#Jimmy Z x Chris Kratt
panfluidme · 4 months
Hey this is one-shot request for Chris angst
Kidnapping or near death experience (deep wound preferably) feel free to include any ships you like for Chris and some emotion angst for Martin
Thank you for feeding the Wild Kratts community ❤
This was embarrassing, absolutely embarrassing. He hated that he was hurt, stabbed in the side while he watched Gourmond walk around the kitchen. Chris couldn't help but be glad that Gourmond had somewhat taken care of the wound, but that was only so if he needed to, he can use Chris as leverage.
Not ideal, but it still let him live. So he had to be begrudgingly be grateful for Groumond's 'kindness' and 'mercy'. He hated this whole situation.
Why did he decided to ditch Jimmy and run off with Martin? Yes, Martin was his best friend and brother, but Jimmy was his other best friend and boyfriend. There was no reason for him to run off because there wasn't much going on.
Surely Jimmy was going to be upset with him since he ditched him for no reason. And now he was with Gourmond and hurt. He was so stupid, so fucking stupid.
Chris leaned back and shut his eyes, his pain too overwhelming to stay awake.
Martin paced the Tortuga, worried out of his mind. Jimmy watched, kneeling and pressed against the back of his chair. Nothing was said while everyone was trying to figure out where Chris could've gone. Things had been going just fine while Chris and Martin goofed around with some cute animal.
Then Chris had heard an animal in distress and ran off before Martin could even react to things. By the time Martin had caught up, both the animal and Chris were missing, a big puddle of human blood. Car tracks had led away.
To say Martin freaked out was an understatement. Martin had nearly had a panic attack, his fear was so bad. He didn't know where his little brother was. And he couldn't stop blaming himself because he was the one who was dragged Chris away from his date.
And now Chris was missing and maybe even hurt. The puddle of blood was likely Chris', Martin just knew it.
Martin crouched down and put his face in his hands, trying not to start crying. He was so scared that he was going to lose Chris...
Chris was trying so hard not to pass out again. It had been two days, most of which he had slept through. But he didn't know how much longer he would be able to survive. He had lost a lot of blood and the wound hadn't been properly taken care of.
This was the end of Chris Kratt, he just knew it.
A shame, really. Chris still had so much to live for, but there was no stopping this. He had been hurt, he had lost blood, and he hasn't eaten since he arrived. Gourmond claimed that Chris didn't need the food because his life didn't matter, which is why Gourmond had only half heartedly taken care of the wound.
In a way, this was embarrassing. Chris was relying on someone he knew wasn't going to help him, Gourmond. Chris was waiting for someone who likely didn't know where to find him, Martin.
Shame swirled inside of Chris' stomach. He should've just told Martin he was too busy for a creature adventure. But... then Martin might've been in his place, and no one would know he was missing. So really, this was better since Martin wasn't the one hurt.
Chris knew Martin would disagree. In Martin's brain, any time Chris was hurt and it could've been Martin, Martin tore himself up and thought everyone would've been better off if he was the one hurt.
That mentality was something Chris was trying to help Martin to unlearn. Chris didn't want Martin to think like that because he hated when Martin was hurt, wishing he could take Martin's pain and make it his own.
A small laugh broke through his lips then a pained groan.
He was thinking in the same way that Martin was, but he was trying to help Martin not feel like that. Chris would never let anyone know that he felt this way because he knew everyone would try to get him to stop thinking like this.
Really, there was no much more Chris had to do anymore. There was once a time where he had been upset that he wasn't going to live through this, but he's come to accept his fate. Martin would move on from him, Jimmy would find someone better than him. He was easily replaceable, he's realized.
Maybe that was why Martin and the others haven't come picked him up. Maybe that was why Chris was alone, his only company was an animal murderer. Maybe that was why...
Black dots clouded his vision, his head lolling back. He didn't want to pass out again, but there was no fighting it.
The place was much brighter when Chris woke up. Something was poking his arm, but he barely acknowledged it as he tried to figure out what happened.
When Chris looked over, he saw Martin on a chair. Curled up and asleep.
Oh, so he was back home. Good, Chris had missed home. And now he knew that at least Martin needed him.
A small smile laced his lips as he fell back asleep.
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lattedusks-mochadawns · 6 months
Chris n’ Jimmy Content
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These two are cuties and I wanna see them interact more.
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+ Sketch
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jokerislandgirl32 · 5 months
Zach & Trivia
So, what would happen if the Wild Kratts team plus Zach and Violet decide to have a trivia night. Well, I imagine it would go something like this…
Martin: “How many bones does a shark have?”
Zach: “365!”
Chris: “Zach, sharks are cartilaginous fish, they don’t have any bones!”
Violet: “And, Zach…honey…that’s how many days are in a year…”
Zach: “😲, there are that many days in a year?”
Koki and Jimmy Z: “What?!?!” Aviva: “Why don’t you know that?
Violet: “Oh my goodness, I’m taking you back to kindergarten!”
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My boy is clueless, but I love him. Btw…I may or may not have blurted out Zach’s 365 answer during trivia yesterday. If I “did” I feel so bad, I KNOW better!
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cat-angel-936 · 4 days
I had to do it, i just finished it
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I hope you like it @rosey100 🤭
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tortugatalks · 2 years
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𝗪𝗞 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝘄 𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗦/𝗢 𝗶𝘀 𝗖𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗪𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗻 𝗮 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗔𝗱𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲|ᴴᶜˢ
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𓆉 gender neutral reader
𓆉 established romantic relationship
𓆉 warnings: hcs with the tiniest hint of angst! no explicit descriptions of blood or gore, but it's sort of implied for some. no mentions of precise injuries. can be left up to the reader's interpretation!
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Martin Kratt
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━ siren sounds are blaring in his head and he automatically feels a heavy downpour of guilt. how could he let this happen? he's supposed to be looking out for you and his brother! there's no time to dwell on these thoughts though, so he pushes it all to the back of his mind and makes a sharp bee-line towards you.
━ very touchy and invasive of your personal bubble, but at a time like this? who cares?? he uses his hands to search your body for any open wounds or abnormalities. quickly, but with intense care. he has chris contact hq while he keeps his eye on you, practically cradling you in his arms.
━ extremely mindful and capable of maintaining his composure. seeing him panic might not be the best for you, so he sticks to his guns and tries to be level-headed about all this. he softly holds your face, gently brushes your tears away with his thumbs and tells you that you're going to be okay—that you're strong, and that you'll be in good hands. repeat after him: i'm going to be okay. chris is also very quick to jump in and help. whatever martin may need, he's quick to get any supplies out the tiny medkit they brought along.
━ no matter the degree of the injury, he carries you back to hq in his arms. he'll talk to you about anything and everything along the way to get your mind off the pain. of course, you still feel how excruciating the pain is, so the best thing he can do for now is hold you close.
━ once you've reached the tortuga, he'll gently place you on the round-table, caress your face and kiss the side of your head before he lets aviva and koki take it from there. he knows you'll be okay, and while the girls are doing everything they can for you, he takes to stepping outside to get some air. chris and jimmy join him and they'll talk to each other about everything that's happened (they're here for each other after all <3)
━ the moment koki steps out to let them know that you're all good and awake, he zooms his way towards you. the second he sees you, relief washes over him and he shows you the largest smile ever. he jokes here and there about how tough you are, to which you both laugh in response, but after that? the mood noticibly dies down, a frown now visible on his face. you know what he's going to say, and so you try to speak before he does, but he cuts you off. he apologizes to you—says that he's sorry, that he was supposed to be looking out for you, but didn't. things could've been so much worse. you can't even interject before he's talking over you, so you'll literally have to raise your voice or something 'cause none of this is his fault, nor should he be the one bearing all responsibility. he did what he could, and you're more than thankful for that.
━ doesn't take long before he's back to his chirpy self. whatever you need, he's at your service! he's such a chatterbox too! he could spend hours just talking with you. of course, you'll probably be all groany about how you'd like to go on a creature adventure with the guys again. he knows that you know that you can't do that, but when you give him those eyes? well, maybe he can take you out the tortuga without anyone noticing and have you walk around base. but that's it! just around base! he also does this thing where he sends you goofy pictures of himself and the creatures he meets as he's out creature adventuring with his brother. yknow? to show you that you're on his mind! <3
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Chris Kratt
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━ his blood runs cold. a total whiplash. he's stuck staring at you for what seems like a hot minute trying to process what happened, and once it finally registers in his brain, he's off running to your aide, his voice light—almost frail—as he calls out to you.
━ tries so so hard to stay calm for you, but he just can't. he doesn't panic outwardly, no, but he's got a heavy frown on his face, eyebrows burrowed deep into his skin and you can practically feel his hands tremble uncontrollably from the shock as he tries to assess how bad your injury is.
━ you can hear martin inform the rest of the gang about your state on his creature pod while chris is constantly asking you questions. his voice is barely above that of a whisper as if any sudden loud sound would be enough to shatter you entirely. what hurts? how bad does it hurt? does it hurt anywhere else? he wants you to be very specific with him—breathe in and out for him, please—he knows it's not easy but he needs to handle this appropriately. for you.
━ he pulls out the medkit from his pocket and patches you up as much as he possibly can. his lips are pressed into a thin line and there's an uncomfortable look in his eyes that urges you to tell him that you'll be okay—that he shouldn't worry. he's be beyond perplexed, honestly. isn't he supposed to be the one saying all those things to you right now? regardless, you are his main priority right now and immediately thinks to bring you back to the tortuga with the help of his brother.
━ having arrived at the tortuga, he and his brother waste no time in setting you down on the main table. he firmly squeezes your hand and tells you that you'll be alright before he gives aviva and koki their space. he sticks to waiting for you rather than occupying himself with something else. he's still experiencing slight hand tremors, but he's in too deep thinking about how you must be feeling that he kind of disregards his own emotions for a bit. however, as may be expected, martin's there to check in and comfort him along with jz.
━ post medical procedure, he plans on sticking to your side like glue. he smiles when he meets your gaze, but it doesn't quite match his restless eyes. you're very well aware that although you may be well, he, internally, is not. reach your arms out to him and he will break. he'll press his face onto your shoulder, clinging onto you desperately like you're the one who could keep him from falling apart completely. he doesnt say a word; only sobs into the crook of your neck. fear, relief—his beating heart mouthing it against yours. hold him, tight, and let go just enough to look him in the eye. you're okay.
━ he knows that you'll have to stay in the tortuga for a while. its a bummer, really, but he's wholeheartedly okay with it. complain about how you can't go out creature adventuring with his brother and him and he'll playfully roll his eyes, a soft chuckle following right after. this, however, does prompt him to use a very handy contraption. enter: the fly-cam! that way, even though you'll be inside, you'll get to follow the bros on their creature missions in real time! he'll talk to you through it as if you were really there. it's honestly very sweet when he tells you to fly over to get a close look at something with him. lots of 'did you see that?!' and ahhhh its always the little things with him! <3
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Aviva Corcovado
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━ it's as if time around her has stopped. she stays frozen for a bit, almost unresponsive before she snaps out of it and realizes that she's gotta do something! she tells you through the big screen that you have to hang in there and that you'll be okay. nothing bad is going to happen, not anymore, not if she has anything to say about it. she firmly requests that the bros take you to the tortuga and do everything they can to care for you in the meantime (which i mean, they already were so <3)
━ she's aware that if anything, the three of you have to return to hq, so in preparation, she runs around the tortuga and gets a hold of any supplies you may need. extra bandages, ice packs, you name it! then? she has jimmy send them to you via the teleporter. with koki's help, they both get started on setting up all medical equipment necessary stat.
━ her brain is racking up several million thoughts a minute trying to think of what she can do for you. you'll be fine, she knows this... right? she shakes her head to snap out of it. pessimism will get her nowhere. of course you'll be okay! but what after that? she plans on being steps ahead with brainstorming ideas for inventions that might make your life a little easier post-treatment.
━ once she sees you enter the tortuga with the brothers' help, her heart physically hurts witnessing your pain. very empathetic, but there's no time to get all teary eyed! not now. you need her, so she hastily urges the bros to bring you onto the round-table and with the gentlest of touches, she's already hard at work analyzing and treating your injury alongside koki.
━ once you're all treated and conscious, she can't help but exclaim how relieved she is in her mother tongue. she doesn't outwardly chastise you, not after what you've been through, but she does voice her concerns and makes it clear that she's a little vexed with you. her face contorts into that of a frustrated expression before it falters. she'll cup your cheek and will softly make you look at her, her lips downturned with a slight quiver to them. you have to be more careful next time! promise her. do so, and her face will soften. she'll press feather-like kisses to your forehead, and if you are to shyly chuckle, she'll giggle along with you.
━ a-pa-pap! that's no indication of you being off the hook though! sorry, but any word of creature adventuring from you is a no-go. top priority here is a quick and healthy recovery! you can't really do that if you're constantly using the miniaturizer, activating your creature power suit, or running out and about. she is not taking any chances! try to get yourself out the tortuga and she'll only snicker. your attempts will always be rendered futile <3
━ as mentioned earlier, she does everything in her power to properly accommodate your needs. tell her what you may require and she's on it in the blink of an eye! she'll admit, she does feel bad seeing you sulk, but not to worry! she does her best to find things for you to do! she'll happily accept you helping her out with her inventions, she's totally down to just sit atop the tortuga with you and nature-watch, so for you? anything. want her in on your interests? she's more than happy to indulge you! if you're up for it, she'll gladly watch telenovelas with you.
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━ she knows something is wrong the moment she sees the look of worry plastered all over chris' face. she's always had a sixth sense for things that aren't quite right and she's been feeling it even before chris called in. harrowingly, having her gut feeling been proved right, her heart begins to speed up almost instantly when he tells the gang that something terrible has happened to you.
━ not a moment is wasted as she asks him ton loads of questions. what injuries do you have? what were you all doing in the first place? where are you right now? how are you? oh you four are sooo gonna have a talk about all this! there's no getting out of this one, she swears it. she's a bit scary with her interrogations, but everyone knows that she's just beyond frightened.
━ once she gets all the info she needs, she disconnects from the line and promptly urges aviva to help her set up some kind of med-bay and orders jimmy to fly the tortuga to your location. they're ahead of it though! you don't gotta tell them twice!!
━ she attempts to calm herself down by breathing in and out, but when she finally gets to see your state in person? she's speechless and starts feeling tremendously uneasy. she can hardly ever stomach seeing blood, cuts, bruises and all sorts of stuff like that, but she sets all those thoughts aside the moment you're placed on the table. you're more important! she makes a mental note to have jimmy stop someplace with a pharmacy to stock up on medication for you.
━ as much as she tries to maintain her cool, she's clearly and very visibly frustrated as she tends to your wounds. not angry. she could never be angry at you.
━ once you're properly tended to and awake, she immediately springs out and asks you what you were thinking. she's going off and all you can do is listen. you can try telling her that you're okay now, that it's not a big deal and she cracks. she doesn't mean to sound so harsh, but she was scared. her eyes are glossy, which is more than enough to take you aback. when everything's been said and done, she doesn't wait for you to reply and pulls you in for a hug. return the hug and tell her that you're alive and well—that you're here to stay no matter what. please hold her. kiss her on the shoulder and rub her back in soothing circles! you were out like a light for a few hours but to her it felt like an eternity.
━ she scolds you and the bros, and honestly? the best you can do is let her talk as you all give each other a shared nervous look. from there on out, you are strictly forbidden from going out on creature adventures. not until you're fully recovered. got that? and don't give her that look! no pouts, no protests, no nothing. despite the tough love, she enjoys giving you flowers throughout your road to recovery and knows exactly what you may need without you having to tell her anything. she's more than willing to help you with anything, even if it's a little embarrassing! <3
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Jimmy Z
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━ the second he hears from the bros that you're badly wounded its an instant. panic! everything the bros say through the main computer falls onto deaf ears. he can't hear anything, its all suddenly in the fritz for him and his senses are null. he doesn't even wait to understand the state of your condition as he immediately jumps to the worst possible conclusion and rushes into the tortuga's cockpit. his first instinct? get to you, and fast.
━ the impulse is so strong that he has zero idea of where he's even supposed to be flying to! that is, until koki reveals your exact coordinates through his communicator. from there it's full blast to wherever you may be!
━ the whole way he's gonna be talking to himself, hoping that you are or will be okay. once he's stationed, fear starts to settle in further. it's immense! so much so that aviva and koki have to rush to his side and make him sit down before he can pass out. they assure him that no matter what happens, they'll do everything they can to help you and will succeed in doing so. he's shaking like a leaf, but he knows they mean it—his faith in aviva and koki's capabilities is strong and he weakly but surely thanks them.
━ once the boys walk in with you, jimmy is instantly hustling towards you, all up in your space and bombarding you three with questions! what happened? are you gonna be okay? tears well up in his eyes as he's experiencing a turmoil of emotions. the bros try to calm him down, and it works... sort of... okay not really.
━ he's such a worried mess, but he intends to be by your side whether you're conscious or not (except for when the girls need their space to properly tend to your injury, but you're in his mind! trust!!) through it all, martin and chris get him to sit down with them outside the tortuga. the bros let him be vulnerable as he vents and voices his worries and in response, they offer him any support he may need; hugs, positivity, and a good pair of ears. they make sure he's heard because honestly, that's something he really needs. if he needs a good cry, then so be it <3
━ once you've been treated, he's instantly hugging you like theres no tomorrow and cue the waterworks. he's so glad you're okay, but you gave him quite the scare! never do that again, please? he doesn't know what he'd do if something like this were to happen again in the future! hug him just as tightly and assure him that youll be more careful next time. he sweetly comments that he'll bake you little get well cookies, just the way you like 'em :')
━ and that settles it! no more creature adventuring for you—not until you get better! he'll make sure that you get your rest. you may not be able to go out for the time being, but quality time spent with jimmy inside the tortuga is time well spent! he's got his eye on you, and you being in the tortuga with him eases his mind a bit. he'll do anything to keep your mind off that impending boredom of yours. video games galore, cook-offs, you name it!
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reptisoil · 1 year
"Oh let me hold you." || Martin Kratt x GN! Reader ||
Summary: Lazy day with Martin, taking the break you desevre
Warnings: None
Notes: This isn't the Martin fic I was talking about, this is different. That one is coming but yall need to be fed so. I was listening to Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez and Em Beihold while writing this and its really short. (I was also pretty sad when I wrote this and in need of comfort so um, sorry)
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Today was just one of those days where you just didn't want to move. The only issue with that was you were currently using your boyfriend, Martin, as a pillow and he would most definitely need to do at least something today. You sighed, taking in the peaceful moments you had before he woke up. You moved your arm toward the ceiling, something you found yourself doing sometimes whilst laying down.
"Oh, you're awake! Good!" You tilted your head back to meet eyes with him, seeing him wide awake. You were suddenly overcome with guilt, thinking you woke him up - even though you barely moved a muscle. "Oh, I didn't mean to wake you up, Im sorry Martin. Go back to sleep, please. I'll get out of the hammock-" He effectively cuts you off by tapping your nose.
"Oh let me hold you, please. I think we both need a break for at least a bit." He practically begs whilst holding you tighter, his body seeming more comfortable than before. You let out a content sigh before closing your eyes and nodding a bit. "That sounds great."
After a while of not seeing his brother or you, Chris decided he should at least look for you two, knowing all the mischief you two can cause. He walked into the main space in the Tortuga before looking around, seeing Aviva, Koki, and Jimmy Z but not you or Martin. "Where are the lovebirds?" All three of the Wild Kratts crew turned to shush him. Aviva pointed to the blue hammock the couple often shared. Chris looked at it and then smiled at what he saw.
Just you and Martin snuggling close, having the day off you both earned.
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villainjester · 2 months
I told myself that I was going to stop drawing today BUT I want to made an "Ask Jester Kratt" thing (series? Blog? Idk) for u guy to get to know him more. Also I have a fanfiction in the works right now so.. If u have any questions for Jester, just ask!! (I may or may not do plenty of digital art)
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blackaleycatt · 6 months
Ordinary Things: Chapter 1
AO3 link: Here
5 times Aviva and Koki were clearly a couple + 1 time the guys realize.
Title named after Ariana Grande's song "ordinary things".
Each member of the Wild Kratts crew has their own room in the Tortuga. Usually, they slept in their hammock in the Tortuga’s main room but on the weekends they liked to have little hangouts in each other's rooms. It was a way for them to bond outside of work.
They would watch movies, play board games, play some of Jimmy’s video games, listen to music, and Aviva liked to do everyone's makeup sometimes. Martin, in particular, enjoyed having his makeup done by Aviva, who was practically a pro at it.
Tonight they were in Aviva's room for a mini spa day. The weekend was coming to an end so Aviva suggested doing a “Sunday refresh” to prepare for the start of the weekday. Aviva prepared customized face masks for each of them, taking into account their skin types including retinol for Jimmy’s greasy pizza face and high SPF for Chris and Martin, who spend a lot of time in the African savannah creature adventuring. Koki had her own supply of face masks too, as she and Aviva had been doing spa days with each other since college.
As they relaxed in Aviva's room, the soothing aroma of face masks and incense filled the air, and the gentle hum of "NewJeans" played in the background. They chatted and laughed, enjoying each other's company, and the warmth of their friendship. It was moments like these that made their adventures all the more special. The boys absolutely loved having a spa day and were sad when it came to an end. They were already planning the next spa day as they were leaving Aviva’s room. It was getting pretty late and they had to get up in a few hours. Koki stayed behind, which wasn't surprising since Koki and Aviva spent a lot of time together in each other's rooms, even more than the guys.
The next morning the crew woke up feeling rejuvenated and relaxed. Martin couldn't help but comment on how amazing the spa treatment was, "That spa day was incredible. My skin feels so rejuvenated and fresh," he said while rubbing his cheeks. "Mine too. My face was so clear this morning I almost didn't recognize myself," Jimmy said, rubbing his hand on his now less pimply forehead. Chris turned on the electric kettle to prepare hot water for everyone's morning beverages.
"I'm glad everyone enjoyed it," Aviva said as she stretched and went over to the counter to prepare her coffee. However, as she sat down at the table, the boys noticed several red blotches on Aviva's skin, going from her jawline to her collarbone.
Jimmy drops his fork and starts panicking. "Aviva, you have a rash on your neck," he says while covering his mouth. He looks like he is about to pass out or something. He's so dramatic.
Martin stops eating and looks at them. He gets up to examine her. "Yeah, you do. It's all over your neck. Are you feeling alright? Did you come in contact with anything?"
Chris soon joins them to look at Aviva's neck too. It had to be serious if it made Jimmy and Martin stop eating.
Aviva looks at them, worried and pulls out her phone to look at her neck. She did have reddish-purple blotches on her neck, but it wasn't a rash. She knew exactly what or who caused it. She covers her mouth, and her face turns as red as Lost and Found, their baby red panda friend. She stutters, trying to come up with an excuse. "Uh, it must be from a product I used last night or the new detergent in the laundry. Um, I'm sure it's fine, guys. Please don't freak out."
She tries to calm them down. She didn't want them to look too closely at the "rash" before they realized it was not actually a rash.
“Hold on, I have some ointment in my first aid kit,” Chris said before rushing out of the room just as Koki walked in.
“What’s wrong, guys? What's with all the commotion?” Koki asked. Aviva was covering her neck, and Jimmy still looked scared as he replied, “Aviva has a weird rash on her neck, and we don't know what it's from.” Koki immediately knew what this “rash” was that they were fussing about, but she tried to hold back a laugh as she approached.
“Koki, why are you laughing? This is serious. She might be dying!” Jimmy exclaimed.
“Jimmy, please calm down. She's gonna be fine,” Koki reassured them, with a grin on her face, both from Aviva’s embarrassment and the way Jimmy was acting.
“Yeah, Jimmy. Freaking out is just gonna make her more scared. Look at her,” Martin motioned towards Aviva, whose face was still red with mortification.
She covered her face and groaned, “Guys, please.”
Koki tried to comfort her by resting her arm on her shoulder, but Aviva glared at her. Chris ran back to her with some ointment. He took a handful and rubbed it all over her neck and chest. Aviva wanted to curl up into a ball and die.
Chris finished applying the cream. “There you go. It should go away soon, but I think you should lie down until it goes away. We don't want you to get any worse.”
“Guys, I'm fine, seriously.” She protested.
“No, Aviva. I think you should rest a little bit. As much as we don't want to, we can go a day without a new awesome creature power if we have to,” Martin sighed sadly.
"I'll take a day off if it'll make you guys feel better," Aviva sighed and finally gave in.
"I can watch her and make sure her rash doesn't worsen. I think Jimmy still needs to calm down," Koki assured the brothers.
The brothers nodded in agreement. "Okay, sounds good. We'll get the dishes cleaned up and head out in a bit. Keep us updated."
Koki smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, I will," she said with a smile on her face.
Aviva glared at Koki once again and headed towards the bathroom.
Aviva stands in front of the bathroom mirror. Koki comes in after her. “What are you doing?” Koki can see that Aviva is scrubbing the ointment off her neck and chest and has a bottle of foundation and concealer on the bathroom counter.
“This is all your fault,” Aviva snaps, ignoring Koki’s question. “You left this huge mark on my neck and then you had the audacity to laugh about it.”
Koki bursts into laughter, “I'm sorry. I thought you knew I was gonna leave a mark.”
“I didn't know it was gonna be that big. I've never had a hickey before,” Aviva complains.
“The guys must have never had one either. I can't believe they didn't realize it wasn't a rash.”
“Me neither. But I'm just gonna cover my 'rash' with some makeup so they won't be concerned anymore,” Aviva answers her question, holding up the foundation and concealer.
“Yeah, because Jimmy is acting like you have some kind of deadly disease.”
Aviva chuckled lightly. “Yeah, I guess it was funny. But next time be more careful.”
“OK, ok. I'm sorry,” Koki says as she hugs Aviva from behind and kisses her cheek.
"I guess I'll forgive you this time." Slowly turning around, she leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Koki's nose.
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sierragalaxygirl · 2 years
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Wild Kratts with nature powers!!! So in this my AU Wild Kratts: Nature warriors is inspired by the Power of Nature only have several differences. Okay now I see the Frozen Au won by 50% so I'll do some sketches of them. Remember for my aus, it will involved crossovers even in disney aus. Hope you guys understand and enjoy my arts. 🥰😊💖
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sarsaparilla-springs · 2 months
New Idea: Wild Kratts X Severance AU
I’ve been thinking about this for a while now…but a Wild Kratts x Severance AU. I recently watched Severance with my brother awhile ago.
If you’re not familiar, it’s a fantastic Sci-Fi Thriller series about a company that inserts a chip into one’s brain that allows you to separate your memories into two different versions of yourself depending on whether you’re outside of work (called your ‘outie’) or whether you’re inside of work (your ‘innie’). You’re the same person, but both versions have no memories of the other, and to both it feels like a blink when you’re suddenly back to work again or back at home.
I thought it may be interesting to apply to WK with the ‘What If?’ Moment where they jump into the animation?
Chris Kratt just waking up as usual one morning, just as he’s always known with his brother Martin and the Tortuga Crew
They’ve been adventuring together for what seems like years gone by in seconds, but it’s been some good years with the crew!
He can’t actually recall how he gets here, how he met everyone other than Martin and Zach. Him and Martin are self aware to the fact that they’re teaching the importance of animal conservation and learning about animals to the younger generation in his world and the real world even though they’ve only experienced their current existence, but it’s unclear to him exactly what the Tortuga team’s ultimate goal is after awhile—haven’t the power suits been tested enough?
It’s not until the crew starts bringing up about the ‘other place’ that he and Martin seem to disappear to after missions—not that Chris knows where that is either, but shouldn’t he know if he goes there everyday…?
Martin seems contented and only throws in an occasional playful reference to what they must be doing in another time and place, but doesn’t push it further since he doesn’t worry about it too much. Chris however…
He can’t stop thinking about it. It’s in his mind more and more as he wonders about the unknown side of him that’s just living his life and Chris has no idea. The outer Chris could be living a totally different life…maybe he had a wife and family? Maybe the outer Chris was completely different than who he was?
That’s the in-universe reason why he knows some basic things about his existence (his brother Martin, where he was born, his love of animals, about Wild Kratts being a TV show for a place far different than here) but he has no clue in-universe about any wife and kids, that his outer self writes the story of his very life—his memories are totally separated from the Real Chris’s memories except for a few basic things.
Suddenly creature adventuring starts to be insufficient to satisfy Chris’s curiosity—He tries desperately to remember what goes on after they finish a mission, but he only remembers waking back up in his sleeping bag in the Tortuga the next morning…
Until finally he enlists Aviva to assist him to be conscious of himself going back to the ‘real world’ as crazy as it sounds…maybe he’ll finally know the kind of life the Chris on the outside lives, to be more than what the Outer Chris planned for him to be
I imagine Aviva, Koki, Jimmy Z and the villains don’t know about this—the only two people that know about this Inner/Outer thing is Chris and Martin.
The Outer Chris and Martin in the real world know the storyboards and scripts of Wild Kratts but not the actual feelings of seeking identity like Inner Chris would feel. Same person, different memories, different reaction based off of Chris’s curiosity to know more that would drive him to try and be sentient in the outer world
No brain surgery like the TV show, just an interesting idea to explain the jump between reality and animation
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cristoferwhiss899 · 4 months
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Mi Oc, la voy a utilizar para mí serie de los hermanos Kratt ( digamos que es una combinación entre Infinite Train x Wild kratts).
Ficha de personaje:
Nombre: Shena Edevane Cooper
Edad: 21 años
Sexualidad: hetero (no es homofóbica)
Fecha de cumpleaños: 13 de junio
Pareja: Jimmy z
Amigos: Elena, Chris Kratt, Martin Kratt, Aviva y Koki.
Clase: híbrido (humana/reptil)
Trabajo actual: servir al equipo Kratt.
Pais: Ecuador
Por ahora pondré eso...
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panfluidme · 4 months
Little Rambling
Okay, so I love crossovers. They were easily one of my favorite things, so here's a little ramble about a crossover I probably will never write, but might eventually
Wild Kratts meets DC (specifically Young Justice)
Jimmy's parents are rich who deal specifically with technology. They don't have a rivalry with Wayne Enterprises, instead they have a good relationship with each other. After Bruce adopted Dick, he suggested that he and Jimmy hung out together because they were both the same age
Eventually, Jimmy figures out that Bruce is Batman. He convinces Bruce to let him fight crime with him. He became Falcon Claw, but usually was just called Falcon
However, Jimmy gets into a really bad car crash then kidnapped for three weeks. He had to get his right leg amputated and had to go to the hospital. After, Jimmy decided to step away from the superhero life indefinitely
The Tortuga Crew hired Jimmy to be their pilot (a skill he had heard from Hal Jorden). Jimmy stopped exercising as much, so he got out of shape
Batman calls him to see if he would be interested in joining the Team, but he declines because he's enjoying himself with the Crew. Batman is a little disappointed because he does miss Jimmy, but is understanding of his decision
I also love the idea that Jimmy has superstrength. So like, he eats a lot because he burns through the calories a lot, even if he isn't working out all that much. Jimmy got secret abs, y'all
I'm thinking that this AU could be called something like:
Ex-Superhero Jimmy Z
Feel free to like, add onto this and make fanart if you want to. But if you do and it's specifically inspired by this post, please tag or credit me in someway
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lattedusks-mochadawns · 6 months
“1, 2, 3, F*ck You” - Ego Rock
Wild Kratts x Ego Rock
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AHHH I’m so happy to finally get this one done and I’m proud of how it turned out! Some other versions below and the original reference from the WxS 3DMV.
+ Other Versions and Sketch:
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Original Photo
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jokerislandgirl32 · 2 months
Welcome to the Hotel Mouseafornia!
The Wild Kratts team run into Zach and Violet while out on the creature trail one day. The team was simply observing some animals for the newest creature power disks when they hear Zach screaming. They look up to see Zach running toward them, Violet following closely behind him. She’s calling out after him, begging him to stop running.
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Martin: “Zach, Violet? What’s going on?”
Zach *hiding behind Martin and Chris*: “Don’t let them eat me! I know my head is shaped like a triangle, and it might look like a block of cheese, but pleeeeeaseeee don’t let them eat me!”
Chris: “Eat you? What’s going to eat you?”
Aviva: “And why are you talking about cheese? Violet? Can you tell us what’s going on?”
Violet: “Well… we’ve been having a problem with mice getting into the jet…”
Zach *whining and crying*: “They are everywhere! I can’t even walk around without one of them trying to run up my pant leg! I’ve had to start stuffing my pants into my socks 😭.”
Violet: “They have not tried to run up your pant leg, your pants are too tight for them to get anywhere. Besides…you only think that because I told you about my great grandfather and the mouse in his boots.”
Jimmy Z: “What happened with your great grandfather?”
Violet: “Sooooo, a mouse was in his boot, and when he put on the boots, it ran up his pant leg….my 6-year-old father watched his grandpa cru…”
Koki *visibly disgusted*: “We get the picture…”
Zach: “See, she’s traumatized me!”
Violet: “That’s not nearly as traumatizing as watching the mice skip over the natural repellent packets we bought, then watching them drag the packets over to use as the mattress of their nests!”
*Everyone looking at them in shock and amusement.*
Aviva *laughing*: “Bros! It looks like we’re gonna be making some mice creature power disks…”
Martin and Chris *excited*: “Alright!”
Zach *coming out from behind the bros to stand beside Violet*: “You’re really gonna help us?”
The Wild Kratts Team: “uhhhh, Yes?”
Zach *slumping against Violet and holding on to her for support*: “Oh thank you!”
Violet *rubbing his back soothingly*: “Yes, thank you.”
Based heavily on the battle with mice my father and I have been having in my car…
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cat-angel-936 · 3 months
*after the events of the smudged makeup that didn't come off*
Chris coming to help Turtle: don't get away with this Zach!
Zach: *turns to look at him* how you finally arrive- I see you had a good night haha
Martin: and that makeup? Aren't you just going to watch the game!? *annoying*
Chris: I can explain it!
Zach: you don't have to explain anything green boy, I understand you wink wink hahaha *nudges the shoulder*
Noticeably upset Chris:....
Zach: don't make that face man, just admit that they had fun otherwise *raises his eyebrows in amusement*
Chris: stop bothering Zachary! * takes him by the shoulders and kicks him out with turtle kicks and his zachbots follow him
Zach: ouch ouch that hurt! Zachbots take me home now! *a Zachbot charges him and they float away*
Chris: *sigh* don't worry I'll do it now *unties them*
Jimmy: So... how was the game?
Chris: we lost and it turns out I'll have to learn Spanish haha 😅
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tortugatalks · 2 years
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𝗞𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗲𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗞 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝘄 | ᴴᶜˢ
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𓆉 gender neutral reader
𓆉 established romantic relationship
𓆉 warning: slight suggestive themes if you squint really hard
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Martin Kratt
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━ kisses with him are playful.
━ ocassional pecks on the lips, but honestly? he absolutely adores showering your cheek with kisses!
━ he's extremely affectionate and his hugs are a tell-tale sign of it whenever he picks you up and spins you around (no matter your stature) as he just attacks your skin with his lips.
━ he thrives off seeing you laugh whenever he kisses you and his love for you just sky-rockets upon hearing it.
━ never shies away from your kisses! doesn't matter where or who's around.
━ it may catch him off guard, especially if you catch him by surprise, but it's a pleasant surprise! he goofily laughs when he feels your lips pressing onto his cheek, and its seriously the cutest thing ever.
━ will not leave the tortuga without quickly kissing you goodbye—and it's not one kiss he gives you when he's about to head out, it's always gotta be a MINIMUM two.
━ as silly as he may be, he's ever the passionate lover.
━ kisses on the lips can range from quick to long, but he always pours the same amount of love into them!
━ longer kisses with him typically involve him cupping your face as he rubs smooth circles around your cheekbones with his thumbs.
━ prepare yourself for giggle-fits because even in the most intimate of times, your noses are bound to bump against each other and it just may interrupt some heated tension. he apologizes with a wheeze that sounds more like a snicker, his grin widening as the sound escapes him; the kind you can't help but smile at <3
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Chris Kratt
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━ kisses with him are meaningful.
━ they aren't as common when compared to the rest of the crew, but when they do happen, it's sheer bliss.
━ not that he doesn't enjoy kissing you, he just displays more of his romantic side though acts of service and touch (a topic for another day!)
━ although he might not initiate them a large percentage of the time, he's never the type to reject your advances.
━ give him a quick kiss on the cheek out of the blue and the guy will stiffen. he blushes super hard and if youre not facing him, it's highly evident in the way the tip of his ears turn a dark red.
━ the kind to chuckle, have his fingers linger above the area you kissed and ask, "what was that for?"
━ he's a sucker for palm kisses, let me tell you.
━ he's a climber, and for as much as he wears his gloves, his palms are fairly calloused.
━ softly kiss the calluses on his palms as if his entire being were made of glass and he'll feels his heart swell to a size that's bigger than him. his gear is off and he feels so so vulnerable. the act is so tender and intimate that he just can't help but look at you with honeyed heart eyes.
━ very gentle and firm whenever you two kiss.
━ typically happens when you both share a personal moment and he's stuck in a love-sick trance.
━ will hold you by the waist and pull you closer to him to deepen it. you can practically feel the pounding of his heart against yours—a feat he hopes you don't notice, but you do!
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Aviva Corcovado
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━ kisses with her are sweet.
━ keep in mind she is a very busy person, always ready to plan and invent the next big thing, so kisses don't happen as often, but they're far from a rarity.
━ the type to give you a quick chaste kiss when she's excited!
━ her eyes light up, grin wide and warm, and without even thinking she just pulls you close by your hands—the kiss ending immediately after it starts. you have no time to react before she's off announcing her latest accomplishments to the rest of the crew.
━ her heart just melts when you give her forehead kisses!
━ give her some tea or chocolaté caliente along with a kiss to her forehead when she's hard at work and her heart explodes!
━ she bashfully tries to hide the blush on her cheeks behind the mug/heated fog of her drink.
━ her reactions to your kisses range from her trying to keep her cool to wholeheartedly (and smugly) accepting it.
━ very verbal before she kisses you on the lips! love statements all the way with terms of endearment sprinkled in like "mi amor", "cariño" and other sweet things in her mother tongue you don't get from kissing her in a hurry.
━ she fears she doesn't always give you the attention you deserve, so pls let her know that she's enough and worthy of your love <3
━ enjoys resting her hands on your forearms and smiles gleefully into the kiss.
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━ kisses with her are cheeky.
━ she's super in tune with her emotions and bears no shame in casually smooching your lovely face!
━ of course, she can be a bit of a tease
━ give her a kiss on any part of her face and she'll chuckle out a playful "gross!" as she jokingly shoves your chest.
━ a game of cat and mouse ensues and you're over here running around headquarters trying to smooch her while she runs around trying to playfully evade your affectionate assaults!
━ shoulder kisses are typical between the two of you, occurring more when no ones looking.
━ she'll be in front of her computer, sitting on her chair just doing her thing until you approach her from behind and lovingly kiss her shoulder.
━ doesn't fluster from it. instead, she smiles and raises a brow at you. a 'really?' of sorts. she does this to you too, but there's always a rub of your upper arms included as she rests her chin on your shoulder.
━ kissing you on the lips is a different story, however.
━ it typically happens when she's annoyed by the silly nonesense youre spurring, so she kisses you to shut you up (all in good nature ofc!) or when she's feeling particularly soft with you—her demeanor serious, yet so undeniably in love.
━ either way, she's got one weakness, and that weakness is you <3
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Jimmy Z
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━ kisses with him are timid.
━ is so shy when you kiss him that whenever you do so, the steam from his face flows upwards and his cap practically flies up!
━ doesn't initiate kisses, if at all, but he's a gift that just keeps on giving! he looks out for you, makes sure you're eating well, makes sure you have your fair share of rest, he even makes you cute little 8-bit videogames—so cmon! how can you resist not smooching his face? it'd be a crime no to do so!
━ he isn't very big on mouth to mouth contact, and would honestly prefer to be kissed anywhere else. nothing against you, god no, its just the sensation.
━ he lives for victory pecks!!
━ catch him fist bumping the air after beating a particularly rough final boss and move your lips close to his cheek! he's so high off the adrenaline rush that he instinctively leans the side of his face in for you to kiss. in that moment, he knows he deserves it!
━ he gets so weak in the knees when you press kisses on his freckles.
━ it makes him feel so beautiful and precious that he can't help but wrap his arms around you—chuckles bubbling within his chest.
━ tuck his hair behind his ear for easier access to the skin above the side of his neck and you'll have him swooning!
━ is very nervous in reciprocating your efforts, but rest assured, his resolve is strong.
━ will press light kisses on the side of your head. that way, he thinks, you can't see how painfully red he is, but the heat radiating off his face says otherwise.
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