#Javi Gutierrez fan fic
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popcornforone · 2 months ago
Home Sick
Day Seven of the Seasons of Life Drabble Challenge
A Javi Gutierrez Fan Fic
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When you get Marshmallows as a prompt I had to go for my sunshine. He is hard to write for winter so I’ve gone a little nostalgic for it.
Synopsis:- Your feeling homesick but Javi has an idea as to what will cheer you up.
Word count:- 420
Warnings:- suggestion of stuff that might go on after the scene, sucking, swearing.
Thanks @fanfictionoverload @lady-bess @berryispunk can’t believe the winter prompts are now over.
“I know what I need to make you” Javi said. You love him & you love living in Majorca with him & your new life, but you are feeling a little home sick missing your life back in the uk. Yes it’s warmer & not raining at the end of winter, but part of you wishes for cozy nights under blankets watching the rain fall outside. “I need to make you a fondue”
“A fondue?” You question.”I’ve not had one in donkeys”
“All the more reason to then, nostalgia” he says & then bounces off into the kitchen. He’d sent his staff home for the day. This is going to be interesting.
“Fuck” About 15mins later you hear swearing coming from kitchen so go & check he’s not set it all on fire. On the counter top as a range of fresh fruits, bananas, strawberry’s, cherry’s, mangos & apples already for you to dip, into the large bowls of melted milk & white chocolate. Javi is trying to hide the chocolate fountain he tried to get working but broke by accident. Your giggle gives your presence away. He turns around startled & blushing.
“Sorry was trying to do the best for my girl”
“This looks amazing Javi” You say sounding upbeat but there’s still a small amount of disappointment.
“What’s wrong baby?” He asks softly.
“Have you got any marshmallows Javi?” you eyes plead, almost as much as his own puppy dog eyes. With that Javi frantically searches the kitchen but eventually finds them. Your face lights up the second you taste the marshmallow in the milk chocolate.
“Heaven” you moan. Javi smiles, his cock twitching in his trousers. Loving that your noise to this is similar to when he starts to pleasure you.
“I like that noise” he states before eating his own, before then feeding you. You delicately suck his fingers clean. “Oooh have I put you in a different mood now?” Javi asks as you let go of his pinky finger with a loud pop.
“Javi, my love, you always have me in that mood” you smirk. You then dip the marshmallow into a mix of white & milk chocolate & then bite one end. Your eyes tel Javi everything he needs to know. He bites the marshmallow as well & soon the sugary & chocolate goodness is all gone, your sticky fingers caress his face as you kiss him, falling for him even more.
“You really are my sunshine on a gloomy day Javi”
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toomanystoriessolittletime · 5 months ago
Summary: You thought your life ended, when you had to move the only home you ever known to marry a man you had never met before. But what if this was just the beginning?
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x fem. reader
Wordcount: 5.3k
Rating: T
Warnings: arranged marriage AU, mob politics, some angst, some smut, a panic attack, working in the shadowwwwws, some threats, Javi being a total sweetheart, fifteen year age gap, some kissing, one make out session, future talks, time jumps
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified when I post new fics
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One of the few things you would miss when you would leave this island was the view. 
Growing up on the island of Madeira and only leaving it for a handful of times, this view was like an old friend. Well… your only friend really. 
You were the youngest and only daughter of Gilberto Flores, the head of the Flores clan. You were sheltered all your life, had everything you could ever dream of. Yet all you wanted was to have a family or real friends. 
You grew up with different nannies, only seeing your father for an occasional dinner once or twice a week. You did not know your mother. Your brothers were all older than you and did not spend time with their little sister. 
On your thirteenth birthday you learned that your father had arranged a marriage to the head of the Gutierrez clan once you were of age. 
You felt trapped. Unhappy and lonely. 
More than once you thought about fleeing, but where would you go?
There was no way to get off the island by yourself and you did not trust anyone enough to ask for help. 
So you stayed. 
You learned four languages, learned to dance. 
Your father made you learn everything about the Gutierrez clan including your future husband Javier. 
His reputation precedes him. 
To the outside he was the owner of an olive farm on Mallorca. He was friends with politicians and even royalty, giving money to charities all across Europe. 
But you knew that was only what he wanted people to know. 
You learned that he was ruthless and cruel, that he did not shy away from killing to get what he wanted. The crimes went from blackmailing local politicians so he could continue with his drug business, to taking children hostage to get their parents to do what he wanted. 
And if they didn’t….
You shouldn’t be surprised, your father was the same. 
Sighing you stood outside of your balcony, watching the sun set for the last time. Your bags were packed, the wedding dress already waiting for you in your new home. 
Tomorrow you would leave this place and probably never be back. 
And even though part of you was relieved to finally see something of the world, the bigger part was scared of what was to come. 
Your dream of falling in love and getting a happily ever after would stay just that. A dream. 
In two days you would be married to a man twenty years older than you, that you had never met before. 
You hadn’t even been kissed. 
A tear slipped down your cheek and you closed your eyes, breathing in deeply. 
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Javi was staring at himself in the mirror as the tailor put the finishing touches to his suit. 
His wedding suit. 
Had it really been a month since his cousin informed him that he would get married to the youngest daughter of Gilberto Flores?
A girl who had just turned twenty one?
Getting married to a man fifteen years older than herself?
Closing his eyes he sighed quietly. 
Yet another time he wished that he could just walk away from all of this. But he knew that Lucas had made it seem to everyone on the outside like he was the mastermind of the Gutierrez clan. He knew that if he would even attempt to get out of the family, the buisness, every law enforcement on the planet would put him behind bars. 
He would be safe from his abusive cousin there though. 
“We’re almost finished, Mr. Gutierrez,” the tailor said and Javi opened his eyes, giving the man a short nod. 
“Thank you,” he said quietly. 
He wondered about you. 
Of course he had tried to find out something about you ever since he learned that the two of you would be married, but he had found close to nothing. 
He knew that you had just turned twenty one, and that you were the youngest of the Flores children. You were most likely forced into this marriage much like he was. 
Fucking mob politics. 
If anyone thought Javi would as much as touch a hair on your head they were wrong. 
He felt the tailor pull of his cream coloured jacket. 
“You can take the pants off. I will have them ready for you by your wedding day,” the man said with a small smile. 
“Thank you,” Javi said and took the pants off.
When he was alone he filled a glass with scotch and walked outside, watching the sun set. 
You would arrive tomorrow and the day after tomorrow was the wedding. 
This was not how he imagined getting married. He believed in true love. Once he thought it might be Gabriela who was his one. But she met another man and left him behind, much like everyone he ever cared about in his life. 
Even though his house was never empty, Javi was lonely, he always had been. It was why he became so interested in movies and their own magic. When he watched a movie he forgot about his life. He could get lost in the story of a good (or sometimes bad) movie and pretend he was just a normal guy. 
And that was just what he did that night. He made himself some popcorn and sat down in his private cinema. 
And he cried his eyes out watching Toy Story 3.
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Somehow you always thought he would look meaner. The man you were supposed to marry. 
You had arrived earlier that day, being sent off to your new rooms immediately without a big hello. It was an hour before dinner when a maid arrived, informing you to ready yourself for dinner. 
Which is where you were now, sitting next to the man who had introduced himself as Javier Gutierrez, Javi, as he told you you could call him. 
He had a nice face. Handsome. His smile was hesitant, his eyes soft his hands warm as he introduced himself to you. 
His open, soft expression completely changed when the rest of the dinner party arrived, the dinner party you had no idea was happening in the first place. 
You carefully looked around after the main course had been served, the only people you knew being your father and his current mistress at the table. You didn’t even know what her name was. She gave you a sad smile when she found you looking at her. 
She didn’t look much older than you were and you felt yourself disgusted for the family you had been born in. 
„Gentlemen,“ Javier, Javi said next to you and you stiffened. 
„If you’ll excuse me. I would like to get to know my… future bride a little better. The kitchen prepared desert for us to be served in my room,“ he said. 
You bit into your tongue, your body stiffening when you heard the hollers from the table. You took a deep breath before you looked up at Javier who was holding his hand out for you to take. 
You knew you didn’t have a choice. Not anymore. 
So you put a fake smile on your face and took his hand, letting him help you up from your chair. 
Whistles, catcalls and laughter were accompanying you until the door of the dining room closed behind you. Javi dropped your hand from his, releasing a deep breath. 
He looked at you first, before he looked around as if he was searching for something. 
Slowly he stepped closer and your eyes got big as his head leaned down, his lips close to your ear. 
„There are eyes and ears everywhere. It’s why I asked for dessert to be served outside for us to speak without eyes or ears on us. However you can leave and go back to your room without any consequences if you don’t want to,“ he whispered. He parted from you looking at you with an honest expression. 
You would marry the man in two days. 
And nothing of this day had been like you imagined it. 
So you gave him a small nod, seeing his eyes light up before he held his hand out for you again.
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The view from Javi’s room was breathtaking. 
You could see the whole garden of the estate with the ocean behind it, crashing against the shore. 
The sun was setting, diving everything into a soft orange light as he showed you around, before he pulled the chair out for you on the left corner for his balcony where some chocolate cake had been served. 
„I tried finding out your favourite desert so I could surprise you, but nobody could help me. So I went with chocolate in the hope you’d like it as much as I do,“ he explained, his expression sheepish, as he sat down across from you. 
He had pulled his tie off immediately as the doors to his rooms closed behind you, opening up the first three buttons of his dress shirt. He threw his dress jacket on the floor, releasing a deep breath, before he found you watching him. 
There was a shy smile on his lips as he told you how much he hated getting dressed up for events like this.
You were quiet, watching him and still feeling out of place. But there was something about Javi that put you at ease. 
„I know you probably want to be even less than I am,“ Javi said after a moment when you had sat down. 
The surprise must have shown on your face as he smiled softly. 
„I found out a month ago that I am supposed to be marrying you,“ he said.
„I’ve known since I was thirteen,“ you finally spoke and his eyes closed as he sighed and shook his head. 
„I am so sorry,“ he whispered, staring out at the ocean before he picked up the little fork and picked at his chocolate cake. When he had eaten some of the cake you picked up the fork too, digging in. 
You hummed when you tasted the rich flavour of the chocolate and Javi looked at you with a small smile. 
„You’re different than I thought,“ you said after you had both finished eating in silence.
„How so?“ He asked. 
„I was taught that you were the ruthless leader of your house. I grew up listening to all the horror stories about you and your family. But you seem….“
You were looking for the right word. 
„Softer,“ you finished your sentence and Javi laughed, sadly. 
„Unfortunately I think all the stories you heard about my family are true,“ he began and your face fell, fear creeping back in. 
„Once my father died I was meant to take over, and I did, at least to the outside world. All the things you learned about me are true. But it was not me who did them, it was my cousin,“ he said, his voice quieter now. There was a knock on the door, making you jump but Javi only reached over the table, squeezing your hand. 
„It’s only Carla, the housekeeper. She’s going to get the dishes and brings some wine,“ he said before he got up and walked back inside. 
You were startled again when the housekeeper, an older lady with a kind face picked up your dishes, speaking to Javi in Spanish on her way out. You tuned their voices out, tilting your head back and closing your eyes, listening to only the waves from the ocean. 
You were beyond confused about the things that had happened since you got here. 
But to your surprise you weren’t as terrified as you were only a day ago. 
Because Javi was so far from the man you had grown up to fear would become your husband. You only met him today, but you there was something about him that made you feel like you could trust him. 
He made you feel safe.
You startled when Javi sat back across from you, pushing a glass of red wine towards you. You raised your eyebrows in question. 
„It is the best red from my own vineyard,“ he said and you nodded, picking up the glass. 
You hated wine. 
But you saw his hopeful expression as he watched you bring the glass to your lips, taking a sip. 
You tried very hard not to let your face show just how exactly you like the wine but you saw Javi’s face fall anyway. 
„You don’t like it?“ He asked. 
Slowly you shook your head. 
„Not a big fan of wine,“ you admitted and his shoulders fell, before he looked with a warm expression at you. 
„What do you like? If we have to get married, I want to know you as best as I can. We might not be lovers, but I'd like to become friends,“ he said. 
„Do you think there is a way out?“ You asked. He sighed, drinking some wine. 
„If there would be one right now, without either of us ending up dead, I would have found one,“ he said with a sad smile. 
You nodded, looking down at your hands. 
„I did like the chocolate cake,“ you said after a while with a small smile. 
„Yes?“ He said as you looked up. You nodded. 
„But my favourite is Lemon meringue,“ you smiled at him and he chuckled. 
„Tell me more,“ he leaned closer. 
And you did.
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You were pretty sure you were having a panic attack. 
You stared at yourself in the big mirror in front of you. Dressed in white, not a hair out of place. You did not like the dress, but it did not matter. 
All that mattered was that it looked good on you, and that it would look good on pictures. 
You would be married in the next hour. 
To a man you just so had gotten to know. 
„Oh god,“ your hand flew to your chest, the fabric to tight.
You couldn’t breathe. 
There was a knock on the door and you turned around with wide eyes, still feeling like you were choking. The door opened and Javi walked in, his face falling as he saw you, closing the door behind him as he closed the distance between you.
His eyes flew over you as you tried, but could’t bring your lungs to fill with air and you jumped when you felt him grab one of your hands. 
„Breathe with me,“ he said, but you just shook your head, black spots appearing in the corners of your vision. 
„I can’t,“ you gasped out but he shook his head. He brought your hand towards his chest.
„Feel it. Breathe with me,“ he said again and you looked up at him with wide eyes. You noticed yesterday that one of his eyes was lighter than the other. Still a rich brown, but… warmer. 
With your eyes on him you focused on the way he was breathing. 
In and out. 
And in and out. 
Your heart slowly slowing down, air finally filling your lungs. 
He just stayed there with you until you calmed down. You heard the wedding planner outside reminding you that it was only fifteen minutes until the ceremony and tears filled your eyes. 
You would get married.
You would become a wife. 
You would get your first kiss in front of people you had never met before….
„You need to kiss me,“ you said, before you could stop yourself. He frowned at you, his hands still holding yours against his chest as he looked at you. 
„I have no control about anything at the moment. I do not want my first kiss to be in front of all these people. I… Javi please,“ you were about to beg. 
You had stayed up all night talking to Javi. 
While you still had doubts about if he was telling you the truth at the beginning, they were gone once he began to talk about his love for movies. His eyes sparkled as he told you about his favourite movies, and how his biggest dream was to be a writer. 
He also told you more about his family.
About how his father died and even on his deathbed told him what a disappointment Javier had been for him and the family business. 
He wanted to leave once his father died, but Lucas would not let him, threatening to kill his then PA and secret love Gabriella. So he stayed. Even when Gabriella left, because he did not know where to go. 
You told him about yourself too, but what was there to tell?
You hadn’t seen anything of the world, you had nothing to tell, yet he gave you his full attention with everything you said. 
If you were pressured to marry someone, you were glad it was him. 
„I need you to kiss me now, here, Javi,“ you said again and he took a deep breath.
He let go of your hand just to bring one of his hands up, resting it on your cheek as he took a step closer. 
His eyes closed for a moment as his head tilted down. He took a deep breath as he opened them and it was like everything around you disappeared. 
„I’m sorry it has to be like this,“ he whispered as he leaned in. 
You licked your lips. 
„I’m not,“ you whispered before his lips brushed against yours. 
Your eyes slipped close as you allowed yourself to get lost in this kiss. Your very first kiss.
It started soft, Javi clearly not wanting to spook you even more than you were. It was when he felt one of your hands on his shoulders that he allowed himself to deepen the kiss, slowly moving his lips against yours, your hand wandering up to his neck, your fingers playing with the hair in his neck, making him shiver. 
Before it could get any further he parted from your lips watching you linger for a moment before you eyes opened to look at him. He smiled softly at you, his fingers brushing over your cheek. 
„I know this is not what we wanted, but we only have to get through the rest of this day before we can leave,“ he said.
„Leave where?“ You asked. 
He kissed your nose. 
„Do you trust me?“ He asked. 
And you know you shouldn’t, but you had no one else in your corner. 
„I do,“ you nodded. 
„Then meet me at the fountain after the reception,“ he said, before he took a step back, giving you one last look, before he walked out of the room. 
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You were surprisingly relaxed once the big I do’s had been said. You didn’t feel different as a married woman. The whole situation was so surreal to you, you’d probably need weeks if not months to get used to it. 
Your state of relaxation could also have to do with the amount of champagne you had already drank, your father already having scolded you twice.
You had to admit that when Javi told him off, you did find the way your father seemed to shrink away from him pretty sexy. 
You had just gotten back to your seat when you felt Javi sit down next to you. You were pretty lost without him here, but every time he wanted to come to you, someone had pulled him away. 
Smiling you looked at him, your eyes widening when you saw what he had put down in front of you. 
„Is that…“
„Lemon Meringue pie, yes. I had the menu changed his morning. You should have something you liked at this wedding, even if it is not what you dreamed of,“ he said, and you felt yourself tear up. 
„I never really dreamed of my wedding, or anything really, because I knew I would not get to decide anything,“ you whispered. Javi leaned closer towards you, his hand finding yours. 
„Then I want you to start dreaming now,“ he said and before you could stop yourself you had leaned in and kissed him softly, catching him by surprise. 
„Thank you Javi,“ you whispered just for him to hear before you turned towards the pie and began to eat it. 
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You would have forgotten to meet Javi at the fountain if it wasn’t for Javi pulling you away with him. 
By now you were beyond tipsy and probably ready for bed. 
„I have a surprise,“ he whispered as you walked with him towards the fountain. You had one of your arms wrapped behind his back and he had one wrapped behind you. You were stumbling, so it was him holding you up really. 
„You do?“ You asked, he nodded. 
Walking around the fountain you could see something behind it the further you walked. 
„A helicopter?“ You asked, confused. 
„I have a private island in the Maldives. The helicopter would take us to the airport. Your bags have already been packed,“ he said. 
You blinked up at him. 
„We can just go?“ You asked. He nodded. 
„If you do not feel comfortable being alone with me, that is okay. We do not have to leave. Though I think four weeks of what people will see as our honey moon while we get to know each other alone without the prying eyes of the cartel would be better,“ he said, waiting for your answer. Hoping you would say yes to his plan. 
You gulped, suddenly wishing you wouldn’t have drank so much. 
You surprised Javi yet again, when you jumped into his arms, hugging him closely. 
„This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me,“ you mumbled against his neck. 
„Then let’s go princesa,“ he whispered.
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Waking up with your first hangover ever after you got married, you were confused where you were for a second, your eyes blinking open. 
How did you get here?
And where exactly was here?
Sitting yourself up you groaned, your hand flying over your eyes.
Of course you would choose the night of your arranged wedding for your first drunk escapade. You jumped when the door opposite the bed you were laying in opened and Javi’s head took a peek inside the room. 
„Oh, you’re awake,“ he said with a warm smile. 
You nodded with a groan. 
„There is a bottle of water and some painkillers next to you on the table,“ he said and you opened one eye, seeing him grin at you. 
„I hope I did not embarrass you,“ you mumbled and he opened the door to walk in. He was dressed in some sweatpants and a shirt, sitting down on the other end of the bed. 
„You didn’t,“ he assured you with a glint in his eye, that did not make you believe him. Instead of questioning him, you reached over to grab the bottle of water and the painkiller, chewing them down. 
„Where are we?“ You asked once you had drank half of the bottle. 
„On a plane. To the Maldives. Though I should have waited to ask you again when you were sober. If you want us to turn around…“
„Oh no. No. I’m quite happy to get away from everything,“ you said and he released a breath.
„Good. Uhm…. There are some clothes in the dresser for you. You…. Did not want to put them on last night,“ he looked away from you. Was he blushing?
„What do you mean I did not want to….“ You carefully lined your blanket, eyes widening when you found that you were only wearing some panties. Alarmed you pulled the blanked under your chin. 
„Thank you,“ you squealed out, now pulling the blanked over your head, mortified. 
You felt his hand on your ankle, squeezing it through the blanket. 
„Breakfast is served if you like to come out,“ he said before you felt the bed dip, a door closing moments later. 
You pushed the blanket away from your face, grabbing a pillow to put if over your face and screamed into it.
You swear you could hear a laugh from the next room. 
Sighing you pushed the pillow away, sitting yourself up. You would love nothing more than to hide forever in this bed. 
But Javi had done something sweet for you. Deep down you were a little scared of having to spend time alone in a place that was not your home right after the wedding. 
Getting to spend time alone with Javi somewhere you were alone though?
That sounded like a dream. 
And you did remember that he told you to start dreaming. 
So that’s what you would do. 
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Once a day, for more or less thirty minutes Javi had to take a call and excused himself to the office of the villa, leaving you to read your book in peace. 
You wanted to ask what these calls were about, but by now you knew Javi well enough that he would tell you if he could.  
You wouldn’t even be mad if Javi’s intention for bringing you here, to this little paradise, was to make you fall in love with him. 
Not that you knew anything about love.
But your heart beat a little faster when Javi looked at you, or when he took your hand, or kissed you goodnight, before you both went to your own beds in your own rooms. 
He cooked for you, he put sunscreen on your back when you relaxed on the beach. 
He asked you a billion questions about yourself to get to know you. 
And he made you watch every single one of his favourite movies with him. 
If you could stay here with him like that forever, you wouldn’t complain. 
It was by week two that you searched him out more, touches lingering. You kissed him some times, the kiss never lasting longer than a moment. 
You wanted more, but at the same time you weren’t sure you were allowed to want it.
To want him. 
But then he smiled at you, or remembered how you took your tea. Every time you felt the scared voice in the back of your head tell you to be cautious you reminded yourself of Javi telling you that you were allowed to dream now. 
So around three weeks after you got here, as you finished watching the third lord of the rings movie you kissed him. And as he tried to pull away you chased his lips, your hand coming to brush through his hair, keeping you close. 
He still pulled away, his eyes on yours, guarded, looking at you. 
„I want you, Javi,“ you whispered and he gulped. 
„Are you sure?“ He asked. You had talked about it. He knew you had never been with anyone before. 
You nodded. 
„I’m not sure if I want to go all the way now but… I want more, Javi,“ you said and he smiled softly at you, his nose brushing against yours. 
„I did not think it would be like this,“ he said, letting his forehead fall against yours. 
„Easy. I did not think it would be so easy to fall in love with you,“ he whispered before he kissed you. You smiled against his lip, slowly sitting yourself up. Nervously you broke the kiss, looking down at Javi as you carefully settled in his lap. He looked at you in awe and you grabbed his hand, putting them on your hips, before you leaned down to kiss him. 
You crossed your arms behind his neck and he groaned as you deepened the kiss. You felt him part his lips and you did the same, letting him take lead, because you had no idea what to do. You shivered when he squeezed your hips, pulling you even closer. His tongue dipped into your mouth and you moaned softly. You moved your hips on top of him, gasping when you felt him roll his hips too.
Out of breath you parted from his lips while his wandered down your throat. 
„Javi,“ you gasped, your fingers scratching over his scalp.
He stopped kissing you, his lips lingering against your skin. 
„Before we get any further I have to tell you something,“ he whispered. He pushed you a little away so he could look at you. Smiling at you, one of his hands came up to rest against your cheek. 
„When I found out that I had to marry you I never thought I would actually fall in love with you,“ he said and you leaned into his touch. 
„And because of my feelings for you I have to tell you that you have a choice here,“ he said and you frowned. 
„What do you mean?“ You asked, confused. 
He took a deep breath before he spoke again. 
„I started working with the CIA a year ago to help them get the Guttierez cartel. And as of this morning, there is no cartel anymore,“ he said and you blinked at him, processing what he just told you. 
„Your family was caught in the crossfire. Your father and all your brother have been taken in custody together with my family,“ he said and you nodded slowly, still processing. 
„So that means, you are free,“ he smiled at you. 
„What does that mean?“ You asked. 
„It means, you get to make your own choices,“ he took a deep breath, „It means that you don’t have to stayed married to me if you don’t want,“ he said quietly.
„You’re very young, my love. If you want to get out and make your own experiences, no one is stopping you. You could study, you could travel, you could buy your own island and live there forever…“ he grinned.
„Can’t I do all of that with you by my side?“ You asked. 
„If you want to. All I want to say is, you are not obligated to stay married to me. Because there will be no consequences if you chose to not want to anymore. Only what you want matters,“ he said. 
You were still processing. 
„I am saying that if you want to get married, you should do it, because you are in love with the person, and not because you were pressured to do so,“ he said. 
„But what if I am in love with you?“ You asked. The smile he gave you was almost blinding. 
„Then I will be with you every single step of the way as long as you let me, my love,“ he said.
„Okay,“ you smiled softly at him. 
„Okay?“ He asked, you nodded. 
„I want to stay longer here, if we can,“ you said and he nodded.
„Done,“ he grinned. 
„And I want you to take me to your bed,“ you sucked your bottom lip in. 
„Now?“ He raised one of his eyebrows.
You nodded.
„Now,“ you whispered. 
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Two years later
„We are gonna be late, Javi,“ you giggled, your hands on the sides of his face as he kissed all over your face.
„Can’t be late to our own wedding,“ he shrugged and you giggled again.
„Javviiiiiii!“ You laughed, when he began to tickle your sides. 
„Okay Okay Okay,“ he sighed in mock surrender, pushing himself up from the bed, before he held his hand out to help you up. 
„Ready to marry me again?“ He asked as you walked out of the room and directly on the beach that would lead down to the ocean where a minister would be waiting for you. 
„Ready to actually mean it this time,“ you winked, squealing when he pulled you against his chest, kissing you hard. 
„Love you,“ he mumbled against your lips. 
„Love you too,“ you mumbled back, letting him lead you down to the ocean. 
Ready for a fresh start in a new country with a new job, but with the men you against all odds fell in love with.
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drewharrisonwriter · 2 years ago
Anyone else feel like they're cheating on their stan? LOL
Like I've been a Pedro Pascal and Henry Cavill fan for YEARS. But this year, I've been so deep into Pedro for months on end, and now I'm sort of swerving to Henry (for some reason lol) and everytime I see Henry's photos or fics, I immediately have to look at a Pedro photo and read a Pedro fic because I feel like I'm cheating on the poor guy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH
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calumance · 2 years ago
to post or not to post.
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musings-of-a-rose · 2 years ago
Reblogging because I miss this fic
A Tale of 2 Javi's - Complete
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Now married to the infamous Javi Gutierrez, what happens when you need the help of Javier Peña, the man that destroyed your heart?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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lincolndjarin · 1 year ago
fine art
javi gutierrez x moviestar!reader - installment #1 of sparrow's spectacles
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main masterlist - other spectacles - kofi
summary : you were an up and coming actress, javi is your biggest fan, he'd do anything to have meet you.
word count : 3.9k
warnings, tags : dead dove do not eat, !! dark fic !! mdni 18+, noncon, stalker!javi, kidnapping, capture, stockholm syndrome, m&f masturbation, sex toys, briefly mentioned periods, exhibitionism, voyurism, so much internal thought processing regarding readers situation, briefly referenced suicide, reader is undescribed other than briefly being mentioned as young in her acting career, in my head she's late twenties, probs other tags i missed sorry. tldr: you have spent so much time with javi against your will that you unwillingly start fantasizing about him and give in to destructive urges in an attempt to escape him, everything is bad here.
a/n : is this stupid and probably bad? who knows, i have a terrible sense of self judgement lately so i'm just gonna post this and hope it's good. also can you tell that i blatantly stole the set from You LMAO. anyhow this is the first installment of my little 'horror' series. but it's less horror and more just odd little stories i wanted to write tbh
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Desk, bed, lamp, television, door, chair.
Desk, bed, lamp, television, door, chair.
Desk, bed, lamp, television, door, chair.
On days where you’re feeling particularly bored you list the things you can see. Unfortunately for you, your surroundings rarely change. Of course you could change that, if you asked him for something he’d give it to you, anything you wanted. Unless of course it was something he thought you could hurt yourself with or contact the outside world with. 
You didn’t often ask. 
Whenever you can have a conversation with him he always says the same thing. 
“If you stopped being so stubborn you might actually be happy.” 
“I would do anything for you.” “Then let me out.” “Anything but that.” 
“It’s not as terrible as you make it out to be. It isn’t an actual cage, it isn’t so bad.” 
So you don’t talk to him unless you have to. 
But some days you’re just so painfully, agonizingly, bored and you can’t help yourself. So you scream at him, or you pound on the unyielding plexiglass, or you hold your hand up against it, hoping he’ll touch the other side and you can briefly imagine yourself having physical contact with another human being. 
Sometimes you’ll even play his games. 
You’ll read the scripts he slides through the small square opening in the cage that can’t be more than a foot wide, and act out scenes with him simply because it gives you something to do and for fucks sake you’re desperate for something to do. It’s so easy to get caught up in him, if it wasn’t so easy you’d probably let yourself do it more often, thankfully, it’s so fucking scary. If you spend too much time in the box you’re worried that eventually you’ll forget that you aren’t a doll and you'll grow to like your box. So you do your damndest to maintain a wall between the two of you, but when that wall is glass it is destined to break eventually. So you scream and you fight until you get tired, and then you let the walls down as you rest, before returning to your struggle. And everytime you let the walls down they take longer to put back up. 
At the end of the day it never matters how you treat him, he loves you all the same. 
Even on days where you scream your throat raw and throw your furniture against the walls, if you ask him to get you takeout from your favorite restaurant, or watch a movie with you, he always will. You asked him about it once. Why didn't he just make you do what he wanted? Why didn’t he just make you obey? He had looked genuinely offended, as if he couldn’t believe you thought him capable of such a thing. 
And he told you that he loved you.
More than anything. 
That you were his most prized possession. 
That he would never do anything to hurt you, it would be like if he were angry and he threw a priceless vase, the only person it would hurt is himself. 
You had nodded as if he was making any sense and you’d turned back to the movie he’d picked out. 
You were a vase. 
You were a collectible. 
A priceless, collectable. He kept you in perfect condition and never took you out of the box. Not even to play with you himself. A small, rather demented part of you, is starting to wish that he would. Of course you don’t want him to force himself upon you, you aren’t that far gone. (Yet.) But it’s been so long since you’ve touched another person. You would give your left arm just to be held. If your calendar serves you well, it’s been just over two years since you last saw someone who wasn’t Javi. 
And Javi wouldn’t touch you. 
Not ever. You were too perfect to be defiled in such a way. He would sometimes hold his hand against the glass when you held up your own, he even kissed you through it once. (Although it had been rather awkward and neither one of you ever talked about it again.) But he never touched you. 
Sometimes you can’t help but wonder what would have happened if you’d met Javi in a social setting. He is rather handsome, and though you hate to admit it, when he isn’t leering he’s almost charming. 
Everyday you slip further into the fantasy where Javi does something to break up the monotony. Is that his goal? To make you so desperate for human connection that you eventually snap and beg him to touch you? You shudder as you wonder how long that would take. After the first year you stopped wondering what would happen when he got bored of you. You know deep down that that will never happen. If anything his devotion  for you only continues to grow with each passing day. If it’s possible he probably loves you more now then he did at the start of your stay here. Despite everything he takes care of you, in his own strange sort of way. 
Like how he tracks your cycle, always making sure you have anything you need on those days. Sometimes he even knows it’s starting before you do, he’ll bring you baskets with blankets and candy and any other little trinket or gift he saw that made him think of you. 
Jewelry, little plush toys, and books. Anything to try and make you feel anything other than the misery that constantly loomed over you as you waited for his next visit. He never goes more than a few days without seeing you and he always apologizes when he does. He returns with your favorite shampoo or lotion to make it up to you, but it never really changes how you feel about him. It’s nice to fantasize a world in which you enjoy your only source of company but you’re careful to never let that fantasy bleed into reality. 
If he were actually your partner you’d have locked him down ages ago. A part of you knows that he doesn’t want that kind of relationship with you though. He doesn’t want a girlfriend, you’re much more than that. You’re more like a goddess in a cage to him than an actual human being. A beloved pet bird. It’s clear he feels something more than simple love for you. It’s a devotion, a conscious effort to worship you. 
You are to be kept in pristine condition. 
Of course that doesn’t mean he can’t look. 
Two and a half years. 
That’s how long it took for the looking to escalate into something more. You were watching a movie. 
50 First Dates
You had picked it out, Javi liked action movies but would never complain when you wanted to watch a rom-com. You were on your bed, curled up under the blankets in a hoodie and sweatpants. You haven’t worn makeup since he took you, you rarely brushed your hair, you never put much thought into your appearance, and Javi wouldn’t give you a mirror. 
You had one, a long time ago. Within the first week you’d smashed it, threatening to slit your own throat if he didn’t let you out. All that resulted in was you no longer being allowed to have breakables. Plastic cutlery and paper plates were wordlessly passed to you from that point forward.
You had been watching in silence, he sat on the couch outside the cage like he always did and it wasn’t until you heard a shuddering groan that you turned around to see him kneeling beside the cage, one hand pressed up against the glass, steadying himself, the other wrapped around his cock.  
You were frozen in place. 
What are you supposed to do in that situation? 
You watched, slack jawed as he took his time. His gaze made you feel naked, like he could see through the layers of blankets and baggy clothing. 
He had looked you in the eye when he finished. Briefly staring wide eyed before his eyes squeezed shut and with a long, drawn out moan and a strained cry of your name. His cum painted the glass and before you could form any sort of response he was already stuffing himself back into his pants and standing. You want to say something, anything. Something to hold him accountable for what he just did, but you can’t think of anything, and he’s already leaving. 
Before you can even blink he’s gone, without so much as a glance in your direction. And you’re left alone, in the lamp light, unable to escape the sight of his filth on the glass. Covering your head with a blanket as you waited for it to be late enough for the power to cut out and leave you in a safe, and comfortable darkness. 
A part of you hoped that the white speckles would be gone when you woke up but you weren’t that lucky. 
You faced away from that wall, with your head buried in a book until you looked at the clock and knew it was almost time to face him again. When he returned he had an aura of shame around himself, his arms were full of grocery bags and his eyes were red rimmed and teary. 
“I’m so sorry- I just- I love you so much, I don’t know what came over me.” If this was a normal relationship and the two of you had maybe gotten into an argument or something you would have forgiven him. After all he looked genuinely remorseful as he stared at you, going through the bags before setting down several takeout containers with labels you recognized. He had gone out and gotten all your favorites. Your favorite fast food place, as well as a high end chinese restaurant you loved for special occasions, and a clear plastic case with a slice of your favorite flavored cake from a small bakery near your apartment that you frequented. (You’d never asked him to get you anything from there before, you’d never even mentioned the place to him.) 
Through his mumbled apologies he set down your favorite bubble tea flavor and a water bottle. 
He had passed everything to you through the opening in the cage with trembling hands as he sniffled. Once you had everything he sprayed the drying remnants of his release with Windex, pulling several paper towels off the roll and wiping it until it was as if it never happened. By the time he was finished his cheeks were red and big tears rolled down his face. 
“Hey, it’s okay.” Before you can stop yourself you’re comforting him, as if he’s the victim in this situation. 
“It’s not okay, I don’t want you to think that that’s why you’re here.” He mumbles sadly, letting his forehead hit the glass. Through your disgust for your own words you sense something else.
The only chance you’re going to get for escape involves him unlocking the door. Something he hasn’t done since he put you in here in the first place. You’ve tried in the past. Not often, there weren’t very many chances, you had everything you needed here, running water and a bathroom, any other sustenance was provided by him through the little opening. There was so rarely an opportunity, and when there were he always anticipated your plans before you got to put them into motion. But you’ve never tried deception. You think you would have, considering you’re an actress but it had never crossed your mind until just now. You can’t half ass this though. If you decide to do this you will get one chance to do it right. 
Go big or go home. 
“No really, it’s okay. It’s sort of… flattering.” His face drops the second you say it and regret starts creeping in. You’re going to die here. He’s going to keep you here until the day you die and no one will ever know what happened to you. A young starlight, taken out in her prime. 
“It’s not, it’s disgusting.” He tosses the paper towels away, sniffling to himself as he stands with his hands clasped in front of him, swaying anxiously back and forth. You take a seat on your bed across from him, fighting the urge to put your hand on the glass. You don’t want to lay it on too thick, he’ll see right through that. 
“It’s fine, it’s- it’s natural.” You’re struggling to find the right words that make it feel real. At one point you were a rather talented actress but you’re out of practice. “Seriously. Especially from you. It’s really sweet.” Fuck, are you doing too much?
He doesn’t respond. Instead, he chews his lip as he stares at you, you can tell he’s skeptical. He should be. You so rarely speak to him and when you do it’s never to be kind. 
“Actions speak louder than words.” 
Someone said that in a movie Javi picked, you had sat and let him read the scene to you afterwards. 
He wants an actress, you can give him that. You can perform, as long as that’s all it is. If it’s a performance you can keep your wall up. You stumble off the bed, your legs feeling like jelly as you pull open the drawer on your nightstand. 
This plan feels stupider by the minute but you need to commit.
He didn’t gift you sex toys the way he did with other little things to make you happier. But they were always just sort of there. In their original packaging, shoved in your nightstand drawer with a few batteries he’d left as well, they’d been here when you woke up in the cage. You doubt you’ll be able to relax enough to do this without a little help, and you have to be convincing. If you aren’t believable he’s unlikely to trust you in the future. If you fuck this up now you’ll never get another chance. 
It’s a pale pink rabbit. You’d probably never buy something like it for yourself, it looks… expensive. The silicone is smooth against your fingers as you rip open the packaging, twisting the base open to pop in two batteries. Rushing in an attempt to not lose your nerve. When you gather your courage you risk a glance up at him, just fast enough to watch his tongue dart out and wet his lips.
So he does want this. 
Pressing the button on the toy makes it buzz to life.  
This isn’t so bad. It’s just masturbating, if you do this for him you can take advantage of the obvious attraction he has for you. Even if it doesn’t work immediately, eventually this ends with him letting you out, or at the very least letting himself in, which is all you need. 
So you get back into bed, and you lean on a stack of pillows before really focusing on him. 
And you ask him the question he didn’t bother to ask you.
“Is this okay?” You hope the trembling in your voice comes off as endearing. 
His throat bobs as he nods. Maybe he doesn’t mind that you’ve been laying it on a little thick. Maybe you’ve denied him your affections for so long that he doesn’t want to risk rejecting any advance from you. No matter how out of the blue it seems/.
You push your sweats down to your ankles before kicking them off the bed. No time for embarrassment or regret now, if he senses hesitation none of this will be worth it. He’s moved to be sitting on the couch directly outside the cage now. His knees pressed together as he sits with his hands in his lap, looking almost comically polite. 
No sense putting off the inevitable. 
It’s been a while, there’s a camera in the corner of the cage so you don’t masturbate often, and when you do it’s late at night, once the lights are off and you can hide under your blanket. You can’t do that now though, that would defeat the purpose. 
You leave the toy off as you shove it down the front of your panties. Pressing the soft head of it against your slit, finding it surprisingly easy to tease your entrance with it. 
Are you wet? 
It’s been a while, that’s why. 
Javi certainly hasn’t wasted any time. If he were sitting any closer he’d be fogging up the glass, his hand is shoved down his pants, his face already flushed red. His usual rigid posture is lost as he leans back into the couch cushions, refusing to tear his eyes off of you. Pulling your bottom lip between your teeth you push the toy into you, holding back a gasp as you swallow. At least it feels sort of good. Good enough to make you wish you’d swallowed your pride and used this before today. 
Your body moves instinctually as your free hand reaches forward to push your panties down and turn the vibe on in one motion, the silicone attachment pressing against your clit as you press the toy deeper into your pussy. It’s a little too easy to relax suddenly. Javi now slowly strokes himself, his cock in his hand, looking painfully hard as he squeezes the base of his shaft, almost as if he’s scared of blowing his load too soon. 
The less time it takes the better. 
At least that’s what you tell yourself as you angle the toy, letting the tip of it brush against your g-spot and drawing an authentic moan from you. Fighting the urge to cover your mouth in surprise, you repeat the motion. The combination of sensations making your toes curl and your back arch into the mattress. 
“Fuck-” Your voice catches in your throat, your fingers twitch against the button to turn the vibrations up a level. 
Once you find your rhythm it’s easy to forget about the nerves and what’s at stake. It’s easy to get lost in the sensation and the sight of Javi shuddering as he gasps. It’s easy to focus on the attractive parts of him for a brief moment, to make things easier. And it’s easy to wonder if his cock would feel better than the toy that hums and makes your body tense up deliciously. 
It’s actually terrifying how easy it is. 
It’s enough to make you horrified for just a split second. He wasn’t lying when he said you could be happy if you stopped fighting. Twisted into the pleasure you’re feeling is something else. Relief. Relief for the peace you find when you stop fighting him. You could feel this good all the time if you wanted, you and Javi could have your favorite food for dinner, you could watch your favorite movies, and act out your favorite scenes. 
You could feel good. 
You could have nights like these where you watch him jerk off his pretty, thick cock and know that someone loves you enough to take care of you like this. You could let him buy you pretty things and toys that make you feel so so so good. 
And that thought terrifies you. 
If you stayed in this cage you would eventually become entirely complacent. 
It might not be tomorrow, or next week, or next year, but eventually.
You will be happy to flutter about your cage once you’ve forgotten how to fly. 
His pretty little bird. 
It’s your orgasm that snaps you out of that living nightmare. You hadn’t even realized you’d still been fucking the toy, pleasuring yourself to that little daydream. This wasn’t a good idea and you shouldn’t have done it but it’s too late for that now especially when you’re groaning out his name as you remove the still buzzing toy, now slick with your wetness. Javi’s eyes are wide as he clearly can’t hold back any longer as he dirties his shirt and pants with his own release. 
As you quickly reach for the toy, turning it off, you pull your panties up in a hurry. Maybe you should push your luck and ask him to come into the cage now. A sense of dread is settling in your stomach as you realize that you can’t be here much longer, who knows how quickly you’ll crumble if you keep letting yourself do this. It’s best to make this a swift process where you don’t have any more time to sink into the hell that is acceptance of these four glass walls. 
You’re about to do it. About to tell him that he should join you, that it would feel better for the both of you if he was in the cage as well but you don’t get a chance to as he zips his pants back up.
“Go to bed, when you’re asleep I’m gonna leave you a gift.” He stands abruptly, giving you a reassuring smile before pressing his hand up to the glass. You don’t hesitate to crawl up the length of the bed and press your own to his, it’s brief but you can feel the connection here. 
This is just the beginning. 
After today you’ll put more effort in. You’ll make it happen and you’ll make it happen fast. You can put the time and effort in, it’s not like you have anything better to do. You’ll convince him that it’s real before you lose yourself entirely and when the day finally comes where he opens the door you won’t waste the opportunity. 
You’ll leave your room. 
You can figure out the logistics of it later but for now you take the sleeping pill he slides through the opening every night he visits. You don’t usually take it but you need sleep and this will be easier if he thinks you’re compliant. With a sip of your drink the little pill goes down and your eyes close. 
And you dream that you’re a bird, flying through a blue sky.  
You sleep better than you ever have before in the cage. 
Until you wake, the lamp being on is the only indicator you have that it’s daytime. Your hair stands on end as you sit up. He was here. Things have been moved, little things, noticeable things. Your empty drink is tossed in the bin and it smells of cleaning supplies. He doesn’t ever come inside the cage, that goes against everything he tells you. Your head is spinning as you try to figure out what’s different. How long were you out? The pills have never made you feel this fuzzy before on the rare occasions that you’ve taken them, you do your best to focus but it’s difficult when everything’s so muddled. So you do the one thing you know will clear your head and you list the things you see. 
Desk, bed, lamp, television, chair.
Something’s wrong, different. 
He said he was going to give you a gift. What the fuck did he do? Did he leave it in here? Was it too big to fit through the opening? Is that why he came into the cage? 
You don’t catch it immediately, but there is a note taped to the inside of the glass. 
I knew you’d learn to be happy : ) 
See you tonight.
Love, Javi 
You look back around the room, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
Desk, bed, lamp, television, chair.
Desk, bed, lamp, television, chair.
Desk, bed, lamp, television, chair.
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i no longer have a tag list, follow @lincolndjarinnotifs for updates on my writing!!
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umadosedepascal · 1 year ago
(Banners are here)
NEW MEXICO(PART IX)- Pedro asks you to spend his birthday together with you. You just go.
W I N N E R(PART VIII) - You couldn’t attend SAG awards but Pedro meets you late in the night to celebrate.
O U C H (PART VII) - You are at the Golden Globes and meet Pedro over there, he didn’t win unfortunately but still, he is a winner in bed.
B O A T (PART VI) - Today is your last day in Malta. Pedro will be back to work, and you also need to return to your routine. Pedro wants your last day to be wonderful, nothing like a surprise with a perfect end. The three most intense days of your life.
COME FIND ME (PART V) - Pedro promised you a weekend, but an unforeseen event changes everything. Maybe he's a fan of surprises, maybe he can find you.
72 HOURS WITH HIM (PART IV) - The shooting in Malta keeps going, all Pedro needs is a weekend off, well…he got it. Would you go meet him for only three days? Hmmm yes!
PEDRO SOLO (PART III) - The days are long and exhausting, Pedro has a huge hotel room, hot tub ... But he is missing something, could you help him?
LOSING GAME (PART II) - You meet Pedro again not just to take back your panties. He wants to play a game, who’s going to lose?
HIGH MILES CLUB (PART I) - After partying hard at Met Gala making out with you in the bathroom and later taking you to his hotel room in NY, he finds something inside his red overcoat pocket in the middle of the airport. But it doesn’t stop, more unexpected and hot things happens during his flight back home.
(Banners are here)
🔥DIRTY HOLIDAY - You go with friends spend the holidays in Mexico, such a coincidence to be at the same resort as Pedro. What a world, so small huh?
CORONA, MEXICO - You got invited by Corona to be an extra on the new “La vida mas fina” campaign at the beach. Even if was only one single scene, maybe just 10 seconds of screen you would be more than happy because the main reason was him…Pedro.
MASTERCHEF FAIL - With a busy schedule, Pedro finds some time to spend with you. You promised him to cook his favorite food. Maybe things get out of hand and dessert comes before dinner.
PURPLE IS THE HOTTEST COLOR - After having a difficult day, Pedro meets you, no patience, no time for conversations.Pedro only has one desire in mind: you here and now, no matter if anyone will see you.
🔥 I’m into submission…
It’s 3 in the morning…
Hey, I’m looking at you…
What a smile…
You wearing his purple shirt…
Pedro eat pussy drawing
Pedro eat pussy part II
Who are Santa Trindade
Gringa is on her late 30’s totally addicted to Pascal for the latest years (she doesn’t know what happened) although she’s following his work since 2019 because she is a Star Wars nerd and fell in love with a mandalorian 🤷🏻‍♀️. Her favorite Pedro boy is Javi Gutierrez because he is chubby and funny (Pedro vibes almost 100%).
What makes her wet is when Pedro: slide his finger on his lips while giggling.
Good vibes: if she had a date with Pedro she thinks she wouldn’t be able to walk the next day 🥲
@missyorkswhore is on her late 20’s and noticed Pedro when her uncle was watching Narcos, she saw Javier and asked him “wow, who’s that stach guy?”. A couple years later she finally got into Narcos and you know…she still want to marry Peña.
She loves when Pedro raises his eyebrow, and when he speaks Spanish [she thinks she can get wet in a fraction of seconds if he speaks like that to her in bed] ah and of course when he screams WHAT TOWN!!! as Joel.
Fave character obviously: DAVE FUCKING YORK (killer king)
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odetodilfs · 2 years ago
(ft. my own opinions)
This is a lil idea I had while talking to a friend and it started off with a top 5, but I decided to rank all Pedro boys here, but quite frankly, I love them all and it's just a miniature difference with each. NSFW mentions, but probably anyone can read. The list goes from top to bottom btw, my dumbass did it the wrong way round. I haven't watched some of the things some of these guys are in so just keep that in mind. Remember these are my own opinions and you're allowed to disagree with me!!
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#1 Marcus Moreno
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Now, he's not the most known, not the fan favorite, he's in the middle for fandom standards, but this guy is the cutest for me. Like I don't care how terrible the movie itself is I fell in love with that man his first second of screen time. He seems like the type to make breakfast for you in bed, he seems like the type to kiss you every morning, he seems like the type to be perfect. Also his world and situation is (considerably) more calm than most of the other Pedro boys, he's not a gun dealer, he's not in a world where a fungus has taken over, he lives a mostly normal life. AND COME ON, TELL ME THIS GUY ISN'T AS LOYAL AS A DOG. He's also a dad, and I love dads <3 With this, Marcus wins the #1 spot!
#2: Javier Peña
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Javier couldn't score any lower than this. Sure, his life is considerably more agitated than Marcus's and he IS a huge manwhore... BUT I CAN FIX HIM!! I'd fulfill his dream of living in a ranch in Texas, I'd be his forever. He's also got that mustache and you KNOW he's good in bed, any position, Dom or sub, he does it ALL! And he'd also be hella protective of you too.
manwhore on #2
#3 Frankie Morales
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He's so.. he's so adorable!! Frankie is just so cute and seems like the type of guy that would do it all for his partner. I just know his heart fills with joy when he sees you, his kid and him as a family. Why does he also seem like the kind of guy to verbally worship you and thank him every time he goes to sleep? I don't know, but even then, he's still so cute, (and probably good in bed).
Frankie Morales on #3 probably cause of my love for dads lmfao
#4 Javi Gutierrez
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Goddamn, this man, this beautiful ass man, I'll never get over him, his puppy eyes, his everything. He's kind of like a more energetic version of Marcus, kind of, and he just seems super caring and adorable. I just know he wouldn't get tired of telling you how beautiful you look, how you're his world and that he loves you. When he gets tough he's also kind of cute btw.
#5 Pero Tovar
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I'm not gonna lie... I'm guilty of having slept on Pero for hella long, but that's not the case anymore as he ends up #5 on this list! I see him kind of as a mix between Joel and Din. AND THAT SCAR, LORD...
I just wanna kiss this man all over and give him the loving he deserves. I also definitely see him taking out his weapons at anyone insulting you, he'd just be so in love with you.
#6 Joel Miller
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Of course, the iconic Joel Miller can't be any lower than this, he's so adorable, like even if he's a mass murderer, he did it in the name of his daughter! Joel would be a very hard and strong man, if he has a soft moment with you, it means he plainly loves you and trusts you. And his brown eyes oh my god, and the greying hair, god, he's so amazing, I wanna take care of him. He'd be super protective and possessive of you too. Also he's a dad, of course lmfao.
#7 Tim Rockford
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He's got cake, a hot ass mustache, shoulder holsters and a hot ass attitude with beautiful brown eyes. The only thing that kind of holds him back is the lack of a proper story, but that's amazing for fics as you don't really need an AU 99% of the time. I feel like he'd be really soft with his partner and constantly trying to make time for them and sometimes invite them to his office, he also seems like the type of guy to sneak behind you and give you hugs from behind .
#8 Oberyn Martell
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A classic. Our slutty bisexual prince, who doesn't love that combo? We have canon confirmation that this man is good in bed too. I have the Headcanon that he's an amazing power bottom, but that's just me. I feel like he'd be super protective of you and constantly try to show his strength and attractiveness to you, even if you don't mean it, he'd definitely spoil you too.
#9 Din Djarin
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Our little Mandalorian with social anxiety <3, I love him so much, he's so cute and I'm glad he got the ending he deserved with his child, (let me live in Nevarro with you and Grogu, I'll make you happy I swear). He's the definitely the protective type, and his patience is real short so it's best to not mess with you, Grogu or him. I feel like he'd have trouble taking off the helmet mainly cause he feels insecure that you won't like him.. but little does he know you're only gonna love him more, and eventually when he does do it, it's an amazing decision.
#10 Jack "Whiskey" Daniels
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Now, Whiskey and #11 were a hard pick, I had a mental debate of who to put first, alas, Whiskey got #10. He's a cowboy, what's not to love? That mustache and his confidence, oh my god. His backstory makes me wanna comfort him so bad and just the reassurance, I feel like he'd also be extremely protective because of what happened with his ex wife and he doesn't want anything to happen to you as well. I feel like at some point he'd also like to become a father with you. Overall, so cute and probably good in bed as well.
#11 Dio Morissey
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Oh my, it's certainly a switch up from the other Pedro boys. Much more blunt and dominant in general. But he's still super fine which got him the 11th spot. I know this man is extremely freaky in bed, and dominant as fuck too. Outside of the bedroom though, he'd give people death stares if he thinks they're looking at you weirdly and even if sometimes he's certainly quite strange, it has a certain charm to it don't you think?
The hot goth at #11
#12 Silva
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Now, I was debating whether or not to put Silva here as Strange Way of Life isn't really out yet, but there's gifs of him, so I decided why not? This ranking will definitely go up when it gets released, as now I simply struggle to make head canons with him cause we know so little about him. I just know he's very passionate and would defend you so bravely. He'd do anything for his man and it shows, and the cowboy hat looks good. This cowboy can totally ride me!! He's my beautiful queer rep too, and I swear if I see fem reader fics of this guy my gay ass is jumping you.
#13 Dieter Bravo
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Our favorite (probably bisexual) actor and artist, he's just so cute and cuddly, he'd give you the warmest hugs and cuddles and would constantly need reassurance that you love him which would be so cute. Physicality is his love language most definitely and his favorite way to sleep is with you both cuddling. He's also extremely funny which is just adorable, especially with his sassiness.
#14 Ezra
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Our other little space boy <3, he's beautiful, even if he ends up losing an arm, but I'd still love him. He'd definitely recite poems to you under the stars and just come up with nicknames for you. He also looks so soft and looks like the kind to fall asleep in your arms while smiling. He'd always be super grateful to have you and will do anything in his power to please you.
#15 Comandante Veracruz
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I feel like he's the super stoic and cutting guy who's hard on the outside but a softy on the inside, kind of like Pero Tovar in a different way. And I know if anyone lays a finger on you he won't hesitate to pull out the guns if he thinks it's enough. With you, he's super gentle, almost like another person but would grieve your touch. He also wouldn't mind using some of that aggressiveness in bed.
#16 Max Phillips
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Now I know Dio scored high but he's an exception, but I'm missing the mustache or some facial hair. Even then, Max is still pretty hot and I'd let him feed off my blood if he wants to. He also has a funny personality which gets him far, he's also extremely dominant in bed.
#17 Marcus Pike
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He's so adorable but I barely remember the mentalist and didn't watch the episodes he's in, I might rewatch it just for him. But he's really cute, I love their hair and the mustache so that gets him the places above the 2 down below. But he definitely seems like the type to praise your every move. If I knew him better he'd probably overtake Max.
#18 Maxwell Lord
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Now... for starters I know literally nothing about this man cause I haven't watched WW1984, and the look kinda just isn't it... he's cute though, passable and probably uses cheesy pickup lines to make you fall for him. Also he's got a got a good ass so that prevents him from being last.
#19 Dave York
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Now he's better in looks than Maxwell, but I literally can't think of any headcanons of him since I don't know this character at all in the slightest, so uh... sorry Dave York fans, he might rise in this ranking if I ever watch the equalizer... Ahhh! With this the list comes to an end, once again, I love all Pedro boys with tiny little differences but overall they're all amazing in their own right <3 I know I missed some like him in the Casillero del Diablo ad, but that kind of barely counts as a character considering he doesn't even have a name. Feel free to share your opinion in the comments/tags and please reblog this post!
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nerdieforpedro · 9 months ago
Hey Nerdie!! Doing some Pedro Scout duties this weekend and I wanna know:
which Pedro Boy is your favorite to write/read for?
Have a great weekend!
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Me at how long this ask took, not only because I’ve been busy but also because this is such a complex question! 😭😭😭 Well for me anyway. Most people can give a simple answer 😆 Not Nerdie.
As far as reading for Pedro boys, I enjoy reading about all the Pedro boys, except Maxwell Lord. He gives me the ick. Everyone else I'll read in droves. I will say.... and don't tell the others, I may have three that I both enjoy reading and writing about:
Dieter Bravo - The crazy little trash panda who may indulge in drugs, booze, and mindless sex from times to times. Also has lots of crocs and robes. Because he's into so many things and people you can write him however you like. Weird? Sure!, Wild, of course!, Sad, yes! Artsy! Of course! All sorts of things. Dieter can be all the things you want and might need, he wants to be everywhere and no where at the same time. Confusing? Yes, but Dieter's a mystery that's a hell of a fun time to try and solve. 🤗
Din Djarin - The Mandalorian in all his Beskar clad glory. Stoic, yet his compassion runs deep, Din is perfect for those who want a soft touch or not. No kink shaming here - I myself may have written about that cool beskar against the skin. But Din is also a loving father and loyal friend which are wonder themes to be explored. He also is just a badass bounty hunter rolling around the galaxy earning credits. Many things. Many things for the lovely Din. 🥹
Frankie Morales - The most grounded in reality, a veteran just trying to make it work in both in life and over the fucking Andes! A pilot with a heart of gold, a filthy mouth that does wonderful things and gives us so, so so much to work with and curls that have your fingers wanting to twirl. He might be a bit too easily talked into things, but that's fine. Most of our fics (or mine) may have Frankie talking the reader into things or vice versa but don't be fooled. Our pilot can sweet us but also be stern and have a firm hand, just because. Sometime's Frankie may have an issue with drugs, other times he's a single father. @avastrasposts has a cowboy Frankie and I for one would like to see some chaps on the man. 👀
Special mentions:
A. Marcus Pike - The first Pedro character I wrote for. He is soft, not quite as soft as Dieter or one other character to be mentioned. But he loves food, music, basketball and love. So sweet, also looks great in flannel and jeans with his gun. Also the leather jacket. 🖤
B. Javier Peña - He grew on me. I wasn't always a huge Peña fan, but now that I've been writing him again, all he wanted to love on a special someone. And to fight crime, but we saw all that in Narcos. I enjoy Javi P smut, but even more than that, I like the soft Javi different writers give us like @javierpena-inatacvest and @undercoverpena The man's seen a lot of death, violence and darkness. Let him cuddle a bit after a stiff drink or with something else stiff. 😆 (Nerdie is horrible for that joke)
C. Javier Gutierrez - Tied with Dieter for the softest Pedro boy (in my opinion) but with a bit of a temper. Javi G is a teddy bear, cuddler, movie marathons, vacations and maybe secret room vibes. What's in that room is up to you. But those golden waves will forever say summer, warm vibes and an excellent shirt collection. Also random massages - I dunno why but I just see it (for all readers). Javi G will rub sunscreen, oil or whatever else you want him to on you. Just ask nicely or not, maybe he's into it in your fic. Other times Javi might be telling you what to do because he's got the money honey. Don't look a golden bear in his mustache too close unless you're gonna work hard for that marmalade. (I will not apologize to Javi G for the Paddington references. I enjoyed myself too much 🍯 He would want me to smile to stay bonita.)
D. Pero Tovar - He's grumpy, filthy, sore, hungry, looking at his friend William like he's insane because he is and just wants to get paid so he can get the hell out of here. Pero is an entire mood. Does all of it apply? No, mainly because we're not in the 11th century and thankfully I'm not friends with ponytail clad William. Pero in his time or ours, usually is still pretty grumpy, sometimes downgraded to annoyed or surly, but usually a man of few words and a scar over his left eye. It's fun to have him annoyed and have him maybe annoy people with his gruff personality. He makes me giggle.
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Thank you so much for this ask and sorry again that it's late. I had a lot to say about each main man and the side ones. But they're not really on the side, more like side by side? Anyway,
Love Nerdie 💖
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popcornforone · 1 month ago
Day twenty five of the Seasons of Life Drabble Challenge
A Mrs Flores / Javi Gutierrez fic
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So today prompt was Pie & I knew I wanted Mrs Flores to be over protective but it was who to put as her son this time.
Synopsis:- You meet Javis Mum
Word Count:- 480
No real warning, just over protectiveness & a slipper hit.
Thanks for reading. & thanks @fanfictionoverload @lady-bess @berryispunk for all these idea
“She’s… protective,” Javi had admitted on the drive over, to his mums his hands gripping the wheel tightly. “But she will love you. I promise.” You smile at him softly knowing this will be okay. But now, standing on the threshold of his mother’s home, you weren’t so sure. The door swung open before Javi could even knock, revealing Mrs. Flores, his mother. Her warm brown eyes instantly scanned you, sizing you up, before softening as she turned her gaze to her son. Javi gets his eyes from her.
“Mi amor,” she said, pulling Javi into a fierce hug. Then, turning her sharp eyes back to you, she said, “And this must be the girl who stole my son’s heart.”
“Sí, mamá,” Javi said with a boyish grin, his ears prick. “This is…”
“I didn’t ask you, Javi. I asked her.”
You stammered out your name, offering a polite smile. Mrs. Flores crossed her arms, assessing you. Her presence was commanding, her raised eyebrow made you feel like you were back in school, waiting for a teacher to decide your fate.
“She’s nervous, mamá,” Javi could sense your sudden discomfort.
“Of course she’s nervous,” Mrs. Flores replied with a dramatic wave of her hand. “She’s meeting me. Come inside before you catch a cold, niña.”
The interior of mrs Flores home was as welcoming as Javi himself, filled with the smell of freshly baked pastry & warm spices. She led you both to the kitchen, where a perfectly golden pie sat cooling on the counter.
“I made pie,” she announced, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Because if you’re going to be part of this family, you need to know how we take care of each other. Sit.” You did as you were told, Javi trailing behind you with a sheepish grin. Mrs. Flores served you a generous slice of pie, watching closely as you took your first bite.
“Well?” she demanded.
“It’s amazing,” you managed, your nerves melting away with each buttery, cinnamon-laced bite.Mrs. Flores nodded, satisfied, before narrowing her eyes at Javi.
“Don’t mess this up.”
“Mamá!” Javi groaned, but you couldn’t help laughing.
“I’m lucky to have him Mrs Flores” you smile & Javi softly strokes the back of your hand, glad you have met here approval for now.
“You seem to be a thoughtful woman” she says once again looking you over. “Maybe you can be the one to be a calming influence on him because…”
“She already is…” but then Javi ducks as he is swiped with a slipper.
“That’s for interrupting” you giggle & try not to pull a face but she sees & rolls her eyes.”you’ll get a slipper too if you keep that up”
“What!?” She shrugs & you & Javi smile at each other as your evening with his protective mother continues.
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Lonely Christmas
Week 4 of the Winter Writing Challenge
Prompt: candle light / oblivious idiots / tears 
Summary: A storm that makes it impossible to leave the island, leaves you spend Christmas with your friend and boss Javi.
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x fem. reader
Wordcount: 1.5k
Rating: G
Warnings: fluff, idiots to lovers
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified when I post new fics
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You were staring out at the ocean, high waves crashing loudly against the shore. 
There was a blanket around your shoulders, your arms crossed in front of your chest, keeping yourself warm. 
The flight you had booked to fly out to see your family over the holidays had been canceled earlier today after the weather had been forecasted to last at least until the day after tomorrow. It had been windy all week but in the last 24 hours those winds became a storm. So bad that some of the garden decorations outside had flown away, never to be seen again. 
„I do not like you standing so close to the window,“ Javi mumbled from behind you. He was sitting on one of his big sofas, also a blanket over his shoulders, his phone in his hand. 
You had started working for Javi Gutierrez almost two years ago. You had been hired as a kitchen help but had worked your way up until you were his personal chef.
When things with his cousin got harder, it had Javi spending time wherever Lucas wasn’t. And that was mostly with you in the kitchen, because there was no way Lucas would have spend time with the help. That was under his dignity. 
You had learned quickly that Javi was the complete opposite of his cousin. 
He was interested in your life, asking you questions about your family, your hobbies, how you came to make your dream of being a cook reality. 
He was eager to learn, starting to spend almost all of his spare time with you alone in the kitchen. (Lucas had fired all of the kitchen staff except for you in a fit of rage).
You became friends. Yet it would be months until Javi confined in you what was really happening on the property, close before his big birthday party with Nicolas Cage. 
He made you leave the day after his birthday, paying for a vacation that would take you to the other side of the world, telling you that you deserve some days off after the work you had been doing. 
You remembered the way he had hugged you close, his lips brushing over the corner of your mouth before giving you one of his signature smiles that seemed to make you stomach flip.
You hadn’t talked about that almost kiss, thinking it had been an accident.
But you did think about it a lot. You still did. 
Not that you would ever admit this to anyone. 
After Lucas had been brought to justice things had changed. Javi had finally make his dream about becoming a writer come true and you had been there for every step of the way. He had even insisted you fly out to Los Angeles when he had all his meetings. And of course for the premiere of his first big movie. 
It had been a busy year for him and you couldn’t be happier for him. 
And secretly you were happy this storm had kept all the planes on this island. You didn’t want Javi to spend Christmas alone. He had send all staff home to be with their families. 
„So, how about we make some pizza? The oven outside works without power,“ you suggested. Javi looked at you, eyes wide. 
„You want to go out there?“ He asked, horrified. 
You shrugged. The power had gone out almost three hours ago and the only thing you could use to cook was the big oven grill outside. It was under the patio, mostly hidden from the storm. 
„I’m hungry,“ you sighed and he smiled softly. He got up and walked over to you. 
He stopped just close of touching you and you looked at him. He was your friend, a friend you may or may not have a crush on, but he was still your boss. Your very handsome boss you sometimes wanted to kiss and…
„How about we just make some sandwiches and postpone the pizza until the power is back on? We could order in… okay maybe not. I don’t want anyone to get injured…“
„I don’t think we have enough bread for sandwiches. The grocery order was supposed to be delivery tomorrow morning for you,“ you said. Javi smiled sheepishly and you tilted your head at him. 
„I went to the store this morning,“ he said. 
„Okay…“ you said. 
„And I bought way too much food because I forgot you ordered in for me,“ he grinned and you chuckled. 
„Well then sandwiches it is.“
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It was an hour later and you were both in Javi’s bed. Candles had been lit all around the room and his iPad was propped up on the bed (his other iPad and MacBook waiting in case the battery ran out).
You were under the covers, sitting propped against the headboard next to Javi, watching „The Holiday“. More than once you had been thankful that he was such a movie freak, having downloaded so many movies on his devices you hopefully would have enough to watch before the power came back on. 
He had made you chose a movie and you had admitted that while you never had many traditions in your family, one you had with your sister was watching „The Holiday“ at Christmas Eve and eating as much candy while watching until you passed out. 
And Javi of course insisted that while he was not your sister, he wanted to keep your tradition going. His family was never really close, so there were no traditions he kept. 
So here you were, in a very comfortable bed with your boss/best friend/ man you occasionally thought about kissing, watching one of the most perfect movies ever made. 
It was all… very romantic. The perfect first date really, apart from the power not working and the room getting colder and colder without working heat. 
You sighed, watching Jude Law cry on screen as Amanda decides to leave. 
You were fighting against the tears threatening to spill, knowing all of these people would find their happy end when you heard a sob from next to you. Turning your head to the side you saw Javi openly weeping, brushing his tears away. 
It was one of many things you loved about him. 
He wasn’t afraid to show feelings, whatever they may be. 
Reaching your hand to take his he looked at you, giving you a watery smile. 
„I think I may be a weeper too,“ he mumbled and you smiled. Slowly you inched closer to him. Your other hand carefully brushed his tears away and he smiled at you, letting go of your hand to pull his arm around your shoulders and pull you closer towards him, cuddling against you. 
You took a deep breath, resting your head on his shoulder. 
He was so warm and comfortable, and smelling so damn good. 
„I wish I could find a love like that,“ Javi mumbled, watching the two happy couples on screen now dance and be happy. 
„You can,“ you said, fully believing it. 
„Yeah?“ He asked. You nodded, looking up at him to find him already looking at you. 
„Javi you are basically a rom com come to life. You are a successful, very attractive man who is not afraid to show feelings. You love making other people smile and you give so so much… Whoever you let inside your heart be loved by you is a lucky person,“ you said. There were tears in his eyes again. You sat yourself up so you could kiss his cheek when he moved his head, your lips landing on his. 
You both froze for a moment before your eyes got big and you parted from his lips with a gasp.
„I’m… I’m so sorry. I….“ You began to ramble but Javi just looked at you, surprised, yet the longer you rambled on the more his face changed until he was smiling at you. 
His finger came to rest on your lips to stop you from talking and you pouted. 
„This was not how I imagined our second kiss,“ he said and you raised your eyebrows, confused. 
„Though I am not sure the almost kiss the day before my birthday counted as our first kiss.“
You gulped when his finger dropped from your lips. Instead his hand came to rest on your cheek. 
„Javi… You’re my friend,“ you began, he nodded. 
„But you’re also my boss,“ you continued and he nodded. 
You sighed, his touch driving goosebumps over your whole body. 
„I think I’m in love with you,“ he whispered, tears in his eyes and your lips parted in surprise, before you smiled at him. 
You pushed him away, his expression falling before you sat yourself up and hesitantly came to sit on your knees on the bed, before you slowly straddled his lap, both of your hands framing his now hopeful face. 
You brushed your thumps over his lips.  His hands were on your hips, his eyes on you and every move you made.
„I quit,“ you whispered before you kissed him. 
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beefrobeefcal · 1 year ago
Friendos, it is time for the first installment of...
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Theywhowriteandknowthings aka Knowy
@theywhowriteandknowthings was one of the first e-friendos I made on this site and has been a champion for me while I found my groove in my fic writing shoes. They were one of my first beta'ers for my works and offered super insightful & valuable input as well as their friendship. Their writing inspires me to keep pushing myself outside of the box and their encouragement makes it easy to do so!
Thank you, Knowy!
I-will-not-ask-you-where-you-came-from regards,
Beefro 👌🥩💜
Here's my Top 5 of @theywhowriteandknowthings work:
First Time's the Charm - Javi Gutierrez
This is the first fic I read of Knowy's and It came at me right before the Birth of Beefro. I was still loitering under my original tumblr account at the time and I wasn't even remotely looking at writing. But this fic led me into a deep dive into the Peepaw FF world and I never looked back - I have a massive soft spot for this fic, as well as it is very saucy!
Rendezvous in Reno - Dieter Bravo
NOW THIS IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. I have read this fic many a time and I enjoy it more and more each time [I got to beta it and MY FUCK! i felt truly blessed and highly favoured]. Jus everything - the reader is an erotica writer and Dieter is a fan, his fabulous underwear, his dirty mouth, and his ego... MY GOD HIS EGO! This one is fun and should NOT be read while you sit in the same room as your in-laws FYI.
Creep - CreepyNeighbour!Joel Miller
This right here is a work of art. I got to beta this work again and I was a naughty pigeon and did it at work. LET ME TELL Y'ALL - I WAS LEFT UNABLE TO PERFORM MY DUTIES AS REQUIRED AFTER READING THIS. I should have taken the rest of the day to lay down and think on my sins because GOD DAMN. 10 out of 10 beefs for Creep. 🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩
The Princess & The Duke - StepDad!Dave York
Okay, okay, okay... this is the oom papa mow mow of Dave York is your stepdad fics and I will fight anyone who opposes it. I love this series and the way Knowy has written Dave THE WAY HE DESERVED TO BEGIN WITH. I love the gentle badass he is in this and I hope reader's mom chokes on a carrot as she gives a 'Deep Throating 101' class at the local community collage.
SNAFU - Shifter!Frankie Morales
And my fav (even though I'm not ranking)! The one that started it all. This fic is not how I found them, but it is what made me want to get to know them and pick their delicious brain. It's a Frankie Fiend's wet dream and I had no idea how enraptured I could be with a Shifter Universe! I screamed into my pillow like a teenager and kicked my legs gleefully thinking about how Frankie shared his chicken wings with IQ. I will die on the hill that is marked: KNOWY'S SNAFU IS BEST USE OF SHIFTER AU This is an ongoing series and whether we get a new chapter soon or not, we will always have Bear!Pope memes. 🐻💜
Murder Daddy Kinktober 2023 - Sex Pollen/Pheromones Joel Miller x afab!Reader
Any & All Knowy's Miguel O'Hara fics Miguel O'Hara x afab!Reader
Whole Frankie Morales x afab!Reader x Santiago Garcia
Shore Leave Frankie Morales x afab!Reader x Santiago Garcia
Taungsdays, Am I Right? Din Djarin x afab!Reader
Hazy Days Din Djarin x afab!Reader
Breaking the Rules DBF!Joel Miller x afab!Reader
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bluestar22x · 1 year ago
The Writing Contest Masterlist
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Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x OFC!Nora Delaine
Series Summary: Nora Delaine wins a writing contest and flies out to California to have her original fiction turned into a screenplay with the help of rising star screenplay writer Javi Gutierrez, never expecting to become friends let alone something more to him.
Rating: 18+ Series
Warnings: 2nd person POV, lots of fluff, yearning, slow burn, friends to lovers (so eventual smut), age gap (Nora is in her mid-30s, Javi in his mid-40s), Nora has insecurities about her weight (mentioned soft stomach), and that's all the warnings I can give without spoiling things.
Author’s Note: I never planned to write a series for Javi G but the plot bunnies got me. Really got me. This is going to have the most chapters for any fanfic I've written in a long time. Decided on making it an OFC fic because Nora said she's a detailed character with French heritage. Every chapter title will be the title of a Bon Jovi song cause Nora's a shameless fan.
Chapter 1: You Had Me From Hello
Chapter 2: I Love This Town
Chapter 3: Whole Lot Of Leavin'
Chapter 4: Reunion
Chapter 5: Pictures Of You
Chapter 6: I Will Drive You Home
Chapter 7: Complicated
Chapter 8: Welcome To The Good Times
Chapter 9: Bed Of Roses
Chapter 10: Do What You Can
Chapter 11: Real Love
Chapter 12: I Wish Every Day Could Be Like Christmas
Chapter 13: Who Says You Can't Go Home
Chapter 14 - Always - Coming Soon
Main Masterlist
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trulybetty · 1 year ago
Sunday Week In Review on a Monday
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How is everyone doing? Did we make it through the last week? Those who got a long weekend I hope it was a good one! Yesterday was a clusterfuck and I had the mother of all naps - the type where you wake up and don't know where you are let alone what day of the week it is lol.
So here is Sunday's Week in Review, on a Monday edition! 💕
Truly Betty Updates This Week…
Strings IV
First Sentence Game
Fics I Enjoyed This Week…
A Girl Walks Into a Bookstore (Ezra) by @oonajaeadira
While I’m still undecided if I truly enjoy Prospect, I absolutely do love a good Ezra fanfic and this one doesn’t disappoint. It started as a late-night read last Sunday when I was the only one awake and once I started I couldn’t stop. It also seems to have popped up for a lot of other readers as I’ve seen it all over my dash since. @oonajaeadira master list is a joy to go through on Sundays at the moment. 
Until Now, Until You | Chapter 1 (Javier Peña) by @wildemaven
This was all the right levels of sexy and spicy and leaving you wanting more and I can’t wait to see how this plays out when the two run into one another again!
Leave off Your Wanderings (Joel Miller) by @oonajaeadira
This series is a total balm to my TLOU2 feels - this is the ending Joel deserved (and in my mind the official sequel to TLOU) and in the third instalment the autumn vibes are warm and cozy, and the build-up between Joel and Songbird is soft in all the right places. This whole series is a warm gentle hug and the writing is so good - definitely check this one out.
Hungry Hearts | Atlantic City (Joel Miller) by @atinylittlepain
I’m sad that this series is nearing its end, but that means I get to go back and read it again. Between flashbacks of young Joel with baby Sarah we’ve got Cherry and Joel reconciling in present day and never knew mini-vans could be so sexy, so check it out!
The Layover | Epilogue (Frankie Morales) by @goodwithcheese
This finale was bittersweet - it has been such a pleasure to follow this story, so much so that it was a highlight of my week. The story wraps up in a way that is perfect for reader x Frankie with them both on pace with one another. It’s done so perfectly that I read it more than once. I will be revisiting this story for sure.
Late Night Texts | Epilogue (Javier Peña) by @mvtthewmurdvck
Another fantastic story that came to a close this week *sigh*, this was just  the perfect ending. This story is a delicious rom com romp and I know will hold up to multiple reads. I don’t want to give anything away if you’ve not read it, but it’s a delight.
The Window (Dave York) by @wildemaven
This was a delight to read and Heidi crafts a great story of longing from a distance that has a soft ending that is all enveloping and lends itself to multiple reads. 
Bush Pilot (Frankie Morales) by @legendary-pink-dot
Oh boy, this one *fans self* this one was something else. Frankie taking you to see the sunrise but makes you see stars instead in the back of his truck. Oomph, all kinds of good spicy smut here that lends itself to a second read… or three ;) 
sam and diane, eat your heart out (Marcus Pike) by @chronically-ghosted
I could easily be biased as this was written based on the prompts I sent Taylor - however, Taylor blew it out of the park with our boy Marcus! This was spicy in all the right places and honestly, I would love to see more of these two. This is a take on Marcus Pike x Reader that I haven’t seen before and it will be on my perma reread list that is for sure! Also, peep the Cheers reference, *squee*
IRL | Part 2 (Javi Gutierrez)  by @grogusmum
I’ve had a hard time finding some good Javi G. fanfics, but this one here is so good in its characterization. The story of Javi meeting Reader for the first time since meeting online, is incredibly sweet and I had been waiting in anticipation for this second chapter since I finished the first. It’s also one of the few plus sized reader fanfics that nails it without going over the top and making the character a stereotype. I have this bookmarked to go back and re-read this week, because that ending has been living rent free in my head all week.
Private Dick (Tim Rockford) by @wardenparker
Speaking of plus size reader interpretations - this was one of the few that really resonated with me. I haven’t come across many Tim Rockford fanfics (if you have any others, please send them my way) - but this felt like a perfect interpretation - great at reading situations, until they’re too close to him, but he’s in a process of redeeming himself through his relationship with Reader.
Fics I’m Looking Forward to Reading…
My TBR List is still a work in progress, will share it when it’s done 💕
Light Me Up (Benny Miller) by @musings-of-a-rose
Thanks to Jess and Heidi I seem to be straying into Benny territory this week and have been recommended this story to dip my toe further in. I mean the opening premise alone is enough to have me excited to get stuck in!
Double Dealings (Javier Peña & Ezra) by @julesonrecord & @stardustandskycrystals
1920’s, New Orleans and the potential of two Pedro characters? I cannot wait to get stuck into this one this week over my morning coffee this week!
Posts I Enjoyed This Week…
@shirks-all-responsibilities reminding me of my grumpy Joel (Pedro) header for the mobile layout of my blog. Now has me thinking about making a seasonal one now! September is Halloween Eve of course! 🎃
@wildemaven’s early morning thot post that just took on a life of it’s own 🥵
@rhool’s live blog of the pilot of the Pedro show that never was ‘The Sixth Gun’ entertained me while I had a tame evening watching something Mr. Truly wanted to watch while sipping on a non-alcoholic beer lol.
Things I’ve Enjoyed This Week…
The long weekend - didn’t do anything, no one slept through the night, but there’s something satisfying waking up on a Monday and knowing you don’t have to work.
Saturday’s interactions and posts were a delight to go through and helped my Saturday working go by so much quicker and made for a more enjoyable day.
This Week’s Song…
This recommendation came from @gnpwdrnwhiskey who told me it was Dieter x Bryony coded and it totally is. I’ve listened to this on repeat and I’m dying to revisit these two again, and have something up my sleeve 🎃
Hope everyone has a great week this week and Monday is treating you well! 💕 xx
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ievutebebe · 2 years ago
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Summary: On your day off work, you spend the day at the park reading a book where you are pleasantly surprised to meet a playful puppy and its handsome owner. The only catch was the owner of that puppy was a famous actor who you were the biggest fan of.
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x F! Reader
Warnings: 18+ MNI! Although this part is just fluff the next parts will contain smut. Javi is in his 30s. Reader is a student. Possessive thoughts. Slow burner?
Word count: 3,8k
A/N: Thanks to my besties for beta reading. First fanfic vibes, I loved writing this, it felt natural. I am also working on a Joel Miller and Javier Pena fics but I am kind of stuck with them as I can’t manage to go in detail enough to describe certain parts as I would like to.
As you indulge yourself in this fic, let go of your worries, what you are reading is real and it is written about you. Believe it’s real and be delusional!
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First thing you do is look around admiring all the scenery, breathing in the fresh breeze as you glance over at ducks with baby ducklings and then turn your head some more and spot children playing in the park laughing making your heart feel full. You turn your head the other way and spot people your age with their friends doing exactly what you are but having way more fun as they had company and you did not. Your mind did linger for a moment wondering what it would be like to have someone to hang out with in the park, would you be comfortable in silence whilst reading books or would you have deep talks about life or philosophy. However, you quickly disregard those thoughts as you were not going to let your them ruin the peacefulness and gratefulness you felt in this moment.
You grab your phone to capture a few photos, video of what’s around you to post on your Instagram stories. You even manage to take a nice selfie of yourself. Once you’ve done that you open your book on the page that you left off last and completely let go of your worries. Whenever you read a book the whole world and surroundings around you stop for a little while. It is a nice little escape even if it’s for a short time, it’s just you and your book here right now. You were saddened by the thought that you are approaching the last few chapters of this book. It had quickly become your favourite as the story had deeply resonated with you.  
A few hours later you perk up your head realising that everybody had left, and sun had started to set. You check the time on your phone, the time is quarter to 9. It’s just you in this park, as you look up at the pink sky and take a deep breath appreciating all the little things around you, birds chirping and the sound of water. You are exactly where you dreamt of being at the age of 16, now a university student doing your dream degree on your student exchange year in Majorca. Majorca was your first choice in hopes to bump into your favourite actor, like that was going to happen. Yeah, right silly you with your silly manifestations and delusions.
A wave of sadness floods your mind with realisation that you do have friends but no friend that you could hang out with daily or a significant other. You were all busy with your day to day lives. University, work, and personal problems, most of them were in relationships. You wonder what it would be like to sit here with someone you love and just to have them hold you in their lap.
You do have friends here in Majorca but most of them had went home during the spring break, but since you’ve paid an extortionate amount of money on rent you wanted to stay here for as long as you could. Being back home would only make it worse, realising that this fairy-tale dream that you are living right now is nothing, but a dream and a reality of family issues would soon burden on you. So here you are, alone in an empty park sat on your blanket with the book in your lap and warm wind gently blowing your hair.
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Suddenly a puppy runs to you jumping up and down making you gasp in shock, but your expression instantly changes as this puppy is just too adorable and oh its small belly is so darn cute. It was puppy love at first sight, the sweet smell of the puppy took over all your senses.  The tears of joy flood your eyes slightly because of how charming the puppy was, it made you feel excited and calm at the same time releasing your endorphin levels. This puppy was a golden retriever with soft and fluffy fur, resembling a teddy bear that you just wanted to squeeze. Its fur was golden in colour with some white on its belly and paws. Puppy had settled in your lap as you were playing with it making your heart full of warmth as its big round innocent eyes were staring at you.
You feel presence of someone standing over you, glancing at the puppy. You raise your head up to face the person, seeing the most handsome, tan, and tall man you’ve ever laid your eyes upon, he looked like he was sculptured by heavens and gods themselves. He wore black shorts and a tank top exposing his toned arms and biceps as the rest of his body and muscles strained against the fabric at his chest. As you move your gaze up to his face recognising nicely groomed facial hair, you realise it’s Javi Gutierrez, the one and only standing right in front of you. His hair was even better in person, effortlessly styled luxuriously thick and wavy. His locks frame his face gracefully contouring his features.
You were his biggest fan, you owned many things of his, merch your favourite being a t-shirt with his face on it of which you had different variations, even your room had posters of him. You even had a TikTok fan page where you posted edits of him. Although your edits weren’t getting much attention you liked it that way, you were doing them for yourself and appreciation for him.
“Are you Jav-”. you say but it was too quiet for him to hear.
“Come on Luna let’s go to the park sweetheart, I’m so sorry about that she’s just too playful and energetic at this age”. He says but Luna completely disobeys his order and continues playing with you.
“It’s okay no worries I love dogs, hi there Luna you are a beauty aren’t you, yes you are”. you give her kisses and wiggle her ears as you breath in her scent once more. You are still in disbelief that it was Javi standing right in front of you. What were the chances?
“Oh my, I love how dogs smell especially small puppies making me feel a way I can’t describe”. Luna smelt slightly sweet with a touch of honey and faintest whiff of milk.
“Yeah, it’s the best isn’t it”. he leans down and pets Luna.
“For sure”. you say, you were now blushing as he was so close to you making you feel nervous and shy. You stared at him and when he glanced back at you, you quickly turned your head the other way to avoid eye contact, like you were a teenager again. You could smell his cologne which had notes of musk, oak moss, and bergamot. This smell will forever remind you of him, fuck you might even go to the perfume shop to buy this cologne. Fuck your obsession with Javi is about to be elevated to a whole new level, you didn’t know was possible.
“Here Luna come on, come here querida, good girl”. Javi says as you give him Luna and when he takes her from you, your fingers brush against each other making you feel a tingling sensation of electricity pulsing through you.
“There you go Luna” you say.
“Thank you, we better get going whilst it’s still light out. Enjoy the rest of your evening, Luna say bye bye”.
“Bye Luna sweet pea” you wave to her. As Javi is about to walk away you say, “it was nice meeting you Javi”. “Bye” he says as he is walking away.
Fuck you realise, you didn’t even ask for a photo, no one is going to believe you that you just met Javi and played with his puppy. But it was too late as he turned his back to you and you didn’t want to be an annoying fan that he would remember you as, so you stayed put.
As he is about to walk away, he stops and turns around. “Hey me and Luna are headed to the puppy playground you are welcome to join us if you wanted to”.
“Of course, I would love to let me just grab my things” you can’t believe that this is happening right your favourite actor asking you to join him to play with his dog? What in the fanfiction is that.
“You guys go ahead I will come over”.
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You gather your things quickly stuffing them into your tote bag and making your way to the dog playground.
“Hi there” he says. “Hey” you reply. “What were you reading?”. You’re not sure what it was exactly, was it his gentle tone or gaze but you felt like telling him everything in this moment.
“A book called freckles, it’s really good. It’s about finding yourself and it has deeply resonated with me. Essentially it is about a girl who is a parking warden who had moved to Dublin in hopes to find her real mother and reconnect. One day she comes across this arrogant man well she thought he was, anyway, he owned a Lamborghini and was an influencer who played video games and posted playthroughs on a YouTube channel for a living. He doesn’t bother with paying for his parking ticket on multiple occasions and on all those occasions she issues him a fine. One day he manages to catch her as she is issuing him another fine, I guess he kind of had a bad day already that day and said a bunch of mean things to her. One of which stuck out to her and became the main plot of the story. He said something along the lines that 5 people in your life shape who you are and that you are what they are. So, she tries to find her five people that make her, her.”
“Oh! I’m sorry, you probably didn’t want to hear all that, I got carried away”. you apologize realising that you probably shouldn’t have shared that much detail.
“I do darling, continue”. he says as he gently pats your shoulder.
“Well, she thought she had five people at first but when she went home to visit her father, she realised she had 1 person out of 5 due to some drama with her bff and her ex. Later in the story she finds that her 5 people are her dad, her neighbour, work colleague and the guy that started it all for her, his name is Tristan. Well, that as far I got to in the story, I have last few chapters to read. I do hope her and Tristan end up together.” You try to summarise the whole story as quickly as you can.
“That is very interesting and really deep”.
“Yeah, I love that kind of thing and self-reflecting”.
You spent the rest of the hour playing with Luna and talking to Javi. Until the thought of wanting to ask him for a photo had come to mind. “I was wondering if I could take a picture with you, if not I completely understand. It’s just that I am a big fan of yours and I wouldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t manage to capture a photo to remember this day”.
“Of course, we can no worries”. “Here let me grab your phone”. “Do you want one with Luna in it as well?” “Sure, that would be amazing” you say. “Come here Luna” Javi grabs Luna and says, “everybody say cheese”.  
Once you were done taking photos and Javi handed your phone back, you checked the time, and it was nearly 10pm remembering that you needed to stop by the grocery store. “Oh, I guess, I better get going need to stop by the grocery store on the way home and it closes in an hour. It was lovely to meet you Javi, truly you are an amazing person you deserve all the success and recognition you are getting.”
“Thank you I really appreciate you saying that. Which store are you heading to if you don’t mind me asking.”
“Oh, the one next to the gym”.
“Look …  I need to buy some food for Luna, so I don’t mind giving you a ride home, if you wanted too of course”. He says your name.
“That would be lovely but are you sure?”. “Yes, I am sure don’t be silly I wouldn’t have asked if it weren’t the case sweetheart”.
“Thank you, that is very kind of you”.
“I will get all of Luna’s toys and we can head to my car. Do you mind holding Luna?”.
“Yeah sure, no worries. Come here sweet angel”.
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You walk towards the parking lot, holding Luna who had fallen asleep from exhaustion and all the playing she did. You see his car and it’s a burgundy Porsche Panamera. It fit him well as it was sporty, timeless, minimalist yet with a touch luxury. As you stand next to the car waiting for him to unlock the door a cold breeze makes you shiver.
“Are you cold sweetheart?”
“Yeah, it’s a bit chilly but I can manage”.
“Hold on let me take Luna off you I will put her in the back so she’s cosy”.
He opens the back door of his car, settling Luna down and as he gets out, he holds a hoodie. “Here you go darling, put this on it will keep you warm”.
“It’s not a big deal truly, you don’t have to-” he was so sweet and thoughtful in this moment making your cheeks turn rosy from shyness. Javi cut you off stopping you saying anything else.
“I want to darling, okay? so put this on right now”.
“Okay, as you wish sir” you say letting out a giggle, as you pull his hoodie over your head, you smell the aroma of his scent. His scent was now all over you, his hoodie was oversized on you it felt like a warm blanket hugging your body. This small gesture made you feel a tingling sensation in your stomach, was this the feeling your friends were all talking about when you asked them about their relationships or how they knew their partners were the ones. The butterflies in your stomach? You’ve never experienced anything like that not even with your ex’s.
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You are now in the car, as he is driving on the main road headed to the supermarket. The ride is silent but no awkwardness it didn’t feel weird not saying anything, most of the time you felt like you didn’t speak enough so would always feel pressured to try to make meaningless conversations with people so that they didn’t think you were quite or weird. With Javi you felt like you didn’t need to say anything, the feeling of comfort as words were not needed right now. You were in the moment connected much deeper than any words could be spoken right now.
“Alrighty, here we are” he says as he pulls into the parking spot, clutching his car.
Luna stayed in the car whilst you and Javi went to the store. He did suggest getting a trolley to use for both of you, but you insisted on using a basket instead as you didn’t want to buy too much only what you had written on your list. You and Javi went to different aisles to get your essentials, you were now walking down the ice cream aisle where you had spotted your favourite ice cream which you didn’t end up getting.
Javier walks up to you “are you ready to head to the tills…?” “Yes, let’s go” “Actually you go ahead I need to grab one more thing will meet you at the exit” Javi says.
“Ok, I’m going to go pay for my things, will wait for you at the exit Javi”.
You both checkout at different tills, you had finished scanning your items and paid for them first. Now waiting at the exit, wondering why it is taking Javi so long to pay and why is he packing his groceries right at the till, when he could do it once he got to the car.
“We can head to the car, querida”. “Yeah, let’s go”.
You both walk back to the car, you glance through the window to see if Luna had woken up, but to your surprise she was still sleeping like an angel. “Look at her sleeping Javi, she is smiling in her sleep must be having a nice dream” “yeah, it really has been a long day for her bless her she didn’t get to sleep from all the playing she did all day”.
“Give me your shopping bags querida, I will put them in the trunk for you”. “Thanks, that is really sweet of you”.
You wait for Javi to load shopping bags into the trunk as you are seated in the passenger seat, when he gets into the car, he has something behind him. “Hey, guess what I got?” “Javi, what is that behind your back?” “I said guess darling” “Ummm… treats for Luna?” “What? No” he giggles “Surprise, there you go sweetheart thought you would like that” he pulls out a tub of chocolate ice cream that has small heart shaped macarons. “No way! you didn’t Javi, how did you know?” “I saw you in the aisle looking at it as you picked it up and placed in back into the freezer”.
“You are the sweetest man I have ever met; this is my favourite ice cream I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I eat the whole tub of it within 30 minutes of opening it”. All you could think about is how caring and thoughtful he was for noticing such small detail that meant so much to you. No guy has ever been this attentive to you, they only cared about one thing which was to get into your pants. Not that anyone succeeded but Javi is different he is kind-hearted with the purest soul.
“Nothing to be embarrassed of querida, you make me laugh. I guess it must be good ice cream”.
“Oh, it is amazing Javi trust me. You should try it sometime.”
“I believe you sol” Javi really wanted to say mi sol (my sunshine) but had to remind himself that you were not his, not yet anyway. He sure as hell wouldn’t let a girl like you slip away trough his fingers. He had to figure out a way to see you again and spend time with you without coming off as a weirdo. He was intrigued to learn more about you and grow a connection. Fuck he wanted to taste that ice cream from inside of your mouth.
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Both of you put your seatbelts on and Javi starts the car. The ride home is silent again as both of you are deep inside your thoughts thinking of each other. How was it possible that two people who desire each other so much had no clue that they both wanted each other. All that you and Javi had to do was talk to one another but as both are afraid of making a wrong impression stayed put. Of course, both of you were single and were drawn to one another like magnets.
You wanted to invite him to your flat so he could try the ice cream, but it was too late, and he probably had errands in the morning. Anyways he probably wouldn’t be interested anyways, he was Javi Gutierrez after all he probably has somebody at home waiting for him. You would do anything just to be Javi’s girl.
A though lingered in Javi’s mind that what if you had a boyfriend or a girlfriend and that thought completely infuriated him because he wanted you all for himself. What person would let their beautiful girlfriend sit alone in a park on sunny day.
Now as you are approaching a residential area Javi breaks the silence. “Let me know where to turn querida” “Take a next left, right here yes” “Okay, now where?” “Keep going straight, that building in front” “This apartment complex?” “Yes”.
As Javi parks his car in a parking spot in front of your apartment you say “well thank you for everything Javi” you get out the car but so does Javi. “It’s my pleasure querida, hold on I will get your shopping bags out of the trunk”. “There you go …” “Thank you again Javi, wait I forgot about your hoodie here hold this” you smile at him. “No, you don’t need to give it back, keep it I’ve got plenty of them, not a big deal sweetheart”. “Okay well thank you, I better go inside” you say awkwardly as you swear you thanked him about 100 times, this man really knows how to treat a woman.
As Javi is about to get into the car, he slams the door and jogs to you as you are about to open the door to your apartment. “Hey, will you be at the park tomorrow?”. “Yeah, I’m there most of the time, I will be there at 6pm. Why did you ask?” “Just wanted to know, I guess I will see you tomorrow. Have a lovely night”.  “You too, see you tomorrow”. He waits for you to go inside before starting the car engine.
Tomorrow? What does he mean by see you tomorrow. No way he wanted to see you again. There is no way this day is real; you must be daydreaming.  You think to yourself as you head through the door of your flat. You felt like your heart was about to burst out your chest.
However, no matter how unrealistic and surreal this felt it was very much real. It had happened and you had real proof, the pictures that you took, you go through them finding one where you, Javi and Luna have tongues out making a silly pose, you scroll to the next photo to only realise it’s a short video of him at first and then turning the camera to you holding Luna and giving her kisses.
Now as you try to fall asleep, you are thinking of what to wear tomorrow and how to style your hair, whether you should wear makeup or not. If this is all just a dream you would rather never wake up from this dream.
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Thoughts? Would anyone be interested in part 2? Thank you for taking your time to read this fic. LOL finally got the courage to post this.
TAGLIST: Lol just one my bestie @agnytute mwah ily.
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whiskeyncoke-redux · 3 years ago
Have A Seat
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Pedro Pascal x Reader
A/N: Saw another gif of this man and I had another idea. Hope you enjoy.
Warnings: Smut. Oral (m/f receiving). Semi-public sex. Some Cursing. Minors DNI 18+ ONLY
There he is, you think as you watch him walk into the room where you were waiting. Pedro walks past you with a smirk and takes a seat in the brown leather chair that’s there, the anticipation radiating off of him so much that you can practically feel it. You look around, making sure that the two of you are completely alone. Once you’re completely sure, you turn to him with a sly smile. He’s staring you down, studying you. His eyes practically burn holes through the flimsy, airy dress you have on with nothing underneath, making you wonder if he can tell. Perhaps he could, maybe that’s why he had whispered to you what seems like only seconds earlier to meet him here in this secluded room after spending half the night eyeing him across the room.
 “Are you just gonna stand there or…?” Pedro finally says, trailing off and leaving the other half of the question unasked, turning your attention back to him. Then, when you don’t answer, he opens his arms in a gesture that says “Well what are you gonna do?”
Before your courage can flee, you walk towards him, your gait surprisingly steady considering your nerves. You stand before him and he looks up at you with those brown eyes filled with amusement and lust. 
This is fun for him, I wonder how many times he’s done this before, you think. I hope no one can hear us.
“Don’t worry,” he says to you, reaching up and wrapping his arms around your waist. “They won’t be able to hear you out there.”
“How did you know what I was…?”
He chuckles. “I could see it in your eyes.”
“Oh,” is all you can say as you look deep into those eyes.
He smiles, bottom lip between his teeth. You feel his hands sliding up your thighs, pushing your dress up higher. “So, you came back here, what do you want to…” he stops, his  now resting on your bare ass. His smile grows, realizing that you don’t have any panties under your dress. “I see,” he says, his voice dropping a few octaves.
Before you could respond, Pedro pulls you down so you’re straddling his lap. Without another word, his lips are on yours in a heated kiss, his hands gripping your ass, pulling you closer to him. Your arms automatically go around his neck once you get lost in his kiss, hands threading through his hair, tugging on the curls just hard enough so that he tips his head back so that you can bite lightly on his exposed neck. When you hear his groan, you bite harder, knowing you left a mark.
With another groan he crashes his lips into yours. This kiss sloppier but just as heated as the first. You start grinding against him, feeling him grow harder, straining against his jeans. You keep moving against him, his hands on your hips now, moaning at the friction of his jeans against your exposed clit. 
You manage to pull away and you scoot back until your feet touch that ground. You bend down in front of him, pushing his knees apart and you kneel between his thighs. Your hands go to undo his jeans. You look up at him, as if asking him if it was okay, he nods once and you unbutton and unzip his jeans. Pushing them down along with his briefs, you can feel your mouth beginning to water as you watch his thick cock spring free. He lifts his hips up so you can get them further down his thick thighs and down his legs. 
You don’t even look up at him this time, you grab his cock in your hand, stroking it slowly, marveling at the feel and thickness of it. You rub your thumb over the head, swiping at the pecum that collected there, then you lick it off your finger, looking him in the eye and smirking as you do so. He’s watching you with his bottom lip between his teeth. You lower your head and lick a stripe on the underside of his cock and swirl your tongue around the head. You hear him hiss in pleasure at the feel of your tongue on him. You spit on his cock and start stroking him again, still maintaining your agonizingly slow pace. You hear him whisper a quiet “Fuck” which makes you smile. Still stroking him  you take him into your mouth inch by inch until you feel him hit the back of your throat, making you gag slightly. He starts moving his hips slightly, wanting you to move your head, so you willingly oblige. You begin bobbing your head up and down on him, moving your hand that’s wrapped around the base in time with your mouth.
Soon all that can be heard are the slurping sounds coming from your mouth and his low moans. You feel saliva drip out of the sides of your mouth and you use it to lubricate your hand as you continue to stroke him. Soon his hand moves to the back of your head, pushing you further down, as he thrusts his hips up, causing you to gag more. You manage to relax your throat as you let him fuck your face, your free hand gripping his thigh, your nails digging in to his skin, surely leaving marks there.
“Fuck, fuck… wait, shit, stop,” you hear him groan as he slows his movements.
You obediently raise your head to look at him; a string of saliva trailing from your mouth to his cock . His chest is heaving rapidly, his eyes are closed, he’s trying to get his breathing under control. 
Once his breathing slows, he opens his eyes and he rasps out “Come here.”
You quickly get up from your position between his thighs. He pulls you back down so you’re sitting on his lap. You feel his hands back on your thighs, pushing your dress up, while his lips are on your neck, kissing and sucking. He uses one of his hands to spread apart your legs, and you feel his thick fingers swipe up your pussy lips. 
“So wet,” he whispers against your skin, as he slips two fingers inside you.
You gasp at the feel of his fingers as they move in and out of your wetness. He uses the pad of his thumb to swipe at your clit, making you moan. 
“What do you want?” he asks, kissing you on your shoulder before biting it lightly.. “Tell me what you want me to do?”
“Fuck me,” you groan. “Now.”
He takes his fingers from inside you and, in one quick movement, he situates you so you’re straddling him again. You both are eye to eye, and you grab him by the shirt and pull him in for a kiss. You lift your hips and reach between your bodies to grab his cock again. Positioning it at your opening, you sink down on it slowly, gasping in surprise at how he feels inside you. You moan into his mouth as you feel him slowly stretch you. When he’s completely sheathed inside you, you have to sit for a moment, just to adjust to his size. 
 Soon you feel his hands on your hips, urging you to move. You give his cock one good squeeze with your pussy, making him dig his fingers into your skin. Gripping his shoulders you begin moving on him, slowly at first, setting your pace. He leans his head forward, his lips ghosting over your cleavage, before he reaches up and pulls down the straps of your dress, freeing your breasts, before wrapping his arms around you. He takes one hardened nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, before pulling lightly on it with his teeth; then he does the same to the other. 
You start to move faster on top of him. He leans his head back, sliding down a few inches in the chair, before grabbing your hips again, helping you move up and down on top of him. He meets each downward movement you make with an upwards thrust of his hips. One of your hands is on his shoulders, nails digging into his skin through the fabric of his shirt, the other gripping the arm of the chair to keep yourself steady. Each upwards thrust making the head of his cock, rub against that sweet spot inside you. 
You feel him slow then stop the movement of his hips. Then he nudges you up. You slowly let him slide from inside you. He motions for you to turn around, and you do. He then grabs his cock in his hand and lowers you back down onto it. He plants his feet firmly on the ground, then places his hands back on your hips. He starts moving you on top of him again, matching your movements with his own thrusts. When you catch the pace, you grip the arms of the chair in either hand to give you some leverage. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer so your back is against his chest. His hands cup your breasts, fingers toying with your nipples. 
He slides one of his hands down your belly to your clit, his fingers playing with it. Your moans grow louder. You begin moving faster chasing your growing orgasm.
“I know you’re close,” he rasps in your ear. “Cum for me.”
He bites you on your ear as his fingers start moving faster on your sensitive nub, his other hand still cupping your breast. His thrusts come faster, your hands move from the arms of the chair to grip his thighs, so you can keep steady. 
“Come on, let me feel you cum around me,” he commands, as you feel the heat spreading through your body. “Let go for me.”
With a loud moan, you feel your orgasm wash over you. He holds you tightly, slowing the movements of his hips to a more forgiving pace as you ride out your orgasm.
“Shit,” you gasp, as he keeps moving inside you slowly.
“You okay?” he asks and you just nod in response.
He stops, and nudges you off of him again. You look at him and he cock an eyebrow in a knowing manner, then nods down, telling you what he wants you to do. You kneel down as he stands and you take him in your warm mouth once more. This time you can taste yourself mixed with his own taste as you bob your head up and down on him, your hand stroking him. His hand goes to the back of your head as he fucks your mouth, your hands on his thighs to hold yourself steady as he trusts himself deeper into your throat. You feel the movement of his hips grow erratic and you know he’s close. With a few more thrusts you feel him explode inside your mouth. You swallow as much as you can, then lick up any you may have missed.When you finish you look up at him and he smiles down at you, grabbing your face in his large hand, swiping some of his cum off your bottom lip with his thumb. 
You stand up and face him. He pulls you to him, crashing his lips against yours, his tongue probing your mouth. He moans at the taste of your mouth, the lingering hint of his seed, and your juices. His hands roaming up and down your back, until they reach your ass again. You bite down his bottom lip and he gives your ass a light slap in return, which makes you laugh.
“How much time do you have left before someone comes looking for you?” he asks you.
“Mmm maybe twenty minutes,” you guess.
“Good, that's enough time for me.”
“Enough time for what?”
He turns you around and backs you up until the backs of your legs hit the seat of the chair. “Have a seat and I’ll show you.”
 You sit and watch him as he kneels in front of you like you’d done with him earlier. He kisses up from one knee to your thigh, and then spreads them apart. He slips one finger inside you then another, moving them inside you as he nibbles on the insides of your thighs. When he makes his way to your core, you’re already trembling with anticipation. With a final look up at you and a smile, he lifts your leg over his shoulder and slips his tongue inside you. 
You close your eyes in ecstasy and murmur a low “Fuck” as you feel his working his tongue inside you, his nose nudging at your sensitive nub. You bring your hand down, pushing his head closer.  That low murmur becomes a loud moan when you feel him start to flick his tongue at your clit, before sliding his fingers back inside you. Your fingers tangle in his hair as he begins sucking on your clit. You start moving your hips in time with his skilled fingers as he finger fucks you while licking and sucking on that sensitive bundle of nerves. 
When you feel his fingers rub against that spot deep inside you, you feel your hips jerk and your toes curl. Another orgasm is building inside you from your core. You feel that warm heat spread from your belly to your fingertips and toes. And with another loud curse you cum hard. You practically push him off, your clit too sensitive for him to keep going. Your legs are shaking. He lifts his head to watch you. He still works his fingers inside you as you ride out this orgasm. He smiles at the face you're making, your mouth open in an O shape. 
When you finally come down from your high, he lifts your trembling leg from his shoulder. You slouch down in the chair trying to catch your breath. Once you do, you look up at him and reach out your hand, he pulls you up and you pull him to you, and he kisses you deeply before breaking the kiss, and planting a light peck on your forehead.
“So, we definitely have to do that again,” he says as he pulls on his clothes.
You nod. “Definitely,” you agree as you adjust your dress and fix your hair. 
Once satisfied with your appearance, you poke your heads out of the door and go to rejoin the party, but for the rest of the night you two catch each other’s eye from time to time, a knowing smile passing between you.
@ziggyrocket @liquorlaughslove @shellbilee @a-little-counter-esperanto @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @guess-my-next-obsession @luvpedropascal @softpedropascal
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