#Jesus-Yeshua Loves
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msguidedangelann · 7 months ago
The LORD Jesus Christ-Messiah – Yeshua HaMashiach-Messiah WILL RETURN SELAH AMEN-AMEIN!!
TRUST in the LORD Jesus Christ-Messiah – Yeshua HaMashiach-Messiah with all thine HEART, MIND and SOUL NOW TODAY!! ( Revelation 19:11 KJV ) “And I saw Heaven Opened, and Behold a White Horse; and HE that sat upon HIM was called Faithful and True, and in Righteousness HE doth Judge and make war.”!! Maranatha!! ( Matthew 19:28 KJV ) “And Jesus Said unto them, Verily I Say unto you, That ye which…
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"Love is what makes us human" but not in a sexual way but in a "Other-centered, life-giving love that causes me to willingly lay down it's life for my friends or strangers or even my 'enemies' if it means they will be better off is what makes us human" kind of way
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ohhliviafacee · 2 months ago
this is probably going to face major backlash but I will never understand the ppl who complain about the idea of forcing religion but then force their Atheistic ideologies onto Christians and ppl of other religions. this is hypocritical. yes, not everyone is going to follow the same religion, or better yet some don't follow a religion at all, but you really don't need to comment on every pro-Christian/religion or anti-Christian/religion post you see. many arguments would be avoided if we could all just stop harassing ppl.
also, no, I am not being hypocritical and don't force my religion on others so please don't counter me with that. I genuinely hope whoever reads this will have a blessed day and have protection over their peace. you are loved. 🫶🏻
and another reminder that Jesus loves you and that Jesus is for everyone. Jesus does not hate you.
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feflorescida · 2 months ago
Eu não quero ser santa, mas quero tocar vidas.
Eu não quero ser reconhecida mundialmente, mas quero impactar pessoas.
Eu não quero aplausos, mas quero que O aplaudam através da minha vida.
Eu não quero conquistar o mundo, mas quero que o mundo O conheça.
Eu não quero ser vista por eles, mas quero ser conhecida por Ele.
Eu não quero bens materiais, mas quero alcançar a coroa da vida.
Eu não quero fama, mas quero torná-lo conhecido.
Eu não quero as minhas vontades, mas quero as dEle.
Eu não quero que me vejam, quero que O vejam.
Eu não quero a mim, eu quero a Ele.
- Mirella Rafaela - feflorescida
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christianshorts · 10 months ago
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girlvasectomy · 3 months ago
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iipeleng · 9 months ago
You want to have unwavering faith? Learn from demons and lepers
In the Gospel of Mark, we encounter extraordinary examples of faith in unexpected places- a demon and a man with leprosy.
Mark 1:23-24(NIV)> Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an impure spirit cried out, “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!”
The title "Holy One of God" shows Jesus' special status and divine power, even recognized by demons.
It's surprising and important that a demon acknowledges who Jesus is, showing His true power.
While many people struggled to understand Jesus, the demon knew right away.
If even demons can see who Jesus is, we should confidently affirm our faith in Him as the Holy One of God.
Mark 1:40(NIV) >A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.”
The leper's use of "if" shows he fully believed in Jesus' power. He didn't doubt Jesus could heal, he knew it for sure. The question was whether Jesus would choose to do it for him personally.
If a leper could have so much faith in Jesus' power, how can we not? This challenges us to trust Jesus' ability and have faith in His decisions for our lives.
If demons and lepers could have such faith in Christ, how much more should we, who have been redeemed and made righteous by His blood?(Romans 5:9) Let us be encouraged by their example and approach Jesus with unwavering faith, knowing that He is able and willing to meet our needs.
𝄞 to reaffirm your faith👼🏻 :
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lambofthelost · 2 months ago
Welcome to my blog, here are some ground rules!!! 🕊️🪻
1. This blog is a safe space and I believe that practicing love and equality bears the fruits of the Holy Spirit. 🕊️
2. Any promotion or advocacy of sacrifice, inequality, false doctrine, hateful words or pushing any deity other than Christ as Savior onto other people will not be tolerated. If something makes you uncomfortable, don't do it to others. If you are new to Christianity, you may come to me seeking advice and I will do my best to help you.
3. ABSOLUTELY NO ANTI-SEMITISM ALLOWED!!! Our Messiah is Israeli! If I see anyone insulting Israel and Jewish people because they think it's a good way to support Palestine, you will certainly be reported and blocked! You cannot preach equality and safety while depriving others of their own!
4. I will only respond to Satanists/Non-believers with prayer, said out loud in private and it will be for your salvation. ❤️‍🩹 I will not exchange words with people who harass Believers, they can expect to be blocked. I am here however if you wish to learn about Christ's work on the cross and how He loves you! 🌸
5. I take prayer requests! If you grant me permission, I will post the responses to your messages with the written form of the prayer I said. I do this in order to share with you the way in which I spoke on your behalf in case you feel more comfortable being informed. 💖
6. Discrimination of gender, sexuality and race is a no-no and all identities/denominations are more than welcome to share their testimony, read and learn about Christ as Savior!
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snowpoetry · 2 months ago
*Youtube took all day uploading this, would've posted this sooner.*
Normally when I dream of something, i don't remember it when I wake up. Earlier today around 11am, I took a little nap but it was no ordinary nap. While I was asleep, I believe I was visited by Gabriel. It was so real, he even identified himself as the Archangel Gabriel. What he showed me, he told me not to forget. I woke up remembering every little detail of that dream. This is my retelling of it.
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jacquelinemore · 4 months ago
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Ninguno sabemos cómo enfrentar la pérdida de seres queridos, o no solo esa clase de pérdida sino también distintos tipos de pérdidas ya sean laborales, conyugales o familiares. No hay un manual el cual nosotros podamos seguir paso a paso y así evitar el sufrimiento. De lo que sí estamos seguros es que podemos encontrar con solo en la fe en Dios. Cada persona reaccionamos de manera diferente ante las pérdidas y es muy importante no alejarse de Dios en momentos de dolor.
Sabemos que la pérdida de seres queridos es inevitable, pero la fe en Dios puede brindar consuelo. Cada persona experimenta la pérdida de manera única. No se deben alejar de Dios en momentos de dolor. Dios puede proporcionarnos algo mejor después de una pérdida la oración y la fe en Dios puede brindar paz y tranquilidad.
Nuestra fe Dios es la fuente de consuelo y fortaleza en momentos de dolor y pérdida.
Recuerda que <<Él sana los quebrantados de corazón y venda sus heridas>> Salmo 147:3. ❤️
Bienaventurados los que lloran, porque ellos serán consulados.
Mateo 5:4.
Nos enseña que:
- Dios está presente en nuestros momentos de dolor y pérdida.
- No estamos solos en nuestra aflicción.
- La consolación de Dios es disponible para nosotros.
- Consuelo en momentos de tristeza.
- Esperanza en la oscuridad.
- Paz en medio del dolor.
La promesa de Dios es clara: "Ellos serán consolados". No solo es una promesa de consuelo, sino también de restauración y renovación. ✨
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testimonyz · 6 months ago
More than anything, keep loving each other actively; because love covers many sins.
-1 Peter 4:8
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msguidedangelann · 1 year ago
1 Corinthians 13:6-7 KJV and HAPPY EASTER!!
( 1 Corinthians 13:6-7 KJV ) “Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but Rejoiceth in the TRUTH; Beareth all things, Believeth all things, Hopeth all things, Endureth all things.”!! Sing Glory Glory Hallelujah and Amen-Amein!! ( Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV ) “Trust in the LORD ( ADONAI ) with all thine Heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways Acknowledge HIM, and HE shall direct thy…
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leandrobson · 11 months ago
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ohhliviafacee · 2 months ago
"For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ."
1 Corinthians 3:11
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feflorescida · 2 months ago
Querido eu:
Lembre-se diariamente que a sua identidade e valor não está nas suas conquistas materiais ou acadêmicas, não está no seu saldo bancário ou em nada relacionado a esse mundo, mas sim em Jesus. Nada e ninguém pode ditar o seu valor e identidade, mas somente Ele.
E ele diz que somos filhos, salvos, regenerados, perdoados e amados.
Se apegue nessa verdade.
🌿 via: feflorescida - Mirella Rafaela.
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carvesintochaos · 7 months ago
Satan tells me,
My existence is vanity and the ultimate Sin.
Yahshua says,
I am your Joy and you are witnessed by Me.
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