#Jersey Hijabs
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I act like it would kill me to wear a colored hijab
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HUB : 087859981145 Harga Hijab Pashmina Jersey Terjangkau di Kota Malang: Pilihan Lengkap untuk Gaya Stylish Anda Setiap Hari!

Harga Hijab Pashmina Jersey Terjangkau di Kota Malang: Pilihan Lengkap untuk Gaya Stylish Anda Setiap Hari!
HUB : 087859981145 Harga Hijab Pashmina Jersey Terjangkau di Kota Malang: Pilihan Lengkap untuk Gaya Stylish Anda Setiap Hari!
Hub : 0878-5998-1145, Hijab pashmina jersey telah menjadi salah satu pilihan favorit para muslimah modern. Selain menawarkan kenyamanan, bahan jersey juga memberikan kesan elegan yang cocok untuk berbagai kesempatan, mulai dari acara santai hingga formal. Di Kota Malang, terdapat berbagai toko harga hijab pashmina jersey yang menyediakan koleksi lengkap dengan harga yang terjangkau. Artikel ini akan membahas detail tentang keuntungan menggunakan hijab pashmina jersey, rekomendasi tempat belanja, dan tips untuk mendapatkan hijab dengan harga terbaik.
Keunggulan Hijab Pashmina Jersey
Hijab pashmina jersey memiliki sejumlah keunggulan yang menjadikannya pilihan utama banyak wanita. Beberapa di antaranya adalah:
1. Kenyamanan Maksimal Bahan jersey dikenal sangat lembut, elastis, dan adem saat dikenakan. Hal ini membuat hijab pashmina jersey cocok untuk digunakan sepanjang hari tanpa menimbulkan rasa gerah atau iritasi.
2. Mudah Dibentuk Karakteristik bahan jersey yang lentur mempermudah proses styling. Anda bisa berkreasi dengan berbagai gaya hijab modern tanpa khawatir bahan menjadi kusut.
3. Tahan Lama Hijab pashmina jersey terkenal awet karena serat kainnya yang kuat. Dengan perawatan yang tepat, hijab ini dapat bertahan lama meskipun sering digunakan.
4. Pilihan Warna dan Motif yang Beragam Salah satu alasan popularitas hijab pashmina jersey adalah ketersediaan warna dan motif yang sangat variatif. Anda dapat dengan mudah menyesuaikan hijab dengan pakaian atau suasana acara.
Mengapa Kota Malang Menjadi Surga Belanja Hijab Pashmina Jersey?
Kota Malang dikenal sebagai salah satu pusat mode hijab di Indonesia. Dengan banyaknya toko hijab yang tersebar di berbagai sudut kota, menemukan hijab pashmina jersey dengan harga terbaik bukanlah hal yang sulit. Beberapa alasan mengapa Malang menjadi tujuan utama bagi para pecinta hijab adalah:
- Harga yang Kompetitif Beragam toko harga hijab pashmina jersey di Kota Malang menawarkan produk berkualitas dengan harga bersaing. Banyak toko yang memberikan potongan harga untuk pembelian dalam jumlah besar.
- Variasi Produk Malang menyediakan koleksi hijab pashmina jersey yang lengkap, mulai dari warna netral hingga warna cerah yang sedang tren.
- Akses Mudah Toko-toko hijab di Malang umumnya berada di lokasi strategis, seperti pasar, pusat perbelanjaan, atau toko online lokal, yang memudahkan pembeli dari berbagai daerah untuk berbelanja.
-Rekomendasi Toko Harga Hijab Pashmina Jersey di Kota Malang
Berikut adalah beberapa toko yang terkenal menyediakan hijab pashmina jersey dengan harga terbaik di Kota Malang:
1. Pasar Besar Malang Sebagai pusat belanja tradisional, Pasar Besar Malang menawarkan berbagai jenis hijab dengan harga grosir. Anda bisa menemukan hijab pashmina jersey berkualitas mulai dari Rp25.000.
2. Butik Hijab Modern Butik ini menyediakan hijab pashmina jersey premium dengan desain eksklusif. Cocok untuk Anda yang mencari tampilan elegan dengan harga terjangkau.
3. Toko Online Lokal Malang Untuk Anda yang lebih nyaman berbelanja dari rumah, beberapa toko online lokal di Malang menawarkan pilihan lengkap untuk gaya stylish Anda setiap hari. Banyak toko yang menyediakan layanan pengiriman cepat dengan harga bersahabat.
-Tips Mendapatkan Hijab Pashmina Jersey Berkualitas dengan Harga Terbaik Agar tidak salah pilih, berikut beberapa tips untuk mendapatkan hijab pashmina jersey berkualitas:
1. Periksa Kualitas Bahan Pastikan bahan jersey yang Anda pilih lembut, elastis, dan tidak terlalu tipis. Hindari bahan yang mudah melar karena akan mempengaruhi tampilan hijab.
2. Bandingkan Harga Jangan ragu untuk membandingkan harga dari beberapa toko sebelum membeli. Biasanya, harga hijab di toko grosir lebih murah dibandingkan butik.
3. Manfaatkan Promo dan Diskon Banyak toko harga hijab pashmina jersey di Kota Malang yang memberikan promo menarik, terutama menjelang hari raya atau akhir tahun.
4. Pilih Warna Netral untuk Investasi Jangka Panjang Warna seperti hitam, putih, atau nude mudah dipadukan dengan berbagai outfit sehingga lebih sering digunakan.
Inspirasi Gaya Hijab Pashmina Jersey Hijab pashmina jersey dapat dikenakan dengan berbagai gaya, mulai dari gaya simpel hingga yang lebih formal. Berikut beberapa inspirasi: - Gaya Simpel dan Santai Lipat hijab menjadi dua, lalu sematkan di bawah dagu menggunakan peniti. Biarkan ujungnya terurai untuk tampilan kasual.
- Gaya Formal untuk Acara Spesial Bentuk hijab dengan melilitkan salah satu sisi ke leher untuk kesan lebih anggun. Tambahkan bros atau aksesori untuk mempercantik tampilan.
- Gaya Layered untuk Tampilan Modern Lipat hijab secara diagonal, lalu lilitkan secara bertumpuk di sekitar leher untuk menambah volume dan dimensi.--
- Penutup: Dapatkan Hijab Pashmina Jersey dengan Harga Terbaik di Kota Malang! Untuk para muslimah yang ingin tampil stylish tanpa menguras kantong, hijab pashmina jersey adalah solusi sempurna. Dengan banyaknya pilihan toko di Kota Malang, Anda dapat menemukan hijab pashmina jersey dengan harga terbaik sesuai kebutuhan dan gaya Anda. Jangan ragu untuk berbelanja dan eksplorasi gaya hijab yang mempercantik penampilan Anda setiap hari. Temukan koleksi terbaik di toko harga hijab pashmina jersey di Kota Malang dan nikmati pengalaman berbelanja yang memuaskan. Pilihan lengkap untuk gaya stylish Anda setiap hari hanya ada di sini!
FAQ tentang Hijab Pashmina Jersey di Kota Malang
1. Apa keunggulan hijab pashmina jersey dibandingkan bahan lainnya? Hijab pashmina jersey memiliki beberapa keunggulan, seperti bahannya yang lembut, elastis, dan adem sehingga nyaman digunakan sepanjang hari. Selain itu, bahan ini mudah dibentuk, tidak mudah kusut, dan tersedia dalam berbagai pilihan warna dan motif.
2. Di mana saya bisa membeli hijab pashmina jersey dengan harga terbaik di Kota Malang? Anda bisa mendapatkan hijab pashmina jersey dengan harga terbaik di Kota Malang di berbagai tempat, seperti Pasar Besar Malang untuk harga grosir, butik hijab modern untuk produk premium, atau toko online lokal yang menawarkan layanan pengiriman cepat.
3. Berapa kisaran harga hijab pashmina jersey di Kota Malang? Harga hijab pashmina jersey di Kota Malang sangat bervariasi tergantung pada kualitas bahan dan tempat pembelian. Umumnya, harga grosir dimulai dari Rp25.000, sedangkan produk premium bisa mencapai Rp100.000 atau lebih.
4. Bagaimana cara memilih hijab pashmina jersey yang berkualitas? Pastikan untuk memeriksa kelembutan bahan, tingkat elastisitas, dan ketebalan kain. Hindari bahan yang terlalu tipis atau mudah melar. Selain itu, pilihlah warna dan motif yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda agar lebih sering digunakan.
5. Apakah ada promo atau diskon khusus di toko hijab pashmina jersey di Kota Malang? Banyak toko harga hijab pashmina jersey di Kota Malang yang menawarkan promo menarik, terutama pada momen-momen tertentu seperti menjelang hari raya, akhir tahun, atau saat pembelian dalam jumlah besar. Jangan lupa untuk memanfaatkan promo ini untuk mendapatkan harga terbaik!
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Hijabkart's Jersey Hijab is a perfect blend of comfort and style. Crafted from premium jersey fabric, it drapes effortlessly, offering a chic and modest look. The breathable material ensures comfort throughout the day, making it ideal for various occasions. With a wide range of colours and patterns, the Jersey Hijab from Hijabkart is a versatile accessory that complements any outfit, catering to the diverse preferences of the modern Muslim woman.
#Jersey Hijab#buy Jersey Hijab#Jersey Hijab online india#hijabs online#buy hijabs online in india#hijab kart
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Looking for a comfortable and stylish jersey hijab? Check out our collection at Silqrose. Our jersey hijabs are soft, stretchy, and easy to wear, making them perfect for everyday use. With a wide variety of colors to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect jersey hijab to suit your style. Shop now and experience the beauty and comfort of a Silqrose jersey hijab.
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an incomplete list of hate crimes in the past fourteen (14) days against jews not in Israel, in no particular order
A shul was defaced with swastikas (Minneapolis, US)
A shul was firebombed (Montreal, Canada)
An ATM dispensed antisemitic banknotes, complete with 'Fuck Jews' (Sydney, Australia)
Swastikas at public high schools (Virginia, US)
Antisemitic stickers at the Boston University Campus ("spreading" from Harvard)
More antisemitic grafitti (Indiana, US)
(or maybe 12) 5 antisemitic attacks in Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland)
(or 13) Swastika grafitti in Pittsburgh, where I live (Pittsburgh, US)
(or 14) A car burned and grafitti sprayed in another antisemitic attack in Australia (Australia)
(or 15) That Melbourne arson attack (Melbourne, Australia)
(or 16) Jordan Acker's home was vandalized (Michigan)
(or 17) The San Francisco Hillel was vandalized with antisemitic grafitti (San Francisco, US)
(or 18) An Israeli in California was wounded after someone DROVE A FREAKING CAR INTO THEM (California, US)
(or 19) Someone intentionally cut off the peyot of a Jewish boy in New Jersey, akin to ripping the hijab off a Muslim woman, only it takes a while for her to get another hijab (New Jersey, US)
Mind you, as far as I know, this was a relatively typical two weeks. Goodness knows there were many more that went unreported. And many of these were basically unreported in the non-Jewish news, because no one really pays attention unless it's something big, like arson. Imagine if some tailor destroyed the hijab of a Muslim girl after saying not to, as her mother begged for him to stop. National news, right? But if it's a Jew - no one cares.
But tell me more about how antisemitism isn't a big problem and I shouldn't worry again.
#jumblr#jewblr#if jew know jew know#jewish#jewish tumblr#tw antisemitism#antisemitism#antisemites#leftist antisemitism#rightwing antisemitism
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My Pagan Veiling Tips!
This is my personal tips, if you find that something else works with you, then stick with it, this is just what works for me, and if you find it works, great! Also anyone can veil, remember that.
1. Good quality veils usually are from Muslim shops, here are some I personally use: sunnahstyle.com, hautehijab.com, bazaralhaya.com.
2. Invest in a good undercap (hair net or underscarf) especially if you plan on not showing any hair, I recommend haute hijab or sunnah style for the best undercaps.
3. Scarf magnets are a Godsend! The websites I recommended have good magnetic strength & are inexpensive! Sunnah Style are the cheapest!
4. Rectangle veils are more versatile than square scarves. If you plan on doing many styles, rectangle are the way to go. If you want simple, stick with square.
5. Woven, Chiffon, Mehdina Silk, or other light fabrics are best during Hot weather seasons. Jersey fabric is best for cold weather seasons.
6. Reminder, soft and light fabrics are more likely to slip, so wearing an undercap or magnets will help make the veil stay in place. Heavier fabrics like jersey will usually stay in place, but use magnets if you are in cold season, if you want your scarf to stay snug.
7. Light fabrics are usually less opaque, so folding it will make it least see through. Or simply wear an undercap will help with the opaqueness.
8. Etsy is best for printed veils, otherwise Haute Hijab has a great selection of printed fabrics. But remember, they only have Woven, Pleated, & Chiffon printed fabrics on their website.
9. I recommend SunnahStyle for face veils, mainly since I only bought them from that website, they have many types and colors: half veil, one layer, two layer, three layer, no-pinch (for people who wear glasses or just don’t like the pinching regular veils give), buttoned veils, etc.
10. You will probably get mistaken as a Muslim when wearing these styles, even though there’s historical evidence of the veil belonging in many practices. If you are uncomfortable with the association, I would recommend buying religious symbols or pins to put on your scarves to help differentiate you.
11. Remember, do not overdo yourself. Even wearing the lightest of fabrics, if you are in hot weather, you will still heat up. Please don’t overheat yourself, it’s okay to take off your scarves. Or invest in a portable fan, and drink lots of water to prevent heat exhaustion. Especially if you take meds that make you susceptible to heat.
12. The Gods will not be angry with you if you have to take off your veil, they understand that you are human and that you need to take care of yourself first.
These are some of my tips, if you have any questions, don’t feel afraid to ask or reach out to me. I hope this helps you on your journey!
Here’s the @ I promised when I posted this: @mikeyanderson97
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I love when the children have different skin tones or little things about them that make them rally unique
richas - being darkskin an afro AND the prosthetic leg I've also seen where parts of his afro are diyed and he has his siblings sign his jersey
Pomme - wearing a hijab is amazing, ive also seen her with this cool Joan of arc type design muah!! Now imagine them both together. My favorite little knight
ramon - with locs and have to agree that's canon, and he insisted on retwisting them himself. His outfits that r very steampunk
Dapper - looking like a straight demon just like his dad lol
sunny - vitaligo, BLACK GIRL SUNNY, braids or locks and bif feather boa because so true, sunny with white hair, her dramatic outfits, SUNNY IN STEAMPUNK OUTFITS MUAHMUAHMUAH
empanada - with vitaligo her hair is a mix of all her moms she kinda looks like a calico cat. HAVING TEXTURED HAIR, the lolita dress
TALLULAH - AND HER HEARING AIDS, YOULL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS, or where she has thick textured hair
Pepito - Black albinism!!!!
Leo - being visably brown, it may not seem like much but it means everything to me
Bobby - with busted teeth and bruises all the time because hes chaos in a mortal body, I've also seen him visibly brown as well, hes also covered in paint
Flippa - the hearts on her shirt changing depending on the lives she has. Where like a layer sweater shirt combo but specificly the sweater sleeves looks like the trans flag, the shirt looks like charlie and her skirt is yellow to match with Mariana
Chayanne - with neopolitin hair is really cute, hes the ONLY canon blondy to me and it stand on that, my favorite little warrior.
Tilin - JUST BEING A MINI QUACKITY IS SO FUNN, or they have a high collar that covers their mouth
Trumpet - has blue hair, with like lots of color and bracelets, or where he kinda looks like a jester
#qsmp sunny#qsmp chayanne#qsmp tallulah#qsmp ramon#qsmp empanada#qsmp pomme#qsmp bobby#qsmp juanaflippa#qsmp tilín#qsmp trumpet#qsmp pepito#qsmp dapper#qsmp richas#I PUT ALL THE KIDS DOWN NO MAN LEFT BEHIND#at least i think so
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Ibtihaj Muhammad (December 4, 1985) is a saber and fencing team member who won a bronze medal in the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. She became the first Muslim American woman to wear a hijab while competing in the Olympics.
She was born to Eugene Muhammad, a police officer, and Denise Muhammad, an elementary school special education teacher. She attended Columbia High School in Maplewood, New Jersey. While attending Columbia High School, she joined the school fencing team, where she became team captain and helped the team win two state championships.
She attended Duke University on an academic scholarship. She earned All-America honors with a record of 49-8. She placed second at the mid-Atlantic/South Regional and 21st at the Junior Olympics. She finished 11th for saber at the NCAA Championships and earned her second consecutive All-America honors. A third All-America honors would come in 2006.
She graduated with dual BAs in International Relations and African and African American studies. She would win numerous victories in fencing, including with the US National Team, where she won gold at the 2011 and 2015 Pan American Games. She won gold at the 2014 World Championships and bronze at the 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2015 World Championships. She made the list of the 100 Most Influential People of 2016 in Time Magazine.
In January 2017, President Barack Obama nominated her to the President’s Council of Fitness, Health, and Nutrition. In 2018, Mattel released a Barbie doll that included her wearing a hijab. She released her memoir, Proud: My Fight for an Unlikely American Dream. Her memoir details her journey from childhood growing up in New Jersey to the US Olympic fencing team while touching on the racism and xenophobia she experienced. She was a sports ambassador with the US Department’s Empowering Women and Girls through Sports Initiative. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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Dean Obeidallah at The Dean's Report:
Donald Trump wants Muslim Americans to forget the hell he put our community through in the past and now support him in the 2024 race—as we saw at his rally Saturday in Michigan. To be blunt: No politician has ever weaponized anti-Muslim hate like Trump did during the 2016 campaign and as President--as I wrote about years ago for MSNBC.com. I will never forget the horror of watching Trump on national TV time and time again during the 2016 campaign lying about Muslims to our fellow Americans in an effort to score points with the bigots of the GOP base. And worse, the MAGA crowd at his rallies cheered the hate directed at us. As an adult it was jarring but to Muslim American children at the time it was deeply frightening—as I heard from parents--making them wonder if they belong in this country and would their parents be deported simply for being Muslim. Here are some of the worst of Trump’s campaign of anti-Muslim hate that has stayed with me from the 2016 campaign:
Lying that Muslim Americans in New Jersey cheered the 9/11 attack. He repeated this over and over despite it being fact checked as a lie: “There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good.”
Trump smeared all Muslims while on CNN in March 2016 as hating Americans: “I think Islam hates us. There’s something there that — there’s a tremendous hatred there.”
Trump claimed in 2016 campaign that American Muslims were not fully American and wanted to destroy the nation from within: “This all happened because, frankly, there’s no assimilation. They are not assimilating . . . They want to go by sharia law. They want sharia law.”
Trump claimed on Fox News that Muslims in America know where the terrorists are but we refuse to turn them in: “They're going to have to turn in the people that are bombing the planes. And they know who the people are. And we're not going to find the people by just continuing to be so nice and so soft.”
Trump’s calls for a ban on Muslims coming to America: “I, Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”
Trump calling for a total Muslim ban and the MAGA crowd at the event cheering was one of the most bone-chilling events I’d seen in American politics at that point. (Trump’s Jan 6 terrorist attack has eclipsed that.) The real world impact of Trump’s non-stop demonization of Muslims was that hate crimes against Muslims in 2016 actually reached a higher level than in the year after 9/11. Women with hijabs were punched in the face, mosques in America were being defaced literally with bigots writing the word “Trump” like it was a modern-day swastika, Muslim students were being bullied at record numbers and more. And as President, Trump continued with his hate directed at our community. His first act as President was to sign his “Muslim ban” by way of executive order. He retweeted anti-Muslim bigots on Twitter who were peddling lies about Muslims in America being a threat.
Trump continually demonized Rep. Ilhan Omar who is Muslim and an immigrant to the point where at his 2019 rally, his despicable fans chanted about her, “Send her back!” And the list goes on. And during the 2024 campaign, Trump is back to his anti-Muslim BS. He has repeatedly pledged that if elected he will impose a bigger Muslim ban. While making this vow, Trump has peddled even more anti-Muslim garbage, declaring, “When I return to office, the travel ban is coming back even bigger than before and much stronger than before. We don't want people blowing up our shopping centers. We don't want people blowing up our cities.” In other words, he’s telling his base that Muslims will come to the US and blow up shopping malls. (Of course, at the same time, Trump despicably defends his Jan 6 terrorists as “patriots.”)
Since the war in Gaza, Trump has made it clear that he would never allow Palestinian refugees from that area into the United States. Worse, he has 100% backed up Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s mass slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza criticizing Biden for trying to “hold back” Netanyahu’s military actions. And as reported yesterday in The Washington Post, Trump recently told Netanyahu, “Do what you have to do” when it comes to military actions in Gaza and Lebanon. Yet Trump is now trying to attract Muslim Americans to support him. My response is simple: Trump can go F**k himself. Sorry, I’m from New Jersey and when it comes to despicable bigots like Trump that is the response he deserves.
[...] Muslim Americans becoming active in all political parties is a great thing. While I’d prefer they all be progressive Democrats like me, no community is monolithic—nor is it in their best interest to be. But Muslims publicly endorsing Trump who has intentionally demonized Muslims for years to score political points, incited hate crimes against us, backed Netanyahu’s mass killing in Gaza and is pledging a larger Muslim ban is awful.
Dean Obeidallah is saying what needs to be said about Donald Trump’s recent outreach to Muslims disappointed with the Biden Administration’s pandering to Israel despite his past Islamophobia: “Trump can go F**k himself”
See Also:
MMFA: In reporting on Trump's outreach to Arab American voters, national and Michigan outlets excluded Trump’s promise to reinstate a Muslim ban
#Islam#Islamophobia#Muslim Americans#Muslims#2024 Presidential Election#2024 Elections#Muslim Ban#Muslim Travel Ban#Gaza Genocide#Israel/Hamas War
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that post from eveningdawn22 (I think??) about "not palatable (notably to tim) transfem jay" is only reassuring my ideas and thoughts for the lily todd au but in like a different specific-to-me and specific-to-this-au way
speaking from experience tim drake Would be weird about lily* (for context: lily as in lily todd, from an au where jay is a transfem Muslim, among other things)
this isn't like a character condemnation thing, this is me speaking from experience about what people are like about queer Muslims. (bruce would also be very Weird about it but i think the source would be first and foremost bruce/batman shit, particularly in relation to jay specifically, before we hit the like more general social aspects and whatnot)
people around here (new jersey, but also america in general) are just Like That. the white kids (esp rich white kids from those gated mansion communities or whatever) around here are especially Like That. i've been going to school with them for years and have even been "friends" with some (for a given definition of friends) and they all inevitably to some degree will be Like That. in fact the vast majority of the world is Like That, to varying degrees of severity, not just specifically because of the Muslim bit or the queer bit, but because of the two things together in one person.
(from my personal experiences, it's not always a malicious thing or an intentional thing, but it is inevitably demeaning and isolating in a particular way that's supposed to be acceptable and is brushed off as like, "people can have different political beliefs blah blah blah". microaggressions and the taint of Islamophobia and all that)
there are a lot of places and people that are theoretically queer friendly or push this idea of no prejudice, like my uni, but it's inevitably not actually that straightforward
(tim and tbh a lot of the batfam, or even superheroes/vigilantes in general, are or would be like that. not even your beloved heroes are immune to propaganda, overt or otherwise. jay is already basically a freak in canon. in the lily pot au, lily is a freak existence for arguably "worse" reasons. "crazy" white boy is vastly more preferable to transfem niqabi mom.)
there's a specific idea of queerness people have in mind when they talk or think about acceptance, and it's one that does not involve the majority of the real world or communities, and they react poorly when asked to confront that
none of this is new or revolutionary information or ideas; queer bipoc people, especially Black and Indigenous queer people, have been talking about their personal experiences with this for ages, and have been demanding attention and change for just as long
some people are receptive, some people are theoretically receptive, most people don't like confronting or acknowledging the status quo
but i almost never see those kinds of discussions about or from Muslims, especially Muslim women or hijabis (i specify this bc of the visibility of hijab)
if anything it seems like everyone is deeply uncomfortable with just Muslims existing in a way that is not in fact "Other", and having to think too hard about Muslims as people who can have similarities that Really don't fit certain narratives (e.g. devout hijabi who is also proudly queer) even "positive" ones is just so.... incomprehensible, and disgusting, to them
it's exhausting when even the blue-hair-and-pronouns cannot stand the blue-burqa-and-pronouns but everyone pretends that's like. fine. and acceptable. if they acknowledge it at all
tim drake would think lily todd was weird and freaky and he'd be with the majority on that
#the lily pot au#transfem jason todd#fem!jay multiverse#my au#rambling vaguely to myself mostly it's more for me than anyone else#tagging with the specific au because even if it's not specifically about it it's still deeply relevant#also no one ever listens on a good day. if you're browsing my blog or the tags the least you can do is read this and think a bit#long text#there's more to say on this but it's draining trying to get this out coherently and i have things to do. might come back to it later idk#queer Muslim#lgbt Muslim#does this count as like discourse or.
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Hiii :)
Hope ur doing okay <3. I wanted to ask if u could make a part 2 of Tokyo revengers member with a hijabi girl but this time they’re married and it’s like a headcanon of how the guys act in public, or if they help her to dress up please ! :) (if u do it, I’m okay with all characters but can u add mitsuya plzzz)
I rlly don’t know if that’s clear bc English isn’t my first language but I hope it is and sorry for the typos !!
Btw hello from France, I love ur headcanons hehee :))
Heyyy, I hope everything is okay over there, France looks like it's burning rn from the news I'm getting. Also yeah I am totally doing this!
Also your english is pretty good so don't worry sweetheart,
Also I did not proofread
Characters : Ran, Rindou, Sanzu, Baji, Mitsuya
Tokyo revengers with a muslim wife :D
Part one , part two -> tr with a muslim friend
This slick mf
this click model lanky ass dude mf
how did you even get to date him? With his fvking braids???
Anyways, back to the now where he has a better haircut-
Since he is what we could say the main leader of Roppongi, he must also have access to many clothing shops
and when I tell you he let his underlings install as many modest shops as possible-
just to go on a walk with you and be like-
"Oh, that is new. Wanna go in and see some dresses or skirts for you?"
again, he is a slick mf
but you somehow love him so i let you vibbeeeee
"Oh, that looks nice- oop, nope, not for me.", you muttered after you checked the price on the tag of a pretty looking dress
but ran just took it and put it on his underarm like a waiter would
you felt bad the whole time
cuz like, everything is so expensive???
but no shit cuz it has qualityyyyy
chile anyways
you got like ten dresses and two abayas you wanted to "just try out"
mind you ran is actually planning to buy the whole store for you
but you are also no better, you are a lil shit as well
when you got to the place where they hung the hijabs, you smirked at him mischieviously
your were trying to hold in your laugh as you tapped him on the shoulder
"He-hey Ran...w-wanna try this out?", and you couldn't do no more than to burst out laughing
ran just smiled at you in fondness while he thought back to the day where you first led him to one of the stores you frequented and he wanted to make you laugh
so he put on a headshawl, but he looked more like a grandma than a modest woman
and you had that exact picture in mind as you were giggling
at least he was your husband now
he pays for everything, he is sweet to you, and you feel comfortable around him, even in public
y'all look like a power couple tbh
he looks rich and you're his precious woman
damn I'm feeling so single now. Thanks for requesting this. It's a great reminder on how I'll never find a rich man like him.
shy, still surprised and happy that you decided to marry him
like, you married him? he was bald on both sides of his head in his teen age gírl!
he looks better now-
enough of the bullying, this tsundere man (I still know nothing about these guys) had the same idea as his older brother and so, there were many shops, but under his name. He financed them, and so it was no surprise when he took you out on a shopping spree, only for you to take whatever you want
safe to say he fell in love all over again when he saw you happily strolling ahead and picked some clothes for yourself
he also loves showing you off
like, he's also lucky that you don't mind stepping out in public with him
y'all also look like a power couple
and honestly, he thinks that you look absolutely beautiful, covered in the finest silk and smiling that sweet smile of yours
You were the reason he stopped falling into the abyss of temporary ecstasy, which would lead to his death
He was surprised that you didn't look at him weirdly
and now, he is happy to call himself your husband
he loves touching the different susbances like jersey, silk, or cotton cloth, which you would use to cover your head with
"This one looks nice! Want me to buy it for you?"
Such a sweet man for you
always tells you when there's hair visible, also stands in front of you, looking down on you with a fond smile as you hurriedly fix your hijab
loves holding your hand and swinging it around
Feels much better when you tell him about Islam and stories from the prophets
wants to protect you at all costs because you're just so beautiful and sweet and he wouldn't be able to live alone anymore if something happened to you,
I mean,
you saved him from the drugs and alcohol, he wants to save you form all the bastards outside
You guys got together because he beated up a few guys who were harrassing you
stares at the men who look at you for longer than 0.0000001 second
like Baji...
hates it when you wash your stuff and he has to iron them then, because he fears that he'd either not iron it perfectly, or the iron burns your precious and expensive cloths
you always tell him to let you do it yourself, his deadass response is always:
"If I can't iron my wife's clothes then what type of man am I?!?"
We love Baji
Is also in love with your cooking? Or when you go to a restaurant which has your traditional food, he is all in
wants to have kids with you, like in the first month of being married, he was like, "would you like to start a family? I'd love to see my daughters wearing hijabs as well"
we got him, sisters
You smile, "Let's wait a little"
Like c'mon Baji, let your wife have a calm live, kids can come later
but he still managed to put you into a baby fever
Sends you fucking videos of mothers playing with their daughters
little girls putting on niqabs
little biys praying alongside or behind their father
Baji got taught how to pray by you, your father, or his newly found friends in mosques
he wants to have children so bad, and the fact that Islam is not just a religion but the way of living life, he wants to teach his younglings as well
(How did I think about kids all of a sudden???)
You better believe that when you ask him to go buy clothes with you, he's only looking for ideal cotton which won't irritate your skin
will make you feel guilty by saying: "don't you trust my skills?"
damn another gaslighter, but in a healthy way
I mean, sure, buying cotton itself is expensive, but at least he knows what fits you spot on and you don't have to look for stuff that you'll only wear once a month
takes lessons on how to make the perfect hijab and dress for you
I've said it once but I'll say it again,
ok now here again
will have the same idea as baji and ask you if you'd like to have kids
to make them hijabs as well
In his next fashion meeting, he introduces the idea of having his models run the stage with modest clothing, and got accepted
when I tell you their marketing skyrocketed-
You're happy that your husband launches modest clothing for other muslims as well
Sorry if it got shorter and shorter but that was all I could come up with. And now looking back, I'm confused as to why Ran's is so long, I don't even like him, like wtf?
Anyways, I hope you liked it!
Leave a like or a comment! Reblog if you want to!
Read you in the next post!
#tokyo revengers imagines#tokyo revengers x you#tokyo revengers x reader#tokyo revengers x y/n#tokyo revengers#tokyo revengers with a muslim friend#tr with a muslim wife#we love baji in this household#we also love mitsuya#we also love rindou#ran is nothing but a tall fuck#tokyo revengers fluff#sanzu x reader#haitani rindou#rindou haitani#sanzu haruchiyo#haitani ran#sanzu headcanons#sanzu x you#ran haitani#baji x reader#baji x you#tokyo rev x you#chifuyu x reader#hanakuma chifuyu#toman chifuyu#baji fluff#tokrev mitsuya#mitsuya x reader#draken x reader
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Holidays 2.1
Abolition of Slavery Day (Mauritius)
Air Force Day (Nicaragua)
Aroma Day (Japan)
Be An Encourager Day
Bigfoot Day
Canadian Mounties Day
Car Insurance Day
Cerebral Creatine Deficiency Syndrome (CCDS) Awareness Day
Change Your Password Day
Coast Guard Day (India)
Commemoration of the Abolition of Slavery (Mauritius)
Conservatorship and Guardianship Abuse Awareness Day
Constitution Day (Mexico)
Cross-Quarter Day
Day of Remembrance & Respect to Victims of the Communist Regime (Bulgaria)
Dignity Action Day (UK)
FCC Censorship Day
Federal Territory Day (Malaysia)
45 RPM Record Day
Freedom from Slavery Day
G.I. Joe Day
Golden Ticket Day
Heroes Day (Rwanda)
Highlight Your Hair Day
Holiday Hugs Day - Celebrating Dedicated Platelet Donors
Hourly Comic Day
Hula In the Coola Day
Igbi (Avar people; Russia)
Inspire Your Employees to Excellence Day
International Brownie Camera Day
International Day of Black Women in the Arts
International Face & Body Art Day
Medicare Day (Australia)
Memorial Day of the Republic (Hungary)
Moving-Picture Studio Day
National Appreciation Day for Catholic Schools
National Breathing Space Day (Scotland)
National Energy Assistance Day
National Freedom Day
National Get Up Day
National Girls and Women in Sports Day
National Heroes’ Day (Rwanda)
National Lonely Hearts Day
National Serpent Day
National Texas Day
National Unclaimed Property Day
National Youth Heart Screening Day
No Hijab Day
No Politics Day
O.E.D. Day
PreCure Day (Japan)
Robinson Crusoe Day
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Day (Manitoba)
Sandy B. Hooks Day (Lousiana)
Sherman’s March Day
Spunky Old Broads' Day
13th Amendment Day (US)
Triohonsi begins (Wolves' holiday, ends 3rd; Bulgaria)
Tupperware Sculpting Day
Visite du Pape (Democratic Republic of Congo)
Wardrobe Malfunction Day
White Rabbit Day
World Aspergillosis Awareness Day
World Galgo Day
World Hijab Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Baked Alaska Day
Dark Chocolate Day
Decorating with Candy Day
International Furmint Day
International Gruit Day
National Cake Pops Day
National Canned Food Day
Skippy Peanut Butter Day
Nature Celebrations
Bay Laurel Day (French Republic)
National Day of the Mexican Axolotl (Mexico)
Primrose (Youth & Longing; Korean Birth Flowers)
Independence, Flag & Related Days
Confederation Agreement Day (Senegal; 1981)
The Consulate of Jovak Helm (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
East New Jersey (Purchased by William Penn; 1682)
Federal Territory Day (Malaysia)
Texas (Voted to Secede from the U.S.; 1861)
Thulia (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
United Arab Republic (Created by merger of Egypt & Syria; 1958)
New Year’s Days
Imbolc (a.k.a. Oimelc; Celtic, Pagan) [1 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
1st Saturday in February
Barber Day [1st Saturday]
Burning the Hom Strom (Graubünden, Switzerland) [1st Saturday]
Global Chaplains Day [1st Saturday]
Ice Cream For Breakfast Day [1st Saturday]
International Pisco Sour Day [1st Saturday]
Lace Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
Pork Rind Appreciation Day [1st Saturday]
Sandwich Saturday [Every Saturday]
Satyr's Day (Silenus, Greek God of Beer Buddies and Drinking Companions) [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Scout Sabbath [1st Saturday]
Six For Saturday [Every Saturday]
Sleep Over Saturday [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Social Saturday [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Sourdough Saturday [1st Saturday of Each Month]
South African National Beer Day (South Africa) [1st Saturday]
Spaghetti Saturday [Every Saturday]
Take Your Child to the Library Day [1st Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 1 (Last Week of January)
African Heritage & Health Week (thru 2.7)
International Networking Week [1st Week]
La Poutine Week (Canada) [thru 2.7]
National Patient Recognition Week (thru 2.7)
Solo Diners Eat Out Week (thru 2.7)
Women’s Heart Week (thru 2.7) [Always from 2.1]_
World Interfaith Harmony Week (thru 2.7) [1st Week]
Yukon Quest [thru 2.6]
Festivals Beginning February 1, 2025
AFRMA Fancy Rat and Mouse Show (Riverside, California)
Arizona Renaissance Festival (Apache Junction, Arizona) [thru 3.30]
Boys & Girls Club of Laredo Wine Tasting Gala (Laredo, Texas)
Brainerd Jaycees Ice Fishing Extravaganza (Brainerd, Minnesota)
Carnival in the Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) [thru 2.27]
Carolina Chocolate Festival (Moorehead City, North Carolina) [thru 2.2]
Chocolate Tour (Excelsior Springs, Missouri)
Downtown Gadsden Chili Cook-Off (Gadsden, Alabama)
Florida Renaissance Festival (Deerfield Beach, Florida) [thru 3.23]
Hudson Valley Wingfest (Poughkeepsie, New York)
Melodifestivalen (Lulea, Sweden)
Panagbenga Festival (Baguio, the Philippines) [thru 3.1]
Something in the Way (Boston, Massachusetts) [thru 2.2]
South Florida Garlic Fest (Wellington, Florida) [thru 2.2]
Temecula Valley Barrel Tasting (Temecula, California) [thru 2.2]
Feast Days
Astina (Syrian Church; Saint)
Brigid, patron saint of Ireland (Saint Brigid's Day) [brewers]
Brigid’s Day (Pagan)
Brigit’s Day (Celtic Earth Mother & Godess of Fire, Wisdom, Poetry, and Sacred Wells; Everyday Wicca)
Candelaria of San José (Christian; Blessed)
Candlemas (Pagan)
Candlemas Eve
Chronos Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Day Sacred to Juno Sospita, Jupiter, Hercules, and Diana (Ancient Rome)
Emaculation (The Season of Intoxication begins, a.k.a. ‘Frop Harvest; Church of the SubGenius)
Festival of Dionysus begins (Ancient Greece) [thru 2.14]
First of Fettuccine February (Pastafarian)
Henry Morse (Christian; Saint)
Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch (Christian; Saint & Martyr)
Imbolc (a.k.a. Oimelc; Celtic, Pagan) [1 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
John of the Grating (Christian; Saint)
Kalends of February (Ancient Rome)
Kinnia, Virgin of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Là Fhèill Brìghde (Day when the Cailleach Beara gathers firewood; Celtic)
Landsegen (Germanic Neopaganism)
Langston Hughes (Writerism)
Lenaia (Festival of Drama to Dionysus, Greek God of Intoxication)
Lesser Eleusinian Mysteries, Day 1 of 3 (Ancient Greece festival honoring Ceres, Demeter, Persephone, and Proserpine)
The Lucaria (Festival of the Grove to Sucellus, Gaulish God of Alcohol; Ancient Rome) [also 7.19 & 7.21]
Mac the Dog (Muppetism)
Mauni Amavasya (Day of Silence; Hinduism)
Muriel Spark (Writerism)
Pindar (Positivist; Saint)
Pionuis (Christian; Martyr)
Serial (Christian; Saint)
Sigebert III, King of Austrasia (Christian; Saint)
Spring Mother Celebration (Norse)
Tapati Festival (a.k.a. Rapa Nui; Easter Island)
Terry Jones (Writerism)
Tuppence Day (Shamanism)
Verdiana (Christian; Saint)
Lunar Calendar Holidays
Chinese: Month 1 (Wu-Yin), Day 4 (Xin-Chou)
Day Pillar: Metal Ox
12-Day Officers/12 Gods: Establish Day (建 Jian) [Inauspicious]
Holidays: Spring Festival Golden Week
Secular Saints Days
Fritjof Capra (Science)
Thomas Cole (Art)
Vladimir Dimitrov (Art)
Don Everly (Music)
John Ford (Entertainment)
Clark Gable (Entertainment)
Victor Herbert (Music)
Gilbert Hernandez (Art)
Lagston Hughes (Poetry)
Rick James (Music)
Terry Jones (Entertainment)
Galway Kinnell (Poetry)
Ștefan Luchian (Art)
Vivian Maier (Photography)
Del McCoury (Music)
Garrett Morris (Entertainment)
Takashi Murakami (Art)
George Pal (Entertainment)
Reynolds Price (Literature)
Joe Sample (Music)
Emilio G. Segrè (Science)
Muriel Spark (Literature)
Zao Wou-Ki (Art)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [8 of 30]
Ain’t Nature Grand (WB LT Cartoon; 1931)
Alice Chops the Suey (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
Alice Gets Stung (Disney Cartoon; 1925)
Alice’s Little Parade (Disney Cartoon; 1926)
American Gigolo (Film; 1980)
Argybargy, by Squeeze (Album; 1980)
Bartender, Turn Those Lights Off a A Shot in the Dark (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 342; 1965)
Battling Bosko (WB LT Cartoon; 1932)
Big Game Fishing (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1968)
The Bird Man (Krazy Kat Cartoon; 1935)
Blind Date (Terrytoons Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1954)
The Bourne Identity, by Robert Ludlum (Novel; 1980)
Cagey Business (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1965)
Cakes and Ale, by W. Somerset Maugham (Novel; 1930)
Call Me, by Blondie (Song; 1980)
Call Mr. Fortune, by H.C. Bailey (Novel; 1920)
Call Northside 777 (Film; 1948)
Camptown Races, by Stephen Foster (Song; 1850)
Cockatoos for Two (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1947)
Col. Herza Liar’s Mysterious Case (Colonel Herzl Liar Cartoon; 1924)
Cry, the Beloved Country, by Alan Paton (Novel; 1948)
Dawn (Go Away), by The Four Seasons (Song; 1969)
Dingbat Land (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1949)
Dookie, by Green Day (Album; 1994)
Double Indemnity, by James M. Cain (Novel; 1936)
Dr. Ha-Ha (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1966)
Drum Up a Tenant (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1963)
Duck Fever (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1955)
Felix Follows the Swallows (Felix Cartoon; 1925)
Felix ‘Hyps’ the Hippo (Felix Cartoon; 1924)
The First Flying Fish (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1955)
The Fox Hunt (Terrytoons Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1950)
Gag Buster (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1957)
The General’s Little Helper (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1969)
The Ghost Fakir (Krazy Kat Cartoon; 1926)
Giant Steps, by John Coltrane (Album; 1960)
Gold Diggin’ Woodpecker (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1972)
Good and Guilty (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1962)
Good Snooze Tonight (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1963)
The Goods Thing of Life (Key Holding Cartoon; 1922)
Good Times (TV Series; 1974)
Hair Cut-Ups (Terrytoons Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1953)
Hardcase (Hanna-Barbera TV Movie; 1972)
A Hare-Breadth Finish (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1957)
Hare-Less Wolf (WB MM Cartoon; 1958)
Harvest, by Neil Young (Album; 1972)
The Hillbilly (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1935)
Hound Dog, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1953)
House of Cards (TV Series; 2013)
The House That Dinky Built (Dinky Doodle Cartoon; 1925)
How to Relax (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1954)
Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, by Richard Bach (Novel; 1977)
I’m Afraid to Come Home in the Dark (Fleischer Screen Songs Cartoon; 1930)
Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace (Novel; 1996)
It’s a Bird (Lowell Thomas Tall Story Cartoon; 1936)
It’s a Living (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1958)
Jaws, by Peter Benchley (Novel; 1974)
Jessie’s Girl, by Rick Springfield (Song; 1981)
Johnny Angel, by Shelley Fabares (Song; 1962)
The Kid from Mars (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1961)
Ko-Ko Song Car-Tunes (Fleischer Out of the Inkwell Cartoon; 1925)
Kung Fu: The Movie (TV Movie; 1986)
La Boheme, by Giacomo Puccini (Opera; 1896)
Land Grab, featuring Hector Heathcote (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1970)
The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper (Novel; 1826)
Late Night with David Letterman (Talk Show; 1982)
The Lion’s Busy (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1961)
Manon Lescaut, by Giacomo Puccini (Opera; 1893)
The Man Who Fell To Earth, by Walter Tevis (Novel; 1963)
MASH: A Novel about Three Army Doctors, by Richard Hooker (Novel; 1968)
The Masquerade (Fleischer Out of the Inkwell Cartoon; 1924)
Mechanical Bird (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1952)
Miami Maniacs (Terrytoons Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1956)
Michel’s Mixed-Up Musical Bird (DePatie-Freleng Animated TV Special; 1978)
The Misunderstood Giant (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1960)
Modelling (Fleischer Out of the Inkwell Cartoon; 1923)
Mr. Winlucky (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1967)
The Old Folks at Home (Fleischer Ko-Ko Song Car-Tune Cartoon; 1925)
Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens (Novel; 1837)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, by Ken Kesey (Novel; 1962)
Oxford English Dictionary, 1st Edition (Dictionary; 1884)
Pandora and the Flying Dutchman (Film; 1951)
Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag, recorded by James Brown (Song; 1965)
The Phantom Ship (WB LT Cartoon; 1936)
Pink Breakfast (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1979)
Popcorn and Politics (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1962)
A Princess of Mars, by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Novel; 1912)
Racket Buster (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1949)
Reaux, Reaux, Reaux Your Boat (The Inspector Cartoon; 1966)
The Red Tractor (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1964)
Reduced Weights (Krazy Kat Cartoon; 1929)
Rhythm in the Beaux (WB MM Cartoon; 1935)
Road Runner a Go-Go (WB LT Cartoon; 1965)
Romantic Warrior, by Return to Forever (Album; 1976)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, adapted by Barbara Shook Hazen (Children’s Book; 1939)
Russian Doll (TV Series; 2019)
Sacré Bleu Cross (The Inspector Cartoon; 1966)
Same Time, Next Year (Film; 1979)
Seaside Adventures (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1952)
The Sky’s the Limit (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1965)
Slackers (Film; 2002)
Sleepy Time Chimes (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1971)
Sniffles Bells the Cat (WB MM Cartoon; 1941)
A Southern-Style Breakfast or How Many Grits Can You Eat? (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 341; 1965)
Stardust, by Neil Gaiman (Novel; 1999)
Space Kid (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1966)
Stage Struck (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1951)
The Story of George Washington (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1965)
Supermarket Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1980)
Surrealistic Pillow, by Jefferson Airplane (Album; 1967)
The Tale of a Dog (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1959)
Three Is A Crowd (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1951)
Time Gallops On (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1952)
To Be Or Not to Be (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1963)
Train Terrain, featuring Hector Heathcote (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1971)
Tropic of Capricorn by Henry Miller (Novel; 1937)
Tumblr (Social Media App; 2007)
Under the Pink, by Tori Amos (Album; 1994)
Von Heute auf Morgen, by Arnold & Gertrude Schoenberg (Opera; 1930)
Warm Bodies (Film; 2013)
Where There’s Smoke, featuring Deputy Dawg (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1962)
Whiz Quiz Kid (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1964)
Wise Quacks (Dinky Duck Terrytoons Cartoon; 1953)
Today’s Name Days
Brigitta, Katharina, Reginald, Severus (Austria)
Trifon (Bulgaria)
Brigita, Miroslav, Sever (Croatia)
Hynek (Czech Republic)
Brigida (Denmark)
Birgit, Birgitta, Gita, Piret, Pireta, Pirja, Pirje (Estonia)
Riitta (Finland)
Ella, Siméon (France)
Maria, Neujahr (Germany)
Tryfonas, Vasiliki, Vasilis (Greece)
Fruzsina, Ignác (Hungary)
Brigitta, Geminiano, Verdiana (Italy)
Andra, Brigita, Brita, Gita, Indra (Latvia)
Brigyta, Eidvilė, Gytautas, Ignotas (Lithuania)
Birte, Bjarte (Norway)
Bryda, Brygida, Dobrocha, Dobrochna, Iga, Ignacja, Ignacy, Paweł, Siemirad, Żegota (Poland)
Trifon (Romania)
Ksenia (Russia)
Tatiana (Slovakia)
Brígida, Cecilio (Spain)
Max, Maximilian (Sweden)
Basil, Bohdan, David, Vasylyna (Ukrainę)
Birgit, Birgitta, Bret, Brett, Bridget, Bridgette , Brigitte, Brita, Britney, Britt, Brittani, Brittany, Brittney, Clark, Clarke, Langdon, Langston (USA)
Today’s National Name Days
National Cameron Day
National People Named Dave Day
National Sean Day
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 32 of 2025; 333 days remaining in the year
ISO Week: Day 6 of Week 5 of 2025
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Wu-Yin), Day 4 (Xin-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Snake 4723 (until February 17, 2026) [Ding-Chou]
Coptic: 24 Tubah 1741
Druid Tree Calendar: Cypress (Jan 25-Feb 3) [Day 8 of 10]
Hebrew: 3 Shevat 5785
Islamic: 2 Sha’ban 1446
Julian: 19 January 2025
Moon: 13%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 4 Homer (2nd Month) [Pindar)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 43 of 90)
SUn Calendar: 2 Gray; Twosday [2 of 30]
Week: 1st Week of February
Tropical (Typical) Zodiac: Aquarius (Day 13 of 30)
Sidereal Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 18 of 29)
Schmidt Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 7 of 27)
IAU Boundaries (Current) Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 13 of 28)
IAU Boundaries (1977) Zodiac: Capricornus (Day 14 of 28)
Calendar Changes
February (Gregorian Calendar) [Month 2 of 12]
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A Guide to Choosing the Best Hijab Material
Embarking on the journey of finding the ideal fabric for your hijab is a delightful exploration of comfort, style, and personal preference. Let's delve into the world of fabrics, unraveling the secrets to discovering the best one for your hijab.

Cotton - A Breathable Classic
Explore the timeless appeal of cotton, a breathable and versatile fabric. Discover why cotton hijabs are a staple choice for their comfort and adaptability to various styles.
Chiffon - Effortless Elegance
Delve into the world of chiffon, a fabric synonymous with grace and sophistication. Uncover why chiffon hijabs are favored for their lightweight feel and ability to effortlessly elevate any ensemble.
Jersey - Casual Comfort
Discover the casual charm of jersey fabric, known for its comfort and stretch. Explore why jersey hijabs are a go-to choice for those seeking a blend of style and ease for everyday wear.
Silk - Luxurious Draping
Step into the realm of luxury with silk hijabs. Learn about the smooth, luxurious drape of silk fabric and how it adds a touch of opulence to special occasions.
Satin - Subtle Shine
Unveil the subtle shine of satin, a fabric that exudes elegance. Explore why satin hijabs are appreciated for their graceful sheen, making them a perfect choice for formal events.
Modal - Soft and Sustainable
Explore the softness and sustainability of modal fabric. Understand why modal hijabs are gaining popularity for their eco-friendly appeal and gentle feel against the skin.
Choosing the Best Fabric for Your Style
Consider factors like breathability, comfort, and occasion when selecting a hijab fabric. Personalize your style by experimenting with different fabrics that align with your preferences.
In the vast tapestry of hijab fabrics, each material weaves a unique story of comfort and style. Whether you opt for the breathability of cotton, the effortless elegance of chiffon, or the opulent drape of silk, the best fabric for your hijab online journey is one that resonates with your individuality. Happy hijab shopping, and embrace the beauty of self-expression in every fold and drape!
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Battle of the Hijabs (Under read more because this got longer than I thought and I started ranting about why representation in media fucking sucks atp and why the TV show Quantico is the worst):
Coming in at number 1, getting the gold: LITERALLY ALL THE HIJABIS IN WE ARE LADY PARTS like the variation in hijabs alone is so beautiful I love it, iykyk, Stream Bashir with the Good Beard. Like very real to life with different styles and personalities, don't you just love when shows actually treat hijabis as real human beings
All the hijabis from every version of Skam (except Italy fuck you)
Goldie is like next bc the actress isn't a hijabi but like I feel like they depicted being a hijabi really well for the most part like with her thinking she wanted to take it off and realizing everything about herself was nice it was very complex and well done imo
Qadri's next cause tbh I liked her style and the fact that she wore al Amira hijabs. I know everyone's like oh those are for little girls or they're ugly but tbh it makes sense bc I feel like being that she's training to be a surgeon and it is very convenient cause who's trying to be calling a code and fight with some chiffon or jersey material?? Not me! (They lose points for that one scene cause you mean to tell me she's only going to use her hijab to stop the bleeding and nothing else?? Come again?? She's in a hospital!!)
Next is Adina from The Bold Type, tbh idk how to feel cause she's a lesbian and played by Nikhol Boosheri and I was excited at the time but tbh some of her choices def had me scratching my head and I feel like they could've did a bit more to showcase her identity ykwim
Marjan from 911 Lone Star cause bro what the hell was the praying scene, did y'all talk to one Muslim? Download the Learning to Pray app on your phone I'll send you a link like be SO FR, then them saying her masjid kicked her out bc her hijab accidentally came off (which happens so much in television) like...again did you talk to anyone, I could see backlash yes but I just *sigh* again which Muslims did you talk to like idk about y'all but a stiff tug or strong wind has tested my hijab before like it happens, we cover back up and move on
Bottom 2 but not thee bottom, Nadia from Elite (hear me out cause the bottom of the list will make sense) obviously its so low because she wore hijab and they had some decent commentary at first, and then removed her hijab, and for Guzman ol racist crusty lip ass like, this who you risking it all for??? GIRL??? Like if Vic Mensa asked to see my hair I'd let him see that and much else (I'M KIDDING, I'd marry him first ok, astaghfirullah) no fr like but it's even that like they made it that she's more confident without her hijab people like her more, like it's obviously same old song like hijab is removed and suddenly liberation like they could've showed it in a more tasteful way if they wanted to but what did I expect from Europeans esp Spaniards like
And coming in Dead Last Raina Amin, tbh girl its not even about you...WHO WROTE THIS. Cause I watched it back in the day cause you know representation but like *pauses before I sip my coffee* hold tf on. Like where to even begin, the cop propaganda? What do you have to prove, cause they tried to get me i would've been like get tf off my porch. Like and the FBI? How did they even recruit the twins? The government watchlist? Blair Imani slid up in the masjid to snitch? I mean, what the hell? And this show had so much talent to be so extremely questionable (and that is putting it mildly). But we're discussing the twins rn. Raina specifically. So it doesn't even stop there. Like so much was wrong, so you mean to tell me she's in love with a man who used to be an IOF soldier, who helped them actively target Palestinian women for God knows what (the show implied certain things), like WTF is this, like everyone wants to talk about her removing her hijab and kissing him but like we have bigger fish to fry, that is like at the bottom of the problem list. Like did we see the man they put her with and she still loved him later EYE. And then two more things and then I'll shut up. Okay so they were working for the Government to infiltrate terrorist cells whatever bc they were going to attack American soil. No mention of how terrorist groups like the ones they're depicting mostly target minority sect Muslims and lead to their deaths that usually go unnoticed by anyone who is not them, Iran and Nigeria, if I remember correctly are where a lot of the casualties are from. I hate propaganda cause its the same old shit like we really pushing the agenda huh? And hijab removal scene again worst part cause you know what I hated after this other stuff cause red flags with major red lights and a bullhorn. But there was something where they had to change their look because their twins but like as one person but one is a hijabi, the other is not. So they were like we have to find a middle ground, someone who's easily targeted because they're muslim but also loose (I'm paraphrasing but you see what I'm saying?) Like fuck y'all. Fuck whoever wrote this. Like from head to toe Quantico is like an absolute clusterfuck of everything terrible people do with hijab characters (not to mention the rest of the cast but that would be even longer) but dead last because like maybe some of the others on this list at least tried if they're not terribly misguided but this depiction is like dangerous, it's a reminder why we don't just get all our info from TV and other fictional narratives, we talk to real people and we learn real things because this is absolute bullshit to say the least
#this is why I'm up at 4 am to think about all of this and I can't just rant to myself like does anyone understand me#random
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My Journey Through Thedas
As Veilguard downloads on my PC, I thought to give my journey through the Dragon Age games and what BioWare's fantastical world has meant for me over the years.
Let it be known, I have been critical with aspects and elements of Thedas' worldbuilding, as well as routes I thought have been fascinating to delve into but BioWare either did not think or were incapable of actually implementing in game (Leliana/Inquisitor). Despite this, Dragon Age is one of my favorite series of all time, and this is my first ever Dragon Age release! So, why don't we go down along memory lane.
I first played Dragon Age in the summer of 2015, at my aunt's house in Texas (at the time, I had lived in New Jersey). While waiting for my family to get ready to get ice cream, I asked my aunt if I could hope onto my cousin's PlayStation 4, because of how terribly bored I was. Thankfully she agreed, and while going through his game sections, I noticed this really cool dragon covering, with a man weilding a sword and shooting a something like a green lasso at the dragon. On it, it read Dragon Age: Inquisition. I was, and still am, a huge fantasy fan, so the sight of that looked really fucking cool. So I hoped in, and went on my cousins save, and there he was at, seemingly just having arrived at Skyhold. I was utterly confused, so I went back and started - as I should have done - a new game.
And oh, boy. Was I excited. The character creator (despite nowadays a weird revisionist take that somehow DAI's character creator was actually bad - I'll give the hair tho) was absolutely fantastic, and since I love nobility I picked a male Trevelyan mage...who was white with violet eyes. (I can't recall if that was the time I started to like Dragon Age, but I played mostly white characters). And oh boy, I was in for a treat.
The opening cutscene was amazing, and there I saw the greatest thing that has ever graced my screen - Leliana, hooded and beautiful. At the time, I thought she was actually Muslim, because I thought her shawl was a hijab. Silly dumb fourteen year old Tim, lol. But I fell instantly in love with Leliana, especially when she stopped Cassandra from beating my ass for someone I had no idea I did. ("She likes me!" No, child Tim. She just wanted info. "No, she loves me.")
And from there it grew. I went and bought DA:I on my Xbox, and began to read Dragon Age Fanfiction, specifically Leliana and Inquisitor. One of my favorite fanfics was actually the Leliana/Inquisitor Trading Secrets by dats__gayyy (who never wrote that Trespasser epilogue :() Shoutout to them for introducing me and giving confidence to write my own fanfic. But at the time, I noticed a heavy leaning toward women, so I thought it was only fair that my first real Inquisitor should be a women rather than that prototype Trevelyan on my cousin's PS4. And in that year, the Hamilton soundtrack came out, right before they went to broadway. It was a match made in heaven. Hamilton - Trevelyan - they sound similar, no! And as I read Ron Chernow's Alexander Hamilton, images and thoughts of Alexandra appeared before me. A hyperactive, bisexual mess who loves to write and refuses to sleep? Perfect for Leliana! And from there, Alexandra Trevelyan, dearly beloved for so many of my friends were born, scarily pale skin and green-golden eyes all!
And from there, Dragon Age saved me. Without Dragon Age, I don't think I'll be alive. I certainly wouldn't have made a Tumblr and met all my lovely friends who provided a safe and secured space for me to explore and recognize my depression and anxiety, and who loved me despite my many, many faults. There were tough times in this fandom, and great times too, and though I may share my frustrations, I still remember going through Haven for the first time to reach the Breach, and seeing Leliana's face, and a very sparkly-eyed Tim whose heart was going to burst from his chest at the sight of her. Can't believe next year will be ten years since I fell for that Orlesian bard, lmao. Now I understand the Warden's pain.
No matter if this game is good or bad, thank you BioWare for making this. Thank you to all the developers unjustly let off by EA after Veilguard's development was over. Thank you all for existing! Now, let's go crack some eggs!
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