#Jean-Baptiste Stuck
Jean-Baptiste Stuck (c.1680-1755) - Héraclite et Démocrite (Cantata for two voices and orchestra) - Air: "Plus légère qu'un zéphyr" (Héraclite) ·
Thierry Felix · Les Musiciens du Louvre · Marc Minkowski
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vinceaddams · 1 year
Early 18th (and late 17th) century fashions are so under-utilized in vampire media and I think it's a damn shame.
I don't actually think I've ever seen a single image of a vampire character in an early 18th century suit. Hardly any movies set in that era either, and hardly any historical costumers who do it. (Even my beloved gay pirate show set in 1717 takes nearly all of its 18th century looks from the second half of the century. Not enough appreciation for baroque fashion!!)
Yes I love late 18th century fashion as much as anyone, and 19th century formal suits are all very well and good, but if you want something that says old, dead, wealthy, and slightly dishevelled, then the 1690's-1730's are where it's at.
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(Retrato del Virrey Alencastre Noroña y Silva, Duque de Linares, ca. 1711-1723.)
There was so much dark velvet, and so many little metallic buttons & buttonholes. Blood red linings were VERY fashionable in this era, no matter what the colour of the rest of the suit was.
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(Johann Christoph Freiherr von Bartenstein by Martin van Meytens the Younger, 1730's.)
The slits on the front of the shirts are super low, they button only at the collar, and it's fashionable to leave most of the waistcoat unbuttoned so the shirt sticks out, as seen in the above portraits.
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(Portrait of Anne Louis Goislard de Montsabert, Comte de Richbourg-le-Toureil, 1734.)
Waistcoats are very long, coats are very full, and the cuffs are huge. But the sleeves are on the shorter side to show off more of that shirt, and the ruffles if it has them! Creepy undead hands with long nails would sit so nicely under those ruffles.
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(1720's-30's, LACMA)
Embroidery designs are huge and chunky and often full of metallic threads, and the brocade designs even bigger.
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(1730's, V&A, metal and silk embroidery on silk satin.)
Sometimes they did this fun thing where the coat would have contrasting cuffs made from the same fabric as the waistcoat.
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(Niklaus Sigmund Steiger by Johann Rudolf Huber, 1724.)
Tell me this look isn't positively made for vampires!
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(Portrait of Jean-Baptiste de Roll-Montpellier, 1713.)
(Yeah I am cherry-picking mostly red and black examples for this post, and there are plenty of non-vampire-y looking images from this time, but you get the idea!)
And the wrappers (at-home robes) were also cut very large, and, if you could afford it, made with incredible brocades.
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(Portrait of a nobleman by Giovanni Maria delle Piane, no date given but I'd guess maybe 1680's or 90's.)
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(Circle of Giovanni Maria delle Piane, no date given but I'd guess very late 17th or very early 18th century.)
Now that looks like a child who's been stuck at the same age for a hundred years if I ever saw one!
I don't know as much about the women's fashion from this era, but they had many equally large and elabourate things.
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(1730's, Museo del Traje.)
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(Don't believe The Met's shitty dating, this is a robe volante from probably the 1720's.)
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(Mantua, c. 1708, The Met. No idea why they had to be that specific when they get other things wrong by entire decades but ok.)
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(Portrait of Duchess Colavit Piccolomini, 1690's.)
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(Maria van Buttinga-van Berghuys by Hermannus Collenius, 1717.)
Sometimes they also had these cute little devil horn hair curls that came down on either side of the forehead.
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(Viago in drag Portrait of a lady, Italian School, c. 1690.)
Enough suave Victorian vampires, I want to see Baroque ones! With huge wigs and brocade coat cuffs so big they go past the elbow!
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wisteriaiswriting · 8 months
𝕊𝕦𝕡𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥 𝔻𝕒𝕥𝕖 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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Type of date | Location | Are they romantic? | How much money will they spend | What happens after | Blurb
Words: 1692
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She would prefer simple and calmer dates, especially if it’s something physical. Including paintings, baking or even just being together.
Her favourite location are cafes, likely a regular at a smaller and cozy one tucked away. So she’ll bring you along.
If you ranked her out of 10, she would be a 9. She’s memorized your drink order, so she’ll order ahead, paying before you could think about it. If you’re in range she’ll quickly lean over to leave a kiss.
She will spend a lot of money, (more than a normal cafe date) but there will be a limit. Unlikely you’ll hit it though because she saves more than enough money.
Whether you go home or to hers, she’ll be with you the whole way. If you go home she’ll leave you with a final kiss before walking away. The other way around has her occupied, (willingly for you) grabbing you a drink and some snacks.
The cafe was closed off from the main road, leaving it popular enough to survive but never be uncomfortably crowded. Making her a lot easier to spot, in her normal seat near the back. Two drinks sat on the table, one was a simple tea while the other was a [favourite drink].
“Y/N, sit!" While you did she rummaged around in, what you could assume was her bag. Soon plastic was heard, getting louder as she pulled it out.
Placing it onto the table, slightly muffled as some cloth was wrapped around it.
“I’ve been perfecting my recipe for you, though there wasn’t much change.”
Grabbing the knot on top to pick it up. Leaning over to lay her hand palm up, letting you place your own in hers. She flipped it over before pulling it closer, acting like she’ll drop the bag, instead leaving a kiss on it. Placing the bag in it after.
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He likes a relaxing date. Using that time to either get to know you, or to have fun and enjoy each other's company.
His favourite places are vacation like, whether its pools, resorts or even beaches. Willing to fly you both anywhere that offers the best.
Real romantic man, but tends to be a lot more suave instead. Any attempt of romance can and has been ruined by this, not so ruined either.
From working at Talon as a mercenary and now Overwatch, money isn’t a problem and should never be. He will encourage you to spend as much as possible, giving you the card to run off with.
Once you return you’ll need a relaxing night at home, it's a lot more relaxing but both were well. He’ll let you choose the movie and get comfortable while he grabs the snacks.
You had awoken to an empty bed, Jean had left a note in his place. In short he was at the beach, wanting to watch the sunrise, likely having lost track of time. And you were right, his chair stuck out like a sore thumb, while he laid on it. When you got closer you saw how relaxed he was, finding out why.
Pulling his glasses off to see he was asleep. Another sign was the drink that split across his chest, dripping onto the chair and surrounding sand, staining it red.
“Jean, Baptiste…” Letting your voice wake him, while your hands landed on his shoulders, fully waking him. Sitting up just to feel off, looking down to see the mess.
“Wha… Come on!” Slowly he packed up before following you back to the resort, ready to clean up and sleep in bed. Out of the sun.
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She really enjoys being more hands on in her life, so it’s no surprise when she pulls you to group pottery or painting.
Likes workshops, could be her own or for dates. Also the arcade, with something to do constantly she’s happy.
She tries, really. But she’s just not romantic material, although she makes up for it in attention and gift. Slowly getting better.
She has saved a decent amount but the moment you mention wanting something she is draining the account for you.
Afterwards you’ll sit together with some snacks and watch movies / shows.
While looking for places for your first date with Brigitte she came across one you’d both enjoy, pottery. It’s hands on and something to keep.
“You’ll love it, c’mon!” She was pulling you along, your date had rolled around quicker than you realized. The walk wasn’t far, especially when she was practically running.
The outside didn’t seem like much but when you entered it changed, it was a small art studio. One you’ve been looking at, turns out she’s booked you both for their pottery class.
“C’mon then, let's start!”
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With her newfound powers she heats up a lot more, so ice-skating is a way to cool down. Enjoying the sensation and spending time with you.
Also enjoys spending time at home or base, able to stay comfortable and away from others.
She tries, she really does but the fact you’re her first relationship. She has no clue what she’s doing.
Due to just starting at Overwatch she doesn’t have a lot, she’ll try to save but accidentally spends it all.
Just wants to spend more, uninterrupted time with you. One way to do that is too cuddle.
“I’m… not sure about this.” Even if she didn’t show it her voice betrayed her, full of hesitation. To be far she’s never gone ice skating, nothing even close.
“You’ll be fine, just hold onto me.” Holding your arms out for her to hold, which she gratefully took. Shaking heavily once she was on the rink, unstable on the thin blades.
She let you pull her around slowly. Slowly gaining her confidence by pushing forwards on her own, although never leaving your arms. After this continued you finally let her go and skated just out of reach.
This allowed her to try on her own. Except that only ended with her falling on the rink, staying down until you pulled her up. Luckily no one else was around.
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Already enjoys taking nature trails so if you join her she’ll be over the moon.
Just anywhere out in nature, whether it’s hidden and more wild or simple like a park.
Even with no past relationships and minimal flirting here and there she is oddly romantic, obviously with a hint of awkwardness.
Due to being outdoors there’s no need to spend any or much money, but will pay for most of your items.
Likely you’ll both be tired after that, so she’ll want the rest of the night spent on the couch cuddling until you wake the next day.
The bag sounded heavy, which was weird since it was almost empty when you left. But neither of you cared after the day you just did. Spending hours in the nearest forest covering their trails.
Having just returned, Kiriko was tired, dropping onto the couch without a second thought. You intended to go past her but she had a different idea, dragging you down onto the couch with her.
“Kiri, we gotta go clean up…”
“Nah.” With that she pulled you closer before shoving her face into your neck and tightening her grip.
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This guy has the biggest sweet tooth to exist, so it’s not surprising when he takes you to a bakery or cafe.
Is also an enjoyer of picnics in kinda cute areas, parks or even flower meadows.
He’s real romantic without even trying, but that doesn’t stop him from becoming flustered.
Due to his time at Viskar and now overwatch he has a lot just sitting around, and is willing to spend it all on you.
Enjoys a nice, simple walk at night before taking you home.
As you walked your hands became cold, but never became too uncomfortable. This time he reached for yours to encase them in his own. While his other was busy carrying the now empty basket.
“Don’t stray too far now,” Using his grip on you to pull you closer. And before you knew it your house came into view, he had taken you back home.
“I hope we can do this again, yes?” Turning your hand over to place a gentle kiss onto the back of it. “Don’t want you to forget about this night.”
Letting go of your hand and turning it out just to reveal a flower, one of your favorites made out of bio-light. He pushed it into your hands before stepping back.
“Call me will you?”
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He’ll drag you along to a skating rink whether or not you’ve done it before.
Willing to spend hours at the rink, skating, grabbing food and enjoying the games.
He’s a giggly romantic type. No matter how romantic he is (which is plenty) it’ll always be interrupted by him giggling.
This one has money to burn, and is willing to let you use it all or as much as you can/ Will even give you some more after.
He reveals after about a playlist he made during the date. It was about and for you, he seems like a little kid in a candy store letting you see it.
“C’mon,” Lucio had a tight grip on your hands, letting you do that same to his own. He was currently trying to get you onto the rink. “You’ll love it!” He almost whined.
“As much as you? I’m good.”
“I’m not that bad!” You only looked at him, this guy wore skates into battle. And somehow isn’t that bad? No way.
“But I’m here to help you!” This time he tugged you closer, which had you step into the rink, almost hitting him. “See, you’re not too bad.”
His face was covered in a grin, seemingly happy you’re finally on the rink with him.
“Now, let me teach you!”
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Her first thought is to bring you to a semi-fancy restaurant, with a buffet style.
It's one she visits the most, being close and easy but one she also really enjoys.
She really tries but is only successful due to the fact you like her. She’s had no time for any type of romance due to work, but she’s trying.
For being a medic at Overwatch she has gained a lot of money that doesn’t get used, although she does place a limit on a few hundred.
After she likes to make sure you’re safe by walking you home / your room, not leaving until you’re inside.
“I hope you enjoyed tonight, I know I did.” As she spoke her hand grasped yours, in turn pulling you closer. The streets were almost empty, which was no surprise considering how late it was.
“I did,” The conversation was cut short as you reached home. Stepping closer before unlocking the door, but not entering yet. “And I wait for our next time Angela~”
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Moira is a busy woman, so it’s likely you’ll be staying in her lab or at least around the Talon base.
Her go to are pubs or restaurants, always in a private area though. Sometimes heading into a cafe for something small and sweet.
Is surprising… romantic? If you can say that, it’s borderline flirting. You’re not sure where she learned this but it’s working all right.
She has plenty of money that she doesn’t use, so to make up for lack of time together she’ll let you have a day or so out on the town.
Sadly nothing much happens afterwards, she’ll continue working but gives you the privilege of staying in her lab.
The day was long, but luckily for you it was over. For Moira it wasn’t even close to finished, even though she’s been in here since sunrise.
“Moiraaa~” Your whining caught her attention once again, she wanted to scold you but knew she couldn’t. You were spending your free time with her instead of leaving at the first chance you had.
And now the sun had set, you made yourself comfortable, finding a blanket somehow in her lab. Settling on a chair as you watched her continue. The warmth and her repetitive movements slowly lulled you to sleep.
Quickly she noticed a lack of shuffling and whining, turning around to see why. You had fallen asleep, here, in her lab. Something in her felt weird, something she’s never felt before.
Trying to ignore it, she stepped away from the bench and towards your now sleeping body, watching you for a few more seconds before leaning over. Leaving a quick kiss before stepping back and away.
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barricadescon · 2 months
Barricades 2024: Schedule for Sunday, July 14
Welcome to the final day of Barricades 2024!
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All times are in UTC, and can be converted to your local time zone at this link.
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Key to types of Panels:
Convention Administration panels: Panels run by the Con Committee, to open and end the convention.
Guest of Honor: Special panels from our guests of honor. This year, our guests of honor are Jean Baptiste Hugo, a descendant of Victor Hugo who will discuss his project photograph his ancestor’s house; Christina Soontornvat, the author of the award-winning Les Mis retelling “A Wish in the Dark;” and Luciano Muriel, playwright of the 2018 musical play “Grantaire.” 
Fan/Academic Panel Presentations: Panels on history, fandom, or analysis of Les Mis. Scholars will share historical research, fans will share hobby projects, and the audience may get an opportunity to ask questions. 
Social Meetups: Casual unstructured time to meet up over video call and chat!
Social Games: Games and activities.
Publishing, Podcasting, and Promotion
Saturday, 15:00-16:00 UTC
Session Type: Fan/Academic Panel Presentation Presented by: David Mongomery, Alexiel de Ravenswood, Nemo Martin Recorded: Yes
Whether it’s fanart, Tiktok videos or deep historical analysis, lots of us have THOUGHTS about Les Mis we’d like to share with the world. This panel discussion features creators sharing their advice on how to share your work with the world in a range of mediums.
Femme/butch: Dynamics of Gender and Attraction in Les Mis
Saturday, 15:00-15:30 UTC
Session Type: Fan/Academic Panel Presentation Presented by: Eléna Recorded: Yes
In Eléna’s words: “This is a presentation about parallels between femme/butch dynamics and les mis! The focus is on Marius, Cosette and Eponine and their individual gender presentation and attraction. There will be a focus on the original text, but I will also talk about headcanons & representation in the fandom space! I’m a femme myself, but I’ll try to incorporate butch and transmasculine viewpoints!”
Lee’s Misérables: Jean Valjean, Confederate Hero
Saturday, 15:30-16:00 UTC
Session Type: Fan/Academic Panel Presentation Presented by: Sarah C. Maza Recorded: Yes
Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables (1862) was as big a success in the United States as elsewhere in the world upon publication, hailed throughout the young nation as the commanding masterpiece of modern French literature. Why would a novel that celebrates violent insurrection and radical republican ideals be so warmly received in America? One of the (many) answers to that question is that the novel appeared in the midst of the Civil War, and that it provided engrossing reading to the many soldiers stuck in place for weeks or months in camp, hospitals, and prisons. Most surprising, though, is the evidence of Les Misérables’ appeal to Confederate soldiers (who jokingly called themselves “Lee’s Misérables”), as Hugo was on record as an ardent abolitionist. My paper will illustrate and explain the paradoxical appeal of Hugo’s novel in the South in two contexts: first, I will draw attention to the ways in which Confederate nationalists likened their cause to the European Revolutions of 1848; and second, I will explain the novel’s resonance within what Wolfgang Schievelbusch has called the “culture of defeat,” the emotional resonance, in some historical contexts, of narratives of doomed causes and heroic failure.
Guest of Honor: Luciano Muriel, playwright of “Grantaire”
Sunday, 16:00-17:00 UTC 
Session Type: Guest of Honor Presented by: Luciano Muriel Recorded: Yes
Panel about the details of the creative process behind the show Grantaire, from the discovery of the character during the playwright’s first reading of Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables to the opening night of the staging at the Teatro Pradillo of Madrid. Why Grantaire? Why a dramatic monologue? Why include Amaral songs? What did the awards and subventions entail? All the answers to these and many other questions.
Sunday, 17:00-18:00 UTC
1848 in Chile: The Society of Equality and the Siege of La Serena
Sunday, 18:00-19:00 UTC
Session Type: Fan/Academc Presentation Presented by: Duncan Riley Recorded: Yes
While the Revolutions of 1848 are traditionally seen as a European event, they had a powerful influence in Latin America. In Chile in particular, university students who studied in France during the revolutions would lead a movement to oust the conservative dictatorship that had ruled the country since the 1830s. Inspired by the poetry of Alphonse de Lamartine and the ideals of utopian socialism, a group of Chilean intellectuals and artisans founded “The Society of Equality,” a cross-class political club dedicated to creating a democratic and participatory republic. Inspired by these ideals, in 1851 the citizens of La Serena, a mining town in northern Chile, declared their independence from the central government. Members of the Society of Equality transformed La Serena into the torchbearer of their vision of a new “democratic republic” that would restore civil liberties and grant greater autonomy to Chile’s provinces and municipalities. In defense of these principles, La Serena endured a months-long siege by government forces. The conflict inscribed itself within broader international dynamics of revolution and empire, as the British Royal Navy Intervened on the side of the government, while French immigrants built barricades to defend La Serena from invasion. Ultimately, then, La Serena and the Chilean Revolution of 1851 provide a fascinating window into the transatlantic exchanges of ideas that drove movements of democratic reform in both Europe and Latin America during the Revolutions of 1848.
The Unknown Light Examined
Sunday, 18:00-19:00 UTC
Session Type: Fan/Academic Presentation Presented by: Madeleine Recorded: Yes
In the tenth chapter of  Les Misérables, Bishop Myriel sets out to perform the last rights of Conventionnel G, a man reviled by all of Digne for having served on the body that voted to execute the king during the French Revolution. The bishop and the dying man debate the nature of equality, divine authority, and resistance to oppression. G’s fierce defense of the French revolution and Myriel’s staunch condemnation of political violence represent diametrically opposed philosophies, but the two men have more in common than first appears. They are both men of faith, in their own way, called to serve by their profound love for humanity. Intensely shaken by this realization, the bishop kneels before the dying sinner and asks his blessing.
What does this role reversal signify? How do Myriel and G’s conceptualizations of God and morality compare, and why does Hugo seek to reconcile them? To answer these questions, this panel investigates the thematic implications of this chapter. We’ll dissect the characters’ debate, discussing the historical and religious context that informs their moral frameworks—and Hugo’s depiction of them. Drawing on analysis by literary scholars, we’ll situate Hugo’s portrayal of the bishop and the conventionnel within this same context, evaluating the extent to which G is based on the Abbé Grégoire. We’ll also examine the impact of this chapter on Bishop Myriel’s characterization and symbolic role in the novel. Lastly, we’ll explore how “The Bishop in the Presence of an Unknown Light" serves as a political and philosophical thesis for Les Misérables.
Revolutionary Rants: “Les Misérables” Onstage from an International Perspective
Sunday, 20:00-21:00 UTC
Session Type: Fan/Academic Presentation Presented by: Tessa, Anne, Kaja, Marie, Apollon Recorded: Yes
What started out as an open call online to gather fans from around the world to rant about the musical version of Les Mis has turned into a group of musical fans from four countries getting together to discuss our different perspectives of various international productions of the show. Topics include our favorite cast albums, how our favorite character interactions are staged in various productions we follow (including Enjoltaire), our favorite actors from the different productions, and our favorite memorable moments from the show. And we would be remiss if we didn’t mention the major impact the 2012 movie had on us as well!
Paint & Sip
Sunday, 20:00-21:00 UTC
Session Type: Social Game Presented by: Psalm, Potatosonnet Recorded: No
A short presentation on the artwork of Victor Hugo, his medium and subject matter, followed by crafting time inspired by Hugo’s work.
Les Mis Letters: Building a Book Club
Sunday, 21:00-22:00 UTC
Session Type: Fan/Academic presentation Presented by: Mellow, Eccentrichat Recorded: Yes
There are 365 chapters in Les Miserables. Les Mis Letters is an email subscription that sends you one chapter of Les Mis daily for a year.
Rachel and Mellow have been running the “Dracula-Daily” inspired Les Mis readalong since 2023! Mellow will speak to the behind the scenes process of setting up a Substack and discord server, while other readers will speak to the experience of reading Les Mis for the first time in this format or the small projects they’ve put together while following along.
Les Mis Singalong
Sunday, 21:00-22:00 UTC
Session Type: Social Game Presented by: Megan Recorded: No
Let’s let loose by belting out our favorite Les Mis songs together! All singing abilities welcome and encouraged, it’s virtual after all 😀 It will be musical-heavy but we’ll be sure to throw in some other fan favorites!
Closing Session 
Sunday, 22:00-22:30 UTC
Session Type: Convention Administration Presented by: Convention Committee Recorded: No
Closing remarks by the convention committee, marking the official end of the convention.
Dead Dog
Sunday, 22:30-24:00
Session Type: Convention Administration Presented by: Convention Committee Recorded: No
 “Dead Dog” is a fandom slang term for a laidback “afterparty” that happens when a convention has officially ended. 
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dusteebowl · 1 year
Same Coin
it's here! i finished it! bapweaver and yeehan fans rejoice.
summary: hanzo and cole go on a double date with baptiste and niran. they start chatting.
warnings: none
a/n: nothing special, really. a bit of fluff. lots of dialogue. it's all written from hanzo's perspective so...um...there's that.
When Cole had first approached him with the idea, he’d thought he was joking. But now as he looked at himself in the mirror, Hanzo couldn’t help the scowl that was forming on his face.
He was worried that he wouldn’t find something to wear as it had been a long time since he and Cole had gone out on a ‘real’ date. They had outings, sure, but neither of them really felt the need to have the whole ‘sit down fancy dinner and a movie’ thing. Time spent together was more than enough.
So why, at his age, was he even entertaining the idea of something as frivolous and juvenile as a double date?
“Because,” Cole answered at this very question as he straightened his tie. Hanzo hadn't even thought Cole owned ties let alone knew how to wear them, “you needa make friends, darlin’. No man’s an island an’ all that.” Once he was done adjusting his own tie he placed a hand on Hanzo’s shoulder. Hanzo couldn’t help but notice that it was still crooked. “’Sides, me an’ Baptiste go way back. He’s tryna make up for past mistakes.”
What was left unsaid resonated with Hanzo more than he’d like to admit. Cole was hoping they’d connect over the heaviness they felt, that Hanzo would feel as though he wasn’t truly alone when it came to feeling guilt. still…
“There are better ways to make friends than double dates,” Hanzo said gruffly as he readjusted Cole’s tie.
“Perhaps,” the cowboy said knowingly, “but Niran said he’d already made reservations for four.”
He’d made reservations before he even talked to Cole? The new member of Overwatch was as impulsive as he was brilliant it seemed.
“Didn’t anyone tell you if you frowned for too long your face’d get stuck that way?” Cole enquired now with the slightest smile.
“Well, this is me, tellin’ you.” Cole gently pried Hanzo’s hands away from his tie. “Darlin’ if you keep frownin’ like that, your face’ll get stuck that way.”
Hanzo could feel his face beginning to blush furiously and he had to look away so Cole wouldn’t see. Even after all this time, his silliness still had an effect on him.
Cole chuckled and gave Hanzo a kiss on the temple.
“It’ll be alright. You’ll see.”
The fantastic restaurant Lifeweaver, sorry, Niran had called it was a Thai restaurant that overlooked the ocean. Hanzo had to admit the view was pretty, amazing even, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was out of place. He and Cole didn’t really frequent places like this, after all. Being at home was far more par for the course for them.
“You made it!” Niran said with a bright smile on his face. His long, white hair was done up in a bun, immaculately tied without a strand out of place. His usual attire was replaced with a soft white button-down dress shirt (with a respectable amount of buttons undone, Hanzo thought now). His pants were a baby pink with roses that you could just see if you squinted, made of the finest material. He looked like a fashion model.
Baptiste was next to him and looked just as handsome in his black suit and orange tie. His beard was well groomed and soft looking, and Hanzo couldn’t help but realise this was probably the first time he saw him without his visor.
The two made for an attractive couple. Hanzo couldn’t help but feel a little out of place and he discreetly adjusted his tie.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Cole said, voice like honey. “Thanks for the invitation, Niran.”
“Please, the pleasure is all mine,” Niran said, waving his hand softly before interlocking his arm with Baptiste’s. “Jean and I had wanted to get to know the both of you more, especially after he told me that you gave him a chance despite the…uh…unfortunate circumstances of his previous employment.”
“Think nothing of it,” Cole said. “He ain’t the first I’ve come across who wants to atone for past mistakes, and I’ll be damned if he’s the last.”
“Welcome to the Pink Lotus,��� said a woman as they approached the front desk. She was pretty, Hanzo thought, and must have been the hostess. “May I have your name?”
“PruksaManee, Niran,” said the newest member of Overwatch.
A look of recognition crossed the hostess’s face. “Mr. PruksaManee! Right this way.”
It was a minuscule movement, so subtle that were he any other man he wouldn’t have noticed, but Hanzo saw Niran’s eye twitch ever so slightly at her tone. The sentiment was somewhat a familiar one, though it wasn’t really one he’d felt in years.
They got to their table, a four-seater that overlooked the horizon, with a white card sitting atop a gilded silver, flower-shaped stand with the word Reservation written in cursive across it. There was a panel behind them that offered privacy.
They sat down as the waiter offered them the wine menu, something that Hanzo found a bit pretentious (nothing was better than sake in his mind), but he didn’t think it was the time to say anything. Indeed, he hadn’t uttered a word besides the simple introduction he’d made when he and Cassidy first arrived. It was a gruff one, mainly because he still thought that this entire affair was silly, but he kept that opinion close to his chest for his partner’s sake.
Once all the food and drinks had been ordered, Niran leant forward in his chair and placed his chin on interlocked knuckles as he gave a dashing smile to the two men on the opposite side of the table. “I must thank you again for accepting my invitation. Truth be told, I was worried you’d think a double date to be too silly to join.”
Hanzo felt Cole give his hand a knowing squeeze and he nearly grumbled at it. “Silly? Us? Never.”
Niran laughed. “It is silly. Perhaps a little juvenile, some might even say childish. But I fully believe that we should embrace our inner child, what with the way the world is currently and all.” He paused as he tilted his head to the side. “There’s beauty in whimsy. We should nurture it.”
“Whimsy leads to carelessness,” Hanzo said, far quicker than he could stop himself.
Niran blinked at him, but if he was offended Hanzo couldn’t tell. “Perhaps. But I’m tired of hearing that carelessness can only be bad.”
“Forgive Hanzo, he’s had a day,” Cole interrupted quickly, before shooting Hanzo a look that said Please don’t scare away potential friends.
Niran shook his head. “No, forgive me. Philosophy is hardly a topic to be discussed in a casual meeting like this. I should stop before I begin to get ahead of myself. What brought you to Overwatch, Mr. Shimada?”
Hanzo was never comfortable with talking about the reasons for his joining the group. “I came for a debt that needed to be repaid.” I remained for Cole, he thought to himself. A thought that he would never admit out loud, not even to Cole himself, though he knew that Cole knew.
“Did you do it?” Baptiste inquired. “Repay the debt, I mean.”
Hanzo chuckled humourlessly. “It is not so simple. It was forgiven far before I even joined, and yet…” He sighed and trailed off.
“What about you?” Cole asked quickly now, knowing that Hanzo desperately needed an out.
Niran took a moment to respond, as though considering his words very carefully. “I’m wanted in seventeen countries because Vishkar wants my technology, my biolight. I wanted to join a cause where I know it can be used for good.”
“Didn’t ya study at Vishkar?”
“You could say I grew up there,” he said with a smile. “I never cared for it, all the rules and schedules and dress codes… My dear Satya thrived in that environment, but I just felt stifled. When I left, I didn’t look back…  Well, not unless I thought I was being followed. One thing led to another, I found Dr Zhou’s blog entries and as a fan of her work I only thought it prudent that I join her.”
“Dr Zhou? You mean Mei?”
Niran nodded. “I have a special interest in environmentalism and climatology. I stayed up past curfew reading her papers when I was still in university.”
Wow. Hanzo would never have guessed it from looking at him, but Niran was a huge nerd.
“Overwatch gives me something to do with my technology, and with the resources here I can do more research without having to worry about Vishkar punching down my door. That’s happened more times than I’d like to admit…Most of them were my own fault but the science excites me so much.”
“Didn’t strike me as a person who’d be into nerds, Baptiste,” Cole said with a teasing smile.
Baptiste rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “His enthusiasm is contagious. I find myself caring far more for the environment than I did before.  Not that there’s a lack of passion for anything in overwatch, mind you.”
“How did the two of you meet?”
There was a pause, then a nervous laugh from both medics. “The first time or the second time?”
Hanzo found Niran’s question odd. “How can you meet someone twice?”
“You’d be surprised,” Baptiste said with a chuckle. “We met last year while I was in Nepal after matching on a dating app.”
“What were you both doing in Nepal?”
“Hiding,” they both said in unison, and that brought a chuckle from the whole table.
“We met once,” Niran continued. “In person, I mean. But Jean said he needed to leave the country quickly and who was I to say anything? One year later, I came to Watchpoint planning to join overwatch and imagine my surprise when I saw him in the med bay with Miss Ziegler.”
“Well, ain’t that a stroke of luck.”
“Luck, fate, coincidence, whatever it you might call it, I’m just glad that it happened.” When Baptiste said this, he had a smile on his face that could light up the whole room.
Hanzo couldn’t see because it was obscured by the table but he just knew that the two of them were holding hands. He and Cole rarely held hands with each other, and he wondered whether they should.
“What about you two?” Niran asked.
“Oh it’s not half as exciting as your story,” Cole said.
“My brother introduced us,” Hanzo said. “He tried to kill me.”
“Very glad I didn’t.”
The two of them didn’t elaborate on that and neither Niran nor Baptiste seemed to want to know the particulars of that story. Or maybe they did but knew not to pry. Either way, there was an awkward silence filled only by the soft chatter of the patrons around them and the classical music from the live band that was currently on the outdoor stage.
To his credit, Niran drank some of the water that a waiter had brought and he gulped it down to fill the silence and exclaimed. “Refreshing! There’s nothing quite like a sip of water to quench thirst, right darling?”
Hanzo was certain that the water couldn’t possibly taste that good, but he gave the scientist points for trying. Baptiste nodded and took a drink. “Ah, that certainly hits the spot.”
“And this orchestra is simply magnificent,” he said. “My mother always wanted me to play the violin, but I hated the lessons. Couldn’t sit still, you see. I much preferred the drums. Did you play any instruments Hanzo?”
Hanzo thought for a moment, wondering whether he should share his childhood memories with a man he barely knew. But then he saw the look on Cole’s face, the look he knew just couldn’t resist and he sighed and said, “I played the flute. I was in a child orchestra in middle school.”
There was a pregnant pause at this, and Hanzo willed himself not to let the soft blush of embarrassment dust his face before he heard a burst of musical laughter from Niran.
“Isn’t that just precious,” he said just said, just a bit loudly. “Oh, the things rich parents make their children go through.”
While normally Hanzo would find it uncouth that he laughed so loudly in a setting like this, he couldn’t help the bubble of amusement from rising inside of him. “I admit, I did hate it,” he said with a soft chuckle. “Especially considering Genji wasn’t forced into lessons like I was.”
“Ah, the youngest is coddled while the eldest is put through a trial by fire,” Baptiste said. “A tale as old as time.”
“One could say it’s a song as old as rhyme.”
Baptiste snorted as the waiter handed them their entrees. “No, this is not the time for you to reference those corny old Disney movies of yours.:”
“It’s always the time,” Niran said playfully. “But alright, if you want to be boring. Why, thank you.” He accepted the plate from the waiter with an almost enviable grace. It was clear that while he was…what was the word? Goofy? He certainly came from an esteemed background. But his politeness wasn’t the fake politeness that Hanzo was used to. No, it was genuine. Like he was actually grateful to be given the food.
 “By the way,” Cole enquired as he picked up his fork and knife, “how did you get reservations here? I’ve heard there’s a waiting list here that’s about a year long.”
There was a seemingly uncharacteristic silence from Niran as he looked down at his plate and twirled his own fork. “My parents had a reservation for me for what feels like ages. They wanted me to use it to smooth things over with Vishkar…I decided to do this instead.” He stopped and grinned up at them. “They’re going to be so mad when they find out.”
Though the tone of the way he said that last part was a playful one, Hanzo couldn’t help but notice the way he gripped his fork now. It seemed his relationship with his parents was a complicated one, a feeling that Hanzo related to all too well.
It was strange, how much the two of them had in common. For the rest of the evening, the conversation was pleasant with Niran leading it mostly. He had a lot to say and got really excited when Hanzo enquired about his biolight. To the point that he was standing by the rail to demonstrate and was animatedly using his hands to explain the technology with words far too big for Hanzo to comprehend, but with an energy that was almost hauntingly sirenlike. He couldn’t look away, and he immediately understood what Baptiste meant earlier about his infectious enthusiasm.
“Oh, excuse me. I’m rambling again, aren’t I?” Niran asked as the waiters brought in the check.
“No… I mean, yes but we don’t mind,” Cole reassured. “Ain’t that right, Han?”
Hanzo shook his head. “It was…enlightening.”
“Satya always said I used ten words where I could use one,” he said with a chuckle. “The night is still young, do the two of you fancy a walk?”
It was warm outside as it was the beginning of summer, so Hanzo held Cole’s coat as the four gentlemen walked about a park that was a few blocks away. The sound of the ocean could be heard and the wind was pleasant as it ruffled their clothes.
Niran and Baptiste had their hands delicately interwoven together as they chatted together ahead of the two of them. It was endearing to see them enjoying themselves so genuinely.
“Mr. Shimada, is that a smile I see forming on those lips?” Cole asked, and indeed there was as Hanzo didn’t realise that his lips had curled upwards. “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you enjoyed yourself this evening.”
“It was a pleasant one,” he said.
One of Cole’s eyebrows tilted playfully upward. “Is that right?”
He waited expectantly and Hanzo rolled his eyes. “Fine, you were right. I had a good time.”
 “I wouldn’t mind meeting them again.” He paused. “Niran is not what I expected. I….relate to him a lot.”
“I figured you would. Two of you are two sides of the same coin.”
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kakusu-shipping · 8 months
Crush List
I use to have a crush list on my first pinned post but I ended up deleting it to save space and sense then have been pretty indecisive about bringing it back just because I didn't feel it was useful information and the concept was too broad and more and more excuses of the like.
Then my OCD got stuck in list mode so here we are anyway.
Long post under the cut, thankyou for your attention
Canon Crushes
Crushes that are canon to my Self-Insert's story (either I have a crush on them or they have a crush on me), some of which are also on the F/O list, but they're still in the crush phase to me <3
Katsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia
Reedus Jonah - Fairy Tail
Usopp - One Piece
Makoto Katai - Komi Can't Communicate
Souichi Nishimura (Ironman) - Baka and Test
Junta Hayami - Romantic Killer
Kotaro Sato - Kotaro lives Alone
Franky Franklin - Spy X Family
Shiro Ashiya (Aciel) - The Devil is a Part-Timer
Shizuka Domeki - XXXHolic
Chieko - Princess Jellyfish
Masato Hanzawa - Sasaki and Miyano/Hirano and Kagiura
Baron Humbert von Gikkington - The Cat Returns
Arrietty Clock - The Secret World of Arrietty
Pearl - Steven Universe
Princess Celestia - My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic
The Beast - Over the Garden Wall
Ash's Sirfetch'd - Pokemon Anime
Guzma - Pokemon Masters
Doctor Mario - Super Mario
Metal Mario - Super Mario
Wardell - Animal Crossing
Spyke - Splatoon
CQ Cumber - Splatoon
Rayfa Padma Khura'in - Ace Attorney
Chara - Undertale
Flowey - Undertale
Gaster - Deltarune
Phineas Filch - Ace Attorney
Maugaloa Malosi - Overwatch
Luca Blight - Suikoden 2
Just can't be bother to make an S/I
For various reasons including; Already have too many S/Is for this media, There's a ship I like that already has the dynamic my S/I would have with them (including friend's self-ships), Haven't had a good S/I concept yet, etc.
Pantherlily - Fairy Tail
Taurus - Fairy Tail
Mayaya - Princess Jellyfish
Hilling - Ranking of Kings
Marco Pagot - Porco Rosso
Palo Barrrows - The Titan's Bride
Noppo - Drifting Home
Randall - Monsters University
Jasper - Steven Universe
Rose Quarts/Pink Diamond - Steven Universe
Padparadscha - Steven Universe
The Titan - The Owl House
Grime - Amphibia
Maddie Flour - Amphibia
King Andrias - Amphibia
Hugo Oak - Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeasts
Jamack - Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeasts
Black Hat -Villainous
Bobert - The Amazing World of Gumball
The Nomad - Nomad of Nowhere
Brock - Pokemon Anime
Cilan - Pokemon Anime
Ren - Pokemon Anime
Ingo and Emmet - Pokemon BW
Nanu - Pokemon SuMo
Mega Swampert - Pokemon
Regirock - Pokemon
Regice - Pokemon
Mega Lopunny - Pokemon
Dusknoir - Pokemon
Giritina - Pokemon
Blacephalon - Pokemon
Magnazone - Monster Mind
Bowser - Super Mario
Dimentio - Super Paper Mario
Grilby - Undertale
Damon Gant - Ace Attorney
Bobby Fulbright - Ace Attorney
Kisegawa - Ace Attorney
Junko Enoshima - Danganronpa
Chihiro Fujisaki - Danganronpa
The Ultimate Imposter - Danganronpa
Gundham Tanaka - Danganronpa
Winston - Overwatch
Mako Rutledge (Roadhog) - Overwatch
Akande Ogundimu (Doomfist) - Overwatch
Jean-Baptiste Augustin - Overwatch
Richmond - Suikoden 2
Don't know enough
Either a non-major character I got a little too attached to or Their source material is too small to inspire me or I literally haven't directly interacted with the media they are from
Lapointe - Fairy Tail
Sanji Vinsmoke - One Piece
Usopp - One Piece
Bartholomew Kuma - One Piece
Bepo - One Piece
Shiro Ashiya (Aciel) - The Devil is a Part-Timer
Kitsune - XXXHolic
Dream Seller - XXXHolic
Hiigari - I Realized I Am the Younger Brother of the Protagonist in a BL Game
Otori-San - I Like Otori-san!
Tomoki Inohara - Melt at Night
Satou Jun - Mimasaka-kun to Mayoeru Kobuta
Sayo Minoru - I need to suck blood tonight/Yabun ni Kyuuketsu Shitsurei Shimasu
Yuzuru Tachibana - Drifting Home
Metauro - Villainous
Caine - The Amazing Digital Circus
Data - Star Trek
Harvey Hornswoggle - Drawtectives
Animatronic - Drawtectives
Callagan - Pokemon the Power of Us
Pumpkinmon - Digimon
Noblepumpkinmon - Digimon
Tubba Blubba - Paper Mario
Ganon - Legend of Zelda
Agent 7 (Eight) - Splatoon OC
Nelly (Agent 8) - Friend Devin's Splatoon OC
Meta Knight- Kirby
Galacta Knight - Kirby
Morpho Knight - Kirby
Magalor - Kirby
Rouge - Sonic
Roche - Dokapon Kingdom
Gaster - Undertale
Light Field (Snake) - The Nonary Games
Shamura - Cult of the Lamb
Ralph - Detroit; Become Human
Jerry - Detroit; Become Human
Bloodhound - Apex
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noahsbookhoard · 14 days
📚March 2024 Book Review (Part 2/2)📚
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Last post for March and there is only good and really really good books here!
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
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Shakespeare famous telling of Julius Caesar's last days, the conspiration against him and the aftermath of his assassination.
In honor of the Ides of March I finally read Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. It's always fun reading a new Shakespeare play as someone who didn't grew up in an Anglo-Saxon culture: every time you fall on one quote and get to say "oh, THAT'S where the idiom comes from!". The fault in our stars, e tu brute... I didn't know they were Shakespeare's before (growing up I've always heard Caesar's last words being "Tu quoque fili" (you as well my son) and that's apparently from a 18th century biography)
Overall it's a good play although it's not my favourite. I especially love Mark Anthony's funeral speech (it is well know for a good reason). Plays are always best appreciated live so if anyone knows a good scene or film adaptation I'd love to see it!
Veiller sur elle by Jean-Baptiste Andrea
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Mimo (short for Michelangelo) is a poor yet extremely talented sculptor, Viola is the clever and adventurous daughter of the rich Orsini family. These two that nothing destined to meet will quickly become the closest friends, but this friendship is put to test with the rise of Mussolini.
Mandatory French literature read and second book of my adventures in Goncourt land! This one is a total succes and I'm glad I finally picked it up after glaring at the red "Prix Goncourt 2023" dustsleeve as if it might bite. I was also hesitant because of the period: WWII and fascism can be very interesting themes to explore in a novel but I read one too many where it was token-ish and just a convenient setting. Nevertheless I read very few book about Italy under Mussolini so I gave it a go.
From page one the style took my breath away. It's funny (he describes coming back to Italy as "Welcoming it with open arms" before clarifying that he tripped getting off the train and fell flat, face first on the platform, the image stuck with me) and it's tender, it's hard sometimes but Mimo's life is and it doesn't sugarcoat it.
This is the story of two souls that were meant to met but found each other and never let go. Mimo and Viola can lose contact for years and meet back again as if the saw each other yesterday. There's nothing they can't forgive the other, no matter how terrible. And they will do and say some truly awful things to each other because they are trying to adjust to a world that grows faster and madder every day. But in the end the two friends will always be there for each other, looking after ("veiller sur" in french) each other. It felt like reading about my best friend and me sometimes, it was touching. I appreciated that it never ever was even a mention of romantic feelings between Mimo and Viola, to me it made all the tenderness and softness between them even more endearing that there was no ambiguity in it.
The story is told in alternate between Mimo as an old man dying in a monastery and Mimo as a child then a young man, both are in Mimo's point of view. There is a mystery of sort, too: when the sculptor moved in the monastery he asked specifically to be near her. And this feminine figure is shrouded in secrecy, no one can see her, only the abbot has the key, because she is said to turn people mad. As the story unfolds there are more hints but never any physical description, up until the very end and a really good twist that pulls together the past and present memories of Mimo. I felt like I should have seen it coming. I might have cried a bit too.
A huge book crush, I am currently lobbying at home to have my sister and mother read it. And I hope it gets translated because I want so hard people to enjoy that book as much as I did.
All System Red (Murderbot Diaries #1) by Martha Wells
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The diary of a Security Unit Cyborg who overrode its programming and preferes watching soap operas to working. However the scientifc expedition it is assigned to is attacked Murderbot, as it calls itself, will have to involve itself more than it wishes to.
Another serie I started because Tumblr was gushing over it. Also I wanted to get into SciFi which isn't a genre I read much of as a kid. I like my alien and spaceship on TV so there were no reason I wouldn't enjoy it on paper!
In this future projects are handed to the lowest bidder and lowering security is a good way of driving cost down. I could definitely picture it, that's basically how they handle infrastructure and equipment repair at my job! The future is beautiful...
Murderbot is really relatable. I too would love to slack off at work watching series and just checking that things are not going to hell (more than usual) once in a while. It has an interesting balance between the disinterested SecUnit with professional detachment but and the Cyborg who unlocked the emotions its programming had locked down. The awkwardness of the relationship with the human crew was really funny.
I was expecting a full length novel not a novella (my fault entirely for doing my research) so the plot felt very quick. I'll be adjusting my expectations for book 2.
I enjoyed it, it has some really cool character, good world building. I think I missed what everybody found so brilliant about it, and that's definitely on me since this book and several others in the saga where finalist or won the Hugo and Nebula. I'll probably read the next book, as of the time of writing this post it is on the TBR.
The Remarkable Retirement of Edna Fischer by E M Anderson
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83 year old Edna Fischer is as surprised as anybody when a wizard comes to her nursing home with an announcement: Edna is the Chosen One, the woman who will save the Kights from the dangerous Sorcerer who rages for months in the land. Armed with her knitting needle and her cane, she will have to face this fight and maybe find it is not so black and white as she thought.
I was drawn to this book for this prompt alone: the Chosen One is not another teenager, it is an old woman in flowery dress and knitted cardigan. This was nothing I had ever read, although there is among the cast of character ye old smart mouth 17 year old. I was also surprised to find it was more of an urban fantasy that the traditional medieval setting but if your hero is an octogenarian you might as well have her fight dragons in a city!
I really liked all the little twists on the genre's cliché: those I had as a reader (the Sword of Destiny, the Big Final Fight...) and those other characters had that helped the main cast (or sometimes caused them more trouble).
Edna was believable as an old woman, healthy but with the difficulty of old age. She is kind, patient, compationate. I would have wanted her as a grandma. Yet she is also determined and won't let people walk on her toes. There is some good ideas to circumvent those mobility issue (Edna would NOT have been able to trek and sleep in camps) that makes also for some very nice companions and side quests.
Some elements were somewhat predictable but still deeply enjoyable. I especially liked that there was some chapter with the Sorcerer's point of view, which isn't usual in this type of novel. It really sets everything up for the ending (i won't say more than that.)
In conclusion a really good read, a nice twist on a genre and the chance to picture YOUR granny fighting a dragon (there is a physical description of Edna but I couldn't help imagining my own grandmother). I think the author is on tumblr? At least that's where I first heard of thos book. If I can find the url I'll add it here.
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subiysu-chan · 27 days
what do each Innocent character smell like? Or, if they would wear any modern perfume what would they wear?
I would go gross and realistic. Lol !
Jean-Baptiste: Probably a light smell of rot and sweat constantly lingering, with also the smell of soap, soda. I don't think he'd particularly notice the smell of death, at this point, or would find it reassuring. He tries his best to keep up with good hygiene, mostly for comfort reasons (dried, rotting blood can be very itchy on the skin, sometimes to the point of chemical burn). The scent of melting, steamed fat quite clings to his hair and clothes pretty strongly, as well as that of herbs. He makes his own medicines, hence the smell of human fat and medicinal herbs and fruit would likely get stuck to him. Silver lime flowers and rowan would probably be the most constant, especially after he gets paralyzed. In terms of perfume, he does wear lemon grass, mint or clove infusions near his scalp for hygiene reasons.
He'd be the type, I think in modern AU, because he's still the type of person to go without perfume if he can, considering it more "sissy", he's probably just get a buzz cut (like, tight pony tails were a military style in the XVIIIth century, so I guess modern AU would do the same) and drop perfume entirely. However, he might decide to grow out his hair if he experiences exessive greasiness (not all skin types can handle a shaved head, to the point it'll require more care than waist-length hair). Being pale, he'd probably need to slather himself with sunscreen, including the scalp.
Probably similar to his father, although he'd probably wear rose perfume, mostly for enjoyment as opposed to an anti-lice measure. The most common medicinal plant he'd consume would probably be rowan, lavender and camomille, the taste and smell probably lingering in his mouth, and he'd run on this stuff.
Modern AU would probably prefer perfumes still on the more feminine, floral side, although would stay far away from the sweet ones. He'd probably also gravitate towards mintier shampoos. Would grow out his hair as soon as he's able to to be able to save on sunscreen.
We are in a similar smell range of randered human fat, soap and sweat, but again, with a lingering scent of rose perfume and formildahyde, as well as a bit of lavender and lemon grass for her hair, mostly as lice prevention. Would also have a scent of coffee and tabacco to her breath.
In modern AU, would probably enjoy a light cologne. If she would to wear her hair short, than her side burns would probably always carry some sunscreen.
He would absolutely stink, of rotting human corpses, rusted metal, vinegar, melted sulfur of feces too. He's the vain, histrionic type, and would probably wash himself regularly, although he'd use pure soda or ash water as opposed to soap. His hair would likely carry a scent of lemon grass, again, as lice prevention. I don't think he can afford the nicer smells. He doesn't grow much facial hair, most of his bodily testosterone focused on maintaining bodily functions such as keeping his bones together, with how little sunlight he's getting. More subtly, he'd probably carry also the scent of wine and brown rice steam.
Modern AU, would probably wear whatever the local pimp exepct him, probably something like vanilla, at the very least in his cleaning products, as it's the smell that best blends with the smell of sex and human rot. He'd have no need for sunscreen, though.
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Message in a Bottle Part 2
penpals Au
content warning: Alcohol, events of the show can't think of much else.
Author's note: sorry for the delay life has life-ed quite a lot but I've had a chance and drive to pick this up again and enjoyed it immensely. hopefully there will be less of a break after this one!
2021 - New Years
Mabel’s aunt wasn’t fully moved out by November, she didn’t fully clear the apartment until mid December. She had started to move in then and had barely finished putting all her boxes in by Christmas. By the time the 31st finally rolled around she had unpacked all of her boxes and was sitting in a bare but intact apartment. As midnight slowly ticked closer she poured herself glass after glass of cheap wine and listened to brighter and brighter music until the room seemed warm and shimmery and her head started to spin. She didn’t like being here tonight but it felt dishonest and almost disrespectful to leave. She cracked open her paints and began priming a wall. By 10:30 she had a new blank canvas. By 10:35 all of her paints were open and glistening in the dim lights she had on but looking at the blank wall she didn’t start painting. Instead, in the warm buzz of light she took out a small piece of pressboard and pulled up google images. She stumbled across several paintings she was entranced with: Orpheus by Franz von Stuck, The Death of Orpheus by Henri Leopold Levy, and Orpheus Lamenting Eurydice by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot. In each there was a profound sense of loneliness and quiet. Even though in one Orpheus was playing he seemed deeply sad. She began to sketch on the pressboard. She poured her own loneliness into the sketch glancing over the poetry her Orpheus has sent. The painting began as bright, the background a scattering of colors with a figure silhouetted in blue, an indistinct figure - her Orpheus. At 11:42 she could tell the painting wasn’t done. It felt incomplete. Colors swirled around the figure but he still felt distant, separate. She stepped back and closed her paints, grabbing the rest of her bottle and throwing a thick coat on and headed to the roof. The door handle was icy as she reached towards it despite how thick the door was and it squeaked as it opened and clattered closed. She felt steady enough to sit on the barrier, remembering the feeling of her legs dangling over the street from her childhood but kept herself firmly planted on the ground. Instead she downed the rest of her wine. Snow was falling gently on her cheeks and pleasantly cooled the wine-blush there. She set the empty bottle beside her feet and pulled out her phone. She started a message to Orpheus and then paused. Then, deciding she started typing, quickly. 
I’ve been meaning to ask. Haven’t for a while, but meant to ask, why did you join this penpal thing, all those years ago. If you’re comfortable telling me. I want to know - I’d like to know. But no pressure. My friend died. I miss them so much but they were always so bright. Everyone loved them but they were like flashpaper. They burned so bright so fast - now it seems almost inevitable they’d burn out. They never did anything by halves and I loved them so much - like a sibling. So for some reason I couldn’t really get over it. It seems like it shot a hole in my life just dragging things into it. Thank you for talking with me. I just wanted to share. I’m not fully sure why. 
With one more cursory glance out at the city, Mabel bundled the coat closer around her and grabbed the bottle, dragging herself back inside, the melting snowflakes making her hair damp and leaving tiny puddles as it dripped on the elevator floor. 
This New Years was treating Theo much like every other one. He was at some odd dinner party where his father was paying him just enough attention he couldn’t complain about it. He knew no one. After hunting, his father had found him an apartment just far enough away from the Arconia that he was pretty sure he could avoid contact as much as possible, which just made Theo want to visit the damned place less. However, his father was throwing a party there. It always made Theo nervous, having that many people in the same place his father hid the jewels. So, Theo stayed stationary at parties, his back to the miniscule gap in the bookcase just thinking. As he absently sipped whatever concoction his father was serving he read through his files on his phone, poetry just out of reach as a means to cope tonight. He wanted to go back to his apartment, to completely check out but he knew that would just earn him a deeply disappointed look and a very long lecture about the family business and his father sticking his neck out for him and how this was the least he could do. So he stayed, resting the champagne flute on the shelf so he could try to let words bubble up. Stubbornly the words didn’t seem to come. Everything he tried to write felt disjointed - hollow. None of the words doing justice to the swirl of colors and images in his head. Every time he blinked green and silver and gold seemed to glimmer across an inky black the gentle sparkle turning to a quick blur and disappearing. He could see Zoe’s face turn from anger and disgust to shock as she felt the emptiness beneath her and he could feel the numbness of not being in his own body, truly not knowing how he was standing or moving or breathing. 
The words kept not coming as the hours ticked by. A few of his father’s guests would nod politely to him or converse briefly but none of them wanted to keep up the effort of the conversation. As midnight swiftly approached he closed out the files on his phone sharply, finished his glass and went to grab his coat from the room acting as a coat closet. As he finally dug his coat out of the pile his phone buzzed. He rolled his eyes as he pulled it out of his pocket to check the notification, expecting it to be his dad demanding he stay later. It wasn’t. He sat down sharply on the pile of coats, his slung loosley in his arm as he opened his phone to read. It was from Callie. The words seemed like those he’d been trying to reach for as he wrote earlier. They were achingly honest and vulnerable. It was unlike most of the things Callie had sent up till then. She always seemed to stick to short conversational and friendly but almost sterile responses - devoid of the gut wrenching depth he was reading. They were what he would consider friends, each sharing things about themselves but she was always a little distant. Theo hadn’t minded, so was he, but this was different. He wondered what her evening had looked like to lead to the message she sent, probably bleak (much like his own he secretly hoped). 
He paused with his finger hovering over the response button. He genuinely didn’t know what to say. It didn’t feel like there was much he should say. The coats were warm but seemed to waft up a cacophony of smells. The light was bright in the room reflecting off of several mirrors. Maybe the champagne was getting to him. He deftly tapped the response button and began typing quickly, finally the words he was struggling over unblocking. 
I can’t fully explain now. I don’t know if I ever can but I don’t mind telling you a bit. I’d also like you to know. Something happened that I can’t tell my part in. I just know the end point of everything. I can remember a numbness - almost as if I was trapped inside my body but apart from it. I think I was in shock. I can see colors and images and flashes of the whole thing but can’t quite put it all in focus. Even now as I’m trying to remember its swimming in my head and it hurts. And even now i’m scared of it. I’m scared of me. I don’t know if I can talk about it anymore but I never want to feel like that again and I feel trapped. Here. now. Not urgently - you don’t need to call anyone or do anything I don’t either it’s just a feeling. The numbness keeps coming back. 
Thank you for sharing. 
His finger hovered over the send button. And then suddenly, almost as a surprise to himself his finger lunged forward and hit send. Theo stood and pocketed his phone, pulling his coat on and waving to his father as he gently closed the door. As he began to leave and heavily pressed the elevator button the light went on quickly as the elevator seemed to be passing through his floor. As the doors opened he could see a haggard young woman standing inside. She looked damp and like she was deeply tired but her eyes were bright. A wine bottle was held loosely in her fist and her other hand held her coat snugly around her. He looked at the buttons and saw that every number was pressed. She slowly drifted her eyes up to meet his and seemed to barely recognize him. He also thought she looked familiar but couldn’t quite put a finger on it. She tilted her head toward the buttons, not saying anything and leaned towards the wall, letting it hold her up. He pointed at the still lit first floor and went to the opposite side, standing upright in the other corner. He briefly glanced over at her again, trying to catch another glance and try to figure out who she was but her dark hair had fallen limply, its damp locks obscuring her face. She stayed completely still the whole ride down and as he exited the elevator he watched her start pushing all the buttons again as the doors began closing. He wondered how Callie was doing. He hoped she was ok and was around people who cared about her on what was clearly a rough day, and he hoped hearing from him helped her as much as hearing from her had helped him. 
2021 January 31
Mabel was alight with the mystery; it was late in the evening and she was back in the Arconia after a day with Oscar and her mother. She was fresh off of wanting to leave the podcast and finding a new and incredibly exciting clue and was ravenous to find Tim’s killer. And, they had just figured out Teddy Dimas was Angel! It was fantastically exciting. She sat buried in blankets in bed just wired. She wasn’t sure if sleep was possible. On top of all of that, she and Oscar had kissed. It was a very overwhelming day. She glanced over at her stack of puzzles but remembered how late it was. Not wanting to be drawn into a puzzle and be up so late she would be of no help the next day she laid down and opened her phone. She scrolled online for 10 minutes before finally opening her email. She’d reread Orpheus’s message several times since New Years and read it again now. The words were just as stark this time as every other, clear and distinct but unlike his beautiful use of syntax in poetry. She turned the words over in her head before opening some of his other poems, letting the words resonate in her mind, calming her down. She opened a new email to Orpheus. 
I’ve had a very busy day! I reconnected with a childhood friend and it was romantic and wonderful and work is going incredibly well!! My day has been electric but I seem to be reaching for your words to calm down. You really should look at publishing these. They’re beautiful. You have this sense of rhythm I can’t seem to find in most other poetry. I just wanted to message you quickly to say I appreciate them and you should let the world see them! I hope you’re doing well. 
As she finished the message she smiled slightly and flipped the lights off, setting an alarm on her phone and snuggling under the blankets to drift off to sleep. 
Water was dripping into the sink, reflecting off of the scalpel and tools at the bottom of the sink and spraying all over Theo’s blue scrub-like coverall leaving little dark specks. Amidst it all he felt a buzz on his phone. He dropped the tools onto a towel and carefully pulled off his gloves, throwing them in the hazardous waste and sitting on the stool he frequented. He saw the message was from Callie. He’d gotten messages from her at all times but hadn’t opened them in the funeral home before. It felt wrong for some reason. But his life felt like it was falling to pieces and he’d found himself looking at her paintings more and more. Getting a message from her when it felt like her stuff had been keeping him ticking though the weird podcast he’d been glued to, terrified of people finding out, especially that Mabel Mora. She had been one of Zoe’s friends and was hyper-focused on Tim’s murder. He worried about her just a bit, alongside his whole thing. He figured it wasn’t long before he was found out and was just trying to come to terms with the whole thing. Upon reading Callie’s message he was happy for her but a little sad. But, flattered. He felt a warmth in his chest as he reread her compliments of his work. He wanted to write more but was unsure about showing people at large. He liked Callie as his audience. She seemed to understand. He resigned himself to finish cleaning up but couldn’t bring himself to respond to the message. Not today. 
2021 February 4
Theo was terrified and felt incredibly dirty. Mabel and Oliver had seen him. He’d had people see the horrible bullshit he was doing. For so incredibly long. His father’s dirty secret was potentially about to get dragged into the stark light of day. He was secretly excited about that but that excitement was eclipsed by how awful he felt about kidnapping Mabel and Oliver. As much as it sounded horrible, that's what he did. He wasn’t sure what to do. He’d driven and driven and driven and driven just hoping a solution would present itself. It hadn’t. But his father had. They had finally stopped in a dump and his father had picked them all up and threatened Mabel and Oliver. He knew acutely what that felt like. His father was a terrifying and exacting man. Theo desperately hoped they wouldn’t be intimidated like he always had been - and continued to be. When the two were finally dropped off, Theo sat silently as his father turned to him. They stayed parked outside the Arconia, the rumble of the engine seemed grounding. 
“How did you not see them coming?!” Teddy signed furiously. 
Theo looked down and shrugged, “I’m not sure”. 
“We’ve stayed out of the line of professionals for years. But these amateurs? This is who finds us out. This is absurd. And your fault. How are you so incredibly stupid. I should have cut you out of this years ago. You were never up for it. Never. You’re useless” 
“I’m sorry” 
“I’m sorry” 
His father turned back toward the road, scowling and Theo could see him start shouting more expletives. Theo turned toward the window. As his father began to drive him back to his apartment Theo hoped with every fiber of his being that everything would come to light, even if it meant taking him down with it. When his father finally dropped him at his house Theo stumbled upstairs and after throwing the deadbolt and setting the alarm slumped into his bed fully clothed. He opened his messages to Callie. 
This week has been interesting but enough to give me a weird amount of hope, even when things are going terribly bad. There’s a strong chance I won’t be able to email for a bit but maybe maybe after everything is over I will be able to. If you still want me to. 
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4townie · 2 years
The 4☆TOWN Fam
So I think I accidentally described all their childhood traumas instead of just talking about their family life😅 BUT! oh well, now you guys get to see a little more about why they all are they way they are
Robaire Jean-Baptiste
- Robaire was born on March 25, 1978 to David and Fabiola Jean-Baptiste in Toronto, Canada
- His older sister, Christine, was born in 1970 and she’s always done whatever she could to look out for him
- Growing up in a traditional Haitian household should have favored Robaire, but he fell in love with singing and performing at a very young age
- that was not an acceptable career choice😅 so his parents constantly pushed him to pick something better to study (i.e. lawyer, doctor, engineer, architect)
- On top of that, his family moved to California when he was in third grade so he was in a completely new place and he didn’t know anyone
- Despite having such a big personality, his schoolmates thought of him as an other and were less than friendly
- Ironically he didn’t feel lonely, like he wanted more friends to share his music and ideas with but his head was too stuck in the clouds to notice how alone he really was
- But we all know Robaire isn’t a quitter and Christine is really good at pep talks, so with her support he tried out for theater and choir and kept trying to make friends
- He always had his eyes on the prize, being on a stage doing what he loves and sharing his talents even if in real life he was cast as a side character without roles and skipped over for choir solos
- But another thing we know about Robaire is that he likes praise & he likes to make people proud of him, and seeing his parents commend Christine for starting her own family and helping at their business made him feel like a disappointment
- (as if his father repeatedly telling him “music is no work for a man” didn’t do that already)
- his original plan was to make his own music and pursue a solo career straight after highschool but fear of being a financial burden and a complete disappointment as a son to his parents persuaded him to lower his bar and set his sights on interning at a record company while studying music (while double majoring in law)
- But fortunately you can’t take the dream out of the dreamer so it was pretty fateful he found the flier that offered him a gateway to his dream (and I want y’all to keep all this in mind when we get to Act II👀)
Jesse O’Neill
- Jesse was born on June 2, 1976 to two parents who could really care less that they were now parents
- He could never explain it, but he didn’t ever feel quite like he was connecting with either of them
- He has two younger brothers, Sean (born 1981) and Daniel aka Danny (born 1985)
- Their mom paid attention but she always did the bare minimum
- Their dad barely noticed them, but it was obvious he had favorites
- Sean was his least favorite because there was something “off” about him that he couldn’t explain, Jesse was next because he had potential but he wasted it on art, and Danny was his favorite because he was a sweet kid that always did whatever Ronan (the dad) asked
- Up until he was 7 years old and their mom (Giovanna) admitted Danny’s real dad was actually her childhood friend who was just KIA overseas and Ronan just completely ignored Danny’s existence after that
- Whatever relationship Ronan had with his two other kids just vanished after that because nothing matters more to them than their brother
- About a year later, Ronan passed and the boys’ relationship with Giovanna went down the drain too (especially Jesse)
- She went in hard on Jesse for bringing a black girl home to the family, said a lot of really awful things to both of them
- As soon as he started college, Jesse left. He lived on campus for a while until he and Selina could scrape together enough money for an apartment
- He didn’t mean to leave his brothers behind with their now far more aggressive mother, but she cut off ties with him as much as she could and with how much he couldn’t stand her, he played right into it by staying away
- The rest I will leave up to the future scenes to tell you😉
Aaron Zhao
- (this is gonna be so much fun I wrote an entire spin-off about his parents🤭)
- Z is the second born child of Bo Zhao and Ciara Zhao-Williams, born August 8, 1978
- His mother, Ciara, can be a little uptight and a bit blind to what’s going on with him but she’s also the one who taught him how to cook and how to dance and all that quality time made them very close
- His dad, Bo, is calmer and quieter for the most part but he always checks in with his kids and he’s the type of parent that always knows what to say
- We’re all familiar with his little sister, Olivia (1988), ten years younger than Z and a total Daddy’s girl😝 but he looks out for her and she always has his back (even if she doesn’t always show it)
- His brother Elijah (1972) is six years his senior and always left big shoes to fill
- Honestly so did their parents because both of them were top students in school, graduated with the highest honors, and his mom (with only one semester of formal college education due to getting pregnant) studied herself into a career as phlebotomist while raising Elijah
- And Elijah was just as good as them, picking up Mandarin better than his brother and getting great grades across the board
- Z was an average student, not great but not bad. His parents always tried to encourage him by saying he’d do better next time, but it didn’t really help because he wasn’t getting any better
- Elijah wasn’t the type of older brother to be a show-off either, he and Z were always close because he looked out for him and wanted to help him (but Z grew increasingly distant as they got older because he felt like Elijah’s shadow)
- Eventually Z found basketball and he got really good at it and his whole family was excited that he finally found his thing & his relationship with Elijah (briefly) improved because he no longer felt like he was living in his shadow
- And then it fell apart all over again when Elijah brought home the perfect girlfriend from college and (even though he didn’t know why yet) Z felt like no matter what he did he could never live up to the precedent his brother had set for him
- BUT we will soon see how the rest of their relationship unfolds😁
Aaron Mendez
- T was born in October 1979 to a very nervous but also excited 18 year old mother
- His biological father is some guy Catalina had a fling with that lived out of town (near her grandparents) and she never told him but she gave her son all the love in the world so he never felt like he was missing out
- Catalina gave up her dream of studying music and being on Broadway to be a mom but music was still something they shared
- Even with only two of them there was never a quiet moment, there was always games to be played and songs to be sung
- Catalina actually learned to cook as she was raising T and she would always include him because he liked to be helpful (except she got better at cooking and he got worse)
- Even though he loved having his mom as his best friend (and the extra love he got from his grandparents and great-grandparents) he didn’t have many friends because he was a brainiac (plus he was really young when he figured out he was gay so he felt a little isolated from everyone else)
- And since his mom was a single parent money was usually tight, but she would always take extra shifts to pay for his school tuition (he went to private school because he was really smart and she wanted to make sure he was appropriately challenged)
- He spent so many nights with his grandparents, no cousins or friends, just two old people (whom he loved dearly) but no one to play with
- All his time being on his own made him very self-reliant so he hardly ever needed to lean on anyone, except that makes it hard for him to ask anyone for help even when he needs it
- Catalina was very aware of this and she knew he needed kids his own age to be around so she sent him to summer camp in 1991 so he could be super active and have lots of opportunities to find things in common with other kids outside of a school setting
- And what he found he liked doing most was being a big brother to some poor, lonely kid he found in the woods (yes it’s Taeyoung, i know you all remember)
- Having Taeyoung was very good for him of course because he finally had another kid to be around but it also made his self-reliance issue worse because he knew he needed to be there for Tae so he developed a habit of hiding and discounting his own struggles to maintain his strong older brother persona (someone get this kid some therapy)
- A little funny how out of the 5 members some might say he had the least (a single mom, no siblings, not a lot of money) but he still had the most fulfilling childhood🫶🏾 (still needs therapy though)
Na Taeyoung
- sigh
- Taeyoung’s life has been complicated since the day he was born
- He mostly tells people it’s ironic that he was born on Valentine’s Day (1983) because he’s aroace, but sometimes his birthday can feel like a curse
- His parents have always had a very healthy, loving relationship but that left less room for Taeyoung in their world
- Dasom dotes on him and cares for him to the point where sometimes Taeyoung forgets how she can be, but even as a child she wouldn’t hesitate to drop everything, including him, to be with her husband
- Taeyoung and Jihun are practically strangers, no matter how hard Taeyoung tries to get his father’s attention he never can
- Being an only child to parents with demanding jobs who pay more attention to each other than to him turned Taeyoung into a very isolated kid
- He didn’t know how to talk or play with other children and since he’s first generation American some kids couldn’t look past the differences in their culture
- Back then, the his only friends were animals, especially the birds that sat near his bedroom window. He knew the names and faces of every neighborhood dog, alley cat, and bird that came by, he even knew the park ducks and swans by name
- His parents sent him to camp in 1991 pretty much to get rid of him so they could be a childless couple again and that was the first time Taeyoung connected with other kids
- He initially tried to be friends with his cabin mates but he was smaller and slower than everyone else so they often left him behind, but of course that’s how he met T and gained a little light in his lonely world
- Taeyoung grew into a totally different kid after they met, he was talkative, playful, mischievous, charming and with a little guidance from his new brother it wasn’t so hard to make friends anymore
- so behind his innocent looking face is the evil grin of a menace, but behind even that is the same sad lonely kid afraid of losing everything he gained since he met T
Also side note, the series all takes place in California (unless they’re in tour) since that’s where most of them grew up. And shoutout @tzaarons to for requesting these headcanons!! Hope you all enjoyed reading about you faves’ pain
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frozenbound · 1 year
Can you do that one cliche porn theme where Cole was fucking a toy and have to stop because business and all (maybe Hanzo's needing an assistance?) and then Genji snoops in and replaces the toy with his own bussy
This was submitted by Anon on my Zaqa, which allows for anonymous requests by non-Tumblr users!
The boys over at Men dot com sure have some wild ideas, don't they? XD I doubt that they invented that particular cliche, but I laughed when I saw that particular plotline...though, I'm always disappointed that the interloper always gets found out and the scene switches into a boring run-of-the-mill porno. I wish they'd let some of these cheaters and interlopers get away scotfree!
So that's what I did. :3
Thanks so much for the request, Anon! Genji sneakily replacing Cassidy's silicone bussy with his bussy, coming right up under the Read More!
“This is humiliating,” Hanzo grumbled. 
“It is,” Genji agreed cheerily. “And you’re handling it very well, brother.”
Hanzo scowled and grumbled as the brothers made their way down the hall, Hanzo using a crutch and his brother to stay upright.
They had some excellent healers on their team, and Mercy in particular was literally world-class…but she was only one person, and in their line of work one person could very easily be on the other side of the planet on an extended, critical mission when someone slipped and fell and broke their pelvis while they were training.
Baptiste was the base medic at the moment, and he saved Hanzo’s life, no doubt about it, but he wasn’t quite able to piece together a shattered pelvis, even with access to Mercy’s healing technology. Surgery was required, and they couldn’t exactly make an appointment at the local hospital because Hanzo was wanted on all seven continents. Disguises had a way of failing when DNA profiling was par for the course during major surgery, in case any organs ended up needing replacement.
So Hanzo was stuck with a hard plaster cast around his waist, holding his pelvis firmly in place until Mercy could come and work her magic.
But it had already been two weeks since the accident, and Hanzo’s patience was wearing thin.
Genji couldn’t blame him. He had, of course, had his share of hospital stays and immobility, and he could see his own frustration from years past on Hanzo’s face here in the present, and it didn’t help when the tools that gave a bare minimum of mobility back also failed.
The crutches the Watchpoint had on hand were old and rickety and one had snapped under Hanzo while he’d been getting some food by himself, because he could, godfuckingdammit, he could get a piddling little snack by himself without having to bother anyone.
To be fair, he’d made it all the way to the cafeteria and halfway back before…well, before Genji had found him laid out on the floor with a look of cold fury on his face.
His stubborn jackass of a brother had forbidden Athena from summoning help, and since she could detect he hadn’t suffered any life-threatening injury…again…it was only Genji’s serendipitous discovery that saved him.
But again, Genji could understand. Hanzo had finally finally finally convinced Cassidy to let him go to the cafeteria without help, and look what had happened. Cassidy would be furious, which was why they were going to tell him that Genji had been with Hanzo right when the crutch broke, and Genji had caught Hanzo, and nobody had fallen or laid there in the empty hallway for ten seething minutes.
It was a bit suspicious, however, when they reached Hanzo and Cassidy’s quarters, and the door slid open to reveal the empty living room of the sumptuous officer’s quarters. Genji would have expected Cassidy to be waiting like a loyal dog at the door.
“Cole,” Hanzo called out half-heartedly. “I’m back.”
There was a rustling sound from the hallway leading to the bedroom and bathroom, and Cassidy appeared in the doorway, clad in jeans and a t-shirt. “Welcome b-oh, hey there Genji, what brrrrrr…” Cole’s voice trailed off when he took in the way Hanzo was leaning on his brother, and with only one crutch. “Where’s your other crutch? What happened?”
“Snapped,” Hanzo said shortly and angrily. He pulled Genji in the direction of the couch, and the bottles of pain medication on the end table next to it. “I’m fi…”
“Jesus Christ, are you okay?!” Cassidy yelped, springing forward and shoving Genji aside, placing Hanzo’s arm over his shoulders instead. “Are you okay? Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” Hanzo said, sounding absolutely miserable. “Genji was there and he caught me before I fell. I’m sorry, Cole, but I can feel the meds wearing off. All I want to do is take my pills and nap.”
“Surely you wanna sleep on the bed,” Cassidy said, glancing at the hallway. 
“No,” came the repulsed answer. “I’ve spent fourteen days in that bed. I’ll sleep out here.”
“Alright, honey, alright, that’s fine,” Cole said soothingly, helping Hanzo sit. “You just set yourself down and I’ll get you some water to wash them pills down.”
“Thank you,” said Hanzo, and he tried, he really tried to sound grateful, but it was obvious he hated being so utterly dependent. Cole smiled reassuringly, but when he stood up and turned around to head for the kitchen, he shot Genji a look that was a mixture of anger and resignation. He didn’t mind caring for Hanzo, but he hated how Hanzo hated being taken care of.
Genji shrugged. “I’ll get out of your way, brother, Cassidy,” he said as Cassidy disappeared into the kitchen.
“Thanks, Genji!” Cassidy called through the door.
“Thank you, Genji,” Hanzo said stiffly, his head thrown back on the couch’s headrest, his eyes firmly closed. It was a sincere thank you, for many things, but it was clear all Hanzo wanted at that moment was the oblivion of medicated sleep.
Genji headed for the still-open door.
Just before he reached it, however, he was suddenly struck by the idea that Hanzo would need a blanket, and, to spare Cassidy having to offer and Hanzo having to accept, he turned into the hallway at the last moment, activating the door and making it slide closed as Genji silently padded down the hallway and into Hanzo and Cassidy’s bedroom, flicking on the light.
There was a blanket on the bed, with the lumpy shape of a pillow underneath it. Genji stepped forward and snatched the blanket off, meaning to turn around in the same motion and head back out…
…but that was no pillow on the bed.
It was a sex toy.
Specifically, it was an Omnic Bussy™ Limited Edition, and Genji knew the exact name because he had been mentioned, messaged, and DMed on all two dozen of his social media accounts with pictures of this thing, all with variations of, “Hey! Get your ass out of here!”
Because it looked exactly like Genji’s ass.
Like, to the point where he might have to pursue legal action, because there was the dark gray artificial skin overlaying cords of artificial muscle, there were the lighter, whiter plates of his leg guards, and there was the strap, the black strap, that everyone only now seemed to realize looked like a g-string between his asscheeks.
Omnic Bussy™, his ass. This was his ass.
And Cassidy had bought it.
And he had laid it down on his and Hanzo’s bed while Hanzo was going to be slowly inching his way to the cafeteria and back.
And he had tucked another blanket around it, making it look like it was sticking out over the edge of the mattress.
And that asshole, which also somehow looked almost exactly like his, had been getting a workout.
It was shiny and glistening with lube, and the silicone was slowly closing up after being stretched very wide by something very girthy.
Genji happened to know exactly how wide and girthy, and even how long. Long Blackwatch missions had often included a few group jerkoff sessions to relieve the tension, and Genji, though uninterested at the time, had caught a glimpse of Cassidy’s endowment more than once.
And, here and now, when Genji would be interested, this…imposter was the one getting to have all the fun.
Totally unfair.
Something needed to be done.
“Alright, honey,” came the soft sound of Cassidy’s voice through the open bedroom door, “here you are. Let me sit with you awhile until you’re under.”
“Thank you, Cole,” came Hanzo’s sighing answer, though it seemed a lot more genuine, or Hanzo was putting in a lot more effort, now that they were alone. “I would like that, actually.”
“You’re sure you’re okay?”
“Positive,” Hanzo said with a bit of warning in his voice.
“Okay, okay. Lemme just…” Cole sighed as he carefully sat down, making the springs in the couch squeak. “Mmm.”
“Can’t wait for Mercy to get here.”
“You can’t?” Hanzo griped, but with some black amusement.
“Yep. I know what the real problem is. One good fuck would things a lot easier.”
“Let me blow you then,” Hanzo said baldly, and Cassidy chuckled. 
“What about you, though?”
“I will make do,” Hanzo said heavily. “As I must.”
“Naw, honey, naw, I couldn’t do that to you. If you ain’t having fun, I ain’t having fun. It’d kill my boner, not to mention my soul, to see you miserable while we’re making love.”
“I know,’ Hanzo sighed…or, more accurately, slurred. “After Mercy returns, it will be a struggle to decide what to do: fuck you into the mattress or ride you into the sunset.”
“Yeah?” Cassidy asked huskily. “Sounds like a good prologue. What’ll happen next?”
Hanzo managed a weak chuckle. “Then…I’m going to,” he said, speaking slower and slower with each syllable, “take your cock and…swallow it down and…suck your soul right out your…”
“Right out my…?” Cassidy prompted.
“Right out your…”
But Hanzo’s voice faded away, and there was silence for a minute or two, before Cassidy let out a loud, drawn-out sigh.
“Fuck,” he growled, and the couch squeaked again. “Fuck.”
And then he came stomping down the hallway.
Genji, meanwhile, had not been idle.
The imposter ass was hidden under the bed, and if Genji had been flexible pre-cybernetics, then, hooboy, was he able to bend over these days.
Bend so far and so flat, in fact, that his own ass was holding the blanket off of his back and legs and head. He couldn’t be absolutely sure that he looked convincing from outside, but the lights had been off when he came in here, and they were off again, and that would help.
And if it didn’t, and Cassidy walked in and immediately saw his brother-in-law pretending to be his sex toy, then Genji could at least laugh it off as a practical joke to help his best friend through some trying times.
It would undoubtedly be a terrible practical joke, but Genji had a history of jokes that didn’t land. It was plausible enough.
So he waited, bent in half and covered with a blanket that smelled like his brother and his brother-in-law with only his ass sticking out.
Thank goodness he was self-lubricating these days. His asshole was already as moist and slick as the sex toy’s as he listened to Cassidy thunder down the hallway, all pent up and frustrated and needing nothing more than a hole to fuck.
He didn’t turn on the lights when he came in.
He didn’t tear the blanket off the bed.
He simply walked in, closed the door behind him, dropped his jeans to the floor with a soft rustle, marched to the bed, grabbed a bottle of lube on the bedside table and squirted an unnecessarily large amount onto his cock, and, leaning forward, lined up his cock…and slammed in.
“Ungh, yeah,” he groaned, placing his hands on either side of Genji and leaning over…but when his hands moved and and rearranged and pinned the fabric of the blanket, either it did not trace out the figure of his brother-in-law hiding underneath or he was just far too focused on his dick sinking into that slick embrace.
Genji’s breath hitched.
Cassidy was enormous.
He wasn’t gentle. 
He didn’t have to be, after all, not with a sex toy.
“Fucking,” Cassidy growled as drew his hips back, “take it!” And he snapped them forward.
Then he immediately set a brutal pace.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Take it! Fucking take that fucking dick!” Cassidy bleated, over and over. “Gotta two week load for you, if you can fucking take! This! Pounding! Ungh! Ungh! Yeah! Gonna break you, gonna split you open, gonna fucking fuck. You. Apart!”
He was, Genji thought, dizzily, dreamily. He really was.
This was a good fucking. The power, the sheer power behind each thrust, the unforgiving pace, the way Cassidy’s cock rearranged his guts with each inward stroke and gave them only a split-second to fall back into place on the outward stroke before he was spiking in again…it was everything Genji never knew he needed.
Never before had all coherent thought, except for the single overriding need to stay still and silent, been literally fucked out of Genji’s head.
He was going for the ride of his life and loving every second of it.
Eyes rolled back, mouth loose and drooling on the bedsheet, Genji let Cassidy slam home over and over and over again, so glad, so happy to be used so harshly, so wantonly, without a single regard for anything other than to drive that dick in as far and as fast as it could go.
Genji’s cock shuddered under the assault on his prostate and began spurting wildly, trapped between Genji’s abdomen and the sheets, absolutely flooding the fabric below, and adding Genji’s scent to his brother’s and his brother-in-law’s.
If that scent wafted up into the nostrils of the brute formerly known as Cassidy, though, then, driven mad by the sweet and yielding yet oh-so-tight hole he was currently destroying, he didn’t seem to notice.
He just kept pounding away, like a machine, like a jackhammer, and Genji’s cock had barely stopping leaking semen when it was exploding again, his prostate beaten into complete submission and having no other choice but to set Genji’s nerves alight again.
And then again.
And again.
How, Genji thought in awe, was Cassidy lasting so long after two weeks? Any mortal man, any lesser being, or the ones Genji had found during his life journey at least, would have hit it and quit it in thirty seconds flat after so long without and especially at this pace, but Cassidy was a marvel, and it wasn’t until he’d hammered five orgasms out of Genji’s cock that he sped up, the absolute demon, and, howling, drove into Genji with a force and a load of cum that Genji never knew was possible until now.
Cassidy roared with each eruption, slamming home each time, and they really were eruptions, spilling so deep, impossibly deep into Genji, yet even so they were too much, and Genji’s hole just couldn’t hold them in, and copious amounts of jizz were leaking, flooding out of him, and Cassidy wasn’t done unloading his two weeks’ worth of semen and frustration for what seemed like an eternity, until finally, finally, yet far too soon, he snapped his hips forward one last time, shuddered from head to toe, and then unceremoniously popped his dick out of Genji’s hole, with an audible splat as a glob of cum spilled out after him and fell to the floor.
Genji knew he had to stay still, but honestly he couldn’t have moved if he wanted to. His ass had been destroyed in the best possible way, and it would be…hours, maybe, days, before he’d regain the ability to move.
The mattress bounced beneath him as Cassidy threw himself onto the bed, but luckily not right on top of Genji, but off to the side. Genji could hear him rubbing his face with his hands, and then, with no warning, a sharp slap sent his ass jiggling.
“Thanks, honey,” Cassidy said tiredly, but chuckling. 
Genji very, very nearly replied, thinking the jig had been up from the very beginning, that Cassidy had known full-well whose hole he’d eviscerated, but just before Genji formed the words, Cassidy grumbled, “Can’t believe I’m talking to a literal asshole, and not even a real one at that. Things are bad. Real bad. Sorry,” he said with that polite charm that apparently extended even to a silicone asshole, “I know I’m a married man, but thanks so much for being so understanding. It’s just until Hanzo’s better, y’see. Then he can take me apart and destroy me like I deserve, after being unfaithful to him with an asshole like you.” 
Cassidy shifted. Then he sighed. “Can’t believe Genji let them copy his ass.”
Genji managed to stifle a laugh. Barely.
Cassidy didn’t say anything more. He moved a couple more times, getting comfortable or perhaps meaning to get up and clean up but not quite making it to his feet. Then he stilled and didn’t move for a few minutes.
Then he started snoring.
Cassidy slept like a log, but Genji moved, after he could move, slowly and carefully.
He got out from under the blanket, wincing and holding back hisses as his abused asshole protested, and retrieved the sex toy from under the bed, placing it where he’d found it. With a lingering look at Cassidy, stretched out and sleeping, with his t-shirt still on but pantsless, his cock, thick and long even when flaccid, still dribbling a line of cum that Genji longed to but did not dare lap up, he stole out of the bedroom, down the hallway, and out of Hanzo and Cassidy’s quarters like a shadow, hardly glancing at his brother snoring as loudly as his husband on the couch.
He reached behind him as he walked, or rather, waddled down the corridors of the Watchpoint, collecting and stuffing some of Cassidy’s cum back past his red, puffy rim as he went.
The experience of a lifetime, he thought with a smile. 
Though, if he played his cards right, maybe someday…
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Jean-Baptiste Stuck (c.1680-1755)
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unfogged-arc · 1 year
[ zombie ] do they believe in life after death? for jean-baptiste
cocktail quiz / @uncxntrxllable
in a sense. i don't think he believes in any specific afterlife, and while he's dabbled in different religions, nothing's really stuck with him in any meaningful way. but he also doesn't like the idea that when you die there's nothing, so he hopes there's some sort of afterlife, he's just unsure of what it could look like.
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issylra · 2 years
about me
tagged by @mathomhouse-e and @immacaria! 🖤
Nickname: Beth
Sign: Libra — I admittedly don't know much about astrology.
Height: 5'9''
Last thing I googled: "diplococci". We saw a dog with very infected ears and I was being nosey, googling the results of her cytology.
Song stuck in my head: I wish it wasn't baby shark, but it is. I blame my niece.
Number of followers: I just started this account yesterday, and will covet my current 53 followers forever.
Amount of sleep: 7 hours, usually.
Dream job: I enjoy my current job quite a bit, but the pay is terrible. So I'll say "veterinary medicine, but with a livable wage".
Wearing: At work wearing my very hideous scrubs. Maroon scrub top and khaki scrub bottoms. I've been trying to fight for at least darker bottoms, but management wants our bottoms to match the color of the walls. I wish I was joking.
Movies/books that summarize you: Hm, this is hard. I can say a movie/book that changed my life, and that's the original Lord of the Rings trilogy. I grew up in a very strict baptist household, and that was the only movie with """"magic"""" that I was allowed to watch. It blew my mind. I saved up my allowance to buy paperbacks of the books and read them so many times, they fell apart. Then I started sneaking online while my parents worked because I needed to learn more (so hyperfixated) and that was my first experience with online fandom. Was it perfect? Absolutely not, and I was far too young for a lot of what I saw and read, but it still changed my life for the better. Before that, I had only ever been surrounded by staunch conservative, religious ideas. I would be an entirely different (and most likely terrible and repressed) person today if not for that first fandom experience.
Favorite song: Holiday from Real by Jack's Mannequin. I listened to that entire album over and over when I was a teenager, so it will hold a special place in my heart forever.
Favorite instrument: Piano!
Aesthetic: Over-sized sweaters, skinny jeans, plaid, ballet flats — laidback and lowkey.
Favorite authors: I don't really have any, which makes me sad. I went into the work force right out of high school (I had to move out of my parents' home when I was outed and immediately needed a way to support myself). I've been working nonstop ever since. I wish I could go back and pursue higher education, maybe get some sort of starting point for reading in general, but it's about fifteen years too late for that. Mostly, I don't even know where to start, so I don't.
Random fun fact: I have one dog, two cats, and four goldfish. My apartment is a zoo and my pets are constantly having secret meetings without me.
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woodsteingirl · 1 year
that guy jean baptiste clamence is actually not even a judge he’s the other type of guy he’s a lawyer he just calls himself a judge penitent and i’ve been calling him a judge for long enough that it has stuck….
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anumberofhobbies · 4 months
Finally, after another hold caused by a stuck fuel pump outlet valve
Stuck valve eh?
The more things change, the more they remain the same. “plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose" Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, 1849
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