#bad boys borrower college au
arc852 · 1 month
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Summary: It's the second day of spring break and Jimmy is left alone for a bit as Joel and his parents go to the store. As Jimmy explores more of Joel's room he finds something that he wished he hadn't...and in the worst way possible.
Warnings: Feeling helpless, feeling trapped, inhumane mouse traps, panic, fear, worry, and mentions of death
Word Count: 4095
AO3 Link
Okay, it took me a second to figure out how to go about this but I figured out that the only place this would really make sense to happen is at Joel's house. So, this happens right after Sweet Tooth and before Eepy!
Strap in guys, this one is pretty angsty. And kind of long. It sort of got away from me. I hope you guys enjoy!
 “Are you sure you don’t want to come with me?” Joel asked, still nervous about leaving Jimmy alone. Especially for such a long period of time.
 Jimmy nodded and gave Joel a reassuring smile. “I’ll be fine Joel. Besides, going to class with you is one thing. But going to the store seems…a bit much.”
 Joel let out a sigh but he could see Jimmy’s point. “Yeah, that’s fair. You would just be in my pocket the whole time too, which probably wouldn’t be very fun for you huh?”
 “Yeah, not really. At least here I can explore your house some more.” And Jimmy was excited to do so. He hadn’t even gotten through half of Joel’s room before he had come back with dinner the night before, so he was excited to see the rest of it. And maybe even the rest of the house.
 “Alright. Just be careful.” Joel said and then headed toward the door. Before opening it though, he looked back at Jimmy again. “I should be back in a couple of hours.”
 “Have fun!” Jimmy said with a wave and then watched as Joel quickly opened the door, walked out, and closed the door. He did it fast, just in case one of his parents were walking by. He heard the footsteps leave and then Jimmy was alone.
 Jimmy stood up and stretched for a moment, before getting out his rope and stabbing it into the nightstand. He then shimmied down the rope and decided to keep it there just in case he wanted to go back up later. Jimmy figured he would mostly be sticking to the floor anyway, so no reason to take it with him.
 He looked around the room, taking in his options. He had already explored underneath the bed, the nightstand, and the dresser that Joel had pushed up against the wall. So, it seemed his next exploration was to be the closet on the opposite side of the room. Thankfully, the closet door was already open, so he wouldn’t have to worry about squeezing through the bottom of the door or anything like that.
 Jimmy made his way toward that direction, walking casually and taking in the sights around him. If he was being honest, it was a little weird being back in an actual house. He hadn’t stepped foot in one since…well, since Jimmy had left home when he was 12. It brought back a lot of memories.
 It was different from the dorms, in the sense that it had a more homey feel to it. It felt more lived in, more cherished. Many college students may have lived in the dorm buildings but none of them saw it as permanent. It wasn’t supposed to be. But this house…this was permanent. Joel had lived here with his family since he was little and while Joel may move on, his parents were sticking around. And Joel would always see this house as his, in one way or another.
 Jimmy didn’t have that. His childhood home was long gone. He didn’t even know where it had been. He never had a reason to pay attention to something like that before. And he was in too much of a bad head space when he decided leaving was best for him to pay attention to how far the college was from the house. 
 Jimmy shook his head. That was not a bundle of memories he wanted to get into right now. It had been a long time since he had thought about his old home, of his parents, but it seemed being in a house again was making everything come back.
 Jimmy focused back on the task at hand, which was exploring the closet. He had made it to the opening, staring up at the darkness that awaited him. It was a walk in closet, so plenty of room to explore. Jimmy squinted his eyes to try and see into the darkness. Ever since becoming friends with Grian and Joel, and staying out of the walls, his once keen night vision was all but gone. Grian said it had something to do with getting used to the light, that his eyes had soaked up too much of it and was now more similar to a human’s than a borrower’s.
 Jimmy missed it less than he thought he would have but at times like these, he did wish his eyesight was back to how it used to be.
 Still, the longer he stared into the darkness the more his eyes began to adjust. It still wasn’t as much as he could see before but it was better than nothing.
 He made his way into the closet, looking around for anything interesting. There were some shelves above him but they were much too far up for Jimmy to reach even with his hook. So he focused on the floor, seeing something back in the far corner of the closet. It appeared to be a small box, small enough that Jimmy should be able to open it and look inside. Maybe he would find some old trinkets of Joel’s or maybe just some clothes but Jimmy was excited to find out.
 He walked towards it, staying close to the wall as he did so. But as he got further into the closet, the darkness became too much again. The light from the room not quite reaching as far back. Jimmy blinked, trying to get used to the darkness once more but as he took another step, his foot caught on something and he tripped.
 Normally, a trip like that would be no big deal. Especially with the carpet to break his fall, it was more embarrassing than painful to trip like that. But something was different this time. As Jimmy fell, it was not the softness of the carpet that met him.
 Jimmy landed with a strange squelching noise, his body landing on top of some sort of pasty substance.
 Jimmy landed in a way where both his arms were up at an angle and his head was tilted to the side, the right side of his face getting the brunt of the fall. The rest of his body lay flat on the mystery surface.
 Jimmy groaned, the impact more surprising than painful but still. Jimmy sighed and moved his arms to get himself up. Except…they didn’t move. Jimmy blinked and tried lifting his head to see what was wrong but he didn’t get far. His head was stuck too and the only thing that happened was his skin and hair got pulled, causing a sharp pain that made Jimmy yelp and stop what he was doing.
 Jimmy laid there for a moment, processing what was wrong and why he couldn’t move.
 And then it hit him.
 This was a glue trap.
 A deep sense of panic overtook Jimmy’s entire being as he realized this. Glue traps were awful, one of the worst traps that could be set up. They were dangerous, so very dangerous. If a borrower got stuck in one, then there was no way out. Either the human found you or, what happened a majority of the time, you died. You were completely and utterly stuck until you eventually just died.
 And that was if you had fallen into the trap the ‘right way’. Jimmy had heard a few stories when he was younger from his parents, of borrowers who had unfortunately fallen into the trap face first. They had suffocated to death in just a few minutes. But his parents had told that story with the underline of how lucky those borrowers had been. 
 Despite what his parents had thought, Jimmy was very happy that he hadn’t fallen face first.
 But still, he didn’t have a way out. The more he pulled, the more he stuck and the more painful it was to even try. Jimmy had no choice but to still and try to control his breathing as much as he could. 
 The only thing keeping him from truly panicking was the fact that, unlike other borrowers who had found themselves in this situation, Jimmy actually did have someone who could help him.
 The only problem was Joel was still gone and would probably be gone for at least another hour. But Jimmy didn’t have another choice. He was stuck. He just had to wait and breathe through it. He couldn’t let the panic that still festered deep in his gut to take control. He would be fine. Joel would get him out. He wasn’t going to die here.
 He just had to wait.
   Jimmy perked up as soon as he heard the bedroom door open close to an hour later. He had managed to keep his breathing steady but his heart still raced and now that the very fragile calm had been interrupted, the panic was coming back.
 “Jimmy? I’m back. Where are you?” Joel called out into the room after closing the door behind him. His eyes scanned the room, refusing to move until he saw where Jimmy was. He saw the string dangling from the nightstand so he could only assume he was somewhere on the floor, but Joel didn’t know where. 
 Suddenly, his entire body tensed and panic replaced every other feeling as he heard a faint but clear voice.
 “Joel! Help!” Jimmy screamed, trying to be heard from where he was in the closet.
 “J-Jimmy?!” Joel yelled back and Jimmy wanted to cry in relief that Joel had actually heard him. “Where are you?!”
 Joel was rapidly scanning the room now, wondering what kind of trouble Jimmy was in. Was it a spider? A rat? He needed to find him, to save him.
 Jimmy took a deep breath. “I’m in the closet! I-I’m stuck!”
 “Stuck?” Joel’s gaze went to the closet and he finally allowed himself to move to get over to it. He stopped at the doorway and turned on the light, scanning the floor, looking for Jimmy or anything else out of place. His eyes widened as he finally saw where Jimmy was.
 “Jimmy…” Joel said softly, gently moving so he was now kneeled down on the ground next to where Jimmy was stuck in a glue trap of all things. He held his hands out, like he wanted to reach for Jimmy but he kept them frozen like that, unsure how to even start going about this. “Oh gosh, are…are you alright?”
 Jimmy winced. “I’m…not hurt.” Jimmy decided to go with. Because otherwise, he was very much not okay.
 “Okay…okay, okay.” Joel couldn’t believe this. “I’m…I’m so sorry, I had no idea this was in here. My parents must have--”
 “I know, Joel. I know.” Jimmy said, cutting Joel off. “Just please, get me out of here.”
 “Right! Right. Uh…” Joel looked at Jimmy stuck in the trap, trying to figure something out. Finally, he reached out his hand, hovering it over Jimmy. “I’m gonna touch you, okay?” Joel wouldn’t normally announce something like that but with how this situation was, and with both of them panicking, he thought it would be a good thing to do.
 Jimmy hummed in response and shut his eyes tight. Joel slowly let his fingers grip the side of Jimmy’s body and he carefully tried to pull him up and out of the trap.
 As Joel started to pull, Jimmy’s eyes widened in pain. “Stop! Stop! Stop!” Jimmy suddenly and loudly screamed. Joel let go of Jimmy faster than if something had burned him. Joel’s eyes widened, guilt crowding his features. 
 “Sorry, sorry!” Was all Joel could say, moving his hand far away from where Jimmy was. Jimmy took some deep breaths, trying to calm his panic and let the pain subside.
 “Let’s…Let’s not do that again.” Jimmy said after a moment. Joel only nodded, feeling incredibly bad for having just hurt Jimmy. He had never hurt the borrower before, even when they first met he tried his best to be careful. He never wanted to hurt Jimmy and now he had. 
 Jimmy tried to shift a little, of course not getting very far. “There’s gotta be another way. Right?” Jimmy asked after Joel didn’t speak for a moment, worry etching his features.
 Joel blinked and shook himself out of his little funk. Jimmy needed him right now, he needed to focus. “Yeah, I can google it. Hold on, let’s get you off the floor.” Joel hesitated slightly but reached out his hands again. “I’m going to pick up the trap.” Joel warned before doing so, making sure to avoid the parts with the actual glue on it. The last thing he needed was to get his hands stuck right along with Jimmy.
 Jimmy braced himself as Joel lifted up the trap and Jimmy along with it. Joel was careful to keep his hands steady as he stood up and walked over to his desk. “Okay, setting you down now.” Joel said, warning Jimmy again before he gently placed the trap down on top of the desk. Joel let out a little breath and then decided he needed to sit down for a second, so he took the seat at the desk and then got his phone out to try and figure out how to get Jimmy unstuck.
 Jimmy was faced toward Joel and so he couldn’t help but look up at the human like this. After being with his humans for months now, he was used to strange angles and different perspectives. But it was different this time. Jimmy was being forced down, unable to move himself, forced to look at Joel from an angle that still made Jimmy’s heart race, just a little bit.
 He felt helpless, for the first time in a long time.
 Jimmy closed his eyes, trying to stop his tears from falling. He took in a shaky breath, trying to ease his mind. Unfortunately, after months of being around Jimmy, Joel noticed and looked away from his phone for a moment to show concern for the borrower. “Jimmy? Hey, it’s okay. I’m gonna get you out of this.”
 Jimmy sniffed and opened his eyes, doing his best to meet Joel’s. “I know.” And he did. He was sure Joel would get him out. It was just…being put in this situation in the first place was really not doing good things for Jimmy mentally.
 Joel looked like he wanted to ask him something else, catching onto the fact that there was still something wrong. But he decided the best thing to do was get Jimmy out of there and so he just nodded and went back to searching it up.
 “Okay, I got it.” Joel said a minute later, reading the instructions carefully. “I need to get a few things though.” Joel looked down at the borrower with a slight wince. “I'll be right back, okay?”
 If Jimmy was being honest, he really didn’t want Joel to leave him. But he knew that wasn’t possible right now. “Okay.”
 Joel nodded and left, being as quick as he could in collecting the things he needed. It was a bit difficult with his parents there but he managed to hide the fact he was taking the cooking oil from the kitchen. The last thing he needed was his parent’s questioning him on why he was taking it up to his room.
 He was back in less than five minutes, putting everything he had gathered onto the table. “Right, so it says rubbing oil on the parts that are stuck will help it to unstick.” Joel explained as he put on the gloves. “Ready?”
 Jimmy hummed and Joel grabbed the bottle of oil. He hesitated for a moment before squirting some on the edges of Jimmy’s body, as well as some extra on his gloved hands. Jimmy shut his eyes, the oil feeling weird against his skin and hair. Once Joel had poured out a generous amount of the oil, he put it down and switched to gently rubbing it in. Carefully moving his fingers in gentle motions across Jimmy’s tiny limbs.
 Jimmy opened his eyes briefly, seeing Joel’s face in deep concentration. Jimmy let out a deep breath. He couldn’t even let himself get lost in the familiar touches of Joel’s hand, because the glove was a foreign thing that almost made Jimmy jump in a panic at being touched by it. He reminded himself that it was Joel though and tried to keep himself relaxed.
 Slowly, but surely, the glue started to come off and Jimmy felt himself be able to lift his arms up. Joel took the opportunity to get some more of the oil underneath Jimmy’s body, where the majority of him was stuck. It felt like hours but really was only about ten minutes before Jimmy felt the rubbing stop.
 “Okay…I’m gonna try lifting you up again.” Joel said and Jimmy nodded, something he could actually do now. Joel lowered his gloved hand, gripping Jimmy’s sides gently between his fingers. He went slow, incredibly slow, giving Jimmy plenty of time to tell him if it was starting to hurt again. But Jimmy didn’t say anything and so Joel continued until he was able to fully lift Jimmy up and off of the glue trap. 
 Immediately, Joel switched his hold on the borrower, moving so he was now holding him in cupped hands. Jimmy was still dripping in oil and covered sporadically in leftover glue, but he was out. Jimmy let out a small sigh of relief.
 “There we go.” Joel said, smiling in relief himself. “That wasn’t…too bad.” He winced at his own words and very quickly continued. “Uh, come on. I’m sure you want to get cleaned up.”
 Jimmy just nodded, not trusting himself to speak yet. Joel held him close as he opened his door, checking for his parents before quickly making his way to the bathroom. Once in, he carefully set Jimmy down on the counter and set up the sink so Jimmy could take a bath in it, just like he had done the night before when Jimmy had made a mess with the chocolate cake.
 Once the bath was set up, Joel left some soap and a hand towel on the counter and then glanced back down at Jimmy. “I’ll be back in a bit with some clean clothes for you. Okay?” Joel asked. When Jimmy just nodded, Joel frowned sadly. “Okay.” Joel said again and then left the bathroom.
 As soon as Joel left, Jimmy wasted no time in taking off the glue crusted and oil covered clothes. He left them on a pile on the counter, though he wasn’t sure they could be saved. Jimmy didn’t have a lot of clothes but he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to even try and wash them.
 Jimmy dipped into the tub and immediately started scrubbing with the soap Joel gave him. Thankfully, with the oil mixed in, the last bit of glue came off easily and the oil wasn’t far behind. As Jimmy moved onto his hair, there was a brief knock on the bathroom door before it opened, Joel coming in with a hand in front of his eyes. “It’s just me. I’m not looking.” Joel said and Jimmy couldn’t help but chuckle a little.
 Joel’s hands were now free of any gloves and he held a small pile of borrower sized clothes in his hand. He blindly set them on top of the counter. “You almost done?” Joel asked.
 “Yeah, just gotta finish my hair.” Jimmy said. “Give me ten more minutes?”
 Joel nodded and then left the bathroom once more. Jimmy finished up quickly, rinsing his hair out and double checking he got all the glue off. He seemed all clean, thankfully, so he hoisted himself out of the sink and dried off.
 Joel knocked on the door just as Jimmy finished getting dressed. Joel opened the door a little bit. “All good?”
 “Yeah.” Jimmy replied and only then did Joel walk in. He sent Jimmy a small smile, glad to see him cleaned up and looking a bit better. Though Jimmy’s mood was still down. He glanced over at the pile of dirty clothes and motioned to it.
 “What did you want to do with these?” Joel asked and Jimmy frowned as he followed Joel’s motion over to the pile of clothes. Jimmy quickly turned away.
 “You can just throw them away.” Jimmy said, not wanting to look at them anymore. They were ruined anyway.
 Joel bit his lip. Jimmy never threw things away, it was against a borrower’s nature, according to Jimmy. Grian and Joel always had to convince him to throw certain things away. But, after what Jimmy had gone through, Joel couldn’t really blame him. “That’s fair.” He settled on and then quickly lifted the clothes and dumped them in the trash. 
 He washed his hands after touching the oily clothes and then gently scooped Jimmy up in his hands, taking him back into his room. As they entered, Jimmy noticed the glue trap was already gone and he couldn’t help but be very thankful for that.
 Joel walked over to the nightstand and started lowering his hand to set Jimmy down but Jimmy scooted back, further onto Joel’s palm. Joel looked at him confused and Jimmy looked down with a slight blush on his cheeks. “Can…could you hold me just for a bit longer, actually?” Jimmy asked, not making eye contact with Joel.
 Normally, Joel would jump on the chance to tease Jimmy about this. But he knew this situation was delicate and he couldn’t help but feel warmth blossom in his chest at the thought that Jimmy wanted his comfort like this. And honestly, he hadn’t wanted to put Jimmy down anyway. “Yeah, of course Jim.”
 He brought his hand back up, closer to his chest, and then glanced around the room, his eyes falling on his laptop. “Do you wanna watch a movie?”
 Jimmy hummed. A movie sounded nice, though he wasn’t sure if he would really be paying attention to it or not. Joel grabbed his laptop with his free hand and then climbed into bed, leaning back against his pillow and headboard as he set up his laptop on the bed right in front of his crossed legs. 
 Jimmy stayed in his hold, soaking up the warmth and comfort of Joel’s uncovered hand. As the movie started, Joel’s hands moved a bit lower, resting on his lap as he added his other hand to give Jimmy more room.
 Jimmy had been right, he didn’t pay too much attention to the movie. Wasn’t even sure what they were watching. He was too focused on the way Joel’s finger rubbed up and down his back in a steady and grounding way.
 “Joel?” Jimmy said, glancing up at Joel.
 “Yeah, Jim?” Joel said, already looking down. It seemed Joel was having a hard time focusing on the movie as well.
 Jimmy bit his lip and let out a small breath. “Thank you. I don’t…I don’t know what would have happened if…” Jimmy couldn’t even finish the sentence. He was lying too, he knew exactly what would have happened if Jimmy didn’t have Joel. It was those thoughts, paired with the overwhelming feeling of helplessness in that situation, that was causing him to be so down.
 Joel blinked and looked down at Jimmy sadly. Even though Jimmy didn’t finish, it wasn’t hard to guess where Jimmy had been going with it. “Of course. I’m just…I’m so sorry that that happened to you.” Joel let out a sigh. “I’m gonna talk to my parents tomorrow. Make up a story about the glue trap. Maybe saying I stepped in it? Found a mouse in it? I don’t know yet, but I’m gonna try to convince them to get rid of all of them.”
 Jimmy nodded. “That…Yeah. That would be great. Thank you, Joel.”
 Joel nodded, he was going to make sure nothing like this ever happened again. To anyone. 
 Joel brought his hands up a little, bringing Jimmy to eye level. “Are you okay?” Joel asked again, now that everything was over.
 Jimmy took in a shaky breath…and then shook his head. Joel’s eyebrows knit together in concern but Jimmy spoke before Joel could say anything. “I’m really not.” Jimmy blinked back a few tears. “But…I will be.”
 And as Joel brought him to his chest and they shared their own version of a hug, Jimmy knew that with Joel, and Grian, by his side, he really was going to be okay.
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bee-the-loser-recs · 28 days
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☼ My Jaehyun One-shot Fic Recs ☼
𖤓 Send in the clowns By @smileysuh 10.6k, Haechan|Mark|Jaehyun x reader, college au, frat boys NCT, best friend Jungwoo, friends to lovers, karaoke friends, smut, polyamory, slight fluff, Halloween parties, dressing up
𖤓 The V week spy By @smileysuh 20.1k, Jaehyun x reader (romantic) ft. Haechan | Yangyang | Jungwoo | Jeno, college au, frat house NCT, sorority member reader, stupid traditions, no strings attached situation, smut, slight fluff
𖤓 Racer By @smileysuh 6.7k, street racing au, brother's rival Jaehyun, Jonny is reader's brother, fluff, smut, slight angst, accidents, car crash, star crossed lovers, secret relationship
𖤓 Christmas Puppy By @smileysuh 11k, university au, fratboy Jaehyun, best friend's brother trope, boy next door, secret romance, holiday times, sneaking around together
𖤓 Sandwich By @smileysuh 11.6k, Jungwoo x reader x Jaehyun, frat au, established relationship between Jungwoo & reader, inviting Jaehyun to join, polyamory, basketball players Jungwoo & Jaehyun, reader is referred to as "Ducky"
𖤓 No guidance By @yutaholic 20k, pregnancy au, long term fwb/dating, struggling to commit to a relationship, child birth, smut, angst, fluff, heavily dialogue
𖤓 I'll always be here By @jaehyunsprincesspeach Comfort, reader has had a bad week, mentions of stress and burn out, fluff, slight sad vibes, cuddles, falling asleep together
𖤓 Rose bud By @hazyhae 9.2k, college au, non-idol au, stoner Jaehyun & reader, college parties, jealousy, smut, angst, slight fluff, fuckboy Jaehyun, misunderstandings & miscommunication, pining, borrowing clothes
𖤓 Ordinary By @markiemelon Drabble, fluff, Idol Jaehyun, coffee shop worker reader, Jaehyun slips her his number, cute
𖤓 Freaks I By @2jaeh 8k, college au, romantic interest, smut, slight fluff, art students, flirty relationship with friends Ten & Taeyong, poly themes, technically cheating as Jaehyun has a girlfriend, preppy!Jaehyun, badgirl reader
𖤓 Stars, moons & other celestial bodies By @kiachiako 26.7k, retro themed au, brother's friend trope, childhood crush, pining, Taeyong is reader's brother, coming of age, slight age gap, home for the summer, angst, fluff
𖤓 Trust me not By @starillusion13 9.1k, Boss unit x reader, mafia au, angst, slight fluff, keeping secrets, anniversary surprises, themes of betrayal, getting shot, open ending
𖤓 Foreign swaggers By @starillusion13 8k, Jonny | Jaehyun | Mark x reader, brother's best friend au, Taeyong is reader's brother, shared vacation, smut, fluff, polyamory, enemies to friends to lovers, drinking
𖤓 Strawberry Sunday By @babbymochiiii Non-specified au, DoJaeJung x reader, ice cream shop workers, flirting, polyamory situation, mutual crushes, smut, slight fluff, shy natured reader, inspired by the song "Strawberry Sunday"
𖤓 Quarantine Chronicles 1, part 2, part 3 By @domjaehyun 28.5k & 55.3k & 43k, Quarantine au, Jaemin | Jaehyun | Jungwoo | Johnny | Mark | (Jeno | Haechan in part 3 only) x reader, roommates (except Mark), friends with benefits situation, lots of tension & flirting, smut, slight fluff, crack, Jaehyun & Mark have actual feelings for reader
𖤓 Fiending By @domjaehyun 27.1k, Jaehyun x reader x Jeno, college au, fratboys NCT, smut, incubi Jaehyun & Jeno, alcohol, parties, long term "pining", potentially triggering, mild humour
𖤓 Hot girl bummer By @domjaehyun 6.2k, non-idol au, brother's best friend trope, smut, kind of enemies to lovers, sexual tension, strong feelings
𖤓 Make a mess out of you By @domjaehyun 5.8k, non-idol au, established relationship, reader is eating a popsicle, beach trip with 127, jealousy, smut, reader is rather innocent
𖤓 If you need a lover By @suhnshinehaos SMAU, university au, pure fluff, valentines day dates, mutual crushes, gift for Jaehyun's birthday, Instagram posts
𖤓 Love grows By @juyeoniemyhoney 2.1k, model Jaehyun, long time friends to lovers, head over heels Jaehyun, suggestive nature, fluff
𖤓 Romanée-conti By @yougotthatbilly 24k, sugar daddy!Jaehyun, slowburn, smut, development of feelings & attachment to one another, pet names, initially no sexual component to the relationship, slight fluff
𖤓 Coming of age By @gamerwoo 5.5k, soulmate au, body swap soulmark, accidentally "traumatising" friends, fluff, continuously missing each other, comedy, cute, running around campus to find one another
𖤓 Love galore By @kongjjen 1.3k, established relationship, non-specified au, cuties, wearing each other's clothes, a lot of domesticity, suggestive, a man in love
𖤓 When the fratboy falls By @gyeomsweetgyeom 8.9k, fratboy Jaehyun, college au, reader is tutoring Jaehyun, instant attraction, developing feelings, fluff, frat parties, flirty Haechan, pet names
𖤓 Your biggest fan By @gyeomsweetgyeom Established relationship, western popstar reader, idol Jaehyun, revelation of the relationship, photos taken of the two without their knowledge, fluff, positive reaction
𖤓 [8:46pm] By @gyeomsweetgyeom Establishing relationship, early stages of dating, reader is kind of inexperienced, fluff, sending flowers to one another, returning the energy, cute
𖤓 Just makes sense By @gyeomsweetgyeom Idol Jaehyun x idol reader, fans continuously shipping them, strong friendship to lovers, discussion of feelings, fluff, cute
𖤓 No clue By @xomakara 11.9k, college au, best friends to lovers, jealousy, frat parties, flirting with other to hide feelings, scheming friends, getting together, smut, slight fluff, pet names
𖤓 Sugar 1 & 2 By @lattaeyongs 4k & 14k, CEO Jaehyun, secretary reader, they've been working together for 8 years, single dad Jaehyun, fluff, smut, slight angst, reader feels guilt about her job
425 notes · View notes
oatsmeall · 8 months
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You and I?
Socially awkward!Jk! X f!reader | college AU
Warnings: Socially awkward jk, very awkward jk, suggestive themes, possible smut.
For as long as you've been coming to this course you've always seen this quiet guy, he always come in 5 minutes exactly before class starts, he brings the same black metal water bottle with one singular sticker, and he's always quiet but always raises his hand to answer questions. You didn't really pay much attention to him untill today specifically though, of course you noticed his usual quirks but today? Man, it's like he became a new man. You never thought the awkward nerdy guy would pull up to class late with new piercings. On his eyebrow and his lip. You were stunned to say the least, he's... Hot? This totally normal thing called being 'tardy' suddenly seamed like a sense of rebellion, especially for this guy, Jeon Jungkook. Wow, such a bad boy.
Throughout the week he'd show up less covered, usually he'd wear sweater vests with a neatly tucked shirt and black or brown slacks or occasionally jeans. Now he's been wearing oversized shirts and baggy sweats and jeans. And not to mention his entirely detailed sleeve on his arm, which has very much been in the works for quite the while you bet. Where was the cute nerdy boy you knew? This was a whole new man. Even the girls that never bat an eye started noticing. You weren't going to lie and say you weren't a little jealous. I mean come on? These girls were ignoring him just 2 weeks ago, now they're fawning over him and his new look.....
"STUDENT SETTLE DOWN PLEASE. today we'll be writing an essay about what we've learned this month. Please be sure to turn the essay in by Friday night." The professor was making y'all write an essay. This is so boring, you were just thinking about that comfortable bed of yours.
While digging in your backpack for your laptop and some paper, you couldn't find any sort of writing utensils. This was so annoying, how is it that Suddenly when you ACTUALLY need a pen or pencil you couldn't find one. Jesus Christ, what a unlucky way to start on homework.
"pssst, hey.. hey, ppsssst" you were trying to whisper call on Jungkook, he was not budging. "Jeon, hey" you were not getting anywhere. Suddenly he side eye looked at you. Okay?...
"what do you want, were supposed to get busy." He said monotoned, he really is still nerdy sounding.
"well I won't get anywhere near busy if you'd just hear me out for a bit. Do you have a pen or pencil I can borrow, please?" You're regretting asking. He's probably gonna decline and say 'you should've brought your own".
"hmm.. I do, but you have to give it back, I always keep 4 pencils exactly." Close to the response you thought.. kinda.
"ugh okay, thanks" ou! Fancy mechanical pencil! And it had a cool retractable eraser!
This essay was gonna kill you. come to think of it what did you even learn this month?....
You and Jungkook had became friends, this past month you slowly would talk to him or try to talk big conversations, you really found him interesting. He was like a new subject you were trying to learn about. You've learned he's quite....odd? He didn't get your jokes sometimes, he was unaware of social cues at times, and he was too straight up. You thought he didn't like you, he was so blunt. on a random day when you guys went to the library he commented on how messy your notes were, how your hair was messy and looked unprofessional for school, and even on how wearing Birkenstocks with socks was strange. He was nitpicking random things, things you wouldn't even pay attention to. This gave you a feeling of self awareness, you felt like he didn't like you, he was making you realize a lot of things you hadn't.
"Jungkook, I really like you but you've got to stop nitpicking things I don't even notice, I'm sure you can keep it to yourself? You don't hear me saying how the way you styled your hair today looks off from yesterday, or how you're wearing two different shades of black and I don't like that."
"why wouldn't you like it? I like it." He said confused and somewhat agitated.
You gave him a knowing look of "do you see now?"
He sat silently before asking
"do you really not like my two different shades of black?" There was a pause before you started giggling. He looked so confused, you couldn't help but giggle.
"alright. Wanna come by my dorm tonight? Study a little and maybe order takeout and watch a movie? Shrek perhaps?" You tried changing the conversation hoping he'd forget the little conflict.
This would be the first time you invite him to your dorm, you were too shy to ask, he was also shy though, more than you probably. You didn't want to make him uncomfortable.
"uhm..sure.. just send me you dorm number." He seemed shy just asking that, you were excited though. He was such a cute and smart guy, he was very helpful when studying. He taught you new things too, the other day he taught you about why pigeons don't know how to build nests.
Around 6:30 he texted you saying he's on his way to your dorm. You were SO nervous for no reason, you tried to tidy up around your room, and by tidy you mean deep cleaned. You've never seen such a clean room, you loved it though.
*Knock, knock, knock*
"Comiingggg" you walked to your door and opened it to Jungkook. In a black tee shirt and grey sweat pants.. you felt your hear beat faster. He looked so.. FINE.
"Hello Y/n, I didn't know what kind of drink you liked so I bought Gatorade, orange juice, and water. I hope you like.. these." He looked so genuine, you appreciate him for trying.
"oh wow! I like all. I wouldn't have minded your pick. Thanks though, come in. Make yourself comfortable." He came in and sat himself on your bed, he was looking around curiously. He was looking attentively, like he was gather information.
"sorry if you might not like the scent in my room, Im trying this mango air freshener out-"
"I like it. It's okay. So where are your notes and stuff, we can get started right now if you'd like, that way we can have more time to hangout..if you want."
This genuinely surprised you? He wanted to spend time with you? Your heart had a sudden rush.
"oh? O-okay, yeah. Uhm let me get my laptop." You hurriedly grabbed your bag, you bent down you're oblivious but your ass caught Jungkook's attention by accident. He stared.. he felt his blood rush down his pants.
"okay I've got my laptop!" You walked to your bed and plopped next to him.
His face was red. Visibly red actually.
"you okay?"
"y-yeah.." he looked away from you in embarrassment. Immediately onto his notes.
After a long hour and a half, you guys were done, you decided to order for delivery instead, Jungkook didn't want to go out anymore, you were tidying around your room, who new studying was messy.
"can't wait for that pasta, I'm hungry. Also hot, this hoodie is too warm" Jungkook look slightly, seeing you take your hoodie off made HIM hot.. his body tensed up. Your black halter top made your boobs look so good, he caught a glimpse of them before you turned to him.
"freeeee!" you said in a giggle.
He was respectful, of course.. but he still IS a man.... with male... tendencies.
"can I use your restroom, please? I need to wash my hands"
"why the restroom? I've got a small sink by the dresser." You pointed to the hidden sink.
"I have to use the restroom too." He said straight faced. He was trying to get away from you as fast as possible or else his print would be visible VERY quickly, maybe he shouldn't have worn grey sweats. Maybe two different shades of black wasn't bad after all like you said.
"okay, yea. It's that door right there." You're not sure why but you have a feeling you made Jungkook uncomfortable, what could you have possibly done.
*knock, knock, knock*
"ouuu pasta must be here. JUNGKOOK! PASTAS' HERE!" you got out of your bed and quickly answered the door. You're excited.
After some very awkward moments of eating and small talk you put on Shrek the movie, you guys were on your bed now. But you felt a sudden rush, you've been avoiding thinking about him but he's so fine. He's hot in this little ensemble he put together, the grey sweats made his print noticable. Your mouth felt dry all of the sudden. You felt and decided to lay down and drape your legs on his thighs. You felt his body tense up. This made you feel butterflies. It's almost like you had an ad advantage.
"uhm.. Y/n.. I- " you cut him off and looked up at him directly into his eyes. Oh those siren eyes of yours.. they're killing him. His eyes began to widen when he realized that you're now turned around facing his lap. More so his crotch.
"Kook.." you start innocently. "Have you ever been... Touched?" You said softly and quietly. You scared him. He can't comprehend how you'd gone from fun from "fun and nice, sweet and understandable" to "horny seduction demon" he's also never had physical Intimacy, only cute kisses and hugs. This was odd, he liked how he felt though. You gave him butterflies.
"N-no" you looked at him straight in his eyes again. This time you say up slightly and palmed his dick through his sweats. He let out an lewd quiet moan. Your pussy was pulsating from excitement.
"mm poor boy. Do you like when I touch you like this?" You say quietly. You began stroking the outline of his dick, then you pulled his sweats down following after, his boxers. His hard Dick sprung up. You were in awe at the largeness before your eyes. You didn't know what you expected.. but surely not this monster. The sayings are true. It's always the quiet and shy ones.
"auh.. fuck" he whispered lewdly. What a turn on.
"mhm? You like that kookie?"
Precum began to slowly ooze from out the tip. Red and sore from the friction being created from your hands. You started pacing faster, stokes becoming gradually faster.
"augh, f-fuck. I don't wanna c-"
You sunk you whole mouth on his cock. Filling your mouth with only half of his cock. You started deep thoating, harder and faster, the lewd noises becoming louder and messier. Chocking on his dick you took him like a champ.
"I'm not done with you babe." You say with saliva and cum dripping from your mouth. You're Cock drunk.
"Y-you're not?!" He seemed genuinely shocked.
You got up and sat on his lap, legs sitting on either side of his thighs. Your booty shorts rode more up your thighs.
You began to ride him. Fully clothed, you began riding, Jungkook instinctively grabbed your ass and pressed you down to create harder friction.
"mm- F-fuck. Oh my, Jungkook augh- you moaned loudly, your pussy was so wet and it was throbbing. Suddenly. Jungkook's switched. He became the lewd one. You never expected to hear something like this come out of his mouth..
"Yeah? You like that you fucking slut? You like seducing quite guys?" He said through his teeth in a hiss. Gripping your ass. Your so turned on at his sudden switch.
"mhm baby" you mewed.
"take the shorts off. Now" yes sir. Anything for Me. Jeon.
You got up off him and you did a little strip tease. It was better that what Jungkook visioned.
You slowly hopped back on him and you grabbed his cock and slowly sat on him. Man was he stretching you out. Nice and good.
"augh fuck Kook. You're so big" you said in a gasp. He just looked at you with a smirk. Man you loved every minute of this.
"that's right baby take me like a fucking champ" you sat on him completely but suddenly.. when you began riding, his speed increased, he began slamming into you.
"fuck, fuck, fuck, augh babe, you're hitting the spot" your moans were something straight out of a porn video.
"yeah? You like that? Look at me when I fuck you Y/n look at me." He said grabbing your face. Who is this man?! This isn't shy little Jungkook with the cute boba eyes?! This was Jeon Jungkook. The fucking man.
After what felt forever, you and Jungkook did some after care. He went and fetched you an after pill at the nearest pharmacy. Yes at 1 am.
You were beat. Inside and out. Literally. You felt numb, could hardly walk. Your pussy was sore. You can't count how many times he made you cum and squirt but he really overstimulated you. You're so ready for a part 2 of this.
The next day you went to class and sat with Jungkook. Suddenly he became shy again?! Two faced much?
Guys... Let me know if you want a part 2 lol, this is my first time writing a fanfic lol🥹
535 notes · View notes
alphabetboyluvr · 1 year
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all fics are posted to wattpad first (don't judge a girlie by her primary upload platform </3)
i write about the stars, boys who are carved like greek sculptures, and the inability to communicate in a healthy, functional manner. and i also like to write about bangtan sonyeondan in relation to all of those things.
no translations | minors dni | don't be a dick x
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pairing: boyracer!jk x fem reader - mutual disdain to lovers synopsis: in which jeon jungkook hates speed limits, the local government, and the way that min yoongi looks at you. current wc: 160,244 warnings: explicit language, drug usage, violence, dangerous driving, smut, and themes of an adult nature. not a mafia au, but teeters around the edges of it. organised crime and corruption are at the heart of the story. the characters have questionable morals and do dumb shit. be prepared to hate them as much as you love them. jungkook is a tittie luvr. no further questions.
BAD DECISIONS - link will take you to the clubdionysus tumblr!
pairing: bartender!jungkook x female reader | strangers-friends-lovers, fwb synopsis: it’s simple: write your deepest darkest fears on origami birds and string them up on jungkook’s ceiling. when they fall—which they inevitably will, thanks to his cheap daiso washi tape—you have to face the fear. set it free. the issue? you’ve a fear of intimacy. jungkook, a fear of rejection. and you’ve both got the capacity to make some incredibly bad decisions. current w/c: 450k notes: smut, fluff, a lil angst, bartender!jk, student!jk, strangers-to-friends-to-lovers (?), fwb, deal arrangement, undefined relationship (they’re just friends! just besties!!), miscommunication, idiots in love, emotional slow burn, bucket list (a.k.a. the birds 2024 note: wattpad took down bad decisions as part of their 2024 purge </3. it's now hosted on it's very own tumblr (clubdionysus) and over on ao3!
extended - 5k words or more
pairing: college!jungkook x female reader synopsis: your housemate-turned-fwb takes another girl home after a night out wordcount: 5.8K notes: angsty, smutty turmoil. it’s not that bad, but it definitely isn’t a happy lil number. fingering, oral sex (f receiving), rimming (f receiving), vaginal sex, doggy, protected (!!) sex, lil spanks, jaykay sorta makes out with her ear???, jaykay is a fawk boy who needs to learn self-control, oc is holding out for something that’ll never happen, multiple partners in one night (jk), jk calls the reader diz (dizzy)
pairing: officeworker!jungkook x female reader (coworkers) synopsis: jungkook asks you to dog sit over chuseok. he doesn’t ask you to steal the empty spaces in his head, the dreams he’s yet to have, nor the idea of you always just being ‘you’ to him - and yet, like a thief in the night (with his own damn dog as your accomplice), you do. wordcount: 6.8K warnings: fluff more than angst, but it’s not clean cut - there’s also a touch of smut. office worker jk, fuck boy (but kind!) jk, mentions of his workplace escapades, oc is dating mingyu (yay), oc sorta fancies jk (boo), solo masturbation (m), vivid thoughts of shagging (jk is a perv! wow! unlike me to write him as randy bastard!), lots of facetime calls, oc and jk are fundamentally flawed as a pairing, genuine friendship, daddy kink? ig? but like kinda sweet?, jungkook has a complex brain house and you’ve been banished to his annexe!! he also has a thing for claw clipped hair lol
short - under 5k words
something borrowed
- mafia au | forbidden love
dance with the devil
- royalty au | former lovers
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short - under 5k words
back to you
- idol au | exes
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pairing: rockstar!yoongi x female reader | mutual disdain - lovers (but also strangers - lovers? kinda?) synopsis: in which you work for your brothers band by day and accidentally anonymously sext his bandmate on the regular by night! whoops ! current w/c: 17.5k notes: okay, where to start with this one lmao, sexting! and i mean… a lot of sexting (so much sexting oc will probably get early-onset arthritis in her thumbs), yoongi is a dick, he also hates nepotism, and in turn, you. oh yeah, you’re jin’s sister, you work with the band on tour. jin, yoongi, tae, jk and joon are in The Scouts aka the hottest band since sliced bread. jimin is their tour manager, hobi works up in the head office (he’s sleazy and i love him). slight love triangle, one-near-footjob (and counting!), eventual smut, a little angst, dating app that is exclusively for celebrities / people in the public eye, one incredibly inconvenient pairing, yoongi calls the oc clementine / clemmie and it’s cuter than it sounds, idk how else to explain this, mistaken identity i guess? although not really? look, just read it lol. smut warnings will be on chapters individually!!
pairing: dilf!yoongi x reader // friends to lovers, slowburn, eventual smut synopsis: min yoongi is urgent.  in the way he bites his nails down to the bed, and the way his sore fingers type out desperate sentences just minutes before deadlines, he is urgent. how he prepares jaehyun’s day bag before grandma comes by, and how he double checks everything is packed, he is urgent.  the requests for you to watch over jaehyun each and every deadline day are, always, predictably, urgent. but the way min yoongi falls in love with you is slow. gradual. tepid. until, like everything with min yoongi, it becomes urgent.   wordcount: 3.2K notes: three part series, fluff, angst, eventual smut, yoongi is incredibly conflicted, the oc is just as dumbfounded by the way she feels, lots of feelings!!
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short - under 5k words
sundae (kinda love)
- childhood friends | angst
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912 notes · View notes
yoon-kooks · 2 years
playboys & pancakes | jjk
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⛓️pairing: hotnerd!jungkook x popular!reader
⛓️genre: smut, fluff, college!au
⛓️summary: When your fuckboy model friend Park Jimin returns from Paris, Jungkook can't help but feel a little jealous and protective over you even though the two of you aren't technically dating yet.
⛓️word count: 2.6k
⛓️warnings: catdilf!jk, dom!jk, sub!reader, daddy/kitten undertones, dirty talk, oc is a lil brat, boy gets jealous🤭, soft cuddling, jimin is a tattooed fuckboy, no explicit smut in this drabble
⛓️p&p masterlist⛓️
a/n: this was a cute lil drabble request for jealous!jjk!! if you make it all the way to the end, there ✨might✨ be a special teaser... lmk if yall would be interested👀
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In the middle of class, Jungkook stares at the seat next time him where you’re busy giggling and texting away for some unknown reason. He’s dying to know the context so he can use it against you later to see that pretty smile once more.
“Hey you,” you whisper, leaning over in his direction. It’s rare for the two of you to talk in the classroom since you both agreed it was best to lay low about whatever the fuck this is between you and him. It must be something urgent. “Do you know any cute girls who are single right now?”
Jungkook just blinks at you in utter disbelief. You’re already sick of him, aren’t you? You’d rather fool around with some cute girl than fuck some loser who makes her finish her homework a week before it’s due. Well shit. It was fun while it lasted.
“Asking for a friend,” you add. Not helping, by the way. Could you make it any more obvious that you’re trying to break off this… arrangement between you and him? “My friend said he’s down bad.”
You flash your phone screen in Jungkook’s face for him to read what you were presumably giggling about earlier.
Jimin🍄 [10:46AM] “A what tattoo?!🥵🍆”
Jimin🍄 [10:46AM] “Btw please tell me you know a cute girl who is as down bad as I am”
Jimin🍄 [10:47AM] “Paris was not as romantic as they make it out to be”
Y/N✨ [10:48AM] “hold on lemme ask the dilf”
The dilf has a lot of questions. The first being, “You have friends?” He’s mostly just teasing you for lacking genuine friendships despite being so popular, but this is the first time he’s heard you talk about a friend that wasn’t him.
“He’s a friend from high school,” you explain. “He’s been studying abroad for the past few years and just got back yesterday. I’m letting him crash at my place this weekend so we can catch up.”
Hmm. Jungkook wasn’t planning on sharing you with anyone this weekend, but this is a much better scenario than you outright abandoning him for someone else. In fact, he might even know just the right person to satisfy your friend’s needs.
“And why are you calling me a dilf—” 
He never gets an answer because the professor calls on you to answer a question on the board. You glance up and give the correct answer with no hesitation despite the distractions next to you and on your phone. Your nerdy side is just as attractive as your bubbly personality. 
He’s so lucky to have a girl like you.
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“Jimin wants to have brunch with you tomorrow, by the way,” you say on Friday night as you snuggle closer to Jungkook on the couch. It’s one of those rare wholesome nights at his place where you aren’t dripping in pleasure, moaning your little heart out with him inside you. “I told him you’d hook him up with a baddie and now he wants to interrogate you to make sure you have good taste.”
“I think I have pretty good taste.” He looks right at your cute naked face with no makeup on. You’re also borrowing one of his oversized tees and using it as a nightshirt. Obviously, he has amazing taste.
“So you’ll come?” Your smile is so bright. How could he ever say no to that? “We can meet up with him there and go to my place after.”
“Sure,” he says. Besides, he’d like to see this Jimin guy for himself. From what you’ve said about him, he seems like a cool dude studying fashion design. But it’s also kind of fucked up that your closest friend abandoned you here without anyone else to rely on for all those years apart. It’s shitty to think how alone you must’ve felt until the two of you started talking barely a month ago.
“Cool, I think you’ll get along with him,” you yawn into his chest while twirling his hair around your finger. Thank god he decided to let his hair grow out so you could play with it as much as you want. “He’s like you but friendlier and fuckboy-ish.”
“If he’s friendly and fuckboy-ish, how is that like me?” Jungkook isn’t picking up what you’re putting down. He doesn’t like the sound of the fuckboy part, either.
“He has a lot of tattoos and a cute face, but he’s kind of mean in a teasing way. Just like you.” The twirling is slowing down. “A lot of people say he’s super attractive too.”
You reach for your phone that somehow ended up on the other side of the boy and pull up Jimin’s Instagram. Jungkook studies the page and clicks on a pic of your friend all suited up in Dior. Damn. Not only is he handsome, but he also knows how to pose and look good in photos. You kind of left out the part about him being an actual model.
Of course you have another attractive guy friend who enjoys teasing you. Of course this guy happens to be staying with you while he’s “down bad.” And of course Jeon Jungkook is not going to let himself feel a certain way about it.
The next morning, Jungkook wakes up to your arms wrapped around his waist as you’re still snoozing away on the couch. Very carefully, he peels your arms away one at a time, hops out of the blanket, and gives you his sleepy kitten to hold onto in place of him. You make this cute little whiny sound as you cuddle the cat.
Successful in leaving you undisturbed, the boy heads to his room and opens his sorry excuse of a closet. The majority of his wardrobe is just basic shit like hoodies, plain tees, ripped jeans, and sweats for the gym. He’s never really put a whole lot of thought into his fashion, but he woke up this morning with an urge to look somewhat good for brunch. It totally has nothing to do with that fashion model friend of yours.
After a good ten minutes of contemplation, he eventually goes with a nice crewneck and one of the few pairs of black jeans that aren’t all torn up. It’s just brunch anyway.
By then, you’ve woken up and thrown on that pretty beige sundress you left behind a few weeks ago. He’d conveniently washed it for you when he was doing a light load. Now you smell like his lavender laundry soap.
When the two of you get to the brunch place, you claim a booth and wait for Jimin to arrive. Your arm brushes against his as you flap through the menu. The booth is pretty spacious, and yet you’re sitting that close to him. He doesn’t mind, of course.
“I’m gonna get the pink strawberry waffles… but the chocolate banana pancakes look really good, too.” You point at the pictures like a child. “What about you?”
“Chocolate banana pancakes.” He didn’t have his mind made up until that very moment. You’re always stealing his food off his plate these days anyway. He might as well pick something you’ll enjoy.
“Ooh, good, now I can try it too,” you sing. Called it.
“Never said I was sharing,” Jungkook shakes his head. You both know he’s bluffing.
“What do I have to do for a taste?” you ask so innocently while leaning your soft tits against his arm. “Do you want me to get down on my hands and knees and suck dad—”
“Hi Y/N, hey Jungkook.” Your handsome model friend slides into the other side of the booth and interrupts your enticing proposal. Your eyes light up in a way Jungkook has never seen before.
“Jimin!” you smile.
“Hey,” Jungkook adds, a lot less enthusiastic than you. Of course Jimin is even better looking in person.
After ordering, you ask Jimin to spill the deets on his Paris adventures. In addition to an internship, he also did in fact spend some time modeling for a few luxury brands. Now that he’s back home, he’s planning on taking it easy for a bit before moving forward with fashion design. 
So that’s why he’s asking for a baddie to kill time with. He can have anyone he wants as long as it’s not you.
As the two friends catch up, Jungkook notices the way you lean forward toward the other boy and laugh at nearly everything he says—although to be fair, he is a pretty funny and charming guy. That’s the kind of guy that would complement your playful personality so well.
The food comes shortly after, and you stare intensely at Jimin’s French toast even though you have a pretty pink waffle right in front of you and Jungkook’s pancakes right beside you.
“Really? The guy who just got back from France ordered French toast?” you snicker, turning to Jungkook to get him on your side. He chuckles, but only because you’re cute when you’re being mischievous.
“Would you like some, Y/N?” Jimin waves off your silliness. He must be used to it because it hardly affects him the way it affected Jungkook.
“Yes, please.” You cut off a small piece of French toast and go in for a taste. It gets not one but two thumbs up from you.
“Still a foodie, I see,” Jimin observes. You nod. He must’ve been the one you were dragging around to different food places back in high school. But now that’s Jungkook’s job, and he’d like to keep it that way.
So Jungkook waits. He waits patiently for you to ask for a taste of his food. After all, he ordered the chocolate banana pancakes with you in mind.
But instead, you’re minding your own business and digging into your pink waffle. Weren’t you offering a whole blowjob for a taste of his pancakes a little while ago? Now you suddenly don’t want it because he’d joked about not sharing it? This is stressing him out more than it should. 
You turn and catch the boy next to you aggressively sawing through his pile of pancakes with his butter knife. Hopefully you don’t pick up on his distress.
“Are the pancakes goo—” Before you can finish your question, a few freshly cut pancake pieces are plopped onto your plate beside the pink waffle.
“You said you wanted to try it, didn’t you?” Jungkook tries his best to sound nonchalant about the whole ordeal. 
Your Surprised Pikachu face quickly turns into a smug look. “Thought you weren’t sharing,” you hum as you indulge in the moist chocolatey delight. At the same time, your free hand casually runs along the boy’s inner thigh and gives it a squeeze under the table. Playing innocent might be part of your personality, but you know exactly what you’re doing to him. “The pancakes are yummy, by the way.”
Still, your touch is as much of a comfort as it is a turn-on.
“So, are you still interested in the hot girl Jungkook knows?” you ask Jimin. Jungkook hasn’t even shown you a pic of the girl, and yet you’re already hyping her up. You also aren’t aware that it’s someone he’s slept with in the past, but he’ll address that another time.
“Listen, when I said I was down bad,” Jimin lowers his voice, “I meant I need to get laid as soon as possible.”
“Damn, what happened in Paris? Who hurt you?” you frown as you take a big sip of coffee.
“I’ll spill the tea later,” he sighs. Looks like it’s still a touchy subject.
To lift the other boy’s spirit a little, Jungkook pulls up an Instagram page filled with a ton of colorful floral tattoos. If you scroll down enough, you might even find a few pics of his tattoos there too.
“She’s a tattoo artist.” He rolls up his sleeve and points out a few floral pieces that match the style from the Instagram page. “She doesn’t really post pics of herself, but she probably has more tattoos and piercings than me.”
“And she’s hot,” you add in even though that’s already been established.
“I’ll ask if she’s free.” Jungkook pulls up her contact info and shoots her a message. She responds right away.
Jungkook🐍 [11:39AM] “Do you have time for a walk-in today?”
Jungkook🐍 [11:39AM] “I know a guy who’s interested in you”
???🌼 [11:40AM] “😳”
Jungkook🐍 [11:40AM] “interested in your tattoos**”
???🌼 [11:40AM] “😔”
???🌼 [11:41AM] “todays been slow pls send him my way thx”
???🌼 [11:41AM] “tell him he gets a discount if hes cute”
“Yeah she’s free right now,” Jungkook says, trying to keep a straight face. “I’ll give you the address to her studio.”
“Ooh, perfect,” you squeak at Jimin who still doesn’t look completely sold on the whole thing. “You can scout it out as soon as we’re done here.”
“Wait, are you sure it’s okay? I know I said I needed this asap, but I’m mostly here to visit you,” he says.
“Well, now that you’re back from overseas, we can hang out anytime. I’m not going anywhere,” you assure him, downing the rest of your coffee. You’re such a good friend. “And besides, it could be life-changing sex waiting for you at the tattoo shop.”
Jimin nods at your encouragement. “Alright, you’ve convinced me. I’ll go.”
“Good.” You slide your ass right over Jungkook’s lap to get out of the booth. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t lean into it a little. “Be right back. I drank too much liquid.”
With you off to the bathroom, Jungkook sits alone across from the other boy. It always gets awkward when the mutual friend disappears. What are they supposed to talk about now that you’re gone?
“So… are you two, like, dating…?” Jimin wastes no time in addressing the elephant in the room. “Y/N always avoids the question whenever I ask.”
“What makes you ask?” The question is mostly to stall time until you get back, but Jungkook is also curious to know what you’ve said about him.
“The way she talks about you makes it seem like you guys are married,” he chuckles. Wow, he has a charming eye smile too. Jungkook would’ve been threatened by that level of charm, but he seems to have already let go of that feeling. “She told me you’re raising a kitten together and that you’re always scolding or spoiling it like a true dilf—her words, not mine. She won’t shut up about how you’ll make a good dad one day.”
At least he knows where the dilf propaganda comes from now. He’ll admit it’s a lot more wholesome than he thought. You really do just gush about him to your best friend. Maybe you feel the same way he does when it comes to this unestablished relationship between you and him. 
Maybe you also want something more.
When you return, you finish up your food, split the bill, and send Jimin on his way to the tattoo studio. Hopefully, it goes well for him. Not because Jungkook is worried the other boy might turn around and try something funny on you, but because he wants any friend of yours to experience the same type of feelings he feels when he’s with you. Damn. He wasn’t expecting to get all gushy this weekend, but he’s not going to fight it either.
“What’d you guys talk about while I was in the bathroom?” you ask on the way back to the car.
“Not much,” Jungkook shrugs. “Just about you calling me a dilf.”
“Oh no, I feel so exposed,” you whine in your favorite sarcastic tone. Then you turn to him and bat your lashes. Brat. “Am I wrong, though?”
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a/n: okay i dont normally put notes like this at the end of my fics, but im gonna tease a potential jimin spinoff💖 lmk what you guys think!
⛓️pairing: model!jimin x tattooartist!reader
⛓️genre: smut, fluff, fwb2l, possible angst (??)
⛓️summary: After breaking up with your on-and-off boyfriend for hopefully the last time, an old fling sends his handsome model friend to your tattoo studio. And apparently, he’s as done with love as you are.
⛓️warnings: jimin & oc are both heartbroken and starved for sex (as you might have noticed from this drabble lol), oc is an actual baddie with tattoos everywhere and a belly piercing, there will be a lot more warnings if i decide to go through with this!
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candlewaxandp0lar0ids · 10 months
Masterlist || candlewaxandp0lar0ids
Ao3 profile
How to Leave Comments on Fanfiction (Advice Post)
★ Namjoon
↳ Lazy Day // fluff. domestic!AU, established relationship. 549 words
★ Jin
↳ Don't Go Baking My Heart // fluff. bakery!AU, strangers to lovers. 14.7k.
You fall in love with Kim Seokjin’s bakery after wandering into it to take advantage of the post-Valentine’s Day discount on the chocolates. Maybe it’s the owner’s bad jokes, maybe it’s the other regulars, maybe it’s the delicious pastries. Or maybe there’s something more that keeps you coming back to that shop.
★ J-Hope
↳ For the First Time (What's Past is Past) // fluff, light angst, smut. neighbors!AU, strangers to lovers. 15.7k
After your eight years relationship comes to a brutal end, you don’t really see yourself getting back into dating — ever, probably. And then, your new neighbor who has the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen needs to borrow a corkscrew, and you don’t realize it just yet, but your resolve doesn’t stand a chance.
★ Jimin
↳ Fly to my room // fluff. college!AU. 1k
↳ good for you // PWP, smut. friends with benefits!AU. 2.9k
★ Jungkook
↳ I Don't Like a Gold Rush // fluff. college!AU, strangers to lovers. 17.3k
Jungkook is the golden boy, an excellent student, the star of you college’s football team. Rumor has it, there’s simply nothing he can’t do. The same cannot be said about you, but you’ve never had an issue with that. You’re happy with your small group of friends and your lack of talent in sports. And then, Jin befriends Jungkook, and you find yourself spending a lot of time with him. Before you know it, you’ve taken an interest in him — and you’re sure you shouldn’t. There’s no way this can end well for you… right?
↳ if i can never give you peace // series. angst, eventual smut. mafia!AU, hybrid!AU, enemies to lovers, slow burn. in progress.
It starts like quite a few stories do, in your world. Girl meets boy, who happens to be a hybrid, girl buys him at an auction where hybrids are sold, boy falls in love with her, girl gets bored of him. Then it’s not so typical anymore, when the boy ends up forced into illegal fighting rings, until he makes a wrong move and the girl’s father decides he needs to be killed. Where does that leave you? Well, you’re the one who handled Jungkook’s fight and generally organized his life, and, when the girl’s father, your boss and mafia leader, tells you he wants him ‘put down’, you’re the one who has to get it done. Except, instead, you let him escape, and everything turns out fine. Until he comes back.
0 · 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · Interlude · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 ·
★ Bang Chan
↳ all your friends are so cool, you go out every night // smut. college!AU, friends with benefits!AU, jealousy. 5k.
↳ hoodie season // tooth-rotting fluff. established relationship AU. 1.4k.
★ Lee Know
↳ when he sees me // smut, fluff, angst. neighbors!AU. 13.3k. in progress.
Interacting with others has never been easy for you, whether it is talking to them or, worse, flirting with them. As a result, relationships, but also any form of sexual interactions have always eluded you. You had no reason to think that was going to change anytime soon. And then your hot neighbor’s cat shows up in your apartment, and you think that things just might change. Even if it’s only on one front.
↳ kinda wanna throw my phone across the room // fluff. college!AU, coffee shop!AU, strangers to lovers, jealousy. 4.9k
★ Changbin
↳ wanna be you so bad // angst? college!AU, academic rivals!AU, jealousy. 4.3k
★ Hyunjin
↳ you're so gorgeous it makes me so mad // PWP, smut. college!AU, established relationship. 4.4k
↳ comparison is killing me slowly // hurt/comfort, smut. college!AU, established relationship, jealousy. 5.2k. same couple as you're so gorgeous it makes me so mad.
★ Han
↳ i'm so sick of myself // fluff, angst. college!AU, friends to lovers. 4.2k
↳ something's waiting now to pounce // angst, light horror, thriller. high school!AU, slasher!AU, friends to lovers. 6.3k.
★ Felix
↳ felix navidad // fluff, angst. christmas evel!au, strangers to lovers. 16.4k
You keep seeing Felix around. First he falls in your courtyard on Christmas Eve, then you see him hiding chocolate eggs in a park, and then he appears on the staircase behind your apartment, in the middle of the night. It’s unusual, and you have no idea what it means. What you do know, though, is that you’re absolutely fascinated by him, who he is, and the light and joy he seems to bring with him everywhere he goes. Even if you have no idea who or what he is, all that you want is to find out more — and get to spend a little more time with him.
↳ rather be anyone else // angst. college!AU, friends to lovers, jealousy. 3.7k
↳ wouldn't you like to see something strange? // angst, suggestive. urban fantasy, roommates!AU. 4k.
★ Seungmin
↳ i think i think too much // fluff, suggestive. college!AU, established relationship, jealousy. 3.7k
↳ everybody make a scene // fluff, angst (both light). coworkers!AU, convenience store!AU, friends to lovers. 4k
★ I.N.
↳ all i see are girls too good to be true // fluff, light angst. college!AU, idiots to lovers, jealousy. 3.9k
↳ take a chance and roll the dice // fluff. coworkers!AU, bar!AU. 3.7k
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yuwuta · 2 months
pls tell us more about itadori twin au with sukuna being the reject degenerate akfjsviusd
ofc this is really just my everybody is alive and well (sort of) fix it au but cw: sukuna slander since apparently he has lovers 😐
yuuji is the older twin and he doesn’t hold that over sukuna, but he does like to remind him of it just to piss him off sometimes. in the grand scheme of things, it makes sense that sukuna is the youngest—youngest brothers are the only ones that act like they know everything, like they hate everyone and everyone, like they never need help with anything 😐
choso is the oldest, and he’s older then them by maybe 5-8 years? idk i haven’t figured it out, just that choso is definitively the eldest, but because he’s so much older, there’s a point where he’s off at college and yuuji and sukuna are on their own and yuuji is technically big brother and sukuna hates that 
the first friend yuuji makes in school is yuuta. the first enemy that sukuna makes in school is rika. they’re all five and learning to write and yuuji gets help spelling a note for yuuta that says he loves him and he’s his best friend in the world, and sukuna uses his talents to make a note that says “i hate you” instead of “i love you” and switch out yuuji’s note. yuuta gets sad and tells yuuji it’s fine if he doesn’t want to be friends with tears in his eyes, which makes yuuji cry, which makes rika mad. she figures out what sukuna did and then gets in trouble for pushing him off of the jungle gym. yuuta and yuuji make up, and rika stays awake at rest time glaring at sukuna for the rest of the year. 
the pattern of sukuna interfering with yuuji’s friends continues throughout elementary and middle school. todo finds a weird sense of joy in it, always claiming it’s “brotherly love” but always offers to substitute in some kinder brotherly love for yuuji when sukuna is being the worst. rika has moved away by now, but yuuta holds her grudge even stronger than she ever did; he’s still scrawny, but he’s not afraid of sukuna anymore and rika was sure to teach him the ways of her death stare, and he’s become quite proficient at it. sukuna does make his own friends, who he treats as his lackeys. mahito won’t admit that he thinks yuuji is actually kinda cool because then sukuna would hit him. urame doesn’t really care. 
sukuna learns to stop messing with yuuji’s friends when nobara comes along. honestly, at this point, nobara isn’t even really yuuji’s friend, but he considers her his friend, plus she’s a girl, which is enough for sukuna to be annoying. she’s the first person to really kick his ass since rika—and she doesn’t even do it for yuuji, she was just having a bad day, and sukuna was talking shit, and the next moment they were fighting. they both get pretty roughed up, but sukuna is the only one with bite marks, and he was about to lose an eye because nobara picked up a rusty nail from near the fence and was 100% about to stab him until a teacher came and pulled her back. they’re both suspended, but everyone at school agrees that nobara won that fight. when they come back, they never speak a word to each other. later on, during high-school, this silent staredown between them still goes on, but weirdly enough sukuna has developed a strange sense of respect for her. he’d die before he admit that he’s scared of her, but she is the one person he doesn’t like to bother. 
when megumi enters freshman year, he’s heard the stories about the itaodri twins, and he’s hoping nobody at his new school knows that he was an ex-delinquent himself because he promised his mother that he’d grow out of it. he has the displeasure of encountering sukuna first, who doesn’t say or do much to him but is kind of a dick. it makes megumi roll his eyes when he’s sat next to him later in his english class, and he asks to borrow a pencil. megumi thinks he’s got some audacity when he was so rude earlier, but then he takes a good look at the boy next to him—his hair is pinker, he’s not frowning, and he feels kinder—and megumi realizes he must be the nice twin. yuuji does indeed clarify that he is not sukuna after class, and their friendship goes from there. unfortunately, it takes megumi sometime to be able to differentiate the twins at a glance, and sukuna likes to take advantage of that by pretending he’s yuuji to mess with megumi. one day he takes it too far, and yuuji ends up being the one to wail on him and the office calls in choso to pick them up, who pinches them both by the ear and smacks them both himself. it’s the catalyst for sending sukuna to the highschool down the road starting junior year. 
by the time you come along in college, sukuna and yuuji have no reason to be tied together anymore. sukuna takes a gap year while yuuji goes off to college. he starts taking school more seriously, starts playing sports, even got himself a part-time job—which his how he meets you. and he really likes you, he likes being next to you in class, he even starts liking group projects because it means he gets to spend time with you (even if you and yuuta constantly correct his grammar), and he really likes it when you stop by the gym just to talk to him while he’s working. and you like yuuji too, he’s sweet, smarter than he gives himself credit for, and really cute, and you’re really, really happy when he finally makes a move and asks you out. 
yuuji is pretty honest with you about most things, so it’s a genuine shock to your system when you find out he has a twin brother. a twin brother that you had the displeasure of running into at the gym, a twin brother was quite rude and crude towards you and put a sour taste in your mouth because you thought your boyfriend was being mean for no reason, only to have the strongest whiplash of your life when you storm out of the gym and into your boyfriend again. you’re trying to convince yourself you’re not crazy, that yuuji can’t teleport, and trying to cope with your hurt feelings all at once when yuuji catches you and explains that you met sukuna. it still takes you a week to digest the information (you’re mad at yuuji and your friends for never mentioning that your boyfriend has a twin), and when you’re finally ready to talk to yuuji again, you knock on his door and it’s choso that opens it saying, “oh, you must be yuuji’s girlfriend! i’m choso, his older brother,” and you swear you’re gonna pass out from anger or confusion because how many brothers does this boy have. 
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foolishlovers · 6 months
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COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY AUs: Below you can find a list of Good Omens fics in which Aziraphale and Crowley are either students or professors at college/university.
[Requested by anon. You can request more fic recs here.]
Catch Me When I Fall by Ghostinthehouse (G, 666) Later, at home, they laugh openly about it, and lay bets on how long it will be before this year's undergraduates catch on that they are married. "Your turn to drop a clue next, angel," Crowley drawls from where he sprawls with his feet on Aziraphale's lap.
A New Adventure by Arielavader (T, 1k) Crowley did not expect the new guy in their D&D group to be so… gorgeous.
Emporium by wingeddeanmon (Not Rated, 1k) Aziraphale's friends ditch him at the local goth store. The employee working is friendly, and he soon develops a crush.
Ineffable Professors by spoondrifts (G, 2k) After noticing all the blatant pining, the classes of Mr. Fell and Dr. Crowley join forces to set up their respective teachers.
The Best College Parties are the Ones that You Leave Early by MariMoon812 (T, 3k) For a moment they just started at each other as Crowley’s spinning head tried to comprehend what, exactly, was happening. Was this one of the professors? No, he clearly wasn’t that old, but then why was he dressed like that? Was it a hipster thing? Did the guy also have an antique typewritter that he used to write history papers? What? Why was he just staring at him? Just as Crowley was beginning to short circuit, the boy squinted at him and leaned forward slightly. “Erm…” “Why are you wearing sunglasses?” “Huh?”
But Together We Have it All by HolyCatsAndRabbits, Dannye Chase (T, 3k) College student Aziraphale discovers that it might not be so bad having terrible roommates if he’s got a handsome fellow student offering the use of his couch for the night. Especially if it seems he’s got a crush on Aziraphale. Really especially if it seems he needs rescuing from his own awful roommates. A Good Omens human AU written for the Good Omens Holiday Exchange on Dreamwidth.
Poor Men by smol_bird (G, 3k) What To Do When Two of Your Professors Are Hopelessly in Love With Each Other: an instruction manual by Adam Young (featuring Pepper Moonchild because someone has to be the voice of reason here).
Snakes and Stones (Never Broke My Bones) by DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee (G, 4k) “How many people don’t believe I exist?” Crowley asks in the doorway. “I’m sure no – ” Aziraphale begins, only to be cut off by Gabriel and a reluctant Newton. “Everyone.” No one wants to say it, but the residents of Dorm A, floor 3, are collectively convinced Aziraphale Fell’s boyfriend does not exist. This is their story.
Seven Minutes In Hell by AppleSeeds (T, 4k) Being trapped in a cupboard with the guy he has such an intense crush on he can hardly speak to him is bad enough, but things get even worse for Crowley when he starts having a panic attack and Aziraphale sweetly comforts and cares for him.
Hanging By a Moment by NaroMoreau (E, 5k) Sometimes the best thing is to leave. Fresh slate and all that. For Crowley, it seems like the only option, having fallen hopelessly in love with his best friend. Who, absolutely, definitely doesn't feel the same. Does he?
Miracles (Or How to Fall in Love) by hope_in_the_dark (T, 6k) “Group project,” the blond guy chirped. “We’re partners.” “Fuck,” Crowley said.
Borrowed Time by NaroMoreau (E, 6k) Meeting a stranger by chance will make Aziraphale face things he hadn't expected.
Comfort and Joy by musegnome (M, 9k) “Extra-large peppermint mocha, triple espresso, double whip!” called the barista. Crowley stepped forward and claimed his giant sugar-drenched monstrosity. The whipped cream ballooned over the rim of the paper cup, and the whole thing shed crumbles of crushed peppermint candy.  Aziraphale’s eyes widened at the sight of it. In awe? Horror? Crowley couldn’t tell.   He didn’t want to leave, not yet, but as he looked around he didn’t see an open table. Not even so much as a bar stool.   “Er – were you planning on staying?” Aziraphale asked, a little shyly. “I’ve got an extra seat.”   Written for the Good Omens OTP Prompts Event.
Raspberry Ripple by FeralTuxedo (T, 9k) Every afternoon, a man in a velvet waistcoat sits on the bench by the stone fountain and eats ice cream. Every afternoon, Crowley watches him from his office window. One day, he’ll pluck up the courage to talk to him.
Secrets by AppleSeeds (M, 10k) When their housemates invite friends around, Crowley and Aziraphale get roped into a game called 'Secrets'. Having played the game before and therefore knowing what might happen, Crowley tries to manipulate the outcome to protect Aziraphale, who is feeling pretty uncomfortable about the whole thing. By the end of the night, however, some secrets will inevitably end up being revealed, but not all of them in the way that Crowley expected.
Just Around the Corner by accidentaldemon (M, 11k) "I don't live far, if you, ya know, don't mind sharing a bed." He swallowed thickly. This was definitely not how he had planned his evening to pan out. “I’m Crowley, by the way. Well, Anthony Crowley technically, but I prefer Crowley.” “Aziraphale." - All Crowley wants to do is leave the party and go home to study. But then he meets a cute boy with absolutely angelic curls who's in desperate need of a bed for the night.
The Summoning by AppleSeeds (M, 15k) Aziraphale's horrible university housemates convince him to accompany them to an old, supposedly haunted, abbey on Halloween. He's not worried about ghosts, Aziraphale is pretty sure they don't really exist, but when his housemates send him into the toilets alone to perform a ritual that's intended to summon a demon, Aziraphale can't help but be afraid. Surely it's not that easy though. Surely a demon won't just appear because he asked it to? Will it?
i was in love (with the place in my mind) by weatheredlaw (E, 17k) There are so many things neither of them can change — how they met, the things they did, the words they said. It’s happened, it was probably always going to happen. And what it is, he can’t say, what he feels is almost too great for any one language. Inutterable, unspeakable — Ineffable.
New Approaches by FeralTuxedo (M, 19k) Aziraphale Fell, Professor of Creative Writing at Tadfield University, welcomes the attendees of the First Conference on New Approaches to Genre Fiction. Among them is keynote speaker and best-selling thriller author Anthony J. Crowley. Aziraphale has not seen him for twenty-five years. Sometimes, he can still feel the ghost of their parting kiss on his lips. Or: Exes reunite at academic conference. A Human University Professor/Author AU.
Convergent Evolution by AppleSeeds (T, 22k) Genetics PhD student Crowley meets Aziraphale at a workshop in the second year of his PhD, and they quickly become incredibly close friends. Crowley longs for there to be something more between them, but as the years go by, they seem destined to spend their careers living at opposite ends of the country. That is, until Aziraphale shows up again in Tadfield, back where their friendship began seventeen years ago, with some very exciting news.
Free Trial Boyfriend by MrsCaulfield, angelsnuffbox (T, 37k) Overall, Anthony Crowley considered himself a lucky fellow, with his good looks, good grades and a full ride swimming scholarship. There really wasn't much he can complain about. But his real struggle was that he's completely, maddeningly in love with his best friend - a strong, passionate and oblivious angel who, even after a full year of pining, still can't seem to get the hint, no matter how many times Crowley has tried to flirt with him. - Crowley would never forget the day that the angel first talked to him, for he was certain that was the day that all the clocks around the world began suddenly moving.
search terms by Vagabond (M, 43k) Aziraphale expects it to be a quiet night working in the university library when a flashy red haired, foul mouthed, panicking student needs to find credible sources for his paper and can't figure out how to use the search. Little does Aziraphale know that meeting Crowley will lead him on a path to self-discovery, and give him the family he didn't realize he needed.   From a prompt on tumblr: College AU - You’re REALLY GOOD at using the right search terms for the academic databases and I’m on a deadline.
Joint Honours by FeralTuxedo (E, 43k) PhD student Aziraphale is busy enough with his studies at Tadfield University. But at the start of a new semester, his measured routine gets shaken up by the sudden responsibility of teaching, the arrival of an irresistible new house mate, and a mysteriously flirtatious sausage roll.
Angel in the Window by themaybedoctor (E, 66k) Aziraphale has the best job a young bookworm could ever hope for—he works the evening shift at an independent bookshop, just a stone's throw away from Tadfield College, where he's only a few months away from getting his degree. He likes the location in Tadfield's cosy downtown, the friendly regulars, and his coworker, Newt. But most of all, he likes having the key to the biggest treasure trove of books he's ever seen. Aziraphale knows that he's not going to make friends sitting in the dark shop at night, alone with a book and some chocolate, but that's all right. He's not lonely while he has a book, which means he's hardly lonely at all. Really. Crowley works at a record shop, and he's got the biggest crush on the cutie working at the bookshop next door. Whose name he doesn't even know, because he's too awkward to ask. At least nobody's noticed. If his co-worker Anathema found out, he'd never hear the end of it. A story about bravery, misunderstandings, acceptance, and love.
Golden Handcuffs by seekwill (E, 70k) Far from any city, near the Scottish coast, Tadfield College has a celebrated history, an unrivaled academic reputation, and two departments at war. When the Biology and English departments are forced to share a building, Senior Lecturer and botanist Anthony Crowley finds himself drawn into the orbit of the polite but strange English professor, Dr. Aziraphale Fell. As the new term begins, two academics navigate the politics of both their offices and academia, and try to solve the puzzle of one another.
[You can find more fic rec masterposts here.]
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soobnny · 2 years
eighteen — kim seungmin (teaser)
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trope. best friends to lovers. college au. slow burn.
synopsis. it takes you a while to realize being known is being loved, and kim seungmin just so happens to be an expert in the study of you.
est. word count: 19-21k words
release date: within march
warnings. just extreme slow burn. some curse words here and there. sexual jokes
taglist. open (send an ask to be added)
note. i have seungmin stuck on the brain and i’m afraid he might never leave unless i write a completely self indulgent fic about him. thank u to ten for the prettiest header i adore u
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The next time Kim Seungmin blows up your notifications is after you’ve just finished your last class of the week.
He’s already waiting for you outside your building, leaning against a lamp post and scrolling through dog videos on Tiktok with a few quokka appearances.
The algorithm confuses Seungmin in that it’s so fast to pick up the videos you’ve liked – even if it was just one. He’s pretty sure he’s only getting these rather abundant quokka videos because Jisung had borrowed his phone once and probably liked a Tiktok. Now it’s everywhere to the point that Seungmin could probably tell you at least 5 facts about them.
He’s been standing there for a good 10 minutes now. He has given up on texting you to ask when your classes end (he reasons your professor must have overtime again), instead just adding a shit ton of videos to his “dog” collection on Tiktok.
When you exit the building with some of your blockmates, you feel your heartbeat pick up its pace at the sight of Seungmin in his oversized gray Dodgers hoodie (one of your personal favorites to steal) and some light washed pants with his cute smile and messy hair.
He looks a little embarrassed, as if he wants the earth to swallow him up right then and there. You suppose it’s because he’s been standing there awkwardly, having to look at people in the passing while waiting for you.
Once you appear though, the embarrassment fizzles away and Seungmin is making his way towards you with his hands buried deep in the pockets of his hoodie.
“One more overtime and I’m gonna have to report that professor.”
“You’re just saying that cause you’re impatient and you hate having to wait for five minutes.”
“10 minutes. I waited ten minutes today.” You laugh at the boy, attention wavering when your friends bid their goodbyes to you and Seungmin. You wave politely, and Seungmin mimics you, smiling sheepishly and waving back.
You know they’re tripping over themselves after Seungmin smiles and waves back at them. You’ve been told multiple times by your blockmates that your best friend looks like a walking dream – the campus crush from the International Law and Legal Studies building.
You don’t disagree, it’s not exactly like you were blind. Every time you’d walk with Seungmin anywhere, he was bound to get some attention from the people around you.
There are multiple admirers lining up for your best friend, shaking as they make their way up to him just to say ‘hi’ or purposely standing near him during college events. It also doesn’t help that his whole friend group were the campus crush from their respective majors.
Too bad for your blockmates and the multiple people lining up willing to donate their kidneys though. Seungmin doesn’t care much about anything and anyone outside his carefully selected circle.
He’s polite, smiling back and waving and holding small conversations but there’s always a hint of disinterest when they’d try to keep the conversation longer than he’d like. He isn’t stupid and knows there’s always an ulterior motive to get with him. He knows how easy it is to mistake politeness for interest.
“Come on, I want coffee.” How demonic is it to have a friend who’s convinced he’s Bill Gates’ son with the amount of times he’s asked you to eat out.
Seungmin pushes you forward by placing a hand on the small of your back, his other hand clutching his messenger bag, guiding you to walk ahead along the sidewalks of your university.
He makes sure you’re on the safer side of the road, bumping you to move to the side.
You stop in your tracks, shaking your head at the boy and he looks at you with utter confusion. “I’m not coming with you to buy overpriced coffee. I’ve used up all my allowance for the week.”
“Waited for you for ten minutes just to be rejected. Ouch.”
“Sucks to be you.”
You’re about to say your goodbye to your best friend, heels shifting to walk the other way when his hand easily wraps around your wrist, pulling you back to where he’s stood. You slap his hand away, pointing an accusatory finger at his direction. “You are not gonna convince me. Not again.”
Screw him and his large hands and how easy it is for him to maneuver them back around your wrist to keep you in place. “I’ll pay, just come with me.”
You surrender in an instant. Who were you to pass on free coffee?
Seungmin smiles victoriously when you start walking by his side again before his face falls in a pout, going off in a tangent about how you’re only willing to hangout with him if he’s paying and how he’s too young to be your sugar daddy.
You sigh in relief when you reach the campus coffee shop, the strong aroma of coffee immediately filling your senses as Seungmin breathes out in delight.
Going straight to the counter, he orders himself an Iced Americano before turning to look at you. “Just the usual?” You nod your head, moving away to find a seat for the both of you.
Every time you’re in a coffee shop (which is, a lot), you’re reminded of the first time you met Seungmin.
He was working part time at a coffee shop, trying to save some money for college and you were merely a customer. He had accidentally knocked the - thankfully, cold - coffee all over you. In compensation, he begs for your order again so he could make it for free.
He still knows your coffee order by heart up until today.
Taking both of your orders, Seungmin moves to settle back to wherever you’re seated when he spots Jisung and Changbin sitting at your table as well.
He should’ve known they’d be here today – they practically lived on coffee. Seungmin supposes this is what double majoring in Music Management and with Music Theory and Composition looks like.
“Not you two again.” Seungmin fakes exasperation, standing by Jisung who’s seated next to you before shooing him away, claiming that Jisung was in his spot. Jisung simply smirks knowingly before shuffling towards the seat next to Changbin.
“So, I have a funny story.” When Changbin speaks up, Jisung is quick to clasp a hand over his mouth.
“We don’t have a funny story.” He counters Changbin’s claim pointedly, shaking his head and glaring at his best friend.
But who could open up a topic and not proceed around Seungmin? He’ll pull up every piece of blackmail he has on his phone, appropriately labeled “to use against friends” and start threatening you. Absolutely no one can escape Seungmin, and that’s how you find Changbin telling the story of how someone had kissed Jisung and when she pulled away, all he did was say “thank you”.
“Who says that after kissing someone?” Your laughter triggers a smile on Seungmin’s face, too busy observing you to make fun of Jisung. He’ll save that for later when you walk home together. For now, the sight of you laughing is too enchanting to look away from.
Jisung, on the other hand, ignores your question. He’s already embarrassed enough.
“I don’t know! I was nervous! My brain doesn’t work sometimes, you know?” Jisung’s running his hand through his hair in frustration, desperately trying to defend himself, hands moving inanimately while speaking.
“Your brain doesn’t work all the time.” Seungmin retorts and the boy pouts at his younger friend.
“Can we talk about something else?”
You, in fact, do not talk about anything else much to Jisung’s dismay. On your way back home, Changbin brings it up again after jokingly kissing Jisung’s cheek and saying “thank you” right after.
A heavy arm swings around your shoulder, Seungmin pulling you towards him as he lets his other friends be with their teasing. You look up at your best friend, shifting your attention back to the ground when you meet his gaze.
You’re walking slightly ahead of the two boys, and Seungmin’s just asking you how your day was. He always does this. Every time he walks you back to your building, he’d always ask how your day went.
This might have stemmed from your first and only huge argument – when you kept your feelings to yourself because you didn’t want to be a bother to him. Seungmin’s made sure to create a comfortable space for you to vent to him ever since.
When you talk, Seungmin listens attentively. You don’t know if you love or hate it. It’s a little difficult to recount what happened in your day when he’s looking at you like that. Seungmin may tease you a lot, but you know he cares a lot and one of his ways of showing that is by listening to you.
Your quiet conversation is cut short when the two boys catch up with you, Jisung’s eyes narrow at Seungmin while he walks backward so he’s in front of Seungmin. “How come you like touching (name) and not us?”
“Don’t say it like that, you sound like a perv.” Changbin smacks the back of his head and Jisung giggles when his choice of words dawn on him.
“Sorry. I mean, how come you’re not disgusted to initiate physical contact with her! What about me?”
(Because I like her, Seungmin thinks but doesn’t actually say).
Instead, Seungmin smirks, keeping his arm around you before teasing his older friend. “Aw, is our Jisung getting jealous? Don’t worry, I’ll hold your hand once we drop (name) off.”
“Actually?” Jisung beams at what Seungmin says and he halts his steps, instead walking forward with his hand outstretched towards where Seungmin’s standing.
“No, fuck off! I was kidding!” You laugh when Seungmin detaches himself from you so he can properly run away from Jisung who’s desperate to hold the young boy’s hand.
It’s in moments like these, when the feeling of his arm around your shoulder still lingers, and Jisung’s words echo in your head (why does he only hold you?), and Changbin’s nudging your side knowingly, that makes you think.
Could you possibly mean something more to Seungmin? The way that he means to you?
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polizwrites · 2 years
Borrowing Trouble
Bucky’s roommate Tony chooses the worst time to borrow his stuff; but maybe a little blowup will only make their friendship stronger.   
Fandom: MCU/Marvel Pairing:  Bucky Barnes & Tony Stark Rating: General Word Count:  875 words.
This is a fill for my  @starkbucksbingo  O3 - "Shh... I'm sleeping." and  @tonystarkbingo A4 - AU: College squares, along with today’s  @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt  [#FFF175 Gloomy Daze]
Still in a bit of a daze from the phone call he’d just gotten, Bucky stepped into his dorm room only to see a person-sized lump laying on the sofa: his roommate, Tony.
Bucky had never met anyone with such an irregular schedule. Tony would literally stay up all night working on a project, catch a quick cat nap, go to class, then snooze through the rest of the afternoon and evening -- usually missing dinner. He would wake up just as Bucky was getting ready for bed and more than likely start the whole cycle over.
Bucky felt a little bad for waking his roommate up, but he really needed someone to talk to at the moment.  “Tony, I--”
“Shh - I’m sleeping,” Tony interrupted, pulling a blanket over his head. It was a quilt that belonged to Bucky and had been made by his grandmother. She was a kind, caring, funny woman who Bucky had many precious memories of... and had passed away just that morning.
“Give me that!” Bucky shouted, startling them both. But he couldn’t help it - his grief suddenly flaring into anger. He snatched the quilt away from Tony, only to see that his roommate was wearing one of his sweatshirts. “Goddamnit, Tony. Why are you such a mooch - I know you’ve got money, so go buy your own damn stuff for once!”
Tony’s eyes were wide with shock and fear. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it!” He struggled out of the hoodie, leaving it on the floor as he fled their room.
Bucky instantly regretted his outburst. He honestly didn’t mind Tony borrowing his stuff; in fact, a small part of him enjoyed seeing Tony in his clothes more than maybe he should. And Tony was the furthest thing from a mooch -- he’d gone out and bought a bigger fridge for their room when he saw Bucky didn’t have one and was always willing to chip in if someone came up short when the group went in on a pizza order.
Bucky sat down heavily on the couch, clutched the quilt to his chest and let the waves of emotion finally roll over him. His grandmother had been the only one in his extended family to support him when he came out, and he loved her even more for that.
She’d also always been the one he’d go to for no-nonsense advice. He could almost hear her voice now: “Now what did you go and do that for? Scared the poor boy half out of his wits, I bet. Better fix the mess you made.”
Bucky pulled himself back together and went downstairs to the dorm lobby, where Clint was watching cartoons. “Hey, have you seen Tony?”
Clint frowned. “Yeah - he just ran out of here like a bat out of hell. Didn’t even have a jacket, and it’s kinda nasty out there.”
“Shit.” Bucky ran back up to their room, grabbed the discarded hoodie and headed out to try to find his roommate.
A heavy layer of fog had descended on campus, and a cold rain was pelting down. Bucky got out his phone to send a couple of quick voice-to-text messages as he made his way toward the Engineering building, which was more or less Tony’s second home.
I’m really sorry I yelled at you
I was upset
I just found out my grandmother passed away
She made that quilt for me - but I was wrong to get so angry.
You’re a great roommate
You can borrow my stuff any time
Bucky spotted Tony; he was standing in the doorway to the building, his wet t-shirt clinging to him, with his phone in hand. He looked up and flinched just a little when he saw Bucky.
“Tony?” Bucky called out, stopping a few feet away. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up at you like that.”
“I didn’t know about your grandmother,” Tony replied, his voice small and quiet.
“I only found out about five minutes before I got back to our room, myself. I guess I was kind of in shock, and I overreacted. Here.” Bucky held out the hoodie, which was already half-soaked. “You’re not a mooch. I don’t know why I said that.”
“I guess I could be better about asking, first.” Tony took the hoodie and draped it over his shoulders. “I just ... well... friends share stuff, right? And -- we’re friends, aren’t we?” The cautious, hopeful look Tony gave him made Bucky’s heart skip a beat.
“Yeah - of course we are.”
Tony’s expression brightened. “And it’s not my fault my stuff is too small for you to wear.”
“No, I suppose it isn’t,” Bucky replied with a grin. “You know, you do let me store stuff in your fridge. And I watch your TV, like, all the time. Maybe I’m the mooch, after all.”
“No, you’re not,” Tony answered decisively. “Hey, um - I know I’m not good at personal friendship stuff, but would a hug maybe make you feel a little better?”
“Yeah, I think it would.” Bucky’s heart warmed at the offer, but he couldn’t help laughing at the squishy sound their soaked shoes made as they stepped toward one another. “How about we head back and change into dry clothes first?”
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arc852 · 19 days
First Meetings 2/3
Summary: How Jimmy met Grian and Joel.
Warnings: anxiety, being/feeling trapped, hunger pains, fear, helplessness, arguing, and being grabbed
Word Count: 6756
Part 1
AO3 Link
It's finally here! So sorry about the wait, this chapter gave me a lot of trouble but I think I'm pretty happy with how it came out!
This is the meat of their first meeting, so we finally get to see just how badly it really went lol. I hope you guys enjoy!
 Jimmy woke up with a start to a blaring, ear piercing sound. He let out a yelp that was thankfully covered by the loud sound as he sat up, breathing heavily. As his brain caught up with him, he realized it was the sound of an alarm. He’d learned that humans usually set them so they could wake up and get to class on time. But if it was the weekend, then why was it on? And why had no one turned it off yet? Jimmy held his hands against his ears, trying to block out the sound.
 “Joel! Turn off your alarm!” Jimmy heard Grian yell over the blaring bleeps, sounding annoyed and groggy, having also been jostled awake by the alarm.
 Joel groaned and Jimmy watched as Joel’s hand came out from the bed and blindly tapped on his phone. The noise stopped and Jimmy let his hands fall with a sigh of relief.
 “Seriously, Joel?” Grian asked.
 “Sorry, I forgot to turn it off!” Joel said, also annoyed by his own mistakes.
 “The two days we get to sleep in and you forgot to turn your alarm off for one of them.” Grian continued.
 “I get it! You can shut up already!” Joel yelled back and then both were silent for a long moment. Jimmy thought they had both fallen back asleep until Grian spoke up again.
 “...We should probably get up.” He said and then Jimmy felt the bed above him shifting before Grian’s feet hit the floor to Jimmy’s right.
 “Yeah, yeah. I can’t go back to sleep after that anyway.” Joel agreed and Jimmy noticed him getting up and out of bed as well.
 As the two humans went about their morning routines, Jimmy’s stomach growled and ached. Jimmy licked his lips as he realized it had now been a full day since he had last eaten anything and about the same since he’d had a drink of water. He was really starting to feel the effects of that now.
 Still, there was nothing he could do about it.
 Jimmy curled in on himself and watched the humans walk around the room, doing various things. They finally picked up their old clothes, throwing them in two separate hampers in the corner of the room. They then both took turns in the bathroom, walking out dressed and then started discussing breakfast.
 Jimmy tried to tune them out as they talked about food, feeling his stomach ache with every mention. 
 “I don’t really feel like going anywhere though.” Jimmy caught as he zoned back in. It was Joel who had spoken.
 “We can get it delivered then.” Grian answered and then it was silent for a moment. At this angle, Jimmy could only see their legs and feet, so he was unsure what they were doing. “Okay…you want the bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich?” Grian asked and Jimmy realized they must be ordering on their phone. He had seen a lot of college students do that before.
 Food delivered right to your door, whenever you wanted, sounded like a dream if Jimmy was being honest.
 “Yeah, but add avocado and ham. Extra toasted.” Joel listed and Jimmy could just barely hear Grian typing on his phone now that he knew what was happening. 
 “Got it…” There was another second of silence. “Okay, it’s all ordered. Should be here in 25 minutes.”
 “Cool. Wanna look for another movie to watch while we wait?” Joel suggested and Jimmy could already see him going over to his desk to grab his laptop. The typing on the laptop was a lot louder than the phone had been.
 “Sure, I’m down for a movie day.” Grian said and then met Joel over by his desk. Both humans were hunched over, talking back and forth over what movies they wanted to watch that day. Jimmy barely paid attention to what they were saying, not really understanding it anyway.
 25 minutes later, at least, Jimmy assumed it was around then considering what Grian had said before, there was a knock at the door. Jimmy jumped, startled by the sudden loud thud and his eyes honed in on the door. Grian went to answer it, opening the door to grab the food. 
 “Thanks.” Grian said, food in hand and then shut the door as the delivery driver started to walk away. Grian turned back around and placed the bag on Joel’s desk.
 The aroma hit Jimmy all at once. It smelled so good.
 Another ache in his stomach made him wince.
 “Here, you can grab yours. We can watch the movie on my bed.” Grian said and then picked up his sandwich and the laptop, heading closer to Jimmy. Jimmy tensed slightly but of course Grian was coming this way, he was underneath his bed after all.
 “Sounds good to me!” Joel said. “That just means I get a crumb free bed tonight.”
 “You better not be leaving crumbs in my bed.” Grian said and despite Jimmy not being able to see him, he could picture the glare on his face clear as day.
 “What happens, happens.” Joel said and then chuckled. He grabbed his sandwich, unwrapping it and taking a bite as he headed over toward Grian and his bed. Jimmy watched with increased interest as a piece of bacon dropped from his sandwich and onto the floor.
 Joel paused. “Whoops.”
 “Joel.” Grian said, disappointment clear in his tone. “Could you not?”
 “Oh come on, it wasn’t even that much.” Joel continued walking, getting into the bed on the opposite side Grian did.
 “You’re not even gonna pick it up?” Grian asked, incredulously.
 “Eh, I’ll do it later.” Joel said, muffled from a bite of food.
 “Unbelievable.” Grian said but didn’t get up himself to go pick it up either. Instead, Jimmy heard the start of the movie going as the two humans got comfortable and ate their food.
 Jimmy was barely paying any attention to them though, all his focus was on that small sliver of bacon that had fallen from Joel’s sandwich. He licked at his dry lips, wanting nothing more than to run out there and grab it.
 But he couldn’t. Not yet at least. Grian and Joel had just barely started their movie, they could still not be fully engrossed into it yet. 
 But also, he couldn’t wait until they went to bed either. He was sure the bacon piece would be picked up and thrown away as soon as they were done. Jimmy couldn’t let that happen though. He needed to eat. He also needed water but that was something he would have to try for later on. Maybe he could try and get into the bathroom and up to the sink later tonight?
 He shook his head. He needed to focus on what was in front of him first. And that was a piece of food that was threatening to disappear if Jimmy didn’t act fast enough.
 If Jimmy waited just a bit longer, he could run out quickly and grab it before either human had a chance to look up. And hopefully, if they tried to look for it and saw that it was missing, they would only assume they had accidentally kicked it away.
 It was his best option and his only one at this point. He really needed to eat, so he would have to take the risk.
 He waited until Grian and Joel were halfway into their second movie. The humans had already finished eating and had tossed their trash onto Grian’s side table, not wanting to get up to throw it away yet. They seemed completely engrossed into the movie, at least as far as Jimmy could tell. If he was going to do this, now would be the time.
 Jimmy took a deep breath and got closer to the edge of the bed, but not quite going out into the open yet. He heard the movie playing in the background, the humans themselves quiet as they watched. He eyed the bacon halfway across the room and then, without any more hesitation, Jimmy quickly and as quietly as he could, took off.
 He darted across the room, making it in less than a minute. He quickly picked up the piece of bacon, holding his prize close to his chest. He was about to turn around and head back to under the bed, when suddenly, he heard one of the human’s gasp.
 Jimmy tensed but tried to keep his nerves calm. The humans were watching a movie after all, they could just be reacting to that. Hopefully.
 Unfortunately, that didn’t seem to be the case.
 “What…is that?” One of them spoke, Jimmy didn’t care to distinguish who it was, too busy feeling his nerves spike as he realized they had seen him.
 Jimmy dropped the bacon and ran toward Joel’s bed, not wanting to risk trying to get back underneath Grian’s. As soon as he had moved, he heard the humans’ shout something and jump off the bed, their movie paused and all but forgotten.
 Jimmy could feel the thuds of the humans’ feet as they followed after him but thankfully Jimmy had a head start. He was able to reach underneath the bed before either human could catch up to him. Jimmy went all the way to the back wall, pressing himself against it as he looked at the legs and feet of the humans only a few feet away from him. His breaths were rapid and his eyes were blown wide as he realized just how dire of a situation he was in.
 He might have managed to get under the bed in time but he was far from safe.
 The humans had appeared to pause for a second as soon as Jimmy disappeared underneath the bed. “Was that some sort of mouse?” Joel asked, though his unsure tone was enough to tell that he already knew the answer to that question was a resounding no. Still, Grian answered.
 “That was definitely not a mouse.” Grian said, breaths slightly heavy at the sudden excitement. “It…It looked like a tiny person.”
 “Okay, so I wasn’t just seeing things then. Good to know.” Joel said. “A tiny person…”
 Suddenly, without warning, Grian’s knees hit the floor and he twisted his body so he could peer underneath the bed. His eyes scanned the area and Jimmy felt himself freeze, a shiver running down his spine as he met eyes with the human.
 The human’s eyes widened, filled with shock and awe. “There it is.” Grian practically whispered, the shock also clear in his tone. “It…It really is a tiny person.”
 “Really?” Jimmy heard Joel say but he tried his best to block it all out.
 Jimmy wanted nothing more than to just not be here. He was trapped, not just underneath the bed, between a wall and a pair of humans, but in the entire room itself. Even if he managed to hide again, which was looking close to impossible now, he was sure the two humans would tear the entire room apart looking for him.
 And they would find him. Because he was trapped.
 Jimmy was suddenly finding it very hard to breathe. His worst fear was coming true and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He pressed further into the wall, trying to ground himself, trying to forget for just a moment that there were a pair of human eyes on him, just long enough to try and catch his breath.
 Unfortunately, this meant he wasn’t paying attention to what the humans were doing. He suddenly heard a noise of strain and foolishly looked back toward the human only to nearly jump out of his own skin as a hand started to reach for him. Jimmy yelped, wishing for all the world that he could just melt into the wall. But, thankfully, it seemed Jimmy was safe for now, as the hand only got about halfway underneath the bed before it stopped. 
 They couldn’t reach him.
 Small victories.
 “I can’t reach it.” Grian said with a grunt and then the hand retreated after a moment, once again leaving a clear view of Grian’s face. The human bit his lip. “Hey, it’s okay. You can come out.” Grian said, speaking to Jimmy for the first time. “Come on little guy.”
 Jimmy didn’t so much as move a muscle, let alone answer. Like he would just walk right up to the human. They must think he was an idiot or something.
 Jimmy realized, as soon as the thought entered his mind, that they probably did. Maybe not in those simple terms but…were they even aware he could understand them? Humans always looked down on his kind, not quite seeing them as people. And based on the condescending tone Grian used, it wasn’t hard to see that that’s what was happening here.
 Grian tried reaching for him again and Jimmy couldn’t help the small whimper that escaped him. He knew Grian couldn’t reach him from here but he couldn’t help but keep his eyes on the hand trying, afraid that if he were to tear them away that, somehow, the hand would grab him.
 Unfortunately, he was so focused on Grian, he had forgotten about Joel.
 Jimmy’s attention jumped to the legs of the bed, which were suddenly moving forward. Jimmy frowned, his scrambled, fear-filled brain trying to make sense of what was happening. The darkness let up as the bed moved, revealing the lights above. Jimmy looked up in confused fear, his eyes darting back and forth between the new opening and Grian.
 And then there was a hand descending down, heading right toward him. Jimmy had no time to even try to run, the only thing he could do was duck down, trying to make himself even smaller. It didn’t help though, in fact, it made it worse. The hand engulfed his entire body in less time than Jimmy could comprehend and he found himself completely enveloped in the fist, his body scrunched up even tighter at the lack of room. He then felt the hand shoot back up, bringing Jimmy with it.
 As he was brought up, another hand joined the one he was trapped in. He now found himself held in between two hands, which, while offering him more room, was no less terrifying.
 Jimmy struggled within the hands confines, kicking away at the fingers that were larger than his entire body. They didn’t so much as budge though, his efforts and struggles all for nothing. His breathing came out in short pants as he realized this. As he realized he had been well and truly caught. 
 “I got it!” He heard Joel exclaim, much too close and far too loud. Jimmy flinched away but there really was no point when he was literally in the human’s hands. He was already much closer than he had ever wanted to be to a human.
 “Nice work, Joel.” Grian said and Jimmy heard some shuffling. He could only assume Grian was standing back up. 
 Jimmy closed his eyes. He could imagine the two humans, both surrounding him and staring down at where he was still hidden from view within Joel’s cupped hands. Looks of awe and curiosity, faces full of smirks and grins. He wouldn’t have to imagine for long though. 
 He opened his eyes back up just in time to see a small gap start to open up in Joel’s hands. Jimmy tensed up even more and couldn’t help the yelp as the fingers parted away to reveal a giant eye. Jimmy backed away as much as he could in the cramped space, but while it but distance between him and the eye, it only put him closer to the curve of Joel’s hand. He froze, doing his best to stay in the center of the hand, to avoid the most contact.
 The eye was wide as it took him in before it left and the gap quickly closed back up. “This is so weird…” Joel said, trailing off. “I can’t believe this is real.”
 “It doesn’t even look like there could be anything in your hands.” Grian said, his voice in awe.
 “Oh, it’s-he’s? Definitely in there.” Joel said with a slight unbelieving chuckle. Jimmy weakly tried to kick at the walls of flesh again, despite knowing it wouldn’t do anything. “This is so weird. I can feel his tiny legs kicking me.”
 “Okay, well come on. Open up, I want to see it.” Grian said.
 “Okay, okay.” Joel said and that was all the warning Jimmy got as Joel’s hands opened up. Jimmy shut his eyes tight, not unfurling himself from his curled up position. He didn’t want to see them. He didn’t want this to be real.
 Unfortunately, he wasn’t given a choice, as suddenly, the human’s thumb slid itself underneath his curled up body. It managed to easily break apart his curled up position and ended up pressing gently against his chest before maneuvering him into a seated position in the hand. He was manhandled so easily, so casually. His struggles didn’t even compare.
 The thumb didn’t move. It stayed pressed against his chest and Jimmy felt constricted, like he could barely breathe. Even though he knew the pressure wasn’t enough to block any air, the panic was doing a good enough job of that anyway.
 “Wow, his heartbeat is going crazy.” Joel commented, able to feel Jimmy’s pulse under the pad of his thumb. The human’s voice pulled Jimmy’s eyes up in that direction and…well, it was exactly like how he had imagined it. But worse. The humans were so close, their eyes looking him up and down, full of that awe and curiosity he had guessed but that still had Jimmy’s heart racing even faster at actually seeing it. He cowered further back into the hand, though the thumb still pressed against his chest kept him from being able to move too much.
 “He’s probably scared.” Grian noted. “Or maybe it’s because of how small he is. Don’t small creatures have faster heart rates?” He looked toward Joel, eyebrow raised.
 Joel blinked at him. “I don’t know, why are you asking me? You’re the biology major here.”
 Grian chose to ignore that and looked back down at Jimmy. “It’s probably a bit of both, honestly.” Grian said, and then leaned down a bit more, his face coming closer to Jimmy. Jimmy let out a small whine, trying to lean back as far as he could away from the human. “It’s okay little guy, we’re not going to hurt you.”
 Jimmy swallowed the lump that had been forming in his throat. They were speaking to him again and of course it was with that same condescending tone. But even without the tone, could Jimmy really even believe them? The words were empty, something to be said in the hopes that they could get their little catch to calm down and be easier to control. Jimmy knew perfectly well how humans worked.
 “Can he even understand us?” Joel asked, his awe turning more toward curiosity as he looked right at Jimmy’s face for any signs of recognition.
 “I mean…he’s very human-like. I’d be a bit surprised if he couldn’t.” Still, Jimmy saw the look of doubt on Grian’s face. Grian turned to look back down at Jimmy and titled his head. “Can you understand us?”
 Jimmy froze, not knowing what he should reveal. Would it be better to answer? Worse? Jimmy didn’t know. He didn’t know what these humans wanted from him. He blinked back some tears, refusing to cry. And then, with a lot of hesitation, Jimmy nodded. Better that they ran with him being more human-like than turning to him being more animal-like, he supposed.
 Despite Grian’s earlier words, both humans looked very surprised that Jimmy could indeed understand the two of them.
 “Did…he just nod?” Joel asked, looking to Grian to see if he saw the same thing.
 “He…did. Wow, okay, so he really can understand us.” Grian said, his eyes wide. “That’s amazing.” He breathed out, his awe returning tenfold.
 “Wait, if you can understand us,” Joel started, turning back toward Jimmy, who flinched. “Then does that mean you can also talk?”
 Despite the fact Jimmy didn’t think he could talk right now, at this moment, due to the panic still invading his chest, he gave another little nod. Might as well tell them that too, while he found himself revealing things. Wasn’t like it was a huge leap anyway, from being able to understand them to also being able to talk. 
 He watched as Joel grinned at his nod, an excitement in his eyes that had Jimmy’s nerves feel like they were on fire. “Well, you have to say something now. Don’t leave us in suspense.”
 Again, Jimmy didn’t think he could even if he wanted to. The pressure on his chest was starting to become uncomfortable now and if he opened his mouth to even try, he feared no words would come out. He shook his head and looked away, not knowing how they would react to him denying them something.
 Turns out, the reaction was a pout from Joel. “Oh come on, you can’t tell us you can talk and then not.” Joel reached out with his free hand and poked Jimmy in the side. Jimmy flinched back, his eyes wide as he watched as the hand stayed close. As if ready to attack again. “Might think you’re lying to us.” Joel’s eyes glint with mischief, his tone teasing.
 That scared Jimmy more than anything, though. And suddenly things were becoming just too much. His focus zeroed in on his chest, the pressure on it was overwhelming now and Jimmy couldn’t help but want it off. He braced his hands against the thumb and pushed. He knew it wouldn’t budge, he knew he was too weak to move it but he had to try.
 But surprisingly, the thumb did budge. In fact, it moved off his chest entirely. Jimmy sat there with his arms outstretched, blinking in confusion. That brief confusion soon turned into another bout of fear though, as Joel’s other hand came close once more, invading his space to snag one of his outstretched arms in between his thumb and forefinger. Jimmy’s breath hitched and he froze, scared that one wrong move would have his arm torn in two.
 “Look at his little hand. It’s so small.” Joel said, his tone turning to one of child-like awe. Grian’s face came into view once more, trying to get a better look. 
 “All of him is small, Joel.” Grian said but he was smiling, also staring at Jimmy’s trapped arm in awe. They seemed to have moved past him being able to talk, at least for now. “Okay, my turn.” Grian suddenly said.
 Jimmy was still trying to process what that meant when Grian’s hand suddenly descended upon him. His arm was dropped as Joel’s hand moved out of the way, making room for Grian to pinch Jimmy on his sides with two fingers, lifting him up and away from Joel’s palm. Jimmy kicked his feet, panic overtaking him as he looked down at the size of the drop. He had never had any problem with heights before but now, held so carelessly between pinched fingers, he was scared he would slip from the hold and drop below. A drop that would surely kill him.
 Fortunately, he was not in that pinched hold for long. Instead, transferred over and placed down on Grian’s palm. There was not much difference between either hand, though Jimmy noted Grian’s hand was slightly colder than Joel’s had been.
 “Hey! I wasn’t done holding him!” Joel exclaimed as Grian had forcefully taken Jimmy from his hands. Grian tutted at him, holding Jimmy close to his chest as Joel tried to reach back for him.
 “You gotta learn to share.” Grian said, a smirk on his face. “And you’ve held him for long enough.” Grian said, chuckling as Joel huffed and pouted, his arms crossed.
 “Fine.” Joel grumbled, but his demeanor quickly changed, coming up next to Grian in order to still see Jimmy clearly. He grinned. “It feels cool holding him though, right?”
 Grian hummed and Jimmy felt a shiver go down his spine at how Grian was scrutinizing him. Grian’s thumb came over to his side and started rubbing along his arm. Jimmy tried to flinch away but, of course, he was trapped on the hand. “It’s definitely weird.” Grian said after a moment. “Having an entire person in your hand…” He trailed off, the thumb lifting slightly to move some of his hair out of his face. Again, Jimmy flinched.
 This was painful, agonizingly so. Not knowing what was going to happen. Not knowing what these humans had planned for him. They were still in the awe and curiosity stages, still content with simply looking and touching him. Which was already terrifying enough. But soon, soon that would pass and something would actually be done to him. The thought left him shaking.
 Grian frowned. “I think he’s still scared.” Grian said, noticing the slight tremors coming from the little person in his hand. 
 “Oh, you’re right.” Joel said, also noticing. “It’s okay, little guy, we’re not going to hurt you. Promise.” Joel said, repeated Grian’s words from earlier. “I mean, come on, we haven’t hurt you so far, right?”
 They hadn’t hurt him yet. That much was true. But again, words didn’t mean anything. Besides…there were worse things they could do to him, if they truly weren’t planning on hurting him. Worse things…like being trapped, or kept…or…
 Jimmy was shaking even harder now, his mind going to the worst possible things. 
 Joel frowned and turned to Grian. “He wasn’t shaking like that in my hands. You should give him back.”
 Grian glared at him, holding Jimmy a bit closer. “He’s fine, I can handle it.” Grian was not giving up his turn with the tiny person so easily. Grian turned his attention back to him, once again moving his thumb, this time to rub against the little person’s back. “See? You’re okay.” Grian said to the guy.
 Jimmy was certainly not okay. The furthest thing from okay, actually.
 “Okay, my turn again.” Joel said, not letting anyone process his words before diving in and grabbing Jimmy from Grian’s hand. Joel’s fingers curled around his body, just a little too tight and Jimmy gasped.
 Instead of putting him back on Joel’s open palm though, he was kept like that. And Jimmy squirmed within the grasp, his chest tight with panic and the pressure.
 “Joel!” Grian exclaimed, so loud that Jimmy winced, unable to block his ears because his arms were trapped in Joel’s grip. “Give him back!”
 “Nope. Gotta learn to share.” Joel said, repeating Grian’s own words with a smirk of his own. “Besides, I think it’s time we got some answers.” At those words, Jimmy froze. He glanced up, meeting Joel’s eyes on accident. He knew them knowing he could talk would come back up.
 Grian’s frustration at Joel taking the tiny person from him ebbed away as his own curiosity got the better of him. It seemed both humans had forgotten about his fear.
 Or, more realistically, they were just ignoring it now.
 “So…what are you?” Joel asked, bringing Jimmy closer to eye level. Both humans were looking at him again. Not that they had ever stopped but now they were really looking. Like despite asking the question, they were still trying to figure it out for themselves.
 Jimmy shifted, at least, as much as he could in the grip. What would they do if he didn’t answer? Would the grip around him grow tighter? Would they take back their words of not hurting him? Jimmy didn’t want to find out but his throat still felt blocked from fear. “I-I…I…” He tried, his voice shaky and his words stuttering. 
��Grian and Joel leaned in even closer, eyes wide with awe. “He really can speak.” Grian muttered, despite the fact Jimmy had only managed to say the same one word three times.
 The hand finally opened up around him, and he all but fell into Joel’s open palm. There was no sense of relief for Jimmy, though. “Come on, what are you?” Joel asked once more, pressing him to try and speak again. Jimmy tried his best to swallow the lump in his throat.
 “I’m…I’m a borrower.” He finally forced out, not meeting their eyes. Joel blinked, having gotten his answer but not knowing what that meant.
 “A what?” Joel asked, feeling confused. He wasn’t sure what he had expected, but it definitely wasn’t that.
 Grian hummed, looking like he was in deep thought for a moment, the name triggering something deep in his mind. “Why does that sound familiar…?” He muttered to himself. Joel turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow.
 “Huh?” He asked Grian but Grian just shook his head.
 “Nothing. Not important.” Grian turned his attention back to, what was apparently, a borrower. “So, what does that mean? What’s a borrower?” Grian asked.
 Jimmy winced, but he had known simply saying what he was wouldn’t be enough for them. “I’m like you…just smaller. We, um, borrow things from humans…in order to survive.” Though it was easier to talk now, his panic had not lessened at all. He refused to look up at them as he spoke, afraid the words would catch in his throat again if he did.
 “I’ve never heard of anything like that before.” Joel commented and looked to Grian who only gave a shrug in response. Joel grinned as he turned back towards the borrower, poking him in the side again. “Although, based on what you described, it sounds more like you’re a little thief instead.” 
 Jimmy tensed, Joel unknowingly hitting a sore spot for Jimmy and his kind. Before he could stop himself, the words flowed. “We don’t steal, we-we just take what you wouldn’t miss.” Jimmy bit back and then shot a hand over his mouth when he realized what he had said. But instead of being angry, Joel let out a surprised laugh.
 “Oh, so the borrower can also talk back, huh?” Joel grinned and Jimmy felt a deep fear settle in his gut. “That’s so cute.” Shame rose up and showed on Jimmy’s cheeks. The condescending tone was starting to grate on his nerves.
 “I think that still counts as stealing.” Grian also chimed in and then reached over and once again plucked Jimmy off of Joel’s hands. Jimmy yelped and Joel startled, turning to glare at Grian.
 “Okay, no, that was definitely still my turn that time.” Joel said, his tone frustrated. Before Jimmy could even fully sit down on Grian’s palm, Joel was grabbing him again. 
 “Joel! Seriously, I want to hold him too.” Grian said, eyes narrowed and then reached his hand to grab for Jimmy again. Joel pulled his hands back, jostling Jimmy and making him feel dizzy. “You’re actually going to hurt him if you keep grabbing him and moving him around like that!”
 “Hey! You’re the one who grabbed him first!” Joel yelled and Jimmy placed his hands over his ears, their voices too loud, too much.
 Everything was too much. Their voices, their touches, their anger. They didn’t see him as a person, just an object, something to argue over, something to keep and look at and-and-and--
 “Stop!” He yelled and both humans froze. Jimmy was currently in Grian’s hands again, but Joel’s hand was close by, having reached out to grab him once again. They looked down at him, eyes wide and Jimmy had to quickly look away as tears began to form. They fell as he closed his eyes tight, hugging himself. “Please stop…please…please just let me go…”
 It was silent for a long, long moment. Jimmy could feel his heart beat in his head, pounding as he waited for what the humans would do to him. He shook as he let himself finally cry, it being long overdue.
 “Oh…blummin’ hell…” He heard Joel mutter and Jimmy flinched. The hand he was on started to move then and Jimmy gasped and held himself tighter, waiting for the grip to close around him and squeeze, or for him to be put in some sort of-of cage or jar or something…
 Jimmy’s eyes flew open as he was placed on a hard surface and looked just in time to see Grian’s hands leave. He looked around, expecting to see glass or bars but…he had simply been placed on the nightstand. Joel’s nightstand, if he wasn’t mistaken. 
 “Hey…” Grian’s voice cut through his thoughts and he flinched, eyes snapping up to look at the two humans towering over him. They looked…sad. Maybe even upset. That only terrified Jimmy more, his fear outweighing his confusion. Grian, when he noticed Jimmy’s attention was on him, continued. “We’re…we’re really sorry. We didn’t…we didn’t realize how much we were scaring you.”
 Jimmy blinked, his mind going blank as the confusion came back. They were…sorry? What? What was going on?
 “We were just…curious.” Joel chimed in, his words falling a bit flat. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away from Jimmy. “I guess that’s really not an excuse though, huh?”
 Jimmy didn’t know what was happening. One minute they were fighting over him, treating him like a toy they had found, and now…now they were apologizing to him? “What…What are you doing?” Jimmy’s voice was still shaky, his cheeks still wet with tears, but he had to know.
 Grian winced. “We’re apologizing. Because…we messed up.” Grian and Joel exchanged a glance with each other, before Grian turned back to Jimmy. “And, well…you told us to stop. So we did.”
 Jimmy took in a shaky breath, unbelieving. “I really wasn’t expecting you to actually listen.” At his words, both humans winced once again.
 “Yeah…” Joel said with a sigh. “That’s definitely on us.”
 There was a pause, all three of them not knowing what to do. Jimmy could still feel himself trembling but now the fear was joined by something else. Something unknown. After a moment, Grian lowered himself to be more eye level with Jimmy. Jimmy flinched at the sudden movement and eye contact and Grian bit his lip at the reaction.
 “I know it’s not much, but we really are sorry. We’re not going to hurt you and we’re not…going to grab you again.” Grian said, his voice far softer than Jimmy had ever heard it. “We definitely went about this all wrong.” Grian said with a slight self-deprecating laugh.
 “Really wrong. We’re idiots.” Joel said, his tone also self-deprecating. “Grabbing you, fighting over you. We were treating you like a blummin’...I don’t know. But we weren’t treating you like a person.”
 Grian nodded in agreement and Jimmy’s eyes widened at their words. Could they really be…but that didn’t make any sense. Humans weren’t like that. Right? They acted like Grian and Joel had before, not…not like this.
 “Hey.” Grian said again, getting Jimmy’s attention. His smile was small, not quite meeting his eyes, and his voice low. “We should have asked this first but…what’s your name?”
 Jimmy felt his throat close up at how much he wanted to cry again. No one had asked him his name in…years. Of course, this was also his first time talking to anyone in just as long. But the sentiment was still there. Especially to be asked his name by a human…things really had taken a 180 here.
 “...J-Jimmy.” He managed to get out. It felt weird to say his name out loud.
 “It’s good to meet you Jimmy.” Grian said and if it was weird to hear his own voice say his name, it was definitely weird hearing it come out of a human’s mouth. “I’m Grian. And this is Joel.”
 “I know.” Jimmy said and then hunched in on himself when he realized what he had said. But the humans didn’t appear angry, just…confused.
 “You know?” Joel asked, uncrossing his arms and tilting his head.
 “I-I mean, I didn’t, I…well…” Jimmy tried to come up with something, waving his hands in front of him as he did so.
 “You must have overheard it, right?” Grian chimed in, interrupting Jimmy’s stuttering. Jimmy tensed, looking at Grian.
 “I…yeah. You’ve…you’ve said it a few times. To each other.” Jimmy answered, his eyes glancing away as he lowered his hands.
 “Oh, yeah I guess that makes sense.” Joel said and then paused for a moment, thinking something over. “If you don’t mind me asking…where did you come from?”
 Jimmy didn’t know why he felt inclined to answer. Maybe because the humans were acting so different from before, maybe because he still felt fear at them going back to that if he didn’t, but either way, Jimmy found himself answering. “I live in the uh…the walls. Of this building.”
 Joel hummed. “I guess that…makes sense?” He didn’t sound too sure of that though. “But then, what were you doing in our room?”
 Jimmy bit his lip. They already thought he was some sort of thief, what would they think if he told them he was trying to borrow from them. Would they be mad?
 Grian frowned at Joel’s question, wondering the same thing. But as Jimmy didn’t seem keen on answering, Grian decided to go back and walk through everything that had happened. They first saw Jimmy in the middle of the room and when he ran, Grian swears he remembers him dropping something…
 Grian stood back up and looked behind him toward the floor. Something small caught his eyes and he went over to it, bending down and picking it up, bringing it with him as he went back to his full height. His eyes widened with realization when he saw the object Jimmy had dropped was the piece of bacon from Joel’s sandwich. The one that he had dropped on the floor earlier that day.
 “Were you…trying to find food?” Grian asked, turning back around to look at Jimmy. Jimmy’s eyes were wide, his shaking growing once again.
 “I…” Jimmy started but quickly trailed off, his arms reaching to hug himself. At the piece of food, he was suddenly reminded of just how hungry he was. The fear had dulled the ache in his stomach but now it felt like it was eating itself. The empty gnawing feeling making him curl around himself even more.
 Not to mention, his dry throat. The tears had been a bad idea. He was so thirsty. The mix of fear, hunger, and dehydration was quite the messy combination.
 Both Grian and Joel looked at each other and then at Jimmy and then at the piece of cold, stale bacon in Grian’s hands. It was nothing more than a crumb, trash as far as the humans were concerned but Jimmy had risked his life for it. “Oh for goodness sake…” Joel muttered to himself.
 Jimmy bit his lip, eyes not leaving the piece of bacon pinched between Grian’s fingers. His stomach pains were becoming too much. And with everything else boiling over and being too much, he needed his stomach aches to lessen. He needed something to lessen and his hunger looked to be his best option right now. He swallowed thickly and glanced back up at the humans, hoping they wouldn’t be mad. “Can…can I have it? Please?” He forced himself to ask, trying to ignore the shame he felt creeping in again.
 Something in Grian and Joel broke at that. To be so hungry that you would take trash left on the floor was…awful. Not to mention how scared Jimmy still was of them. To ask them despite his fear was telling, that was for sure. The two humans looked at each other for a long moment, an understanding passing over them. They nodded, knowing what they had to do. Grian turned back to Jimmy, keeping his tone as soft as possible.
 Jimmy’s breath hitched and the arms around his midsection tightened. Of course it was going to be a no, of course. He shouldn’t have asked, now they knew how desperate he was. They could take advantage of that now.
 “Hey.” Grian’s voice cut him out of those thoughts and Jimmy looked at him. “It’s not what you think. It’s just…” Grian looked to Joel, who nodded.
 “We think we have a better idea.”
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cyncerity · 1 year
ok so a long time ago i posted a list of characters that would be appearing in the Flubber AU, and there are a lot of people on that list that haven’t been talked about in this au…
until now >:)
hope you enjoy the first story for this au <3
tw: none
Quackity, for the most part, liked his job as a science teacher at a University. It gave him plenty of resources to steal borrow from work to use in his own experiments, summers and holidays off, and students that were mature and who wanted to learn what he had to teach (even if they were only a few years younger than him, given that he was fairly young to be teaching at a university). One of the only downsides, in his opinion, was dealing with parents who couldn’t understand that their kids weren’t as perfect or special as they wanted them to be.
Like the father he was dealing with right now.
“I’m telling you, they’re smart. They can handle this and I want them in your class. No exceptions.” The man at the other end of Quackity’s desk said. The man was tall, far taller than Quackity and fairly threatening. He had a permanent scowl, dark brown hair and mutton chops that made him look like a modern supervillain. If Quackity were anyone else, maybe he would’ve felt like he had to give in to the man’s demands. But he wasn’t anyone else, and he’d never been one to back down from a fight.
“And I’m telling you I’m not enrolling two teenagers into a high honors college science and robotics class. It’s not gonna happen. Mr…” “Schlatt.” The man spat, scowling further. “Mr. Schlatt.” Quackity continued. “Legally, against my own judgement, I can’t refuse their enrollment until they fail the entry quiz. But i’m telling you, don’t do this to them. I don’t care how bad they want this. I don’t care how smart you think they are. All that will happen is they’ll fail and they’ll be heartbroken. I’m sure they’re smart for their age, but I’ve had people 20+ years old fail this test a dozen times before they gave up. I’m not an easy teacher.”
“They’re free this Friday. 4 o’clock. That work for you?” The man said, apparently completely ignoring what Quackity had said. He huffed and stared down the man before sighing. “Fine. But don’t come crying to me when their spirits are broken cause of you. I’ll print a couple copies and tell the main office you’re sending them in for the test, I won’t be there myself. I doubt i’ll be seeing you again after they fail.”
For the first time in the meeting, the man smiled. “I guarantee you’ll be seeing a lot more of me, Quackity. Have a good day.” And with that, he stood up and left. Good. Quackity was looking forward to never seeing him again.
“Alex! Wait one second, I need to talk to you!”
Quackity paused. No one he knew called him Alex, and he’d had a rough weekend after another experiment had gone wrong and he’d had to deal with the mess, so he wasn’t in the mood to meet new people. But he did have a job he didn’t want to be fired from, so he sighed and turned around. An older woman from the office was running after him, papers in her hand falling and trailing behind her as she ran. He quickly ran back to meet her and grab some of the discarded papers. He did his best to put on his friendly customer service voice that he used with people who didn’t dislike him (yet). “Hi! What’s, uh, what’s so urgent?” “Oh nothing much, just a couple new students in your class! I figured you’d be meeting them in an hour or so, so you’d want to know a bit about them first!” She smiled, handing him the papers and swiftly walking back to her office.
Quackity opened the first folder and registered the names. “oh no fucking way…” he muttered to himself. Schlatt. Both of the boys names were Schlatt. He flipped a couple more pages. Both of them were only 16. 16! They both were privately homeschooled, but were commuting to the university specifically for his class. As he continued his increasingly frantic walk to his office, he looked through more of the papers to find what he was looking for. The tests.
The first one was in messy handwriting and a goddamn glitter pen. What the fuck. The name signed at the top was “Tubbo Schlatt,” and right next to the name was a teachers handwriting with his grade: an 83.9%. Far more than the 70% needed to get him an interview with Quackity for enrollment, and barely higher than the needed 80% to get him an automatic enrollment. That wasn’t possible. Maybe the test was flubbed, maybe the questions weren’t as hard as he remembered. He skimmed through the test, and though the writing wasn’t steady, it was legible. Every question was exactly as hard as he thought it was, and the score was correct.
He went to the next student. This one apparently chose a dark red pen (why the fuck didn’t these kids have normal pens), and thank god his handwriting was better. “Tommy Schlatt,” and right next to his name, his grade: 100%. Quackity was back at his office by the time he registered the score. He sat at his desk and read it again. Then he painstakingly went through the test with far more patience than he’d taken with the previous one and read every question and every answer. And to his astonishment, not only was every answer right, every answer was written with a level of intelligence he’d never seen if anyone that age (except maybe himself; there was a reason he was teaching at a university at only 24 years old).
Looking at the records of the test, both boys were in different rooms to take them and all electronics were stripped from them, so there couldn’t have been cheating. Tubbo took 2 hours and 45 minutes to finish his, and Tommy took just under 2 hours. Who the fuck was this kid??
“You looking at my test score?” a british voice asked, scaring the shit out of Quackity. He flipped his head up and was face to face with two teenagers, one leaning confidently against his desk and one hung back by the doorway. The one leaning on his desk was tall with striking blue eyes and curly blonde hair. He wore a smug grin and stared at Quackity with a level of authority no child should think they have. The one behind him was much shorter with a very familiar shade of dark brown hair bleached blonde near the ends and a similar smug grin. Or, well, Quackity assumed it was. He had bangs that came down well past his eyes, covering them completely. Quackity was sure that under the bangs, the latter looked exactly like his father, but the former definitely didn’t. Maybe he was adopted, but it certainly wasn’t his business to ask. Both of them were wearing the formal school uniforms, suit jackets, ties, button up shirts and slacks, but neither of them were wearing them correctly.
Blondie had his formal jacket tied around his waist and was missing his tie completely, and the brunette, while he was at least wearing his jacket, had it fully unbuttoned with the under shirt buttoned poorly and both sets of sleeves pulled up to his elbows, missing the tie as well. Both of them, if they were full time students, would get in trouble, but given that Quackity was their only teacher, it was probably up to him to correct what his superiors would call “rebellious behavior.” Good thing he didn’t give a shit.
“You find any mistakes yet?” The blonde boy continued, “Or are you gonna have to admit I’m as smart as my dad told you I’d be?” Quackity stared back. No fucking way was he about to admit defeat to a 16 year old. “We’ll see. Tommy, right?” Quackity responded, doing his best to not show how shocked he’d been upon seeing the test. The blonde boy, Tommy, nodded. Quackity continued. “That was only the entrance exam. I’ll admit you’re smart, but we’ll see if you have what it takes. Now, why exactly are you here almost an hour early?” “Well…we, uh wanted to make a good first impress-“ “We were bored as fuck and had nothing better to do than scare the shit out of you.” The bleached hair one, Tubbo, interrupted. “No!” Tommy shouted swiveling to turn to his brother, “No! That’s definitely not it!” He said glaring at the shorter boy who just shrugged. Tommy huffed and turned back to Quackity, his smug look coming back as soon as he looked his teacher in the eye, trying to look as cool as possible and failing. “We’ll be going now. Have to figure out the layout of the school and whatnot. We look forward to seeing you in class.” And with that, he turned and left, the boy behind him following and showing Quackity an L with his fingers as he left.
Quackity sighed. What weird kids.
“Tom, my battery’s low.” “Well, that seems like a you problem, now doesn’t it. Not my fault when you forget to charge.” “It’ll be your problem when you have to drag my sorry and dead ass back to the house.” Tubbo retorted, walking a few steps ahead of Tommy while kicking a stone down the road. Tommy sighed. “Fine, we’ll take the long way so no one sees you recharge.” He said, handing Tubbo a cordless charger. Tubbo smiled and grabbed it as they walked from the public sidewalk to a secluded path through the woods that lead to their house. Tubbo pulled his hair up, exposing his eyes, cold and lifeless. Human looking, but just barely wrong enough to trigger an uncanny valley reflex in most people. He wasn’t perfect, no android was, but he was close enough. After all, he covered his eyes pretty easily whenever he had to be around humans.
Tubbo tied his bangs back and popped out his right eye, exposing the usb port beneath it. He easily plugged the portable charger in and shoved his eye in his school pants, continuing the walk like nothing was wrong. It didn’t take long to get back to the house, the sleek matte rich asshole vibe of it greatly contrasting with the forest surrounding it. Walking through the door, they noticed Schlatt on their couch, scrolling through Twitter before he heard the door click shut behind them. “Well,” he started, getting up and coming over to them, “how was your first day of school?” ��Great!” Tubbo immediately chimed in. “We totally crushed Big Q’s class, and I got permission to go to the gym during a break and use their equipment!” “Yeah, and he wasted most of his battery.” Tommy interjected, gesturing to the wire coming out of his eye socket. “Yeah, I was gonna ask about that. Wanna recharge in my room? I can grab a couple extra controllers so we can all play GTA.” Schlatt asked, both boys immediately agreeing and beginning to head towards his room.
Schlatt was a newer model, which was a bit awkward since he’d been around for less time than the boys but had to play their dad in public. But since he was programmed to act older, it never proved to be much of an issue, and was more a running gag than anything else. He was much less uncanny than Tubbo, but at the cost that his face couldn’t move as naturally, making him always appear kinda angry, but that was fine. Plenty of humans have resting bitch faces. But when they weren’t pretending to be a normal human family, Schlatt was just another friend, if not older brother figure. Tommy and Tubbo both loved his company.
But God forbid there be a moment of peace in their house.
“Tommy! Here, to my office!” They heard a call from the top of their steps. All three of them froze. Schlatt and Tubbo shot Tommy a look of concern before he sighed and shooed them off, assuring them that he’d get back when he could. So, they continued moving while Tommy went where he was called. When he got there, the office was as looming and threatening as ever. It was built like a supervillains lair, but with less torture devices and more binders full of money and stolen ideas. The man at the desk was none other than Wilbur Soot. Charismatic business man, robotics specialist, and the owner of the house and everyone in it. Tommy stepped up to the desk where Wilbur sat staring at a computer screen. “You needed something, Wil?”
“Why yes, Tommy, I did,” he said in a fake sweet, syrupy tone that he used when he didn’t want to address an issue right away. Great. Tommy wasn’t sure what he could’ve done wrong, but he knew the second that fake lilt was gone, he was gonna get it. “How was your first day of school? Anything odd happen? Anyone suspect anything?” “No, of course not.” Tommy was quick to answer, because he was right. They had all perfectly played the roles Wilbur had told them to play. “Great…then tell me why Schlatt got this email from an office worker: ‘We’d like to inform you that your child, Tommy Schlatt, had a perfect score on one of the toughest entry exams our school has to offer. We wish to meet with you to talk about potential offers with our university in the future and scholarship opportunities.’” Wil finished, the fake friendliness from his voice gone. Tommy, though proud of himself, knew that Wilbur couldn’t be happy with him.
“Wil, i swear i didn’t mean to! It’s just..the questions were easy! I knew them! How was I supposed to just-“ “You were supposed to get in, not draw unnecessary attention to yourself by being the best!” “So what if I’m the best! I-“ “For the love of God, Tommy, shut up!!” Wilbur yelled, smacking his hands on his desk. “You only have one task here: find out how to get at Alex Quackity. That’s it! That man has the means to make us millions if we can steal his ideas and you’re going to blow that opportunity before we even get it! I’m not expecting you to learn, or stay there, or have fun. You and Tubbo are there on a mission. Nothing more.” He stood from his desk and leaned closer to Tommy. “You wouldn’t be here without me. I made you everything you are today and believe me, I can take it all away. Do you want that?” Tommy stood silent like he always did when Wilbur yelled, like a switch in his brain clicked off. He shook his head. Wilbur sighed and sat back in his chair, staring down at his desk. Then, when Wilbur didn’t have anything else to say, Tommy turned to leave.
“Tommy, one more thing.” Wilbur said, and Tommy, ever obedient, stopped. “That test, your 100%; you didn’t cheat, did you?” Tommy shook his head, not even nothing to turn back to Wilbur. Wil huffed and waited a few seconds. “…I certainly got lucky with you, didn’t I.” He said, and he turned away back to his work. Tommy left.
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deathdestructiondoom · 11 months
So this is a borrower au.
y'all gotta stay with me for this.
It's centered mostly around ya boi Akito Shinonome.
But he is still friends with An, Kohane and Toya.
stay with me guys you'll understand soon.
So in this au, Akito is a Touno. Which means yes, Arata is his elder brother.
So! The premise is that ms Touno and mr Touno tried to have a daugther after having Arata but ended having a miscarriage. Then they had Akito and he came out safe but his father (who truly loved the daugther) resented him, constantly saying that SHE should be born instead.
Luckily his father is busy most of the time but so is his mother so he is mostly alone at home.
"Eh? But Kenny what about Ara-" Arata is in college and has his own house.
Souma still got paralyzed and Arata still tries to surpass Rad Weekend.
However he does try to spend time with his little brother in the weekends. Perhaps bringing him to visit Souma too.
they're still gay.
Akito here has seen Rad Weekend but soon lost interest in surpassing it so VBS is now just a trio-
Akito here, outside of School life and Vivid Street is just some lonely kid.
He's resented by his father and unintentionally neglected by his mother and brother.
But he's used to this.
He's used to being alone, he's used to having clean the house before his mom got home, he's used to making and eating his own breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The only time he got to have company is when Arata visits him but that's pretty rarely.
"Wait Kenny what does this have to do with borro-"
But Akito isn't actually....alone if he has to admit it.
Whenever he's alone, it's alot easier to notice the sounds of small footsteps or a tiny high pitched voice within his walls.
In this world, along with humans also lives a rare species that was thought to be extinct are Borrowers.
Akito confronted to Toya about this out of paranoia and Toya said that Toya actually had the same situation and had two borrowers who are peacefully with him.
Its Tsukasa and Saki.
So after he knew that. He tries to get as close to the tiny. Maybe he won't be completely alone.
He tries to offers a few pieces of chocolate to the borrower or writes a few small notes.
Meanwhile, Ena Shinonome, a borrower who lost her younger sibling from a human that tried to kill them, is confused on why this human is trying to offer to her instead of trying to exterminate her when he found out.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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also pls ask me abt this CUZ I HAVE SO MUCH TO TELL-
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attapullman · 8 months
Mo-Mo I know I shouldn't apologize for this but I've gotta share this with you or else it's gonna keep bugging me (lol).
Might I offer some Frat Boy Rhett thoughts/thots??
-Rhett is the president of the Delta Tau Epsilon frat at one of the colleges up in Montana. Kayce Dutton is his right hand man so whenever Rhett's out of the house Kayce's in charge.
-The house has to be routinely fixed because of the crazy Friday night ragers. The boys have all become somewhat experts in home repair but it does get annoying after a while. One of their neighbors is a salty old Army vet who's basically like a second grandpa to them and he always lets them borrow his tools. Five times before, he helped the boys fix up the house and five times the boys helped him in return.
-If Rhett's the president, you're his First Lady. Everybody in the house literally rises and stands at attention when you walk in the room. One time somebody from the rich boy frat tried to hit on you and Rhett wasn't having it. Word got around the house fast and the pledges decided that they were not only gonna prove themselves worthy of being Delta Taus, but that they were gonna take on the challenge without being asked. They literally staked out for three days in full camo gear and came running back to the Delta house with every last member of the rich boy frat, hog tied and ready for a taste of their own medicine. The following weekend, Rhett and the boys held a toga party for'em and the pledges got to pick their own walk-out music when they went on stage.
-The guys had to look at video evidence from the people that were the designated drivers at one of their ragers. Rhett was freaking the fuck out when he couldn't find your panties but calmed down when he found them on the turtle tank. Kayce even got it on video of Speedy, one of the turtles handing Rhett the pair of underwear in his mouth (lol).
Mo-Mo, I really hope you get a good laugh outta this, I know it's not an AU for everybody but those photos of Lewis in The Line have me wanting to write for Frat!Rhett soooooo bad (lol).
Omg, I am loving the Yellowstone crossover!! I feel it deep in my bones that Rhett and Kayce would actually be good friends, such similar my-brother-is-an-ass younger brother vibes.
I AM GIDDY AT ALL OF THIS!! All the little pieces of lore! I am CACKLING at them hog tying another frat, that is literally so funny and feels so frat!Rhett - ain't no one messing with his property.
Oh, Mary, I had such a joyful wonderful time reading this!! Thank you for gracing us with your wonderful brain!
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piedpiperslists · 2 years
JJK: Gang / Mafia AU
List of all Jungkook fics under 'Gang / Mafia' AU:
* s - contains smut
* Last updated: 11/02/2024
“Are you wearing my shirt?” by taleasnewastime s mafia au
Crime & Punishment by bangtaninink s ft KSJ, mafia au, PWP Summary: You’re supposed to kill five people per month, as per Seokjin and Jungkook’s request. You’ve only killed two. Somebody’s in trouble.
Forreal Love by illneverrecover established relationship, gang au Summary: “We really need to stop race-walking everywhere”
Lilies by dewykth bad boy!Jungkook, drug dealer au Summary: … white lines, pretty baby, tattoos, don’t know what they mean, they’re special just for you…
Mafia Leader!Kook by jksangelic s established relationship, mafia au, PWP Summary: The love of your life comes home after months of being missing.
Protective JK by taleasnewastime established relationship, mafia au
Rain by ichorai established relationship, mafia au Summary: Running away from problems never fixed anything, did they?
Soft Mafia AU by taleasnewastime established relationship, mafia au
The Carrier by yminie gang member!Jungkook, nurse!reader Summary: A chance encounter with gang member Jungkook.
The one with Jungkook and the sharpshooter by eoieopda enemies to lovers Summary: You didn’t plan this far ahead. You should have.
Arrow to the Heart by kidguk s wc~7.8k / gang au, neighbors au Summary: Jeon Jungkook doesn’t understand what the fuss is about the rival gang’s sniper. She’s a perfect marksman, they say, yet every time he has faced her he’s gotten away - quite easily too. Is he just that good? Maybe. Is the real reason, unbeknownst to him, that he also happens to be kind of (it’s complicated) dating her? One hundred percent.
Concealed Weapon by gimmesumsuga s wc~10.6k / established relationship, mafia au, PWP Summary: Jungkook turns out not to be quite who you thought he was, and your reaction takes you both by surprise.
Flame on Water by btsmosphere wc~5.2k / assassin!Jungkook, bodyguard!reader, enemies to lovers, mafia au Summary: Either you win or he does. Either you get paid or he does. Either the target winds up alive or dead. Jungkook’s job becomes a little more difficult any time you are around.
My Beauty, My Blood by 7cypher wc~20k / single mom!reader, mafia au Summary: With Namjoon out of the picture, Jeongguk has to step up and be the sole successor to the organization laid out before him. However, guilt doesn’t escape him very easily, and neither does your persistence.
* Night Crawlers by alphabetboyluvr s wc~26k / drug runner!Jungkook, sugar baby!reader, college au Summary: Jungkook’s always been good at running. Track, field, red lights, shit outta luck. Drugs, now, too.  But he doesn’t expect to run into you.  In your shared lecture halls, sure. Maybe. But not down the back alleys of daerim at ass o’clock in the morning.  There are only three types of women he ever sees in daerim: hookers, sugar-babies and addicts. You aren't any of those; you're a trust-fund baby who can get percocet on private repeat prescription, if you really want it. He's sure of it.  So it then further begs the question: why the fuck are you here?
Rubies are Red by btsmosphere wc~3k / enemies to lovers, mafia au Summary: Close enough to touch, far enough never to dare. But Jungkook knows you well enough to know something isn’t right. And that locket the new player is wearing? Isn’t his. Will this be what it takes to break the distance you keep with Jungkook?
Something Borrowed by alphabetboyluvr s wc~2.8k / angst, forbidden love, infidelity, mafia au
Sparrow by justanotherstarlightmonger s wc~6.2k / assassin!reader, escort!reader, mafia au Summary: Trained to kill, and a mistress to lust. Those were the two aspects of your life that were most prominent. No one saw the third part coming. Jeon Jungkook's sparrow.
Take Me to Church by illneverrecover s wc~5.1k / established relationship, gang au Summary: You can always tell when something is bothering your boyfriend, despite how hard he tries to hide it - and you have creative ways to get him to talk.
This Isn’t Love, Darling by junqkook s wc~5.3k / angst, escort au, mafia au Summary: He tasted of an empty night and an eclipsing moon, with blood on his hands and fire in his eyes when he put his mouth on yours.
Waste It on Me by byeoltoyuki wc~21k / strangers to lovers, gang au Summary: Being a journalist, you were familiar with the concept of taking risks and pushing your limits to get the best story. But when a gangster by the name of Jungkook tries to involve himself in your quiet, safe personal life, you are forced to reconsider the limits of your comfort zone, your boundaries, your morals and even your feelings.
Waste It on Me by byeoltoyuki established relationship, gang au Summary: When you’re mad at Jungkook for not taking care of himself.
Young Spy by jeonstudios wc~11.6k / spy!Jungkook, mafia au Summary: Three down, many to go as bad men are meeting their deaths tonight. The brown-haired one, who’s next in line, has given up his fight. Will you make it in time?
T W O S H O T S / S E R I E S
Blackjack by kpopfanfictrash s mafia au Summary: Bangtan is one of the most vicious mafias on the west coast. Only six members are known by name though, with a mysterious seventh member dubbed only as ‘the shadow.’ When you become indebted to the worst of the worst – how, exactly can you find a way out?
Crimson Park by heartbeatan s bookkeeper!reader, mafia au Summary: A thematic, mobster several-part series.
Sketchy by hamsterclaw s mechanic!Jungkook, gangster!Taehyung, gang au Summary: Jungkook and you left your past lives, together. Your ex-boyfriend wants your help, and he's pulling you back in to the life you left behind. Featuring Taehyung.
Stockholm Syndrome by taleasnewastime s strangers to lovers, gang au Summary: You’d tried so hard to run away from your troubled childhood. Now in your final year at university you’re starting to feel like maybe what’s in your past will stay there. Then a beautiful stranger shows up and befriends you, but not everything about him is as it seems.
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debaucheruby · 1 year
My brain hurts but I'm thinking about a Richette slow burn AU where Richter is an ex-frat boy and a college drop out who lives with his aunt and cousin and is trying to make a living as a kinda sucky mechanic and Annette is a successful streamer whos making bank and they meet via her car getting totaled by some idiot who she let borrow it and they don't super get along at first but they find they have a lot in common and realize "oh my god this person isn't that bad I think I kinda wanna kiss them" anyways goodbye
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