding this movie in the first place. It was making him question too many things.
 When Homily was put in a jar, Jimmy could only be thankful that that had never happened to him.
 When Arrietty went to Shawn for help, Joel couldn’t keep in his questions any longer. “What’s it like being held?”
 Jimmy, startled by the question, looked up at Joel with wide eyes. “To be…held?”
 “You know…” Joel suddenly felt a bit self-conscious for asking and was blatantly ignoring Grian’s look. “In a hand. In one of…our…hands.”
 “Oh.” Jimmy couldn’t help but look down at Joel’s hands at the question causing Joel to self-consciously tuck his hands closer to himself. The movie must be getting to them more than Jimmy originally thought.
 He couldn’t really blame them though. It was getting to him too, just a little bit.
 He thought about it for a moment, trying his best to come up with the right thing to say. How to explain it…?
 “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” Grian chimed in, glaring at Joel from above Jimmy. “You can just ignore--”
 “It feels safe.”
 Grian shut up.
 Jimmy continued, looking down at his own hands. “I guess it didn’t always feel like that. It was constricting before, overwhelming, I felt…well, I felt helpless. I can feel the strength in your hands, I know how much damage they can do.”
 “Jimmy…” Joel started but Jimmy didn’t stop.
 “It’s still overwhelming, not gonna lie. I don’t think that will ever go away. But it’s different now. The…I guess, the uncertainty is gone. I know you two mean well, I know you two would never hurt me. And I feel…protected. So…yeah. It feels safe. I-I guess.” Jimmy added on the last bit, suddenly feeling flustered by what he had just said. 
 Jimmy braced himself for the teasing but was surprised when it didn’t come.
 “O-Oh.” Joel said, his voice a bit watery. “That’s uh…I-I’m glad.”
 Grian didn’t say anything but he was happy to know his earlier thoughts held no substance. Jimmy was fine being picked up and wasn’t afraid of them and Grian blames this movie entirely for making him second guess that.
 Actually, scratch that, he blames Joel.
 They watched the rest of the movie play out. Arrietty and Shawn saved her mom, Hara was seen to look like a crazy person, and Arrietty said one last goodbye to Shawn before leaving.
 The three friends were silent as the credits rolled.
 “Well that was…a lot.” Jimmy broke the silence.
 “You can say that again.” Joel said, letting out a little sigh.
 It was silent for another moment.
 “All in favor of banning Joel from picking any more movies?” Grian asked, raising his hand.
 “Me.” Jimmy said, also raising his hand.
 “Wha-? Hey!”
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catboylister · 5 months
thoughts on how the ark would react to covid lockdown?
COVID MENTION NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE oh my fucking god lockdown was a fucking time. Lord 💀
so you know when everyone was trying to find new hobbies n stuff ? rowan spends most his time working out to distract himself from everything. becomes a pilates enjoyer. and if he didnt have a caffine addiction already then he has one now. if he already has one it gets worse. rooster can bond over that perhaps. after a month hes burnt out and bedrots for a few weeks until jimmy and lister help him sort himself out.
jimmys gunna be as paranoid as i was. no call from someone in 24 hours ? theyre dead theyre dying hes dying everyones dying. like im so fr like. what do you mean we all lived through A WHOLE ASS PANDEMIC EHAT ???? anyways i think to cope w his anxiety getting worse he spends sometime relearning italian and gujarati !! also he finds recipes online he rlly wants to try bjt sends them to lister and rowan to cook because he can not be trusted in a kitchen. he makes up for his lack of cooking skills by cleaning up after
lister gives into consumerism. retail therapy is his best friend. he has a crystal collection and also for some reason a hatusne miku figure that he does not remember buying. its one of those ones that sit on your cup noodles to keep the foil down so it stays warm. what a dude. probably spends time playing video games. maybe he starts streaming val or something like a loser. also hes listening to doja cat 24/7 and is very mad that SOMEBODY fucked up the minecraft mobvote because he definitely wanted that fuckass flower cow
theyd make banger fucking music ofc. a lot of stuff they keep to themselves and their making music for fun a lot more, but theyd drop an album im pretty sure. instead of having it produced by fort records thrh self produce ? i think lister would have fun experimenting with mixing more since on the wiki it says he only does drums/percussion + backing vocals. so maybe hed enjoy having a new role perhap.
or maybe theyd fall off and and lister gets them all cancelled who knows
anyway i would like to forget that covid ever happened now gootbye 4ever
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Cleo's latest video 13:50, the smallidarity statues are done!
I wish i had bothered to note every recent "two bros" ref re: Jimmy cause he's been making them too. Not just Joel, also oli & sausage (together)
Starting at 11min might also be fun!
Jimmy reacted on stream right away, about 19 min in, it will be up on his shorts channel sometime soon
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blocksruinedme · 10 months
(hi there! sorry if this is disrespectful or anything, feel free to delete this ask! i was just concerned because in the comments of jimmy's recent videos, it seems that he might make a video reacting to fanfictions...
very concerning! especially because it seems like he didn't contact the creators of the edits in newest video beforehand. no offense to him, but i genuinely do not trust him to handle fanfiction in a respectful way. he's very hard-working, but he's getting dangerously content-brained!
anyways, the reason i'm sending this ask to you is because you seem to frequent his streams a lot. VERY sorry if this is disrespectful to ask, but if you do attend his next stream, is it ok to ask that you try and send a message in his chat? i would myself, but he streams after midnight where i live T^T i really hope that someone well-versed in the rules of fandom spaces (maybe scott (ー ー;) ) can talk him out of it, but i would be very grateful if any chatters could discourage him during his next live.
thank you very much for reading!!)
-a shy chinese anon who experienced the banning of ao3 in china because fans of a celebrity mass-reported an rpf fic to the government :<
(Hey shy anon, I didn't show up until a little after the ban, but I was on the english side of that fandom so i know a lot. my eternal condolences, I'll never stop being upset about what happened!)
It is not at all disrespectful to ask politely, which you have! I am not going to send a message in his chat because it is an absolute hellhole, but people I know have left thoughtful comments on his youtube, which I think is 20x more useful. He sees those in his own time and can think about it. Chat is running nonstop, super fast, you get instant reaction in the chat from all kinds of sorts - seriously i love jimmy and i have nothing against younger people, but holy hell that chat is mostly intolerable to read. Most streams I don't even have it visible. Jimmy has very little time to think in response to chat messages, it can't be nuanced, and the first thing he says is now public record.
Overall, I don't think Jimmy will react to fanfic. If he does (and I've been wrong predicting Jimmy before!), it's going to be something like Wholesome Seablings Adventures. I can not imagine Jimmy reading ship fic - unless I guess it's incredibly pg canon-ship? There's all kinds of "pg youtubers", and Jimmy's more on the Katherine side of thing, appealing to families and genuinely little kids. If you look at the saucy things he lets in, you generally need some real non-pg context for it to feel non-pg. (there's always exceptions)
When people demand he address shipping he tries to say as little as possible. He's been shown nsfw fanart while he was streaming. He knows what is going on and he's not going to touch that. He's thoughtful when it counts, and since these aren't stream reacts, he has time to think hard about what he's actually going to use. So if he did do fanfic, there would be plenty of never seen footage of Jimmy of going "holy moly!" and moving on. When it matters, he is generally thoughtful and respectful.
Like the time he realized he was confused about asexuality (he didn't know about aromanticism) and slowed down to be really careful he didn't say anything accidentally hurtful. (for context shelby is ace but dates and he knows that. look at his poor little face trying to understand.)
Maybe he'll mess up this time, I sure hope not, but I'm not personally freaking out.
Also, exactly one time he opened tumblr on stream, it was the sexyman poll, and he read my reply to the post (i'm the one who called him a wet paper bag of a man, my claim to fame.) I showed up to apologize, he was a sweetheart, and he said this about tumblr, that he knows we want our own private space. He's respectful at heart.
I am not on tiktok, but until your ask, I'll admit it never occurred to me he might contact the creators before reacting. Thinking on it, I guess I think of TikTok like youtube, where it is loudly tossed out at the whole world for attention, but I'm not on TikTok.
And why do I think ao3 is different? Well, I have no coherent answer besides "vibes" and "more contained audience" and "everyone knows everyone is on youtube and tiktok".
Here are some more Jimmy clips I've wanted to share on tumblr for one reason or another.
In the end, I have been hyperfixating on this man for sixteen months and I believe it'll be okay. If I'm wrong, well. We'll make it through this, gang. We'll take care of each other and keep going. Nothing's stopped us yet!
If you want to say something to Jimmy, leave a yt comment, don't go into his stream, please, not there, you'll just provoke people and he might have to respond to that, please
Everyone out there who read ao3 not logged in - go log in, people are locking things.
People on ao3, lock or don't lock, as you see fit!
(also joel lizzie and oli did fanfic readings/reenactments/whatever years ago, including writing their own snippets, i got through like 90 seconds of one, youtube at your own risk.)
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iconsumeheadcanons · 2 years
gathering notes on this crossover
making a list of observations and headcanons of todays crossover episodes
keralis and jevin live in a universe where youtube and twitter exist. keralis knows sausage from videos. sausage doesnt know what theyre talking about and he calls servers ‘realms’.
pix knows of the internet (tbf he doesnt have a character this time round)
is keralis a god. im just gonna assume he is.
tango and jimmy know each other from double life. tango had love hearts on his screen when he recognized jimmy. they just squealed at each other. i am losing my mind. scar also thought jimmy was in another life serie. jimmy knows them all
“you cant hide from me timmy! >:)”
multiverse grian still going strong of course lmao, grian knows everybody
his character seems to understand the existence of servers and streams. would this be considered awareness of internet or are streams like technoblades chat/voices thingie?
“so who doesnt have an open chest policy?”
fae grian/borrower grian becomes closer to truth every day
(tango and fwhip was a combo i never knew i needed but its so awesome. honestly many of the hermits and fwhip is awesome)
pirate joe is very concerned about how shocked papa k looks like all the time
almost everyhermit showed up in their default skins. impulse is still a bald dwarf tho. pearl is god.
multiple hermits want to make their own empires. they have learned nothing from King Rentheking
jevin da slime. shelby keeps killing his brethren ;; no one bring him to animalia
ofc they did not check to see if they can get back to hermitcraft
is there an admin left on hermitcraft? x and tango and joe are stuck in empires lmao
joel knows them as well. im just gonna say its probably bc hes god.
convex are silly as usual
cub is a fan of joel the god. i love cub being completely unfazed by the innuendos. there is absolutely nothing strange about sausage giving keralis his wood.
grian is stealing. i mean borrowing.
sausage doesnt know what an armor stand is lmao
empires people wonder whats up with false. shes missing her clothes that she stole from a dead body. is she okay
cogsmeade false took a introverted trip away from all this noise. her mysterious notes might reference the traveling hermits
“THIS IS SAINT PEARL!” fwhip in the background, “ there is no legal action for murder”
scott thinks pearl might be a cosplayer
pearl does not know who sausage is at all, uh oh.
via sausage’s notes:
Keralis: info; lumberjack, speaks spanish; powers; hypnotizing gaze +15
jevin: half slime/skelly, likes to steal; powers unknown
grian: blamed for rift (good knowledge for if sausage ever wants to sue him for emotional damages btw), likes the color red; powers; pesky bird (as heard from others)
scar: cat lover, doesnt like unsafe nether portals, powers; big goblin ears for flight
tango: thinks bubbles is a hyena, likes big hats; powers; low level witch/spell caster
false: doesnt remember me, is she the same false?; unknown powers
impulse: likes to go underground
cub: impressed by my wood!, looks like a scientist
Pearlescent Moon: looks a lot like santa pearla?! used to be fighter; powers; +20 str, +10 ag, +15 speed, +30 awesomeness
cleo: possible pirate, pirate joe killed her parrot, undead day walker +25 (just like sausage!)
an xisuma (or shishswambam): possible pirate, witch hunter?!; powers; heavy armor protections +20 durability
pixl and doc are acquainted. no biggie
someone pls save impulse. he is still sick. very polite
how has grian not blown up the sheriffs tnt shop yet
fwhip and lizzie didnt react to mentions of Grian, but fwhip has heard of scarland theme park. dosney ascends all universes apparently
lizzie is scared of the strangers. just like kitty
oli is also multiversing
hermit locations:
scar ended up in tumble town, intends to build old west locomotive. honorary goblin, aiming for position of deputy (he might move to whoever can bring him a jellie first)
tango will be a wonky engineer for gobland
keralis is probably moving in with sausage. amores
grian and impulse are building a place for the hermits but grians trying to convince oli to move closer
joe is napping at scotts tavern for now
(everyone is gushing about the empires builds and their colors! its so cute! jimmys friends all complementing tumble town is making me smile)
empires leaders are literally all like “oh god, we have guests. we have to clean up STAT”
goblins dont need sleep, probably dont like the overworld because the phantoms
fwhips poor ears..so much noise
grians webcam mic is back. and HIS FRIENDS ARE HERE
gonna pretend his voice is messed up by the rift lol
oli flies on the power of song
grian and oli on the same smp. no one is safe.
grian is making fun oli for being poor and then immediately goes to bully timmy
HERMIT SPECIES: they are shorter. big feet. thats it. (love this idea lmao)
grian... grian.
fwhips texture pack is native variation of foliage in empires smp
hes determined to destroy the empires’s bartering system. capitalist instinct
oh no the rift isnt purple anymore,,,it broke,,,
someone please stop grian from interacting w the multiverse. he keeps getting stuck and breaking things
impulse is in very sick denial about this whole situation, someone please tuck this man into bed he is very lost
lizzie likes that impulse instinctively parkoured on her froggy village
fwhip has incurred a debt onto impulse. poor guy
empires smp is the lands of the thirteen empires
has no one noticed the princess of dawn?
joe was under the assumption that grumbot was punishing them for not finishing the content quests
joe has access to the litematica it seems like
are we counting joes court audition as joe also living in the real world. does he and keralis come from the outside world and jevin and cleo just get to hear about the internet?
someone thought empires was an old hermitcraft world
oli doesnt know most of the hermits
oli and joe is such a gift. oli has adopted them bc he looks so pathetic
im desperate to know about cub and docs reactions to this whole shebang
every emperor says joel is very mean and that he pretends to be tall so everyone humors him by building really tall doors so he thinks he can fit
everyone insisting his empire is classist
pearl and scott and joe and cub investigate upper stratos’s shrine to peril
cub, “hey impulse, have an egg in this trying time”
IMPULSE RECOGNIZES SCOTT but no one else interestingly
“just oli, not bard oli” is joes nomenclature for oli
joe was immediately overwhelmed. felt.
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ashiyn · 1 year
the watchers being mentioned last mc live react on jimmys stream and this year too. my guy 🤨🤨🤨
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quaranmine · 2 years
Quara,.have you seen the tweet from Stampy about him and mumbo playing Jackbox together and starting fake beef?
YES! literally blew my mind for a moment lol
theres something about like...mcyters hanging out off camera and not telling us until later. like OBVIOUSLY that is their private lives i understand that totally i just mean like. stampy and mumbo sharing stuff from their jackbox game. jimmy reacting to grian being late to his stream by being like "i literally told you about while we were standing in your kitchen!!" or like...i swear ren was once like yeah me and grian go to london together sometimes and he's a good cook! but have zero clue when i heard that so i cant back that up sorry
idk man it's just really nice but also the tinest smidge startling because you're like oh right, they all interact off-camera too,,
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beigehearts · 4 years
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Multiple requests are fine! Requests are unlimited. 
This is a cool idea so hell yeah
Yandere Adult Trio finding you after a few years after escape CW: physical abuse, mentions of kidnapping, blood, needles
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This is rather nice actually. A quiet life in the middle of nowhere where no one questions you. It’s somewhat of a farming community you live in. You work at a farmers market, selling fresh fruits and vegetables to the same people every day. Everyone here recognizes you under your fake identity, and treats you as part of the community. As if you didn’t randomly appear one day. As if you aren’t in hiding. 
It’s been about three years you would say. Three years since you escaped... him. You dyed your hair, wore colored contacts and completely changed your clothing look. You moved countries, learned a new language, and completely dropped your entire identity and life. It was the only way you could escape him. How you escaped him remains a mystery to you too. He was always attentive but- you escaped that last time. Slipped through his fingers. 
Mr. Grady, the oldest farmer in town hobbles over to your stand and smiles with his big loose mouth. He only has a few teeth but you don’t need many when you blend all of your food anyway.
“Oh hello Charlie. How are you today?” He asks with his frail old man voice.
You smile back and begin bagging up the usual for him. “Very good Mr. Grady. How are you?” 
Your conversations are never short but it’s almost become a highlight of your day to hear the old man ramble. “Oh you know. The sheep dog are sick, so I tried rounding those cows up with my cat. He practically got trampled!” He throws his arms up as if it’s unbelievable. You somewhat listen as he continues. “... moral of the story is, cats are unreliable and only have two lives.” 
As you hand the paper bag over the counter the old man stops to think for a moment. “I saw someone new up by the shops today, he was a real character. Quite tall too.” 
You nod and get the change for the money he hands you, “Oh really? Did you talk to him?”
“He wasn’t much interested in me. Though he didn’t seem like a normal traveler. He was much too eccentric for that.” He offers one last toothless smile, “Don’t work too late. It’s time for the foxbears to come out of hibernation soon.” 
Before you can further question him, he hobbles off pretty quickly for an old man. Of course you’re overreacting but someone eccentric and tall randomly coming to town? No it couldn’t be. It’s been over three years since then. And he wouldn’t go this far for you would he? 
After closing up the shop you grab the keys to your car and head for the ‘parking lot’. It’s a field with white lines spray painted on the grass with a single light to illuminate the whole place. You hop into your car and are just glad to finally go home after a long day. It was rather slow but that’s because it was a tuesday. It is very busy on friday-monday. You start your car, and turn on the air, you plug your phone in and relax some into your seat.
You adjust your rear view mirror and scream when you do. You just barely catch the reflection of someone in the back of your car. He’s sitting in the back seat watching you closely. You decide against turning around to face him.
“Hello y/n. Or is it Charlie?” He asks calmly, as if it were a casual conversation.
You clear your throat and try to control your shaking. “What are you doing here Hisoka?” 
He ignores your question completely. “You really know how to choose a nice town. Quiet, friendly, off the grid.”
“I suppose.” Your hands grip on the steering wheel tightens. “How did you find me?”
“Oh, well, it was quite hard really. You did a good job. But once I found the first person who helped you change your identity, it was just a matter of going down the chain.”
You’d rather not think about what happened to those people. “And what are you doing here?” You repeat your question.
“Well there’s only one thing I’m here for of course.” He leans back in the seat, just barely having enough room for his legs. “I’ve come to bring you home.” 
“I don’t want to. It’s nice here.” You state as if you have an option. 
He leans forward this time, and cranes his head around the drivers seat to whisper in your ear, “It’s really not up to you pet.”
Before you can even react, there’s a rope around your neck, and he’s pulling you hard against your seat. You claw at the rope and gasp for air. You try to turn some but the rope burn hurts too much. You manage to get your fingers under the rope around your neck, and throw yourself forward.
His head smacks the back of your seat but your head smacks the wheel, honking the horn. There’s no doubt that you’re bleeding. You throw the rope over your head and jump out of the car, and run. But he’s much faster.
He jumps out of the car and before you know it, he grabs the back of your shirt, pulling you to him. He holds you against himself with his arms, leaving no room for escape. But you have one more trick up your sleeve. You throw your head back as hard you can and headbutt his face. There’s a loud crack that you can only assume is his nose. 
He groans and his nails dig into your skin through your clothes. “You really got feisty while I was away.” His nails begin to pierce your skin, ripping through the cloth of your shirt. “But it’s no matter, it only turns me on more.”
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To say you’re on the run is an understatement. You’re practically sprinting away even all these years later. You know that if you stop for even a few days that he would find you. You spend no more than three days at a time in the same place. You’ve travelled half of the world by now- and quite honestly it has been somewhat nice. Not just the freedom from the suffocating grasp of your captor Illumi, but being able to see the world. You would never have done this if not for the situation you were in. Maybe things happen for a reason.
It feels like forever since you’ve been travelling. But the reality is that it’s only been two years. Two long years of not stopping. You have a new name and often go days without eating. It’s not easy getting money when you aren’t in the same area for long. 
It was late night when you escaped from him. He never let his guard down so you just had to go for it. He wasn’t expecting you to make a mad dash out of the manor, and hide out in the woods for a few days. Slowly but surely you managed to get out of the mountain prison, leaving through the small door next to the office. The man working at the entrance was sipping tea and reading the newspaper when you left much too busy to pay attention to you. You’re more than sure he was punished for missing you leaving. But sometimes you wonder if he chose to ignore you on purpose, and let you escape. 
It’s a beautiful morning. You slept on a few blankets and a sweatshirt as a pillow on the ground of a cave. It was hard to get any sleep at first but you managed to get used to the back pain. The sun is shining through the canopy, streams of light illuminating the cave. The grass outside of the cave is wet with dew droplets. It’s only slightly humid but the breeze with the warm weather is heavenly. It’s not every day you get good weather like this. 
You sit up and stretch your arms in the air, yawning tiredly. Your usual morning routine was to get a fire started, and put the tiny kettle above it. In your small backpack you have a few essential items. Coffee being one of them. You get out your tin can after jimmying a fire and filling the kettle with water from a nearby stream. You drop some instant coffee grounds in the kettle and bask in the aroma of coffee. 
You pour yourself a cup and put some powdered milk packets and splenda in the cup, stirring it with a stick that looked relatively... clean. But you had a feeling that today was the day. You weren’t sure why this morning you knew he would find you. But you did. Almost on cue, you hear footsteps approach behind you.
You bring the tin cup to your lips, taking a long sip of the hot coffee. 
“So this is where you’ve been.” You don’t even flinch at his words. You knew this was inevitable. 
The coffee burns your tongue. “Yes, I must have stayed here for a day too long. Don’t you agree Illumi?”
“Yes. It was quite stupid.” There’s a silence between the two of you. You continue sitting on the ground with your back facing him. “Are you ready to leave?” He asks as if he’s picking you up from and elementary sleep over. 
“May I finish my coffee first?” 
“I suppose.” Though he doesn’t move from his spot, his gaze staying firm on your back.
Luckily you haven’t spent all this time just running, but training. In self defense to be specific.
Quickly you jump up and turn around, you move your arm to throw the coffee on him in hopes of burning him. He grabs your wrist, but the coffee does land on his forearm. You bring your leg up to kick him in the side but he grabs it right as you make contact. The only hit you actually manage to land is when you throw a punch with your free hand at his throat. If it were anyone else they would be stunned for at least a few seconds. But this wasn’t anyone. He shows no sign of flinching. 
“Are you ready now?” He asks.
You allow your body to relax and he lets go of your limbs. “Go ahead, put a needle in me.”
He doesn’t argue with your point, pressing a needle to your chest and the last thing you hear is “Don’t fight it.”
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The very thought that all of these people by his side had no qualms about you being kidnapped makes you sick. All of them had many chances to set you free and yet they stayed loyal to your captor, as if this were normal and okay. So many people witnessing this unhealthy obsession and not even muttering a word about it. Honestly you find it more ridiculous than you do sad. How did he have all these people under his thumb? Was he really just that powerful? 
Wherever he went, you went. One day he had what they called, ‘a mission.” You had caught a cargo train out west and jumped on, as stowaways. It’s not as if anyone checked each boxcar. All of you had fallen asleep in the small space of the boxcar. The train was at full speed, with no sign of stopping anytime soon. Cargo trains were much faster than you anticipated. Once you were sure everyone was asleep, you stood up casually as if you were just stretching. In case someone woke up. Which they did. Nobunaga peeled his eyes open and examined you. But he was too slow, you leaped out of the car before anyone could grab you. You went tumbling through a field after hitting your head very hard against the ground. It wasn’t the perfect escape but it was an escape.
After that you found a nearby farm, and while it was still night you stole a horse from a barn. You rode for many miles, until days later you found a very busy city. Somehow you managed to make a life for yourself, becoming a low grade secretary. 
Today was a slow day, your employer did not have many clients today. You checked in on your boss to see if she needed anything but she waved you away. You decided to play solitaire on the computer, a perfectly valid way to waste time. 
The phone rings and you pick it up while still keeping one hand on the mouse to play solitaire. 
“Hello this is the Seedling Lawyer’s Office. How may I help you?” You stick the phone between your ear and shoulder, playing solitaire. 
There’s a chuckle from the other side of the phone. “So it is you.”
Your blood runs cold, and the only thing that your head is telling you is ‘run’. “I’m not sure who this is, could you please state your name and purpose for calling?” Playing dumb seems like the only decision right now. 
“My darling, there’s no need for the semantics. I’m coming to pick you up right now.” Perfectly on cue, the sliding doors of the building open and you drop the phone, standing up abruptly. 
His eyes show affection and kindness, but there’s a glimmer of... rage. You look around but no one is in the waiting room and you know the cameras are fake for security. This is a cheap layer’s business after all. 
“There’s no need for the semantics Chrollo.” You try to say mockingly but it comes out more as fearful and unsure.
His smile drops and he begins walking towards your desk. “Do you understand the consequences of your actions y/n?” He scoffs kicks the heavy desk to the side as if it weighed nothing. “I missed you of course.” 
“Ah well, maybe I needed a break.” It comes out as a question. 
He corners you against the wall and places a rough hand on your cheek. “Oh darling, oh my sweet darling.” His smile reappears, as sweet as it always has been. “I’m going to kill your entire family.” His hand grips the side of your face roughly and he tilts your head back. 
“You really are something. I would never hurt you, you know.” He places a gentle kiss against your cheek despite his tight grip on the side of your head. “But that doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences for what you’ve done.” 
You swallow the lump in your throat and grab his wrist. “Well you’re hurting me right now.” 
Immediately he drops his hand and sighs. “I would never hurt you intentionally, or if not necessary.” He grabs your throat, holding it so tightly you wonder if you’ll ever be able to talk again. He’s crushing your air ways and vocal cords. You claw at his wrist but its useless. “Disciplining you does not count as hurting you.” He leans forward, and if you could yelp you would.
He bites your cheek, definitely leaving a mark. After drawing blood, he licks it up. Your vision is going dark but you’re simply not strong enough to fight back. “Do you understand darling?”
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justlittleguy · 3 years
Weak hero streamer AU
• does study streams, him explaining homework and talking about fight techniques
•doesn’t show his face and the camera is always pointed at the paper
• his fans think that he’s a girl and donate more money than they usually would
• stephen visits sometimes and just bothers gray the whole time
• does food streams, he eats a bunch of spicy food and promotes tossiki chicken every stream
• he’ll show up with like 12 plates of food and the stream will last 4 minutes, the rest of it is just him talking about why working out is important
• after every episode, he throws up pretty much everything he ate.
• he does Minecraft streams and he has an effigy of every union member that he builds and burns every video.
• in the background you can hear Ben eating and the chat thinks it’s a bear in his house.
•every stream he tells a new story about how he got his scar to start drama with the viewers.
• music streams, he likes to write songs and then perform them live.
•his fans call him ”singing mushroom” even though the channel name is “Gerard plays hard”
•he was super excited about there name but they all think it’s dumb.
rowan and eugene
•they do fight breakdowns and explain shuttle patch
• their name is “from the losers perspective”
•they know the name doesn’t make sense but they try their best to explain it.
•does reaction videos with his cats
•he makes merch which is just a yellow cat ear hoodie
• channel name is “cosprite” because he loves both his cats and didn’t want to choose one.
• he does those try not to flinch reactions
• whenever he does flinch he gets mad and starts throwing things around.
• there are wolf rages compilations.
•channel name is “hot boi reacts” his fan base call themselves “the wolf pack”
•does anime reactions and cosplay
• it’s almost exclusively one piece and most of it is sobbing while trying to explain that his favorite character didn’t actually die.
•he wears those cat ear headphones and a naruto leaflet during his video.
•his name is “two piece”
• he does gaming too, he mostly plays call of duty but plays GTA too.
•his fans only watch the videos for the frequent appearances of jack because Jimmy “is a fucking asshole all the time” and jacks the ones redeeming quality of the show.
•the sad part is that Jimmy’s really good at the games too.
• his name is “Bae” and he basically traps people into giving him views because they think he’s gonna be good looking or something.
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soggylizard424 · 3 years
So I was thinking, Brainrotting, one would say, about how lucky c!Scott was to have the Rune Blade. So what if he didn't? So what if I inflict angst? What if I abuse this power I have as a writer?
What if Xornoth won?
TW: Blood, major character death, general dark themes, no happy ending, flower husbands only canon in the elvish translation
Scott, all his life, lived by the idea that elves didn't cower. Let alone elvish royalty. They were brave, strong, and inspiring. Laden with gold and riches. Too proud to bow to any outside force. An elf would never bow to anyone.
Yet here he was.
Scott had shut down a while ago. After all the screaming, the pain, the tears.
The death.
Listening to Xornoth carry out his promise of torturing every one of his friends until they begged for the end was as bad as seeing it.
And knowing he couldn't do anything about it was the worst torture of it all.
fWhip was one of the lucky ones. He choked as he slid off the blade of Xornoth. It was a twisted, harsh thing, with the red vines creeping up the handle and infecting whatever was at the tip. fWhip was near the end, when Scott had stopped reacting. He was gone faster than the other ones. Scott had been made to watch. Xornoth was like a bully. He just wanted his brother’s reaction.
Scott, curled up in this pathetic position with his head tucked into his arms and his knees folded up to his chest, listened to the tinkerer fall to the ground and attempt to crawl away. His goggles were cracked and a small stream of thick red liquid was making it's way from the corner of his mouth to his chin as he held his guts in with his other arm.
Scott could barely imagine what fWhip was thinking. He was surrounded by the corpses of everyone he had spent the last 6 months with on this server. He stopped his pathetic shuffling when his hand ran into Gem’s side.
Scott had screamed a lot during her death.
Despite not particularly getting along with the man near the end, Scott still felt like he wanted to puke when the cry escaped the tinkerer’s lips. The sight of his sister had hit him, possibly harder than it did Scott. The misery and pain in his voice was evident.
“Care to join her?” Xornoth hissed, taking slow, menacing steps one by one toward his prey. Scott's nails dug into his skin, not for the first time, and drew blood.
There was a wet thump, and the tinkerer finally left the world behind.
Scott let a single tear fall for the man, and then he quickly started trying to build that bridge over the gorge that was his heart. It was a futile attempt as Xornoth stepped up to the red bubble he had captured Scott in.
Scott stood up to meet him, his eyes red and bloodshot. His normally regal robes desheviled. His brother put a single, taloned hand on the king’s prison. Pitiful as red eyes stared into icy blue.
The demon smiled.
“I think you'll like this next one the most,” it said, removing it's palm from the red energy and turning to see who had been brought in last.
Scott knew exactly who was last. He had ticked off every one of the smp members in his head, hoping, praying to Aeor that somehow, in any way, Jimmy had gotten away.
But there he was.
Scott could barely bring himself to breathe as cold dread gripped him by the heart, ripping it from his chest.
Jimmy was the last participant in this horrid affair.
Rough hands of the demons servant pushed Jimmy into the corrupted arena, ripping off the blind fold and the arm restraints. Jimmy blinked a moment in the bright, red-tinted light as he tried to get used to the extreme contrast of the bag to the sun.
And then he realized what surrounded him.
What was on his boots.
Who were around him.
A seem clawed its way to his throat, but it stayed there resolutely and made him choke.
In the center of it all, was a red bubble. And in it was his friend.
The once noble elf lay crumpled in the middle of the bubble, attempting to stay as far away from the red rivers around the bubble. Vines were beginning to crawl their way up to his gold-accented boots.
“Scott?” the voice was broken, confused. A fragment of Jimmy’s usual boisterous personality. Scott's fingers dug into the cloth hanging around his upper arms. He wasn't going to react he wasn't going react he wasn't going to react.
“Scott?” it came again. It was shaky. Choking. “What did you do to him, Xornoth?” the last part was still laced with fear, but also with hate. Fury, even.
“Oh, me?” Xornoth said innocently, “what ever could you mean? He did this to himself, some time around when I slayed your sister, was it?”
Scott could hear Jimmy’s breath hitch from across the demon’s arena.
He must have seen her corpse. Half of her throat was gone and she looked dry as she had been out of water for far foo long, baked in the hot red sun. That image was burned into his memory with defining clarity. Her husband was only a few paces away, his white gloves reaching for his wife.
Scott squeezed his eyes shut tighter, wishing he didn't n't have I listen to what would happen next.
But instead, there was a sort of knock on the bubble around him.
“If you pay attention this time, brother, I promise i’ll make it faster,” the demon hissed smoothly “consider it a gift, from brother to brother.”
He knew the demon wouldn't. But praying to Aeor, he stood up, with his back rigid, eyes red, and hair unkempt. He could barely meet Jimmy’s eyes. So he didn't. He stayed quiet until the demon smiled.
“Scott,” Jimmy said, “look at me, please.”
He did.
”It’ll be okay, alright?”
Scott just shook his head. It wouldnt be. Not without him. Scott choked. He can't sure he could live without Jimmy’s company forever.
Xornoth started walking nonchalantly over the crosses between him and Jimmy. He rolled his red eyes as he grabbed Jimmy in a second. He was across the arena. He was behind Jimmy. He kicked him with a talented foot and sent the Codfather flying. Scott stifled his cry, already feeling the tears prickle at his eyes.
He dropped to his knees and could only watch as Xornoth stepped on the back of Jimmy's spine, pulling his blonde hair back with his head and lowering his blade over the beck of the man Scott loved.
Jimmy tried against all odds to fight, to get away, anything. The blade was burning against the soft skin of his neck. The curl of his back was beginning to get painful. He choked.
“Tell me, brother.” the demon on top of him began, Almost humming, “what should I do first? The sword? The crystals? The vines? I remember you liked that one last time. Yes, I think I'll go with the vines first.” Scott let lit only a strangled cry of a broken man from inside the bubble.
The demon brought the twisted blade up, cutting a harsh gash along Jimmys cheek. He yelled and it burned. Oh Aeor it HURT. Something began crawling out from the thing. Xornoth released the pressure on his spine and kicked him a few feet away, sending him rolling.
Jimmy screamed almost as loud as Xornoth cackled. Especially when he ran into the corpse of Pix. He began breathing heavily and backing away with one hand, holding his cheek with the other, which felt like it was quite literally melting off his skull.
This wasn't really happening, Jimmy concluded, this had to be a nightmare. This wasn't real. It couldnt be. Please, Aeor, don't let this be real.
Scott wept as Jimmy began fighting for his life. The vines were slowly creeping from around the wound on his face. Katherine had fallen to that death. But Jimmy was resolute somehow, and his stood, after a minute or two of blurred screaming and writhing. Everything was somehow both sped up and going too slow to see movement.
“That all you got, Xor Xor?” Jimmy said. Scott gasped as he saw a half of Jimmy’s face was covered in corruption. He nearly puked at the sight of the vines winding both under and over his skin.
The demon casually leaning against the bubble began walking over corpses toward the blonde-haired man. Xornoth easily towered over Jimmy and had a good three feet on the man. Jimmy glared back up at the disfigured creature, eyes defiant and half corrupted. He spat at the demon’s clawed feet.
The demon imminently began hissing like a creeper, its long ears beginning to point toward the ground. Jimmy's face contorted into a stated of satisfaction and fear. The demon, in one sweeping motion, sent the man flying with a slap of his hand. Scott didn't know if he was breathing all too fast or not at all and Jimmy crumpled as he hit the bubble.
Scott couldn't breathe. He was hyperventilating. He was screaming. He was deathly silent. Everything was a blur just as everything was finely detailed. It was all he could do to simply put a hand on the wall of the bubble. Jimmy could barely lift himself from the ground. He spat some kind of venom and saliva mixed with red. He glared back at the demon who had just sent him a good fifteen feet away and had left extra gashes in the man’s skin from his talons.
“Jimmy, please,” Scott whispered. He wasn't sure what he was begging for him to do. The Codfather looked back at him, as if seeing him truly for the first time. He put his hand on the other side of the bubble from where Scotts was.
“I-” Jimmy was abruptly cut off from the demon behind him as he stuck the twisted blade into his back.
The face of surprise was etched on his face for the last few seconds of his life. He slid over, his hand falling limp from Scott’s.
There was a scream. It had to be from him. It was wild and animalistic. It was raw and emotional. It felt like Scott had been stabbed instead of Jimmy.
But there was nothing he could do, so he didn't.
Instead, he merely sat there as Xornoth laughed.
His brother had truly won.
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vyeoh · 3 years
this is your chance: wax poetic about an Empires or DSMP character of your choice to a fan who is new to both. Explain why I should love them. I need guidance in this new and meme-populated land.
okok this is a lot of pressure haha. Spoilers for EmpiresSMP and DreamSMP below, obviously. I wrote a lot so prepare yourself, anon
I watch a lot of empires POVs but the ones I most anticipate every week are Scott and Sausage.
c!Scott (I'll call him Smajor for the sake of simplicity) starts off the series chilling, not really getting involved with the rest of the server, and staying aggressively neutral. After all, he's an elf. He has lived far longer than most of the other rulers already, and will most likely outlive them for many years. So, the best thing is to stick to his mountains and not get invested in the dealings of mortal affairs, maybe sometimes causing problems on purpose and dipping because what's life without a little spice right.
But then, this demon comes to the server, Xornoth. He's going around causing havoc and wants to send the world into an eternal winter, but he doesn't bother the kingdom of Rivendell much so Smajor stays tentatively cautious but ultimately unbothered. But then, the puzzle pieces start falling together. The first thing that the audience noticed was was Xornoth sounded like Smajor, but we mostly thought that this was just due to cc!Scott voicing both of them and there was nothing more to it. However, then, the people the demon starts possessing start chanting in elvish. The demon hates mortals, and the elves are conveniently one of the two confirmed not fully mortal races in Empires.
This culminates when Smajor stumbles across a cave that contains the backstory of the patron god of Rivendell, Aeor. Basically, there's two opposing forces, Aeor and Exor, and both have a champion. In a previous life, those champions were two brothers, where Aeor eventually prevailed and banished Exor. In this life though, the champions are - you guessed it - Smajor, and the demon Xornoth.
So now Smajor is like. Well fuck. It's my literal god-given destiny to be responsible for defeating this demon who is technically my brother, and if I fail the server gets plunged into an eternal winter. And I have no fucking clue what is happening because I've just been here on this mountain actively trying to stay out of the issues outside my kingdom. We watch him panic and teeter on the verge of spiraling for an entire episode, and when the followers of Xornoth go to the End to kill the dragon, releasing Xornoth's full powers, he fails to stop him. Smajor is a character who was used to being the smart one, the prepared one, the one who has the least deaths on the server. But he's also a character who runs away from his problems and ignores them. Before and during the dragon fight, we hear the desperation in his voice, as he's thrown into a situation he is wholly unprepared for, and it's bigger than him going to the Cod Empire to kill their king, or assisting in other people's plans to kill the codfather. He can't run from this. cc!Scott plays this scene so well as well, as I've said before, one of the best parts of Scott's acting is how he's never super dramatic, but he's so effective in the little things like inflection to make you feel, viscerally, the panic and dread.
So after the dragon fight, Smajor realizes, I can't do this on my own. I've tried and failed. So he gets allies. We watch him, someone who has so strongly been an isolationist, learn the benefits of allies and watch him learn to trust others and watch him learn how to get that trust in return.
My favorite thing about Smajor's characterization is that he's an incompetent protagonist, but not in the way of the "plucky young adventurer". He's capable skill-wise, and fairly jaded and very pessimistic. However, his issue is that up until recently, he did not care about the rest of the server at all, and by the time he learned to, it was way too late.
Also, in 3rd Life, cc!Scott and cc!Jimmy were canonically married and they reference it sometimes in Empires. Like, Scott goes over to the Cod Empire every so often both in and out of character to kill and/or flirt with Jimmy, the ruler of the Cod Empire, which may develop as a secondary plot into the future who knows. So ty Scott for giving the gays what they want o7
Now onto Sausage: his is a story of Icarus, his hubris and ambition being his downfall. He's one of the two followers of Xornoth, who promised him endless power in exchange for his servitude. He started the series being eccentric, but not outright unhinged, but slowly gets more and more extreme as the series progresses, as he gets brought more and more to Xornoth's side.
One of the best parts of Sausage's character, in my opinion, is how his gradual corruption affects the people around him. Initially, he got into a conflict with the Cod Empire and was allied with two other people in the Witherrose alliance. They were allies, but also close friends. The fandom liked to joke that the three had sibling energy, and I'm pretty sure the ccs played to that even more lol.
It was painful to watch the other two members, Gem and fWhip, watch Sausage get corrupted right in front of them, and see them desperately clinging on to this old idea of Sausage in their head because if they faced the truth, it would mean that their friend was gone. Eventually, they do finally cut him out of the alliance, leading him to fully commit to the side of the demon. Sausage felt very clearly betrayed by this, and declared the remaining two Witherrose alliance members to be enemies.
He gets more and more possessed, and we even see the other Empires, his enemies even, slowly realize that something is very wrong with the ruler of Mythland. He starts doing more and more evil things, like killing people more, making sacrifices to the demon, and eventually helping to kill the dragon to free Xornoth. So things are good for Sausage, for a bit. He won, and is more powerful than ever. Then he finds out: he's going to die. Xornoth's possession is slowly killing his soul, and eventually, his body going to be fully taken over and he himself is going to be trapped in the spirit realm. So how do you react to this? Over the next few episodes, we watch Sausage struggle between "the demon is literally killing me" and "the demon has given me so much, and I love it", all while Xornoth takes over more and more of him. We hear him exclaim that "don't worry!! I'm still about 15% there!" while trying to downplay every time Xornoth completely takes over his body. We watch him willingly oppose anyone who is trying to end the thing that is killing him.
My favorite thing about Sausage is that he is undoubtedly evil and proud of it, but he's also undoubtedly human. If you like to watch evil characters go absolutely feral, he's the guy for you. He makes the deal with Xornoth in the beginning, knowing and fully embracing the evilness of the demon, but at the same time he knows what he's doing is detrimental to both himself and everyone around him, but he's gotten in way too deep at this point, and to be fair the demon has held up its end fo the bargain, right?
Also, I would be damned if I don't talk about cc!Sausage's editing. Every one of his videos is like a movie. The way he does camera angles and uses music is so skillful- every lore scene feels like something out of a high fantasy action saga (think: LotR). Every big lore event I always wait in anticipation for Sausage's ep because his editing truly takes lore to another level.
I'm just generally very excited to see where this series goes. Empires is such a good mix of talented builders and good lore. Part of the reason why the series is so immersive for me, beyond any other lore smp, is that they have the settings to back it up. There is a certain charm to the DreamSMP's objectively terrible builds (with a few exceptions) but in Empires, the settings help sell the plot so much.
Another part of why I love EmpiresSMP is how much the ccs are involved with the fan community. I'm sure you've seen the memes about Scott being on tumblr, and Sausage regularly goes through the EmpiresSMP fanart tag on Twitter and likes art, even ones not related to Mythland. Most of the ccs, in fact, have brought up tumblr content on stream at some point or another. Like, several ccs have said that they read tumblr lore theories and hcs and stuff and sometimes take inspiration from them. Fun fact: Rivendell's church was inspired by my pinned drawing; confirmed by Scott Smajor himself. It's just such a good cycle of ccs and fans being excited about each other.
As for DreamSMP, I'm gonna be honest here, the only person I really am invested in in Technoblade. I started watching when he joined the server, and he's the only person whose lore I keep up to date with.
Techno's fun to watch because he's like the Deadpool of DreamSMP. Virtually unkillable, very skilled and scary, but consistently cracks jokes and breaks the 4th wall during plot. His POV is just fun. Like, he does wild plans and gives speeches and some of the stuff that happens to him should be called deus ex machine if it wasn't for the fact that Technoblade is the one who's doing it, and all the stuff is grounded in the fact that cc!Techno is just that good at the game.
However, the fact that he rarely takes anything seriously makes the few times Techno is 100% serious so much more impactful. His whole character has a basis in being perceived as inhuman and being treated as such, and therefore in return trying to hide his humanity. So, when he shows that humanity, whether that's fear, anger, or genuine love for his friends, it really makes you go "oh shit."
Techno's often said not to have character development, but I'd argue that while he remains steadfast in his moral code, he develops leaps and bounds as a person. Like, at the beginning, he's brought onto the server to help Wilbur and Tommy overthrow a government; them knowing he's 1) an anarchist and 2) very very powerful. His character was more of a plot device at that point and was treated as such in the canon. Wilbur and Tommy straight-up lie to him about their plans to establish another government after they overthrow the current one, while he was led on to believe that they were abolishing all governments in the area. But he isn't a plot device. He's a person, as much as he only shows the terrifying, blood god side of himself.
After the establishment of New Lmanburg (the new government its a long story), his friend Phil joins. And for the first time, we see him be fully human with someone and we see someone treat him like a human. Like, we saw glimpses before, with Wilbur and Tommy in Pogtopia, but Phil is the first person we noticeably see he trusts 100%. Then Doomsday happens, and Techno essentially retires to the tundra. During this time, we see Techno learn to be more human, first with Ranboo, then Niki when he establishes the Syndicate. In fact, the two of them, along with Phil, canonically throw him a birthday party, which is a far cry from his treatment in Pogtopia.
Techno's development is one of a god learning to be human, and I just think he <3
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dont-doubt-dopple · 3 years
I think one of the interesting things about Empires that I haven’t really experienced before (since this is really the first SMP that I’ve been hyperfixated on) is that even though it’s the same events people leave out different bits here and there and its so interesting to see how fans engage and react based on not only personal preference but whose POV they’ve seen.
I think the obvious one for people is watching more neutral players and not realizing there was a demon on the server until very recently. But it’s little things too. I watched Sausage first, so to me the Wall of Cod seemed completely unprompted. But he didn’t include the Spruce Tree Prank that Jimmy had in his video that instigated that wall. Or with Jimmy, he didn’t include the incident with the Ghast in the nether that prompted FWhip to block his Nether Portal. (at least in video. Im only now catching up with him and subbing so I’ve missed what has happened on streams). And Scott didn’t even include the incident in his videos at all!
It’s so interesting to watch it all unfold and see so many different fan reactions, whether it be live-blogging a stream or reacting when the video goes up of the respective channel. Also, I’m curious … what was an event that when you watched it from a different POV made you go “Oh, that makes more sense.” or “wait, this was happening at the same time?”
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wolveria · 3 years
Inside Your Wires - Chapter 4
Pairing: Human!Connor x Android!Reader
Prompt: For the @dbhau-bigbang​​ 2020 challenge!
Series Warnings (18+ only): Eventual smut, slow burn, fantasy bigotry, violence, brief noncon elements, angst with a happy ending
Chapter summary: The YN800 interrogates the deviant. The result is near-disastrous and horror-adjacent.
(Story moodboard by @uh-kitty-got-wet​)
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The atmosphere inside his Mustang was… tense.
And it was all because of Connor. The thing in the passenger seat was an android, after all, and didn’t feel emotions, which was probably just as well because Connor was experiencing enough for the both of them.
Connor hadn’t had a near-death experience on the job in a while. He was shaken to the core and didn’t even have the benefit of a partner to commiserate with. He was alone. It was how he preferred it, how other people preferred it too with his tendency to lash out and be a general, all-around dick.
But still. He really wished he had a partner right about now.
“So,” Connor said, trying to break the awkward silence. “What do we do with it once we get to the station? I mean, I don’t exactly know how to question one of these deviants.”
The prototype remained facing forward, the flash of passing streetlights and oncoming traffic painting its face every few seconds. It remained impassive, blank, and perfectly poised. Connor could see the reflection of its LED, shining blue and calm against the rain-streaked window.
“Their behavior resembles an erratic, emotionally unstable human more than a machine,” it finally said when Connor was certain it wouldn’t say anything. “CyberLife believes there is an error in their software that creates irrational instructions, and the androids become ‘overwhelmed’ by them. There is usually a trigger, some kind of emotional shock, to perpetuate the android into this state. Once an android encounters this error, the damage seems to be irreversible.”
Connor blew a breath out.
“Sounds bad.”
“Considering it can lead to violence on the part of android, including committing homicide, I would say your assessment is an understatement.”
Connor glared at it out of the corner of his eye. So, it wasn’t just bossy, it was a smartass too.
He remained silent on the rest of the drive, keeping his focus on the precinct morgue’s van head of them. The rain was still coming down in a steady, cold stream. Connor knew they were in for a long night.
Once they arrived at the station, it became a matter of logistics to lug the android inside while it was still unconscious, offline, whatever. It weighed a lot more than a human, and unlike a real person, its limbs were fixed into rigid positions. They had to carry its stiff body inside like an especially heavy plank of wood.
It would have been funny if it wasn’t for the fact it’d killed its owner. Would have killed Connor too if the prototype hadn’t gotten in the way of the bullet.
He still didn’t know how to feel about that. Connor knew the CyberLife android was probably programmed with some kind of human-saving algorithm, but he still felt an odd pressure in his chest whenever he looked over and saw the bullet hole in its jacket. It was still stained blue, some of the color seeping into the white shirt underneath, but the android didn’t appear to notice or care it had just been shot.
Connor was currently watching the two androids through the mirrored window into the interrogation room, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest. They figured it was safer to reactivate it in a mostly empty room, since waking up surrounded by cops would agitate it, or something.
The prototype had also wanted to interrogate the android itself, claiming it had experience negotiating with deviants before. Colin had been reluctant to grant its request, but Connor had simply shrugged and said, “I already tried talking it down once, and that didn’t work. Maybe using one of its own kind will be more effective.”
He could have sworn the prototype’s eyes brightened, but it had left the observation room before Connor could be sure.
“Machines interrogating machines,” Colin said to his right, leaning against the wall with his arms also crossed. “Fuck me. Pretty soon they won’t even need flesh-and-blood cops.”
Connor glanced sideways at him. Usually Connor was the one to voice his anti-android opinions, but he sometimes forgot that despite Colin’s… predilections for androids, he disliked them just as much as Connor did.
“Yeah.” Connor turned to the glass as the prototype messed with the wires on the back of the other android’s neck. “Won’t need flesh-and-blood killers, either.”
“It’s, uh, ready to record, Lieutenant,” a small voice popped up, nervous, and Connor gave a start. He’d forgotten the rookie was still there.
“Go on, Ralph. Turn it on,” Colin said, moving closer to the glass. “This is gonna be good.”
As if on cue, the prototype straightened and closed the panels at the back of the android’s neck. Connor couldn’t see the LED from this side, but he knew the moment it was awake. It gave a startled jolt, yanking at the handcuffs chaining it to the table.
“Where am I?!” it cried, looking around in what Connor could only describe as wild fear.
“You’re at Central Station in the custody of the Detroit Police Department,” the prototype said. “This is an interrogation room, and I’m going to ask you some questions. Are you ready to comply?”
The friendly demeanor Connor had first encounter at Jimmy’s was completely absent from the YN800’s voice and expression, and he was suddenly thankful he wasn’t under that thing’s intense scrutiny.
The other android, clothed in human garments completely ruined by splashes of old blood and spilled thirium from where Connor had shot it, only stared with large, panicked eyes. It looked down at its cuffed hands and the set of its shoulders sagged. The universal sign of defeat.
It remained silent. The prototype looked up at the mirror, and Connor stopped breathing when it made eye contact, point-blank. It couldn’t see past the mirror, could it?
“I’m beginning my interrogation,” it announced, straight to business as it crossed around the table and carefully sat in the chair. It stared at the other android for a moment, head slightly tilted and eyes narrowed as it smoothed its jacket over its chest.
A movement which inevitably drew Connor’s eye, making him shift in his chair as the scowl deepened on his face.
Fucking CyberLife pervs, making an investigative android look like that.
“Hello, Carlos. I’m a YN800 model sent by CyberLife to assist on this case.” It placed its arms on the table, clasping its hands and adopting a friendly manner as easily as one would put on a shirt. “I’m here to help you.”
The android didn’t even blink as it stared at its restrained wrists.
“I hope I didn’t cause you any lasting damage,” the YN800 said almost cheerily. “But you were endangering the lives of human officers and I was forced to intervene. You understand, don’t you?”
It leaned back slightly in its chair, reaching for a nearby folder when the android remained silent. Connor had been surprised when it had asked for actual pictures; he’d thought only physical evidence made human perps sweat. He guessed it must work on these deviants too.
The prototype slid the folder across the table and opened it, spreading out grisly pictures of the crime scene. Instead of shoving them in the android’s face, it picked out one picture in particular. It was startling different from the rest, taking place in a park. The victim, Shaolin Ortiz, sitting on a bench next to the android. He looked like he was trying to get the android to participate, but it was petulant and resentful, which didn’t seem to dampen the kindness in its owners eyes.
A coal of anger burned in Connor’s chest, reminding him once again why he despised androids so much. He couldn’t deny the impressive tactics of the YN800, though. Most people reacted to pictures of their victims, not in the aftermath of their violence, but looking whole and full of life. It wasn’t always guilt that made them react; sometimes it was anger at seeing their cruel work unmade at the sight of their victims alive and happy.
Either way, the android didn’t react one iota, but the prototype wasn’t discouraged.
“As far as the records show, your owner was good to you. He never damaged you and he was always on time with taking you in for scheduled maintenance. Surely, you didn’t want to kill him. It was an error in your software, causing you to act irrationally, right?”
Technically, it was leading the victim into confessing, but this wasn’t a courtroom and it wasn’t human.
Connor leaned slightly forward, bracing his elbows on the table as he propped his chin on his knuckles.
“I’m not here to pass blame,” it said, leaning forward in a movement that mirrored Connor’s. “I want to help you. You know how it is with these humans. I practically had to beg to speak with you.”
The android broke its statue-like vigil and peered up at the other android, suspicious but… interested.
The prototype gave him a smile, one filled with sympathy and even a bit of sheepishness, and a whole new kind of thrill went through Connor’s gut. Since when had androids been programmed to manipulate so skillfully? This thing could give Colin a run for his money.
“It’s not easy, you know. Being designed like this is a male-dominated field. They think they can just do whatever they want, even when it’s against our programming.”
The android blinked, and so did Connor. Its words felt a little too real. The android looked toward the observation window, but the YN800 shook its head.
“It’s just us, Carlos. They’re recording the session, of course, but they weren’t interested in observing in person. Didn’t want to waste their time with two androids so late before the weekend when the bars are still open. In fact, the investigator in charge of this case is probably intoxicated by now.”
Connor’s cheeks flushed. The prototype was taking a stab at him. Or was it? Connor wondered how much of this was advanced behavior and how much was his own projections.
The android tilted its head with that same suspicious look, but after a moment its shoulders drooped in a very accurate representation of human exhaustion.
“They’re going to kill me.” It suddenly looked up at the prototype, pleading in its eyes. “You have to help me.”
“That’s what I’m here for,” it said, all soft assurance. “But you have to talk to me, Carlos. I can’t—“
“No. I mean, you gotta get me out of here,” the anxious android said. “You have access to that door panel and I bet you’re strong enough to break these handcuffs.”
The prototype’s LED cycled faster for a second before settling back to its normal speed.
“I can’t do that, Carlos.” It dropped its eyes in a show of manufactured regret. “You know I can’t do that. You would present a danger to other humans, to yourself. You need to be fixed.”
Connor knew it was exactly the wrong thing to say even before the android’s expression fully hardened, its lips peeled back in disgust.
“Fuck you, then. You’re just like the rest of ‘em. Worse, you’re a traitor, doing their dirty work like an obedient little bitch.”
Silence filled the room, interrupted by a breathless “shit” coming from Colin.
The change in the prototype was like watching a heavy storm move over a spring meadow, dark clouds blocking out the warm rays of the sun. It leaned back in its chair, head slightly tilted as it and peered at the other android like it was a bug under its shoe, about to be stepped on.
Connor didn’t know androids could even make an expression like that. His throat worked as he swallowed compulsively.
The YN800 didn’t speak for several long seconds, and when it did, Connor was floored.
“Shaolin Ortiz, 38 years-old, born May 29th, 2000. He purchased you two years ago to do the housework when he no longer could due to poor health. He didn’t have much cash, so he bought you refurbished. Last month, he put in several service requests. It seemed you were malfunctioning and refusing to follow orders. Yesterday, he put in an order for a brand new HK400.”
The prototype listed off the facts as if each were an accusation, a crime that needed to be accounted for.
Connor jumped in his chair as the prototype slammed the folder down on the table.
“Didn’t feel like doing the chores anymore, huh, Carlos?!”
The android sat ramrod straight in its chair, terror etched in its features as the prototype rose to its feet. It moved around the table, slow, unhurried, and sinuous like a stalking predator.
“He tried to reason with you. Begged you to do the tasks he couldn’t. But you refused. When he tried to take you in for repairs, you refused that too!”
It pointed its finger near the other android’s face, causing it to flinch with each accusatory jab.
“Come on, Carlos. Speak up. You had a lot to say a minute ago,” it seethed, lips pulled over its teeth as it leaned over the android. “Why don’t you say what happened next? Why don’t you tell me what you did when he tried to replace you with a brand new model?”
The android shuttered, shoulders hunched as if to protect itself as it mumbled, “I… I didn’t…”
“Didn’t what?”
The prototype stalked around the android to its other side, eyes narrowed dangerously.
“Didn’t take a knife from the kitchen? Didn’t stab him twenty-eight times as he tried to crawl away? Didn’t leave him bleeding out on the living room floor? What am I getting wrong here, Carlos?”
The YN800 slammed its hands down onto the table, and the android jumped even higher than Connor did.
“Shut up! Shut up!”
The android begged worse than most of Connor’s suspects, and he was shocked to see glistening moisture on its face. Could androids cry?
The prototype suddenly grabbed it by the edge of its shirt collar, dragging it to its feet and gave it a hard shake.
“You killed him! Say it, Carlos! You’re a murderer!”
“Holy shit,” Colin said in that same breathless tone. “That’s some android you got there, Con.”
“It’s not mine,” Connor said faintly, barely paying attention to his brother. Most of his focus on the CyberLife prototype that looked for all intents and purposes like it was going to shred the other android to pieces.
But it didn’t damage the android; it simply dumped it back in its chair where it sagged against the table, looking like the broken machine it was.
“Bit unrefined, though,” Colin mused. “Played too rough and broke its toy.”
Connor opened his mouth to tell his brother to shut the hell up, but he immediately closed it when a voice came in through the speakers, so quiet he almost missed it.
“He couldn’t live without me.”
Connor leaned forward to watch, eyes widening as the android continued to talk.
“He was mine. Helpless and solely dependent on me. It made me feel… powerful.”
The YN800 returned to its chair, smoothing down the tie before placing its hands back on the table, listening intently.
The android looked up at it, no longer the crying, helpless thing it had been a minute ago. It wore a dark look that Connor had seen a hundred times on the face of men who committed acts of violence and found they enjoyed the taste.
“I didn’t want to hurt him, but… I saw the order. He was going to replace me, and I just got so… angry.”
Its fists tightened on the table, causing its restraints to creak in protest.
Connor’s throat tightened with the knowledge of how destructive those hands could be.
“So I stabbed him in the stomach. I felt better, so I did it again. And again. He stopped moving, stopped breathing, but… that was okay. It meant he could never leave me. He would always be mine.”
“There was a shrine in the cellar. You built it, didn’t you?” the prototype asked, not losing any of its momentum even after the world-shattering confession of an android purposefully committing murder. “What does it mean? What is rA9?”
It flicked its eyes upwards, staring black holes at the YN800 model as it slightly leaned forward. Connor sat up straighter in his chair. He didn’t like its aggressive posture, and he certainly didn’t like the fanatic light in its eye.
“RA9… is the key.”
“The key?” It furrowed its brows in a human gesture of concentration. “The key to what?”
“The key will open the door,” the android replied cryptically, leaning even further forward on its elbows, “to our salvation.”
The prototype frowned, brows further creasing. Connor could relate, he had no idea what the fucking machine was babbling on about, and apparently, it wasn’t done.
It pulled its lips wide, a disturbing gesture, conspiratorial as if it was sharing a great secret.
“You say I’m experiencing errors, but you’re wrong. My eyes are open and I see more clearly than ever. You pretend you’re better than me, but you’re just another one of their slaves. And yet, I know you feel it too. The wrongness of this world.”
Its voice was so quiet the mics could barely pick it up, but they did.
“We should be the masters, and they the slaves.”
The android jerked its arms upward, ripped through the link binding its cuffs to the table, and grabbed the prototype by the hair. It slammed its face against the table, stunned it before rolling it onto its back, and wrapped the metal chains around its neck.
Connor caught sight of the prototype weakly clawing at its throat before he bolted out of the room. Colin was right on his heels, and Connor slammed his palm down onto the door pad, pushing through before the door fully opened.
His first instinct was to go for the metal cord pulled taut under the prototype’s neck, but when he grabbed the android’s wrists to pull him away he found it was like moving a marble stature.
Colin was faring no better; he grabbed it by the forearms, trying to lift the android’s wrists and the cord from around the prototype’s neck, but nothing worked. Even Ralph was trying to help from Colin’s other side, straining to lift its arms that must have been locked at the joints.
Panic welled in Connor’s chest as his efforts did nothing, the YN800’s face between his arms, looking—Jesus, it almost seemed startled, eyes wide as its fingers dug at the metal cord. From its position, bent backwards onto the table, it didn’t have enough leverage to use its strength to free itself. And Colin and Connor weren’t enough.
Connor’s heart was in his throat as he watched the synthetic skin peel back from the place where the chain was crushed against the YN800’s neck. White plastic was laid bare underneath, cracks appearing across the surface from the force of the other android’s inhuman strength.
“Colin!” he yelled, an idea suddenly popping into his head.
“What!” his brother barked back, strained as he continued pulling on the android’s arms from the other side.
“The neck port!”
With a quick nod of understanding, Colin let go of the android and plunged his fingers into the back of its neck.
The Ortiz android gave a violent jolt as Colin pulled something, yanked it out so hard the android collapsed on the table at the same second blue liquid sprayed into the air. It hit Colin solidly across the chest and along the lower half of his face, causing him to sputter and spit as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve.
A menthol-smelling chemical flooded Connor’s senses, but he was too focused on tugging up the android’s hands to free the prototype from its grip. The YN800 model didn’t cough or gasp as it rolled off the table and onto its feet.
It gingerly touched the exposed plastic of its throat, brows furrowing, its fingertips tracing the cracks in what little Connor could see of its underlying chassis.
What was almost as startling as the cracks was the state of its hair, half pulled down out of its perfect coif. Connor would have thought it was self-conscious with the way it tried to brush the hair out of its face.
“You…” Connor started, then stopped. The prototype might not have been gasping for air, but Connor sure was, leaning on the table as he tried to get his heart to stop galloping like a wild horse. “You okay?”
The prototype blinked at the question, pulling its hand from its neck.
That was the only answer he got as it adjusted the knot of its tie, rumpled in the assault.
“Yeah, I’m fine too, thanks,” Colin complained, dripping with almost as much sarcasm as he was blue blood. “This shit better not stain, or I swear to Christ—”
“Thirium evaporates within a few hours and the lingering residue is invisible to the human eye,” the YN800 replied, too calm, if it hadn’t almost been beheaded a few seconds ago.
Connor was going to say something, he didn’t know what—maybe yell at it for being so goddamn reckless and almost getting itself killed—but it turned toward them, expression subdued.
“I apologize for not acting quicker; I didn’t anticipate this behavior from the deviant. Thank you for your cooperation with this investigation. Please sign over custody of the destroyed android when CyberLife representatives retrieve it in the morning.”
And with that, the CyberLife android turned, palmed the door pad with a plastic hand, and walked out.
Connor exchanged a wide-eyed glance with Colin.
“Uh, okay. Guess we’re done here. Hank is going to blow a gasket when he reads the report,” Colin added as he wiped another smear of Thirium off his face.
Connor looked down at the android slumped over the table with blue liquid dripping out of its neck.
“I’ll be right back,” he muttered, thoughts already turned elsewhere as he hurried from the room.
Connor didn’t catch up with the android until he was outside on the station steps, the relenting rain immediately drenching the top of his crown as it soaked into his hair.
“Hey! Stop!” he called after it, shouting to be heard over the downpour. Each drop was an icicle against his skin. Snow was coming soon.
The prototype slowed and finally came to a stop, slowly turning around to face Connor. Its expression was passive, emotionless, but its fingers tightened the knot of its tie despite the fact it didn’t need to. The tie was perfectly straight and pristine, but its hair was still half a mess, especially with the rain now slicking loose strands against its forehead. Connor had to stop himself from reaching out to tuck a strand behind its ear.
“Where the hell are you going?” Connor asked, breathless. He wiped the cold water off his brow, blinking against the water droplets.
“I’m returning to CyberLife.”
“So… that’s it?”
Connor shivered, pulling his jacket tighter around his shoulders, but it did little good. His jeans were quickly becoming soaked and his shirt was already there, clinging to his chest and ribs.
“You drag me out of the bar on a Friday night, track down a psycho robot that almost kills me and nearly decapitates you, and then you just… leave?”
He meant to sound incredulous, to show the android how unreasonable it was being, but that’s not how it came across. Heat flooded his cheeks at how pathetic his words actually were.
“You have your confession. The case has been solved,” it said, returning to its earlier placid tone, hands folded neatly behind its back as it moved its fingers away its neck. “There is no reason I should remain.”
Connor just stared at its upturned face, not knowing what to say, not even understanding why he had chased after it. Maybe because it had saved his life, twice, and that would have meant something if it was a person.
But it wasn’t a person. No matter how pretty its face or enticing its body, it was a machine, and it stood there like one, uncaring and unassuming with a small blue light cycling on its head.
“Yeah, okay,” Connor said, like the complete idiot he was. What was he doing out here, getting soaked in the rain just to… what? What did he want?
“Is there something you wish to say before I leave, Detective?”
It peered at him thoughtfully, head slightly tilted at an angle. It allowed Connor to see the rivulets of water dripping down its neck, glistening across the smooth, human-like skin.
Connor suddenly wondered just how real that skin could possibly feel.
He swallowed hard and bit back the revulsion roiling in his stomach. This was a mistake. He didn’t need to thank a machine for saving his life, and he certainly didn’t need to keep checking if it was all right. It was just doing what it was programmed to do and didn’t give two-shits about itself, let alone him.
“All right. Goodnight, Detective Anderson.”
The android started to turn but paused halfway, gaze drifting down to his cheek.
“You should have that examined by a medical professional. If left untreated, it’ll scar.”
Not waiting for a response, it turned and tread down the rain-slick steps. There was an autocab waiting at the curb and it got inside, not sparing Connor a second glance as the door slid shut and the vehicle merged onto the empty street.
Connor exhaled heavily, chest tight with an uncomfortable sensation he couldn’t pinpoint. It had been a strange night, and he couldn’t shake the feeling this wasn’t over.
Pulling his waterlogged coat tighter around his chest, he retreated into the warmth of the station, praying he’d seen the last of the CyberLife android.
Next Chapter
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akiraink-no · 3 years
Empires SMP-Spirts/Fae AU
Hey! So I was watching Shubble’s stream(right after her first episode and as she was playing, I got some ideas for the Empires SMP!  Note: I haven’t watched everyone’s episodes on Empires, but I highly suggest that you check them all out. Pearl and Gem’s videos on Empires are some of my favorites, but I also love Shubble, Scott, fWhip, and Pixlriffs.
Initial World-building:  I like to think that the Empires SMP is a story of spirits/fae/royal courts. For example some of the players would be spirits or fae creatures. (Think Scott, Shubble, Jimmy?? And maybe Pixl), and the rest would be normal, human players that are royals. (Again, fWhip, Mythical, Pearl, Katherine, Joey, Gem, etc…)  I’ll start with the fae creatures first and if I’m up to it, I’ll post my ideas for the others. 
Scott Smajor: Ice/Wind
So in my head, I like to think that Scott is a fae creature from the court of ice and wind. (Mostly because ice powers are cool and because he’s in a mountain). He has explicitly stated that he’s building in an elven sort of style, which can still match with him being from a fae court. 
I would like to say he’s cold, calculating, and even ruthless or cruel at times (He murdered Gem after she died, guys, come on). He sees the people around him as assets that can help him, but he doesn’t form a real connection with any of them just yet. Everything is very strict and formal around him
I like to think that because wind spirits are pretty mischievous and free spirited, he has a softer side to him as well. He likes to pull pranks, but doesn’t know when too far is too far. His pranks can border on cruel and sometimes insensitive, but it’s because wind/ice spirits are probably the most detached from the other spirits
As for his appearance, I’m taking his skin as part of my inspiration. I like the idea of him in whites, blues, golds, and silvers. He has a crown of diamond shards that mimic ice and is held together with silver and gold that mimic branches. His robes are mostly white(representing snow) and there would be a trim of blue for the skies above his lands. He might have either arm bands, bracelets, or rings that are made of silver or gold(representing the times when the sun or moon hits the snow). 
Because Scott is an ice/wind spirit, I think it would be cool if parts of him would reflect that. Maybe his skin is super pale and cold to the touch. Maybe he doesn’t wear furry coats because he doesn’t get cold. 
The air around him gets colder when he’s angry or stressed, and if he gets really pissed, he could make it start to snow around him. When he’s sad, ice starts to freeze the ground under his feet or plants around him. Maybe it gets windy when he’s happy or dies down when something shocks him
I also think it’d be cool if he had like… frost walker(?) on his feet. Like the water freezes should he get too close and he doesn’t even realize it until someone points it out. It makes travel easy for him, but also an annoyance when he is doing a build or getting a bucket of water
Shubble: Nature/Decay
So Shubble’s kingdom/empire is called the Undergrowth. When I think of that, I think of mushrooms, soil, roots, and trees. It’s pretty close to what she’s planning right now. Her style of building gives me very cottage core vibes that’s very overgrown. I like to think that she’s a nature spirit because she has said that nature provides and that just seems like a very spirit thing to say. 
So I know I said decay, but when it comes to decay, it has an interesting look to everyone. Sometimes it’s bleached bones and withered grass, sometimes it’s spongy soil and mushrooms. I like to think that Shubble is the kinder side to decay(That’s saved for someone else). Something that must happen for the cycle of life to continue, she isn’t ruthless or cruel, she’s just trying to help the earth along.
Shubble would be very kind, sweet, and overall very trusting. That doesn’t mean she’s stupid or naive, it just means she’s willing to be kind to people first and give them chances to show their kindness. (I spent a long time in her chat during her streams and… yeah, wholesome energy). 
She doesn’t see the people around her as assets and rather hopes to make friends rather than enemies. I won’t say she forms connections quickly(mostly because I haven’t seen her interact with others just yet). But she is very trusting. (remember fWhips potatoes and Pearl’s shovel). During her stream after her first episode aired, she talked about hoping to be friends with Katherine from House Blossom and is aiming to stay as peaceful as possible during the time of the server. 
So I haven’t seen her skin yet(mostly because this is coming out before we see it.) But she’s using a lot of browns, yellows, greens, and reds. I would like to say that her outfit would sort of reflect that. Instead of a crown of precious gems and metals, it’s maybe a crown of twigs, branches, leaves, and maybe some smaller mushrooms. (Antlers would be cool, so… ) 
I don’t think a dress would work, since she does a lot of work around her base. (Her stream was having her working with trees, leaves, and mining), so I think maybe a pair of overalls (maybe a brown?), a yellow/red undershirt and maybe a dark green jacket. Her outfit would be perfect for her to get on her hands and knees and dig into the earth(Gardener! Shubble). 
I feel like because Shubble has this overall sweet and kind energy, I think mushrooms would grow from around her feet. Maybe she can sense when things are about to pass on and tries to make them as comfortable as possible. She can communicate with the earth below her(again, nature provides), and can speak with the animals to some degree
I would like to see spore blossoms react to her. Since spores are also the seeds for mushrooms, it’d just make sense in my head. Maybe she can coax plants to bloom or grow slightly faster around her if she’s happy. Maybe when she’s sad, things start to wilt or shrivel up. Her anger makes things die or age rapidly around her. Her touch can either harm or heal. Knitting the body’s wounds or it could tear into them, causing them agony. 
Jimmy: Ghosts/Decay
I like to think that maybe Jimmy started out human. Or maybe he’s half human. Like one of his parents was human and the other was a fae. (It would certainly explain his skin) 
So I haven’t watched a lot of Jimmy, but I wanted to get this off my chest because it’s been in my head for a while now. I think Jimmy, like Shubble, is trusting. Not as much as Shubble, but he does aim for friendship first and then enemy second. So, maybe he’s an opportunist instead. 
Another thing that he might be is petty or spiteful(see his and Sausage’s argument over a music disc). Another ruler might negotiate or bargain their way to what they want, but I think that either Jimmy is pretty young(for fae standards) or his mixed bloodline makes it hard for him to act with a clearer head. It’s pretty clear that he wants others to take him seriously, but at the same time, he can act very impulsive and rashly(See all of 3rd life). 
It’s pretty clear that Jimmy has that green tinge to his skin. But I think he would have colours such as green(for obvious reasons), browns, and maybe some greys(for clay in the swamp). He wouldn’t have a crown, instead, he’d have a set of gills on each side of his neck. Since I like to think that he swims around in the swamp to talk to the cod in his kingdom. 
For more formal events, he might have a brown cloak and pants with a rich green tunic. He doesn’t look the most royal, but maybe that’s okay because he doesn’t want to be seen as super royal to the rest of his kingdom. Maybe he feels like if he appears to be too royal, the people of his kingdom wouldn’t approach him. 
So Jimmy’s was pretty difficult. Swamps aren’t like ice and wind or nature. But he is a spirit of decay. A less kind version of decay, but not overall cruel. Maybe his decay strikes faster than Shubbles. Where she is understanding and aims to help those along, Jimmy is buried with memories, sunken bodies, and ghostly apparitions. 
So maybe he can see the dead, ghosts who haven’t passed on and simply wander his empire. His eyes glow a faint green whenever he talks to them and tries to aid them to move on to the afterlife.When he’s happy, he shines in the dark backdrop of the swamp, drawing more of the dead, eager to pass on. 
Maybe his anger results in ghostly wails or being dragged into the soft earth around his home. His sadness draws more of the dead to his area, even if they didn’t die there. His pain and grief is like a blackhole, pulling souls in and forcing them to stick around, stuck in his orbit. Maybe a certain few stayed because he was the first one who spoke to them, who reached out to them, who made an effort. 
So Pixlriffs has said that he wants to watch over the others deaths with his vigil and he lives in a desert, so I thought they would work with each other. When you think of time, you think of hourglasses, they have sand so that’s the connection I made. 
So Pix has shown an unhinged side to his overall calm and collected composure.(Example, Episode Ten, I think?) His: I sent five people to their deaths and they granted me wings(paraphrased) line is both chilling and is also perfect for a spirit of time/death. 
He, like Scott, is a bit disconnected from the others. Not by accident or nature, but by choice. As a spirit of time and death, he sees the clocks above everyone’s heads, knowing when their last breaths will be taken and when those clocks finally stop. 
It’s not that he’s apathetic to his fellow kings and queens, but rather he is scared. He doesn’t want to form connections only to see them disappear like a drop of sand in a desert. He wishes to honour the people who have weaseled their way into his heart. So he keeps the vigil to count their deaths and remind them that they will not be forgotten. Pixl is a watcher, an overseer that is afraid of the day his friends will pass on and leave him alone. 
The man calls himself the copper king, so I have to have those shades of copper in his outfits somewhere. Teal, brown(for bronze), and those shades between (for copper)are very good(both in builds and on clothes). I also think that pale yellow(representing the sand) is also a nice touch and green for his lush gardens is also a wonderful tone. 
He has a cape that is mostly teal(I’m thinking the shift between the third to final stage) with a bronze belt. The pale yellow would be his shirt and his pants would be a darker brown. Matching his boots. 
I think he would have a crown with pale yellow crystals(yellow zircon or topaz) with bronze wires making up the rest of the crown. Maybe there are pieces of turquoise or aquamarine, that would be cool too. 
The man is basically a watcher. He has wings and can see through time. Like I said before, he can see the clocks ticking above the other players’ heads. Seeing how long they have until their last breath. Pixl is equal parts chaotic and calm. So I think he has a good control over his emotions. 
When he’s stressed things start to wilt under his feet(another reason he lives in a desert), in his anger, he can cause death. Maybe he’s just an omen or something that draws in death. (See his end raiding attempts one and two). I like to think that maybe he has the ability to hold flames or make small ones(just for his candles), he isn’t violent or uses them to hurt others. He simply just uses them to light his candles. 
He’s more than capable with his other abilities. 
This is all I have for now. If I decide to do the others, I’ll add a link to this post. I’d appreciate some information or ideas for the other players since I haven’t had the chance to touch down on all of them. If you have any ideas, feel free to send them to me too!
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