#Japanese-style omelet
oniwabanryoko · 2 months
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r4bbitdragon · 1 year
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why it ourple
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trochoco · 11 months
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Omuraisu Japanese Rice Omelet Recipe Omuraisu is a fried rice-based omelet made in the style of Japan. In this variation, ham fried rice with ketchup flavoring is covered with an egg omelet. 1 tablespoon ketchup, salt and pepper to taste, 1 cup cooked white or brown rice, 2 thin slices cooked ham cubed, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons ketchup, 1/4 teaspoon chopped fresh parsley, 1 slice processed cheese food
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glamatron3000 · 4 months
The Unofficial Malto Family Cookbook
I was inspired by the longing of @ihatebrainstorm for Alex's cooking to do a deep dive into just what Earthspark's best dad was making, so here it is! The Unofficial Malto Family Cookbook!
Just a note, I am in no way familiar with Filipino cooking (I mostly cook American, European, and Japanese-inspired food in my day to day) but I'd like to think I am a skilled practitioner of Google-Fu, so here's what I was able to find!
These dishes were either shown or mentioned, sometimes both, in season 1 and the first half of season 2. I believe I got them all, but I did pan through the episodes pretty quickly, so let me know if I missed any!
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First up is the main dish from episode 1, which already sent me on an adventure trying to identify because it was never named. After poking around a few Filipino recipe sites I managed to identify it as embutido, which is described as a Filipino meatloaf. Dot mentions that it is her favorite dish.
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The side dish of Dot's celebratory new job meal is lumpia, Filipino egg rolls! This dish appears regularly in the Malto family's meals, seen twice again in the first half of season 2.
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Okay, so technically this is probably just a store-bought dinner roll, but why not try to find if there's a Filipino recipe it could be? Our boy Alex seems like the type of guy to pull out all the stops when it comes to feeding his family. The closest I could find is pandesal to round out our episode 1 meal.
Breakfast Burrito
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In episode 2, we see Robbie lure Alex out to the barn with a picnic of breakfast burritos. Now surely there's also a Filipino style recipe for this, yes? Yes!
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In episode 3, we see Alex frying up a pan of sausage for breakfast. Could be store bought, but it's also possible that it's a traditional Filipino pork sausage called longganisa.
Here's our first one that was only mentioned and not shown. In episode 4, Alex tries twice to coax Bee into frying tortillas with his stingers. At first I thought he meant just regular flour or corn tortillas, but the way he was talking made it sound like a main dish and not just an ingredient. So after a bit of digging I found a dish called tortang, which is sometimes referred to as tortilla from what I can gather (citation needed -- I am a dumb American). Unlike the sort of tortilla you would use in a wrap or burrito, this dish is closer to an omelet. Those with more knowledge of Filipino cooking please feel free to correct me if I got this wrong.
Another only mentioned in episode 4, this is the dish Robbie would have picked to have for dinner for a week if he'd won the weekly chore race. Of course a child would pick a sweet dessert for dinner if he could.
Spam Steak
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Okay, this was another mystery for me, particularly because of the way everything is stylized in the show. In episode 5, we see Alex frying up another breakfast food. I thought maybe it was a kind of french toast, but the browning texture didn't look quite right for that. So I browsed through the breakfast section of the recipe website I've been using and the closest I've found is this crispy spam steak recipe. Apparently spam is pretty popular in the Philippines, so it's possible! Again, if anyone more knowledgeable has another option, please correct me.
In episode 7, Alex makes bagged lunches for Mo and Robbie's first day at school. While we don't know what's in those lunches, Alex did mention that he included his homemade snickerdoodles. Snickerdoodles originate from Dutch/German immigrants who settled in New England, and since there's a lot of Dutch/German heritage in Pennsylvania where the Maltos live, I'm fairly confident this is something Alex picked up in America. But just for fun, I did find an interesting Filipino/Mexican-inspired variant of this classic cookie, so you get a two for one deal with this one!
Unfortunately, Tumblr won't let me post more in a single post, so the rest will have to be in a Part 2 reblog!
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demonslayedher · 1 month
The first fanbook tells us that lately, Mitsuri is hooked on "youshoku" (Western food) like pork cutlet and omelette rice, so her expenditure on food is pretty extreme.
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Nowadays, these Japanese-style "Western foods" are pretty ubiquitous but not actually things you run into much in "the West." The ingredients and recipes have changed here and there with how long they've been around, so a nerd buddy who knows Tokyo better than I do (and who is a Mitsuri fan) insisted I try out what these things would have tasted like in Taisho. That's why she took me to Rengatei, where some of Mitsuri's favorite dishes were born.
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I'm going to let this food blog do the talking about the restaurant itself and how it has the credit for creating many well-known dishes, including pork cutlet and omelette rice. It's an interesting, short read.
We'll focus most on what Rengatei might mean for Mitsuri, and on that note, I'll call your attention to the fact that this food blog article first mentions looking for a similar restaurant with a long history in the Azabu Juban area. Mitsuri is from a spot that was known as the Iikura neighborhood of the Azabu area in the Taisho period, and what is now known as the Azabudai area. Back in the Taisho period, this was a glitzy shopping and entertainment area where Mitsuri would have had many options for popular Western style restaurants. Even today, Azabudai feels like an area meant for people who make far more money than I do.
So, if she was spoiled for choice closer to where she lived back then, would she have bothered going over to Ginza, another glitzy shopping area of Tokyo, to visit Rengatei? The restaurant opened in 1895, a year or so before she was born, so it would have been well established, but not exactly new. To that I say, let's assume she'd have had plenty of opportunities to go to Ginza. It's perfectly reasonable to assume she might have visited the restaurant that developed some of her favorite dishes. Even today, Rengatei plays up the retro atmosphere with the table setting and wait staff uniforms.
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Thing is, despite the retro feeling of modern-day Rengatei, this building was constructed in the 1960s. Mitsuri's wouldn't have seen the place in the same way you can see it today.
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The kicker is that it would have been the same Meiji era recipes.
My friend who took me along asked for my thoughts on the food afterward, and we arrived at the same conclusions about it being not amazing, but feeling a little imperfect compared to many other versions of these recipes that we've had. Like you can tell these were freshly developed and on the homestyle side. I had the omuraisu (omelet rice, as it is better known today instead of the long o-mu-re-tsu-rai-su* as it used to be known), and she had the tonkatsu (pork cutlet, which is also a shorter way of saying po-o-ku-ka-tsu-re-tsu*, with "ton" for "pork").
*Both the KnY fanbook and the Rengatei menu use old, long names, though there was some linguistic variation like ka-re-ka-tsu or ka-to-re-to until the current names were settled on.
So why were these sorts of foods such a big deal? There were a lot of new foods introduced to the Japanese diet over the course of the Meiji period, especially meat, since Japan was very influenced by Buddhism and not widely in the habit of eating it (but you can always find exceptions, and different strains of Japanese Buddhism vary in how much they condemn certain lifestyle choices). Many new meat dishes, like curry and sukiyaki (or rather, gyunabe as Rengoku knew it in his bentou), were fancy and expensive and novel in the Meiji period. Perhaps more surprisingly, eggs were also a luxury item (though they have a complex history in the Japanese diet).
Granted, by the time the Taisho period rolls around, a lot of high society in Tokyo has already had some time to get used to these new menu items being a thing, and how much they were adopted into people's lifestyles varied as much as how much they adopted Western attire and houses. On that note, it is very interesting how in the flashback to Mitsuri's family life, they live in a very Japanese-style home and visit Japanese-style establishments and eat Japanese-style sweets, but by the time we join Mitsuri for Hashira training, there are Western elements to her home (though it is not clear if she lives with family or not), and she eats Western style sweets (beekeeping has a long history, and Western methods of beekeeping were introduced in Meiji long before Mitsuri was born). We can see how quickly what was normal for Mitsuri changed over the course of her life, so it's possible she really hadn't been in a habit of eating Western food until closer to when she joined the Corp. While I'm sure Rengoku was happy to eat anything, his home and tastes still seem to lean distinctly non-Western in comparison.
Anyway, so how was the food at Rengatei? Back to that topic!
I usually associate restaurant omuraisu with being impeccably fluffy, and with a variety of sauces and rices seasonings to choose from, even if ketchup is traditional. However, this omelet had a distinctly flatter, more inconsistent texture than you usually get with standard restaurant omuraisu. It's closer to just the usual flat, bumpy, but at least smoothly beaten omelette you'd be more likely to accomplish at home. Even the ketchup had a bit of a freshly-blended quality to it, but I can't exactly say I'm ketchup connoisseur. For all we know about Mitsuri, she might be.
The pork cutlet was, as you get into it yourself instead of having somewhat pre-cut strips like at many tonkatsu establishments, very clearly a hunk of meat. My usual image of tonkatsu is a evenly tenderized, evenly cooked hunk of white meat, with a stretch of fat along one side. Not so with this--the textures and darkness and lightness of the meat, as well as the amount and distribution of fat, was more typical of a cut of meat that is first and foremost meat; not a uniform product. My friend really loves tonkatsu, and says she prefers this juicy, not-quite-perfected version. Because it is a greasy dish, this is why Rengatei introduced the convention of serving it a bed of shredded cabbage to aid in digestion, which all of Japan has copied ever since.
As a brief note, most online sources say "yeah, Rengatei invented tonkatsu (but we're all probably copying the same source)." It seems there is another restaurant (Ponchitei) that claims to have invented tonkatsu before or after 1897, and for what I've poked around, the claims for Rengatei's invention aren't clear, but 1899 seems like the most likely time it entered the menu (I saw a claim for 1890, but the restaurant didn't open until 1895...).
Anyway, tl,dr; I did feel I was eating something closer to what Mitsuri would have known and loved by having eaten at Rengatei.
I also felt it went to show why her food bill was so high, because Rengatei is not cheap (like, about twice what I'd typically be willing to pay). You're paying for some ambiance and history here, as opposed to just a standard meal. Also, it is worth noting that although there is scant official information for the parent restaurant in Ginza, there is a lot more information for an off-shoot restaurant in Fukagawa that opened in 1928. That includes a short, cute English article introducing Western foods.
But hey, despite the stiff prices, I was full and satisfied after one plate of omuraisu and a couple bites of pork cutlet. Mitsuri-chan has a Hashira salary, so she can afford as many servings as she likes.
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short-honey-badger · 6 months
Shore Leave 5
Holy moly, did this one get away from me. Lotta stuff happens in this one, and we are introduced to the "antagonist." I guess you could call him.
Anyway! I hope you enjoy!
Shore Leave Masterlist
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You wake with a soft groan, blinking your eyes open as you shift in your bed. You snuggle into your pillow and frown when the clothes you wear tug uncomfortably against the blankets. You never wear this many clothes to bed, so why are you now? Mortification burns through you when the memories of last night fly through your mind, and you scramble out of your bed, embarrassed beyond belief. How could you have fallen asleep so quickly last night? You were no stranger to late nights, and had thought you'd have the willpower to stay up.
You cringe to yourself. John must feel so awkward.
You slip from the bed and quickly change clothes, leggings, and a loose blouse with your cow print house shoes. You wash your face and brush your teeth and then bend to fish out a new toothbrush for John to use if he wanted to. Now that you feel refreshed, you slipped out of your bedroom and into the living room where you were greeted with the adorable sight of your new friend curled up on the couch.
The large man had to curl up a bit to comfortably fit, but he looked so at peace that you didn't have the heart to disturb him. Instead, you quietly bypassed John and mosied into the kitchen to start on a hearty breakfast. Your fridge needed to be cleared out anyway.
The Master Chief woke to the smell of sizzling bacon and eggs. His blue eyes sprang open, and he bolted up, heart racing as he took in the unfamiliar environment. He relaxes when he recognizes your living room and slumps even further into the cushions when his sensitive ears pick up the sound of you singing. A tiny smile lingers on his lips, and John is tempted to fall back to sleep now that he knows that everything is fine.
A big fluffy orange tail gets his attention, and John leans down to pet Nami, who purrs thunderously at the attention. He scratches her for a while before he eases up from the couch and lopes to the bar that separates the kitchen and living room. John watches you cook, your shoulders drooped and relaxed as you sing a slow song under your breath and flip the Japanese style omelet gently back and forth in the pan. Beside you, there are two plates with seasoned, white rice and thick cuts of bacon and two glasses full of pulpy orange juice.
“Play the guitar, play it again, my Johnny
Maybe you're cold, but you're so warm inside.”
You sway gently to the beat only you can hear, humming the next part of the song as you finish up rolling the omelet. You pick up the pan from the stove eye and scoot to the plates where you lay the fluffy eggs across the mountain of rice.
“But if you're cruel, you can be kind, I know
There was never a man like my Johnny.”
You place the pan back on the stove, turning down the heat, and then grab the heavy plate, turning to go set the food on the bar and then go wake John for breakfast. Only to have the man in question staring at you from where he is already seated at the bar. You jump at the sight, and only the hard grip you have on the plate saves the ceramic dishware from the floor. You clutch your chest with your other hand and glare at John.
“You scared the shit out of me.” You grumble at him and set breakfast in front of the big man.
The grin that John wears is all worth the little jump scare when you catch sight of it. It looks more free than the tiny smiles and smirks that he'd given you last night. You wouldn't mind seeing more of it.
“Maybe you should pay more attention,” John quips at you and takes the fork from your outstretched hand. You roll your eyes at him and smack his fork away when he goes to dig into the omelet you'd slaved over.
“Hang on. Hopefully, this works,” you murmur and then take the knife you hold and slice the fluffy eggs down the middle. John thinks that your little coo of joy is the most adorable sound when you watch the omelet split open perfectly, allowing the steaming cheesy eggs to spill out. The smile you aim at him is even better.
“Bon appetit.”
John does it with gusto, and you turn away from the ravenous eating to fix up your own plate with the leftover egg mixture. The spartan is finished by the time you are plating your breakfast, and you are much slower in how you eat, savoring each bite and drinking deeply from your cup of coffee. You tell John to help himself to whatever is left in the pot and then point out the bathroom, and make sure to mention the new toothbrush you'd set out for him.
John does as suggested, draining his cup quick as a flash and then loping to the bathroom to wash up. You finish up and then wash up the dishes before settling on the couch and picking up your data pad left on the end table. Nami joins you on the couch, curling up on the arm and looking at you with big green eyes.
“You like him, too, huh?” You ask her with a grin and scratch behind her ears, making the fluff ball purr even louder.
You flip through a couple of articles and stop when your eyes catch sight of one of them highlighting a new exhibit at the local zoo. You grin as an idea comes to mind and set the tablet aside when John comes out of your bedroom.
“I've got an idea for a trip if you're up for it?” You ask him when he sits beside you on the couch. You grunt in surprise when the Chief suddenly grabs you around the waist and tugs you close, pressing you to his side before he dips and claims your lips in a kiss as sweet as pie.
John has been wanting to kiss you all morning. He is pretty sure he'd dreamed of you last night, the delicate press of your lips along his scarred skin. The curtain of your hair shields the two of you away from the outside world as you sat atop him.
His cheeks heat up at the reminder, and his hand finds the curve of your waist, squeezing gently before he pulls away, resting his brow along your own. John opens his eyes and meets your own, his lips curled in a smug smirk that makes you roll your eyes when you spot it.
“What kind of trip?” He asks you and boldly shifts again, lifting you as though you weigh nothing and sits you fully in his lap. His thumb swipes back and forth on the bit of exposed skin from where your shirt has risen up, and he leans back to rest against the cushions.
Your cheeks blaze at being moved as if you were nothing but a doll, and your thighs tingle from where they are pressed on either side of John's long legs. You lick your lips and force your mind to get back on track and not think of just how big the Master Chief is.
“W-well, there is a new exhibit opening at the zoo. I thought it would be fun for us to go.”
The Chief stalls in his tracks. The zoo? He's never had the chance to go to one before. He is silent as he recalls the last time he'd been even close to one and frowns when his memory provides him with images of destroyed animal enclosures, glassed over by the covenant. He comes back to himself when you wrap your hand around his free wrist and squeeze softly.
“I would like that,” He assures you and smooths his hand down so that he can tangle his fingers with your own. He raises his hand and presses his lips to the back of your knuckles, watching your eyes go half lidded in pleasure and wonders if you would look how you did in his dream. If only he had the nerve to touch you so confidently.
“Though I would like to stop by base to change, if you are okay with waiting for me?”
You nod easily, “Of course I'm fine with waiting.”
You wish you had the courage to ask if he wanted to stay with you through his shore leave, but you'd hate to come off as clingy, so you stay silent about it, and instead try and shimmy off his lap to no avail.
“I've got to get ready, ya know.” You point out, but John only shrugs at you and untangles his hand from your own so that he can cup your jaw in his big palm. He casts his blue-eyed gaze over you, smoothing his thumb up to slide over your bottom lip.
“I know, but I'd like to try something,” he says, and you dip your head in silent permission when he meets your eyes. His thumb puts pressure down, and you allow your mouth to fall open. John leans in and kisses you, his tongue sliding past your lips to tease your own pink muscle and explore the hot cavern of your mouth. You keen into the intimate kiss, not having expected him to do such a thing, but not unhappy about it. Instead, you push forward lips wrapping around his tongue and gently sucking on the muscle, causing a deep groan to rumble out of the Master Chief.
John isn't sure how long he kisses you, but he doesn't have any intention of stopping. He wants to know what other sounds you might make for him. The spartan isn't used to letting his more carnal desires take over, but he would gladly drop all his walls if he could know what you taste like.
Your lips are red and swollen by the time you have to break the heated exchange. Your stomach is tight with arousal, and you can feel his hardening length between your legs. You want to see it, but you close your eyes and take a deep, calming breath instead. You fall forward and rest your face against his chest, and John wraps his arms around you, making you feel like the safest person in the galaxy.
“I still need to get ready,” you mumble against his chest but make no move to get up. John just tightens his grip and presses his lips to the crown of your head.
Eventually, the two of you rise, and you hop in the shower just long enough for your normal routine before drying off and dressing in a pair of worn jeans and a nice shirt. Your tennis shoes are next since so much walking is in your future, and then lastly your bag and phone. John watches you lock the door after saying goodbye to Nami and then follows you outside and to the sidewalk.
It's a good thirty minute walk to the base that he is stationed at, and you have to assure him that you don't mind the journey multiple times. He keeps a close eye out while the two of you walk, his training kicking in even when he is supposed to “forget” who he is for these next two weeks. John wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he let something happen to you.
“You can wait in the lobby,” He says when you arrive at the large, dark stone building. You nod silently and follow him through the automatic doors, feeling a bit nervous coming inside. You've never had a reason to come here before, after all.
John leaves you waiting in a chair near the entrance of the building, and you flip through your datapad as you wait. You are interrupted soon after by a harsh clearing of the throat. You look up and see a man dressed in a crisp uniform, his face clean shaven and his dark hair cut at regulation. You can spot tattoos looping through his shorn hair. He is handsome like most military men are, his green eyes dark and full of curiosity.
“Can I help you with anything ma'am?” He asks, and his tone is friendly despite the permanent scowl on his face.
“No, but thank you, Sir. I'm just waiting on a friend,” you say with a smile and expect him to leave you be, only for the marine to sit down beside you and offer his hand.
“Major Dwight Baroque. It's nice to meet you, miss..?”
You shake his hand with a strained smile and introduce yourself quietly.
“May I ask who you're waiting for?” The Major says, and you answer slowly and realize that you only know John's first name. You'd never asked for anything else, though that was kind of the goal at the moment. You wanted John to feel human for once in his life.
“Ah, well. His name is John. I didn't ask, and he didn't tell me his rank or anything,” you say, a bit embarrassed about it now that you think about it.
The soldier chuckles and sits back in the seat, “Do you mind if I wait with you? Pretty women like yourself shouldn't be left alone for too long, ya know.”
You laugh and shift awkwardly in your seat and wish that John would hurry up and get out here. While you appreciated everything that the UNSC did, that didn't mean that you wanted one of them to flirt with you so badly.
“I'm sure you've got better things to do than babysit me,” you say and look up just in time to spit John stalking toward you, a deep scowl darkening his face when he spots the Major beside you.
“Actually, John is here now.”
You don't expect the marine to look at John and his face transform into something so rage filled that it's ugly. You gulp when the Major glares at you next, but your own angered confusion raises its head at his words.
“That's John? You know he's a freak right?”
You blink at him, jerking your head back as if you'd been struck. You stand from your chair, voice furious, “Excuse me?”
Baroque scoffs loudly and stands as well. He still looks tiny compared to John when the other man gets to your side. The Chief stands just behind you and reaches out to place a big hand on your shoulder, “_, just let it go. It's not worth it.”
“What? No. I want to know why he thinks you're a freak,” you snap back, incensed at the lack of fight in John's voice. Why wasn't he defending himself?
“Didn't he tell you what he was?” Dwight continues, and his tone turns smug, as if what he would say next would change your option about your new friend.
“He's a Spartan. Everything that he is came out of a bottle. He's nothing but a science experiment.”
You feel John tense behind you, his grip on your shoulder tightening to the point of pain. You bear it with grace and glare at the smug Major.
“Well, now I know why he's so tall, at least.” You quip and reach up to curl your hand around his wrist, squeezing tightly to get the Spartans' attention. You aim a grin his way and tug his arm.
“Let's go, John. We shouldn't waste any more time.”
The Major seems flabbergasted at your lack of care over John being a spartan, but he quickly turns outraged and moves to step forward. John sees the way he goes to grab you and bodily moves you, putting himself in the way of the Major and glaring down at his superior officer.
“Have a good day, Major,” he growls and then escorts you out of the building before the other man could cause any more of a scene.
You huff and puff as soon as you are out of the building, an annoyed scowl on your face as you call the Major mean names under your breath. John watches you, and his heart lurches in his chest. You had stood up for him. You hadn't even cared that he was a spartan.
He doesn't stop himself from closing the distance and sweeping you up for a kiss, hands landing on your hips, and holding you close until he pulls away with a soft sigh.
“Thank you,” He whispers, and you shake your head with a small frown.
“You shouldn't have to thank me for showing you the same kind of kindness any human deserves. That guy was an idiot, and you should never listen to people like him. You are a hero, John.”
The Master Chief doesn't know what to say to all that, so he just kisses you again, and you can feel how relieved and happy he is knowing that you don't give a damn about what he is. His blue eyes shine when he pulls away, and then he leads you in the direction of the nearest bus transport.
“We should go before it's too late. I want to see everything,” John says, and you laugh in joy as you follow after him.
“Sounds good to me! Let's go!”
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The Owl House Headcanon on Character's Favorite Japanese Dishes.
Luz Noceda: Okonomiyaki (Hiroshima-Style preferred). She likes it for it is a perfect comforting fusion between pancakes and takoyaki (which she had some bad memory from getting her tongue scrouged by it). Plus, she can choose a variety of fillings, which is great for her neurodivergent vibe (while also easily getting bored).
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Amity Blight: Zaru Soba. She'd likely go for a dish that is simple yet defines Japanese elements. She would enjoy it with chunky chopped spring onion, wasabi-infused dipping, and hot tea on a side. After a few years of trying more Japanese dishes, she also got into shio udon and yakisoba. (and yakisoba-based okonomiyaki with her sweetheart)
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Willow Park: Kimchi Nabe; full of vegetables, proteins from meat, eggs, mushrooms, tofu, and gochujang-rich kimchi (Giving spiciness and Korean-ness that Willow never realized she needed). She loves her nabe with varieties and large quantities of proteins. Especially chicken-based meatballs (like in sumo wrestler Chanko Nabe), chicken breasts, lean slices of beef, and white tofu. Plus, extra spicy.
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Gus Porter: Omurice with ketchup fried rice underneath a blanket of thin and creamy omelet. He prefers creamy demiglace sauce with mushroom and beef stock base, alongside ketchup and a dash of Kewpie mayo. Maybe steamed bacon with low-sodium, crabstick, or fish sausage for the side protein. Plus, he loves Sanrio and doesn't care about locals' eyes upon him enjoying his two plates of My Melody Omurice.(It's kids' size, so two is it).
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Hunter Noceda/Park/Daemonne: Kushiyaki, especially those from old-school Yatai stalls. However, he would avoid poultry-based ones (especially the wings, as tributes to his lifesaver, Flapjack) and alcoholic drinks. He usually goes with beef and vegetables on the same stick. His favorite side drink is Ramune or Calpis yogurt drink. He usually has a few pods of salted edamame first, if offered.
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Vee Noceda: Shojin Ryori meal from local Zen Buddhist temples. Somehow, she can tastes 'magic' in food, and enjoy talking about spiritual and morality topics with Buddhist monks(and nuns). She usually not paying them by money but doing them some cleaning and arranging the sutra. She sometimes enjoy draining magic from Omamori (Green one is a yum!).
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Edalyn Clawthrone: Tantanmen, extra broth, extra noodles, and a few extra pieces of boiled eggs. With rice on the side. After an extreme night (either work, or a party), she carves for carbs, proteins, and spices. Eventually, it becomes her usual comfort dish. Plus, it was worth her two meals and a pretty budget. If she feels extra fancy, maybe some extra meat as well.
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Lilith Clawthrone: Kure's JMSDF (Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force)-style Curry Rice, with milk (low-fat, or soya milk) and salad with a light dressing. She prefers a vegetarian version and original taste that serves Japanese maritime forces. She eventually made her own thanks to befriending a friend who was a chef on a Japanese battleship in the Cold War.
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King Clawthrone: Set of different sushi varieties. He is into nigiri and maki with a few simple ingredients. He is into a grilled saltwater eel, salted boiled ebi (or tempura-fried), churnchy cucumber, and tamago. Onigiri is also his go-to, but he is not into raw meat.
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sailorspica · 6 months
imo the funniest thing about aot is its germanness is shallow, if anything it appropriates/bastardizes western and northern european cultures in a similar way to FMA (ymir is norse and sticks out in a potpurri of anglo and germanic names except for literally just jean), hence my crusade to add more slavic names to fanfiction like rico brzenska and uplift its (east) asianness
all of my reading of parent-child relationships here are grounded in how filial piety and various asian family ethics perpetuate abuse: children are expected to forgive everything (annie, reiner) and give care (pieck, connie); pay for their parents' crimes (the grice boys, rod referencing grisha's "sin", the marleyan military's dangling of "eldian atonement"); carry on their legacies (the fritz king's will, erwin's guilt toward his father)—oh, the very premise of children cannibalizing their parents, which sounds like an L for the parents but is the opposite, the kid is even more physically beholden to them than simple birth, inheritance is more of a burden than a boon. arguably zeke and historia's massive refusal of this piety / redirection to other causes (ksaver's suicidality, the zackly junta) lead to the rumbling, or cement the circumstances for eren to do it at all
said it in my big dumb astrology post but here's the shortest version of my paradis = japan thesis statement: [link]
diversity and "purity" in the world eldian diaspora vs marley's "ethnic cleansing" propaganda: [link]
how i approach iseyma's handling of of anti-jewish policies and canards: [link] [link]
i write about parent-child and cross-generational relationships in attack on titan all the time, because i do this all as a filipino with the twin cultural diseases of confucianism and catholicism ruining my life and health well into adulthood: [link] [link] [link]
...and then there's the tiny japanese visuals, like eremika's tokito sibling-style firewood backpacks, jean's omelet is an omurice bento
in general you'll find these annoying ass political readings tagged #aot politics, and my larger meta tag is #aot meta
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goinggoats · 8 months
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築地市場 Tsukiji Fish Market Tsukiji Fish Market is a great place to enjoy your breakfast. Tsukuji Fish Market is famous for its seafood but somehow Tamagoyaki(Japanese egg omelet) is one of the popular dishes there. Recently the market has moved from Tsukiji area to a new place and developed a new style. The hard working fishermen and male market vendors or clerks working there are so hot, with chiseled facial features and toned, muscular bodies, that will ignite your sexual fantasies. They are so muscular that they seem to be straight men, but, actually, some are gay - that, doesn’t matter whenever you started fueling your erotic desire.
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jacksulkes · 2 months
July 19 - Jiufen Mountain Village
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I woke up today right at the time they said to meet in the lobby because I forgot to set an alarm. I quickly got ready, and we made it to our first destination, an old traditional Japanese-style house. We had to take off our shoes and use the slippers they provided. Then we walked over to the Gold Museum. I touched the massive 500 lb. gold block that they had displayed. After the Gold Museum, the bus took us to Jiufen, which is a small village in the mountains overlooking the ocean. It was beautiful. They also had a long street market, so I ate lunch there. I tried a century egg for the first time at lunch. Then I walked to the end of the street market because there are a bunch of tea houses there. The tea houses were cool. After we left Jiufen, we went to an old train station and bought lanterns. We got to draw and write on the lanterns with the traditional Chinese calligraphy brush and ink. Then we let them go into the sky. On the walk back to the bus, I got a delicious scallion pancake that was made right in front of me. Later on, I went to the food court below Taipei 101 and tried an oyster omelet for dinner.
Academic Reflection:
In the Japanese-style house, I was surprised when Peter said that he grew up in a house like that in Taiwan. He educated me on how common and recent those houses were. It wasn’t just some old house that I was walking around in. I was learning about the experience of many Taiwanese people in recent history with regard to their dwellings. The Gold Museum was also surprising to me. I had no idea that Taiwan sort of had its own gold rush just like the US. Peter told us that they stopped mining for gold there as much now because the mines get deeper and more dangerous and expensive to mine.
Then when we got to Jiufen, Peter and Yeh Laoshi explained that Jiufen means nine portions because the original settlement consisted of nine families with their own portions of land. Once we got to the market, they set us free for a couple hours, so Peter had to give me directions on where the tea houses are. Peter also gave me instructions on the lanterns that I decorated. He explained that you’re supposed to write a wish on the lantern.
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pariahfox · 1 year
Currently taking a little breather in the middle of nomming down on tonight's leftover rice delight. I hadn't made any in a while, and we had suitable stuff, so a version of omuraisu it is.
Tonight's take is sort of a weird-but-tasty cheesedog version. I used sliced-up sausages that were open in the fridge plus plenty of veggies in the fried rice, and layered a little sliced cheese in between the rice and egg. Topping with the classic ketchup, plus a squeeze of sriracha and a sprinkle of crispy fried onions.
My omelet ended up pretty mangled, mostly because the pan wasn't quite hot enough when it went in. May not look nearly as nice that way, but it still tastes good. (But, no photos of the half-devoured plateload of whatever this is tonight!)
If you really don't like ketchup (like Mr. C), I've also made pretty good pizza-themed variations and at least one topped with salsa before. Japanese-style curry sauce is another pretty popular option. Easy enough to turn out vegetarian versions, and I probably would have tonight if we hadn't had the open package of varmkorv at the ready. Pretty flexible all around, in terms of what's likely to be tasty in something like this.
Not a bad filling makeshift meal, at all.
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kinryunomaii · 3 days
Kat Murata - General Informations
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Full name: Kathleen Murata
Nicknames: Kat, KitKat, Kiiro no ryū (Yellow Dragon), The Berserker, Boss, Sunny
Age: 26 by default. Depending on the verse but 3 years older than Jounouchi
Birthday: 30 May ( Gemini )
Birthplace: Domino City
Current residence: Domino City
Nationality: Japanese
Ethnicity: Japanese/Russian/Swedish
Gender: female
Sexuality: Heterosexual. Sort of Demi-romantic
Height: 1m90 (6′3”)
Weight: 85 kg (187lb)
Body type: Muscular, shaped by dance & combats
Face: Mostly Swedish features. Round, full lips, button nose with a scar on the edge. Freckles when she tans.
Hair: Wavy bob haircut, golden blonde
Eyes: Blue
Scars: An inverted V one on the nose, razor ones on her left wrist, circular ones on her upper back (from the summoning circle), a line on her abs, several smaller scars on the arms, body and legs, and cigarette burns on the right arms.
Tattoos: 3 dragon tattoos, one around her left wrist, one big yakuza one on her upper back with his tail that ends under her left breast, and one small on her right inner thigh.
Clothing style: flashy clothes, mostly crop top, hoodies, shorts, street-wear.
Scent: her cheap shampoo that smell candy for the hair, lemon for the body.
Powers: When Xeras is in control, regeneration, shadows manipulation, supernatural strength
Mental/Emotional disorder(s): Borderline personality disorder(false diagnostic: symptoms mostly due to Xeras’ possession), PTSD
Phobias: Musophobia(rodents), Nyctophobia (darkness), loss of limbs or paralysis.
Addictions: Risky gambles (involving her own security), coca cola, coffee, jelly coffee, sex
Likes: - Dance (hip hop, New Age ) She’s good at it. - 80’s songs and punk rock. But only people close to her know it. - Giving food related nicknames - Omelet - Pizza - Banana-chocolate ice-cream - Mostly all food - Coffee - Dragons - Playing Duel Monsters - Even more Dragons - Bowling - Space - Horror / Monster/Kaiju Movies - Sitting on anything
Doesn’t like: - Bullies - Doctors - University - Authority in general - Serial killer movies - Rodents - Being in the Dark - Disrespect
Hobbies: - Roller skating - Dancing - Dueling - Video games - Boxing, Full-contact - Yoga - Vogue fem
Habits: Turn things into competitions, stealing your food, entering where she shouldn’t.
Negative traits: Don’t know when to back down sometimes, can be pushy and loud, heavy eater, hot-tempered, don’t know how to lie for trivial things, she's attracted by power.
Positive traits: Seems to always smile, try until she succeeds, loyal, curious, ambitious.
Equipment: A knife in her boots or under her clothes, another one in her backpack that she always has. Her deck and her duel disk, battle city version.
Trinkets: Her old phone. She always has in her backpack, a USB key that was from her dad.
Collections: Several ones. Knives, guns, duel monster cards.
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fhjdbvhj · 9 days
Restaurant that delivers food Hoboken NJ
Hoboken, New Jersey, is home to a diverse range of restaurants offering a wide array of cuisines, and many of them provide delivery services to cater to the city’s bustling lifestyle. Whether you're craving Italian, American, Asian, or fusion dishes, there are numerous restaurants that deliver delicious food right to your doorstep. Here are some of the top restaurants in Hoboken that offer delivery:
Restaurant that delivers food Hoboken NJ
1. Otto Strada
Cuisine: Italian Specialties: Otto Strada is known for its authentic Italian dishes, including homemade pasta, wood-fired pizzas, and classic Italian comfort foods. They focus on fresh, locally sourced ingredients, and their delivery service ensures that you can enjoy a taste of Italy at home.
Popular Dishes: Margherita Pizza, Rigatoni alla Vodka, and Chicken Parmigiana.
Delivery: Available through apps like Grubhub, Uber Eats, and DoorDash.
2. Honeygrow
Cuisine: Asian Fusion Specialties: Honeygrow offers customizable stir-fries, salads, and their signature honeybar, where you can create a bowl with fruits, honey, and toppings. Their food is healthy, fresh, and quick to deliver, making it a great option for lunch or dinner.
Popular Dishes: Sesame Garlic Stir-Fry, Spicy Garlic Stir-Fry, and Make-Your-Own Salad.
Delivery: Available through platforms like Uber Eats and DoorDash.
3. La Isla
Cuisine: Cuban Specialties: A Hoboken institution, La Isla is famous for its Cuban-inspired dishes, including Ropa Vieja, Empanadas, and Cuban sandwiches. They offer large portions, bold flavors, and satisfying meals for delivery.
Popular Dishes: Cuban Sandwich, Ropa Vieja, and Tostones.
Delivery: Available through services like Seamless, Uber Eats, and DoorDash.
4. Bareburger
Cuisine: Organic Burgers and American Specialties: Bareburger focuses on delivering organic, locally sourced burgers, sandwiches, and salads. They offer a variety of proteins, including beef, turkey, and plant-based options like the Beyond Burger.
Popular Dishes: The American Burger, Sweet Potato Fries, and Beyond Burger.
Delivery: Available via Uber Eats, DoorDash, and Grubhub.
5. Charrito’s
Cuisine: Mexican Specialties: Charrito’s is known for its flavorful, authentic Mexican dishes. The restaurant offers a wide range of traditional Mexican entrees, including enchiladas, tacos, and guacamole made fresh to order.
Popular Dishes: Chicken Enchiladas, Tacos al Pastor, and Guacamole.
Delivery: Available through Grubhub, Uber Eats, and DoorDash.
6. Hoboken Pie
Cuisine: Pizza Specialties: If you're in the mood for pizza, Hoboken Pie delivers a range of pizza styles from classic New York-style slices to gourmet pies with creative toppings. The restaurant also offers a selection of pasta, salads, and sides.
Popular Dishes: Pepperoni Pizza, White Pizza, and Buffalo Chicken Pizza.
Delivery: Available on Seamless, Grubhub, and Slice.
7. Turning Point
Cuisine: Breakfast & Brunch Specialties: For those who prefer breakfast and brunch delivered, Turning Point offers a variety of breakfast items like pancakes, waffles, omelets, and fresh-pressed juices. It’s perfect for starting your day with a hearty meal without leaving your house.
Popular Dishes: Avocado Toast, Blueberry Pancakes, and Classic Eggs Benedict.
Delivery: Available through Uber Eats and DoorDash.
8. Sushi House of Hoboken
Cuisine: Japanese Specialties: Sushi House offers a wide variety of sushi rolls, sashimi, and Japanese appetizers, perfect for sushi lovers. They offer both traditional and creative sushi options for delivery.
Popular Dishes: Spicy Tuna Roll, Dragon Roll, and Shrimp Tempura.
Delivery: Available on Grubhub, Uber Eats, and DoorDash.
9. Mamoun’s Falafel
Cuisine: Middle Eastern Specialties: Mamoun’s Falafel is known for its delicious Middle Eastern fare, including falafel, shawarma, and hummus platters. Their affordable and tasty menu items are great for a quick and satisfying meal delivered to your door.
Popular Dishes: Falafel Sandwich, Chicken Shawarma, and Hummus with Pita.
Delivery: Available through Grubhub, Uber Eats, and DoorDash.
10. Greek Town
Cuisine: Greek Specialties: Greek Town offers a variety of Greek dishes, including gyros, souvlaki, and moussaka. Their Mediterranean flavors and fresh ingredients make it a great option for a healthy yet satisfying meal.
Popular Dishes: Chicken Gyro, Spanakopita, and Greek Salad.
Delivery: Available via Seamless, Uber Eats, and DoorDash.
Hoboken’s restaurant scene offers plenty of options for delivery, making it easy to enjoy a wide variety of cuisines from the comfort of your home. Whether you're in the mood for Italian, Cuban, or sushi, these restaurants provide reliable delivery services through popular apps like Grubhub, Uber Eats, and DoorDash. From casual eats to more gourmet offerings, Hoboken has something for everyone.
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Moving to a new country always involves a huge decision, especially when you are moving from the busy urban city of Hong Kong to the vibrant and diverse destination of Taiwan. Taiwan is a place where modernity, tradition, beauty of nature, and rich cultural heritage merge into a perfect blend that would make it an ideal choice for those people who move from Hong Kong. The article will cover what Taiwan has in store for moving individuals from Hong Kong, from style and cost of living to business and cultural experience.
1. Rich Cultural Experience
Taiwan offers rich cultural experience: Chinese tradition blended with indigenous influences, Japanese colonial history, and contemporary global trends. For those moving from Hong Kong, Taiwan offers a familiar yet unique cultural environment.
Language and Communication: Mandarin is the official language of Taiwan, very much similar to the Cantonese dialect spoken in Hong Kong. Although the dialect may vary, most Hongkongers do find it quite easily adapted to Mandarin. English is commonly used, particularly among businessmen and tourism sectors, so communicating for foreigners should not be too much of a problem.
Festivals and Traditions: Taiwan's calendar is filled with traditional festivals such as Lunar New Year, Dragon Boat Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival. Each of these is celebrated with great fanfare and provides excellent exposure to local traditions for movers from Hong Kong. Its aboriginal cultures also bring along unique rituals and festivals that further broaden cultural exposure.
Culinary Delights: Whether it's variety or taste, Taiwanese cuisine has it all. From night markets with street food, stinky tofu, oyster omelets to high-end restaurants with gourmet meals, Taiwan is the reason behind moving to the place. Food culture might be close to that of Hong Kong; however, Taiwan adds its very own twist and makes it another experience for the foodies.
2. High Standard of Living
It is well known that Taiwan has an extremely high standard of living, even though it's only relatively modern and quite reasonably priced compared to Hong Kong.
Lower Cost of Living: Moving to Taiwan might be most attractive, especially considering the lower cost of living. In comparison to Hong Kong, housing, transportation, and daily expenses are relatively cheap. For example, an apartment can be rented in Taipei  at a far lesser price compared to Hong Kong. This will give moving persons a better life at a reduced cost.
Healthcare System: Taiwan possesses one of the best Healthcare Systems in the world. Its current NHI prescribes comprehensive coverage at low cost, thereby securing its residents' access to quality health care. Regarding health issues, the movers from Hong Kong are at peace since they are well-protected if they become ill or get injured.
Education and Family Life: Educational opportunities range from international schools at the local level. Many of these institutions have built up a high reputation in Taiwan based on high academic standards. For those relocating from Hong Kong with a family, Taiwan is a very safe, clean environment that offers world-class education and extracurricular activities for children. This country also prides itself in family values and a sense of community, which makes it an ideal place to bring up children.
3. Business and Career Opportunities
Taiwan is a booming center for technology, manufacturing, and innovation. Opportunities in business and career are boundless for the Hong Kong mover.
Technology: Taiwan stands out among the leading countries in technology and electronic manufacturing. It accommodates leading global technology companies such as TSMC and Foxconn. In this regard, it offers a very dynamic and innovative environment to professionals working in the tech industry and provides limitless career opportunities. The focus towards R&D makes it significant for entrepreneurs and startups as well.
Business Environment: Taiwan has an enterprising environment, complete with well-developed infrastructure, a legal system clearly charted and transparent, and strong intellectual property protection. Its government welcomes foreign investment and has various incentives for business; thus, Taiwan is an attractive destination for Hong Kong entrepreneurs seeking expansion or new ventures.
Networking and Professional Growth: With its vast community of expats and the countless industry events, there certainly isn't a shortage of networking opportunities. Movers from Hong Kong can network with fellow peers, go to conferences, and join business organizations that will help facilitate professional growth and collaboration.
4. Natural Beauty and Outdoor Activities
Taiwan boasts magnificent natural landscapes that offer a great number of outdoor activities for movers who are nature and adventure lovers.
National Parks and Scenic Areas: Taiwan has many national parks and scenic areas, such as Taroko Gorge, Alishan, Sun Moon Lake, and many more. People can appreciate the views from high points, go for walks along paths, and enjoy the different varieties of life in Taiwan. For movers from the urban setting of Hong Kong, Taiwan's natural beauty provides a refreshing getaway.
Beaches and Coastal Towns: Taiwan abounds in beautiful beaches and the corresponding towns that form along their coastlines. Places like Kenting and Hualien offer visitors sandy shores, clear waters, and the possibilities for surfing, snorkeling, and diving. For those relocating from Hong Kong, the beaches of Taiwan are an ideal weekend retreat.
Outdoor Adventures: Taiwan's diversified land offers a variety of outdoor activities one can do, including mountain climbing, river tracing, cycling, and hot spring baths. The infrastructure seems well-preserved, and good accessibility makes it easy for movers to have great fun exploring and putting themselves into outdoor activities the whole year round.
5. A Welcoming and Inclusive Society
Taiwan is a country of warm-hearted people, making it easy to settle down and fit right in.
Expatriate Community: Taiwan has a large, dynamic expat community with many hailing from Hong Kong. This can provide support for new people by way of advice, social connections, and even belonging. Many different groups of expats or organizations have regular events where it is easy to meet new people and fit into local life.
Cultural Openness: Taiwan has been culturally open and progressive, making the place very tolerant and accepting of diversity. Taiwan's vibrant LGBTQ+ community, many inclusive policies, and respect for human rights, would make it an ideal location for all types of people. This openness to culture might make the transition of movers from Hong Kong to a life in Taiwan smoother and comfortable.
Safety and Security: Taiwan is one of the safest countries in Asia, given its low criminal rates and high communal sense. Safety with a friendly and respectful society will assure that Taiwan remains a suitable destination for families and any individual looking for a secure environment.
Taiwan is an attractive package for the Hong Kong mover: cultural richness, high standard of living, abundant business opportunities, and simply stunning natural beauty. Looking for a new career challenge, better quality of life, or just a change of scenery—Taiwan has everything. With its friendly society, diverse experiences, and very strong links to global markets, Taiwan ranks among the best places for those considering a move from Hong Kong.
For more information please visit Asiantiger movers in Hong Kong
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mycookwarereviews · 3 months
My Journey with the Geynutaly Non-Stick Tamagoyaki Pan - https://tinyurl.com/27kcznau
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nauraars · 4 months
Recommended Food Supplies for College: Practical, Healthy and Delicious
Bringing lunch while studying has many benefits. Apart from saving money, bringing provisions can also ensure healthier nutritional intake and maintain cleanliness. Here are some recommendations for practical, healthy and delicious food supplies to accompany your college days. Bringing a packed meal to college not only saves money, but also gives you more control over the quality and nutrition of the food you consume. Enjoy trying the various recipes above and hopefully your studies will be more productive!
Japanese style bento rice
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Japanese-style bento boxes are practical and varied provisions. You can combine rice, protein and vegetables in one box.
White rice or brown rice
Teriyaki chicken or grilled salmon
Carrots and cucumber (cut into thin strips)
Rolled omelet (tamagoyaki)
How to make:
Put rice in one part of the lunch box.
Arrange the teriyaki chicken or salmon alongside the rice.
Add edamame, carrots and cucumber.
Slice the rolled omelet and place it on the remaining portion
Shredded Chicken Recipe
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Shredded chicken is a delicious and practical dish that can be enjoyed with rice, noodles, or as a sandwich filling. Here is an easy and delicious shredded chicken recipe.
- 1 kilogram of boneless chicken breast
- 3 lime leaves, remove the leaf bones
- 2 lemongrass stalks, bruised
- 3 bay leaves
- 1 galangal segment, bruised
- 200 ml thick coconut milk
- 2 tablespoons oil for frying
- Enough water to boil the chicken
- Salt and sugar to taste
Ground spices:
- 6 red onions
- 4 cloves garlic
- 5 large red chilies
- 3 curly red chilies (to taste)
- 3 candlenuts, roasted
- 1 segment of turmeric
How to cook:
1. Boiled Chicken:
   - Boil chicken breast in boiling water until cooked.
   - Remove and drain, then shred the chicken until smooth. Set aside.
2. Saute Seasoning:
   - Heat oil in a frying pan.
   - Saute the ground spices until fragrant.
   - Add lemongrass, bay leaves, lime leaves and galangal. Saute until the spices are cooked and fragrant.
3. Cook Shredded Chicken:
   - Add the shredded chicken to the sautéed spices.
   - Add coconut milk, stir well.
   - Cook over low heat until the spices are absorbed and the coconut milk thickens.
   - Add salt and sugar to taste, adjust to taste.
4. Serve:
   - Remove the shredded chicken from the pan.
   - Serve the shredded chicken with warm rice or as a bread filling.
- If you want a spicier taste, add more chilies to taste.
- For variation, you can add a little sweet soy sauce for a more savory and sweet taste.
Shredded chicken is ready to be served as a delicious and practical side dish. Good luck!
Tips for Bringing Supplies to College
Choose the right container: Use an airtight lunch container to keep food fresh.
Prepare at night: Prepare the ingredients for lunch at night so that you don't have to rush in the morning.
Use an ice pack: If the lunch contains perishable ingredients, use an ice pack to maintain the temperature.
Bring healthy snacks: Apart from main meals, also bring healthy snacks such as cut fruit, nuts or yogurt.
Bringing lunch to campus is a wise choice that has many benefits. By bringing your own supplies, you can:
Save Costs: Reduce daily expenses that are usually used to buy food outside.
Maintaining Health: Controlling nutritional intake and ensuring food is free from unwanted additives.
Increase Time Efficiency: No need to spend time looking for a place to eat in the middle of a busy schedule.
Maintaining Hygiene: Ensuring that food is prepared to high standards of cleanliness.
Various lunch ideas such as chicken and quinoa salad, vegetable fried rice, avocado chicken wrap, simple sushi rolls, and pasta salad can be practical, healthy, and delicious choices to accompany your college days. These foods are easy to prepare and pack, making it easier for you to stay on track with a healthy diet.
With the right preparation and creativity in preparing the menu, bringing lunch to campus can become a fun and beneficial habit. Enjoy trying the various lunch recipes above, I hope your studies will be more productive and full of positive energy!.
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