#Jay x Lizzie
thepiratefish · 8 months
JRWI Ships as Spotify playlists
Star-Crossed Survivors ( Zamnia x Star )
Stoneflame ( Igneous X Chip )
PistolWhip ( Lizzie x Jay )
SeaFoam Anchors and Fish ( Caspian x John X Gillion ) Idk if they had a ship name, so I made them one
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jrwi-fic-recs · 4 months
Fool’s Gold
by Tigers101
Part of him really just wanted to melt into the floor and stop existing, that way he didn’t have to deal with this issue at all. But alas, he can not.
Alright, let’s run through this one more time, really pin down the problem so that a solution is more obvious.
The James family gets an invite to a fancy event, and Chip, desperate for a plus one (to show up his sister), turns to his roommate, Gillion.
It’s just as stupid as literally every other fake dating au but I’m actually so excited so
Word Count: 47,452
Status: Complete (5/5)
Submitted by @red-heart-sunglasses
Please always remember to read the tags
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I had a vision. Lizzie and Ava as Patrick and Kat from 10 Things I Hate About You
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does anyone see my vision
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jonjaydami · 3 months
Do you have any hc’s on how jay would take care of lizzy/trinity or how all of them would take care of her together??
Ok so sorry this took me so long to answer but I really had to do something I'm not good at and think about this. Like a lot and then I kept forgetting and scrolling through tiktok.
So anyway my headcanon is that when Jonathan introduced his boyfriend to her she was super upset at first because not only is he a new guy and sometimes kids are super weary of people and you need to earn their trust but because she thought Damian and Jonathan were together.
I think she sees them more like her uncles and mentors. But when Jay was introduced she tried to be polite cause thats what her mom taught her but she tries to keep her distance.
Jay brings her snacks and small gifts and as much as she appreciates them she can't get over the fact that the uncles she wanted aren't together. But instead of staying upset for long she decides to make a plan.
Yes that's right I think she would try and parent trap them together. Because it's not fair that her uncle Damian is single and in all reality she thinks they are probably the only two that could handle him.
I mean she is still disappointed it not just Damian and Jonathan but she's ok with Jay because he let her paint his face and nails and brought her chocolate.
So using all the tricks she knows she tries to give them the run of their lifetime. Putting them in silly situations were either two or three of them have to find her or she is using her skills as a detective (learned from Damian and from her distant grandpa Bruce) asks them questions that embarrasses them.
Until they finally sit her down and talk to her why she's been acting so weird. She finally breaks down and tells them it's not fair that they aren't all together. They shush her and finally tell her they've been dating for months they just didn't want to tell her yet.
Turns out in the middle of her parent trapping them and in their own free time they figured themselves out and stopped being dumb (for once). Being the kid she is she's relieved she doesn't have to try and be sneaky bit at the same time she is upset that they didn't tell her sooner. All while this is going on Diana of course is even more relieved so she doesn't have to hear trinity pin point her entire plan and when it doesn't work or go right come home and talk about it for hours.
I think they all definitely teach her different skills and techniques she would need and all help out with taking her to the park or zoo and treating her out. Though her favorite times are when they all are together.
Well enjoy my brain rot. I'm gonna go dougie and drink my 3rd cup of coffee <3
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resident-gay-bitch · 6 months
Eddie didn’t deserve to be loved in the way he had always craved, and it hurt. His heart hurt so much he felt it turn cold and black, and the only thing to heal it would be that special kind of love he knew he was never going to get. Because Eddie was unloveable. There was always someone better.
- My Starboy - by me, jay :)
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nikkisgwens · 6 months
Family fluff!!
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I am TEAMING with PISTOLWHIP fic ideas and I need HELP with IDEAS so they aren’t 100 words or mush
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kutakunagasblog · 1 year
Silly ace attorney x riptide pirates au
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‼️TRANSLATION OF THE RAMBLINGS ( Without spelling mistakes ) and more info ‼️
Might contain ace attorney spoilers and riptide spoilers‼️
Gillion info:
.youngest lawyer of the undersea
.Childhood friends with chip and John
.Very good lawyer but lost to chip and jay
.Was under the elders wing but left after he went to trail for assault (attempted murder?)
. Edyn is a detective!
Chip info :
.He was under Ava’s wing
.their first trail was Ava’s murder
.never lost a case
.charms the court
.very similar personality to Phoenix
.always believes his clients are innocent
.lizzie is a police officer
.they were Lizzie defence attorney
Jay info:
.in training under chip’s wing ( after Ava died )
.looks like her sister
.very good lawyer ( better than chip )
.charms the court
.her yellow eye channels her spiritual powers
The grandberry pirates are the police department
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yourdarlingness · 9 months
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✦ Our Life: Beginning & Always ~ themed NPT
╰ DAY 5 of @rumblepumm ' s event !
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NAMES ︙ cove . seashell . shoal . shoaliette . sholiene . ocean . oceanide . lake . river . riverine . aqua . aqua(mu)rette . aquamarine . coralle . coralette . creek . everett . evelyn . eve . teary . tearie . tweary . tearfall(e) . teardrop . poppy . popp(i)ette . poppeine . lee . lily . leslie / lesley . lynn . francine . jackie . ari . aria . arielle . claire . elizabeth . liz / lizzy / lizzie . lizette . elyssa . elysia . reagan . noe . lain . macy . baxter . bax . baxley . barley . oakley . alexander . oliver . ollie . spade . mono . vince . victor . vincent . vinny . chester . derek . darren . dylan . daryl . darcy . darlene . devon . jaime . jamie . james . jay . taylor . harper . ash(e) . paula . pamela . pauline . miranda . randy . marissa . margot . sage . faith . melissa . terry . alex . robin . radley . marshall . max . chase . jeremy . archie . jayden . jonathan . misery . miserine . miser(i)ette . kyra . kyla . kylie . kyrelle . kier . sydney . chantel(le) . eleanor . shiloh . scout . asher . willow . adam . scott . jude . jade
PRNS ︙ sea . wa / wave . sea / shell / seashell . sea / foam / seafoam . sea / bun / seabun . wae / water / waterfall . pud / puddle . su / surf . ae / aqua . tea / tear(y) . shy . cry . fi / fish . swi / swim . co / cor / coral . pop / poppy . li / lily . da / dance . ste / steps . rhy / rhythm . mo(e) / mono . wa / waltz . fe / fetch . fri / friends . mie / mis / misery . si / silly . lo / love . ado / adore . he(a) / heart . 💧 . 🌊 . 🐚 . 🦈 . 🦑 . 🦞 . ⛴️ . 🚢 . ⛵ . 🎹 . ♠️ . ♣️ . 🖤 . 🎧 . 🎵 . 🎶 . 🎼 . ⚽ . 🏈
TITLES ︙ the alluring mermaid/merman/merperson . the heart of the sea . the [x] / prn who was washed ashore . prns graceful/tidal wave . prn whose soul is pure . the [x] with a peaceful life . prn who surfs . the lady / maiden / [x] of the deep sea . the one who sets sail . the [x] in the sea of stars . prns aquatic adventure . the [x] in coral reefs . prn who swims with fishes/sharks/etc (any aquatic animals) . the [x] of the blue waves . the seashell collector . the master of waltz . the born dancer / prn who is a born dancer . the ballroom dancer . the divine dancer . the charming dancer . the Victorian-era emo man . the one of all smiles . prn who is monochromatic . prn who moves flawlessly . the dancer of arts . the one with conflicting feelings . the [x] whose story begins . prns prologue . prns beginnings . prns start of dreams . prns opening acts/chapter . the [x]'s new beginnings . prns new chapter . prns divine plot twist
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[x] — any nouns ; examples below
the angel who was washed ashore
the ghost whose story begins
the boy of the blue waves
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sorry that its long :3
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wings-of-flying · 10 months
just because i'm curious
*pistolwhip is the ship name for captain lizzie x jay
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critdeeznuts · 8 months
See, the difference between the JRWI fandom and the DNDADS fandom is that the JRWI fandom were too pussy to call Jay x Lizzie “Jizzie”. THE DNDADS FANDOM, HOWEVER-
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jrwi-fic-recs · 4 months
by earlgay_milktea
Ever since freshmen year, Lizzie and Chip have been a team—the dynamic duo of East High's drama department. But the scales aren’t always even; Chip is the support to Lizzie’s lead role, the second-last bow, the harmony to her melody, and he longs for a chance to step out of his sister’s shadow. Perhaps the spring musical, with its pair leads, will be his time to shine! But things go horribly off-script when Lizzie chooses Niklaus to be her audition partner. If there’s any chance for Chip to steal the spotlight, he needs to pair up with someone, and fast. Enter stage left: Gillion Tidestrider.
Word Count: 81,394
Status: Complete (12/12)
Submitted by @red-heart-sunglasses and @thekittymuffin
Please remember to always read the tags
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supertrxshwrites · 9 months
This is a continuation of my angsty Jason Todd x Reader fic post ..this isn’t all of it idk if I’m going to write the rest lemme know what yall think. I listened to “ceilings” by Lizzy McAlpine several times while writing this so I recommend doing that anyway enjoy the angst.
During the fall and winter Jay always made it a point to drive me home from school instead of us walking. Something about shitheads waiting in the shadows. We finally pulled up to my house, he had been super excited that day, he kept telling me how Bruce was gonna let him do something he’d been begging for, for like ever. Before I got out of the car it was different with us though. When I turned to say bye he had this look in his eyes. It was serious but half joking almost like he was going off to war. I didn’t take it seriously..I probably should have.
“ I’m gonna be gone for about a week..don’t forget about me while I’m gone” he says with a laugh his eyes and nose crinkling as he smiles
‘ I’d never’ I say softly punching him in the shoulder
“Good..because there’s something I want to talk to you about when I get back but I don’t wanna spoil it by leaving” he says with a grin before looking down
“Just promise me you’ll be okay while I’m gone” his eyes were staring into my soul like he was searching for something more than an answer
‘I’ll be fine Jay promise’ I held my fist up for him to bump it
“You’re doing Knucks so that means you can’t break it” he says before fist bumping me
‘I know I know..alright I gotta go before my mom starts calling me’ I say before getting out of the car.
‘Be safe..’ I say as I grab my backpack and head inside.
Jay was so excited about his trip with Bruce, hell I wish I knew where he was going. But I guess it’s like a father son bonding thing. I didn’t want to ruin his excitement I just have a weird feeling about it.
I smile and wave as he drives off down the road, his tires kicking up slush.
I kick the snow from my boots and head inside before going to work on homework.
The next week felt like years, I mean I have other friends but when your best friend isn’t around nothings the same. Eating lunch was boring, the classes we had together weren’t interesting anymore and even after school. I took the bus because I knew Jason would lose his shit if I walked home.
After the first few days I started to feel this funk, something worse than seasonal depression. Something deeper, something scarring.
I found myself in my bed staring up at the ceiling, its old and dusty and peely. The fan going slowly. I can’t help but replay the car ride from school before Jay left.
‘He wanted to tell me something..’ I say sitting up
I shake my head before plopping back down on the bed.
“He’ll tell me when he gets back.”
Thursday felt like Christmas Eve so excited for what’s to come I had been waiting and waiting for Jay to finally get back. The school day went by fast and when I got home I actually ate instead of sulking by the window like a sad puppy.
“Friday was the day! Friday Jason will be back and everything won’t be so boring” I say as I wash my face in the bathroom.
I pull on some shorts and an old Tshirt and climb into bed. Too excited to sleep I scroll online for a bit before dozing off.
The next morning I got ready as fast as I could. Grabbed my backpack and rushed out the door expecting to see Jason’s red Nissan sitting on the curb.
But nothing.
I took the bus, still excited. I got to class early and saved a spot for him.
“Okay maybe he’s coming back late from his trip” I say a bit nervous but I brush it off
As the rest of the day goes on I feel a hard pang of disappointment in my chest. Crushing my heart like a soda can.
I waited at lunch.
Even at the end of the day I waiting for him to pull up. I missed the bus I waited so long.
I found myself walking home. I knew Jason would be mad about it but he’d be here cussing me out as he slowly drove next to me.
I step in a big puddle, my shoes and socks aresoaked the entire time of me walking home.
I get home and drop my backpack at the door, I kick my shoes and socks off and run upstairs slamming the door.
“A week..my ass” I say angrily going to sleep.
The next day felt worse, then it was days and then another week. Until one day there was a knock at the door after school.
“JASON!” I run down the stairs almost breaking my neck getting down them. To finally open the door.
“Where have you been oh my god dude-“ my excitement is cut off when I’m met with a familiar frame in all black.
“..Bruce?” My stomach twists it feels sour. That same bad feeling from before when I got out of the car the day him and Jason left for their trip.
“Y/N” he sounds cold and robotic. More than usual. Almost hurt
I yell for my mom and we all sit down in the living room.
“Where’s Jason? It’s been three weeks!” I say crossing my arms angrily
“Uhm..look..y/n” there’s fear in his voice
“What is he sick or something?..spit it out Bruce!” I say impatiently
His words felt like a trigger. I felt my heart burst into a billion pieces in my chest like an airbag. This car crash got worse because Bruce got up and left. No explanation, nothing just.
“Jason’s gone.”
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runnning-outof-time · 4 months
K’s Reading List — FEBRUARY
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Hey there! Thanks for stumbling upon this reading list! I figured that as a way to support the lovely writers within this fandom that I’d compile a reading list of all of the stories I read over each month.
February was a wonderful month filled with incredible stories. Below is the list of stories that I read. I hope you will find some that you like as well!
As always, please make sure you heed to the warnings on each fic!!
**some fics may no longer be available for various reasons**
💜 — denotes a story written for my 4k celebration
The Promise of Spring - Tommy Shelby x Lizzie Shelby — 💜
Wrong Shirts - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Tommy’s Obsession - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Seamstress, Secretary, Sex-Worker, Spy - John Shelby x Reader headcanons
Daddy’s Princess - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Blind Date - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader (on-going series) — some chapters contain 🔞 NSFW themes!
@justrainandcoffee / @/raincoffeeandfandoms
I Do - Alfie Solomons x OC
Dream of Me - Luca Changretta x OC
Tommy Shelby blurb
baby, that’s the thrill - Steve Murphy x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes! — from the show Narcos
In My Arms - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Javier Peña blurb — from the show Narcos
Low Effort - Jay Halstead x Reader — from the show Chicago PD
Because of you - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader — 💜
Tommy Shelby Blurb — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Your needs, my needs - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Caught in ‘4-Cakes’ - Tommy Shelby x Reader — 💜
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shady-ratt · 13 days
Season 2, Day 33 of asking my friend JRWI Riptide related questions till he watches it
Question - Ship 2 of the characters (Not aloud to pick Jay x Chip)
Options - Chip, Jay Ferin, Gillion Tidestrider, Alphonze, Gryffon, Queen, Caspian, Marshal John or Lizzie
Answer - Jay Ferin x Caspian
Progress - Finds the JRWI boys funny, knows most of the important characters
The extra is referring to Chip and Jay because he got annoyed that i didn’t let him chose those two (Because i knew he’d chose them and i wanted smth fun lmao)
(if anyone wants to suggest questions go for it :D I’ll give you credit if i use it ofc <3)
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nikkisgwens · 9 months
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