#tw swear
teartra · 2 years
Me : I wish Luz and Hunter would have more sibling dynamic in season 3
Luz and Hunter : about to become Wittebane bros 2.0
Me : fuck.
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number1spongebobfan · 7 months
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thelunarsystemwrites · 5 months
Two friends.
Fell and Lust discover they had similar inner demons, and make progress working through them tonight.
This is entirely platonic.
[TW! Implied SA, implied CSA, internalized victim blaming, swearing, smoking!]
Fell and Lust were both sprawled out on opposite ends up the couch. Lust had dried tears on his face and Fell had a cigarette in his mouth, smoke gently swirled in the air.
"...So you... were... also..." Lust's voice was so tired, exhaustion took him over as Fell gave a gruff 'mhm'.
"...Damn, I-I thought it was bad on my end... but you were a kid?" Fell replied, glancing over to the skeleton on purple, who shrugged.
"Too be fair... atleast I've acknowledged I didn't... particularly do anything to deserve that..." Lust have a soft glare at Fell, not an angry one, but one that said 'I know you're denying it was as bad as it was.'
Damn, he really is good at even reading his own expression.
"No shit, you were a kid." The one in red decided on, leaning back into the couch.
"...And you were still a victim. Red." He sighed. "Being an afult... doesn't make it any better."
"Maybe," Red huffed. "But bein' below double digits makes it worse."
There was a short silence, followed by Lust going, "Red, you were still a victim.. I-I don't think we should be playing who got it worse..."
"Heh, still wanna find the bastard who did that to ya." He spoke with a grim chuckle, passing another tissue over to Lust.
As Lust reaches out for it, instead he gently took Fell's hand, getting his attention on him finally. "The hell?-" He muttered.
"It's not your fault."
Lust spoke with a gentle tone, it was a caring one. And yet Fell just gave a weird look to him, "I know?"
"No, Fell." A bit sterner. "It is not your fault. You are not to blame for it."
Fell pulled his hand back, looking down at it. "...I know that, damn.."
Lust frowned. "...Do you?" He finally took that tissue, wiping old makeup and fresh tears alike, voice edging on cracking. "Do you think that.. even if it isn't your fault it happened, y-you think you're still to blame for not stopping it?"
Fell sputtered, "Where the hell did that come from?"
Lust went quiet, "...Your expression, I suppose."
A pang of worry, and near guilt—Oh, and mild agitation shot into fell. "Is that where all that came from?"
Lust shrugged, adjusting to sit on the couch with his knees held up to his chest. "...I don't think you're to blame for anything of that degree."
"Do you think you are though?" He tucked a hand in his pocket, other fidgeting with getting the cigarette into a half way filled can of water.
"I... think you and I are blaming ourselves for different things relating to what happened." Lust eventually verbalized, voice growing sadder, as Fell frowned.
"...Alright, c'mere." He awkwardly opened one arm, much to the surprise of Lust. Though after a quick dumbfounded stare, he found himself crawling right up againest Fell.
"...I think you right pal, I think there's shit I should've done to stop it. And I think I still don't understand how the hell you could manage to blame a kid, even if it's yer'self." There was a drawn out pause, as he wrapped an arm around Lust's shoulder. "But I think I see where yer going with the 'ain't my fault' thing."
Lust made a small whine, "...Is it bad to blame myself?" He whispered out
Fell would've raised an eyebrow if he had any, but he didn't. "Morally, or just plain bad for you?"
"Morally." Lust mumbled. And now Fell just realized he can't just shit talk himself and then justify Lust... damn, he's being forced to allow himself some slack.
"Nah, definitely gonna wreck your mental health—But blamin' yourself ain't the same thing as blamin' someone else." Lust sighed, nodding.
"...Do you understand that too?"
Fell sighed, scratching the back of his neck. "Guess so? Ya kinda backed me into 'yer damn self love corner." He said with a chuckle, and that got Lust to laugh as well.
"O-Oh dear, we are far from self love..." He giggled, and had a sad smile... "...But I... would like to get there."
Fell paused, "..Ya, me too."
[Authors note! Might extend this if I post on a03!]
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gentle-positivity · 2 years
It is completely okay to step away from a situation if it's making you uncomfortable.
You aren't a coward, you aren't bad. You're not a nuisance. you are still a badass even if you back out of something, i promise.
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the-hadal-zone-sys · 8 months
Being plural + having a media hyperfixation = well shit, there's another damn Genshin Impact character living in my brain, what do I do now?
- Cloud
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trashbins-stuff · 2 years
hi its.me youre worst mutual ever
cna you draw.microphone ii saying fuck comically loud 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💥
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idk how 2 draw tables 🔥🔥🔥
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indigo-villin · 11 months
So what was that about Opera gx being the end all be all against youtube's crap?
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cipherdragon · 2 years
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ah yes. deadendia is amazing.
why the fuck was “i’m a furry” his first reaction? ngl, him being a secret furry would make sense.
deadendia courtney uses they/them. (character page in book says so)
dead end: paranormal park courtney uses any/all but mainly she/her if i go off of what the creator said about them and how they only get referred to as “she” in the show (that i can recall, i unintentionally don’t pay attention to pronouns lmao)
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sewi-li-suwi · 2 years
"Based on your likes!" yeah tumblr. no shit. that's a post i liked.
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pulsar-ray · 2 years
i am a lil guy
tiny ray
am just a lil creature
i will recommend the best of tally hall songs and omh space /pos
GODDAMN THAT IS ME. Obsessed with this actually [/pos]
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powdermelonkeg · 9 months
Important rules/tips I've learned as an adult that helped with anxiety
If people are mad at you, it's their responsibility to tell you, not your responsibility to guess
If they're mad at you in secret anyways, they're the ones in the wrong, not you
If people don't like what you're doing, it's their responsibility to tell you
If they say it's fine when it's really not, they're the ones in the wrong, not you
People are allowed to be wrong about you
If they are wrong about you, wait for them to bring it up, because if you try to, you will inevitably overcorrect
Some people are committed to misunderstanding you. You will not win arguments against them. Yes, even if you explain your point of view. They do not care. Drop it
The worst thing that will happen from a first-time offense is being told not to do it again. Maybe with a replacement if you broke something
You can improve relationships and gauge willingness to talk to you by giving compliments. It's like a daily log-in bonus and nobody thinks twice about it
Most things are better after you sleep on them
Most things are better after you have a meal
Most things are better after you shower
Your brain makes up consequences that are irrational. If the worst DOES come to pass and someone acts like they do in your head, they are overreacting, and you are entitled to say "what the fuck"
If your chest hurts after you feel like you've made a social error, that's called rejection-sensitive dysphoria. It means your anxiety is so bad that it's causing you physical pain, which is a good indicator that you're overreacting. Tense yourself, hold it for 20 seconds, let it go, then find a distraction
If you're suddenly angry at someone after you feel like you made a social error, that's also rejection-sensitive dysphoria. You are going to feel annoyed about it for awhile, but being genuinely pissed off is your anxiety trying to find something to blame to take the responsibility off your shoulders, and getting scared because it can't justify itself. Deep breaths, ask yourself how much you ACTUALLY want to be angry at that person, then find a distraction
"Sour grapes" is more healthy for you than stewing. Deciding you don't like someone who's perpetually annoyed with you, won't talk to you, etc. makes letting go of anxiety over them easier
If people don't like you, they will find reasons to be annoyed with you when they otherwise wouldn't. If people do like you, they will find reasons NOT to be annoyed with you when they otherwise would. People do not ping-pong between the two
You DO have to make a conscious choice not to think about something. If you're having trouble circling back to it, say out loud that you're done thinking about it and why. Then find a distraction
When you're upset, part of you is going to want to make false bids for attention (suddenly texting differently, heavy sighs, etc. but when someone asks you about it, you tell them it's nothing). Do not listen to it. You gain nothing from it except more misery
People like to help people they care about. It makes them feel good about themselves
If you think you're insufferable for needing help, see above. Yes, really. They get a serotonin kick from it
If you think you're insufferable for mannerisms you have, you either have to consciously choose not to do them, or accept that they're part of the package that comes with you. Being apologetic about existing does nothing except make you more miserable
If you do things you don't like when you feel meh about it, it makes it easier to do them when you hate it
If you avoid things you don't like when you feel meh about it, it reinforces and magnifies how bad it feels when you hate it
Seriously. Read those last two points again. If you can make yourself make a phone call when you've got nothing to lose, you will slowly lose that panic you get when you have to make a phone call you haven't prepared for. You do have to CONSCIOUSLY take that step
Hobbies that make you care for something get rid of that nagging feeling that you're not doing enough. Go grow some rosemary
If you don't engage with your hobbies regularly, you will feel miserable, and anxiety will spike
Hobbies are things that give you a bit of happiness. They do not have to be organized or named to do that. Go be creative in something. Play with coins. Make up lists. Start a new WIP
No one cares what you look like
If people point out things they don't like about how you look unprompted, they are being rude. You are entitled to say "what the fuck"
People who like you will find you pretty to some degree. Minor things about your appearance go completely unnoticed. Literally, scars and dots and blemishes do not register to someone who likes your company
You looking at yourself in the mirror is 10x more closely than anyone is going to look at you
If you're anxious about your body type, and you're creatively inclined, make/write an oc with that same shape. Give them nice things and make other characters love them. Put them on adventures. You'll start to see yourself in the mirror more kindly
You care about wording and perfect lines/colors way more than anyone who views your work ever will
Sometimes when you're upset, you're going to feel like not eating. Do not do that. Not eating makes you more miserable
Same with things you normally enjoy. Denying yourself helps no one. You are punishing yourself for being sad. Stop it
Both of these will take conscious decision to break the habit of. Make yourself do it anyways, and it will slowly get easier
And again, to reiterate: If someone is mad at you, it is THEIR responsibility to tell you, not your responsibility to guess
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himuronanart · 6 months
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I like to think that my fav is simply looking out for my wellbeing :)
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support devsisters? I'd rather fucking die
I already mentioned in the previous post but if you ask all the mods, no we didn't support devsis or give them any money or cash, I already asked each of the mods here.
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gentle-positivity · 9 months
That was possibly the worst response to someone with obvious depression that I’ve ever seen in my life. Seriously what are you thinking? The VERY LAST THING that someone who’s looking for solutions wants to hear is some useless, and I do mean, USELESS, euphemism. “Hey I’m holding a blade to my wrists, gonna end it all!” “Lol have you tried not being sad?” And then you have the gall to reblog it?? Shameful. Please disable your page.
wow. bringing nice energy to the new year, huh. and a lack of reading comprehension? damn. hi ya 💥
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Anywho, for clarification purposes, I'll say that I wasn't saying 'just be happy'. My whole schtick is that it's okay to be not okay. I'm saying there are things you're able to appreciate and be proud of, even if you have/did jack diddly squat. don't put words in my mouth.
aand I don't think I'm licensed to be giving any solutions to mental health issues. considering there aren't any soundproof solutions, anyway. and I'm only a freshly grown adult. woo. 🤷
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mistilteinn-magolor · 9 months
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typona · 2 months
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I couldn't get this scene out of my head after reading the book!
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