intellectures · 1 year
James Baldwin und das Amerika nach der Bürgerrechtsbewegung
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1980 blickt der Schriftsteller James Baldwin auf die Bürgerrechtsbewegung zurück und fragt sich, was aus den Vereinigten Staaten geworden ist. Dick Fontaines restaurierter Dokumentarfilm »I heard it through the Grapewine« ist Zeitgeschichte und ein Dokument der Schwarzen Emanzipation. Read the full article
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que3rduckling · 4 months
Hi!! I am the person who runs the Queen, Void, Jasmine and Barc rp Blogs on here and on those accounts I have all the rp accounts that I know of followed there (with my following on public so everyone can see them).
But I feel like it may be easier for everyone if I made one complete list for everyone to see!!
So here it is, my current and mostly updating complete list of JRWI rp Blogs here on tumblr!!
@lala-queen-lala (mine!!)
@cherrymoonflowers (oc)
@licensedtherapistofmana (Therapist)
(I don’t not know if they are still active but there is also @the-wish-doctor )
Prime defenders:
@emily-in-the-afterlife l
The Suckening:
@void-the-cat (Me!)
@renwickeventplanner(who partially inspired me to make this!)
@bow-needs-a (oc)
@catsandkindred (oc)
@c0ck-pr1nc3-0f-la (oc)
@bestdemonever (oc)
@salvatore-jonas (oc)
@eloisebathroy (Oc)
@tev-is-a-vamp (Oc)
@theraddestrarestcowboy (Oc)
@cryptid-fever (Oc)
@thesecondcoolestfang (Oc)
@thelocalalleyfox (Oc)
@rachelmaddoxlicensedtherapist (Soda’s therapist)
Blood In The Bayou:
@bestdogbarcode (me aswell)
@willow-bleak (oc)
@jasmine-the-mascot (me too!!)
Monster Control Services:
One Shot:
Little side note: I have discovered tumblr has a 50 @ limit so not all of these have an imbedded link but they are all their real and updating accounts!!
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dungeonsranddragons · 3 months
Need a need dnd party bc my players are bullying me
@beckyyy-j @queenofthehivemind @jeromesmith you guys wanna?
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bennettarthur · 5 months
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[Image ID: A banner that says: ‘To break free from the JRWI RP industrial complex, feel free to block the ‘#just role(play) with it’ tag. End Image ID.]
[PT: A directory. End PT.]
This masterlist is mainly for me. For an easier to navigate one, please go to this one [link].
Bathory, S. : @shiloh-official
Bennett, A. : @bennettarthur
Collins, T. : @xxs0d4p0pxx
Fox, M. : @magnusfox
Keller, D. : @sheriff-deacon-keller
LNU, G. : @gabeitmyall-itsucked
LNU, G. : @grefgore-the-knight
LNU, P. : @pepper-the-cat
LNU, P. : @pheasant-from-jrwi
LNU, V. : @void-the-cat
Maddox, R. : @rachelmaddoxlicensedtherapist
Smith, J. : @jeromesmith
T. Ravishing, R. : @renwickeventplanner
Tucker, E. : @fangslayerem1zel
Tucker, E. (?) : @femizel
Twilight, E. : @edwardtwilightprimogen
Unseen One, T. : @th3-unseen-backup
Weylin, V. : @viviennewaylin
Weylin Corporation, T. : @weylinco
[PT: Some notes. End PT.]
Arthur is being played here as frayromantic, demiplatonic, loveless aro, gender apathetic, bigender and bisexual.
The person playing it is aromantic himself and will base eons portrayal of Arthur’s aromanticism based on its own experience; complex relationship dynamics will be explored, including some that may seem romantic at first glance. Hy, however, is not aplatonic or loveless, and though complex dynamics will also be explored regarding those aspects of Arthur’s identity, feel free to send a message if its portrayal misses the mark at any point.
The gradual erosion of Arthur’s lovelessness (and independance) is played here as a symptom of her loss of humanity through its loss of selfhood, inverting typical tropes around lovelessness and (in)humanity.
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jeromesmith · 3 months
I- I'm going back to bed. I'm going back to bed. Jeez. Just- don't tell Magnus. Please.
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lei1600 · 4 months
hehehe Currently working on one of Jerome's filesss. :3
(Context for those who don't know: I am the creator of the @jeromesmith jrwi RP blog. For the last month, I have been creating these files I like to call "Jerome's Files" or "Jerome's Vampire Files" to keep track of any information I think he would know about kindred, and any new information he gathers as I continue to RP as him and interact with other RP characters. This helps me roleplay as him better! Maybe one day, I might share some of them with ya'll. :3)
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th3-unseen-backup · 5 months
ME :3
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>Upload successful.
>Error loading the following...
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3.6 PB/4 PB
███ ] 23%
>Failure to upload file.
>Try again later.
Hi, this is an RP blog for the Unseen One, a character from JRWI: The Suckening. Please check out the other Suckening RP accounts here!!:
Shiloh: @shiloh-official
Grefgore: @grefgore-the-knight
Emizel: @fangslayerem1zel
Soda: @xxs0d4p0pxx
Arthur: @bennettarthur
Deacon: @sheriff-deacon-keller
Magnus: @magnusfox
Edward: @edwardtwilightprimogen
Jerome: @jeromesmith
Pepper (the cat): @pepper-the-cat
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chowie-chow-blog · 5 years
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🎂🤘🙏💜 Happiest Birthday @jakejames_singerguitarist Thanks for having me. Best #schoolnight fun ever. @mazzy_and_jake love you two. 😘 • • • • • • • • • #birthday#drinks#funtimes#love#friends#music#jeromesmith https://www.instagram.com/p/B6MQXrRA0Q0/?igshid=1hwnzi652knxg
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kaploded2 · 7 years
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#Repost @taschen (@get_repost) ・・・ “One of the happier literary occurrences of recent years is the vibrant revival of #JamesBaldwin’s work […] #TheFireNextTime is, among other things, one of the most powerful books that can just about fit in one’s pocket. Much less totable is [this] new limited-edition letterpress version of the book, oversize and filled with stunning photos from the civil rights era by #SteveSchapiro.” – The #NewYorkTimes Books. Read more at: tsc.hn/03145in ⠀ ⠀ #NoJusticeNoPeace #Dontshoot #History #Baldwin #BlackLivesMatter #quote #RaoulPeck #letterpress #MartinLutherKing #RosaParks #FredShuttlesworth #JeromeSmith #SelmaMarch #JohnLewis #MarciaDavis #GloriaBaldwinKarefaSmart
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orbemnews · 3 years
'Pastor Smith had a huge heart for people': Remembering Pastor Jerome Smith, founder of The Joseph Project MILWAUKEE — Pastor Jerome Smith of Greater Praise Church of God and leader of The Joseph Project passed away last week. According to the medical examiner, Pastor Smith died due to COVID-19 complications as well as some other contributing factors. He was 49 years old. Smith’s legacy will live on in the hundreds of people he mentored through The Joseph Project, which helps formerly incarcerated people find jobs. TMJ4 Pastor Jerome Smith Chelcee Winters-Crawford is a graduate of the program. “It was hopeful,” Winters-Crawford said of The Joseph Project. “I had doubts about the situation I was in being incarcerated and the charges and everything. I was concerned.” She has been working as a quality control technician at Denali Ingredients for just over three years, a job she got with help from Pastor Smith’s work. Winters-Crawford said she was saddened to learn the pastor died last week. “I just really hope somebody lives on in his legacy to finish up the community building he was starting. I just hope that somebody is willing enough, like he was, to reach out to people and help them become successful,” she said. “He was just there, he was supportive, he was a good person. He helped me a lot.” TMJ4 Chelcee Winters-Crawford Paul Kortman, the Director of Human Resources at Denali Ingredients, said the company started working with the Joseph Project about four years ago. Denali currently employs 19 people who went through the program. Kortman said hundreds of people have benefited from the work Pastor Smith did. “Pastor Smith had a huge heart for people. His whole concern was taking care of his people. He would do whatever he could to make these people successful. That was his heart,” Kortman said. Funeral services for Pastor Jerome Smith are planned for Saturday. Report a typo or error // Submit a news tip window.fbAsyncInit = function() FB.init( appId : '1500660210257997', xfbml : true, version : 'v2.9' ); ; (function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js"; js.async = true; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Source link Orbem News #Founder #GreaterPraiseChurchofGod #heart #huge #Jerome #JeromeSmith #Joseph #JosephProject #Milwaukee #Pastor #PastorJeromeSmith #People #Project #Remembering #Smith #TheJosephProject #tmj4news
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emmm127 · 12 years
Bambu - Crooks and Rooks
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jeromesmith · 12 days
sooo u changing ur acc to jerome smith wasnt u and magnus getting divorced after all
unless ur getting back together after the divorce
hold up r u gonna change it back to jerome fox
No- it never was about that. I only put his last name because I was unsure if I wanted to put my actual last name out there. Then I decided to change it once I realized that people were assuming that we were married.
Well, after we get married, yeah! Magnus and I have already discussed this and after the marriage I will be changing my last name to Fox. It only makes sense to change my Tumblr username from jeromesmith to jeromefox.
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lei1600 · 3 months
So- I just realized I never made an introduction post- so uh. Yeah. This is gonna be about me so that ya'll can understand me better!
The name is Lei! (You can pronounce it as 'Lee' or 'Lay' I honestly don't care and both work.)
My pronouns are Any/All! You can use whatever pronouns you want for me! (As long as you don't just pick one and stick with it. MIX IT UP! It makes me happy when you use multiple different ones in one sentence.)
(More information is below.)
I love jrwi. I'm so obsessed. I'm not even kidding. I run the jrwi RP blogs @jeromesmith and @pepper-the-cat. If you ever wanna go check them out!
I have ADHD so I can be a bit impulsive sometimes, especially since I've been switching medication constantly lately. It's really messing with my head lol.
I am Genderfluid, Bi, and Demiromantic/Demisexual so yeah. Here are those flags :3 (Flags are not in order lmao and idk how to change it sorry!)
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My posts/reblogs where I will be interacting with mutuals or just sharing some thoughts will be tagged with #leiflowers because I love those things.
So- uh. Yeah! Can't think of anything else. I'll update if I think of more stuff lmaooo. I hope you all have a great day/night! :3
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