#January 10
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shisasan · 2 months ago
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10 January, 1924 Letters to Véra by Vladimir Nabokov
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tswiftupdatess · 2 months ago
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Rolling Stone has named 'folklore' as the 5th greatest album of the 21st century so far!
(January 10, 2025)
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dailykafka · 1 year ago
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— January 10, 1920 / Franz Kafka diaries
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typelikeagirl · 2 months ago
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chalamet-chalamet · 2 months ago
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1/10/2025-Timothée Chalamet Set as ‘SNL’ Host and Musical Guest on January 25, 2025. 💥💥💥
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musickickztoo · 2 months ago
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David Bowie   
January 8, 1947 – January 10, 2016
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dearaustinbutler · 2 months ago
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Austin Butler at the 80th Annual Golden Globe Awards on January 10, 2023 in Beverly Hills. ✨✨
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happybirthday-unusannus · 2 months ago
Happy 5th Birthday to
“Ethan Finally Becomes a MAN”
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chic-a-gigot · 2 months ago
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La Mode illustrée, no. 2, 10 janvier 1897, Paris. Robe-princesse en velours-miré. Robe en soie armurée vieux rose. Modèles de chez Mmes Coussinet-Piret, rue Richer, 43. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
Robe-princesse en velours-miré.
Robe en velours-miré violet, garni d'entre-deux de dentelle et de bandes de fourrure. La robe bordée de fourrure, est ornée devant des deux côtés avec des entre-deux de guipure noire, posés sur du ruban de faille lilas, montant environ jusqu'au genou et terminés par des choux en ruban lilas. Les entre-deux sont bordés de bandes de fourrure. Le corsage fermé derrière est orné en forme de veste avec de la fourrure et des entre-deux de dentelle posés sur du ruban. On pose sur le corsage devant deux motifs en perles violettes et passementerie de soie. Un motif en même passementerie forme la ceinture. Col droit en velours. Les manches ornées de manchettes en dentelle, sont garnies sur les épaules de larges épaulettes bordées de fourrure.
Dress in purple velvet-miré, trimmed with lace inserts and fur strips. The dress is edged with fur, is decorated in front on both sides with black guipure inserts, placed on lilac faille ribbon, reaching approximately to the knee and finished with lilac ribbon choux. The inserts are edged with fur strips. The closed bodice at the back is decorated in the form of a jacket with fur and lace inserts placed on ribbon. Two motifs in purple pearls and silk trimmings are placed on the front bodice. A motif in the same trimmings forms the belt. Straight velvet collar. The sleeves decorated with lace cuffs are trimmed on the shoulders with wide fur-trimmed epaulettes.
Robe en soie armurée vieux rose.
Cette robe de forme princesse, est garnie d'un tablier en lèze de dentelle et de rubans de velours noir. Le tablier est disposé au bord supérieur du corsage en trois rangs de bouillonnés; le bord inférieur du tablier est garni d'un haut volant en dentelle formant devant de petits bouillonnés, et se continue sous le bord dentelé de la robe de dessus. La robe est garnie de trois rangs de rubans de velours noir, qui se continuent dans le dos, en pointe, jusqu'à la taille. Un col droit plissé en velours noir, terminé la robe. Les manches ajustées, sont garnies de rubans de velours et d'une manchette en dentelle; on pose sur les épaules des bouillonnés, relevés sur le milieu de la manche en formant des rosaces; et bordés d'une dentelle froncée.
This princess-shaped dress is trimmed with a lace apron and black velvet ribbons. The apron is arranged at the upper edge of the bodice in three rows of ruffles; the lower edge of the apron is trimmed with a high lace flounce forming small ruffles in front, and continues under the scalloped edge of the outer dress. The dress is trimmed with three rows of black velvet ribbons, which continue in the back, in a point, to the waist. A straight pleated collar in black velvet, completes the dress. The fitted sleeves are trimmed with velvet ribbons and a lace cuff; ruffles are placed on the shoulders, raised on the middle of the sleeve forming rosettes; and edged with gathered lace.
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lulublack90 · 2 months ago
Prompt 10 - Favour
@jegulus-microfic January 10, Word count 253
Previous part First part
What the hell was going on? James yanked Regulus’s hand and forced him behind his back, shielding him from the enormous snail. Its beady eyes turned in their direction, its body still facing in the opposite direction. 
With a sickening squelch, the snail began to turn. It moved much faster than he’d expected. Thankfully, they both had quick reflexes thanks to years playing quidditch and took off back the way they'd come. 
“Why is it so big?!” Regulus gasped as James all but dragged him down the corridor.
“No idea,” He grunted as he made a sharp left, the snail still on their tail. 
They ground to a halt as they came face to face with another of the enormous shelled gastropods. “Fuck!” James exclaimed as he changed course, spinning Regulus around to go back the way they’d just come, but it was too late. The other snail had caught up with them.
James panted, spinning his head this way and that, looking for a way out.
“Do me a favour and stop trying to be the hero,” Regulus drawled boredly, as though they hadn’t just legged it down two corridors. He tugged at James’s hand, with a lot more strength than James had given him credit for, and opened a secret passage beside them. They fell into it just as the two snails collided with each other slimily. James shuddered at the sound and lit his wand, taking in Regulus’s scowl.
“We need to find my brother,” Regulus spat through gritted teeth.
Next part
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todaysdocument · 2 months ago
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Petition of Ohioans to the Senate and House of Representatives Regarding Land Sale Policy
Record Group 233: Records of the U.S. House of RepresentativesSeries: Petitions and Memorials Referred to the Committee on Public LandsFile Unit: Petitions and Memorials, Resolutions of State Legislatures, and Related Documents Which Were Referred to the Committee on Public Lands during the 11th Congress
To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled.
[left column]
The Subscribers, inhabitants of the state of Ohio, by their Petition, respectfully pray-That your honorable bodies will be pleased to extend the law of Congress passed the second day of March, 1809, entitle "An act to extent the time of making payment for the public lands of the United States, as as to relievet he purchasers of the public lands in a similar manner as in the years 1805, and 1806." The same embarrassments, and from the same reasons ; the same scarcity of circulating medium, and from the same causes, operate to distress your petitioners, as was set forth by many of us in our humble petition to your honorable bodies at your last annual session. Your petitioners find the means of payment suspended in a greater degree, than was felt last year ; little emigration ; no market for our surplus produce, and forbidding prospects of collecting our money from those that purchased our real or personal property in states from whence we emigrated, in time to make our payments to the United States, as stipulated by the laws of Congress now in force.
Your petitioners also further pray, that your honorable bodies will be pleased to grant a pre-emption to the original purchases, or his or their assignee or assignees, who was legally entitled to the survey so forfeited, had he or they made the payments agreeably to the laws now in force. This humane, and to us, beneficial regulation, will prevent the greedy speculators from depriving us of the comforts of our labor and honest industry, and often save us and our helpless families from total ruin. Many of your petitioners have made large improvements on our lands, under a full conviction that we should be per-
[right column]
fectly able to complete our payments, agreeably to the laws of the United States-But the possibility of a failure in payment, from the causes before adverted to, has brought amongst us a number of land speculators, men who live on the sweat from other men's brows, who generally place themselves in the most considerable towns in the state, and particularly in those towns where the land-offices are fixed-At the public sales for the non-payment of lands, (which happens three times in every year, i.e. at every court of common pleas) these adventurers closely attend the sales, frequently to the number of twenty or thirty, and sometimes to the exclusion of the ignorant farmer from the office ; and immediately on the reversion of the lands to the United States, apply in a body, and often obtain the very lands which we have toiled and labored on for years, and thereby made the wilderness a smiling paradise-From this property we are immediately dispossessed, and by such persons, and by such means ; or we must comply with their terms, which generally is, to give our bonds to the fortunate speculator for a considerable sum, sometimes more than the original price of the land, and also take the future payments to the United States on ourselves-The payment of these obligations, disenables us to comply with the future payments to the United States, and only procrastinates the day of poverty and distress a few years longer.-Much more could be detailed on this, to us, important subject ; but we forbear-believing and depending in the wisdom and justice of Congress to grant us such relief, as in their superior wisdom may seem meet.-And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray.
[handwritten signatures, left column]
Samuel Bunn
John [Cunningham ? illegible]
Abner Epery
Benjamin Arnold
Solomon Ross
John Montgomery
Alex. Finley
James Morrison
Thomas Esery
James Morison
William [Aniston ? illegible]
Joseph Hanks
William Montgomery
Hugh [? illegible]
[handwritten signatures, right column]
John Russell
Joseph Flint
Moses McCall
[Hephra? illegible] Boyd
Joseph Lockard
Daniel Doll
Abraham Doll
[J ? illegible] Linnary
William Dyk
Thomas Cartt
Joseph Ross
Edward Salts
Lawson Linton
[Gecheviacca ? illegible] Lindon
Sam Hanford Senior
29 petitioners
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shisasan · 2 months ago
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10 January 1907, Aleksandr Blok (1880-1921), Selected Poems
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tswiftupdatess · 2 months ago
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Rolling Stone has named 'Red' as the 36th greatest album of the 21st century!
(January 10, 2025)
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kruk-art · 1 year ago
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January Day 10 - Lamiae
Late again :D There will be 2 more today. I have to make up ^^
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snoopylovessoup · 2 months ago
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cypherdecypher · 1 year ago
Animal of the Day!
Pineapple Sea Cucumber (Thelenota ananas)
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(Photo from Florent’s Guide to the Tropic Reefs)
Conservation Status- Endangered
Habitat- Indo-West Pacific Ocean
Size (Weight/Length)- 6 kg; 70 cm
Diet- Algae
Cool Facts- Pineapple sea cucumbers are the kings of the sandy bottom. Active mostly during the day, these sea cucumbers wiggle their way across the ocean floor using numerous tube-like feet. They sift through sand with their large mouth for algae, helping to recycle nutrients like a true bottom feeder. The pineapple sea star plays host to hundreds of parasites, up to 800 unique species at one time, some never known to science until the discovery of this cucumber. Despite their numerous parasites, the pineapple sea cucumber is a delicacy in China and has resulted in their sharp population decline.
Rating- 11/10 (Has ananas in its scientific name, I applaud scientists.)
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