#Jang Deok-su x reader
lil-requestcorner · 2 years
jang deok-su x reader
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↝"Jang Deok-su dating S/O, who's a big fan of horror films?"
↝hcs, gender neutral reader
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Jang Deok-su has seen a lot of horrible things in his life time. Crime, pain, and death and more than a little of those things were caused by his own hands. It's safe to say he's seen it all and at this point he's desensitized to them. Ghosts, ghouls, and jumpscares though? No, thank you. You put on a horror movie and he instantly has an excuse as to why he's got to leave. It's hilarious.
His reactions are priceless to horror movies. They're not exactly big like screaming, jumping out of his seat, etc etc, but he's still very obviously scared. Deok-su will curse under his breath often and I feel sorry for you if you allow him to hold onto you. He'll unknowingly grip you extremely hard, hard enough to leave small, light marks on your knee and thighs (what can I say, I view him as a leg guy).
I imagine that to get him to be in the same room, much less even get him to consider watching the movie with you, it would take quite a bit of bribery. I'm talking all of his favorite snacks and a lot of physical affection on your part. If you succeed in getting him on the couch and watching whatever horror movie you chose, I congratulate you.
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agustsvga · 3 years
good news! for my birthday, i’ll soon be gifting you, my dearest friends and readers, more squid game content! — not in order, chances are will be publishing them also not in order :D!
tongue-tied — seong gi-hun x f!reader x cho sang-woo
ali abdul & f!reader relationship headcanons
good luck — ali abdul x f!reader
best years — the salesman x f!reader
husband!sang-woo headcanons
quiet — hwang jun-ho x f!reader
in which the squid game characters are protective of you
adjournment — the salesman x f!reader
and more!!!
yum, gunna have myself some cake after this, and have myself a happy birthday 🌻
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
The Guilt of Innocence (Deok-su x gn reader)
prompt: Player 101 shares some not so shitty words after the marble game. 
reader: gender neutral (they/them)
word count: 1.8k
warning: guilt, blood, cursing, the reader is an orphan, addiction (not really specified to what), death, talk of children and futures, potenial soulmates?? and like one kiss and hand holding. oh and of course my shitty grammar.
Marbles, stupid fucking marbles, that dumb game you could never quite understand nor achieve a win during your youth. But fate must have been on your side, since you had been victorious. Your partner, a blonde-eyed guy who had been by your side most of the games, even offering you chunks of his food, was dead. The crazy laughter he gave when he realized he lost, then the dark filling in his eyes, the begging and crying and snot dripping down his nose was the worst part. Not once have you seen him so.. pathetic, it’s not like you knew him, but the late night talks and the “when we get out of here, I’ll bring you home to my family and will take you in” had meant more than you thought it would. 
The shot and the withdrawing of a gun and the quiet that followed with all the madness, was the worst part. No, the blood shed and brains was, you still had his blood on your hands, quite literally. Or maybe the growing friendship was the worst part, because truly, humans will do whatever they will to survive, you had been relieved when you won the marbles. Maybe the worst part was yourself, how you felt no guilt or maybe this was the guilt? You couldn’t pull yourself together, one of the guards had helped you back to the dorms. You blinked as the door shut, turning around to see it was closed with another guard standing beside it. 
You took many steps until you climbed up the ladder to the top bunk, your bed hard and cold. It was just last night that he had been sitting beside you, telling you all about his daughter and wife. You opened your mouth to continue the conversation, but realized he wasn’t here. You blinked your eyes again, looking down at the room but not seeing anything. The faces looked all the same, shamed but relieved. Or was there shame? Anyone left to play another game must not have shame, right? Who could kill another person and live to kill another, all for that stupid money that sat above your heads. You concluded that the worst part, had been yourself. 
You had grown up in a home, one of the few youngest of the group that were merely 20. After you got kicked out of the children's home with barely any money, of course an addiction started to make the pain go away. That’s why the guy seeked you out, he said you grew up the same as him, but he had made so much progress in his later years, a wife and some children. He said he was happy. 
What a fucking liar, if he was so happy why’d he leave and come back for the money? Who knew if his story was even true, some bullshit. His family was better left off without him, it’s not like he had any reason to come here if he was so happy. For poor or for worse, it was a wedding vow wasn’t it? You’d barely know but maybe he was better off dead, maybe you were better off to kill him. 
With all the thinking, you had curled yourself into your knees. Head resting in the gap between them, you heard a grunt and the tilt of the metal that held the bed. A head popped up from the ladder, a body following. You read the player number and sulked, that stupid idiot. 
Deok-su took a seat near the edge, you sat opposite against the wall. You kept staring ahead, your thoughts were incomplete as you battled with the sake of trying to find good in yourself. At Least with a person like Deok-su, there isn’t a doubt you're good, you loathe to have that kind of clarity. 
“The guy was gonna die anyways,” he spoke, his voice was rough and plain as he scratched his neck. You took a glance over to him, blinking slowly before tilting your head back in front. “Trust me, guys like that aren’t any good for people like you,” 
Even without a person to defend anymore, even knowing the guy you killed was probably some junky loser, you still felt the need to defend him, even if you had been the one to kill him, didn’t you owe him that much? 
“He ain’t bad, you don’t know a thing about him,” you told him, you didn’t like that he was sitting on your bed, you hadn’t liked the way he was looking at you either. He stayed silent, lips pursed as he took a glance around before drawing his eyes back to you, he tended to do that a lot. 
“And you do?” He croaked out, scoffing as if he was having a fight with a lover. You finally kept your eyes on him, he grew soft and looked at your hands. “Trust me, that guy’s promises don’t mean shit, he would’ve left you in a heart beat after you won the game for him,” he concluded like he knew the outcome, you sulked again. 
“I’m not winning the game,” you say, the thought of dying wasn’t so bad anymore. The past few days the thoughts of dying weren’t so bad, though if it came time you’d probably freak, all that was left of you was instincts. 
Deok-su didn’t like the sound of that, to be truthful he had grown a fondness over you for the past few days. He had gone out of his way to even keep you alive, not like you had noticed. The night of the fight he told his men to fuck off with going around you, you didn’t hear him, not like he had wanted you too. The fight was brutal for you, a girl had hit you over the head with a board she found and you had been left unconscious. You thought you had just been lucky with fate when you woke up, but little did you know Deok-su was the one who kept you alive. 
He didn’t feel silly for thinking he would win the game and take home the money, but he did feel silly for thinking you would come with him. He had to remind himself that you didn’t know of his efforts, nor did you know of his feelings. 
Surprisingly, Deok-su didn’t want to use you for his personal gain of winning. He sucked in a long breath, wishing he was sucking in a cigarette before rubbing the sand off his jumpsuit and moved to the ladder. It was clear you didn’t want him around. 
You took his elbow, eyes still focusing on the wall across the big room. You felt so small compared to all the space, you’ve never been so small in a big room before, they’re were always other people sulking just mere inches away from you. Deok-su slid back up, this time taking a seat beside you. Your hand slid down his arm, taking his hand as you gripped the hard texture. He squeezed your hand back. 
You lowered your knees, letting out a breath as you took your chance and leaned your head on his shoulder. “Can you just promise me that when we win, we will pay off all our debts and be a family? A real family?” You whispered, you didn’t know whether you wanted the words from your old friend or him, but either way it didn’t matter. The loneliness of no real family was devastating and it all hit you in the last few weeks. 
Deok-su, out of character, kissed your forehead and rubbed your head with his spare hand. “When we get out of here, I’m going to buy us an apartment. A two bedroom apartment, but will share a room for ourselves so we won’t have to be apart,” he said, like he had it all planned out. You nodded along, urging for his words to continue. “And? What’s the second room for?” You asked, peeking over and looking at him. 
“I don’t know, maybe a kid if you’re up for it, maybe two, three, some pets,” he shrugged, his heart thuds deep in his chest, pulling his eyes away as he began to get flustered. 
“Well if you wanna have three kids we’re gonna need to buy a house, but in a good neighborhood, one near a park so we can take them down there in the summer,” you conclude, maybe deep down you had thought about it too. You never would settle with a guy like him, a guy who was destined to be some deep within coward, but you couldn’t help it. The guilty want the innocent, and maybe the innocent want the guilty too. 
“Yeah? How big of a house?” He asked, a small grin taking place as he looked over at you. You hummed, nodding as if you knew all the details. “It will have to be a two story, but quite big, not a mansion. But we wouldn’t dress rich ya know? I don’t wanna be the type of parent who don’t care for our kids, nor do I wanna get a nanny,” 
“Yeah fuck nanny’s,” he nodded along, you grinned at that. “Well hopefully not literally,” you asked and you both broke out in a pure innocent giggle. 
The giggling had subsided for just a mere moment, eyes locked and lips nearing. You almost began to flutter your eyes closed before some guy began to shout below you. “Damn fucker,” Deok-su cursed. 
The moment was ruined, the innocent and guilty realized their mistake, the connection was lost. You both listened to the man scream that the game could be over if we took a vote, he wasn’t too convincing with a jake load of money hanging above his head. 
The last few minutes before lights out, everyone was quiet after the little quarrel between the guy and Sang-woo. Deok-su still had his hand in yours, you tried to slip away but he held it tighter and you kept it there. You watched the timer tick down til lights out, a minute left. 
Over the course of a minute, you began to ponder again. Were you innocent, if you were innocent then who was to blame? You thought about the gunshot and the quiet that followed, the quiet that followed after every gunshot. Now here in the silence, without a gunshot to supply it, you have time to think. 
The lights went out, you turned and tilted your head awkwardly, kissing the guy beside you. The innocent and guilty don’t belong together, but the guilty and guilty do. Love doesn’t stop just before the guilty. If that were true, love would be a broken system. People, despite their thoughts and actions, still have a soulmate. Who knew if Deok-su was truly your soulmate, but he felt like one.
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writing-joy · 3 years
First Incounter
- Pairing: Jang Deok-su x Fem!Reader
- Summary: She didn't expect to meet him at all, never mind saving him.
- Word Count: 890
- Warning(s): Mentions of death, Cannon death, Violence, Threat of death, one swear.
- A/n: This is my first time posting a fanfic so I hope I'm doing this right. I just finished watching Squid Game and was desperate to read fanfiction on it, but I couldn't find one that contained what I wanted, so I decided to write my own and share it with you all. I hope you enjoy!
The reader uses She/Her pronouns but can be replaced with an OC as no name is mentioned for her. I'll try and keep my fics as Y/N free as possible.
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The moment the lid was removed she recognised the game. She used to play it a lot as a kid, and she liked to think she was still pretty good.
The voice from the speakers explained the rules before the timer started and everyone began, with the pin in hand she began removing the shape.
Even though each time a gunshot went off she jumped slightly, she was doing very well. Much faster than most.
She was almost done, almost there.
The guy next to her pleaded, "P-please no!" Before another gunshot went off and the eerily cheery woman's voice rang throughout the room once more.
Finally the shape was extracted, now the stressful process of removing it from the tray.
She lifted it, slowly, carefully.
If she dropped it now, she too would end up like the guy next to her. With a bullet in her head.
She let out a chuckle of relief, she had removed it from the dish successfully! 
She looked up at the Triangle mask in front of her before holding out her palms and showing the completed shape, she let out another relieved chuckle when her number was said to have passed.
She then stood up to leave, but a few people away from her, she saw the thug with the snake tattoo, reduced to stress and frustration as he attempted to complete his shape with shaking hands.
She had a battle in her mind, to leave him to his fate or help him.
If she didn't find him so alluring she probably would have left him there and she cursed his pretty little face as she turned to walk to him.
He didn't bother looking up as she approached, thinking she was just on her way to the exit. But when she kneeled beside him, his gaze snapped to her face.
She moved to gently take the honeycomb from him but the hand that was not on the container shot forward and grabbed her wrist tightly, glaring at her distrustfully.
She moved her other hand to her pocket to reveal her perfectly extracted shape, "Let me do it." She whispered.
He didn't reply, but his grip on her wrist loosened so she could pull away.
They gazed at each other for a moment before she brought her attention down to the honeycomb.
"Concentrate on the honeycomb, not the hot guy." Was the mantra in her mind as she worked.
He didn't have to worry about any Honeycomb now, so he was safe to admire her and realise how gorgeous this woman was.
At least until she finished and he had to look away again.
It wasn't her best work as she was somewhat, preoccupied, but she finished quickly enough and held the shape up between their faces before giving him a smirk of triumph that made his heart feel funny.
She then placed the shape in his still shaking hands and sped towards the exit. Lightly springing over the necessary bodies.
He couldn't help but watch her go before turning and holding up the honeycomb shape to the Triangle mask in front of him.
Deok-su entered the main room, eyes already searching for the strange girl who had helped him. He found her, high up on one of the beds, watching the slow trickle of people ambling in.
When she noticed him staring she smirked at him and gave him a flirtatious wink.
He replied with a small smirk of his own before moving over to her, then he grabbed hold of the lower bunk beds and pulled himself up.
As he swiftly made his way up to her bed she couldn't help but admire him, not only did he have a pretty face but his body wasn't half bad either.
He ended up standing on the bed below, unable to join her on her bed for she had her legs spread out in the way. 
He glared at her and she glared back, both testing and challenging the other. Deok-su lifted an eyebrow at her childish behaviour and she finally brought her legs into herself, so he had room to sit on the bed with her.
She watched more people filter in, as he mainly watched her.
"Why did you do that earlier?" He asked after a moment.
It was her first time hearing his voice this close to her, it sent shivers up her spine, but she liked his voice, a lot.
She turned to him and replied, "I wanted too, plus, I've decided the cute guys in this make it more fun." She smirked at him again. "Can't have you dying so soon can we?"
"You think I'm cute?" He spat the last word out, with a scoff.
"Would you prefer adorable?" She asked sarcastically, nudging his shoulder with her own.
He cringed slightly at her reply, before adding flirtily, while leaning closer to her "How about handsome or strong… Whichever you prefer."
They kept eye contact as he got closer, he glanced down at her lips and she could feel his breath on her face.
Then she pulled away, going back to watching the people below with a soft pink dusting her cheeks.
Playing hard to get she decided would be the way to go, she wasn't just there for him to fuck and leave at a moments notice.
And that's the end of my very first posted fic!
I hope you enjoyed it, constructive criticism is always welcome.
Please like, reblog and leave comments.
I will read the comments you send and although they only take a moment, they would mean so much to me.
Please do not repost, copy or translate my fics without asking me first.
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parkvcrs · 3 years
Guardian Angel
SUMMARY: s/n y/n accidentally catches the eye of one of the guards.
PAIRING: guard! x player!fem!reader.
WARNING(S): death, blood, that sort of stuff.
NOTES: i guess minor spoilers for the third episode of squid game if you haven’t seen it.
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Player 018 fiddled with the end of her uniform as she grabbed her breakfast from one of the guards, “Thank you.” She nodded her head towards him. A circle is drawn on his mask. It stands for being below the triangle and the square. This is a simple rule. However, the player seemed to be genuine in showing her appreciation of the meal — as if feeding her is not their responsibility, but a generous gesture.
The guard, in particular, was well-costumed to the rules that he must obey. He was not a manager nor a soldier, but a worker. A worker who is the "civilian" staff in the sense that they are given menial tasks — body disposal, preparing games, cleaning maintenance, and food distribution. Their role in the Games does not require them to speak or possess weapons. But most importantly:
He knew he wasn’t supposed to converse on his jurisdiction, but found himself compelled to respond to Player 018. He opened his mouth to engage in a conversation, but stopped himself, reminding himself of the rules and what would happen if he disobeyed. “S/n Y/n!” A voice called for the young woman, prompting her to tense. Turning around, the contestant retreated to her group with her breakfast in hand.
As the guard continued passing out the meal to the remaining players, he couldn’t help but glance occasionally in Player 018’s, or rather, S/n’s, general direction. Before the two knew it, it was time for the second game.
All players were herded to a spacious room that was made up to mimic a giant-sized playground, with a towering jungle jim and an adult-sized slide and so on. Despite the circumstances, Player 018 couldn’t help but get distracted by the scenery until the intercom rang loudly throughout the room: “Players, welcome to the second game. We will begin shortly.” At this, she frowned — reminding herself that she could spare no expense. She could not let herself daydream at a time like this, for it could jeopardize her chances of advancing to the next round. With a small sigh, she tilted her head back as she listened carefully to the instructions. “Players, before the game begins, choose one of the four available shapes you see on the wall. Once you’ve chosen your shape, please stand in front of it. Choose a shape and stand in front of it immediately.”
At this, S/n’s eyebrows furrowed together with subtle confusion as she tried her best to look past the shoulders of everyone in front of her. She looked at her options: a circle, a triangle, a star, and an umbrella. Player 018 stood there for a moment whilst trying to make up her mind for making her final decision before the intercom prompted that everyone should move faster, “Choose a shape and stand in front of it immediately.” It repeated.
Feeling as if she was being rushed, Player 018 began to pace in front of the various lines but ultimately decided to pick the star. Even though she was compelled to pick the umbrella from the beginning, her gut authorized against it.
“The time to select your shape has ended. I will now explain the rules of the next game. All players, please take one case each from the table at the front of your line.” With that, the lines started to move as guards handed out small tins. Eventually, it got to S/n’s turn and she was met face-to-face with another guard with a circle pattern imprinted onto his mask. Unbeknownst to her, it was the same guard from this morning. Player 018’s gaze shifted between the tin and the guard’s mask. “All players, please take one case each from the table at the front of your line.” The voice recited.
Realizing that she was holding up the line, she let out an embarrassed chuckle as she went to reach out for her tin but accidentally grazed over the guard’s hand. “Oh, my apologies…” She whispered before nodding her head to show her gratitude once more. “Thank you.” She turned her heel to find a place to sit down. The guard, however, temporarily stopped his duties as he recalled how small and gentle her hands were compared to his.
“Please take a moment to open the case and check the contents.” The voice continued and S/n, sitting against the slide, did as she was told and opened the lid to reveal a dalgona with a pattern of a star engraved onto it. “The second game is sugar honeycombs. The shape you have chosen is the shape you must remove from the honeycomb,” S/n’s heard felt as if it was going to burst as this was revealed to her, but she tried to calm herself with the fact that it could have been worse. “The time limit is ten minutes. You will pass if you trim out the shape without breaking or cracking within the time limit. With that, let the game begin.”
Hesitantly, Player 018 picked up the needle and looked back at the wafer in front of her. “You have got to be joking…” She let out a shaky sigh and carefully began to scrap it. It wasn’t long before a shot erupted in the once quiet area. S/n jumped at the sudden noise but made sure to not have her needle close to the wafer as this happened. She looked up for a moment and watched as blood trailed down the slide immediately after the first eliminated player is executed. She did not move for a few seconds as she watched numerous people get eliminated after this death since they accidentally destroyed their dalgona. 
After a few seconds, S/n slowly looked back down at the wafer and resumed her work but maintained wary of her surroundings. She was so engrossed in carving out the perfect shape that she did not notice the sound of the sand crunching under the boots of the guard approaching. His silhouette fell over her small figure as he unintentionally kicked up sand onto her. Player 018 bit the inside of her cheek, agitated as this happened before wiping the sand off of her. “I’m not finished yet.” She mumbled under her breath. She side-eyed the boots beside her leg and watched as they did not leave when she mentioned this. Frowning, S/n halted and showed the guard her almost finished carved star.
Looking up, she found it was not one of the men with the triangle staring down at her but rather a circle. She looked around at the other guard’s mask and found the individual in front of her was the odd man out. “I don’t think you should be here,” she said vaguely. “You’ll get into trouble, won’t you?” She tilted her head to the side and then began to finish up carving out her piece.
The guard, however, as to not draw suspicion, remained quiet and simply stared down at the participant. She shifted in her spot, showing obvious signs of discomfort. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I cannot focus if you are hovering over my shoulder…” S/n tried to remain as polite as possible. She could hear a slight scoff emit from the guard as he crouched down beside her before placing a lighter near her leg. Player 018 opened her mouth to reply but the guard gently grabbed her arm to get her attention as he raised his index finger to his mask to gesture to her to be quiet. She nodded, understanding but found herself looking at the lighter as he scurried away.
‘Did he confiscate this from another player? Did he bring it here? How did the others not find this?’ She chewed on her lip as she picked up the lighter, moving under the slide so she won’t be easily spotted by the other competitors or the guards. She huffed as she heated the needle which gave her an easy advantage in the game. She smirked at the sight of how easily she cut through the treat.
Within a few minutes, S/n Y/n was able to successfully cut through the shape of the star. Looking up, she quickly discarded the lighter into her pants as she went up to the nearest guard and showed him that she completed the challenge.
“Player 018, pass.” The intercom rang out which caused her to sigh in contempt and then was directed outside of the room to regroup in the main area.
Much to her credit, she did acknowledge that she wouldn’t have passed if it wasn’t for the worker — she fiddled with the lighter in her pocket as she walked down the corridor, frowning. S/n knew that she had to return it to him. She had to thank him in some sort of way for she was in his debt.
The very thought of the sworn enemy being her protector or knight in shining armor made Player 018 giggle at the irony which prompted the guard in front of her to look over his shoulder, as to stare at her inquisitively. “Oh… my apologies. My head was in the clouds.” She partially lied and almost immediately returned to her thoughts.
‘Looks like I have a little guardian angel on my side…’
author’s note: ah! i am sorry if this came off as corny, cliché, or anticlimactic in any way! i just wanted to focus on the tension between you, the player, and the guard— plus, i am nooooo good when it comes to writing ends for stuff. 0-o
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Squid Game Headcannons: The players’ love languages
warnings: none other than one swear word lol
gifs are not mine
Seong Gi-hun
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Gi hun’s top two love languages are physical touch and gift giving.
He doesn’t have much money, but even still he absolutely loves to spoil his significant other any time he gets the chance to. He secretly enjoys receiving gifts as well, but sometimes he feels bad taking from others. Especially if it’s money.
When in a relationship with Gi Hun physical affection is a MUST. This man will always be holding his partner’s hands or wrapping his arm around their waist, anything to feel close. He’s super cuddly, especially if he or his partner has had a bad day.
Cho Sang-Woo
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Sangwoo’s biggest love languages are gift giving and acts of service, as well as physical touch in private.
Sangwoo is pretty reserved, which can make it hard for him to be vulnerable with people, which is really what makes physical touch one of his love languages. Cuddling and hand holding with him is essentially a show of trust for him, showing that he feels comfortable enough to show his soft side around his partner.
He’s much less shy about acts of service and gifts, though. His partner can always expect him to open doors, make meals, and do chores for them. As well, it’s a very common occurrence for him to come home with gifts or flowers (probably bought with company money).
Kang Sae-byeok
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Sae Byeok definitely likes physical affection in private, but her main love language is quality time.
Like Sangwoo, Sae Byeok is reserved with her emotions, so physical touch is mostly reserved for in private. She adores cuddling, especially if she gets to be the big spoon. She’ll never admit how much she loves it, but it’s clear from how every morning she holds on tighter as her partner tries to get up from bed, mumbling about how she wants ‘five more minutes.’ She’ll hold hands in public if her partner wants to, or if she wants to show that they’re hers.
She absolutely loves spending time with her significant other. Watching TV together, playing videogames, doing activities, anything. As long ad she’s spending time with them, it doesn’t matter.
Ali Abdul
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Ali’s main love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation.
Ali is super cuddly. He’s like the overly clingy couples you see in lines for rides at the amusement park, just constantly hugging on his partner or playing with their hands or hair. He knows when to stop though, and if his partner isn’t a fan of PDA, then he’ll respect it. That just means all the more cuddling in private.
Words of affirmation is less of him saying it to his partner and more of them saying it to him. Being told how much he means to them or how handsome he is makes his heart absolutely soar. It makes him feel so loved and appreciated.
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Ji-yeong mainly enjoys quality time and receiving gifts.
She knows how short life can be, so to her it’s extremely important to spend as much time as possible with her significant other. As well, she just likes to hang out with them, feeling most connected when spending time together.
She also enjoys receiving gifts, but it isn’t required for her to be happy in the relationship. Little gifts here and there really show her that she is appreciated. Even if she doesn’t always think she’s that important, the fact that her partner thought about her enough to get her a gift quickly proves her wrong.
Hwang Jun-ho
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Jun ho’s top love languages are physical touch and quality time.
As an officer, Jun ho also knows the dangers of the world and how important it is to spend time with those you love, hence the reason why quality time is so important to him. He really likes going on dates, drives, and even shopping trips, but he also appreciates staying in and having a lazy day with his partner.
Jun ho also is pretty touchy. Hand holding, hugging, cuddling, all of it. He really likes his hair being played with during cuddles, the feeling often putting him to sleep within minutes. He enjoys appropriate PDA, which triples when he’s jealous. If someone is hitting on his partner, expect him to swoop in with that PDA to put an end to it.
Jang Deok-su
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Deok su is very emotionally closed off, used to any weakness being exploited with the amount of enemies he has. He generally shows love through acts of service, and on occasion gift giving.
He won’t make a big show of it, no. He might not show it, but he listens to his partner very well, remembering what tasks need to be done around the house or what has been stressing them out so he can do it while they’re gone to surprise them. If it’s brought up to him, he simply says he wanted to help out or noticed that his partner was stressed about it so he decided to do it instead.
On occasion he will also come home with gifts. It could be some small trinket that reminded him of his partner, or even something expensive, but he will always act like it isn’t a big deal.
“Here. I saw it at the market and thought you might like it.”
“Deok su, how much did this cost?!”
“It doesn’t matter. Do you like it?”
Han Mi-nyeo
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Mi nyeo is definitely a fan of physical touch. She also enjoys receiving gifts and words of affirmation.
She can be pretty touchy, holding her partners arm in public and hugging on them in private. While she can be independent if she wants to be, she tends to be pretty clingy.
Receiving gifts and compliments are the big two ways to make her feel loved. It makes her feel special and reassured her that her partner thinks about her and truly does love her.
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ayoitspatricia · 3 years
Being the younger sister of Han Mi-nyeo would include :
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Joining the games together
Cause sisters support eachother
You came back the second time much to your sisters dismay
Not being as crazy as her but still sharing similarities
Her making it her priority to protect you
Threatening anyone who tries to attack you
Getting given her extra food if you’re still hungry
Her somehow persuading Deok-su to not go near you
Instead he protected you during the riot that happened after lights out
Both of you joining Gi-hun’s team for Tug of war
Well more like Mi-nyeo dragging you with her
You scolding her when she is too rude
Her comforting you after all the near death experiences
Your new team asking if you are actually related to her
It gets you everytime
Sang-woo telling you to control your sister
But you’re just like ????
“How am i supposed to do that you di-“
Your sister always making sure someone is keeping an eye on you at night
Because she’s not just going to order you not to sleep is she?
You eventually dying on the glass bridge whilst trying to go after your sister when she falls
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saebyeoked · 3 years
hello and welcome to the masterlist of all of my works for the netflix kdrama 'squid game'! requests are open, and feel free to send me a message at any time!
characters i write for | send a request
☆ = authors favorite
seong gihun
reunited at last — after almost a week of worrying about gihun, he stumbles onto your doorstep confessing something sudden.
dating gihun
being married to gihun
he gets jealous
cho sangwoo
running out of time to tell you — worried that you lost the game of marbles against your partner, sangwoo tells you how he feels about you, realizing that neither of you have enough time left.
dating sangwoo
being married to sangwoo
he gets jealous
how he reacts when you're hurt
kang saebyeok
dating saebyeok
dating saebyeok and jiyeong ☆
waking up with her
she gets jealous
clumsy s/o
taking care of a sick s/o
saebyeok with an s/o who has the opposite personality as her
ali abdul
dating ali
being married to ali ☆
clumsy s/o
his s/o has a younger sibling
he gets jealous
cuddling with his s/o
raising a family with him ☆
short s/o
his s/o has anxiety
ali with a non-binary s/o
jang deoksu
dating deoksu
clumsy s/o
hwang junho
dating junho
being married to junho
he gets jealous
short s/o
he has an insecure s/o
hwang inho
dating inho
being married to inho
dating jiyeong
she gets jealous
dating jiyeong and saebyeok ☆
the salesman
being married to the salesman
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downins · 3 years
Squid Game Characters during online class [ headcanons ]
Characters included: Seong Gi Hun, Kang Sae Byeok, Jang Deok Su, Han Mi Nyeo, Ali Abdul, Hwang Jun Ho, Ji Yeong & Cho Sang Woo 
-Seong Gi Hun-
◦Gi Hun’s grades are average, but he is a good student who joins classes. 
◦He is the helpful student, just text him and he’ll try his best to lend a hand. He won’t give you all the answers right away but he will explain to you how to solve the problem. 
◦He always joins class early, greets and thanks the teachers in every class. Constantly answering the teacher’s questions. 
◦He’s the one who created the groupchat to discuss about school and he reminds all of you to join class. 
◦When you’re absent, he will text you after class and send you all of the homework that needs to be done. 
◦He will videocall you to teach you how to do them and explain to you about today’s topic. 
◦He gives you motivation to join classes or do assignments, and after that he will say things like “I’m proud of you :D” 
-Kang Sae Byeok- 
◦Sae Byeok is the quiet student, the cold one that no one dares to mess with. But you being her significant other, she rings your phone to wake your lazy ass up. 
◦You don’t know how she does it but she somehow gets good grades in class even though she doesn’t engage that much in class. Eh she’s Sae Byeok she can do anything perfectly. 
◦She doesn’t really talk to the teachers that much, the only time you ever see her talking to teachers is when they ask her questions. 
◦Joins class early, submits assignments before the deadline, the perfect student but also the fierce and scary one. 
◦When she doesn’t join classes, she’s either chilling with her brother or just doing some of her stuff. 
◦She only allows you and Ji Yeong to ask her about homeworks, she does help Gi Hun sometimes but others.. not really. 
◦When you’re absent, she’ll definitely leave the class because she wants to check up on you and just spend time with you. 
◦But yes, you care about your education so she’ll ask Ji Yeong or Gi Hun for help. And after that the two of you will try to study together. 
-Jang Deok Su-
◦Barely gives a single fuck about class, but because you always try to persuade him to do so, he will do it for you. 
◦He join class after 30 minutes and just stays quiet for the whole time. He doesn’t care about the teachers a lot. 
◦Your attendance rate is literally 100% because you help him take notes and write down the assignments. And after that you will try to teach him everything you learnt. 
◦He feels bad because he feels like he’s using you to pass school, but you just explained to him how you don’t want him to drop out and graduate together. 
◦He tells you to take breaks and pamper yourself, make sure you’re not sacrificing your mental health for the sake of helping him pass every class. 
◦He spams the groupchat that Gi Hun created with memes and stupid stickers, random stupid videos. You do find it entertaining but at the same time you feel bad for others who are in the groupchat. 
-Han Mi Nyeo-
◦First of all, she joins classes but sometimes she forgets to turn off her camera and yall would catch her eating or just laughing at random stuff. 
◦50% focusing in class, 50% eating or playing games. Yes that’s our beloved Mi Nyeo. 
◦She texts you during class and just say that she’s bored and lonely. She just wants to go to your house and cuddle you. 
◦She only pays attention during her favourite class, and the other boring ones, she’ll either just skip them or join the class and mind her own business. 
◦Her grades aren’t really good, but not that bad but also not average. I mean she loves certain subjects and she will definitely get an A on her favourite subjects. 
◦When she doesn’t attend any class, you’ll help her take down small notes and surprisingly she understands them really quick and she promised to buy you meals after the lockdown is over. 
◦She just comes to you when she doesn’t know how to do any assignment. She only does her assignments at the eleventh hour. 
-Ali Abdul-
◦He’s the same as Gi Hun, he attends class early, is polite to the teachers and classmates. He’s a really sweet student. Everyone loves him. 
◦When he greets the teacher in the meeting, he will add emojis. He loves helping the teachers when they’re having technical difficulties. And he’s very very patient with everyone. 
◦Is really focused on maintaining his good grades, if you don’t understand anything, you can always count on Ali for help. 
◦He will slowly explain to you about everything one by one and makes sure that you’re crystal clear about it. Don’t worry, he can repeat himself over and over again for you because he loves you that much. 
◦Sleeps early so that he will have enough energy to attend classes the next day. Texts you good night and good morning everyday. 
◦Ali would definitely check if you’re in class or not, when he notices that you’re absent, he will send a message to you and study with you after class. 
◦If you’re not feeling well, he will help you do your assignments and hand them in. He will inform the teacher about your condition and after that he will tell you to just rest. 
◦In the groupchat, he sends really sweet messages to everyone and tells them to have a great day. Deok Su tried making fun of him for this once, and things didn’t really turn out well for him after that. 
-Hwang Jun Ho-
◦Jun Ho is like Ali too, but he isn’t very nice to everyone. He doesn’t really like Deok Su and Mi Nyeo because you know how they can be like sometimes. 
◦Yes, you can depend on him to help you with school. But will he give you a whole ass lecture if you’re not taking school seriously? Yes, yes he will. 
◦He does love talking to you but just odn’t distract him during class, he wants to succeed in school and he also wants you to pass with flying colours. 
◦He communicates with the teachers 85% percent of the time. He will ask questions about stuff he doesn’t understand. 
◦If you’re sick, he will videocall you while joining class to check on your condition. He wants to make sure that you’re not in a critical situation and also focus in class. Yeah he can do two things at once because he’s Hwang Jun Ho. 
◦He pays attention to you and his school priorities, he manages to settle a lot of stuff at once. 
-Ji Yeong-
◦Ji Yeong is a pretty good student too, she looks like she doesn’t care about school but she actually does. 
◦She wants to excel in school because she actually wants to live a good life with you in the future.
◦When all of you needs to turn on your cameras in class, you will catch her staring at you but sometimes its the other way around. She’s madly in love with you. 
◦The two of you do a lot of stuff together, she spends most of her time doing art projects with you, studying together, doing homework together. But 90% of the time is her saying how pretty/handsome you are and admiring you while you’re doing your stuff. 
◦She does socialise with the other students, but mostly with you and Sae Byeok. She loves the both of you so much and Sae Byeok likes spending time with the both of you. 
◦When you’re sick, she’s like Jun Ho, she will videocall you while joining her classes. She wants to make sure she won’t fall behind but also wants to make sure you’re doing fine. 
◦She insists on helping you do your homework, she wants you to just rest and take a break from school. 
◦When there’s a group project, she definitely wants to partner up with you. Actually she wants to see you more even though it’s through the screen. 
-Cho Sang Woo-
◦Sang Woo is also an intelligent student, he manages to handle a lot of stuff. So online classes aren’t really a huge problem for him. I think that he deals with technology pretty easily. 
◦He’s good at maths and after every maths class, he’ll text you to make sure that you’re able to understand the formulas and the methods. 
◦His notes are somehow really neat and understandable so you always ask him for advice on how to arrange yours.
◦He’s polite to everyone. But when it comes to Deok Su and Mi Nyeo, he barely talks to them. He only texts them when they need answers. 
◦If you’re sick, just inform him and he will pay extra attention in class. He desn’t want you to stare at your device for a long period of time so he just sends you notes and important parts of the topic. 
◦He won’t do your assignments for you but if you do have any problem understanding the questions, he will teach you. 
◦Sang Woo loves you so that’s why he makes sure that you’re not procrastinating any homework. He wants you to do well in school. <3
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hotofficejunho · 3 years
Squid Game characters coming home to f!reader cooking dinner
I always wanted to write my own characters x reader headcanons, so here I go!! Feel free to send submissions, I’d love to write more if you like it! 
Also, sorry for the heteronormativity in some, I was in a cooking mood yesterday and felt these vibes, I don’t mean to encourage some ultimate gender roles, it doesn’t mean reader a housewife if they don’t wish to be so :D (This is aimed at fem reader but it may work just fine as gender neutral)
(other) warnings: some NSFW implications
Seong Gi-Hun
- Gi-Hun had a really shitty day and felt pretty down when going home, but the moment he saw you in the apron, cooking in the messy kitchen with music on and humming/dancing, his mood immediately skyrocketed
- he’d tune in with the atmosphere instantly, sing or dance with you, hug you from behind and ask what he can do
- he’s not good at cooking or baking and you know it, so you give him tasks he can’t really mess up, he tries his best but he’s mostly a moral support and makes you laugh
- he might rant about his day but more light-heartedly now, because you make him feel like everything is going to be just fine
- then he asks you about your day extensively, with lots of questions, he likes to listen to you and to mutually share everything about your lives
-you’ll probably end up in a dim light on a sofa, slowly nibbling on desserts or sipping wine, chatting, eventually making out... Everything was going to be just fine
Cho Sang-woo
- Sang-woo can occasionally seem unappreciative of what you do for him as he’s under a lot of stress
- he LOVES when you cook for him, and this love language works so well for him, but sometimes he forgets to thank you and generally struggles to find ways to let you know how much he values you
- some days he’s so stressed he downright refuses to eat and retreats to private, he might need this alone time sometimes
- that can cause friction between you - you leave him alone and wait for him to eat on his own, or you listen to his problems the entire time when he actually sits down and eats with you
- only later does he realize how terrible insensitive he is - sometimes it takes a shouting match or even tears
- then he works really hard to fix it, he holds you and kisses you lovingly, he caresses your hair and apologizes. He actually realizes repeatedly he could lose you and that secretely makes him panic.. he tries to be better
- maybe you have intense make-up sex afterwards, he’s thorough with both foreplay and aftercare
- next time you come home, he is the one cooking. he thanks you for looking out for him and swears to do the same for you
Kang Sae-Byeok 
- sometimes the sight of you cooking makes her smile widely, sometimes she just quietly comes to you and gives you a slow kiss on the cheek or on the mouth
- she has a bit of trouble to receive acts of kindness like this, she gets flustered and humble but she’s quietly appreciative
- when the circumstances are just right, she joins you and you have a lot of fun - Sae-Byeok has an undiscovered talent for cooking/baking and she gets absorbed in the task when she’s focusing...you often silently admire her
- sometimes you get distracted in the middle and don’t finish cooking - you may  happen to tease her in one way or another and she presses you against the table with the serious look that turns you on... or when you sit on the counter, she gets between your legs, presses you against herself and kisses you
- usually you eat on the sofa and maybe watch a film while you eat, and afterwards cuddle or hold hands
Hwang Jun-Ho
- honestly, he’s usually the one to cook. even if he comes from work exhausted, he cooks - he loves to see you enjoy what he makes and cooking also relieves his stress
- he prefers to have his own space when he does it himself, but when you beat him to it, he offers to help. you often decline so sometimes he takes a shower meanwhile or he makes cups of coffee/tea and chats with you
- he also “secretely” watches you when you cook. he’s really good at being discreet of course, but he mostly he knows you know he’s looking.. which is why you are dressed the way you’re dressed while he’s waiting for the meal so he can get a preview of his dessert...
- furthermore, he eyes you over dinner. he has these intense gazes which make you blush.. he frequently has this serious look that’s supposed to hide he wants you, but the eyes give it away
- sometimes, during of after dinner, this makes you come over there and sit on his lap.. sometimes that makes him take you in his arms and carry you straight to bedroom
The Salesman
- you know it: he gives you one of those wide grins of his...like you’re some obedient girl who’s exactly where he wants you to be. You don’t get offended, you know he respects you deeply, it’s just a game you play, and he’s smug like that
- he slowly sets down his briefcase, washes his hands and then watches you for a while
- maybe he pours himself a drink. he likes to observe what you’re doing. He’s often the one doing the shopping, or at least pays for it when you do it together, that’s on the nights he doesn’t treat you to a fancy dinner
- occassionaly he helps you, if you let him (he knows he’s good at cooking but he wouldn’t insult you by interfering if he thought you wouldn’t appreciate it) and he’s very focused when he does help
- let’s be honest...sometimes you have a quickie while you wait for something to cook, right there in the kitchen, and then get right back to it like nothing happened...
Jang Deok-su
- he loves when you cook for him, it’s one thing he doesn’t like doing himself but he does plenty other things for you instead
- he usually doesn’t comment on you cooking and sits down as you chat about your respective days, or he waits in silence
- when he comes home angry, which happens, you know the best thing to do is to let him cool down, have a shower or rant.. 
- he feels so much better after he eats, he’s so much easier to talk to. the thing is, he forgets to eat during the day and you know it’s what can make him so irritable
- afterwards, he’s like a different person. he smiles at you and admires you.. he can’t get enough of the food either, often going for seconds, and he asks about specifics about the meal sometimes
- he tends to have a drink and/or a cigarette after dinner, and he might take some time to relax after a busy day, watches TV or reads something... he likes when you come to him first, he likes the attention, so when you join him, most of the time he stops what he’s doing and makes it worth your time
Han Mi-nyeo
- when she comes home, usually she’s pretty loud. she talks about the latest thing that upset or enthused her. she raids all the cupboards and makes a noise, puts the TV on, gets changed into something baggy and comfortable and tries to eat snacks, which you sternly take away from her, pointing out you’re cooking
- she pouts, opting for a couple of cigarettes instead, sitting with her legs crossed and continues chatting or ranting
- she gets pretty excited about food she likes or when she happens to be in mood for the particular one and she thanks you, also often going for seconds
- when she isn’t in the mood, she might thank you but take her meal to privacy or refuse it. Eventually, though, she humbly comes back for it and is snappy when you point this out
- she often expresses her gratitude later, on random ocassions and in different ways. nearly always she washes up and tidies the place
- often when you leave after dinner, she comes over and crawls to the bed with you or joins you in the shower, she tells you you’re the best and she’s a bit obsessive about you, and if she’s feeling frisky (perhaps from alcohol she drank with dinner) she won’t keep her hands off you for the evening, you know she won’t
- sometimes she promises she’ll cook next time, but rarely does, she finds it boring and doesn’t have the patience.. but you appreciate the effort when she fixes up something mediocre because the proud look on her face is worth it
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xoxo101 · 3 years
Being in a relationship with Deok-Su Headcanons
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Relationship: Deok Su x reader
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• This guy is clingy in private, no one can tell me otherwise. Always hugging you from behind at home and refusing to drive if he doesn’t have his hand on your thigh.
• The most common pet name for you is “baby” but as you get more serious “my love”.
• He wakes you up every morning with coffee and breakfast, he doesn’t trust you to eat well if he doesn’t.
• You are his top priority, his work, money, everything comes second, no question about it.
• If you don’t wear one of his shirts to bed he will take that as an insult.
• Having a matching snake tattoo wrapped around your thigh, to show your commitment to him.
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• If he’s had a bad day he’s not going to open up, expect him to be silent all night. To calm him you bathe together, the feeling on your hands in his hair would relax him.
• If you choose to go in the game with him, he will do everything he can to protect you. Going first in all the challenges and keeping you glued to him.
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jangdeok-su · 3 years
can you please do one where deoksu gets horny on the glass bridge game I feel like he would be protective of the reader 😩 and be a bit of an exhibitionist and like people to see and know she’s his
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I tried to make Deok-Su horny but it's hard to imagine that when your life is on the line, I decide to make him nervous because he realizes he can lose you, I don't know if it totally corresponds to the request but I try to get as close as possible
Deok-Su shows you’re his on the glass bridge (Headcanon)
before entering for the 5th game, you were interrupted from your sex party in the toilet, "go get out of there" the triangle yelled in the toilet as you held back your muffled moans
"damn they piss us off those" Deok-Su breaths when you pull out of him, he misses your body already, but you kiss him saying it's only postponed
you went to a room where there were lots of bibs with numbers, "I still want you" he whispers in your ear while walking and that makes you smile
he would always stand next to you and put his arm around your neck when you were waiting for instructions
"take the 6 and me the 9, that's going to be what we're going to do tonight" he laughs, winking at you but you remind him that it's a deadly game and that it could be one of you two is not going to survive
his smile fades from his face and you choose the middle numbers for safety, when you grab the bib number 8 another boy rushes at you taking it from your hands
"give me those, you" he yelled, it didn't take long for Deok-Su to turn around, when he saw the boy pushing you to take this bib he rushes towards him taking it by the collar of his t-shirt
"can I know what you're doing, you big shit?" he yells even louder, the whole room is silent, "do you want to die before the game?" he asks her before knocking her out with a punch
the man falls to the ground, bleeding from the nose, unconscious and the other players watch him without doing anything "it was to be expected when we attack the baby of Deok-Su" blows a player, while Deok-Su gently raises you from your fall by asking you if everything is okay
he runs his hands over your face and kisses you softly, he doesn't say it but he was scared, he ties your bib on you and shouts "the next one who dares to piss us off, I tear his eyes out, you asshole" and he took you by the hand to move forward
the rules are set out and you understand that it will be much more complicated than expected, when he understands that you are going before him he offers to exchange your bibs
"don't be stupid Deok-Su" you whisper, "we'll both get out of this shit and you can fuck me as many times as you want" you whisper to him winking at him but it seemed too worried to answer
every time you pass over another glass slab he clenches his fists and breathes in relief when you are on the right slab, "keep it up, it's perfect" he congratulates you as he wipes the sweat off his forehead
"I'm just following the guy in front of me" you answer out of breath, you look at the end of the bridge which seems endless to you, "I think about everything you're going to do to me afterwards, that's what keeps me going" are you kidding
when you turn to smile at him at your joke you notice his white complexion and difficult breathing, "are you ok Deok-Su?" you worry so much for him that you did not see which slab the guy in front of you to jump on
"move on, we're wasting time!" yells the last player, you lift your gaze from Deok-Su to look at him, stammer a few things and turn around, "shit, is that left or right?"
"which side is it?" do you scream hoping that someone answers you but silence was to hear, the player in front of you collapses when his glass slab shattered
"you didn't hear you asshole, which side is that?" Deok-Su yells turning to the other players, a weak "ri-right" was heard
"are you sure of yourself?" he repeats to her, "if something happens to her, I'll throw you off the bridge myself, is that understood?" he screams
you breathe to give yourself courage, "it's good Deok-Su, we'll see", you jump to arrive on the right slab, miraculously it does not break and you breathe with relief at the same time as your boyfriend
you continue on the slabs that haven't broken but get to the unbroken slabs you turn to Deok-Su as if he knew the answers
"go ahead!" he shouts to the other players who are all frowning, "why are we doing this?" ask the bravest, "just go ahead if you love it so much!"
Deok-Su doesn’t answer anything, not knowing what to say, it’s true that he loved you but he wanted to go out alive with you and he knew how much you wouldn’t get away with without him
"no one would agree to go ahead, Deok-Su, is normal" you try to reason with him, "I’ll go over the slabs and everything will be fine" you reassure him
"GO IN FRONT OR I PUSH YOU ALL ON EACH OF THE REMAINING SLABS" he yells at the top of his lungs, the other players recoil on their glass plates
"Stop Deok-Su, they will push you!" when you notice that the timer displays 6 minutes you realize that time is running out, "I'll move" you tell everyone
you jump on the left plate and it doesn't break, everyone moves forward but Deok-Su's breathing gets louder and louder, when he realizes that there are still 6 glass plates he begs you not to continue
he jumps on your slab and you lose your balance for a little second but he hugs you, time seemed to stop and you seemed to be out of this hell for a moment
you put your arms around him and breathe his scent, you smile at having had the chance to do this before dying, "I don't think we can sleep together tonight" you whisper to him, with tears in your eyes
he breathes and lays his head on yours, squeezing you with all his strength, "it was you who told me that you were going to succeed in passing them all, these fucking glass slabs", he squeezes his jaw to contain his tears
"it would be really an incredible chance to guess every time the right slabs.." you whisper to him, "I already had the chance to fall on you during the game" you laugh and you feel his belly move under his small laugh
he straightens your face as he wipes your tears with his hands, "I don't really know if it's luck, but so do I-" he takes a deep breath, "I never thought I would fall in love and I realizes it now" he kisses you softly
you know it's your last kiss with the dangerous Deok-Su, you savor it like you savored all the others, you hug him as tight as you can, the other players look at you without daring to say anything to you
"try to survive to say that I was your wife" you whisper to him before moving towards another slab, you feel his arms trying to hold you back but he lets go when he realizes he can do you fall
you stay a few seconds on this slab before you feel the emptiness under your feet and hear Deok-Su's voice scream, suddenly it's dark but you're happy to have hugged Deok-Su one last time
Deok-Su who looks at your lifeless body from his slab seems about to faint and hopes deep inside that you make a gesture
"come on now that she's dead!" the player behind him said impatiently, the boiling gangter blood swirled around and instantly turned, "What did you say you asshole?" yells Deok-Su rushing for the slab of the player
"I have something to lose now that she's gone, eh?" he yells, taking the player by his T-shirt, "you could just push me over the bridge that I would be happier!" he looked back on your body
the player not knowing what to do tries to shake off the hold of number 101, "why would I sacrifice myself for someone who did not want to sacrifice himself for my wife ?!", the player laughs, "it 's is your wife now?"
Deok-Su brings his face closer to the player, "it always has been, asshole", he releases his grip on the player by throwing him over the bridge, no one would disrespect your memory, he turns to continue in before on this hell bridge
all the players held their breath when Deok-Su jumps on the same slab that gave way under your feet rather than the right slab, "I hope to fall near you" he hopes in his fall
he prefers to fall towards your body rather than continue to save the other players, he realizes in his fall that he was really in love with you and that he never had the opportunity to tell you clearly
when he realizes that he will never have the opportunity to really be your husband it hurts him more than that of the fall, he would really like that you were his wife and that he could say it to everyone
"IT'S MY WIFE WHO OPENED THE WAY FOR YOU, BAND OF ASS" he yells in a last breath before finishing his fall near you
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faeryseiko · 3 years
I have an idea! Squid Game headcanons, where the gn reader wants to get spooky for Halloween but doesn't know Trick Or Treating isn't a thing in Korea until the last minute when they realize no kids are coming over. How do our Squid Game peeps react and/or comfort reader?
// AAAA I will never get enough of Halloween to be honest,, Thank you for the request, I hope you like this ! //
Halloween Disaster
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Seong Gi-hun
• It wasn’t what he expected to see once he came back from work to be fair, it was breaking his heart.
• Here you were, sitting on the balcony of your home, in your Halloween costume and with a big bowl full of… candy ? He wasn’t sure what was happening, but seeing your sad and broken expression made him almost tear up !
• ‘’What happened to you ?’’ He asked, you looked at him and let out a small sigh.
‘’Why are kids not trick-or-treating ? Are they okay ? I’ve been waiting here for 4 hours !’’
‘’Trick or treating ? What do you- Oh, oh… Oh.’’
• Everything clicked after that.
• He felt guilty for a moment as he was staring at you, because he knew you didn’t celebrate Halloween like he did in Korea and he forgot to tell you about this.
• And you were waiting for this for so long ! He knew how much you loved Halloween, you kept talking about it the entire month, but instead of telling you about it, he was just drowning in your eyes in love.
• Alright you can’t really blame him on that, but still !
• ‘’Gi-hun ? What’s wrong ?’’ You asked as you got up on your feet.
‘’Honey, I forgot to tell you this, but we don’t celebrate Halloween the same way you do.’’
• Silence.
‘’So… you’re telling me that…’’ You trail off.
‘’Kids don’t trick-or-treat.’’ He finishes off.
• Silence again before you let out a ‘pft!’ and take the bowl and go inside.
‘’Wait, I’m sorry Y/n !’’
• You shut the door to his face. He just stared at the door, shocked and confused until you open it again with a orange costume, which he couldn’t tell what it was.
‘’I’ll forgive you only if you pass the candies to the neighborhood with me in this !’’ You shoved the costume at his face, then he realised what it was and sighed to himself.
. . .
• And now here he was in his carrot costume, handing out candies to everyone, getting pointed at by the kids, laughed at by others as you walked happily to his side, your fingers tingled together.
• But he will never exchange this moment for anything in the world and promised himself to do the same next year.
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Cho Sang-woo
• Sang-woo sighs to himself as he sees you laying on the couch, hugging the plastic pumpkin head full of candy with a saddened look. Why candy though ?
• He came back from work, surprised to see you in your Halloween costume. He takes the cigaret out of his mouth, inhaled and exhaled.
• ‘’You went to a Halloween party ?’’ He asked, not sure what was happening.
‘’No, the kids didn’t come.’’
• He stared at you for a moment, he almost let his cig fall.
‘’You invited… kids to a party ?’’
‘’What ? No ! Of course not, they didn’t come for trick-or-treat, I didn’t know your neighborhood was THAT sad.’’ You said, pouting a little.
• He let’s out a small ‘Ah’, understanding what was the problem here.
‘’It’s because we don’t celebrate Halloween the same as you, you know that, right ?’’
• You both looked at each other for a moment before you slowly scratch the behind of your neck. He looks at the ground and sighs.
‘’I’m so sorry.’’ You whispered.
‘’No, I’m sorry, I should have told you.’’
• He looked at you again in your costume. He thought you looked great in it, that it would be a shame to take it off, then, he had an idea. He grabbed your hand.
‘’Let’s just get out tonight and celebrate it the right way, yeah ?’’
• You happily smiled and jumped on your feet.
‘’Wait, I’ll go change !’’ You were about to run to the room before he grabs your wrist softly to stop you.
‘’You’re perfect this way, come on.’’ He said, putting back the cig between his lips.
• You jumped happily and catched his cig to put it in your mouth and inhale too, which he softly smiled at, but you didn’t see it.
• You both would go to small Halloween parties together and try to just have fun.
• Even though Sang-woo normally doesn’t like parties, he really did liked to see you with such a happy smile that he didn’t complain and was with you the entire time.
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Kang Sae-beyok
• She would cross her arms on her chest when she sees you, sitting alone in front of your house in your costume.
• She thought you looked good in it, but that was beside the point.
‘’What’s up ?’’ She asked, putting her hands in her jacket’s pockets.
‘’I’ve been waiting here for hours, are kids in this neighborhood not trick-or-treating or what ?’’
• She nodded to herself, so that’s why you had a big bowl of candy in your hands.
• It almost made her laugh - almost - but she also felt a little bad, a little, for not warning you about this. She knew how excited you were for this, and now it’s all ruined. She sighs to herself.
• Also seeing your very sad self was breaking her heart, but she wouldn’t admit that.
‘’You know we don’t trick-or-treat to celebrate Halloween, right ?’’ She said.
• You would just open your mouth to speak, but close it again, realising what happened.
‘’Oh.’’ You simply said.
• It was adorable, she thought. She sits next to you as you sighed.
‘’What should I do with this, then ?’’ You asked, showing the bowl full of candy in your hands.
• Sae-byeok thought about it and a smile creeped on her lips.
‘’Well, you know that my brother is playing outside with his friends at this time, why don’t we share with his friends ?’’
• And that’s how you two went to see Sae-byeok’s brother and his friends at the orphanage, sharing candies after the person caring for them accepted.
• You all had fun, seeing the kids smile was probably the best remedy to your poor self that was sad for the trick-or-treating event not happening.
• Sae-byeok would be happy the entire time as she watches you play with kids. You would leave with a happy smile with your hands knot together.
The best remedy.
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Jang Deok-su
• He was coming back home, a cig in his hands as he had a hard day from ‘work’ when he saw you in front of the house wearing a costume.
• You had a big bowl on your side, your head was laying in your hands as you watched the street with a saddened expression, it kind of scared him at first, knowing how normally you’re the type of girl to be happy all the damn time.
• He gets close to you.
‘’What are you doing here ?’’ He asked, you sighed.
‘’Kids didn’t come trick-or-treat, I’ve been waiting here the entire night.’’ You said with a grunt, mad about one of the worst night you’ve experienced.
• There was a moment of silence as he was thinking about what the hell you were talking about, then let out a ‘Ah’ once he realized, then he laughs.
• You look up at him, not surprised at his reaction, but very pissed at him.
‘’You dumbass. We don’t do that here.’’ He said, laughing to himself as he walks in the house, leaving you there.
• You sighed, your breath became shaky. It was embarrassing. You were embarrassed.
• You shudder by how cold it was outside, trying to warm yourself up by rubbing your arms as you saw a small smoke coming out of your mouth.
• But you weren’t ready to get in, too embarrassed and sad.
• Until you felt a blanket covering you. Surprised, you looked behind, seeing Deok-su standing, one of his hands being in his jeans and the other holding his cig.
‘’Get in, we’ll celebrate it my way, aight ?’’
• You looked at the bowl of candy.
‘’What do we do with that ?’’ You asked, holding it and the blanket.
‘’Get it inside too, we’ll eat it. Come on.’’ He said, before throwing his cig on the ground and stepping on it before going inside.
• You two would watch a horror movie together, he would say he’s ‘dresses up as a gangster’ to make you feel less alone in your costume.
• And you two would just cuddle together in front of the horror movie, eating the candies together.
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Ali Abdul
• We all know this man would let you know about everything, but if he EVER messes up and forgets, then he would feel very sad.
• His heart was breaking in a million of pieces once he saw you, in your pretty halloween costume, sitting on the ground in a bad mood.
•He was wondering what was wrong, if he did something to upset you.
‘’Love, what are you doing outside ? It is cold here !’’ He said, looking at you.
‘’The kids didn’t come trick-or-treat… Is this normal here ?’’ You asked.
• Guilt. He would feel guilty when he heard you asking this.
‘’I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you, in Korea they don’t celebrate it the same.’’ He said, which you sighed at instantly.
• He would sit next to you, getting close to you.
‘’Do you forgive me ?’’
‘’Of course, silly ! I’m just sad I bought this for nothing.’’ You mumbled the last part.
• Ali thinks for a moment, not that it was a problem, but he really did want to see you smile !
• He knows you love Halloween and thanks to you, he enjoys it too ! He wished he could celebrate it the same you did, trick-or-treating seemed like such a great activity.
• He smiles, bingo, he had an idea.
‘’I have an idea.’’
• And that’s how you would share candies with everyone in your town, which all understood now why you were alone the entire night, outside.
• Once every candies would be passed to, you both would go back home and cook a special Halloween dinner together, laughing and having fun.
• It would turn from a nightmare to the best dream.
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Deok-su's SO loving his hands Headcanons (because I'm trash)
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- Deok-su subtly catches you staring at his hands without you knowing.
-every time he gets more and more curious until he can't resist anymore.
-"what's so interesting about my hands, hm?"
-you get so flustered and stumble over your words trying to explain
-making you squirm always made him feel so powerful
-takes his hand and places it in yours.
-you gently take it in both of yours. Seeing and holding his hand up close like this makes your heart skip a beat
-they were twice the size of yours- maybe more
-big, warm and strong.
-his palm resting on yours, you gently held onto it from the bottom, leaving your free hand on top to gently graze your fingers over the prominent veins all over the top of his hand.
-each bump your fingertips graze over gave you butterflies in your stomach.
-you find your way back to the largest one, stopping and just lightly feeling over it. You could feel his pulse. It was so prominent.
-you let out a soft but shaky gasp, biting your lip.
-deok-su just laughs softly, a devious grin spreading on his face.
-his other hand tucking hair behind your ear, fingers trailing down your neck, down and back up your chest and landing back around your neck ever so loosely, thumb rubbing back and forth on your neck.
-any time his hands were on your body it made you WEAK. You always shudder under his touch.
-after he knew what his hands did to you he was MUCH more handsey with you
-he also notices when you're nervous you reach for his hand, fiddling and playing with his fingers and just holding his hand.
-he loved that it was such a simple way to comfort you and make such a difference.
-knowing he could build you or break you with just a touch made him feel so powerful.
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pwrluvr · 3 years
Pls do Deok-Su
x Gn!reader, fluff
they/them pronouns
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Not going to lie, he is a tad bit toxic
I mean, I don't think you were expecting anything else getting into a relationship with him
I mean, he loves you and he treats you like royalty
Asshole to everyone except his partner kinda dynamic
He's just a very possessive and protective guy
He's very threatening, so whenever he has an issue with somebody, he can just stare them down until they leave
Works most of the time
If it doesn't he obviously has no problem fighting someone for you, especially if they've made you uncomfortable or hurt you in any way
Eventually everyone knows not to fuck with you, because if they fuck with you they fuck with Deok-su as well, and nobody wants to do that
Because of his possessive nature, he's also a big fan of PDA
That and because he has the need to show you off
Always has his hands on you, especially around your waist or shoulder, gives a more protective feel to him than just holding your hand
Sometimes he pulls you aside just to initiate a make out session, he doesn't really care what anyone thinks, so most of the time you're not even hidden, just kinda to the side
It's not all about showing you off though, your relationship is far from being shallow, it's built on mutual trust
He does really love you, protecting you is just one of the ways he expresses it
He doesn't have such a gentle, protective attitude towards just anyone, especially if he can't really use them for his own gain
He's kind to you because you deserve it, because you're the only one that actually cares for him, you're the only one he's ever let his guard down for
You're the only one to ever see the true him, no tough facade, nothing, you have fully earned his trust, and you're very precious to him because of that
He's been afraid to open up to anyone, always staying distant, very secretive, but then you came around and suddenly it wasn't so terrifying anymore, you felt safe, you felt warm
You've accepted him for who he really is, and in turn he's done the same to you
You find comfort in each other
He's let you into his heart and he is never letting you go
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blu-joons · 3 years
When They Notice That You’re Without A Team ~ Squid Game Reaction
As soon as he saw you sat without any team around you, Gihun made his way up the steps and across to you, regardless of what he had been told by Sangwoo. There was no chance of him leaving your fate in the hands of someone else, especially as stronger teams began to form and only the weaker teams were left.
“What will your teammates say?” You asked him as he took your hand and pulled you across, not even giving you the chance to protest against him.
Gihun didn’t care what any of the others had to say, even if others wouldn’t be happy with his decision to bring you along, he wasn’t running the risk of losing you when he had the chance to be the one to make sure that you were safe.
“They’ll get over it, what choice do they have?”
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He was conflicted as he noticed people continuing to walk straight past you, although he had a picture of what he wanted on his team, you were his partner, his family, and that was always the most important thing to Sangwoo, opting to put his pride to one side and approach you, knowing he was your best hope.
“Don’t say a word,” Sangwoo instructed as he picked you up, knowing that several questions were going to be asked by the others in the team.
Although he didn’t want to let onto them all that he knew who you were, he had to do enough to convince them all that you were someone worth investing in, despite going back on his word to them, it was a small sacrifice for Sangwoo to make in order to make sure someone who he was participating in game for was safe.
“Y/N’s amazing, all you guys have to do is trust me.”
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She was tentative as she neared you, with several others walking away when she tried to approach them. She had hoped that someone would pick you up, but when no one did, Saebyeok knew that it was almost meant to be that the two of you would be drawn together even if none of the others knew you were together.
“I want you with me, we said we’d do things together, even if we were far apart,” Saebyeok reminded you as she extended her hand out to you.
Despite receiving several glares as you returned with her to her team, Saebyeok stood her ground and assured them all that they needed to be prepared for all kinds of scenarios. You tried to walk away, but each time she pulled you back, insisting that you stayed, with several of the others soon agreeing with her too.
“You guys picked who you wanted, and so did I.”
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His eyes flickered across as he saw you sat by yourself before looking around at his team, noticing that ten were already made up. No matter how much he wanted to, Deoksu just couldn’t leave you, spotting the weakest member of the nine men stood around him, pushing them out of the team without any explanation.
“Get that one,” he coldly instructed his follower, pointing to you sat at the top of the stairs, without dropping any emotion to any of the guys.
You did as he said as he approached you, feeling everyone’s eyes on you as you joined up on the group. Deoksu ignored you too until he managed to catch your eye, making sure that no one else was looking at you before offering you a weak smile, nodding his head too to let you know that he had your back.
“I don’t want anyone else seeing how sappy I am.”
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As soon as they got told to go and find someone to join their team, Ali ignored all of the instructions and made his way straight over to you. Whilst you worked individually, he was happy to let you do your own thing but at just the mention of working as a team he knew that it was time for him to step up and make sure you were safe.
“You’re coming with me,” he told you before you even had the chance to protest, refusing to see you go somewhere that wouldn’t keep you safe.
Despite the scolding that he got from Sangwoo especially when he returned, he pleaded with them to trust in him, assuring them he wouldn’t pick you unless he knew you’d be valuable for the team. Luckily no one picked up on the fact that it was clear that Ali knew you, he was just relieved to have you right by his side.
“We’re getting out of here together, like I always told you.”
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The two of you found yourselves together on the staircase, with no approaching either of you, with a safe distance between the two of you too so that no one knew that you knew one another. As you noticed someone walking across to Jiyeon, her eyes looked to you as she began to be given a proposition of an offer.
“What about her?” Jiyeon asked the girl that walked over to her, trying her hardest to subtly keep you with her and not leave you hanging until the end.
The girl looked down at you with furrowed brows, glancing across at the team that she was a part of before reluctantly agreeing to take you over too. Despite the stares that you got when the two of you arrived, you exchanged a glance of relief together, thankful that you had been able to stay together without anyone realising.
“We’ll work together, we won’t be beaten then.”
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He couldn’t believe it as he looked around the room seeing you stood by yourself, with one spot left on Sangwoo’s team. Although there was nothing he could do, as he watched you Junho was willing Sangwoo to help you out, even if he didn’t know who you were, or just how special you were to his brother either.
“Y/N just go over and ask him,” he whispered to himself, struggling to keep himself in character as he watched you sit in despair, whilst Sangwoo watched you too.
Eventually their group was left with no other choice, and whilst Sangwoo didn’t know just how amazing you were, Junho watched on with a smile knowing that Sangwoo’s team was perfect with you on it too. But most of all Junho was relieved to see you teamed up, trusting that you’d be well looked after there as well.
“The team looks strong; I think you’ll be alright.”
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You didn’t know what to do as groups began to form, until a worker came up beside you. Slowly you began to find yourself cornered in amongst a group full of men, strong, smart, everything that Inho knew would be enough to see you through another round, making sure that the workers knew to keep you where you were.
“You don’t let that team say no, if they do, you shoot,” he warned them as he filed them out to head into the room to keep an eye on the teams forming.
You were convinced that someone was looking down on you, unaware that they actually were, and although the group were slightly reluctant to take you on, behind his mask in the control room Inho couldn’t have been happier to see that the workers had done their job and given you the best chance of survival too.
“She’ll be fine with this team; I know she will.”
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The Salesman:
You were left stranded in amongst the crowds as everyone else began to team up, whilst you were left with no one. As you looked around, you remembered the advice that you were given before you took the card from The Salesman, the one person who knew the game and wanted to see you get out of there.
“Someone smart,” you whispered to yourself as you looked around, trying to find someone who would be able to get you out of there like you were supposed to.
He hated not knowing what was going on whilst you were in the game, all he could hope was that you were listening to his advice. Although you were on your own, you had to play the game well and make sure that you still only thought of yourself whilst on the teams, just like he had whispered into your ear as he sent you away.
“I’m going to get out of here, I’m better than all of them.”
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